Destiny City free porn video

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Destiny City Foreword: I hate smartphones. I know that doesn't sound like something you'd expect from your typical four year old. Anymore children practically come out of their mommies with some sort of electronic device in their hands. I'm not a typical child, just like any other Destiny City child. Before I get into that I guess I should tell you why I hate smartphones. Like any other, "how I got from there to here story" mine starts a little over a year ago. Four year old Jenni 1. The Divorce: In the 12th Circuit Court Richard Barnes awaits the judge's decision. "Mr. Barnes are you ready for my verdict?" "Yes your honor, I am." Richard Barnes finds himself in front of Judge Valerie Patton. Ten years ago, the then newly licensed attorney Valerie Patton had gotten her license four years after she should've due to her previous husband. She and her previous husband were going to help each other through law school so they could start a practice with each other. Very romantic wouldn't you say? The sad part is her husband began a romance with someone else after she had gotten him through law school. In short order after his graduation he filed divorce papers, causing a four year delay in Judge Patton's own graduation from law school. Once she graduated, her practice focused primarily on divorce litigation with a 100% record of having the ruling be for the wife. Judge Patton decided to get into politics two years ago by running and winning the 12th District Judge's position. "Mr. Barnes is there anything else you would like to say before I pass verdict?" "Yes your Honor. My ex-wife Cynthia's friend Molly Roberts did in fact take the picture of myself and the young woman I was talkingt to at the lounge I was in. That encounter, just as the other allegations my ex- wife has accused me of, did not result in infedelity. Things had cooled off a number of years prior to that picture being taken. I was essentially living a life of forced celebacy two years prior to that picture being taken by my ex-wife's girlfriend. I will admit that close to a year I have flirted with a few ladies, the lady at the lounge being one, but at no time did any of my flirtations result in sexual encounters." After a pause and a look that belied the fairness that a judge should give in the seriousness of the division of equity between divorcing parties. "Mr. Barnes by your own admission you have confessed your guilt in actions that is detrimental to any marriage. Men typically under exaggerate episodes of sexual indedelity, the verdict was upheld in divorce court. It also fails to convince me in my decision of dispersal of Cynthia's joint property. I rule that Cynthia is to have sole custody of your two children, with you having supervised visitations. She is to have sole ownership of the house the two of you bought during your marriage. She is to recieve 75% of the two of you's shared bank account, and 100% of the $233,000.00 in your savings account. You may claim all of your personal possessions; clothes, shoes, ties, underware, toiletries and the like. You may keep the 1.5 acres of property your Uncle Gabriel Scott left you in North Carolina. You may keep the 50 shares of Brilliant Electronics. I see there is a 2007 Chevrolet Cavalier that you used as a work car, you may keep that. Your wife is to keep the 2018 Range Rover and 2016 Corvette. This is my decision, court dismissed." With that, Richard Barnes found himself not being worth over a half a million dollars, but slightly over $19,000.00. That is combining the entirety of the 50 shares of stock that was barely having enough value eligible to be traded in the markets. He had his uncle's property in North Carolina, which according to the appraiser was barely in good enough condition as to not be condemned. Then there was the Cavalier that he and Cynthia was looking to donate to the Red Cross before the divorce. It had over a 100,000 miles on it, rust beginning on the chassis, and the valves clatter upon cranking. Upon exiting Divorce Court Richard asked himself, "Well Richard old boy, now what? Between Cynthia and Judge Patton, I'm just shy of being destitute. First order of business is going to the liquor store, then back to the boarding house. Maybe a good drunk will inspire me to plan my next move." Dealing with a mild hangover, Richard Barnes still remembered his ultimate plan of packing a suit case to go down to North Carolina and try to whip his inherited house into a livable home. After resigning from his job and gassing up his 2007 Cavalier, Richard Barnes was heading south. "Ok, I've been traveling for three hours I guess I should stop and use the bathroom and get gas. Hmm, what is this coming up? Let's see, Destiny City, Virginia, I don't recall seeing that on the map. I guess if I'd used GPS, which after what Molly did to me with the camera on her smartphone, I'll never own one again. I'll just have a regular call phone that just does one thing, make calls. I'm glad they still print Rand McNally, but I don't even see Destiny City on the map." With Richard multitasking while driving he didn't see the piece of truck tire that had been shed off the semi that had been on his path earlier. The tire went under his car producing a loud whump! "Crap! I guess I need to pay attention to the road. Let's see, there's a sign up ahead, 'Welcome to to Destiny City population 7,423 and climbing.' I'm going to grab a bite to eat, use the bathroom, and then find a gas station." Richard sees one of those old fashion stainless steel diners and decides that looked like a good enough spot to use the bathroom and get some dinner. Upon entering the diner, he notices a middle age couple eating at the bar while talking to the waitress. "Excuse me miss, may I use the bathroom? "Yes sir it's at the far end, to the left. Will you want anything to eat?" "Yes, and some coffee please." "You want the counter or booth?" "Booth please." Upon returning from the men's room, Richard sees a siverware set, menu, and a cup of coffee just slightly down and across from where the older couple were sitting at the counter. "Sir when you're ready to order or want more coffee, just let me know." Smiling politely Richard answers, "Yes thank you, I will." While preparing his coffee with creamer and sugar along with beginning to look at the menu, Richard began noticing bits and pieces of the three other people in the diner odd conversation. "Chet, have you or Anna met the Carver's yet?" "Anna has, I haven't." The older lady looking at her husband turns to Lilly the waitress, and begins to share her account of meeting Scott and Pam Carver."Yes, they are such a sweet couple. Sadly they said they've been trying for almost five years, and still no luck." Looking over to see the stranger over in the booth drinking his coffee, beginning to look at the menu. "I guess that's why the town council reached out to them to come to Destiny City Anna." That's when Chet, the husband chimed in. "Lilly I think the council kinda jumped the gun with this couple when the council asked them what they were hoping for. Which was a little girl of maybe three years old. Right now the town doesn't have neither a girl or boy to fill that bill. The last ones that we had was that group of timber cutters that came through here last summer, and we already have all of them placed." Then Lilly noticed the stranger put down his menu, taking a long drink of his coffee. "Sir are you ready to order?" Richard still considering the over heard local chatters, couldn't help hearing a conversation that made absolutely no sense to him."Yes waitress I am, you're name is Lilly?" Walking across the diner floor with pen and tablet in hand to the stranger's booth. "Yes I'm Lilly, I guess you heard our conversation, sorry if we bothered you." Smiling sheepishly, Richard responds, "No, I'm sorry for eavesdropping. I caught your name, but was completely confussed by your conversation. It was none of my business in the first place. Anyway, I'll have your..." Just as Richard was about to place his order, a deputy walked in and over to Richard's table. "Is that your Chevrolet outside?" Puzzled Richard replies. "Yes officer, is there anything wrong?" "I noticed there was a pretty sizable pool of oil underneath your car, were you aware that your car was leaking oil?" "No officer I wasn't, thank you for telling me. Is there a mechanic in your town where I can have them look at it?" The officer pauses, giving Richard a very strange look before continuing. "There is Stan's Garage three blocks from here, it'll be on the left. Where you coming from?" "I'm coming from Manassas, making my way to a little town between Raleigh and Wilson, North Carolina." "Do you have any ID?" With everything Richard had gone through with the legal system, he complied readily. The last thing he wanted was to have more legal trouble. "Yes officer, is there a problem?" "There was an armed robbery in Richmond, according to reports the suspect was heading south." "I went through Richmond not long ago, I didn't see anything." While looking at the ID Richard had given to him, the officer began. "According to the report the suspect was driving a dark colored Cavalier, I see your car is a Navy blue." Trying to lighten what was beginning to appear a very serious situation Richard responded. "Well officer my ex-wife cleaned me out yesterday in court, but I assure you I'm no armed robber." With the officer placing his hand upon his pistol, "Sir I'm going to have to ask you to stand up, face away from me and put your hands behind your back." Incredulously Richard replied, "Officer this is a mistake, I'm not the man that you think I am!" In a more stern voice, "Sir I will not ask you again." In knowing that this is all a mistake Richard complies with the officer, knowing that it will not take long to resolve. "Of course officer, but this is a mistake." "We can determine that at the station, now I need to read you your rights." Richard could not believe the luck he's had this past week, not knowing that his luck was about to become a lot worse. Upon arriving at the police station Richard was removed from the police car and escorted into the station to the officer's superior's desk. "Seargent, the councilman was right I saw him at Dan's Diner." The Desk Sargeant giving Richard a look of someone assesing a county fair livestock of some sort. "Ok, thanks Todd. I got a call that the Stewarts are at it again, you're going to have to break them up." Smiling the officer replies, "Ok sarge, I'm telling you those two need to invest in boxing gloves." The desk Sargent shifts his attention from the exiting officer to Richard. "Mr. Barnes please sit down, the councilman will be here shortly." Puzzled Rchard replies, "How did you know my name? Did you run my tag?" "It's a little more complex than that Mr. Barnes, we've been aware of you for some time." Flabbergasted asks, "You've been aware of me for some time, I just left Manassas a little before noon." "Mr. Barnes, the council has been following you way before you left Manassas, the councilman will explain it. Until then, I'm going to take you in the back and place you in a holding cell." 2.Not your typical small town: Richard Barnes curiosity and fear has by the time Councilman Robert Parker had arrived 45 minutes later significantly increased. His arrival resulted in a side door to the holding cell opening, making a clicking sound followed by it slowly opening to display a room that had one of those bullet proof windows allowing visits between family and the prisoner. Upon walking into the side room he could see the awaiting Councilman smiling ear to ear. "Welcome to Destiny City Mr. Barnes, my name is Councilman Robert Parker. Can my jailer get you anything?" Angrily Richard answered the councilman's query. "My freedom sure the heck would be a nice start! Especially since it looks like I'm being falsly jailed while you knowing full well that I'm innocent." Councilman Parker telling Richard Barnes his fate "You got us Mr. Barnes, we do in fact know you're innocent. As a matter of fact there wasn't even an armed robbery in Richmond today." This revelation only increase Richard Barne's anger more. "Then you have no right whatsoever to hold me one more second !" The councilman continued with a very irritating pleasant smile."You're absolutely right Mr. Barnes, but it's only by doing this that you will give us the opportunity to offer you something that your ex-wife has taken from you." "What and how do you know about my ex-wife!?" "Mr. Barnes we have over time developed a network that makes it possible to help deserving men such as yourself, that has gotten a raw deal have a second chance. Sometimes the men we chose are deserving in other ways. We had a crew of timber cutters that came through Destiny City last summer, they were criminal types, everyone of them. After their processing, their lives were transformed." Then just as the three in the diner, the councilman drifted off into nonsense. "Heh heh, especially Tina's life." "I heard the three people saying something about timber cutters back at the diner, not that it matters. I just want out of here if I'm not being charged. I don't care how you know my business, I don't care about timber cutters, just let me out of this frigging cell!!" "Mr. Barnes you'll be released from your cell within minutes, of course though you'll be unconcious. That's why I need to let you know why you've been chosen, and why we're going to do to you what we will be doing." Now Richard was beginning to get really concerned. "What do you mean doing, what are you going to do to me?" "Mr. Barnes Destiny City is named that for a reason. We were founded to offer a chance to infertile couples to have a family of their own. We began to see that there were men that life had led them down a very bad street. Sometimes it was from bad choices they'd made, sometimes as in your case fate had just been very unkind to. Our process was able to rectify both the barren families, and the unfortunate male souls." "I don't know what you're talking about, you're beginning to sound like an insane asylym patient. My patience is running out, do you plan on killing me?" With a look of being offended the concilman proceeds, "Of course not Mr. Barnes, we're going to give you what most people dream of, we're giving you a second chance at life. Our process will revert you to a child, so that an infertile couple can bring you into their home as their own." Momentarily Richard Barnes was speechless, upon his force of remaining composed. "You're absolutely nuts, look as it is no harm no foul. Turn me loose and we'll all look back on this and laugh." With a subtle smile Councilman Parker responded, "Your's is the common reaction; you're concluding I'm off my rocker, you're in an old episode of Twilight Zone, or that you've become delusional yourself. Actually none of the three is true. After I give you a brief history of Destiny City you're going to take a little nap, and when you awake you'll be joyful in dicovering that you will have a new life. Destiny City used to not be known by that name, it used to be Pattonsburg until not long after WWll. In the mid 1950's Pattonsburg had a population of a little less than 7,000 people in it. A little sleepy town in North Carolina, distinquished only by that we had an electronics engineer which was pretty rare for those days. The new interstate system had bypassed Pattonsburg, guaranteeing the beginning of a slow death for our little town. Then in the middle of the night a government courier was transporting a very odd crate that held something discovered during WWll. Apparently the driver had fallen asleep, driving through a curve with a steep incline. As a result the odd crate was ejected from the vehicle, sadly the driver did not which burned when the vehicle caught fire. By the next morning our local Sheriff's Office had discovered the wreck along with the half opened crate. The officer radioed the office, which as it turned out the Mayor of Pattonsburg was visiting. The mayor and one of the deputies rode out to assess the wreck scene. It was obvious that the driver died from the wreck, then the partially opened crate was noticed. The wrecker service was called to the scene to pull the charred remnant of the vehicle and driver. At the same time the mayor, a close personal friend called Jason Butler the electonics engineer, to the police station. Upon Mr. Butler's inspection of the device he concluded two things, the device was made up of two units, one seeming to be a remote control of some sort. The other unit he had no idea what it was. The thing was, it did not appear to be earthly in origin. The residents of Pattonsburg were all pacifists, when it was discovered the vehicle that crashed was government, and the United States was in the process of building it's nuclear arsenal, the mayor worried that the two objects may be some sort of top secret nuclear based devices. The governent was called in, but after the two devices were hid in a secure place. The government did investigate what had happened to the objects, the investigation finally ended. It was then Mr. Butler began researching the objects. The remote control object as it turned out was a very sophisticated computer, even by today's standards. It learned our language and was even able to change the fonts of the device's control to English. It was in fact a control mechanism for the other device. The other device was beyond our wildest dreams. Mr. Butler concluded that it had to be either alien or interdimensional technology. After playing with the device over a number of months, Mr. Butler discovered it's amazing ability, it could rearrange both inanimate and animate matter. Mr. Butler had a wife named Helen, the two of them were never able to concieve a child. During a conversation that Mr. Butler had with his friend Mayor Mulden, he discovered one of the town's deputies had arrested a drunken vagrant that wasn't from these parts, without ID. Jason Butler began to hatch an idea, maybe it'd be possible to rearrange the vagrant's molecular structure to be that of a small child. As it turned out, it was indeed possible. It didn't take long until the whole town's population had heard of the amazing devices. The devices came to be called "The Control" or the "Interdimensional Matter Manipulator". The ladies found they could be made to look like Marilyn Monroe, with the men looking like Rock Hudson. After a few times of use on anyone person, it was discovered that anymore than a couple of uses began to deteriorate a person's cellular structure. Sadly a couple of the town's people died as a result of it. Along with the Butlers being infertile, there was another couple that had the same problem. An escaped convict from a nearby prison was discovered and arrested just outside of town. The other couple, the Burkes, knew of the experiment that resulted in the Butlers obtaining their two year old soon. The Burkes asked if it were possible for the device to create a daughter. With permission of Mayor Mulden, the escaped convict was used as the guinea pig. As a result, the Burkes ended up with a one year old little girl." Richard Barnes was still very angry for being locked up for no reason, but amazed at such a fantastical story. "Councilman Parker I'm entertained by your outlandish story, but again let me out of this stinking cell!" "Your release is coming very soon. We just recieved a new couple into our little 21,000 resident city, their name are the Simmons. You see we at Destiny City we've made it our calling to recruit childless couples to live here, with the promise of providing them a child of their very own. The Simmons lost their little girl Jenni a year ago to cancer, the poor thing was only three years old. The Simmons asked if it were possible to create a duplicate of their little Jenni, which is entirely possible. That's where you come in Mr. Barnes. You've lost you wife, children, you're now unemployed, going to move into a dilapidated house, with a very uncertain future. I'm going to be giving you a bright future. The Simmons happen to be quite well off, not to mention you'll be three years old again." Shocked, Richard Barnes replies, "Wait, saying all this craziness has some shred of truth to it there's no way you're going to change me into a three year old little girl!!" "You notice our little cell here, it was a joint venture of our phenomenal carpenter, and Dr. Lewis our General Practitioner which provided the anestetic gas. I'm going to open the valve in your cell and give you a nice little nap. Then when you awake, you'll have a wonderful new life as a Simmons." 3. The Awakening: Slowly but surely I began to awaken. I opened my eyes only to be greeted by white fuzziness. After a couple of minutes of being awake, but not awake to move. The one thing I began to notice along with the white fuzziness beginning to resolve itself, I began noticing the theme song from a children's cartoon, "Kelly Kitten", my five year old daughter Ashley loved it. Of course her older brother Craig hated it, he' say it was a "stupid girl's cartoon". I also noticed a presence in the room with me, it actually felt like more than just one presence. I began being able to move, I rolled my head to the right noticing a man and woman looking down at me smiling. Along with noticing these two strangers I also noticed that I was looking at them through what appeared to be wooden safety railings. Richard Barnes, now Jenni Simmons waking to her new life The 30ish appearing stunningly beautiful brunette woman spoke first. "Hello pumpkin, are you awake yet?" I tried to speak but my mouth and throat were so dry I just barely made a chirp. "Who....?" An nice looking blonde haired man slightly older than the woman stopped smiling just long enough to speak. "You just take it slow and easy sweety. We were told that your throat and mouth may be a little dry as a result of the anestetic gas." My eyes were still a little scratchy from not being fully awake, but along with what vision that was quickly coming back to me as well as my other senses, I began to become of more things. "My..." The woman squatted down closer so that I could get a more resolved look at her, I also looked down at my shoulder noting long golden tresses flowing over it. My shoulder looked abnormally small for some reason, then I remembered. "No...." "It's alright sweetheart, let mommy help you up." It began to all come back to me, it had to be just a bad dream. Finally the lady which picked me up like I was nothing but a doll, offered me a glass of something to drink. What the.., the stupid glass had a plastic covering on it with just a protruding spout to use for drinking. I didn't care my mouth and throat was so parched I would've drank from a tin can. "Who are you, please tell me they weren't able to actually do it...!?" The fluid which turned out to be apple juice, wettened my mouth and throat enough to where I actualy was able to talk. Which I wasn't sure I was even wanting to after hearing the voice that was coming out of my mouth." They really did it to me, those insane asses!! And the two of you, you're both complicit! My name is Richard Barnes, how dare you!!" Even saying my name in such a high castrato voice, it sounded so alien to me. The woman continuing to carry me into what look to be a kitchen. Once there, she placed me down into a high chair and put the lap tray across me preventing me from any hopes of squirming out. I couldn't do it anymore successfully than when I tried to squirm out of her arms as she was bringing me into the kitchen. "Jenni your daddy and I know that you haven't entirely recovered from the gas, not to mention what the device's effect on you must be." As forcefully as I could make my high pitched voice to sound. "We need to get something straight, there's a list of things I'm not; I'm not three years old, I'm not your daughter Jenni, because I'm sure not a little girl!!" I must be still having my senses coming back to me, I began noticing other things not of my body, but what my body was wearing. I looked down to see I was wearing a pink nightgown with what looked like some kind of cartoon character sewn onto the front of it. I then noticed there was something around my neck. Upon reaching up to feel what it was, I noticed it was a hard plastic. When I pulled at it, it became clear there was no way I could remove it. The male had gone into another part of the house when I was packed out of the bedroom I must've regained conciousness in. Now he was back, standing next to the woman that was in front of me as I steadily tried to get out of the high chair that I was in. I was still trying to unloosen whatever collar that was around my neck. "I heard you being disrespectful to your poor mommy young lady, and it's going to stop now. I'd hate to have daddy forced to spank my little girl right off. Especially just getting her back into our lives, but young lady I will!" With the forcefulness in his voice, and the threat of being assaulted by him. Especially considering the size difference there seemed to be now, I calmed slightly. The male continued after seeing me somewhat subsiding in my efforts. "Now, that I have your attention. There's some things that you need to get straight; yes you are now three years old, and yes you will now be Jenni Simmons, and yes you will be our little girl. By the way, the cushion that your sitting on in your high chair isn't a cushion. According to Mayor Parker that when someone is restructured as a very small child such as yourself, we needed to prepare in dealing with your incontinence of bowel and bladder for the next couple of months. So, the padding you feel is a diaper." I was not about to totally give up. Even with the prospect of the indignation of spanking. "You know that there's no way you can watch me 24 hours a day, I'll eventually find a way to get help." Then the female figure with the same sickening smile chimed in. "Jenni sweety, say you did manage to get to a phone, which I doubt happening. Say you do though, you still need a special code to call out from Destiny City. Say you managed all the above and you got a hold of someone, you think anyone would believe such a story from a little girl with an overactive imagination?" "Ok then, there's always the possibility that at some point I may find a way to escape." "Well missy I doubt your little legs carry very far or very fast. That aside, the collar that you're wearing is like one of those dog collars used with invisible fences. Don't worry sweety it won't shock you, but it does have a built in tracking device, and a small canister of the anestetic gas that you're still recovering from." So there I was, what that no more than... I'm not even sure how long I was unconcious. Regardless, I was a grown man until very recently. Now here I am a little three year old girl strapped into a highchair talking to two crazies among apparently many crazy people in this town. What was I going to do? I finally concluded that for the moment, I fake compliance. "So, what do you want me to call you both?" The skepticism was obvious on the male's face, but he smilingly responded, "You will refer to me as daddy sweetheart, and Mrs. Simmons as mommy, do you understand?" With no small amount of effort I replied, even hamming it up for effect. "Yes daddy I understand, I'll be a good girl." I doubt I made a believer of him, but he still responded with a patronly smile. "That's my good little girl, now let mommy make you some breakfast." "Ok daddy." 4. Getting into the groove: I didn't realize (daddy) worked, although in thinking about it, it does make sense. It's funny I've known these people since this morning and I still don't know their firts names, so I guess mommy and daddy may as well be the norm. At least for the moment. With breakfast eaten and his lunch packed(daddy) said his good-byes. "I will see my girls this evening." With that he gave , mommy, a rated G kiss and to add injury to insult he came over to me and kissed the top of my head. Upon returning from walking her husband to the door, the lady came back into the kitchen. "Aright little girl, let's get your diaper checked and into a pretty little outfit." "Mommy I don't think I need to be cha..." Before I could finish the sentence I could feel my stomach cramp slightly along with a sickening squishy feeling develop under my bum. Crinkling her nose, the lady said. "And you were about to say young lady? Come on, mommy will get her little girl cleaned and fresh. We don't want you to be a smelly girl when we go out." A shot of horror bolted through me at the thought of actually having to go out in the public like this. "Out..?" "Why yes dear all of your clothes have been put up for so long, they're all musty. I did salvage the one pretty little dress that'll at least be nice enough to go to the store." "Do I really have to go?" "Why of course you do silly, there's no way I could get a baby sitter on such a short notice. Besides, I'm so happy to let everybody see that I got my little Jenni back." Being as serious and compassionate as I could, and being this was another female. Geesh what am I saying, I don't even need to start that kind of thinking. This lady is a woman, I'm a grown man that's somehow has been grossly violated in being transfigured into a girl toddler that isn't even potty trained! As this lady effortlessly lifted me out of the highchair into her arms, I began my best sales pitch that I could. "Mommy I know that I was somehow changed into a very close resemblance of the little girl you and your husband lost. I'm so very sorry for your loss, but you know as well as I do that what you're being a party to is so wrong." "No Jenni it isn't wrong. Councilman Parker told Dennis and I that your world was in complete collapse, and that you were on the verge of suicide. Granted it is a little out of the ordinary, but as time goes on our new family will come to feel as normal as any other family. Now we will not have a conversation like this again, if so I'm going to have to have your daddy disipline you, and you will not want that little girl. Now, let's get that diaper changed, I think I smell pee pee as well." To my dismay she did smell urine. I was so busy trying to convince her to side with me in having have a chance in returning to my previous life that I hadn't even noticed I'd soiled and peed myself. After the most humiliating experience of my entire life, mommy, had cleaned my bottom and between my legs. I caught a glimpse that was now void of anything that resembled a reproductive organ. "There we go sweety mommy's little girl all cleaned, isn't that so nice!? Mommy found you the little pink dress that had the pretty little lace around the neck, cuffs, and bottom hem. Everyone is going to say, Mrs. Simmons what a pretty little girl you have." Upon placing me in a crib, the woman produce a car seat and went outside to I assume secure it into her car. A few minutes later she came back into the room and dug out a stroller, which she took out to her car as well. While the crazy lady was engaged in her endeavors, the little girl tried to no avail to climb over the railing of the crib, it was just too high. "Ok sweet girl let mommy get you in your car seat and we'll go out and buy you some pretty things to wear. While we're out I saw that the store had a special on diapers, might as well get some extras." Once she picked me up out of my crib, I mean the crib, she buckled me into the car seat and off to the store we went. On the way to the store I could've swore that I saw a Cavalier that was the same model and color as mine was, did they actually steal my car to sell? Once at the store I tried my best to avert this horrible experience. "Mommy I don't think I'm feeling so good. Could we maybe do this another day?" "No young lady, your father was explicit in ensuring thst we get you some fresh clothes. This will not take long, mommy already knows that you wear a size 3T. All we need to do is find some cute outfits at a reasonable price. If you're still not feeling well by the end of shopping we'll go by a local pediatrician that a girlfriend told me about. She said she's wonderful with really small children, so I definately want her to be your physician. Now let mommy get the stroller and get you settled into it." There was just no compromising with these crazy people. Ok, I'll just have to bide my time until I find a way to maybe undo what they did to me and get out of this wacky place. Once mommy got her little girl into her stroller, the two began their trek into the small shopping plaza. "Now baby girl; we'll go and get you some play outfits, a couple of special Sunday dresses for church, some tennis shoes, socks, and dress shoes. I was out shopping last week and I saw a couple of very cute Sunday dresses that'd look adorable on you." In the distance I heard, "Candice, Candice dear, over here sweety..!!" A broad smile broke out on (mommy's) face. I at least now know both of these two people's name, Dennis and Candice Simmons. (Mommy) warmly embracing the oncoming hot looking 40ish looking lady. "Judy how are you dear, and how is little Jake?" "Both of my guys are well. Lou of course is working, Jake will be seven next week. Can you believe that we've had Jake for almost four years now? Now who's this little bundle of cuteness?" "This is Dennis's and my little girl Jenni." "Oh how wonderful, I heard Mr. Parker say that you two were going to be getting your little girl back soon. Jenni, I'm one of your mommy's closest friends, you can call me Aunty Judy dear." "Say hello to Aunty Judy Jenni." With bile almost coming up, I swallowed hard and complied. "Hello Aunty Judy." "Candy she is just too adorable in her little pink dress. So what are you girls up to?" The two ladies began chatting and catching up, while (mommy) pushed me in the stroller as the two of them began our march into the little strip mall. "We're going to get Jenni some new play clothes, a couple of Sunday dresses, shoes, socks, that kind of stuff. All of her other clothes had gotten kinda musty." "Yes I would think so, you've had everything in storage now for what, a year?" "Yes, it is. Hey what are you doing in about a couple of hours from now?" "I have to pick Jake up from school at three." "How's Jake doing in second grade?" "Very well thank you. Why did you want to know what I was doing in a couple of hours, do you want to get together at Dan's Diner?" "That'd be great, I'd love to see how Millie is doing." "Perfect, I'll see you girls then." With that (Auntie Judy) went one way and (mommy) and I progressed into the one of several children's stores. I hate the fact that all anyone sees when looking at me now is a little small cute girl. I wanted to fall through the stroller when the cute little 20 something dark haired babe gushed over me at Toddler World. In hearing Mommy's friend mention Millie at Dan's Diner. If I'm not mistaken that was the waitress that was working in the very diner that that stupid deputy arrested me at. If it is, she saw me when I was still a grown man, maybe I can alert her as to what's going on. Finally after (mommy) had gotten her all the cute little girl things she thought was needed, we went back to the car and was off to Dan's Diner. It was amazing that it seemed in every store at the mall we had gone into, there were drop dead gorgeous women ranging from their mid 20's unto their mid 40's working the floor or counters. All I could do is just sit and bear it. The last store that we went to, the early 40 ish lady apparently having smelled that I had peed showed (mommy) where there was a changing station for me. Mommy's friend along with a couple of the MILF's were over at a far booth when mommy and I arrived. "Over here Candy, I hope you don't mind me bringing Peggy and Lois with me, they were so eager to meet your little Jenni." "Hi Peggy, hi Lois, Jenni this is Mrs. Lois and Mrs. Peggy, say hello dear." Having endured the last couple of hours of being either talked to like a baby or gushed over by sexy hotties, the most I could produce was a meek. "Hello." "Candy she looks so sweet, is she potty trained yet?" "No Lois not yet but we're working on it, right Jenni girl?" I could feel my face for the 100th time today flush with embarrassment. "Yes mommy." I heard the waitress ask (mommy) if we needed anything. I was both excited and mortified having the waitress, that not long ago was bringing me coffee was now seeing me in a little pink dress being pushed in a baby stroller. "Hello Candy, how's Dennis doing?" "He's at work, he's going to have to work a little more now that we have another mouth." "Aww you finally got her back didn't you?" "Isn't she cute!?" "She is an absolute cutey pie. Much cuter than when I saw her being excorted out of here by Deputy Rogers." Oh no.., she is one of the crazies also. Is this whole frigging town nut jobs..? "Oh aren't you the one Millie, you got to see her in the "before" of the before and after? Tell me, was she cute when she was still a man?" "Actually, she was a kinda cute as a guy. Still though I'm so glad he made a cute little, Jenni, wasn't it Candy?" "Yes Millie, Dennis and I both are so ecstatic." "I'm so thrilled for you two, so along with coffee I take it, do you mind if I bring her a cookie?" "Oh that'd be wonderful Millie and while you're at it, could you bring her a glass of orange juice. I just bought her the most darling pink "Frozen" sippy cup." "Aw that was sweet, here give it to me so I can rince it out before I fill it up with juice." "Thank you Millie, that's very nice." For the next hour and a half I sat there, minus the time mommy had to carry me into the bathroom to change my diaper. Upon listening to these ladies, you'd think there was nothing any different than any other small town gathering of a group of women friends. With the exception these loadies, like the rest of this town were bona fide nutso. Just prior to 3 PM the lady named Judy (Aunty Judy) went to get her little boy named Jake. My suspicion is that he was like me, thankfully he at least got to keep his maleness. Lois, Peggy, Candy, I'll be right back. It'll just take a few minutes to run to the school and pick Jake up. I'll be right back, then we can pick upn where we left off. With that (Aunty Judy" let herself out from the booth the women were in. I on the other hand, was still I my stroller at the outside edge of the booth's table. I was practically dehydrated from the shopping that (mommy) had inflicted upon me, so as much as it galled me I drank the orange juice offered me in the sippy cup. The lady named Mrs. Peggy was the one who acknowledged her leaving. "Ok girl, we got your seat saved. It's been awhile since I've last seen Jake, I bet he's gotten to be a big boy hasn't he?" With a broad smile (Aunty Judy) says her good-byes and replies to Mrs. Peggy's question. "Yes he has, you'll see. I'll be right back ladies, and of course you to little Jenni." True to (Aunty Judy's) word she was back within 15 minutes. When Jake saw me he gave me the strangest look. It was a look of "I share your pain, I'm so sorry that they have done this to you." I suddenly realized with a shudder that (Aunty Judy) said that she and her husband has had Jake for almost three years, please don't let that be my destiny... 5. Another Day in the Life: Four years later: During the morning frenzy any mother with a small daughter knows all to well, Candice Simmon's was shuffling her little seven year old girl from the kitchen to the front door to catch her school bus. "Jenni, hurry up sweety your going to miss the bus. This is your first day in the first grade; you don't want to be late with mommy driving you to school do you?" Little Jenni Simmons skipping from the kitchen to the front door in her prettiest pale blue skirt, ruffled white blouse, black Mary Janes and pale blue ribbon her (mommy) had fixed her pretty long blonde hair with, was so excited going to her first day of real school. "No mommy. Annie is going to be riding my same bus isn't that so cool!?" "You two girls have really bonded in the last year haven't you?" "I was so glad to have met her in kindergarten, now she'll be riding my bus and in my class!" "I bet you're excited to be in Mrs. Peggy's class also aren't you?" "Yes ma'am. You know what mommy?" "No, what sweety?" "Annie said she's going to bringing her new dolly to school." In a very condesending mother's voice Candice Simmons intructs her little girl,"well just remember why you girls are in school." "I know mommy, I promise to pay attention what Mrs. Peggy is teaching." "Ok go on out to the bus stop, mommy will watch you until you get on. Remember, we're going with daddy tonight to his dinner, so stay clean during recess ok?" "Ok mommy." "Come give mommy a kiss before you go." "Ok mommy." Candice Simmons watched her little girl that has grown so much in the last four years. There was a very prideful smile along tears as she watch her little one get onto the bus with her little friend Annie. Just as she watched the bus round the curve, disappearing from sight Candy heard a familiar sound. "Candy, hey girl do you have any coffee made?" Just then she saw Liz Brown come around from the side of the house, having taken the short cut that connected their two back yards. "Sure do girl, come on in Liz. Can you believe we actually got our two girls on the bus on time?" "Annie was so excited getting to go to school with Jenni. Jenni has helped her a lot in the couple of years that the girls have known each other." "Annie has helped Jenni a lot as well. Come on in and let's go to the kitchen." Once inside the Simmon's home the two ladies made it to the kitchen with Candice pouring them each a cup of coffee. Upon Candy's sitting down, Liz asked. " Candy I'm so amazed at how well adapted Jenni is, didn't you have any problems after she went through the conversion process?" "Oh my yes, I've told you the first couple of years Jenni was with us haven't I?" "Little bits and pieces, but not the whole story." "The little stinker for the first couple of months after her conversion, she did her best to play the ultimate sweet little girl. Dennis and I both knew she was just scamming us. We talked with Councilman Parker to ask what would be the best strategy in dealing with her. He said that a couple lapses in security would be created for her to try and exploit them. When she tried, the trap would be sprung catching her in the act of trying to escape. After a couple of times doing this, it'd take a lot of fight out of her. After six months and two tries that Jenni had made and failed. After that there were another couple of months in Jenni being pretty lethargic, but in time she began to become a little more engaged a little each day. By the time of the August fair, she actually asked to go to the fair. Now don't get me wrong the Davison's little boy tried to get Jenni to play. The Lewis's little girl, Joan tried to talk to Jenni, as you know Joan is about the same age as Jenni and Annie. At first Jenni barely spoke to her, but by the time she had spent her first year as Jenni she was actually happy to see Joan when we took her to the park. I was floored when Jenni asked me if she could help me in the kitchen one evening as I was preparing supper. Over the last couple of years Jenni has slowly but surely began embracing being our little girl." "Well, you know that my Annie was a drug dealer that his car happened to break down just outside of the city limits. One of the deputies happen to drive by, turned around to offer assistance. She noticed the guy was acting a little weird, Katy was the deputy that arrested him. I think his name was Kyle, anyway by the end of the week Kyle was ready to become our little Annie." "Liz I never did figure out why you had the process just made Annie five years old instead of younger. I figured if you wanted me to know you'd tell me." "Candy it was five years before the creation of Annie, that I had a stil birth. My doctor told Gregg and I that the walls of my womb had a irregular tissue consistency, meaning I'd never be able to successfully be able to give birth. Gregg and I lived with that for four years when we got a letter from Councilman Parker. It said if we decided to move to Destiny City we'd have a child of our own within a year. We looked at adopting, but thanks to Gregg's first wife, she destroyed his credit so badly that no adoption agency would even consider us. So we figured what the heck, the North Carolina weather was a far cry better than North Dakota's. We were notified when Kyle was scheduled for conversion, we were given the opportunity to choose and age between three and nine along with gender. The baby that was still born was a little girl, and we had already chosen the name Annie. So our choice was easy, we wanted a five year old girl named Annie." "Well just to let you know the conversion made Annie so adorable." "Jenni is cute as a button as well. Speaking of Jenni, I heard her tell Annie that you guys were going to a special function tonight." "Yes it's one of those fancy things, a prominate attorney that Dennis's boss knows is supposed to give a presentation. Jenni is so excited, I got her a brand new dress. As a matter of fact I got one of those mother and daughter matching dresses, so she feels so grown up." "Aww that is so sweet. Well girl I got clothes to wash, a refrigerator to clean, plus try to come up with something that looks like dinner tonight." "I'm so glad you came by this morning, it's been awhile since we've had some quality girl time." "Yes it has, I have to run some errands so hope to see you later." As Liz exited the Simmon's house to cut across the back yard to her house she yelled. "You guys have a good time tonight." Later in the evening: For a small city such as Destiny City, the Alexander House serves quite well as a venue for seminars and presentations. The stage at the far end of the social hall had been prepared, along with 120 chairs set up so that everyone in attendance may have an unobstructed view of the evening's speaker. While towards the back of the room a line of folding tables with various fruit and vegetable platters and different cheeses, meats, crackers, finger sandwiches, chips, non-alcoholic drinks, coffee urns, and condiments have been set up by the city's catering service. Milling about with the other company attendees is one Dennis Simmons, his beautiful wife, and their adorable seven year old daughter Jenni. Mother and daughter were wearing matching burgandy gowns along with swooping necklines, garnering approving looks from the men and gushing compliments from the other ladies at the function. There was an anouncement that the presentation would be beginning in five minutes. All of the attendees began filing towards the rows of folding chairs that had been placed to be facing the prepared stage. Middle ways along the right end of the rows of chairs, the Simmon family began to seat themselves. With Jenni, her mommy and daddy sitting on the outside of the row. Candice Simmons had already giving her little girl the "sit still" look as Jenni was already fidgetting in her gown that was irritating her skin. Jenni was also fussing with her gorgeous long blonde hair that her mommy had carried her to the beauty salon to arrange into a very elegant style befitting a little princess. The lights began to sligtly dim as Councilman Parker took the stage. "I want to thank all the attendees of Adament Aeronautics along with many of their families being present this evening. Destiny City is grateful for the revenue and contibutions that Adament Aeronautics contribute to our community of our very special families. I'm not going to remain up here at the podium sounding like a politician. In fact I'm going to turn the show over to the CEO of Adament Aeronautic's, CEO Ted Blake and his special guest the Honorable Valerie Patton, former District Judge in the state of Virginia. Mr. Blake I turn the proceedings over to you." For the next hour and a half one Jenni Simmons bordered on having a PTSD event. Just prior to the event a gentleman in a very smart business suit ushered the Simmons family to a room in another part of the Alexander House. After waiting for the better part of twenty minutes, the door from the outside hallway opened allowing Valerie Patton to enter the room with the Simmons family. Jenni wasn't able to contain herself. "You!! why are you here? It wasn't enough you destroyed my life once, are you going to do it again!?" Judge Patton kneels down to talk to 7 year old Jenni Simmons Candice Simmons was appalled at her little girl's outburst and disrepect to this very esteemed lady. "Jenni Simmons.., young lady you apologize to this nice lady!! You know better than to talk to adults in that manner!" Judge Patton smiled matronly at Mrs. Simmons. "It's quite alright Mrs. Simmons, Jenni and I have a history that I hope to resolve tonight." Turning her attention to the angry young girl. " Jenni I understand you being mad at me, I hope affter what I have to say it will give you a new perspective. Your previous wife was not all that she appeared. She had a long history before you two met and having your son and daughter. Which by the way, are now living with your cousin Claire, her husband and kids. The're very happy and healthy. I later discovered that your ex- wife Cynthia and her friend Molly Walters had conspired in falsifying the photo evidence used in your trial proceedings. I make no apology in judging harshly on husbands that cheat on their spouses. I for some reasons had an odd feeling about your case. I still went with my sentence and judgement, which in time believe this or not turned out worse for your ex than you. I discovered a year after your divorce that your ex-wife and her lover, a Molly Wallace, had tried to run a scam to make themselves very rich from defrauding the government. They'll be spending many years to come in a federal prison. I knew Councilman Parker from college and he approached me years ago. He said that if I ever had a case such as yours, try and set up conditions which had you choosing to try and move to your inherited property in North Carolina. Through setting up just the right conditions, it was inevitable that you'd end up in Destiny City. How do you think that shredded truck tire that you hit with your car got to where it was? I wasn't aware at the time that Destiny City had policies that could do what they've done to you. In consideration of the report I was given and seeing the life you have, I think this wasn't that bad of an outcome." Jenni Simmons sat for a few minutes trying to absorb everything that had just been revealed to her. She reflected back on the last four years and the friendships she'd created. The unadulterated love that she'd gotten over the years from the Simmons, her mommy and daddy. Granted it wasn't a life she would have ever considered in a million years, but it was a life that was now hers. A life that with all things considered, she'd actually come to love. "Judge Valerie, did you tell this to Councilman Parker?" "Yes sweet heart he also told me if you promise to sign an agreement of non-disclosure of what you know about Destiny City, he'd be willing to allow you to return to your previous self, using the conversion technology." Jenni looking over at the two people that had come to mean so much to her over the last four years with tears in their eyes. Thinking in saying good-bye to her best friend Annie, and of course her other friends Zoe and Mindy. " Judge Valerie, if I were to choose not to be put back through the conversion process, would it be possible for you to send occassional updates on my kids?" "Why of course sweety if it's ok with your new parents." "Mommy, daddy can Judge Patton send me updates every so often?" Candice with watery eyes. "Of course she can princess. Does this mean you want to remain as our little girl?" "Mommy, you and daddy know that had I been able to figure a way of regaining my manhood and escaping Destiny City I would have for a long time." Dennis Simmons addressed this response. "I know my little girl, and we're sorry to have been so mean to you." "That's alright daddy, over time I know how much it meant to you in reclaiming the original Jenni, but I also know in time you came to love me as Jenni as well." Candice Simmons after drying her eyes and blowing her nose. "Of course we love you dear, over time with your own unique personality, we began to love you even more than when you first came to us." "That is my feelings toward you two as well, whether it's Stockholme's Syndrome or not I don't care I love you guys. Not to mention I have the best teacher and friends in the whole wide world." Everybody laughed at Jenni's, not sure if it was by design or it having become natural, child like grandeur expressions. Judge Patton continuing to smile after her laugh. "On that note I need to go back home and punish naughty people, Jenni you've got two parents to love and Mr. and Mrs. Simmons you have a very special little girl to raise. Jenni before I get out of here, I want you know I love your dress." The End.

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Your alarm interupts yet another deep and peaceful dream. You frantically search for your phone on your wooden bedside table to switch off the repetitive alarm sound blasting into your ear. You turn it off and sit up in your bed, the sunshine seeping through the curtains, nearly blinding you. You stand up and stretch your muscles, still half asleep. You get ready for your boring office job as you usually would, take a shower, get dressed, breakfast, brush your teeth and out the door for 8am. As...

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Destiny Legacy of a Spellbinder

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder By D.A.W. Author's Note: As this is the third and final story in my Ragnarok Rising trilogy I highly recommend reading 'Incompatible' and the revised version of 'Transfigured' before proceeding further. I've posted a glossary of terms (including the days/months and their English equivalents) to go along with these stories, it can be found at Bigcloset Topshelf, Fictionmania, & tgstorytime. Originally, this story was posted as a serial, but...

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Destiny Manifested

Late afternoon Friday is supposed to be the apex of the week. Sure, sure, nothing like a Saturday night to be hot hot hot, fun fun fun, wild wild wild. Saturday night is the week's orgasm, but isn't the ecstasy of sex all in the build-up, the anticipatory thrill? What's best about Christmas, sitting around in the glut of torn wrappings next to a dying tree, or the visions of the night before, the glamorous pine growing from the mound of brightly clad packages? Everyone thanks god for the...

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DestinyChapter 3

The next morning, I picked up Charlene for school. She had a nice smile going. I asked, "How was your day?" "Don't tell secrets, but did he say anything after I left?" I did not have the heart to tease her and make her squirm. I rarely saw her so uncertain. I touched her arm. "Yes, he did. You tempted him, but he was concerned." "Let's see. I'm your best friend and I'm too young. Did I miss anything important?" "You're batting two for two. When I realized that you had a...

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DestinyChapter 13

Melanie resumed, "Okay, you asked for it. We've all had wine. I want to tell the story without it ever getting outside this tub. I think I can trust you, but would you just nod if you agree?" After seeing the nods and my whisper to her about our rules about privacy, she said, "I left off where he had his strong body between my legs with his hand on my panties, which were my last defense. I have to tell you that in times past, I thought he was very sexy. So, I was in conflict. I knew that...

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Destiny in Sweetwater Ch 02

The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission. Enjoy and keep voting! Chapter 2 Emy opened the oven door and pulled out the roasting dish and placed on the wooden chopping block. The radio she bought...

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Destiny of Love

The sun had fallen below the trees as the moon peaked through from the clouds above. It was a normal summer night cooling off just a little as the sun lost its fight with the night. Joe took his normal walk through the park to the bench he sat on every night for the last 18 years. This night started no different than the hundreds he had spent lost in thought over what had happened many years before. His life revolved around work and little else, he tried church and even went down the road of...

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Destiny Ch 01

She had no idea the trip to Australia last year was the way to meet him. She went to Sydney for her doctor internship for one year. Thanks to her teaching diploma, she would be able to find a part-time tutoring job to earn extra money. After arrived Sydney about a month, she started working at the hospital for six days a week and took a part-time job as chemistry tutor in a prominent boys high school. After she finished her hospital work on Fridays, she had to go to the school for the two hours...

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Destiny Ch 02

Once we both calmed down and cuddled next to each other, I drifted off to sleep dreaming about what the whole weekend had in store for us. I have no idea how long I slept cuddled next to him but I awoke horny and needing to have him again. He was still sleeping – his cock just laying there resting – for now! I remembered how much he loved being woken up with my mouth. It had been a long time since I had that pleasure and I was sure ready for it now. I moved downward being very careful not to...

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Many thought they have experimented with the idea of love and sex but never felt the passion another can give. Is there really anyone out there that can give both to another and the same back? Sometimes thinking there is no hope and just wanting to give up, all emotions are pushed aside and just go on with life as best as they could. Until one night, everything changed and she would never be the same again when she met him. He had piercing hazel eyes and a voice that just melted her away with...

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Destiny Tales of the Scavenger

You wake up next to a pool of white and glowing liquid. The plants around you are a vibrant red. You jolt as you take in the environment, your hand dips into the pool and you begin to feel a sharp stinging pain. You jolt again and crawl your way away from the pool. You try and think about how you got here, but the only thing you seem to remember is your name. You strain yourself trying to think of your past, but end up with nothing. The only memory you seem to have is a deep and gravely voice...

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Destiny With My Sister

By : Amit09031975 Hi readers I am Amit, 23 years old from Meerut. This incidence happened 2 years back, when I had just finished my first year of Eng. and was home on holidays. My family consists of my father, mother, brother who is four years elder to me, my bhabhi and my younger sister I will call her R. It was month of June and R who was 18 than has just passed her 12th exams and was appearing for medical entrance exams. It was her entrance exam that day and the centre was Delhi. She was...

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Before i actually start writing the story, i want to make an announcement! Ok, hi there, im new here! Im not exactly an experienced writer. Quite the opposite actually. This is my first story that ill be writing. So if you see any form of mistake, that be grammatically or in general please let me know. (I've probably butchered this first intro already) I don't really have much of an aim for this storyline, its more like an experimental story if you catch my drift. If this goes well, or you guys...

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Chapter 1: The accident It was drizzling. The weather was as gloomy as my heart. Well, almost as gloomy, as nothing could be as dismal as my feeling. I turned on the headlight, switched on the wiper, and continued driving home in silence. Linda was also silent, staring at the traffic ahead of us. We were returning home from the cemetery, where Linda's mom Brenda was lying in peace. What happened exactly one year ago, the biggest tragedy in my life, seems like it just happened the day...

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Nadia walked into the cold, dimly lit dungeon like room. The dampness hung in the air like a heavy stench suffocating anyone in its path. Water leaked from the ceiling, dripping onto the stony floor making it colder than it should have been. She never would have known about this place if she hadn't overheard the girls in the locker room mumbling about a guy they had tied up for eight days. The knowledge made her gasp, but she was careful to make sure no-one heard her. How could they do such a...

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Destiny Interlude A Summer CruiseChapter 2

I had talked a good game to the girls, mostly to keep them from worrying, but I had a major problem. I might be able to handle myself in a fight, but finding two people in an unfamiliar city wasn't something I was trained for, or had any idea how to do. Eddie had told me where he'd last seen Charlie and Sandy, as best as he had been able, but sadly, that was pretty limited. It seems the trio had set off into the slums with little or no plan and no real sense of direction. They hadn't made...

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Destiny Interlude A Summer CruiseChapter 3

The stairs into the basement were narrow, and lit only by the light from the room above and a dim glow from the basement area. I moved down the creaking stairs, listing for any indication that there were more guys in the basement, other than the two I had already shot. Thankfully, there were no other armed men in the basement to deal with. I breathed a further sigh of relief, when I realized I had found what I had been looking for. Charlie was propped up against a wall, staring at the...

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Destiny Interlude A Summer CruiseChapter 4

Charlie had been dying to confront me with all the questions he had built up. "I don't buy that whole 'I got lucky' thing. How did you overpower those guys and free us? And when we get here, you call your lawyer in the US, tell him to get you a helicopter or a plane to come get us and take us to the next port. Then had him convince the guy to book us a last minute reservation here just so we could wait by a phone. What are you, some trust fund kid?" I had to laugh. He had been letting...

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100% fiction! After shifting to village i was quite upset. My new college in the village too was boring . There was only one bus as a mean of transport. The only thing exciting me was i was alone with my mom. She is a lady of 40 with 40 d breast size. She is an awesome figure which will make every man who see her to take her to bed. My dad was such a fool that he divorced this awesome figure. Finally the college day came to an end and my vacation started. It was awesome summer. Mom had bought a...

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Destiny 2

100% fiction! Later my mom need me to marry her and want to go abroad. So we flew to western country. There we got married and moved to countryside . It was our moon days. Mom was getting more and more fat as her breast was filled with milk. I drank her milk night and day. So our first night came. Mom came to bed in a lacy gown. When she sat on bed i made her to sit on my lap. My cock was already erect. I squeezed breasts within her gown. She started moaning and her gown started getting wet as...

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Princess Felicity

Princess Felicity by captv8tdFelicity stepped off of the airplane and was immediately suffocated by the hot, humid air.  The weather had been below freezing when she left home, so her clothing did nothing to help her deal with the local temperature.  Fortunately, the walk to the terminal building was short and she was soon safe inside the cool building.She had wanted a tropical paradise and she had sure gotten the tropical part, the thought.  The heat bordered on being oppressive but she knew...

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Slut City

SLUT CITYParents’ conversation about their daughter going to school "Dave! Is it really necessary that our daughter wear that school dress? I mean.....look at her school uniform.....does it look like any decent school's uniform?? Mrs. Whittaker said to her husband.He calmly said, "Honey, what's wrong with that dress? And you have already seen lots of girls wearing such skimpy and revealing dresses on streets so what does it make any difference if our girl wears her school uniform?" "Yeah,...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 6 Fucking Felicity

"Under the big oak tree." The Reverend Ebenezer Wilson said the words softly to the fourteen-year-old girl who stood nervously before him in his office. He was wearing only a long, dark robe that made him look to the girl like some prophet in a biblical illustration. Felicity's eyes seemed to cloud over and she went immediately to the adjoining room. Wilson followed her, his erection swelling as he watched the ripe-bodied youngster begin to disrobe. God, she was lovely. Lovely and ready,...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 3 Foreplay With Felicity

While Bob Best was suffering from the temptations surrounding him the Reverend Wilson had no such hang-ups. Although he had not founded the Church of the Leading Light he had furthered its development as a refuge for Christians who were uncomfortable with the permissiveness of modern society. As noted earlier, many Dorset girls married young, often because they needed a legal father for their soon-to-be born child. When Reverend Wilson became their minister the age for baptism, for formal...

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Steel City

Steel City ReduxBy MolockThis is version 2 - A rewrite of the original to address the valid comments given about the story.  The story line is about the same, but the details are considerably fleshed out and some parts are a major rewrite.The official positions and the historical events discussed in this story may exist or have existed, but the story characters are not based on, nor do they represent any actions by any actual official."Don't make threats if you aren't serious - you might be...

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The Lord of a City

Taking great artistic license I have prepared a story with the styling of JohnNorman upon the ancient Hindu legend of Indra. I pray none are offended bythis as I hope this story can be enjoyed for the valuable meaning it triesso hard to bring. I present to those here "The Lord of a City". AGorean retrospect which asks "Can a lowly slave save a great and powerfulUbar from the wrath of the Priest Kings?" Ages ago in this harsh yet fertile land there was one of the prevalent Ubar'sof Ar named...

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Dreams and Reality The White City

You settle in for a good night's sleep, and your subconscious mind sends you drifting, soaring beyond the clouds, past the skies of our world and into the realm of dreams. Cool air rushes by as you float and fly through the air, formless swirls of color and feeling all around you. And as you fly, you can only marvel at the mysterious and wonderful sights and sounds around you in this world-beyond-worlds. You cannot control your flight - you are not the pilot but the passenger, along for the...

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3:00 p.m. Tuesday I don't know who will listen to this, or if anyone ever will. Still I thought it would be interesting if there were some record of my transformation. My name is Leonard Thomas and I have an adaptive- synchronicity factor. Don't know what that is. I'll get to that eventually. Have you heard of shape-shifters; people who can change there appearance at will. Imagine what an amazing feat this is. First if you're not looking in a mirror how would you know who you...

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Trouble in the city

Trouble in the cityBy Yokohama Joe, 2013This is pornography but definitely not erotic. Be charitable because English is not my native language.---Bamiji City is the capital of the small central African country of the same name, Bamiji, which is run under the thumb an an ex-military strongman whose regime is extraordinarily corrupt, kleptocratic, and repressive. Following a discreet coup in the early 1999s by a small group of middle-ranking military officers, which overthrew the country?s...

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Hentai City

Look, don’t try to fucking deny it. Do not even try to fucking tell me that you’re not into this. You know what I’m talking about.What? No! I wasn’t talking about watching your grandfather sitting on the toilet, leaning down, and licking his penal head – your words, not mine! First of all, you spy on your grandfather in the bathroom for that reason alone? Secondly, can he really do that? Who the fuck is your grandfather, Marilyn Manson?Let’s forget we even had this conversation. Focus on what I...

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Destiny I had to smile as I saw Destiny, a thirteen-year-old girl, flash the boys in the neighborhood her new tits. She was tall and had on a thin tight white top and really tight blue jeans. I was smiling because her grandmother used to do the same thing to me when we were younger. Younger hell Sue still flashes her tits for me. We are just older and a lot more careful than today’s kids are. I decided to have some fun with her and got out my camcorder. It has a great zoom to it...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 10 Felicity

Dave had a habit of checking on the various rooms in the core to see how they were being used and what condition they were in just by occasionally strolling by. Some weeks he checked daily and other weeks perhaps not at all. He was on his round and opened the door to one of the relatively unfinished areas in the core. A hasty but colorful painted sign hung on the door said, ‘Art Studio’. He noted Colleen’s name and phone number under the words. He peeked into the room and saw Colleen...

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Crescent City

Crescent City By The Professor It felt good to be home again. For those of us born and bred in New Orleans, the rest of the world is a strange place, lacking the grace and gentility of our city. Only in the Crescent City could her children ever feel truly at home. Had it not been for pressure from my family, I never would have left ? even to go to college. But for my family, every eldest male had been packed off to Harvard since the early part of the nineteenth century. I...

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Moving my whores to the city

Introduction: Seedy city life brings adventure and filthy fucking Moving my whores into town For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donalds expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasnt a problem anymore as my...

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