Dominique Ch. 06 free porn video

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After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things.

Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the right place, I could deep throat Andrew, which was pretty exciting. Discovering a depth of subspace that I didn't know existed was amazing too. My mind and body were capable of handling torments and pain much better than I thought. Though I was achy and marked for a few days afterwards, they soon went away.

Before going up there, I had a pretty good idea of what went on at Dean's, but I honestly thought I was going to get the option of getting involved. Like I could've just watched if I wanted. But it wasn't like that at all. I was in it from the start and I fucking loved it. That threw a spanner in the works. How dare I love it? What kind of a slut was I? God. Even the horrible feelings of being ignored faded from my selective memory. It was an incredible weekend, and thoughts and flashes from it haunted me for weeks.

And yet, my jealousy concerned me. I could drown in sensuality, but if Andrew received pleasure from someone else, I felt betrayed! Then I felt guilty about thinking such ridiculous thoughts. What was wrong with me? It was the only part of the weekend that left me with questions.

One time at work I giggled when I thought of writing, 'My Master's pleasure is my joy!' a hundred times on the whiteboard in the executive boardroom. I wished I were always so nonchalant and laid back about it. But I wasn't, and I hoped my jealousy wouldn't be my undoing.

Dominique and I had discussed many subjects over the previous year. I felt I knew what she was capable of, and I knew her limits. In the days following the weekend, we talked briefly about the night with Paul just prior to it, and about general conclusions from the weekend itself. She had nodded and agreed with things I pointed out to her, and added comments of her own. We even went to our first munch together during the week, and I was so proud of her. She'd been wonderful, demonstrating a depth and understanding of herself that I was proud to witness. She seemed to speak her mind in thoughtful ways and I enjoyed the maturity she was showing. I was pleased with her progress.

As the week wore on, it became clear new questions had been raised in her mind. She seemed to be wrestling with something she thought was important, but she didn't come to me about it. One time I was about to enter our bedroom and I hesitated in the doorway. She thought she was alone, and her brows were furrowed in deep concentration. She was sniffling, holding a tissue to her nose, tears trickling slowly down her cheeks. As I turned and allowed her some privacy, it became clear something serious was going on.

A few choice words still had their desired affect. Now that I think about it, in the days after the weekend at Dean's, I can't remember how often I said words like, 'Dominique, come here, ' but it was a few. I was increasingly worried about her, but I didn't sit her down and question her. I let her think it through, expecting her to come to me if she had an impasse.

After all, I reasoned, scening was still a relatively new concept to her. What we did together, to her, was simply how she submitted to me. Allowing herself to be used, to whatever degree I chose, during play, was 'her life'. But scening in full view of others, having others use her at my whim, or seeing me use another woman, was a pretty big step. A lot had happened, and she still hadn't come to me.

By Saturday evening I decided to get to the bottom of it. "Dominique? Come here, pet."

"Yes, Sir?" I replied, entering the lounge room from the kitchen, wiping my hands on my apron. I'd been peeling potatoes for Andrew's favourite potato salad. It was a bit weird how I threw myself into meal making.

"Come and kneel in front of me, pet."

"Oh, um," I hesitated, thinking about the water about to boil. "Yes, Sir." Andrew had arranged a cushion for me and I kneeled down on it, my eyes flicking at the kitchen door.

"I want you to tell me what is on your mind."

"Just that I have some water on the boil. I probably should turn it off if this is going to take some time." I noticed Andrew's eyes narrowing, but it was strange. It wasn't an angry look, more like he was trying to see inside my head. I thought, Uh oh.

"Go on," he said with a sideways nod.

"Yes, Sir," I said, springing to my feet. Trotting on tiptoes to the kitchen, I turned off the stove and took off my apron before hurrying back. As I settled, I looked up into Andrew's eyes and held my breath as he spoke.

"Good girl," he said, smiling softly down on me. "Okay, now what's on your mind?"

"Um," I replied stupidly, trying to buy some time. "What do you mean, Sir?"

"Don't answer a question with a question. Tell me."

I sighed and looked down at my hands. I wasn't being good and I knew it. "I'm sorry. I haven't been myself lately."

"I've noticed. It's okay. It's time to talk to me about it."

I wanted to... I really did... "I... I..."

"Dominique. See that door?" He pointed toward the front door and my eyes widened. "You may go through it at any time. Now talk, or walk."

Fuck!. "I just... I mean... I don't know what I mean to you!!!"

The weirdest silence settled over us as his shoulders slumped. He looked down at the floor for the longest time before raising his eyes to me. Tears threatened to spill onto my cheeks, I was so afraid. I don't know why, but I thought he was going to be angry. God, I was so wrong.

The look in his eyes floored me as he whispered, "You mean everything to me, pet."

"Oh, Master!" I cried.

"You are mine, and I am yours."

"I'm so sorry!"

"We are one entity. Two people, but we are one. Together. You and me."

"Forgive me!"

"We are on the same side. It's you and me against the world."

"I doubted you!"

"You are forgiven."

"I'm a terrible sub!"

"No, you are not. There is more to this life than you know. Your lessons are not ended."

"I'm so sorry, Sir!" I burst into tears at his feet. I don't know. I was wound up so tightly. With my fingernails tearing holes in the cuff of his dress pants, and my mascara running onto them, I heaved and cried my eyes out. My guilt had convinced me I wasn't good enough for him.

"Hush now," he said softly. "It's okay."

I could feel his fingers at the back of my head, sliding into my hair. Gently they tightened, but not to the point of pain. It was just short of that. It was exactly tight enough to halt my tears. As he raised my head with gentle pressure, I let go of his pants and moved up to all fours, following his desire for me. Backwards he bent my neck, arching my back and bringing my eyes to his. I must have looked a sight.

"Everything about you is wonderful. Know I love you."

My mouth opened but nothing came out. I'm sure my heart stopped. As I gazed into his eyes, trying to find a hint of doubt and finding none, I finally found my voice. "Thank you, Master," I whispered. His fingers slid from my hair, letting my head drop and giving me time to catch my breath. I sat back on my heels and spread my knees, placing my hands palms up on my thighs and arching my back. God. Joy filled the void in my heart and I longed for his touch.

Always reassure me like this. Always make me yours like this!

His eyes burnt into mine and I melted before him. I would never meet another like him. Only he touched me without touching. We both knew it. Oh God, we both knew it. The hair on my neck bristled as he rose from his chair and slid his fingers into my hair once more.

"Come, Dominique," he said, grinning and brushing a tear from his eye. "It's time for the works, pet."

I've always believed actions spoke louder than words. It's an old saying but so true. Discerning the veracity of Dominique's words wasn't hard. Her body language screamed the truth of them. Every heave of her shoulders, every sob into the carpet while holding the leg of my pants, told of her pain. How could I have been so stupid? I'd been so single-mindedly pursuing an outcome that I'd failed to recognise the danger signs. I guessed empathy wasn't my strong suit.

When she questioned her importance to me, her heart wasn't the only one that skipped a beat. Mine also stopped in time. In that split second I saw Rebecca, waving her finger and laughing at my foolishness. I barely had time to crush my guilt and listen to them both.

Move on, you big oaf.

So I did.

It was that easy.

The next morning, I was enjoying a few quiet minutes of solitude, lying in bed, my mind wandering. Andrew had driven to the local bakery for some Danish pastries to have with our leisurely morning coffee. Mmmmmm... I loved Sundays...

When I ran my fingers over my hip, I felt a couple of slightly raised and sensitive ridges of skin. Into my mind came the memory of being struck twice in the same place, and Andrew's voice, reminding me not to move. My eyes fluttered closed and I cooed as I brushed my fingertips along the ridge. I'd had lots of these before. I didn't mind. They were only tiny and didn't last long. I actually liked them.

Why did I like being 'marked'?

The reason I didn't tell my vanilla friends the details of my relationship with Andrew was because they would confuse what we did with physical abuse. As might any uninformed observer if they saw the marks. I'm sure they would equate what we did with Andrew physically abusing me. I wished I could cast a temporary spell over them so they felt what I felt. Maybe then they would understand.

For starters, Andrew has never hit me in anger. For example, I would never be struck across the face in the middle of a heated conversation. I was assured of that a couple of months ago when Andrew and I agreed to add it as a hard limit for me. Andrew said it was a hard limit for him too, and I was never to strike him across the face ever. I never thought of that. Blushing, I gulped and nodded!

Also, no matter what he uses, rarely if ever does it begin hard. This is where I think internal wiring comes into it. Most people call it subspace, and just about all submissives experience it. It's where time doesn't exist, only what you feel exists. And what you feel is somehow experienced in a way that makes sense. Subspace can come over me at a moments notice. A look or a word might be enough. Even at my most feisty, even when an inappropriate thought is bubbling away barely in control, when I first feel that toy or his hand touching my skin or my hair, something happens and I slide into the place where I am me.

When Andrew strikes my body, whether it be softly, medium or hard, every time it is measured to coincide with what I want or need at that particular moment. Sometimes what I need is not necessarily what I would choose. But that is what I give to my Master. I give him the right to choose what I need. It's true that most of the time we agree anyway. I wouldn't be here if we didn't. So when he tells me he is going to use something on me, I know he will 'warm me up' before using it with any force. I know he won't actually hurt me. And, to my delight, most of the time I get no less than I deserve.

So when I talk about being marked, I don't mean being beaten black and blue. God. I can't imagine what that is like, and I can see no parallels at all between the two. Andrew's dominance is measured and accurate. It's exactly what I like about the lifestyle: that it's structured and clear.

This is your place, and that is mine. I am like this, and you are like that. This is what excites me, and that is what excites you. We fit together.

Sometimes I've woken in the morning wondering why I'm aching. Later, I can feel what he has done through my clothes. It affects me, being able to feel them without touching them, knowing they are there with me. A part of him. Being marked makes me feel owned, and serves as a constant reminder of my submission.

Just last week, at my very first munch, we had an evening picnic with floodlights and barbeques. While sitting on blankets and munching hotdogs and steak sandwiches, one of the regular girls asked, "What is the difference between a slave and a submissive?" After a few protests that the subject had been beaten to death, two girls spoke up, saying they'd really like to know.

Without thinking I offered, "A submissive chooses." Everyone looked at me and I was very embarrassed. I think it was one of the first things I said in front of strangers. Maybe it was because I had given it some thought that I blurted. When everyone was quiet and waiting for a follow up, I was blushing madly and hoping Andrew would rescue me. But he didn't. I had to say something! "A... A submissive chooses her path. A slave's path is chosen for her."

Someone said, "That's pretty good, I like that..."

I looked up at Andrew and he smiled and nodded, then added for the group, "A slave and a submissive are close allies. They are very similar in thought processes. Often it is simply a self-image thing, where one prefers to think of themselves as 'slave', rather than 'submissive'."

A feisty sub asked, "Yes, but what, in your opinion, is the difference?"

"Well, the lifestyle being what it is, there are any number of possible answers. But mainstream thought says a submissive is one who, by a choice that may be revoked, relinquishes a limited and pre-defined amount of power over themselves; and with this, he or she is satisfied, and so is their dominant. A slave is considered to be one who puts his or her entire being at their Master's or Mistress' disposal, without limit, and nothing less would satisfy either of them. As far as my opinion goes, I think in some ways, the 'slave mindset' is a little deeper than the 'sub mindset'. Deeper in the sense that it is more assured. It is unquestioned. This may or may not be a good thing." He gazed down at me and I blushed. "For me, I enjoy watching Dominique's internal tug of war."

Someone yelled out, 'Write that down!' And people laughed and agreed. Some even clapped. While kneeling at his feet, I nodded and smiled back at them, proud as anything and wondering what he just said!

I've thought about what he said the last couple of days, wondering if I am more sub than slave, or vice versa. In terms of consensuality, I feel a real sense of control over my destiny. I have chosen how I want to live my life. I chose to submit. I don't choose when or where. But I did choose to submit in the first place. I guess it comes down to degrees. So, does that mean a submissive is more independent than a slave? Is being independent a good thing? What about being 'strong'? Can one be a 'strong' sub or slave? Is that a good thing?

These thoughts and more wandered through my mind as my fingers wandered over my skin. I felt the welts again and wondered if I was bruised. I was a bit sore, but not too bad. It was more just numb and tingly, and my skin was a bit bumpy. Andrew had cropped me very firmly last night. Particularly on my ass and the upper part of the back of my thighs.

From the bed I looked across at my full-length mirror and decided to take a look. Wincing, I slid out and walked over to the mirror. Turning around and looking over my shoulder, I cast my eyes over my reflection. Despite my light olive skin, my ass was still pretty white, and I do bruise fairly easily. My butt and the back of my thighs were dotted with blotchy red marks, some of which were edged with thin short lines of darker bruising. I thought they might take a day or so to go away. I ran my cupped hands tentatively over my ass and sighed in pleasure as visions of last night came flooding back.

I crawled back into bed, remembering how I was kneeling right here with my head down and my ass up. Andrew wanted my forehead resting on the bed. My knees were spread very widely, wrists cuffed behind my back. I was naked except for my collar. He told me he wanted me prepared before he fucked me. Just like that. "I want your ass nice and red before I fuck you, pet. Yeah, curve your back like that. Damn. That's lovely."

I think he also said something about it pleasing him to crop me. When he started it was so gentle. He took his time, building so slowly and finding his rhythm. It made me squirm. I couldn't help it. I moaned and groaned. Some of the words I used made me blush. Mmmm...

The feelings escalated. Like a wave approaching the shore, they gathered strength and speed in time with the warming taps of the crop and my descent into subspace. When Andrew stood over me, with a crop or something in his hand, I could honestly say there were few other moments when I felt my submission more acutely. And God how I loved it.

"I want you to keep me informed, pet. Tell me what you are feeling and ask if you want more or less."

"Yes, Sir," I breathed, shuddering in pleasure. Just being bent over like that, on my knees with my wrists cuffed behind me, gave me tingles of delight over my warmed skin. Trying to describe how I felt made it even more intense.

"Tell me if it's good, or just right, pet, by your words and your actions. Push your ass back if you want more. Tell me if it's a bit too hard, and certainly tell me if it's too much." He always subtly reminded me of my safe words. It was like a ritual.

"Mmmm... Yes, Sir," I replied, trying to relax.

"Good girl." The warm up was finished and he started smoothing the end of the crop over my ass and down my legs. Barely touching me, gliding slowly. The folded tip of leather was cooler than my skin. I could feel my own breath gather pace as it glided up and down my back again. It won't be long now. Easing into the warm embrace of my space, I moaned when he twisted the crop and drew a line with it down the length of my spine.

"How does that feel pet?" he asked, smoothing it over my ass again.

"Mmmm... Nice, Sir. I... I'm ready." Pop. "Ohhh..." I squirmed, clenching inside. Automatically I pressed back against the crop as it smoothed over the light pink welt left on my skin. I didn't even think about it. I didn't have to wait long for the next one either.


"I am going to colour in your ass, pet. I think red tonight. Do you understand?"


"Mmmm... Yessss..." I hissed, pressing back against the tip of the soothing crop.


"You like this, don't you?" Andrew asked.

"I... I love it, Master. It makes me so hot. More please. Please..." I pressed back, swaying my ass invitingly.


"Good girl."


"My pussy is already so wet, Sir. I'm so hot inside I can feel it pulsing."

"Use stronger language tonight, Dominique."

"My cunt is so wet, Sir." Pop! "Ohhh... Mmmmm..." Pressing back again, I bit my lip when Andrew reached between my legs, lightly stroking the moistened and slightly parted lips of my pussy. I rolled my hips against his fingers making it obvious I wanted more, but he withdrew them. The crop returned and I groaned, unable to stop myself pressing back against it. I was hunching and trying to get him to touch my clit with it. Andrew noticed of course.


"Keep a little more still pet."


"Ohhh... S... Sorry, Master," I breathed.

Pop. Pop.

"Mmmmm... That's just right, Sir." I closed my eyes and swooned.

Pop. Pop.



Pop! Pop! "Oh, Goddd..." I clenched my teeth, groaning, "My cunt is-" Pop! Pop! Pop! "Oohhhh... Your slut's cunt is very-" Pop!! "Ooohhhh!! Oh... Mmmmm... Very fucking wet..." I ended in a whisper.

"I'll have to check again, pet."

He put the crop down next to me on the bed. His warm hands spread my ass cheeks and I felt his breath as he examined my skin closely. My breath caught in my chest when I felt his kiss. He ran his fingers firmly up and down the opening of my pussy, parting the lips and spreading the juices all over me. Pressing two fingers more firmly against me, I arched and trembled as he pushed them into me. There was no way I was going to be able to keep still, and I shuddered and gasped as his fingers slid back out. He firmly forced them back in, all the way. I gripped them tightly and had a small orgasm. "Oooohhhh..."

"Slut," he whispered, no doubt feeling the light spasms fluttering through my cunt.

"Y... Yes!" I agreed. His fingers started squelching as he thrust them firmly back and forth, faster and faster. Suddenly I felt like I was hurtling toward orgasm, and it was going to be huge. At the last moment he withdrew his fingers, leaving me teetering on the edge. His fingers ran over my asshole, wetting me there too, and I ground back against them. "Please, Master! Please!"

"Almost ready, pet."

"Mmmmmm," I moaned. I couldn't help it.

"You enjoy being touched here, don't you, Dominique?" he asked, circling my now lubricated anus with a fingertip.

"S... So much," I squeaked, shuddering more.

He swirled his fingers over it, increasing the pressure at the centre. "You like things in your ass quite a lot, don't you, my little slut?"

"Mmmmm... Yessss," I groaned, feeling his two fingers stretch my hole and push inside. They came out just as quickly and instinctively I pushed my ass back.

"I think you need your plug, don't you, Dominique?"

"Y... Yes!" I was getting so frantically horny! "Your slut needs her asshole plugged while you fuck her, Master!"

Andrew was reaching for the bedside table, mumbling, "Just as I thought..."

From the corner of my eye I saw him open the drawer and retrieve my plug. The whole time his free hand was caressing my ass in big circles. He picked up the crop and told me to hold it between my teeth. For a short moment I braced myself before feeling the plug push steadily into my pussy.

"Mmmmm... Ooohhhhh, Shhiirrr!!" I cried in surprise, biting down on the handle. Trembling with need, I pressed back against the plug as it slid into me, deliciously stretching my cunt. "Oohhhhh..." I moaned, arching and tossing my hair down my back. Trying to keep hold of the crop, my eyes rolled back in my head and my thighs quivered.

Andrew grabbed a fistful of my hair and took up the slack, arching my back further. He slid the plug almost out then slowly back in again, over and over. Each forward movement of my head was stopped with a pull of my hair. I licked my lips. My body was trembling. I was going to cum!!! I had to tell him!

"Ooohhh please, Master! Please let me cum!"

Andrew froze with the plug buried in my cunt. "Not yet, my precious little fucktoy."

"Th... Thish girl ish... ish... 'ery 'lose, Shhirrrr!" I hissed through my teeth, curling my toes trying to stop its advance.

"We can't have that..."

Very slowly he twisted the plug out of me and I groaned in frustration, dropping my head as he let go of my hair. "Oooohhhh..."

His hands were on my ass spreading my cheeks again. I could feel the juices running down the inside of my thighs. It cooled as it dried on my skin. A counterpoint to the hot redness of my ass, the juicy heat of my pussy and the tangled throbbing nerve endings of my nipples and clit. He took the plug and wiped it up and down my dripping cunt, twisting and coating it as I writhed. He held me still with a steadying hand on my ass. I gritted my teeth. I knew what was coming next.

"Here is something for my dirty ass-fucking slut."

"Ooohhhhh..." I moaned, gasping and dropping the crop as he centred the plug against my asshole. I bore down like he taught me and I felt my ass opening, stretching and accepting as he pushed. An intense rush of adrenaline and pain ran through me as I opened up and I felt faint. My asshole stretched and stretched around the plug then thankfully closed around the base of it.

Andrew patted my ass. "Good girl."

"Oh, God..."

Pop! Pop!

He had the crop again.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

"Oooohhhh, fuck... Mmmmmm..." My skin was starting to smart back there. Heat radiated from each firm strike of the crop. He was on the second 'coat', using the same pattern as the first. I recognised it and began to anticipate each kiss. Alternate cheeks. He was working in larger and larger circles from the centre of each cheek, getting closer and closer to my pussy and asshole as each circle widened. Then there was a change.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

He started down the back of one thigh. Up and down, up and down.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Then up and down the back of the other.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

Then round and round and round my ass again, seemingly harder and harder.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

I don't know where I went. I felt my body shaking. The pops didn't sound the same anymore. They sounded more like thuds. My moans sounded low and drawn out like they were in slow motion. I could hear my breathing and my heart, thudding in my chest faster and faster. Or was it the crop? I couldn't tell. Oh my God, it was so close to my pussy, so close to my full ass. There was a dull roar in my ears and my skin prickled all over my body.

At some time he had grabbed me by the hair again. I felt it when I tried to turn my head to watch him. His tanned broad chest twisted with his movements and trickles of sweat ran down his sparkling skin as I groaned. He was watching his work and our eyes met. He saw I was more than ready.

Throwing the crop to the floor, he was naked in seconds and climbing onto the bed behind me. His hands gripped me under my hips and moved me into the position he wanted. He wedged the head of his cock between the lips of my pussy, and his words bent my world. "Cum when you want, I don't give a fuck!"

He impaled me. Not smoothly and insistently. Nooo, not at all. He shoved his long hard cock straight up my cunt. I was suddenly and deliciously full. "Aaaaahhhhhh!! Oohhh ohhh Ooohhhhhhhhh!!!" I moaned, a crashing orgasm bursting inside me. Then I came again. "Ooohhhh fffuccckkkkk Sirrrr... Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Goddddddddd..."

And so it went. Again and again my body boiled in the fiery cauldron of my submission. The last I remember was my Master slapping my ass, pulling my hair, twisting my plug, and fucking me endlessly.

I woke up in the middle of the night.

Andrew must have fucked me more than once. Our combined juices left me lying in a big wet spot. And God! My ass and the back of my thighs were on fire! Gingerly I turned over to face him, but he was sleeping soundly, turned away. I spooned my body to his and slipped my arm around his torso. I calmed and thought briefly about what had happened, and about what he had said. Fortunately sleep and exhaustion consumed me.

Dominique's depth of submission was something that still had me concerned. Tinkering with it was an inexact art. It wasn't like fiddling with a dial. She was a real person, and the danger of miscommunication was ever present. Before sleeping that night I resolved to talk to her more regularly about my motives, and about what I wanted from her. It was a good idea and I planned to start in a couple of days.

I just had one more plan.

It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. But every time was like the first time. Every time I brushed my fingertips over my welts, his welts, was like the first time. Every time I turned around and looked at myself over my shoulder in the mirror, was like the first time.

Is there the remotest possibility I might ever tire of my own use? I wondered, waiting for the arrival of the Danish pastries. I am most certainly a satisfied woman. When I think about what happens to me in my life, warm shivers go through my body. My life exceeds the most outrageous fantasies most women have. How could I not be satisfied? I never imagined it would really happen to me... that I would be here, in a relationship like this.

Then my brow furrowed as I remembered Andrew's words last night. 'Cum when you want, I don't give a fuck!'

What did he mean by that? Had I displeased him in some way?

'I don't give a fuck!'

Why didn't he give a fuck? Was Andrew getting bored with me? My stomach fluttered and I started to feel nauseous. Maybe I was failing him. I closed my eyes and traced another ridged mark near the top of my thigh. I brushed it back and forth over and over. The feeling was comforting and somehow I drifted into a light sleep.

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A final goodbye

It was about midday when Jason pulled up in his car in a car park just outside of town. He and Amy had agreed to meet up and trade back items that were left at each others houses after the break up. He took his phone out of his pocket and began to text to tell her he had arrived. Half way through the text there was a tap at the window, Jason turned to see Amy, her beautiful fair skin (which she wasn’t keen on but was in fact one of his favourite things about her) and her green eyes looking at...

2 years ago
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for another 2 hours. I kissed Kelly good bye and was leaving her apartment when I see Sandy waiting in the hallway. “From the sound of things I’d say you really wore out my daughter tonight” she said. I asked how long she had been home, she told me about 45 minutes or long enough to hear us fuck for a good while. I was looking for the words to apologize to her but she stopped me and said “I’ve spent 3 years having you show up in my home wearing your tight shorts or your...

2 years ago
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The day my little sister became a slut

I was sleeping in my room home with only my 13 year old sister. It was in the middle of the night around 3:00 A.M. My mom was not home and was probably out partying with her bf and I knew she wasn't going to be back until tomorrow afternoon. I heard the sound of glass shattering and I woke up. I was scared and wasn't sure what was of what to do so I just waited in my room nervously to see what would happen next. About 5 minutes later a guy in about his 40s with a mask on opened my door...

1 year ago
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The Incest Goddess Of My Heaven

Hi readers this is my first story here I’ll introduce myself I’m Raghu(name changed) now 20 still studying I am from Kerala slim 6ft 60kg 6″. Like every teenager I’m also like watching porn movies and pics.I love to do the slave part may be I never did the main role.I love to meet aunties of any age and girls this is my first experience but not the last.Here I’m going to share my experience with my big fatty grandma who’s 65yrs old. It happened last year vacation. In my house there’s only me...

4 years ago
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DuetChapter 8

As a major shock to all of us, especially herself, Gae began chucking her guts up one morning. You'd think a registered nurse of her length of standing would have recognised the symptoms! After all, at one point she was in charge of the neonatal clinic at Kogarah. Eventually she went to our local GP expecting something to do with an ulcer or something. She lived with me, so of course she was under stress all the time. The doctor listened to her symptoms then looked her in the eye, "Did...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love Chapter 2 The Aftermath

The return home was hard. Fear of the unknown took over me. Anguish of coming home and seeing my husband consumed me. Guilt, remorse, and fear flooded my mind. Was that the price of infidelity?I couldn’t go home in this state. He would know right away that something was wrong. I decided that spending the night in a hotel would be better. That time alone would be good for me to put my thoughts in order. I took a deep breath and called my husband. I told him I would spend the night at my best...

2 years ago
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I got in front of them and pointed to Tiffany, who started this great number. After it was over, the crowd really liked it, then I called out, “Hey Mom, join me on stage, please?” She came out in a gorgeous pale-yellow dress that was rather modest. “This is my mother Janice, everybody. She sings much better than I do. She is singing with me the wintertime classic, “Baby, it’s Cold Outside.” She took my arm and the number began and we wandered around on the stage singing... Singing and a...

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Die Abenteuer eines Gestaltwandlers

Diese Geschichte ist öffentlich. Alle Ideen und Kapitel sind sehr Willkommen. Bei Fragen stehen euch die Besitzer dieser Geschichte gerne zur Verfügung. Gestaltwandler sind geschlechtslose Wesen, die verborgen zwischen den Menschen leben. Sie können jede beliebige Gestalt annehmen und zeigen ihre Originalform fast nie. Gestaltwandler alter nicht und können daher Jahrtausende alt werde. Auch können sie sich schon von dem Moment ihrer Geburt an verwandeln. Manche Gestaltwandler suchen sich eine...

2 years ago
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Victorias Vice

Victoria Jenkins stood nervously in the hallway outside the door of the study, unconsciously tracing arabesques on the carpet with the tip of her right shoe. Above her head a large, white-faced clock relentlessly ticked away the few minutes remaining before her latest uncomfortable appointment. It was not an unfamiliar situation for her. Pacing up and down the hallway as silently as she could, painful memories flashed through her mind; of her previous encounters in the same room; of all that...

2 years ago
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A Hotwifes Excellent Thansgiving

It was Friday morning, after a busy Thursday Thanksgiving. We were planning to simply relax at home for the day. Of course, hubby can’t sit still for long and he was wandering around with a screwdriver and some WD-40, doing pre-winter maintenance.I was in the study, pecking away at the computer and chatting with one of my favorites on Lush. We’ve found so many nice people to chat with and share hot stories. Hubby came around the corner, peered into the study, hesitated, then asked, “Katie,...

Group Sex
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The Medium

Lady Lydia Hoyt-Moore stifled a sigh and fanned herself with the program from her friend's musical. Lord, how I hate these insipid gatherings, she thought and adjusted her skirts. She smiled over at Dowager Meredith Rawlings, the matriarch responsible for those putting on this despicable show. The term friend was loosely bandied around; hardly anyone had any true friends. They were all 'friends', or public acquaintances. Such vapid little people held no interest whatsoever for Lydia, never mind...

3 years ago
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The Island chapter 05

for their breakfast. Neither had an appetite for sex, which was unusual since they had practiced early morning sex for a while now. Both seemed to realize that their backsides were not quite ready for another screwing, and after their wild night of passionate fucking, neither seemed too interested in exchanging blowjobs. After a leisurely breakfast, the two headed down to their pond to have their morning bath. After playing in the water for a while, the two lovers were startled by an...

3 years ago
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Bin ich deshalb gleich ein Flittchen

Ja, ich gebe ja zu, dass ich mit verschiedenen Männern in der Firma in der ich beschäftigt bin, schon etwas hatte. Sicher nicht mit jedem. Ganz und gar nicht! Eigentlich nur mit denen, die mir vorgesetzt sind, oder schon etwas älter und länger im Unternehmen sind. Irgendwie hat sich das dann jetzt doch rumgesprochen und ich merke an manchen Blicken, dass der ein oder andere etwas davon weiß, oder zumindest ahnt. Die Typen schauen mich dann provozierend an, taxieren meinen Körper, lecken sich...

2 years ago
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Fucking my roommate

When I returned to the states, in 1967, I spent a few years bouncing around in a few jobs; nothing that I would make a career out of but they supported me pretty well. I made new friends and had set up camp in the big city of Pittsburgh. I won’t go into all of the details but one of the friends and I wound up sharing an apartment for a while. Tom was a nice enough guy but straight; I was trying to get laid every chance I had and, if he wasn’t so straight, he would have made a nice fuck buddy.We...

3 years ago
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Hot For Teacher Chapter 16

CHAPTER 16 To think about how this day has been going so far, I never saw it coming. I'm trying to think back to before this whole thing started. Back to the first time I slipped on my first pair of heels. Before that, I was your normal, everyday, 16 year old boy. My biggest love was watching sport games, playing video games and reading comic books. My biggest decision about what to wear each day was if I wanted to wear my Phillies hat or not. I'm trying to think about how others saw...

3 years ago
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How a real Bukkake Happens

How a real Bukkake happens!Being in the military you get to do and see some crazy shit, especially living in barracks. Well last night was fucking wild. One of my 4 roommates is dating a stripper, Becky. Becky is fucking awesome and gets along great with us all. Ive known her now for 2 years and she’s tried to hook me up a couple times with girls she works with but I’m not ready to settle down just yet. Recently Becky’s friend, Jayda, got divorced and is having some hard times. She is pulling...

3 years ago
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Wrong Bar Im Fucked Gay

My eyes shot fully open as I felt the head of his cock pop into my ass. I heard a loud moan as I felt him slip slowly, inch by agonizing inch, into me. It took me a moment to realize that it was me moaning as my eyes focused on the water in the clean, white bowl in front of my face.I had snapped into full consciousness suddenly, but it still took a few moments for my brain to slip completely into gear and ask the most important questions: where the hell am I? Who is attached to the baseball bat...

3 years ago
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Spanking Hank

Hank is a 45 yo dark complected black guy about 6 feet 220 lbs with a Short beard who works as an auto mechanic. His tools include a nice 9 inch cut rod with a dark pointed head and big set of lug nuts he sports around and he loves to service rear ends especially white ones as he says....See you is lookin to gets yo ass spanked he said while on the phone with him. Yeah been wanting a good spanking from a black man I told him..... Yeahs I seen yo ad when you wants that ass spanked ? I'am free...

4 years ago
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A Girl Always Has OptionsChapter 2

Yasmin woke up in a panic, trying to work out where she was. Strange smells and feeling... She looked around in the morning light - the luxurious bedroom ... oh yes. It all came flooding back to her: she was a prisoner. She’d been dressed up as a fantasy maid, tied up, then dressed in a little bikini and forced to play with herself while her captors totally got off on making her have her first orgasm. It was hard to cope with. Still, as her dad would’ve said, it could’ve been worse....

4 years ago
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Im not Gay Creampie Eating

For as long as I remember I have always been on the fast side when it came to ejaculation. As soon as my woman starts to clamp down or moan louder, I just cum without warning. Something in the female orgasm makes me just blast off!If I am with a new partner, I am no good at all. As soon as I enter her pussy, I cum almost immediately.I am a man who is unusual in that I really do care and want my woman to cum before I do. I learned at an early age that if this was to happen, I would have to learn...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the ex

"Fuck you" she yells, slamming the door in your face. You turn around and walk down the driveway, half satisfied, half shocked. You've just broken up with your girlfriend, Lilly, of two years. You figured she would have seen this coming but your weren't prepared for such a hostile reaction. Either way, it's done now. A relief. You feel an exciting sense of freedom almost immediately. For the past eighteen months you've felt suffocated. Well not anymore. You hop in the car, drive off, pull out...

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Summer Weekend

Picture the face of an eighteen-year-old kid. Shower water runs down his near-total crew cut of a scalp and over his gray-blue eyes. This kid is Dennis Tominsky. He's staring at the tiles of the shower after masturbating, having watched his favorite video for the umpteenth time. He's concentrating hard on what looks like nothing, but we can all see that it's in his head.He's a plotter, Dennis; a mental gamesman. He looks like if he engaged you in conversation, you'd...

College Sex
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My GirlsChapter 18

Victoria and Amy wrote the following chapter. To avoid confusion, parts written by Victoria will be in italics. Amy: My name is Amy Phillips. I am the 13-year-old daughter of Patrick and Victoria Phillips. I found this file on my Dad's computer when I was searching for clues to his mysterious black out. I got bored just watching him sleep and decided to add some stuff here. Won't that be fun when he finds it! Giggle! I haven't read the contents of this file. I won't do that unless he...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 3 The departmental retreat

In our department, there was normally a formal reception for the incoming students. In addition, later in the school year, the professors usually gave a presentation of their individual research topics in order to help the new students select a thesis lab. This year, the chairman had the brilliant idea of combining the two, getting the whole department involved, and holding it at a resort in western Maryland. By then, I had mostly eased off the agonizing over Liz, and resolved to get better...

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A Strict Teacher and a Hard Lesson

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All characters mentioned herein are of at least eighteen years of age or older. This story contains various forms of male humiliation and associated or tangential fetishes, including... Cuckoldry Dehumanization (Pet Play) Futanari (Female with Both Genitalia) Futanari on Female Gokkun (Semen...

3 years ago
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Bigboy 2

Bigboy-Chapter 2 Well it's Thursday finally​,​ I arranged for twelve of my fri​e​nd​'​s to show up around 9am.. Lisa is due around 9:30, Hopefully she doesn't get cold feet.. Well she didn't, She arrived actually five minits early lol Eager girl.. As she got undressed she treated us to some very sexy lingerie got down on her knees and told the guys to line up.. Once you are finish please move away because everyone is eager, If you later decide you Want seconds please move to the...

1 year ago
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Quest For Orgasm

Find yourself a beautiful girl and make her cum. It's essentially a Quest for Orgasm. This website delivers premium porn for those who love watching hot girls rub their wet pussies or use a vibrator on them until they cum. Quest for Orgasm is a part of the LetsDoeIt brand of porn. So, initially, I'm already going in expecting something pretty good. On the surface, starting with a masturbation genre and seeing how the site is presented to me, I'm pleased.As I start to unravel what this site is...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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Biker slut 1

A horny Biker slutDay 1 :She is a handsome blond married woman of 39, big natural tits who likes attention of other (foreign) men.During the month of May there is always a Harley fest in the south of France where she rides together with her husband on a big Harley.Her husband is not jealous and enjoy to see his wife being naughty with other men.A blonde slut with big tits is always provocative when she is sitting on a Harley dressed up like it.It was a sunny drive on the highway and they picked...

1 year ago
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Jane and Remy

He assumed she was cheating. Jane and Remy, Chapter one. This is a story of a mistake, insane jealousy, divorce, and rebuilding a life. There is no sex in this chapter. They had been married for two years when this happened. I was meeting a client for lunch. We do his accounting. His name is Remy, but is known as Big Ray to everyone. He is a big man. He is a wheeler dealer. He will buy and resell anything for a profit, anything from cars to houses. He also has shares in his brother’s three...

Wife Lovers
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Lockdown Mein Toda Social Distancing

Lockdown ke chalte meri yoga classes suba jaldi shift ho gayi thi social distancing karne ke liye. Main subah 5 baje se 8 baje tak yoga classes leti. Fir ghar aa kar chai pee kar apna ghar ka kaam kaaj karti. Mere pati bhi ghar aa gaye the. Ek toh unki tankqah aadhi ho gayi thi aur unka chidchidapan doguna. Meri saas gaon chali gayi thi to ghar mein bas main aur mere pati reh rahe the. Maine Aditya ko bola hua tha jab tak main call na karun toh call mat karna. Uski bhi Uttarakhand mein job lag...

4 years ago
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RedtailChapter 8 Hunting Treasure

Just because I live out west doesn’t mean everything is cowboys and Indians. I was a pretty normal kid, even if I did have more access to horses and had an hour of chores before school each morning. You get a lot of opportunity to play pretend things when you live miles away from everything else. I pretended pirates, explorers, and army, just like most kids. I guess “pirates” was my favorite. And of course, where there are pirates, there’s buried treasure. I remember the day I dug a hole in...

1 year ago
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I lost my virginity to my mother

*AUTHORS NOTE: Some of the events entailed in this book have actually happened, and others are completely fantasized. I HAD SEX WITH MY MOM.Here is the story of my sexual experience and encounter with my own mother.It was a cool september day, and I had just turned 15. For my birthday, I had gotten some makeup, a couple T-shirts, and a condom as a joke from my older brother, joking around that I'd be having sex soon. Which I thought was never going to happen for a long...

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seducing my hot aunt interesting story

I am rocky. In this I am narrating my first, very first sex encounter with BANU (all names changed). When I got transferred to a new place, I went and stayed in one of my aunt’s house. Her husband is a very good person. Of course both of them are just little elder to me. I used to stay in their house and go to work place and come back in the evening and to have food along with them. In the meanwhile I was looking for a lodging place for me also. One day I did not go to office in the morning. My...

3 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 36 Do We Have a Deal

Belinda Williams looked up at Tom Barry sitting just by the podium and she felt just so incredibly proud. Unfortunately, that marvelous sense of pride she had right now for her boyfriend was tempered by the fact that he looked just so uncomfortable. The reason for that discomfort was not because Tom was now sitting on stage before an audience of hundreds of Blanke Schande College students, plus staff and faculty but because he was wearing clothes. In fact both of them were and both of then...

2 years ago
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Faceoff Book 2Chapter 11

I still had some control of my flier, so I was able to land very close to where the airship had come down. Fortunately, no one aboard the airship was injured, and a distress call for a repair crew had already been sent out. I sent out a similar call to the military base for a repair crew to work on my flier. Now, we had several hours to wait before the repair crews arrived. There were eight guards aboard the airship, and I took command of them to ready ourselves for the arrival of the...

1 year ago
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The LibrarianChapter 4 Tell and Show

Sara Crews and Misty were the last ones to return. They had taken some of the confection and glasses of milk to the youngsters upstairs, but found that both had fallen asleep on the couch. Misty was able to carry Samantha to bed, but Franklin had to be awakened. After both were settled into bed, Sara and Misty returned to the study. After everyone settled down, Lesa again took charge. Looking at Leslie she speculated, "I take it you and Sara plan to share Marvin. Do you have a backup plan...

4 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 13

The taxista insisted that he knew where he was going when they started. And after stopping at three dirty little buildings where the main source of income was the selling of women flesh, he was still muttering, "Calma, senor! Calma, por favor! I find pretty quick." Alex settled back in the cab and let him try. That was all he could do. The next building was a squat, dirty green two-story with grimy windows and a smell half-way between second-hand semen and a spilled bottle of cheap...

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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 24

"Nobody out, man on first!" I shouted, then tossed the baseball in the air and smacked it toward Elvis Carson, who was playing first. The freshman snagged it on one bounce, spun, and raced toward first, tagging it easily. He looked at me, tossing the baseball up and down and grinning like he'd just been named Rookie of the Year in the American League. "Great play," I yelled. Impossibly, his grin got bigger. "We now have a man in scoring position with only one out." His face fell. "I...

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You click the mouse a few times your amber eyes catching something on the search engine screen. 'Have a deep dark desire you want fulfilled? Post here and find someone to match you.' It was an In Search Of ad, but not the typical one you'd find in the newspaper, this one was filled with the desires of men and women. You smirk a little at the listings of foot fetishes. You've always had a secret desire you've wanted to fulfill. You click the submit button and decide to fill one out. 'My name is'...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 53 History Surprises

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you will please quiet down and take your seats, I have a very important announcement," my history teacher said coming into the room. "We have been granted a rare opportunity to visit Washington DC this year for a freshman class field trip." Everyone seemed really excited. It took her a few minutes for us to all calm down. "Now we have taken the freshman class on trips like this before, but it was always for those who could afford the airfare and hotel costs....

4 years ago
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Big life issues

A bright Monday morning, Katya wakes up as usual to find her bed empty. Harold is most certainly at the office, at his desk doing boring paper work she would never understand. Katya and Harold were college sweethearts. Well actually she prefers to call it University sweethearts. They got married almost immediately after graduating and Harold got a job at the "Robinson and bros Inc." as a junior accountant while Katya decided to be the good housewife. Harold's job seemed like a nice one at the...

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My Moms Best FriendChapter 5

Lesson 5 Brenda and I played and fucked whenever my shifts allowed for the next six months, then my parents bought a shop on the other side of town and we moved to a flat above it. We could have carried on but I was getting plenty of sex now thanks to her tuition so things just died down between us. We did have one other fantastic session about a year later and that was at my instigation. I had been on night shift and was going home on my motorbike and was passing the old shop my mother used...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Quickie

This all happened one summer afternoon when my wife and I had arranged to spend a few hours at her mum's bungalow along with some of our other friends. My wife, Kim is twenty-eight years old 5' 8" with shoulder length brown hair, 34c breasts and lovely long legs. On this day she had dressed in a denim ankle length skirt with a split that went three quarters of the way up it and a cotton blouse.While we were at her mum's I could tell from the way she kept looking at me that she was planning...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 74 Action

I found Rene kneeling by his cot, praying in a language I didn't understand. I huddled quietly below the bunk and waited for him to finish. I don't know how long it really took, dream time and all that ... but eventually I heard a word I recognized, 'amen', and he began to rise. "Amen," I said into the silence. "Sebastian?" he said, turning to face me and sitting on the cot. "My friend, why did you not tell me you had come?" "You were busy," I said. "But I was only..." "It...

1 year ago
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Brewing Rage

Veronica cried in disbelief upon hearing the news. She was finally going to be let out of this cage, after being incarcerated for 19 years of her 20-year sentence. Eric, the police detective assigned to her case and the love of her life for the past 18 years, told her what happened. He held her tight in the private room the warden granted them permission to use. Veronica thought back to how she first met Pete and what transpired. Veronica, then a beautiful 30-year-old certified accountant with...

Group Sex
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Thank God, this is my last patrol before rotation home. I don't know of anyplace I have hated more than this pisshole of a country. I won't even dignify it by calling it a shithole. You'd think that the people would be grateful for us getting rid of Saddam, but I guess there are too many people who don't know when they are well off. The biggest fools are these so-called insurgents. Shit, if they had just kept their heads down for six months, the Coalition would have left, and they could...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Robbin Banx Busty MILF Robbin Banx Gets Maximum Penetration

Robbin Banx gets maximum penetration from Manuel! Robbin is a sexy British MILF that’s been craving Manuel’s French baguette. She’s dressed in leather bondage gear with tape over her nipples and matching high heels as she teases us with her stunning curves. Robbin makes her way over to a bar stool where she spreads her legs and lets Manuel play with her pussy a little as she reaches out and strokes his cock through his pants. She takes off her panties and rubs her clit then makes her way over...

2 years ago
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Mom fucked uncle while I watched

I’ll start off first by introducing my mom. I’m south Asian (Indian), like most south Asians, our moms are fat. My mom isn’t too fat, but she as some fat on her. She’s 45 years now so her breasts are saggy, but not too saggy. It’s hard to describe, but they’re fairly big. Her butt is big and fat, nice too look at once in a while, even though she is my mother. Her pussy is hairy as she never shaves it, but everything else is shaved off nicely. She’s got long black hair and is light, light brown....

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The Accession of Emperor LuciusChapter 10

Mania Attia, Londinium, iii Nonas Martias DCCCLII A.U.C. (March 5, 99 AD) I wept day and night on the journey from Roma to Londinium, for guilt. I had betrayed my comrades, and what is worse, my savior, all to save my own wretched carcass. Now they reigned with Christos in heaven, dispatched there by the emperor’s poisoners, while I was on my way to the far ends of the earth after having been married off to Caeso Favonius Frigidian, under close guard. I was sure that when my end finally came,...

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Big Fat Fuck With Friend8217s Mom

Hi people, it is pleasure writing in iss and receiving comments which makes me write more stories. This story is of how my friends mom seduced me to fuck her. Coming to the story… Dev and me are great friends. We used to go to same school and now in the same college. Because of our friendship our moms have become close also. We close close to each other so either I was in his house or he was in mine. Devs mom, siya aunty was a big fat woman but always looked beautiful. Her figure was 44-36-42....

4 years ago
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Its only natural

March 2012. This feeling is so good it ought to be illegal. Technically I suppose it is, which is maybe what makes it more fantastic. It’s a glorious day, unseasonably hot and summery. The kind of day where almost everyone finds a grassy country park in which to picnic. I can see them enjoying themselves on the field through the canopy of trees, laughing, playing ball games, Frisbee, cycling, walking dogs, eating and drinking. All beneath a cloudless, azure sky. The birds high above us are in...

2 years ago
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Worshipping My Ass

Worshipping My Ass by: EvaMartini age: 22 Gender: f Approx words: 3646 Today is my 22nd birthday and I am giving myself some free time to do what I want. For a long time, I have wanted to discuss the subject of guys worshipping my ass, so today is the day. Then tonight I will party and maybe blow out some candles, among other things. I am five-foot-five with stylishly long dark hair and brown eyes. I have a medium build that is 34b on top and a gorgeous and attention-getting rear-end. I...

1 year ago
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Highway HardOn

Highway driving gets boring. Long stretches of turnpike don't demand much concentration, so my mind always wanders to its favorite subject --- sex! In the summer, my wandering mind is aided by the view: single guys in sports cars and pickups, most driving shirtless, with one tanned arm out the window. I drive one-handed myself, but my free arm isn't out the window; my hand is gently rubbing my crotch as I fantasize. Sometimes I catch a smile from a passing guy, but even if I follow him, it...


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