Sheba: Solomon’s Lost City Pt. 02 free porn video

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The story so far: Captain Hawk Masterson of the air corps on leave in London was convinced by Sir Henry Shelby to go on an expedition with him to the fabled Mountains of the Moon in East Africa.

Along the way he develops an affair with the free-thinking wife of Sir Henry, Connie. Later in British East Africa he met Sir Henry’s daughter Prue and her fiance Charlie. Prue took an active dislike to Hawk based on her loyalty to her father.

Just before they are to start their trek into the mountains Hawk and Connie making love in a pool of cool water are attacked by a leopard…


Trapped in a Green Hell


As the yellowed fangs snarled soundlessly into his face Hawk tried to press the mouth away from his throat using the heel of his hand. Taken by surprise the jaws of the beast were deflected along his cheek and Hawk felt blood running along the scar created by the razor sharp teeth. As Hawk smelt the fetid breath of the leopard his right hand found and clenched the hilt of the knife.

He struck the great cat’s flank with lethal ferocity allowing the blade to sink into the chest cavity of the great cat and between the protecting ribs.

The beast let out a hideous squeal of anger and pain and lashed out again with his claws raking Hawk’s side. As the leopard struck so did the man this time his blow split the beast’s heart and Hawk watched as the life left the cat’s eyes. Gasping for breath Hawk suddenly heard the sound of other people near him and felt the body of the leopard being lifted from his body.

Suddenly he was looking into the hard brown eyes of John Carter who was kneeling beside him and shouting orders to the others.

‘God damn you, we need bandages and bearers here! Jok take care of them and if anyone here isn’t here to help, tell them to go back to the camp,’ the man looked down and Hawk and smiled grimly.

‘Well Mr Masterson you’ll have a few scars but you’ll live laddie. As long as you don’t bleed to death. By God laddie that was something I have never seen before a naked man except for a knife killing a full-grown healthy leopard. Jok where are those bearers!!’

As the man called out his question Hawk passed into the darkness of sleep.

Light flooded into the tent as the flap was pulled open as Hawk opened his eyes. Blinking rapidly he made out Connie’s form as she bent over him.

‘How long have I been asleep,’ he whispered through dry lips.

Connie started and then smiled at the younger man, ‘Two days but you are looking a lot better. We’re still at the river waiting to cross. Do you need anything?’

‘Would like some water,’ he mumbled.

Connie bent over his body bringing her breasts to his face as she poured out a cup of water and then held it for him as he carefully sipped the contents. The cool water seemed to be liquid gold as it poured down his throat. Feeling satisfied he propped himself up in the cot and curled his hands about Connie’s waist.

‘Well you must be feeling better but we shouldn’t overdo it,’ Connie said softly.

Even as she spoke she pulled back the sheets covering his body and began to rub his cock though the cotton of his underwear. Quickly it rose and she exposed it to her lustful gaze.

Turning to the man she said,’Thank you for rescuing me from that beast.’

Then before he could speak she had bent over his cock which slipped between her full lips. He was pushed back onto the bed and felt his cock slip in and out of the woman’s mouth as she sucked expertly on the hard rod. She used her tongue to massage and tease him so that he would last longer. Even so his cock was soon erupting with cum as she licked and sucked each drop into her mouth.

‘I have to say that I am glad to see that you have not been injured there my dear,’ Connie observed archly as she held his flaccid member. Then she continued,’ Best join us in about an hour for some dinner. That is if you are up to it.’

Hawk slowly dressed and gathered his wits. His wounds felt sore but he knew that he would soon be over them, with his youthful body shrugging off the weakness and he wondered what would happen next. Stepping into the lazy afternoon sun he found the others waiting for him.

‘Good to see you up and about,’ Charlie said happily.

Prue merely glanced at him with her lips pursed. Sir Henry grasped the man by the hand and made him wince as his stitches were pulled.

‘Hawk good to see you up and about, that means we can start tomorrow into the foothills. Damned bearers have it into their minds the place is cursed and its been a trouble keeping them from running away. That Jok keeps them in line and seeing his style he scares me by Jove.”

‘Nonsense Sir Henry they recognise Jok as being a prince of his people which he is, a proper Zulu prince he is and we are lucky he is here. Good to see you up Laddie,’ the guide greeted Hawk warmly with a tight smile.

As the others talked over the wildebeest stew that had been created Hawk listened and gained the impression that each of them had been shaken by the leopard attack and wanted to press on before anything else happened. As the dusk turned into the night the bearers began their singing, harmonious chanting that seemed to greet the stars as they entered the darkening skies. It was during this chanting that Hawk began to nod off only to be shaken awake by Prue who said in a kinder voice than usual.

‘Time for bed Mr Masterson.’

When she said this she looked at Hawk in a manner that he felt was almost lustful. Perhaps Charlie must have noticed it because he was near them within seconds and though he was solicitous of his health Hawk believed that he was also taking care that Prue did not do anything untoward. Staggering to his bunk Hawk stripped his clothes from his body and sank into a deep exhausted sleep.

He felt the flap of the tent open and the figure standing above him in the night. Though still recovering his senses seemed to be preternaturally alert and he had woken without a sound. He felt the hands slide the sheet away from his body and then the soft womanly hands touched his body. Slowly and with exquisite care her fingers seemed to explore each ridged muscle over his stomach and his chest. The fingers touched his nipples and felt them stir and he sighed deeply making the woman stop until she went back to thinking him still asleep.

Hawk wondered why Prue was here he had recognised her form in the dim moonlight. He wondered if he should demand her reasons for being here but decided against it as he felt her fingers slide their way to his groin. He wondered if the girl’s attitude had been because she had been jealous of Connie and she had wanted him. Then she touched his pubic hair and softly combed her fingers through it and she sighed deeply. As she touched his body he saw in the dim light that had broken into the tent that she had pushed her hand into her skirts and was no doubt frigging her cunt energetically. He heard a stifled groan and wanting to see how far the woman would go he stayed silent. Still his body ached from the attack and he groaned and stretched his body so that his half-erect cock touched her fingers.

Taken by surprise she stopped and waited as though she expected Hawk to rise up and angrily demand answers from her, when he didn’t but seemed to go back to sleep she slowly continued. Her hand began to again touch his half-erect cock. Lightly it seemed to float over his supremely sensitive skin, skin that stretched and filled as blood flowed into his growing and hardening cock.

As his cock grew her hands slipped along its length and even formed a soft ring about the head of this fleshy spear and it slowly moved up and down his aching, demanding cock. Now he wanted to make it known that he was awake and make her take his cock in her virgin mouth before he fucked her cunt and tore her maidenhead away. Yet he did not and allowed Prue to explore without maki
ng it known that he was awake though she surely must have known by now he was awake.

He felt her petticoats being pushed further aside as she delved deeply into her cunt, feeling the slippery juice covered flesh and then pushing her finger into the hot hole with increasing desperation. With her rising passion she no longer cared about trying to keep Hawk from waking and she seized the man’s hard cock firmly in her small fist and began to pump it with increasing violence. A groan escaped her throat and she shuddered and Hawk realised that she was cuming and he imagined her finger rubbing and exploring her erect clit and as he thought of it his cock exploded with cum shooting from his cock onto her hand and his belly.

Gasping as she realised that he must be awake she ran from his tent into the night and Hawk wondered if he should follow the woman only to decide not to. He found a rag to wipe the cum from his body and cock and settled back to sleep. As he did so he wondered why the woman had joined him tonight after the hostility she had shown to him previously. Just before he slipped back into sleep he decided to say nothing about what had occurred this night.


The morning dawned with brilliant shades of organdy, pink and red as Hawk left the tent and walked into the organised chaos of a camp being struck. Grabbing a cup of coffee and a plate of food he sat on one of the canvas chairs and ate slowly. Both John and Jok were busy as the bearers were organised to take those things that were being stacked onto the waggons to be sent back to Fort Portal. As he watched the busyness about him Hawk was joined by the others including Prue who seemed to be avoid his gaze though he would often see her look towards him when she thought he wasn’t looking at her.

Finally refreshed and ready the party began their safari into the mountains that lay ahead. There seemed to be a change as soon as they crossed the stream where Hawk and Connie had been attacked. Though none of them could have pointed to anything different in the fresh abundant vegetation or the cries of the birds in the air there seemed something more sinister in the air as they travelled along the pathways along the ridges Hawk felt that they were being watched and followed.

Yet even as they were oppressed by the sense of being watched along the path that Sir Henry’s map guided them along they would find ancient marks of civilisation. A civilisation that had left these signs to decay in these jungle clad mountains. Though excited by the finds each of them felt the unvoiced dread of something evil watching them as the slowly snaked through the overgrown paths.

When Hawk mentioned this to John, John’s answer surprised him.

‘I’ve counted about six of them and they are very good laddie both Jok and I have tried to catch them but they seem to know all the tricks. What I am worried about at the moment laddie are the bearers they’ve been spooked by that leopard when we went back to the waterhole it wasn’t there and they think it may have been a shape-shifter or some such nonsense, Jok’s had to knock a few heads to see if he can get some sense into them,’ with that the guide spoke no more but went about the business of setting up the camp.

Later he did remark that he was surprised how rugged and different the mountains seemed to the other times he had been here,’ It’s as hough their an entirely different place laddie,’ he stopped as though thinking and then continued,’ I can’t find the landmarks I know in these mountains, they seem wilder and larger than they should be.’

After that he ceased speaking and refused to be drawn anymore into the discussion.

For the next three days the party moved through the forest clad peaks and ridges as they followed the overgrown paths that led through the verdant growth. In places they rose over razor backed peaks only to plunge almost vertically downwards along primeval gullies that ended with roaring waterfalls. Where the paths failed they cut their way by hand through the steep slopes. Yet even in these places they had the sharp impression that they were still being watched. With each step the bearers grew restive and the others realised that an explosion was soon to come. Hawk and the other men of the party began to wear sidearms and ensured that there were at least two of them each time they were away from the others.

Yet as they moved through the jungle they found increasing evidence that people had once been here and this time the evidence was recent, a path beaten out by feet, forest cut back and at one place steps carved into granite.

‘Damn this!’ the guide exploded as he found an arrowhead in the path they were travelling.

Hawk had never heard the guide as angry as this and he looked at the man quizzically.

‘Their playing with us, making us snappy and waiting for the right time to attack ,’ the man explained wearily.

‘Attack us?’ Hawk asked.

Yes attack us, if they were friendly they would have contacted us by now. Expect things to go to hell quickly laddie,’ and with that comment the Scotsman turned back to the bearers who had stopped once more their faces etched with their terror at what could lie ahead as they travelled further into the mountains.

The forecast attack came barely ten minutes after the men had talked about the possibility as the party began another steep ascent though this time the track seemed wider and easier than many they had travelled over. The first anyone knew of anything was happening was the gurgled scream of a porter as he slid to the ground grasping frantically at his throat. Hurrying over to him Hawk pulled him to his feet only to see the dart sticking from his throat and his purple tongue slack in his mouth. As he turned to the others more bearers went down gasping and groaning as arrows and darts shot from the dense growth fencing the narrow path that led upwards.

Screams began as the men and women broke for cover. Hawk’s instincts took over and he dove into the undergrowth only to collide with a muscular brown body who turned on him with a snarl. Hawk stared into the face that turned to him and shuddered. It seemed more beast than man and he reacted without thought to the threat offered.

The sharp bang of Hawk’s revolver answered the snarl and the creature’s body spun away from the young American. Other bangs from rifles and revolvers began to fill the air, here and there they were answered with screams of pain and rage. Just as Hawk turned to make his way to the party and try to link up with the others two of the beasts carrying short stabbing spears in their hands charged at Hawk who raised his revolver and drew a line on the chest of one of these beast men.

Another sharp bang doubled the bestial body over but running and diving his companion drove into Hawk’s form. The momentum of the striking body threw Hawk to the ground and sent his gun whirling into the air. The ugly face of the bestial man snarled into Hawks showing the vicious yellow incisors that he tried to use by ripping out Hawk’s throat.

Using one hand to push away the raging jaws as he seized the knife from his belt which he desperately drove under the chin and into brain. Shaking the dead man from his body Hawk rose into a crouching posture and thinking swiftly decided to circle the path and the attackers and attack on them from behind.

Moving cautiously Hawk started to move through the dense undergrowth only to have another of the beast-men suddenly spring in front of him. The man also carried a short stabbing spear and advanced carefully. This man knew how to kill and his yellow teeth were bared in a rictus as he aimed to strike at Hawk who only held his knife. He advanced silently in short steps trying to Hawk push back into the undergrowth and hamper his movements. As he moved so did Hawk weighing each move and step trying to determine how to beat the man who aimed to kill him.

Suddenly realising his solution he reversed his blade
and threw the knife at the creature’s bared chest. Yet as he did this the beast-man burst into explosive action and flew towards the crouched American. Two steps were made when the blade sliced through the ebony skin of the man’s chest and buried itself into his heart but even as it did so the body now dead crashed into Hawk sending him reeling, the spear cut open a scar along his shoulder and Hawk’s head collided with a rock throwing him into the blackness of insensibility.

Along the path battle was rapidly turning against the party. Though they had seen Hawk swept into the brush along the track they had barely time to register the warriors jumping down the path their bestial faces screaming a bestial scream. The screaming bearers panicked and blocked the rifles in the hands of Sir Henry, Charlie and the guide from mowing down the horde descending on their party. Only Jok who had been separated from the rest of the party was causing death as he sprung into the flailing beast-men. His assegai stabbing and spearing with ruthless efficiency, it’s head dripping with the blood of those who he had slain or wounded.

Then he tripped over the body of a man he had just slain. Desperately he tried to rise as the men surrounded him and he expected nothing but death. With just bare moments till his death Jok waited. Suddenly a volley of shots rang out as the guide with Charlie in tow charged into the mass of the beasts to save his brave Zulu friend. Now instead of firing their guns they used the stocks as clubs driving the bestial warriors back and recovering the winded man. Slowly they backed away from the warriors who seemed busier in their capturing and leading away the bearers who had surrendered meekly to the beasts that had attacked.

‘What about Hawk?’ Connie breathed holding onto a grey Sir Henry as the men retired using their guns to hold away the warriors who circled the men and women.

‘If the laddie’s still alive he will try to get back to us. What I am worried about is that we don’t have much ammunition, the rest was with the bearers,’ the guide remarked.

‘While there’s a chance you must get the women away John,’ Sir Henry declared bravely as he gasped for breath.

‘Henry no! You have to come with us,’ Connie said.

‘Too old to run through a jungle, old girl. Best you and Prue get going,’ the grey-faced man whispered.

‘Father we can’t leave you,’ Prue said with steely determination.

Before the debate could continue the jungle moved sharply as a column of warriors moved down along the path and onto the small party. However instead of the squat ugly male warriors this column was made of beautiful black naked women who carried shields and short stabbing spears efficiently before their Amazon-like bodies. They moved with a menacing air of silence and stepped quickly over the bodies along the path.

‘Too many to fight here we need to run,’ Jok remarked with a cold precision that everyone realised was an accurate reflection of their predicament.

The guide nodded and gave his command, ‘Your right of course. Charlie will give a volley on my command who will take care of Sir Henry, Jok and I will get the women out. Don’t try to be heroes head through the bush to the north and don’t wait for anyone.’

Turning back to watch the warrior women marching towards them he called out,’ Here they come!! Fire!!’

The sound of gunshot was deafening even though the close bush deadened part of the noise and made the attackers halt in confusion as warriors fell bleeding. Yet even as they fell they remained silent and others took their place quickly. The party taking their chance broke and fled into the dense undergrowth. Realising that their prey was trying to escape the women split into groups and slipped expertly into the dense forest and began their hunt for the fugitives.

All too quickly they found their first victims. Coming on Charlie, Sir Henry and a defiant Prue they closed on the hapless trio. Prue sobbed yet remained steadfast with the others she was determined to stay with her father. Desperately they tried to make their way along the steep slope that led to the north.

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Penny, Alexus, Kale and Selwyn blinked to Tinble City. They were sad to find that the shield had failed. The devastation suggested that it had failed many years before. When they entered the Citadel, they found it dark and quiet. They activated their wands, so they provided light and using the stairs they headed to the room that the SAI should be located in. They found that she had died. The dried out mess in the tank suggested that she had been dead for a year or possibly two. Kale...

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The FreshmanChapter 30 Americans in Danube City

The three Americans completed the final leg of their journey about 10 hours after beginning it in Chicago. Only a short time after rising to cruising altitude the plane began its descent into Danubian airspace. Jason and Cecilia looked out of their window at a range of heavily forested mountains that gave way to open farmland punctuated with villages and crisscrossed by railroad tracks. There was a large lake off in the distance that must have been the Rika Chorna Reservoir. The plane banked...

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My Summer In The Big City

INTRODUCTION This is the second of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer In The Big City By: Zylux The time was the late sixty's and my friends and I had managed to survive our first year at a small university on the east coast. We had lived in on campus dorm rooms, which were cramped, noisy, and...

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Trouble in the City

Bamiji City is the capital of the small central African country of the same name, Bamiji, which is run under the thumb of an ex-military strongman whose regime is extraordinarily corrupt, kleptocratic, and repressive. Following a discreet coup in the early 1990s by a small group of middle-ranking military officers, which overthrew the country's long-time more or less democratically elected civilian administration, the new regime members resigned their commissions (so that they, too, could call...

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Jasons TaleChapter 28 Mountainside City

Tom had given Lord Black his freedom, as well as a ship and any of our prisoners who would swear oath to him. It was enough to make up a small crew. Most of them were sailors, and it wouldn’t take long to shake out into a proper crew. Andrew -Lord Black had asked us to call him that in private, as he was only “Lord Black” to us- asked if he could have some of North Harbor’s ships instead of us just sinking them. We had to think about that one. Wouldn’t the previous owners just take it from...

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Cum Blast City

There are a million different ways to have sex out there and as many fetishes as there are people. From cock and ball torture to bronies, it's amazing what can make a dude hard. After years in the business, nothing surprises me anymore. I don't think there is a single thing in this vast universe of ours that couldn't be fucked or jerked off to.The Many Faces of FuckingI have no idea how many different ways I've cum. I'm sure that by now, I've covered the gambit. Pussies, assholes, and mouths...

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Free use fandom city

Welcome to Free use city, a place where female charcters from all media have come to settle down into a simply city way of life. However this city is diffrent for her male residents have the right to use any of the female residents as they see fit as such the name free use city is one you'll hear being used aroud here. Never the less with the basic explained about this place its time to start, if your ready to hit up an adventure with the nameless resident of Free use city please select new...

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The Devils Harem Sin City

 The year was 1991…A few cirrus clouds swirled like strokes of an artist’s brush across the blue desert sky. Even in the midst of desperation, with all hope having vanished, one can still see the beauty in their surroundings. Sometimes it’s necessary to mask the ugliness. Sometimes it might be the last thing ever seen.Hot burning sand stuck to his face. Of course it would, they had just tossed him in a hole and shoveled sand until he was buried up to his chin. The sand burned his eyes, it was...

Straight Sex
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Recent AMP visits in Jersey City

Addicted to AMPs: Blue Sea (Jersey City – Tina)It was raining today, October 30th. Isn’t it always raining when I do my AMP visits. I texted the Beach street basement spot and asked who was available, and was told new Chinese girl named Coco. This could be the Coco from Blue Sea, or the Coco from Jewel Spa, and if it was, well, good CIM BBJ, but not sure I was in the mood for price haggling. It if was the former, man, I missed out.So, I also texted Thai Style on Summit avenue, but got no reply…...

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Spring Break in Panama City

(episode 13)My heart was set on getting a big group of my friends together to go to Florida for spring break like we had done the year before. And I especially was looking forward to some special fun with my girlfriend Jennifer. But events never turn out the way you plan, our desires are often crushed.Despite Jennifer coaxing me into new sexual experiments like the little vibrator in my ass incident, anal licking and making videos of our love making, some tensions between us had developed...

College Sex
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Boobs In The City

You’re home alone, bong smoke settling through your apartment like a dense London fog. You’re sort of in the mood for video games, but you’ve also got a semi-erect penis begging for your attention. What do you do? You could ignore your human needs and just fire up the PS4, or you could look for something that pushes all of your buttons while you also push some buttons. Somebody just sent me a link to Boobs in the City, so I think I’ll opt for the latter.Boobs in the City is a free first-person...

Best Porn Games
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Sin City

The year is 2245. Over the course of humanity we have changed so much. From bands of scavengers, to tribes, to communities, to cities, to states, to countries, to the world government. The stone age gave way to the bronze age, the iron age, the steel revolution, the technology age, the fusion age, the antimatter age. We now have a full colony on the moon and Mars is well under development. They say in less than a thousand years the hyper gate will arrive in the Alpha Centuri galaxy and we will...

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The PsychicChapter 10 The Ghosts of Virginia City

Victor Victor turned around to see who had screamed at him, and flew backwards as a stack of books hit him in the chest. 'You missed me Robert Duvall, just like last time!' said a voice with a southern accent. 'Not this time you ... you barbarian!' shouted a voice with a French accent in Victor's mind. 'Sticks and stones, come let's dance, ' the southern voice said. Victor sat up and looked at the two apparitions that were fighting as the patrons screamed and ran for the door or...

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Chance Meeting In My City

Chance Meeting In My CityThis is a fictitious story I have promised someone here on XH.......The background of how this story takes place is when I remembered how one of the subjects (in this case, Emily) had first introduced herself to me.Going way, way back at some of our initial chatting, she quite openly admitted she liked the look of me (flattery will always work wonders) & said she could never rule out an opportunity where one day we might catch up, as it were.Anyway the story goes...

1 year ago
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White Sissy Chocolate City

This northeastern city was a world away from the two stoplight Oklahoma town where Bon-bon had grown up. The population in this metro area was a little over four million while his hometown could boast no more than three thousand residents. Back in the O.K. state, there were no Black residents, here almost half of the folks were Black. It would have been a culture shock for most people, but the O.S.U. Cowboys fan embraced it. Bon-bon’s government name was Andrew Conway. He had recently...

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A Night in the City

The hotel room was perfect, 27th floor, overlooking the downtown area. It was a fairly warm evening, the kind of night for a stroll with someone you love, to just walk around town, enjoying each other's company without the need of a conversation to keep each other engaged. What's the term for that? Ah silence.Back to the hotel room...I was standing in my robe waiting for you to finish in the shower. I was enjoying the scotch over ice as I watched the scene of the city below me. The darkness...

2 years ago
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Magic City

Magic City By Mouse Standard disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. This story uses the actual names of a couple of places and locations, but the resemblance ends with the name. Any other similarities between people and places are entirely coincidental. This story contains adult themes and attempts to describe acts of a sexual nature. If you shouldn't be reading this sort of material, please stop reading now. * Ebony swayed rhythmically between Jeff's legs. In...

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The Preacher ManChapter 19 The Windy City

Time: June 26, 8236 2:15 PM I was sitting in my spacious office at Karbala, mentally preparing for an unpleasant 2:30 meeting. I sat gazing westward out of large bay windows, admiring the beauty of the snow-covered rocky coast directly below while pondering the morality of the decision before me. The afternoon sun broke out and began shining brightly over the cold blue-gray waters of the South Atlantic. "Well, that's nice," I thought. "After six days of hiding, you finally decide to...

1 year ago
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Milfy City

Let’s talk about the hottest unfinished game you’ll find on the internet as of early 2022. I learned of Milfy City a few years ago when I thought that the screenshots were fake. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was sure that games couldn’t possibly be this hot. I thought it was a scam. Well, I played the game shortly after and holy shit – it really is every single bit as hot as the screenshots they’re using to market it. The game is unfortunately still in production, but there are hours of...

Free Sex Games
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Synchronicity Synchronicity: "The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection" Author's note: This one is a little different. Rather than being inspired by one song, I got inspired by several at once ... Scene 1: Walking in your footsteps Amy: Whenever my friend Amber gets too stressed, we go to a local museum. I know, it's not a typical hangout for a couple of teens, but Amber just loves it, so we...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 4 Opal City

-- Earth time: 2095-- Where was I? Yes, my first trip to my Island. If I wasn’t nuts before I got here, I was by the time I left. My arrival... -- Earth time: 1100-- I coughed and then vomited again. I dry retched several times and finally sat up as the dizzy sensation abated. I looked around me and found that I was sitting inside a Ring. I knew that it wasn’t the same Ring as the room was also different. This room had curved walls and had a high domed ceiling that was covered in...

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felix becomes felicity

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 1 “Gynecomastia is the abnormally large development of mammary glands in males, resulting in breast enlargement……… In teenage boys this does not have to be linked to obesity……… The word Gynecomastia  derives from the Greek for woman and breast”     I logged off from my regular searches on the internet and felt sick as usual. I am 16 and a normal schoolboy, except I have this condition of Gynecomastia, the “woman” and “breast” bit ringing in my ears! Basically I...

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Diesel City

Diesel City stretches like a rusted ulcer across the northern United States from Chicago to Cleveland. Motorcycles, trains, and airships constantly roar through the city streets belching smoke and rattling the oft-broken windows as great factories churn out everything from muscle cars to atomic bombs. Women tend to fall into three categories: Dames (easy labor or non-working women that favor late 40's-early 50's era fashion, hairstyles and makeup), Brass (women in the government and military),...

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Marvin Leaves the City

CHAPTER 1 Corporate accountant Marvin Roach was unsettled in his role as an internal auditor. The twenty-seven year old had liked working with three foxy females on a project costing team but had been switched, without consultation, to the internal audit section where he worked with two grumpy old guys and a hawk-nosed female with no obvious tits who chewed gum. Jesus. Marvin’s grandparents had died and left him their ranch run as a cow-calf operation. The appraised value was $8.7 million...

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Horses in the City

Prologue ‘Emma, what are you talking about?’ Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she’d just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma’s words had blocked everything else out. ‘Just what I said, Lila. I don’t think it will work with the two of us. It’s just not…’ Emma put her hands together, back to back. ‘Just not meshing.’ Her brown eyes were bright and she was fidgeting. ‘Not meshing?’ Anger...

1 year ago
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Jennas Story Part 3 Kansas City

Introduction: I take up the continuing story of Jenna as she takes a little detour on her way home to find out what her parents have decided. Please be warned this is a continuing autobiographical story of a 26 year old womans memories if her sex life, which began at a very young age. If you dont like fantasy about very young girls enjoying sex, then you should probably skip this story altogether, or at least wait for future chapters which will cover years 18 to 26 (if I ever get around to...

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Noir City

Noir City. It is a place of broken dream and shattered hearts. It places where the hot lead fly and even hotter women roamed the streets. There a lot of dangerous women in this city. Recently star detective both private and professional were getting killed by various means. Some were ripped in two. Sam Slade was tracking the killer down. He ran up the fire escape and followed the suspect, leaping off roof from roof. The cold was like a dagger to his heart and he had a sense of the dread. The...

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Summer in the city

Robert Madsen parked the sleek red Maserati in its spot in the parking garage and turned off the purring engine. He sat in the leather seat and listened to the ticking of the engine as it cooled down. He had bought the car with his Christmas bonus and paid cash for it. His wife, Elena, had gone crazy when he told her. She thought it was a waste of money and completely unnecessary. He, on the other hand, loved it. It was his money and he had a lot more of it, so he didn’t see the problem. His...

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Laney Scoops the City

Laney Travers walked down the ill-lit corridor and paused outside the doorway to her virtue's doom. Apartment twenty-nine again. Heaven help this well-raised girl. Well, maybe not Heaven ... Mike's voice sounded in her head: “News – real news – is what someone doesn’t want you to know, Laney sweetheart. The rest is fuckin’ propaganda. Keep searchin’ for truth among the bullshit. Rigour, determination, guts – that’s the only kinda newspaperman to be. Or newspaperwoman. Remember that.” He’d...

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Sissys Back In The City

SISSY'S BACK IN THE CITY by Charlotte This story contains scenes of an erotic nature and is not intended for minors. Further, if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should by bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and re-post as long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story. This is the second part of Sissy in the City. As...

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A Day In The City

He paused at the door a moment, silently admiring her. She stood with her back to him, naked except for a pair of pure white panties that emphasised rather than concealed the enticing tautness of her arse. His eyes lifted, following the subtle curve of her back to where it disappeared below a cascade of dark hair. And smiled as he saw the tension in her, the knowledge of his presence behind her. He stepped forward to stand a handsbreadth away from her, close enough to hear the slight...

4 years ago
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Just A Small Town Girl Part 1 Welcome to the City

"Thanks. That was fun last night." Fun? To Shay it was just paying the price for a ride. She'd hitchhiked her way from the one stoplight town in North Carolina she'd called home to New York fuckin' City itself. Sure she'd had to suck a few cocks along the way, like ol' Pete back there, but when you've been sucking your Daddy's cock since you were out of training bras, what was a couple more? It was when Daddy started taking more notice of her developing body and his caresses became...

2 years ago
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Horses in the City

Prologue "Emma, what are you talking about?" Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she'd just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma's words had blocked everything else out. "Just what I said, Lila. I don't think it will work with the two of us. It's just not..." Emma put her hands together, back to back. "Just not meshing." Her brown eyes were bright and she was fidgeting. "Not...

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