Science! Side Effects May Include Sluttiness Part 2 free porn video

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CHAPTER 7 Nothing solves complex issues like a good night's rest. I don't know why I felt so well rested but I guess it had something to do with my talk with Chris last evening. Something about being able to talk about it or the offer to talk I'm guessing or having someone you can share with. Or then it was the good cry I had alone in my room while eating the subway. Either way, I woke up feeling well rested except... you guessed it, my groin. As soon as my brain was alert enough, I felt it. Pressure and burning in my groin and one desperate cock trying to achieve morning wood but being thwarted by solid titanium. I don't even want to know what time it is. I crawl out of bed and make my way to the bathroom but it's locked. Fuck! Chris! He heard me try the door. "You up again this early, Simon?" I only groan a response and slouch to sit next to the door, all too aware of the pain radiating from my groin, it's getting worse. What feels like an hour, must have only been a minute or so but my groin was in serious pain when I heard Chris flush, wash his hands and exit the toilet. He's surprised to see me sitting on the floor, holding my groin. I don't say anything, just stand up and slouch to the toilet and close the door. Chris chuckles and packs his things for school. "I'll leave some coffee for you in the pot, Simon!" and he's out the door. My morning wood is at such a degree I'm having trouble squeezing out any pee, there simply isn't any room in the cage. Now the pee getting stuck is starting to hurt too. The pain is getting really bad. I dont think a cold shower can save me now. Seeing my options depleted and the pain becoming exponential, I do the only thing I can think of. "This better work..." I mumble to myself and I stick my finger in my mouth for lube and, you guessed it, with a loud, annoyed and humiliated grunt, I push my finger into my rectum. 'Another low, yay!' I curse to myself. I feel violated and humiliated, what a great way to start the day and I push the finger deeper simply to punish myself, still very aware that it was me who got myself into this mess. After a brief moment, I hear my pee trickle into the toilet bowl and the pain starts to subside. I grunt as I withdraw my finger and I make damn sure to wash my hands well. I go have a cup of coffee since there was some ready. As I stand in the kitchen and sip my coffee, I notice I am extremely aware of the heavy chastity device on my groin. If I turn a little, I feel it sway. If I thrust my pelvis, it swings slightly. No matter what I do, it's there and I can feel it. I also notice that there is something... almost bubbling within me. Like a steam boiler with the lid on too tight, I feel a pressure building. I sip more coffee and become acutely aware of how aroused I am, it's like a wave washing over me, retreating and then it comes again. Sometimes the wave comes on stronger and sometimes weaker but I feel it now. I. Am. Aroused. What I also realize soon after is, I need to ignore it, think about something else, anything else! I shake my head and start thinking about... boobs. Fuck! No! I wonder if... porn. Shit! Ok, get a grip man! Right, I could clean today since I'm unemployed... maybe I could get a maid, a slutty maid. FUCK! I finished my coffee and decided to go for a run but I need to change running gear again. This time under my sweatpants I wore my old speedo, one I had not used in years and was two sizes too small. And let me tell you, it worked great! I got at least 30 minutes without any issues, I think it was more, I wasn't timing. I got a great run until I felt something give and then something became loose. The speedo snapped. Shit! Well, a good long run with a good almost as long walk, I still call it a success. I do start to think I need to get tighter underwear for running... maybe for sleeping too? Walking home I notice myself staring at all the women quite a lot and my mind starting to go to dark places. I get home, the exercise does help with my increasing... err... libido but I still feel like life is going to be very different considering how different I feel just after two days of getting locked in this damn thing. After having a shower I spend the day lounging around and I do a bit of cleaning and try to keep myself occupied, my thoughts are really starting to bother me. Afternoon rolls around and Chris comes home. We greet each other in the kitchen and we both know there is something on the agenda but neither one seems eager to be the first one to talk. I go to my room and sit at my desk. A few minutes later Chris knocks on the doorframe and walks in, he sits on my bed. Chris is the first to talk. "So...? Uuh, how has your day been?" I flip him the bird, as if he cant make a fucking guess. He grins. "Think of it this way... you're a virgin, you don't even know what you are missing." This time I show him both birds, I keep my eyes on the computer screen, not because there is something interesting on the monitor but because I don't know what to say. Rick continues. "Tough crowd tonight?" I shoot him a glare and I open up a little. "I'm really struggling, Chris... I feel like I am going out of my mind because you know... The thing." Chris sighs and inhales deeply. "Ok, we should talk about this and we need to talk using real words. Your penis is locked in a chastity device, yes?" His bluntness caught me off guard and I feel myself blushing and I feel awkward. "Yes. My mighty lance has been put to prison." Fuck, now Im making jokes because Im uncomfortable. Chris looks serious. "No. Let's talk, Simon. Like talk talk. Because of your participation in the medical trial, you have been prohibited from masturbating or having intercourse, correct?" My face burns deep hot red and I feel like getting angry but I keep my emotions in check. "Yes. For two days now, I have been wearing a chastity device." Saying it out loud to someone else makes it seem more serious somehow. "What happened this morning? Why were you holding your groin and sitting on the floor?" I grind my teeth. I don't want to say. But I also want help from Chris, I'm just too ashamed to ask for it so.. The truth it is. "In the mornings, I usually... No, always wake up with morning... Wood..." Why is this so difficult?! "And with the chastity device on me... It hurts. A lot." I feel like saying that made me exhausted. I take a deep breath, I said it, it's done. Chris takes over. "Right. So to get that out in the open, as we both know, you are unable to achieve an erection. Your morning er-ections..." He articulates it weirdly. "...cause you pain due to your inability to have an er-ection at all because of the chastity cage, which is locked on you. And your inability to have an erection causes... what?" I stay silent, I feel unable to talk but Chris reads me. "Use your words, Simon..." I sigh deeply. "My chastity device prevents me from having an erection. Which prevents me from pleasuring myself. Which prevents me from getting rid of the amounting arousal! Which prevents me from thinking clearly! Which prevents me from feeling like I am a normal person!! Which feels sick and twisted!! Which annoys me!!" Chris jumps up from the bed and comes closer to me. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Dude! Simon, calm down!" I stop ranting mid sentence. I believe this was the first time I expressed just how frustrated I was already feeling, won't lie, it felt good. I finish and speak through my gritted teeth. "I'm sure. You. Get. The. Point." Chris removes his hand and sits back down on my bed. "Ok, right. So you are frustrated. You have a lot of... pent up sexual energy you want to release, right." Now Chris seems uncomfortable but he soldiers on. "Let's... Let's talk about that." I raise my hand in objection. "No, no need and I don't really feel like it right now. Thank you for trying, Chris but I'm still figuring things out myself. I just feel so... so... Ugh... I feel like I'm a different person, okay? Like the thoughts and ideas I normally have are not there. I keep having sexual thoughts but not like normally... like there is an innuendo for everything or that there is a porn movie marathon playing in the back of my head, I feel like I'm coming apart at the seams!" Chris blinks. "I thought you said you didn't want to talk about it?" I sigh in desperation. "Fuck, I don't know!" Chris laughs and says something stupid "Man... you're like a woman! Is something wrong? No. But something is. Hah!" I shoot him an angry glare, he realizes to stop immediately. "Just remember Simon, talking helps and I am here for you buddy. Are you still thinking about quitting?" I nod. "Ok, don't. This is going to sound stupid but hear me out... I read about chastity today and there is a whole community of people who enjoy this kind of stuff..." I look at him angrily. "No, listen! I'm not saying you are one of them. Let me finish! So, I read about people who enjoy this kind of stuff and one thing became clear, they get the most enjoyment out of it when they feel like they are forced into it. Which is exactly where you are. You are forced into chastity. It doesn't matter if it's your fault or not, stop the blame game. Face reality, either you suffer through your prison sentence or you take on an extra 30k in debt and move to your parents house and ruin my life in the process. Looking at it like that, I say the choice is easy or rather, there is no choice. Say it, Simon. Say 'I have no choice.'" I give him a glare which could kill. But I also did listen to him and in a weird way, it made sense. Maybe it would be easier if I was forced and I didn't have a choice? Yet, I remain quiet, not ready to say something I don't believe in. Chris reads me again and continues. "Ok. ok... I have an easier suggestion then... You stay on course and you don't quit the medical trial until you have a successful PIE." I blink. Then I remember what PIE means. Then I blush and I look at him angry. Chris does damage control. "Yes, okay... getting your rocks off from there probably feels like a violation of your manhood and all that but you have to get over it. I read about it and it works, I'm telling you. Again, all you have to do is overcome your mental hangups about it and try it, ok? They provide the service for a reason and it's necessary for your health too. So let's agree... you won't quit until you have your first successful PIE, deal?" Chris looks at me intensely. I wanna tell him to fuck off but instead... "Yeah, I will think about it..." Chris presses on. "No. Let's agree. I will sleep a lot better knowing I wont be getting evicted or kicked out of school, remember? We are in this together. Though you are Frodo and you gotta carry the ring but I will help in any other way I can. So come on, Simon. Do we have a deal?" Again, I want to tell him to F himself but I just sigh deeply and close my eyes. My head is buzzing and I feel waves of arousal again. "Do we have to do this now?" "Yes, Simon. I need to know and I think it will help you too. You know there isn't really an option here. Either you stay in chastity or both our lives are ruined, simple as that. This deal will help you orientate and it's good to have goals. So, one last time... do we have a deal?" I press my face against my palms and mumble. "You are such a fucking asshole, Chris. Fine! Deal." Chris pats me on the shoulder and leaves my room. I remain still with my face buried on my hands for two reasons. One, I'm really tired. Two, I think I'm leaking precum into my boxers? After another cold shower, I crawl into bed. CHAPTER 8 I woke up groggy and in pain again. My brain registered a sound. I realized it was our doorbell. Suddenly I was wide awake. My groin was on fire and someone was at the door, I had a decision to make. Relieve the pain or endure it and answer the door and then relieve the pain. I chose option three. "WHO IS IT?" I shouted loud enough to be heard, holding my groin in pain. "Postal office. Got a package here for you, sir!" Fuck! I pulled on my sweatpants and walked awkwardly to the door. The pain was really annoying! I opened the door and wanted to get this over quickly but I got a surprise. The postal worker had a huge box on a hand truck. "Omnilos sender. Got a big package here for you, Sir," the postal worker said. 'Shit!' I cussed in my head and motioned for him to bring it in. "Where you want it?" I immediately told him to just dump it in the door. I wanted to sign for it and get this over with so I can do something about this pain in my groin. As soon as I had signed and closed the door, I darted into the bathroom, I was hurting really bad! I took off all my clothes and got in the shower and tried to pee on the floor while turning on the shower. Yup, knew it, not happening! I stuck my finger in my mouth again and then did something for the second time I never thought I would do. As soon as my index finger penetrated my sphincter I felt my cock throb in surprise inside the cage. But the pain remained so I did it again and after the fourth time of entering my finger in my butt, I felt my cock throb and begin to deflate and urine flowed. The pain subsided and I let out a groan, not realizing my finger was still inserted in me. I stayed on all fours for a long time, letting the water wash over me. I pulled out my finger and enjoyed being pain free in my groin. I looked down and saw a long pearl of precum hanging from the cage and I groaned feeling very aroused and frustrated. I decided to try even though I had my doubts. I grabbed the chastity cage and started moving it back and forth. It felt good, I felt myself expand. For a few minutes I enjoyed the miniscule sensations on my penis as I kept rubbing and moving the chastity device around. I realized how pathetic I must look, being on all fours on the floor of the shower, desperately poking and prodding and moving the chastity device between my legs. But it was not to be. My skin was still sensitive from the pain of the morning wood and I had to stop as I felt the pain returning. I realized my mistake and I actually let out a silent growl as I had unintentionally put myself in this situation for the second time in the morning. I let my head drop and felt like having a little cry. I was desperate to cum. I let go of the chastity cage and brought my finger against my sphincter and pressed it in. It feels weird having to do that. My cock was like 'what's this?!' and it retreats, becoming flaccid. But it's not because it feels bad... More like, and I realize how stupid this sounds but, it's like my cock feels the sensation in my ass and it retreats to go closer to the source, you know? I felt the pain go away, my dick flaccid inside the chastity device, I withdrew my finger and stood up. 'This is not fair...' With that though, I let the water stream wash away my tears and I had a good cry feeling frustrated and aroused. After the shower and my slight breakdown and crying, I found myself sitting in the kitchen having a coffee. I realized I had slept a little longer, it was 8 in the morning, which was good, I hated the idea of having to wake up super early every morning. I had dragged the box that was brought into the kitchen and I had opened it. It sat in front of me, the lid open and what I saw made me feel disgusted. At the very top of all the items in the box, there was a stack of transparent bags inside a sterilized plastic wrap. I saw hoses connected to the bags and I knew what they were. Enema bags. I immediately took a disliking to them, I knew I would grow to hate them. Hell, I fucking loathed it already. I moved the enema bags aside and started unpacking everything. There was an inventory letter and I checked it. 3 x reusable enema bag, 2 small, 1 large 200 x condensed enema solutions, to be mixed with water. 5 x supplements, 90 pills per bottle 5 x lactabif probiotics, 90 pills per bottle 5 x lactic acid bacteria probiotics, 90 pills per bottle 20 x depilatory solutions 2 x lotion, 1 litre bottle 1 x medical journal, patient diary 10 x packets of sanitary pads, 100 pads per package 5 x sleeping restraint It took me some time to unpack everything. I had to clear room in my closet and I put everything in there, my closet resembling a drug dealer's stash now. The sanitary pads and sleeping restraint sounded weird on the inventory so I found those particular packets, took one of each and opened them. The sanitary pads were what I feared, sanitary pads, like women use. The packaging was neutral and looked medical but the pads themselves were exactly as I had seen on commercials and in shops. I wasn't sure why they sent me these but I ignored it for now. The sleep restraint was scaring me the most. It was like a jumble of straps with hooks on it. I tried to fold it out neatly and it looked weird. I took the folder and looked up the items to get more information. What I learned was... Demoralizing. The sanitary pads were for keeping underwear clean due to leaking pre ejaculate fluids. The sleep restraint, it was a jockstrap but only the straps and they ended in hooks. The hooks were meant to be attached to the chastity device so it gets pulled closer to the body and thus, helps limit NPT discomfort. I threw the folder and all the crap on my bed to the floor and let myself fall on my bed. 'This can't be my life for the next six months! It just can't!' I turned my head slightly and looked into my open closet, all the stuff was still there. 'This isn't a nightmare. I'm not going to suddenly wake up from this, aren't I?' I had another small breakdown and felt tears running down my face. For close to an hour, I weeped and I felt sorry for myself. But at the end of the hour, I did feel a little better for reasons I couldn't explain. I felt like I was at the bottom of the barrel but one glance in my closet, seeing those enema bags and I knew there was a lot more to come. I picked the stuff from the floor, put them back in the closet except for the sleep restraint. I decided to try it on, I was aware of the bulge the chastity cage made in my pants. I got naked and hooked the straps on to my cage, It felt tight! The straps pulled the cage into my groin and it really did lower the profile of the chastity cage. It wasn't uncomfortable but I could definitely feel both the jockstrap and my chastity device more clearly now. In fact, I felt my penis press harder against the device and I swear I could measure my pulse if I wanted. Not sure why but I decided to leave the sleep restraint on for the time being. I closed off my closet and cleaned up my room a bit, folding the large box for recycling and finished my coffee. As soon as I was finished and I sat down on my bed, my mind began to wander again. I sort of went into this meditative state, I was hyper aware of my body, especially my groin. I don't know why but I pulled out my phone and googled porn. It was like my body was on autopilot and it didn't know how to have sex, so my body did what I had been teaching it for over a decade, look at porn. There was a quiet scream at the back of my head, saying I shouldn't do this and that this was a bad idea but in my aroused state, I don't think any rational thought could have stopped me. I was so freakishly horny! I started watching my favorite porn and I thought maybe I should check out those chastity communities Chris mentioned? ---- I heard the door open. Chris was home?! 'What the fuck?' I thought, just how long have I sat on my bed looking at porn? I was like I snapped out of a trance. I did a quick assessment of my surroundings. At some point I had connected my charger to the phone so it wouldn't run out of battery and on the screen there was a hardcore scene of a mistress tormenting and playing with a skinny guy locked in a chastity cage. I also became very aware of how soaked my groin was! My thighs were awash with precum and I could feel my dick throbbing inside the cage which was further pulled back by the sleeping restraint which I had forgotten to take off. I was having a difficult time getting my thoughts back to normal, it was like my brain was screaming for me to continue looking at the porn. It was at that moment that Chris poked his head through my doorframe, which I had completely forgotten to close. He didn't see the porn on my phone as it was facing away from him but what he did get a good glance at was my naked below the waist body! Chris got this deer caught in the headlights look and as soon as he realized I was naked below the waist and he could see my chastity imprisoned penis, his head snapped back out so fast I swear he gave himself whiplash! "Whoa buddy! Why your door open if you all naked in there?!" Chris shouted from the kitchen, seemingly trying to make it sound like this was my fault. I blushed deep red and pulled my blanket over myself, all too late however. "I uuh, I lost track of time... Sorry about that!" Why was I apologizing? He violated my privacy, he should be saying sorry! Yet, somehow it felt appropriate for me to apologize. I looked at my phone to check the time. I had been looking at porn for nearly five hours! "Just, try to remember that you have a door that you can use. Are you decent now?" I was blushing furiously and I didn't like the fact that he was still sort of blaming me. I mumbled, "Uuh, yeah." Chris peered in through my door frame carefully and saw that I had covered myself with a blanket. His choice of comedy to ease the tension of what had just happened could not have been worse. "Hey, at least you weren't masturbating... Right?" My face felt like it was melting and yet I too wanted out of this awkward situation so I groaned in response "Yeah, right? Heh, like I could right now... Hah hah." I was still hyper aware of how soaked my thighs were with precum, had Chris seen that? I felt like I was about to have a panic attack, I had to do something to change the topic. "So uuh... How was school, Chris?" "School was okay, we actually did rounds again in the hospital. Man, you would not believe the injuries some people get into..." Chris seemed awkward too with the situation and it was like an unspoken agreement that we would continue with this small talk to ease the tension. "Yeah, what? Tell me." Chris leaned on the doorframe and chuckled. "Like, there was this one kid, shy as a mouse. It took me 30 minutes to take down his patient history because he was too scared to tell me what was wrong. I got him water, I sat and listened and he just went on and on but still avoided telling me why he had come to the hospital so I looked at him dead in the eye and asked 'So, what is the object currently stuck in your rectum?'" Chris started laughing at this point "Man, you should have seen his face! I didn't think anyone could blush as much as he did but I was right... I notified the attending and then watched in the operating room as they pulled out a 20 inch long double headed jelly dildo from his ass that had gotten stuck inside him!" Chris was too busy laughing to see that I was NOT enjoying this story in the least. All it did was make me super aware of how my backside had been abused and how it will be abused during this medical trial. Yet, I tried to soldier on and pretend like this topic wasn't bothering me. "Oh man, really? Sheesh... That like... Really embarrassing." I tried to sound normal but I was super awkward and unable to laugh with Chris. His laughter died down and him being bad at reading the mood, it seemed like he thought we were back to normal now and he actually came into my room and sat on my bed next to me. I shivered and thought, 'Can you smell precum? It does have an odour.' Chris went on. "As soon as the thing was out of him, even with anesthesia, you could see how relieved he was to have the dildo out of him. I'm glad the observation room is soundproof cos me and a few friends couldn't stop laughing. You should have seen the thing, Simon... 20 inches long black double headed, it was massive! And the kid himself, he was tiny. When it was coming out of his backside, he looked like he was giving birth to an anaconda!" I chuckled along nervously still all too aware of my current situation and that's when I at least smelled it, pre cum. As clear as ever, I reeked of it! My face blushed fiercely still. "Yeah wow, sounds incredible..." I wanted Chris to leave so bad! I tried to shuffle away from him and made sure my phone screen was off as the porn was still open on the phone and I failed to see Chris pick something up from my table. It was the list of items I got shipped today! Before I could do anything, Chris had already figured it out. "Oh, wow... Omnilos sent you a big package today... Where'd you put all this stuff?" Fuck! "I uuh... I put the stuff in my closet." I wished that was the end of it but no... Chris again, being one intrusive fuck that he is, got up and opened my closet. "Whoa, it's like an apothecary in here!" He simply started going through the stuff and that was the point I couldn't take it anymore. "Chrish, give me some space man... It's bad enough having received the stuff, I don't want you going through it." Chris looked at me finally he saw how uncomfortable this all was making me, unfortunately he was holding a large enema bag just as he did. He put the enema bag away and this time he blushed slightly. "Right, sorry buddy... It was just professional interest that got the best of me. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Simon, I'm sorry." He closed my closet and put the paper back on my desk. I couldn't look him in the eye "Thanks and you should be... It's bad enough having to have that stuff, I don't need you knowing all the embarrassing shit I have to go through." Chris seemed concerned "But I want to help, remember? And I can't help if I don't know what's what. So... you know, maybe think of me as your nurse or doctor?" I chuckled. "Hah, I know how little you study, I wouldn't trust my life in your hands ever!" Chris laughed too. "Oh, you say that now but when you need to get that enema tube up your backside, you'll come begging me for help!" It was so not the right joke to make and Chris realized it too. "Shit... sorry... I shouldn't have said that. Just know, this is making me uncomfortable too, okay? I mean, you are my friend but how fucked up is it that our ability to survive financially is for you to be locked in a chastity device?! Like, put yourself in my shoes." I glared at him. "Oh, your shoes? The shoes were you get to make retarded jokes and not have to wear this fucking steel device on your dick? Oh gee, what a burden!" Chris shook his head. "No, I mean obviously your situation is worse... Like, a million times worse. What I mean is, we need to get through this... So, again, you are Frodo and you have to carry the ring to Mordor... Just please, tell me how I can help you get through this?" I groaned, the movie reference made sense yet I had no clue how he could be any assistance in this. I shuffled and groaned and then threw my arms up in the air showing my lack of ideas to him. Chris sighed and took on a more authoritative voice. "Ok, pretend I'm your doctor now. Let me see the device." I grabbed my planket and held it in place like it was a life and death situation. "FUCK YOU, no way, Chris!" Chris actually stepped forward and started pulling on my blanket. "Come on now, Simon! I'm trying to help you and in order to do that, I need to better understand what you are going through. So let's rip the bandaid and get it out in the open, shall we?" I held on to the blanket and felt scared. "Stop it, Chris! I don't want to do this!!" Chris relaxed his pulling but still held on to the planket. "Dude, I think this will help okay? I saw tears in your eyes last night after our talk and I get it, this is a shitty situation for you to be in... please, understand, I'm trying to help you." I held on to the blanket for dear life still "Fuck you, you are not going to see it, end of story." "Remember Gandalf in Bilbo's home... 'Do not take me for a conjuror of cheap tricks. I'm not trying to rob you, I'm trying to help you.' Okay, you and I are friends but know that I am a third year medical student, soon I will be qualified as an operating room nurse, Simon. I have learned about this stuff and I think you should trust me in this, okay?" I hated him so much in that moment, again he made sense in a weird way. I barely managed to relax my grip and say, "Fine-" When Chris yanked the blanket away from me in one swift motion, leaving my groin and legs completely exposed. My penis looked so sad and pathetic inside the stainless steel and titanium alloy chastity device, a bubble of precum was slowly growing at the end of the chastity device. Chris simply stared at it for a while and I wanted to die. "Alrighty then, buddy. I have seen it now and I understand why you are feeling so worried about your predicament much better now. That device looks... downright mean!" I wanted to cover my groin with my hands so badly but I fought the urge and kept hoping whatever plan Chris had would lead to a positive outcome or something! Chris stepped forward and extended a hand towards my groin. "May I?" My eyes shot wide open. "What? No! Dude, you're my friend! I don't want you touching me down there!" Chris sighed. "I get it. I'm not fond of doing this either but remember, I am a medical student, I have seen and touched quite a few weewees and yoohoos professionally already. Just... I'm your nurse now, okay? I need to examine you. Look at the ceiling if it makes you feel any better." I felt so vulnerable in my situation, I felt tears welling in my eyes again. I nodded slowly and averted my gaze towards the ceiling. I can't fucking believe I'm about to do this. Chris was about to be the third person to touch my dick, not counting myself. There was the female doctor from the examination and then the male doctor who put this damn cage on me and now... My best friend. My thoughts were interrupted as I felt his touch. Chris grabbed the cage in almost what felt like a professional manner and twisted and turned it a bit, giving it a throughout once over. I was trying not to cry and simply focusing on dying from humiliation and most of all I was trying not to... FUCK! Of course as soon as Chris twisted the cage slightly I felt my blood rush to my groin and my dick tried desperately to get hard. Chris immediately took control. "Don't worry, Simon... Perfectly normal to try and achieve an erection when being touched. Especially someone in your condition." 'Wow, he sounded so... Medical and professional there for a second.' I thought. Chris let go of my chastised penis and stepped back. We stood in silence and the only thing moving was my dick pulsing and weeping as if trying to break the chastity cage. Chris took my towel from my chair and handed it to me, I immediately covered up. My dick was hurting a lot now! "Ok, I don't even have to wear a device like that to understand a little how difficult this is for you, Simon. Just seeing it was enough. I kept on reading about this stuff at school and I do have a few ideas on how to make your life easier but first things first, have you started looking for a job yet?" 'Easier? Fuck, screw employment, if Chris has something that would make things easier, spit it out NOW!' I thought. "Wait, hold on... You said you had some ideas? What ideas? Tell me." Chris smiled. "All in due time, answer my question first." "Dude, fuck! No... I haven't even thought about getting a job, okay? Just adjusting to this fucking cage for the past three days!" "Okay, calm down." 'Calm down? Who the fuck is he telling me to calm down?!' I wanted to scream at him but I held my tongue and simply inhaled slowly and decided on another approach. "Sorry." Sheesh, that sounded much more genuine than I had intended, I wanted it to sound more sarcastic. My groin was burning slightly, my penis still trying to achieve erection under the blanket. "OK, that's better, Simon. I've been reading a lot about the subject and few things I have learned; One, we need to keep you occupied... Busy mind and busy body is less focused on things they cannot have. This was probably the most advocated advice I received from people who practice this chastity fet... Hobby." 'Too late, I still caught what he almost said... Chastity fetish, yuck!' I thought as he went on. "So, we need to start looking for a job for you and maybe a hobby? You always said you wanted to start streaming games? Maybe you could do that? Until we find a job for you, you gotta keep yourself occupied. Go running, I noticed you cleaned the apartment somewhat, keep doing that too. If you need ideas, let me know and I will tell you things to do. Then second; this is pretty far out there but this is what I was told... Hypnosis files. Now hypnosis in itself is more or less bullcrap but again, people who are into this stuff told me that listening to these files is comforting. It's like they get validation from the suggestions and encouragement to stay locked up. What was it they called it? Positive feedback loop, that's it." My head sunk. "Oh gee... that's great. So I just need to work like a slave and listen to some self help audio crap? Gee, thanks, Chris. Real helpful." My voice dripping with irony. Chris cut in. "Listen! I'm trying to help you out here! You are in a place where you need guidance and support! So just... at least think about it, okay! Keep your eye on the price, what you are doing means we can pay rent. Fuck, you are becoming such a brat with that cage on your cock!" Chris sighed frustrated and walked out of my room. I was left there holding my towel over my groin hoping I wouldn't have to do the one thing that helped with the pain. CHAPTER 9 This sleeping restraint wasn't really doing its job! After 15 minutes of feeling sorry for myself I had to get off the bed and make my way to the bathroom. I took off the sleep restraint, jumped in the shower, kneeled on the floor and snaked my finger into my backside. I turned on the shower with my left hand while my right hand was busy between my buttocks. To my horror, I had to do it a few times to get the swelling in my groin to go away but eventually, with me violating myself by probing myself with my index finger, I felt the pain subside. What caught me completely by surprise was how... Good my finger felt! I mean it felt humiliating and embarrassing but also, I couldn't deny it, it felt good. The water washed over me and I simply stayed there, on my knees and continued to probe myself for quite some time. Again, don't ask me why... but I added a second finger. I got completely lost in the moment, just enjoying the intense feeling of it all. I started hooking my fingers, rubbing my sphincter on the outside, plunging my fingers in. I realized I had my eyes closed and my mouth was open and I was gasping slightly. !KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! "Dude! Wrap it up, I gotta go number two!" I was startled and snapped out of my humiliating act. I realized what I had done just now and I washed myself quickly, wrapped my towel around my waist and got out of there. As soon as I stepped out, Chris was right outside and rushed past me, closing the bathroom door. "I thought you didn't need 'long' showers anymore," he mumbled as he passed me. That made me feel embarrassed and I feared Chris could sense what I had been doing in the shower. I went to my room, closed the door and threw my towel on my chair. I just stood there in the middle of my room and closed my eyes and breathed in and out a few times. I felt so bad about what I had just done in the shower. I had just been poking my own ass with my fingers and loved how it felt. I shook my head 'No! I'm not going down that road, fuck!' before I could even try to calm myself down, I heard Chris shouting from the bathroom. "Dude, what is this thing you left in the bathroom with the hooks?!" My face went sour. Fuck! I forgot the sleep restraint in there. Fuck fuck fuck! "Uuh, just leave it, Chris! It's for the trial!" There was no response and I resumed my meditation, trying to pretend I hadn't just enjoyed violating my backside. All too soon Chris knocked on my door and just swung the door open without waiting for me to say anything. So he found me standing stark naked in the middle of the room, facing him with my hands on my hips... Almost like I had been waiting for him to come in. It took me a few seconds to realize what the fuck had just jappened and cover my groin with my hands. "DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK! Don't just barge in to my room like that!" I backed away from him towards my chair and grabbed my towel and pulled it around my waist. "Ahh, relax... I already saw it earlier, okay? I brought this back for you." Chris handed me the sleeping restraint. I grabbed it with one hand while my other was making sure my towel stayed on my waist. "What is that thing anyway? What's it for?" Chris inquired. I felt myself blushing and I honestly didn't think of any reason to lie, I had been through a lot more embarrassing experiences in the past few days. "It's a strap for... The cage. It is supposed to help with sleeping." I however couldn't manage to make eye contact as I spoke so I just kept looking at the floor. "Strap for sleeping? What? Show me how it helps with sleeping?" I just stared at him, flabbergasted at his request. "What? Nono... it goes around my groin. I'm not gonna show you..." Chris cut me off again "Stop." He looked at me dead in the eye "Quit being a pussy. And. Show me." I sighed. He wants to see? FINE! I honestly felt like I had nothing left to lose. And something about his commanding voice kinda made me feel like I should. I let my towel fall to the floor and started pulling the sleeping restraint around my waist. I hooked up the hooks into my chastity cage and then gave him the jazzhands as if I had performed some magic trick. Chris stared at my groin. "Oh that's clever... So it pulls the cage closer to your body to reduce night time erections! See, this wasn't so hard now was it?" I blushed furiously but I tried to keep up. "Yeah, I will know after tonight if it works or not... So far the waking up has been... uuh, challenging." "I noticed in the toilet that you are wearing a large strap... I assume they sent you multiple sizes to try. So if that's not working you can try the smaller ones." I hadn't realized there were sizes for these things! And after tonight, I knew I had to downgrade to a smaller size already, I groaned silently. "Oh, I didn't see that... Thank you, Chris." Ugh, I didn't mean to sound so formal. I went to my closet, still naked except for my cage and sleeping restraint and looked for a smaller one, which I found easily. There was XL, L, M, S, XS. As my normal boxers were S, I chose the S size sleeping restraint too. I decided to keep up the facade and just started changing it right there in front of Chris. I unhooked the larger one and placed it in my closet and started to hook on the smaller one, I immediately noticed how much tighter it was, the elastic was pulling a lot more on the cage now! My penis was crammed against the solid metal of the chastity cage and I realized this might actually work! Chris smiled at me. "I hope that will help with your morning problems, Simon. See, I'm helping you already buddy! You just let me know about problems and together we will try to find solutions, okay? Since it's Saturday tomorrow I will be home all day tomorrow and I can help out if needed. Just don't wake me up too early... Or if you do, make coffee at least." With that Chris left my room. I was left standing stark naked with my penis feeling very cramped now, thanks to the smaller sleeping restraint. I decided to not waste any time and test it out, hoping to get a full night's sleep and not have any issues in the morning. As I tucked myself into bed, I noticed my phone was still there and it was fully charged. I unplugged it and opened it, the porn I was watching earlier was still there. I decided I shouldn't... Well, maybe a few videos before sleep won't hurt? End of Chapter 9 --- I'm so happy I managed to continue writing this story! Woo! Thought it is turning out to be much longer than I had planned, I haven't even gotten to the dirty sexy stuff yet xD But I promise you, we will get there :)

Same as Science! Side effects may include sluttiness Part 2 Videos

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my sissy summer with aunie Maye

It was Auntie Mayes soft hand from behind that coaxed me forward into my new temporary upstairs summer bedroom as my eyes took in that fascinating sight of such exciting lovely and sexy feminine lingerie and girlie outfits that completley covered her pink guestroom bedspread! In addition I couldn't help but to also notice, those five lifelike looking rubber dildo cocks that had been carefully layed out sideways across the lower shelf of the high headboard just below the long narrow mirror above...

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Downsides and Upsides

Too much of a good thing can still be a good thing. I was only about five minutes into my workout when the knock came at the door of my hotel room. Isometrics, of course - these days nothing less than a loaded semi would offer enough resistance to count. I hadn't even broken much of a sweat. Turning, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I took no real pride in the dense, sculpted muscles I'd developed in the last year and a half, any more than a blind man took pride in the attention...

3 years ago
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Science class

The first day back to college. I have to admit, I was nervous, there would be new people this year and meeting people was not my strong suit. There were a lot of good looking guys though, I recognized a few from the year before, a few I knew of course. But there were a lot of new students, more than I’d anticipated. I’m not unattractive, but I’m not the best looking but by no means am I ugly. I’m 19 years old, I have long blonde hair, wide brown eyes, I’m 130 pounds, 5’8 tall, I have a 34 D cup...

3 years ago
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Science ExperimentChapter 5

It had been a long day and the house absolutely reeked of pussy and I loved it. I would have bottled it if there was a way. I checked in at the counter to see what progress was being made on their experiment. So far, there had only been a couple of positions that were duds and even those were good enough to allow me to bring my partner to orgasm. I felt like a couple of the girls had changed their technique some, most likely from watching the others. My dick was sore and I was emotionally...

3 years ago
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Science ExperimentChapter 6

I showered, got dressed and took a walk on the beach. It was nearly dinner time and I needed some fresh air and a bit of exercise that didn’t require hip thrusts. I knew that any aches or pains I suffered today would be far outweighed by a lifetime of memories. What I would pay for a video of this session. “Nice workout?” she had asked the day before. Ha. Little did I know. How many other guys had they bypassed before they got to me? I had no idea and didn’t really care. They got to me. Lori...

1 year ago
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Science Fiction

Nanites manipulating your body? A deep space expedition? A pervy escaped lab experiment? Who knows what will happen when science fiction gets horny.

3 years ago
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John and Mays outdoor adventure

Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...

3 years ago
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Maa kay mummay

Kaisay app sab land or choot ko puray pakistan ka salam to seeday kahani taraf chalta hoon mere femily karachi main hai mere ghar main sirf papa maa or main hi hain to hua yeh ek hafatey kay liye papa kisi rishtay daar ki shadi kay liye lahore jana paraa mere maa hameshaa salwar kameez pehanti hain main un ko kiye baar chupkay say papa kay saath kartay howay dekh hai, meri age 18 main student hoon, maa house wife hain woh hamesha sex dor rehen ko kahti thin maa ki 41 age hai aur un kaa size...

3 years ago
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Side Effects Part 2

Side Effects Part 2 DISCLAMER: If you shouldn't read this, don't. Tom lay back in his bed. In all fairness, it was just a futon mattress that sat on the floor of his bedroom. Tom never quite got around to buying a complete bed: you know, frame, spring mattress? blankets. Tom had better things to spend his money on. The futon mattress had served him adequately for the past six months since he moved into this apartment, and it had served him more than adequately for the past...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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Artistic Effects

All art, erotic and otherwise, which features portraits of human beings, whether nude or dressed, or male or female, must, to retain interest, do more than merely display a figure, even of the handsomest or most beautiful appearance. Artists accomplish this end in divers ways. Their various approaches form the subject of this essay. But, first, a dare. Artists of words, your visual colleagues challenge you. Can authors, like illustrators and painters, find as many creative ways to...

2 years ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 02 The Mayors Wife

Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

1 year ago
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The Skimpy Cafe Mays Flower

It did until she got on the bus and sat down and had a moment to scan for anyone else. And there he was. The drunkard from a few nights ago. The one who assaulted her at the Inn. He was asleep in the back and she suppressed a squeak as she hurried to the front of the bus, as close as she could to the driver. May practically held her breath the entire forty minute ride to the print shop and just as she stood to leave the drunkard’s eyes fluttered open. His expression grew dark as he...

3 years ago
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“Why you studying all the time, Keaton?” my alcoholic friend asked me as he intruded into my room. “I don’t know,” I replied, looking up from my reading material. “Call me crazy but there’s something about paying thirty thousand dollars a year in tuition that keeps me motivated to earn credits. You know, getting a degree and all that shit. I figured that I should get something in return for my money instead of just a hangover.” “Fuck that, man,” Camel said,...

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