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HEIRLOOM: "Something of special value handed on from one generation or person to another generation or person."

The name is John Theodore Chance and I'm the baby of the family. My older brother is Ethan Edward and my older sister is Mary Kate. My father is William; his favorite movie star is John Wayne so he decided to name us after characters from three of the "Duke's" movies. Shame on you if you don't recognize the names and don't know which movies the characters were in; your entertainment education seems sorely lacking.

My mother, Alyssa, was a fan of the "Duke" too so I guess that's how Dad talked her into giving us those names. I'm glad that Dad wasn't a fan of the movie "Horatio Hornblower". I would've had to fight all through school with that name. There are worse people to be named after than one of Wayne's characters.

We lived on a ranch outside of a medium size city in southeastern Missouri. I suppose it was just a big farm, about 500 acres, but my dad called it a ranch and he paid the bills so he could call it whatever he wanted. He even named our farm "26 Bar Ranch" after John Wayne's place in Arizona; Dad did actually raise Hereford cattle on the ranch.

He owned a building supply business and that's what paid the bills but he loved that ranch. "26 Bar Ranch" may have been a hobby for Dad but he worked hard at it. When Ethan got home after two years of college he took over the day by day running of the business and Dad spent a lot more of his time on the ranch. He would spend three or four mornings a week in the business office but the rest of the time he was with his cattle.

During elementary school and part of high school I was an average, skinny kid with big hands and feet. In the summer between my sophomore and junior year I got a growth spurt and grew like a weed. Like Wayne's character "Sheriff John T. Chance" I grew to 6' 4'' and now at 26 have the big body at 230 pounds to go with my height.

Dad is about an inch shorter than me and Mom was very tall for a woman at 5' 10". We kids all took after them; my brother is four years older and about an inch taller than me. Even my sister is the same height that Mom was. I say was because we lost Mom to cancer when I was 14. Mary Kate is three years my senior and took over the role of "mother" to a grieving and lost young boy.

My mother's death and the loss of her love and guidance caused me to become something of a rebel. Mary Kate tried to fill the void but it wasn't the same. I didn't get into a lot of trouble because my dad wouldn't put up with it.

But I developed an aversion to taking seemingly non-sensical orders or being told what to do without explanation. The only ones I listened to without question were my family or some people at school that I respected. I followed the rules that I had to but would become very stubborn when people tried to tell me what to do without some reasonable explanation. Well, reasonable to me at least.

After my mother passed away I would do my chores and then spend most of my time riding my dirt bike or one of the horses around the ranch. I didn't often feel like socializing, even with my family. The exception that I did spend a lot of time with was Roberta Cassidy.

"Bobbie" and I had known each other since the fourth grade and were best buddies. We spent a lot of time together and were totally comfortable with each other. She had her own dirt bike and would follow me on my rides or borrow one of our horses and keep me company. Sometimes we would swim in the stream running through our ranch after our rides or hikes.

Bobbie and I were in the same year in high school and had several classes together. She was the one person besides my dad and my older sister that I would listen to concerning problems and confrontations at school; unfortunately my sister went to a different school. Bobbie would notice me getting into one of my moods about something or someone at school and most times she would be able to defuse the situation by joking with me or taking my hand and leading me away.

My brother was there for my freshman year and he tried to help keep me out of trouble but he had a tendency to order me around. Sometimes I felt he was just another adult and I rebelled against him too.

Once we were alone, Bobbie would get me to explain the problem and discuss it with me. Mostly she was able to "talk me down" and get me to calm down. Sometimes it didn't work and then I would have a run in with the school administration. Without her influence I really don't know if I would have made it through high school. After one of several incidents at school Dad once asked me why I didn't just go along to get along. I told him that they hadn't earned the right to give me orders and I was smarter than them anyway. He didn't get mad or punish me but he made a comment that I didn't understand until years later. Dad said, "Son, you've got a lot to learn and as you get older you'll find out you're not as smart as you think."

As I started high school I had a growth spurt and sprouted up like a young oak. My brother Ethan was playing football for our school during his senior year and he suggested that I try out for the team. He said it would teach me discipline and allow me to work out some of my repressed anger and not so repressed aggression. It was a strange concept coming from an 18 year old; I found out later that one of the guidance counselors suggested the idea to Ethan.

The plan might have worked but the coach apparently had no use for a big clumsy kid that had never played organized football before. He told me to come back when I could run without tripping over my own feet. By my senior year I had gotten my full growth and coordination; the coach invited me to join the team. I just laughed in his face and told him that if I wasn't worth his time three years ago, he wasn't worth mine now.

I made it through high school without any serious trouble and continued my education. Dad wanted me to go to college and since I didn't know what else to do, I agreed to go. He paid for my college expenses such as tuition and books, plus room and board; I had it pretty good. Any extra spending money I had to earn; Dad told me working would teach me about the real world. He was right by the way.

I started as an apprentice and worked my way up to a framing carpenter during my summer breaks from college and thought I might continue working construction after graduation. During the summers I made enough to pay for all the extras and incidentals for the next year at school. I also did my share of chores on the ranch; Dad said I had to earn my room and board while I was living there during those summers.

It was working at my "summer" job that I begin to see that Dad was right; I wasn't as smart as I thought. I guess it was the no nonsense attitude of my foreman and my respect for his know-how that let me take orders from him without resentment. The guys I worked with sort of adopted me and taught me things that you only learned with experience; another instance to show me that I had a lot to learn, about work, people and life.

I was never shy with the young lovelies at school and my "Black Irish" heritage of dark hair and laser like blue eyes coupled with my size attracted the ladies. If a date was wanted, I had only to ask one of the coeds and a date was obtained. I was in lust a lot but never felt especially close to any of these playmates.

Bobbie was attending the same school; we were still buddies and hung around together most nights when I took a break from trying to bed every coed on campus. She would listen as I explained why this girl or that one wasn't interesting enough to pursue or to continue dating. Then I met a young lady that really caught my interest.

Amber Fleming was a tall, blond, browned eyed heart breaker with the stereotypical "cheerleader" type beauty. Along with three other guys, Amber and I were both assigned to an experiment in one of the fuzzy sciences during our junior year, a psychology test lab. I didn't make much of an impression the first time we met.

"Hi, I'm John Chance but everyone calls me J.T.," I told her.

"Hello J.T., I'm Amber Fleming," she said with a big Miss America type smile.

"Of course you are," I replied. I couldn't help it; it was all too perfect. Blond, beautiful, named Amber, and probably an airhead; I thought it was funnier than hell except I was stuck with her as a lab partner. It's going to be a tough assignment to complete I thought, and I have my work cut out for me.

Apparently Amber knew exactly what I thinking and put me in my place very quickly. "If you're going to continue to be an ass we're going to have a hard time completing this assignment." Her temper was up and she wasn't about to take any bullshit from me.

She shocked me out of my smug little mindset. I thought about the way kids in high school had treated a gangly, clumsy, 15 year old and how they prejudged me before they had a chance to know me. Now I was judging her based on her looks.

"You're right, I was being an ass. I apologize. How about we start over? Hi, I'm J.T. and you must be Amber Fleming. Nice to meet you, Amber. I'm doing my best here to get my foot out of my mouth." She started laughing and shook hands with me.

The experiment consisted of showing other students visual stimuli and recording their responses; then we had to hypothesize why they reacted the way they did. I thought it was stupid and a waste of time because the same experiment had been done countless times before in this class.

However, it was necessary to complete the experiment to get a passing grade in the psychology class and therefore my degree. So I put aside my aggravation at taking stupid orders and did the work. After meeting and working with Amber a few times I began to look forward to our lab time.

Contrary to the way she looked, Amber was very intelligent. I found out at that first meeting that she wasn't the blond bimbo that you would think. Her intellect, keen observational skills, and upbeat attitude made it a joy to work with her. Amber also made it known, in a good humored way, that there wouldn't be any type of romantic goings-on during these lab tests. We're here to get an education, not start a romance she stated. It was directed at all three of the men working on the experiment; including me.

We completed the tests after a month, and on Thursday evening the whole group decided to celebrate with pizza and beer. There were five of us in the group and somehow Amber and I ended up sitting next to each other. The pizza joint was full of students and very loud so we had to lean toward each other to make ourselves heard over the noise. It was the closest we had been physically.

I was explaining something to Amber, leaning in close to her ear and suddenly realized just how great she smelled. Maybe she would reconsider her thoughts about dating now that the experiment was over, I thought. I asked her if she would like to meet for coffee on Saturday. She said yes and we made plans to meet at the local coffee bar. My plan was to let her get to know me outside of the lab and ask if she would go to dinner or a movie with me. Plans don't always work or get the result you hope for, now do they?

On Saturday we met at 2 PM for coffee. We sat and talked about the experiment, what we expected for the rest of the semester from the class, and just talked about school in general. After about 30 minutes I put my plan in to action.

"Amber, I enjoyed working with you during the test and would like to spend some time with you outside of that lab. Would you like to go to dinner or a movie next weekend?"

"I've had a good time working with you too. But I don't think it would be a good idea for us to date," she told me. "I know your reputation and I don't want to be another toy in your playpen."

Whoa, where did that come from? My reputation, what reputation? It wasn't the response I expected. Normally if the object of my desire doesn't want to get together I accept her decision and move on. However there was no way I could just move on from her statement.

"What reputation Amber? I didn't know I had one. Please enlighten me." I was a little upset.

"The word is that you date a lot of women, sometimes more than one at a time. I don't want to get involved with a player type and end up as just another one of your discarded toys." The tone in her voice was a little defiant.

"I'm insulted by your characterization. Normally I would just say okay and not defend my actions or myself but I think you've come to a faulty hypothesis. In other words, you're full of it," I lectured her using my "teacher's" voice.

She blushed and started to respond to my statement but I held up my hand to stop her.

I fixed Amber with a hard look and said, "My turn Ms. Fleming. If you had bothered to check into "my reputation" a little deeper instead of listening to gossip, you would have found that my dates were treated like ladies and most of them don't have a problem with me. I never lied to them or made a promise for more than a good time." I stopped to get back some control. It surprised me how much her words had bothered me.

"I have dated a lot of ladies and sometimes I have dated more than one girl during the same week. Maybe that makes me a player, but the reason for so many dates is that I haven't found anyone that I wanted to be more than friends with. When and if I do find that person, I will be with her alone."

She didn't know what to say and I didn't give her a chance.

"In addition, you're being a little presumptuous to think that you could even qualify as one of my "toys", don't you think? Enjoy the rest of your weekend Ms. Fleming." I left her sitting at the table.

By the time I got to my truck to return to my apartment I was talking to myself. What a bitch, she was wrong, and the hell with her was just a few of my thoughts. Popping open a beer at my place I realized why Amber refusing a date and the things she said bothered me so much. She was the first woman that I found interesting enough to actually pursue.

The next two weeks were a study in how to avoid and ignore someone in the same class as you. I made it a point to not look at Amber during our class together and avoided her leaving the classroom. She tried to catch my eye several times but I wouldn't acknowledge her at all. If she started toward me I turned and walked in the other direction.

I was coming out of my Economics class somewhat angry with the teacher when she caught up to me. The professor was a liberal and I was somewhere right of Attila the Hun so we butted heads almost every class. This discussion had been particularly heated and I wasn't in the best of moods. One of my friends in the class walked with me and told me that I'd better keep my mouth shut or I was going to fail the class.

"Go along and get along and get the hell out of his class with a passing grade," he suggested.

Right, going along was something I hadn't been much good at in the past. I was in trouble because I needed a passing grade in this class. Oh hell, how much do I want to get a degree anyway, I thought?

It had been three weeks since Amber had shut me down and I hadn't said a word to her since. I found her sitting on the tail gate of my truck with a couple of large coffees; obviously she was waiting for me. I couldn't avoid her this time, not unless I wanted to leave my truck and walk back to my apartment.

"Hi J.T. care for coffee?" That was her opening line. "I listened to some of your debate in Econ and thought you could probably use one."

I could have reacted to her the same way as I did to the football coach in high school and told her to go away but I couldn't. This was Amber. I accepted the coffee and sat next to her on my tail gate.

"What are you doing here?" I spoke with a little anger in my voice. "I would think you wouldn't want to be seen with me, considering my reputation." I was being a tad nasty to her.

Surprisingly she just smiled at me. "I tried to get your attention in class and since that didn't work I thought I would come to you. I've come to apologize; the things I said about you were based on gossip and it wasn't fair. I've been talking to some of your former "playmates" and I found that you were right; most of them speak highly of you and a lot of them would go out with you again." Amber took several sips from her coffee and continued.

"So I've come to invite you to dinner or a movie if you still want to go with me."

It took me a real long time to answer her; almost three seconds. "Okay, but you pay this first time," I said.

We went to a movie and then out for pizza and that evening led to many others. For the first time in my "dating" career I met someone that I wanted to become closer to. I enjoyed being with the other young ladies I had dated but had never felt a real spark with any of them. I felt that spark with Amber.

She and I dated each other exclusively after that first evening. We never discussed it but that's the way it was; my days of multiple dates were over. I knew that if we weren't in love that we were in serious like and I began to think that I had met "the one". So much so that I didn't pressure Amber to climb into my bed, this was unusual for me. The only bone of contention between us was my friendship with Bobbie.

Amber couldn't understand or didn't believe that a woman and a man could spend as much time together as Bobbie and I did talking and hanging out and not be romantically involved. No matter how I tried to explain our friendship she didn't like it. I caved and consequently the time I spent with Bobbie dropped off to almost nothing although we did have a couple of classes together and got to talk a little before and after them.

After our junior year, during the summer break, I invited Amber to come home with me and meet my family; I wanted to show her off. I was going to take two weeks off before I started my summer construction job and we could spend that time together. After the two weeks Amber would go home to her parents who lived about two hundred miles from our ranch.

I had told Amber about the ranch and my family. She laughed and wanted to meet them after hearing how my parents choose our names. I explained that my dad was fiercely independent and enjoyed teasing those that he cared for; my brother Ethan was more serious and always protected and took care my sister and I; and my sister Mary Kate had taken over mothering me when Mom passed away.

Amber wasn't the instant hit with my family that I thought she would be. Dad liked her because when he teased her Amber would come right back at him. Ethan and Mary Kate also seemed to like her but the warmth that I expected wasn't there. My family was friendly, cordial, and went out of their way to make Amber feel welcomed but they treated her like a guest. People that my family really liked were sort of adopted into our clan and treated like any family member. That adoption never took place with Amber.

Those two weeks were great. I was at home with my family and had my "woman" with me too. In addition my buddy Bobbie came over a few times and now I had it all. Amber, Bobbie and I had a couple of horseback rides around the property. After the third one Amber suggested that we go on the rides alone, smiling and rubbing up against me when she said it.

She was still concerned, read jealous here, about Bobbie and me. Looking at it from Amber's point of view, I guess I could understand her concern. Bobbie is as pretty in her own way as Amber is in hers.

While Amber had the blond good looks and body of a cheerleader, Bobbie was just as tall but with a slimmer, athletic type body. She had auburn hair worn long, usually in a pony tail, and big blue eyes with a few freckles across her nose. Amber was a go to fancy dinners, plays, and the "right" type of party's girl. Bobbie was a let's go fishing, or have pizza and beer, or keg party type. In short Amber was a little bit high maintenance and Bobbie was one of the guys; a damn good looking guy at that.

Amber and I made love for the first time while on a picnic at the little stream running through the back of our ranch. We had been on a ride into the national forest adjacent to our ranch and stopped at the stream for our lunch. Let me say here that I didn't seduce Amber; if anything she was the one that seduced me, although I didn't put up much of a fight.

We had worn our bathing suits under our clothes and stripped down to them when we got to the stream. While we were swimming after lunch Amber made a comment about how pretty it was here with the stream and the swimming hole.

"When Dad and Mom bought the place years ago, he dammed the stream so the family would have a place to swim. My brother and I would sometime sneak off and go skinny dipping. Dad caught us one time when I was about ten; we were supposed to be rounding up some stray cattle and saw him standing at the edge of the tree line watching us.

He never said anything but that was the last time that we skinny dipped before our chores were done. Ethan and I would still jump off the horses, get naked, and jump in the water but only after our work was done,"

"Skinny dipping huh? Sounds exciting," Amber said, stripped off her bikini, and slowly walked into the water.

My efforts not to stare at her in that tiny bikini hadn't been entirely successful and once she took it off there was no chance of not looking. I'm a normal red blooded young man who had been chaste since I started dating Amber so I can't be blamed for my reaction. Anyway she didn't put up any resistance and in fact sort of led the way. Other than the sand on the blanket it was almost perfect.

We tried to be cool when we got back to the house but I think everyone knew what had happened. My dad was the only one to say anything when he mentioned that it looked like I had gotten a lot of sun that day. That last ride was sort of bitter sweet because Amber left the next day. It wasn't as if we would be apart for the whole summer because one of us would go to the others home twice a month on the weekends. But it wasn't like seeing and talking to each other every day.

Shortly after we got back to school Amber was busy one week end with her parents. They had stopped by on their way to the west coast to spend the weekend with her. I went to dinner with them on Friday night; the dinner was nice but cordial is the best that could be said about meeting her parents. I didn't get to see Amber for the rest of their visit: they didn't leave until early Monday morning. It really didn't bother me because it gave me a chance to talk to Bobbie.

I ordered a pizza and Bobbie and I ate at my apartment. I wasn't hiding anything but Amber didn't care for my friendship with Bobbie. I tried to explain to Amber that Bobbie wasn't competition; that next to my sister Bobbie was my best friend. My explanation didn't impress her or change her mind so I hadn't seen Bobbie for any length of time for a couple of months.

Bobbie came waltzing into my place with two six packs and a smile. "I guess you got a parole for tonight, huh?" Are you sure you want to see me, I mean Amber might not like it?" She was pulling my chain; Amber didn't impress her at all.

"Knock it off will ya? I need to talk to someone and other than my sister you're the only one I trust; I mean to talk to about this."

"Okay, let's eat and you can tell "momma" all about it," she said. Even being serious she was always a bit of a smart ass.

I was comfortable talking about my "love life" with Bobbie. We have known each other forever and she helped me get through my mother's death; in some ways she was closer than my brother or sister. So I told her about my feelings for Amber. I explained that I enjoyed being with her, that I admired her, and that she was the first woman that I had dated that I wanted to spend a lot of time with.

"When I'm not with her I want to be and when I'm with her I'm a happy guy. But something's missing, something's not right. I think about "us" but I don't think about a future together. It's all right now or next week but nothing long term. Is that weird or what?"

"How's your sex life?" Bobbie was being serious. "Do you guys fit together and enjoy each other or is it just sex?"

"The first time was her last day at the ranch and twice more over the summer when she would come to visit. And yes we fit together and yes we enjoy it; it's more than just sex," I answered, a little put out at the question. But this was Bobbie and I needed her help.

"What? The supreme Casanova has only bedded the fair Amber a couple of times. Stop the presses this is front page news." Bobbie stopped teasing me and got serious again. "I find that interesting. I mean you've bedded just about every girl you've wanted to but your experiences with Amber is very limited. Strange!"

"We didn't think it would be good to go hog wild and rut like animals. So we decided to restrict ourselves," I defended myself.

"And whose idea was that, J.T.? Yours or hers?"

"It was a mutual decision."

"Bullshit. That's not the J.T. I know and love, something's funny here but I don't know what. I've never known you to back off like this. Either you're in love or you're trying to fool yourself into thinking you are. You better think about this before you go any further." Bobbie had always had a unique talent for cutting through the bullshit.

We tabled that discussion and tried to see how many of the beers we could put away. I won but the next morning I was a little the worse for wear. Bobbie slept on the couch and was almost as bad as me. It seems somewhere in our talk we found half a bottle of Jose Cuervo and decided to put it out of its misery. Senor Cuervo won.

I called Amber after classes on Monday to see when she wanted to get together. She said she had to do some make-up work in one of her classes and probably wouldn't see me until the weekend. It seemed a little funny to me, I mean we had spent almost every day together before the summer break and now she was too busy studying to see me.

For the next two weeks I only saw Amber six or seven times. This may seem sufficient but prior to the year-end break we would have been together at least ten days or evenings. One good thing about our cut back relationship was that I got to spend more time with Bobbie without getting an ass chewing from Amber.

On Friday evening Bobbie and I were doing the pizza routine at my apartment again and I again asked her opinion about Amber. I told her that Amber and I were going to dinner the next night and that it was the first time I would see her that week. In fact I had only talked to her once during that period, I told Bobbie.

"Okay, enough. I repeat, this isn't the J.T. I know. You've never let anyone including me, dictate your life like this. Tomorrow night is the perfect time to straighten this mess out. Either you love her and want to spend your life with Amber or you don't. Cut and dried, A B C, get it done son," Bobbie cut through the bullshit again.

"But I..." I started.

"But nothing John." Bobbie never called me John unless she was really upset with me. "Get your head out and find out what's going on. If you love her make your point and discuss your problem with not seeing her more. If you don't love her then break it off. You don't need or deserve to be treated like this and she doesn't deserve to be led on. Thus ends my sermon," she said with a smile.

Shortly afterwards she left and I spent the rest of the evening thinking about Amber, the changes in the relationship, and what I wanted to happen now. I didn't get much sleep that night but did come to a decision. I was going to be proactive at dinner Saturday night instead of just sitting back and letting things roll over me.

Saturday morning after getting enough coffee to jump start my day, I continued thinking about my situation. Why didn't I or couldn't I imagine or think about a relationship with Amber much past school. I had never thought about marriage or what we were going to do after graduation.

Sometimes you worry and chew at a problem and come up with nothing and sometimes when you're not thinking about it, the answer slips out of the back of your mind and hits you in the face. I was editing a paper for an English Lit class when the answer to the Amber question hit me right between the eyes.

I finally realized why I didn't see a future with Amber. It had been right in front of me all the time, but I hadn't seen it. The reason Amber didn't figure in my future plans, the reason I couldn't completely commit to her was very simple. I was in love with Bobbie. Shock, denial, and finally acceptance all ran through my mind. I loved Bobbie and had for years but our buddy status had covered it up. Oh shit, now what?

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Her sweet pink lips were curved into a smile, her face glowing with innocence as Mary glided- for that was the only word for it- over the fallen branches and leaves of the fall, her sweet hips swaying unconsciously with every movement. She had just turned 18, but her mind was that of a young girl, not because of any dissability, but because she had lived her life with only her mother, and visiting her grandmama, therefore only knew of things like skipping, singing, and such peaceful...

3 years ago
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Lovely Sex With Archana 8211 My Sweet Sister

I am Dhruv Sharm from Delhi and here is a story about my naughty adventures with my elder sister. I belong to a family in which almost everyone is good looking especially my sisters. I am 5’7”, 20 years old, slim and have god given sense of humor. Our family is very active with regular gatherings and dinner parties and my cousins (mostly girls) meet up regularly and chat about our social and college life. I was quite infamous among my sisters due my mischievous nature and chivalry and I kinda...

2 years ago
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I Love My Bestie Part Three

‘Another glass of Diamond Sauvignon please.’ ‘Coming right at ya mate.’ Corey stared on through his mask as the bartender poured yet another glass of the dark liquid into his glass. He sat quietly as music pulsed on behind him, the crowd swaying with the rhythm. He nursed this one drink, being his fifth, and he could feel the incessant buzz of drunkenness warning him to slow down before he was consumed by it. He marveled at the beauty of the wine as he swished it around in his glass.  ‘How did...

3 years ago
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Laundry Tales 09 Nude Fianc

************************************************* Copyright jeanne_d_artois July 2011 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* The laundry of my ancestors’ house is now my workshop. I’m a potter and good enough at my trade...

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Sensual Bondings

He reminds me, I am to remain silent. He tells me any noise, will result in punishment. I say I agree and he smiles, so slightly. I had spoken. He places his hand across my mough and gently shakes his head. He reaches to his weekend bag, and pulls out a gag. He fits it to my mouth. I can taste the rubber on my tongue, and I twitch it over the insert of the gag. I keep watching his eyes. He puts his legs out straight and pulls a few cusions over his lap. He motions for me to lie across his...

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Hot And Intimate Sex With My Neighbour

Hi readers, this is Vignesh from Chennai, age 29 working for a IT company. I am married with one daughter. This is a true incident on how my relationship with my neighbour transformed and changed both our lives. I am writing the true incident which happened without any fiction. Though a bit long, I am sure you will enjoy the journey. As I said, I am married for the last 2 years and we live in Chennai. We live in flats and straight opposite to our flat is a Rajiv, his wife Gayathri and son....

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Power Chapter TwentyOne The Inevitable

Finals were coming up. We all had to study, I more than most. I had tried to get by without much study, and my grades were all in danger of falling. We took the swapping to just three times a week, and always in Jay’s and my room. The addition of Charlene and Seth added enough novelty that neither Sylvia nor I looked outside this community for sex. Well, not often anyway. For Jay and Valerie it made little difference. “Sweetheart,” Valerie said to Jay one evening, “you know I adore you. I love...

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If only they knew

The strong blonde wanted leap the barrier and have a bukkake party with the fans. She didn’t of course but she thought about it whenever she looked into the crowd of fans. She began to secretly spread nudes of herself however she didn’t announce how the pictures of her beautiful body belonged to the child of one of the most arguably best wrestlers. When she posted a picture of herself to twitter she couldn’t help desire to feel the fabric crawl up further to reveal her beautiful breasts and...

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My Gentle Goddess

It was a decently busy Saturday as our protagonist, John, was driving down the street and passing through Mystery Lane. This part of the city is where most magic users flocked to, so that is why it got its name. The street looked normal for the most part, pavement with a few trees in openings to soil and old-fashioned, traditional street lamps to light the streets when it was dark. Though this street also had a lot of older buildings, there were also some post-modern buildings that had various...

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Fucked My Mom By Saving Her From Horny Grandpa

Hello all ISS readers, my name is vikram(changed).I am 18 yrs old currently in fybcom.I am not an athletic type in fact i am quite fat but my charm and attractive face woos all.I have 1 girlfriend but lets not get into all these things. Coming 2 the story and my mom,her name is geeta.She is 40 yrs old and a perfect housewife.Her assets are 34-32-36.She is not too beautiful but say can turn 6 out of 10 heads.My dad is working in an mnc and hes perfect husband no smoke drink and girlfriends. My...

3 years ago
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The Magic of BellsChapter 10

Daium looked at the bird girl before her. All she could think of was her father. He had died for these creatures. Betrayed his own kind for them, and been betrayed in return. Tanah had burned because of them, the Sacred Forests lost forever. That was not this one's fault. Even if she had been on one of the ships, it was not her fault. It was ... the universe's. Or ... something quantum. That was it. Something quantum was always to blame. Daium sat on a hastily brought out chair, up on...

4 years ago
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it happened on vacation and continued at home pt 13

What was a boy to do, what am I going to do ?. I was so consumed with sex well, young lust for the most part that I have created a situation ripe for disaster. You know the saying: "don't shit where you eat". I feel I've done just that and my only hope is that my shit will be like fertilizer and something beautiful will grow from it. One one hand it's not like Mom and I have talked and worked out "the details" of how, when, where or even IF we would continue our rendezvous. Sis...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 8

He woke up and opened his eyes. There was no light. He knew his eyes were open because he could feel his eyelids move when he blinked. His left eyelid felt sticky, like someone had spilled honey on him. He reached up to touch his forehead and discovered that he couldn't move his arm. He could feel his fingers move, but something was holding his arm down. "Status Report," his voice sounded into the darkness, sounding dry and hoarse in his ears. He had no idea if his body monitor was...

2 years ago
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Nerungiya Thozhiyudan Kaamam

Enaku oru nerukamaana thozhi irunthaal aval peyar buvana vayathu ippozhuthu sariyaaga 22 aagugirathu. Avalin vayathu thaan enakum aagugirathu en peyar Daamu, naangal kalluriyil pazhaga aarambithom. Engalukul 3 varudangalaaga pazhakam aanal eppozhuthum ondraaga irupom enaku avalai miga pidikum aanal naan avalidam thozhanaagave irunthen. Aval meethu enaku kaama aasai irunthathu aanal athai ennal veli kaati kola mudiya villai, aval en udan padikum oru paiyanai kaathal seigiraal. Aanal aval kaathal...

1 year ago
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The Photo ShootChapter 2

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon. I got up, and went into the bathroom to pee. I’m still feeling a little horny from yesterday. I spread my legs a little to watch myself pee. I reach down, and put a finger in the stream. It felt so hot. I than put my hand in it. I watched it splash all over the place, on my legs, tummy, and on the floor. After I stop peeing, I brought my hand up to my face. I can see the drops of pee on my finger tips. I stuck out my tongue, I let a drop fell...

4 years ago
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Post Workout Sexy Stretch Cool Down

“Hi babe, I’m back from my run,” Mike said as he poked his head through the door. “Looking good girl. Work it, work it, work that hot body!” he said teasingly.  Britney smiled at him, as he approvingly checked her out. Her hot bottom was nicely wrapped in the tight outfit he had picked out as a Christmas present.  She knew he was lusting over her. He always came back horny from his runs. Somehow they didn’t wear him out, at least not as it related to his interest in sex. Quite the...

2 years ago
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One Night

ONE NIGHT ? by: Melissa L. I was finishing my makeup and my hair when he knocked on my door. I took one last look in the mirror, made sure my wig was straight and tugged on my purple sweater to make sure it was tight around my breast forms. He knocked again, it was an old friend of mine, he knew I was a crossdresser and had seen me dressed before. He had called me earlier and asked if I was busy tonight, he thought we could get a couple of movies and have some drinks and just...

3 years ago
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Cocksucking Teens

Gav slipped off his leather jacket and hung it over the back of his chair. It was Monday again and he needed to get to grips with the project that he was overseeing. He was head of IT Infrastructure at a busy lingerie firm. Lucy’s Underwear Show House had a turnover of £120 million and was one of the fastest growing businesses in the sector. In spite of the recession the company had made inroads into the ‘bedroom’ market capitalizing on the gap left by a recently dissolved name.  Gav was a...

1 year ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 29

It was close to the time Mrs. Sonneborne was going to arrive for our evaluation and exam. This was what we were working towards all week. We still had several more weeks of Summer before our training ordeal would be over but we were told how we performed would determine how much we learned and what we needed to work on next week. It would also be used to give us a ‘grade’ and the highest grade would be “Slutadictorian” in the end and be the boss of my mom for an additional week. Mom made us...

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Enjoying With My Colleague 8211 Part 1

Hi, to all ISS readers who are reading this sex story. This is my first story in Indian sex stories. I am reading stories on this site from the last 3 years. I am 21 years, 5.5″ tall guy with 5″ tool. The story may be long. It is a real story. Talking about my angel, she is 5.3″ tall. Her name is Netra. Her figure is 32-24-34. A perfect match for me. She is 25 years old girl. She is a working woman. She works in a school as a teacher who takes classes for the primary section.She always wear...

1 year ago
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Mami Ki Chudai Part 2

Dosto me meri kahani mami ki chudai ka par 2 apke samne le kar aaya hu pehle part me maine mami ki panty me muth mara tha sir unka pani bhi piya ab aage ki story batata hu mere yearly ke exam the maine khub jam kar mehnat ki phir ache se apne saare exam diye thode din baad mera result aaya mere bahut ache numbar the me ghar pucha mama ghar pr hi the mera result dekh kar bahut khush hue aur kuch rupees bhi diye lekin rupees se jayda to mujhe aur kuch chahiye tha agale din mama ji office chale...

1 year ago
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Henrys Gift

The day Henry P., a client turned a friend of mine showed me what he called his secret cookie jar, which turned out to be an album or a portfolio of sorts, my own secret life began. For a long time, I could not shake off the disgrace that plagued me when the new interests and fascinations invaded my life. Each wave of guilty pleasure, dwarfing any prior sexual experience seemed to plunge me deeper into the unknown. At the age of 50, I was beginning to explore new territories, slowly bringing...

3 years ago
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Steamy hot fucking of best friend in badminton court 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is a continuation of my previous asstr story. So, do check it out, guys. This is the event that took place after the badminton court. My best friend Kalpana and I took a shower in different bathrooms. I wrapped a towel and sat on my bed. Kalpana came out wearing a towel and her hair was still dripping wet and it was just so beautiful. I moved my towel a little bit and started stroking my dick as she was drying herself. She saw me and turned away as she was shy. I went near her...

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Fun After Dinner

Cindi, my wife, and I headed out to a fancy trendy restaurant this last Friday evening with the intent of grabbing a light late dinner. She’s 24, 5’6”, 115 lbs. She grew up in the country club culture so she played plenty of tennis and swims a lot. She has a beautiful muscular butt and smallish firm titties. She has blond hair that is medium length and she’s smoothI’m 6’3” 205, slender and brown hair. Cindi says my package is larger than average.We got along with our waiter, Julia, really well....

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MumbaiPune Sex travel

I love big girls , women !!!One of my experiences is like this :Its 8.30 pm in dadar am waiting at the dadar-pune taxi stand.its one of those days in mumbai when the sky seems like sea and the downpour insistent.rains lashing , the roads getting flooded . At this time theres hardly much people around due to the rains , seemed like everyone had prepared their beds early.here I was standing and not a single cabbie in sight.lo & behold , I see a women in an yellow saree trying to keep the umbrella...

2 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 2

I was on my fourth sea cream black iced coffee of the day, buried ass-deep in work when I realized that it was already 7:15 PM. It was Wednesday, the night of my ‘date’. “Shit,” I hissed under my breath. The ‘Floor’ is the term call centers use for where all the magic happens. Here you’ll find all the cubicles with my agents, all my supervisors, and all the calls ringing one after the other to service the next policyholder. I did my final Floor walk of the day, checked in with the six...

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A Tennis Lesson

“Come and play?” Her gentle voice carried easily in the still June air, but I only opened my eyes for a moment.  “Come and play with me?” This time I turned on to my side and looked at her. “Come and play with me – I’ve just had a message saying that XX can’t come and I need to have a game.” I looked at her, her short white skirt, her white top and trainers with just a hint of sock under her ankle; holding her racket eagerly, expectantly. I laughed. “Won’t be much of a game for you!” ...

4 years ago
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My Neighbors Ch3

The next day I felt better. It was going to be the last day of out neighbor's, Mike and Sues vacation. They would be home tomorrow and I would have to deal with that. Maybe next week after I stopped ovulating I would calm down and forget about fucking their male Doberman. I had let his puppies and him nurse from my milk filled breasts. Thinking back on it now it seemed so natural. It was late in the evening now. My husband had gone next door to feed the dogs and I stayed home feeling a...

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Living The Dream Chapter 2

"Good morning", she said, leaning up and kissing me. "I've been waiting for you to wake up." "You have", I asked with a chuckle. "And why is that?" "Because, I'm eager to begin fulfilling our fantasy", she said and she got up and walked to her bedroom door. I admired her sexy, nude body as she walked. But my attention was quickly pulled away by what waited on the other side of the door. As Katie opened it, I saw Molly's young body. She was in the same outfit from last night and...

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Serving Mistress Brenda

When I do take time to think about my old life before I met my Mistress, which is very rare nowadays, I am astounded how easily I fell under her spell. I chuckle to myself when I think how I used to believe she had either d**gged or hypnotised me to give myself so easily and readily to her.It started one day when I received a job to repair a couple of windows at her very palatial home for the little family company I worked for. We did mainly high class work for rich clients and prided ourselves...

4 years ago
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The Other WomanChapter 5

Deana climbed into the tub and let out a sigh as the bubbles caressed every inch of her body. For some reason, she was more aroused than usual. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers down her body. "Mmm, wish you were in her with me Jeff," she purred. When she didn't hear a response, she just figured that he had fallen asleep. Jeff looked carefully around the room to make sure he was alone. Mainly because he could not think with an open mind if his sexy wife was near him. God, she did...

1 year ago
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Survival of the Sexiest Part 3

I hope you’ve read the first part of this story about how I managed to keep my job by sleeping with the boss, and I still do, and the second part where I was ordered to get a contract which I secured by sleeping with the customer. Oh, and I still do that too!But I’m not totally without morals; well, perhaps I am and that’s for you to say. More often I sleep with people because we both want it and there’s no ulterior motive other than a good fucking. If I get business out of it at the same time,...

4 years ago
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Definition of Bi

Definition of Bi? Almost thirty years ago, during my senior year in college, I went to a professor’s home for a steak dinner. A lot of us had been there before–women and men–and nothing odd had ever happened. On the Saturday I am recalling, no other students showed up. ‘You can have four steaks tonight if you want,’ he said. ‘The others all called in with excuses.’ A flash of suspicion washed through me, but what the hell? Herb served shots of Kahlua as well as beer and it seemed to me that...

3 years ago
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Imperfect Beauty

Author’s Note: This very short novel is a result of a writing challenge called NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month. The challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. It is currently a hot topic on the Author’s Hangout, if you’d like to learn more. Please remember that the point of this challenge was word count and not quality. Read at your own peril:) The phone rang. It was my mother. ‘So are you seeing anyone?’ ‘Well, hello to you to.’ ‘Well?’ ‘No mom. No...

1 year ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Less Story Part I

Les knocked lightly on the lounge door and waited. He could hear the faint sound of background music coming from the room, but nothing else. He raised his hand to rap the door again, but suddenly he heard Lindsay’s voice call out, “Come in,” she said. Les reached for the door handle. He was not yet a cuckold in the physical sense, but he was aware of the formalities and protocols: when your wife is in a room alone with her lover you knock and wait to be told to enter. Your wife and her lover...

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Cassie the Cumflation Slut

"Oh my god! Jenny! You didn't say he was THIS big!" Cassie, your girlfriend's best friend, only heard good things about you from Jenny. About how... productive you are, especially in the bedroom. Of course, she told you only good things about Cassie. Oh she'd brag about how hot she was, she could be a porn star, especially with her massive tits... but for some reason she didn't show you any of her pictures. You could only idly wonder if she bragged about your cock with the many MANY dick pics...

1 year ago
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Sexciting Business Trip Part1

Hi all. Guess you all know I am a bisexual guy. I love to crossdress whenever I get a chance and I am alone. Well as it happened I was on a work trip to Chennai and Bangalore some time back. It was not a planned one. My boss told me in the night that I had to go and all arrangements have been made. I reached by the afternoon flight, took a cab and checked into the hotel booked by the office. After settling down in my room I decided to out and buy myself some nice girlie stuff. I had a couple of...

Gay Male
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James felt as if he was going insane. It was summer, the sun was shining and he was at the beach ogling girls. Tits of all shapes and sizes surrounded him, wrapped in bikini tops, one pieces and other pieces of fabric of varying coverage. James' heartbeat pounded in his ears and throbbed in his crotch, digging a furrow in the sand beneath him. He was lying on his stomach, sunglasses hiding his wide open eyes flitting around from bust to bust. He felt pretty safe with his setup - no one would...

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By Any Other Name

The attractive, long-haired blonde walked down the halls of Westdale High School, seemingly indifferent to the many looks of admiration she drew. Only the small bit of a smile at the corner of her mouth told the truth. That she was more than aware of every set of eyes that turned in her direction as she passed. The simple blouse and skirt she wore couldn’t fully hide the figure beneath it, not the nearly perfect medium-sized breasts that drew the attention of those in front of her or the...

2 years ago
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My name is Robert I am an older man with brown hair and blue eyes. One day I got into my nice blue Chevy and started driving on a business trip. I drove up the interstate and go off at the exit and then drove up the highway towards a small-town Hunts to refuel. I saw the small town in the distance. I was driving sixty-five miles per hour. I was driving along and I saw a police car coming up behind me. The police car got close on my bumper so I slowed down. He noticed the speed was...

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All For Julie

I watch you from across the floor at the store meetings; you have no idea that I’m practically staring at you. I look at you, from head to toe. Your hair is jet-black, cut in a bob type style. Your eyes are dark and piercing. Your tight navy blue shirt conceals your small, though very well shaped breasts. Your khaki pants, though not quite as snug as your shirt, have your ass to help fill them out. I watch you and your dark, brooding nature. There is something very erotic about you; I have yet...

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Love in the snow

From where I'm sitting, the view is indeed beautiful, but I know that what you're refering to is the deep, crisp and very very white snow that's surrounding us in our forest cabin. A cabin that's situated only three miles south of the arctic circle in deepest darkest Finland, and I mean deepest darkest, because at this particular time we're only experiencing four hours of daylight every twenty four hours. As I walk up behind you I can't help but be entranced by your loveliness. So...

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A True History Book TwoChapter 19

I could tell that the investigator from the FBI desperately wanted to be anywhere other than where he was, after he found out what he’d run into. Members of the Ku Klux Klan trying to kill native Australians had the potential to be very detrimental to his career. Having the Klansmen killed by three teenage girls on vacation didn’t help anything. Throw in a Federal Judge and Wackenhut Federal Protective Services, and he was really feeling some stress. By this time, we had drinks, were making...

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My Son So Forbidden

Oh God what was she doing she thought! Here she was embracing her own son, naked apart from a flimsy nightie which her son had managed to lift and bundle around her waist. Her pussy was wet, fully aroused. It had happened all so fast. Her young son, her only c***d, she should not be in his bed with him, naked as he is, as young as he is, and as sexually aroused as he most certainly is. It is wrong, oh so wrong, she must put a stop to it now.He was in Heaven. He could not believe this was...

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An English House Party Ch 08

Jason lifted his fist, ready to knock on Penelope’s door. But then he hesitated. He strained to hear movement on the other side, but there was only silence. He must look ridiculous standing there alone in the hall, his golden blond hair raked through and sticking out on ends. He knew the hour was late. Perhaps she was asleep already. He turned on his heel and started for the stairs. Hardly in the mood for bed, he decided a stiff drink was in order. *** Having taken a second bath that...

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Private Henessy The Maid Wants Anal

Today, in our Private’s, Naughty Maids 2, Alina Henessy returns to Private as a super slutty servant. While wearing her short uniform, stockings and a sexy set of lingerie, she tempts her man into a wild session. She soon finds herself tonsil deep in cock, giving her man deep throat during a sloppy blowjob. He gets this babe creaming wet by eating her out and then puts her pussy to work with some intense pounding action, but things don’t stop there! He opens out that tight ass and gives this...

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Forbidden Fruit Part 3

"Come let's go in." Aren pulled her daughter along, but it was rather gentle, not forceful. Yet, Maxine stood her ground. "V. This just isn't right. I can't go in there as my sister, man." Aren looked at her daughter, letting her go. "All right." She handed over her car keys. "I've pushed you enough for today, I'm glad you even came this far. Wait in the car for me to return, dear." "Yeah, 'mom'." With a sigh of relief Maxine walked back to the car, taking note to shut the door...

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The JobChapter 4 Helping Hand

I got back to the canteen just on dark. I was starving, so I helped myself from the Baine-maries. I selected a quarter of a roast chook and piled on the baked veggies and greens to round out my meal. I looked around but didn’t see Kerry or Trish in the room, so I picked the table we often sat at and started hoeing into my meal. We had good cooks, and we members of the staff were well fed. It was the best camp food I’d ever eaten. I felt arms go around my shoulders and a kiss on my temple....

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Tapping that fine White Ass Blacken

Tonya was just so damn busy lately that she could not think straight! She was babysitting from 5:30 a.m. until time for school and then off to class and then back to babysitting until bedtime and then she had to wake up at 1:30 a.m. to let the last c***d go back home. She was not only feeling tired but also horny. She had not seen her lover in months and she had not had any for several weeks. She was young and had needs. She was tired of masturbating and she needed a cock!Tonya had a lover that...

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