The Eternal Tales Of Lord Viktor free porn video

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With the same, wickedly sharp blade her clothes are also savagely cut from her, not without a few more nicks over her tender nubile body, which only serve to enhance the sight of her standing there with hands bound behind her, tears streaming, her sobs hard and catching in her throat. With the blade he traces over her soft, trembling breasts and nearly nude mound. Her eyes widen in terror as she watches, afraid to move in her fear, her soft whimpers now sobs as her fear rises, and she begs him to hurt her. He orders her to silence and she tries hard to obey, her sobbing now no more than soft pitiful noises. The point of the blade under her chin lifts her face to her captor's, the innocence and absolute fear in her eyes pleasing to him as he knows it will be so to his Master as well. Suddenly he backhands her and the floor rushes up to meet her. Unable to break her fall with her hands tied behind her, she cries out as her body is bruised and scraped on the hard stone floor. As she struggles to sit up, he backhands her again for crying out after having been ordered to silence, she slumps over on her side and then rolling over on her belly, she lies there, silently sobbing while her captor gloats over her.
He stands there for a moment admiring her perfectly formed back and ass and thinks to himself that it looks a wonderful canvass for the blade to play on, but he knows he dare not. There is time enough for that. He takes hold of the girl's bound hands and she cries in pain as he pulls her roughly to a sitting position. He puts his face close to the hers, the stench of his breath enough to make her retch, he says gruffly "Wait here poppet, Master will be here soon enough." With that he wrenches the girl to her feet by her bound wrists, she screams from the sudden exquisite pain her shoulders as her arms are jerked upward and back. He listens to the sound of her screams with smirk as he shoves her into an empty kennel. Watching with satisfaction as she lands on her ass in a corner and cowers there, her sobs wretched he locks the kennel door behind him. Exiting the carriage house, he shuts and locks that door carefully behind him as well before going to report to his Master.
Lord Viktor's servants thought him a strange one indeed. Rarely seen about during the day, spending most of his time either in the carriage house or out walking about at night with his hounds. Not a one of them would dare breath a word against him however, as he was feared as well as respected. Making his way silently through the evening, mists swirling about his feet as he walks, the key to the carriage house ready in his hand, he opens it and slips silently inside.
Finding the girl exactly as Guthrie left her, he unlocks the kennel and brings the girl to her feet and the holding the pitifully sobbing girl up by her bound hands, draws her forth from the confined space of the small kennel. Without speaking a word to her, into the center of the room he pushes her ahead of him,he kicks her legs apart and then whispers menacingly in her ear..."Don't try closing your legs slut..." withdrawing a gleaming dagger from under his cloak, "...or I'll shove this blade into your virgin cunt to the hilt.", at which her sobs catch in her throat and >become an animal like moan of fear.
Letting go her bound hands, he sets his dagger aside, removes his cloak and walks slowly around her, inspecting every inch of her. The girl now feeling not only her sheer terror but also the humiliation as well lowers her eyes and stares at the floor as he continues to inspect her. Her breath ragged, her face stinging and bruised from Guthrie's vicious backhanded slaps, her side and hip burning from the abrasive contact with the hard floor, arms aching from having been so brutally yanked, she tries to whisper a plea for mercy, that is cut short by his hand at her throat squeezing slightly. "Don't make it harder on yourself, slut..." releasing her so suddenly she almost falls forward, he adds with an evil little laugh, "unless you want to of course."
Kicking her feet apart a little more, one hand on her bound wrists to steady her for what is to come, he leans down slightly and slaps her soft, nearly nude mound with one leather clad hand. The girl gasps, another sob racking her and causing her well fleshed breasts to tremble, she instinctively jerks away. He grabs her hair at the nape of her neck, and growls at her "Don't move away when I touch you bitch!" and still holding the girl by the hair with one hand, he holds her upright, her legs still spread wide, slaps her cunt several more times viciously, leaving red angry handprints on her once perfectly white flesh, the outer lips of her cunt swelling slightly from the abuse. Pulling the girls head back harshly, so that her breath can be heard fighting to pass through her throat, he forces her to look into eyes, he grins evilly and she sees a brief glint of white fangs. She draws a fearful breath and begins to struggle. As if her struggles were nothing at all he bends the girl backward more so that her back arches and thrusts her breasts and cunt out for more abuse.
He slaps her cunt four more times, each time he lands a blow, his hand covers her whole cunt, making it nothing more than a throbbing mass of red hand prints with purple bruised edges. She screams each time louder although her throat is already raw, her voice hoarse. He pauses between each slap to torture first one perfect pink nipple then the other with his sharp fangs, drawing forth small drops of fresh blood each time. Releasing her hair as he makes her stand upright again on shaky legs, he steps in front her and smiles as he surveys with pleasure the damage he has wrought so far. Listening to the girl whimper softly, he looks at her and smirks, "You like that don't you, you little slut?", the girl tries to shake her head no, and moans quietly, at which Lord Viktor laughs cruelly, tangling the girls hair at the nape of her neck in his strong fingers, places his free hand on the girls cunt, ramming one leather clad finger deeply, painfully inside her. He enjoys feeling her flesh stretch and give way to the onslaught as the girl cries out pitifully at the pain and the humilation of being so invaded so intimately, so brutally. She squirms and tries to get away from the hand that torments her, but with her hands bound, and her captors hand tangled tightly in her hair, she does no more than fuck herself even harder with his gloved finger deep inside her.
Laughing cruelly he withdraws from her roughly, unexpectly and lets go the girl's hair all at once, watching as she falls into a heap on the floor, crying pitifully. He shows her his cum soaked finger and laughs cruelly, "You may be saying no, but your cunt tells me different." She draws her legs together tightly and lies there, her cheeks burning, tears streaming. Lord Viktor, waiting with a predator's patience until the girl's crying eases, picks up his dagger and advances toward the girl. Hearing his soft footsteps she looks up, seeing the blade, she tries frantically to back away, her eyes wide, her fright so great she can barely make a sound. He grabs her by her bound hands and shakes her like a rat, growling roughly, "Don't try to get away little bitch, remember this?" as he twists the bade in front of her eyes so that the light appeared to dance off the gleaming edge. He slices the bonds on the girls hands, "Stand, slut!".
The girl, her hands now free, rubs her wrists and tries to stand on shaky legs, her tears falling freely, her young body no longer perfect and white, but dirty, bruised and marked, her lovely long dark hair a mess. Failing to stand the first time, she receives a vicious kick knocking the wind out of her, "Stand, slut, now!". She struggles painfully to her feet and stands there, her legs tight together, her eyes downcast, holding her hands over her mound in modesty. He laughs wickedly, "Move your hands, little slut and spread those legs wide". Reluctantly she lets her hands drops to her sides, slowly, hesitantly spreads her legs, not satisfied he kicks them wider. Shoving a gloved hand roughly between her legs, feeling of her cunt, draws back his hand covered in her juices, he smiles an evil smile and places his fingers cruelly upon her lips, pushing them into her mouth, "Clean it off, slut." The girl closes her mouth around his fingers, crying to hard to do much more than that.
Removing his fingers from her mouth, Lord Viktor again grabs her hair at the nape of her neck, savagely pushes her over to a stool sitting in the middle of the floor, giving her one last shove toward it, "Sit!" She clambers obediently onto the stool and sits there painfully, her cunt sore from the recent invasion, her voice rasping and almost gone from her screaming she begs to be let go, terribly frightened, not daring to imagine what he might have in mind for her.
Seeing her fear and hearing her pleas for mercy, he laughs and makes a show of going over to a cabinet and extracting many items..some large and some horriby archaeic looking, most of them just to scare the girl even more. She watches him, too frightened to move remembering what he said about the knife, her body trembling, tears flowing like small rivers down her face...he turns back to her with a rope in his hands, approaches the girl, kneels down and binds one ankle roughly to one leg of the stool, the other ankle to the opposite leg of the stool. In this position it does not spread the girl legs that widely, but then taking her by her hair again, forces the girl to bend backward over the stool, roughly positioning her so that the seat of the stool is now in the center of her back. This extremely uncomfortable position forcing her to spread her legs obscenely wide, he then binds the girls arms to the opposite side of the stool.The girl, crying pitifully in her shame and humiliation at being thus exposed, whimpering from the painful position, makes another desperate plea for mercy to his amusement.
He then steps back and admires the poor pitiful creature thus bound and spread for his abuse, moving to stand at the girls head, lifts her head so she can look into his eyes.."Now you will suffer slut!" grinning wickedly as he listens to her pleading moans. He steps to her side and runs his gloved hands over her well formed breasts, pinching the nipples, twisting them cruelly until she screams, every now and then slapping her body just to see the red hand prints form. He slips his gloved hand down to her cunt and viciously slaps it again, watching as the girl's body jerks and listening to her cries as if to the finest music. Enjoying the girls torment, he steps over to a cabinet and extracts a small bundle of supple rose withes, thorns still intact. Moving back to the girl he walks around to her head, again lifting it by her hair, shows her the bundle and brushing them lightly, caressingly against her cheek, the thorns leaving tiny marks, watches her reaction as her eyes widen even more. She tries to shake her head no, almost hysterical, begging him not to ...please! Without saying a word he lets go of her hair, steps back around to her side, trailing the bundle softly over her body, watching her tremble, feeling the slight catch of the thorns as they move over her skin. She moans, whimpers and pleads with him, he listens silently, his eyes not missing thing as they roam over body as if to memorize every detail, down to the slightest tremble of her flesh as it is so tenderly caressed with his chosen implement of torture.
He waits, again with a predatory patience, petting her tenderly with the tips of the withes until she appears to calm down, her breathing slowing a little, her begging stopped. Then as suddenly and with harsh brutality he brings the bundle up high, lashing it down hard, cuts hard upon her right inner thigh, the thorns catching in her flesh and making tiny bloody gashes. He pauses only long enough to enjoy the scream ripping from depths of the girls soul, and lays another swath of cruel lashes in the crease between thigh and belly. At every lash he pauses only long enough to enjoy her cries, and lays another vicious cut, up farther, across her tender young belly, then several across her perfectly formed breasts, the thorns ripping and gouging her fine white skin, her nipples and the perfect orbs a bloody mess. He stops, not wishing to have his victim pass out before she can enjoy the rest of his tender attentions, he moves back to her head, tangles his fingers most cruelly in her hair and speaks softly but with unmistakable evilness in his voice, "Are you enjoying this my little slut?"
His eyes never leaving her face, taking in that tear stained countenance that still holds on to innocence, he grins wickedly to himself, knowing that innocence will soon be gone. He closes his eyes for a moment as he listens to her pleadingly whimper. He lets go her hair and allows her head to fall back, walking around to her left side. He trails his gloved hand over the open wounds on the girls body causing more stinging pain. He raises the bundle again and lays another swath of raw welts and gashes over her left inner thigh and up again over her belly, listening to her scream out with every contact.
Having saved the best for last, he raises the bundle again, pauses admiring his previous handiwork briefly. Then with vicious strength lays a swath of lashes of almost destructive force over the girls already abused cunt, and again he raises the bundle of withes and brings them crashing down over the soft flesh, the thorns doing much damage, scratching and ripping the sensitve cunt lips.The girl's screams deafening, he watches as the welts rise higher the cuts open, drops of blood rising quickly and trickling down her ass to splatter softly on the stones beneath them. The the lips of her cunt swelling tremendously and he is unable to resist the vision, he leans down and runs his tongue over her bleeding mound, tasting of the blood from the tender, virgin flesh. Not satisfied that her cunt looks as raw as he would have it, he lays several more brutal lashes of the thorny withes across it, the blood flying from the withes making patterns on the walls, floor and ceiling, Enoying the vision of her body jerking and straining against the ropes binding her to the stool, he smiles to himself and wonders how much more this whore can take.
Standing back and admiring the effect on the girls body, and finally satisfied with his handiwork, he takes off his leather gloves, knowing the salt sweat on his hands from being inside the gloves will lend an extra intensity to the pain of the welts and cuts. He positions himself between the girl's widespread legs, and starting from her cruelly beaten breasts, at first lightly passes his hands over every inch of her slowly, hearing her gasp and cry out as the salt sweat torments the open wounds. Finding the most sensitive areas where the lashes bit deep, he presses his hands harder against them. Her tender cunt, having taken such a beating from the withes was of course nothing but raw meat. Standing slightly to the side he places one hand flat against her raw pussy and grinds his hand against it, feeling her body shaking, voice barely recognizable as human, she cries out at the agonizing pain. Then, knowing her insides would still be sore and sensitive from the earlier invasion, he viciously thrusts a finger inside her, rocking her body back, she cries out and tenses every muscle, straining against her bonds in a futile attemp to close her legs to the invasion as he thrusts savagely, each thrust rocking her battered body. Withdrawing the one finger, he growls "I told you not to try to close your legs, whore!!" as he most brutally now thrusts two fingers inside fucking her hard. He then withdraws the two fingers and with some effort forces three fingers painfully deep. A tremendous stretching and tearing of what was left of her hymen opens her previously tight cunt, a small trickle of blood slips over his fingers as he hooks them upward behind her pubic bone making the girl scream from the intense pressure of his fingers against her bladder.
Determined that before he destroys her for good he should enjoy the fruits of his labors, he releases himself from his pants and moves his body closer between the girl's widespread legs. Without word or warning, rams his cock to the hilt within her, his nails digging into the flesh of her hips as he uses them for leverage to thrust into her, her blood slick cunt offering little resistance. The girls body instinctively tightens against the invasion, the pain and the humiliation of being thus impaled causing her to cry out as he fucks her, his huge cock rending her, now not so virgin, cunt nearly in two with the force of his thrusts. The girls cries sounding less than human as her battered body is abused and tormented.
At last sick of hearing her screams for mercy, he pulls cock roughly from her cunt, a gush of blood and other fluids flowing from her shattered virginity, her once tight cunt gaping, seeming to beg of it's own accord for further abuse. Lord Viktor steps around to her head, lifting it by her hair, growls with a voice made rough with lust, "Let's see if you can scream with my cock down your throat, slut." as forces it into her mouth, gagging her on it as her fucks her throat till he explodes, his own groans of ecstacy drowning out the sounds of her choking on his cock and the load of cum. He pulls his cock from her bruised mouth, turning her head to the side, as gagging and spluttering she tries to catch her breath. Tightening his grip in her hair he jerks her head slightly, "Swallow bitch! you don't have permission to choke to death. I'm not finished with you yet, fucking whore!!" ......... To Be Continued.


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Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the Underworld Franchise and am in no way making profit from this piece of Fiction AN: This story is dedicated to my Good friend Kayleigh in celebration of her 18th Birthday. Eternal Kiss ‘Who started the War?’ Michael finally asked, breaking the uneasy silence that he and the Vampiress had been sharing for little over an hour as he looked from the silver plated torture instruments that rested on the tray beside him. An almost forgotten warmth begging to...

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The Late Hermit Lord of Validurm

The Late Hermit Lord of Validurm by Arcie Emm Seeing him trudge home along the barely existent path, his tattered, brown robe trailing in the dust, it would be easy to assume that he had failed in his declared mission. That assumption was correct, Learic, the second son of Emperor Burthin had been no more willing to listen to his entreaties of peace than he had been willing to listen to those of Madorn, or neighboring Samendolia, whose territory had shrunk significantly after the...

2 years ago
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The british Lord Part 1

Lord Chambers sat in the chair, his cigar burning in the ashtray on the table, a glass of sherry in his hand. He looked at Sara, his cock hardening as he remembered the last time she got down on her knees to blow his prick. She was a delightful girl and knew her station in life. He had given her a job as a chambermaid only after she had submitted to him, Lord Chambers enjoying stripping her naked before she sucked him off for the first time. She got the job right away and she had been...

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Lord of the Castle

Kathleen hurried up the stone castle steps to his lordship’s chamber’s, her arms full of fresh towels and linens. She knew she only had a few minutes before the banquet in the great hall downstairs was over to allow the drunken guests a chance to sleep off their mead before the stag hunt in the morning. Standing before the large oaken door, she rapped twice to make sure she would not be disturbing anyone then slipped inside to the bed chambers. She had only been in Lord Michael’s private rooms...

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From Teen Bride To Hot Wife 3 The Lord and His Servants

While they make their way to the manor house, Joe begins to wonder why the fuck has he agreed to let Lord Dammartin spank his wife. Surely such a man will want more from a gorgeous woman like Caroline than to merely slap her arse a few times. Maybe he will want her the Etonian way— you know: perfect and back-door. Isn't that what they prefer— the old-school tie crowd? At the very least he'll want to see Caroline on her knees, his cock between her lips. Surely he will? Joe decides as long as he...

Wife Lovers
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Tales of Ancient Rome 3 Lions in the Valley

Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves.  Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons.  Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs.        Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley                                          By                                          TG                                    Chapter 1                ...

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Lacy Finds A Nubian Spear fea Lord Zaire

Lacy glances into the 3-paneled mirror and a cute girly smile flashes across her face. She gently strokes her stringy below, shoulder-length shiny blonde hair. She bats her eyes then prances and preens before the mirror. The stretchy black and white stripe mini-dress clung to her curvy yet slightly muscular body. Black fishnet stockings, with small white bowties, highlighted her shapely legs which shrank down to her small ankles which fit loosely in a pair of shiny black leather, open toe 3’...

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Samantha The Tales

This is the an experimental set of tales written in the style of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. It relates the story of several youths on a Pilgrimage to some far-off land. If this experiment is a success I shall continue this endeavour. Samantha: The Tales by Samantha THE FIRST TALE as told by AMY I tell you a tale, as time of old When I was not brave or gallant or bold But rather a lonely boy of school For not one friend could recognise the jewel Of promise my unfortunate male...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales 3 The Adventures of Pierrot

Cross-Dressed Fairy Tales Part 3 By Dawn DeWinter In parts 1 and 2, Sherry and Sadie, two married men, went to a lesbian bar on their "girl's night out." There they came into the clutches of Mike and Big Sue, and are in danger of being raped - or worse - if Sherry cannot keep Big Sue entertained with "original" stories. This task has just become a mite more difficult with the arrival of two more people. Can they too be kept satisfied? Part 3 is based on Pinocchio, the story of the...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales Rapunzel

Some familiar fables transformed for readers of transgendered tales. In part 1, Sherry and Sadie, two married men on a "girl's night out" visit a lesbian bar and go home with Big Sue and Mike, two women who are dangerously upset to discover that they've been seduced by two cross-dressed males cheating on their wives. Like Sheherazade in the Arabian Nights, Sherry decides that the only way to protect their -- um, posteriors, is to entertain Big Sue with fabulous stories. ...

4 years ago
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Jock TalesSenior YearConclusion

Jock Tales---Senior Year---Final Game—and The Price of SuccessOK—so the last two chapters of the Jock Tales series won't have much porn to them—just a couple of mentions of stuff. If you have been following the series story line, as much as the porn parts, then these last two chapters simply tie up the series, and bring it to it's conclusion. Thank you to all the fans, and comments, and if you wish to continue, then join me for the next series—The Skatepark Adventures. The next four games after...

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Tenderloin Tales Mo Fun

© 2002 all rights reserved. Intro The '80's, a decade to remember: Post pill, pre AIDS. Gloria Steinham making waves eagerly surfed by the assertive, independent women of San Francisco. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," was a popular paraphrase, often attributed to Steinham, but the source is Australian Irina Dunn. The best rebuttal I'd heard, in a crowded Union Street meat market bar, was: "Yeah, but fish don't have cunts that enjoy a ride on a sturdy...

1 year ago
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Lionel Lord of the Jungle

LIONEL, LORD OF THE JUNGLE by Jason "Ooooooggg, yahoooooooo!" With the ease of an animal born to it, Lionel Lord of the Jungle moved through the lush forest canopy of equatorial Africa with practised elegance, huge biceps bulging, sinews stretched, fine toned muscles rippling the entire length of his near naked, glistening body. In a mode of travel unique to him and the lesser primates he swung effortlessly from trailing vine to trailing vine to cover in a few minutes a...

3 years ago
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Lord Oakes Daughter

She appeared to me as if an angel at Mr Marchington's ball at the great hall at Thrimby, I was at once bewitched and dangled helpless in her thrall, as I beheld an angel with ringletted golden hair, with eyes of blue and a merry laugh that lightened even my poor dour soul.And I was not alone, everyone else that claimed to be male and of the red blood lusted after this angel, the very epitome of beauty and grace, as she glided swiftly across the dance-floor in as swish of flouncing lace, as if...

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Lord Princess and the Empire Part 2 of 3

I wanted to say thank to everyone who gave me input on part 1. I have tried my best to improve my grammar. I hope this part is easier to read. Feel free to email me any suggestions at [email protected]. Part 2 of Lord, Princess and the Empire William was confused "Empress, I don't understand. How can I replace Elaine? Unless you have a daughter I don't know of?" "I will let your mother explain the hows. I have come to understand that your sister Elaine would not be a good...

3 years ago
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Lord of the Legion

Lord of the Legion By: Lyrissa "Beware, mortal. Your doom is at hand!" the towering figure said in its deep, sonorous voice. The figure stepped out of the shadows and the flickering light of the lamps cluttering the laboratory revealed a tall male creature with a deep red skin and a pair of odd backwards-jointed legs terminating in massive hooves. He stood tall enough to nearly scrape the top of his ridged skull on the ceiling of the room despite how spacious it was, and the short,...

2 years ago
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Lord Marchingtons Conquest

I looked around the sitting room, where my sisters and mother and the aristocratic and haughty Lady Marjory and the flame haired Rose her tall spoiled daughter, were all looking expectantly at me and I laughed. "Mr Harnsworth," Lady Marjory demanded, "What exactly do you find funny?" It was something my Father said many years ago, "John," he had said to me in his kindly manner as I stood before him many yeas ago as a child, "I fear that you shall have to make your own fortune in...

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Barbarian Queen Captives of Lord Arrakur

Barbarian Queen: Barbarian Queen:Captives of Lord Arrakur A story set in an alternate universe.We all know, that Amethea and her friends overcame all the trials and hardships. They triumphed over suppression, injustice, rape and torture.They defeated Lord Arrakur and ended his merciless rule. But what if... They failed? What if the capture of Taramis, Estrild, Tianara and Amethea was not the rebellions darkest hour, which preceded the dawn of victory? What if this was the beginning of a...

1 year ago
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Eternal Darkness Chapter One

________________________________________________________________________________ As always please rate and comment. This is the sequel to the Eternal Awakening story, and for those who feared that the story had ended, think again! All the characters are coming back as Richard's journey continues! Eternal Darkness Chapter One: Unannounced Visitors Richard stood out in the cold snow at an intersection, the Do Not Walk sign staring him in the face. Traffic slogged...

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CAPTIUS DefianceWordsEternalPast to Present

So just a few things I would like to bring to your attention. The first item would be that yes, I am Mishikail; the co-author of the Eternal Series that captius wrote. This is my private account on this site and I thought I would just let people know that. Even though this account is not named Mishikail, I am still her. I chose the username Oblivionthree for a reason; mostly because I think it sounds kind of cool. So some of you may not believe I am who I am claiming to be, but oh well....

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Star Wars The Old RepublicThe Eternal Harem

He guided his battered-looking but formidable starship into the hanger, landing in the docking bay reserved for his private use, and disembarked. It had good to have some time to himself, but it was time to get back to business. The Eternal Alliance still had much of a galaxy to rebuild, and two hostile powers to keep from each other's throats. Though more experienced people handled the day to day operations, a lot of situations needed a leader and somehow he was it. Heads of state presenting a...

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Swtor The Eternal Dynasty Sith Warrior Bounty Hunter

{Odessen} In the Eternal Alliance Base are the Eight Outlanders led by Their Commander, Darth Imperious. But in the Cantina is The Last Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, Tor Lok, who is trading War Stories with Fellow Mandalorians Khomo Fett, Torian Cadera, and Mand'alor the Avenger. Tor is the Founder of the ExoGeneral Corp, and the Former Champion and Right Hand of Mand'alor the Vindicated, and Public Enemy Number one for the Republic's Most Wanted list. Whereas in the Force Enclave is Darth...

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SwtorThe Eternal Dynasty Jedi Knight

Wth Peace Restored and The Eternal Alliance now the dominant Galactic Power in the Galaxy, a New Leader is Required to lead Zakuul, and based on a popular Vote Jango Cadera The only person who has killed Valkorion's Physical Body and Lived has been Chosen, as one of the Eight Outlander's he was chosen as the Successor of Vaylin, but he is yet to accept, due to obvious reasoning. And now Zakuul faces a unique threat, its old Pantheon of Gods, Tyth was Destroyed, and the Alliance had cautiously...

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Incest Is Eternal Credits To MyEX

Hello, All, This is Naveen from Vizag and I assume you have read my earlier story which shares my experience with my Cousin sister. If not please read it. Please feel free to reach me with your feedback at I assume I wrote this experience of mine in a long way but I hope you will really enjoy reading real life experiences than someone fantasies. **Ignore grammar, I did not spell check nor proofread the sex story after typing it** Just go with the flow if there were any mistakes. So making a...

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Lord Reynards Fancy Ch 05

I’m overwhelmed and delighted by your amazing response to chapter four. I was a bit unsure how readers would respond to my psych out at the end, but it seems nobody minded and you found it as fun as I did. Please keep the comments coming, since this is still my first work of fiction. I’ve had extremely helpful advice from several readers that have improved the story, and I thank them! * The cold grew more bitter and the days shorter as Advent neared. The harvest and hunting had been...

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Lord and Master Ch 01

Friday, June 29 1861 Southampton, Hampshire, England The stranger sitting in the corner of her parlor wouldn’t stop looking at her. Broad shouldered, well dressed, chin length brown hair, his blue eyes tore over her in an assessing way. ‘Let us begin, sir.’ Elizabeth, her mother and sister, the stranger and his lawyer were gathered in the parlor of her home. She knew that the meeting couldn’t come of good things. They had had meetings like this one before, Gentlemen and their lawyers would...

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TG Tales from the Panty Drawer

Feeling guilty that it's been so long since I've posted a new story ("G.E.N.E.S.I.S." a few months ago), I found some time over the past couple of nights and came up with this little trio of stories. Inspired by a familier TV show with a similar name (Tales from the Crypt), these stories are a spoof on male chauvinists and what I'd love to do to them if I had a little magic wand to "ZAP'em" with! Although I do have a couple of other idea's in the hopper, this will have to do until...

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Lord Princess and the Empire Part 1 of 3

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I have put quite a bit of work into it. I hope you enjoy my efforts. I would also be glad for any input in improving my writing. If you would like to send me comments email me at [email protected]. Private Christopher Mills dunks into his commanders tent, A Colonel William Hamilton. The Colonel was sitting at his desk reading a report, dated for today 8-26-2059. He wasn't a huge man at 5' 9", 195 pounds, blue eyes, short stubby...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

First Name = Hero (Male) Last Name = Sidekick (Female) It's another boring day at your new job, working as assistant librarian at the local library. You'd only been there for a week and a half, but you've already learned that you have very few visitors. Books just don't have the appeal they used to. So basically you just wander around all day or, when the boss is away, take naps in the fiction section. You are currently asleep in the corner of the library, a copy of Don Quixote draping over...

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Tales From A Far Country

INTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

Sure, we all remember the fairy tales from when we were growing up, but now you are grown up and the tales seem a little childish. This is a story based around several of those tales that have a more adult twist. Please choose the fairy tale you would like to begin with...


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