DestinyChapter 12 free porn video

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Mom drove us to the ice cream store where we found a booth with privacy. She said, "What we talk about is just between us right now. We'll tell the others after I've done my homework. Basically, my plan is to McDonald-ize the Dial-A-Meal Corporation. If they don't agree to my plan, if I think it's right, I will seek financing and go into competition with them."

I must have looked completely lost. She laughed. "Okay, now Dial-A-Meal pays regular wages and benefits to the sales staff, except in this tryout you have going. McDonald's pays minimum wage mostly to young people who are covered under their parents' benefits. Basically, parents subsidize the fast food industry and, amazingly, are their best customers.

"So, if we develop good personnel selection systems and excellent training, we can staff our territories with students just like the big fast food people do and that will enable us to lower our prices." She savored a large bite of her treat and then continued. "You have proved that it can be done. What I need to do is figure out how it can be scaled up for a nationwide business plan."

I was bewildered and had no idea if Mom knew all that she was talking about. I knew she was good in some areas of advertising and some areas of marketing, but that seemed to be only a part of it. I asked, "You know how to do all that?"

"Oh, no. I am fairly aware of my own ignorance and know some people who can fill in the blanks. I can put together a good proposal and business plan with their help. This is the best challenge ever that's come along for me."

I said, "I'm overwhelmed and I don't know what to say."

She looked thoughtful. "If I were really good, I'd figure out how to sell our service for food stamps. One major health problem in this country is that people who qualify for food stamps are often obese. So, if we could figure out how to get the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention involved, we could improve nutrition for those food stamp users."

I felt totally left behind. "How did you learn to think about problems like that?"

"Oh, school, reading the literature, learning about marketing and serving different populations. I did some work for a large HMO some time ago and learned many of the country's health problems then."

I still felt dizzy listening to her. "I hope I can think like that when I grow up. Right now, it's all I can do to make a few sales to well selected prospects.'

She held my hand. "You'll learn. I had some courses in systems thinking that required us to look at a problem from many sides. In some European countries, they teach systems classes in high school. I'll get you a book, but sometimes it just takes time and experience." She smiled and said, "Now, enough business for tonight. I suppose that you noticed that I rather enjoyed Tyler's attention."

"Actually I did. I believe I heard expressions of joy."

"There was this movie not long ago called A Perfect Storm in which all the world's weather elements came together to cause havoc in the Atlantic. Tyler served as my personal perfect storm. I came home from the program feeling lonely and unwanted. I needed some hot guy to hit on me to see if I could be properly seduced. All I can say is that he was in the right place at the right time pushing me and flattering me with his blarney."

I laughed at her. "Well, I kind of like his blarney. I felt elated when you let him hit on you, but I was afraid you would back out before anything happened."

"I made myself wait. First, because of his age. Second, because he was your boyfriend. Third, I wanted him to take me without being verbally invited. I mean, if he couldn't smell it, he shouldn't have it."

We both had a good laugh at that. "I wish I had a video of his taking you that first time. We could watch it together and enjoy ourselves."

"Maybe we'll make one some night. When we all sleep together with our arms around him, I feel peaceful and contented. I mean, he's not God's gift to women, but he has that quality of making me feel safe. Here I am near forty and find myself loving to sleep with a seventeen year old guy."

I teased her. "In the future, you are not 'near forty.' You are over thirty."

"Thank you. I'll remember that line. Maybe I can say that I'm almost eligible to be President."

"Will you be comfortable enjoying Bill and Paul?"

"Not in the swinging sense, but if they moved on me like Tyler and made me buzz inside, I wouldn't rule either of them out."

I said, "You know, we have a rotation. We try to time our periods so that most of us are available at any one time. Periods don't bother Tyler, but I haven't fucked the other guys during the red tide."

She sat silently for a while and then had a puzzled look on her face. "I didn't plan well and I had to buy a morning after pill today. I stopped contraceptive pills when I got fat and had no need for them." She thought for a minute. "I don't know the right way to ask you this, but did you frolic with your Dad?"

"Of course you can know. You're a member of the group needing to have your card punched by the other two guys. To answer your question, it took me a lot more time and effort to seduce him than it did Charlene. I think if we lived alone, he might get over his reluctance more quickly, but I do get a turn occasionally. Does that bother you?"

"Society would have me say it did and maybe it does, but I could do nothing to prevent it and you obviously pursued him."

"I must have read thirty stories about, as they call it, 'daddies and daughters.' Most of them are pretty awful, dealing with little girls, but I found some that reflected my desires. Some girls were basically forced by their fathers or brothers. Some made clear efforts to have sex with their dads and I was one of those. After I knew about sex, I had this longing for him that was finally realized. Maybe I was jealous of Charlene. I don't know.

"I doubt that you've had any problems seducing your targets in the past and I have had more offers than I wanted, but it became a matter of personal pride to get him. I couldn't stand it that he refused me."

She laughed. "I never knew him to refuse you anything and certainly nothing that came without a dollar price."

I giggled. "Mom! That's not nice, but it might be true."

"Maybe we should go home and cuddle. This conversation makes me a little needy."

"Tyler's uncertain. When you feel like it, tell him how you feel. That will make him quite happy."

"You're right. It's unfair of me not to stroke him since he's thrilled me." She paused. "Uh, did Charlene tell you her plan for you?"

"A Long time ago, she wanted me to go with her to modeling class so that we could both go off and be famous."

"She's going to be a big-time model. I know it. Then, she's going to have you come visit and get you some auditions by using her connections. With her help, you will get to be a pricey model, sharing her expensive apartment in New York or LA."

I felt somewhat shocked to know that she had planned that far ahead. I know that we'd talked about all those possibilities at one time or other, but it hadn't been made into a plan. I simply asked, "Will all that happen?"

"I'll bet a dollar on Charlene's success. I don't know if that's something you'd like or not."

"You're a cheapskate, too. All my friends tell me that betting a penny or a quarter isn't betting at all. Anyway, I don't know. I haven't taken the modeling issue seriously. What do you think?"

"I think that if you wanted to, you could become a specialty model, perhaps not a cover girl like she will be. I think you'd do wonders and make a lot of money modeling WalMart jeans or maybe some house brands. The variety of deals out there is too great to comprehend. You can do it if you want to."

I suppose fear came over me. "Well, it's a good thing that I have plenty of time to decide whether I want to become a world famous model. This summer, I'm going to one of her motivation and confidence building courses, not to modeling school."

"That course will be good for you. It changed her life. I could see and tell the difference when she came home from practicing all those new skills."

"I'm going to miss her when she goes and I suppose your guess is that she will."

She said, "I'm fairly confident that she has what it takes. She might not make the top ten, or maybe not be a cover girl, but I think she will do very well."

As we drove home, I thought and worried about what would happen next if Charlene — or charly — went modeling and did as well as Mom expected. I loved her and the idea of not having any more of her wonderful breakfasts or feeling her breasts against mine at night made me sad. First, Deborah left just as I was getting to know her well, and now Charlene; perhaps Amanda would have to go, too. It hit me hard that there was the possibility that Mom would also leave, depending what Dad did.

"Destiny? Destiny, where are you?"

"I guess I was worrying about all these people leaving right after we made such a nice life together." I suppose my tears welled up. "I don't know what you're going to do either."

"I see what you mean. We'll talk when we get home since I don't know either."

We went up to bed to find Tyler already asleep, since it was later than usual. Mom put her butt next to him and cuddled me in her spoon. She spoke softly, "I know that I haven't done well as a mother and I didn't think you'd need me after all my problems. One way or another, we'll work out some stability for you. I don't know what Daniel plans and I did tell him that I was leaving. Maybe I should have asked for just a leave of absence."

I giggled at her last remark, feeling her hug me and then she giggled, too. She kissed my cheek and said, "Night, Baby. Let's try to sleep."

My tears ran down my cheek for a while, that being the last thing I remembered until morning. When the alarm went off, she was gone and I was next to Tyler trying to focus on him. He brushed my hair back and said, "Sorry to desert you all last night, but I couldn't stay up any longer.'

My first thought was about him and what I would do if he left right now. I knew that worrying about it was not good, so I kissed him with a full body press and hopped out of bed to go to the bathroom. He raced me to the toilet, so I used the bidet, finding it much to my liking. It takes a while for the warm water to arrive, but that wait is well worth the pleasant feeling of being cleaned and caressed at the same time.

I ate breakfast quietly, realizing that the uncertainty weighed more heavily on my mind than I previously admitted. Mom sat next to me and held my hand for a while as she sipped her coffee. I forced myself to get over it and dress for school. After I kissed her cheek, I went upstairs to finish. Tyler came in to finish dressing and wanted to know what was wrong. I went to his arms and whispered, "Suddenly, I'm not sure who's going to be here with us and I fret."

"Problem with your Mom?"

"Oh, no. We're cool." I poked him. "You sure got her attention."

"She's way hot. My desire for her went directly to my core. That ability to provoke unbridled desire must run in your family because I felt the same about you."

I teased him. "I think you said something like that and recovered to include me at the end of your thought so I wouldn't be upset. I'm delighted that you arouse each other. It's fun to watch. No, fun isn't the right word, It's arousing to see you seduce her."

"It damn sure is a thrill."

"I don't know what she's going to do when Dad returns. If she relocates and has another job, then if he returns to the South Pacific, I don't know how we'd get along if Amanda finds a better job, too." I sniffled. "Tyler, I'm kind of scared."

I think the grim realization hit him. "Yeah, I see what you mean." He sighed. "You'd go with your mother and I'd have to move back home. Tell you what. That would suck."

I teased him again. "No, actually, there would be a lot less sucking going on around here. Let's go." I purposely held up my leg to put on my hose, giving him a glimpse of my lacy panties. Worked every time. By the time I did the second leg, he appeared to be getting hard. Being on a roll, I pointed to the company logo on my blouse and said, "Melanie says that I should have it read in Braille."

He slapped my butt through the tight skirt and said, "Don't even think about it."

Charlene sat in front with me on the way to school. She said, "My parents are still seeking information about the modeling situation. With Deirdre's encouragement, I'm beginning to get excited. Of course, if I get my hopes up, it won't come through."

I had to say it. "Daniel says that whether you get your hopes up or down won't matter as long as you do what's necessary to make it happen. Ask for the order."

She replied, "That's exactly what Melanie did with Bill. She came right out and asked for the order just like Deborah said and she made a sale."

Her analysis was on target. Melanie went up several points in my scorekeeping. Even if she did it on a dare, she still did it. We do it because we're trained to, but she figured it out. I observed both her shoes and her fingernails; Dad's clues to good salespeople. At school, her nails were always well kept with neutral polish and her shoes configured to the latest fashion in trainers. I calculated her score. Fingernails were cheap and fashionable trainers cost a lot of money, which she didn't have.

The Dial-A-Meal group ate together with Melanie joining us for good natured teasing. Charlene seemed in much better spirits, probably because she'd lined up Paul for the prom. We had a good time, but I still worried about the situation with Mom, Dad, and Amanda. Where would Deborah fit in if she wasn't going to be my stepmother?

We did our regular sales afternoon and evening with leads that seemed to be getting better. Charlene and I had improved both in making sales and in making more calls using the new presentation. I think Mom was right in saying that often people simply tolerated the rest of the sales pitch after they'd already decided. Now, about half of those who bought did so before hearing the whole presentation, most of whom had decided even beforehand. I'd think about that.

At home, Mom took me aside and said, "I talked to Daniel today. Let's take our food upstairs on trays." When we sat around her desk with our trays, she continued. "Here's what I think. Daniel wants to open that office in the South Pacific so that his inventory can be much closer to the client. That allows him to close the sale quicker and get paid sooner. He seemed very happy to have me here because he feels guilty that you have been abandoned by your parents."

That brought on my tears because, although I didn't often admit it, I felt that way sometimes. I replied, "I hated it when you left me, which was long before you went to the spa. I didn't understand that Dad would think of staying out there for longer periods. I figured he'd come home after his vacation."

"He will. I don't know how long they can stay or whether Deborah is going back out there with him. That wasn't clear. While they're here, they will stay at Deborah's or I will move to Charlene's room when she moves out."

"Could you stay in this house if they were here?"

"That's a good question. If I'm a member of your group by then, it will be easier. I don't want to give up this life we have or that you have." She thought for a minute. "Who started this swing party anyway?"

She sighed and tossed back her hair not waiting for me to answer. "Every porn site on the Internet has lots of stories about young guys hitting on mature women in their bikinis around the pool, which pool they have contracted to keep clean because her husband is too busy. After the guys apply the sunscreen, the pool cleaners with six pack abs enjoy the benefits of the beautiful, lonely, undersatisfied women who come hundreds of times the first time the guy with an eight-inch dick sticks it in her."

She said all that without any breath. I had read those big dick stories, too, and had to laugh with her. When I could talk again, I said, "Well, with the help of some of Dad's nice Chardonnay, I think Charlene may have taken Tyler in her own hands which started our first contest." I still giggled. "After that, we worked out a kind of rotation to enjoy everyone and then Amanda joined us. We had a happy family."

"Deborah was a member, too?"

"Yes, she brought Paul and then she found Amanda to baby sit us so that Tyler's and Charlene's parents would permit them to live here."

She sniffled, cleared her throat, and said quietly, "You won't be abandoned. Either Daniel or I will be here and maybe both of us, depending. I bought those books by Rimmer and Skinner that I want you to read if you ever have time."

I stood and went to hug her. "Thank you for coming home. I hope you can work out something professionally that doesn't make you move away. I don't want to move yet. You may not like being a mom, but you're good at it and at being my friend."

Her eyes had tears. "I know you had to grow up too fast, but I like having you as my friend, too."

She said, "Well, let's stop crying. I'll take these trays downstairs. Do you think I should bring Tyler?"

I felt this warm rumble inside. "That would be just perfect."

When she returned, she said, "He's going to finish and get ready for bed, then he will be here. We need to do our face washing, too."

Tyler was on his game again taking Mom first while she was leaning over the bathroom counter. He had his arms around her grasping her breasts through her silky top. She pushed back into him and turned her head to kiss and wiggle against him. When he removed her tops and bottoms, I saw his cock sticking straight up seeking a home, then he pushed her over the counter, sinking all the way in at once. I saw her face in the mirror changing expressions as he lunged and withdrew. She came about three times during that episode. He withdrew from her still hard and turned to me. I wanted the bed and led him there where he could ravish me at will. Mom joined us while he speared me repeatedly until we both erupted at nearly the same time.

I liked Mom's idea of getting him to wash me, so I led him to the bidet where he knew exactly what to do. I felt better knowing that our combined juices wouldn't be seeping out all night. We resumed our regular sleep positions where he kissed her first and then me. He said softly, "I don't believe this is happening to me. I mean, I've read stories, but they weren't credible in the telling."

Mom chuckled and said, "I don't believe this is happening to me, either. I've read some of the older woman younger man pieces that seemed true, but I didn't picture myself being in a story like this." She leaned over to kiss me and then Tyler again. "Night, all."

When morning came -- I didn't even resent the alarm — I opened my eyes and then felt a smile come from within. Tyler brought me close and said, "That must have been a nice dream."

"No dream. As you and I both realized last night, our reality far exceeds most dreams our classmates have. Right now, my only worry is missing Charlene too much."

He lay silent for a minute as he brought me closer. "Who will be our leader? She became that without a vote; it just happened that she was good at it. Then, of course, she's great in our parties and that will be a hard act to follow."

I stumbled out of bed and started for the bathroom. Mom was sleeping soundly, looking happy. She must be adjusting to the house or the hours or maybe even to the nightly thrills she's been getting. I let Tyler have the toilet while I used the bidet in full appreciation of why the French couldn't live without them.

On the way to school, Charlene said, "It looks like we're getting closer to a decision about Kay's offer. She checks out as one of the better agents with a good success rate; even one of the Internet sites had positive ratings of her service by other models."

Tyler said, "We're both happy about your success, Fearless Leader, but we're surely going to miss your lovely face around here."

She turned around in the seat and actually stuck her breasts out. "Just my face? Now, my feelings are hurt."

"Well, I could make an inventory of your assets, but that would take more time than we have, so I'll just mention your slippery hands on me and the taste of your pussy when it gets wet."

"That's enough before school. I don't want it to be wet all day."

At lunch, I realized that Charlene had begun to view herself from a different perspective; as if she were no longer a member of the group. She didn't say anything to lead me to that conclusion, it just seemed that her perspective had changed. With only a month left in school, she would be gone if she intended to go with Kay, or someone else of equal stature. I knew we would go to college or somewhere when we graduated, but putting a time and date on her departure made me fret even more.

Charlene also talked warmly to Melanie, drawing her into the group, treating her almost like she was already on the staff. I saw them in private exchanges more than once during our meal. Charlene rarely became devious, she planned the future in such a way that everyone went along with the inevitable without objection. By the end of lunch, even I was thinking about Melanie as one of us and wondered how we would handle the prom night issues. Would Bill bring her to the overnight party?

That night at home, charly spent another hour with Mom — I know Mom wants me to call her Deirdre — it was just easier to call Dad Daniel when he made love to me than it is to use her first name. Hmmm. Charlene came into the bedroom where I was studying. She said softly, "Destiny, I'm so scared. Deirdre just talked for twenty minutes on the phone with Kay and I think they negotiated a deal for me. If my parents take it, it's all going to happen. Deirdre demanded changes in the contract and when Kay granted them on the phone, she was sure of a deal."

I went over to her and held her as she sniffled and tried to get control. That took her a while with my stroking her. I said, "I love you, Charlene, and we'll miss you every day, but this is your chance to be what you want, do what you want, and get out of here."

She snuffled again. "I know. I know. Daniel said..."

"I know, too. Be careful what you plan for, it might just happen."

I knew Mom wouldn't lead her on and she was every bit as honest with Charlene as she was with me; in times past, she'd give Charlene honest opinions about her dress and that wasn't fun. "Want to sleep in here?"

"Yes. Let me go finish my work and I will come back at bedtime. I can't afford any bad grades, especially now."

I explained the situation to Tyler and Mom only to find Tyler too happy to have Mom to himself for a whole night. I wonder when she will branch out and become a full member of the tribe? Charlene came back at bedtime for hugs, kisses, and a chat. One of her fears? That she wouldn't have a relationship with guys or girls as nice as this. I didn't want to say it, but after all that I read on the Internet, I doubted that she could, either. Making love seemed to cheer her up, cuddling me as we settled in after our excitement. She slept easily, but I didn't.

Time flew by until the prom time reminders came up on my PDA, telling me to get ready, to buy whatever I needed, and to schedule the limo. Mom was treating us to livery to and from the prom and an after-prom get together with food. On special nights, Charlene would eat with her parents and I knew that they would want pictures of her with her date.

So, I had to put all that on my tasklist to remind me to think about it all and to make the necessary appointments for Charlene and me at the stylist salon. I synchronized calendars with Tyler and Charlene to keep us all together. I still had that nagging problem about Bill and Melanie on prom night. The rest of us were returning here for an all night party with each of us inviting another couple to join.

One day at lunch, I asked Bill what his thoughts were on the after-prom party with Melanie. We'd have three other couples for the party, thus creating an issue about sleeping arrangements. We wanted to provide a safe place for them to sleep together if they wanted, or to be celibate if that was their choice. We tried to allocate the bedrooms and sleeping spaces in the cabana to provide choices for everyone. Paul would sleep with Charlene and Amanda if she chose, Tyler would be with Mom and me, leaving Bill with Melanie to worry about. I hadn't devoted enough thought to Dylan and Sherree even though I originally thought she had her old date. Charlene had another relationship to figure out.

When I shared my frustration with Charlene, she adopted the position that we could simply ask the girls straight about their intentions. Never one to shirk any task, she told me that she would make the necessary inquiries so that no one would feel crowded. I wondered how she would handle Melanie. All we needed to know was how many beds of the double or single kind that we needed. We had three or four of those blow-up mattresses that could be put almost anywhere, particularly for the celibate. The house was large enough to provide privacy to all the doubles, with the singles separated into a slumber party arrangement.

Next day at lunch, she said to Bill, "You have to take Melanie out on some dates before the prom so that she can make up her mind whether she wants a single or double bed. Then, you have to decide whether you care enough about her to support her choice and if you're going to sleep with Amanda if she chooses to be single. Understand?"

Bill's eyes were glazed by the time she finished. All he could say was, "I see what you mean."

She said, "You have another choice if it's better for her. You can take her for something to eat after the prom and then take her home if that's what she wants. You can then return to our party, although if you like her, there's a risk that she might resent being late dated." She paused. "Yes, she'll know because everyone will be talking about the party and we can't keep them all quiet." She smiled and went on politely. "After hearing all that, Bill, do you understand why you should have asked me?"

She could be eloquent when she chose to spear someone. Bill seemed totally confused when he mumbled, "I understand and it won't happen again." He neither knew that she was leaving town for good when school was out, nor did he know before that moment how much he mattered to her even if he could infer from her oblique approach to telling him. I didn't know for sure until she went to all that trouble to goad him. We have to have a talk about this. I had to plan and replan the evening and then, of course, deal with Bill's broken heart again.

That night, when I laid out the whole situation to Mom, she laughed at first, telling me that I had a real problem. When she saw my disappointed look, she sensed my frustration and hugged me.

"Sometimes, you can't fix everything just right. You have grown so much in the past year that some days, I don't remember your girlhood. Let's see what we can do." With that, we sat on the love seat and tried to work out a way for everyone to have a good time. Every day, I thanked the universe for bringing her back. I just loved having an understanding and capable mother, regardless of her self-evaluation.

Then she said, "Now, we have to talk business. The District Manager wants Amanda to bring you to Atlanta to talk about the reorganized presentations. I volunteered to stand in for you since it is a school day. My God, I would not want to tell corporate that you couldn't come because you were in school."

I replied, "I don't think I can take on one more thing right now."

She thought for a while. "Yes, you could, but not without letting your schoolwork slip — that should be your number one priority because it provides more options in the future. We can all do more than we think we can at first."

I said, "I know. When Amanda brought our PDAs and had us all synchronize them, we were all able to do more and still have leisure time. After she did the golf ball, sand, and water routine, I understood. I support her because all the team members but me need the money."

"That's a good attention getter, filling the vase with water, but what if it leaks? That's a story for another day. I'm going to the corporate meeting because I need the action more than the money. If I wanted to, I could buy a little cottage by the seashore and grow flowers and vegetables, leaving time to paint and write poetry during the day. Maybe we should do that anyway."

"I didn't know you wrote poetry."

"Many things you don't know about me and maybe we can share our lives more. However, I don't know how to write poetry — that was just an expression." She laughed. "I'm a painter, though. When Daniel and I were first married, I painted rooms and the trim very nicely."

I replied, "Painter, huh? I'd like to know more about you."

Same as Destiny
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The breakfast was delicious. We returned to our rooms to pack and check out. Marianne called and would meet us at eleven thirty to sign the final acceptance on the contract. It was a warm day and both of us were wearing shorts and pull-over shirts with sneakers. We loaded the car and checked out. We had an hour before Marianne was due. “Why don’t you call her? We can meet her somewhere while we ride or go where she is or both. I see no reason to sit around here for an hour” Beth nodded....

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The Neighbours Mother Part 2

Janice James was delighted that her daughter Sally, with whom she was staying, was needed at work, although she had to pretend that she was not. The reason that sixty-three-year-old Janice was delighted was that she could again have sex with the thirty-eight-year-old man next door, Jason Cantwell. They had first got together the previous day and now Janice was waiting for Sally to go to work so that she could again be with Jason, although he, as yet, did not know that Sally had to work."Mum, I...

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 7 Misty et al

Tuesday late afternoon the three teens got off the school bus and ran up to the house. Doug was holding Misty’s hand and carrying her books that day. There was a rush to prepare their quarters to be ‘Mom Acceptable’. Misty’s mother was coming over to see the home and assess the situation, based on her daughter’s request to spend more time with Penny, her BFF. Of course, she hadn’t told her mother about Doug, her erstwhile boyfriend and fuck buddy. Doug took his car and left for points...

4 years ago
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A Vision

A Vision By Jasmine Lee How often I passed the cave's entrance, peering to penetrate its darkness, drawn by a glow that seemed to come from its chambers, then passing on for fear that it was occupied by demons. At last I summoned the courage to enter, consoled by my torch and my resolve to flee if I began to be lost. I walked slowly through the narrow passageway - slower still when a light began to brighten ahead of me. And suddenly I entered a room, filled with a dazzling white...

1 year ago
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My Adulterous Wife

If you've read any of my other stories about my sexual exploits, then you'll know I'm far from being the "faithful" husband, but I'm not alone in having little "secrets"... About 10 years ago my wife Janelle and I went on a holiday to the Nth Coast of NSW, Australia. Whilst we were staying at Port MacQuarie, we decided to go on a canoe day up the river. We arrived at the jetty to find another 7 people already getting their gear ready. There were a couple of female Swedish backpackers, a Dutch...

1 year ago
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Beach sunset

Remember the day we went to the beach to watch the sunset. It was a lovely, warm, summer evening, and there were lots of people sitting on the sand, drinking sundowners and watching the sun sink out over the cool South Atlantic Ocean. We walked, hand in hand, along the edge of the breaking waves, now and again dabbling our feet in the cool water as it washed over the sand.We slowly ambled down the whole length of the beach, until we came to the rocky area. There were only a few people sitting...

3 years ago
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An Evening In

An Evening In He had explained it carefully to her; the time had come for him to share his most treasured possession with friends. Good friends, carefully chosen by him for their good conversation, differing personalities and ability to be discreet. He explained he was proud of her, she had developed her skills to the best of her ability, and now he wanted to show others just how skilled she was. It was to be an evening meal, four friends plus him, guiding and orchestrating the plans for the...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 63

I didn't kill another man right away, even though I was sorely tempted to do so. Instead I started talking to the man from Action Network. The guy proved to be very cooperative. He didn't know where Dindraine was, but he did know who everyone in the room was. I put him to work placing him under the supervision of some of my troops so that he could move through the group and identify everyone for me. As he picked out people, I had my soldiers haul them away and put them in places where I...

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Part 4 of probably one of the best weekends of se

By now I had an idea about what time she would be waking up in the morning so I made sure that I would be up right around then, when I woke up I went and use the bathroom, of course, when I came back in I could tell that she was starting to wake up so I got on top of her and started kissing on her chest and her tits before making my way down to her belly and kissing on her pussy a little bit, I climbed on top of her and started fucking her nice and slow while Burying my face and her neck...

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Jamaica Blacken PT7

Sunday – Ist Day as BBC slut wifeWe managed to get up and shower for a late breakfast, and my wife surprised me by not wearing her ever-present bra and panties to the dining room - only a T-shirt and shorts. The waiter, Andre, did his usual flirting,"Missy, ja look especially good this mahning! (his eyes on her chest) Didja have a fine night?"She blushed, and I thought her nipples pushed harder against their slight covering."Yeah, I did!" she answered."A fine Jamaican night, Missy?" he asked...

2 years ago
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When Amandarsquos moaning

Amanda's Story Amanda was in her room surfing x when her iPhone rang, “Hello.” Amanda answered. It was her best friend inviting her out to a rave party on Halloween. “Where,” Amanda asked? It was not like Amanda had planned anything for Halloween evening, it falling on a Monday this year and she was much past the age of Trick or Treating. ‘What the hell,’ Amanda thought and she agreed to go to the party with Sarah.The party was a rave that moved around so you never knew when or...

2 years ago
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Angel in the flower shop

I was so nervous that day. Walking quickly to the flower shop. My mind racing with so many different thoughts. What if she wasn’t there today? No she was always there! What if she didn’t have time to talk today? No she always made time to talk! What if she didn’t want to hear what I had to say to her? I needed to stop thinking and just get to her shop. As I rounded the corner and the shop came into sight I stopped dead in my tracks and almost turned and ran the other way! My heart was pounding...

3 years ago
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Moni and Carol

I Love All Black Gangbangs Story For Moni Moni And Carols Vacation By: Me Written on January 20th, 2013 Nice fantasy from a friend Moni and her friend Carol had decided to go on a girls only vacation to Jamaica with some resistance from the husbands. They said they would be fine at a resort what can happen there. They left for Jamaica in march still be cold in Canada the girls were looking forward to some sun and beach. They arrived in Kingston and were bused away to the resort. looks like a...

2 years ago
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Trailing Home

Note to Readers: Here is the third book I have written. I am posting all 13 chapters tonight, but I have no idea how quickly they will be released on the site. It is the story of how love bloomed along the historic Oregon Trail. I did lots of research while writing it, and as far as I know, the details of their journey are accurate. I hope you enjoy it! St. Louis April 14, 1855 Liam McKenzie took a long sip of ale while he casually wondered how the little wench was managing to fool the other...

1 year ago
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My cousins girlfriend

Note : This story is completely fictional! One summer nite me and my cousin were drinking and his girfriend samwas there sam is heavy set but looks good shes got black hair nice tits and nips my cousin showed me a picture on his phone sam wears tight pants and shorts and i seen her in her panties one time when she was changeing and you could tell that she shaves we were all drunk and she wanted to go back to there house to get some more beer so i had went with her when we got there she went to...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Sexy Aunt And Her Sister 8211 Pt 4 Fucked The Maid

This part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the whole story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts. Hi all, I am back with the continuation part. First of all, thank you all for liking and emailing me your feedbacks. I am extremely grateful for the efforts taken by you to mailing me down your feedback and messages on hangouts. Now, many people have asked for the gangbang, please don’t ask for it. I am not at all interested in any...

3 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 63

When we went to our bedrooms Friday night, Brandy and I were with Ms. Maria, Angie and Ashlee. Bonnie and Gage were with Priscilla and Rae Anne. Ms. Maria had asked us to leave off the Ms. Part of her name and just let her be our friend, Maria. I had called her Ms. Maria since I first met her and the name change came harder for me — until we went to bed. I had gone to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and peed before the women took over. When my four bed-mates came to the room I was...

1 year ago
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Meister T Hedonistische Adaption

Meister – T – Fetisch und Voyourismus als Kunstform -Aus dem Leben eines Meisters - Lest - Was bisher geschah: - - - - - Der Fetisch als moderne Form der Kunst" - mit der...

4 years ago
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Unexpected gangbang

Well it was a few years ago and I was 32 at the time. I was working at a large warehouse/retail store mostly doing cashier work. I would just go about my day taking care of customers and would talk to the occasional male worker who would always seem to be hitting on me which would been pretty annoying cause of their lame way of speaking to me.One day my manager asked me if I wanted to try working off register and inventory and stock some shelves and I agreed figuring it would be a good change...

3 years ago
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Morning LightChapter 26

The following day, Jennifer called Rhonda at home. She could tell immediately that the young woman was still excited about her weekend with her father. Rhonda told her that she and her father had had sex in almost every room of the house. They had gone to dinner Saturday night and then had sex in the car, right in the driveway. She whined that she was walking bow legged because she was still sore. Their conversation further stirred Jennifer's libido as a vision of a giant penis entered her...

2 years ago
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Suhara of Curses Chapter 10 Returning Favor

The ebony staff was exactly as Jaux remembered it from Theema's artifact room. The entire length of the stave looked like a very thin cone of rough black ice, or as if someone had broken off a black stalactite. An abstract dome cage of black stone formed at the top, perfectly trapping a fist-sized purple sphere. The other end of the staff was much thinner, but still rounded out enough that it wasn't quite a sharp spear point. "Oh, that's cool," said Frey when she saw the staff lying on...

1 year ago
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In their sleep they didn’t stay separated. Their bodies found their way around each .Their legs were entwined, arms around each other and his hand was on her bare ass Their eyes locked and then their mouths did with passion. They kissed intently for a few minutes and then he shifted them so she was on her back, while he was at her side, lying on his side. His left arm was under her shoulders and his right hand moved down her body to gently position her legs so they were separated… bent… she...

3 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To A Peon

Hello, guys and girls, my name is Samira Shaikh and I am 22 and I live in Mumbai, I am new to this site. I have read many stories here and by reading all of it, I thought of writing my own sex story which happened to me during my college days. So if you like please email me on about your feedbacks. I was always an open-minded girl during my school days and even had some kissing experience with some of the boys from my school and from my building but it didn’t get any further to sex. I was...

2 years ago
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Forced To Fuck My Girlfriends Daughter

John let himself into his girlfriends house with the spare key she had given him. He hung his jacket over the kitchen chair, grabbed a beer and made his way to the living room. Carol was out of town for the next two days and he had promised her that he would look in on her daughter Kim and make sure she wasn't planning any wild parties or having an unauthorized sleepover. Kim was more then a bit on the wild side and quit a handful, but John felt he could handle her even though he had no...

4 years ago
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Touch me pretty please

It was a warm late Spring morning and I was finishing up packing for a weekend away with Chris, we were heading up to his father's cabin for our two year wedding anniversary. We have been together for almost five years and the thought of being in a cabin with him with no distractions all weekend still made my stomach flutter in anticipation. Chris had woken up hours before me and was busy packing everything we would need for a romantic weekend away. He was very secretive about his plans and...

Love Stories
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The Arranged Encounter Part 1 The Meeting

As I walked into the bar I was quickly able to pick him out. The trendy bar was full of 30-somethings and younger, and I knew he was my age. We were the only men in the place with graying hair. I walked over and he immediately stood and shook my hand. David quickly explained why the big smile. “I’m so glad you came, you wouldn’t believe how many men I talk to don’t show and when I return home I get some lame excuse.” I knew exactly what he was talking about having been on the receiving end of...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 5

Olivia woke up, a young woman on a mission. She would try and turn her best friend today, get her cherry popped and see if she could create her very own partner in crime. Shoving the covers down and pulling her bottoms down immediately after, Olivia hunched over to look at her pussy. She'd been feeding her pussy cock for three straight days and wondered if it looked the same after all the use she'd put it through. Staring down, it looked the same, the same little tuft of blonde hair at the...

3 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 27 First Contact

The alien Captain sat staring at the harsh landscape of the airless moon. He had seen thousands of similar landscapes on other worlds and their satellites. He never tired of seeing a new one. It was why he chose the hard life of space exploration over the softer life of a planetary-bound career. New worlds, new experiences, and new revelations were like a drug to the Captain. His mindset was also why a Companion chose him as a host. The Captain and his Companion had made a good team for many...

1 year ago
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Project Mayhem

Character List: Raymond K. K. Hessel: After meeting Tyler, he decided to become a veterinarian for a bunch of rich white women who live in the nice part of the city. He's worked hard for the past five years and is now working to be a true man. He has a slight streak for control ever since he was nearly murdered because he seeks control over his life. He is nearly impossible to blackmail as he's always suspicious of everything occurring around him. Angel Face: After getting his nose completely...

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A PostNOLA Treat

My Wife’s Best FriendThe first thing you should know is that I am married to the best woman on the planet. She loves me completely, just as I love her. We’ve been married for some six years and every minute has been great. Granted, I don’t get the amount of sex that I got in my single life, but to tell the truth, I’m fine with that. That’s a long story for another day. This is about something else entirely.My wife is a stunning woman. Beth is six feet tall with deep brown hair and...

3 years ago
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Sex Hungry Lata 8211 Part 2

Last night I promised her to meet in the evening and I went to see her, gave her and her young Lily a box of sweets. While Lily was busy opening the box Lata was in my arms passionately kissing me, kissing my neck. I told her not to cook anything, already had bought a parcel for dinner. As usual Lily went in the bedroom to see cartoon network. Lata was waring thin open maxi under that she did not ware anything else, that was very sexy. She gave me to ware a cloth and told me not to ware...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 3 Neighbours

Zan had not been home a full week yet, but things had been hectic. The week before, Essco, Dye and Zan had decided to go home to Ogilhinn, after they got the Captain to marry them. Lee and Sean had packed them up into one of the transport boxes, which they had used with the villagers. Then they helped Zan take them home. Dye and Essco loved Zan’s home. Sean and Lee didn’t stick around, but promised Zan they would come back for a more formal visit in the future. Lee had given Zan his...

2 years ago
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Topsy Turvy World

TOOPSY, TURVY WORLD Mum he's morphing, I think he is already changed. What? I'm telling you mum, your ugly caterpillar son, Jamie, has changed into a pretty butterfly. How would know about morphing? I have been paying close attention and something is going on. Look at his eye lashes, see how long they have gotten. You mean you've been spying on Jamie, Sandra said, I told you this was going to be very tough for him and I do not think you know enough to even make a guess...

3 years ago
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The Dominatrix Next Door

The Dominatrix Next Door! TJ Ryder chapter 1 When Billy came home from school that Friday afternoonhe saw the note on the refrigerator from his momand sighed! Oh boy! She hadn't forgotten it after all! His beautiful mother had already left as she had plannedfor a weekend workshop and she HAD remembered to leavea note for the various chores he was supposed to do. That wouldn't be so bad except for that one chorehis mother always preferred to do...

3 years ago
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I like to share She accommodated

I was in Cleveland for business. I had been stuck in the hotel working 12 hour shifts for weeks on end. I found her add on Craigslist. I liked her bodysuit. I texted her. After a minute she texted back. We chatted a minute or two. I told her I wanted bareback and either the bodysuit in her photos or thigh highs. She said she had thigh highs and a bustier. I asked her what hotel. She was at a hotel on a hill in Independence. 30 min. She was ok with bareback. I told her to put on her best...

1 year ago
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Fringe Benefits

Driving into the driveway this house looked pretty promising. The ad was about a garage apartment and the house had a three car garage so it should be pretty large. Dan parked his car, got out and headed for the front door. Knocking on the door he was glancing around taking in the nicely manicured lawn and fantastic landscaping. The door swung open and Dan was struck a little speechless. Standing before him was one of the sexiest women he had ever seen. Dark auburn hair and green eyes. ...

4 years ago
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Tales from the Sugar Bowl 3

She was right…I took some time to develop my profile…I wanted to make sure I didn’t sound wounded nor did I want to create the impression that I was looking for a wife…My profile stated two things clearly…I was looking for a “friends with benefits” situation and would be willing to pay the right woman a monthly allowance…I included a picture that was more casual …and was surprised at the number of women who contacted me. I struggled a bit in engaging with the women who messaged me…it’s been a...

3 years ago
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A Bullys Comeuppance Part Six Lets Make Some Magic

Florence and Julie adjusted their skimpy lingerie and got comfortable on the set, sitting down on a sofa next to each other. They chatted briefly to themselves as the cameras were positioned to get coverage from all angles. Marcus finished chatting with his team and pulled up a chair next to me, smiling. "You looking forward to this?" he asked, noticing I was fiddling with my groin, trying to get myself comfortable. I quickly moved my hands and looked sheepishly towards him. "I am,...

2 years ago
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I Want My Daddy Part 2

“Yes Daddy! Move those fingers! Move those fingers!” I spread my legs wider. Slamming my pussy towards my father’s hand. Grinding my pussy as his fingers go deeper. He is moving his fingers in a frenzy as I thrash on the dining table feeling immensely good being finger-fucked by my father. His three fingers are stretching my teenage pussy while creating such delicious feelings between my legs. He lowers his head and starts suckling my sensitive puckered nipples that I cannot help but moan...

4 years ago
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In the Dark

This is a real incident which happened to me. And I am sure some of you might have experienced some time or other in your life……At first I was not sure if it was deliberate or accidental. It did look deliberate, yet it was very subtle. We both were traveling from Bangalore to Hyderabad. At about 8.30 PM in the night the bus started from Bangalore. He was in his late 30s and I am in my late 20s. We spoke at length about different things, as co passengers. He seemed to be successful professional,...

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Pleasure From the Other Side

I stood outside on the grass looking at the beautiful old farmhouse as the summer sun started going down. The front porch ran all the way across the front with a bench swing hanging on the right side. The green shutters on the windows were all in pretty good shape. It definitely needed some TLC and a fresh coat of white paint but the foundation was solid as was the structure. And the inside was as charming as the outside; large, high-ceilinged rooms, wood flooring throughout and original...

3 years ago
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Maer porpurush ke die chodon

Ha golpo ami amar ma k nie bolte chaichhi.. Kintu ami ekhane jegulo share korchhi segulo ami roj ja dekhchhi seguloi …. Tai hoyto oto ta erotic nao hote pare .. Karon real incident to saab samay golper moton hoyna tai na……amar ma r samporke boleni…. Ma r boyos 46….. Motamuti forsa bola chole…. R khub subder figure…..khub sunder mai achhe…. Saree pore peter navi r niche…. Bahari nitombo , tana boro boro chokh mota sunder thoth ek kathai bhison sexy bala jai make,,,, barite bra pore na….achol ta...

2 years ago
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Just Like A Dream

By : Richasricha Hi ISS readers. I’m a regular visitor of this site. I really liked this site. Here I read so many stories, i dont know if they are real or fake. This is my first story. This is my real life experience. If you find any mistakes please forgive me. And an important thing is that the incident i’m going to tell is an accidental one. Firstly about me, i’m Richa studying in one of the professional college in south India. Good looking, fair completioned girl having perfect assets in...

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A Pickup in Four BJs and Muff Dives

My family had all gone in to be CAP tested at the same time since the new laws required everyone fourteen or over to do so. When Dad and I came out with sevens and Mom and sis had high enough sixes dad had already seen the hand writing on the wall. He warned us not to show our cards unless necessary. He saw the disorganized start of protest by religious nuts and other crackpots that had started up right after the president's speech telling us that most of us were going to be eaten by the...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present

It was early in the morning one day after my birthday. I was at my ex boyfriend front door and his phone was ringing and I could hear it through the door. Hi what is it? He replied sleepily will you open the door? Suddenly the call ended and I heard footsteps and the sound of keys. The lock clicked and the big wooden door opened. What are you doing here? He asked with a big smile on his face. It was my birthday yesterday. Don’t you remember? You promised me a present if I came. I said it just...

2 years ago
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Kinky Sisterinlaw

My wife doesn’t like anal sex. We tried it years ago and it was too painful for her. Even though I have never tried to do it again, I have always secretly wanted to. And I got my chance, although not the way I thought I would. One morning while we were at the table eating breakfast my wife, Kat, told me, “My sister and her two girls are flying in this weekend and staying the week. John (Her husband) was going deep sea fishing with his buddies and she did not want to stay home alone...

1 year ago
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Come to Life TV News Fantasies Part 1

Meghan enters a simple apartment, home from work. She has on a business dress that comes down to just below her knees. She turns on the large TV on the wall as she walks into her bedroom. We see a news show on TV, very Fox-like. Two attractive women are sitting on stools doing an interview. The sound is off. The woman on the right is identified as Ainsley Lee. The women on the left is Jenna Kelly, author of the best-selling book The Alluring Executive. They’re each wearing a single color, one...

2 years ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 26 The Plot Emerges Finally

David asked at the new strip mall if they could park both trailers and the Dodge for a few days. "There's a trailer park just around the bend," the mall manager suggested. "How about you folks heading over there and getting off my lot." Wendy was just getting ready to explode when David commented, "Yes Sir. Thank you for your kind consideration. Just around the bend?" "You'll have no trouble finding it. It's filled with your kind of trailer trash." "Wendy? Did you want...

4 years ago
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Paradise Island

It has been almost four years ago you made your massive fortunes when you sold your technology company to Google. At the time you were married to your college sweetheart but she decided that she no longer needed to love you if she could get half of your billions after the sale of the company. When you had gotten married you never had thought of the need for a prenuptial agreement when you were struggling with your start up company. The divorce left you bitter about women and society in general...

3 years ago
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The True Source of Magic 3rd part

“Well, Kadren,” the woman said in a husky voice, “is this better?”The woman picked up the Cal overcoat from the ground, which looked like some bizarre flesh-coloured mass of soft wax, and handed it to one of the goblinoids, who held it for her.“Who are you?” asked Kadren, fear, and determination both gone, now with just awe and wonder.  She could not help but admire the woman’s beauty, and Kadren also felt she understood a man’s lust, knowing that no man would be able to resist this woman.“I am...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mom caught me

Please give me some feedback. [email protected] My older brother Tommy called me. He was looking for a specific baseball card he was hoping to sell and he could not find it in his collection, so he wanted me to search my stash and see if I had it. I hung up and climbed the stairs to the attic where I kept my sizable collection of cards. I was on a search for an old Ernie Banks rookie card, framed in plastic and in mint condition. I dug around a bit to no avail. As I was giving up the...


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