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She looked across the room with sad longing at the man she had been truly deeply in love with for over ten years. She was old enough and wise enough, to recognise that the two years before that had been mere lust. But it had been good lust. For the first three years they had fucked and sucked, hard and fast and as often as circumstances had allowed, then for the next six they had made love. Slow, gentle passionate, loving, love. Oh they had fucked and sucked, but predominantly they had made love. Again as often as circumstances would allow. But for the last three years, nothing. She looked up and smiled as her husband touched her lightly on the shoulder.

“Hey babe, you okay?” he whispered.

Ginny nodded. “Fine love,” she responded softly, but her eyes quickly wandered back to her true love.

They were both married now and in the weeks before their marriage they had agreed that once they were married, they would have to stop. It already wasn’t fair on their spouses-to-be, but it would be worse on spouses. It had been Ron’s suggestion, one with which Ginny had agreed totally, yet it had been with a heavy heart.

The real tragedy of it was that Ron had married one of Ginny’s closest friends. In fact, Ron, his wife and Ginny’s own husband had been the closest of friends even before she, Ginny, had appeared on the scene.

She thought back to the day before her own wedding. In her own, quiet, way, she had been dreading it, yet almost no-one knew. She had been sitting on her bed, in the room that had been hers almost from birth, when there had been a tentative knock on the door. She hadn’t been expecting him, but the tentative knock couldn’t be mistaken for anyone elses. Joyously she had flung open the door and almost leaped into his arms.

“Oh Ronny,” she whispered.

Ronny had just held her tight as she clung to him, her face buried into his neck. She squeezed him, then let go and pulled him into her room.

“Where’s Mum?” Ginny asked.

“Gone to see Harry. She and Dad are worried about something.”


He shook his head. “I don’t know.”

“Where’s your... ,” Ginny trailed off.

“Gone to try and make amends to her parents.”

“Oh. So we’re alone in the house?”

Ron nodded, not quite realising what Ginny had been saying. Ginny however knew exactly what she wanted and needed. She wanted Ron for herself one last time. She pulled him gently to her and began to kiss him. It hadn’t taken them long to start making love, Ron’s long, hard cock sliding slowly but firmly in and out of Ginny’s wet and willing pussy. To Ginny, Ron had been handsome and beautiful and wonderful and loving. His hard cock had slid delightfully in and out of her, pressing her clitoris at just the right moments. His hard chest had brushed her sensitive nipples, bringing extra delightful sensations; his firm hands had caressed her skin, leaving trails of fire wherever they went. And his kisses, oh his kisses ... Remembering back, Ginny began to get wet all over again. Reluctantly she tore her eyes from him. She had promised herself she would get over him, but it was hard. He was still kind and wonderful to her and she at least was still in love with him, but they were no longer lovers.

That last time they had made love for nearly four hours. Ginny had felt Ron fill her a number of times and she knew she had had three massive orgasms along with numerous other smaller climaxes. By the time she had heard her parents get home, Ron had already left, but she had remained lying on the bed for another half an hour before her mother had called her for supper.

She turned to her husband and smiled at him. He was only peripherally aware of her, most of his attention on Ron and his beautiful wife, but Ginny’s movement caught his attention and he turned and smiled lovingly at her. Ginny reflected. She loved her husband, and knew he loved her deeply. The problem was, she wasn’t in love with him and in reality never had been. Oddly, she’d been infatuated with him at first, even as she was loving Ron. She had assumed that infatuation was love and it was only after they had got engaged and her wedding was getting close that her true feelings had finally revealed themselves to her. By then it was far too late. Ron was also engaged, his wedding to be just weeks after hers and her own wedding was only a couple of weeks away.

She had cried at first, but afterwards had just settled into a state of gentle depression, one that no one truly recognised as depression.

“You look unhappy?”

Ginny shook her head, smiling slightly at her husband. “No. Tired.” That much was true. She was also gently horny, but not for her husband and that did depress her. Her husband was a lovely man, kind, attentive, not bad in bed, but he wasn’t Ron. Maybe she would take her husband home and make love to him, pretend it was Ron. She shook her head. Even she wasn’t that mean. And yet...

Across the room, Ron was fully aware of the woman he had loved to distraction, in fact still loved deeply. Unlike Ginny however, who wasn’t in love wirh her husband, Ron was in love with his wife. The difference however, was that he loved Ginny more.

He remembered their time together subtly different from how Ginny rememberd it. He remembered the sex, the amazing and fabulous sex. He remembered it turning from frantic shagging sessions into slow loving sessions. He knew she had fallen in love with him before he had fallen in love with her, but that had never worried him. He was in love now and that’s all that mattered. He remembered their last session differently as well. He had gone to see her in the hopes that she would be free and available, but not really expecting it.

Even back then Ginny was the most beautiful woman he knew and that day she had seemed even more beautiful than ever. Her tight, hot, pussy worked magic on his cock, her small but firm boobs with their hard and sensitive nipples pressed firmly against his chest, digging pleasurably into him. Her skin had been silky smooth as he stroked and caressed her and her mouth had tasted of violets for some unexplained reason. Her long red hair lying across his chest as they relaxed had felt amazing. He didn’t know how many times she had climaxed underneath him, at least twice he was aware of, but he remembered coming to three glorious climaxes, filling her each time.

She had been his goddess that night and despite their avowals to turn away from each other and forget their love, it was getting harder and harder for him. He wanted her now more than he’d wanted her back then. It hurt to be in the same room as her sometimes and, looking at her, he knew she sometimes felt the same. He could see she was feeling that right now and that saddened him.

He knew he had had it easier than her. He knew she wasn’t truly in love with her husband, while he was in love with his wife.

He looked at his wife. She was beautiful. Her mid-brown hair was shorter and straighter than it had been when he first met her, but the rest of her had matured in the most delightful way. She was sexy, very good in bed and more to the point, he knew she loved him.

Ron’s cock was already firm from thinking about that last time with Ginny, but then it got harder as he remembered watching his wife getting dressed that morning. She still had a body for him to lust over and lust over it he did. Regularly. He thought back just three days to the last time they had made love. They made love only occasionally now. A few times a year, but she knew and liked the fact that he still ‘fancied’ her, that he still lusted after her body.

Their last time had been fairly abbreviated because of their new son. But they had made love for half an hour, Ron feeling his cock explode inside his wife’s tight pussy. Her pussy was tighter than he remembered Ginny’s being, but that didn’t mean very much, and her boobs were bigger and softer. She had bigger nipples than Ginny. They were just as sensitive, he thought, but being bigger they were easier to nurse on, something he knew his wife adored. He had lain between her thighs, thrusting slowly in and out, feeling her hips curl up to match his, the two of them kissing passionately. He had known the joy of being with, inside, a woman he truly loved and who truly loved him. But it had hurt because it wasn’t the woman he really and truly wanted to be with, the woman who he loved more than any other in the world, the woman who had loved him and who he had loved first, before any other.

Although he loved Ginny more than he loved his wife, he loved his wife enough that he had never once fantasised that he was making love to Ginny while he was making love to her. Thinking about his own last time, Ron idly wondered what Ginny’s last time had been like.

The last time Ginny and her husband had had sex was over four months earlier. Unless she was on her menses, she never pushed him away when he came to her, but she rarely encouraged him, to the extent that now he didn’t come to her quite as often, but when he did he was slightly more insistent. He still knew when she really didn’t want him as opposed when she would accept him, but he had never really worked out why she hadn’t been as accepting of him as he had hoped. He had never realised she wasn’t in love with him.

That night Ginny had accepted her husband, but for once it had been on her terms. She wanted it from behind, with her bum up and head down, buried in the pillow. As he had caressed and stroked her, making her ready for his cock, she had pictured Ron in her mind. The touches and caresses had felt enough like Ron’s that she had come to a massive climax, screaming out her orgasm into the pillow. She hadn’t felt or noticed his climax, but from the sloppy sensation in her crotch knew he had filled her. That was okay, she didn’t mind. She didn’t hate the man after all. It wasn’t his fault she didn’t love him the way he loved her, the way he deserved to be loved.

The four had got together, as they did a few times a year, to have dinner and just to chat. This time however, Ron’s wife and Ginny’s husband, seemed to have been plotting something. A couple of times Ginny had caught them together talking intently in hushed tones. She was pretty certain it wasn’t anything underhand as, when they were interrupted, they had just smiled at her. But they had, she suspected, changed the subject. Ron had also caught them once, but he hadn’t thought anything of it, being too wrapped up in the fact that Ginny was near.

Ron and Ginny barely spoke, whenever they were close it was all she could do to stop herself from jumping into his arms and kissing him. It was made harder by the fact that she knew he wanted her to.

They had touched hands, momentarily, at the start of the evening and ever since that moment Ginny knew she wanted him as badly as she had ever wanted him. She could still feel the electric shock of the contact and the trails of fire which had gone through her. The effect on Ron had been similar, though very slightly muted by the fact that at the time he hadn’t been looking at Ginny.

“I think we need to talk,” her husband said. The four of them were now sitting in the main lounge, glasses of wine in their hands or nearby.

Ginny looked up. “Oh?” It was obvious that he was talking at least partly to her.

Ron’s wife spoke. “He and I,” she said, pointing at Ginny’s husband, “have long noticed something that’s slowly tearing us apart.”

It was Ginny’s husband’s turn to speak. “I noticed it first, within days of our marriage. I didn’t understand it at the time, but I do now. Finally. We’ve been talking for a few weeks. We both now know the problem and we think we have the solution.

“What problem?” asked Ron, almost fearfully.

“You know I love you darling,” Ron’s wife told him, “and I know you love me, but you love someone else more. That can hurt. A lot. It’s only because of the situation that I have been able to not let it hurt me.”

“And you know I love you too,” Giny’s husband spoke softly. “I love you very very much. But I knew a long time ago you were not in love with me the same way. It was only recently that I finaly realised you were never in-love with me. I don’t think you hate or even dislike me, but I think the best you can do is tolerate me.”

Ginny burst into tears, and it was all Ron could do not to go and comfort her. He stared angrily at the man he had thought was his best friend.

“I’m not angry or upset with you,” he continued, “I love you too much for that.”

“I don’t hate you,” whispered Ginny. “I even do love you in my own way. You are sweet and thoughtful and kind, but...”

“But we aren’t truly right together are we?”

Ginny shook her head sorrowfully, still looking at her husband. “Did you want a divorce?” she asked hollowly.

Her husband shook his head. “Nothing as simplistic as that.”

“Let me explain,” Ron’s wife spoke up. “I love Ron. I am in love with him. But I long realised that we aren’t right together either and for some of the same reasons as you two. After, well, you know, six years ago, I stuck with Ron because he had stuck with me when I was hurting. In reality and I think we’ve all known it ever since that point, Ron and I should never have remained together. In reality it should have been me and,” she paused. Ginny realised that her friend had been about to say Ginny’s husbands name.

“You?” she siad pointing at her friend, “and,” her hand moved to point at her husband, who, it had to be said, looked slightly shocked and surprised.

“Yes,” came the soft whisper.

“Do you love him?”

“I don’t know. I care about him. Just as I care about you two,” she nodded at Ron and Ginny.

“Far more to the point,” butted in Ginny’s husband, “we both think you two should be together.”

“But we can’t,” blurted out Ron in surprise. There was also fear on his face. Ginny herself was shocked to her core, but she managed to retain a semblance of control.

“And how do you think that would work?” There was a hint of coldness in her voice. Through it she managed to retain hold of her fear, even of her longing. She didn’t dare look at Ron.

“You and I would remain married. We would probably even still live together. Maybe.”

“Actually that would probably be necessary,” came the other woman. Ginny ignored her and instead concentrated on her husband. “Go on.”

“At night, you just go to Ron. Or maybe he comes to you.”

“And you go to her?”

He sighed. “That bit I hadn’t actually thought through, but yes, I guess so.”

“Do you love her?”

“Would you believe I’ve never even thought about it.” He turned to look at the woman Ginny was indicating. “She’s very beautiful.”

“But we are more compatible,” came the voice of the woman he was scrutinising so closely.


“So what next?” asked Ginny.

“I think,” responded her husband turning back to her, “we need to try it out to make sure all four of us are comfortable with it.”

There was a pregnant pause.

“Harry Potter. If you think, for one moment, that you are going to shag my wife without my permission, you have another think coming.”

Hermione turned on him. “Ronald Weasley. Who I shag, or don’t shag, is entirely my affair. That you have shagged your sister is wierd to me, that you haven’t shagged her for two years is even wierder. That you still want to shag her, well, that’s your affair. This is mine. I suddenly want to shag Harry. I’m going to shag Harry.”

There was a sudden flurry and Hermione had disposed of her outer clothing. The three others stared at her. “You’ve been out in the muggle world again,” Ron whispered, staring at the beautiful, sexy, lingerie she was wearing.

“I was brought up muggle. I understand muggle. I am comfortable in the muggle world. And quite frankly, what Mrs Ebbs sells in Diagon Alley, is disgusting. The muggle world moved on from that sort of clothing a century ago.”

“If that’s were they’re going, then I can’t wait to join them,” whispered Ginny. Her own bra and knickers, which were revealed moments later, were very functional, but that didn’t stop them from looking sexy on her, simply because she was sexy.

This wasn’t the first time that Harry and Hermione had had sex, but it was the first time for a very long time. It also wasn’t the first time they had had sex with other people in the room, but in the past it had been with their schoolfriends in one of the many evening orgys, or in the sex education lessons. Back then it had ben for educational purposes, or just for fun and sex, there had been little, if any, romance about it. Even so it had been great fun and they had all enjoyed it.

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Beth was brought back to the present by the phone once more ringing on the table beside her, "Hello." "Hi mom." "David, how are you? Are you having a good time?" "I'm fine mom and yes a great time." "That's great honey, how's everyone else?" "There all fine, I just rang to tell you I miss you." "I miss you too David, do you know when you'll be coming home." "Yeah, another few days I think, is that OK." "Of course it is, enjoy yourself." "I will, love you...

4 years ago
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The Rainstorm

I love running. It's the endorphins, really. They are an addiction to those of us who enjoy it. It keeps me in shape and the charity races are always fun. Every week I run at a certain park. It has wide paths, fields of seasonal wildflowers, and shade trees. Just like a gym or a bar, there are regulars. They are the people you see ever week or so with their dogs, c***dren, and their cells phones. Many people walk at the park while talking on their cell phones. That is what "Poodle Girl" does. I...

2 years ago
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“How did you know to ask that?” Ginny asked her fiancé. “By the expressions she used. Remember, I was raised by the Dursleys, and eventually started to watch TV late at night, when they were all asleep.” “Exactly what benefits are involved?” Ron asked, getting a severe look from his partner. “Sorry, Hermione. It sounds like something we could have been doing, if I hadn’t been such a prat.” “You had other issues, Ronald Weasley, but we have ended up in this place and at this time getting...

3 years ago
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Shiro the Sensual Samurai

Idling inside a simple inn, the woman in a traditional kimono sipped down her sake and thought. The female samurai had hair of a peculiar shade of reddish blonde, nearly a shade of pink in the sunlight. What showed beneath her robes was all toned and lean, athletic muscle, honed from her life of hardship and blodoshed. On the other hand, her face bore elegantly sharp features (gently accented with some light makeup), her bust was the envy of many other women, and she aimed bright, knowing green...

3 years ago
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Eight Days A Week

My wife, Theresa, worked for a local dental clinic. She had Wednesdays and Sundays off. Over the years I had moved up the ladder at my company and had recently achieved the position of vice president. I couldn't help but notice that it seemed like the higher I rose and the better my title; the less I actually had to do. I had returned to the office from lunch and realized I really didn't have much of anything on my desk. I had a good team under me and I trusted them enough to delegate the...

4 years ago
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Neelam a desire comes true

Hi friends, I am ANJAAN from Luck now. I am pursuing B.com. I am also a great fan of Indian sex stories and have always enjoyed reading the stories here. I also have some experiences I’ve had in real life to share with you. It is a real life incident which took place a few days ago. A long wait of 2 years ended in great satisfaction. 2 years ago when I saw her I was really stunned by the beauty she possessed. She is sexy & hot with nice, round & soft boobs and firm, tight butts. Her name is...

3 years ago
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SEXI Summer

Summer at S.E.X.IHe chased her across the quad, her skirts flying, her laughter soaring.  She looked back and sprightly jumped away from his grasping hand, her hair whipping around her face obscuring her view. Then she tripped and landed with her skirt up around her waist, her gentle charms at once thrust into view.He tumbled down beside her and pulled her into him. She wrapped herself up in his arms.  He dropped his lips down on hers and she kissed him, then again, then once more.  He ran his...

College Sex
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Head with a twist

Back in 1972, my girl and I had just finished a long hot make out session on my water bed. All of our clothes were on the floor except for my briefs and her panties. My hard cock was straining in the tight whitie tidies as she grabbed the waist band and set my swollen cock free. She positioned her self between my legs and slowly suck my cock while her tongue worked back and forth on the sensitive area on the bottom of the bulbous head of my cock. The sensation was intense causing my hips...

1 year ago
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First Dates

First Dates “What are you doing Friday, Cin?” I asked. “A guy’s taking me to the new Coen movie after dinner. It’s our first date. He’s a stockbroker and wicked handsome.” “For real? I’m doing the same thing with my date. Wanna go double?” “Sure, but I gotta check with Ben.” A few phone calls later and the double date was arranged. Friday, beat after my last law class, I bathed to relax, then dressed for the date. Unless this guy is a complete jerk, I’m going to fuck him, first date or not, I...

1 year ago
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VigRX Plus

VigRX Plus has been around long enough that there’s a good chance you’ve heard of it even if you’ve never had issues with your ding-dong. They’ve sold over a million boxes since 2007, and the company itself has been around for a couple of decades now. Longevity is always important for a company hawking dick pills, as I learned the hard way from buying sketchy truck-stop formulations with names like Black Rhino Turbo-horn XTRA and Manly Stamina Blaster. Now that the rash is finally going away,...

Male Enhancement Pills
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MommysGirl Dee Williams Laney Grey Skye Blue Closet Confessions

Two teen best friends, Laney Grey and Skye Blue, are hanging out in Laney’s room. Laney’s stepmom, Dee Williams, checks in on them, reminding Laney that she needs to clean out the closet in the guestroom. Dee has been after her for WEEKS to get the chore done. It doesn’t matter if Skye is over or not, if Laney doesn’t get the closet done TODAY, she’s GROUNDED… As soon as Dee leaves, Laney tries to ignore the chore but Skye convinces her to clean up. Skye...

2 years ago
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Spa in der Schule

Ich sitze mal wieder im stinklangweiligen Physikunterricht. Klar, ich muss dieses blöde Abitur machen, aber die meisten Fächer öden mich total an. Deshalb sitz ich auch ganz rechts hinten, so kann ich mich unauffällig an die wand lehnen. Neben mir sitzt Katharina, meine Freundin und ich glaube ihr ist genauso langweilig wie mir. Jedenfalls spüre ich plötzlich, wie ihre Hand über meinen Oberschenkel streicht und ganz langsam immer mehr in meinen Schoß gleitet. Tatsächlich, Katharina fasst mir...

2 years ago
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Sissy bang

The champagne must have gone to his head. Must have been stronger than he thought."You look pretty," whispered Goodhead, taking the glass from Bonkabitch, kissing him on his lipstick painted lips. "You look really sexy, you little crossdressing sissy boy."Goodhead ran a hand over Bonkabitch's thigh, moving his skirt aside, running a hand over his black holdups."It's going to be so good, " she whispered." I have something special for the two of us tonight. "She took Bonkabitch's hand, placed it...

2 years ago
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All the Difference

Robert Frost. Thinking about Elaine, all that comes to mind now is Robert Frost. That poem we all read in high school, “The Road Not Taken”. I’m not going to quote from it now. I’ll leave it to you to look it up if you’re not familiar with it. But the words come to mind as I think about her now, thinking back around one year to when she first came into my life. More precisely, thinking back to the time when I first followed one road and not another. I’ll get to the story. I had just met her two...

2 years ago
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Meri Sona Di

Hey friends sabhi lund walo aur chut waliyo ko pratik ka salaam jaisa ke aap sab jante hai hum sabhi me sex koot koot kar bhara hai aur sab ko sex ki bht chah hai and sabka mann krta hai ise try karne kand jis kisi bhi aunty ka man ho ise try karne ka mjhse contact kare mera email id hai So aaj me apko apni life ka ek real incident batane ja raha hu jo mere liye kisi sapne se kam nahi tha me apne apko introduce kar du me hu pratik from indore so aap sab ko jyada bore na karte huye me apni...

4 years ago
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I Woke part 6

I Woke, Part 6 I rode. I was in my "mother's" car, going to the home of Allison Allen. Only problem with that was I had woken up as Allison two days ago, and before that I was a 40 year old man named Mark Collins. I had stopped to help a girl, who turned out to be Allison, when I had been hit by a truck, which I had learned was being driven by Allison's attacker. I didn't understand it, but that seemed to be the situation I was in. The Allen residence was a nice one, in a...

3 years ago
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The Training of EmilyChapter 7

Emily could have slept another ten hours, but she was awakened by two trainees in mid morning. "You are to have breakfast with the Master. We are to prepare you." As before Emily was treated to a deliciously warm bath, then prepared as before. "What about this collar?' she whispered. One of the trainees looked quickly around to make sure they were not being overheard. "You will wear it until your training is complete. Your new master may choose to have you continue to wear it, fit...

1 year ago
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Exgirlfriend Sarah the exhibitionish Story 5

My ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend is now really pi**ed off by this blog about her. Well, let me see if I can annoy him even more, by telling all you guys about how she flaunted her naked body to two guys.I used to be a keen amateur photographer and for my birthday, Sarah agreed to model for me at a photographic studio in the city of Bath, in the UK.She said ‘Let’s take a bottle of wine with us. I loose my inhibitions a lot more after a drink or two’. Oh boy, did she! We arrived at the studio and...

1 year ago
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Shannon II part A

I had filmed Dave’s brother’s bachelor party and as I have said before I don’t like Dave and never have. He’s arrogant, boastful and a royal asshole, he also happens to “own” Shannon. I say he “owns” her, because she insists that he does. As a result Dave dominates, abuses and humiliates Shannon sexually. At the bachelor party she was made to have sex with two dogs and then fuck the entire room full of men. In the first story I had written that slut Shannon, visually reminded me of the...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Bree Daniels Stella Cox The New Formula Part One

Scientist Bree Daniels and her assistant Stella Cox have just revolutionized a new massage oil but before it’s released to the public, Bree will have to test their new formula on Stella. Bree instructs her assistant to remove her top and bottom even though Stella isn’t exactly keen on being smeared with oil completely naked. But these ladies must do what it takes all in the name of science! Bree massages Stella’s filled breasts and savory ass but must experiment her oil on the...

2 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 31

Sam: Preparing for the trip to St Joseph I awoke snuggled up to Delia again. I guess I must be related to a puppy as I really enjoy cuddling. When Becky awoke and started making her needs known, I held her to me and fed her a nipple. I'll swear it felt like the love was flowing out of my body and into hers. Feeding our little one was one of the greatest feelings I have ever had. At breakfast, Andy said they were going into town to pick up four wagons. I reminded him to check with the wagon...

2 years ago
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Joes Ball Busting

I had been out shopping for a good part of the day and when I came home and didn't see Joe, I walked towards the study where I heard some noises coming from and quietly moved up to the door and peeked in. There was Joe sitting at the computer watching a video of a woman sounding a man's cock with her high heel. I could see Joe jerking off his hard cock and thought to myself he needed to be taught a lesson. I quietly moved to our bedroom and put on a pair of pointy toed ankle strapped stiletto...

4 years ago
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Seven

I had been on the road to Long Island, and I had arrived to a perfect reception. Margo had taken me for a great sexual ride. It was now late afternoon and we were chatting in the kitchen. She had decided that we needed to go out for dinner. The Boston Market was her favorite restaurant because the turkey was so good. That was fine with me. We were just waiting for her twin daughters, Martha and Mary, to get home from their jobs. They didn't always work the same shifts. Today they happened to...

1 year ago
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Not Too NiceChapter 4

I took my two into the hut and lay down on my back with my rigid cock sticking up in the air. "It's time for you two to learn a couple of things. First, you must take my cock all the way into your mouths until your nose is pressed into my groin. You can take turns practicing that now." Alice got between my legs and sucked the head of my cock into her mouth. She moved up and down a bit to get it wet and then pushed her head down and let my cock force its way into her throat. The head...

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Sub lin and Mistress K

So my wife is sub lin (though she's more a slut than a sub) and this story is about a hotel party I arranged where she was the party slut and another female was her domme that night. Hotel was in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Have fun reading it.Afraid it’s been awhile since I wrote about any of our sexual adventures, with Lin now being on an amateur site and doing the odd additional adult photo or video opportunities . . . writing the stories has taken a bit of a backseat. But I’ve found a little...

3 years ago
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Sandy and RandyChapter 6 Kristy

Several weeks had passed since the birthday party and that amazing sleepover sex party with Sandy and Randy. Kristy still got totally heated whenever she thought about doing Randy and even hotter when she thought about Randy and Sandy; brother and sister fucking each other. She couldn’t believe it had happened. (She thought that was their first time doing it together and didn’t know all the escapades the two of them had already had.) Kristy still wanted to see what it would be like to ‘do...

2 years ago
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My Disastrous Night

Introduction: Kate thought she had a wonderful life, a strong marriage, and a good family. Then in one night it all fell apart. My Disastrous Night Kate thought she had a wonderful life, a strong marriage, and a good family. Then in one night it all fell apart. Authors note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger...

4 years ago
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57 From cheating housewife to who knows what Pt3

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt3 Tuesday began with the usual late brunch, rain drizzled down the windows, thou roughly depressing, Jack hadn’t seemed to notice either me or the lousy weather and had set off with his phone in his ear without even a cheerio. I burnt the toast daydreaming, and it was the last of the bread, so it was a quick run to the shops or a soggies breakfast, the shop won and dragging on a mack and wellies off I set. I got back to find my instructions...

2 years ago
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CNC in real life

It was one of those long shift days at work. I didn’t get off till 6. I was feeling particularly rowdy. I did a scan of the parking lot for M but he wasn’t there. Not unusual on a Friday. So, I called him as I began my walk home. “I think we should find us some plans tonight.” I said. “What kind of plans.” M replied. I am sure he was thinking about it. Does she want a shopping trip or a ride to her besties? What came next must have been a shock. Its really not me to just hit him...

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Letter to Trudy

Trudy, Remember when we met for the first time in a crowded subway station in Manhattan. I, a successful investment banker, dressed in only the finest. You were dressed in a beautiful white short evening dress that just barely covered your ass. We got on the train together and just casually exchanged glances while I found a seat in the back. You were forced to stand in front of me holding a handle attached to the subway car. People were squeezing you from all sides. It was 5:25 and everybody...

3 years ago
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InterfaceChapter 13

I got some more work done on my new suit in the morning. I missed breakfast as a result and had to go without. When I got into school I was already regretting it feeling really hungry. Vicky came in shortly after I arrived and she was very keen to talk about the old suit. As far as I was concerned it was old news but I wasn't ready yet to reveal my new and improved model. "That was so awesome with the jumping last night. I was jazzed about it for the whole rest of the evening. I wish I'd...

4 years ago
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The Virgin Girl Next Door

Hello ISS readers, hope you having a good time. Reading this real story of my college life would ensure you continue to have fun. I am Vicky, 24, 5’9″ working with a MNC in NCR. The story is of the time when I was 21, 2nd yr. of my B.tech in Meerut. Recently got into an affair with a 1st year girl of my college. We used to chit chat during nights, hangout in the college during days and been out for movies n all with her a few times. She was more of a conservative type and wouldn’t allow me to...

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