Side Effects Ch.5 free porn video

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Side Effects Ch.5 I guess it's inevitable that I start each chapter of my stories with an apology because yet again; I was late. Well, better late than never... right. Lack of ideas, I did put the story down before picking it up again a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to your motivation and feedbacks, the chapter is finally completed. Hopefully, you'll find it an enjoyable read. WARNING: This story contains identity theft, TG and very, very dark themes. Twenty-one year-old Nathan Jacobs had always been an intelligent young man. Growing up among aristocrats, good things come easy for Nathan. He could achieve whatever he wanted with very little effort as compared to his peers. Education was a breeze for him as well, trudging through high school and college without breaking a sweat while collecting numerous distinctions and honors along the way. All in all, the handsome young man could have had a future and a life to look forward to - if not for a few glaring weaknesses. Being a homosexual was one of them. In the world where homophobia reigned, no matter how bright or how much one contributed to the society, it just didn't matter. 'Freaks' would be 'freaks.' And 'freaks' would be cast aside and locked away - even if one was a prodigy like Nathan. His father ended in ICU due to a heart attack after the son decided to announce his sexuality to the family. His mother was just heartbroken, finally realizing why her son wouldn't get along with the daughters of her fellow 'Stepford Wives' friends. Nathan's physique didn't help matters. In spite of his good looks, he had a small stature - barely over five foot six in height and weight less than 110 pds. With smooth skin and very little manly hairs, some of his mother's friends had even commented that he appeared too feminine for a guy his age. That was now behind him as he was contemplating another weakness of his - according to his mother anyway. Nathan had always been told that in spite of his intelligence, he never really knew what he wanted to do in life. Constantly contradicting himself, he sometime wondered if he was actually gay. There was something fascinating about women which were also a huge turn-off to him even though he couldn't actually put a finger at what it was. He even had a fling with a selective few of them though he found himself enjoying the cocks of their boyfriends more than the women themselves. Then, there were people like Gregory Welton: Men who loved dressing up in women's clothing for their partner. Crossdressing was the word for it, he believed. Nathan was never into that sort of stuffs, even after he had joined the 'organization.' He knew exactly the kind of plan he was part of. Nathan wasn't as fond of being turned into a lovely teenage girl as Greg was drooling all over being transformed into a barely-forty blonde MILF. But the young man did not wish to get himself locked up at some place which was known to be worse than Guantanamo either. Besides, he could be doing the future a big favor - if the organization's plan came through. 'You don't know what you could've wanted.' 'You don't know what's really good for you, young man.' Those were his mother's words especially after his shocking announcement. Normally, Nathan would not have taken her seriously. After all, it was as clear as the summer sky that he preferred to be entertained by a man's dick than a woman's cunt. That was until he stood there in front of a full length mirror in Hannah Morrison's room. He could feel his member straining against the tight confinement underneath a perfect copy of Hannah's pussy as he stare in awe at the reflection of the eighteen year-old blonde. She was staring back with the same bewildered expression. Nathan had heard stories about the bodysuit's capabilities. He had seen Susan Clarke on live TV many times. He had even seen the transformation of Greg into Maggie Chaplin. But actually being inside the suit in person was unlike anything he could have imagined. He could not even sense the presence of the disguise, as if he wasn't wearing another layer but standing there naked in Hannah's petite form. As a matter of fact, the new Hannah began to shiver to the breeze of her air- conditioned room. Every inch of her new skin felt exposed except for the weight on her head and shoulders courtesy of her glorious blonde mane. Stolen from the real Hannah, the former Nathan could still detect the warmth from the currently-abducted teenager through his own scalp. The effects of the sedatives introduced into Nathan's bloodstream for the bodysuiting and hair-planting process were wearing off quickly when he awakened on Hannah's bed a few minutes earlier. The team left him with only the girl's pink quilt to cover his new body while he was still slumbering. Now that he was fully alert and gawking at his reflection in front of the large mirror, the phony blonde felt the urge to put on some clothes. He was aware of the freshly discarded clothes and underwear in the laundry basket. They were stripped off from the real Hannah prior to her abduction a couple of hours earlier. However, the new Hannah was keen on putting on something fresh. During his first trip (the almost-disastrous first trip); Nathan had no real interest in exploring Hannah's girlish room, much less her wardrobe. 'You don't know what you really wanted.' Those words of his mom kept ringing between his ears as an unexplainable sense of excitement took over. His Hannah-nipples stood erect on a pair of a perfectly copied pair of pert tits as he ambled towards the young woman's dresser. Hannah's underwear occupied the top drawer. An assortment of panties was neatly organized just like the rest of her room. The impostor chose a pair of sky blue lace panties before pulling them up her smooth thighs. 'She' couldn't believe how good the silk felt against 'her' synthetic skin as the lingerie settled snugly over 'her' nether region. The phony Hannah finally understood Greg's 'enthusiasm' with women's clothing. 'You don't know what you're really into... till you've given it a try', the former Nathan thought. At long last, he had given into his mother's constant bickering. A sense of discovery was nothing new to the former young man but all he wanted to do now was to dress himself up and check himself out. Sliding his slender arms through the straps of Hannah's brassiere, his contradictory fascination with women and his sexuality began to make sense. The material of the matching sky-blue lace bras felt heavenly as they secured 'her' gravity defying breasts tightly. 'She' had even made a few suggestive poses in front of the full-length mirror. "O. M. G. Hannah... You're like... in good shape, girl!" Hannah complimented her own reflection. It sounded off in Nathan's deep baritone. A little bit of improvisation was required as she pressed the hidden knob on her throat, resulting in a soft chime. "O. M. G. Hannah... You're like... in good shape, girl!" the impostor repeated, this time with Hannah's sweet melodious tone. The young blonde took no time to browse through her impressive collection of dresses and designer attires before deciding on the more comfortable white tank top and short jeans skirt. Again, she posed for herself, running her svelte hands up and down the gentle curves of her youthful figure. According to the data they had collected during months of the stalking phase, Hannah usual home attire should have been jeans shorts instead. But the fake girl had an agenda of her own. 'She' just had to give something a try. It was after all, highly recommended by someone who had been 'in the shoes' of two different women before eventually settling into the role as her lovely mother. 'Hannah' had to move her standing mirror so that it stood facing the foot of her Queen-sized bed. Then, she climbed on to the crib and sat facing her gorgeous reflection. Leaning against the headrest on a silk- covered pillow between the giant 'Snoopy' and the soft 'Hello Kitty', she slowly and teasingly parted her toned long legs. The crotch of her blue panties came into view. The false girl grinned deviously at the sight of a wet spot on her underwear as she began to move her right hand towards it. Her nicely manicured fingers landed on her clit as she began to rub herself through the silk. The sensitivity of her artificial genital took her by surprise as jolts of electric-like stimulus went through the head of 'her' hidden member before coursing through her tight body. Meanwhile, 'Hannah's left hand instinctively shifted towards her chest as she looked to fondle her tits through the shirt and the bras. This only added to the pleasing effects from down south as the shockwaves passed through 'her' actual nipples which were masquerading below the fake boobs. Gasps and moans escaped through the little gap between 'her' luscious lips; the former Nathan had never thought that it would feel this good. Greg was right. And most importantly, Mrs. Jacobs was spot on about her son. "God bless the old lady," the false Hannah thought as she began to slip her hand under her shirt and the cup of her brassiere. For a girl her age, Hannah sure had such bountiful breasts as her impersonator twirled 'her' dainty digits around the hardened nipple. At the same instance, the lustful blonde slid her right hand under the lace waistband of her panties - coming in direct contact with her G- spot. According to the hidden camera carefully placed in the very same room, which was how the old Hannah liked it whenever she pleased herself. The new Hannah was enjoying it as much. She was getting closer and closer to her first orgasm as an eighteen year-old girl and how she wished there was a cock right there and then. 'Hannah' was furiously rubbing at her drenched pussy while her other hand was roughly groping at her mammaries. It didn't take long after she penetrated herself with two of her delicate fingers; the giant wave of orgasm came crashing down. "Err hmm..." Gwen Morrison stood at the doorway, apparently clearing her throat to the spectacle on her daughter's bed. Still recovering from the post orgasmic ordeal, 'Hannah' immediately covered her partially dressed state from her mom's rude intrusion. Then, she threw a glare at the intruder. The 39 year-old vision of loveliness was still wearing the same attire when she came home with the real Hannah to an ambush meticulously planned by the organization. Her white blouse and a matching white pearl necklace was accompanied by a classy black pencil skirt stretching down to her knees as they were elegantly complimented with a broad leather belt accentuating her slender waist. The black Gucci 4-inch pumps concluded a seemingly endless pair of long well-toned legs which were encased in nude hosiery. Gwen Morrison wrapped her arms under her busts as she leaned against the frame of the entrance. Her gorgeous blonde hair hung gracefully past her shoulders, easily reaching the middle of her gently arched back. The malevolent grin on her beautiful face, however, was the only indication that she was not what she appeared to be. Unlike 'Hannah', the former Gregory Welton chose to put on the freshly discarded laundry stripped off from the original Mrs. Morrison before she was 'taken away.' Everything on him was what the old Gwen had worn when she and her daughter went to do some grocery shopping this morning. This included the lacy white thong to the matching white brassiere and nude stay-up stockings underneath. "Hmmm... For someone who has no interest in womanhood, you sure are settling in quite well... aren't ya?" Gwen spoke with Greg's deep tone. "What's wrong with your voice, mom? You sounded like a drag..." Hannah returned the jest. "Oh..." Gwen gestured with her index finger to ask for a minute before palpating for a hidden knob on her throat. After giving it a press, a soft chiming was heard - not so different from the one coming out of Hannah's own vocal box earlier. "How do I sound now, deary?" Gwen said as she posed with her left hand on her womanly hip. "Much better... Thought for a moment that my mom had been replaced by some kind of a freaky crossdresser," Hannah said as she began smoothing out her hiked-up skirt and top. The blushes on her cheeks were dissipating. "Awww... Don't be such a baby... I know what's on your mind when you had your first ever orgasm as a teenage girl..." Gwen said as she swayed her hips sensually towards her daughter's bed. "What do you say if I show you what I've learned from Mrs. Coburn and Mrs. Donovan?" the former 33 year-old man added. Women Of Power Senator Patricia O' Sutton felt as if her head was splitting in half as she woke up to a poorly lit and windowless room. When she tried to get up, the 38 year-old found that she was handcuffed to the frames of a bed. The last thing she could remember was being in bed with her husband Brad on a private retreat. They were having sex - Brad was ramming her from behind in doggy style - when a blow to her head knocked her out of consciousness. The young senator felt a few things were amiss. For one, there was not a thread of clothes on her slender form. The weight and the pull on her scalp which she had gotten so accustomed to, was absent as well. And then a realization struck her like the hard blow to her head. "My hair..." Patricia said, her voice trembling. The breeze brushing against the skin of her cleanly shaven head confirmed her suspicion. Her daze and state of confusion quickly turned into horror. Right then, a deep baritone chuckled from a dark corner of the room. Patricia was not alone. "Considering your current predicament, your hair should be the least of your concerns," the booming deep voice spoke before adding, "Don't worry Senator. Your lovely hairs... Oh, they're in safe hands." Straining her eyes, Patricia tried to make out the shape of the person speaking from the shadow to her left by the side of the bed. She could only tell that he was sitting with his legs crossed; but his face and attire were well hidden in the darkness. "Who are you? And what did you do to Brad?" Patricia asked - her voice was defiant and calm. The man did not answer. All he did was flicked a switch and the room became a lot brighter. Patricia had to close her eyes to the sudden presence of strong lights. Once her vision was well adjusted, she managed to look at the direction of her captor. What she saw was beyond anything she could have imagine. Not only that the voice which sounded as deep as Barry White's trademark baritone belonged to what appeared to be a slender woman; the woman in question actually looked a carbon copy of Patricia herself - or her former self to be precise. The ceiling mirror was specifically positioned above the bed so that the former actress-turned-senator could attest to this fact - that she, on the other hand, no longer the beautiful woman she once were. Patricia was shocked to discover that they had also shaved her eyebrows. Never had she been more humiliated. The idea of being raped crossed her mind as she brought her thighs together. Then, she threw a glare back at the doppelganger - her manly-sounding doppelganger. Her twin was wearing the same exact nightgown which she had worn to bed seemingly not too long ago. The impostor (he had to be an impostor, Patricia thought) sat up before gracefully swung her glorious blonde tresses from the front of her left shoulder to the back of her tight body. The senator couldn't help thinking that her double not only managed to copy her looks (especially those beautiful blonde hairs) but also her mannerisms to the finest of details. However, she wasn't so sure of the copycat's next act. The false Patricia uncrossed his long toned legs before tantalizingly spreading them apart - revealing the lingerie underneath. There was no hint of any manly bulge from the crotch which should have matched the impostor's manly voice, only a flat wet spot usually seen in any aroused woman. The fake woman stood up before sensually climbing onto the bed where Patricia was tied down. Swinging a leg over the incapacitated woman, the phony blonde kneeled over and looking down at her prey. "As you can see now... Everything that I'm wearing now was what you've worn to bed a little over three hours ago: this sexy nightgown," the false Patricia said before lifting the bottom of her gown, ."..this nice little red thong, and best of all... your wonderful hair." The fake Patricia added as 'she' brush 'her' delicate fingers through the length of 'her' stolen blonde tresses, appreciating their silky smoothness and the sweet aroma. "Like I said... they're indeed in safe hands...," he sneered in that same incongruous tone. However, the former CIA veteran was impressed by the scornful smirk on Patricia's face. "No matter how convincing you look, there's no way you'll pass on as me... Not without my memories... And certainly not with that voice... My personal assistant will see through your disguise in an instant," Patricia said, almost giggling to her presumption that the captor had made a glaring mistake. "Hmmm, senator... I think you're right! Why haven't I thought of that, huh?!" the false Patricia said. "Oh, wait..." the doppelganger continued before shifting both of 'her' slender hands from 'her' golden mane to her throat - seemingly trying to feel for something. Then a soft but obvious beep sounded off. "How do I sound now, Senator?" Patricia was dumbfounded. She had heard herself spoke countless of times before while reviewing her own performances either on her acting in blockbuster movies or her speeches when addressing her supporters. Those, however, were through recordings. This was an entirely different encounter - to hear her own voice coming through the lips of a different person. There was no definitive way to describe it. Even with that short sentence, Patricia could tell that the doppelganger's accent and pronunciation were right on the money. She had done ever so well to keep herself from getting panic, but Patricia's resolve was rapidly crumbling down. "What about my Brad? Where is my husband?" Patricia asked, finding it hard to keep her voice from trembling. "Oh senator... I think you're better off worry about yourself than anyone else..." "WHERE IS MY HUSBAND!" Patricia demanded without waiting for her twin to finish. The former African American could afford a smile of triumph in return - reveled in how the bald senator was getting torn apart by someone who had interrogated and tortured countless of CIA captures. Having been one of the top agent in the intelligence agency, breaking down an individual was one of his many valuable traits. "Honey... Are you done with the cleanup?" the soon-to-be new Patricia calling out to her soon-to-be husband in the most casual manner. Puzzled, the real Patricia heard footsteps along on the other side of the wall before the sounds of the door opening. She turned her head away from her impersonator to face the door on the opposite end of the bed. Her 41 year-old husband walked into the master bedroom as if nothing wrong was going on. Bradon Foster was a handsome and well- maintained man for someone his age. As a successful businessman, the bespectacled father of two (from his first marriage) managed to charm Patricia at the peak of her career. Now though, all he did was gave his wife a quick glance before continuing over to where her doppelganger was. He didn't as much as give a damn to the fact that her ravishing blonde locks and her brows had been completely shaved and she was tied up in a compromising position on the bed. "Brad... Help me... Call the guards... What are you doing?" bald Patricia were becoming desperate and confused all the same. "Don't go near her... She's an impostor... Don't be fooled!" Brad continued with his strides before joining the two ladies on the Victorian styled crib. Kneeling beside his powerless wife, Brad proceeded to give her evil twin the most passionate of kisses. The real Patricia was absolutely disgusted by the scene before her. Seeing her husband kissing someone else who could very possibly be a man made her sick to her stomach. They made out on top of her for a good few more minutes before their lips finally parted. Hairless Patricia was already looking away by then, but the voice of her husband brought her back to focus. "Don't get me wrong, I know that you're my real sparkling pumpkin... Trust me, I know..." Brad was staring into her eyes as he said this. Patricia's heart broke as Brad was using the endearing nickname on her only the two of them shared. Her brokenheart was shattered further into a million pieces by his next words and action. "But this right here... is a better Patricia O' Sutton. And now, I'll show you why..." Brad said as his muscular hand moved to the bottom of Patricia's nightgown before resting on the fake's nether region. As he kissed 'her' neck, Brad's strong hand began to caress the front of 'her' crotch through the wet spot on 'her' lacy thong. The moans of delight escaped from the impostor's pretty lips as 'she' closed her eyes - trying to take in the overwhelming sensations. There was nothing Patricia could do as she watched her husband embraced her twin before her very eyes. The Attorney Sebastian D. Carr was a little nervous as he steered his expensive Jaguar into the upscale neighborhood where one of his many wealthy clients was residing. In fact, Gwen Morrison was the most important client of his career for a couple of reasons. For one, she paid him way more than any of his other clients. Secondly, she was indeed the most beautiful woman he had ever met. So beautiful that Sebastian thought of her whenever he made love to his ex-wife or any other women who came along after the end of his marriage. The 45 year-old attorney knew that he shouldn't put all the blame solely on Gwen, but he doubted the divorce would come so soon if the lovely blonde had not showed up at the doorstep of his Manhattan office. Though not the only one, Sebastian's soft spot among others had always been the women. Gorgeous, elegant and wealthy women, just like Gwen Morrison. Exactly like Gwen Morrison. She had been the reason he had gone the extra mile - very much like what he was doing now. Sebastian had been willing to risk his career by conspiring with the lovely wife of Peter Morrison against the Internet Tycoon. He was rewarded for that on a couple of occasion. The sex was out of this world. But only ordinary men would stop at that. The intelligent lawyer was no ordinary man. He knew women like Gwen well. The now richest widow in America was a manipulator and she rightly assumed that Sebastian was only one of the many pawns of hers. How else would one expect some first class chick such as Gwen to fall for an overweight guy like Sebastian. Well, not exactly overweight to the extent of the Sumo wrestlers, but his paunchy midsection was hard to ignore. He was sweating even in the air-conditioned cabin of his premium vehicle as he finally found the Morrison's place. It was probably his growing anxiety but Sebastian knew that he sweat easily anyway. The documents that was to be handed over to his client was sitting comfortably on the passenger's seat. There was really no need for him to drive all the way here just to deliver the piece of legal papers. Sebastian could have just send an email or have her come to his office. In fact, he did request for her presence at his firm but somehow the now billionaire widow appeared to be to busy roaming the fashion streets of either Manhattan or Milan. There was no deadline for the documents to be finalized really - seeing that most of Mr. Morrison's wealth was already in Gwen's possession. The paper now sitting on Sebastian lap was rather just a formality. Frankly, it was also an excuse for Sebastian to see his favorite client. He was obsessed with her little flirts and sensuality. That was probably it - that he was obsessed with Gwen Morrison. Stepping off his car, the chubby lawyer took in a long nervous breath before making his way across the well manicured lawn towards the front door. He could almost hear his heart beating as the Mahogany double door towered over him. The door bell was right there by the frame and yet, he had to look left and right before reaching for it - as if something was about to pounce at any moment. Beads of sweat trickled down his broad forehead as he pressed on the bell. The majestic sound of its melodious tone almost had him jumped out of his shoes as his nerves was getting the better of him. Rarely had Sebastian been so nervous all his life. The judges and the courtrooms had never made him anxious - not like this. But the woman he was about to meet was different. There was no sign of anyone coming to the door. It took him sometime to realize that the front doors were not properly closed. The paunchy attorney wondered how he could miss the small but clearly visible gap between the two Mahogany panels. Was he that anxious? Sebastian gave the door a light push before waiting for a few seconds to see if there were traps lying await over on the other side. Feeling assured, he poked his head in, half anticipating the alarm to go off. No alarm was triggered which was both surprising and worrying to say the least. The middle-aged man cleared his throat before trying to declare his presence to the owner of this stately home. "Mrs. Morrison?!" No reply. "Gwen? It's me, Sebastian... Anyone?" His voice was shaky, made worse by the echo coming back from the towering hallway. He was about to close the door shut and walk back to his car when he thought he heard moans coming from within - probably from one of the rooms upstairs. It sounded as if someone was in agony. Could it be that Gwen had some kind of accident and injured herself? Immediately dropping his suitcase and the legal documents, the lawyer rushed into the house. He followed the noise trying to locate the source of the moaning. "Mrs. Morrison?! Are you hurt...?!" Sebastian called out while trudging up the curved marble stairway. Part of him already felt like a hero who came to save a damsel in distress when he found himself standing in front of the door to the room of Gwen's teenage daughter - Hannah. This time though, he didn't miss the small gap between the door and its frame. Another door left unlocked. There was no hesitation on this occasion as he charged in, hopeful that his knowledge in first aid would come in handy. What he saw in the teenager's girlish room was nothing that he would have expected. The mother and daughter was mostly naked as they seemed preoccupied with each other. Gwen was kneeling between her daughter's well-toned legs which were fully parted so that her mom would be able to shove all of her fist into her teenage pussy. The older blonde appeared to be pumping something within Hannah's snatch as Sebastian could make out the shapes of something elongated along with the mold of Gwen's fist protruding from the lower part of the teenager's otherwise flat belly. The nubile daughter was the one moaning and now, as Sebastian had discovered that it was not purely because she was in pain. In the midst of his own thoughts, Sebastian did not realize that Gwen had already noticed his 'rude' intrusion. The beautiful MILF maintained her grip on some hidden appendage within her daughter's womb as she turned her head to look at her attorney. "So, you've finally made it... Dilly!" There was only one person who had addressed the lawyer by his middle name. "Greg...? Is that really you...?" The Cheshire Cat grin on Gwen's face was something he would never forget. Meanwhile, somewhere in a holiday cabin by a scenic pond.. Senator O' Sutton's deep blue eyes nearly popped right out of her sockets at the view of her impostor's massive black cock which had emerged from between the drenching wet lips of 'her' artificial pussy. Her husband Brad had somehow managed to coax a male body part out of the otherwise feminine being. It all seemed surreal to the recently bald woman even as the strong aroma of sex occupied her nostrils. Was all this the doing of her political rivals? It had been outrageous enough to ask a man to impersonate her, they had even arranged for a black dude to take her place as the new Patricia O' Sutton. The former actress had a secret resentment for the black community, something which her political advisor had done a brilliant job to hide. The Sutton family had been a racist ever since one of theirs - Patricia's little brother - was killed in a robbery where the perpetrator happened to be an African American. This part of O' Sutton's history had been flawlessly kept away from the public by her proficient team of campaigners. A drop of precum hanged momentarily from its tip before landing on Patricia's pert nose, immediately zapping her back to the here-and-now. She shut her eyes tightly and squealed in disgust at the situation she had found herself in. Again, the strong smell of a black man's sex penetrated her senses from an incongruous personna sitting on her chest. The ebony cock appeared completely out of place on the smoking hot white woman - a woman who she used to look like. Her silky blonde locks framed the perfect copy of Patricia's looks. Her sexy nightwear barely contained the exact copy of Patricia's gravity defying breasts. The front of her gown was lifted over her flat tummy, revealing the crotch of her skimpy thong which was cast aside to allow the peculiar protrusion of a fully erect meat hovering over the distressed face of her bald self. Brad's hand was still stroking at the doppelganger's hard-on as the husband continued to behave unlike the 'Brad' Patricia had knew as he released his own penis from his zippers. It flopped onto her now much paler looking cheek as if it was giving her slaps on the face. The bald Patricia tried to look away from the two throbbing but something within herself told her otherwise. "Honey, if you still value your life... I suggest you try to fit both of our cocks into your sweet little mouth," Brad said. Almost simultaneously, Patricia felt her cunt stimulated and from the wicked grin on her twin's face, she knew that it was 'her.' The 'mostly' white woman had extended her hand backwards just so 'she' could have a feel at the young senator's pussy. Apart from Brad's threats, it had probably persuaded her to make an effort at least to do as she was told. Patricia's mouth and lips were at full stretch as she tried to accommodate two huge cocks into her gaping orifice. Brad had to occasionally blocked off her nose with his fingers to 'encourage' the former actress so that she would try harder. The experiences with some of the lecherous producers and directors turned out to be helpful in her current predicament as both Brad and her impostor appeared pleased. She did her best to lather their cocks with her tongue just as she did with a couple of the most prominent producers in Hollywood before landing herself an important role to a box office hit. The real Patricia tried to make herself think that this was no different, only more important as it would probably keep her alive. From the moans and the erotic groans coming out of her captors, the former award-winning actress partly felt relieved that she was heading the right direction. Nevertheless, Patricia gradually felt the air was getting harder and harder to come by even as she was breathing through her nose. Patricia was already choking and her face was crimson red when her impostor finally pulled his black meat out of her mouth. Breathing a lot easier with only her husband's cock in her oral cavity, the real Patricia watched as her doppelganger continued French-kissing Brad for a short while before shifting down to the lower half of the lavish bed. Patricia couldn't see what her twin was up to as her husband was keeping her busy by sliding his 7-inch cock in and out of her mouth. As she was being face-fucked, the real woman sensed her wet pussy lips stretched to accommodate an even bigger cock. The fake Patricia had released the constraints from the 39 year-old's ankles so that she could spread her legs further apart. Resting the toned limbs on 'her' shoulders, the former black man pushed himself into Patricia's well- lubricated cunt. "Despite the numbers of VIPs you've slept with, I'm impressed you've managed to keep it so tight, Senator..." the false blonde said. "That's what I'm trying to tell ya..." Brad who was still fucking his wife's face turned his head around and said. As if things hadn't been weird enough, Patricia witnessed her husband withdrew his manhood from her mouth before triggering something at the base of his balls. Almost instantly, his glistening hard penis became deflated with a soft hydraulic hiss. From where the hidden trigger was located, Brad gave his balls an upward tug. The restrained wife couldn't believe it when she saw her husband's cock came off like a piece of prop as it hung on to his pubes by a mere 3 inches of skin. It wasn't flesh which was exposed underneath but what appeared to Patricia to be another layer of skin. It was significantly darker in complexion as the contrast to the rest of Brad's fair tint was obvious. Patricia was dumbfounded. She was getting more and more confused as things continued to unfold. No wonder Brad was acting so unlike himself. That was probably because he was not Brad at all. The hairless lady was so flustered that she had nearly disregarded her current situation where her own pussy was getting pounded by her impersonator. "It's been a while Genie... I almost forgot how glorious your cunt look from behind..." the false Patricia said casually as 'she' continued ramming 'her' captive. After pressing a hidden knob on his throat, 'Brad' spoke in a much higher octave, "Oh Wesley honey... You have no idea how much I miss getting my pussy screwed by you." 'Brad' then shifted his bottom down and over Patricia's breasts before positioning 'his' apparent womanhood above hers. It was deliberately aligned so that the former Wesley Johnson would conveniently move his cock between the two ladies. As the front of the former Genie's clit rubbed against the real Patricia's, her lookalike withdrew 'her' ebony cock before sliding it through the tight space between the two cunts. Unlike the real Patricia, 'Brad' did not hide his state of arousal as feminine moans came out of his manly mouth. "Oooh... Fucking... Yeah..." the veteran spy said in between his rhythmic thrusts as he enjoyed having his meat sandwiched by the two pussies. One willing, the other not so. "Fuck Wesley... Will ya shove it in me already...?" 'Brad' pleaded. Patricia felt her doppelganger pulled 'her' fuckstick out before hearing the squeals from 'Brad' as the fake lady pushed her dick into the fake gentleman. The pummeling resumed for almost an eternity for the entrapped senator as she recalled the time when a big time movie producer had his way with her and another young actress prior to her winning another main role to another blockbuster. Just when she thought that this was never going to end, her 'transsexual' twin yanked 'her' cock out of Brad's snatch before shoving it back into Patricia's vagina. Within seconds, Wesley's cock erupted as loads after loads of hot cum filled up inside Patricia's womb. "Our new senator gonna get herself pregnant, Wesley..." the phony Brad said as 'he' too was recovering from 'his' orgasm. "Looking forward to that, sweetie..." the former Wesley said, contemplating a future as the mother to his own child. The Family 'Gwen Morrison' was wearing a sumptuous knee-length dress as she was making breakfast while waiting for the coffee to brew in her spacious kitchen. The square neck attire hugged her body tightly at all the right places, making her grateful as the elegant clothing had not been hers until 24 hours ago. It belonged to the Gwen of old. Now that she had stolen her identity - her belongings were now his, naturally. And so were the white with pink lace bras and panties she was currently wearing under it. She was the kind of girl who loved putting on sexy underwear - so was Gregory Welton. The former homosexual also loved to cook and being the new owner to such fine cooking space, he was absolutely stoked. Those were not the only thing 'Gwen' had been exciting about as she looked over her shoulder. Sebastian Dillon Carr - the attorney who had been dealing with Peter Morrison's will on behalf of Gwen - was sitting at the breakfast table while having the good company of her lovely teenage daughter, Hannah. They seemed to enjoy a casual conversation while looking every bit like the happy father and daughter which they were not. Not only that, the bubbly young girl who was sitting across from Dillon wasn't even a girl at all until the organization made their long awaited move of replacing the Morrisons with a couple of homosexual men in Greg and Nathan. 'Hannah' was in good spirits as she talked to her mom's lawyer about her upcoming prom. The former Nathan seemed cheerful in Hannah's white tank top and a restrictive denim shorts which showed off 'her' cheerleader's pair of long legs. 'Gwen' could not help but smiled. 'She' was proud of the former 21 year-old man, who had so effortlessly settled into his new role as 'her' daughter. Having joined the organization much earlier, the former Greg had always assumed the responsibility to change Nathan's perception about transgenders and crossdressers. It took a lot of convincing but the former young man had finally understood his own cravings. He was further enlightened by the mind-blowing mother- daughter-and-the-family-lawyer threesome last night. It was amazing what the disguise technology could do and how it gave hope to 'freaks' like Greg and Nathan. The whole debacle however, had an unfortunate side effects. Innocent lives were stolen. The real Gwen and Hannah Morrison would be kept in life sustaining chambers until most of their memories had been extracted. The organization had long agreed that sacrifices were inevitable to set the world on the right path again. Eventually the former Greg had reluctantly come to term with such atonement. It might be selfish, but forcing a way of life against homosexuality was equally as wrong, if not more so. Furthermore, the organization had promised to seize replacing women (and some men) when everything had returned to how they were supposed to be. The aroma of the nice Ethiopian coffee along with the fragrance of the perfectly sizzled Sunnyside-up pleasantly interrupted 'Gwen' from her thoughts. Like a seasoned chef, the false woman meticulously flipped those eggs onto three plates which already had bacon and raw lettuces with sliced tomatoes on them. After serving the well-made American breakfast to what likely to be her new family, 'Gwen' took her apron off before joining her daughter and Dilly on the table. 'She' was starving. The wild but wonderful night took a lot out of 'her.' The same could also be said for Dilly and 'Hannah.' After all, they were both equally as eager as herself last night. ***15 hours earlier*** "Come here, you," the new Gwen said as she was pumping Nathan's hidden penis within the artificial pussy of Hannah's bodysuit. 'She' sorely missed the dumbfounded look on Dilly's face. He was still standing at the doorway with his jaw dropped when 'Gwen' decided to take a break from 'her' daughter's dirty little secret. Sashaying her feminine curves towards the middle-aged man, 'Gwen' showed no signs of her former self. No wonder Dillon was in such a state of disbelief when she reached for his hand before giving him a gentle peck on his cheek. "This... this disguise you're wearing... it looks so real..." Dillon finally spoke as he broke out of the trance before tracing his hand over Gwen's flawless face. "Well... I learned that they were made of synthetic layers infused with gazillions of tiny little computers. The colors even changes with my expression and my body temperature..." "Your voice..." "I sounded exactly like her but still... it's a lot of work to nail the her accent..." 'Gwen' could barely finish her sentence before her guest leaned in for a passionate kiss. Their tongues intertwined as they felt the urge to explore each other's oral cavity. It was also a way for Dillon to tell for sure that the woman in front of him was indeed the man he had fell in love with not too long ago. "Greg... it's really you..." Dillon said after their lips separated. "Well, I wanted to show you the trick where I could still speak with my real voice, but I guess there's no..." "I need to hear it..." Dillon said as his curiosity got the better of him. Having done so in multiple disguises before, the former Greg effortlessly found the camouflaged knob. After a gentle press, his vocal cords were altered back to its original state. The beep was now a familiarity. "Sound check?" Greg's deep voice came out of Gwen's luscious lips. For the second time in such short while, the lawyer impulsively pulled 'Gwen' into a deep passionate embrace. Hearing Greg's own voice coming out of such smoking hot blonde must have triggered a positive effect on Dilly. His hands began to roam all over his gay lover's new female body. Slightly disappointed when a pussy was found instead of a penis, it was no deterrent as Dilly's hard-on lost none of its rigidity. Gwen's dainty fingers traced the outline of Dillon's waking beast through his increasingly restrictive slacks. The blonde proceeded to stroke it through the clothing before eventually releasing it to the chubby lawyer's relief. "Hmmmm... Your hands... they're so smooth..." Dillon complimented on the skinsuit perfect replication of Gwen's well maintained skin. By then, their lips had once again separated. The youthful-looking mother guided her 'unexpected' lover away from the door towards the opulent bed - where her equally attractive daughter lied in wait. 'Gwen' knew about Dillon's fascination with women despite his true desire for the male appendages. The man was after all - bisexual. With that in mind, 'she' intended to put on a show for the seemingly hypnotized attorney. Setting him up to stand by the side of the large bed, 'Gwen' settled onto the side of the false Hannah who was similarly lying on her tummy. Propped up on their elbows, the lovely mother and daughter went on engaging themselves in deep lascivious kiss. Dillon's engorged member was barely a few inches away and yet, he was so aroused by the incestuous and lesbian act that he was rendered motionless. 'Gwen' had rarely been able to tease as much when 'she' was Greg, but the new appearance gave 'her' a new asset to play with. She would have loved to continue the teasing game longer but she wouldn't want Dilly to blow his load yet without having to share 'her' lover's cock with 'her' daughter - something which she had fantasized about ever since the organization had plotted his position as Gwen Morrison's replacement. In timely manner, the blonde mother and daughter broke up their embrace before taking on Dillion's manhood with their hungry mouths. Gwen lathered the fully-erect cock with copious saliva while her teenage daughter tickled the man's balls with a combination of her tongue, lips and her delicate fingers. Eventually, they settled on licking at each side of Dillon's throbbing member with either of them taking turns to nurture its engorged head. Just as the fake Gwen had predicted, the mother-daughter oral tag team was too much for Dillon as he exploded within Hannah's mouth shortly after taking over from her mom. The young woman tried her best to gobble them down as Gwen continued pumping at the man's meat in an attempt to squeeze him dry. By the end of it, she was glad that her lovely daughter was thoughtful enough to keep some of the hot cum in her mouth as she shared them with her in another passionate kiss. There was no doubt that Dillon was totally spent. Gwen, though was far from done. Apparently, her daughter had the same line of thoughts as Hannah began to fondle mommy's breast through her white lacy bra with one hand while stroking at the blonde's pussy with the other. The teenager inserted her slender fingers followed by her palm into the artificial cunt just the way she was taught earlier. Dillon, who was still recovering from the extraordinary ordeal, noted how flexible and elastic the skinsuit was as Hannah stretched the latex-like material in search of something. It should have been no surprise to the guest when the young woman pulled out a very recognizable equipment. Dillon was all too familiar with Greg's manhood that he would have recognized it even with his eyes closed. Emerging from between the vaginal lips of Gwen Morrison was no hindrance to his ability to tell the difference between the cock of his longtime secret lover from the rest. Looking at how the youthful Hannah was stroking at the incongruous appendage appearing out of mommy's pussy, his own member began twitching back to life. It wasn't long before the teenage beauty removed the rest of her attire and went down to wrap her sweet lips around mommy's fully-erect cock. 'Best of Both Worlds' was what came to mind as Dilly got up from his slumber to suck at his lover's fake tits. "Oh God... Hmmmm... I can tell that you had been practicing a lot with boobs lately... Boy, you're doing a fine job..." the false Gwen said before turning her attention from the middle-aged man to her daughter. "You're doing very well too, sweetie... Keep sucking on mommy's cock... Hmm.... I like how you put your tongue to good use...." Within minutes, the threesome had set themselves in a very erotic position. Anyone peeking through the gap of the partially closed door would have seen Hannah on top riding on her mom's fuckstick while Dillon was kneeling behind the incestuous couple, plummeting his dick into Hannah's vacant anus. Gwen had given him her permission to do so, provided that he would hand her his own ass later. The trio was mostly in sync with one another save for the couple of occasions where Dillion had to reinsert his penis into the 18 year-old's derriere after her vigorous movements. It certainly justified the pleasure she was experiencing from her artificial cunt as she grind against her mom's plumbing. "Fuck... This felt better than dope..." the former Nathan said as he continued to fondle his own breast with one hand while groping at her mom's with the other. The teenage blonde's rhythmic motion became more and more erratic as a huge wave of orgasm was nearing. So was Dillion's. He buckled before exploding for the second time, on this occasion, inside of Hannah's bubbly behind. The young woman followed instantaneously with her own orgasm as her hidden member ejaculated within the restrictive confinement of Hannah's bodysuit. Not to be left out, Gwen gave her hips a few upward thrusts - pushing her cock further and further into Hannah's pussy before erupted into her dwindling daughter. By the time she had finished emptying her seeds into the teenager; Hannah had already passed out lying on top of her slender body. Dillon was still trying to catch his breath as he laid himself down beside the embracing mother and daughter. It was another amorous scene and he had a feeling that this was going to be a wonderful night. ***** Gwen could not forget how dumb Dillon looked after the steamy threesome. It could have been a smile of some young man who had just discovered the curious act of masturbation. Gently shaking her head with a smirk on her beautiful face, the former Greg took a sip of her coffee. Following the mind-blowing session last night, Gwen remembered how Dilly proposed to her with the ring he had been keeping all along in his pocket - not knowing when he would get the chance. She recalled how happy she was as she jumped into his arm before kissing him deeply. They did take turns fucking each other's brain out afterwards. Somewhere in between, Gwen vaguely remembered that the fake Hannah did rejoin them - turning the engagement celebration back into another orgy. Those wonderful memories were keeping the smile on her face as she sat with her legs gracefully crossed in the company of her new family on the table for the most perfect breakfast she had ever had. Political Threats Closing in on the golden age of fifty, Wesley Hamilton had never been much of a talking person. He lived and died by the principle of 'Action Speaks Louder Than Words' for most of his life. Taking over the life as the new Patricia O' Sutton had been a true challenge for the veteran spy not only because he had to play the convincing role as a very likeable woman, but also to reprise his new position as a politician - where talking would be prerequisite. Patricia's charm and intelligence was evident in many of her motivating and rousing speeches which had brought immeasurable success to her campaign thus far. It was the main reason that she was seen as the main threat to John D. Clarke's presidential aspiration. By replacing the America's Sweetheart, the organization would at least be assured that they had the Democratic side under their grasp. John's win in the coming presidential election would be a foregone conclusion. Nevertheless, a sudden collapse from the Democratic candidate could draw a whole lot of suspicions. Hence, Wesley's immaculate acting ability would certainly come in handy. The organization's plan was for the Democrats representative to gradually soften her stance on her anti-homosexuality agenda as the election drew close. Little by little, the fake Patricia would be made to reveal some of her 'weaknesses' when facing questions from the media and her Republican opponent - Senator Clarke. The former Wesley was impressive in his latest live television presidential debate against John - the same person he had served with during Desert Storm. As the ever lovely Patricia O' Sutton, he managed to put on a perfect performance by fending off some of the early attacks from Clarke before eventually succumbing to the more experienced statesman. Now that the debate had ended, 'Patricia' flashed her famous smile before waving to the audience. The blonde then gracefully sauntered over towards Clarke before the two met shaking hands in the middle of the stage. They gave each other a warm hug before going separate ways. Patricia's body-hugging white skirt suit was slowly bringing her hidden appendage back to life as her 3-inch heels confidently clicking down the short stairway towards the back of the stage. Her husband Brad, along with some of her campaign managers were waiting to greet her. The 39 year-old vision of loveliness ignored the apparent gloomy expression of her most loyal advisor to congratulate everyone on the job well done before leaving with Brad through a secured tunnel towards her limousine. Once the burly man who was part of her security detail swung the limousine door shut for the high profile couple, Brad instantly jumped into his wife's arms - embracing her in a passionate mouth-to-mouth. The soundproof screen between their chauffeur and the passenger's cabin was already in place as Brad had hands all over the presidential prospect. Even though the prospect appeared to be slightly dampened tonight, the false husband and wife didn't seemed to be bothered to say the least. They could feel the limousine cruising away from the Washington University of St. Louis - the premise of the latest presidential debate. Just when they were about to rip each others clothes off, Brad's phone sounded. It was swiftly followed by Patricia's personal device. The alerts were about the latest pre-election polls. Senator O' Sutton's popularity had just dipped another 3 percent, giving her Republican rival the slightest of advantage. The plan was working flawlessly as the phony woman hugged her make- believe spouse in celebration. There would undoubtedly be more hiccups for the Democrats but for the time being, the former Wesley Hamilton felt the need to release some tension. To most of those from the organization including Genie, the former African American CIA operative had drawn the short straw when he was chosen to replace Patricia. He was after all a tough, no nonsense guy as much as a coldblooded killer. Having Genie to take over from the real Brad might had made it easier for the 'old man' in term of companionship but it was still a lot to ask of him. Due to Genie's unpredictable temperament, the organization couldn't trust her with the senator's position either. Like the female assassin, most of the other women within the organization preferred roles as men anyway. However, the former Wesley had been secretly indulging himself as a strikingly beautiful woman. Since the day he had picked up Patricia's file, he couldn't help but be fascinated with the lady. Now that he had become her, he was certainly enjoying every minute of it - except the parts where he was required to speak in public. The rubbing from Brad's hand against 'her' crotch through the materials of Patricia's white lacy panties and nude pantyhose was heavenly - again reminding 'her' why 'she' was falling in love with life as the new Patricia. Genie as Brad knew exactly where her clit was as 'he' expertly manipulated the sensitive spot through the undergarments. They had long put down their phones as they seek to pick up where they let off. The technological-superior-disguise was working its magic, transmitting and enhancing every sensation her G-spot felt to the head of Wesley's hidden cock. 'Patricia' was doing her part too as she felt her fake husband's member hardened through 'his' trousers while she was stroking 'him.' 'She' was ever so curious how a bodysuit - no matter how advanced it might be - could simulate a man's a penis and its erection so realistically. One of the organization's scientists had explained to Wesley a few times but all he could get was the fine threads of wires connected to the impostor's clitoris so that the hydraulic system within the artificial cock knew when to wake up. It was certainly up now alright as the fake Patricia fumbled a little to unzip Brad's pants with her well manicured fingers. Pulling down the boxer, the lovely blonde wrapped her slender hand around her man's 8- inch monster before releasing it from its confinement. Patricia wasted no time in wrapping her lips around the head of Genie's convincing cock as the couple shifted into a more appropriate 69 position. The spacious cabin made it more comfortable as the phony Brad managed to tear a hole through the hosieries before having her panties tucked aside so that his tongue would have free roam at the dripping pussy. On all fours with her skirt hiked up to her waist, Patricia's underwear covered bottom would have been a pleasant spectacle to the passing traffics if not for the adequately tinted windows. "Hmmm... That's it honey... Fuck me with your tongue..." Patricia complemented on the way her 'husband' was utilizing his tongue as she grind her nether region against her husband's face. Genie as Brad was taken aback by her former boss's enthusiasm especially in the way he was lapping up her fake cock. Over the past week since the real Patricia was replaced, the false woman had never been the passive counterpart whenever they found the time to fuck. Despite becoming a woman, Wesley had not lost his drive as a man - always keen to release his cock whenever their privacy was assured. On this occasion however, it was refreshing for Genie that her predecessor had finally decided to lower his ego. She was hopeful that the phony Patricia would give the bodysuit's true capabilities a test. "Hmmm... I think you're ready..." 'Patricia' moaned as she shifted her position to realize what the former Genie had been hoping for. The premium vehicle's cabin had plenty of space for the lovely blonde to straddle over her husband's hips as she lowered herself onto his erection. "Oh goodness me... Wow... So what they say is true... It really does feel good..." Patricia groaned as she began to bounce on top of her lover. "Oh... God... This... Is... Fucking... AMAZIIINNNNGGGG...!!!" the phony woman squealed as her hidden cock exploded - flooding 'her' disguise's secret compartment with hot cum before overflowing through a special duct and out through 'her' fake cunt. By then, Brad was already bucking as the former Genie was overcame with her own orgasm. The mixture of their natural fluids oozed out around the husband's gradually softening manhood. The couple could sense that their limousine was coming to a halt as they had very little time to rearrange their attire. It was a good thing that 'Patricia' didn't let her little 'monster' out as it would have been much more of a hassle to clean up. There were flashes from cameras as journalists were waiting at the entrance to the hotel which they were staying. Security personnels were on edge as they communicated through their earpieces in anticipation of the VVIPs arrival. After a momentary wait, the handsome bodyguard opened the limousine's passenger door. Senator Patricia O' Sutton swung both of her slender legs out before landing her 3-inch pumps on the pavement - the former actress elegantly stepped out of her vehicle along with her husband before waving to the reporters and her supporters. The warmth of her cum-drenched panties did not bother her as she kept up the act as the young and beautiful presidential candidate. The Bliss of Pregnancy Eight months into her first pregnancy, Courtney Donovan was beaming with blessedness as she stood nude in front of the master bedroom full- length mirror. With plenty of grace, the expecting mother trace the outline of her baby belly as she admired her lovely pregnant curves. Placing a palm on her swollen abdomen, the 27-year-old brunette had even attempted to feel for any movements from within. Courtney felt nothing. In fact, she had not been able to feel any signs of life from her womb ever since she had started carrying her husband's child. There was neither the Braxton-Hicks nor the gentle little heartbeats mothers would usually pick up when they lay still. Courtney was also fortunate enough to experience very minimal morning sickness - not even during the early phase of her pregnancy. Out of all the horror stories she had heard from the other moms, the only thing which she shared was the nagging backache due to the gradual increase in weight of her abdomen. Dr. Fiona Hendrix had assured the young mother of the discomfort before prescribing her with some mild medicines. The stunningly beautiful obstetrician neglected to question the many aberrant phenomenons in this particular patient's gravidity. That was probably because she was specifically assigned by the organizations to look after 'special' mothers like Courtney. Bob who was dressed in just a boxer came to wrap his arms around the waist of his childbearing wife. He too was coping for a feel as if there was life within the cleverly inflated abdomen. There were even stretch lines convincingly laid down on its surface. The husband expected no signs of a baby as he kissed the neck of his woman. The only thing that was very much alive right now was the cock somehow hidden behind a false womb. Courtney cooed. "Excited?" Bob asked, in between planting hickeys on her soft neck. "Hmmm... Very... Right now, in more ways than you can possibly imagine..." Courtney replied with eyes shut as she moved her hands away from her tummy to her considerably bigger breasts - another supposed result of the pregnancy. "Dr. Hendrix showed me the latest scans..." the wife added, "Our little princess is coming along nicely." Bob's hands shifted in opposite directions before finding what he was looking for. Courtney's vagina was almost dripping as the husband slowly rubbed his pregnant wife. His other hand joined one of hers in fondling at her lactating tits. There was certainly no obstruction to the flow of the milk packs installed within the bodysuit's pair of lifelike boobs. They were extracted from the real Courtney who was being preserved somewhere in an underground laboratory - nurturing their little princess. The fake Courtney opened her eyes to take in the reflection of her uniquely sexy body being molested. She kept her eyes fixed on the mirror as her loving husband moved away from the back to take one of her breasts into his mouth. He sucked like a man starving for love... and milk. "I love it when you do that... My legs are becoming weak sweetie... Lay me down, will ya...?" Courtney said before being led to their comfortable bed. The silk of the linens felt soft against her naked form as she laid with her husband on top. Bob continued to extract milk out of her tits and at the same time, pawing her cunt with his free hand. Courtney couldn't hold back the erotic moans and grunts as she did her part in stroking her husband's stiffening member through his boxer - a timely reminder of her own dirty little secret. She who used to be a man named Frank Xavier still find it surreal in the position of a happily married and a heavily pregnant woman. The stimulation on her fake nipple from Bob's sucking mouth was amazing but she needed his mouth somewhere else. Pushing the husband's head further down her body, she had a feeling that her man knew exactly where to go. The former Frank spread his Courtney-legs to allow his gay lover unrestricted access. Drenched in a mixture of Frank's precum and the suit's pre-installed lubrication, the perfect copy of Courtney's vagina could have even fooled a gynecologist - unless the doctor decided to perform a more intrusive examination. Bob only added to the juices as he began diving into the nectar-filled pussy. His tongue was actively flicking at the pregnant bodysuit's G- spot. While Bob was gobbling at his lovely wife's snatch, the suit's receptors transmitted countless of signals to the head of Frank's tucked-away penis. The hidden appendage was getting so hard that it had quickly become slightly uncomfortable within the unbelievably tight compartment. "I want you in me... NOW..." the phony wife demanded. Bob instantly backed off from his woman's nether region before removing his underpants and taking out his fully erect cock. It was already generously smeared with his own precum thanks to Courtney's impeccable stroking. Aiming the bulging head of his cock at the wet entrance to her make-believe vagina, Bob forced his hips forward. The thing with the bodysuit was how each penetration was made to feel as if it was the first. The fake Courtney's interior was so warm and tight that it was unforeseeable how a baby could pass through it when the time arrived and that was just barely a month away. But both he and the false wife knew that there wouldn't be any baby passing through such a virginal passage as the child would be delivered at some classified location where the real Courtney was kept. Their bundle of joy would then be transported to the hospital where the former Frank would pretend to be in labor. Bob's camcorder would conveniently malfunctioned at the most crucial moment - just in time to miss the arrival of little Abigail. Merely the thought of holding her own baby nearly pushed 'Courtney' over the edge as her husband's member kept bumping into her equally engorged manhood. The weight of her abdomen was pressing on Frank's hidden erection as it wobbled back and forth in accordance to her husband's steady rhythm. This greatly added further to the whole erotic experience. As a result, the couple didn't last long. 'Courtney' came first - her cock erupted behind her considerably enlarged 'womb.' Her long legs tightened around the husband waist as if they're having a mighty cramp. Bob managed one final push before he too exploded inside of Courtney's supposedly gestating womanhood. His body jerked and thrashed as he felt the warmth flood o

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Discovering watersports ch5

I stared in horror out of the window. Andy took the opportunity to shove his willy all the way into my fanny. I was not amused. “For fuck’s sake, Andy”, I said, pushing out his embrace and rushing out of the room. I grabbed my bath robe and put it on. Going past the office I told him “Don’t do anything. I’m planning to come back to bed”What is wrong with me? I’m 38, I have a good figure, I’m in my sexual prime (seems to be I always have been), I run my own business and earn my own money, I...

2 years ago
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My Fetish For Panties Ch5

In my last chapter I introduced Anthony, my bi friend that got me back into wearing panties and introduced me to the wonderful world of bi sex! So anyways, during this time I was of course still dating Rachel and with final exams creeping up, we didn't get to see much of one another although she'd still give me her's and Kasi's dirty panties to "hold me over" until we could enjoy each other sexually! But I was so horny all of the time that I found myself going up to Anthony's place quite a bit!...

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New Job Ch5

Chapter 5 Over the next few days life went on for Don as usual, or at least what had become usual. Serving Mandy from morning till night, trying to keep out of trouble, fortunately few punishment sessions. A few days later Mandy brought home another package - always a bad sign. She said nothing about it until after dinner when she called Don into the living room. "Sissy I have a gift for you. she said. You may open it" she said. On opening it Don found a pair of black leather ballet...

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Book Store Stories Ch5

Candy was still on the floor, under me, I said "I'm cuming too Honey."Lets backup a bit and explain.Earlier today, my daughter Candy had let me fuck her ass as we took a shower in preparation for tonight's adult bookstore fun.Thus Candy thought, fair is fair enough and had me backup to the glory hole. The guy in the other booth had fucked me leaving his hot load deep up my dark hole while Candy kneelt on the floor sucking my cock.Yeah, so when I said, "I'm cuming too Honey", Candy spit my cock...

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Second Encounter Ch5

We enter the bathroom giggling like school girls. Taking out our makeup bags, we commence to do our faces. We remove the light make we applied that morning and scrub our faces clean. Like sisters, we help each other to get just the right look, making suggestions and comparing techniques."I've got something new I'd like to try," you say."What's that?" I ask."False eyelashes," you answer."I want some, too," I exclaim excitedly."This is a three-pack," you say as you pull the package out of your...

2 years ago
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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch5

Bounding out of bed and starting my now usual morning routine I followed my exercise DVD, noting each time I felt a little more able to stretch further, hold the pose for longer or add a few more reps. I finished out of breath but still buzzing with energy and decided today was as good as any to finally go out for a run, nothing too long, just a lap of the local park maybe, no more than a few kilometres. Pulling out my recently purchased running gear I slipped on each piece one by one. Having...

2 years ago
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SideEffects May Vary

The abrupt opening of the front door with force made Astrid jerk awake. She managed to straighten up just in time as a customer stormed into the shop. Said customer looked trashy with her huge breasts, pouty lips, and massive bubble butt. It made Astrid cringe. She had a hunch what this was about. "You!" the woman shouted while pointing at Astrid. "It is all your fault!" "Miss, please calm down," Astrid said while raising her hands in a none threatening gesture. "Calm down? CALM...

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Side Effects

HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS: Causes substantial but temporary eye injury. Do not get in eyes or on clothing. Harmful if swallowed. May irritate skin. I signed up for Sandy Greenhall's project because it was free. I'm in my third year here at the university, and I'd given up on gymnastics last year, choosing to focus on the academic path. At 5'5" and 105 lbs., people say I'm pretty, but I have heard the remarks about my small breasts, and it does bother me. So, I signed up...

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Side Effects

Side Effects By William Sky DISCLAIMER: If you shouldn?t read this, don?t. PART 1 ?How is the patient?? ?The operation appears to be a success. All vital signs are normal.? The voices drew Tom from his weariness. ?What?s going on?? Tom spoke in a voice, barely more than a whisper. ?Was there an accident?? Tom blinked rapidly, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the light of the room. Funny, Tom thought to himself, with his eyes like this, it made the doctors all...

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Side Effects Ch1

Side Effects What would become of the world if sexual freedom were to be taken away with the excuse of safeguarding the human population? What would happen if homosexuality was being outlawed? Were these measures really for the good of the human race? Will the discriminated retaliate? And the biggest question of all - will there be any side effects? Note: I was so inspired by Red Janissary's work that I've decided to write this piece. Consider this a fan fiction as no work could...

1 year ago
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Side Effects Ch3

Side Effects Ch.3 Here it is, finally! Chapter 3 is done. I apologized for such a long delay as life has been brutal towards me lately. Nevertheless, your feedbacks and reviews kept me writing. I appreciate your patience and your encouragement. I do hope you readers will like this chapter as well. Don't forget to drop a comment or two. Thank you. It's been a while since the second chapter, so I thought a quick recap would be a good idea. Well, here goes: In the near future when...

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Side Effects

After I graduated from high school, I decided not to go to college or university. I wanted to earn money and see the world, because I thought I am good at English. But before looking for a job, I wanted to spend some time in Tokyo. I grew up in Osaka and the Kansai area is pretty familiar to me. But Tokyo was something different, more modern, and more international. My 18 months older brother went to university in Tokyo and he allowed me to stay in his small flat. It had two small tatami...

2 years ago
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Side Effects

John “So how is Mary doing?” “You know how it is Peter. Kids are fine. Mary’s fine.” I said. I looked morosely over the two bottles of wine we had just finished at dinner, before speaking again. “Well, maybe not Mary so much.” I explained further, “Do you recall when we met up a couple of years ago that Mary was complaining about her back? Well, it’s gotten worse – much worse. She is pretty much in pain all of the time. It’s the curse of late middle age, I suppose, but I only wish that...

3 years ago
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Side Effects

"I'm sorry, Mr. Brody, my test results confirmed the first set; cancer has spread throughout your body." Doctor Cynthia Peters wisely waited until the big man composed himself, pausing to make sure he was still listening to her words. "At this point, treatment is not only useless but would take away any time left to wrap up your estate." Brock Brody struggled to control his emotions as he ran his fingers through his thick long hair. The doctor’s office smelled like a hospital; he hated...

1 year ago
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Side Effects Ch4

Side Effects Ch.4 Bonjour lecteurs! Finally got this done and sorry again for the extensive wait. I'd like to also take this opportunity to thank you readers for the feedbacks. The response I've received for Mile High was certainly unexpected and for that I'm glad to share that Mile High Ch.2 is on the way... hopefully soon. But firstly, don't forget to leave your feedbacks and reviews after you've finished this one. It means the world to me. Thanks and enjoy... I hope...

3 years ago
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Side Effects Ch2

Side Effects Ch.2 Life can be unpredictable at times. Here I am, apologizing again for missing my forecasted release date. Nevertheless, I'm happy to have finally finished the second chapter after such a long delay. I hope you guys will enjoy it. If you do, please let me now in the reviews. If you don't, your constructive criticism would very much be appreciated. Warning: This story contains TG, masturbation and identity theft. Sharing Means Caring Maggie Chaplin was...

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Science Side effects may include sluttiness

Hi! Im new to writing stories and would love feedback! Feel free to let me know how I'm doing [email protected]. Simon Leery was stressed out and so was his flatmate. Our financial situation seemed to be in the final stages of absolute failure. Neither of us had any money and we were unable to pay this month's rent. Me, having failed engineering uni, I had amassed an impressive 90k debt. My flatmate, studying to be a OR nurse, was 130k in debt. He still needed another 80k in...

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Side Effects and Complications

Side Effects and Complications By Julie Johnny Harris was in his third semester of medical school. He had worked hard to get where he was. Coming from a low-income family, he had worked two and three jobs at a time to save up enough money to put himself through school. Due to the death of his mother from cancer when he was twelve, he had decided to become a doctor. He eventually wanted to go into research. He had dreams of becoming the Jonas Salk of cancer research. One...

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Side Effects Part 2

Side Effects Part 2 DISCLAMER: If you shouldn't read this, don't. Tom lay back in his bed. In all fairness, it was just a futon mattress that sat on the floor of his bedroom. Tom never quite got around to buying a complete bed: you know, frame, spring mattress? blankets. Tom had better things to spend his money on. The futon mattress had served him adequately for the past six months since he moved into this apartment, and it had served him more than adequately for the past...

2 years ago
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Artistic Effects

All art, erotic and otherwise, which features portraits of human beings, whether nude or dressed, or male or female, must, to retain interest, do more than merely display a figure, even of the handsomest or most beautiful appearance. Artists accomplish this end in divers ways. Their various approaches form the subject of this essay. But, first, a dare. Artists of words, your visual colleagues challenge you. Can authors, like illustrators and painters, find as many creative ways to...

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Pleasant Side Effects

I reviewed the contract for the hundredth time, trying to make sense of what it said. I know that I understood it when I signed it, but in hindsight, the language of law is nearly impossible to get meaning out of. I had no choice but to face the music and take it to my friend, Erin, for help.Erin was a practicing lawyer that I had known since college. She was super smart and wildly attractive. Nothing has ever happened between us because she used to date one of my good friends. The only reason...

Straight Sex
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Sideshow Bobs Revenge

SIDESHOW BOB'S REVENGE Bart Simpson screamed. He was tied to a table, and the baleful figure of Sideshow Bob loomed over him, wielding a surgeon's scalpel. How had it come to this? At 23 Bart thought he had finally escaped from Bob, but no, here he was, kidnapped and about to die. "Don't worry, Bart, I'm not going to kill you. Death would be too easy. My revenge will be much longer lasting. Something humorous, and lingering. I believe you know Dr Nick?" "Hi, Bart." Dr Nick waved...

1 year ago
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Bad Wishing 10 After Effects

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

2 years ago
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No Special Effects

NO SPECIAL EFFECTS ================== Copyright (C) 1996 - 2002, Daedalus This story contains what is known as "transgender material". It does *NOT* contain any elements of m/m, s/m, b/d, humiliation, pain, or anatomically detailed descriptions of sexual acts. If this lack offends you, do yourself a favour and read no further. All characters and situations described herein are fictional and any resemblance to any real or fictional...

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Darkside Miners

The last time the water bandits had hit Frank Kabrosky and Jose Ferrera's claim, they were unprepared. Five anonymous figures with shiny faceplates, three wicked looking clubs with sharp spikes on the ends, and they had to flee in awkward hopping bounds, to preserve suit integrity, leaving the bandits to transfer six-thousand gallons of water they had toiled the past four months to refine from the unforgiving hard rock extraction mine. There are no guns on the moon. Just five months earlier,...

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Lakeside Youth Sanatorium

A lot of people wonder why a guy like me became a nurse. The main reason is pussy which is pretty much the reason for everything I do. Four years ago I was looking for something different and decided to enroll at Lakeside Community College. I went for the Nursing Program because I heard most nurses are free with their snatch and decided it was the best place to get some serious action. During the process of me fucking every student nurse in the class, I ended up graduating. It was a bitch...

1 year ago
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Lakeside Love Best Friends Wife

Innocent lust and friendship transform into vacation affair College was only 5 years ago, but what better way to reunite than a beautiful trip out at the lake? It was always great to see old friends, but what I looked forward to seeing most was my best friend’s wife… Emma. She was the most beautiful woman I knew. Her husband, Peter and I had always been close in college as roommates and best men at each other’s wedding. A sort of wall-flower, Emma had little interest in...

3 years ago
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Date of first publication: Friday PM, September 21, 2007 Special thanks to ‘oldfart‘ for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. There is nothing in life that I enjoy more than a two hour layover at O’Hara in Chicago, other than perhaps, a double root canal. Just another wonderful screw up by the logistics department of my employer; they caught me unaware, blindsided me. The urge to kill comes to mind every time I think of them. It all started out innocently enough. There were a...

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Sidekick for Hire

"Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Ee--" You quickly slap the off button on your alarm clock and look at the red digital display telling you that it's already 10 am. "Uhhhg, that's right," you think to yourslef as you roll back over in your bed, "I have to wake up early and look for a new job..." You haul you body out off bed, scratch your hair and then slowly make yourway to the bathroom in your boxers to take a whiz. 'I still can't believe that Mr. Talimacki fired me from the E-Z Mart! Just...

3 years ago
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Poolside Ch 04 Pt 4

Author’s note: This story is a continuation of ‘Poolside: Ch. 04, Pt. 3’ which was intended to be the conclusion for Chapter 4. Immediately below are the final two paragraphs of Ch. 04, Pt. 3, showing how I planned to end this series a decade ago. ~~~~~~~~ Katrina grinned, then got into her car, backed out, waved, and drove away. I watched her car until it disappeared. ‘Farewell, Katrina! Good luck, my love!’ I whispered. My four-hour drive to campus went really fast. Every memory of Katrina...

2 years ago
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Poolside Plaything

The cocktail was ice cold in my throat yet it burned almost as hot as her. That swimsuit. Two electric pink pieces separated by a stomach not yet exposed to overindulgence. Water cascaded from her body in a 'V' as she hauled herself out of the coruscating pool directly in front of me and flicked dark hair behind her lissome frame like something from a damn movie. Nobody yelled, "Cut!"I'd never been so glad of tinted glasses and having my knees drawn up on the sun lounger to hide my gaze and...

1 year ago
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Roadside Assistance

I was on my way back from a business trip in west Texas when, all of a sudden, I heard a ‘thump-thump-thump”. I knew immediately I had a flat tire. I gently steered my car of the side of the Interstate and down a small side road and then got out to check things out. Yep. I had a right side, rear flat tire. I raised the back hatch and started to pull out the jack and spare tire when I realized my spare tire was also flat.Fortunately for me, I have roadside assistance on my vehicle insurance...

Straight Sex
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Lakeside Cabins Ch 02

This continuation of Lakeside Cabin picks up where chapter one left off. Elizabeth is waiting for David to arrive for their weekend together while David is stuck in traffic, both are remembering their first time together…. As she stood from the bed he watched her, his gaze never leaving her body. She came to him without a word and pulled him to a chair. ‘What do you have in mind?’ he asked. ‘What…’ her finger on his lips. ‘Just sit…and wait….’ she whispered. As she watched him watch her...

3 years ago
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Lakeside getaway with Jasey

Introduction: You get the idea, two people end up fucking. Pretty normal theme if you ask me. Bright, thin stripes of light poked through the pines on a Wednesday morning, like thousands of tiny flashlights aimed at the shadowed ground in front of me. A gentle breeze sent waves of movement through the dense treetops, sounding subtly like the drip-drip of the leaky faucet I had become so accustomed to in the Lodge just downhill from me. Walking the defined trail had become a routine — employees...

2 years ago
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Lakeside Affair

I don’t remember a time when my thoughts didn’t include Randy. The affair started as a way for me to finally get my sexual needs met. At home I had many things others would love to have but I always felt there was something missing. I never knew what it was until I met Randy. Randy had a way to make me feel alive and gave me the attention that I was lacking at home. Over the past eight months I have shared many intimate details with him and was never ridiculed in what I had to say. Our meeting...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Lakeside Awakening

Lakeside Awakening If anyone had told the way I’d meet my soul mate a few years ago, I never would have believed it. It was my senior year of high school and I had recently gotten out of yet another bad relationship with a girl. Lina had been a pretty, chubby blonde with a nice personality but a nasty temper. We just didn’t click after a while and I was feeling down on myself for not being able to hold onto a girl for very long. My friend Dan took me to a friend’s house where there was a party...

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Lakeside Friends HotTub Seduction

The late afternoon sun peeked through the clouds as the sky began to clear over the lake. After two days of rain that kept us stuck in the cottage, I was ready to get out on the water to feel the wind in my face and course through my hair. It was especially hard to be shut-in during Thunderstorms after months of lockdown and self-isolation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We bought our island cottage about 5 years ago to get a respite from work and share some great times with our family and...

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Butterfly Effects

The saying goes: a butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a tornado in Kansas. That’s bullshit. Well, it's inaccurate at the least. But, in the affairs of men and women, tiny ripples often do magnify into huge waves. At least that’s been my view. Looking back on my life with Laura I used to see how little moments cascaded into life changing events. About two years ago, after first meeting Laura, I rejected her despite our mutual attraction, all because of a ring. Eventually, that ring...

Wife Lovers
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The young woman at the bar seemed intent on being alone, despite being dressed to kill. Bedecked in an eye-catching red dress, her golden hair cascading over her shoulders, she continued to sit at the bar, slowly sipping a Rum and Coke. Several slick-looking guys came over to hit on her, but before most of them even got the first word out, a piercing glance from her bright green eyes silenced them immediately. They would stop for a moment, as if paralyzed, then gulp, and dash off. Anyone who...

4 years ago
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Residential Marriage Guidance

Residential Marriage Counselling David finished preparing the tray of tea and cakes as he heard the doorbell ring. He winced slightly at his automatic reaction to go and answer the door, one of his normal duties. Today was different though and he listened while Dr Swift went to the door to greet his wife. He had been staying at Dr Angie Swift's house for four weeks now, part of her residential programme of marriage guidance counselling that he and his wife had signed up to in an...

2 years ago
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Residential Marriage Guidance Aftercare

Residential Marriage Guidance - Aftercare Xxx So, a sequel to a sequel or the third part of a trilogy? The idea for this came to me as I was finishing "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance" and I just had to write it. You'll probably have to read "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance to learn the characters and background and get the most from this story. As always, feedback on what you find hot and what is not is gratefully appreciated - same goes for my other stories if...

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Cliffside Sisterfuck Sensual Outdoors

Naea looks around herself urgently for a second time in less than half a minute. The mountain forest on either side of the pathway seems clear of immediate threat. She digs into the dead man’s waist pouch again, drawing out the dark pebble-like device she has already felt inside it with a thrill in her heart.She knows what it is, another relic from the old world. She can hazard an educated guess that this hard drive belongs somewhere in the second half of the 21st Century. It causes her to...

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Muemen opened his eyes and lay enjoying the familiar and constant roll of the sea. The hazy gray light of early dawn seeped into his dark cabin through the cracks and edges of the door and thin brown curtains of the lone, paneless window. He rolled from his hammock and stretched his stiff muscles, scrounged through his bare pantry for a quick breakfast of blue tubers and a few sardines, and sat himself at his small table before the window. He peeked outside as he ate, the sun had not yet broken...

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After my dad walked out on us, all of those things she used to do, she just didn't do very often anymore, and her outgoing personality seemed like it vanished completely. She had been raising me by herself this whole time, making due with whatever we had, staying in shitty apartments while she worked late nights at minimum wage jobs. I always tried my best to comfort my mom through her depression bouts. She deserved better. Better than my shitty father or those other asshole dudes, better...

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Surfside chapter 11

Judy arrived at work the following morning and was greeted by Mrs. Estevez. "Good morning Judy" she said as Judy walked in the door. Judy said "Hello Mrs. Estevez, how are you today? How is Kevin doing these days? Jean let the remark go without responding and asked her if she was interested in coming to a party that she was giving tomorrow night. She said "There won't be many people there your age, but for Kevin. I'm sure you'll enjoy it though. It should be great fun." Judy...

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Surfside chapter ten

The evening ended shortly after. No one had paid much attention to the video tape that Jean had brought by once the action started. It had served it's purpose though and Jean placed it back in it's place on the shelf in her video store. She scanned the other pornographic videos on the shelves and picked up one after the other and examined the pictures on the covers. Mental images of the previous night came to her. Hard throbbing cocks pounding into Cheryl's mouth and pussy....

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