Science ExperimentChapter 6 free porn video

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I showered, got dressed and took a walk on the beach. It was nearly dinner time and I needed some fresh air and a bit of exercise that didn’t require hip thrusts. I knew that any aches or pains I suffered today would be far outweighed by a lifetime of memories. What I would pay for a video of this session. “Nice workout?” she had asked the day before. Ha. Little did I know. How many other guys had they bypassed before they got to me? I had no idea and didn’t really care. They got to me.

Lori had thought of it all and her age had not been the slightest factor. Colleen was a sex machine and I thought she could have kept me just as busy all by herself if she’d had the opportunity. Bev was a wonderful partner and to know what this did for her self-esteem was a double dividend. Nancy. Nancy had passed out twice. My god, she was beautiful with a bangin bod. And Ann. She was pretty but not the prettiest, athletic but not the most athletic, built but not the most. But her face. It was her face. She was given to the moment. Just completely in that moment. And to share that with her; to be in that moment together. I wondered if she had anyone waiting for her, if she planned on staying in Poplar Bluff or wherever it was. I could look at her face every day. Four more and then I would have that chance. I was almost a mile down the beach when I realized it and headed back at a faster pace.

“Where’ve you been, sport. You owe me one more,” Colleen demanded and everyone laughed and chimed in, “I want one more.” Of course, they did and so did I. I took a long drink of cold water and stood at the counter to look at the lineup. Three of them had listed the bridge or some sort of variant. I would never last. Ann’s was left blank, leaving me puzzled as I had been all day. I looked up at her with a question and she gave me that smile again.

Colleen walked to the center of the room and was ready to do her backbend into the pose but before she did, I proposed a different approach.

“You all know the bridge is a keeper, right? We don’t need science or an experiment to prove it so this is just for the pure enjoyment of it. I’d like to try this a little differently. If I try to fuck three of you in that position I’m going to be carted away in an ambulance. I’ll tackle this a different way; guarantee satisfaction and you get to use that position. Any objections?” No one had any idea what I had in mind but the criteria was acceptable.

Colleen stood in the middle of the room with me inches in front of her. I gave her a quick kiss. “Make it good, Boy Scout, I don’t want to have to get the vibrator out in order to get a good night’s sleep.” Damn. She bent backward and landed on her hands then walked them close to her feet so she was bent backward her pelvis thrust forward, her legs spread wide, incredibly vulnerable and inviting. I knelt before her, placed my hands under her ass and began to eat. I licked her from back to front, then drilled in with my tongue. She was quiet as was everyone else. This was a major changeup. I circled with my tongue and teased her with my lips. I found her clit and nipped at it with my lips. Then I slid my middle finger inside of her, palm up. I found her g-spot and gave her the works. She was sweetly musky to the taste, slick and hot to my fingers and her g-spot felt rough like a cat’s tongue. I stroked it and her moans let me know it was working. As I slid my finger in and out, I pulled out with one finger and then slid back in with two, surrounding that spot and she gasped. I repeated the process now with three fingers inside of her and when they curled against her spot, I sucked her clit into my mouth and I sucked it in hard. She swore and bucked and then the bottom fell out and she collapsed despite my attempt to hold her up.

“Damn, Danny. You’ve been holding out.” She curled up in a fetal position and clutched her knees close to her. “Damn.” She shuddered again and a few seconds later again. Her orgasm wouldn’t quit. She quaked again and threw her hands and legs straight out in a final convulsion. Then she popped up and started walking in circles holding her crotch.

Colleen was still walking in circles when Lori stood in front of me and asked, “Ready? I want what she had.”

“Don’t you want to take notes and ask about the position? I want to ask Colleen, was that one long orgasm with pauses or three separate orgasms? You did that before.”

“I don’t know. Three, maybe,” she answered briskly, still walking.

“What would it be like if you just had the first one and not the other two?” I asked because I really had no idea.

“That’s not even a real question,” she said and then realized she’d been less than polite and changed her tone. “It was pretty nice, just the way you did it. It’s almost like bondage because once you’re in that pose, you’re not going anywhere until the show’s over. You’ve got a real nice dick but your mouth has talent.” She smiled for me and then crashed on the Murphy bed.

Lori was done with note taking, “Are you ready to eat me like that or not?”

So, I did. Lori was not as tight so I was able to slide three fingers into her more easily. Her taste was very different, almost sweet and her pussy lips became far more swollen. I had fun eating Colleen but Lori was different in a very nice way. She wasn’t as wet but I certainly had no problem working my fingers in her and she came just as hard. The intersection of position and technique was a winner and she had a very strong orgasm and this time I was prepared for her collapse.

Bev was up and she too, had selected the bridge. I asked her if she liked what she saw and wanted the same and she nodded. She was about to drop into the position when I stepped close to her. I held her shoulders and said, “I’m going to eat you but not the way I did them. I’m going to take my sweet time. I’m going to make you squirm and beg and cry for release. The entire room will be begging me to let you cum but I won’t. I’ll make you wait longer and when I think you can’t last any longer, I’ll hold out another few minutes before I shatter your world. That’s how I’m going to eat you. Are you sure you want me to?”

“Oh, god, yes. That’s what I want.” She was begging already and without another word bent backwards into position. With her pelvis tilted up in anticipation and before I began, I asked for a glass of water. It was torture and she was quivering in anticipation.

I set the glass down but fished an ice cube out of the glass first. I placed my right hand against her ass and helped her arch higher, then traced a circle around her belly with the ice cube. It melted quickly on her freshly tanned flesh. Everyone had heard me say what I was going to do to her and the room was pin-drop quiet. I used the ice cube to trace downward toward the crease of her thigh bringing goose bumps to her flesh. I slid the ice cube back up, across the top of her bush and then back down the other side and she shook in anticipation, but she remained silent. I kissed her on the knee and then slowly traced my way upward, alternately licking and nipping at her thigh. I was nearly to her bush when I broke it off and started again at the other knee, slowly working my way up.

I hovered over her, my breath on her pussy, driving her crazy but she remained silent. I kissed the crease of her inner leg and licked her tan lines and she arched higher, trying to push her pussy into my face. I switched to the other side and did it again and I could hear her whimpering so quietly I almost missed it. I brought my mouth over her pussy and drew one very slow long lick from bottom to top and as I did so, I traced a new line on her belly with another ice cube. I circled her pussy with my mouth as I circled her navel with the ice cube moving both closer and closer to the center. The anticipation was tearing her up.

I wasn’t sure how long she could last in this difficult pose. I used my hand beneath her ass to judge if she was becoming tired and so far, all it told me was that she could squeeze her ass cheeks together pretty hard. I’d been teasing her for long enough and I licked from bottom to top again and when I got to the top, I circled her clit with my tongue and then I circled it again. And she uttered her first plea, “Please”, she begged. Good. I nipped at her clit very briefly and then began to lick from bottom to top again, this time I used the flat of my tongue and dragged it slowly but with more pressure. She was absolutely soaked and she tasted good, tangy and salty.

“You have a beautiful, tasty pussy, Bev, and I’m stiff as a board.” I licked again ever so slowly and she quivered again. When I got to the top, I pulled her clit into my mouth and suckled it gently. I palmed her mound and squeezed it beneath my hand, pressing upward with my left hand beneath her ass and downward with my right, grinding my palm against her and then rode up her with my palm pressing against the center of her sex.

“Danny, please. Eat me or fuck me, I don’t care but let me cum,” she begged and I considered the other option. I finally slid one finger inside her as I circled her clit again and her legs quivered. I circled my finger up and quickly found her g-spot and gave it a very gentle rub, almost no pressure at all. I knew right where it was and she knew that but I continued to tease. I slid my finger back to the spot and circled it again as I licked up to and around her clit again. I could see Lori as she watched Bev’s face. She caught my eye and motioned for me to finish her.

I slid a second finger inside and began to suck gently on her clit, rubbing my lips all around it. I could feel her ass tighten even more. I only had two fingers in and was barely rubbing her g-spot and she was ready. I sucked her clit into my mouth and fingered her g-spot with both fingers and when I did, she arched up, pushing into my face. With solid suction on her clit, I flicked my tongue back and forth across it and she walked her hands closer to her feet and begged me with her body. I managed a third finger and spread them wide, sliding them past her spot quickly and she began to erupt. I she moaned loudly and then screamed even louder in an amazing orgasm.

I kept my mouth on her as I repositioned myself and when I managed to get into position, I continued to hold her butt up, quickly stood, positioned my dick at her pussy and thrust into her. It was totally unexpected and when I slammed into her, she convulsed in a second orgasm. I put my hands under her back and lifted her to me, drove home and ground into her, holding her deep as she pulsed around me.

One long convulsion and she collapsed. I slipped out of her still stiff as a board and let her down gently. She rolled over so we could all see the tears running down her face. I lay down beside her and slipped my arm under her head and drew her in. She turned to me and clutched at my shoulder, sobbing. I looked past her to see the other four women beaming. I held her close for nearly half an hour. She looked at me before rising, kissed me on the lips and thanked me.

Lori broke the long silence. “So, everyone’s good with the bridge?”

“That was so hot,” Colleen said.

Nancy grinned, “How hot was it, Colleen?”

“You know exactly how hot it was,” and she was quiet for a minute than admitted, “I fingered myself to another orgasm while I was watching you. That’s how hot it was, Okay?”

“So did I,” Lori said and Bev was smiling. She had helped give two women an orgasm while getting two of her own. I was feeling pretty proud of myself but now Nancy was up.

“Nancy, what do you have in mind?” Lori asked.

“Why switch from a winner,” she answered.

“Are you sure? You’ve passed out twice now and that’s probably the most intense orgasm of the day. You ready for that?” Ann asked.

She thought about it a minute. “I don’t have a headache or anything. I think I’m fine. I want that. I definitely want that,” she said and I knew she would pass out if I did to her what I did to Bev. I’d eat her but I’d moderate it.

I walked to the bathroom to wash my face. I was slippery and sticky with Bev’s juices. I met Bev coming back out. She was going to tell me something but couldn’t think of the words so I just pulled her close and held her again. After a few moments I eased the hold and she stepped back.

“I’ve had a lot of fun today and hopefully; I’ll give Nancy and Ann each another orgasm and have one myself. But that was the hottest thing of the day. They will all be talking about the orgasm you just had all the way back home.”

“I’m sore as hell,” she said, smiled, and walked back to the great room.

I washed up, gargled, drank some water and was ready to go. I was actually feeling pretty invigorated. Nancy would be easy and then I could have Ann. I’m not sure what I was expecting from that but that’s what I wanted.

Nancy was standing in the great room, shifting from foot to foot. She’d already had more pleasure in one day than was legal in some states but she was ready for more. I approached her and she was downright giddy.

“You sure,” I asked.

“I’m sure. I already know I like the position and I haven’t had anyone go down on me in a while. I’m ready.” She leaned back and thrust her pelvis up, feet spread and toes out. Her clitoris was swollen enormously with desire, its beautiful pink folds begging for attention. I didn’t see any need to sneak up on her or prime her with foreplay. She wanted to cum hard and I would let her. I saw Ann move close to keep an eye on her.

I went after her like a dog with a new bone. I ran my tongue over the folds of her pussy, and knew immediately that she was hypersensitive. I licked her from top to bottom and thought she might cum from that. I wanted to give her the full experience but knew if I didn’t progress quickly that she’d cum too soon and miss the best of it. I slid a finger into her as I sucked on her inner lips. She was very tight and I edged her feet even wider apart. She was as open as I could imagine and she still felt tight. I slid my finger in and out a couple of times and she loosened up. I tried for a second finger but it didn’t want to go until I turned my hand so they could sneak in stacked rather than side by side.

I found her clit and surrounded it with my lips, sucking on it very gently. I didn’t want to bring her off until I got my fingers into her. I tried to straighten them out but it was difficult. Surprisingly, I found that I could slide three fingers in as long as I kept my hand sort of thumb up. I tried to turn my hand palm up but she was too tight in that direction. Instead, I slid a fourth finger into her and was able to slide it in deeply. I sucked on her clit harder now and realized I could get most of my hand into her. I pushed harder and managed to get my hand in up to my first knuckle. I was practically fisting her but couldn’t get two fingers in sideways.

I continued to suck and pushed four fingers in past that first knuckle. I have relatively small hands and my right was almost completely inside her and she was squeezing it fiercely. Her legs were quivering but she was holding on. I tucked my thumb tight to my fingers and slid my entire hand into her. It was gone, completely inside her and when she squeezed the pressure was on my wrist. I curled my fingers inside her as I sucked harder and she began to moan. This was different than before. It bordered on a wail but I was intoxicated by this new experience. I continued to curl my fingers and finally formed a complete fist inside her. I worked it back and forth and her spasms took on greater intensity. “Here we go again,” I thought. I picked up the pace with my hand and sort of spread my fingers making my fist bigger. I was pounding into her now and sucked hard and she came. She came hard and fast and very differently than before. Her legs shot straight out but I held her up with my left hand and she clamped her legs together as she came, her pussy clenching my fist harder than I could have imagined. I was trapped inside her, not an unpleasant experience at all. The spasms against my hand slowed and then stopped but she clamped her legs together and I was still trapped inside her. I eased her down to the floor with my left and tried to straighten out my fingers to make my hand smaller but it was tough going.

“Nancy, I need my hand back,” I said and she propped herself up on her elbows and looked down. I don’t think she had realized until then that I had put my entire hand inside her.

“No,” she said and clamped tight against me. “It’s my hand now.” She laughed a little and then relaxed her legs and spread them so I could withdraw. I expected it to be painful so I pulled it out slowly and she just laid there and smiled in orgasmic bliss. “I highly recommend that to anyone who’s wondering,” she said and closed her eyes. Another satisfied customer.

We talked about the fisting experience and how hard she had cum and that she hadn’t passed out. We tried to figure out why not but we couldn’t do it.

I stood and Ann stood with me. “Good lord, Danny. You’ve ruined her for life,” she said smiling.

“I think it’s my new calling. I’ll be back in a few.” I went to the bathroom, found a clean towel and took a quick shower. I’d made it and I wanted to attend to my personal hygiene before I attended to Ann.

When I walked back out to the great room, the lights were turned very low and Ann was waiting. She was the only one in the room.

“Where’s everyone else,” I asked.

“They stepped out,” she answered. “Just you and me.” I smiled, drew her close and kissed her. I put my hands on her back and pressed her into me and we kissed long and hard, like it was the first kiss of the day. We kissed like hungry teenagers who had never been kissed before and were learning this new thing. She felt wonderful in my hands, like a precious jewel and my hands slid up until they cupped her face. I held her tenderly and kissed her mouth and her cheeks and her nose with little kisses that told a story.

“I want you,” she said. “We’ve fucked four times today and I’ve watched you give your all to other women and satisfy them unselfishly. But I want you now. I don’t want to have sex with you. We’ve done that and you were amazing. I want you to make love to me. No. I want to make love to you. I want to give you what you’ve wanted from me all day.” She took my hand and pulled me over to the Murphy bed. The only thing it had been used for was as a place to rest. She directed me onto the bed so I settled into the center of it. She stepped up and straddled me, looking down. She cupped her breasts and then squeezed her nipples gently. “Yours,” she said. She reached down between her legs and cupped her sex. “Yours,” she said. She ran her hands over her body from top to bottom, “Yours.”

She looked down at my erect cock and said, “Mine.” And then began to do the splits as Lori had earlier. I liked what Lori had done. This would be very nice. She slowly lowered herself toward me, her feet sliding across the sheet until she was inches above my cock. I sat up and took her breast in my mouth and caressed it with my lips and my tongue. She cupped it and pointed her nipple toward me and I sucked it into my mouth hungrily and then she gave me her other breast and I wished I had two mouths.

I flicked my tongue across it and she sighed. My tongue caressed each bump and crinkle on her beautiful tits and she began to lower herself further. When she reached the top of my cock she paused. “In, please,” she said and I aimed my dick at her as she lowered herself even further. Split wide like that, she still felt very tight as she slid down. It had been more than an hour since we’d had sex but she was wet for love, now. She slid down further, steaming hot on me. Burning hot. She continued down until there was nowhere to go. Her legs were split wide on either side of me and we’d bottomed out. She clenched me, then put her arms around my neck. As I pulled her to me to kiss, she bent her knees and drew her feet in and behind me. Her heels on my back tugged me into her deeper and we stayed like that for a long time and kissed. I traced her face with my fingers, along her ears and down her jawline. I ran my hands across her back until they reached her butt and I pulled at her.

She leaned back, in an incredible position Colleen and I shared early on and she lifted herself up, ever so slightly and then dropped back down. I had cum four times already that day or I would have already been spent. I lowered my head to capture her tits in my mouth again and sucked them in quickly.

“You’re so beautiful, so sexy. You’re fit, and athletic but you’re so feminine. And it feels so good to be inside you.” She clenched her muscles, squeezing me inside her and she smiled.

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“Mike, we’re here.” You open your eyes to see your moms friendly face. You looked around and noticed you were in a parking garage. You see your dad by the trunk unloading luggage and that’s when you figure out you’re at the airport. It’s still super early in the morning and all you remember is your mom waking you up and leading you to the car where you fell back asleep. “Come on. We don’t want to miss the flight.” She says as you step out of the car. You suddenly get a spark of energy when you...

1 year ago
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Star Struck

It's 2am. I wake up needing to go to the toilet. Rather than relieve myself in the ensuite I go down the hall to the family bathroom. Light comes from the gap under the closed door of my daughters bedroom. My daughter is having a sleep over with a few friends I hear quiet giggling. I head down the hall to the kitchen, pour a glass of water, and head out on to the patio to enjoy a quiet moment under the stars. I sit in a deck chair. The sky is full of stars. Living in the countryside there is...

4 years ago
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Spring CarnivalChapter 10

Ann wrapped her arms around my chest and kissed me back. My eyes blinked open, and I glanced over towards April. The look in her face was outstanding. Her mouth dropped open, she put her hands on her hips, and did her best to look indignant at me for kissing Ann first instead of her. I just laughed. Ann turned me towards April and pushed. "We'll teach you not to be grateful," she said. I fell forward in mock suprise and managed to drop both of my hands right on top of April's tits, which...

2 years ago
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Midnight turns hot with sandhya

As for i was an origin still that exprience,sandhya is my house owner daughter-in-law ,she is a good looking lady, sexy figure 34-31-35 as told by her.i used to compare her for bollywood actress nanditha das ,but her boobs were bigger and the ass as always inviting to fuck. Me had completed my education and looking for a job ,tall handsome guy ,have a dick of 6.5 . I had a crush on her from the first day we came to there house ,they stayed on the second floor and we below them .everyday i used...

3 years ago
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Meri pehli chudai at 20

Dear friends, i am 27 years old married women who had sex experience at age of 20 when i was alone at home with my younger brother who is 4 years younger than me.we were alone at house from 2 days and would remain for one week as our parents were gone abroad with my older sister for her admissions in UK.those were days of extreme cold and second night my brother karan– asked me if he could sleep with me on my bed as he is feeling lonely and scared. I said ok but told him to take seperate...

1 year ago
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Thickumz Demi Sutra Full Splits And A Thickie Slit

Demi Sutra must have watched a lot of Tiger Woods growing up because this girl has a passion for golf! To be fair, its mini golf, but thats good enough for us. Today, she twerks out on the course before doing a little strip tease. She heads back to the hotel to meet our super hung stud and does a full split and twerks her ass until his boner is ready to rock. Then, she hops on top and goes for an extra wet cockride, squirting all over the hotel floor! Finally, she works his dick until he shoots...

2 years ago
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Here is one out of the box ie not nromal

How I treated my mate, partner and wife from the day we met, yes we actually met on a Valentines Day.After the lovely meal together, we realised we had heaps in common and my new mate even suggested I come home that night with her, but I declined as I needed to collect my thoughts.Three days later, I was invited to spend the weekend with her in a little house down by the sea.Touching them would set a fire burning in her womanly clit.Finally we got to a stage where neither of us could hold back...

2 years ago
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Two Slutty Daughters Chapter Nine

An original story by edited and broken down into chapters by meChapter 9Diane's run took on a strange gait as she rushed home. Her cunt was so hot she limped as she trotted. Watching Anita getting fucked by her older brother had been the final straw for Diane. She had to get fucked right now, or she knew she would never be able to look herself in the eye again.Panting with exertion and lust, she burst into the back door of her house to find her father calmly making himself a sandwich. He looked...

3 years ago
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Fidelity Ch 06

It became a game between us. Unspoken. What humiliation would he demand? How low would I stoop? Almost anything, we knew. Any scrap of affection or moment of intimacy he promised I paid for with a currency of shame. I streaked across the city, his cum on my face, for a cuddle. What would I do for a fond caress? I came to dread he demands while pining for any morsel of affection. I paid for a hug with another public blowjob. On the off chance he might smile warmly at me, I walked paraded around...

4 years ago
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Scheherazade Movement Two Lacie awakens the Kalandar Prince

 The four-master, Coq d'Or, voyaged through the night to Al Nen Drowd.In her berth, Lacie slept fitfully, puzzling over her curious adventures.Wondrous, that men should want to see her strip. Strange, that they could have such diverse reactions to what they saw. She'd hated the lascivious slobs of sailors. But she could happily have stayed undressed for Captain Sindwell all night. He'd exuded such innocent delight that she longed for more, even when his eyes caressed her most private places....

Straight Sex
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My Boy Nigel

This story follows on immediately from Auntie Mary Part 2 Nigel stood, soaking at the door to the garden. "Go get a towel from the kitchen and dry yourself off. Then get dressed." I said. Make sure you don't leave a mess anywhere. "Yes, Miss." "Oh! And bring me my clothes." A few minutes later, Nigel was back with my clothes neatly folded in his hands. He presented them to me. "Thanks," I said, and stood up. I dropped the towel and dressed right then and there. No point in standing on...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Millie Stone Millie Rock That Cock

Millie is bursting with excitement from the jump! She gets asked for her ID to confirm her age and starts dancing because she knows shes one step closer to getting a good old fashioned fucking. This milk chocolate drop of sexy got into porn for some real reasons like paying for school. Its refreshing to find a girl with some actual life goals! Anyway, Millies ass was perfectly sized and perfectly shaped. The perfect booty to twerk with! She even gave us a little preview of her skills. After the...

2 years ago
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Girls First Time Being Shared

He started taking about her letting others see her naked while he fucked her, and it was obvious by her bodies response that she liked it... but outside of the bedroom she would say it was just dirty talk, and she would never do that. Peter eventually started ramping up the "dirty talk" during sex, and would talk about her getting fucked by strangers or one of his friends... once again it became apparent she was slowly starting to like thinking about it, but she still wouldn't entertain the...

2 years ago
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The Missionarys DaughterChapter 5

She could not have been sleeping long again when she felt pulled over closer against the wall. In her half-asleep state, she dreamed that it was Daranje Kawat and she hadn't the strength or sense of will to move and listen or open her eyes to be sure of what was going on. She sensed the stopping of trousers from a dark muscular body, and she heard them drop dully on the earthen ground. Then there was silence, except for a deep breathing. Was there no one else in the room? She tensed her body...

2 years ago
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Kissing KeiraChapter 11

KEIRA ROLLED ONTO HER side, a slight soreness between her legs making her smile. Her bedroom was inky dark. It was past one o'clock and she still couldn't sleep. It kept repeating in her head; I made love with Seb! I'm not a virgin anymore! She fluffed her pillow and closed her eyes. When she'd opened the front door at eleven thirty and slipped inside, closing the door quietly, she'd found Mom waiting, sitting quietly with a side lamp on reading a book. Mom had smiled softly....

3 years ago
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Camping Trip Chapter 5

Friday Evening   The twenty three camp sites were far enough apart with pine trees around them adding privacy.Beth and I arrived a few minutes early.Ken was grilling steaks, corn on the cob, asparagus. "Welcome girls, make yourselves at home.""So happy the two of you could make it." Barbie poured a White Riesling for everyone.Barbie asked us to raise our glasses, "To new friends."Everyone gulped down their wine. Feeling more relaxed as Barbie refilled the glasses.Both of us were happy that...

1 year ago
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Dinner out and a Nude Walk through the Streets

This last week had been far from good, Diana had the last 2 weeks at her home as she had her daughter. That in itself is not bad, but not having her with Alice and myself was very different to what we thought it would be. We both missed her very much.Then Alice is driving to work one morning and this guy was sms’ing on his phone while driving and took out the passenger side of her car. She was not hurt, but was a mess, so I drove to where it happened. All ended up ok and he got 2 infringement...

3 years ago
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The Man Of Sin Chapter 11

Chapter 1: Berlin, Germany: The young man climbed up out of the bed, leaving the naked woman to silently cry. He looked out the window at the rainy city, chuckling to himself in both satisfaction and anticipation. “What in God’s name are you?” the woman hissed as she curled up in the fetal position. She was beautiful in body but broken in spirit, her inner thighs red from the blood of her torn hymen. Her virginity had been taken from her to the sound of her twisted cries of...

1 year ago
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The Trials and Tribulations of Amy Sue MaxineChapter 4

Just as we're wondering about what we've heard, the other two Tribal cops come up behind us and drop their pants. "Boy, I hate sloppy seconds," one says to the other. "But, fucking this prime white pussy sure beats banging one of our old squaws." Just as he says that, I feel another cock plunging into one of my holes. Only, this time the hole is my asshole. God, even that feels better with a real, live cock than with one of those dyke strap-ons. Then, the two other cops – the ones who...

1 year ago
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Surprise at Harmony JunctionChapter 9

We got back to town and took care of the necessaries. Bob sent somebody to tell the mayor what had happened to the marshal. In less than 20 minutes, the mayor showed up all upset because Eagle Pass no longer had a working marshal. He actually resorted to wringing his hands as he tried to absorb the ramifications of the sudden disaster. Since Bob was the one in charge of the posse, the mayor gravitated to Bob for advice. Though he did not know Bob personally, he did know of Bob's reputation,...

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Diavolo Ch 08

Gabriel banged on her door for about five minutes. She’d locked him out. “Abigail, god-damn-it,” he yelled at the door. “Give her time to cool down, man,” Rafe said behind him. “Shut-up. This is all your damn fault,” Gabriel snapped pounding the door three more times. If it weren’t for his three broken ribs, a busted leg, and a barely healed collarbone he’d have busted the door down by now. Michael leaned against said door frame, eyes flashing in irritation. “Would you calm the fuck down,...

Love Stories
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Growing up Polygamy Part 2

“Ughhh….ahhh, Mom if you keep doing that we’re going to crash” I moaned trying to focus on the road while Carol focused on sliding my prick in her throat. I was amazed at her nonexistent gag reflex. Within seconds she had taken the entire veiny pulsing member and I could now feel her tongue playingly licking the sensitive loose skin of my scrotum. “Mmmmm” I heard her hum just before she started to jerk her head up and down, fucking her own face with my cock. I could feel a hint of her...

4 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 7

In last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...

1 year ago
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Cassies Secret

                      Cassie's Secret                      Chapter Sixteen   I can not believe Charlie, I have been so wrong about him. I have treated him really mean because I thought he was like all the other creeps I have known. He is not. He has allowed me to do really nasty stuff to him while giving him nothing but more deprivation and yeah, depraved treatment. I sometimes feel like a, not very nice person, yet to Charlie I am a Goddess. I do not think I will ever give Charlie, "The...

2 years ago
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The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank

When I was young my Grandfather used to read the paper to me. One of his favorite colomnists was a woman named Erma Bombeck. I got the idea for this story from the title of one of her books. As ususal thanks to Mikothebaby for editing this story. If you like it please let her know that her work is appreciated by someone besides me. Refusing to let go of the past is the surest way of not having a future. God damn it. I hated mornings like this one. It was a crisp, clean, spring morning with...

4 years ago
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Kinky Threesome With Anushree And Swati

This is the story of Swati. This story between Anushree, Swati and me would invite many more beautiful women to enjoy our bed with us. You might say we are of ‘mature’ age but our sex life is very hot! We’ve been together for 1month now and the sex just keeps getting better. We both agree sex is one of the greatest joys in life and also very healthy. While talking about our fantasies one day I inquired as to whether she ever fantasized about other women. “No way!”Anushree said, “I have...

1 year ago
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The Sun Also Rises

I first met Janet on a porch in Adams-Morgan one steamy DC night. It had been a typical summer day. Both the heat and the humidity were hovering around 100. And I’d sweated through my underwear. Nobody in their right mind would be in Washington in July. Seriously!!! -- it’s no coincidence that the varmints in Congress scamper off for a five-week recess. Nonetheless, my graduate work chained me to the place. And as a result I stood on that porch, suffering. It was fucking miserable. I...

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A Winters Night

A Winter's Night by katelyn michelle The bar was a lot emptier than I had hoped. There were no crowds standing around, and no one on the dance floor. I had hoped to meet other t-girls and make some new friends like I'd done the last time I came here. Apparently the crowds had been drawn that day by some special event. Tonight, my only company would be the few gay men sitting around the bar. Hoping the party was just late getting started, I pulled up a stool at the end of the...

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The Lady In Red

Raymond was lying on the bed slowly sliding his fingers up and down his cock, pretending once more that his fantasy woman was doing it. Since his breakup with Sue, he has not fucked anything real for over two weeks. Suddenly, he stopped, and yelled, “Damn it, I cannot take this anymore, I need a real pussy!” He needed to feel his cock sliding in and out of a sweet, wet, pussy. He thought for a moment and looked at the clock it read 6pm. ‘Tonight, I will find someone to fuck, before I lose my...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 121

These are compliments of fmwarmac Fred gets married and on his wedding night he calls his Father for some tips on what to do, since he has never been with a woman before. “So what do I do first?” His father replied, “Take her clothes off and lay her on the bed.” 5 minutes later Fred’s on the phone again. “She’s naked and in bed, what do I do now??? His father can’t believe what he is hearing, “Take your damn clothes off and get into bed with her.” After another 5 minutes poor Fred is...

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The List

She groaned and leaned back in her chair, slowly counting to five. He disabled another oxygen system and watched the tiny crew of the spaceship on the screen panic and begin frantically working to fix their air supply. Finally, she shook her head and looked over at him. ?You are not allowed to give internet advice anymore. Ever. In a million million years.? He pushed more power to the shields and looked over at her with a frown. ?Why? What did I do wrong?? She turned back to the computer and...

2 years ago
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An Erotic Threesome With A Married Couple

Hi, friends I am Tathya. Sharing my latest erotic threesome experience with you all. Do give me your valuable feedback on As usual, I was doing exercise on my building’s terrace. It was around 6.30 pm, and the sun was about to set. There I heard the sound of a bottle breaking on the ground in the flat opposite to my building. A couple was kissing heavily. The male was squeezing the females boobs very hard as if it was a stress ball. The boobs were almost 40 d size, with small black areolas and...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked My Roommates Indian Girlfriend

I have decided to transfer and attend a college in Rochester NY, majoring in computer technology. Upon arriving I was assigned a room by the resident advisor on my floor. I did not get a roommate because no one else was assigned to the room. I would later learn that there were less than 25 minorities living on campus. There was a total of 3000 student living on campus. So it was no surprise that I would be the only minority in most of my classes. I was the first minority to enroll in the...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetAllStars Sera Ryder Youre a Heartbreaker

What’s up, TeamSkeet fans? Are you as stoked for another All-Stars update as we are? We love celebrating our fantastic TeamSkeet babes, so it gives us great pleasure to tell you 2023’s February AllStar is the always stunning Sera Ryder! This rising star is an absolute fireball and has been insanely busy since she started shooting porn just a couple of years ago. We’ve worked with Sera plenty of times and are excited to keep the good times rolling. In this All-Stars update, watch Sera fulfill...

3 years ago
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Men are easier 2

Walking out I passed the bar. That waiter saw me, smiled and said to have fun. I approached, leaned over the bar, you know Alex? I know of him, he whispered, I hear he's a horny fuck. Standing up I smiled, i'll let you know, and left. His truck was backed into a spot in the back of the lot. I tapped on the back door, c'mon in, he answered.Opening the door I climbed in, my heart raced. He'de removed the middle seats leaving only the back bench. It was fairly dark but I could see him sitting...

4 years ago
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Taking Another Step

It had been nearly a week since the scintillating Saturday when my fiancée and I had the most incredible meeting of the minds about our sexual desires. Unfortunately, as the days crept forward from that fateful afternoon, I began to worry that those moments were an aberration rather than a sign of things to come. In the throes of passion, we had done a bit of internet browsing for the toys that would send our sex life to the next level. Much to my dismay, these items simply made it to the...


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