Learning Italian
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Il rogo di Carola
Ero di passaggio a Fontempesta, andavo alla fiera di Cartegna come tutti gli anni per
vendere i panni di lino che mercanteggiavo con gli Spagnoli. Mi ero fermato a
dormire alla Locanda del Passero, mi dissero che il giorno dopo nella piazza del
mercato ci sarebbe stata l?esecuzione di una giovane donna accusata di stregoneria,
l?esecuzione era prevista per due ore dopo l?alba e dal momento che il giorno dopo
avevo tempo, avendo previsto di partire a giorno inoltrato, decisi di assistervi. Mi
informai ulteriormente e venni a sapere che la ragazza aveva appena 19 anni e si
chiamava Carola; era stata arrestata circa due mesi prima con l?accusa di stregoneria
e rinchiusa nelle prigioni del castello, una settimana prima era arrivata la sentenza di
morte tramite rogo.
La mattina dopo, di buon ora, mi avviai alla piazza del mercato, la piazza era
abbastanza grande per contenere ben pi? della popolazione del piccolo paese, per
l?occasione erano anche stati smontati i banchi del mercato. Al centro della piazza si
ergeva un palo alto circa 4 metri, alla base vi erano delle fascine di legname, in modo
che la strega fosse messa a circa 2 metri da terra e quindi ben visibile anche da
lontano. La legna, venni a sapere da una donna accanto a me, era legna secca perci?
avrebbe fatto poco fumo e soprattutto avrebbe bruciato lentamente prolungando
l?agonia della giustiziata; questo sadismo lo ritrovai anche in altre persone accanto a
me, tutti volevano che la giovane donna soffrisse il pi? lungamente possibile. Infatti
nell?annata precedente si era avuta una carestia e i campi di grano del paese avevano
prodotto molto poco, sicuramente era stato il malocchio che la strega aveva gettato
sull?intera comunit?. Una mezz?ora prima dell?esecuzione la piazza era gi? piena di
gente, vidi molte giovani madri accompagnare i loro bambini piccoli in avanti in
modo da poter assistere all?esecuzione.
Ormai il sole si era alzato quando all?improvviso si sent? un urlo:
?Eccola!! Ecco la strega!?
Stava avanzando lentamente tra la folla una piccola cerchia di soldati; uno di loro
trascinava una catena, all?altra estremit? della catena vi era la strega. Carola era una
ragazza molto carina, alta, capelli scuri e lunghi, il corpo era ben proporzionato, la
pelle dolce e sensuale. Era completamente nuda al fine di aumentare il disprezzo che
la folla provava per lei e aumentare la sua vergogna. La catena le legava il collo e le
caviglie, i polsi erano incatenati dietro la schiena con un?altra catena in modo che la
vagina e i seni fossero visibili a tutti. Era ancora lontana da me, sentivo le persone
gridarle contro:
?Ben ti sta a fare sesso con Satana invece di spettare a prendere marito?.
?Brucia strega?.
?La morte ? l?unica cosa che meriti?.
?Le fiamme dell?inferno sono tutte per te?.
Quando pass? dinanzi a me la riconobbi subito, era la ragazza che l?anno passato
lavorava alla locanda del Giglio ove mi ero fermato sia all?andata che al ritorno. Me
la ricordai bene perch? all?epoca mi parve graziosa, era allegra e rideva moltissimo.
Mi resi conto che piangeva, non alzavo lo sguardo sopra di se per guardare la folla,
mi sembr? che aveva delle profonde occhiaie sotto gli occhi, pensai che forse non
aveva dormito la notte precedente; notai inoltre che aveva un?aria stanca, il suo corpo
era ancora bello, anche se percorso sul petto e tra le gambe da segni di ustioni
precedenti, sicuramente la sua confessione non era stata spontanea ma estorta tramite
torture crudeli.
Alla fine arriv? al centro della piazza dove era tutto pronto, infatti il boia si era
avvicinato al rogo e aveva iniziato a preparare la torcia. Appena si rese conto di
essere arrivata alla sua fine inizi? a dimenarsi, come se solo ora si rendesse
veramente conto che stava per essere uccisa.
?NO! Vi prego vi scongiuro, per piet? NO!?.
Le slegarono la catena dal collo e dalle caviglie. Prov? a scappare ma subito
l?afferrarono le mani forti degli assistenti del boia e cominciarono a trascinarla verso
il rogo. Carola puntava i piedi a terra disperatamente nel vano tentativo di resistere.
?Vi scongiuro in nome di Dio, il rogo no!!!!?.
Sempre di peso la alzarono sulla piattaforma, continuava a chiedere piet? e si
dimenava. Mentre due assistenti del boia la tenevano ferma con il deretano e la
schiena poggiata al palo facendo pressione sul petto e sulle anche, altri due le
incatenarono i polsi dietro il palo, poi passarono una catena intorno alle caviglie in
modo che i piedi di Carola fossero a circa 20 centimetri dal legname, un?ultima
catena le fu passata intorno al petto poco sotto i seni non molto grandi ma graziosi
della condannata. Carola continu? a dimenarsi durante tutta l?operazione, ma alla
fine, non potendo fare nulla, scoppi? in pianto. Si vergognava sicuramente della sua
nudit? cos? esposta, ma soprattutto aveva terrore delle fiamme che presto l?avrebbero
avvolta. Per un attimo mi balen? l?idea che forse una ragazza cos? carina come lei
non potesse essere una strega e forse si stava per bruciare viva un?innocente, subito
per? capii che la folla intorno a me aveva bisogno di un capro espiratorio per la
perdita di raccolti, e che purtroppo Carola era capitata al posto sbagliato al luogo
sbagliato, pensai che purtroppo sono cose che capitano.
Pochi minuti dopo cadde il silenzio, venne il giudice inquisitore. Costui si fece
dinanzi al rogo:
?Sei tu Carola??
?Si, lo sono?
Quindi il giudice apr? una pergamena e cominci? a leggere:
?Codesta donna di anni 19, ? dichiarata colpevole di atti di stregoneria e di essere
sposa del Maligno. Viene quindi condannata a morte tramite rogo. Hai qualcosa da
chiedere prima che si proceda??
?Piet? Piet?, vi scongiuro?
Il giudice nemmeno la sent?. Quindi disse:
?Che Dio abbia piet? della tua anima?
?Vi prego, vi prego, piet?, piet?!!!?
Carola rivolse il suo sguardo supplicante verso la folla, continuando a chiedere piet?;
per un attimo il suo sguardo incroci? il mio, lessi nei suoi occhi terrore puro, ma ero
impotente, non potevo fare nulla per lei.
Il boia le si fece dinanzi, una donna accanto a me disse che di solito il boia prima di
uccidere una ragazza si divertiva con lei e offriva uno spettacolo pubblico. Lo vidi
salire sul patibolo e abbassarsi i pantaloni, un pene lungo almeno 20 centimetri, si
gir? verso Carola. Vidi il suo sguardo spaventato:
?No, vi prego, questo no!! Ammazzatemi subito, per piet??
Il boia le si avvicin? e le accarezz? i seni piccoli e dolci, accarezz? con le sue mani
la vagina e quindi, poggiate le mani all?altezza delle spalle di Carola, cominci? ad
inserire il suo pene nella vagina della condannata che urlava disperatamente, prima il
ritmo era lento poi sempre pi? veloce. Dopo una decina di minuti il boia scese dal
palco, per tutto quel periodo non staccai un attimo gli occhi dal palco. Carola fissava
un punto imprecisato dinanzi a se, i suoi pensieri erano persi in chi sa che cosa, il suo
respiro era pensante, lo potevo vedere da come si alzava e abbassava il suo petto. La
vagina era stranamente gonfia, rivoli si sangue secco ne fuoriuscivano, intorno vidi
dello sperma secco attaccato alla pelle. Mi dissero che era stata sverginata dal
momento che essendo ancora giovane non era sposata e come tutte le ragazze
aspettava la prima notte di matrimonio per fare sesso; io all?epoca ero ancora giovane
e non sposato, era la prima volta che vedevo una vergine completamente nuda e la
prima volta cui assistevo ad uno sverginamento.
Quindi il boia si fece passare da uno dei suoi assistenti una torcia e la inser? nella
catasta di legna. Era caduto il silenzio, la folla la fissava, trattenni il respiro per un
attimo che mi sembro essere lunghissimo. Il fumo cominci? a salire lentamente, il
calore lentamente aument?, Carola continuava ad urlare piet? cercando di fuggire, poi
dopo un paio di minuti le fiamme cominciarono ad alzarsi.
Carola aveva smesso di gridare e aveva iniziato a piangere.
Erano passati una decina di minuti dal momento in cui accesero il fuoco quando le
prime fiammelle le arrivarono ai piedi.
Sollev? al cielo il viso e si contorse portando in avanti il busto.
le fiamme aumentavano e le circondarono i piedi sino alle caviglie; potevo vedere la
pelle dei piedi che si arrossiva, poi si creavano bolle ed in ultimo le bolle
esplodevano per il calore e per le fiamme e nuova carne era esposta al martirio. In
meno di un minuto i piedi ardevano, una orrenda smorfia di dolore le si stamp? sul
viso. Tutto il popolo la guardava in silenzio, il dolore del supplizio era visibilissimo
sul suo viso, le sue urla erano un qualcosa di disumano e diabolico, per un attimo
sentii che mi stava venendo la pelle d?oca, mi aveva preso un disgusto di quello
spettacolo inumano ma non potevo muovermi tanta la folla che mi attorniava.
L?odore della carne bruciata e del fumo inizi? a spargersi per la piazza, quando arriv?
a me mi sentii inebriato e come ubriaco da quell?odore decisi istintivamente di
rimanere, quell?odore aveva un qualcosa di dolcemente sensuale come se quello
spettacolo fosse uno spettacolo di giochi sessuali e Carola ne fosse la sua giovane
protagonista. Carola si dimenava, si agitava, urlava, sbatteva la testa a destra e a
sinistra, alzava il busto il alto ed in basso descrivendo una danza diabolica, le mani si
agitavano frettolosamente ferendosi i polsi con le catene.
Il fuoco si avvolgeva su se stesso e saliva richiamato dal vento tra le due gambe
ancora intatte; dopo pochi minuti le fiamme erano ormai alle cosce. Continuava a
gridare mentre sulle gambe la carne si ustionava e prendeva fuoco, in breve arriv?
alla vagina, al deretano e alle mani. Le prime fiammelle si posarono sulla peluria
vaginale, bruciarono subito. Quando le fiamme incominciarono a bruciare i tessuti
esterni alla vagina la folla grid? festante, senza nemmeno che me ne accorsi il mio
pene si eresse, era uno spettacolo sensuale e bellissimo. Le fiamme entravano nella
fica e le bolle la ricoprivano e ne fuoriuscivano, altre bolle vennero a formarsi nei
tessuti interni. Nel deretano le fiamme si arrotondavano e vi entravano veloci e
saettanti. Le mani si agitavano con le fiamme che le circondavano, la si vedeva
muoversi seguite dalle fiamme che da queste erano sprigionate.
Erano 10 minuti che i piedi stavano ardendo quando sentii chiaramente POP, le ossa
dei piedi si spappolavano per il calore, Carola continuava disperatamente ad urlare.
Perse l?appoggio sui piedi, ormai ridotti in cenere, tutto il peso ormai gravava sulle
mani e sulla catena posta sotto i seni. Inizi? a urlare di meno. Intanto le fiamme erano
arrivate ai seni che si ricopriva di bolle, respirava affannosamente e le fiamme
seguivano l?alzarsi e l?abbassarsi affannoso del suo petto, digrign? i denti.
All?improvviso ?AAAAAAARRHAA? i capelli presero fuoco con le prime
fiammelle che si erano alzate dal suo petto; la sua testa si agitava sul rogo seguita
dalle fiamme, urlava disperatamente, dopo un paio di minuti smise di urlare, ormai le
corde vocali erano bruciate; dopo poco la vidi abbandonarsi, il corpo di Carola cadde
in avanti facendo perno sulle catene sotto i seni, non la vidi pi? alzarsi e non la sentii
pi? urlare. Non saprei dire per? sino a quando fosse stata viva, fino a quando abbia
sofferto, per quanto tempo sia rimasta viva e incosciente prima della morte.
Dopo una decina di minuti le fiamme si abbassarono ed emerse un corpo immobile e
nero, era irriconoscibile, se non sapessi che era stata appena bruciata una giovane
ragazza non avrei potuto dire n? il sesso n? l?et? di quel corpo. Ormai era finito tutto,
la folla inizi? a disperdersi per recarsi ai suoi lavori quotidiani, alcuni vollero
rimanere fino a che le fiamme non ridussero in cenere anche le ossa di Carola, ma ci
saranno volute ancora molte ore. Ormai si era fatto tardi, tornai alla locanda e
preparai il carro per proseguire la mia strada. Lungo la strada pensai di nuovo a
Carola, pensai a come le sue urla disumane, il suo terrore, le sue ustioni, i suoi dolori
inimmaginabili erano state soltanto un gioco sensuale per me e forse per la gran parte
delle persone che erano state sulla piazza stamattina. Stranamente mi accorsi che non
provai piet? per la condannata.
NOTE: la storia ? ambientata nel 1452, in questo periodo storico la morale religiosa
era molto ferrea: sino al matrimonio ne un uomo ne una donna possono avere rapporti
sessuali anche se regolarmente fidanzati. Quindi il nostro protagonista non ha mai
fatto sesso e non ha mai visto qualcuno fare sesso (anche guardare era considerato
peccaminoso il base alla morale religiosa).
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Thank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... Chapter 5 Becca Seven hours on a flight with Louise. My dream and my worst nightmare rolled into one. I'd spent hours the night before deciding on the...
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BDSMHello friends! Let me introduce myself to all of you. My name is Nisha. I’m a 20 year old girl, born and raised in Mumbai. I come from a conservative family. I guess one of the reasons for me being such a horny nymphomaniac is the restrictions placed on me by my family. I have always been a rebel right from the beginning. Let me begin by describing my body. I am 5 2″ tall with a petite body frame of 34-24-34. I have a fair skin complexion. My brown nipples look really sexy on my fair body. My...
I am re-posting Chapters 11-14 without the epilogue appended to the original. This has been replaced by an re-written ending, closer to the original which I lost when my computer died. Thanks for reading. TTB Jack and Diane Chapter 11 I stretched, languorously, only to be brought up short as the bruised muscles of my belly screamed their memory of the previous evening. Doubled up to relieve the pain, I revisited the events of the preceding night. The sun filtering through the curtains filled...
MAN OF SHADOWby Dorothy StrangelovePART ONEHAVE YOU EVER HAD THE FEELING THAT SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN ?I'm asking because I was once like you, sitting on my own in this pub thinking the world is black and white with nothing inbetween. But I know differently now, and I'm going to tell you a story that's true :There's a place between what is real and unreal and if the timing is right the two can blur into one and magic can happen. I'm talking about that feeling of electricity sparking as if...
Tani gave the order and the ten AAC's climbed to the air and glided into formation. Five of the AAC's cruised just above treetop level and five more cruised above them. Their formation allowed the forces on the ground to give covering fire below the lower AAC's. The AAC formation would let them give covering fire to each other, The Mountains on one side and the ocean and Vigger ships on the other would force the attackers to come in a frontal attack and not around the flanks. The robot...
Kayley Gunner and Jasmine Wilde are ready for an afternoon of passion. Their caresses are soft and sweet as they relearn each other’s bodies with the palms of their hands. Between kisses, they gradually undress one another from their lingerie bras and thongs. It’s not long before Jasmine has her mouth on Kayley’s generous breasts while Kayley presses her palm to the heart of Jasmine’s sexual pleasure. Stripping Kayley out of her thong entirely, Jasmine gets to work...
xmoviesforyouChapter Twenty-Two – Persuading Hagrid Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mF, Mf, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, oral, spank, unif, voy It was the middle of January and Harry, Hermione, and Ron would be enjoying the cold windy Saturday in the beautiful town of Hogsmeade. They had all dressed accordingly; wearing their heavy winter cloaks to keep warm while they...
Janet was alone with her thoughts as she walked home through the park. Her affair with Dan had finally blossomed. Since sharing her room she had really fancied him; just like other girls at school had crushes on older men. But unlike some of them she had kept it secret. She'd never known what it was to be wanted by anyone until Dad had come home. Then later had come something extra; wanting him. He was so handsome and muscular; more so than other men. And as for the boys some of her friends...
"But ... I enjoyed some of it," Hope whispered. "I hated most of it, but sometimes ... sometimes I came. I orgasmed. I'm a whore." Jennie wrapped her sister in her arms, Hope's body now wracked with sobs. "Hush, Baby. Hush. You're not a whore. You're just normal," Jennie kept saying as she added her tears to Hope's. After a few minutes, Jennie pushed back to look Hope in the eye. "You were raped. You were raped every time you did it against your will. And ... our bodies are...
Ken Miller took a taxi home from the airport. He was a day or two earlier than he'd expected, getting home, and he was a little sheepish about facing Trish. In the back of the cab he rehearsed scenario after scenario, drumming fingers on his attachÇ case until the driver asked him to knock it off for Chrissake, buddy! He couldn't believe the scene he'd made with Tricia the morning of his departure. But the evening before, he'd just had this tremendous yen to stick his cock up her...
Hi readers Prashant here gain with new real story of my mom. Maloom nahin aap ko meri pehli story “mom ko papa ke dost ne choda” pasand aye ya nahin par ab aap ko apni mom doosari real story batane jar aha hoon Mom ka description ek baar dubara bata deta hoon Name : Ranjana Age : 42 Mummae : 40 Kamar : 38 Gaand : 42 Mere papa tour se bahar the.. hamare relation mein ek shadi thi. To humko wahan jana tha…. Kyonki papa ghar nahin the isliye mom ne mere ko bola chalo chalet hain… raat ki party...
I was feeling tired and in need of a break, and with the current situation normal cruising is not an option, however I had noticed an advert which had caught my eye, seven days cruise in the Black Sea. Passport at the ready flight booked, face masks packed and airport here I come.Arriving in Odessa, I was met by the courier to be told the ship was on time, and a quick glance indicted that not many people had booked from the UK. Arriving at the vessel the numbers swelled and I saw her for the...
As mentioned in my previous story, The condom broke, https://xhamster.com/stories/the-condom-broke-857944), I am a bisexual, big, chub, fat guy who loves sex equally with men and women. At the end of my last story I stated I was fucked again a few days later. What I did not say is how many times I was fucked or where.I either met and had sex at a local gay cruising/pick up location or went to the guys home nearby to have sex in his bed. I had three men, one transsexual and one woman that...
Introduction: I wrote this one night after hearing the song I Get Off by Halestorm. The song is about a woman who is turned on by the fact that someone is watching her through her window and getting off on her. As I said I wrote this in one night, so its a little short and Im not sure how well it turned out. Enjoy! Chloe smiled as she looked up at the monitor of her computer, Time to start the show. she said to herself as she walked across her bedroom past her huge window wall to crank up her...
One day a man saw a woman swimming in a lake he used to fish as a child. She was beautiful to him, but he also knew she was married. He felt though he needed her but he felt he couldn’t have her. But a few months later her abusive husband a rich entrepreneur died in a plane crash. Even though he abused her she still mourned his death. Again the man saw her swimming in the lake. She saw him watching her, she had known him once as they had gone to High School together, but she had been dating...
"Mr. Greenstick," Celina called, "all the students are now gathered in the practice room." "Thank you Celina I'll be there momentarily, I have to gather a few things." Today I was going to start on their pitiful offensive skills. Walking in I handed each a small book, they each looked at them and laughed. Growling I waved a hand at each of them soon they weren't laughing. I watched as the spell slowly crept up each of the young mages. As each started to panic, I watched...
The surviving members of Tobsil's family spent that winter living in the new barn beside the livestock. That was not unusual in itself, on small farms a longhouse was built large enough for both the family and the animals, but in this case the new barn had not been built with people in mind. It was not insulated as well as their original longhouse, and the larger size made it difficult for the open fire to keep much of it warm. Luckily, the grain from the harvest and the hay from the summer...
Though he was more than happy to let Deana finish, once Damien realized she was just in it for the hot sex they were enjoying, and probably didn’t feel a thing for him, his heart wasn’t in it anymore, even as she gave him the ride of his fucking life. Watching her full lush breasts bouncing so enticingly that she had his mouth watering for a taste, it still hurt to know that she was only in it for a little kinky fun and nothing else. Mercilessly pummelling his cock, taking him so incredibly...
ReluctanceWe had just started to eat when Joan made an appearance joining us for the meal. Like Eve, she was wearing shorts and a blouse. I was wearing shorts and a pull-over type of shirt. We cleaned up the dishes and left for the grocery store. I suspected that they might cause another riot. I was right. The two walked in on my arms and every head in the store turned my way. However, I don't think they were looking at me! We grabbed a buggy and began to shop going through our list and even adding...
The election was a real shit show. Real politicians tried to make a comeback, but it was too late. Instead the ballot was comprised of reality TV stars, comedians, former models, YouTube stars, professional wrestlers, and on and on and on. All getting far more press than any serious candidate. By the time Election Day came, no one knew who would win, but everyone knew it would be a disaster. But no one could have called it. No one could have predicted how it actually turned out. And afterward,...
FetishA WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him...
Two things you can always expect from Lana Smalls is her awesome footwear choices and how much she loves to fuck! Lana Smalls shows off her tall self in her strawberry pink bra and panty set letting you get a peek at her socks and feet when she takes off her bright colored boots! She can’t wait to get her wet pussy fucked hard. You guys have her so excited telling her how you want to see her fuck the stud Oliver Davis. Ollie gives her that hard cock and face fucks her until spit is...
xmoviesforyouSie schaute aus dem leicht getönten Fenster des alternden Stagecoach-Busses und seufzte schwer, als die scheinbar endlose Landschaft träge vorbeirollte. Die Klimaanlage ließ den heißen Sommertag kühl erscheinen, aber letztendlich auch langweilig. Es war Rebeccas erste Überlandreise, um ihre Tante für den Sommer in Ravensmoor zu besuchen, und ihre Eltern hatten das Gefühl gehabt, dass der Bus nicht nur die sicherste, sondern auch die billigste Route war, da ihnen mehr Geld für sie übrig blieb...
The first thing I did when I got home was take off all my clothes. I kid you not. I guess it was because of what Carl was going through. I couldn't get out of my mind, either, his suggestion that I might get called for the program sometime, too. Scary thought! I also remembered how comfortable it was to be nude, with nothing touching my skin but air. Picking up Carl's shorts and shirt, I pressed my face into them, smelling his delicious scent, before dropping them back on my bed and...
I had a step s*s starting wen i was 14 she is a yr younger ...needless to say first summer we met we expirmented lik kissing them kissing in our underwear she worn cute lil teenage bikini panties then i fingered her then i started geting hand jobs while i fingered her id cumm all down the side of her hand she didnt mind to much jus lil grossed out but we did this other thing called "butt hump" she wld b in a t shrit n panties n id dry hump her lil panty covered ass this sort of thing went on...
Sorry, there is no sex yet… I will get there, but I need to build up the story first! As always, comments are appreciated and constructive criticism is even more so appreciated! Thanks for reading! ???? -WonnderWoman >,<,>,<,>,<,>,<,>,<,>,<,>,<,>,<,>,<,>,<,>,<, 2:20 p.m. within the last 10 minutes this was the third time I had looked up at the clock, hopeful for English to be over. I usually enjoyed the lectures, but that was until the seating chart...
Saturday evening, 2nd June 2018Sat alone on one of the three sofas horse-shoed around the TV, I took a deep breath, not quite believing the scene before me. After two wonderful days reconnecting with Jill, we were back on the hamster-wheel of our new lifestyle. I pinched myself to test I wasn’t dreaming. Was this really the life we were now living after so many years of a very conventional marriage?But the evidence was right there before me on the other two sofas. Jill’s two new lovers sat...
Wife LoversSlave Sara Slave SaraChapter One ??????????? I guess there are a few things I should say before I get started.? First, I am a (mostly) heterosexual male in my early twenties who has never really been a part of the hardcore S&M scene, and so what will be written here isn?t as exciting as the some of the transvestite stories I?ve read online.? Second, the reason my adventures aren?t quite as fantastic is because they are true.? Not based on truth or inspired by truth, but absolutely...
It was Monday evening and I had finished a long shift on the construction site in downtown LA. I was still getting used to the climate change and the pace of life change, being a guy from out of town, the company I work for bringing me down from my home town in Canada to take advantage of my special knowledge and experience that would be needed for the project we were working on. I made my way to the little restaurant located on the ground floor of my hotel and sat at what had become my "usual"...
InterracialLet me tell you about my new girlfriend, Janie. We've been going together for a couple of months now, and I think I'm falling in love with her, but at the same time she scares the hell out of me. She has the sweet, innocent face of an angel and a hot, athletic body. Her breasts are nice sized, not huge, but firm and perky. She has a smooth, flat stomach and a nice round butt. Her long, straight hair is a beautiful, natural strawberry blond. Her personality is warm and charming, and...
There was a full month to the day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend they were getting bored. "Hey, Scoot," Crystal said Sunday afternoon, "What do you say we get out and do something, get some exercise?" "I could be talked into it," Scooter agreed. "You got any ideas?" "The first thought that comes to mind is that we go out and knock the rust off our skiing and snowboarding," Crystal shrugged. "Sounds like a reasonable," Scooter...