I Challenged Him free porn video

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A two-week temporary roomie, who was connected to me through a mutual friend, a girl I had dated briefly some years back. He lived on the other coast, but was in town working for a two month run. His gig was now over, but he had some interviews to do in town for new work, and no place to stay. The old gig booked him out of his digs the day after he was released from the job.

Once Terese connected us, he offered me a nice sum up front to stay in my back bedroom for the 14 days he needed before heading back east. I was happy to have the extra cash, as well as the company, and he seemed pretty low-key, smart, respectful, clean and successful. What was not to like?

We didn’t spend much time around each other in the first week, both being busy and on different schedules, But we did have some late night chats over beers, and morning musings over coffee. I got to know him a little and he me. And I’m sure somewhere in the back of my mind, I must have whispered to myself more than once, “I wonder if…” - but dismissed it, because it had only ever really happened a little for me while with Lisa, and I hadn’t thought how to shoot for it alone. I do remember thinking to myself in those moments that he was good looking all over and seemed to have a sexual energy that didn’t stop.

Was it an accident that I let slip the fact that I wrote eloquent porn in one of our late night gabs? It might have just been the subject. Sex always comes up eventually with guys. He said he wanted to read some of my writings, because the stuff he’d read recently wasn’t doing it for him. I figured, hell, he’s gone in a week or so, let him read. He had what I sensed was an open mind, so I gave him my blog page address. And continued to quietly wonder.

I walked into the apartment late the next night, and heard some distinct noises down the hall. I halted in my entryway, closed the door quietly, and listened. It was the telltale sound of a male a****l nearing an orgasm, grumbling half-intelligible obscenities, grunting, panting with a subtly rising tonality in his vocal gymnastics. And I swear that my hand went right to my own eagerly rising cock from the very raw ummph of his orgasm’s eruption. Jesus, it stirred me up to hear that, in ways that surprised me.

It was late. I didn’t know him. I wasn’t going there. But part of me at least acknowledged to myself that I wanted to go there. I wanted to walk in and smirk at him and say “You couldn’t have waited for me?” He probably would have laughed along with me, then offered to swallow my cock so that I could catch up cum-wise. I know that now. If I’d known that then….

Next morning over coffee, he muttered from under his ruffled mane, “Fucking nice writing you do.”

I knew he was no pushover in the intellect department and I thanked him appropriately for his fine compliment.

“Are you into all that, or is it more fantasy?” he asked. Then he waited a tick before adding, “I do a little writing of a different kind. I know some is real, some is not. Some desire is only for fantasy, some for real.”

It was a pleasure talking with someone who understood. No lengthy explanations necessary.

I spilled the beans that I was comfortable spilling, even about some of my bi play desires, and alluded to the misfires that I experienced with my former muse on the subject.

He didn’t say much. He seemed lost in the fog of the morning and in the dark brew before him. “Well, I have to say, it made me cum big time last night, and I so fucking needed that. I lived like a saint on that last project. I just had no time for play.”

I wanted to say more than “Happy to oblige.” I wanted to tell him how intensely erotic his explosion sounded to me. How it made me masturbate with my pillow as a gag. I ended up smiling through my own fog and saying, “Glad I could be of service.” But even that sounded like a come-on, and I never meant it to be.

As we waded through the surprisingly porn-peppered, waking conversation, he asked me more directly about my experiences with guys. After all, I’d opened that door already.

I told him in more detail about Lisa getting me started, and our time searching for the right guy to share with her. And how a couple of them were interesting, but not so much into what we really wanted to do or even try. “It hasn’t really worked in reality…yet” - I let that hover in the morning air, for us both, really -”but with the right guy, I think it might.”

“Yeah”, he chimed in, “I’ve had that problem. I like the idea. Even had a couple of decent experiences with guys. But I guess I’m too fucking picky for my own good”

Suddenly, I laughed and he followed. We were semi-mirrors of each other in more ways than I ever expected.

I just said quietly, but firmly, “We deserve so much better than decent.”

The conversation trailed off as he said, “Yes…. one of these days…” and I nodded, then repeated his words nearly verbatim.

It hung there in the warming air, though neither of us acknowledged more than the conversation itself.


Over the next few days, we barely saw each other, and he was nearing his departure day. I texted him to let him know that if he needed to stay longer, he was welcome without any more remuneration. He answered that he’d love to but his airline ticket would be too expensive to change again. Then he suggested we hang out that night if I wasn’t working.

We caught a bite at a nice sidewalk cafe, shared stories and people watched. We picked out girls we’d like to meet and take home as they sauntered by. He mentioned that he didn’t look for guys so much in that way, but then he pointed to a young good looking male who he thought he might maybe want, “If the guy’s not an asshole.”

I said, “Let’s find a nice couple and k**nap them both. We could share. Have a little of each flavor.”

It was all done with that sarcastic low-keyed humor that men banter with in public, but there was something underneath it all that neither of us would mention, barely even to ourselves. To me though, it rang in my ears with every passing comment.

Back at my place, it was getting late. We talked about his last full day’s schedule, and about his trip to the airport the following morning. He headed off to clean up and get some rest.

But at one point, before he closed his door, he yelled out again, half-jokingly, “I’m going to read some more of your bi porn and whack myself off to sleep. Try not to listen!”

“I don’t know, you sound pretty good!”, I retorted, not letting on that I actually did hear him.

There was a bit of a long silent pause. I yelled again for fun, “Did you cum yet? Was it good for you?”

I heard from the back room, “Shut up, I’m reading smut and I’m hard.”

My body was quietly trembling. I could feel my mind actually considering just going back there, walking in on him and grabbing his cock for… well, a little but of everything - swallowing, riding and then some. But I had no idea if it would be welcome, or what kind of weird mess it could make. God knows, he looked good enough to dive into, but that’s not everything.

I could hear the soft beginnings of his panting, the kind from someone stroking himself upward into his pleasure dome. The house was completely still except for his gently mounting sexual noises and mutterings. I found myself holding my breath just to listen to every nuance. I had my own cock in my hand and was beginning to masturbate along with him, thinking, ‘he’s just down the hall…’.

I was about to say something to him, to finally test the waters, even just to peek in and watch him cum to my story - I had no fucking idea what - when a text came through on my phone. I was grateful for the break in the sexual tension.

But it was him. Texting from the back room.

“I’m texting so I don’t embarrass myself with you. This fucking story is so hot, this shit you write is so real… and, well… if you wanna help, or join me… you know where I am. Worst case, I’m gone in a day and a half.

My mind raced. This was one of those moments you think will never come. I texted back one word: “Serious?”

His response came. “I’d love to try. See if it’s better than before. If it’s weird, we can stop. But… you might be the right one..”

My cock was rigid, thumping and drooling and I’d barely even noticed.

In the nerves of the moment, I was stupidly trying to decide whether to text him back first or just walk in and start something.

One more text came in with this photo - of him stretched out on the back bed, his bared nipple and torso and his very alluring ass. Fuck. one look and I knew then that I wanted him. I wanted to be buried deep in that tempting round ass; that lush ass that was right now being offered freely.

I texted back: “What, no cock?”

“I have one, but I’m not a cock shot whore. Cum and get it, If you want.”

I almost started to laugh. We were just a hallway apart, flirting over our phones and both stroking very hungry hard meat, waiting for perhaps the right signals to ignite.

I wrote back: “On my way. Don’t move.”

I walked in to see him in the photo pose. It was just fucking perfect. I’d thought to even bring some lube on the way, which I dropped on the floor when I sat next to his half naked body. I knew what I wanted. It was him. All of him. ’This one’, I thought to myself, ‘might just be the right one. The right one to see how much I really want this in my sexual arsenal.’

“Fucking nice ass you have”, I said sincerely. “Lemme see the rest.”
He turned just enough. His cock was perfect. Nice thickness, nice length. A perfect meal for any opening.

“So….” he hummed, “Wanna… try some…things?”

“I wanna”, and I punctuated the answer with a warm hand wrap about his shaft. The silk and steel feel of him in my palm sent a shock wave of wanton fire through my veins, and spun my brain into just the right fever mode for this new breach of sexual custom.

I wasn’t quite sure where to start, because it was like a gourmet meal awaiting me, looking all too delicious. Where to begin? Then I had an idea, and gently said, “I’d hate to interrupt your reading, so… just go back to it. I’ll ‘help’ as you so brilliantly suggested.


There was something so intensely intimate about what we began to do. He went back to reading one of my longer, dirtier MMF bi sex stories, and in the mix, we half consciously began stripping and pawing one another.

I slipped behind him once we were both naked, and slowly stroked his gorgeous cock as he read my story, silently at first. But now and then, he would re-read a heated passage to me aloud, and I’d ramp up the cock play to hear his voice falter and wobble, while I nipped and kissed his naked shoulders. With every stroke and every taste of his skin, I wanted him more. My body couldn’t seem to get close enough to his.

He would ask me to read some sections to him, so he could close his eyes and drink in the sensation and the wicked words. In between the spoken text, I’d remind him, now and then, not to cum yet. By the end of the story, my hand was drenched in his pre-cum and his ass crack and lower back was soaked in mine. I was stroking his cock and pinching his nipples and biting his neck, as he was rocking back into my swollen thickness.

We both slowed to breathe a little, and I said in an unintended hoarse whisper, “Did that… help?”

“Uh huh”

“Gonna read more?”

“I can’t focus”


We had hardly looked at one another, but that was imminent. We were primed. The savage b**st would not be quelled for long. But we were new to this and to each other. so we stumbled our way further though the luscious darkness

Before I turned him to face me, I whispered again, as I slid my slippery dick up and down his perfect ass. “If I had my druthers, I’d really like to fuck your ass as deep as I can go. It feels soooo fucking good. And I mean to leave a gallon of cum in there too.“

He made an unintelligible sound which I thought was a heated “fuck yes” reaction.

I asked, “That work for you?”

“Yeah, uhhh, so works for me… yes yes yes. Do it.”

I tried to be polite to my willing naked guest. Why, I don’t know? “What do you want to do?”

He kept rocking on my length and arching back into me. We could have done that for an hour or two, I thought to myself.

“I’ve always wanted to have a really good man-to-man 69″, he managed to mutter.

Mmmmm, “I love the sound of that”, I said, “We should do that first.”

Without another word spoken, we shimmied about to face each other, and there came that moment of truth. Shame-tinged, but determined eyes meeting, sparkling in the lights through the window. Our nakedness complete to the other, bodies and wanting souls. I placed his hand on my cock, and we were suddenly, silently falling into erotic mirror games.

Now our eyes wouldn’t look away and rather quickly there was no shame left in them. There was a simple, mutual decision. It hadn’t been fully made in truth until our eyes locked in this deeper nakedness.

He became almost a shy little boy as he asked if I liked to kiss. I said that I hadn’t kissed but one other man, but I wanted to kiss him. We both leaned in and our bodies scooted closer, our cocks meeting, our hands braiding to join in on the up-and-down motions as one.

Lips to lips, turned swiftly to a battle of the tongues, sucking, lapping, nipping, and now the furnace was stoked and heading toward roaring. I found myself suddenly shoving him onto his back on the bed, pushing his knees toward his chest so my cock could meet his at full length. Again, our hands clasped both shafts together, as we began an outer body fuck, our tongues tangling when they could reach one another,

When I pulled back a bit, our eyes met again, but this time, with that look of “Fuck, we are doing this and I’m not stopping”. The reflections were speckled with mutual fire and our bodies responded with a ramping-up of perpetual motion.

Then it was like a dare. The dirty talk came out of real questions.

“When you imagine your 69, are we both cumming in each others’ throats and faces?”

“Mmmm, fuck yes” he moaned.

“Yeah, I want to feel you erupt like you did the other night when I heard you cum. So. Fucking. Hot. I want to know how it feels when you blast your cum into my face and down into my body.”

He blushed, and made more aroused and arousing grunts, then he began to fuck my cock back hard.

“Tell me what else you want”, I demanded, since I had the top spot for the moment.

“When you fuck me” he said plainly, “Make it hard and all the fucking way in.”

“That’s the plan”

I leaned down and bit his nipple. Then he asked me if he could do the same to my ass.

All I said with a mouthful of his lower lip was “You better.”

That was it. I swiveled my hips about, dangled my dick over his face, and took his in my hand, wrapping my lips about his slick cockhead.

I had one more thought before I devoured him cock and soul, “Try and see how long you can hold out. There’s always much more cum that way.”

I could feel him shake his head yes with half of my shaft already across his tongue. And off we went, into a cock-sucking tug-of-war.

I’d never felt anything so feral and wrong. hot and arousing, dirty and brilliant in one rocking fuck dance. I knew I was in the throes of making another man shoot a warm gooey load of his sexual seed down my throat and into my gullet, something I had never done except maybe in wet dreams. And I was going to tease every last drop out of him that I could. The more I played and teased and taunted him to the edge and back, the more I wanted this. Badly. I could hear the phrase ‘cum whore’ bouncing about in my consciousness.

We switched positions now and then as we tussled. It was a throat-fucking wrestling match and his ass rocked back and forth in a way that I almost wanted to stop what we were doing, pin him down and ramrod his hole until we both roared to the fucking heavens.

I couldn’t believe how much of him I had taken in my throat at certain points and still tried for more. I had fingers in his ass that were wetted with some my saliva and his precum. I was fucking his ass’ gripping hole with three fingers, knuckles deep, humming low in my throat for added vibration, and shaking my head in a rhythm to add to the raw fuck-and-suck dance we were doing.

We were actually sucking each other side-by-side when I felt him growl in a telling way, with my cockhead nuzzling his gag reflex. I knew I was about to get cum-blasted down my open throat for the first time this way. I clawed his ass and pulled him in deeper to let him know to let go and just fucking explode into me.

I growled back with the sheer bliss of this cumwash I’d help to create, tilted my head to capture as much as I could without gagging, and when his first volleys happened, the lusciously lewd feel of his cum spraying across my tongue and rushing into the back of my mouth and parts adjacent tripped my own triggers as well.

Suddenly there were two men, gurgling and gulping and panting and moaning and fucking furiously, their faces full of rocking, spurting man-meat, both fighting to savor every ounce of sticky sex they could muster from this the double-dip tango they were fiercely engaged in together.

It had been better than I’d ever dreamed it could be. All I could think in the wild swirl of the moment was, how can I keep him here for a month or two?

As we alighted from our filthy flight, we kept stroking one another, careful not to over-sensitize our sticky, twitching tools. I swiveled back to face him again, and we instinctively tangled side by side, legs interlocked, mouths dripping with cum, which swiftly became the prize of our ensuing kisses, when we could stop panting long enough to do so.

“Fucking hell”, I finally managed, “Good, ummmm, suggestion”

“Yeah” was all he managed before we kissed in a really hot and dirty fashion.

I quietly said, “That was really…. fucking good. Great. The best. I mean. it makes me… You make me… want more. Just sayin’”.

“Me too”, he said quickly, “Lots more, if you’re up for it.”

“Lots sounds good, yeah”

There was a long pause, during which we busied ourselves with seeing who could lick up the most cum from the other. And I don’t think we had stopped playing with each others’ dicks as of yet. It was definitely a sign of wanting more.

He smiled, kind of wickedly and said “You weren’t really planning to sleep tonight, were you?”

I smiled back to match him, “You weren’t planning to really go home on Sunday, were you?”

The conversation swiftly returned to dirtier places.

“When I fuck that hot ass of yours… and I will very shortly”, I promised, “I want you to be reading one of my stories. I’m not going to let you cum until you finish the story aloud. I want to hear what your voice does when I tease your pleading dick, while I drive mine deep into your spine as you read depraved things to me.”

We were both getting hard again.

He finally answered, “I’ll think of something to match that when i take yours…”, he trailed off.

I challenged him by simply saying, “You better…”

This night, I now hoped, might never end.

Same as I challenged him Videos

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A Night Trip By Bus To Lakhimpur

Hey friends its Mayur das again and I hope you liked my story as per your comments and suggestions with my rent house aunty the story is titled as Kavita Aunty made my fantasy true and if you have not read it I suggest you to read it I guarantee a full repayment for your 200kb loss of data usages while you read the story don’t read it in hurry or start stroking even when I have started get into the character get into my place! Start reading! It was summer noon of July’s when my mom and dad had...

3 years ago
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Kaas Nashim

[The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual individuals or actual events is purely coincidental. The author is not responsible for your own projections of guilt.] -KA'AS NASHIM- _Hawaii '05_ People think that you get judged when you die. And you do, don't worry about that. But you also get judged on a running basis as you live, as well. Spot checks, random assessments. Names and events cross the Desk of God in turn, and each is judged in the order that...

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Seraphima Seraphima(by Eve Adorer) Synopsis:If next door was a convent, then eighteen-year-old Seraphima was just ?the girl next door?. Like all young girls, Seraphima was compelled by the mysterious wonder between her legs. As her story begins, the question of the moment is, what is Seraphima, a convent girl, doing in the ?Poolside Bar??  Seraphima(by Eve Adorer) Chapter 1 - Pool Pool or pools? Alluring: brown: compellingly disquietening: electrically flashing golden heavenly...

3 years ago
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Teip to Himachal

Hi to all the sexy readers of ISS I am a 22 yrs old guy from Delhi. This is my first time I am posting a story. This incident happens 5 years back. When I took admission in some engg coll. I used to go by college bus .on the 4th day when I reached the bus stand from where I took the college bus I saw there was a man standing with his sexy daughter. After sometime my college bus came and we both boarded the bus till now I don’t know that she has taken admission in my college. In the bus while...

1 year ago
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Vampish Vanishree falls at Ashima

Hello ISS lovers! The following story was inspired by a brief line sent to me by one of my friends ( a female, of course! ). I hope you would love reading my first attempt to post a lesbian story for you to enjoy! Vanishree, was petite although she always evoked those usual glares from guys around. Migrating from a small town to a buzzing city wasn’t easy although she had begun coping up with the ordeals of being a part of the cosmopolitan. She wasn’t feeling humiliated anymore whenever guys...

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The following is a translation of the JAV embedded above. I try to capture as many details as possible in a format that that follows the porn without the need for subtitles. Please enjoy.The format of my translations changed a bit back in August. Rather than just translating the conversation, I'm starting to translate the AV while also adding detail about the scene that I see. Most of this can be understood by watching, but consider it practice for the creative writing process. Some of it...

4 years ago
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She looked across the room with sad longing at the man she had been truly deeply in love with for over ten years. She was old enough and wise enough, to recognise that the two years before that had been mere lust. But it had been good lust. For the first three years they had fucked and sucked, hard and fast and as often as circumstances had allowed, then for the next six they had made love. Slow, gentle passionate, loving, love. Oh they had fucked and sucked, but predominantly they had made...

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A Paladins JourneyChapter 5 The Lights of the Arohim

***ARAN SUNBLADE – Sorral Plain, Ekistair*** The next morning, Aran and Kedron rode side by side, keeping their horses at a brisk walk. They had broken camp early, and the sky had not yet begun to turn grey in the east. Smythe had ridden out further, seeking out small camps of Heralds to attack, while helping them avoid the larger ones, and any of the dozens of farms that dotted the vast plain. Aran took his eyes off the surrounding landscape to glance at Kedron. Staring at nothing, his...

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TatyanaChapter 11 Windchime

There was a ceremony held when the first ground was turned for the Windchime project. Donald McLaren, the mayor, Taylor Erskine, the principal tenant, and a representative of the Chamber of Commerce all smiled with their hands on a new shovel. Cameras clicked and handshakes followed. A picture would appear in both local papers that week. After sitting empty and abandoned for almost four years, the marina was once again going to be the focal point of Comox harbour. Standing off to the side...

2 years ago
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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 9 Open Sushime

We all deal with bad news in different ways. The doctor simply released the tension in his knees and slid to the floor. Asim also lowered himself to the ground, but he then leaned forward and began to pray, extending his arms over his head and touching the floor with his forehead. “Allahu’ Akh’bar.” “Would you stop that!” hissed Caroline. “Subhaanaka Allaahumma wabi hamdika wa tabaarakasmuka wa ta’aala jadduka wa laa ilaaha ghayruka.” “I said STOP that,” said Caroline, and actually kicked...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 55 the Request of Okubo Toshimichi

Battousai: Once of the Satsuma Ishin Shishi, now Director of Internal Affairs under the Meiji government, Okubo Toshimichi. Yahiko: And so what?! Who is this bearded guy that just showed up out of nowhere!? Sanosuke: You don't read the papers. Obviously a mere child wouldn't know. Megumi: The last of the Ishin Sanketsu*, the triumvirate of the new era, the highest achievers of the new age. He has complete control of the country in all but name with the position of Director of Internal...

1 year ago
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We’re used to seeing dudes doing all the work in porn. They are the ones who always do the fucking and banging, and the chicks are just there taking it. Well, I don’t know about you, but from time to time, I like to just kick back, relax, and let the chick do everything. If you want that too, then you should check out /r/SheFucksHim. This place is made for guys who like to relax during sex, as they let the chick do all the heavy lifting. Listen, it might seem unfair to let chicks do all the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Tutor Him! That’s my advice for all the beautiful women out there wondering about the best ways to make a man very happy. Then again, I might have somewhat of a skewed view on the whole act of tutoring thanks to the site I’ve been beating off to all morning. Now that I think of it, I’m not sure any of these eager young students learned anything about math or even finished their homework. Education is important and all, but honestly, everything I really needed to know I learned in my...

Premium Handjob Porn Sites
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Do you really See Him Fuck when you’re watching a straight porno? The woman or women are almost always the focus in fuck flicks, so much so that I rarely really mention the studs doing the banging unless they’re particularly noteworthy for the size of their hog, a third nipple or vestigial tail. My visitors here at ThePornDude usually care a lot more about the women, but I get the feeling you’re a little different in that respect. When you’re shaking your dick at the screen, you want to see him...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Robbie Stuffs Trinas Chimney

by Riotstarter1214Trina was fiddling with the flocking machine trying to do what the nerd in front of her was telling her to. "Robbie I got it.”She pressed the red button and felt the faux snow flow through the hose which was pointed right at Robbie's face. As soon as it hit his face she quickly tried to turn it off.By the time she did his whole front was covered with the snow goo. "Oh my god I'm so sorry.”Jade and Tori broke out in laughter at the sight. Jade pointed to Robbie, "Ha-ha normally...

3 years ago
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Up the Chimney

Gina let out a quiet groan when she was awakened by the clock radio alarm. Blue Christmas by Elvis was playing, and the music merged with her feelings as she’d drifted off to sleep. The bed shifted, and she knew Brian was sitting up to shut off the alarm. In a fit of pique, she rolled over facing the wall. A quiet sigh let her know that the gesture hadn’t gone unnoticed. When he slipped out of the bed without a word or a touch, she knew that he’d received the message she was sending. Once he...

4 years ago
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At Her Whim

At Her WhimPart 1I wake up next morning, as always, in your bed. I tried to roll over and nuzzle you awake which was one of our routines every morning, when I realised that I am tied spread-eagled to the bed. I was already naked when I went to sleep last night so I was not surprised by this fact.I call out for you and am glad to see you walk in and enter the room. I notice you wearing your silken nightie and a long sheer flowing robe both red in colour."Good morning, my pet," you greet me with...

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Passing Whims

Two kindred souls tend to meet at varied times, as did Valerie and she meeting a black horse by the name of Morgan. Their meeting made an instant bond, she wishing to be always near him, as he wished for her to be as one of his many mares. That very night as each slept, both had the same or similar a dream. Morgan had his dream of Valerie coming to visit his stall and there she tried with remarkable ease to entice the stallion of him to showing her his masculine wares. Valerie too had a...

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Starlight Shimmer

Year 2023 Stood, bent over and slightly rattled, Abigale painfully held onto her breast as spittle dripped from her mouth, she tiredly looked up through the mess of her blonde hair towards the ravishing beast known as Solstice. Her silver and white skin tight costume ripped and battered around her body as a bead of sweat slowly dripped down around her jaw. Straightening up with a wince and deep breath, the heroine Starlight Shimmer; Abigale Greendale, focused her eyes solely on the...

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XVIII 8211 Sex In Shimla

We planned a holiday in Simla and have arranged a bungalow there on rent for our stay. We were very happy to be there for spending a lovely and sexy time together in beautiful cold weather in Simla. We had visited here in past also but, than we stayed in hotel. This time we have booked a tourist bungalow for more and more enjoyment in privacy. We reached there in evening and our planning to stay here was for two days. My hubby have park the car in front of the house, double checking the...

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Trip On A Whim

Was this weird? Yeah, definitely. Could I get arrested? Probably. I stopped in my tracks in the middle of the busy airport, bag in one hand, and considered for a moment. I managed to switch off from the hustle and bustle of the arrivals lounge in order to think.At every stage of this trip, I had stopped and turned around to head back. There was no way this was a good idea. I’d start to head back then stop and have the reverse thought process. She’d love it, what a surprise. It would be such a...

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Hung By The Chimney

“Admit it, Aunt Gloria. You’re having the time of your life,” Teresa leaned in and whispered as a couple of young snowboarders did a double-take while passing them.“Maybe a little,” Gloria whispered back, and then let out a quiet laugh. She had been quite apprehensive when her niece had talked her into going shopping for a hot little ski outfit. She had been nervous enough to feel ill when they made their way to the slopes the first time.It didn’t help that they were on a Christmas holiday, and...

3 years ago
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Up the Chimney

Gina let out a quiet groan when she was awakened by the clock radio alarm. Blue Christmas by Elvis was playing, and the music merged with her feelings as she’d drifted off to sleep. The bed shifted, and she knew Brian was sitting up to shut off the alarm. In a fit of pique, she rolled over facing the wall. A quiet sigh let her know that the gesture hadn’t gone unnoticed. When he slipped out of the bed without a word or a touch, she knew that he’d received the message she was sending. Once he...

3 years ago
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Hung by the Chimney

“Admit it, Aunt Gloria. You’re having the time of your life,” Teresa leaned in and whispered as a couple of young snowboarders did a double-take while passing them. “Maybe a little,” Gloria whispered back, and then let out a quiet laugh. She had been quite apprehensive when her niece had talked her into going shopping for a hot little ski outfit. She had been nervous enough to feel ill when they made their way to the slopes the first time. It didn’t help that they were on a Christmas holiday,...

4 years ago
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Up the Chimney

Gina let out a quiet groan when she was awakened by the clock radio alarm. Blue Christmas by Elvis was playing, and the music merged with her feelings as she'd drifted off to sleep. The bed shifted, and she knew Brian was sitting up to shut off the alarm. In a fit of pique, she rolled over, facing the wall. A quiet sigh let her know that the gesture hadn't gone unnoticed. When he slipped out of the bed without a word or a touch, she knew that he'd likewise received the message she was...

2 years ago
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Molly hung her head back, and faced the warm sun. She could feel the hot rays playing across her face and body. She wore only a bathing suit, so the sun reached every sweeping curve, every firm contour, and every spot that she usually hid under her baggy clothes, and modest dresses. In her back yard, she knew that she could relax, not having to worry about critical eyes and judgmental stares. The fence surrounding her was high enough to shut out the rest of the world. She opened her eyes, and...

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The World Ends With A Whimper

All around me, the grimy, cracking walls echoed with the deafening snarl of pistons. Burning rubber kicked up a storm of gravel that ricocheted all around like gunfire. I pressed myself deep into the darkest corner of the bridge arch and curled up as small as I could. I admit it wasn’t my most courageous or heroic moment, but I’ve learned to do whatever it takes to survive. I had no plans on becoming a piece of sport for the lunatic petrol-heads. I could hear their whoops and hollers of joy...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Stepsisters Whim

You close the door behind you and walk into your parent's house, finally back after driving home from your first semester away at college. Finals week was rough, as you'd expected, and you've been looking forward to being able to relax at home. Your hopes are shattered, though, when you turn into the kitchen to see your stepsister, Sarah, standing in the center of the room, looking almost as though she'd been waiting for you. You groan inwardly. Ever since your dad married her mom eight years...

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On a whim

100% fiction! Life had never been easy. Childhood had been rough and over time my , dad and I all grew our separate ways. Between the cheating, the drug use, and the fights, I just had to escape, so I disappeared on a bus when I was 18 and didn't talk to them for 4 years. Life was an adventure, all over the world falling in and out of love. There were times when I even ended up with other guys or with couples. None of them lasted long but every one was left one good note. Life is too short to...

2 years ago
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Challenges of Marrying a Sex Addict

Challenges of Marrying a Sex AddictSnarkChapter 1        She fucks like the Energizer Bunny.  On speed.  That's not being derogatory, just descriptive.  If she were to read this (which is unlikely) she would likely agree.  She's every man's wet dream, including mine.  The problem is that you wake up in a nightmare.        Looong legs, trim ankles, tight calves, granite thighs joining at paradise on both sides.  On the front is a cleft with petite lips and an exaggerated clit.  It's...

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Challenge Accepted

Eighteen months, Eighteen long months since I last had a cock inside me. There is only so much a toy, and talking online can do for you. It was an ordinary Tuesday morning when I woke up early due to a snoring husband. Knowing I wouldn't sleep again, I got up and went downstairs to relax. I turned Lush on in the background not expecting anyone to be online.This is where my day changed even though I didn't know it yet. A couple of people were online, and I was happily...

Straight Sex
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Challenge Accepted Pt 01

1. It was the beginning of her senior year. Orientation day in fact. She was eighteen and so ready to be done with school. This year was a wash anyway. She only needed like four credits to graduate. But they were making her take a full schedule of classes. How fair was that? College seemed so far away. She longed for the days when she could get out of this small, conservative town. She walked past the booths advertising the many clubs the school had to offer with zero interest in any. She...

4 years ago
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Challenge Accepted

I was in a beautifully erotic dream with one of my favorite male actors, when I heard the sound of my Call Me Maybe ringtone in the back of my mind. I cracked my eyes open and hurriedly searched on the nightstand to my left for my iPhone. I tapped the screen, put the phone to my ear and was greeted to the sound of blaring rock music."Shit," I cursed, snatching the phone from my face.Goddamn what time is it? I looked at the screen, blinking against the blinding light, it's 3 'o clock in the...

Straight Sex
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My first Poetry in English: Be gentle with me! If you say it isn't Poetry in anyway. So there is something to think about. Challenge I was surrounded by a white, bright light. There was nothing I could see. There was nothing I could hear. There was nothing I could feel. Silence. Suddenly somebody speaks to me: 'Listen I have chosen you! I will give you a gift and at the same time I will challenge you! You're female, but you will live in a male's body. You will...

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You play as an 18 year old guy named Mike. Your sister Karen is 21 and is a hot brunette. Your Challenge is to try to impregnant her. So lets begin.

4 years ago
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Challenge Bhi Pura Kiya Aur Maze Bhi Liye

By: Aadipr Mera nam Anuj hai. Men ek MNC mein kaam karat hun aur swimming aur body building meri hobby hai. Baat hai hum tin dosto ki mein (yani Anuj) mera dost Alok aur Prshant. Hum tino ek hi MNC men alag alag department mein kaam karate hai par hum pakke dost hai, kafi time se aur bhale hum alag alag kaam karate ho par hamari ek shokh kafi milati hai ladkiyo ke sath enjoy karana, fun sex karna! Hum kai baar ek dusare ke shath share bhi karate hai (agar ladki bhi chahe tabhi!) Last yea...

4 years ago
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Challenge in Commerce City

I have written and posted many porn stories on various Yahoo sites, usually about bisexual, cuckold and creampie situations.  Many of my stories are just a product of my over-active sexual imagination, but some of them are true.  This is a true story of an experience I had in the Denver area with a man wanting to be sucked off.I'm best described as a bisexual, married while male in my fifties, and I really enjoy sucking cocks and balls and swallowing cum, with no reciprocation. I don't like to...


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