Il Rogo Di Carola (Italian) free porn video

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Il rogo di Carola

Ero di passaggio a Fontempesta, andavo alla fiera di Cartegna come tutti gli anni per

vendere i panni di lino che mercanteggiavo con gli Spagnoli. Mi ero fermato a

dormire alla Locanda del Passero, mi dissero che il giorno dopo nella piazza del

mercato ci sarebbe stata l?esecuzione di una giovane donna accusata di stregoneria,

l?esecuzione era prevista per due ore dopo l?alba e dal momento che il giorno dopo

avevo tempo, avendo previsto di partire a giorno inoltrato, decisi di assistervi. Mi

informai ulteriormente e venni a sapere che la ragazza aveva appena 19 anni e si

chiamava Carola; era stata arrestata circa due mesi prima con l?accusa di stregoneria

e rinchiusa nelle prigioni del castello, una settimana prima era arrivata la sentenza di

morte tramite rogo.

La mattina dopo, di buon ora, mi avviai alla piazza del mercato, la piazza era

abbastanza grande per contenere ben pi? della popolazione del piccolo paese, per

l?occasione erano anche stati smontati i banchi del mercato. Al centro della piazza si

ergeva un palo alto circa 4 metri, alla base vi erano delle fascine di legname, in modo

che la strega fosse messa a circa 2 metri da terra e quindi ben visibile anche da

lontano. La legna, venni a sapere da una donna accanto a me, era legna secca perci?

avrebbe fatto poco fumo e soprattutto avrebbe bruciato lentamente prolungando

l?agonia della giustiziata; questo sadismo lo ritrovai anche in altre persone accanto a

me, tutti volevano che la giovane donna soffrisse il pi? lungamente possibile. Infatti

nell?annata precedente si era avuta una carestia e i campi di grano del paese avevano

prodotto molto poco, sicuramente era stato il malocchio che la strega aveva gettato

sull?intera comunit?. Una mezz?ora prima dell?esecuzione la piazza era gi? piena di

gente, vidi molte giovani madri accompagnare i loro bambini piccoli in avanti in

modo da poter assistere all?esecuzione.

Ormai il sole si era alzato quando all?improvviso si sent? un urlo:

?Eccola!! Ecco la strega!?

Stava avanzando lentamente tra la folla una piccola cerchia di soldati; uno di loro

trascinava una catena, all?altra estremit? della catena vi era la strega. Carola era una

ragazza molto carina, alta, capelli scuri e lunghi, il corpo era ben proporzionato, la

pelle dolce e sensuale. Era completamente nuda al fine di aumentare il disprezzo che

la folla provava per lei e aumentare la sua vergogna. La catena le legava il collo e le

caviglie, i polsi erano incatenati dietro la schiena con un?altra catena in modo che la

vagina e i seni fossero visibili a tutti. Era ancora lontana da me, sentivo le persone

gridarle contro:

?Ben ti sta a fare sesso con Satana invece di spettare a prendere marito?.

?Brucia strega?.

?La morte ? l?unica cosa che meriti?.

?Le fiamme dell?inferno sono tutte per te?.

Quando pass? dinanzi a me la riconobbi subito, era la ragazza che l?anno passato

lavorava alla locanda del Giglio ove mi ero fermato sia all?andata che al ritorno. Me

la ricordai bene perch? all?epoca mi parve graziosa, era allegra e rideva moltissimo.

Mi resi conto che piangeva, non alzavo lo sguardo sopra di se per guardare la folla,

mi sembr? che aveva delle profonde occhiaie sotto gli occhi, pensai che forse non

aveva dormito la notte precedente; notai inoltre che aveva un?aria stanca, il suo corpo

era ancora bello, anche se percorso sul petto e tra le gambe da segni di ustioni

precedenti, sicuramente la sua confessione non era stata spontanea ma estorta tramite

torture crudeli.

Alla fine arriv? al centro della piazza dove era tutto pronto, infatti il boia si era

avvicinato al rogo e aveva iniziato a preparare la torcia. Appena si rese conto di

essere arrivata alla sua fine inizi? a dimenarsi, come se solo ora si rendesse

veramente conto che stava per essere uccisa.

?NO! Vi prego vi scongiuro, per piet? NO!?.

Le slegarono la catena dal collo e dalle caviglie. Prov? a scappare ma subito

l?afferrarono le mani forti degli assistenti del boia e cominciarono a trascinarla verso

il rogo. Carola puntava i piedi a terra disperatamente nel vano tentativo di resistere.

?Vi scongiuro in nome di Dio, il rogo no!!!!?.

Sempre di peso la alzarono sulla piattaforma, continuava a chiedere piet? e si

dimenava. Mentre due assistenti del boia la tenevano ferma con il deretano e la

schiena poggiata al palo facendo pressione sul petto e sulle anche, altri due le

incatenarono i polsi dietro il palo, poi passarono una catena intorno alle caviglie in

modo che i piedi di Carola fossero a circa 20 centimetri dal legname, un?ultima

catena le fu passata intorno al petto poco sotto i seni non molto grandi ma graziosi

della condannata. Carola continu? a dimenarsi durante tutta l?operazione, ma alla

fine, non potendo fare nulla, scoppi? in pianto. Si vergognava sicuramente della sua

nudit? cos? esposta, ma soprattutto aveva terrore delle fiamme che presto l?avrebbero

avvolta. Per un attimo mi balen? l?idea che forse una ragazza cos? carina come lei

non potesse essere una strega e forse si stava per bruciare viva un?innocente, subito

per? capii che la folla intorno a me aveva bisogno di un capro espiratorio per la

perdita di raccolti, e che purtroppo Carola era capitata al posto sbagliato al luogo

sbagliato, pensai che purtroppo sono cose che capitano.

Pochi minuti dopo cadde il silenzio, venne il giudice inquisitore. Costui si fece

dinanzi al rogo:

?Sei tu Carola??

?Si, lo sono?

Quindi il giudice apr? una pergamena e cominci? a leggere:

?Codesta donna di anni 19, ? dichiarata colpevole di atti di stregoneria e di essere

sposa del Maligno. Viene quindi condannata a morte tramite rogo. Hai qualcosa da

chiedere prima che si proceda??

?Piet? Piet?, vi scongiuro?

Il giudice nemmeno la sent?. Quindi disse:

?Che Dio abbia piet? della tua anima?

?Vi prego, vi prego, piet?, piet?!!!?

Carola rivolse il suo sguardo supplicante verso la folla, continuando a chiedere piet?;

per un attimo il suo sguardo incroci? il mio, lessi nei suoi occhi terrore puro, ma ero

impotente, non potevo fare nulla per lei.

Il boia le si fece dinanzi, una donna accanto a me disse che di solito il boia prima di

uccidere una ragazza si divertiva con lei e offriva uno spettacolo pubblico. Lo vidi

salire sul patibolo e abbassarsi i pantaloni, un pene lungo almeno 20 centimetri, si

gir? verso Carola. Vidi il suo sguardo spaventato:

?No, vi prego, questo no!! Ammazzatemi subito, per piet??

Il boia le si avvicin? e le accarezz? i seni piccoli e dolci, accarezz? con le sue mani

la vagina e quindi, poggiate le mani all?altezza delle spalle di Carola, cominci? ad

inserire il suo pene nella vagina della condannata che urlava disperatamente, prima il

ritmo era lento poi sempre pi? veloce. Dopo una decina di minuti il boia scese dal

palco, per tutto quel periodo non staccai un attimo gli occhi dal palco. Carola fissava

un punto imprecisato dinanzi a se, i suoi pensieri erano persi in chi sa che cosa, il suo

respiro era pensante, lo potevo vedere da come si alzava e abbassava il suo petto. La

vagina era stranamente gonfia, rivoli si sangue secco ne fuoriuscivano, intorno vidi

dello sperma secco attaccato alla pelle. Mi dissero che era stata sverginata dal

momento che essendo ancora giovane non era sposata e come tutte le ragazze

aspettava la prima notte di matrimonio per fare sesso; io all?epoca ero ancora giovane

e non sposato, era la prima volta che vedevo una vergine completamente nuda e la

prima volta cui assistevo ad uno sverginamento.

Quindi il boia si fece passare da uno dei suoi assistenti una torcia e la inser? nella

catasta di legna. Era caduto il silenzio, la folla la fissava, trattenni il respiro per un

attimo che mi sembro essere lunghissimo. Il fumo cominci? a salire lentamente, il

calore lentamente aument?, Carola continuava ad urlare piet? cercando di fuggire, poi

dopo un paio di minuti le fiamme cominciarono ad alzarsi.

Carola aveva smesso di gridare e aveva iniziato a piangere.

Erano passati una decina di minuti dal momento in cui accesero il fuoco quando le

prime fiammelle le arrivarono ai piedi.


Sollev? al cielo il viso e si contorse portando in avanti il busto.

le fiamme aumentavano e le circondarono i piedi sino alle caviglie; potevo vedere la

pelle dei piedi che si arrossiva, poi si creavano bolle ed in ultimo le bolle

esplodevano per il calore e per le fiamme e nuova carne era esposta al martirio. In

meno di un minuto i piedi ardevano, una orrenda smorfia di dolore le si stamp? sul

viso. Tutto il popolo la guardava in silenzio, il dolore del supplizio era visibilissimo

sul suo viso, le sue urla erano un qualcosa di disumano e diabolico, per un attimo

sentii che mi stava venendo la pelle d?oca, mi aveva preso un disgusto di quello

spettacolo inumano ma non potevo muovermi tanta la folla che mi attorniava.

L?odore della carne bruciata e del fumo inizi? a spargersi per la piazza, quando arriv?

a me mi sentii inebriato e come ubriaco da quell?odore decisi istintivamente di

rimanere, quell?odore aveva un qualcosa di dolcemente sensuale come se quello

spettacolo fosse uno spettacolo di giochi sessuali e Carola ne fosse la sua giovane

protagonista. Carola si dimenava, si agitava, urlava, sbatteva la testa a destra e a

sinistra, alzava il busto il alto ed in basso descrivendo una danza diabolica, le mani si

agitavano frettolosamente ferendosi i polsi con le catene.

Il fuoco si avvolgeva su se stesso e saliva richiamato dal vento tra le due gambe

ancora intatte; dopo pochi minuti le fiamme erano ormai alle cosce. Continuava a

gridare mentre sulle gambe la carne si ustionava e prendeva fuoco, in breve arriv?

alla vagina, al deretano e alle mani. Le prime fiammelle si posarono sulla peluria

vaginale, bruciarono subito. Quando le fiamme incominciarono a bruciare i tessuti

esterni alla vagina la folla grid? festante, senza nemmeno che me ne accorsi il mio

pene si eresse, era uno spettacolo sensuale e bellissimo. Le fiamme entravano nella

fica e le bolle la ricoprivano e ne fuoriuscivano, altre bolle vennero a formarsi nei

tessuti interni. Nel deretano le fiamme si arrotondavano e vi entravano veloci e

saettanti. Le mani si agitavano con le fiamme che le circondavano, la si vedeva

muoversi seguite dalle fiamme che da queste erano sprigionate.

Erano 10 minuti che i piedi stavano ardendo quando sentii chiaramente POP, le ossa

dei piedi si spappolavano per il calore, Carola continuava disperatamente ad urlare.

Perse l?appoggio sui piedi, ormai ridotti in cenere, tutto il peso ormai gravava sulle

mani e sulla catena posta sotto i seni. Inizi? a urlare di meno. Intanto le fiamme erano

arrivate ai seni che si ricopriva di bolle, respirava affannosamente e le fiamme

seguivano l?alzarsi e l?abbassarsi affannoso del suo petto, digrign? i denti.

All?improvviso ?AAAAAAARRHAA? i capelli presero fuoco con le prime

fiammelle che si erano alzate dal suo petto; la sua testa si agitava sul rogo seguita

dalle fiamme, urlava disperatamente, dopo un paio di minuti smise di urlare, ormai le

corde vocali erano bruciate; dopo poco la vidi abbandonarsi, il corpo di Carola cadde

in avanti facendo perno sulle catene sotto i seni, non la vidi pi? alzarsi e non la sentii

pi? urlare. Non saprei dire per? sino a quando fosse stata viva, fino a quando abbia

sofferto, per quanto tempo sia rimasta viva e incosciente prima della morte.

Dopo una decina di minuti le fiamme si abbassarono ed emerse un corpo immobile e

nero, era irriconoscibile, se non sapessi che era stata appena bruciata una giovane

ragazza non avrei potuto dire n? il sesso n? l?et? di quel corpo. Ormai era finito tutto,

la folla inizi? a disperdersi per recarsi ai suoi lavori quotidiani, alcuni vollero

rimanere fino a che le fiamme non ridussero in cenere anche le ossa di Carola, ma ci

saranno volute ancora molte ore. Ormai si era fatto tardi, tornai alla locanda e

preparai il carro per proseguire la mia strada. Lungo la strada pensai di nuovo a

Carola, pensai a come le sue urla disumane, il suo terrore, le sue ustioni, i suoi dolori

inimmaginabili erano state soltanto un gioco sensuale per me e forse per la gran parte

delle persone che erano state sulla piazza stamattina. Stranamente mi accorsi che non

provai piet? per la condannata.

NOTE: la storia ? ambientata nel 1452, in questo periodo storico la morale religiosa

era molto ferrea: sino al matrimonio ne un uomo ne una donna possono avere rapporti

sessuali anche se regolarmente fidanzati. Quindi il nostro protagonista non ha mai

fatto sesso e non ha mai visto qualcuno fare sesso (anche guardare era considerato

peccaminoso il base alla morale religiosa).

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A Most Pleasant Awakening

So lately I've been making a number of orders from Amazon meaning that I've pretty much constantly been waiting on deliveries. You see I live in a block of flats with a secure entry and whenever I've got a package on the way I need to make sure I'm awake and ready to let the deliveryman in. It's a pain but it does allow for some rather risqué moments. Risqué moments which have through the lens of the imagination given rise to the most pleasant fantasies.Only two days ago I was waiting for...

1 year ago
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How convenient would it be if you could find a directory just for hot goddamn babes? A place to visit where you could look up any number of beauties in a database just like you’re a government official spying on the world? Hey, I’m not talking about in a creepy way! It’s a way to look up hot bitches and jerk off to them!Well, your wish has been fucking granted, because provides you with exactly that kind of system! The official subreddit belonging to the site...

Reddit NSFW List
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Family Isnt Blood Freds Life Ch 01

Please read It will aid in understanding this story. Recently, a friend of mine from California called and said he was getting married again. His previous wife of over 34 years, whom he was honestly devoted to, had died in a freak auto accident over 9 months ago. She had physical and emotional problems for the past 15 years. While grieving, he looked up an old flame. She was part of a close group in school. He never approached her then to...

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Lost Empire 74

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...

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Mami Ki Chudai Ki Apne Ghar Par

My name is zubair (name changed) mai 19 saal ka hun aur virgin tha if any girl aunty aur bhabhi agar intrested hy toh mujeh contact kare my mail is pehle toh mujeh mami par aise galat sonch nahi thi lekin baad me pata nhai kyu mujeh unhe chodne ke bare me kaise agay pata nahi mere man me bas yahi tha ki kaise mami ko chodu aur unke sath maze karu Mai abhi b tech kar raha hun aur mujeh big ass wali ladkiya bohoth pasand hy my dikhne me smart hun handsome hun aur athletics championkyun ki my...

2 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 15 Arrivals

CSS Vasco da Gama popped out of hyperspace in Thuleat two days after delivering her cargo to Hesperus. Aboard, she held concubine Belinda Keeler and her offspring. As senior, and so far only, Civil Service officer on Thule, Samantha Redburn met the passengers as they disembarked at the Primary Transport Nexus Room at Base Scott. The concubines of Clarke's Science Division, at least those not still aboard the research vessel, flanked the pregnant fourteen-year-old, all anxious to greet and...

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The Craving Part 4

By Andy Caulden Neil sat on the sofa in Paul's living-room, nursing a near-empty glass of red wine. The married bisexual was looking extremely nervous and uncomfortable, and he was clearly having second thoughts about going through with the good doctor's plan - he had been persuaded by Paul to become a bondage slave for the day; and in return, he would be allowed to have sex with me. Initially, Neil had readily agreed to be restrained and examined by the good doctor - he so wanted to...

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CHAPTER 60: AN ANNIVERSARYIt turned out that Mom didn’t have to take on Helen’s celebration. It took on a life of its own. As Harry and Juli related to us, the residents of the surrounding area like things the way they like them. These were people used to hardships and doing for themselves. In fact, it was so much of who they are that it might just be part of their genetic code. Generations of people fighting, scr****g, and clawing for survival in these harsh environments and conditions. Being...

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My First time

Snuggling close to you, your arms pull me closer, even in your sleep. I kiss your lips softly, smiling to myself. My heart, mind and soul are full of you. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, more content. All is right and wonderful in my world. I lay next to you, thinking of the things we have shared, everything that you have done for me, taken and made the time to do. Images from the video you sent last week linger in mind and I am instantly filled with desire. I try to settle and lay still,...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Ryan Keely Maya Woulfe Career Vs Family

Ryan Keely, a businesswoman, arrives home and is greeted by her stepdaughter, Maya Woulfe. Maya is glad that Ryan is home, though notices that Ryan seems worried. Ryan reveals that she’s been offered a promotion at work. Maya is excited for her, but Ryan admits that she’s not sure she’ll take the promotion because it involves a lot of travel, so it’d mean spending less time with Maya. Maya is touched, trying to assure Ryan that she’ll be fine, but Ryan says she...

4 years ago
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My Sea Day on the cruise with Michael

I’ve got so many requests for more stories from my Caribbean cruise with Michael that I figured I’d better get to writing. :)You may remember the first night on our cruise. Me. And 15 black cocks in an hour. If you don’t know the details of the cruise go back and read that story.After our group session Michael took me back to our cabin and made love to me for 2 hours and fed me 3 loads of his beautiful cum.After we were done we were laying in bed and I asked him what the plans were for this...

2 years ago
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Cheerleading Coach

The bleachers were always heaviest in front of Marcie, though she anchored one end position. Her section was heavily weighted with boys of all ages. That didn't bother her too much. Cheerleaders aren't bashful, and a weighted section away from the fifty-yard line was the sincerest form of flattery. Being placed on the end to spread out the crowd was official recognition. She didn't mind the attention or being used as a crowd spreader, it was the grown men sitting in groups that bothered...

2 years ago
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A Week At The Office Part One

As I walk in I am a little nervous.   I report to reception and give my name.   The lady behind the desk smiles and makes small talk as she signs me in, then with a, “follow me” she leads me down a short corridor into a small but fairly busy office.   I am looking around as inconspicuously as I can, trying to find You among the people, but a quick recce tells me You are not here.   I feel disappointed briefly, then the pleasant fluttering feeling inside returns as I know that I am bound...

3 years ago
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Her Mom in Law

Her Mom in LawHis mother was consoling, gentle with me. I was a wreck, her son, my husband and I had just had a major fight. I was venting with his mother, we had become a close friends.She was a pretty woman with a melodic voice and I loved her. Most of the time when her son and I disagreed on something she would back me up.She said, “Baby, you knew he would be unfaithful to you. I told you that and would have to accept it or move on.”I felt so safe in her arms. She was caressing me, kissing...

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The Dream

The Dream - Part One This is a dream I had. When I have a dream, I don't usually remember it, but I remembered this one and had to write it down before I forgot what happened. When I finished writing, I thought it was incomplete, so I wrote on from where it stopped to finish the story! One Wednesday afternoon, I was having a conversation with girl friends at the mid-week meet at the T-girl club. We had got rid of the usual male "admirers" who were after the usual thing and we were...

2 years ago
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I Love Sucking CockChapter 2

I Love Sucking Clit Three things slowly increased in the following week: Harry's confidence asking for oral sex from his teacher, Harry's stamina, and Harry's guilt over what he was doing. Harry and Claire had a great relationship, always had, and the blow-jobs that Mrs Jenkins enthusiastically gave out on Monday and Wednesday were starting to make him feel bad. Date night came along, and Harry decided that it was time he told Claire what was happening. He was prepared to be dumped. He...

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Hateful Stepbrother

“You’ve been in there for hours!” he shouted back. Stacey continued to eye herself up and down instead of responding right away. She used one hand to wipe steam off the mirror while sweeping her wet dark brown hair out of her eyes with the other hand. When Daryl knocked again she finally responded. “Use the downstairs bathroom.” “I'm not waiting to pee, I have to shower too.” “There’s a shower downstairs,” she argued. “And my bedroom is upstairs,” he countered. Finally she jerked open...

3 years ago
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Curiousity Kills the Cat

Hi all ISS readers, my name is Dexter 25 years old from mumbai. I have been reading these hot stories from last six months and i say it has returned me the pleasure of reading sex stories. As this is first time i m writing to share it with you sexy people. Please give me your comments on Now let us begin with the story. I was 15 way back in 99 when i went on a tour with my friends to himachal pradesh. We were around 50 boys and girls alongwith the organiser. We were all divided into many small...

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With Queen Sister

Hi ISS Reader and this is Ilan with another fantastic experience I had with my sister Tamil again. After the first incidence we did in my grandma village I came back to Chennai for studies and we both were speaking through message. I don’t know why she is not responding me regarding sex properly in phone or message like how we are in together alone. We were waiting for another chance to have fun and at last the day arrives. That happened when I went to native again for pongal with lot of...

3 years ago
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Seducing Jennifer Pt 33

I drew a deep breath. ‘Okay, let’s think this through. We’re jumping to conclusions here. There’s no reason to assume it’s Vholes that got blown up. He’ll probably be here in a few minutes. And while we’re waiting, why don’t we go up to the roof and see if we can get cell phone service up there? No, wait. First I’ll try the land-line.’ I picked up the house phone and started punching in Vholes’ number. Carlo picked up. ‘Front desk. Ah, Mr. Jack. How can I help you?’ I imagined that I heard a...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Beautiful Colleague

By: Prashanth Hi good morning to the ISS readers I would like to share my true experience which went previous year. Let me intro myself, I’m Prashanth from Hyderabad with 6 feet height and aged around 26 with very fair. I own an adept Physical structure. I am very much partial towards Girls and Aunts and obviously they will stare at me because of my handsome Physical structure. Let me narrate you my true experience and this is my first story in the base line, suggestions or interests can be...

4 years ago
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Double Birthday

Annie looked up from her bowl of cereal. "Daddy, can you do me big favor?" I put down the tech report from work. "Sure honey, what is it?" "You know my friend Vonna? She wants to send a picture to her boyfriend, and I told her you'd do it. You've got that new digital camera, right?" My wife walked past and caught our daughter's request. "Why don't you, dear?" my wife said. "You really haven't used it much since you got it. Didn't you tell me about all of the wonderful...

3 years ago
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Sex With Priya Mami Chennai

Hi am Javin am a big fan of iss desi tales reader. I read 1000s of story’s from this site. I wish to narrate a story about me & my mami. This story is fully depended about a wild sex life in between us; really speaking to she is a good co-worker in bed all time, whenever am free we’ll have a gooooood time at my mami house in Chennai. 1st I tell about me; am 5.6ft tall slim and little hot dam. Coming to my angel (mami) sexy lady in my life I always to see her semi nude her boob size is just 32...

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Lactating Wife Impregnated by a Stranger at a Halloween Party

Jill’s PerspectiveHalloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year. And even now, at the age of twenty-five, married, and with a five-month old daughter, I still look forward to fall and the chance to dress in costume. My name is Jillian, but most people call me Jill, and I am married to John, who most people call Jack. I know it sounds kind of corny having our nicknames be Jack and Jill, but we have a lot of fun with it.We started our lives together in a nice suburb outside of...

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Wife Gang Banged

This story follows on from Country Villa - but each is a separate story - Enjoy!!!Gang Banged at the Onsen Spa[/b]It’s been two months since burglars broke in to our house and tied us up and ****d us. I was repeatedly ****d over more than 8 hours by the two burglars, my husband was forced to watch the whole time. They fucked me over and over, in my cunt, up my ass and I sucked their cocks dripping wet with a mixture of their semen and my wet vagina. It was great - I had so...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 2

I had arranged to meet Drama at NAIA terminal #3. It was the place from which Cebu Pacific flew. If you haven't heard of that airline, then you simply haven't spent any time in the Philippines. It is something of an overgrown commuter airline. It is not possible to book one of their flights through Orbitz or Expedia. No US carrier has a code sharing agreement with Cebu Pacific. At that time, their website could not process US credit cards. That has subsequently been resolved. At that time,...

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8220Mami 8211 Opening Up8221

Hey, Indian sex stories dot net friends. Before continuing the story of my sexy mami ..Let me tell you about myself. I’m Shiv .. 21 years .. Doing engineering. Height 5.9… Its second part of my story “mami-the introduction”.. Any auntie’s, Bhabhis, newly married girls can contact me on my mail id .. Coming back to story Mein mami koh kiss kare hi jaa raha tha.. Tabhi unhone aankhe kholi aur boli “bas”.. Unki saaanse bohot tez thi.. Literally woh haf rahi thi.. Woh waise hi bed se uthi aur...

2 years ago
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The PixieChapter 6

Holding hands, Carter and Valerie headed toward The Sweet Bean. He wore a dark blue heavy coat and she wore an aqua down jacket and knitted legwarmers. “It’s cold,” she remarked. “You can see your breath.” “Yeah, and it’s not going to get warmer any time soon. That was an amazing demonstration of your synesthesia app. I’m sure your advisor is pleased.” “She said Ceci and I will both be getting A-plus,” Valerie replied. “Not only that, she wants us to continue next term and turn it into a...

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We Met In A Nice Bar

We Met in a Nice Bar by Amy Brett Chapter 1 I SAT ON the high stool, holding on to the bar to guide my hand to the ashtray, and talked to John next to me. We had a good dinner, several beers before dinner, and several more afterward while we watched a sleazy striptease. I felt the last several strongly and had been glad to let John drive the last leg of the trip. Now, sucking on still another beer in the hotel's bar, my room only a...

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Black List I GhostsChapter 4

Sam snuggles up next to him drowsily, feeling secure in his encircling arms. She fights against waking completely, knowing that if she does, they have to get up to report into work. But work is inevitable. It takes her a moment to realize that she is in her own bed and not the couch in the office. And then her mind sets into motion, trying to remember ever moving. These thoughts are put to bed when she feels strong hands gently stroking her skin, caressing her shoulder and tugging lightly on...

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Fucking a Georgeous Air Hostress

hi dosto. my name is sam. Iam from jalandhar punjab bt noew frm melbourne australia. i am a big fan of iss. ye meri 1st story hai. i am a 5-7inch and fair in complexion handsome guy.kuch cheeze mei secret hi rakhna chahunga. i am from jalandhar punjab and school level ke baad mei higher education ke liye chandigarh chala gaya. along with my studies mei modeling mei vi involve ho gaya. waha meri kei ladkiyan frd thi bt kabhi bhi kisi ke baare mei galat nhi socha tha. meri sangat kharab ho gayi...

2 years ago
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1 chocho k badle choda

Hello ISS reader. Mera sab iss reader ko namaskar.mera nam viney hey, men sec1 ka rehene wala hun. I am 26 years old.mene iss men bahat sare stori padh chukahun , usmen mujhe kuch sacha lagtahey ,au kuch jhut. Magar men ajj apko mere eak sachi kahani sunane jaraha hun. Undino sardiyo ka mosam tha. Mera dost neeraj hooda aur main aksar chocho(corex) maar k baitha karte the.neeraj dekhne mein bahat sundar tha.unki age 28 thi. Aur unke chutad bahut hi chikne chikne the. Neeraj ko dekh ke mere dil...

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Thats So WrongChapter 17

Day 3—Suki Suki sat alone in her office. It was a tiny, one-woman closet, with barely enough room for the narrow desk, chair and computer that occupied it. Three monitors covered the wall above the desk. All of them displayed reports, graphs, annotations from the interviews with every member of Richard's and Perry's family. In her mind, it was all one big immediate unit. Two brother-sister pairs, each marrying the other was highly unusual. Both lived near each other, in a medium-sized...

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