Il Rogo Di Carola (Italian) free porn video

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Il rogo di Carola

Ero di passaggio a Fontempesta, andavo alla fiera di Cartegna come tutti gli anni per

vendere i panni di lino che mercanteggiavo con gli Spagnoli. Mi ero fermato a

dormire alla Locanda del Passero, mi dissero che il giorno dopo nella piazza del

mercato ci sarebbe stata l?esecuzione di una giovane donna accusata di stregoneria,

l?esecuzione era prevista per due ore dopo l?alba e dal momento che il giorno dopo

avevo tempo, avendo previsto di partire a giorno inoltrato, decisi di assistervi. Mi

informai ulteriormente e venni a sapere che la ragazza aveva appena 19 anni e si

chiamava Carola; era stata arrestata circa due mesi prima con l?accusa di stregoneria

e rinchiusa nelle prigioni del castello, una settimana prima era arrivata la sentenza di

morte tramite rogo.

La mattina dopo, di buon ora, mi avviai alla piazza del mercato, la piazza era

abbastanza grande per contenere ben pi? della popolazione del piccolo paese, per

l?occasione erano anche stati smontati i banchi del mercato. Al centro della piazza si

ergeva un palo alto circa 4 metri, alla base vi erano delle fascine di legname, in modo

che la strega fosse messa a circa 2 metri da terra e quindi ben visibile anche da

lontano. La legna, venni a sapere da una donna accanto a me, era legna secca perci?

avrebbe fatto poco fumo e soprattutto avrebbe bruciato lentamente prolungando

l?agonia della giustiziata; questo sadismo lo ritrovai anche in altre persone accanto a

me, tutti volevano che la giovane donna soffrisse il pi? lungamente possibile. Infatti

nell?annata precedente si era avuta una carestia e i campi di grano del paese avevano

prodotto molto poco, sicuramente era stato il malocchio che la strega aveva gettato

sull?intera comunit?. Una mezz?ora prima dell?esecuzione la piazza era gi? piena di

gente, vidi molte giovani madri accompagnare i loro bambini piccoli in avanti in

modo da poter assistere all?esecuzione.

Ormai il sole si era alzato quando all?improvviso si sent? un urlo:

?Eccola!! Ecco la strega!?

Stava avanzando lentamente tra la folla una piccola cerchia di soldati; uno di loro

trascinava una catena, all?altra estremit? della catena vi era la strega. Carola era una

ragazza molto carina, alta, capelli scuri e lunghi, il corpo era ben proporzionato, la

pelle dolce e sensuale. Era completamente nuda al fine di aumentare il disprezzo che

la folla provava per lei e aumentare la sua vergogna. La catena le legava il collo e le

caviglie, i polsi erano incatenati dietro la schiena con un?altra catena in modo che la

vagina e i seni fossero visibili a tutti. Era ancora lontana da me, sentivo le persone

gridarle contro:

?Ben ti sta a fare sesso con Satana invece di spettare a prendere marito?.

?Brucia strega?.

?La morte ? l?unica cosa che meriti?.

?Le fiamme dell?inferno sono tutte per te?.

Quando pass? dinanzi a me la riconobbi subito, era la ragazza che l?anno passato

lavorava alla locanda del Giglio ove mi ero fermato sia all?andata che al ritorno. Me

la ricordai bene perch? all?epoca mi parve graziosa, era allegra e rideva moltissimo.

Mi resi conto che piangeva, non alzavo lo sguardo sopra di se per guardare la folla,

mi sembr? che aveva delle profonde occhiaie sotto gli occhi, pensai che forse non

aveva dormito la notte precedente; notai inoltre che aveva un?aria stanca, il suo corpo

era ancora bello, anche se percorso sul petto e tra le gambe da segni di ustioni

precedenti, sicuramente la sua confessione non era stata spontanea ma estorta tramite

torture crudeli.

Alla fine arriv? al centro della piazza dove era tutto pronto, infatti il boia si era

avvicinato al rogo e aveva iniziato a preparare la torcia. Appena si rese conto di

essere arrivata alla sua fine inizi? a dimenarsi, come se solo ora si rendesse

veramente conto che stava per essere uccisa.

?NO! Vi prego vi scongiuro, per piet? NO!?.

Le slegarono la catena dal collo e dalle caviglie. Prov? a scappare ma subito

l?afferrarono le mani forti degli assistenti del boia e cominciarono a trascinarla verso

il rogo. Carola puntava i piedi a terra disperatamente nel vano tentativo di resistere.

?Vi scongiuro in nome di Dio, il rogo no!!!!?.

Sempre di peso la alzarono sulla piattaforma, continuava a chiedere piet? e si

dimenava. Mentre due assistenti del boia la tenevano ferma con il deretano e la

schiena poggiata al palo facendo pressione sul petto e sulle anche, altri due le

incatenarono i polsi dietro il palo, poi passarono una catena intorno alle caviglie in

modo che i piedi di Carola fossero a circa 20 centimetri dal legname, un?ultima

catena le fu passata intorno al petto poco sotto i seni non molto grandi ma graziosi

della condannata. Carola continu? a dimenarsi durante tutta l?operazione, ma alla

fine, non potendo fare nulla, scoppi? in pianto. Si vergognava sicuramente della sua

nudit? cos? esposta, ma soprattutto aveva terrore delle fiamme che presto l?avrebbero

avvolta. Per un attimo mi balen? l?idea che forse una ragazza cos? carina come lei

non potesse essere una strega e forse si stava per bruciare viva un?innocente, subito

per? capii che la folla intorno a me aveva bisogno di un capro espiratorio per la

perdita di raccolti, e che purtroppo Carola era capitata al posto sbagliato al luogo

sbagliato, pensai che purtroppo sono cose che capitano.

Pochi minuti dopo cadde il silenzio, venne il giudice inquisitore. Costui si fece

dinanzi al rogo:

?Sei tu Carola??

?Si, lo sono?

Quindi il giudice apr? una pergamena e cominci? a leggere:

?Codesta donna di anni 19, ? dichiarata colpevole di atti di stregoneria e di essere

sposa del Maligno. Viene quindi condannata a morte tramite rogo. Hai qualcosa da

chiedere prima che si proceda??

?Piet? Piet?, vi scongiuro?

Il giudice nemmeno la sent?. Quindi disse:

?Che Dio abbia piet? della tua anima?

?Vi prego, vi prego, piet?, piet?!!!?

Carola rivolse il suo sguardo supplicante verso la folla, continuando a chiedere piet?;

per un attimo il suo sguardo incroci? il mio, lessi nei suoi occhi terrore puro, ma ero

impotente, non potevo fare nulla per lei.

Il boia le si fece dinanzi, una donna accanto a me disse che di solito il boia prima di

uccidere una ragazza si divertiva con lei e offriva uno spettacolo pubblico. Lo vidi

salire sul patibolo e abbassarsi i pantaloni, un pene lungo almeno 20 centimetri, si

gir? verso Carola. Vidi il suo sguardo spaventato:

?No, vi prego, questo no!! Ammazzatemi subito, per piet??

Il boia le si avvicin? e le accarezz? i seni piccoli e dolci, accarezz? con le sue mani

la vagina e quindi, poggiate le mani all?altezza delle spalle di Carola, cominci? ad

inserire il suo pene nella vagina della condannata che urlava disperatamente, prima il

ritmo era lento poi sempre pi? veloce. Dopo una decina di minuti il boia scese dal

palco, per tutto quel periodo non staccai un attimo gli occhi dal palco. Carola fissava

un punto imprecisato dinanzi a se, i suoi pensieri erano persi in chi sa che cosa, il suo

respiro era pensante, lo potevo vedere da come si alzava e abbassava il suo petto. La

vagina era stranamente gonfia, rivoli si sangue secco ne fuoriuscivano, intorno vidi

dello sperma secco attaccato alla pelle. Mi dissero che era stata sverginata dal

momento che essendo ancora giovane non era sposata e come tutte le ragazze

aspettava la prima notte di matrimonio per fare sesso; io all?epoca ero ancora giovane

e non sposato, era la prima volta che vedevo una vergine completamente nuda e la

prima volta cui assistevo ad uno sverginamento.

Quindi il boia si fece passare da uno dei suoi assistenti una torcia e la inser? nella

catasta di legna. Era caduto il silenzio, la folla la fissava, trattenni il respiro per un

attimo che mi sembro essere lunghissimo. Il fumo cominci? a salire lentamente, il

calore lentamente aument?, Carola continuava ad urlare piet? cercando di fuggire, poi

dopo un paio di minuti le fiamme cominciarono ad alzarsi.

Carola aveva smesso di gridare e aveva iniziato a piangere.

Erano passati una decina di minuti dal momento in cui accesero il fuoco quando le

prime fiammelle le arrivarono ai piedi.


Sollev? al cielo il viso e si contorse portando in avanti il busto.

le fiamme aumentavano e le circondarono i piedi sino alle caviglie; potevo vedere la

pelle dei piedi che si arrossiva, poi si creavano bolle ed in ultimo le bolle

esplodevano per il calore e per le fiamme e nuova carne era esposta al martirio. In

meno di un minuto i piedi ardevano, una orrenda smorfia di dolore le si stamp? sul

viso. Tutto il popolo la guardava in silenzio, il dolore del supplizio era visibilissimo

sul suo viso, le sue urla erano un qualcosa di disumano e diabolico, per un attimo

sentii che mi stava venendo la pelle d?oca, mi aveva preso un disgusto di quello

spettacolo inumano ma non potevo muovermi tanta la folla che mi attorniava.

L?odore della carne bruciata e del fumo inizi? a spargersi per la piazza, quando arriv?

a me mi sentii inebriato e come ubriaco da quell?odore decisi istintivamente di

rimanere, quell?odore aveva un qualcosa di dolcemente sensuale come se quello

spettacolo fosse uno spettacolo di giochi sessuali e Carola ne fosse la sua giovane

protagonista. Carola si dimenava, si agitava, urlava, sbatteva la testa a destra e a

sinistra, alzava il busto il alto ed in basso descrivendo una danza diabolica, le mani si

agitavano frettolosamente ferendosi i polsi con le catene.

Il fuoco si avvolgeva su se stesso e saliva richiamato dal vento tra le due gambe

ancora intatte; dopo pochi minuti le fiamme erano ormai alle cosce. Continuava a

gridare mentre sulle gambe la carne si ustionava e prendeva fuoco, in breve arriv?

alla vagina, al deretano e alle mani. Le prime fiammelle si posarono sulla peluria

vaginale, bruciarono subito. Quando le fiamme incominciarono a bruciare i tessuti

esterni alla vagina la folla grid? festante, senza nemmeno che me ne accorsi il mio

pene si eresse, era uno spettacolo sensuale e bellissimo. Le fiamme entravano nella

fica e le bolle la ricoprivano e ne fuoriuscivano, altre bolle vennero a formarsi nei

tessuti interni. Nel deretano le fiamme si arrotondavano e vi entravano veloci e

saettanti. Le mani si agitavano con le fiamme che le circondavano, la si vedeva

muoversi seguite dalle fiamme che da queste erano sprigionate.

Erano 10 minuti che i piedi stavano ardendo quando sentii chiaramente POP, le ossa

dei piedi si spappolavano per il calore, Carola continuava disperatamente ad urlare.

Perse l?appoggio sui piedi, ormai ridotti in cenere, tutto il peso ormai gravava sulle

mani e sulla catena posta sotto i seni. Inizi? a urlare di meno. Intanto le fiamme erano

arrivate ai seni che si ricopriva di bolle, respirava affannosamente e le fiamme

seguivano l?alzarsi e l?abbassarsi affannoso del suo petto, digrign? i denti.

All?improvviso ?AAAAAAARRHAA? i capelli presero fuoco con le prime

fiammelle che si erano alzate dal suo petto; la sua testa si agitava sul rogo seguita

dalle fiamme, urlava disperatamente, dopo un paio di minuti smise di urlare, ormai le

corde vocali erano bruciate; dopo poco la vidi abbandonarsi, il corpo di Carola cadde

in avanti facendo perno sulle catene sotto i seni, non la vidi pi? alzarsi e non la sentii

pi? urlare. Non saprei dire per? sino a quando fosse stata viva, fino a quando abbia

sofferto, per quanto tempo sia rimasta viva e incosciente prima della morte.

Dopo una decina di minuti le fiamme si abbassarono ed emerse un corpo immobile e

nero, era irriconoscibile, se non sapessi che era stata appena bruciata una giovane

ragazza non avrei potuto dire n? il sesso n? l?et? di quel corpo. Ormai era finito tutto,

la folla inizi? a disperdersi per recarsi ai suoi lavori quotidiani, alcuni vollero

rimanere fino a che le fiamme non ridussero in cenere anche le ossa di Carola, ma ci

saranno volute ancora molte ore. Ormai si era fatto tardi, tornai alla locanda e

preparai il carro per proseguire la mia strada. Lungo la strada pensai di nuovo a

Carola, pensai a come le sue urla disumane, il suo terrore, le sue ustioni, i suoi dolori

inimmaginabili erano state soltanto un gioco sensuale per me e forse per la gran parte

delle persone che erano state sulla piazza stamattina. Stranamente mi accorsi che non

provai piet? per la condannata.

NOTE: la storia ? ambientata nel 1452, in questo periodo storico la morale religiosa

era molto ferrea: sino al matrimonio ne un uomo ne una donna possono avere rapporti

sessuali anche se regolarmente fidanzati. Quindi il nostro protagonista non ha mai

fatto sesso e non ha mai visto qualcuno fare sesso (anche guardare era considerato

peccaminoso il base alla morale religiosa).

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No doubting it is hot. This heat is taking some getting used to, although I have to say you seem to be making more of it than I am, I have never seen you this tanned. It's nice for some, being able to sit in the sun all day while some of us head off to work, at what you keep describing as a fucken ridiculous time to even be waking let alone leaving our apartment! I have woken up next to you, the pair of us barely covered by the single white sheet that has become the only covering we need during...

Straight Sex
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The Classifieds by loyalsock

Blair Hutton wiped the sweat from her shaking hands and gingerly reached for the doorbell. She knew that what she was about to do was risky at best, and dangerous at the worst. Only yesterday morning she had been looking at the classifieds in the local under ground newspaper when her eye caught an intriguing ad, "Wanted, attractive woman to service me orally while my wife watches and maybe participates. All the oral sex you can handle. If interested, contact Eric at 555-3999." Immediately upon...

1 year ago
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Hot Wifes Interracial Rest Area Fantasy

I know how much you love fucking my tight slut ass; well here is something I have fantasized about. You pick me up in a car and we start off for a rest area where we can fuck outdoors in public. I am wearing a crisp white blouse with a black lace bra underneath. I have a short black pleated skirt with white panties and black thigh high stockings with lace at the top. I look sweet but naughty; I also have on black fuck-me heels. I lean over and suck your thick black cock as you drive, taking you...

4 years ago
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Izzys First Time

Introduction: PLEASE VISIT AND POST YOUR STORIES AT! Itd be a huge help! Chapter 1 13 year-old Izzy sat in her room, fingering herself while her parents were out. Duke, her German Shepard, watched curiously as she moaned softly. His penis was poking out of its sheath, but Izzy didnt see, she was to pre-occupied. As he walked up, Izzy squirted, and Duke rushed forward, eager to see what it tasted like. He lapped up what he could from her bed, and moved on to her pussy,...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 233 Maxines Navy

I went to bed early that second night in the white house tourist court. The small cabins were actually duplex, so next door to me were Vlad and Anya. Eve and I got to hear them screwing. If it amused Eve, I didn't know about it, but I got a small laugh before I fell asleep. I slept ten hours that night, noise or no noise. Since I felt rested the next morning, I called around to the other two cabins and set a 10AM meeting. What good was being the boss, if you couldn't set the meetings at...

2 years ago
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Rum Sodomy and the Lash Ch 11

They were three days out of Marseilles and it would not be long before they caught up with the Fleur de Gascony. During a brief sojourn in the city, Prince had ascertained that the French galleon carried a cargo of luxurious items, fine cognac and wines, opulent fabrics and jewellery that would fetch a handsome price in any market. Kitty had enjoyed her piquant taste of life on land and rather pined for it now it was over. They had spent a night at the beachside house of a rich associate of...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Ako Nishino Comes to visit in her uniform to do some role play

Ako Nishino is back with the second part of her adventure in the houses of the perverted men who belong to the Uniform Club. Today she is in her school outfit looking like she just skipped biology class and headed off campus to meet her older lover at his home while his family is away. There is so much role play happening and so much you can add to the story with your imagination. The club can have any uniform or costume on any of the young models who role play for the older gentlemen that...

4 years ago
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Dipty 2

Hi friends u all like my all the stories and what a nice response I have got. I really like all the emails and all the clean message are replay. Well my new story is also interesting one. Ok let starts with the story and will try to write in Hindi as requested. Dipty ko apni prem kahani ka aant (end) lag raha tha. Abb tak usne sabb tera ka sex kiya tha. Uss ne har ek style mei sex kiya. Usse buss ek group sex nahi kiya tha. Wo issleye ki wo pativrata patni thi. Usne kabi apne pati ke alawa...

3 years ago
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Brads Therapy

Brad's Therapy By Slothrop Chapter 1: No Retreat, No Surrender I watched my mother. She had that 'thousand yard stare' again, sitting on the porch. I knew it was best to just be with her and wait until she came out of it. It had been six months since she had been rescued from the South American jungle and I still did not know all that had happened to her. I had missed my parents terribly for the two years they had been missing, kidnapped by a group of self-styled political rebels....

4 years ago
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The bed sagged and creaked, Will backing up to give Sam room. His hand reached out to his rival’s limp manhood, but he stopped. There would be time for that later. Now, he needed to get down to business and show Heather he was worth something.Pungent sweat and combined love juices filled Sam’s nostrils with a heavy presence. He leaned down and settled in, hefting Heather’s legs over his shoulders. Even when he teased her little button, she didn’t acknowledge him. Her body, however, trembled at...

3 years ago
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Teaching Amanda

We were to complete portraits of our own choosing. Mr. Miller glanced at me and smiled warmly. Blushing, I smiled back and continued my work. I had always liked Mr. Miller and I had seen him watching me before, studying my body. I’m a quite voluptuous girl, and young, I’m 19. I’m tall with long, red wavy hair, blue/green eyes, and pale skin. My body is very curvy ( I'm a size 30) and my large 40E breasts certainly draw attention. When I was 16, I lost my virginity to one of my older...

1 year ago
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Jim and Angela

I posted a story earlier about my first time with a couple, Tony and Jody. They recommened me to their friends, Jim and Angela. I was fortunate because they lived in the Madison, Wisconsin area which is where I was living at the time.I met them first at a coffee shop. I wanted to make sure we clicked and also to discover what Angela's likes and dislikes were sexually. We'd already decided this was going to be a fuck session, not the picture taking incident like I had with Tony and Jody.Angela...

3 years ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 28 Welcome Home

Jack and Lisa made it back to Los Angeles a little after six Sunday night. Their revised schedule had worked well for them. Jack picked up two green shards in the Seattle area and a third in Tacoma, all from various tech company executives. He had then retrieved a pair of green crystal shards in Reno, one from a casino owner and the other from a very successful gambler. Then it was on to Las Vegas. That was a different experience. Jack retrieved two green shards, one from a casino owner and...

3 years ago
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Bhai Aur Mama Se Honey Aur Chocote Ka Test

Hi mera naam rehan hai main delhi ke jamiya nagar me rahta hun, apni family k sath meri family me mere mummy papa k alawa mere saat bade bhai hain, jisme sabse bade bhai ki age 40 yrs hai main sabse jyada pyar unse karta hun aur darta bhi unhi se hun, sara kaam wo hi sambhalte hai, wo 6 ft lambe aur kafi hatte khatte hai, wo halki shave aur munche rakhte hain, main sabse chota hun aur sabse jyada smart hun, mera figure thoda mota hai, aur sabse jyada gora hun, Ye baat tab ki hai jab main 18...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 35

Thursday, June 10, 2010 “What’s this all about?” Brian asked when they were in the car. Carol sat up front with Jake. “You may know that Carol and I have an arrangement.” “What? No. I don’t know anything about that.” “Carol and I have sex. In fact, we have a lot of sex.” “You jerk. What about Julie, Kara and my mom?” “Carol and I have been together about as long as Julie and I. You don’t know that they come as a boxed set?” “How would I know that?” “Well, I can’t help it if you’re not...

3 years ago
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Erotic Wet First Night 8211 Part 3

After an erotic and wild sex session, they fell on the bed in each other’s embrace. By the time the newlywed Indian couple had their third sex session, it was already too late in the night that it is almost dawn. It was not because of the sex, but for all the foreplay, all the arousal session, pre-sex session, dressing each other with different fruits, milk, honey, and all the other stuff and then proceeding for sex, it was that late. So, the couple got united thrice during this erotic night,...

2 years ago
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Two Young Gymnasts Part Two

Introduction: A continuation of the story Christines father followed the girls out of the gym, making sure that the door latched securely behind him. His hands still kept the memory of the feel of their firm young bodies when hed patted their behinds. Each time he found it harder to pretend just to be a friendly father and uncle. While he walked to the car his mind was still teased by the fantasies that hed had while watching the two girls practice. The girls were waiting by and car and...

4 years ago
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John and Valerie

The front door opened, Valerie straightened herself and took a deep breath, her soft blue eyes shun beneath the sun kissed locks she had brushed just the way He had always liked it. Her knees came to the little mat she was allowed to use on the linoleum floor of the kitchen, her back straight with the pride she held for Him, palms up in her silent offering of servitude, and she waited. The noises she could hear from the hall were tell tale signs of her Master, John, removing his shoes, keys...

3 years ago
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Stepson MattBaby Daddy

So many thoughts ran through my head as Matt and I were naked in his father's bed. He continued to pump his cock in and out as I wrapped my legs around his waist. John had already emptied his seed in me this morning. Matt had yet to make his regular deposit, but he was getting close. It was hard to really have a serious debate when a hot, muscular young man was busy fucking me. I grabbed onto Matt's muscular back and thought, "Damn, this could be the father of my baby." I should have been...

2 years ago
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When The Sleeper Wakes Part 4 Accidents

WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES Part 04: Accidents Copyright (c) 2002 by Kim EM All rights reserved "When the Sleeper Wakes" Created by Kim EM and Debra Rachel This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental, except as noted here. Some real names have been used herein, but these depictions are not intended to represent the actual thoughts or behavior of the persons depicted, and are used only for dramatic...

3 years ago
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The GiftChapter 4

I got into an argument with John, just before the end of the second year. The guy just would not take 'no' for an answer! While I admired his determination, it meant he had little or no thoughts for my feelings on the subject. I told him exactly how I felt, and told him if he continued to harass me with "missions", then our friendship was done. That was the way the year ended. Levy told me to not worry about John, that he would come around. I just nodded. He wished me a good summer, and...

4 years ago
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“The erotic is a form of power specific to women. There are many kinds of power: for me nothing beats sexual power. I love the notion of erotica as simply high-class pornography. This could be very exciting for us, we are both gender fluid, exhibitionists and love sex with an audience.” The women were all very smartly attired in killer heels and designer brand cocktail dresses, the men in very smart casual attire. After some slightly nervous small chat and a second drink every one was...

3 years ago
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The mature brother and sister

I'm Julie and I have a wonderful brother named Brett. I'm 19 and he is 21, we both have brown hair and eyes and still live with our parents even though we're both in college. Brett has been more than a saint to me, no matter what he always put me first, even before his girlfriends. He always made sure he got me a birthday and Christmas gift every year, even on years when I didn't get him anything. He even blew off a few dates so he could stay with me and cheer me up after a couple of bad break...

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Clube cinema

I headed out this afternoon with sexy on the brain. I wanted to be fucked again & was super horny. Decided to wear my new red suspenders & purple satin panties under my jeans when leaving home. I drove straight to club x & bought a pass to cinemas & lounge. I went into ram lounge first to see if anything was happening. Not much but a guy a couple years older then me was sitting in end room with his pants down rubbing his cock. I stood checking him out as he started running his...

3 years ago
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The End Of The End

They told me that they found me sitting crosslegged on the lawn at 4:00 in the morning. They told me I was crying. It was raining and I was trying to light a cigarette, which didn’t really matter since I don’t normally smoke them. I don’t remember any of that. All I remember is the end. I have spent nearly 30 years of my life working in the health and fitness field. Lord knows it isn’t a highly paid profession, but I got by. I have a few regular customers for my massage practice, and I...

4 years ago
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Luke Violet 7

I wake up startled. My head hurts all over again. This time it’s a sharp pain in the back of my head. I try to open my eyes, but they’re sensitive to the brightness of the room. My vision is blurred. I have a TERRIBLE headache that’s pounding my head. I’m incredibly dizzy. This feels like my attack at the mall all over again! I try my best to get up. I struggle in the process of doing so. I quickly realize that I’m stuck. I look down at my feet, as they are both duct taped to a chair. I...

2 years ago
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my first porn movie

on friday night my husband took me to my first porn movie we paid at the door and went in and we sat up front of the theatre...when the lights went out and the movie started my husband started playing with my boobs and on no time he had my buttons undone...there were about 20 people in there for the movie but it just seemed like us there and i was feeling great...after a while i felt another two hands on my boobs and it was the man behind us playing with my boobs the man next to me must have...

1 year ago
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A Little Heart On

Tiff was worried. I'd seen her worried before when her pants got a little tight or she couldn't get her hair to do what she wanted, or, heaven forbid, her period was late. But this was different. The Valentine's Day dance was less than a week away and she hadn't been asked. Oh, she'd been asked by most of the jocks in the senior class, all of whom anticipated spending a dance or two before suggesting that "We get out of here." That was the code phrase for "Let's go somewhere and...

2 years ago
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Treatment for Hysteria

I sat in a smallish office in one of two chairs on the receiving side of a large oak desk. I perched on the edge of my chair. Felt the rancor and frustration of the man sitting next to me and my heart fluttered in my chest in panic. The sensation was intensified by the restrictive corset that seemed to force my lungs up towards my throat in its quest to push my breasts up onto a platter for any passing man to ogle.I berated myself for so many bad choices. Why? Why could I simply not be quiet...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 20 Luck of the Irish AND The Mistress Bridal Shower

Lana sat down in the center of the bed and looked lovingly at her Wild Kat sitting right in front of her. Lana was feeling more than horny that day, she was feeling romantic. She looked into Katrina's eyes and pulled her over to kiss her a while, rubbing their tits together as they did. They had been talking for some time that day about the clothes they would be buying to wear to John, Debbie, Ron and Hannah's weddings and it had left them feeling envious and desirous of joining their...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Richelle Ryan Second Appearance

Richelle and her husband have been upping the ante in their sex life lately and have turned to some riskier tactics to hit the spot. When two men come in to have their contracts reviewed, Richelle calls her husband in to make sure things are “agreeable” with the gentlemen. Instead of discussing their contract, she checks to make sure hubby is locked up in his chastity and ready to go. He loves watching his wife take big, black cock, even if it means risking the business and being disbarred for...

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Some Good Deeds

The banging at the door didn't surprise Mama Selma, even though the hour was late. She was no stranger to unexpected visitors, and she didn't sleep much these days, regardless. She calmly put her book down and grabbed the candle before rising from her chair. The sound continued as she walked, the intensity of the thumps growing with each knock. This didn't bother Mama Selma either. Folks that came to her door were rarely on social calls. More likely a husband had become particularly...

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Sudha And Sruthi Too Many Men 8211 Chapter 1 Sudha8217s Sacrifice

Theirs was a happy middle-class family, since, after the death of the parents, the brother Siva looked after both the sisters, giving good education and good living conditions. Sudha was the eldest of the siblings, currently working in an IT firm. Even though being the eldest, Siva took great care for both of them. There was just 2 year age gap between the siblings. Shruthi was 2 years younger than Siva, and Sudha 2 years older. Unlike Sudha, Shruti was more of a jovial type, doing her...

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