Learning Italian
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Il rogo di Carola
Ero di passaggio a Fontempesta, andavo alla fiera di Cartegna come tutti gli anni per
vendere i panni di lino che mercanteggiavo con gli Spagnoli. Mi ero fermato a
dormire alla Locanda del Passero, mi dissero che il giorno dopo nella piazza del
mercato ci sarebbe stata l?esecuzione di una giovane donna accusata di stregoneria,
l?esecuzione era prevista per due ore dopo l?alba e dal momento che il giorno dopo
avevo tempo, avendo previsto di partire a giorno inoltrato, decisi di assistervi. Mi
informai ulteriormente e venni a sapere che la ragazza aveva appena 19 anni e si
chiamava Carola; era stata arrestata circa due mesi prima con l?accusa di stregoneria
e rinchiusa nelle prigioni del castello, una settimana prima era arrivata la sentenza di
morte tramite rogo.
La mattina dopo, di buon ora, mi avviai alla piazza del mercato, la piazza era
abbastanza grande per contenere ben pi? della popolazione del piccolo paese, per
l?occasione erano anche stati smontati i banchi del mercato. Al centro della piazza si
ergeva un palo alto circa 4 metri, alla base vi erano delle fascine di legname, in modo
che la strega fosse messa a circa 2 metri da terra e quindi ben visibile anche da
lontano. La legna, venni a sapere da una donna accanto a me, era legna secca perci?
avrebbe fatto poco fumo e soprattutto avrebbe bruciato lentamente prolungando
l?agonia della giustiziata; questo sadismo lo ritrovai anche in altre persone accanto a
me, tutti volevano che la giovane donna soffrisse il pi? lungamente possibile. Infatti
nell?annata precedente si era avuta una carestia e i campi di grano del paese avevano
prodotto molto poco, sicuramente era stato il malocchio che la strega aveva gettato
sull?intera comunit?. Una mezz?ora prima dell?esecuzione la piazza era gi? piena di
gente, vidi molte giovani madri accompagnare i loro bambini piccoli in avanti in
modo da poter assistere all?esecuzione.
Ormai il sole si era alzato quando all?improvviso si sent? un urlo:
?Eccola!! Ecco la strega!?
Stava avanzando lentamente tra la folla una piccola cerchia di soldati; uno di loro
trascinava una catena, all?altra estremit? della catena vi era la strega. Carola era una
ragazza molto carina, alta, capelli scuri e lunghi, il corpo era ben proporzionato, la
pelle dolce e sensuale. Era completamente nuda al fine di aumentare il disprezzo che
la folla provava per lei e aumentare la sua vergogna. La catena le legava il collo e le
caviglie, i polsi erano incatenati dietro la schiena con un?altra catena in modo che la
vagina e i seni fossero visibili a tutti. Era ancora lontana da me, sentivo le persone
gridarle contro:
?Ben ti sta a fare sesso con Satana invece di spettare a prendere marito?.
?Brucia strega?.
?La morte ? l?unica cosa che meriti?.
?Le fiamme dell?inferno sono tutte per te?.
Quando pass? dinanzi a me la riconobbi subito, era la ragazza che l?anno passato
lavorava alla locanda del Giglio ove mi ero fermato sia all?andata che al ritorno. Me
la ricordai bene perch? all?epoca mi parve graziosa, era allegra e rideva moltissimo.
Mi resi conto che piangeva, non alzavo lo sguardo sopra di se per guardare la folla,
mi sembr? che aveva delle profonde occhiaie sotto gli occhi, pensai che forse non
aveva dormito la notte precedente; notai inoltre che aveva un?aria stanca, il suo corpo
era ancora bello, anche se percorso sul petto e tra le gambe da segni di ustioni
precedenti, sicuramente la sua confessione non era stata spontanea ma estorta tramite
torture crudeli.
Alla fine arriv? al centro della piazza dove era tutto pronto, infatti il boia si era
avvicinato al rogo e aveva iniziato a preparare la torcia. Appena si rese conto di
essere arrivata alla sua fine inizi? a dimenarsi, come se solo ora si rendesse
veramente conto che stava per essere uccisa.
?NO! Vi prego vi scongiuro, per piet? NO!?.
Le slegarono la catena dal collo e dalle caviglie. Prov? a scappare ma subito
l?afferrarono le mani forti degli assistenti del boia e cominciarono a trascinarla verso
il rogo. Carola puntava i piedi a terra disperatamente nel vano tentativo di resistere.
?Vi scongiuro in nome di Dio, il rogo no!!!!?.
Sempre di peso la alzarono sulla piattaforma, continuava a chiedere piet? e si
dimenava. Mentre due assistenti del boia la tenevano ferma con il deretano e la
schiena poggiata al palo facendo pressione sul petto e sulle anche, altri due le
incatenarono i polsi dietro il palo, poi passarono una catena intorno alle caviglie in
modo che i piedi di Carola fossero a circa 20 centimetri dal legname, un?ultima
catena le fu passata intorno al petto poco sotto i seni non molto grandi ma graziosi
della condannata. Carola continu? a dimenarsi durante tutta l?operazione, ma alla
fine, non potendo fare nulla, scoppi? in pianto. Si vergognava sicuramente della sua
nudit? cos? esposta, ma soprattutto aveva terrore delle fiamme che presto l?avrebbero
avvolta. Per un attimo mi balen? l?idea che forse una ragazza cos? carina come lei
non potesse essere una strega e forse si stava per bruciare viva un?innocente, subito
per? capii che la folla intorno a me aveva bisogno di un capro espiratorio per la
perdita di raccolti, e che purtroppo Carola era capitata al posto sbagliato al luogo
sbagliato, pensai che purtroppo sono cose che capitano.
Pochi minuti dopo cadde il silenzio, venne il giudice inquisitore. Costui si fece
dinanzi al rogo:
?Sei tu Carola??
?Si, lo sono?
Quindi il giudice apr? una pergamena e cominci? a leggere:
?Codesta donna di anni 19, ? dichiarata colpevole di atti di stregoneria e di essere
sposa del Maligno. Viene quindi condannata a morte tramite rogo. Hai qualcosa da
chiedere prima che si proceda??
?Piet? Piet?, vi scongiuro?
Il giudice nemmeno la sent?. Quindi disse:
?Che Dio abbia piet? della tua anima?
?Vi prego, vi prego, piet?, piet?!!!?
Carola rivolse il suo sguardo supplicante verso la folla, continuando a chiedere piet?;
per un attimo il suo sguardo incroci? il mio, lessi nei suoi occhi terrore puro, ma ero
impotente, non potevo fare nulla per lei.
Il boia le si fece dinanzi, una donna accanto a me disse che di solito il boia prima di
uccidere una ragazza si divertiva con lei e offriva uno spettacolo pubblico. Lo vidi
salire sul patibolo e abbassarsi i pantaloni, un pene lungo almeno 20 centimetri, si
gir? verso Carola. Vidi il suo sguardo spaventato:
?No, vi prego, questo no!! Ammazzatemi subito, per piet??
Il boia le si avvicin? e le accarezz? i seni piccoli e dolci, accarezz? con le sue mani
la vagina e quindi, poggiate le mani all?altezza delle spalle di Carola, cominci? ad
inserire il suo pene nella vagina della condannata che urlava disperatamente, prima il
ritmo era lento poi sempre pi? veloce. Dopo una decina di minuti il boia scese dal
palco, per tutto quel periodo non staccai un attimo gli occhi dal palco. Carola fissava
un punto imprecisato dinanzi a se, i suoi pensieri erano persi in chi sa che cosa, il suo
respiro era pensante, lo potevo vedere da come si alzava e abbassava il suo petto. La
vagina era stranamente gonfia, rivoli si sangue secco ne fuoriuscivano, intorno vidi
dello sperma secco attaccato alla pelle. Mi dissero che era stata sverginata dal
momento che essendo ancora giovane non era sposata e come tutte le ragazze
aspettava la prima notte di matrimonio per fare sesso; io all?epoca ero ancora giovane
e non sposato, era la prima volta che vedevo una vergine completamente nuda e la
prima volta cui assistevo ad uno sverginamento.
Quindi il boia si fece passare da uno dei suoi assistenti una torcia e la inser? nella
catasta di legna. Era caduto il silenzio, la folla la fissava, trattenni il respiro per un
attimo che mi sembro essere lunghissimo. Il fumo cominci? a salire lentamente, il
calore lentamente aument?, Carola continuava ad urlare piet? cercando di fuggire, poi
dopo un paio di minuti le fiamme cominciarono ad alzarsi.
Carola aveva smesso di gridare e aveva iniziato a piangere.
Erano passati una decina di minuti dal momento in cui accesero il fuoco quando le
prime fiammelle le arrivarono ai piedi.
Sollev? al cielo il viso e si contorse portando in avanti il busto.
le fiamme aumentavano e le circondarono i piedi sino alle caviglie; potevo vedere la
pelle dei piedi che si arrossiva, poi si creavano bolle ed in ultimo le bolle
esplodevano per il calore e per le fiamme e nuova carne era esposta al martirio. In
meno di un minuto i piedi ardevano, una orrenda smorfia di dolore le si stamp? sul
viso. Tutto il popolo la guardava in silenzio, il dolore del supplizio era visibilissimo
sul suo viso, le sue urla erano un qualcosa di disumano e diabolico, per un attimo
sentii che mi stava venendo la pelle d?oca, mi aveva preso un disgusto di quello
spettacolo inumano ma non potevo muovermi tanta la folla che mi attorniava.
L?odore della carne bruciata e del fumo inizi? a spargersi per la piazza, quando arriv?
a me mi sentii inebriato e come ubriaco da quell?odore decisi istintivamente di
rimanere, quell?odore aveva un qualcosa di dolcemente sensuale come se quello
spettacolo fosse uno spettacolo di giochi sessuali e Carola ne fosse la sua giovane
protagonista. Carola si dimenava, si agitava, urlava, sbatteva la testa a destra e a
sinistra, alzava il busto il alto ed in basso descrivendo una danza diabolica, le mani si
agitavano frettolosamente ferendosi i polsi con le catene.
Il fuoco si avvolgeva su se stesso e saliva richiamato dal vento tra le due gambe
ancora intatte; dopo pochi minuti le fiamme erano ormai alle cosce. Continuava a
gridare mentre sulle gambe la carne si ustionava e prendeva fuoco, in breve arriv?
alla vagina, al deretano e alle mani. Le prime fiammelle si posarono sulla peluria
vaginale, bruciarono subito. Quando le fiamme incominciarono a bruciare i tessuti
esterni alla vagina la folla grid? festante, senza nemmeno che me ne accorsi il mio
pene si eresse, era uno spettacolo sensuale e bellissimo. Le fiamme entravano nella
fica e le bolle la ricoprivano e ne fuoriuscivano, altre bolle vennero a formarsi nei
tessuti interni. Nel deretano le fiamme si arrotondavano e vi entravano veloci e
saettanti. Le mani si agitavano con le fiamme che le circondavano, la si vedeva
muoversi seguite dalle fiamme che da queste erano sprigionate.
Erano 10 minuti che i piedi stavano ardendo quando sentii chiaramente POP, le ossa
dei piedi si spappolavano per il calore, Carola continuava disperatamente ad urlare.
Perse l?appoggio sui piedi, ormai ridotti in cenere, tutto il peso ormai gravava sulle
mani e sulla catena posta sotto i seni. Inizi? a urlare di meno. Intanto le fiamme erano
arrivate ai seni che si ricopriva di bolle, respirava affannosamente e le fiamme
seguivano l?alzarsi e l?abbassarsi affannoso del suo petto, digrign? i denti.
All?improvviso ?AAAAAAARRHAA? i capelli presero fuoco con le prime
fiammelle che si erano alzate dal suo petto; la sua testa si agitava sul rogo seguita
dalle fiamme, urlava disperatamente, dopo un paio di minuti smise di urlare, ormai le
corde vocali erano bruciate; dopo poco la vidi abbandonarsi, il corpo di Carola cadde
in avanti facendo perno sulle catene sotto i seni, non la vidi pi? alzarsi e non la sentii
pi? urlare. Non saprei dire per? sino a quando fosse stata viva, fino a quando abbia
sofferto, per quanto tempo sia rimasta viva e incosciente prima della morte.
Dopo una decina di minuti le fiamme si abbassarono ed emerse un corpo immobile e
nero, era irriconoscibile, se non sapessi che era stata appena bruciata una giovane
ragazza non avrei potuto dire n? il sesso n? l?et? di quel corpo. Ormai era finito tutto,
la folla inizi? a disperdersi per recarsi ai suoi lavori quotidiani, alcuni vollero
rimanere fino a che le fiamme non ridussero in cenere anche le ossa di Carola, ma ci
saranno volute ancora molte ore. Ormai si era fatto tardi, tornai alla locanda e
preparai il carro per proseguire la mia strada. Lungo la strada pensai di nuovo a
Carola, pensai a come le sue urla disumane, il suo terrore, le sue ustioni, i suoi dolori
inimmaginabili erano state soltanto un gioco sensuale per me e forse per la gran parte
delle persone che erano state sulla piazza stamattina. Stranamente mi accorsi che non
provai piet? per la condannata.
NOTE: la storia ? ambientata nel 1452, in questo periodo storico la morale religiosa
era molto ferrea: sino al matrimonio ne un uomo ne una donna possono avere rapporti
sessuali anche se regolarmente fidanzati. Quindi il nostro protagonista non ha mai
fatto sesso e non ha mai visto qualcuno fare sesso (anche guardare era considerato
peccaminoso il base alla morale religiosa).
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# Youthful modeling Katherine was 22 when she was asked to do modeling for a fashion magazine that came through her hometown of Chicago. Being a single mother with a son of 6, she loved being solicited with the idea while making ends meet working at her small coffee shop. She eagerly accepted the photo shoots for of a series of topless poses as well as getting to do artsy poses with male nudes. She was very proud of the photography work and the chance she got for modeling and threw a...
Hi guys. I am Kunal. I used to stay in chennai in 2008. I am originally from Bangalore. As most of you know there is a marked difference in chennai and Bangalore. Where Bangalore follows a free culture, chennai people are very conservative in nature. This incident happened due to the difference in opinion between these two cities. Let me start the story I hope you will understand. This incident happened when I was working in a software company in chennai. As I already told you chennai is a very...
--------------- Women are all filthy, nasty fuck sluts. They deserve to be beaten, fucked and tortured against their will. They should be bought sold and mistreated like the dirty whores they are. Women should roam the streets naked at all times, and fuck any man who pleases; no words, no consent. They should just be bent over and take anything that any man gives them. If that means being beaten, fucked or even killed just for the enjoyment of a man, then so be it. Who cares? It's just...
Please note this story has been written for adults only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and violence, if this is likely to offend you don't bother reading it. All comments welcomed and encouraged. This story is copyright. Please do not re-post without my permission. Thank you.BASHED AND RAPED . . . BY GIRLS!It was never my intention to hurt or embarrass anyone. Nor did I ever think I might get hurt myself. Let’s just call it a misjudgement on my behalf. You see, I have a fetish for...
Setting myself up to be cucked by an alpha male. I must admit our love making had taken a hit recently. It was mostly my fault, being to tired after working to much and my growing interest in online porn. Other people seemed to be having so much more interesting sex than me, and I envied them. My wife and I were both 43 and our sexlife had become stale. Sara was hot looking, but quite unadventurous in bed. Often if I brought up ideas during love making just to spice things up she would just...
Hi friends, mera naam Ritesh hai aur mein first year engineering college mein padta hoon. Yeh kahani meri maa aur mere beech ki hai. Baat uss samay ki hai jab maine class 12 board pass karne ke baad, college shuru hone ke intezar mein chutti mein ghar bhaitha tha. Main Kolkata ka rehne wala hun aur bengali hoon. Ghar mein time pass karne ke liye mein kafi der tak internet mein sex stories ka anand lete rehta tha. Ek din maine ek maa bete ki sex story padi. Pehele to mujhe thodi grhina hui par...
The lad grinned across at me, pleased for the lift. I wasn’t going exactly where he wanted, but I could take him to a motorway junction twenty miles short without too much of a detour. He’d have to sort himself out from there: either stand in the cold with his thumb sticking out, like he had before I pulled up, or otherwise pay for a bus. He didn’t look like he had a huge amount of money, though. ‘You were in a pretty deserted place to be hitch-hiking,’ I said. ‘No wonder you had to wait for so...
GoodBitch Another call from Sam this is the fourth time today I look as I hear the phone ring again. ‘Speak!’ I demand as I pick up the phone. ‘Zoe I can’t wait until next week please let me come over tonight.’ Sam pleads. How has my little bitch been today? Being good I hope?’ I question. ‘I haven’t been with anyone else. You told me not to masturbate so I haven’t. I need you before I explode. Please Zoe I want you so bad.’
Part 11 He was sat motionless on the hardback chair, bathed in the dim light spreading from the half closed kitchen door. A whiskey glass held lightly in his hand, although it had been empty for sometime. He knew nobody would disturb him now, not even Ginny. That was probably the only thing he did know right now however. He certainly didn't know exactly how he was feeling about what he'd just heard. Sixteen years of torture he suffered at the hands of the Dursley's. Yet sadness...
Clitoris, Genitals, Glans, Hymen, Labia, Mammary Glands, Penis, Phallus, Mons Pubis, Scrotum, Testicles, Vagina, Vulva, Womb. We were sitting at the kitchen table with our biology books open to the full color, translucent pages in the middle of the book that showed the human body in stages from the skeleton to skin. It was the last few weeks of our Advanced Biology class and we were studying the human reproductive system. We’d gone through the human body from Epidermal to Skeletal and were...
Dakota Skye spreads her cheeks for hardcore anal with Manuel! Dakota Skye is back and hotter than ever, she’s looking sexy in her black bikini as she teases by the the pool. She moves her body and slowly removes her clothes to expose her perfect perky tits and amazing ass. Dakota plays in the water as she shows off her body then makes her way in to the bedroom where she finds Manuel waiting for her. Manuel rubs and fingers her horny pussy then dives between her legs to taste her sweet...
xmoviesforyouThis my story that happened in April 2019. I was having pain in my lower back so I went to a doctor and after the examination, she said, “it’s better you don’t take pain killers but do some yoga for relief.” I told her that I had never done yoga. She advised me to join some yoga classes near where I live. Then I found a gym near me where they were offering yoga classes. I went there and enquired and then enrolled myself for the yoga classes. The charges for one month was Rs. 1000 and the...
Quinn's Saga Chapter 1 It was a pleasant early summer day in the suburbs of Madison, Wisconsin, when eighteen-year-old Quinn Lindburg came down the stairs into the living room. He saw that his two cousins, Jill, and Meg had just arrived for the summer at his home. He smiled as he watched them excitingly chatting away with his younger sister Avery. All the girls were sixteen, and they were as close as sisters. Jill had come down from Minnesota, while...
After my shower I dried off and wrapped a towel around myself and went to my vanity table. I removed my pink nail polish and started the task of repainting them a bright red. The long length of my nails made this more awkward than it needed to be as it was difficultly to grip the brush to the polish, but I soon had the first coat applied and found myself flapping my hands around in a ridiculously feminine manner in an attempt to get them to dry. My mind was racing with thoughts of my...
I got shit for brains. – Nervous Eaters, 1986 Josh was a mistake. Victoria knew it when she saw him walk in, swaggering across the floor toward the bar like he owned the place, looking around to see if anybody was watching his entrance. What an asshat. But Christ on a crutch, he was fine: lithe and muscular, a beautiful man in black jeans and a black leather jacket with soft, full lips and thick, dirty blond hair. It was his eyes that put her off, though: dull and incurious, and set just a...
BDSMAll of the team members had delivered children to the GPD headquarters for medical treatment. In some cases, it took laborious investigation to determine the origin of some of the children, but enough information was obtained to enable the return of the children to their original place and time. Each child was brought to the peak of physical and mental health before being returned to when and where they were snatched. All memories of the experience as a sex slave were removed, so the children...
My Angels’ predictions came true, and who am I to ever doubt them again? Mom and Richard were married in a double ceremony with Dr. Kellogg and Linda. We were at their lake house and everyone was naked. There were thirty other guests in attendance from around the lake, and all them were naked. The five members of the Kellogg family left three days later for Cancun on a three week honeymoon. Bobby, Connie and Kristi were ecstatic that they were getting to go on their parents’ honeymoon. Dr....
Before my Tanya and I were married, we went through a brief period of time when we had broken up. We lived about four hours away from each other, and she decided to come to the city I live, and visit her sister. Of course, while she was in town we met up. Tanya borrowed her sister's car and picked me up at my house. Tanya never dressed sleazy, in saying that, she was dressed very well and definitely got my wheels turning; and other parts.We decided to go to a little pub style place, talk, have...
Hello, I am Arpita, 31-year-old, cute and innocent. I am married at 25 and it’s arranged love marriage. My husband is a professor and earning so well. I am financially independent and has one 4-year-old child. As I am a doctor and general physician, I have to treat a lot of patients every day. One noon I was getting late for lunch. I had planned to meet my husband as it was our wedding anniversary. The celebration was actually in the evening but he wanted to have a lunch date with me. But one...
Happy to make it back home in one piece I turn the heating on, seeing as it was a cold winter's night and the kitchen windows had been left open all evening letting the heat escape. I could see the light snowfall slowly drifting around in the air from the kitchen window, happily watching each snowflake plummet to the ground, melting. A companionable silence had developed on the way back from our drive around. You place yourself next to me and both staring at the drops of rain streaming down the...
LesbianHi it’s again danial here from Pakistan. I am 30 yrs old, but looks like not more than 27, by profession a Chartered Accountant. Let me share my Recent Sex experience with everybody which happened a month ago. Let me explain you my setup. I am living in a bungalow with my wife, no kids. That day I just start my car in morning to go for office, suddenly I saw a very preety girl who was walking very slowly and watching house numbers as if she was searching some specific house. She was 19 years...
IncestWayward Daughter Returns By Spectreofhell Brad was sitting at his desk when he heard his daughter come in the front door. He turned away from his computer to face the door, leaning back in his chair angrily. “Nina!” he called out. He heard her footsteps hesitate in the hallway. “Come here. I need to speak with you.” She appeared in the doorway. For a moment, he forgot to be angry. It was always like this with her, had been this way since he could remember. She was spoiled, and it was his...
"I hate to do this but I have no choice, Nyrae destroy him! Order number one that the council gave you." Juno ordered. Nyrae's eyes flew wide then she bowed her head and let loose a titanic blast of devastating energy. Jake watched as the energy flew toward him then stopped; pushing harder the energy advanced then backed up! "I want all you have now!" Juno shouted, Nyrae nodded sadly and increased her power to full. Rashala had seen Nyrae make a move and quickly increased the...
We had met Daniel at the hotel bar of the Hilton in downtown Chicago. Carrie and I were in town for the week on business. We had arrived on Saturday to take advantage of a rare weekend night away from our teenage sons.Daniel had sat down beside my sexy wife about 20 minutes after we arrived. He was friendly at first but brazenly flirtatious thereafter. He bought both Carrie and me drinks and after the third round, my pretty wife stopped ignoring his advances and started openly flirting back.I...
Hi, myself devilking655 from Bhubaneswar(Orissa). I have been visiting this site off and on, whenever I get the opportunity. This is my 1st post . This is my real incident of my life. My narration is not well. So please forgive me & just read it. Let me tell you about my incident in my school days. When I was studying 10+2.Our family was very conservative and talking about sex was taboo thing in that time. Frankly I never had much knowledge of sex at that time. The information was limited...
Hey all, Kinky Monster here. This is the third part of Kinky Adventures of my life series.After successfully getting the tamarind girl in my bed. Let me quickly go to how I got my cook to satisfy my sexual appetite. When I first moved to the quarters allotted to me I asked to arrange for a cook cum maid to the Campus Manager with certain conditions. A mid-aged widow without children would be perfect, but may have a girl child if couldnt find one. I added that this was because I didnt want an...
Hi everyone this is a story about me and my friend from college. This is my very 1st story so bear with the usual problems a 1st timer might have. So here’s to introduction – this is Naman from Bhopal 22 yrs aged 5ft 8in height and a dick size of 6.25in I hope that may satisfy many of the girls and women out there. This happened a few months back the girl here is my college mate – Kritika (name changed) she had been my friend for more than a year now let me tell you guys her stats – she is...
I sat on a cement bench, set on the small patch of manicured grass, probably Kikuyu grass but mixed with some other kind of “mongrel” grass cover. It was very pretty to look at, nonetheless. The bench itself was clean and dedicated by the family of one “In loving memory of Ensor Herbert..” There were up to eight people within my view on the beach all walking on the rocks picking up the sea-shell treasures of their choice, generously deposited on the bare rocks and sand, by the last...
I woke gently wondering where I was. Memories soon came flooding back as I looked down to see the French maids’ outfit I was still wearing from my sexual encounters with my older sister Gill the night before. Over the last three weekends we had started an incestuous affair with the agreement that we would have fun but wouldn’t under any circumstances have penetrative sex. My cock was not to go near her pussy. I was sixteen and she was 23 and married. What started as fantasising over my older...
Incest________________________________ Three of the Gentle Rapist victims have discovered who he is and he has taken one of them a second time, breaking his rule of not raping the same woman twice. Vickie, Julie and Tina wants him to keep taking and raping them forcing them to orgasm more, harder and longer than any man ever has. They like that he takes what he wants and makes them like it. It has been two days since the rapist kidnapped and raped Tina for the second...
Let me back up just a little bit. My name is Joe. I am 39 years old, divorced and have been managing this bar for about 3 years. I started as a morning bartender and worked my way up to manager and also worked as the bartender on Friday and Saturday nights alongside one of the other employees. When I became manager it also came with an apartment attached to the bar (but with no door between). To get to the apartment you had to exit the bar, go halfway around the outside and enter another door...