A Different Convalescence free porn video

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A Different Convalescence By Janet Harris I can remember quite clearly what it was like the first time I woke up as a woman. "Angela, Angela," the nurse was calling, close to my face. "So that must be my name", I thought and opened my eyes. I had been aware of my breasts already because I was lying on my side and my arm was squashing them. Now I could see wisps of long straight brown hair across my face. That seemed perfectly natural as I extracted what turned out to be a slender feminine hand from under the blanket to brush them aside. I felt the bandage around my head, because this was no messy sex-change operation from which I was emerging, but a brain-transplant. I was, in a way, both the donor and recipient because, up till now, I had been a 55-year-old man, terminally ill with lung cancer. My body-donor was a young lady who had a terminal brain-tumour, but that was all I knew about her, except that her parents did not want to know me, having watched their daughter lapse into a coma and having said their goodbyes at the operating theatre door. I am not that Angela; I am a former man who is extremely grateful to those parents for their wonderful gift of life, but I will have to respect their wishes never to see me, so I remain the orphan I was in my other life. I was immediately curious as to what I looked like and my eyes explored the hospital room until I found the mirror over the basin. I worked out that my face should line-up with the mirror if I just sat on the side of the bed near its foot and I could probably manage that, drowsy as I was. I knew that I might not be able to coordinate my limbs at first, but already I had found that my new arms worked exactly as I wanted and I was able to get up onto one elbow. I could feel remarkably little pain, considering the extent of my operation, just a dull headache. The nurse left when she had helped me sip some water. I pretended to doze until she was quite gone, then I swung my frighteningly tiny legs out of the bed and propped myself up until I was sat on the side of the bed with my feet dangling down. I felt very small and childlike, but my breasts were holding out the hospital gown in front of me and from there it fell straight to my lap, where I knew, without looking or feeling, that more drastic changes had occurred. I must be an adult, surely? When I shuffled sideways down the bed to align with the mirror, I found a serious but childish girl's face staring back at me from under the bandage. I tried a smile and found myself quite pretty; rather a long face, though. I pulled my hair back to see if that helped, noticing my breasts again as I lifted up my arms, but my face was still too long and my ears seemed to stick out, so I released some hair and imagined it cut off above the shoulders. That was better: I would wear it shorter and with a fringe, I decided. I stared at my unfamiliar reflection for some time, pulling faces. I thought my breasts seemed rather low, but that was because I wasn't wearing a bra. I put up my hands to lift them, expecting to feel the strange new appendages with my hand as saggy bags but instead I first felt my hands pushing against a newly sensitive and steeply downward-facing part of my chest. That was when the first reality of being female struck home. I really wanted to know my age now to be able to plan my future; I thought I looked quite a young teenager. I was surprised to be left alone for so long at this stage; there should be lots of tests to ensure I had limb and eye control. I could find nothing wrong myself but decided not to try walking just yet. I lay back down and reached into the bedside cabinet where I could see a denim bag. Inside was my hairbrush, or rather Angela's, now mine, and other things, including, to my delight, a driver's licence. I found that my surname was Tidy and it took me but a few seconds to find my date of birth and work out that I was to be twenty in less that two months. I did not know whether to be pleased that I was old enough to drive and would not have to go back to school, as I had feared only moments before, or disappointed that I had only a few weeks to enjoy being a teenager. I could not see "my" clothes anywhere. I assumed they were in the wardrobe across the room and longed to know what they were. Young girls these days could wear almost anything. I found some earrings with hooks at the bottom of the bag. I felt the lobe of my ear and sure enough there was a spot which must be the pierced hole. Gingerly I poked the hook at the spot and managed to get it through, with a little more pain that I expected, but I checked my fingers for blood and there was none, so I put the other ear-ring in too. I was starting to read my little address-book, feeling increasingly feminine in my ear-rings, when I was startled by Derek, my surgeon, standing beside me. "Well, you do seem to be well co-ordinated already!" he exclaimed. "Yes, it all seems to be working okay." I replied, surprised by the high pitch of my own voice. "Well, let's make sure by running the tests we planned. Come on, my girl, let's have you lying down properly while I test your reflexes." I remember that I immediately found his patronising manner irritating. I had expressed much more willingness than the other patients to accept a body-donor of the opposite sex, largely out of fascination with how the other gender felt, and I had expected a change of attitude from all around me, but it was still a shock when it came. Of course I no longer looked like the patient who had been talking to Derek when I went under the anaesthetic, but I expected him to realise that I was the same person inside. I had come to expect jeans, but none were evident in the pile I found in the wardrobe. I carried it over to the bed and rooted through the clothes. A black bra caught my eye first and a scoop-necked black top - certainly more vampish than I had expected - but no tights and mini; instead there were short socks and a long narrow grey skirt in thin T-shirt material. I stepped into the tiny briefs and then the skirt before untying the hospital gown at the back and pulling it off down my arms. To my surprise, my breasts did not seem so big now they were bare. I knew, from watching my wife, how to do up the bra in front of my waist, turn it around and put my arms through. I was pleased and surprised how comfortable it was to have my breasts held still. Once I'd put it on, the neck of the T-shirt was not so low as it had looked at first and only I would be able to see my cleavage, but I was surprised how it clung into my waist and I blushed at my new shape. I sat down on a chair to put on the thin ankle socks and flat lace-up shoes. I knew that having a skirt across my lap like this would be the norm now, but it surprised me nonetheless. I had thought the outfit mismatched and incongruous as a pile of clothes, but when I finally put on the long, thick cardigan, a plain but darker grey than the skirt, I felt pretty good as I tried walking up and down the room. I brushed my hair as best I could below and over the bandages, while plucking up the courage to venture out into the hospital corridor. When ready, I took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped out. Thankfully nobody took much notice of me. On the way to Derek's office, I passed a Gent's toilet and I knew that the figure in trousers would always be a barrier to me now. As I walked on, I realised that one of the many new feelings in my body was a full bladder, so I sought out a sign of a figure in a skirt and entered there for the first time. Safely locked in a cubicle, I realised with slight disappointment that this particular skirt could not be lifted up, so I pushed it down as I always had my trousers and sat down. I was also disappointed that there was so little difference in the action of pissing itself. As I looked down past my long hair and tits, it seemed perfectly natural for the trickle to be coming out of my low, hairy mound but I was shocked for the second time by the utter reality that I was actually female. It was over dinner at my old friend Gerard's house, where I would be staying until I found my own flat, that I heard that I could not get any more of Angela's old clothes. Gerard's wife Vanessa said she would at least buy me some clean underwear in the morning but none that she could lend me would fit. I asked her to buy me some jeans, a shorter skirt and tights. She was reluctant to choose for me, but I could not really go shopping until my bandages came off in five days time. If anything, the second time I woke as a woman was more startling than the first because my mind was not blurred by anaesthetic. I had woken in the night with a sharper headache and taken a pain-killer tablet without thinking about my gender. This time it was early morning and I was in a strange but domestic bed. This time I knew immediately that I was Angela Tidy, aged nineteen and that this was reality, not a dream. I found my little narrow watch on the bedside table and saw that it was almost eight o'clock. I could hear my hosts moving around on the landing so I propped myself up on the pillows, knowing I could not go back to sleep. I stared across the room at the pile of clothes I had left on a chair, especially at the bra on top. "You'll be putting one of those on every morning now, for the rest of your life, girlie" I told myself. "Bathroom's free, Angela!" came Gerard's voice, with a knock on the door. "Thanks" I called, surprised again by the high pitch of my new voice, despite having conversed in it all last evening. I got out of bed and found that my knickers, drying on the radiator after a hand wash, were not quite dry, since the radiator had only come on again at seven, so I wrapped the big bath-towel around me under my arms and went out to the bathroom in just that. I had only had a quick wash last night, so this morning I took a shower, borrowing Vanessa's shower-cap to keep my bandage dry and luxuriously spreading lather over my smooth new body. I had explored my new anatomy a little in bed but, being less drowsy now, I began to feel the sweetness of sexual arousal. I heard the front door slam and then absolute silence. Surely they would not leave me alone? I knew that Gerard must have gone to work at eight, just after knocking me up, so that must have been Vanessa leaving. More relaxed, I began to play with myself in earnest and I worked myself up to a brief orgasm, but felt confused trying to turn my attraction away from my own body and imagine making love to a man. I judged the climax to be less than many I had enjoyed as a man. Having always believed that women's orgasms were better (it has since been confirmed to me, of course) I was disappointed, but knew that it would improve with practice. On my way back to the spare bedroom, I leaned over the banister and checked for sounds of movement downstairs, but there were none. I dressed quickly in yesterday's outfit and hurried down to the kitchen to find it totally deserted with a note on the table telling me to help myself and make myself at home. I found I was quite hungry and ate several pieces of toast and honey after my muesli, wondering how much I would have to diet to keep my figure. When I'd washed up and tidied their kitchen, I went and turned on the TV in the lounge and curled up on the sofa. This was what I thought a teenager like me should do. I found my big cardigan and long skirt nice and comfortable to lounge about in. It was now half past nine and I wondered if Vanessa would return with some clothes for me soon or have some work to do first; she is a district nurse. Within half an hour she was back, showing me the jeans, denim mini-skirt and three different tops she had bought me. I rushed upstairs to try them on, deciding to wear the mini-skirt today, with a sleeveless maroon polo-necked top. After taking off my shoes and socks, I wriggled out of the long skirt and, tearing open the pack of three tights, I stretched a chocolate-brown pair luxuriously over my legs. I noticed that they could do with a shave, but that could wait; I wanted to show Vanessa before she went out again. I was a little disappointed at first to find that the little skirt had a front zip, like trouser flies, but at least it opened to the left, ladies' way. In fact it was a bit awkward for a right-handed girl like me to do up. I liked my legs in tights. I was staring down at my new body in admiration when Vanessa called that she had to go, so I rushed to the stairs without shoes to show her. "Very nice", she smiled, and left. I went back into the bedroom and put my little lace-up shoes back on. I had thought that they would look wrong with tights and miniskirt but I had to adjust my fashion sense from that of a man in his 50's to that of a girl of 19. I wandered into Gerard and Vanessa's room to find a full-length mirror. To my surprise, I found my reflection quite attractive. I knew that I should be looking at boys with the lust I had started to feel for the girl in the mirror. I knew that I must train my mind in that direction but I had to admit that my shapely legs and lumpy jumper still had an effect on me. I had never given much thought to being attractive as a man; now it seemed less vain somehow to work on my appearance. Alongside the mirror, Vanessa's dressing-table was cluttered with cosmetics. She had promised to teach me how to make up my face. Now I wanted to try it as soon as possible, but I could not touch her stuff. I remembered seeing an old lipstick in the bottom of my handbag, so I went back to my room to find it. I sat down at my own dressing-table with my little skirt stretched across my lap, the hem not half way to my brown, nylon-clad knees, and opened the lipstick. Was I supposed to see it as phallic? Well I did and there was something quite erotic about running it around my lips. I felt a warm glow in my groin as I enjoyed this sensation. I put most of my increased sexuality down to being over thirty years younger than I had been only yesterday. I was really pleased that I could be so easily aroused, but I was worried that these new sensations and the consequent desires were so strong. Could I control them? I did not want to become a slut. A cold shower? No, showering of any sort had this morning taken on a new meaning for me. I wandered back to the TV and curled up on the couch again. I watched every young man who appeared on the screen to see if I could fancy him. I still found it hard to turn my desires in that direction but, as soon as a love scene came on, I had no difficulty in identifying with the female character. I found that I did long to cuddle someone and that that someone should be firm and rough to compliment my smooth softness. My slender arms were now completely bare. I hugged one of the scatter-cushions into my bosom. An exercise session came on, TV aerobics, so I got up and took part. I found my body delightfully supple, but I was still recovering from major surgery and had to take it easy. I decided that walking would be a better introduction to fitness training. If I wore a hat, say a ski-cap, I could hide my bandages. I was scared to venture outside on my own, though, and decided to persuade Vanessa to come with me at first. After the aerobics, I sat cross-legged on the floor with my hands on my nylon-clad knees, a pose I had been unable to adopt for many years. I played with the hairs which were sticking through my tights, thinking that the old Angela had let her legs go, so must have usually worn long skirts or jeans. I would like to be smarter than her; I would definitely get a neat, shorter haircut, too, but it would have to hide my scars and at present I knew I had a whole band around my head under the bandages which was shaved bald. I went upstairs again to get my pain-killers. My head hurt surprisingly little, considering the whole top had been cut off and then fixed back on with steel staples! My scalp was beginning to itch, which I knew was a good sign it was healing well. I also had to take anti-rejection pills. The thought of this made me feel a little unwelcome in this new body. It might even set out to kill me off, even though that would obviously kill it too. I shuddered as I thought that, followed by a girlish giggle as I realised that I was doing the shuddering and giggling - we were one and the same. I would now be addressed formally as Miss Tidy or, hopefully someday, as Mrs. Angela Something-else. I would start a new career and would need a new bank account as the old Angela had left me nothing like that. I got out my driving licence again and looked at the signature. I had a chewed ball-pen in my handbag too, so I found a discarded envelope and practised. It was quite easy to copy. It didn't look exactly the same but it didn't need to be if I could get consistent in its new form. Signing my new name "Angela Tidy" made me feel rather more established in it. All the time, I was very conscious of being dressed in a miniskirt and tights. I didn't need to put a hand into my crotch to know what equipment I had there, too. The novelty of having these lumps on my chest and having to wear straps over my shoulders to keep them still seemed as if it would never wear off. I looked forward to going outside and facing the world as a woman. The thought made me self-conscious of my legs and that they needed a shave. I couldn't borrow one of my hosts' razors without asking, so I decided to change into my new jeans. When I'd taken off my skirt, I decided to keep my tights on because the weather was getting colder outside and it would feel nice and feminine to be dressed like that. I pulled up the jeans to find that Vanessa had got my size dead right. I delighted in running the zip up over my smooth round pubis. My hips seemed awfully wide now and my thighs tapered dramatically to my slender knees. I had thought that I could forget most of the novelty of being female when I wore jeans but if anything I felt even more self-conscious of my new shape. As I turned around in front of a full-length mirror, admiring the shape of my bum in the jeans, I heard the front door slam shut downstairs. I thought it might be Gerard and rushed nervously out of their bedroom to find Vanessa coming up the stairs with more shopping-bags. She took me into my room and emptied a whole load of lingerie onto my bed. I stared open-mouthed at all the bras, panties, cammies and nylons, hardly wanting to accept them as mine. My eyes fixed on some boxes of tampons and pads and I squirmed at the thought of periods. "Oh yes!" cried Vanessa, who I found had been watching my reaction, "you hadn't forgotten you'd need those, had you?" "No, well yes, but I found a 'P' every four weeks in her (I mean my) diary. I think I'm due only next week." "Well your op may affect it - don't worry if it's irregular for a bit." I was a bit annoyed that she alternated between slight scorn of me as an ex-man and mothering me as a new daughter. At least she had started a bit of the latter, which I found I needed, since Gerard was just keeping his distance. I missed him as a friend and colleague and now I needed a father-figure too. Vanessa was home for her lunch-break, so we went down to the kitchen together to make and eat some sandwiches. It was strange, but very nice, to be able to chat about personal things with a fellow-female. She agreed to come out for a walk with me in the evening, provided I wore a hat - she had a nice ski-cap I could borrow. When she left to go back to work, I felt a full bladder again and headed for the bathroom. Being in a hurry and, I suppose, because I was wearing jeans, I marched up to the bowl and unzipped my flies, only to be confronted with the smooth curve of white panties visible through brown tights. However, I felt no disappointment in my loss (or castration) and just giggled at my mistake, saying out loud, "Some male bastard's left the seat up again!" I turned around, pulled down my jeans, tights and panties all together and sat down. This time the feel of piss just trickling from my fanny was not so new, but when I started to shit as well I was amazed that I could bend down and actually watch the turds emerging, with nothing to block the view. Of course I deny being fascinated by this! Gerard was home first in the evening. I blushed more because I found myself pleased with his admiring looks at my new clothes than because he stared at me. He was surprised to find me not only up and about but actually starting to cook dinner for us all. I asked him to sit down while I brought him a drink but he insisted on helping me in the kitchen and I welcomed the chance of a one-to-one with him. I made a conscious effort not to flirt with him, though I was sure he was trying to flirt with me. I had planned, with Vanessa, a stew which could cook on its own, while we went out for the walk I wanted. She came home before long and fetched a ski-cap for me. With it on, I felt much more normal, as it held my hair smooth and straight as it fell onto my shoulders. As we stepped outside I loved the feel of it blowing in the wind. I started to zip up my new pink waterproof jacket, but stopped half way when I realised that it would emphasise my bust like that. The walk was really my first prolonged public appearance. There were quite a few other people around and I found myself staring too much to see if they noticed me. Of course they didn't - I looked a perfectly normal teenage girl. I certainly noticed all the young men. I was finding it quite easy to fancy them now, in fact it worried me that I was too randy - it could get me into trouble! I spent most of the next two days getting bored in front of the TV. I had time to plan my new career which I wanted to be in computers as my earlier one had been. I couldn't wait till the bandages came off to buy myself a laptop and some smart office clothes. I went through the one thin file of documents I had been left several times. "I" had left school at seventeen and only had a couple of good references as a nanny and then a waitress. My exam results had not been very good for a career as a systems analyst, but now I had vast prior knowledge and, in student terms, vast funds, I could surely turn my fortune around quickly. My fourth day as a woman was Saturday and I felt confident enough to persuade Vanessa to take me shopping, bandages or no bandages. After all I, Angela, had really truly just had a brain tumour removed and there was no need to pretend anything else; just omit the fact that my whole brain was new. So off we went with me in the ski-cap, which I never actually needed to remove, even when trying on my new business skirt-suit. We even went to look for a car, though I decided to make myself wait until I had a job for that. When I took a little runabout out for a test-drive, I was pleased that it was easy for me to drive and that I no longer wanted size and power so much. I got myself onto a computer systems administration course at the local college. I had to lie that Gerard had taught me all my computing skills at home (I had taught him originally!) because none of my school reports gave any credit for ICT. When the course got under way, I thought I might have to hide my prior knowledge and act dumb, but I was more rusty than I thought and it was quite hard work keeping up with the assignments. It started only three weeks after my op but my hair was growing well over the scar. Vanessa got her hairdresser to come to the house and she cut me into a lovely bob-and-fringe. My head felt much lighter - I seemed to have had long hair for years. Although I was now completely relaxed in the female role on my own or at home with my foster-parents, I still felt a bit awkward and embarrassed in social gatherings with my classmates. The boys scared me a bit when they flirted or teased me. I wasn't sure how to handle this, feeling severely short of experience, so stuck close to the other girls and watched what they did. There were two boys in the class who attracted me. James was really dishy and it was an effort not to stare at him. Greg was fun to talk to and he was happy just to chat with us girls. It had been so many years since I had been a single before that I might as well have been fresh into puberty - it was awfully frightening, but nice and exciting too. The main boon to my op is being delightfully young again, 35 years after the first time. That would be joyous whichever gender I had chosen. I am fit now and play badminton and tennis. I rollerblade and ice-skate too. Vanessa has teased me that I choose sports needing miniskirts. She's got a point - I do enjoy showing off my legs. My favourite item of clothing is still that denim mini which was the first skirt of my very own, bought with my own money. I've started skimming over the days now because, to be honest, the novelty of being female was already wearing off. It seemed perfectly normal already to put on a bra every morning, sit down to pee and to have to wipe it out of my pubic hair afterwards. I did find all that novelty very exciting at first, which is why I am writing it down now for your enjoyment. I get excited about all sorts of other things now but I will never again fantasise about trans-gender experiences in the way that you men do. I obviously have no hankering to change back, I had fifty years of being male and that was enough. I could go on and tell you about my first date (with the neat little dress I wore for it) and first sex (which, I have to confess, was on the same night) but by then there was really no novelty at all. I'd had my twentieth birthday party at my foster-home with six of my classmates, four girls (of whom Jenny is my special friend), James and Greg. I'm afraid I flirted with James all evening to no avail, upsetting Greg too. Next day Greg's friend John asked me out and I agreed. It was a one-night-stand which I enjoyed and don't regret. So here I am, well settled into my new female life. I settled much more quickly than any of the secret group studying me expected. There is still too much danger of an ignorant backlash for the brain-transplant procedure to be made public yet, so all the names here have been changed. I am unlikely to give myself away because now I rarely think of my other life as a man, indeed I often imagine that I remember bits of my childhood as a little girl - perhaps I do, from residual bits of brain-stem. It was when I chanced to wander into my old TG haunts on the www that it occurred to me to write this down for you poor old dreamers! I hope you enjoyed it.

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Different Male Milking Techniques

With Male Chastity becoming ever more popular either as a lifestyle or occasional kink, prostatic milking of males is also ever-increasingly referred to, discussed and probably practised.Often, in chastity circles people just talk about milking the prostate without considering how to carry out the procedure to gain the desired effect. If you’re currently milking your chaste male, the chances are that he’s probably getting a lot more pleasure from milkings than you think. I’ll leave the debate...

3 years ago
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Different Love reedit

Introduction: Sammy is a peculiar teen girl who starts that particular and unforgettable night in a nasty situation and ends up in the most intense (rough and arousing) moment of her life. Hi, there. This is a re-edit version of a story I wrote back in 2011. It is a revised version with lots of added parts, I hope you like it. I posted it some days ago, but I decided to reactivate my original profile, so Im posting it again. Sorry if you already read it. Hope you like it ,) Lilith04. ...

2 years ago
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Different Male Milking Techniques for More Control

With Male Chastity becoming ever more popular either as a lifestyle or occasional kink, prostatic milking of males is also ever-increasingly referred to, discussed and probably practised.Often, in chastity circles people just talk about milking the prostate without considering how to carry out the procedure to gain the desired effect. If you’re currently milking your chaste male, the chances are that he’s probably getting a lot more pleasure from milkings than you think. I’ll leave the debate...

2 years ago
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Different Male Milking Techniques

With Male Chastity becoming ever more popular either as a lifestyle or occasional kink, prostatic milking of males is also ever-increasingly referred to, discussed and probably practised.Often, in chastity circles people just talk about milking the prostate without considering how to carry out the procedure to gain the desired effect. If you’re currently milking your chaste male, the chances are that he’s probably getting a lot more pleasure from milkings than you think. I’ll leave the debate...

2 years ago
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Different locations

I was chatting with someone on this site a few days ago and the subject came up about different places either of us had had sex. You know, the usual on top of a washing machine, back seat of cars etc. This got me thinking though. You see because I have worked around the world I had sex in more cities than usual. So here are examples from each of those locations. Because I don't want to repeat the stories I have written so far some of them might be out of sequence but you will get the drift. The...

4 years ago
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Different Strokes

"A man's a man for a' that." Robert Burns He looked at her. Him. Whatever. And shrugged. He wanted the experience just as badly. There was no doubting it. But things were not, unfortunately, as simple as Janice seemed determined to have him believe. He tried to explain why. "We don't know if it's all okay", he said. "It might not be as simple as we think it is. I mean - yours might not do what mine used to do and mine - well, it might not work like yours did". She - yes, for...

2 years ago
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Different Love Part II

Special thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for helping me with the english stuff :kiss: Happy new year! Lilith. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part II After all, different or not, I was turning into a person who could enjoy herself. Maybe I just needed something to shake me, to wake me up, to make me feel alive by putting me at risk. I would do anything to continue feeling...

3 years ago
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Different Love Part II

Introduction: Theres more than one path to discovery and theres more than one way to love. Some harder than others… But not less exciting. Hey guys. As you asked, theres the second part of the story. Thank you very much for your support and all your comments at part 1. I really wish you enjoy reading it and please, let me some comments here too! Special thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for helping me with the english stuff :kiss: Happy new year! Lilith....

2 years ago
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Different Love

(Special thanks to Arizona1664 for helping me with the english stuff =*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It wasn't the way I expected it to be, but I don't regret it. Sometimes things happen for a reason, good things and bad things. Sometimes they just have to happen, both of them, so you can discover who you really are. Getting older is hard. At first you are obsessed with the first kiss, and then you're obsessed...

2 years ago
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Different Worlds Ch 05

Here is another installment and the biggest so far, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thanks again to my editor/beta reader North200 ~ It was the night of the Gala and Sally had invited Ruth and Ivy over to her place to get ready. The game-keepers cottage was a perk of Sally’s job and it was lovely. Small but perfect in every way from to the climbing yellow rose scrambling up the front of the house, to holly hocks that had self-seeded in the tiny back garden....

3 years ago
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Different Worlds Ch 08

Originally I was going to add a small epilogue after the this, but there are too many lose ends. So the good news is instead you’re going to get a longer final chapter. The bad news is it may take a while, I’m in the middle of national novel writing month (participants attempt to write 50,000 words in 30 days), so I won’t even be starting on the final chapter until the end of November, but I will finish it. Thanks again to my editor North200 who has been over this chapter twice now! ***** ...

3 years ago
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Different Love

Introduction: Bad things, good things and weird things. This is how she discovers who she really is. Wish you like reading it and comments are really welcome. (Special thanks to Arizona1664 for helping me with the english stuff =*) ———————————————————————————————— It wasnt the way I expected it to be, but I dont regret it. Sometimes things happen for a reason, good things and bad things. Sometimes they just have to happen, both of them, so you can discover who you really are. Getting older is...

2 years ago
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Different Phases Of My Sex Life 8211 Part 1

Hi I am Shikha again. Last time many readers wanted my email…So here it is… I would like to here your response. My last story was revenge gone wrong… Now on m going to tell about different encounters of my sexual life which forced me to be what I am today… I am today 25 fair slim girl…M sexy in my way as you will know while reading my story or from my last story…I need to share my story because its a heavy burden on me and I want to get rid of it.. Lets get to the story then… I have an elder...

4 years ago
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Different Hotel Different Story

Hello, All - summary of a last week experience:While traveling in the Upper Midwest of the USA, I decided to try a different hotel than my "usual." It is a very nice property, with the amenities I prefer: hot tub, hot breakfast, et al. I had called in earlier in the day, and connected with a delightful Front Desk Supervisor - Bonnie. As I am an inherent schmoozer and flirt, it was great to hear her respond to my nonsense in a favorable.On arrival, what to my surprise but Bonnie working the...

4 years ago
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Different sex

Hi this is something different! So if u hate bestial acts don’t read this. These things are happening in India too! Mohini’s parents had left her alone for the Sunday and had gone for some party with their old friends and Mohini was alone in the house, totally bored. She had to look after their dog jimmy, large black Labrador retriever, and feed him thrice. She had fed him for the afternoon and was looking for some entertainment. She probably would have had some of her friends over but they...

2 years ago
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Different Points Of View

She sat, quietly watching the flower fairies open the early morning flowers. There was no rush to their work, no sense of distress. They exuded from their very beings the total confidence that everything would go as planned. What would it be like to go through life with only the worries of how much dew to give to this flower or where to plant a few extra seeds? A life without deadlines or back stabbing, she shook her head. It was beyond her ability of imagination. She glanced up and realized...

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Different Worlds Ch 04

I usually wait until the previous chapter has gone from the new stories list before I submit the next one but this chapter is short, and also I wasn’t sure whether the build up wasn’t starting to drag a bit, so I thought I’d best get it out the way asap. Thanks again to my lovely, witty editor North200 ~ A second meeting was scheduled on Sunday afternoon a fortnight later so Ivy and Kevin could talk Terence and Richard through the final plans for the planting scheme. This time she’d been...

2 years ago
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Different Kind Of Riding

It was the 17th February, the day was surprisingly mild after the terrible weather we had been having. Looking out my bedroom window I could see the rolling fields of green, speckled with sheep or cows. I loved living in the country, on snowy days it was magical to just look out the window and see nothing but white. Walking downstairs and into the kitchen, the scent of eggs and bacon met me before I opened the door, as usual mum always made us a good hearty breakfast, eggs and bacon was...

2 years ago
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Different Worlds Ch 02

Here is ch2, still no sex, but it’s coming its coming I promise. Again, my eternal gratitude goes to those who’ve had a hand in editing this, NaokoSmith and North200, honestly it would have been a car crash without them ***** It was Monday morning. Sally had just arrived with a package for Ivy. It was clear she wasn’t going to leave without some kind of conversation about Saturday night, so Ivy put the kettle on. ‘How are you today, Ivy?’ ‘I’m fine,’ she replied. Sally looked at her,...

3 years ago
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Different Worlds Ch 07

Another chapter, the penultimate one in fact (although I am planning on writing an epilogue too) as always thanks to North200 for his editing skills and his dry wit, his feed back can be very entertaining. Ivy was packing the dodge up, ready to go to the festival. It was the first time she’d driven the truck any great distance since the clutch had gone and she was nervous. She climbed into the cab and fired up the engine. There was no way of being absolutely sure the clutch was going to last...

4 years ago
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Different Pastures

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: A kind hearted rancher discovers that his unfaithful wife and her biker lovers have tried to poison him and he turns the tables on them unexpectedly, and finds new love in a quite different pasture. Technically not really a Lovett County story, but features characters that will appear there later. No overt sex. Sex contents: A bit of Sex Genre: Romantic Revenge Codes: MF, Cheat Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-07-16 Revised: 2010-04-15 ****** Thanks to...

5 years ago
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Different kind of blow job

Different kind of Blow Job irishmik60 I’ve written of my adventures at a swing club before. Here’s one that happened and did more than ‘blow my mind’. We arrived as usual on Friday night, the night before the party. We did this each week. The club, almost 200 miles from our home was owned by close friends, not just fellow swingers. Jim and Phyllis had run the club for almost 20 years. They had been ‘In The Lifestyle’ most their wedded lives. The ‘CLUB’ was their home. Almost 4,000 sq ft, tri...

2 years ago
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different kind of dessert

Introduction: another true story about my baby another saga of my baby and i that gets my motor running. hope you enjoy. we have lots of others to share with you. My baby is known by all our swinger friends as having her own brand of shock-and-awe. She has a talent for thinking up something to do with/for the crowd that most people havent thought of yet. One Sunday, some time ago, she managed to top most of all the really kinky things she has done before. She always keeps me guessing, and...

3 years ago
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Different Kind Of Housewarming

Bobby and rani are back after a long hiatus. The reason for the hiatus is we are now living in two different continents. Not to say , it has dimmed our passion one bit. It is true, distance makes the heart grow fonder and the chut go wetter and the lund go harder. We do our bit to keep it going – loads of sexting and cyber sessions, raunchy pictures, and voice notes. But this piece is not on the regular, it is on how we continue to surprise ourselves by the craziness even after four years. We...

4 years ago
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Different kind of blow job

Different kind of Blow Jobirishmik60 I've written of my adventures at a swing club before. Here's one that happened and did more than 'blow my mind'.We arrived as usual on Friday night, the night before the party. We did this each week. The club, almost 200 miles from our home was owned by close friends, not just fellow swingers.Jim and Phyllis had run the club for almost 20 years. They had been 'In The Lifestyle' most their wedded lives. The 'CLUB' was their home. Almost 4,000 sq ft, tri level...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Different Kind Of Sex Bhabhiji

This is a strange incident I would like to tell you all, though quite abnormal but I feel this is the best thing you might have read on board on ISS. It happened just a fortnight ago. I was on a tour to Cuttack, for attending a marriage function. I was supposed to reach the station from where my uncle would be picking me up, but when I landed there, no one was there. I waited on the bench for someone to come and pick me up when I received a call that the driver had reached the station and is...

4 years ago
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Different Skin different Life

Lasse is just an ordinary guy going about his life, but after being kidnapped on the way home from school, he receives abilities that will turn his world upside down... Main Character: Lasse (You) You are Lasse, a young man going to an 18+ school in Germany, whose hobbies include playing video games and strolling around. You're recently single after a six month relationship with Chantal. One day, you were riding the bus on your way home, when someone pressed a handkerchief on your face and you...

3 years ago
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Different Gyms Do Train the Body BetterChapter 5 Wedding encounters

The years went on. My eldest children graduated from college, and got jobs locally. My little ones grew fast. I didn't keep up too much with Melinda, but I know she dated some, but never got too serious. At one point, she seemed to be getting serious with a guy, and he moved into her condo. It turned out that this man was an abuser. He kicked my ex-wife down the stairs, breaking her leg and arm. The man was arrested, and Melinda was hospitalized. Ron visited his mother and he telephoned me....

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Different Ch 02

As Mom got dressed and left for work I contemplated what to do for the rest of the day. I was a bit disappointed that she had been called in for work today, but with my new ability I realized that now, anything was possible. While I contemplated what to do that day, the door bell rang. ‘Coming!’ I shouted out to the person, walking over to answer it. The door opened to a very welcome sight in the form of my Mom’s best friend, Mandy. ‘Oh hey Shaun, is your Mom in?’ she asked cheerfully. ...

4 years ago
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Different Worlds Ch 01

There’s a lot of build up before we get to the hanky panky, I do get there eventually though, and I hope it’s worth the wait. My eternal gratitude goes to the many people who have had a hand in editing this first chapter, Misternik, NaokoSmith, but mostly north200. ~ Ivy always felt a surge of excitement at the start of a new journey. Her van was her home and she loved living on the road and the freedom it brought her. She was planning to overnight at Stonehenge, watch the sunrise and then...

3 years ago
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Different Male Milking Techniques

With Male Chastity becoming ever more popular either as a lifestyle or occasional kink, prostatic milking of males is also ever-increasingly referred to, discussed and probably practised.Often, in chastity circles people just talk about milking the prostate without considering how to carry out the procedure to gain the desired effect. If you’re currently milking your chaste male, the chances are that he’s probably getting a lot more pleasure from milkings than you think. I’ll leave the debate...

2 years ago
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Different Strokes

You reminded me when you wrote of the first time I stroked you to climax. It had to have been just a few months after we first got together, my second year of college. We had been on the long bus ride back from my home, visiting my parents on that weekend, a tiresome wasted Sunday afternoon of travel. I was going to stay with you that night before heading back to my dorm Monday morning to get ready for classes.I had been daydreaming during the bus ride about your penis while you dozed or read...

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Different nationalities

I have had sex with various nationalities and many years ago I discovered that between me and my Italian friend we had scoured the world. In a friendly way we disagreed which was the best. He insisted Japanese and I said Brazilian. Of course at that stage I had not been with a Japanese and he hadn't been with Brazilian. We had a friendly bet and left it at that.X amount of years later I got the chance to test his choice. I had been chatting with a nice girl from Tokyo called Kiyoki and she...

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Different Football Recruiting Trip

Wyoming State University, Home of the "Blizzard," is the Division I FCS participant and where I am Special Teams Coach. Along with coaching, I am responsible for recruiting Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. With school colors of white, silver, and gold, the school just screams cold weather and a tough place to sell to a high school football recruit. I am the oldest coach on the staff, single, and never been married because I have been a coaching gypsy. In thirty years, WSU is stop number...

3 years ago
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Different Strokes

My Aunt is lying on the sun lounger naked her full firm breasts and nipples have my teenage cock rock hard. I stay in the pool too embarrassed to get out with my hard on. My step mother is naked except for a pair of stilettos joins her sister on the other sun lounger. A few empty wine bottles are on the table.I watch from an upstairs window enjoying the view. My dad is a big man, muscular, dominant, the alpha male, in charge, as my uncle finds himself beaten in to submission, handcuffed, and...

3 years ago
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Different Strokes

My step sister is bending over the breakfast bar reaching for a apple from the fruit bowl, her nightie has ridden up to her lower back exposing her bare bottom, while talking to my mother in the kitchen. Admiring the view I move in closer to her placing my hand on her ass. Helen wiggles her hips my hand is now on her crack. Two fingers rub her slit, she moves her bum against my hand, the two fingers split her pussy lips, penetrating my older step sisters pussy. Mum is talking to us how we...

2 years ago
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Different Strokes featuring Princess Tori

I’ve had several relationships with women, have had flings, & have had one night stands. I would consider myself your typical twenty something guy. One night, my friends & I went to a bar to flirt with some girls & see if we could get lucky.We flirted around & at some point during the night, my eyes found this girl . . She looked relaxed but not quite still, burning with energy, giving the impression that 24 hrs in the day weren’t enough for her. She was dressed in tight blue...

4 years ago
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Different type of dogging

I was seeing a girl last year for a few months, who I'd met thro a mate of mine & she cautiously brought up the subject & said she works with someone who goes dogging. Anyway she suggested we should go and her mate knew a good place. One evening I picked her up, she tapped the satnav and away we went, found this place and 5 mins later her friend turns up with a bloke in another car. We talked for a while , this bloke had no idea what it was about, so the girls took the lead. Both were...

3 years ago
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Different Experience

Hi Friends … I am a big fan of ISS and above that I am the greates of fans of girls with nice curvy body and nice big boobs and ass. After my success on my 2 stories “Mauja hi Mauja” and “Office mein Mazaa” I am writing my 3rd on ISS I am from Mumbai and financially very strong but for journey I use public transport as I am also worried about nature which will get polluted by smoke …Yeh baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab mai office se wapas apne ghar aane ke liye bus liya … evening mein zyaada...

2 years ago
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Different Pleasure Fucked a Shemale

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

Gay Male
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Different Tuition

Hi ..let me share my first fucking experience with everybody I was 18 years old and in the tenth standad. That was when this happened to me. I was taking tuition for math. Our tuition master was quite a hunk. Let me tell you more about him. He was married with a child. I knew his wife was working and comes home around 6 30pm. Our master works in college and is home by 3.30. Our tuitions are from 4.30 to 6 30. We all used to go to the masters house and learn. He had a study room with chairs and...

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Different Pastures Revised

Thanks to my original Editors for this story — Zaffan, Gandalf4217 & Duffiedawg, and also to Dragonsweb & Sue who offered their suggestions for this revision! I admit that I made a terrible mistake when I married Cynthia, and it was mostly my own fault. I had been terribly lonely that winter and, when I was introduced to her at a holiday party, I allowed myself to be smitten by her. She was a bit too young for me, being still in her early twenties while I was nearly twice that age,...

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Different Kind of Prisoner

Copyright© 2004 Twenty miles out from the city I pulled up alongside a car which had two elderly women sitting with the doors open, the hood up and steam coming from the engine. I was two days out of Peterhead prison having to serve my full sentence without remission. The car was a friend's son's which I was delivering for him. I pulled up alongside them and got out. "Can I help?" I asked the two women. "Our car just made a loud bang then stopped," the younger one answered. Younger...

3 years ago
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Different Gyms Do Train the Body BetterChapter 2 Ann

I had been working at my employer's for a little over eight years, having been promoted to project leader, when my boss got permission from the CEO and the owners to build a Central IT System. Long story short, the opportunity was great for our company, and my career in particular. It involved many months of long hours. I worked late most evenings for the better part of the year, but thankfully we only worked one or two weekends a month. It was a stress on my relationship with my wife and...

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