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The Grey Nomad

I met Sylvia and George through a mutual friend - The Kat - in her far northern Australian city as they were travelling around Australia. As a retired couple , they were doing what thousands of other retired couples do. They buy a 4WD and caravan or a large camper van ( Winnebago) and set off for a protracted period of time driving around this vast country. We refer to them as Grey Nomads.
I’d known for a long time there was strong undercurrent of senior sexual activity within this group, often only discovered after they got on the road and met similar couples in the camping grounds around the country. With time on their hands and being very relaxed, attitudes of a lifetime can be changed and often do. In fact there is one very remote location in the north where like minded couples gather every year for weeks or months and do nothing but enjoy the sun, fishing and each other but this story is not about that place.
Sylvia is a very attractive mature woman of medium height with a full figure as expected of a mother and grandmother but still trim. Her waist is thickened but she is not fat and full strong legs and a great set of tits with just a little sag but her most striking feature is her full head of silver grey hair which stretches to her waist. She usually wears it in a long plait but she also piles it up on her head too and with a smile to melt butter and her smooth tanned skin she is ‘sex on legs’.
I’ve had the distinct pleasure of fucking her and she is very enthusiastic in that regard. I’ll let her tell her story: Lew

George and I are a very normal couple for our age - married for 40 years this year and living our dream like so many others we meet on the road. Retired after having enjoyed a very conservative life together raising three k**s and 5 grand c***dren all who have encouraged us to go travelling for a few years.
We rented out our home in Sydney 10 months ago and headed north along the coast towards the sun. We’ve driven inland on a few occasions to supplement our income with some fruit picking work which is available to us oldies - always good fun and keeps us fit and healthy.
We now find ourselves in this northern city camped on a beach with plenty of other campers and I can reflect on the past six months in particular where my eyes ( and lots else) have been opened to a fun world within our retired community. I met Lew through his very sexy friend Kat and that’s a story in itself but I’m just telling one small part of the past six months here - if it’s well received, I’ll write more. George and I are familiar with “xhamster’ as its been part of our life since leaving home and certainly helped in leading us down the track we’ve taken. I love writing and since Lew encouraged me to put my adventures on paper, here we are.

George is eight years older than I am and we married when I was 22. As a teenager raised through the late sixties and seventies, I had a broad and interesting sexual upbringing with fairly open parents who didn’t place too many restrictions on me so I knew my way around sex from the age of fifteen - took care thanks to mum and fucked my way into my twenties as most other girls and guys of that era did. Not much I hadn’t experienced and enjoyed most of it. However when I met George and married him pretty quickly, he became my ‘one and only’ - a very experienced and wonderful lover who has kept me very satisfied to this day and I still love him to bits as he is also my best friend - never had a secret between us.
Sadly, about ten years ago George developed that ‘man’s problem’ with his prostrate and eventually had to have the operation which rendered him impotent so we haven’t had a fuck in about four years. This was difficult to manage for both of us as we had enjoyed a pretty active sex life right up till then. In fact after the k**s left home from about 45 onwards, we increased our sexual activity. Hence we discussed the situation together with George knowing my enthusiasm for a good fuck. He still had the desire as well, just not the ability. Thus he became an expert with his tongue and fingers and a few toys we bought and with sites like ‘xhamster’ we settled into a reasonably satisfying sexual habit.
Even though neither of us ever strayed from our marriage. We had both agreed that, if we had ever felt the need to do so then we only need tell each other and accept the dalliance. Over the past four years George had offered regularly to let me fuck someone else and used that thought to arouse me often as he manipulated me to an orgasm. I never succumbed and really didn’t feel the need as I was pretty satisfied with what George was able to do. I did however fantasise occasionally of having a nice hard pulsating cock in me but it was just that - the feelings would come and go.
Thus it was about six months ago, that we found ourselves camped in a remote location on a beach in the tropics with just one other van about 100 metres along the beach from us and hidden from view by the lush tropical growth which grew right down to the waters edge. We naturally went along to introduce ourselves as we thought, correctly, that we’d be neighbours for at least a few days.
A seemingly nice couple, Marg was about my age and fairly heavily made up with died blonde hair and a bit over-dressed, I thought, for camping out. Spoke with a bit of a superior aire and very proper English. Not really my type and couldn’t warm to her but pleasant enough. Her husband Ted was quite the opposite. A tall rangy guy with grey hair cut very short, he had a lazy Aussie accent and a great sense of humour. Dressed in a pair of board shorts, I took to him straight away as did George. His only interest seemed to be fishing and he promised George they’d go together some day.
As was my habit I liked to walk and swim as much as possible and usually did in the early morning. George just liked to rise and make a cuppa and sit and watch the world go by. Thus it was that I would walk the half kilometre to the rocks at the end of the beach and swim each morning. Since there was no one else around I skinny -dipped and rarely if ever wore knickers whether I had on shorts or a skirt - just didn’t seem necessary. I was also a bit of an exhibitionist I guess as I never cared if anyone saw me - knickerless or naked - since we’d started travelling. Part of the relaxation I assume.
About the second or third morning there, I had walked to the rocks and stripped leaving my clothes on the beach and was lazily swimming back and forth when I saw Ted coming along the beach with his fishing rod. I called good morning to him and invited him to join me in the water.
“I’d love to Syl” he responded, “ but I’ve not got my trunks on”
“Nor have I” I laughed back, “don’t worry. We haven’t got any thing that we not seen before”
I had no care or thought about being naked in the water with this man as I watched his strip from 50 metres away. I remember thinking ‘ I wonder if he uses that nice cock on Marg as often as he should’ as I peeked a perve on a rather nice long thin hanging appendage.
He dived in and swam over to me and swam past into deeper water. I paddled out to him and found I couldn’t stand so I reached out and supported myself holding onto his shoulder. He didn’t mind and it was entirely innocent. We started to chat and laughed about us being naked in each others company.
George said “ bit new to me really since Marg isn’t much interested in that sort of thing any more - only happens on special occasions now” he explained “ consequence of getting old I guess”
I was a bit taken aback at his frankness but I felt for him as I knew he was a year younger than me and too young to shut up the sexual shop.
“Sorry to hear that Ted” I sympathised. “ I’m in the same boat but its not for want of trying. George has had the prostrate problem and as much as he’d love to be active, it just doesn’t happen. Haven’t enjoyed a man in real terms for about four years but George is magic with other ways”
Ted turned and reached out to hug me “ you poor girl - nothing for four years? You must be hanging out for it”

“Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t - comes and goes and I just tell George when I’m in need and he puts a smile on my face” I explained.

By now I had my arm right around Ted’s neck and the water was up to our necks. My right leg was wrapped around him for support and my left leg was close enough to feel his cock under water. He had an arm around my waist.
“ I’m so sorry Syl. You are so nice and such fun. I’d love to offer to help but I know you are devoted to George” he pined.
I looked into his eyes and just pulled his head to me and I kissed him fully with my mouth open and very passionately. I reached down with my left hand and took his now half hard cock in my hand.
“ George has never put any restrictions on me enjoying another man and in fact encourages it. Though I’ve never been inclined - just the circumstances have been there but I happen to be in one of my horny periods now. What about you and Marg?” I queried as I stroked his now stiffening penis.
“ She wouldn’t know and may not care but I’ve never tested her. She certainly wouldn’t be watching us now as she never surfaces until late” he enthused as his cock grew in my hand.
Ted reached down and parted my fanny lips. I was running wet though you wouldn’t know as the water washes all lube away - I knew that from years of fucking George in our pool at home. Still his fingers were working magic on my pussy as they found my clit and massaged it. I buried my head in his shoulder and had a small orgasm actually biting his neck as I did then releasing a loud groan.
“ I’ve just cum, you darling man” I explained as I kissed him again fully on the lips with my tongue pushing deeply into him.
I had wrapped both legs around him now and leaned back as he used one hand to guide his cock into my pussy. I reached down and parted my fanny lips to give him better access then I felt the hard head push between my parted lips.
“Are you sure of this?” he asked concerned.
“Never been more ready but there’s not much lube there. Push slowly or it may hurt” I explained.
He did just that and eventually he was buried deep in my cunt. His cock quite long - longer than I remember Georges and the head was tickling my cervix. I grabbed his close to me and asked him not to move.
“Please don’t move” I moaned, “I’ve not felt this in a long time and I can feel every vein and pulse as the blood pumps through your cock. It is so wonderful. Oh ! I hope you can fuck me every day while I’m here” I gasped excitedly.
“What about George” Ted wondered.
“ He won’t mind at all - will probably encourage it and may watch if you can perform with an audience” I laughed.
“Never done that but there’s always a first time”
We tried moving but with the lack of lube it was quite sore, so I said,
“let’s get out and do this on the beach”
“ What if someone sees us?” he asked alarmed
“Who” I responded
“yeah, I see what you mean” he laughed.
We swam and walked to the beach and holding hands, I took him to the rocks at beach end near my clothes. Bending forward supporting myself on the rocks, I presented my broad arse to him.
“how’s the juices now?” he asked as he ran a couple of fingers into my open fanny lips.
“Getting there, I think, but maybe you can help”
Before I could say anymore, he was on his knees behind me and pushed his face into my open pussy. I could feel his tongue open me up and tease my clit as his nose pushed hard into my tight little anus. Now there’s another possibility I wickedly thought to myself. Ted was spitting saliva into my cunt and lubing me nicely.
“I’ll come again if you don’t stop - why don’t you fuck me now - I know I’m wet enough’ I urged.
He stood and rubbed his cock head up and down my fanny twice then just pushed it in easily, not stopping until he was balls deep with them slapping against my clit. So -so delicious - my first hard cock in years in such an erotic surrounding - on a beach in public where we could and I wished we could be seen. It added such a naughty edge to the fuck.
Ted stroked in and out and I just started cumming, gasping for breath and each orgasmic wave washed over me and moaning so loudly.
“Fuck me Ted , fuck me hard” I called over and over again and again. I could feel every nodule on his penis and the blood was pulsing back and forth. I felt like the best fuck ever but probably the circumstances prompted that thought. I don’t know how long it lasted but as I felt him stiffening and filling with blood even more I knew I was about to feel the first blast of hot male spunk in me in over four years.
“Do you mind if I fill you” I suddenly heard him ask.
“Don’t be such a fucking gentleman - just pump your spunk into me you gorgeous old fucker”
And he did - pulse after pulse probably half a dozen times I felt the warm rush of juices flooding my cunt.
I collapsed forward resting my head in my arms with my bum still stuck lewdly in the air and Ted still buried in me.
“Fuck that was good thanks mate “ I enthused
“pretty nice from my end too ma’am” he laughed as his cock slowly subsided and he withdrew easily.
“Jesus, I’m bloody sensitive after all that” he explained, “but don’t worry, I’ll be up for another when you are ready.”
I turned and kissed him hard and passionately, the only way I knew to kiss. I invited him to come by whenever he could and he suggested he may be able to sneak away while Marg was “having her afternoon nap - we could have a matinee session ourselves”
He pulled his shorts on and picked up his rod to walk back home, “best catch I’ve ever made” he chuckled.
I picked up my clothes and started walking naked back along the beach.
“Aren’t you dressing?” he queried alarmingly.
“What for” I asked, “Marg’s not up is she? George won’t mind and he’ll love to see your juice running down my leg” - and I winked.
“ you really are a gorgeous old slut aren’t you” he enthused
“hope so” I replied, then walked back to our camper.

George was sitting under the annex enjoying his cup of tea with a big grin on his face. I knew that he knew but I still walked up to his chair and put a leg up on the arm. My cunt lips were hanging open with the inner lips hanging below the outer ones and juice slowly oozing out down my leg.
“Guess what” I chortled as George reached out to run a finger up and down my cunt . He stuck it in then brought it back to his lips.
“First time I’ve tasted someone else’s “ he slurped. “I saw it all lover. Just wandered out on the beach as you were coming out of the water and watched the whole lot. Twenty minutes he lasted - bloody good for an old bloke. How did you go? - plenty of nice big O’s “ he laughed as he came over to kiss me. “Very arousing”

I sat down and gave him a blow by blow description which got him really going so he had to come over and give me a serious licking that
set me off again.
“ He’s coming over this afternoon - hope I’ve got some energy back by then” I mused.
And so it started
It was a week of incredible regular sex.
Each morning I’d go along the beach and we would fuck as we had on the first day or I’d take a towel and do him missionary or cowgirl. George always watched through his binoculars though he didn’t need to. Ted came to the camper a couple of mornings right on sunrise with his wonderful ‘morning woody’ and George would dutifully get out of bed and let Ted slip into bed and me. Ted wasn’t shy he found out and quite liked George directing proceeding sometimes. A couple of times during the day when Marg had taken their car to town to shop or have her hair done we would go to their van and fuck in their bed or under their awning.
I was amazed at Ted’s stamina as he was able during that week to fuck me a couple of times a day with a few hours in between. Didn’t always produce my spunk and sometimes none but still had a satisfying cum he said. He explained “ thank goodness for these little brown pills - not blue like Viagra but Cialis - last longer than Viagra - about three days one is good for and work a treat but give me awful heartburn. Worth it though”.
I agreed as they seemed to keep him going strong during our week of passion. With George as master of ceremonies, I went right back to my pre-marriage days and started to try some old tricks. Different positions mainly but also I’d enjoyed a bit of anal so we tried that and I enjoyed it again but it could be painful and was done to give Ted a pleasant change. However the most interesting aspect was how George reacted. When he realised Ted didn’t mind being watched, he got a bit braver and started to hold Ted’s cock as he placed it in me and then stroked it to hardness a few times. I asked him one night if he enjoyed and he admitted that he got quite aroused watching it and feeling it So I encouraged him to go with his feelings. Thus one day as he was stroking Ted’s cock to hardness so he could fuck me, I gently pushed his head down on it. Ted didn’t object and George took one look at me and dropped his head willingly over Ted’s cock. That really turned me on and I came watching my husband of forty years give another man a blow job. He didn’t let Ted cum in his mouth only because he knew I loved that so much that I wanted the pleasure. Besides he could always savour the taste by sharing with me or licking from my pussy. Ted actually offered to fuck him in the arse and I encouraged it but he couldn’t come at it then.
So our week of sex wore on and none of us knew how much longer we could keep it up. I’d had so many orgasms that I just slept most of the time and I think Ted did too but he had to keep his weariness from Marg who he was sure wouldn’t approve.
We had decided that we needed to move on despite the fun we were having and I was wondering how in such a short time I could change to becoming what seemed like a full blown slut. Surely I would revert to a well behaved wife after this special week was over We all decided on a rest day before we headed off on the road. Then on our last day George and I invited ourselves over to Ted and Marg’s van with a bottle of wine for afternoon tea. Previous days at this time I would probably have had Ted’s cock up me somewhere but we’d agreed to give it a rest. George just had shorts on and I wore a short skirt without knickers and braless under a t-shirt. I wasn’t dressed any differently to usual so thought nothing of it. We all settled into our chairs under their annex and got into chatting and drinking and it became obvious that after a couple of glasses, Marg changed a bit as she got loud and a suggestive. She started to laugh a lot and told us Ted hadn’t ‘rutted” he for ages because he couldn’t get it up. Ted protested and suggested that Marg wasn’t interested. I intervened and suggested they obviously need to talk a lot more a George and I did and told them about George’s problem. Marg was giggling and said to Ted that he could have her whenever he wanted. Then she got up and went inside for more wine. She seemed to take awhile and when she got back with the wine we were all taken aback. She’d changed. She’d put on a short robe and high heel pumps that accentuated her creamy white muscular legs. She had a bit more weight than me but a good figure still for a fifty eight year old.
“If Sylvia here can flash her fanny at us all as she’s been doing all afternoon then so can I” she joked. I was a bit embarrassed as I’d not realised all could see up my skirt but I suppose it was obvious. Marg seemed not miffed and in fact remarked, “it’s quite a nice little minge being all bare and puffy”
“I need it bare Marg” I explained “because the only thing George can do is lick it a lot so I make it as nice for him as possible”
“Really George” Marg queried, “do you like that or are you forced into it”
“I really enjoy eating out a nice fanny Marg, especially when I can make the lady cum “ he boasted proudly.
“Lucky girl Sylvia” she whinged, “ Ted wont go near me with his tongue and I loved it so much when he did”
“Not true” complained Ted. “you’ve not shown any interest for years “
“I’m sure Ted is very good” I encouraged, knowing full well he loved my fanny and had licked it to orgasm each day this week.
“Sylvia” Marg queried, “haven’t you had a screw for over four years”
“No Marg”, I lied, “but its ok because George looks after me in other ways”
Then Marg floored us all by suggesting that if Ted reckoned he was still interested in sex and could get it up “which I doubt” she said, then why doesn’t he “fuck Sylvia if George doesn’t mind”
We all looked at each other and laughed shyly but three of us knowing what had ben going on all week.
“Go no Sylvia” she insisted. “get him hard if you like and see if he can fuck you as he boasts. I don’t mind as I’d love to see the pretty little fanny of yours in action around my husbands cock”
I wasted no more time and went over and knelt in front of Ted and started to suck his lovely cock that I’d had in me all week in every hole. He didn’t take long to stiffen up but what really surprised all of us was what Marg did as I was in action on her husband. As I knelt on the ground in front of Ted I felt my skirt being lifted and a finger start to stroke my fanny lips. Gently at first then more forcefully as two fingers were forced into me and straight onto my g-spot with a thumb on my clit. Marg was an expert obviously and we all looked at her quite dumbfounded.
“What you all staring at” she smiled “ I enjoy a pussy as much as you blokes do. Never told Ted, never had to as he didn’t seem interested but there are always nice girls around who enjoy a bit of female company from time to time. I discovered the hairdresser in town here is very friendly that’s why I’ve been twice this week. So Ted if you cant satisfy me then others will”.
This spurred Ted into action. He stood with my mouth still on his cock and grabbed me off the floor. He turned me around, bent me over the table and just almost brutally rammed his hard-on right up my already well-fucked cunt. Just as well I was well lubed up (by Marg thankfully).
Poor George seemed confused as to what to do but Marg solved his dilemma.
“George, come over here with that well used mouth of yours” she demanded. “ if you are as good as Syl says the satisfy me - its not too difficult I can promise. You can show Ted how its done but he seems to be doing a pretty good job on Syl , eh!”
I looked across the table with Ted’s lovely long cock just sliding firmly in and out of me and my cunt must have been dribbling juice. I couldn’t help but get wet as Marg sat back in her chair and threw a leg over each arm exposing quite a gaping fanny to the world - or certainly us. My wonderful George just dived right in and soon had his fist and tongue working overtime on Margs open sloppy cunt. I could hear the sloppiness of it over her genuine moans of satisfaction. She was instructing him where to put his tongue and fingers including playing with her tight little brown bum hole.
“Haven’t had a prick in there for years” she moaned, “Ted doesn’t like bums apparently.”
Not true I thought - there’s some serious communication problems here.
I was approaching my second orgasm when I felt Ted stiffen and prepare to shoot his bolt.
“Fill me up Teddy darling” I yelled so Marg would hear.
“Jesus Ted” she screeched “ how come you don’t have a nice load of cream for me when I want it”. Ted remained silent and grunted as he emptied his fluid into my very willing cunt.
“Stay where you are Syl” Marg demanded. She’d already cum a couple of times and just pushed George off her and jumped up, running around the table to crouch behind me and push her face right into my open pussy and started licking me out ravenously.
“ I love the body juices so much, blokes or shielas, makes no difference. They turn me on fierce” she mumbled into my fanny.
“She was good, very good but I’d had enough orgasms for the day, so let her take her fill.
After she’d cleaned me out and licked her lips and fingers, she just sat back in a chair and almost seemed to pass out. She was certainly hammered.
I suggested to both George and Ted that I thought it was time to leave and we’d probably caused Ted enough heartache for the day. He agreed but said he’d not seen Marg like this for years and forgotten how slutty she could be.

We left and slept the sleep of the dead we were so buggered. Since we had an early start we were up at sunrise and after preparing for the road we popped over to Ted and Marg’s to say good bye and hope they were alright. Ted came out of their van completely naked. I took one look and said “ you look fucked darling”
He laughed, “ you two sure started something. As she started to sober up she just wanted to fuck and I really didn’t have it in me but I did what I could with tongue, fingers and toys. We had a great chat and sorted out lots. I think we are going to be a renewed couple from now on but she still wants her fun with the girls but I can fuck around too as long as I tell her. Oh! By the way she still doesn’t know I’ve been fucking you all week - lets keep it that way”
I promised and kissed him passionately and stepped into the van to say cheerio to Marg who was still in bed and hardly awake. Her eyes livened up when she saw me “ Honey, come here and give me a kiss”

I obeyed and stepped over to the bedside and leaned over. One of her hands went straight between my legs and buried two fingers in my cunt. I just let it happen and kissed her using lots of tongue and she wriggled her fingers in my fanny - not very arousing but nice.
“You’re still wet Syl “ she said.
“Marg, I’m always wet nowadays” as I kissed and said goodbye.
“I hope we meet on the road again soon” she almost cried.

Ted and I left and moved on. Now six months later we have caught up with Ted and Marg in a van park on the beach near this large coastal city and it doesn’t have the privacy of our first meeting place. However we have already been together a few times in each others vans and once on one of the secluded bush spots around here. As I write this I am still wet from enjoying a couple of hours in Marg’s big bed where we swapped stories of our adventures over the past six months .
I have experienced so much that I will write down in another story and so too has Marg. I have indulged in things that once never even crossed my imagination and now that I have met The Kat and introduced Marg and Ted to her, I know our stay here will only increase those adventures. Don’t believe oldies cant have fun - lots of it so long as we forget our past inhibitions and stay discreet.
Keep an eye out for the next episode. Thanks Lew.

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Elizabeth Grey Parts 9 and 10 Slump Girl Slump

Elizabeth Grey - Part 09: Slump girl, slump! By Carmenica Diaz My mind was going around and around - should I remain as Liz or should I return to Allan? I'm not a brave person and I don't like hurting people - maybe it was best if Liz quietly disappeared and I stopped being selfish. I didn't know whether it was the plane flight or something else, but one moment I was raging hot and then cool again with goose bumps. I hope, I thought, I'm not getting the...

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Karlee Grey 3100 631000

Because I've been on such a Twitter fapping kick lately, I've been able to jerk off to all of my favorite porn stars on Twitter. I didn't understand all the hype around Twitter porn back then, but I started checking it out myself. I get it; these chicks are nasty as fuck! Fortunately, Twitter doesn't give a fuck about what others post, and the people that post don't give a fuck either. Take Karlee Grey, for example; she's a pornstar that you've probably seen fuck some dude's dad on the hub....

Twitter Porn Accounts
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 24 The Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus

Not a half hour after the squadron cast anchor in the harbour of Cagliari, the church bells across the town began to toll. A number of royal officials assembled on the quay, soon reenforced by Commodore Hastings in his splendid admiral’s uniform and by the captains of the two Sardinian sloops also dressed up in their finest. Then the first boats began to disembark the freed slaves. A crowd assembled on the quay to watch and cheer both rescued and rescuers, and then a military band appeared on...

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Grey Made Everything Bright

My body tingled at the thought of him. The thought of him caressing my body, kissing me gently, and holding me against him. Imagining him kissing my breasts, biting them lightly. I continuously thought about him taking, what was his. I couldn’t stop thinking about later; I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it all day. He filled my thoughts, completely covered them. Distracting myself was close to impossible. I had managed to get ready though; that was tough enough in itself. When I...

First Time
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Elizabeth Grey Part 14 Friends

Elizabeth Grey - Part 14: Friends. By Carmenica Diaz Thinking the best time to telephone Cleo, Mandy and Mel was mid-morning, I waited until the next day before I placed Toby's piece of paper firmly on the table and picked up the telephone. The telephone rang a few times before a sleepy voice grunted, 'hello!' 'I was looking for Cleo Rosser...' 'Who wants to know...' 'Liz Grey.' Suddenly, she was wide-awake. 'Liz? Liz Grey? Is that...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 30 A Threat

Petitioning the Acting Governor went well. Yet, His Excellency was planning another soirée four days hence and would not pass on the chance to invite the Greys, if only to count two more members of the fair sex amongst his guests – namely Mirabel and Florence. Thomas and Mirabel accepted without hesitation for they both relished the thought of debuting as husband and wife, and Florence agreed reluctantly after conferring with Mr. Darby. On the day before the soirée – Unicorn was finally...

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Elizabeth Grey Parts 21 22

Elizabeth Grey - Part 21: Everything is fine. By Carmenica Diaz The buzzer sounded and Jeremy finished my hair at the same time. We heard Dean open the door and low voices. 'Do I look all right?' I asked nervously. 'Are you joking?' Jeremy laughed. 'You'll knock his socks off.' Sean was waiting with Dean and when he turned to see me coming down the stairs his jaw dropped. 'Wow,' he said and then laughed self-consciously. 'How bloody sophisticated of me. You...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 4 Wedding Bells

January 1808 One of Mrs. Pelham’s servants was waiting for Wolverine‘s officers at the quay to guide them to her house where their hostess greeted them effusively. “Welcome, gentlemen, and thank you for accepting my invitation!” “On behalf of myself and my officers, I thank you for hosting our celebration,” Benning answered. “May I present Commander Eckleson, Master’s Mates Wainbridge and Warner, and Mishipmen Boyle, Prideaux and Pons? You already met Lieutenant Grey at the governor’s...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 16 Bad tidings

October, 1812 After two weeks of cruising along the Spanish coast, Dido finally caught up with Commodore Clancy’s squadron near Tarragona. The squadron shortened sail to allow Dido to join, and before the night fell, Thomas had delivered the documents from the Gibraltar prize court to Clancy. Clancy had obviously overcome his consternation, and he employed Dido in a forward position as the frigates swept along the coast in a north-easterly direction. It was Dido that cut off a French...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 7 Local hero

December 1808 With only three days left before Christmas, Thomas rode into Guildford on the next morning. He desperately needed new uniforms. The ones he had brought with him were by now three years old and a tight fit on his fully grown figure. He had never been able to have new coats tailored, never staying in one port long enough. He found the tailor’s shop where his old coats had been made and was measured for a new set and six new breeches. Shirts and cravats were also on his list, as...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Keisha Grey 4800 577000

If you watch a lot of porn, you've probably run into tatted dick-suckers like Keisha Grey. She is notorious for sucking the soul out of her stepfather in videos we've all fapped to. Keisha's had more than her stepfather's or stepbrother's semen between her gapped teeth. If you're looking for more of Keisha's juicy ass, you need to follow her on Twitter. Whenever she's not taking dick, she's on Twitter with her slutty friends tweeting and retweeting videos and photos from her exclusive content....

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Elizabeth Grey Part 3 I Must Confess I Like It

Elizabeth Grey - Part 03: I must confess I like it. By Carmenica Diaz It wasn't until I finished my face the next morning that I realised I did it without looking at the instructions. The wardrobe was full of clothes supplied by Jeremy and Angela and, as we were going out, I chose a simple grey wool skirt, matching jacket and blouse. Jeremy knocked on the door and poked his head in. 'Decent?' I laughed. 'I think you've seen everything I have, Jeremy,'...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 11 Dont Call Me That

Elizabeth Grey - Part 11: Don't call me that. By Carmenica Diaz When I last saw Mel, Mandy and Cleo, they were sitting sadly in the bar and drinking. My feet were hurting as I walked down the halls of the hotel room so I slipped my shoes off and carried them. As the door to the hotel room Angela and I shared swung open, I was surprised to see Sean leap to his feet. Angela was seated in the chair and she shrugged her shoulders as I closed the door. 'Miss...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 16 and 17

Elizabeth Grey - Part 16: That set us off again. I called Fiona Woolf's office first thing and left my name and Jeremy's number. For the next hour and a half, I paced the house, disturbing Jeremy as he tried to work until the telephone rang. 'Miss Grey, this is Fiona Woolf returning your call?' 'Thank you Miss Woolf, you probably don't recall me but you...' '...gave you my card after you played at Jeremy's birthday party.' She chuckled. 'I don't give out my card to just...

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The Portrait of Darlene Grey Man into Supermodel

The Portrait Of Darlene Grey(Man Into Supermodel) by Cabinessence. Some say that a picture is worth a thousand words. To Jim Davenport, the right picture could be worth a thousand dollars, sometimes even more. His job was to be a photographer, one of those wandering paraparatzi, trying to ensnare the rich and famous into the web of his lens. Yet he was also a throwback to another era when you could call a woman a dame and pinch her fanny and not worry about having to hire a...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Bluegrey prison

Consciousness slowly creeps forward into my mind. I blink and open my eyes to stare at the white ceiling and blue-grey walls. I can also see my navy-blue shirt sleeve that ends abruptly at the fold of my elbow where my white arm emerges to dissect the rumpled navy-blue wave my comforter creates across my chest. I push myself off my mattress with my elbows to look at my alarm clock, but something is wrong. I guess that’s an understatement, everything is wrong. I don’t get up. I’m still staring...

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ExMen Banshee and Jean Grey

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. My friend Rafael in Brazil suggested I try doing some stories set in the Marvel Comic Universe instead of just DC. Here is the first effort. Usual requests, please enjoy, and please let me know what you think. Thanks Steve Using the X-Men Comic Title Literally - Ex-Men Banshee and Jean Grey by...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 5 Autumn in New York

Elisabeth Grey - Part 5: Autumn in New York. By Carmenica Diaz True to her word, Angela rang her music teacher and then gave me her address written on the back of an old envelope. 'Her name is Mrs Robinson and she's not far from here, you can walk if you like. I think it'll be a nice day.' 'Sounds lovely.' 'I'm off to get all the information from Sherry and I'm sure I'll come back with loads of gossip. Bye.' Time for a long bath, I told myself, humming as...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 40 Visitors

(September 1814) Under its spanker gaff, the barge was slightly lying over to lee as it made its way upriver, easing things for the tow horses. They had passed the new lock at Teddington, completed only three years earlier, and were now approaching the even newer Sunbury lock. Thomas stood on the deck and watched the progress of the craft with mild professional interest. Excepting his journey from Bristol to Guildford almost six years before, he’d had no experience with river navigation, let...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 22 Sardinia

March 1813 Commodore Harold Hastings was a gracious host. He had welcomed each of his captains in person at the port, together with Captain Benning, and then led them aft to where his cabin had been prepared for the guests. He had been a successful frigate captain, and the quality of the foods and wines bore witness to his affluence. Northumberland was 15 years old, of 1900 tons burthen, carrying 32-pounders on her main deck and 18-pounders on the upper deck. She was one of the better 74s...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 3 On the Barbary Coast September 1807

Winter in the Mediterranean was a far cry from the miserable cold of the English Channel. Even with a cloud cover to block the sun, the temperatures off Oran, on the Barbary coast of North Africa, were pleasant. HM sloop Wolverine was anchored at a safe distance from the shore, protecting the convoy whilst xebec after xebec crept out from the city bringing sacks of grain to be loaded onto the transports. This was already Wolverine’s second such victualling journey. The British forces in the...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 11 Convoy duty

Winter 1809/10 On the next morning, a boat from the shore brought two huddled figures in boat cloaks who turned out to be Mr. Paul Courtland and Mr. Erasmus James, recent graduates of the Royal Naval Academy at Portsmouth, who reported for duty in Tempest. Neither of them had been to sea before. Thomas received them in his cabin and studied their papers. Somebody in the Admiralty must have been possessed of a grim sense of humour, or perhaps they expected him to be more tolerant towards the...

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Elizabeth Grey Parts 18 20

Elizabeth Grey - Part 18: Yes, Mum, I'm sure. By Carmenica Diaz 'Hello, Mum.' 'Liz! How did it go last night? I hope it was wonderful!' 'It was Mum, it was!' I happily told her all about the previous night for at least twenty minutes, Mum interjecting with questions and I could tell she was as excited as I was.' 'Mum, Angela was there,' I said hesitantly. 'Was she? Edward is away. Did she say anything to you?' I remembered Angela standing at the back,...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 2 Whats Wrong With Your Voice

Elizabeth Grey - Part 02: What's wrong with your voice? by Carmenica Diaz Dinner was a very dull affair and I wasn't certain what I could say in front of Jeremy so I kept silent. Thankfully, Jeremy didn't and he spoke non-stop about movies (he absolutely loved Amadeus) and that new singer Boy George and, seemingly, anything that popped into his head. All the time he spoke, he stole glances at me, deep looks that seemed to cut through him and then he would...

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Elisabeth Grey Pt 1213

Elizabeth Grey - Part 12: I'll be there for the unveiling. By Carmenica Diaz Toby had a car waiting and bundled me into it. 'There's a plane waiting to take you to England. I've pulled some strings and told a few white lies, I'm afraid.' 'Thank you,' I croaked and was surprised when he slid in next to me and gave the driver instructions. 'I'll accompany you to the airport, I can't have you going on your own,' he smiled. It was that small act of kindness...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 19 Unlikely Friends

December, 1812 When Bartleby returned three days later, it was to inform his captain that he had been able to reserve cabin accommodation on a sturdy brig headed for Penzance, via Plymouth, to weigh anchor in a week. Thus, after bidding farewell to neighbours and friends, Thomas and Mirabel, with Bartleby, left Guildford on the post chaise four days later. Mirabel was a little apprehensive, but she smiled bravely enough when they boarded the coach. The journey to Portsmouth was uneventful,...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Into the Grey

David Jones stood atop Cefn Bryn, one of the higher points on the Gower Peninsula. It was early spring, or late winter, depending on how you wanted to look at it, and the air was unusually clear for the season. The twenty-or-so houses and pastures that made up Nicholaston spread out at the bottom of the hill, about a hundred feet down, and pressed up against the small cliffs overlooking the bay. Out beyond the bay, ghosting over the dark green Atlantic waters, he could make out a bit of...

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Black Man in the Grey Morning

I found this story on a site a few years ago, I do not think it was copyrighted by the original writer, and so I thought I'd share it with all the other BBC parTy freaks, sit back, fire up a joint, or your pipe, kick back and stroke your cock to some wild BBC and white slut boy action ;)If this is copy protected please message me and I will immediately delete...

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Laney Grey 185000

As betas, my readers know that every environment has an alpha. Whether it be your place of employment, the bar, home, or even the corner store, you're always at the bottom of the pile. You can't get respect from fucking anyone. You even get punked at Magic the Gathering tournaments.Apes Together StrongYou guys hate this monkey brain-driven power dynamic because it never falls in your favor, but it's impossible to avoid. Humans stratify society where ever we grow it. We can't help but to divide...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 39 Monies

(August 1814) The dinner in the Clyde‘s cabin had been quite a success, not the least due to the fact that Captain Fortescue had excused his wife who was apparently suffering badly from the migraine. Nobody believed this, but then nobody was sorry, least of all Captain Fortescue who turned out to be a charming and sociable man. The talk at the table ranged from past deeds on board the Clyde to the situation in the small German dominion of which Sir August was the sovereign ruler again....

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 38 Business and pleasure

(August 1814) Mr. Augustus Leeds was of small build, with a shiny bald pate that reflected the candle lights in the entrance hall of his imposing city house. His clothing, expensive and after the latest fashion, bespoke his important role as a director of the Most Honourable East India Company, but he was all cordiality when he received Thomas and Mirabel. “Welcome to my home, Sir Thomas, Lady Grey. It gives me great pleasure to finally meet the saviour of my family. My dear wife and my...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 28 Reunited

September 1813 It took another four days before Unicorn and her consorts sailed for Gibraltar. The superintendent of the armoury agreed to return her previous ordnance of six-pounder long guns and 32-pounder carronades, six apiece. The carronades on the quarter deck had made her too top-heavy for Thomas’s taste. There was also a dinner at the Civil Commissioner’s residence to which the Navy officers were invited. The three frigate captains had to recount the action against the Berber...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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