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My Life As A Mail Order Bride by Natasha Koshkov Copyright 2014 Natasha Koshkov You may distribute this story freely subject to the following terms: the author is credited, no part of the text (including this licence) may be removed or altered in any way and no commercial use whether through direct sale, non-monetary exchange or distribution under a paid subscription model is permitted. 1: Chapter 1 He wasn't a people person. To be perfectly honest he didn't like people at all. Not a bit. That wouldn't have been a problem if he'd gone into, say, webpage design or stuck with his college course. But he'd been too blas? about the whole thing. Too much time sitting at home smoking weed and playing video games didn't make for good grades. Now he was trapped. He was a manager, that was true, but being the 30 year old boss of a bunch of gawky 18 year olds wasn't much of a pedestal for his ego. Here came one of the pimply-faced slackers now. "Steve, some dude's here complaining about his toaster" "And what did you tell him?" "I told him I'd get the manager. He seems kinda pissed" Craning his neck to see the registers at the front he confirmed that the gentleman waiting there did indeed look 'kinda pissed'. He sighed. The store had a no returns policy and it was always unpleasant trying to get that across to disgruntled customers. He psyched himself up and strode to the front with an air of confidence. Sure, his last ninety-nine encounters with customers had ended in angry words and requests to speak with the owner, but maybe the hundredth would go differently. "Hi, my name's Steve. How can I help you today?" "Are you the manager?" "I am. How can I help?" The lines in the customer's face suggested he'd hit a half century at least 10 years ago. He was one of those people who, despite not actively frowning, certainly gave a convincing impression that he was. He was cradling the offending product in his arms as a more tender man might hold a small child. "My name's Tom, my wife bought this toaster for me on Monday. She bought the silver one and I want the white one." "I'm sorry sir, but we don't actually offer returns on our products. I'm afraid corporate's very strict on that point" "They're basically the same product. Who's even going to notice if you put this one back on the shelf and give me the other one?" "Sorry sir, that's not possible." "You couldn't just make one exception?" "No means no." Steve was rapidly becoming exasperated with the man. He'd always had a low tolerance for fools, although he felt like he'd reined in his temper a little since he'd started working in retail. Still, he couldn't comprehend how it could be beyond so many customers' mental capacity to understand that 'no exchanges' meant 'no exchanges'. For his part the customer also seemed to be becoming exasperated with Steve. He scowled for a moment then relaxed as some other idea occurred to him. "Ok, I get it. You're just the shift manager, you don't have the authority to make any decisions. Could you maybe have a word with the owner of the store? I'm sure he'd be smart enough to know how to apply his policies." What the hell? Is this guy saying I'm not smart enough to run a shop? Jesus. There was no way he was going to mention this to the owner. "I'm the highest authority here. Now if you don't want to buy anything I'll have to ask you to leave the store." The man's expression went from one of exasperation to outright offence. He spat some choice expletives at Steve and trundled back out of the shop. For his part Steve returned to the back counter, still incensed by the man questioning his authority. Not to mention the implication that he wasn't 'smart enough' to understand corporate policies. What a jerk, he thought to himself. Alan the gangly, acne plagued teen was still leaning against the back counter. "Another satisfied customer?" he enquired with a smirk. "Get the fuck back to work," Steve spat. His lack of grace with the customers had become something of a joke among the other employees. They were laughing at him, not with him and he knew it. It made him cringe to think what they must say behind his back if this was how they acted to his face. 2: Chapter 2 He finally handed over to the night manager at 5. It had been a long shift and he needed to let off some steam. Maybe he'd go see a movie. Ever since he'd been a teenager the cinema had been his favourite way to depressurise. He didn't mind going by himself. It was nice to sit in the dark and let himself drift away into the stories on screen. The theatre was stuffy but comfortingly familiar. It was busy for a weeknight, heads dotted sporadically around him in the sea of chairs. He felt the tension of the day flowing away from his mind until they sat in front of him. He was an older man with pale skin, greying hair and a noticeable paunch. His companion was his opposite in many ways. A lean young Asian woman, half his age at most. What a waste Steve thought to himself. A beautiful woman wasted on that old man. It disgusted him. She was clearly a mail order bride - there was no way an attractive young woman in her early 20's would have just ended up with a fifty year old white dude like that. He probably straight up bought her from some third world hell hole. It repulsed him that this sort of thing was going on in the world. The fact that he was single while these deficient old men could hook up just because they had cash was seriously straining his peace of mind. The serenity of the theatre had been ruined now. Steve certainly wasn't the type who could just shrug his shoulders and let it go. His angry thoughts continued to eat at him as the preview reel opened. The combined irritations of his day were like a pile of kindling just waiting for a spark to ignite them. They didn't have to wait long. As the first preview wound to a close Steve heard a low buzz emanating from the pair in front of him. The older man pulled out his cell phone and answered in a hushed tone, probably too quiet for anyone but Steve or the man's companion to even hear him. But Steve did hear him and, on top of all the other annoyances he'd been through today it was too much. He tapped the man on the shoulder. "Could you stop talking?" he whispered. "Sure, just give me a second. This is kind of important." He turned back to his hushed conversation and something inside Steve snapped. "No, listen to me." He wasn't yelling yet, but in the otherwise quiet cinema his raised voice may as well have been a shout. "That's fucking unacceptable. Either put the phone away or go outside. And take your fucking imported wife with you," he added for good measure. Steve was oblivious enough to expect the other movie goers to at least be quietly grateful for his intervention against the man on the phone. He didn't get a chance to gauge their apathy as the young woman accompanying his victim turned with fury in her eyes. "How dare you!" she screeched in perfect, unaccented English. "That's my Dad you fucking racist piece of shit. And even if we were married you should keep your redneck opinions to yourself." Unlike Steve she was shouting and more and more of the other patrons were turning around to watch the drama. "My mum came from China and she's one of the most intelligent, hard working women you could ever meet. And you'd hate her just cos she's from another country? I just wish people like you could learn to feel a little empathy." The usher had obviously been taking stock of the situation as he climbed the stairs to their level and his impression was rapidly confirmed on arrival. He politely insisted that Steve exit the theatre. Steve protested weakly. Deep down though he knew he'd let his temper get the better of him. He wasn't sorry for judging the father and daughter, but voicing his thoughts had been a terrible mistake. He was escorted out by another staff member and told not to come back. He slunk away with his tail between his legs filled with a peculiar mix of hate for himself and the people he'd just fought with. He didn't want to stay out anymore; the night was ruined - although by him or for him he didn't want to say. 3: Chapter 3 Frozen meals depressed Steve. They emphasised his inability to summon up the energy for cooking. They emphasised the fact that he was alone with no one to come home to. In their own small way they reminded him of his whole pathetic situation. He collapsed in front of the TV with a microwaved side of veg and atrophied slice of beef crammed into a PET tray. He picked idly at his food. The episode at the theatre was still weighing heavily on his mind and he didn't feel much like eating. The TV wasn't doing anything to take his mind off things. The news was droning on about a diplomatic stand-off in some place he didn't care about. Click. He jumped to the next channel and the next until he found something mildly watchable. A trashy talk show. Eh, it was good enough. He wasn't taking much in anyway, unless he really concentrated it seemed to go in one ear and straight out the other. Eventually he gave up on dinner and threw most of it away uneaten. His appetite was gone tonight. There wasn't much point watching TV either. Perhaps it was a combination of fatigue and stress but he was struggling to follow even the simplest one-liners on the show. If he really concentrated he could get the gist of it, but he didn't have the patience. It was best to just go to bed. Tomorrow was a new day. Even better, it was his day off. 4: Chapter 4 It was a rough night and he felt far from rested when he dragged himself out of bed. He tried breakfast but felt full after three spoonfuls of cereal. He vomited after five. Great, gastro he thought to himself. Of course he'd only get sick on his day off. Within a few hours the vomiting had been joined by horrifyingly copious diarrhoea. He felt lighter by a few pounds after every gut wrenching motion. By midday it was still getting worse and he'd started to notice blood flecked chunks in the bowl after he went. Oh shit, this could be bad. He carefully resisted the urge to panic but drove himself to the nearest hospital just to be safe. He dragged himself to the triage desk and struggled to explain his symptoms to a bored nurse. She threw his details into the computer and directed him back to the waiting area. As the pain in his belly built he stretched out across a row of chairs. He screwed his eyes shut and prayed that the colicky pain prowling through his gut would take a break. He was brought back to the world by a woman in a tracksuit talking to him. He emitted a low moan and forced his eyes open to greet the stranger. "Could you sit up? There ain't any space to sit otherwise." "Huh?" "I said I wanna sit down. You're in the way though." He could hear the words but they just weren't making any impression on his brain. It was like they were just a series of syllables running past his ear. " Don't you speak fucking English?" said the increasingly irate woman. He got it this time. He barely noticed the glare the woman was giving him as it dawned on him that he'd lost the ability to comprehend most of the chatter around him. He could still make out bits and pieces but most of the background noise was just like the woman's first two requests - meaningless syllables that he heard but couldn't comprehend. Forget about gastro, now he was scared that he was having a stroke. He needed to get back to the triage nurse and fast. He felt a rush of light-headedness as he stumbled towards the desk. No more than a few steps from the chairs he felt an almighty rumble in his stomach accompanied by an excruciating stab of pain. He deftly changed course towards the bathroom, charged into the first stall and threw up again. As the bilious fluid departed his body he was overcome by light- headedness once more. For single shimmering moment the world seemed to drift and then it was gone. He didn't even feel the impact as he hit the floor. 5: Chapter 5 He came to gradually, the cold bathroom tiles pressed hard into his cheek. It took a few seconds for him to recall where he was and what had happened. The pain in his belly seemed to have subsided and he didn't feel at all like a man who'd just been punched into the floor by gravity. He slowly climbed to his feet and immediately noticed that everything was wrong. With so many alarm bells suddenly screaming in his head it was hard to say what struck him first. Perhaps it was the fact that everything seemed half a foot taller than when he'd rushed in here, perhaps it was the air caressing his uncovered legs or the fact that he was now wearing a form fitting floral top over curves he hadn't possessed a minute ago. He rushed to the mirror, thankful that no one else was there to witness his panic. He gasped in horror upon seeing the face looking back at him. Rather than his usual visage he was confronted by a petite young Asian woman incredulously staring back at him. She wore her hair long and as he turned his head for a better look he could feel it cascading over his back. She had a cute rounded face with soft angles and almond eyes. Every expression of his growing terror was reflected perfectly in her. He bought his thin brown hands up to his face. He twitched his fingers and saw the muscles in her thin, uncovered arms twitch in unison. He ran his delicate hands over her body. Tight stomach, plump breasts, hips flaring out under a short skirt. To an outside observer her breasts wouldn't have been especially notable but on his own chest they seemed huge and alien, quivering with each small movement of his new body. He was momentarily numbed by the shock and, in a brief flash of clarity it dawned on him that his new outfit had no pockets. That meant no keys and no way home. He glanced back into the stall he'd emerged from and saw something he'd missed before. A small black clutch bag sat on the floor. Studded with glittering rhinestone it was nauseatingly feminine, but he had to admit it suited his current ensemble and the undeniably feminine body he was trapped in. He gingerly leafed through the contents. $10 in cash, an ID card which insisted he was a 23 year old girl named Ting Ting and a single house key. Well, at least I can probably catch a taxi home on $10 he thought. He strut out of the bathroom with an unfamiliar and unintentional sway in his hips. He approached the triage desk and opened his mouth with the intention of asking where the taxi rank was. What came out was quite different. "Yoow huff tahk-see near here?" he asked in heavily accented English. He was aghast at the mangled sentence that had left his lips and decided to try again. "Yoooow kun tell where cah-tch tahk-see?" he repeated trying to enunciate each syllable carefully with his uncooperative tongue. The triage nurse seemed to get the general idea of what he was asking for and pulled a photocopied map from the pile of material next to her station. "Yooneetgoowtthfrntoorstrnlft, thnaftrahndredfeetsthtaksirank," she said. He thought he caught the word 'rank' at the end, as in 'taxi rank', so she must have understood. Fortunately as she spat out the incomprehensible directions she was simultaneously drawing the correct route on the map. When she finished she handed him the map. "Y'understanwotaysed, huh?" she asked with a look of concern at the confused expression he was sure was plastered across his cute new face. Steve nodded. As long as he had the written map he should be ok. "Yes, thunk yoow vewy match," he replied. He found the taxi rank easily enough. Walking around in this new body was weird though. He felt naked in this short skirt and contour hugging top. The occasional glance from other patients and staff of the hospital weren't helping. They were mostly men and the looks they were giving him were far from innocent. He felt very small and weak. Taxis constantly buzzed around the hospital and he had no trouble securing one. He jumped in the front seat as the vehicle pulled up. "Wrdyawannagoh?" asked the driver. "Eks-koos me? Kun reh-peet?" he minced out in his awkward English phrasing. "" repeated the driver slowly and deliberately. 'I want to go to...' Steve began to say only for it to come out as "Ay like goow tooo..." in his girly, fresh off the boat voice. He flinched inwardly but continued and repeated his address. The taxi driver tried to make small talk on their short trip but even the simplest phrases were going right over Steve's head. He mostly just bobbed his pretty little head up and down in mock understanding. He was relieved beyond words when the taxi driver gave up and drove in silence. They pulled up outside an average suburban home and Steve paid the driver what he was due. As he climbed out he couldn't help but feel that this wasn't where he lived. But it had been the address he'd asked for, wasn't it? He walked up to the front door with small ladylike steps and decided he might as well try the key from his purse. He was only slightly surprised when it turned in the lock. 6: Chapter 6 The door opened into a small entryway and corridor. It was a nice house, slightly older than his own place but not out-dated by an stretch of the imagination. He wondered if he was the only one with a key. Probably not he realised with unease. Still, this seemed to be where he - or at least Ting Ting - lived. He might as well explore. He kicked off his shoes at the door and realised he'd just lost another inch of height by doing so. He was still getting used to everything looking like it was six inches higher up than it should be. He proceeded down the hall, examining the pictures on the wall as he went. He passed five photos on the way down the hall. The first two depicted an older Caucasian man. He was balding badly and his glasses looked like they belonged in the seventies. Eugh, he thought to himself without quite knowing why. The next photo showed the same man with two younger men at his side. His sons maybe? It was the fourth picture that made Steve's stomach drop. It was him. Well, it was Ting Ting. He might look and sound like a hot little foreign chick but he and she were still entirely separate people. In the photo Ting Ting was cuddled up to the man from the first three pictures on a small love seat. The man seemed a lot more comfortable than she did, although it was clear that Ting Ting was trying to look happy. The fifth photograph was of the two of them together in front of a monument he couldn't identify. The man had his arm around her again. Is this my, I mean her, home country? He took a few more steps down the passageway before it dawned on him that the man might be home. As much as he wanted to avoid him, he decided it'd be worse to be taken by surprise. He clutched his little black bag tightly and inhaled as much air as his petite lungs could hold. "Hallow? Is uny-wun hoome?" he called. The softness of his yell even when he tried his hardest was almost as jarring as his inability to speak his own native language properly. The silence that followed his call was an overwhelming relief. He continued to creep down the hall until it opened into a small living area with an attached kitchen. I should be cooking he thought. It took him a second to realise what a bizarre non-sequitur that was. He continued around until he found the bedroom. An unexpected wave of d?j? vu swept over him as he entered. He looked to his left and saw a large mirror next to the queen size bed. It was difficult to accept that the slim young foreigner in the short skirt and figure hugging top was him. He decided to dig through the bedside drawers, the closet, everywhere and anywhere that could provide even the slightest hint of what was going on. The drawers were mostly full of junk, little trinkets, a pack of gum, condoms. Oh god he thought as the implications of that hit him. The drawers on the other side of the bed were firmly locked and refused to yield when he applied the miniscule amount of force his new body could muster. The wardrobe was just one more reminder of what he'd been reduced to. On one side were neat rows of men's shirts and trousers. On the other a series of revealing tops, short skirts and summery dresses. No prizes for guessing which side was his. Resting on the floor was a solidly built box the size of a large encyclopedia. He gingerly slid the lid off and uncovered the first potentially useful items in his search. There was a passport issued by the Chinese government with Ting Ting's name and face on the front. A sheaf of photos showing a young girl at school, with her family, with her friends. As he approached the end he realised these must be pictures of Ting Ting before she left China. He carefully replaced the contents of the box and pushed it to the back of the closet. He wandered back out into the living area and again he was hit with a nagging conviction that he should be doing something in the kitchen. He decided that it'd be a better idea to leave before the house's other occupant returned. If Ting Ting was his wife - and he strongly suspected that was the case - then he didn't want to confront him looking like this. There were any number of ways that encounter could play out and he didn't like any of them. He needed to get back to being himself. To start with he should go back to his real home, there he could reason this out in peace without the fear that Ting Ting's husband, or whoever he was, would barge in. He didn't have keys for his place but perhaps he could call a locksmith to let him in. He scrounged around for spare change in all the usual nooks and crannies until he got together enough that he could get a taxi from here to his place. He didn't have a mobile but that was ok, Ting Ting's house was still connected to a landline. He called the taxi company, stumbled through what should have been a simple conversation in his broken English and went to wait outside. 7: Chapter 7 The taxi arrived in ten minutes. It was a long, uncomfortable ten minutes as she sat side saddle on the garden's front wall and prayed that none of the pedestrians were looking at her. She was glad for the shelter of the cab when it pulled up. "Aye like go to..." She hesitated for a moment. Unbelievably, after five years living in one place she couldn't remember her own address from before the transformation. Her mind scrambled for any clue. She used to live near a shopping centre. Maybe if she asked to go there the rest of the route would come back to her. "Aye like go to shaw-ping please." It was a short trip and before she knew it she was standing in front of the shops. The last of her money had gone to the taxi driver but she had a hunch that her old home was close enough to walk to from here. She definitely recognised the shopping centre, that was a good start. Her eyes darted around searching for a landmark that might trigger her memory. She paced slowly around the outside of the mall scouring her surroundings for anything even slightly familiar. Just like at the hospital she was acutely aware that people - mostly male people - were looking at her in a way they never had before. She felt increasingly self-conscious as the gentle breeze caressed her exposed legs. After circumnavigating three sides of the building she finally found what she was looking for. A service station on the far side of the road that she was 100% confident she used to walk past on the way to her house. For the first time since being trapped in this body she felt a glimmer of hope returning. Finally something was going right. She wandered past the service station down a quiet suburban street. At the junction she recognised the cross street and knew she had to turn right. A smile began to spread over her face as she realised that the route was coming back to her. She remembered the way home! Next there'd be a police station then she needed to turn again and she'd be at her house. As the police station came into view her smile broke into a grin. She started to jog. Even the disorientating sensation of her unfamiliar clothes and anatomy as she ran did nothing to dampen her enthusiasm. She turned at the station, slowing but not stopping. Steve hadn't been an athletic man, but as Ting Ting it he felt like even that minimal level of endurance had evaporated. He slowed to a walk as he came down his street. This was it, finally a connection to his real life. It was three houses down, two, one, and he was there. Her jaw dropped in horror. This was the house she'd just come from. It was her house, not Steve's. She stood in front of the house panting from the run. She tried to make sense of how her brain could be so addled that she could try to find Steve's house and end up at her own. No, she corrected herself, how she could try to find her own house and end up at Ting Ting's. She felt like crying as despair engulfed her. After a few minutes she fought down the feeling and resigned herself to the fact that she didn't have much choice except to stay here until she worked things out. 8: Chapter 8 A little before 6pm she woke to the sound of the front door swinging shut. As her eyes flew open she experienced a few seconds of terrifying disorientation before she remembered where and who she was. She froze on the bed as she heard footsteps coming down the entry hall. Shit, how could she have fallen asleep? She'd explored almost every cupboard and draw in the house looking for clues before she'd sat down on the bed to go through some old photo albums she'd found. She must have dozed and...from the living room a man's voice broke the silence. "Huni yahom?" She took that as 'honey are you home'. It was becoming second nature to guess at meanings where she didn't quite catch the words. It was time to bite the bullet. The bedroom was a dead-end anyway, it wasn't like she could hide in here. Still, it'd be better not to meet him lying on a bed. Better not to give him any ideas. She climbed off the bed, smoothed down her skirt and called back feebly. "Hullow hun-ee." Shit, had she just called him honey? "Ay'm een here" They met in the living room. It was the older man from the pictures in the hall. He looked like he'd just come home from an office job somewhere. If he sensed anything off about his wife he didn't show it. He walked across the room and hugged her. It was an odd and not altogether pleasant experience to feel the arms of a strange man wrapped around her slender waist. He leant in and she felt her pert breasts being squashed up against his chest. She drew the line when he went for a kiss, instead manoeuvring backwards in an effort to evade him. He looked slightly puzzled by her reluctance, but evidently not enough to say anything. "Whathappenedtodinner?" he asked. At least he seemed easier to understand than most people she'd talked to today. Maybe it was because Ting Ting had spent more time listening to him, she thought. Regrettably it seemed that they shared a brain now. "Ah, aye forget to coowk. So-ree." The part of his mind that was still Steve cringed at his inability to speak like a grown up. She couldn't help it though, there was a serious short circuit going on somewhere between her thoughts and her tongue. "" he slowly enunciated for her. She wasn't sure what bothered her more, that he was speaking to her like she was a moron or that she needed him to speak like that so she could understand. In either case she didn't like the condescension in his voice. "Cun haf levt-over een fridge," she said. The kitchen hadn't been spared from her search for answers, she knew exactly what was in the fridge. Her husband - his name was Tom according to the mail she'd found on the coffee table - looked disappointed but agreed. As she turned to fetch dinner she felt a hand snake its way up her skirt and give her buttock a tight squeeze. She turned with fury in her eyes but he didn't seem to notice. All she got in reply was a cheeky grin. She teetered on the edge of saying something acerbic, but realised it'd just sound childish in her broken English and continued to the kitchen instead. 9: Chapter 9 Dinner was an awkward affair in front of the TV. They didn't talk much and - considering how easily Tom took that in his stride - she suspected this was how it always was for them. At the end of the meal she took both their dishes and washed up. Apparently that was what he expected and if she was honest with herself she was happy to escape into the kitchen to flee the awkward tension between them. She was still fascinated by how petite her thin brown hands were as she scrubbed the dishes. Fuck, how am I going to get out of this one? There was no clear way forward. She needed to reconnect with her past life somehow. She knew who she was but it seemed like every time she reached out for specific details they retreated away from her. As she pondered her limited options she felt arms wrap around her waist from behind. She gasped with surprise and almost dropped the bowl she'd been holding. As he pushed his body against her, she felt his throbbing erection through her skirt. The remnants of her male mind were making a last stand, telling her that a sharp kick to the parts being held against her was the way to go. But that enfeebled part of his psyche was overcome by a deep complacency emanating from Ting Ting's increasingly share of this body's thoughts. Just go along with it, let your husband have what he's entitled to. He spun her around. Ting Ting had to raise her chin slightly to meet his eyes. She suddenly realised how much power this man had over her. He leant down for a kiss and after a moment's hesitation she capitulated. As they locked lips she took in the scent of his crisp business shirt mixed with the faintest whiff of his own odour. Her husband's hands ran searchingly up her body, one cupping her pert young breasts, the other tugging through her jet black hair. He pressed in closer, their bodies melting together like one. It was almost a dance as they groped and grabbed at one another's forms. As they slowly, sensually slid around the room Ting Ting felt the hard wood of the coffee table against the back of her knees. She tried to guide her man back away from the obstacle but instead he gently lowered her down onto it. As she lay supine on the table and gazed up at his figure silhouetted against the kitchen lights. She didn't know how to feel. Steve's fear and disgust mixed with Ting Ting's cool acceptance of the situation. There was even an element of anticipation, excitement at what Ting Ting's baser instincts knew was on its way. Tom attempted to pull her top off but the clothing caught around her head. Before Ting Ting could finish removing it herself, he lowered himself on to her and she found her hands pinned under his much larger body. With a veil of cotton over her eyes she could no longer see him fawning over her exposed chest. She felt him squeezing her tits through Ting Ting's bra. She sensed his warm breath on her face even through the fabric. His weight shifted as he lowered his head and began to slowly lick around her collarbone. It was such a bizzare thing to do but combined with the way he was playing with her tits she was starting to get off on it. It was kind of nice to just lay here and let things be done to her. It was nice to be an object of desire, even a passive one. She felt his hand run up her bare legs and a shiver raced down her spine. His hand caressed her thighs underneath the skirt, he kneaded and squeezed as her muscles tensed. He paused and whispered some soothing words to her, but between his excitement and her failing English comprehension she had no idea what might have been said. Ting Ting arched her back as rough hands reached behind her. A brief moment of fiddling and her bra was unhooked. She winced as he tugged it away all too fast over her exquisitely sensitive nipples. All was forgiven a moment later as he began to suck on the nubs of her quivering mounds. First one, then the other. Pleasure radiated through her. Even the part of her mind that Steve had ensconced himself in was quieted by the sensation of Tom's tongue playing over her hard nipples. While one of his hands continued to entertain itself under her skirt, the other traced its way up her belly. Her abdomen tightened under her lover's lingering touch. The unyielding surface of the table underneath her back and buttocks was beginning to hurt, but she wouldn't dream of interrupting this experience for such mundane things. His weight shifted and Ting Ting saw his shadow move on the other side of the cotton top stretched over her face. The hand up her skirt pulled her panties down to her knees. She heard a zip being undone and before she knew it she felt her husband's turgid member being dragged over her bare stomach. His hands flipped the skirt up over her flared hips and with all the subtlety of a runaway train he abruptly rammed his swollen manhood into her emptiness. She gasped with a combination of shock and enjoyment as he began to pump. Her hips buckled back and forth as he hammered out a beat that Ting Ting felt compelled to match with her own rhythmic thrusts. As her partner continued to move inside her, Steve's voice reasserted itself in the back of his head. He's not using a condom. HE'S NOT USING A CONDOM. What if I have to stay as Ting Ting? I can't get pregnant. Just as Steve regained enough control to open his mouth with the intention of asking - begging even - Tom not to cum inside him he felt it. The sticky warmth of her partner's potential future progeny shooting into her deepest places. He withdrew, leaving Ting Ting shaking with a mix of orgasmic pleasure and fear of what her life was becoming. She pulled her top back down and watched Tom's shadow recede into the bathroom. 10: Chapter 10 Ting Ting tossed the fifth one into the bin. One more she thought. Maybe all those tests had been faulty. Maybe the next one would fail to show the dreaded double lines of a positive result. Who am I kidding? I may as well just accept it. Perhaps it won't be so bad. Tom didn't want her to work. Maybe a baby would add some sense of purpose to her days. Steve was never going to return to his old life. And anyway, being a housewife - even in a foreign country - wasn't so bad. Maybe being a mother wouldn't be so terrible either. ### Natasha Koshkov is a budding erotica author from Brisbane in sunny Australia. After a brief period as a professional nomad she decided to settle down and get a real job. Increasingly desperate for ways to employ her filthy mind, she has since turned her hand to writing erotic fiction. Please visit me at if you enjoyed this story!

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Blackmailed Bride

Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church....

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Blackmailed Bride

Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church. Lori was...

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Blackmailed Bride

Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church. Lori was...

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Savita stops goon from blackmailing a bride

Savita was attending the wedding of Ashok’s Kunal uncle’s son. She goes to meet the bride-to-be as Kunal uncle requests her. When she sees the young bride crying, Savita forces her to tell the reason. It turns out that a local goon was blackmailing the virgin girl into having sex with him. Savita decides to set this right and goes to the goon’s house. How does Savita bhabhi convince him to leave the poor girl alone? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 39 – Dulhan ki...

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emailprotected Ch 05

Chapter 5 And If You Call In The Next Half Hour… Jayce shifted in the waiting room chair. The whole place seemed so sterile, more like a hospital than a psychiatrist’s office. Possibly on purpose, the walls all blended together, not a solid corner in sight, even the chairs and shelves had only curved edges. With the exception of the new magazines on the table, everything was white, and that’s what made Jayce uneasy. The speaker on the wall chirped to life. ‘Jayce Winslow.’ He looked around...

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aing the Bride

a*****ing the Brideby Black DemonBride & Groom where whisked away by the five black men. On their way to the hotel, they now had been taken to a hideaway in the mountains. The beautiful bride, in her pure white wedding gown was surrounded by the black captives. Her husband was tied to a chair next to her. Julie was a virgin bride who had never seen or handled a cock before.This was not a chance happening but a planned k**napping. It had been a chance sighting for the blacks a month ago,...

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The Reluctant Bride

The Reluctant Bride by Jamie B Chapter 1 The phone rang four times. Hello can I speak to Igrid please. This is Ingrid, a well modulated sexy voice replied. Ingrid, you have a bridal gown advertised in the newspaper, can you tell me something about it. Yes, its very beautiful; The top is satin and quite tight to mould to your figure. The sleeves are very puffy at the top and can be worn on or off the shoulder. They have a little ruffle tied with ribbon that hangs...

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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 2 Futas First Sultry Bride

Chapter Three: Futa's First Sultry Bride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “The reception was absolute torture,” I said while the cameras filmed the interview, streaming it live to the world. I was recounting my life, speaking about attending the wedding of Kurt, my ex-boyfriend, to Rosemary Ramsey. Well, now she was Rosemary Albertson. “I just wanted to fuck the bride so badly, Adelia. It was so hard to think about my promise when I knew she was close to me.” “I bet it...

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Gina Wears White From Bridesmaid to Bride

Gina Wears White: From Bridesmaid to Bride By Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 I called home during the middle of my honeymoon to make sure that everyone was all right. My new husband understood this and sat and read while I made the call. Mom answered and we chatted for a few minutes. She then mentioned that my brother Gene, or rather my new little sister Gina, seemed like a different person since the wedding. She said that with Gina's presence openly acknowledged Gene had seemed...

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Bondage Bride

Story: Bondage Bride (fsub spank bond)There were only a few friends at the wedding.  Family just wouldnot have understood.  The bride got all the attention.  Not onlywas Shawna beautiful -- she had walked down the aisle with hergloved hands cuffed behind her.  She was also deliriously happy. Her bridal veil covered her face, and her white wedding dress wasa touch on the modern side - low cut in front to show somecleavage, and the hem settled just above her knees.  She hadmeticulously shaved her...

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MailOrder Slut

Plastique Surgery 2: Mail-Order Slut Mail-Order SlutBy Darqside  Perhaps it had been because he was ignored by most of the girls in college, or even that none of them were interested in him, but John was sick of it.? He needed something to stave his appetite, his hunger, his NEEDS. Something he could be able to predict, something he could control.? A wild beast tamed by an incredibly sturdy leash. He?d tried online dating services before, but none of them seemed to work very well,...

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First Place Bride

First Place Bride By Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to actual people or events is purely coincidental. I would like to thank Janet Stickney for letting Jeff Grant make an appearance in the story. Thanks Janet! ***************************************************************************** This was it! I was the 'big gun' this year. I was going into third grade! Our schools are divided so that all kindergarten through third...

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Olivias Bride

This is the second story I have written for the folks who use Fictionmania. I would like to express my thanks to the people who run this website. This is a work of fiction that came from the gray matter between my ears. Similarities to anyone living or dead are coincidental. I left it open-ended, so if someone wants to pick up the story and run with it, please feel free. I appreciate all the feedback (positive and negative) that I received from my first story, Ghost Mistress....

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My Brother8217s Bride

Huma presents another hot incest between brother and sister story. I thank you all for your comments on my stories. I had kept myself away from my incestuous love with my own brother Karthik, younger to by three years. Actually our first encounter had been a chance encounter. It had been my birthday and we drank just for fun. Slowly I grew tipsy and aroused sexually. My brother was fascinated by my large boobs and firm ass. To crown the evening, our Cable operator showed a blue film by chance....

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Mail Order

Mail Order By Charlotte Dickles 'Giles. Why are all men so fascinated at looking down women's blouses?' It was the third week at my new job. I'd gone into the office for an early evening coffee break and had surprised Gwen, who was bending over to reach something out of one of the lower drawers in a filing cabinet. The view down the front of her blouse was like staring down a Lake District valley from the top of Helvelyn - and the blood was rushing through my veins as though...

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The Back Garden Bride

The Back Garden Bride I was born Nathan, although for as long as I can remember, I have been known as Nat. Apparently when I was very young and learning to talk, I found my name a little too long and difficult to say out loud, so I shortened it as much as I could. Naturally I had it pointed out to me many times during my childhood that Nat was more of a girl's name, but that never bothered me, so the name stuck with me. I was an average kid for the most part, average height, average...

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The Pinch Hit Bride

The Pinch Hit Bride (A Fantasy Of The Delights Of Transvestism) by Deborah Leigh Johnson aka Miss Karen-Anne Brown Hi. My name is Tommy, Tommy Girard. I am fifteen years old, and it is mid way through a Friday morning. At this moment, I am sitting in my sister Janet's room. And, I am torn with guilt, with fear, with a sense of perhaps betraying a loyalty, and, mostly, a sense that I have to do this thing that has been asked of me to do, for my sister. Let me...

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The Widower Bride

The Widower Bride by enduringshades Three months ago Tom gathered his immediate family together and told them of his plans for his wedding anniversary. At first they were not sure they heard correctly, then they were shocked, and then they became very emotional when Tom told them of his ambitious plan and asked for their blessing and support to make it an unforgettable day and to celebrate Jessica's memory. Tom had married his childhood sweetheart Jessica last year. They were...

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The Worlds First Futa Futas Wedding DelightChapter 3 Futarsquos First Sultry Bride

April 17th, 2047 “The reception was absolute torture,” I said while the cameras filmed the interview, streaming it live to the world. I was recounting my life, speaking about attending the wedding of Kurt, my ex-boyfriend, to Rosemary Ramsey. Well, now she was Rosemary Albertson. “I just wanted to fuck the bride so badly, Adelia. It was so hard to think about my promise when I knew she was close to me.” “I bet it was,” Adelia said, the talk show host interviewing me. She had such a naughty...

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The Saddle Bride

This is a story based in the old west of the 1870's. I have tried to be historically accurate in many regards but have chosen to use modern references to feminine undergarments in some places simply for my own pleasure. I hope that you will forgive me for that one indulgence. The story is quite long but I originally wanted it to be much longer. "The Saddle Bride" Chapter One Claudius Hopper, known locally as 'Claude' ambled down the very center of the dusty street. It had...

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Find Bride

Find a bride? Today’s the day my dudes. Today’s the day that TPD is going to settle down. And what better way to do that than to find a bride online! is the perfect site for this. Granted, all the women on this site are Russian and Ukrainian, so if you can get over the thick accent then we’re on our way. Besides, we both know how sexy those eastern European girls are. And they raise them to be good housewives! Just the way it should be. Alright, before I doze off by thinking...

Hookup Sites
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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 17 Here Comes the Bride

Picture this if you will. A church sanctuary decorated in yellow and white (the school colors) flowers of various species and arrangements tastefully arranged down the aisle and across the altar. Standing at the altar were the minister, best man (Alex) and me. Lined up in the vestibule of the church were 16 of the most beautiful cheerleaders in their yellow and white uniforms ready to march down the aisle. The pews were filled with all our invited guests, some of which I recognized. There...

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Sororal Twins 8 Picture Perfect Bride

Please read the other parts of this story first! Sororal Twins part 8: Picture perfect I wondered how many more surprises Jenny had in store for me. Amy started on some solo pictures of the bride alone. She took pictures from various different angles and used several different backgrounds. I moved from location to location and position to position as Amy requested. Jenny adjusted my train as I moved around. I really hoped that the pictures turned out. It would be nice to have...

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Proof of the Bride

Mark hated Claire. Despite becoming his aunt after marrying his uncle, he couldn't stand her. Claire was a confident, decisive woman. With long blond hair and a curvaceous figure, she cut an immaculate image beside her new, and rich, husband. She was also, of course, a shameless liar and only a slutty outfit away from being considered a bimbo. Her relationship with her husband, Jeffrey, proved her to be a gold digger, siphoning money from his bank to fuel her and her friends'...

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I Cant Be A Bride

I Can't Be A Bride by Throne The closer I got to my wedding date, the more nervous I became. It seemed almost impossible that I was marrying Talia, a gorgeous blond with the figure of a swimsuit model and the face of an angel. I got so stressed on the day we went to city hall for our license that she gave me a pill to calm me down. It certainly helped my jitters and the whole afternoon passed in a pleasant blur. Her gay brother Mark drove us and was there for every step of the...

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The Bride

Jenna was born in a country where girl babies were raised and sold by the fathers for brides. Jenna's mom had birthed f******n babies and the eight girls were to be sold for brides. Girls were taught to serve the husband. Leo bought Jenna as when she developed she was very sexy looking. She had a slender waist and nice thick ass and great tits. Leo loved sex and had a huge craving all the time for it. He had a nice long thick cock and nice big balls. He was thirty years older than Jenna and...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 10 The Bride

Introduction: The ghost takes a bride and her sister on her wedding day! The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Ten: The Bride Thursday, September 19th, 2013 Paris, Texas You dirty slut, Happy giggled. The reverends adulterous wife was sprawled on Franny Reynolds bed, her best friend and one of her many lovers. I used to think Happy was a shrewish prude, but after I molested her in the middle of her husbands church service, I...

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Rain Bride

She opened the box. Inside was a long robe of soft cotton, pure white and almost translucent. It was the garment worn by all Rain-Brides for their consummation with Sebak, but this one was made specifically for her. She put it on, savouring how silky it felt on her olive skin. She suppressed a nervous shudder as she tied the woven belt around her waist. Nailah had been elated when the high priest told her she had been chosen: such an honorable position seemed above her status. There were...

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Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Virgin Bride

ForewordHello readers, sorry to delay the storytelling, this is just a short note about why I wrote this story. If you page down to the Prologue now, you won't miss any of the story.The creator of Sherlock Holmes – Arthur Conan Doyle – is possibly the world's most famous author of short stories, and these days erotica is the literary genre now most commonly presented in small, delicious portions; so the marriage of the two was too enticing for me to resist. I own (and treasure) a paperback...

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The Bride

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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The Brother Bride

My twin sister Julie and I had always been close. Growing up, we shared each other’s deepest secrets. I had always told her I would do anything for her.Julie was a girly-girl, and loved being female. She had said she would be happy if she could wear dresses and heels all the time. Her wardrobe reflected that. She had also known about my urge to wear female clothes since we were young, and being my dear sister, never told anyone else. She told me she could never mock me or embarrass me in front...

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Here Cums The Bride

I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday.That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met.As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...

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MAU Blushing Bride

MAU: Blushing Bride Synopsis: At a bachelor party, a few friends use an MAU to liven up the party. This leaves the groom in a very strange situation with the upcoming wedding; he and his bride-to-be have to improvise a lot. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Blushing Bride "Hey! The unlucky victim is here!" Paul called cheerfully as he recognized the guest standing on the porch. "We've all been...

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So many Husbands in life of an Indian Bride

MANY HUSBANDS OF AN INDIAN BRIDE Oh God! its my marriage tomorrow and i am sitting with my friend Karan who is a designer. As per the Indian Customs, the wedding dress of the bride is sent by the bridegroom. What happened was that Karan could not get time to make Raveena, my to be bride, to try out the dress and he was sitting tensed for the dress had to be tried for Raveena has to wear it the next day. I am tensed too and feeling that raveena would kill me if the dress doesent fit...

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Halloween Bride

This is a true story. The incident took place on Halloween in Columbus, Ohio. Nothing has been changed to embellish the story. I hope you enjoy it. Hugs, Kelly Davidson * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here I was, parked outside a Wal-Mart on this cool, cloudy day Halloween morning trying to gather up the courage to follow a dream. It wasn't the fear of going into the store dressed that was stopping me. I had scoped out the place the night before in regular clothes (skirt...

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You May Hang the Bride

You May Hang the Bride by A. P. DamienChapter 1 Summary: This story includes descriptions of a woman being hanged, while others watch and have an orgy. ?Interactive, consensual. Picture this, if you will: An outdoor wedding. Folding chairs set up, the groom's friends and relatives on one side of the aisle, the bride's on the other. As often happens, about 20% of the guests consider themselves friends of both and choose a side at random, or based on where their other friends are sitting. Most of...

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Sororal Twins 9 Here Comes The Bride

Sororal Twins part 9: Here Comes The Bride Michelle and I exited the ladies room, and we met up with the rest of the group near the front door. Michelle and Miranda had to head back to the dorms to get ready for a Halloween party. Apparently, they weren't going to go as bridesmaids. Jenny and I thanked Amy, and we left. Once again, we were in Jenny's car, headed to the party. "I'm sorry I had to lie to you" Jenny said. "I thought that it would be a wonderful surprise." "Oh,...

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An Unwilling Bride

       It was midmorning in late August, but already the weather was positively sweltering, as the men folk would say ?hot as Hell? when they thought that there were no ladies about.  The air in the bride room at the church was heavy and close.  Margaret, the bride, sat passively in the middle of the room while all the women of her family rushed around making final preparations for the upcoming ceremony.  Her Aunt Ruth and Aunt Debbie fanned her frantically in a vain attempt to keep her cool. ...

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SuperSister 7 Claire Ross Alias SuperBride

Super-Sister #7: Claire Ross, Alias Super-Bride! By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the...

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Interview With a Bride

Interview With a Bride By Cassandra Morgan "Well, Kim, you're certainly pretty enough. But do you think I have room in my family for every sissy in the city?" I folded my hands into my lap. I didn't say anything. I stared at the floor. "No, Mistress," I said. "Just room enough for me." Anita smiled softly. She always had a soft spot for a new sissy. It was a weakness. She liked new. New lips. New attitudes. New flesh. But this one was different. She had come on her own,...

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Father and Mother of a Bride

FATHER AND MOTHER OF A BRIDE by enduringshades A SPECIAL DAY I am sitting in my living room all dressed to the nines. The car is not due for another half hour, but I am very excited and I couldn't wait to get ready. I've been preparing for this special day for six months now. I have been dieting and exercising, learning how to dance and planning and deciding what to wear. I am really pleased with my outfit. Since my twenties, it is one that I often daydreamed about wearing if I...

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Strapon Bride

Regina smiled broadly as she entered the secluded cabin nestled among the tall ponderosa pines. At 24, she had a considerable amount of sexual experience compared to that of the 21 year old man that she married that same morning. Their courtship had lasted nearly eight months, and although they had engaged in sex play, she had not allowed him to have intercourse with her, saying that she would only allow that with a man to whom she was married. Their sex play had consisted of everything but...

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Sold As An American Bride

Sold as an American Bride By Jena Corso Michael and James were having a great time at their business conference in Moscow. After three days they had begun to make the business contacts they felt they needed if they were going to succeed in opening the Russian branch for the firm. On our fourth night they were beginning to adjust to the time difference and enjoying dinner and a few cocktails when Michael received an unexpected phone call. As Michael hung up the phone he stared at...

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The American Bride

The American Bride    In the early days of Michaelmas Term, when the showers of summer have given way to the glorious, cool, sunny days of October, the Thames Valley takes on a mellow autumnal atmosphere.  The grass is still green, the trees still in leaf.  Roses still bloom before the cottages and families still walk along the towpaths, enjoying the fine weather.  The days grow shorter.  The farmers attend to the haying and harvests, and on especially clear days one can see for miles,...

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Here Cums the Bride

I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years Now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday. That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met. As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...

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MILF of the Bride

I just got home and the light on my answering machine was blinking, usually not a good sign the person could not reach me on my cell. It was Mike and he needed me to fill in for another guy who could not make a wedding this weekend. It was Thursday and I had to leave for Vermont tomorrow after work if I wanted to make it. I had know Mike since 6Th grade and we both used each other for emergency situation, especially if it was to get laid or his date or mine needed a buddy to go on a double...

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The Christmas Bride

Shelly stood before the mirror viewing her bridal gown of white satin, intricately trimmed within tiny mother of pearls in addition to white lace. In less then one hour she would be Mrs. Austin Weston her sweet heart and one true love from high school. Her blue eyes sparkled with anticipation, her lips lined in the softest pink lipstick, while her cheeks showed just a hint of blush, her dark chocolate brown hair cascading in delicate curls down her back, Meg, her maid of honor placed a diamond...

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Instant Bride

Instant Bride By Miriam Grey I had been looking forward to this weekend. I hadn't had a chance to relax in months and I'd planned to do nothing for two glorious days. Of course, it didn't work quite the way it was supposed to do, but nothing ever does, does it? Firstly, I was intending to sleep until Saturday afternoon at the earliest but the insistent ring of the doorbell ruined that. Glancing across I saw the time emblazoned in red on my alarm clock. Shit, who calls at seven...

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Dancing with the Bride

(c) 2005 by Penelope Street The darkness of the Wheeling Tunnel swallowed our sedan. In that instant, my chest felt as hollow as the mountain through which we drove. The light at the end of this particular tunnel looked far from inviting. That glare ahead, I knew, was Ohio. Sure, we still had a couple more hours of driving to go, but this was the final border. I looked to the driver’s seat and Lynn, my lover. Her eyes were forward, as they had been throughout the whole of West Virginia....

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Sara becomes The Bride

crossdresser – transsexual – sissy – bride – slut – wedding night – lingerie – oral – stockings – analBecoming Sara has been the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life. Between the clothes and living as her all the time, to becoming the thing men fantasize, it has been an amazing transition.While I had some good friends, girls like myself that I met at one of the trans bars in town, I did lack male friends. I was never a sociable person, very much an introvert but since I have...

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Karishma A One Night Bride

Hi everyone, this is Karishma again. Now I am here with a new sexperience which took place on Jan 1, 2017. Coming to the story. It was 31st Night, I went to a party with my friends and enjoyed a lot over there. While I was returning back, It was 3 in the morning and no vehicles were seen on the road. I had left my scooter in a garage for servicing. Due to that, I had to stand in the road asking for a lift. No vehicles came. I was losing my hope and began to walk slowly towards the beach. It was...

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Gambors Bride

Gambor's Bride. This tale is pure Sci Fi and for the fun of it. Peace Belle. Theodore to escape death in a raid is found in a dress. He is made into Fiona and a bride. My Name is Fiona. When I was born, my name was Theodore. My tale starts when I was about 12. It was then the forces of King Bodkin stormed my village. I was making the evening meal when it happened. Since I had a small frame and I wanted to live, I hid in my sister's room. My sister left six years prior and my...

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Young Bride

It's true that my marriage is somewhat different than most. I have been dominating my young spouse for several years now, since before we were married. One of my female friends introduced me to her younger brother, Lonnie, who was only twenty years old at the time. I was thirty two. I liked him immediately - perhaps you could say I saw potential. Lonnie was living with his sister, Kay, while he was attending the local college. She asked him if he would like to go out on a date with...

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Slut Bride

My fantasy begins on my wedding day: I am 23, dressed in a virginal white wedding gown & veil, getting married to a wonderful man. "Tom" is a miner, and he has invited virtually every friend he has ever known! The wedding reception is held in a huge dining hall that Tom managed to rent "for a good price." It looks pretty run-down and seedy, but we are both so happy that it doesn't matter. Unfortunately, none of my friends and family could make it, so it is just me, Tom and about 200...

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A Day as a Bride

A Day as a Bride The following is a true story but some names have been changed. My name is Shari Williams and this is my story of a once in a lifetime dream come true for me. I was visiting a nearby town on business, and as luck would have it there was a bridal shop across the street from my hotel. After knocking off work early one day I decided to stop by and look around. When I walked in I was greeted by Candice and her mother Helen. They run the shop together. They said feel...

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My Brother The Bride

MY BROTHER THE BRIDE by BobH (c) 2009 I am the word. I've always loved my twin brother, Michael - he's my brother, after all - but there was a time when I didn't like him very much. That time is not now, I'm glad to say. No, now he's perfect. Mikey's getting married today and I'm here offering sisterly support as he gets ready for the big event. He's nervous of course, but looking at him I can't help but feel proud of him and of how he's grown into such a beautiful person over...

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The Cats Bride

For my 8th birthday, my parents brought me to see a play about a cat who wore boots and was a hero to many people. I adored the play, and when we returned home, I reenacted it as often as possible with the cat my parents gave me. I used him like a doll, dressing him up, and pretending he was an invincible force of justice. A strange thing happened, one day, I looked around and realized that there were hundreds of cats watching me. I blushed and curtseyed. Imagine, a simple girl like me...

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