The Lord Of A City free porn video

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Taking great artistic license I have prepared a story with the styling of JohnNorman upon the ancient Hindu legend of Indra. I pray none are offended bythis as I hope this story can be enjoyed for the valuable meaning it triesso hard to bring. I present to those here "The Lord of a City". AGorean retrospect which asks "Can a lowly slave save a great and powerfulUbar from the wrath of the Priest Kings?"

Ages ago in this harsh yet fertile land there was one of the prevalent Ubar'sof Ar named Indra. Often after his dinner with his favored slave Indrani athis side he would rejoice in looking out across the city in wonder as how majesticthe city is. Ar has always been blessed to be the central hub of all the lands.He would ponder on such things as he wandered the great halls of the castlekeep while enjoying the soft company of his girl. They would wander the hallstogether while looking at the paintings of the past Ubar's of Ar. Indra wouldthink of how they fought to become the leader and the accomplishments theymade as keepers of the city. Like so many other Ubar's before him he had battledto become the authority of Ar and wanted to bring under his reign a greatnesslike no other. Not only for himself but his kinsmen so that the city as a wholewould be a shining example to the rest of the land.

After giving it much thought he proclaimed that the city would build the GreatWall of Ar to surround the greatest city of all. He had this concept of whathe wanted but what he really needed was a master draftsman to plan such a grandscheme. He would often tell the girls of his harem how he had such grand ideasand so his most favored girl offered her humble thoughts that he should tryto bring the best builders in the land by holding an event. He thought it wasa wonderful idea so he ordered a festival to be held for all the builders.Offering a reward to the draftsman that has the greatest design of all, hesent emissaries across the lands proclaiming an additional reward to the Ubarof the city that the builder would come from. Many an Ubar knowing the truepower of Ar and the benefit of being friend to the city had sent their ownemissaries and their most brilliant engineers to where they all came to theFestival of Builders.

The festival as a joyous event in that the whole city offered up food and entertainment.The man with the most outstanding architecture of course won the competitionand they became The Grand Master Builder of Ar and their Ubar was granted rewardof riches and slaves in exchange for such genius. Still the task at hand wasso great that all the builders were hired and smaller rewards were sent toeach Ubar in turn as this Ubar of Ar would be a reputable man to his own name.The city watch amazed as they began building The Great Wall of Ar. When afterthe first section went up the Ubar realized he could no longer see the mightyVoltai Mountains from his throne. This troubled his mind and so he broughtthe Grand Master Builder to his chambers and they discussed designing a newkeep for his throne room. They talked about how to build it with a much highercylinder so he could see over the Great Wall of Ar.

And so it was they were building the Great Wall of Ar and the Ubar's Cylinderof Ar majestically rising from the valley below the Voltai Mountains. As TheGreat Wall and the Ubar's Cylinder of Ar grew so did the jealousies of theother great halls of the high castes grow. How could he have this magnificenttower and yet they would not benefit from such great changes? This Ubar wasa proud man and wanted to have the most grand city of Ar that had ever beenseen, much less a city needs to have a proud council or he would constantlyhave challengers to being Ubar so again he brought in the best builder of allthe lands into his chambers and they drew up the plans to make the great hallsof the free in Ar. The gold of Ar is almost limitless and this was affordableas the many kingdoms had paid tribute to such a great Ubar. How ever no matterhow much gold there is in the world there are only so many builders to cutall the stone.

They would look over the city as the Great Wall of Ar and the Ubar's Cylinderof Ar, and the Great Hall's of Ar were being torn down and rebuilt. And theUbar and the builder constantly adding new things of grandeur to the scheme,they grew frustrated at a task that would never end. The prayers of so manybuilders weary of never ending changes and work went to the priests and eventhe Grand Master Builder was troubled as the city would never be completedif the Ubar did not constantly want greater and better changes. The ears ofthe priest went to the Priest Kings who once more looked down from the highpeeks of the Sardar Mountains to see the City of Ar that was once again growingin it's greatness. The Priest Kings gave this careful thought and consideration,so they planned and sent for a voyage of acquisition.

A day came to where a stranger was wandering the lands of Ar and looked tothe great construction going on and began to laugh out loud at all the mistakesthe builders were making and made comments on how to correct the errors withmore efficient ways. This all to quickly caught the eye of the Ubar as theother builders were bewildered by this strangers wisdom. The Ubar was amazedat his knowledge and wanted to learn more as he wanted to have the very bestCity of Ar that the land had ever seen. He brought the stranger to his chambersto discuss what would need to be done. After offering him a meal fit for anymaster served up by his very own favored girl he talked more with the strangerwho told him "If you want to deign the best city then you must have thebest slaves in all the land to do the labor! I just happened to have the bestslaves in all the land that can build the greatest vision of Ar the world hasever seen!"

The Ubar agreed and paid the stranger the highest reward ever heard of andthe stranger brought to Ar a grand army of slaves that worked diligently without question to build the city with a speed none had ever remembered. The Ubarwas pleased and yet puzzled though as he watched all the slave workers. Manyof their faces seemed so very familiar to him yet he would lay awake at nightwhile his favored girl would try to sooth him. Sleeplessly trying to rememberwho these slaves were and how did he come to recognize their faces. One veryhot summer day he approached the stranger watching as the slaves were stillworking tirelessly and asked him, "These men that work so hard to buildthis great city, some of them seem familiar to me. Where did you obtain them?"

The stranger only laughed and said, "They were given to me as a gift fromthe Priest Kings them self. The only work they ever do is to improve the cityof Ar as that is all they ever wanted to do." The Ubar looked so verypuzzled at the stranger not understanding as he had never heard of such a thingbefore. The stranger laughed loudly and proclaimed, "Every last one ofthe slaves! Former Ubar's of Ar all!" The Ubar stood there as the realitysank deep into his bones that some how he had angered the Priest Kings in hisambition, but now there was no stopping the plans as how can one turn awaya gift form the Priest Kings? He stood there watching the slaves as they workedunder the hot sun and yet in their eyes he saw only the pride of their labor,in that they to desired to see the city become majestic. Still the thoughtof becoming a slave of labor for the Priest Kings drove fear deep into hisheart.

The slaves continued building the city yet he swore to repent and went to thetemple of the Priest Kings to pray. He then thought to become the most properman he could become and gave an oath to the Priest Kings that he would overcome his transgressions. Vowing celibacy he went to his keep and gathered hisharem and brought them to market to sell off. One by one he sold off his slavesto the bidders until it was time to sell his most favored slave. The girl withtears in her eyes fell prone to his feet pleading with him to not sell heroff, that she would follow him no matter what path he would choose and obeyhis orders with out question. If only he would keep her to his side and shewould live by his command. Hearing her plea he decided still to keep his mostfavored slave to serve in his home but she would have to remain celibate aswell and no longer sleep in his bed.

Many months passed by as the Ubar would go to the temple of the Priest Kingsevery day to help the priests clean and care for the temple as such thingsshould not ever be done by a slave's hands. His slave dutifully taking careof the keep and cooking good meals would but obey and never let her mind somuch as even wander to thoughts other than to serve her master. In time thegrand city was built and the stranger having done his part wandered off tothe north. Some builders remained to take care of the city but most were nolonger needed and returned to their own homelands. The council had taken muchpower of the city and the bureaucracies began to run rampant as the Ubar spenttoo much of his time tending to the temple. The ever loyal slave was becomingworried as she swore to serve her master and yet there were rumors of challengingthe Ubar's rule.

Doing the only thing with in her powers she went to the temple of the priestkings and prayed for her master that he would be spared the wrath of the priestkings with out loosing his life from being challenged as Ubar. A priest listeningto her silent whisper told her, "We are put here to be what we were meantto be. We are nothing more. Nor are we any thing less." That night shelay in her bed as the meaning of the words slowly dawned upon her. With greaterunderstanding she crawled to the bed of her master as he gently awoke in hisbed feeling her presence. Not quite awake he was still groggy in his visionand before anger could take him she begged, "Please master I beg of youto hear my plea! Take mercy upon me entering your bed but I beg you to hearmy words."

Still waking from his slumber watching his beautiful Indrani as she was almostcrying, tears welling up in her soulful eyes. "I am your slave and itis my greatest wish to serve you as that is my right full duty that I takepride in knowing I am yours." Tears rolling from her eyes down her cheeksas she slowly stripped from her silks revealing the full beauty of her form. "Howam I to serve the Ubar of this great city if I am not allowed the honor ofbaring to this city the heir to the throne? You are the leader of this city,is it not your duty as Ubar to serve the city?" And so the Ubar learnedthe final lesson of humility. He is not to be the greatest Ubar the world hasever known, nor is he to be a slave to the Priest Kings. Just as his favoredgirl takes pride in serving to his love, he is simply to keep his station asthe Ubar of Ar in pride of knowing he has done his job serving the city.

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With the same, wickedly sharp blade her clothes are also savagely cut from her, not without a few more nicks over her tender nubile body, which only serve to enhance the sight of her standing there with hands bound behind her, tears streaming, her sobs hard and catching in her throat. With the blade he traces over her soft, trembling breasts and nearly nude mound. Her eyes widen in terror as she watches, afraid to move in her fear, her soft whimpers now sobs as her fear rises, and she begs him...

2 years ago
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As You Wish My Lord

Rosalyn longed for the simple comfort of facing down a hundred screaming barbarians charging at her with swords drawn. Or marching through the Direwood Forest, black as night even at the highest noon, a brigand behind every tree. Anything to avoid spending another minute listening to these selfish old windbags and their small, petty desires. ‘No, absolutely not,’ was her response to the latest scheme. Once again Lord William, Duke of Ambrose, badgered her for more men and resources. A full...

4 years ago
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Lord Hort Part 1

Hey, new submitter here at Fictionmania, you know the drill. I don't mind other people posting this story to their sites, as long as they don't charge and ask me first. This story contains sexual content. You must be of the legal age relevant to your country of residence to view it. Just remember, Menoth is watching you and he knows if you're bad. Then he sets you on fire. This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any people or places, living or dead, is entirely...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

2 years ago
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Lord Dagmars Estate

Lord Dagmar’s EstateChapter 1Dress appropriately. That’s what the letter had said. It wasn’t a letter you ignored either. The calligraphic script and the weight of the paper showed you it meant business. No exclamation mark or other intonation was necessary; the whole thing reeked of old school, old money, old power. That was not to say the age behind the power lessened it, it was still as strong today as it had always been, strong, stable and unmovable. A relentless force driving the...

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Lord Hort Part 3

Greetings once more. Welcome to the third part pf my story. While I do appreciate the fact that people have actually bothered to at least post some sort of commentary to my stories so far, I have yet to reach my rather lofty (it would seem) goals in terms of numbers... I'm also keen to actually get some discussion on my work going, but don't really want to start something without actually getting other people to participate in it... AS such, there is a post I put to a forum a while...

3 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

3 years ago
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The Lord of Petty Revenges LoPR Part I

The Lord of Petty Revenges Anthony was a small man who worked at the DVLA in Swansea processing driving license photo cards using the large machine they had there is churn out the new licenses. He did not have much of a social life, and spent much of the time he was not drinking down the pub with his only friend Bernard (who worked at the local zoo) doing sculpture in his own home. Anthony was a man who took being slighted very seriously and ever since he had been bullied at school...

3 years ago
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The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 15

In mid-century, the tensions rose in America over the trade in human chattel, a criminal and ugly trade. Various provocateurs like John Brown committed acts to terrorize the slave holders and convince them to give up their human property. They responded by attacks against the more radical of the abolitionists. Battles raged in many of the territories. The two sides became more and more certain of their own moral superiority, reaching an almost religious certainty, which of course led to...

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The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 10

As I pondered in Boston, I hit upon a scheme that would help me recover my place in England. It was now many years since I had fled but I had not aged. How could I return to the estate, having aged not but a day or two in appearance? I wrote a letter to the estate informing them that I was sending my son, Jeremy, to the estate to learn of his past. He had lost his mother, my wife, and I wished him to assume his place as my heir designate in the manor. I then took passage to England as my own...

3 years ago
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The Word of the Lord

"My text today is from the First Book of Kings Chapter eleven verse thirteen: 'and Solomon had three hundred concubines'." Pastor Tony Grifman paused to let the congregation ponder his chosen text. "Just think, three hundred concubines. Three hundred! What a CAP score Solomon must have had! Do we not read in First Kings 3:9 that Solomon asked God for wisdom and it was granted to him? We can see why Solomon had the CAP score he did, because God granted it to him. Once again the Holy Word of...

3 years ago
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Summoning Lord Tyrrin

The circle was perfect, the pentagram inside it had obsessively straight lines. I'd spent too much time and the risk was too great to make even the slightest mistake. I knew what I was doing, and I knew the risks, and the punishments of failure. I didn't even need the book to recite the incantation, the summoning. The words were ancient and powerful, and nobody knew quite what they meant. But it was obvious what the words did. In front of me the air started to swirl, the atmosphere...

2 years ago
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In the Year of Our Lord 1684

I. Sometimes during the course of history, unforseen events help shape the future of a country that otherwise might have taken longer to happen or never would have occurred at all. Such was the case of a little country called Ruudania, which was nestled in the vast Krumea valley and bordered by the Zaxon and the Mandes Rivers during the 17th century. It was during the year of our Lord, 1683, when this little tale begins. Ruudania was at peace with all its neighboring countries during this...

4 years ago
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Vindictus The Dark Lord Part 3

I would like to thank all of my readers who have been so adamant about wanting this storyline to continue. For those of you who are familiar with my work, you know that I do not write sex stories meant for a quick yank, but rather write a story that has sex in it. If you have read the first 2 parts of this story then you know that this storyline is no different. I am currently working on part 4 of this story and hope to have it up for validation in the next few weeks. Again, thank you all for...

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Sexy Lord of time

Running, lots and lots of running. Through that hallway. Through this one. Left, right, double right, forwards, back. "Good, lost them for now... " I said. I was on the run. God, I really shouldn't have been a peeking Tom but her tits were hot" I said. Panting after every few words. I was on the run. I have peeked on Rasllon. He was a very important time Lord, resently turned time Lady after dieing in space and being saved by a passing ship. Now the whole of Gallifrey was after me. Peeking,...

2 years ago
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My Lord takes me dogging

The full moon is bright tonight making it easier to see where we are walking as it bathes the rough track at our feet. We have parked back a way and are making our way down the track to the picnic area by the river. Rumor is that this is a place to watch and play.I'm trembling a little, not from cold as its a warm night but in anticipation. I must have slowed as I feel the gentle tug of the leash on my collar, the other end of the leash is wrapped in my Lord's hand as he leads me.Feeling owned...

4 years ago
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Lord of Chaos

Your name is Dan, you are currently at high school working to finish up your 3rd year right now. But a few girls discover an artifact with chaotic powers to curse people and do a multitude of things like, changing their clothes, turning them into girls, or even removing their sense of dignity. Little did either of you know, but this Orb would turn you into something much greater than anything this world has ever seen. As you touch the orb, you feel an incredible power start to surge throughout...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

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