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Clitoris, Genitals, Glans, Hymen, Labia, Mammary Glands, Penis, Phallus, Mons Pubis, Scrotum, Testicles, Vagina, Vulva, Womb.

We were sitting at the kitchen table with our biology books open to the full color, translucent pages in the middle of the book that showed the human body in stages from the skeleton to skin. It was the last few weeks of our Advanced Biology class and we were studying the human reproductive system. We’d gone through the human body from Epidermal to Skeletal and were finally into something interesting. Reproduction, Procreation, Sex, Humping, Banging, Getting it On, Screwing, Fucking, Doing It.

My sister was reading the terms from the vocabulary while I scoured through the pages looking for the definitions. She would repeat the word then after I found the right description in the book, we studied the colored images to identify that particular item of the body. Both Male and Female were represented with little arrows and notes describing and defining the body part illustrated. We’d spent the better part of Saturday afternoon doing our homework and even though we were looking at and talking about the most intimate parts and acts, there was absolutely no arousal factor, I just wanted to escape.

My sister is almost four years behind me in age but since she’s so scary smart she is taking advanced classes in school; that’s how we ended up doing the same homework. Regal is in two of my classes so sometimes we study Shakespeare together too. Now that’s really fucking boring and if it weren’t for my kid sister, I’d be failing him with a double fucking F.

Regal, the brainy little geek girl, her IQ is about a billion. She already has a full four-year scholarship to State University just because of her mind. Her name is Regal which mom thought was cool because it means royalty or something. Mostly I thought it meant she was a royal pain.

Sis says her name makes her sound geeky, but if you look up Geek in a dictionary, you’ll see her picture. Not only does she have a geek name, she looked the part with thick framed, brown flecked tortoise shell glasses and mousy colored hair done up in two tight rope braids and bangs to her eyebrows. Being a fifteen-year-old with a lifetime of A+ report cards who carries her books in the crook of her arm instead of a backpack, didn’t downplay the nerd image either. She didn’t wear anything except dull colored, formless over-sized dresses almost to her ankles. She looked as if she bought from old lady thrift shops. My friends all kidded me about how my sister is some kind of Brainiac, like MegaMind or something, I was kind of embarrassed of her sometimes. Regal says I have smarts too but if being smart or using them meant I had to look and act like her, then I’d rather duck that responsibility thank you. We were done with definitions so I closed the book, making ready to enjoy the rest of the afternoon with my skateboard when Regal leaned back on her chair and looked at me with probing eyes, “Can I ask you something?” she began.


“You see boys in the gym showers after the games; do you guys all look like those pictures? I mean all people are made up the same way; do we all look the same?”

“Huh, what are you getting at? I guess we all have the same parts but you can see the differences, some people are skinny, fat, or totally buff. There are good looking people and some really dirt bag lookers. Some boys are hung, some not so much and lot of girls have big boobs while others have little ones. Of course, we all look different.”

Regal came back at me, “True, we all have the same physical make up but what are the differences? I mean, take women’s breasts; I know there are different sizes, but do the nipples all look the same? Maybe some are fatter or longer or poke out in different ways and directions. Or a man’s penis, are they all the same size? Does every man in the world have a six-inch phallus?” My sister locked her brown eyes on mine, “Have you seen a girl’s breasts?”

“Tits, Regal, in my language they are called tits, boobs, a rack, jugs, knockers, ta tas, or chest pillows. Breasts are what gorillas beat on.”

“What about the penis?”

“That can be a prick, cock, pecker, schlong, rod, wanker or be a name like Dick, Peter, Willie or Johnson.”

My sister flushed slightly red, “Where do you pick up vocabulary like that? I never hear that stuff.”

I stood to leave, “You gotta have friends that talk like that, some that don’t have their noses stuck in a book twenty-four seven. Those three friends of yours are some of the weirdest kids on this planet and everybody I know thinks you’re weird too. Too much brain, not enough reality. Let’s face it Regal, if you want to learn about life, you won’t learn it from a book, you gotta get something stuffed up your twat.”

My sister was used to me riding her about being smart so she didn’t flinch, “Twat? I know that one and it will be a long time before I let some guy stuff a schlong into my twat.”

“You’d better make that a boner, a schlong would be too limp.”

The house geek ended the conversation by correcting me, “Flaccid, not limp.”

We tested on Monday and I scraped up a B while my sister topped the charts as usual. The rest of the week in Biology was spent on Reproduction which was fun because the guys in class were ragging on the girls constantly for examples and practice, the teacher was barely able to control the testosterone. The storm of innuendo and suggestions in the room inundated my young sister but failed to faze her. She studied and took copious notes while the rest of us whistled, cheered, and flirted with the flashier girls.

Copulation, Ejaculation, Fertilization, Gametes, Intercourse, Penetration, Procreation, Spermatozoa, Zygote; the list went on. That chapter in the book was very explicit in scientific terms with full color images of sperm and egg reproduction. When we were done with the definitions Regal flipped the pages back to the picture that showed a cut away view of an erect penis inside a vagina with a cloud of semen around the end of it. It was like the pair having sex was split down the middle, kind of like a cut away view of an engine or something to see how the insides work. “That looks almost erotic except it would hurt be cut in half like that” mentioned my sister. I was thinking only a total nerd would find a science book erotic. She looked up at me, “You never answered my question last week, have you ever seen a woman’s breasts?”

She caught me off guard. I hesitated because I don’t normally talk about private stuff with anyone, but I knew she was looking for knowledge, not gossip. “Yeah, I’ve kinda played around with some girls that way.”

She didn’t ask who, but, “What do they feel like, can you feel the lactic glands inside?”

“Glands no, I was feeling the nipples, those are the turn on, I didn’t want lunch, I was trying to get laid.”

“Did you?”

“Did I what?”

“Did you copulate; get laid as you say in your gutter vernacular?”

“The word is ‘fuck’ Regal. Did I get fucked? Bugs copulate, maybe birds copulate but people fuck. When a guy sticks his hard-on into a girl, they are bumping uglies; fucking. You gotta get out of the library sometimes and join the real world. And yes, I’ve fucked some girls, seven of them in fact. Screwed, hammered, boffed, jumped and bounced. I don’t copulate, that doesn’t sound very fun.

“Say it.” I demanded.

She cocked her head, “Say what?”

“Say Fuck, Fucking, Fucked, Fucker, Fucks. Say them all, I want to hear you say something ghetto.”

Regal stood up as if to leave and faced me full frontal, “Kiss my ass; why don’t you go slurp up some cocksuckers cum from a fat assed bitch’s hard fucked cunt?” She smiled sweetly, big brown eyes twinkled happily behind the heavy framed glasses, “Ghetto enough?” then swept from the room surrounded by an air of satisfaction. I was stupefied.

The next weekend we were studying for our final tests in High School. The Graduate Dance was just hours away but my sister insisted on keeping up the ritual of two hours of homework every Saturday. I wanted to start gearing up for my date but Regal was adamant, “You will not graduate if you cannot interpret Shakespeare.”

“And I won’t get screwed if I don’t go to the dance with Marcie.”

Regal put her pencil down, “What makes you think she will mate with you?”

“It’s the last Prom. It’s tradition. It’s natural, it’s expected. We dance, make out, then get it on in a car or even a bed if we’re lucky.”

“If it is tradition, how do you think the poor fathers of the girls feel, sending their virginal daughters into the night with bastards and fornicators?”

“Don’t you know Sis; every father in the world knows what goes on after the dance but each one of them holds on to the belief that his daughter is one of the few pure girls in the school. None of them want to believe their girl fucks like a bunny when she can.” I continued, “There are only three fathers I know who can be sure their girls are behaving themselves.”

“Who?” asked Regal.

“Ours and your really weird friends.” For the first time in my life I saw my sister react as if I had slugged her. She bolted upright in the chair and stared at me; hurt filled tears formed then rolled down her cheeks. She wobbled sideways and tried to stand up but crashed against the table then plopped to her ass on the floor. I stared at her as she sat there for a few moments looking at nothing, dazed from the impact of my words. I got up and offered her my hand, “Jeez, Regal, I didn’t mean it like that.”

She lifted her head, wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hand, “Yes you did, and it is true, I know lots of things but I do not know about life. I do not know how to be a girl; I do not know how to be a teenager. I only know what comes out of books.” She sighed and reached for my hand to pull herself up. Regal stood her full 5’5 in front of me, “I need your help.”

“Doing what?”

“The Prom is tonight and I’m going with Timothy.” Timothy was the 4th player at the nerd table, “I do not want to be the wallflower tonight; I do not want everybody laughing at the brainy little freakazoid. I do not want you to be embarrassed by me anymore. Take me to the mall, you have to help me buy a dress and get ready.”

“But –”

She cut me off, “But nothing, I am asking you nice. Please?”

The first stop was the prom dress rack at Macy*s. Regal had no idea what she was looking for so we found an assistant named Monica to help. When she asked my sister what the dance theme was, we couldn’t answer. She asked if it was formal or semi-formal, again we couldn’t answer; I pulled out my cell and called my date to ask her the questions. Once that was settled Monica pulled four dresses off hangers and told Regal to model them.

For years I’d seen my sister in dull, colorless clothes, dead dresses or baggy pants and sweaters. When she stepped out of the changing room in the first dress, I couldn’t believe I was looking at Regal. The librarian glasses, white socks and scuffed brown shoes couldn’t disguise the body under the red cloth. I couldn’t find words to tell her that her curves and form were as sensuous as any girl I’d ever dated. The neck line plunged low across her breasts and the tight dress forced her tits to bulge up slightly, inviting my eyes to latch onto cleavage I never knew existed. From the full bust the dress narrowed to a slim waist then widened again over hips and a firm round butt. The skirt hem cut across her knees which left exposed shapely calves and slender ankles. It was apparent that she never uncovered her body to the sun; her legs and chest were porcelain, almost translucent. Regal stepped cautiously to a full-length mirror and asked timidly, “How does this look?”

I wasn’t an expert and I was being influenced by her cleavage, “Great, I never saw you like that before. It fits you nice.”

Monica shot me a withering look then addressed my sister, “The color is wrong and it should be over or below the knees. And you might want to show a little less skin below the neck.” Regal gave her a grateful look and scurried back to try on dress number two.

When she came out, she was wearing a saffron yellow semi-formal that hugged her closely from shoulders to waist then flared to a slender skirt that ended just above her knees. The sales girl took one look and asked “Very nice but do you need your glasses all the time?” When Regal said no she said “Take them off, let’s look at you that way.”

The store clerk turned to me, “You two are going to make an attractive couple. She’s actually very pretty and you compliment her looks perfectly.”

“She’s my sister” I grumbled.

I got a puzzled look then a quick flirtatious, “Too bad, any girl would be happy to go to a Prom with you.”

Regal interjected, “I do not need to try the other two dresses, I will take this one.”

After we bought the dress, hosiery, new bra (32C), and matching heels the sales assistant asked my sister about her hair, “What are you going to do about those braids, they don’t go well with the dress.”

“I have to go to a Salon.”

“Just a minute, stay there.” She lifted a phone from under the counter and punched up a number. “Mattie? Hey girl, I have a friend here who needs your help.” Pause, “Yeah, extreme makeover, hair, makeup and manicure.” Another pause, “Right now, she’s going to a prom in five hours.”

We entered the Salon and were greeted by a raven and orange haired twenty-something woman who sported several tattoos and piercings, “Are you “Reagan?”

“Regal. Yes, Monica sent me.”

Mattie took one long look at my sister, “I can see why, sit there, what color is the dress?”

The first thing to go were the braids. Mattie pulled them out into long strands of tightly curled hair then asked “Do you have to keep the hair this long?”

My sister looked scared but she answered “No, I do not know, just, ah, just make it look good.”

Mattie clapped her hands loudly, “Laura! Come here, you do the fingers and toes, I have work to do on the hair.” She turned to me, “You can come back in two hours for your date.” That was the second time someone had mistaken my relationship with my sister.

Two hours later when I entered the Salon the only way I recognized Regal was the ugly clothes she was wearing. Mattie had cut her hair to half its length, it hung only to her neck line and was done in soft wind-swept feathered bob with streaked blond highlights. Laura had dressed up her fingers with acrylic extensions glossed white with small soft yellow comets at the tip of each one. Since my sister wasn’t used to applying make-up the two women took extra time to fix her face.

I’d never seen Regal made up and I couldn’t keep the smile of astonishment off my face, “Damn Sis, you look hot, even with those rags on.” And she did, my sister was as pretty as any girl in our school. In just seconds I gained a male’s appreciation for the attractive girl standing in front of me, bright red with embarrassment.

I took my blushing sister home where she dashed for her bedroom, “Get mom in here” she said before she shut the door.

I found our mother in the back yard bent over a weed patch, “Hey, Regal wants to see you, she’s in her room.”

“What does she want?”

“Wait, you’ll see, and I think she wants to borrow some of your jewelry.”

The next thing I heard from my mother was “Oh my god girl, what did you do to your hair?” as she went into my sister’s room. Mom helped Regal get dressed for the dance. Every once in a while, I heard squeals of delight and laughter from behind the closed door as I readied for my date.

Timothy was due to pick up Regal at seven so she stayed hidden until he showed up, I wasn’t about to leave until I saw the reaction of her date and our father. Mom was effervescent as she waited impatiently for her daughter to make her dramatic entrance. It was my job to announce to my sister that it was time to go, I tapped on her door, “Are you ready?”

Regal opened the door slightly, I could see raw nervousness in her eyes, “Is dad out there?” She opened the door wider and I got my first view of my upgraded sister. Again, I was speechless as I looked her up and down but that time, I had a completely unexpected reaction. I got a strong carnal thrill in my loins as my balls dumped an involuntarily dose of hormones into my blood. Regal 2.0 wasn’t just sexy; from the top of her new styled hair to the open toes of her high heels she was volatile. She wobbled a little, adjusting to the heels, so I stepped to the side and she took my arm, then Regal walked regally side by side with me to the front room.

Dad took one look at his daughter, his eyes widened in surprise, his mouth fell open as he stared, “Regal? What in God’s name happened to you?” I glanced at Timothy who looked like he wanted to hide.

Regal’s smile lit up the room, “I did not want to look geeky tonight, dad. Timothy, how do I look?”

The poor boy was flummoxed, he could only stare at the vision that flowed into the room on my arm. He stammered, then managed, “I brought my scooter, I wasn’t expecting you to be wearing a dress Regal.” Wasn’t that a typical dweeb move, ride a scooter to the biggest night of the year.

Dad looked at me, “Your car is too small, take mine, your sister can ride with you.” I stared at him in shock, I didn’t mind helping Regal get ready but to have to escort her? No fucking way! I thought it, but didn’t say it. Dad tossed me the keys to his SUV, “And watch over her son, she won’t be used to the attention she’ll get.” As we went out the door mom looked ecstatic that her girl had at last shown herself to be a young woman, but dad had the stricken look of a father sending his virginal daughter into the night filled with bastards and fornicators.

When Marcie opened the door my testosterone levels rocketed. I made obliging comments to her mother then took her to the car, stealing a quick kiss and feel before we got there. When I opened the door to let her in, she glanced in the back seat then turned to me, looking none too pleased she demanded, “Who the hell are they?”

“My sister and Timothy.”

She looked again, “That’s your sister? That’s Regal?”

“Yeah, she and Timothy are riding with us.”

Marcie whined, “I thought we would be alone tonight, it’s Prom.” I caught her meaning, there was going to be some hot sex later and company wasn’t appreciated.

“We’ll be alone after I drop them off later, I promise.”

“We’d better be” was the petulant retort. It kind of irked me that Marcie didn’t say one word to the couple in the back seat for the fifteen minutes it took to get to the dance. In fact, she didn’t say anything to me either.

An explosion of “Ohmygawd that’s Regal!” echoed through the big room for several minutes. In moments she became the focal attraction, boys who never once spoke to her all of a sudden wanted to say hi. At first my sister was almost panicked by the parade of new friends but she adapted quickly. I sat with my group across the room and watched her successfully fend off a lot of unwanted attention. I did notice that except for her two friends, none of her new admirers were female.

The vortex of swinging dicks dwindled away but it was too late for Timothy, just being associated with the young beauty that was his date made him so nervous that he broke out in hives. My sister hurried to my table, “You have to take Timothy home, he is sick and breaking out.”

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This one is another entirely true story, and is actually fairly recent.My friends and I have a local bar that we often go hang out at on weekends. If you’ve read my previous story about a hookup I had at a bar, it was different places, so there is a different sort of caution to take at this place that I often go to.We had been hanging out at this bar a few times recently and the same guy was at the bar and would chime in with conversation here and there about whatever sporting event we happened...

4 years ago
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The night my friend and I took my brother

We are all different, and thank god we are, that’s part of the fun, in the discovery of sex.But sex itself is a very powerful and emotive act, it draws you in, and as your hormones take over, and you finish up doing things, you would never really consider doing.I had as a young girl seen my brother naked, and had listened through our thin walls at home, as he discovered the joys of self relief, and as we grew up, became relaxed enough for him to look at me as I developed.We were a young man and...

2 years ago
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The Working Day

Well I guess your ideal working day goes something like this....You arrive for work and see the office almost full, you notice the eyes of the men in the office making quick glances at you as you remove your coat and place it on the hook on the wall...most of the women sneer, knowing you have the men’s full attention....You know you have the best body in the office and you know how to use it to your advantage....As you place your coat on the hook... the top hook, so you can stretch those sexy...

2 years ago
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Gaping after Meeting the Football Team

"Gosh I feel like it's because I'm the lame one always leaving early to get to sleep." I replied. But all I was thinking was, "well that's because there is a chance I've had the most mind blowing orgams on campus so far this year." We all laughed and headed off for food. After we ordered I asked about the party. "It's at the football house actually. Today is the last day they can party for a while because of their schedule. So they have the day off tomorrow and apparently that...

1 year ago
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Dont you dare

You have to do something to get noticed “I just want him to notice me.” She wanted it so much. Girl sneaked into big empty office. She liked this office. Her boss looked so hot in this chair. Every time when she saw him she got wet. She wanted to fuck him so badly. But this is what everybody’s wanted. He didn’t pay any attention to her and she didn’t like it. So I decided to do provocative video and send it via e-mail. She was sure building was closed so she made...

4 years ago
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2 Broke Girls In Love Ch 05

Disclaimer: I do not own 2 Broke Girls. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. ***** Caroline Channing used to pride herself on being a nice ‘normal’ girl. Now she was pretty much sure she was 100% gay. Or at least 100% gay for Max Black, her best friend/roommate turned girlfriend. Her old self wouldn’t have considered that normal, but then again her definition of normal had changed over the last few years, for both the better and not so better, but mainly the better. Her...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Lily Larimar Sweetheart Hottie Lily Larimar Getting Wild LIVE

Anyone that knows Cherry Pimps knows that when a model becomes Cherry of the Month that one of the added treats is to get the model in for a LIVE show with all of you during her designated month. Lily Larimar made an absolutely fantastic March 2021 Cherry of the Month too. We felt LUCKY and privileged to have such a sweetheart and an overall wonderful girl to take the award. Lily truly does shine and makes everyone feel welcome with her fun loving attitude and huge sex drive to boot. Now…...

3 years ago
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Satisfied And Made Love

Hi, friends, I m Jack{name changed } from Jalandhar, I would like to share my sex story that I experienced one month ago.This changed me and now any lady who wants satisfaction, open relationship in Jalandhar can email me. Id – I am happy to see a good response to my previous stories and so here comes next. This all started from Delhi. My train from Delhi to Jalandhar Cantt was to leave the station by 2.20 pm. But I reached early so. I was just sitting. Then by luck, a good looking girl came...

2 years ago
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Lisa Ian

Later, she was unsure precisely just when she fell in love with him. It had all been so gradual, almost like something sneaking up on her. The cause had been serendipitous, if you could call a car breakdown that. Lisa had been driving home on a Friday, after a grueling week laboring in the accounting office where she worked. It had been a really hard week, she was amazingly tired, and just wanted to get home, have a bath, and then drift off to sl**p. She had nothing planned for the weekend or...

2 years ago
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Big In Japan

We encore with the new single, ‘Lush’ and three thousand Japanese voices join me on the chorus as Fromme strikes a guitar hero pose at center stage. ‘You know I love so much, (Lush, Lush, Lush, Lush,) ‘I know you love it when I push, (Lush, Lush, Lush, Lush,) ‘Yeah baby girl I need your touch, (Lush, Lush, Lush, Lush,) ”Cos lovin’ you is simply lush, (Lush, Lush, Lush, Lush…)’ Fromme looks over at me and winks as his hands fly over the fret board of his telecaster. He’s the best player I’ve...

3 years ago
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The Alley Cat

It was a day after Katia's 18th birthday. She got out of bed and looked at her self in the mirror, thinking what she was going to do today.She looked at the one of greeting card of one of the gifts she got "happy birthday kitty". She hated that name. Since she was a little girl, everyone would call her "kitty". Sure it was cute at first, but even now, they treat her like a little girl.She looked at her closest, almost everything was "hello kitty" stuff; it made her sick. She took some long...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Nina Elle Peer Pressured

It’s crunch time for super-stacked realtor Nina Elle. The blonde MILF must sell a home, but Kevin Moore is hesitant to make the purchase. Sensing Nina’s desperation, he peer pressures her, offering to buy the place … but only if she throws in some sex! First, Kevin pressures her into showing off her body, but before long, Nina gives the creep a nasty blowjob. They graduate to a hot titty fuck and some depraved cunt drilling. To close the deal, Kevin slops his cum over...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Katrin Tequila Sizzling Russian Teen Katrin Tequila Gets DP8217d by 2 WellEndowed Studs

Svelte Russian teen chick Katrin Tequila has had a tough day at work, and when she gets home she eagerly pulls off the tight black leather skirt enveloping her perfect ass and unsheaths her natural tits from hiding behind her white blouse. The best way she knows to get past the stress of the day is to rub herself to orgasm by plunging her finger in and out of her pussy until she decides it’s not enough and she gets out her dildo to sit on. Then she moves on to her asshole, to ream herself...

4 years ago
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Menage et Quarte

We were riding the hot trail in Arizona's desert. There were no motel vacancies to sleep out the night. We stopped on the side of the road and the van had been cooling us on the long hot days but the nights seemed to cool down enough that we were able to sleep at least for a few hours.As I lie half naked in the desert darkness my fucking, sucking hot three friends were horny.I was ready for an evening of blow jobs and fucking after the long days of driving. We smoked some Buddha and drank some...

2 years ago
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Dictating The Glorious Dick

The delicious aroma of the perfect yet robust blend of ”lat`e machiato” cofee has bring all my attention towards the task at work, with a deep sigh of frustration I put my hand over my enormous , round firm and perfectly shaped left boob and gave it nice gentle squeeze and finishing it by taking my index-finger and thumb towards the succulent nipple and gave it a rather hard pinch ”aaaaahhh” a moan escaped my throat I slowly roamed through my midsection and going further southward and reached...

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Somewhere in the night

It’s middle of the night. Moonlight streams through the window, flickering light into the dark corners of the room. Sleepily I turn over, dozing, half awake, half asleep. Only a thin cotton sheet covering our naked forms. Your gorgeous body lying next to me, hidden by the sheet. Sleepily I reach out for you, wanting to feel the gentle curves of your body, caress your sensitive skin again. My arm falls onto your side, I can feel the heat of your body under my touch. You are also dozing, your...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Blake Blossom Looks Better On You

Dressed to the nines, Blake Blossom lets herself into her boyfriend Ryan Mclane’s house. She knows that she’s the other woman, and she revels in it. Dropping her purse, Blake struts into Ryan’s bedroom and goes through his wife’s drawers until she finds the lingerie. She picks out a few sets that she likes and then strips down to try them on. The purple bra and thong doesn’t feel right, so Blake goes ahead and tries on the red set. She finds Ryan’s...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Jenna Foxx 22927

The three words that almost always lead to something interesting: “Who are you?” Ryan asks that to Jenna Foxx, his sister’s friend who just happens to be lounging on their couch when his sister isn’t even home. But Jenna proves her worth by asking him the same thing, as she’s never heard even a peep from her friend about Ryan. The moment goes from awkward to hot when Jenna shakes her big natural tits in Ryan’s face and tells him how horny she is, but that it’s too bad he’s her friend’s brother,...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 44 Surprises

March 1979 Melanie got the cast off her arm the first week in March. She had several fairly ugly scars on her forearm where the surgery had been done. Her arm was pretty weak, and she’d need quite a bit of physical therapy. She still tired easily, but otherwise seemed to be doing well. Kathy Will continued to be nice to me, but I wasn’t doing anything more than being nice back. She made it very clear what she wanted, but I wasn’t interested. I asked Jennifer about her thoughts on a date...

3 years ago
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Billy and Betsy

It was about ten on a Saturday morning, the time when a fourteen-year-old boy begins to think about waking up. He’d been up once to pee and crashed again. His parents were gone somewhere for the day so it was very quiet. He was enjoying a not-uncommon sexual dream. This time a naked body, hopefully female, was spooned up behind him and her hand was holding his morning wood and rubbing it gently. What was different about this one was the voice whispering in his ear, “Billy, I want you to fuck...

1 year ago
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slave to slut slave

I’d been used several times as her slave online, often forced to have my cam open so anyone could see. Recently, she had pushed me to do more extreme and degrading things, declaring we would meet soon and I wouldn’t be the same afterwards. She said I would have to be certain, that I wanted to be her slave, that by now I should be willing to do anything she asked. I should also know that she got off on humiliating and hurting me, but that if we wanted to meet I would have to be willing to do...

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TotemChapter 4

The next day Sam found it hard to believe that it had really happened. Surely it had just been a vivid dream. But he could smell the faint scent of aroused womanhood in his sheets and on his body. It was strange. He doubted Jenny made a habit of leaping into bed with any patient who couldn't sleep, but she hadn't hesitated to do so with him. Still, a part of him seemed to find it perfectly fitting that she should. There were more tests that day, all as inconclusive as those the day before....

4 years ago
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Two Naked Hot MomsChapter 11

"And then," Vivian continued happily, "I made Lana take his prick out of her mouth so Richie would shoot off all over her face!" "Boy, Mom," Donald laughed. "You sure are a bitch!" "I'm just having fun," Vivian giggled. "Besides, I know Lana digs it deep down inside. I'm not going to keep it up much longer. I'm just making her do things she wants to do, anyhow." Donald shook his head, amazed and amused by his mother's behavior. He sat with his back to the headboard, naked,...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Girlfriend Nithya

Hello guys! This is Ronnie back with my second experience. You might have read my story with my cousin Irene. If you have not read that, you may not be familiar with me and my family. I have shared that link for you at the end of this story. Well, I am 19 right now. This incident with my girlfriend Nithya took place last year when I was 18. But she was 20 back then. Let me remind you about me. I was good in athletics and I have developed muscular body with a 6.5″ tool. I joined a new school...

1 year ago
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Moms TreatChapter 5

That evening after the incident with mom and Karen, me and mom were sitting in the living room watching television. Mom hadn't said anything to me about what had happened. The only time she did was when she was scolding me for masturbating or something. But now I knew everything was OK from the comment she made to me and Karen about how this didn't have to end. I sure knew I didn't want it to. Hell, I would be fucking her right now except for the fact that I was exhausted, and so was she....

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The Office Mess Part 7

I was restless most of the night. For the first time, I thought about what had happened over the past few days. Just a few days earlier we had a chance meeting in the restroom and now this had quickly developed into incredible sex on a regular basis. It was too early to think of any long-term plans so I decided to enjoy it for now.I arrived at Brittany’s house at seven the next morning. Since all of our meetings had been different, I did not know what to expect. I used the key she had given me...

Straight Sex
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Asha 8211 My Horny And Voluptuous Wife 8211 Part I

Asha, my wife for 10 years and I live in a remote village in an ancestral home in Karnataka. Both of us are in our late thirties and we share a very good sex life. I own a big bungalow and have many shops in the nearby city through which my bank balance remains more than healthy. We have 2 sons who have been put in a boarding school in another state. Asha is a voluptuous woman, whitish in complexion. She has a wide hips and a big ass, chubby stomach and a sexy belly button which has a round...

1 year ago
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A Little Bump and Grind

you reach down and pull the fabric covering your sexy dark lips out of the way and slide your pussy up and down my big dick, your pussy lips part perfectly on each side of my dick. As you continue humping and grinding my erection, I feel your pussy get wetter and wetter, I can feel your juices against my cock it makes everything slide so around so easy. You send me a text that says, "Come to the room, real quick, I need to show you something". I walk into the room and there you are in a black...

3 years ago
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Horny Teacher

I watch her leave my room, my eyes drawn the edge of her short uniform, skirt brushing her delicious thighs, showing off that full ass. I shake my head to clear the dirty thoughts, but I still feel my cock press painfully against the zipper of my slacks. She’s got such a delicious body, she’s petite, and only 18, but doesn’t have the boyish figure that usually comes with that age. While she’s not a stick, she’s not fat either, slender arms, small but perky pert tits, great hips and you know...

4 years ago
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Eiskalte Engel

"Sebastien , Sebastien ....bitte versuche dich zu konzentrieren." "Was soll ich denn dazu sagen? Ich bin nunmal ein Idiot. Ich kann mir einfach nicht Leid tun nur weil ich das Kind reicher Eltern bin." "Du kannst doch nichts dafür. Nichts ist schwieriger als Erwachsen zu werden. Und ohne elterliche Fürsorge kann so vieles schiefgehen. Du musst die Fehler deiner Eltern einfach überwinden. Hier das wird dir sicher helfen können..." Dr. Regina Greenbaum übergibt Sebastien ihr aktuelles Buch über...

1 year ago
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VORWORT Die Idee zu dieser Story kam nach einem Bericht ?ber junge Transsexuelle im Fernsehen. Danach habe ich mich zu dem Thema ein wenig im Web umgesehen. Viele junge TS trauen sich nicht etwas zu ihren Problemen zu sagen. Oft gibt dann ein Crossdressing Ereignis erste Hinweise, ab dem die Dinge ihren Lauf nehmen, und schnell zu riesigen Problemen f?hren. Einiges des hier geschriebenen ist so ?hnlich tats?chlich passiert, ich habe es mit ein wenig Fantasie verbunden. Das Ergebnis ist...

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Introduction You can't believe your bad luck, you were in your family's summer loft in New York, when word of the virus broke out. Everyone was on a strict lock down. No leaving the house under any circumstances to avoid any further contamination. If you tried to violating the order you risked worse than infection, you risked imprisonment. You at least have a well stocked place, packed with enough essentials by your paranoid, prepper parents to last months. You have internet and video games and...

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My mom and me Lesbian

100% fiction! my mum got home from work and went to her bedroom. i am 18yo girl was really horny so i followed her. i walked in on her getting naked and playing with herself she saw me and told me to join her.i layed on her bed and watched her moan and play with her huge dildo i moved closer to her and sucked her giant tits. she started moaning more and then she shoved the dildo in all the way and came everywhere. then i kissed her and slid m tounge inside her mouth she pulled away and told me...

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The Passenger Seat Chapter 3 and 4 Blotter and

BLOTTER TARA HADN’T MISSED a workout in the week since the neighbors arrived. She couldn’t explain her new-found motivation, but she was thankful for it.Perhaps it was the presence of a beautiful new neighbor, and the possibility that Sean would be secretly admiring her. Maybe it was inspired by the prospect of being naked in the light of day. She could name a thousand things she hated about her body, and darkness had always been her friend.Truth be told, her daily route took her past Adam and...

2 years ago
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NikkiChapter 8

So Nikki was a high school student. We drove home, stopping at the grocery store for a few essentials and needs. On the trip through the hurricane footprint we noticed a beehive, actually SEVERAL beehives of activity as people put lives and homes and businesses back together. Many of the houses had the generic-looking white FEMA temporary trailers sited in various locations nearby, along with signs of rebuilding. "We're lucky we don't have to go through that, baby," Nikki said. "So many...

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Becoming a Slut Wife Ripley

I sat in the car and stared out the windshield at the solid brick wall of the building in front of my parking space. I didn't know what I was feeling, relief or sadness. In fact, I guess all I felt was numb. Why had it come to this? Could I have stopped it? I suppose I could have if only I had known the true level of her desire, but I didn't. There was no way I could have known; it was just too way out for a simple guy like me. But it had happened and there was no denying it and I couldn't...

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Girlfriend and secretary team up on unsuspecting man at the office

Was she wearing knickers? I couldn’t help but wonder as I watched my secretary, Carol, bend over to retrieve a file. It could be a g-string I thought. Yes, that was the most likely option. For some reason my girlfriend had been a bit on the jealous side when I told her about my new secretary. 18 years old and fresh out of school, long blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. Her figure was fantastic, slim waist, pert arse and a cleavage that was distinctly eye- catching to say the least! That...

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