Lord Hort, Part 1 free porn video

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Hey, new submitter here at Fictionmania, you know the drill. I don't mind other people posting this story to their sites, as long as they don't charge and ask me first. This story contains sexual content. You must be of the legal age relevant to your country of residence to view it. Just remember, Menoth is watching you and he knows if you're bad. Then he sets you on fire. This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any people or places, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. D&D and its associated terminology is the property of Wizards of the Coast, and is used here as a fan reference and not to indicate any form of claim to the names used. And all such other legal disclaimers. I would appreciate comments, and can be reached at [email protected] If I get enough positive feedback, I'll write more. "Okay guys, so what are you bringing to the table this time?" Patrick, as the GM, asked his players. He turned first to Frank, a pudgy gamer who always seemed to provide enough snacks for all, even if he still ate more than anyone else. Or even any two of the others combined. "I'm gonna go for jus a straight human paladin, male, worships god of justice. I was going to work on archetype after I got other players ideas, since they're going to know my race and class anyway." The others nodded at this. "Acceptable. Jayce?" Jayce was a bit of an athlete, and by far the fittest guy in the room. The others wondered how the obvious jock had even gotten into D&D. "I'm going to take a rogue this time. I want to get away from the usual fighters I take, and a rogue is a step in the right direction." "Race?" "Dwarf. Just to mix it up a little." The other players chuckled at his decision. Patrick clapped his hands together. "All good. Stewart?" Stewart was an emaciated, bespectacled acne infested geek of the nerd poster boy variety, with the intellect to match. And the pocket calculator. The only real problem was his incurable munchikinism. "Half-ogre-half-dragon fighter." Patrick just stared at him patiently. "All right all right, I'll stick to the basic races. But unless you get to play something exotic once in a while the game is no fun." Patrick smiled. "Maybe next time Stewart. If we all arrange and agree on it beforehand. So?" "Half-elf ranger. Bow-based combat style." Stewart responded, resignation tainting his voice. "That's better. Lance?" Lance had watched 'Happy Days' far too much in his youth, and the fact that he idolized the Fonz showed in his image. "Hot elf-chick sorceress." The other players groaned. "Dude, that's what you play every time." Jayce complained. "Yeah," Stewart added, "even if we do need the spell-slinger, does it always have to be a 'hot elf-chick'? We all know you only take sorceress as an excuse to have a high charisma..." Lance just smiled. "Yeah, but I already drew up my concepts for this version of Shall'ia." He handed over his folder. The others gathered around it for a look. And then a stare. "How does she keep that on? Where are the straps and stuff?" Frank asked after a prolonged silence. "Elven magic." Lance answered with a smug grin. "She doesn't need straps." The staring continued a while, then Patrick decided to get things back on track by coughing discretely. Say what you would about his taste in characters, but Lance could sure as hell draw well. Especially when it came to scantily clad elves. "So what you got for us Patrick?" Now it was Patrick's turn to grin. "I found this absolutely awesome 'magic' book in the old second hand book store the other day. I thought I'd read you a passage to set the mood first. Then we'll roll up your characters." The others murmured their assent and everyone sat down at the round table in their usual spot, each unpacking their own kit. Blank character sheets were passed around. Patrick pulled out the musty old tome he had found and opened it up to a page at random. "Okay, here we go guys. It's in our alphabet, but I can't understand a word of it so I'm just going to read it phonetically." So saying he slowly and with just the right timbre to his voice, he hoped, read aloud the passage. His players occasionally nodded appreciatively at the words, as there did seem to be some eldritch air to them. When he had finished, he dramatically snapped the tome shut as he intoned the last word. "Well guys, what did you..." He stopped, as the room seemed to lurch around them. It was a good thing they were all sitting, or else they would have lost their balance. The walls of the room shimmered and disappeared as they were replaced by grand marble pillars, which marched off in perfect rows into the distance in r\every direction. The floor beneath them also changed to smooth marble. A sort of low electric buzz filled all the space they were in, and a pleasant smell seemed to drift through the air. Lance was the first to recover. "What the hell?" "Ah," came a sudden voice from behind them, "entertainment." They all turned to see an impressive marble throne behind them where there had been none before. In it sat an imposing man. He must have been at least seven feet tall should he stand, with a physique that put Jayce's to shame. He had a small pointed goatee, slightly pointed ears, slicked back black hair and pure blood red eyes. Combined with the aura of power he exuded and the exotic robes he was wearing, he made quite an imposing figure as he sat there in his throne of marble. "Roleplayers from Earth even." He smiled a disturbing smile. "Some of my favourite subjects to play with." "Who are you and what is going-" Patrick felt himself interrupted as the man gestured. "You will all stay silent and seated unless I say otherwise. A brief explanation of what has happened, so you may properly orient yourselves. Welcome to the planescape gentlemen. Or rather, the small corner of it that is my current prison. I am Hort, a god." Hort watched with amusement the reactions this elicited in his subjects. "In terms you would understand, as in from the point of reference of your 'game' my domains are transformation, entertainment and dominance. I realise that these aren't included in your game, but that hardly means they don't exist, does it? Basically it means I turn things into other things to please me by exerting my will over them. Since this is also part of my nature as a god, I quite enjoy my work." Hort smiled wickedly as he watched the men below him struggle against the restraints he had put upon them. "As you can no doubt guess, that was a real spell. And it brought you here. Full marks for actually managing to cast it Patrick, but you lose them all for not knowing what it did. So, introductions over and scene set, lets get right to the next step. My amusement. You see gentlemen, I've been banished here for quite some time now by some of my rivals with no one to play with to entertain myself. So as you have no doubt guessed, I'm going to change all of you so that I can keep myself entertained while I figure a way out." Hort watched his subjects struggle even more as they futilely tried to escape their fate. "And since I much prefer the aesthetics of the female form to the male one, I think we'll start there." He turned towards Lance, whose eyes darted around in panic. "I liked what you have drawn most recently, Lance. So much so it has inspired me to flatter you by copying your art. Feel honoured." He pointed his arm at Lance and gestured, and Lance jerked to his feet with a cry. He whimpered as his ears became long and pointed and his hair lengthened and flowed down his back even as it changed shade to a nice bright purple. His cries became exquisitely feminine as his face flowed and changed to match the beauty in his drawing. His skin smoothed and paled slightly, now free of all imperfections. His hips widened, his waist thinned and his butt rounded. His legs became long and supple as he changed to a height of around six feet. His torso changed to meet his new feminine proportions, as grace seemed to flow down his arms. As his chest began to swell and fill out, he almost regretted drawing his elf with such large breasts. The sudden increase in weight on his torso made him lean forward, bracing his hands against the table as his new arse wiggled provocatively behind him. Then he was glad for the comfortable warmth of the 'room' they were in as his clothes began to shift. He blushed in embarrassment as he noticed that his friends could not help but stare at his newly revealed cleavage as his 'elven magic' allowed two small shaped bra cups with no straps whatsoever to display his full, soft breasts in a manner that seemed to defy physics but was oh-so-nice to see. They must have covered a bare fifth of his breast in a strip along the bottom that joined between his breasts and darted forward to barely cover his new larger nipples even as the pushed them up and made them conform to a spherical shape with what had been some impressive character design. He then felt his midriff and legs become bare as a small choker with an exquisite diamond in the centre formed around his throat, a tiara of sorts bound his hair back and gently framed his delicate new face and straps twined around his lower legs as his shoes shifted to five inch pearl white stiletto heels. He was then humiliatingly reminded of his new female configuration as his 'panties' formed, hugging tightly to her crotch and slipping up between her rounded arse cheeks to give her a mockery of modesty, even as a tabard dropped down her front and back between her legs. She moaned provocatively as the new sensations of her body overwhelmed her and she completed her physical transformation into Shall'ia, hot elf- chick. Disoriented, she shook her head to clear it. Which set her impressive breasts jiggling. Which distracted her further. Which was precisely when the mental assault began. She screamed and clutched her head, but she had been caught off guard and Hort quickly overwhelmed her paltry mental defences. She felt her mind and attitude shift, and soon came to like it. She felt new imperatives and desires replace her old ones. She gratefully accepted the knew knowledge and techniques that entered her mind as she completed her mental and final transformation into Shall'ia, exquisite and highly talented elven sex-slave, as Hort aligned her very soul to his desires. "Mhmm..." She purred as she struck a pose to flaunt her erotic new body. "That felt wonderful, Lord Hort." She began to strut towards the god, sexily swaying her hips. "However can I repay you for this?" She breathed lustfully as she reached his throne and leant forward, reaching one hand out to slowly caress his crotch. Hort smiled appreciatively as he enjoyed the view he got right down his new sex-slave's cleavage. Her former friends looked on unbelieving. "You can start by lowering your pussy onto my cock and fucking me as I transform the rest of your companions." Shall'ia smiled as she deftly freed Hort's cock from its confines with her busy hand even as her free hand pulled the tabard between her legs away, affording her former friends a brief view of her nicely shaped and already wet hairless sex before she straightened. "I thought you would never ask, Lord." Four of the newcomers then tried not to stare at the size and implicit power in the revealed cock of the god, unable to hide at least a trace of jealousy. The fifth merely stared lustfully it as she shifted her position to straddle Hort, holding his cock in place as she positioned herself over it and then luxuriously lowered herself down over it, rapping her arms around his neck and pressing her breasts against his chest as she moved to avoid blocking his view of her former friends even as she finally finished lowering herself onto his cock, groaning lustfully as she did. It was so large and firm that she felt filled to capacity by its comfortable length inside her. Pressing her taut nipples more firmly against her Lord's chest she began shifting her curved hips up and down, backwards and forwards. She moaned quietly every time she pushed herself back down on his cock as she slowly fucked her Lord. Hort reached his right hand round behind her to firmly grasp her arse cheek and gently guide her movements. "So, anyone want to volunteer to be next?" The roleplayers just stared, stunned to silence by the spectacle before them. Hort seemed awfully focused for a man who was having an extremely sexy elf female luxuriously fucking him. And he was acting remarkably unaffected by the fact that his new lover had been a man a few minutes ago. He just sighed in a tolerant manner. "Very well then. Since the fat man's appearance is most offensive to my eyes I'll change him next." Frank's eyes darted around in panic as he slowly drifted into the air, unable to move. Stopping at about eight feet up, he started to spin slowly as the changes began. His body and clothes rippled, as the fat seemed to flow to his chest and hips. His skin smoothed and became covered in a gentle silver tracery. His waist abruptly tightened, becoming about twenty two inches around. His hips widened slightly as his arse rounded and his legs assumed a shapely female configuration. Unlike with Lance, the others got to watch as the bulge in his crotch disappeared, leaving a smooth female sex in its place. His arms smoothed and became thin as his hands became delicate and dainty. His breasts then swelled to an impressive size as they assumed a near- perfect shape despite their massive size. His nipples poked out against the shifting fabric that seemed to strain to contain his impressive new orbs. His face softened and feminized, becoming one of breathtaking beauty as his eyes shifted to a sky-blue colour and his hair became a shoulder-length honey blonde. He gasped in a musical fashion as the silver tracery crept over his new face and is ears assumed a slightly pointed cast, giving the new female an exotic appeal. Large, white feathered wings then burst from her back in perfect glowing unison, completing his now angelic appearance. His clothes finally settled into a new configuration then, becoming a fetish version of a nun's outfit. Complete with lace-trimmed thigh length black stockings attached to a garter belt, black lacy lingerie and two slits down the front of his figure hugging dress in front of her legs. There were spaces in the back for his wings to come out, and now the fabric truly did seem to strain tightly against his impressive bust as it strained to contain it, revealing the tracery of the lingerie bra he was wearing and clearly showing the location of his erect nipples. The wimple that covered his head and bound his hair completed the ensemble as she slowly drifted to the ground in a kneeling posture, wings folded behind her. "Aasmir are quite attractive, aren't they?" Hort smiled. "But not quite finished." Frank screamed and clutched his head as Hort started to change his mind and soul. He obviously tried to resist, but his will was no match for Hort's. The fact that his new large breasts jiggled hypnotically with his every little movement despite their restraint and support didn't help much either. After a short while, his struggles ceased, and she kneeled by the low table in a submissive pose, head bowed and hands together and on the floor in front of her knees as she sat there Japanese-style. "Your name is now Aryanne. Since I'm still busy with this little elven slut here, I'll fuck you in a bit. Until then, start milking yourself." "Yes, master." Aryanne answered in a subdued, quiet voice. She reached behind her and undid the clasp at her collar and unzipped her dress, almost peeling the tight fabric off her torso and arms. She then reached behind herself again and undid the clasp of her bra, her breasts bouncing free from their restraint as she slipped it off. The others at the table watched in stunned silence as she quietly reached under the low table and pulled out a pipe with a strange, clear nodule at the end. She placed the nodule over her left nipple and gasped, as it seemed to suction itself into place. She then reached under the table again and repeated the process with another pipe for her right nipple, once again gasping softly as it attached itself. She moaned quietly with pleasure as the cables drew themselves taught. The others then watched as milk started spurting from her nipples to partly fill the clear nozzles before heading down the pipes. A steady flow from her nipples ensued as the pipes shivered each second with a pumping motion, setting Aryanne's breast into a gentle, rhythmic bouncing motion as she was milked. She resumed her quiet, submissive pose and for a little while the only sounds were Shall'ia wetly fucking Hort as she slid up and down on his cock, still moaning pleasurably with each of her thrusts as she ground her hips against his. "Excellent. Next." Hort switched his gaze to Stewart. Hort smiled in a disturbing way. "Something exotic, wasn't it?" Stewart jerkily stood up, obviously not of his own will. His clothes dissolved as if they were made of a light gas that was gently blown away by the wind. His calculator clattered to the ground even as his glasses melted and flowed over his face, reforming as a black leather pet's collar around his neck, complete with nametag which was for the moment blank. He gasped as his complexion cleared and his frame filled out a little, ridding him of his emaciated geek look. He gasped as his small cock stirred to life, becoming first engorged with blood and then larger. It grew, ending up an inch and a half thick and ten inches long. Stewart seemingly absentmindedly reached a hand down and started stroking his enhanced member. His balls quivered and he cried out as they swiftly flowed up into his body, leaving behind a perfect female pussy that connected to the root of his enhanced cock. His insides danced briefly as they assumed a female configuration, his former testes now ovaries attached through brand new fallopian tubes to his uterus. His calculator shifted form to that of a long, thick vibrator and Stewart bent over to retrieve it with his spare hand. He shoved it deeply into his new pussy and switched it on, plunging it in and out in time with his other hand as he stroked his cock. His low moans quickly shifted into the high-pitched sounds of a horny female voicing her sexual pleasure. His hips and legs were next, assuming a curved feminine form such as you would expect to find on an exotic dancer. Smooth calves flared up to wide feminine hips, which tapered down to a thin waist accompanied by a taut, flat stomach. His torso and arms followed suit and as his face shifted to that of a sultry young porn star it became impossible to think of him a male any more, despite her long, hard cock. Delicate, dainty hands now did the work of her former rough masculine ones even as she licked her pouty, cherry-red cock- sucking lips. Her eyes switched to a large, docile brown colour. Her mousy brown hair lengthened to mid-back, becoming straight glossy and healthy as it did. Her nipples popped into a larger, female configuration even as the flesh behind them filled out to the size of a large rockmelon. Two more nipples then popped into existence at the base of her rib cage and another two appeared level with her bellybutton. Then they two became the end of large, round perky breasts. Her cock then jumped in her hand and lengthened, disappearing between the valley of her breasts as she fell to her knees. The head of her cock poked out of her cleavage as she leant forward, pressing her nipples and breasts into the table and shifting her arms to her sides as the vibrator buzzed away. She squeezed her breasts together against her lengthened cock and started gently rocking her hips back and forth, stroking her cock along the glorious length of her six-breast cleavage. Her ears disappeared to reform as floppy dog ears on the top of her head even as a smooth, glossy dog's tail poked out above her shapely round arse. Her cock lengthened a little more so that its head rested under her chin as she looked up at her two remaining friends in confusion, still moaning like a whore and bucking her hips. Patrick saw a name flash into existence on the nametag: Tifa. "There we go, exotic." Hort said wit a smile. "But since we want you to be a little sex-pet, let's do away with that intellect, shall we?" Patrick saw the look of pure panic that appeared in Tifa's eyes as her hair slowly got lighter and lighter. The look in her eyes had softened by the time she was blonde, and was replaced by an animal look of satisfaction as it turned platinum blonde. The now content sex-pet redoubled its efforts at pleasuring herself, dipping her eyes from view as her head moved down to suck on the end of her own cock. "That was some very nice work, if I do say so myself." Hort grinned in a satisfied way as his elven sex-slave orgasmed on his cock, yelling her pleasure loudly, and then quickly resumed the pumping motion of her hips, her moans at a lower volume. "But we're still not done here." He fixed his ineffable gaze on Jayce. Jayce whimpered. "Don't worry though, mortal. I'm just going to make you a 'bad' girl, not a dwarf as well. Horrid little creatures, those." "But I don't wanna be some hot, sexual chick. I wanna do hot sexual chicks." Apparently Jayce's silence ban had been lifted, although Patrick soon found his was still in place when he tried to talk. "Oh, I know. That's part of the thrill for me. Besides, when I'm done with you, you'll still want to 'do chicks'. You'll just prefer a nice, hard cock if you can get it inside you." Jayce's next comment was cut off with a gurgle as he started to change. His skin smoothed and his muscles softened even as his stature was reduced. Smooth, midnight black hair flowed from his scalp reaching down to his now full round arse, which plumped out a little more as his hip widened and his waist thinned. His formerly muscular and masculine physique changed to one of flowing femininity. He started crying out as his transformation continued, meaning that Patrick could hear as his voice changed from its usual deep tones to a higher pitched, sultry version. Patrick found himself trying to deny how erotic Jayce's new voice sounded calling out like that. Jayce's clothes shifted and flowed even as his face finished its transformation into soft feminine beauty. Rather than jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers, Jayce was now wearing a very brief tight black leather g- string, a tight black leather strapless bra clipped at his back with large but as yet unfilled cups and a set of black eight inch stiletto heels. He was leaning against the table, panting, as his now female fingers had his nails delicately lengthen and colour themselves black. Black lipstick and mascara also appeared on his pouty lips and erotic eyes. His cock, visible pushing its way out of the tight black leather g-string, retreated down into his crotch as the g-string hugged his, or rather her now, tight curves, displaying her fine arse and nicely cupping her smooth feminine nether regions. Her chest then budded and grew. Full, firm breasts soon filled to slightly overflowing the generous cups of her tight black leather bra. She then gasped as a long, thin triangle tipped leathery tail sprouted from the base of her spine even as leathery black bat wings sprouted from her shoulder blades. As bronze lines traced patterns over her now pale white skin, Patrick realised with a start that she was a mirror image of Stewart's new form. Except that Jayce had a tail and his breasts weren't nearly as big as the massive mounds that sat supported from Stewart's chest. Jayce then gave a brief cry of pain as his eyes shifted colour to red and assumed a slitted configuration. Her body language then changed completely, becoming that of a sexy female confidant in her appearance and fully willing to use it. A wicked grin touched one corner of her mouth as she leaned back a bit, supporting herself with her arms and stared down appreciatively at her body, her eyes lingering over her curves and her luscious cleavage as she proudly displayed it. "Well that was easy. How weak-willed that mortal was. Ah well. That's been fixed now. How do you feel, Ssiliara?" "Mmm. Positively wicked, Master." She lifted one hand up and brought it over to trace a line down the middle of her g-string before raising it again and gently slipping her long-nailed hand down the inside before she began slowly stroking herself. "And horny. Mustn't forget horny." "Excellent. I'll just have little Tifa deal with that then. Tifa, go over there and fuck Ssiliara doggy-style like a little bitch." Tifa's head popped up from sucking her cock's head. "Yay! Sex!" The dog-girl bounded to her feet, causing certain parts of her anatomy to sway appealingly. The still active vibrator slipped wetly from her pussy as she stood, glistening as it danced obscenely on the table before falling to the floor. Patrick watched a little disbelieving as Tifa's cock shortened to a mere foot in length and became merely an inch and a half thick. Meanwhile, Ssiliara flipped forward, switching from leaning back to leaning forward, forearms resting on the table as she got on to her knees and thrust her appealing behind high in the air even as her g-string slipped down to her knees, exposing her aroused pussy. "Hey! What gives!?" she cried out as the dog-girl came to stand behind her. "You made me a dominant sexual predator, and now you force me into a submissive stance and make me let myself get fucked?" Hort smiled an amused smile. "Of course. Seeing you humiliated is a pretty big turn on for me. Almost as much as this hot, wet elf sliding herself up and down on me. Don't worry though; you'll get to be the dominant one later. I'm just enjoying the humiliation stage of transformation right now. And a good fucking now will help you acclimate to your new life better." "Aw, come on Master, you know I'm better at - Ahh!" Ssiliara gasped as Tifa thrust into her from behind. "Hey, you little bitch! I wasn't ready for - uhh..." she was interrupted again as Tifa began thrusting powerfully into her. "Stop that! Master, make her..." Ssiliara started leaning forward, angling her body better so that Tifa could plunge more of her long thick cock into her. "Master! What do you think you're making me do?" The tiefling's wings folded back as they shrunk to become merely cute adornments on her back as Tifa leaned forward with and with one swift motion both pressed all six of her breasts erotically against the helpless tiefling's back even as her massive cock thrust all the way inside Ssiliara. Ssiliara moaned out loud in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment at her enforced submission as she was impaled on the dog- girl's massive cock. She moaned with every thrust as her hips rocked in time with Tifa's thrusts and the dog-girl's firm cock was pushed in to the hilt again and again. Her front half squirmed in an attempt to try and escape her submission even as her rear half was in full active participation. And the fact that her own breasts were still restrained by her tight black leather bra didn't stop Tifa's six full breasts from jiggling appealingly as they were pressed into Ssiliara's back. "Ah! It fells, ahn, so good to, mhmm, have such a big, ah, thick, ah, cock, ah, in me Master..." she trailed off for a particularly loud yelp of pleasure. "But wouldn't I be better to have, aaahhhn, me in charge? Mhhmmmm... I could put on such a performance for you..." Hort just smiled as restraints flicked out from the table to bind Ssiliara's arms in place even as a ball gag flew out from its substance to wrap around her head and prop her mouth open. Still, she moaned pleadingly around her restraint as her eyes grew ever more clouded with pleasure until finally she could take no more and her rational mind fled to be replaced by the simple pleasure and her body took up the simple motions of getting itself thoroughly fucked. Her restraints disappeared at that point as her cries resumed once more, this time tinged with tones of pleasure and acceptance. "At least she's shut up for now. I wasn't really in the mood to discuss how I treat my slaves." Shall'ia moaned loudly as she came again in her efforts to please her Lord. "It's alright my dear, I'll cum in you and let you climax right after I'm done transforming your last former friend there." And his wicked eyes and grin turned to face Patrick. "I can see you're impressed." The god said, a flicker of his eyes indicating the bulge in Patrick's pants. "Can't say I blame you. Your friends are quite appealing now. Of course, I've saved something appropriate for you too, the so called 'GM' who wishes he had power over the others. Well, as a special service for casting the spell to get me my new playthings, I'll let you get one last use out of your pathetic penis before it's gone forever." Patrick felt himself suddenly flip through the air until he came to be sitting on the table in front of what used to be Stewart. The pumps were still methodically going about their work and Patrick swore her breasts seemed a little less exaggerated in size. As she shyly glanced up at him, Patrick felt an unbidden thrill go through himself at the erotic situation he found himself in. "You are one sick bastard, Hort." Patrick said, finally able to talk once more even if he couldn't move his body. He noticed the zip of his jeans start to slowly open. Patrick did feel a little nervous now that he had his back to the god. "Yes. I know. Delightful, isn't it?" Patrick could practically hear Hort's smug grin. Patrick's zip finished pulling itself down even as his belt began unbuckling itself. "How can you get off on having sex with a guy like that? What kind of a twisted freak do you have to be to get off on turning males into your sexy, subservient and horny female slaves?" "I don't see your body rejecting the appeal of these fine young ladies. Besides, it's bending your souls to my will that gives me the thrill. The attractive package I put you in just adds to the appeal." The button on Patrick's jeans popped open. "You'll have to forgive me if I find this entire experience to be a little surreal, Hort. I'm still expecting to wake up in bed and find all this was a dream." "Oh, you can have a bed later if you want. But I assure you, mortal, this is no dream." Patrick's underwear and jeans pulled down enough that his erect cock sprung free. "Besides, I doubt you'll ever feel as good in a dream as Aryanne is about to make you feel now. Aryanne, do be a dear and suck that poor little mortal off, will you?" Patrick watched nervously as Aryanne looked shyly up at him, nodding her head slightly in greeting as she started to lean forward, parting her luscious full lips. Patrick sweated nervously, unable to deny her appeal even as her soft breath began to tickle the head of his exposed cock as she slowly opened her mouth wide enough to slip over his cock. "Uh, can't we talk about this?" Patrick got out nervously as his former friend moved to engulf his cock in her mouth. "I don't think I'm ready for Stewart to suck my - oh dear god." The last was said As Aryanne slipped her whole mouth over Patrick's cock in one go, her plush lips pressing lightly against his crotch even as she began vigorously sucking the length in her mouth. Patrick could feel the head of his hardened cock pressing into Aryanne's throat. "I'm not a dear god, mortal. I'm a cruel one. And her name's not Stewart. It's Aryanne. The poor girl is doing you a service, and you can't even get her name right." Patrick was trying to stop himself from making pleasured sounds as Aryanne began sliding her full, soft lips up and down his shaft as she sucked away. Patrick grudgingly admitted to himself that he'd never had sex that had felt his good. Her mouth must have been made for oral sex. "Well, yes. That was one of its primary purposes. All my girls are good little cocksuckers. You'll get a nice cocksuscking mouth too when I'm done with you." "Fuck you, Hort." "You'll get to do that too. I plan on fucking you later. But since I'm waiting on Aryanne to finish you there, I might as well fix your clothes while I wait." Patrick was already trying his best to not shoot his load into Aryanne's waiting mouth, and the way she was using her tongue wasn't helping. Neither did the sensation of his clothes slowly shifting over his body. He watched with a mounting sense of embarrassment, as his jeans grew thinner and paler as they reformed into a pair of lace-trimmed, mid- thigh length silk stockings, complete with lacy white garter belt with straps holding them up. His jock strap slowly shifted into a cute pair of lacy white silk panties, complete with a tiny white bow at the centre-top. He also noted that they now appeared to be outside his jeans, or rather stockings. He cringed in pain a little as his sneakers reformed into hard, six inch heeled shoes around his stockinged feet, his socks having merged with his jeans. His 'I spent my reward on ale and whores' t-shirt then started flowing over his chest. He got a pair of mid-bicep length lace-trimmed white silk gloves to match his stockings, and he could feel a frill trimmed and what he assumed was white silk collar form around his neck. The final insult came as his shirt settled into a lacy white silk bra. He was now bedecked in quite sexy lingerie. Well, sexy on a nicely proportioned woman, not on a slightly overweight and hairy male in his twenties. Patrick just gritted his teeth and tried not to cum in Aryanne's mouth, a task that was getting harder by the second. "Ugh. Tell you what, mortal. I don't want to look at that horrid thing you call a boy for too long. So either Aryanne finishes you off like the good little girl she is before I count to ten, or I send you home. How does that sound, mortal?" Patrick gasped involuntarily as Aryanne slipped her pressurised mouth off his cock with a pop before immediately sliding her warm, wet mouth back down around his quivering cock. Patrick knew that he couldn't last much longer under such treatment anyway. "You're on, Hort." Patrick felt Hort's smug, self-satisfied grin even if he couldn't see it. "Here we go then. One. Two. Three. Four. Five." Aryanne seemed to redouble her efforts, and Patrick felt himself slipping. Hort didn't miss a beat. "Six. Seven. Eight. N..." That was as far as Hort got before Patrick cried out, releasing a stream of hot, sticky cum into the waiting mouth of Aryanne. She swallowed it all as it shot into her mouth before releasing Patrick's cock from her mouth and slowly licking it clean while Patrick sat there, panting. She then resumed her demure pose before him as if nothing had happened, pumps still attached to her breasts. Patrick definitely thought they were smaller now. They seemed merely ridiculously huge now, not impossibly so. "Well, mortal. You had your chance. Guess you're mine now." Patrick panted a little as he turned himself around and shifted to the other side of the table, legs resting off the end as he gripped the edge and stared defiantly at Hort. "Go to hell." Hort smiled. "Sorry, can't. This was the best they could manage to trap me in. Still, it has been pretty frustrating to be trapped here all alone. That is, until you and your friends turned up. But where are my manners? I need to finish changing you so I can cum in poor little Shall'ia here and let her get some release from all this sexual energy she's been busy building up. Plus, you really are an eyesore like that." Hort grinned. "Here we go. Do try and appreciate what I'm doing for you here, Hmm?" Patrick braced himself. He felt a slight tingling as all his body hair below his neck changed to fine, soft hair. His skin changed to become smooth and unblemished. He felt himself shrinking as his body became toned and he lost height, dropping to 5'4". He suspected he looked pretty effeminate now already, even if he was still completely male. The fact that his hair lengthened and flowed down his back to poll around his butt didn't help matters, especially when it turned shiny and took on a particularly healthy sheen. "Now, let's get rid of that horrible thing before we go any further." Patrick gasped as he felt his testicles pull themselves into him. He felt strange movements beneath his now flat stomach as what he somehow instinctively knew was his uterus formed, settling into its place amongst his guts. He knew he really shouldn't be able to, but he swore he could feel his testes as the flowed into their new position and configuration as ovaries. He groaned as he felt a passage opening inside of him that aligned itself with his urinary tract and flowed towards his crotch, where his cock was slowly deflating. As the sensation sprouted into a fully formed female vagina and his cock shrunk into its new place as his clitoris Patrick felt his upgraded plumbing settle into its new configuration. Patrick didn't find the time to talk though as his skin began to darken immediately, finally turning an exotic ebon shade even as his hair turned a pure white. Things clicked in his head at that point as his panties slid up his thighs to smoothly but firmly encase his cute and hairless new womanhood. "You're turning me into some drow bitch, aren't you Hort?" Was it just his imagination, or was his voice already higher pitched? Hort laughed. "Well done, mortal. I've even got your clothes set to reconfigure their shape with your body so they fit you throughout the entire process. Don't you think the bright white colour of your lingerie and your hair nicely contrasts against the colour of your skin?" Patrick grudgingly had to admit that the effect was rather nice. He didn't have time to ponder that however as he felt his feet painfully contract. He grimaced as they shrunk and their structure reconfigured slightly so that in the end he had dainty, effeminate feet that felt more comfortable in those heels he was wearing than his old feet had in sneakers. The change continued to flow up his legs as they assumed a softly curved and erotic feminine cast. The transition continued as his thighs rounded and he was left with a pair of legs he would have loved to see on a female. He was just a little annoyed that the female was going to be him. But he was given no time to think about that as the bones in his hips popped painfully as the reconfigured themselves. His thighs merged smoothly with his hips, which flared outward in glorious female proportions even as his butt rounded and plumped out so that he at least had something plush to sit on as his transformation continued. He did, however, find himself blushing at the way his panties now hugged and yet amply displayed his fine round arse and curved hips in a way that emphasised his sexiness and nakedness rather than making him feel covered at all. His waist pulled in tightly as his tummy soothed over and he found himself with an achingly sexy lower half as his abdomen finished its transition to a sexy female configuration, complete with working female reproductive system. "Damn you Hort, I -" he was cut off though as he choked a little, feeling his throat and face shifting with changes. He could somehow feel himself getting an adult yet beautiful face as even his skull shifted shape. His ears lengthened and tapered out to a point several inches from each side of his head as his hearing improved immensely. Meaning that all the little noises of sex became even more pronounced to his senses, and he felt himself becoming involuntarily warm and wet between his legs. And then, as Hort had promised, his lips plumped out a little and developed a natural pout and he felt a tingle in the back of his throat as something changed there. And he knew that his eyes had changed too, though he wondered what colour they were now in the light. As he felt his head settle into its new shape, he drew in breath to speak. "What the hell do you think you're trying to make me feel?" The new sound of his own voice shocked Patrick. It was soft, lilting and melodious and yet somehow laden with sexual promise in every syllable. He felt himself blushing at the tone and timbre of his new voice even as he wondered what a blushing drow looked like. But Hort ignored him and just kept watching as his hands slowly shrunk and his fingers became tapered and dainty. He still had short fingernails when they were done, but he could somehow tell that they had the appearance of being smoothly polished and manicured. As with his legs the change flowed smoothly over his arms as they assumed their own softly curved feminine configuration. The change flowed over his now achingly beautiful shoulders and down his front and back as his torso complied with his abdomen and he now had an achingly beautiful and sexy female body curved in all the right places and at all the right angles. His nipples tingled slightly as they grew to a proper female size right before the fresh new hormones running through his body caused the nipples to harden and stand out even as the surrounding aureole puffed out. Patrick watched all of this down the gap between his bra and his chest as dainty little breasts formed under his erect nipples. "Didn't you forget something?" Despite his intention to sound sarcastic, Patrick was still surprised at the sensual and erotic tone of voice he now had. It was as if merely by talking he was promising a fulfilling sexual experience, no matter what his actual words or intention was. "Gimme a second." Hort smirked appreciatively as he ran his gaze over Patrick's new form. Patrick was somehow forced to humiliatingly display himself for Hort despite the intense need he felt to cover himself properly. "Okay, yeah. Time to give you something to play with." Patrick felt a pleasant, warming sensation in two specific locations on his chest as his breasts slowly developed, becoming large round melons that more than adequately filled out her bra in a matter of seconds. They were soft and yet firm in their roundness and they pushed gently against one another as the bra subtly and gently pushed them ever so slightly up and together, meaning that looking down as he was Patrick had a view of the most perfect cleavage he had ever seen. He sighed, making his breasts heave enticingly as he regretted that such a perfect pair of breasts adorned his own chest. He even noted the way his hardened nipples made little dents in the fabric of his bra. And as he came to realise that he was no longer a sweaty male breathing heavily with exertion but an exotic elven maiden glistening with a thin sheen of sweat and panting gently as her bountiful breasts heaved gently with each and every breath, he grudgingly admitted to himself that he would have to start referring to 'himself' as 'herself'. For there was no denying just how female she was now. Her clothes, her body, her sexual organs, her voice, her hormones and her breasts were all undeniably female now. Achingly sexy and beautiful too. As she lay there and posed, she realised even her mannerisms had changed with her form, and she moved like some kind of erotic predator now whether she wanted to or not. She was incredibly turned on. And she hated to admit it, but Hort really did do good work. "Why thank you, mortal. Just let me finish with the other elf here and then I'll get right to you." Patrick watched as Hort shifted himself slightly before thrusting his hips upwards once, making Shall'ia cry out in the heights of her passion. After she came down from her high, panting heavily and soaked from the sweat of her efforts, Hort grabbed her firmly by the waist, lifted her off his still hard cock and casually tossed her to one side. She landed softly in a sprawl, making quiet sounds of contentment as she lay there. A bump formed in the floor at her feet and travelled over her. Where it passed, she was made clean and presentable once more, her rumpled clothes smoothed and back in place and her skin clean and smooth. Then she gasped with sudden delight. Shall'ia got to her knees squatting there and running her hands over her belly as Hort and Patrick watched. Patrick's delicate eyes widened as he saw Shall'ia's stomach slowly expanding as she caressed it until finally the pale elf maiden looked as if she was in the final stages of pregnancy. She cooed in delight. "Thank you for blessing me with child, Lord Hort." She purred, smiling wantonly at Hort as she stood and examined her new figure. Patrick was aware that his jaw was open, and quickly snapped it shut. Seeing his friend turned into a pregnant version of his latest hot elf chick was a bit much. And confusing. With the weight of her own soft breasts pulling at her slim chest as well as the smooth curves of her new nether regions and the plush roundness of her new butt combining with the heightened level of female hormones coursing through her blood, she felt annoyingly confused. She even caught her traitorous mind making her think she was jealous of her friend's pregnancy. "It's alright little mortal. I'll have all of you bear me children, so you'll get to be pregnant too." Patrick whipped her head around and glared at Hort, still unable to speak. "Ooh, you're cute when you're angry." Patrick felt herself blushing, and hated herself for it. Hort grinned at her discomfort. "But first, let's do something to make that rebellious soul of yours just a little more... compliant." As Hort started to raise his hand, Patrick braced herself. She wasn't going to give in without a fight. She screamed as she felt waves of power roll over her. She felt them pulling and tugging at her very soul, but she refused to give in. The pain was exquisite. But she refused to give in. Wave after wave crashed over her psyche as she writhed in agony on the floor, but still she refused to let her mind and soul be changed by the arrogant being who would have her as his slave. After what seemed an eternity, the pain stopped. As the ringing in her ears died down, she heard Hort laughing. "Very good, little mortal. You have managed to resist my will with your own. I am impressed. So I've decided to let you keep your current attitude, since your body is already as I want it. I wouldn't have minded a subservient drow slut, but a humiliated ex-male drow slut will do just as well." Patrick found herself rising to her feet and strutting sexily over to Hort despite having no intention to do so, especially in such a provocative way. And once again she found herself unable to speak. She felt a confident smirk twist her lips as she sashayed up to Hort's throne and then knelt before him. Her face was so close to his cock that she could see it shining with the juices that coated it and feel the warmth it was exuding. "I'm going to enjoy this." Patrick found herself leaning forward and her mouth opening to let her tongue gently extend to lick the length of Hort's cock. Her cheeks burned with impotent rage as she was forced to clean his cock with her tongue. It also annoyed her how good both Hort's cock and the mixture of his and Shall'ia's juices tasted to her, since she just knew Hort was somehow responsible for that too. Despite her best efforts, she licked and licked until Hort's cock glistened with her saliva instead of the results of his session with Shall'ia. She then went on to lick his balls clean, noting with some curiosity from her unique angle that Hort had no pubic hair. She then sucked first his right teste and then his left completely into her mouth until she had thoroughly cleaned each in turn with her tongue. She had never felt so humiliated and so angry at the same time before in her life. As she popped his left teste out of her mouth and rose slightly her lips parted slightly and she licked her lips provocatively as one hand casually held her hair back from her face. She shifted position slightly as her parted lips positioned themselves over the head of Hort's cock. She tried to stop herself, but her body seemed to be acting of its own accord. Her full, soft lips gently engulfed the head of Hort's cock as her tongue came to rest lightly against it. The taste of the head of his cock and the pre-cum beading at its tip sent an involuntary shiver of pleasure down her spine. Then her lips began to slide slowly down the length of the hard cock in her mouth as her tongue slipped gently down the front, making Patrick uncomfortably aware of every contour of Hort's long, hard cock. She felt the tip of Hort's cock press against the back of her mouth and felt a brief sense of relief that she could fit no more of the delicious organ in her mouth. She mumbled a brief protest around the hard length filling her mouth moments later when she was proven wrong as she continued to slide her head down Hort's cock. She felt its firmness as it slid past the back of her mouth and down her throat. She was sure something so thick should have made her gag, but she swallowed the length down her throat as easily as if she was drinking it. Only when her soft lips pressed firmly against Hort's crotch did her inevitable forward motion stop, his hard, thick organ lodged firmly down her throat. To her continued disgust, her tongue started to rove delicately along the length in her mouth as her throat muscles began to gently massage the warm firm end lodged there. Her cheeks then contracted as she began to suck on Hort's cock like some kind of lollipop. Her head slipped slowly up the hard length of the cock before her, her lips firmly in place around it from the suction she was exerting. She felt a brief sense of relief when the head of Hort's cock popped out of her throat until she realised that her lips remained firmly around the base of the head of the firm member, gently sucking as her tongue darted out to play with it. The taste of the fluid she was coaxing from it was unfairly pleasant to her senses. She then began to slowly slide her head back down Hort's cock until it was once more wedged deeply in her throat, her lips pressed against his smooth crotch. She tried to at least moan angrily, but found that her mouth was occupied with the suction it was exerting. Embarrassingly the only sounds she could make, and couldn't stop, were small sounds of pleasure that came from her throat as she sucked away. Hort then chuckled as he placed a hand on the back of her head and gently applied pressure to various parts of her skull to guide the motions of her head as she began to bob her lips up and down the length of his appreciative cock, making little contented feminine noises like some kind of cock-hungry whore. He even used his fingers to flick the sensitive length of her now-pointed ears as she expertly yet unwillingly sucked his cock. The little thrills the rubbing of her ears sent through her only heightened her sense of confusion and embarrassment as she inevitably found herself enjoying her act of fellatio, the pleasure the senses of he new body were bringing in overwhelming the rational objection of her mind to sucking cock. She felt even worse when her somewhat sensitive nipples became frustratingly erect and began rubbing gently against the soft material of her bra from the motion of her bobbing head. Combined with the warm feeling she was now getting between her legs, she knew she was getting incredibly horny. From sucking cock. Even if her mind didn't want to pleasure men, it appeared that her body did. Her left arm went out to grab Hort's firm, muscular thigh to support her movements while hr right hand reached out to gently caress Hort's balls as she vigorously sucked his cock. She felt she should have been choking on the thick, firm, hard length of cock that was going in and out of her throat as she went up and down Hort's shaft with her soft lips, especially since it was thicker than her throat was wide, but this didn't seem to be a problem for her since not only was she breathing fine, but her throat muscles were contracting around the length that made it down her throat, caressing and squeezing the firm cock sliding in and out of her mouth as she became hornier and hornier. Unable to reposition her hands, Patrick had to settle for gently wiggling her bottom in frustration. But this only made it worse as the soft, taught fabric of her silken panties rubbed her feminine nether regions in such a way that her horniness was only getting worse. The urgings of her body and the sexual high she was embarking on were almost enough to make her not mind she was sucking a cock. Almost. But despite her frustration she could neither find release nor stop sucking the meaty pole between her lips like some kind of ice cream. The worse thing was that no ice cream could ever taste this good. "Oh, so you want some cream do you? Well it's not ice cream, but it will have to do." Patrick knew what was coming next and tried to voice her objections. Since her mouth was full of cock, this just came out as muffled protests. Her lips slid up Hort's slick shaft until they rested firmly around the base of his cock's head. His hand gently held her head in the right position, not that she seemed able to have her lips release their firm grip. Under the caresses of her hand, she felt Hort's balls inflate slightly as she gently rubbed them. She noticed his cock throb. Then something warm and sticky shot into her mouth. She moaned her objection up until the point some landed on her tongue. Then she moaned in pure bliss. Nothing had ever tasted this good before. She almost blacked out from the intense pleasure the flavour gave her. She suddenly found herself trying to coax more of the delectable substance from its source as she attempted to better pleasure Hort's cock. More and more of the viscous substance shot into her now waiting mouth. She could hardly handle the sensation her mouth was giving her. When her mouth was so full her cheeks bulged outwards and she thought she was in danger of drowning, she reluctantly began to swallow. She must have drunk close to a litre of the thick, warm substance before her mouth was finally not filled to capacity. Her arms released their grip on Hort and she came of his cock with a loud pop as her tongue began to probe her mouth, including between her teeth and her gums, for any trace of the heavenly taste left in her mouth. So she sat there on her butt, legs spread displaying the wet patch on her panties, a thin sheen of sweat covering her soft exposed flesh and a contented look on her face. "So, did you like my cream?" Hort asked, an amused grin on his face. Patrick heard herself purr. "It was delicious. Better than anything I've ever tasted before." The words slowly filtered into her brain. And then she clasped her legs together and attempted to cover herself as best she could with her arms. "Hey! What's the big idea! No fair rigging the situation in your favour!" Hort laughed. "You're here for my entertainment, remember? And I found that highly entertaining. And amusing. I'm glad I couldn't alter your soul. You're going to be so much more fun as a sex-slave this way." "Like hell I will!" "Come now little mortal, haven't I proved to you already how irrelevant your desires in the matter are? Speaking of which, I hardly think it's fair to only have my lusts fulfilled, so why don't we deal with yours, hmm?" Patrick found her hands sliding down to her thighs, grabbing the edges of her panties and gently sliding them down her legs. "Hey! No! Stop it!" Her protests were in vain as she looped her panties around her left ankle and stood up. "What do you think you're doing, Hort! You can't do this!" She turned around so that her back faced Hort, making her extremely nervous. Then she bent over, her hands resting on her knees to support her pose. The fact that she could feel the cool air against her moist pussy wasn't making her feel any better. "I can't do this? Looks to me like I am." She heard a rustling sound behind her as Hort stood up. She craned her neck around but could only tell that he now stood behind her. Her legs parted as she thrust her pert arse in to the air. She tried to move, but found the only thing she had control over was her head. Her traitorous body seemed to be enjoying this as she felt herself enter a heightened state of arousal. Then she felt Hort's warm hands firmly grip her soft thighs, and knew what had to come next. She squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth in preparation. When she felt something warm and hard rub the outside of her pussy, she gasped despite herself. Hort continued to rub his cock along the lips of her pussy as her juices coated it, but she gritted her teeth and managed not to make a sound despite how good it felt to her. She wasn't going to give the bastard the satisfaction. When she felt him stop rubbing and withdraw, she felt a moment of relief. This relief was quickly shattered as she suddenly felt him thrust all the way into her. The lubrication of both of their organs made it a simple matter for him to just thrust all the way into her. Despite herself, she gasped in both shock and pleasure. And as he started gently sliding in and out of her, she moaned like a common slut. Every time she started to be able to think of a way to protest, the movement of the long, hard, thick cock inside her would cause her to gasp with pleasure and lose her train of thought. Hort was obviously an expert, able to keep her arousal mounting ever so slowly as he thrust in and out of her while distracting her enough with her own pleasure that she was unable to protest. She was being fucked, and found herself able to do little more than enjoy the ride. It didn't surprise her that much when her body started to move in synch with Hort's, encouraging him to thrust deeper and harder. What did surprise her was that she was doing it, suddenly able to move her body as long as she used it for sex. She felt her ample breasts jiggling in her bra and found herself wondering what it would feel like if they weren't so constrained. Her sensitive nipples were rubbing gently against the tight fabric and while that did feel good, Patrick had always wanted to get her hands on a pair of breasts as nice as the ones he now sported. Besides, as long as Hort was going to make her his sex- slave, she might as well enjoy what she could. And as much as she hated to admit it, sex with Hort was feeling really good. So as Hort continued to thrust into her and she began to thrust back, her hands carefully moved from her knees to the clasp at her back as she began to unhook her bra. Hort laughed. "Good girl." Patrick's cheeks flushed with heat at his comment, but she wasn't about to let his words ruin her resolve to at least enjoy herself. She wasn't even trying to stop the pleasured moans that escaped her lips anymore as they continued to fuck. Once she had gotten it unclasped, she gently shifted her breasts out of their restricting cups and pulled it off her arms. The subsequent gentle swaying of her generous breasts in the cool air did feel even better to her. I didn't matter so much to her that she was bent over and being fucked doggy- style so much anymore, since it was making her feel so good. The feeling of the air as it brushed her sensitive nipples, the gentle swaying motion of her full, round breasts, the sexy little sounds she was making and the feeling of a long, hard, confident cock sliding in and out of her moist, inviting pussy were enough for her right then. It was if her body had been wired for sex. Which she guessed it had, given what Hort wanted to use her for. Right now she was kind of glad he had, as a wave of pleasure washed over her as she orgasmed. Her legs weakened with the sensation, and she dropped to her knees as Hort flawlessly moved with her, never missing a beat as he continued to pump in and out of her. She pressed her breasts against the smooth stone floor as she was pushed back and forth by both her own motion and that of Horts's, calling out her passion with each and every thrust. Her breasts felt good pressed against the strange stone of the floor as she bent her head forward and her arse back so that Hort could get better penetration. When he did start going deeper and harder into her, she orgasmed again. She'd had no idea being on the other end of sex could feel this good. She lay there on her knees, breasts and forearms pressed to the ground, as she was slowly rocked back and forth by Hort's strong motions. He started to pump into her faster and faster, and the waves of pleasure that were rolling over her got closer and closer together until finally she reached a new height of physical pleasure. Her new sultry voice rang out constantly now, her worldview reduced to such a sharp clarity of pleasure that she became unable to contemplate anything but how good being fucked felt. Her mind roiled with the pleasure her new female body gave her as she came to adore the soft curves of her new form and all the pleasure it could bring her. If she hadn't been so preoccupied with how good she felt, she would have been able to tell that Hort's ministrations were turning her, like it or not, into a sex addict. Hort smiled with satisfaction as he saw the pink tendrils of a female's aura taint the previous completely blue aura of the former male he was pleasuring himself with. Though he had been unable to make her soul enslaved to him, he had built her new body well enough that he new how to make her his plaything. He was looking forward to the day he would purge the last of the blue from her aura and have her completely accept her feminine status. And after the way she moved herself against him as he fucked her, he also looked forward to many more sessions with the erotic new drow he had converted. After all, he had built her new body for sex, and he had done a good job of it. Her neural pathways had been properly programmed and her instincts correctly set up so that whether her struggling male soul wished it or not she was now his sex-slave. He enjoyed the pink tendrils that flashed through her aura as he readied himself to finalise her initiatory sex session. She couldn't even remember her name right now. She had a vague recollection that she should have been objecting to what she was doing, but the feeling of being penetrated by the strong male behind her was all she could really focus on. She felt so good it was hard to think about anything else. She noted as he shifted behind her, his hands coming to the underside of her knees as he continued to pump in and out of her. She ground her body against his as her breasts tingled from the way her motion rubbed them against the ground, willing his actions to bring her to greater heights of pleasure. He grabbed her legs as he shifted his hips upwards and carried her with him, the sudden strong thrust of his engorged manhood filling her aching womanhood and causing her to call out her pleasure in ever louder tones. He was standing now, holding her legs up and to either side of her as he continued to piston his thick cock in and out of her wet pussy. Her knees were roughly level with her gently bouncing breasts and she revelled in the waves of pleasure the motions of her body sent through her. Hort walked backwards a few steps and then sat back down in his throne. He released the legs of his new drow fuck-toy and settled his arms on the sides of his throne. He stopped pumping into the horny slut but it didn't matter much as she used the leverage she gained from her released legs to begin sliding herself up and down his cock. She leaned forwards slightly and began fondling her breasts with her hands, pinching her taut nipples and kneading the soft flesh that jiggled enticingly on her chest. Hort grinned in satisfaction to himself and girded his loins, getting ready to shoot his load into her. She seemed to sense the gentle throbbing of his cock and redoubled her efforts as she bounced atop him, her body trying its best to coax him to climax. Hort just laughed and firmly grabbed her hips and thrust her down on his cock as he began to cum inside her. She

Same as Lord Hort, Part 1 Videos

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Lord of the Legion

Lord of the Legion By: Lyrissa "Beware, mortal. Your doom is at hand!" the towering figure said in its deep, sonorous voice. The figure stepped out of the shadows and the flickering light of the lamps cluttering the laboratory revealed a tall male creature with a deep red skin and a pair of odd backwards-jointed legs terminating in massive hooves. He stood tall enough to nearly scrape the top of his ridged skull on the ceiling of the room despite how spacious it was, and the short,...

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Lord Marchingtons Conquest

I looked around the sitting room, where my sisters and mother and the aristocratic and haughty Lady Marjory and the flame haired Rose her tall spoiled daughter, were all looking expectantly at me and I laughed. "Mr Harnsworth," Lady Marjory demanded, "What exactly do you find funny?" It was something my Father said many years ago, "John," he had said to me in his kindly manner as I stood before him many yeas ago as a child, "I fear that you shall have to make your own fortune in...

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Lord Reynards Fancy Ch 05

I’m overwhelmed and delighted by your amazing response to chapter four. I was a bit unsure how readers would respond to my psych out at the end, but it seems nobody minded and you found it as fun as I did. Please keep the comments coming, since this is still my first work of fiction. I’ve had extremely helpful advice from several readers that have improved the story, and I thank them! * The cold grew more bitter and the days shorter as Advent neared. The harvest and hunting had been...

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Lord and Master Ch 01

Friday, June 29 1861 Southampton, Hampshire, England The stranger sitting in the corner of her parlor wouldn’t stop looking at her. Broad shouldered, well dressed, chin length brown hair, his blue eyes tore over her in an assessing way. ‘Let us begin, sir.’ Elizabeth, her mother and sister, the stranger and his lawyer were gathered in the parlor of her home. She knew that the meeting couldn’t come of good things. They had had meetings like this one before, Gentlemen and their lawyers would...

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Lord Princess and the Empire Part 1 of 3

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I have put quite a bit of work into it. I hope you enjoy my efforts. I would also be glad for any input in improving my writing. If you would like to send me comments email me at [email protected]. Private Christopher Mills dunks into his commanders tent, A Colonel William Hamilton. The Colonel was sitting at his desk reading a report, dated for today 8-26-2059. He wasn't a huge man at 5' 9", 195 pounds, blue eyes, short stubby...

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Lord Stanley Disciplinarian

Lord Stanley Professional Disciplinarian I recently transferred to England with the BBC and moved into a lovely apartment in a small town outside of London. My neighbour, Janine is a very nice attractive single lady and we were getting well acquainted but soon I would get to know a whole lot more about her. I do a lot of my work from home so I have a very flexible schedule so on a Monday morning feeling the need to release some sexual tension I walk down into the centre of town to a nice...

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Lord and Master

Bella was a young girl of 18 and starting work for a lord and lady Digsbry, she had been in service for about 3 weeks when his lordship sent for her, arriving at the study door she knocked and waited “come in” she opened the door to a huge study, she had never seen this part of the house before closing the door behind her she curtseyed “you sent for me your lordship” “ah Bella it’s you sit down my dear” lord Digsbry was in his late thirties and had taken over the estate when his parents had...

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Lord Marchingtons Staff

If truth be told I was dreading my return to Marchington Hall, my brother Charles the Fifth Baron Marchington was barely cold in his grave before I found myself dragged from service overseas to oversee his estate, though in truth it was no longer his but mine. He left his dear wife Marjorie, as frigid an ice maiden as ever walked England's hallowed turf, and her mother Deloretha, the perfect model for any artist wishing to depict a witch as ever walked abroad, and with an evil manner to...

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Lord Reynards Fancy Ch 08

I realize that this chapter is short, but I need to move past it to develop the story because it’s been stalling me. Such are the vicissitudes of reading amateur work on the web, I suppose! I hope you all enjoy the feast of 2 chapters after a famine, sorry my disability has been kicking my ass lately! Please vote and remember that I have a comment fetish. * Lilac’s knees and shins burned in agony on the stone floor as she woke, groaning to find herself still in the world and not heaven,...

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Lord Dagmars Estate

Lord Dagmar’s EstateChapter 1Dress appropriately. That’s what the letter had said. It wasn’t a letter you ignored either. The calligraphic script and the weight of the paper showed you it meant business. No exclamation mark or other intonation was necessary; the whole thing reeked of old school, old money, old power. That was not to say the age behind the power lessened it, it was still as strong today as it had always been, strong, stable and unmovable. A relentless force driving the...

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Lord of Chaos

Your name is Dan, you are currently at high school working to finish up your 3rd year right now. But a few girls discover an artifact with chaotic powers to curse people and do a multitude of things like, changing their clothes, turning them into girls, or even removing their sense of dignity. Little did either of you know, but this Orb would turn you into something much greater than anything this world has ever seen. As you touch the orb, you feel an incredible power start to surge throughout...

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Hortense Triumphs

The male sensed that today was different as he was led to the room by his Mistress, naked leashed and on all fours. He had surrendered everything to Madam Hortense Brigham, the plump 60 year old woman who had drawn him into her web, teasing him into her world of domination and beyond, breaking his spirit completely through cruel and rigorous punishments and humiliations, reducing him to the controlled and obedient slave he now was. She had promised him he would be disposed of when the whim...

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Lord Potter

Harry sat awake in his chair, a sturdy old thing he’d found in one of the many rooms of Grimmauld Place, it was now well into another night of Harry’s chosen seclusion from the rest of his society, he had taken this nearly immediately after his victory over Voldemort, he had left a brief statement where he stated that he was pleased to have finally defeated the dark lord who had been terrorising the world since his fourth year of school and that now he wished to be left alone for a while so...

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Lord of the DC Universe

I am Lord. I am the savior of this universe but they do not understand yet. These worthless heroes fight everyday against both men and women who truly understand the world. Of course, some may pursue more chaotic desires. But some, like me, truly wish to make a difference even if it means tearing apart everything they “love”. Who is they? Those “heroes” everyone worships and idolizes as gods. I will show these gods can bleed... I will make these gods kneel. The door to the office bursts open...

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Lord of the Rings The Longinus Edition

The change came gradually, so slowly that you had no idea it had taken place. Travelling into one of the few remaining large forests of Britain, you found yourself lost when the path you had previously taken was suddenly gone, replaced by thick bushes with thorns everywhere. Slightly distraught, you decide to carry on, wary of this strange happening. After a while, when nothing else has taken place, you decide that it was just due to you taking a wrong turn. You were also tired from a long day...

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Lord of the Realm

She was a simple peasant girl. She had a pleasant bosom. Not too small to resemble a buy nor too large to be udders on a cow. They were average, but just right on her frame. Nothing on her looked out of place. Her eyes were a bright blue, her hair a gentle brown, not too light or dark, often teased into a single braid that would hang over her shoulder. She tended to wear blue dresses and brown blouses that accentuated the pale flesh of her slightly revealed bosom. When I had passed through her...

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Lord of the Storms

It is unusual, quiet, eerie dark; but I don't know if it is calm before the storm or the one just after the battle. Sithen has decided it is time for rest so it made its chambers dark, bathing the gardens in cold blue moonlight.  It was only hours since we worked magic, danced to rhythm of our desires, but I lay awake, motionless in the big, black silk covered bed, and listen to His breathing. He sleeps like a King, spread eagle in peaceful, deep, dreamless rest.  Sliding carefully to...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Benedict and Veronica Horton

Benedict, Ben or Benny, Horton, Veronica, or Ronnie, Horton nee Parker: that's us. Both aged forty. Married going on fourteen years I guess. Happy? She is, I'm not, and for damn good reason: she's been cheating on me. And, not just cheating on me, but serial cheating on me, with at least four different men including my boss, and that for at least the last thirteen years; she admits to that long. And, I just found out about it today. Fuck! How did I find out? Well, that's the story, at least...

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Lord Reynards Fancy Ch 07

Thanks to every loyal reader who’s hung around while I’ve been ill. Chapter Seven is finally here and Chapter Eight is coming. Please remember to vote, and comments are always welcome. I deeply appreciate politely phrased and constructive criticism! Hope you enjoy some sexual action at last! * Lilac rose and carried the slumbering Nan to her own chamber and bed, a treat she often bestowed on the orphans. When she returned she looked bowed down by a weariness Sir Reynard had never seen in her...

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Lord Reynards Fancy Ch 06

I apologize for the delay, I’ve been very ill. Here is Ch. 6, which gives insight into Lilac’s thoughts and personality. Next chapter will have more raunch and will be up in the next few days. Thanks for reading, please take time to rate and comment! * ‘Tell me your Ave and I will tell you its meaning in turn.’ crooned Lilac softly to the orphan splashing around in her tub at the hall hearth. Much as she loved reveling, she enjoyed the renewed quiet. Sir Reynard listened in dozily as he...

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Lord tobin and the wiccan women

(Bobby may tell her tale.) My name is Bobby may Walcott; my sister is will-mina (Wilma or wily for short). We come from a family of Wicca women far back as I can tell. It is well over eight hundred years. I and my sister's will be tying to tell our story as best we can. Well I guess the best place to start is the beginning? I guess it started back when our grand aunt Mural took over the families following. That was 1866 when she began to mate with her father Milford Walcott, she was...

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Lord of Corruption

Delvin Artanus was an innkeeper in a not-so-typical fantasy setting, he wasn’t an average person, but he was the kind of character that most stories would relegate to background status. That wasn’t to say he wasn’t nice to look at; some would say he had a kind of natural hotness to him reserved for when you are talking about someone in terms of appearance and social presence. He was no warrior or Paladin; Delvin was just someone that adventurers occasionally interacted with and told stories to...

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Shorty Philpott Derelict Drunk Cock Sucker

“Fuck you,” said Shorty Philpott after being fired for the ninth time from the Snack House restaurant located in the old Bus Station complex in downtown Fort Myers, Florida.The Snack House was kind of unique having all male employees and the only business to continue successfully in the old Bus Station complex after the Bus Station relocated out on Cleveland Avenue better known as the Tamiami Trail.Shorty had been an award-winning Marine having served in the South Pacific during WWII. Shorty...

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Vanessa gets Shorty PT2

The next morning Vanessa opened her eyes, she hoped that it was Shorty that is next to her. She suddenly felt an itching sensation inside her pussy. It felt like a million little micro nerves tingling around the inside of her pussy creating a ticklish sensation. She tried to brush it off and forced herself out of her bed, still feeling a bit sluggish and hit the shower. Brian has prepped Kelly to school. That's the good thing about Brian, he doesn't mind to do share the load, sometimes even...

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Shorty and his friends hung out on the corners in the neighborhood. They would check out the girls and women who walked by going to or coming from the store, the bus stop or work, or those just looking for something or someone to do. The boys as they called themselves were always looking to hook up. They commented on the weaves, the Jeri curls, the fine looking mamas and most of all the bodacious asses that passed by. They were always courteous to elderly women and church going ladies. All...

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The Shortstop

Edited by Dave Lori was sitting alone in the small conference room waiting for her partner. She had the big monitor plugged into her laptop and was doing a little online window shopping before their meeting. Eventually, she heard the door open and her business partner, Brent, take a chair to her right and in back of her. "You're late," she said without turning around. "There was an accident coming down this morning." "Sounds like you stayed in Lahaina and needed one last blowjob this...

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Lords of the Manor Part 2

Lord Edgar looked on with admiration at the sight before his horny eyes. Lord Edmund, his childhood friend-cum business partner and heir to his father’s vast cotton mill empire, was on all fours, his backside facing Lord Edgar and his companion Sir Kieran Veritice who were standing on the far side of the room. His naked backside! His large pink anus winked at the on looking noblemen as Lord Edmund’s head buried in between the open slender legs of a young peasant slut, his big tongue lapping...

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Lords of the Manor

The driver shook the reigns and the horses struck the cobbles and the carriage moved off, clattering noisily down the narrow street, echoing off the close knit houses. The two gentlemen peered cautiously from under the overhanging building, careful not be seen by people looking out of the window. After a few minutes they both quietly headed up the opposite end of the street. ‘I don’t know why we have to go to this awful side of town every month.’ the red headed gentleman grumbled ’I’m sure...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Vanessa Gets Shorty Blacken

Vanessa is 36 years old, married to her high school sweetheart, Brian. Brian is 5 years older than her. He is not the fittest guy for his age even. He has gained a few pounds over the years. Vanessa however, still looks after her appearance. She has maroon red dyed curly hair at shoulder length, 5"4", 32C cup, a size 8 and very attractive. Some people make jokes about beauty and the b**st but there is always a degree of truth about it. She also has a seductive look that comes naturally and she...

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The Newlyweds Chapter 1 Boyshorts

The Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...

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Cumlord Stories School Orientation Part 2

I quickly snapped myself out my daydream, and realized a bead of drool had rolled out the corner of my mouth, along with a drop of precum from my once more rigid dick. Why waste my time fantasizing when the real thing was within spitting distance in any direction? I'd gotten myself worked up again, and my cock throbbed angrily. There wasn't the same feverish need to rut as there had been in Beth's classroom. This time I felt a calmer, but somewhat crueler drive. I wanted to hurt someone....

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Cumlord Stories A Morning With the Cumlord

--- I awoke to the playful teasing of a tongue on my balls. It traced all around the outline of my scrotum, momentarily cradling each testicle in a careful embrace. Each ball was briefly sucked into the inviting mouth, and rolled around lovingly between her tongue and soft inner cheek. I slowly pried open my eyes to see which if my girls had won the chance to wake me this morning. Propping myself up on my elbows I glanced down to see my naked body, uncovered by sheets, and a small head...

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Landlords Assistant

I sighed as I parked my rusted old car outside Glade Apartments, and stepped out onto the concrete bottom floor of the parking garage. I admired the view. It was a gorgeous skyscraper stretching up quite a while, and looked very modern and expensive. Thanking Natalie, my dad’s ex-wife, who I’d never met, I walked into the lobby. A gorgeous woman in a bikini walked up to the front desk and I tried not to stare. The girl finished her conversation with the front desk clerk quickly, and we locked...

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Warlords Conquest

You are the son of a Lust demon. Your mother had been impregnated with you by your demon father after she performed a dark ritual to summon him forth. She had done this because she wanted eternal youth and had read about Lust demons being able to grant wishes. What she hadn't realized was that those wishes often came with a price and when he sprang forth, he agreed to her wish with the stipulation that she must bear him a child. Not being able to resist his lusty ways, she agreed readily and on...

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Lords of the Manor Part 5

Presently they reached the top of the cliff and into shady glades and lush green grass. Nearby, a brook tinkled merrily down toward the cliff’s edge where it would plunge down onto the rocks below. Suddenly the men came abruptly to a stop. For there, in front of their very eyes, beneath a clump of overhanging palm trees, overlooking the sparkling blue ocean were their three missing companions. But it was not just them! They were surrounded by at least 15 scantily clad young maidens, all of whom...

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Overlord Gay Version

Deep within a dark cave a great evil slumbers... Darkness, all around you. The chains binding you. You immediately begin to meditate in order to remember. A pair of sadistic red eyes widen you remember being sealed away from all. Those three mages used a forbidden spell, such irony light mages using forbidden magic. However, unknown to the enemy at the last second you used one last spell to make your magic slowly consume the seal. Eyes narrowed one word leaves your chapped lips "fools." With...

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Lord of the Ring Gag

(with deepest apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien) Copyright © 2002 by Adrian Hunter. All rights reserved. Please do not repost nor repurpose without permission. "Stop it, Marie-Noëlle. That tickles!" Spirella cantered ahead of her slender companion, who giggled as she bent forward and pretended to initiate another attack with the long feathers that adorned the harness of smooth white leather daintily padlocked around her head. "Seriously! We have many miles yet to journey ere we take...

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Lords of the Manor Part 3

Such a fall in grace had come about so quickly for these four once distinguished gentlemen, all heirs to vast fortunes and empires built by their families. And all of it had come about because of two peasant girls! When we last left them, our four gentlemen had been enjoying an orgy of sexual debauchery with the two afore mentioned Scottish peasant girls, in honour of their youngest companion, Matthias’ birthday, in a low lit, sweet scented and comfortable bar room below the streets of their...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Sissy Sisters Shortcomings

SISSY SISTERS' SHORTCOMINGS by Throne "B... but..." Arnold blinked back tears. "I can't wear this if someone is coming to our house." He stood there in a sleeveless belly shirt and thong panties, the former with a splotchy pattern of reds and greens, the latter in bright yellow. On his small feet were dainty orchid-colored, backless slip- ons. There was no hair anywhere on his slender body. His wife Delia, who was several inches taller than him and carried a good bit of excess...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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