- 3 years ago
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This story contains no graphic sex scenes. Constructive comments are solicited and welcome. If you like or even dislike my effort here please comment on it and/or send an email to me. Your comments, votes/ratings, and emails help me to grow as a writer.
I want to thank my wife for her help in keeping me somewhat in the realm of reality while writing this story.
Thanks for taking the time to read my work and for taking the extra effort to comment and vote. I appreciate your interest.
HEIRLOOM: ‘Something of special value handed on from one generation or person to another generation or person.’
The name is John Theodore Chance and I’m the baby of the family. My older brother is Ethan Edward and my older sister is Mary Kate. My father is William, his favorite movie star is John Wayne so he decided to name us after characters from three of the ‘Duke’s’ movies. Shame on you if you don’t recognize the names and don’t know which movies the characters were in, your entertainment education seems sorely lacking.
My mother, Alyssa, was a fan of the ‘Duke’ too so I guess that’s how Dad talked her into giving us those names. I’m glad that Dad wasn’t a fan of the movie ‘Horatio Hornblower’. I would’ve had to fight all through school with that name. There are worse people to be named after than one of Wayne’s characters.
We lived on a ranch outside of a medium size city in southeastern Missouri. I suppose it was just a big farm, about 500 acres, but my dad called it a ranch and he paid the bills so he could call it whatever he wanted. He even named our farm ’26 Bar Ranch’ after John Wayne’s place in Arizona, Dad did actually raise Hereford cattle on the ranch.
He owned a building supply business and that’s what paid the bills but he loved that ranch. ’26 Bar Ranch’ may have been a hobby for Dad but he worked hard at it. When Ethan got home after two years of college he took over the day by day running of the business and Dad spent a lot more of his time on the ranch. He would spend three or four mornings a week in the business office but the rest of the time he was with his cattle.
During elementary school and part of high school I was an average, skinny kid with big hands and feet. In the summer between my sophomore and junior year I got a growth spurt and grew like a weed. Like Wayne’s character ‘Sheriff John T. Chance’ I grew to 6′ 4” and now at 26 have the big body at 230 pounds to go with my height.
Dad is about an inch shorter than me and Mom was very tall for a woman at 5′ 10′. We kids all took after them, my brother is four years older and about an inch taller than me. Even my sister is the same height that Mom was. I say was because we lost Mom to cancer when I was 14. Mary Kate is three years my senior and took over the role of ‘mother’ to a grieving and lost young boy.
My mother’s death and the loss of her love and guidance caused me to become something of a rebel. Mary Kate tried to fill the void but it wasn’t the same. I didn’t get into a lot of trouble because my dad wouldn’t put up with it.
But I developed an aversion to taking seemingly non-sensical orders or being told what to do without explanation. The only ones I listened to without question were my family or some people at school that I respected. I followed the rules that I had to but would become very stubborn when people tried to tell me what to do without some reasonable explanation. Well, reasonable to me at least.
After my mother passed away I would do my chores and then spend most of my time riding my dirt bike or one of the horses around the ranch. I didn’t often feel like socializing, even with my family. The exception that I did spend a lot of time with was Roberta Cassidy.
‘Bobbie’ and I had known each other since the fourth grade and were best buddies. We spent a lot of time together and were totally comfortable with each other. She had her own dirt bike and would follow me on my rides or borrow one of our horses and keep me company. Sometimes we would swim in the stream running through our ranch after our rides or hikes.
Bobbie and I were in the same year in high school and had several classes together. She was the one person besides my dad and my older sister that I would listen to concerning problems and confrontations at school, unfortunately my sister went to a different school. Bobbie would notice me getting into one of my moods about something or someone at school and most times she would be able to defuse the situation by joking with me or taking my hand and leading me away.
My brother was there for my freshman year and he tried to help keep me out of trouble but he had a tendency to order me around. Sometimes I felt he was just another adult and I rebelled against him too.
Once we were alone, Bobbie would get me to explain the problem and discuss it with me. Mostly she was able to ‘talk me down’ and get me to calm down. Sometimes it didn’t work and then I would have a run in with the school administration. Without her influence I really don’t know if I would have made it through high school. After one of several incidents at school Dad once asked me why I didn’t just go along to get along. I told him that they hadn’t earned the right to give me orders and I was smarter than them anyway. He didn’t get mad or punish me but he made a comment that I didn’t understand until years later. Dad said, ‘Son, you’ve got a lot to learn and as you get older you’ll find out you’re not as smart as you think.’
As I started high school I had a growth spurt and sprouted up like a young oak. My brother Ethan was playing football for our school during his senior year and he suggested that I try out for the team. He said it would teach me discipline and allow me to work out some of my repressed anger and not so repressed aggression. It was a strange concept coming from an 18 year old, I found out later that one of the guidance counselors suggested the idea to Ethan.
The plan might have worked but the coach apparently had no use for a big clumsy kid that had never played organized football before. He told me to come back when I could run without tripping over my own feet. By my senior year I had gotten my full growth and coordination, the coach invited me to join the team. I just laughed in his face and told him that if I wasn’t worth his time three years ago, he wasn’t worth mine now.
I made it through high school without any serious trouble and continued my education. Dad wanted me to go to college and since I didn’t know what else to do, I agreed to go. He paid for my college expenses such as tuition and books, plus room and board, I had it pretty good. Any extra spending money I had to earn, Dad told me working would teach me about the real world. He was right by the way.
I started as an apprentice and worked my way up to a framing carpenter during my summer breaks from college and thought I might continue working construction after graduation. During the summers I made enough to pay for all the extras and incidentals for the next year at school. I also did my share of chores on the ranch, Dad said I had to earn my room and board while I was living there during those summers.
It was working at my ‘summer’ job that I begin to see that Dad was right, I wasn’t as smart as I thought. I guess it was the no nonsense attitude of my foreman and my respect for his know-how that let me take orders from him without resentment. The guys I worked with sort of adopted me and taught me things that you only learned with experience, another instance to show me that I had a lot to learn, about work, people and life.
I was never shy with the young lovelies at school and my ‘Black Irish’ heritage of dark hair and laser like blue eyes coupled with my size attracted the ladies. If a date was wanted, I had only to ask one of the coeds and a date was obtained. I was in lust a lot but never felt especially close to any of these playmates.
e was attending the same school, we were still buddies and hung around together most nights when I took a break from trying to bed every coed on campus. She would listen as I explained why this girl or that one wasn’t interesting enough to pursue or to continue dating. Then I met a young lady that really caught my interest.
Amber Fleming was a tall, blond, browned eyed heart breaker with the stereotypical ‘cheerleader’ type beauty. Along with three other guys, Amber and I were both assigned to an experiment in one of the fuzzy sciences during our junior year, a psychology test lab. I didn’t make much of an impression the first time we met.
‘Hi, I’m John Chance but everyone calls me J.T.,’ I told her.
‘Hello J.T., I’m Amber Fleming,’ she said with a big Miss America type smile.
‘Of course you are,’ I replied. I couldn’t help it, it was all too perfect. Blond, beautiful, named Amber, and probably an airhead, I thought it was funnier than hell except I was stuck with her as a lab partner. It’s going to be a tough assignment to complete I thought, and I have my work cut out for me.
Apparently Amber knew exactly what I thinking and put me in my place very quickly. ‘If you’re going to continue to be an ass we’re going to have a hard time completing this assignment.’ Her temper was up and she wasn’t about to take any bullshit from me.
She shocked me out of my smug little mindset. I thought about the way kids in high school had treated a gangly, clumsy, 15 year old and how they prejudged me before they had a chance to know me. Now I was judging her based on her looks.
‘You’re right, I was being an ass. I apologize. How about we start over? Hi, I’m J.T. and you must be Amber Fleming. Nice to meet you, Amber. I’m doing my best here to get my foot out of my mouth.’ She started laughing and shook hands with me.
The experiment consisted of showing other students visual stimuli and recording their responses, then we had to hypothesize why they reacted the way they did. I thought it was stupid and a waste of time because the same experiment had been done countless times before in this class.
However, it was necessary to complete the experiment to get a passing grade in the psychology class and therefore my degree. So I put aside my aggravation at taking stupid orders and did the work. After meeting and working with Amber a few times I began to look forward to our lab time.
Contrary to the way she looked, Amber was very intelligent. I found out at that first meeting that she wasn’t the blond bimbo that you would think. Her intellect, keen observational skills, and upbeat attitude made it a joy to work with her. Amber also made it known, in a good humored way, that there wouldn’t be any type of romantic goings-on during these lab tests. We’re here to get an education, not start a romance she stated. It was directed at all three of the men working on the experiment, including me.
We completed the tests after a month, and on Thursday evening the whole group decided to celebrate with pizza and beer. There were five of us in the group and somehow Amber and I ended up sitting next to each other. The pizza joint was full of students and very loud so we had to lean toward each other to make ourselves heard over the noise. It was the closest we had been physically.
I was explaining something to Amber, leaning in close to her ear and suddenly realized just how great she smelled. Maybe she would reconsider her thoughts about dating now that the experiment was over, I thought. I asked her if she would like to meet for coffee on Saturday. She said yes and we made plans to meet at the local coffee bar. My plan was to let her get to know me outside of the lab and ask if she would go to dinner or a movie with me. Plans don’t always work or get the result you hope for, now do they?
On Saturday we met at 2 PM for coffee. We sat and talked about the experiment, what we expected for the rest of the semester from the class, and just talked about school in general. After about 30 minutes I put my plan in to action.
‘Amber, I enjoyed working with you during the test and would like to spend some time with you outside of that lab. Would you like to go to dinner or a movie next weekend?’
‘I’ve had a good time working with you too. But I don’t think it would be a good idea for us to date,’ she told me. ‘I know your reputation and I don’t want to be another toy in your playpen.’
Whoa, where did that come from? My reputation, what reputation? It wasn’t the response I expected. Normally if the object of my desire doesn’t want to get together I accept her decision and move on. However there was no way I could just move on from her statement.
‘What reputation Amber? I didn’t know I had one. Please enlighten me.’ I was a little upset.
‘The word is that you date a lot of women, sometimes more than one at a time. I don’t want to get involved with a player type and end up as just another one of your discarded toys.’ The tone in her voice was a little defiant.
‘I’m insulted by your characterization. Normally I would just say okay and not defend my actions or myself but I think you’ve come to a faulty hypothesis. In other words, you’re full of it,’ I lectured her using my ‘teacher’s’ voice.
She blushed and started to respond to my statement but I held up my hand to stop her.
I fixed Amber with a hard look and said, ‘My turn Ms. Fleming. If you had bothered to check into ‘my reputation’ a little deeper instead of listening to gossip, you would have found that my dates were treated like ladies and most of them don’t have a problem with me. I never lied to them or made a promise for more than a good time.’ I stopped to get back some control. It surprised me how much her words had bothered me.
‘I have dated a lot of ladies and sometimes I have dated more than one girl during the same week. Maybe that makes me a player, but the reason for so many dates is that I haven’t found anyone that I wanted to be more than friends with. When and if I do find that person, I will be with her alone.’
She didn’t know what to say and I didn’t give her a chance.
‘In addition, you’re being a little presumptuous to think that you could even qualify as one of my ‘toys’, don’t you think? Enjoy the rest of your weekend Ms. Fleming.’ I left her sitting at the table.
By the time I got to my truck to return to my apartment I was talking to myself. What a bitch, she was wrong, and the hell with her was just a few of my thoughts. Popping open a beer at my place I realized why Amber refusing a date and the things she said bothered me so much. She was the first woman that I found interesting enough to actually pursue.
The next two weeks were a study in how to avoid and ignore someone in the same class as you. I made it a point to not look at Amber during our class together and avoided her leaving the classroom. She tried to catch my eye several times but I wouldn’t acknowledge her at all. If she started toward me I turned and walked in the other direction.
I was coming out of my Economics class somewhat angry with the teacher when she caught up to me. The professor was a liberal and I was somewhere right of Attila the Hun so we butted heads almost every class. This discussion had been particularly heated and I wasn’t in the best of moods. One of my friends in the class walked with me and told me that I’d better keep my mouth shut or I was going to fail the class.
‘Go along and get along and get the hell out of his class with a passing grade,’ he suggested.
Right, going along was something I hadn’t been much good at in the past. I was in trouble because I needed a passing grade in this class. Oh hell, how much do I want to get a degree anyway, I thought?
It had been three weeks since Amber had shut me down and I hadn’t said a word to her since. I found her sitting on the tail gate of my truck with a couple of large coffees, obviously she was waiting for me.
I couldn’t avoid her this time, not unless I wanted to leave my truck and walk back to my apartment.
‘Hi J.T. care for coffee?’ That was her opening line. ‘I listened to some of your debate in Econ and thought you could probably use one.’
I could have reacted to her the same way as I did to the football coach in high school and told her to go away but I couldn’t. This was Amber. I accepted the coffee and sat next to her on my tail gate.
‘What are you doing here?’ I spoke with a little anger in my voice. ‘I would think you wouldn’t want to be seen with me, considering my reputation.’ I was being a tad nasty to her.
Surprisingly she just smiled at me. ‘I tried to get your attention in class and since that didn’t work I thought I would come to you. I’ve come to apologize, the things I said about you were based on gossip and it wasn’t fair. I’ve been talking to some of your former ‘playmates’ and I found that you were right, most of them speak highly of you and a lot of them would go out with you again.’ Amber took several sips from her coffee and continued.
‘So I’ve come to invite you to dinner or a movie if you still want to go with me.’
It took me a real long time to answer her, almost three seconds. ‘Okay, but you pay this first time,’ I said.
We went to a movie and then out for pizza and that evening led to many others. For the first time in my ‘dating’ career I met someone that I wanted to become closer to. I enjoyed being with the other young ladies I had dated but had never felt a real spark with any of them. I felt that spark with Amber.
She and I dated each other exclusively after that first evening. We never discussed it but that’s the way it was, my days of multiple dates were over. I knew that if we weren’t in love that we were in serious like and I began to think that I had met ‘the one’. So much so that I didn’t pressure Amber to climb into my bed, this was unusual for me. The only bone of contention between us was my friendship with Bobbie.
Amber couldn’t understand or didn’t believe that a woman and a man could spend as much time together as Bobbie and I did talking and hanging out and not be romantically involved. No matter how I tried to explain our friendship she didn’t like it. I caved and consequently the time I spent with Bobbie dropped off to almost nothing although we did have a couple of classes together and got to talk a little before and after them.
After our junior year, during the summer break, I invited Amber to come home with me and meet my family, I wanted to show her off. I was going to take two weeks off before I started my summer construction job and we could spend that time together. After the two weeks Amber would go home to her parents who lived about two hundred miles from our ranch.
I had told Amber about the ranch and my family. She laughed and wanted to meet them after hearing how my parents choose our names. I explained that my dad was fiercely independent and enjoyed teasing those that he cared for, my brother Ethan was more serious and always protected and took care my sister and I, and my sister Mary Kate had taken over mothering me when Mom passed away.
Amber wasn’t the instant hit with my family that I thought she would be. Dad liked her because when he teased her Amber would come right back at him. Ethan and Mary Kate also seemed to like her but the warmth that I expected wasn’t there. My family was friendly, cordial, and went out of their way to make Amber feel welcomed but they treated her like a guest. People that my family really liked were sort of adopted into our clan and treated like any family member. That adoption never took place with Amber.
Those two weeks were great. I was at home with my family and had my ‘woman’ with me too. In addition my buddy Bobbie came over a few times and now I had it all. Amber, Bobbie and I had a couple of horseback rides around the property. After the third one Amber suggested that we go on the rides alone, smiling and rubbing up against me when she said it.
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The BlizzardBy alex_gThe snowflakes hitting the window of Debra's new car were growing larger and wetter by the minute.Damn it, she thought to herself, if we had only started out a couple of hours earlier we would've made it home and wouldn't be out in this mess. Nervously glancing over at her nineteen year old son, she saw that he too was watching the snow as it swirled around the car. Turning her attention back to the road, she concentrated on keeping the car between the disappearing lane...
After a wobbly few minutes reminding herself how to ride her bike, Diane felt a lot more secure as she raced across town. Richie had originally wanted her to wait for him to escort her, until she reminded him that her bus delivered her home well before Jason. She would be on her bike by the time Jason had stepped off his bus. She was grateful to have achieved even that concession. Richie had freaked out when he had heard that Jason had pummeled her with questions. She had to reassure him...
Seeing this, I felt my cock harden and push into the mattress; I had to reposition my self to make my dick rest between my stomach and the mattress. I thrusted my dick into it as I pulled my mouth back off his prick; sucking as hard as I could and forcing my tongue against him. Repeated this for a few more minutes, i then took my mouth off him. I took him in my hand and squeezed, "I can stop now if you like," I said while squeezing his throbbing member. He thrust his hips forward into the...
Throughout my adult life I’ve been extremely fortunate to always be surrounded by women. By facial standards, my attractiveness can best be described as ‘ok looking’. I’m very average. When women walk by me on the street they don’t see anything special. I’ve never had a woman gush about how handsome I was. I’m also fat, which is another strike against me if we’re talking about mainstream beauty standards. Despite these perceived shortcomings, I’ve never ever ever had a problem getting women....
Tyfani Fox was not an average high school senior, and she knew it. Actually, she'd never been average and pretty much since she was a toddler she knew it. She didn't know why, and she was afraid to discuss it with anyone, but she had an innate ability to feel other peoples' emotions. Like now, for instance, that jerk football player Jake Jones was undoubtedly going to ask her out. She could feel his aggression and cockiness from down the hall--he KNEW she was going to say yes. The arrogance...
She sits on the bed and takes me over her knees and gently, with a lot of lube from her nightstand, works her fingers into my butt hole, one and then two. The excitement of being penetrated gets my balls all tingly. Rubbing my crack up and down with lots of slick lubrication she makes sensations zing through my body. I’m grinding into her lap and my dick feels so good through the satin panties I’m wearing added to the silk she’s wearing. “Cindy, do you know where my special drawer is?” ...
Dan went into the store to use his debit card and pay the bill. Lisa took out the money from her purse that Dan gave her. He touched her hand, stopping her from passing it to the salesgirl. “You keep it and treat you and the girls out to a movie or a meal when I can’t be with you.” “I can’t keep it, Dan, its 250 dollars!” she said quietly. “Please, for me. Put it towards gas for your car if you like.” “Okay, gas for my car and a treat for our girls. I love you!” “I love you too!” he...
Friday morning. The alarm of the cheap bedside clock rudely awakens me from my slumber. I fumble around and silence it through sleep encrusted eyes, rolling back over and sighing as my sight tries to focus around the room. I depart the warmth of the bed, making my way to the bathroom to perform my morning ablutions, making myself presentable for the working day ahead. As I feel invigorated by the pressure of the shower, I am reminded that it is 'Casual Friday' in the office. For the guys in the...
"So, now we're done eating dinner; what are you two up to tonight, ladies?" I pondered, peeking at both of them."I don't have any plans; what about you, Cheyanne?""Me either, Faith," she added, shaking her head no."Really, you're twins, but you don't have that mind-reading power?""I guess not, Daddy," Cheyanne replied, glancing at me."Too bad, so if I ask you two if either of you will be introducing me to someone soon, would I get an answer?""I'm afraid not, Dad," Faith responded."Really,...
IncestI had come home from a long day, one of those days that never seemed like it could end. Thankfully it did. I ran home as fast as I could, but not speeding the car too fast as to avoid a ticket. It was already dark outside, a little cool for an October night. Closing the car door with my hip and locking the door. Fumbling through my purse for the keys to the door, but pushing it open before I could even turn the handle. Someone was in there. Turning on the hallway light and looking around my...
"Did you feel it? It happened again, didn't it?" Melinda said as she ran up to Jason. "Yes, Melinda, I think we all did," replied Jason. "I can still feel something." "Yes, I think Heather is still talking to--" "And she's still trying to get into Heather's head!" Jason sighed. "Melinda, please, calm down." "But shouldn't we go help her? God, I hope we find a way to get Ms. Hollis fired or something. No way I want her as my teacher!" "Chrissakes, Melinda, enough with...
Summer was in its last legs at Duskville, a small town in Michigan. In this quaint little town, there was a large, numerous family, the Bishops. Once the biggest ally of the town founders, the Ravers family, with even a connection forged by marriage, they didn’t quite enjoy the same success and wealth of their allies, and ended up taking the route of a “normal” middle-class family throughout the history of Duskville. As fate would have it, though, the current generation saw the two clans...
TeenHi all, am Bullet Raja (Pen Name) 25 years old, around 5’6” height and with a decent athletic body. I am from Karnataka, India. I am a great fan of Indian sex stories, thanks a lot team and the authors for writing such erotic stories and for sharing your experience. Matured aunties, young girls (virgin or non-virgin) who are in Karnataka and are looking for great pleasure feel free to email me or ping me on hangouts You can share your stories too, I’ll write it for you in this forum. Please...
My wife, Vickie, and I have been married for eight years, and over that time, we have hosted some dynamite parties. However, we just moved to Baltimore, and really didn’t know too many people. I joined an amateur softball team through the local community center, and we play at the local park on weekends. Just seeing my teammates for games, I still didn’t know any of them really well after a couple of weeks, so we decided to have a party for the team and their wives or dates. Well, that...
Mera naam Huma hai aur main aapki sewa mein ek bar fir hazir hoon apni kahani Bhai Ki Mardanagi ko aage badhane ke liye. Pehli baar Farhan se chudane ke baad to main uske lund ki puri tarah se diwani ho gayi, aur Shamim ko maine lagbhag chhod hi diya. Vo mujhe kissi na kissi bahane bulata rehta tha aur main uss ko milne chali bhi jaati thee. Sare circle mein main aur Shamim. Sare circle mein main aur Shamim premi premika ke sambandh se jaane jaate thai, lekin asal baat kuchh aur hi thee. Asal...
Twenty-one cloaked figures stand in a circle, twenty of them wears dark red cloaks and one of them is clad in a black one. They chant in an unknown language and in complete disorder. All of them says the same thing, the same poem that they all learned by heart and repeated oh soo many times already, yet you can not hear anything even resembling syncron or order. The whole room feels chaotic and strange. As the ritual continues a new figure walks into the circle. This one wears brown and holds a...
FantasyA wife turns her husband into a sissy slut who is forced to service other men and women.Tonight was"Date Night" and as usually was the case, I'd spentthe day in a high state of anticipation. My wife, Chris, and I hadcreated the "Date Nights" several years ago to merge our divergentsexual desires into a mutually satisfying relationship.My sexual tastes ran to the more exotic side of the spectrum bondage,forced oral sex, prolonged sessions, feminization and rolereversal were exciting fantasies...
The Retreat Jeff's team, along with Security, filed into the Retreat, all in their dress uniforms. On-duty Security continued to man their posts, but they could still view the weddings via their helmets. Those personnel would swap out when the first group had enjoyed refreshments after the wedding. Extra personnel at the base supplemented and backed up Security electronically. Anyone who thought that an attack might be successful because of the distractions of the weddings would be wrong –...
A morning with my co-worker Pre storyi have a online mistress since 5 years and we play on Second Life, Skype and write emails and send pictures.Then a few months ago i startted to meet as well with my co-worker. a very hot, slim, naughty and amazing woman 13 years older then me. After a x-mas dinner we started to meet once in a while and play in her apartment when her k**s are in school. this is the story of one of our playtimes. Story:its 8:30 am i ring at your door. you buzz me in. i go into...
The man introduced his group to me. "This woman is my wife, Julie. This one is my daughter Ann. This is my brother Ed. Over here is Ed's wife Sue and their daughter Elaine. I am Joe. We are a weird family that just stopped having sex about a year ago. All we seem to be doing is sitting around waiting to die. Can you help us?" "Probably," I told him. "You will have to become my slaves for a while." "Any thing," they all said almost in unison. "I heard that your mother was here. Where is she?"...
Group SexMAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO - 4 By Monica Graz CHAPTER 10 The feeling was so different, I had boobs! My breast forms were attached to my chest. My posture was different as well; my center of gravity has changed. As I moved around the kitchen preparing breakfast I kept looking down to my chest as it was protruding prominently pushing my uniform dress and apron bib outwards. Pat was very pleased as she was helping me gluing them into position earlier...
Swaying. That was the first thing Lara became aware of. Was she aboard the Endurance? Had the storm been just a dream? Lara Croft is a young archaeology graduate student, out on her first expedition in search of the lost island of Yamatai. Yamatai was once the home of a great kingdom ruled by the "Sun Queen" Himiko whose descendants, the Nishimura's had agreed to fund Lara's expedition. It was Lara's belief that the island was located somewhere in the Dragons Triangle off the coast of Japan....
(This takes place in the future when sex slavery is legal. Everyone is over the age of 18.) I cannot believe my luck. That sexy brunette whom I have seen at my auction and my public whipping is before me and I am combing her hair. There have been a number of times when I could not get it up. I would just think of her in her mini skirt and big boobs pushing through her this blouse. Now she is sitting naked in front of me naked and I am combing her hair. Up close and naked, she looks more...
Donna was on her hands and knees in the station's bathroom, her flowing white wedding dress hiked up high on her hips so that Bud would have a clear shot at her asshole. Donna had caught a glimpse of his cock, and it was as big as Tom's, maybe even bigger. Other men surrounded her too, men of all sizes and descrip- tions, and they were all waiting their turns. She had no idea how long they were going to keep her here, but she knew that it would take at least hours to satisfy all the lust...
You had just woken up when your parents announced it. They were taking some needed time off from their everyday life and were going on a third honeymoon. For you, this was a bi-annual thing they did, so it didn't surprise you too much. Since you're the oldest, you'll be left in charge of the house and everyone in it. You dress quickly in a pair of pajama pants and a beater and head into the living room. your parents are packed and set to go when they look at you. "Oh, there you are Cole." They...
IncestFollowing is a creative work of fiction. It involves intimate moments of both physical and psychological nature between mother and son, intended for fun. All the names, characters, and incidents are works of pure imagination. They do not resemble any real-life names, characters, or incidents. I walked into the other room and went to the bathroom outside to get refreshed while she used the one inside. Before going to the bathroom, I did some changes to the room. I moved the wooden cots to the...
IncestDinner was a quick affair, my step-mom had to return to work and my sister wasn't there. Adam gave me weird looks all throughout dinner, it made me kinda nervous. Hannah was having dinner with her boyfriend somewhere. After dinner, I went upstairs and changed into an oversized t-shirt. My boobs stretched it out so much I could easily make out the pink of my nipples through it, and it barely covered my ass. I was just going to read for a few minutes before turning in anyway, so I lay down on...
This is the second of two emails betyeen girl friends. The first ‘Email to Val’ relates the story of Kay’s lesbian introduction to pleasure at the hands of a girl friend in England Email to Kay (02 ) * * * * * A reply by email from a young woman in America to her English friend Kay. The second in an exchange of emails between intimate friends. ‘Email to Kay’ – A reply to ‘Email to Val’ Hi Kay thanks for your email. Wow… Hey Martine was… well I guess I don’t know what she was but I wish she...
Crossing the LineMF, Ff, cons, semi-cons, snuff, cannibalism, oral, girls as meat Karen had never seen a market as diverse as the one she was in now. It was her first time on the Rich Filipino's private island getaway, and she was loving every minute of it. There were very few taboos here, and she felt a luxurious tingle in adopting the local inhabitants' attitudes towards nudity.She was enjoying her new freedom by showing off her full breasts, naked in the summery air, and had stopped...