DestinyChapter 11 free porn video

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On the way to school, I asked him, "What did you say to Mom when she came down to breakfast?"

"I said that I wish she could be a participant rather than a spectator and that I wanted to play that game with her." She turned red, and said, "Thank you, Tyler."

"Good for you. I like it when you crowd her a little. I know it makes her feel good, even though she knows that she should be playing with someone older. I hope you can get her over that hump."

Monday always had more potential customers than any other day and that meant we'd be running around trying to cover them all. Mom was gone when we came in after school to change and go to work. We all quickly dressed and hurried off to the first call. With good scheduling, the prospects would be within a small radius to avoid our wasting time driving all over. Amanda's experience really paid off giving us better schedules.

When we returned home, Mom and Amanda had put out some nice food for us. We were always starved after talking about food for three or four hours. Mom said, "Well, you look good Destiny. Haven't I seen that suit before?"

I must have blushed. "I had it altered; it didn't need much to fit me."

She laughed. "It's okay. Leave it out and I'll try it on. Maybe some of my clothes will fit." She then said, "While you all are eating, I want to show you the new sales presentation."

She sat at the end of the table and went through the book with us. It looked the same. I asked, "What's new about it?"

"I didn't change any of the content, but I rearranged the order so that the customer has a chance to buy before you finish the whole pitch. I organized the book to take advantage of customers buy decisions. Since a sales person has only time, we need to let them buy before we finish the whole pitch if they want to.

"I segmented the customers into groups and tried to put the most compelling reasons to buy at the beginning, based on your analysis of their primary needs. Now, you can ask for the order when you get the right response early instead of talking more. I'd like to think that half of them will buy when you hit their main concern or interest and the rest of the presentation wastes time."

She had our attention. Tyler once told me that it got really old saying the same lines over and over again. Then, I reminded him that real actors sometimes spent years in the same role. Realizing that if he were successful, he'd be saying the same lines repeatedly, he had second thoughts about a career on Broadway. Maybe it was just as well that he didn't suffer continuous disappointments. We asked Mom a couple of questions, but I think she convinced us.

She went on. "If I'm right, you should be able to make about twenty percent more calls than you do now and keep the same success ratio. So, is everyone willing to give it a try?"

She answered more questions and then asked us to rehearse asking for the order much earlier until we had it down. At bedtime, I went to be with Tyler for a while to enjoy him and relax my body with several intense orgasms. Then, I went to see Mom.

We were lying in bed talking about this and that. I asked her how she felt after Tyler kissed her. She said, "What I wanted was to take him to bed right then. I haven't been kissed like that for months and months."

"Do I even need to ask what you did when you went to bed?"

"I had to get new batteries and I'm sure glad that you keep them in the same place." We had a laugh. Then, she propped herself up on an elbow and asked, "Why are you spending your time selling food plans? You don't need the money."

"I spent so much time doing high school student work that I wanted to see if I could do adult work. Since sales is one of the more difficult jobs, I wanted to try my hand. I don't plan to make it a career."

"How much longer are you going to spend learning how?"

"I think I will have learned all I need in the next month. Then, I will have to find something else."

"I feel better. I couldn't imagine your having a drug habit and needing secret money."

"Nothing serious, although we do sniff some weed sometimes."

"I just don't want you to get so stressed that your school work suffers."

"Some days are pretty tough, but I'm keeping up. I could do better, though."

"I'm proud of you Destiny for taking over the house and learning the business. Tomorrow, I will talk to the maid and see what she needs to do. I'm also available to help with anything that you need done. I can't just sit idly by and let others wait on me."

"If you can improve sales by 20%, I think you earned your keep."

"I enjoyed getting back into the scheme of things. I think I can sense some of that same attitude in you."

"Are you happy with us?"

"In my therapy group, the leader made a point of saying that being happy is a choice we make every day. That doesn't mean that bad things won't happen, but until they do, we can decide to be happy. We can deal with adversity better if we have a good attitude. So, to answer your question, I decided to be happy today and it worked out fine."

"You sound so positive and I'm delighted every day that you're home."

She laughed. "Well, home is one of those issues that we have to discuss in depth. I don't know where I am."

"I can't stand the thought of your leaving."

I knew her tears were flowing and I kissed them away. She waited a minute and said softly, "I don't know where I'm going or what I'm going to do. I thought I'd have time at the convent to make a plan, but they so used up the days that I had neither the time nor the computer resources to plan."

"You have plenty of time to plan now instead of working on creating new sales pitches."

"I had to do that. Remember when Tyler said that you had to work up to kissing by starting with one and then increasing the reps? Well, My first professional act was to study the products, the markets, and the statistics and then change the order of presentation. I proved that I can still do good work."

I giggled. "That's an interesting example you used. Did he get his ration today?" I giggled again. "That means that he gets two for today and three for tomorrow all at the same time. He might also want an extra for late payment." I hugged her. "You won't regret it when he makes love to you."

She said, "When? Oh, well, maybe I can make it up to him." Then she looked serious. "Do you talk to Daniel often?"

"Charlene and I talk to him regularly as does Amanda. He gets the story from three perspectives and we don't talk about our conversations except for the instructions that either he or Deborah give."

"When do you think he's coming home?"

"I sent his golf clubs to Bali. They had at least another week on their business trip and then Deborah said he was going to take some time off."

"Tell me about Deborah."

It wasn't a secret, so I told her the whole story about her joining our group and leaving the business to us while she was gone.

"She took a big risk doing that."

"We were scared and uncertain at first, but we kept at it and then expanded our sales force when they brought out the diet products. Right now, we're holding our own against sales targets and are doing much better in the district on the diet plans. Amanda is a good manager and helps us a lot with scheduling and qualifying customers."

"Is Deborah going to live here with Daniel?"

"We try not to have secrets here, so I'll tell you what I think." I then explained the whole process of getting her involved with him and how he seemed to like her. Then, I said, "They're going to start a business to sell microbreweries and other big ticket items that I don't know about yet. They haven't told me." I then teased her. "This is just like the Internet. If you want access to the goodies, you have to join."

"This story just gets more interesting. All of this started when I left and you had to take over? Then, Deborah joined the two of you. You like her?"

"I like her a lot. She's a great person. I'll also give you one important bit of information, but for the internal relationships, I want you to be a part of us. Deborah and Paul have their own house. I think their dad got involved with the professional gamblers and deeded it to them. So, she has a place."

"So, is she going to be your stepmother?"

"I don't know, but if I'm going to have one, I'll take her."

She paused for a whole minute and then asked, "I'm glad for you. It would be bad if you didn't like her. Have you ever read any of the utopia books by Robert Rimmer or B. F. Skinner?"

"No. I've heard of Skinner in class, but I haven't read his book."

"I'll get them. I know you don't have much time, so I'll get a synopsis, too. We have a lot more to talk about and I have planning to do, but I feel good about being here. Oh, by the way, I'm having lunch with Mavis tomorrow. I'm not sure what I can say."

I hugged and kissed her and said, "You are well. I am well. Then, you can tell her anything you trust her to keep. I love you, Mom and I'm glad you're here, too."

"She helped me a lot when you were getting sexually active with Tommy, so I think she knows about you. Have you mentioned your commune here?"

"Commune? I told her that we had jobs and had an adult babysitter. We've talked about other intimacies, so I think she can be trusted."

We cuddled ready to sleep through the night. Yeah, sleep. I had Mom in my spoon sleeping soundly when Tyler snuggled up behind me. What the hell? I felt really good with him there and then we went back to sleep.

The alarm went off and Mom reached for it. She turned over to find me blinking and Tyler with his arms around me trying to wake up. She smiled and then giggled. "I believe that there's a camel living in this house because I see his nose right under the tent." She hugged me and kissed my cheek. Tyler reached over to kiss her, but she withdrew and said, "Not with morning mouth."

We stood at her twin sinks brushing our teeth and hair after Tyler had repaired to our bathroom. She looked at the large counter and said, "I see that all of my cosmetics are still here. Feels like home." Then, she picked up a bottle of perfume and smelled it. She thought for a minute and then said, "Isn't this Charlene's fragrance?"

I must have blushed, but I decided it was time. "Yes. She has a big crush on Dad."

"She's had that crush for years and seemed obvious about it. Poor guy missed the cues."

"I had to coach him before he would make love to her. He capitulated when I pointed out that she was perfectly legal."

"I'm happy for him. She must provide him with lots of fantasies. I guess any man would lust for a centerfold type."

I teased. "You ought to know. We have three lustful males living here. Paul and Bill are waiting for Tyler to break your ice."

After school, we went out to work with our new sales presentation books. When we returned, both Charlene and I had made sales. She said to Mom, "This new sales talk will work out much better. I made one sale after covering the first point. That took only five minutes instead of the usual twenty."

Mom replied, "It's been a challenge. I'll keep working on it. I want to develop a new message for the health food plan. The one they have sounds like a government warning label."

At bedtime, Tyler came in for his good night kiss. He kissed her first standing up and then eased her to the small love seat. His act never changes. Broadway? He turned her to face him and kept it up until she finally pulled back. She touched his face with affection and said, "I can see why Destiny says she can't get enough of you. Then, she kissed him and said, "Good night, Tyler. I appreciate the thrill."

Most guys would have pressed her right then when she was feeling loving, but he kissed her forehead and said, "Believe me, the thrill is two-way. I loved every second."

When we went to bed, Tyler the camel went with us. He didn't try to cuddle Mom, but she obviously didn't mind having him there cuddling me. I was beginning to understand first hand the camel-in-tent metaphor. Although I didn't have to use it on him — he threw open the flap — I think he was playing Mom just right. Why was she hesitating? I wonder why she didn't use her vibrator and then remembered that he hadn't given her time. Tomorrow, I'll tell him that girls need a little time alone before going to bed.

The next night, Amanda called a group meeting of the residents. She began, "Guys, we're doing well. Better than I hoped and much better than the district office expected. I eased into this program without a plan, I just saw what I thought was an opportunity. Here's my problem. I think I want to make a go of this opportunity. The district office wants to meet with me and one of our people tomorrow afternoon to understand how we do what we do."

We gave her applause and a cheer. Mom said, "Well done, girl. Go for it."

"Tomorrow, I want Destiny to go with me to the District Office for a show and tell. It will take an hour to get there, an hour to get home and maybe an hour with the managers. We will demonstrate our sales pitch to them."

She paused and thought for a minute. "This is delicate. Remember when I told you that an expanding company usually tried to promote their existing staff before hiring outsiders? Well, if this meeting goes as I hope it will, I will soon be exposed for having my sales staff be high school students."

We laughed and clapped again. Mom said, "I think I can see where this is going."

She continued, "I know that they will like the presentation. Then, they will want us to go to the corporate office in Atlanta to present there and then to make a swing around to the other district offices. Do you see my problem."

Mom laughed. "What's wrong, Amanda? Don't you think those old guys in Atlanta will appreciate your kiddie sales staff?"

She replied, "I'm not sure what to do? I know that they can perform, but it will create quite a rumble in the other districts for many reasons."

Mom said, "Let's think about this. You take Destiny to the District Office. I will go out with Charlene to learn the ropes. By the time you get invited to corporate and sent around the country, I will be up to speed and will be able to go with you."

"You would do that? I can't pay you."

"Pay my expenses and I will do it. I love to support success. We'll work something out when we see if they like what we're doing."

"They won't have any problem paying expenses, but I have to invent a cover for you."

"Your cover is that I'm trying to be your agency and am speculating time to see if I can get a contract. They might buy that. I can easily pay my own expenses, but it would send the wrong message. If I can get to make the presentation at Corporate, I might just get a contract. Wouldn't be the first time."

Amanda smiled. "Well, that's the best plan I've heard. Everyone okay with it?"

Tyler said, "I'm relieved. First, we can put on a good act, but we can't make ourselves older. It's hard enough faking it for the customers. Second, I can't go around the country until school is out and that would be a lame excuse to a growing business."

The others, including me, were also relieved that Mom would take over until a better plan could be worked out.

Amanda said, "Well, I will call Deborah and talk to her. She will be scared and shocked that we've built up her business the way we have. All she expected was that you, Charlene, Tyler, and Paul could hold the fort until she returned. She has to approve the plan. Unfortunately, she doesn't know Deirdre."

Mom laughed. "Hmmm. Maybe I'll ask Daniel for a recommendation letter."

Everyone thought that hilarious. I suppose it was the tension in the room.

Amanda said, "I don't know what we'll do if she doesn't approve."

It just came out of my mouth. "Speaking of Daniel, he told me that it was always better to ask forgiveness rather than permission when you were uncertain." I pointed at Tyler, "I can tell you from personal experience that it worked for me."

That brought a large laugh. Mom said, "Yes, it worked for her many times when it shouldn't have. Okay, what's the downside? If it doesn't work, Amanda gets fired from a job she doesn't yet have, unless they forgive her and give her the job that she doesn't have. The rest of you are safe since you're the only sales people they have in this territory."

Charlene said, "Well, Deborah will have her feathers ruffled, but she doesn't seem like the vindictive type."

Amanda said, "There's no such place where life is risk-free. I'm going with Plan A if Deirdre is willing."

Mom said, "I'll make your PowerPoint for Destiny to use. We can refine it after you hear their questions. By the time they pick it to pieces, it will work at Corporate. I am very excited about getting back into the real world."

We all acted happy to hear about potential success that we might have had a hand in making. Old quiet Bill said, "I think this is the most exciting activity that I've ever been a part of."

Mom said, "Well, we have a plan. Now, when we go to District, Amanda, we need to secure your override commission on these sales. They might not agree with the whole plan, but they should buy that idea."

The plan required us to leave after school, arrive at the D.O. around five, make the presentation, and return home, probably by nine. Mom helped me look professional with my suit and put my hair up. She found some old glasses that fit me and didn't distort my vision much. She said I looked older and quite professional. She loaned me her leather case for my laptop, sending me out the door with a reminder to relax.

The District Office was in one of those office parks, well on the other side of town, slow to get to in traffic. We arrived with no problem and were greeted warmly by the District Manager who showed us to a large conference room. He knew Amanda and I'm sure he thought I came along to drive or carry her bag. His assistant brought us drinks while I started to set up the computer. One of the others came over and said, "We have a computer hooked up. Can you give me your file on a disc or a jump drive?"

That was easy enough and it permitted me to use the remote mouse to advance the slides. The manager opened the meeting with a brief description of why they were there and then reminded everyone that our territory had done quite well in the last period. He wanted to know why.

Amanda summarized her plan without mentioning the ages of the sales staff. She impressed me with her manner and the cool way that she injected humor into the introduction. Then, she said, "I brought Destiny, one of our best sales staff. She will tell you what she knows."

Of course, I'd been in a lot of plays and actors with my experience didn't get stage fright. Unfortunately, high school juniors making presentations to important members of the company do suffer. However, I took deep breaths and started. After the first few minutes, my voice returned to normal as I relaxed. Mom's notes on the slides provided the whys behind the whats and I had rehearsed enough to make it sound adequate.

The first man to speak said, "You have the presentation slides out of order."

I couldn't have scripted it better. "No, we rearranged the order according to the ranked buy-decision points. This order works better because we get orders now without having to go through the whole pitch. Sometimes saves as much as fifteen minutes a call."

The room burst into spontaneous conversation. Amanda winked at me and nodded, signaling me to wait. After a while, the boss told me to continue. The last two slides dealt with the rearranging of the health food line presentation and that would be ready next week.

Someone asked, "Who said you could rearrange the presentation? That comes from Corporate."

Amanda used a line that I later learned was a lot of crap, but she got away with it. "We took the basic ideas and adapted them to our local market." She paused. "It's worked well for us."

The District Manager said, "Yes, it's worked well for them."

They were impressed that we'd hired pizza deliverers who knew the territory well. We emphasized the qualifications of the new sales staff avoiding their ages. After another hour of conversation, Amanda went with the District Manager and left me with the people remaining in the room.

One asked, "Where did you get the idea for rearranging the presentation?"

"We have a colleague with a lot of experience in marketing and product development. She undertook to do it as a sample of her work. I think she would like to have a contract with corporate."

One of the others asked, "How old are you?"

Mom prepared me for that one. I winked at him and said, "I'm legal to work, but you're not supposed to ask me that."

He replied, "Okay, but that means that you're pretty young."

Good old Mom. "Yes, but I'll tell you that I've aged years trying to learn how to sell our products. Some days, I can't sell anything." She told me that all sales reps have days like that. They laughed until one said. "Yes, I've been on that street."

Soon, Amanda came back and said we were free to go. The staff thanked us, genuinely happy to have heard our side of the story. Even those who asked difficult questions complimented us on the show. On the way home, Amanda said, "That went better than I'd hoped. He doesn't know what to do about Deborah and me, but he said that if necessary, he would find me a new territory. He agreed to pay me the override." She laughed. "I've had a great day."

We talked about the implications of her new territory until it saddened me. I said, "I don't want you to go. I like you a lot and so does everyone else. Even Mom is impressed with you."

"I like you guys, too and I have no need to move except for Deborah. We'll see how that works out." She was quiet for a while and then she said, "If Deborah hadn't already picked you guys, I don't how I would go about finding new people. She lucked into really good folks."

"You mean, if you went to a new territory?"

"Yes. I'd be afraid unless I had some leads."

"That sounds like a topic for a group meeting because I don't know."

I called on the cell phone and told Mom how everything went so she could break the news to the others. That way, we wouldn't have to do that when we arrived. They saved us nice plates of food with wine and sat around while we described the meeting.

Tyler asked, "Did you have stage fright?"

"On the way over, I figured that if I did well, it would mean more money for all of us. If I did poorly, it wouldn't be so good. That made me nervous. It took a minute or two for my voice to settle and then I did fine."

Amanda said, "The District Manager complimented her publicly. I know he didn't do it to make her feel good. It was true."

Amanda gave Mom all the questions and comments she collected during the meeting. After she looked the questions over, she said, "These are readily addressed. I'll do it tomorrow." Then, she said, "Charlene took me on her calls today and I must tell you, she has become an accomplished peddler. I'll have to practice and study the pricing options, but I think I can learn how and go out on my own."

Charlene said, "I'm going to quote Deborah. Being good looking helps. You should have seen these two guys lusting for her. I think she could have sold them the Brooklyn Bridge."

Mom beamed with the compliment. I guess she wasn't yet used to the leers and regular compliments she was receiving now, considering how bad her life had been last year. She replied, "I know it isn't PC to say so, but it does help. I have no doubt that I got some breaks back then because of my shape."

Tyler stage whispered, "You will again."

I really didn't know and didn't much care if the others knew Tyler slept with Mom and me. She was still resisting his charms when I knew that she wanted to get laid in the worst way. Maybe she couldn't think of herself lusting for a high school student, even though he was a male hunk, over six feet tall, and well built. When we were alone, I asked, "Do you know why you can't let yourself go with Tyler? He seems to tempt you."

She rambled. "He tempts me every day. I guess it's the age thing or maybe I'm supposed to be the responsible parent or maybe I don't want the others to know." She shrugged. "I chastise myself for being standoffish. He's no dummy and knows that I lust for him. It would be so simple to go ahead with it. It isn't that I'm saving myself for anyone."

I kissed her cheek. "You're a keg of dynamite ready to explode. I want to watch when you go off. I would love to see you making love with Tyler."

She kind of giggled. "Well, after the exhibition I saw the other night, I can see why. That scene was the sexiest I have ever seen, even on video. I tried to imagine myself there being watched and found that thought exciting. I guess I have to be private first and then work up to the porn show."

"We have a rule in the group. 'Don't do anything you don't want to do.'"

"So, now, you have Destiny's commune with a swinger's creed, supported by income from private enterprise?"

"More wonderful things have happened to me in the last three months than I could even imagine. Deborah threw a match into what was already a fire trying to happen. Since then, I have had a ball. The thrill today of making that scary presentation really cranked up my adrenalin."

"I think I can say the same about the same time period, although I didn't like the regimen while I was away. I brought it on myself and I have to work out of it. Coming home, if this is home, was a shock when I first encountered the nude party in the spa."

"As you might guess, we didn't expect you. I'm thrilled that you went along with us. I like having you here." I took her face in my hands. "Yes, this is home." I kissed her quickly. "Would you like to have some private time with your plastic magic wand?"

"Maybe. Look, if he comes in here to kiss me, would you do a quick errand to your bathroom or email? Maybe I should join the group."

"Of course. I hope you do."

Just then, Tyler came in, expecting to find us in bed. He started to leave and I said, "No, come on in. We were getting ready to retire. No need to sneak."

Aha, I made him think. Mom was in the bathroom by the sink doing teeth or whatever. Tyler dropped his pants and went immediately behind her. He kissed her shoulders and neck. She bent her head over either to get it away from him or to give him a larger target. He continued to kiss all around the back of her neck and hold her around the waist. Ever so slowly, she turned her head around with her mouth open to find his. Seduction played out before my eyes in slow motion. He knew. Something in her eyes or smile told him, but he knew she was his for the taking. My pussy swelled and leaked instantly.

Then, I heard it. Soft, slow and incredibly sexy. "Deirdre?" He kissed her then, pulling her body close all the way to her knees. I saw him move away from the kiss and then start whispering. I couldn't hear what he said, but it seemed that with each phrase she hugged him tighter, showing a broad smile after his every mutter. I knew what effect that had on her and what it had done to me; turning me to jello in two minutes. Kissing her with her breasts spread across his chest brought him to attention quickly

I was supposed to go and leave them be. I told her I would go. She asked me to do email. She had her arms around his neck and her body glued to his. Email? Wash my face? They kissed and did not pause. Email. Email. Somehow my finger found my aching clit fast emerging from my puffing pussy and I had to stroke it to make it all better.

Time passed and then I saw him reach for her gown to remove it. Hold your arms up, Mom. She didn't and shook her head. He continued kissing her face and mouth, tugging gently until she gazed at him intensely and then slowly raised her arms. When her breasts fell free, he had his mouth on a nipple in a second as his hands molded one of them to his liking. You said you would let them have privacy. At this rate, I would go off before they did, so I took a pillow for my face just in case.

With his mouth on her breast, he put the other around her and lifted her effortlessly to the wide counter, standing between her legs which she quickly wrapped around him. He twisted around awkwardly to lick her nipple and then her belly. He fell to his knees and put his face in paradise. When she moaned loudly, I put my face in the pillow and exploded. After I returned to life, his head was still in place with one of her hands on the back of it pulling it to her and the other squeezing her breast. You've had your quick come, now give them their privacy.

I guess you would call it a squeal. That continuing sound that came out of her mouth when he brought her to the pinnacle and pushed her over quickly. No teasing here. He stood and then shoved his cock all the way in fiercely, causing her to gasp for breath once more. He pulled her to him tightly, made three full thrusts with her against the counter, and then lifted her, still coupled, to bring to the bed where I was enjoying myself. He sat and then fell backwards with her on top, giving her free rein on the next steps. She knew exactly what to do, galloping in the gratification steeplechase across all of England.

Same as Destiny
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Im Yours

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Love Stories
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Hanging Upside Down Showing Her Panties

Hanging Upside Down Showing Her Panties My mother insisted that my three sisters always wear dresses or skirts like she did. She did not believe that women should wear pants. As I grew up their skirts and dresses got shorter, even Mom’s. My sisters and I played together all the time. There were not many neighbors where we lived. It was nothing to see their panties when we played. I would push them on the swing from the front just so that I could look up their skirts. Mom knew...

3 years ago
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The Electricians HaremChapter 10

We arrived at my shop, and I brought Clarice into the conference room. Debbie my bookkeeper, a representative from the CPA firm we used, and Sam Phelps, my attorney were waiting for us. “Thanks for coming everyone. I’d like to introduce Miss Clarice Jones. She has appeared in several very successful films. Through fraud and mismanagement, Miss Jones’ once considerable assets are all but gone. I believe there is studio collusion preventing Miss Jones from finding new roles. “Miss Jones and I...

3 years ago
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Night Burglar PT 4 Jason Meets his Match

Jason replayed the video almost nightly and always had a explosive orgasm as he watched the eyes of Jennifer as she knew her last moments of life was near. At times Jason wished he could spend more time torturing his victims, but he would get so lost in his need to watch them die. Having his own little retreat afforded him the luxury of drastically shortening his time between victims and although he had just snuffed Cynthia and Jennifer last week, Jason was hoping to find more girls tonight. It...

3 years ago
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Maxxxine Enjoys Wedding Party

We are in our 40's the wife Maxine is 40 and I'm 44 we are not swingers in any way or form this all happened while at a wedding reception in London England last year, my wife is 5ft 7in size 12 she has shoulder length blonde hair a nice arse not to small and tits that still stand up after 2 k**s, I'm 5.10" in not bad shape 12/13 stone not fat! I'm built like a rugby player lots of years at the gym and boxing ring in my 20 & 30's, I have a 7" cock which is wider than normal I'm told.It was...

3 years ago
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What A Shock

I’ve always liked fiddling with electronics and one night was playin with an old transformer that I found. I started hooking up different types of batteries to the twelve volt side of the transformer and found that a six volt battery puts out a pretty good jolt when you hook it to the twelve volt side and try to hang on to the wires on the 110 side, it will make you jump. I started thinking of ways I could use it to shock my ass and came up with this. I had several large fishing hooks with...

2 years ago
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Amoral Faerie Tales

Once upon a time, long ago, there was a beautiful maiden. In all of the lands, there was not a woman who lived, more beautiful. So benevolent was this woman, that her kindness stretched to the four corners of the world. Kings, and Queens came to her, to show their gratitude for her simply being alive. The maiden was called Divinity Mundane, and for all of the beauty that she possessed, she was a woman of common wealth, common possessions, and common wisdom. Like all women of such wealth,...

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wife fucked by another guy


2 years ago
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Seducing My Young Gurgaon Sister Riya

Hi all, my name is Siddharth and I am from New Delhi living with my family which consists of me, my sister and mom. My mom is a housewife and my sister is working with me in the same company in Gurgaon. Her name is Riya and she is 23 currently. I would like to share some of my experiences here. So I and my sister Riya work for the same company and she is reporting to me along with 14 other team members. We commute to the office by car mostly. I never thought I would be writing this about my...

1 year ago
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Sharing is caring from her perspective

However, moments later, without so much as a sound and before I could open my eyes, hands gripped my head. A blindfold was roughly forced over my face. Then I was then hauled from the warm sleeping bag and tent which I had blissfully entered only a few hours previously. Any previous sensations were brutally replaced with adrenaline, panic and the sound of my heart beating rapidly in my ears. Blind and confused, I was dragged out of the tent, and on to my knees. Instantly, my breath was taken...

1 year ago
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Reddit ButtPlug, aka r/ButtPlug! I don’t know about you horny mother fuckers, but I could stare at hot chicks with butt plugs up their asses all fucking day. Seeing a little plug up a female’s asshole, imaging how tight it is, and how much tighter it would be if my cock were inside the little brown hole is enough to make my dick get fully erect and jack off right here, right now. Do you think I’m goddamn crazy? Then you’ve never fucked an asshole before!That’s why when I came across...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Blackmailing My Mother

"Damn it. Why can't you ever wait for me to cum? All you have to do is be patient. Twenty years and you still don't know how to get me off. Some husband I married" my mother shouted. I hurried back to my room, as my mother would certainly be headed for the washroom after her weekly attempt at sex with my father. I had been watching this routine since I was thirteen and five years later I still can't get enough of watching my mother having sex with dad. Every Friday night at 10 PM they...

1 year ago
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Comics and animations come in all shapes and forms. You’ve got parody comics, hentai, SFM, 3D, and all that good shit. But, sometimes, you just want some classic, western-style porn comics to jerk off to. I’ve found that good western porn comics have been a lot harder to get ahold of lately. I guess they just haven’t been in style for a while. I get it. The art style is a love it or hate it kind of deal for a lot of them. Some sites are still out there, and where better to get started than a...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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His Obedient Pet

A Loving Wife's Birthday Present He was running late for work, but before he left, he had some business to take care of.  Walking into the bedroom, he pulled down the sheet, exposing her to his gaze. She remained asleep, exhaustion from their lovemaking the previous night taking its toll. She lay on her back, her legs relaxed and slightly apart, one arm over her head. The threadbare t-shirt she wore hid very little of her body. Her small plump breasts were clearly outlined through the...

3 years ago
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Amy the Babysitting Slut Job Offer

I know the themes in here are not going to be for everyone, taboo and morally wrong. I am not saying that they are mine or hers but this is what came from our chats. I was highly encouraged to edit our talks together and post them in story form here on XNXX. Each story will have set up but you can scroll to the good parts quite easily. But since these chats were not meant to be stories, there will be gaps, especially in the beginning where transitions should occur. All people involved are...

2 years ago
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My Transition Chapter 4 Crossdressing I

I was a straight-acting 24-year old slim and fit man, once upon a time. Then Sally got inside my head and now, I crave cock. I have evolved from being a school-jock and a dick to being fucked by an older man, then on the weekends by a DJ. I had my ass broken in by a big black guy when the club I frequent was closed. Only for a motorbike gang to dress me as a girl and fuck me silly. At work, I dared not test the waters and dress like a woman but at night I evolved into a full-on...

3 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy true Final installment

Here is the recollection of the third and final meeting with my wife's boyfriend of many years ago that fulfilled our fantasy. A knock at the door and Jan called down from upstairs for me to answer. We were expecting Howard and he was right on time. I took him into the lounge. On his last visit I was sent upstairs and he finally fucked my gorgeous wife after all these years. Jan had agreed this time that provided she felt comfortable and I didn’t object, we would share her together. Howard...

Wife Lovers
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Babysitters Adventure Continues Chapter Five

On Wednesday, Kay called to ask if she could have a talk with me face-to-face soon.“Sure,” I said, “Where and when would you like us to meet?”She said, “How about that coffee shop over in the mall where we accidentally bumped into each other a few weeks ago? Say this Friday afternoon at around 4:00 pm?”“Okay, I’ll meet you there,” I replied.I was puzzled after this call, wondering if there could possibly have been a problem. I hoped that our meetings had not made a difference in their marriage,...

Group Sex
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Kinky Vacation with Mistress

Kinky Vacation with my Mistress Chapter 1 - Arrival at our Nest of Kink by sissy kristie for Ms. SEVEN The trip was planned carefully and long in advance and both my Mistress as well as Her sub, me, were looking forward to this adventure for almost an eternity.? As soon as the opportunity for the real life adventurous encounter was known, my Mistress decided where we should spend the week in a luxurious and remote house in Avignon, France. It did not take very long until the right place was...

3 years ago
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The Final Step

‘I’ve waited all my life to cross this line To the only thing that’s true So I will not hide It’s time to try anything to be with you All my life I’ve waited This is true.’ -Ryan Cabrera. ***** ‘No!’ ‘Yes.’ ‘We’re not sharing that bed,’ Brie snapped, crossing her arms over her ample breasts. ‘Well, sure. You can just take the floor, then,’ Mik tossed over his shoulder as he dropped their luggage on the large, dominant, king-sized bed. It was a rather nice bed, with pink and white...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 62 Passing up Dessert

I went for a run after talking to Cindy, partly because I needed some exercise but mainly because I needed to sort things out. We had been together most of Saturday but we hadn't talked. We had been in the company of others most of the day. And the rest of the time we didn't talk about anything more important than which position we wanted to try next. The one serious conversation we had was about the taking of Jeannie's virginity. Why had I agreed to be the one to take it? There were so...

2 years ago
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NeighborsChapter 4

I got arms full of Haley. She was so soft and cuddly and excited and loving and I cherished her. My hands explored her slight body, getting me giggles and purrs. I slid my hands gently over her breasts, slight moundings that yielded to my touch, and she sucked a breath in when I touched her nipples. "Can I see them, sweetness?" I asked. "Why?' she said. "I'm almost flat. I dunno why I don't have bigger titties. I mean, Mom's got pretty big ones." Her mom was indeed busty, but two...

1 year ago
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The Blade

We've only met in person once before, but communicate extensively and intimately online. I've never fucked a younger man before Daddy. In fact I've only fucked 3 other men in nearly 20 years. But there was this longing, deep in the pit of my belly. A need that wouldn't go away, despite my best attempts to deny it. He has released me. Unstoppered the bottle and let the genie, or rather a dirty wet cunted whore who longs to serve him free. He looks me up and down. Partly out of lust,...

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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 18

By Bob Chapter 18: A Thanksgiving to Remember Part 4 Brandon came over and put his arms around me. He held me close and kissed my ear and then my neck. "I love you Bob," is all he said and we fell to the bed in each other's arms. We fell asleep until Mikey came in to let us know it was time to get ready for our dates. Man, why did he have to remind me. I dreaded the evening to come, but knew that Brandon and I would soon be back in our room and be able to be ourselves. ...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Cadence Lux On The Hunt For Big Cock

Blonde Hardbody Cadence Lux Is A Sexy Size Queen That Demands Attention! Knowing that Cadence won’t be satisfied by your average size pecker, Jules setup a special surprise for her to feast on today. Cadence is wearing a white see-through unitard with black thigh high boots as she stands in the sunlight and waits for her cocksman. She’s pleased to see that it’s Chris Strokes who’s joining her and Cadence doesn’t wait long to take his massive cock out and start sucking on it. Chris fucks her...

2 years ago
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The Judge

Well, I met Don through a mutual friend he worked with. He was a recently divorced judge and was just looking to just go out and have fun. I agreed to meet one day for lunch at a local restaurant. He was very flirtatious. He had hungry, wondering eyes left you would expect from a man who hasn’t been properly fucked in a while. I was not really interested in him. He was rather on the heavy side and just not really my type. We did talk on the phone though for several weeks. I was just...

4 years ago
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Silver WingsChapter 5

I left the sergeant major’s office to head back to my team room. One of the clerks stopped me and handed me a single sheet of paper. “Tough luck, man,” he said sympathetically. I acknowledged his remark with an absentminded nod as I read the document: Notification of Pending Reassignment / Permanent Change of Station for: Jamison, Jody L. RA14269268, SSG, MOSC 11B3S, C Co, 3rd SFG(A), 1st SF Ft Bragg, NC Unit of assignment: HQ, 5th SFG(A), 1st SF RVN Reporting date: 15 Jan...

1 year ago
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A Cool November Morning

Rick likes to make omelets, and I like to watch him. He has a ritual: gathering the ingredients from the refrigerator, settling them in the burner of the stovetop that he won’t be using, frying up the meat – bacon or sausage or ham – setting it aside and finally cutting up the vegetables. He grips the knife around its bolster – the knife’s balance point – with his last three fingers resting on the handle. His thumb and index finger are on opposite sides of the blade, like the knife is an...

3 years ago
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Chubby Ann and I had a falling out

The last person I thought I’d hear from was Ann. We had been friends for a long time, but our husbands had a falling out and we each ended up taking our husband’s side, so we hadn’t talked for several months. In fact, I’d heard from others that Ann had been bad-mouthing me around town, so I thought our friendship was done for good. But she called and asked if she could come over, that she missed having me for a friend and wanted to get together again. Just to clarify,...

1 year ago
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The Vixen and The Fox part 1

100% fiction!It was a beautiful spring evening in the hot redwoods of North America. It is here that Karre sat silently observing the most beautiful sight shed ever seen John hunting. Karres mate sat crouched behind the tall grass of the forest floor. Silent death stalking his prey, a grazing heard of deer a few yards away. He was glorious as he prepared to attack. Sweat gleamed off his back and broad shoulders his face fierce and focused A young deer foolishly strayed too far from his mother...

2 years ago
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Aiming for Amy

Amy was a 15 year old Freshman at East High. It was the 2nd week of school and she was still getting used to the school. Amy is a very pretty girl. She’s 5’1, has long blond hair, good sized breasts for her age, and one of the best butts in the school. All the guys in the school wanted her since the first time she walked into the schools door. Nick was a Senior and the star running back on the football team. He had entered into a pool with the other seniors on the team about who would...

3 years ago
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Camp chapter one updated

It was morning at camp, this camp was nothing like any camp anyone had ever been to, all the kids there were kids that were living rough, kids who had no parents, they were brought to the camp by the camp director aditi (old greek name), in this camp they were trained to fight, told that they had to protect the world from creatures that escaped from the underworld. three years had passed since jonah and celeste had arrived at camp, since day one they had become friends, they grew close as the...

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Spanish Teacher

When I was 18, still a virgin in my last year in High School, I took Spanish, a class I had taken for the previous 6 years. But there was more than one reason for that though.I was so hot for my Spanish teacher, Mrs. Monica. She was in her late 40's and was a little on the heavy side but that had it's advantages. She was fairly short but had enormous tits and the biggest ass you'll ever see. I used to masturbate about having anal with that fat ass every time she bent over, in fact, she was the...

3 years ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 31 A Magical Visit

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter Visit-A Magical Visit to Disney World Aaron and Beth were settled into their own apartment. For Beth the hard part about living with Aaron was pretending to be surprised by Aaron's idiosyncrasies. She had lived with Aaron previously as Ken. Prior to moving in with Aaron, she wondered if he still did the same annoying habit of setting his alarm for 5:30 am, then hit the snooze every to minutes for the next hour. Beth was convinced that she...

1 year ago
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Birth of a New Sissy Part III Completion

Birth of a New Sissy Part III: Completion By DarkPrince67 [email protected] I suppose at some level I knew it would happen. Or at least I should have. After nearly a month of servicing Jeff's cock and fucking myself silly on my dildo lover things took a turn. I came home from work a little early on a day Laura was off as well. When I got home she was out, but as soon as I walked into the house the phone rang. I grabbed it, not really thinking much about...

3 years ago
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Milky Adventure Part 6

Hello’s been a while I have uploaded my story..sorry for the delay. Hope u like it and please do comment ur view about it. Please read all my previous stories in the series. This story is more about feelings and less about sex so hardcore sex readers this story is not to ur liking sorry. ( this part is the prequel to the previous part where Riya has not yet given blowjob to her stepson and aravindo. This part is about how she first gave blowjob to them) Aravind was a bit lost. His...

3 years ago
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20 March 2009Chapter 3

Karen and John arrived in Ottawa and checking into the hotel, she silently resented being identified as Mrs. McKinnon. They planned to go out to supper, take a tour of the Oasis Aqualounge and then return there for sexy fun for most of Saturday. They relaxed then freshened up to go out to supper at the Tilted Kilt. She wore one of her sexiest, come fuck me, dresses for John and those admiring men. Eyes were drawn to Karen as they were escorted to their booth. John sat on her left, admiring...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 60 A Stanley Cup Playoff Game

April 5, 1991, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “Hi Tara! Hi Marie! It’s good to see you again,” I said when Mario, Ned, and I arrived at the Pittsburgh Civic Arena, known affectionately as ‘The Igloo’. Tara gave me a quick hug, and I nodded to Marie. She and Mario kissed, and then Mario introduced the women to Ned. He produced five tickets, which we presented to the ticket-taker at the gate. We followed the signs to section W2, and an usher showed us to our seats in the second to last row, almost...

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chastity 1

i arose at 5:30, my normal wake-up time, thankful that DominaAndrea had been so kind to me the night before. A few weeksearlier i had been unable to refrain from playing with my naughtymember when i completed a task ahead of schedule and had a raremoment of time to myself. To my mortification, the Domina’sHandmaiden chose that moment to come in and check to see that iwas carrying out my task (cleaning the toilet with my tongue,which i must do three times weekly). Of course She had no choicebut...

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Simone and I decided to take a long sailboat ride we had been having some difficulties in our marriage and we felt that we needed to reconnect and being alone together on the open sea might be just the thing for us...We have a nice sailboat that we used to use all the time back when we were first married but it has been docked in the marina for a long time now so when we uncovered her and went over her bow to stern cleaning and making sure she was ship shape for our journey through the...

4 years ago
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Milking Time B3 Chapter 9 Ebony Duz Dee Dee

Chapter 9: A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz Dee DeeEbony stood by the side of the bed, and playfully motioned for Dee Dee to come to her.As Dee Dee rose from the chair, she unclasped her skirt in one swift movement, baring and displaying her huge flaccid cock to Ebony. Dee Dee reached behind her back, and easily undid the knot holding her bikini top on. With a deft flick of the wrist, she had it off, and proudly displayed her firm breasts to Ebony. Dee Dee walked over to the bed and knelt...

3 years ago
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I arrived first, and as we waited for the other person to arrive, she strutted in a circle, looking for my approval in one of the best of many "f^^k-me" outfits she likes to get dressed up in. As I complimented her, she came over to the couch and straddled me for a little tease and dirty talk. We DFK'd and she wiggled around on my lap, rubbing herself against me and making sure she could feel that my c^^k was hard. - What a tease.... When our 2nd guy arrived, she gave him a DFK as I sat and...

3 years ago
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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 6

There's a lot of false glorification in the world. Some people call it hype. Jerry used to call it B.S. Thanks to Madison Avenue and its penchant for making each new product sound like the answer to everything that has plagued mankind since the creation, the bar has been lowered across the board. People who don't deserve it are touted as something special. I'm not saying it's evil or malicious or anything like that. But when a particular brand of lipstick is supposed to solve all problems...

1 year ago
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Shelia pays off bet

Shelia pays off betChapter 1Shelia’s Bar and Fetish shop was the hub of the BDSM community in South Florida.  Also many folks came from other parts of Florida, as she had a reputation for the finest B&D  fetish wear and equipment in the state.  Shelia Bobbs was 35 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5’10? and about 140lb.  She was very popular and her close friends also knew she had a dungeon up in her loft for their enjoyment.  It was a Monday night in April, when Racheal entered the bar with...

3 years ago
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Working out

When I was 16 I decided I had a lot of questions about sex and related things but not enough answers and the web wasn't helping me much. I decided to turn to my aunt, an understanding lady who's around 40 but single. I called her and asked her if she could help me with some of my questions and she said sure and invited me over. Walking to her house I did not know what to expect, I felt like I was doing something horribly wrong but the curiosity of my questions didn't stop me....

2 years ago
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The Making of a Critical HeirChapter 2

It was about 4:30 when Paula arrived at Rob's house to take him to dinner. She was pleasantly surprised to see him ready and dressed in a nice suit. Wearing a casual dress Paula approached him and said, "You look very important and professional dressed like that." Rob smiled and kissed her cheek, then replied, "Thank you. You look lovely as ever." With that exchange they were off to Paula's house to meet the family. Paula was a little excited while Rob was a little worried. Once at her...

1 year ago
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Parking Lots Can Be Fun

They were in the car driving to meet some friends for dinner. This meeting had been planned for several weeks for tonight. They had both come home from work in time to change clothes and head back out the door. As they drove, Ted was quiet and Terri asked, “What’s wrong, baby?” “Nothing’s wrong, why do you say that?” he responded. Terri touched him on his leg and said, “I ask what’s wrong because I know you. You are being very quiet and I can see it on your face. Something is wrong and I want...

1 year ago
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BoundGangBangs Sophia Grace Cock Slut Landlord

When bratty blonde property manager Sophia Grace tells her tenant’s unruly house guests to get the hell out, things take a turn for the best, and suddenly its a Gang Bang! Sophia happens to be hot and horny on this very lucky day when 5 big dudes decide to have their way with her. Let the blowbang begin! Down on her knees, Sophia is hungry for cock! With a dick in each hand and cock way down her throat she sucks each and every one of them voraciously. Soon enough all her clothes are off,...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 7 the Sound of Sensual JusticeChapter 14

"Who are you two?" asked Rory quietly as he stared at them. "Rory we're still your friends, but we're also different people than who you know. I promise I'll answer all your questions later. I'll meet you back here in about an hour or so. "Watch over Terrance. I don't believe he'll die, but if I'm wrong come get me. But for now I need to hurry and get Ariel to our room. I'll explain why I need to do this as fast as humanly possible when I return," said Nathan quickly. Moving...

2 years ago
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Diavolo Ch 15

Everything was going to shit. Gabriel sat at the back of the tour bus staring like an idiot at his phone’s screen. The band was in Florida…somewhere. He wasn’t sure. He didn’t give a fuck. Abby had chosen to stay back in California because her sister had had a mysterious accident a few days before the tour started. Come to think of it, it was just a day after that lamp almost crushed the life out of his wife. The only reason he was somewhat calm was because Diamond had left her goons looking...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 40

“Who goes first?” Tiffany asked as they sat around on the chairs and the couch. “Youngest to oldest,” Katelyn suggested. “Unless we have a deck of cards.” “I have a pack,” Hailey said, struggling to her feet. “I bought them when we stopped for gas. I thought we might play poker or something. Well, I thought I might have someone teach me how to play poker.” Phil watched Hailey stagger slightly toward the room she had claimed for him and her. It was the smallest one but none of them were...

4 years ago
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Motherhood From Special IVF Pt 1 Searched Online

I am Shaalu from Mumbai. I was just watching my daughter perform a dance on her school stage. She is now in Junior Kindergarten. My minds raced. How my deserted life blossomed with the arrival of my beautiful daughter, Dhwani, 3 years ago. Oh! The remembrance itself is exciting. Readers may be surprised to see the title of my story. Yes, it was blindfold and in a way an IVF. The difference I will tell later. Now read on. My marriage was not a fairy tale event like what all girls dream in their...

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