Elizabeth Grey - Part 16 And 17 free porn video

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Elizabeth Grey - Part 16: That set us off again. I called Fiona Woolf's office first thing and left my name and Jeremy's number. For the next hour and a half, I paced the house, disturbing Jeremy as he tried to work until the telephone rang. 'Miss Grey, this is Fiona Woolf returning your call?' 'Thank you Miss Woolf, you probably don't recall me but you...' '...gave you my card after you played at Jeremy's birthday party.' She chuckled. 'I don't give out my card to just anyone, Miss Grey, I usually remember.' 'Oh,' I said, relieved, 'thank you, I was afraid you wouldn't recall.' 'Are you seeking representation for yourself?' 'I'm in a quartet and I was wondering if you would hear us and give advice?' 'I have some time free on Wednesday afternoon. What's this quartet called?' 'Femme Fatale.' 'All women?' I paused. 'Yes,' I finally answered. 'We don't have a rehearsal area yet, I'm afraid.' 'I'll call the Red Note, you can go there on Wednesday. Does around three o'clock suit?' 'Yes,' I murmured. She moves fast, I thought, but that's a good thing, I think. 'Thank you Miss Woolf.' 'I think it's much better if you call me Fiona? I don't bite, not like a real wolf.' Chuckling, I replied, 'thanks Fiona, please call me Liz.' I had called the others, gave them the news and Toby arranged to drive everyone and their equipment to the Red Note well before time on Wednesday. The telephone rang and I picked it up, thinking it was Toby or one of the girls. 'Hello, what did you forget?' 'I didn't forget anything, especially your phone number,' a male voice said and my heart beat a little faster. 'This is Elizabeth Grey, isn't it?' 'Yes, it is,' I said softly. 'This is Kiefer; did you get my message?' 'Yes, I got it when I came back...' '...from Coventry?' 'Yes, that's right.' There was silence and I wondered what he was thinking and then he spoke, the words coming in a rush. 'Look, is there another bloke? I've learned my lesson about stepping into another man's backyard and I don't want to cause trouble.' He suddenly appeared nervous and not so brash, so cocky. 'This is a different Kiefer Brennan,' I murmured and he laughed self-consciously. 'I put on a bit of an act for the public...' 'I like this Kiefer better,' I said softly. 'Do you?' 'Yes.' 'Elizabeth, is there another bloke? 'No, there isn't.' He breathed an audible sigh of relief. 'We're playing down there on Saturday, would you and your friends like to come? I can arrange for you to be picked up and I can see you after the game, have a meal or something.' 'Kiefer, I don't know what you expect but...' 'I don't expect anything Elizabeth, just a chance to see you again. Will you come?' 'On one condition.' 'Anything.' 'That you call me Liz.' Just before three o'clock on Wednesday we were seated on the stage of the Red Note in silence, kicking our heels. The piano was in tune and we had set up Cleo's drums, the amplifiers and the PA and now were just waiting. At half past three, Fiona strode into the room, dropped her briefcase on a nearby table and apologised for being late, blaming the traffic. Her jacket was clearly designed with a male jacket in mind, double-breasted and with large shoulder pads. Clearly she had been influenced by Margaret Thatcher's penchant for clothes made by Aquascutum. For one hundred and thirty years that firm had made clothes of style and distinction for the rich and their time had come in the 1980's. Fiona exuded style and power almost as if she had just stepped from the set of Dallas, the most popular television program in Britain. She studied me carefully. 'Just as beautiful as I remember,' she said softly, 'perhaps more so. You'll be stunning on stage, Liz and I can't wait to see how you appear in photographs, I suspect you'll be as equally as fabulous.' I introduced the others; Fiona shook hands with them rather like a man and sat down on a chair next to Toby to listen. Suddenly, we were nervous but that nervousness disappeared the moment we began playing 'Summertime', followed by 'I Got You Under My Skin, Autumn in New York,' and the new 'Femme Fatale.' We finished and Fiona sat there for a moment before lighting a cigarette. Mandy, Cleo, Mel and I glanced at each other and I asked, 'Fiona, would you like to hear more?' 'Do you have more?' she asked, exhaling smoke. 'Yes, we're building a repertoire.' 'I didn't recognise the instrumental?' 'Melissa wrote it,' I explained. Fiona smiled at Melissa. 'Good.' She stood up and walked closer. 'Is it Femme Fatale or Elizabeth Grey and Femme Fatale?' The others glanced at me but I didn't look at them. 'It's just Femme Fatale, Fiona,' I said firmly. 'We are equal in this, equal all the way.' She laughed dryly. 'Wish I had a pound for every band I've heard say that. There's always someone who's more equal than the others.' 'Not in this case,' I said steadily. 'Fiona,' Cleo said bluntly, 'I've been in those bands you mentioned, but I have to tell you this band is different.' 'Of course it is,' Fiona smiled. 'Forgive me for being cynical, but I've been in this business a long time.' She turned to Toby. 'What do you do?' 'I'm the road manager,' Toby said calmly, meeting her eyes. 'Are you a boyfriend?' Fiona asked glancing at us. 'No, I'm not,' Toby said evenly. 'I think they're very talented, that's all.' 'I agree,' Fiona said, turning to us 'I think you're extremely good and I'll have no trouble booking you. We'll start with a standard contract for six months and try each other out.' We grinned. 'I should be able to arrange a few nights here at the Red Note to start off. You might want to consider your look.' 'Look?' I asked and Fiona smiled. 'Why don't you ask Jeremy, Liz? He's styled and photographed a lot of people, he's probably dying to help.' Toby was loading the gear into the van when I pulled the girls aside. 'Are you interested in the football?' I asked cheekily. They laughed. 'He did call?' Mandy asked. 'Yes and invited us to a game on Saturday. Are you up for it?' That night I approached Jeremy and asked him if he would work with Femme Fatale. He simply said, 'I thought you'd never ask.' We spent the day with him and he explained how we should dress. 'Every other act is going New Romantic,' he explained, 'I suggest a classical approach and that each of you should wear black. It doesn't have to be the same style or cut, as long as it's black. Now,' he said with glee, pointing at Cleo, 'you're first. Sit down there and let me at your hair.' 'What's wrong with my hair?' Cleo complained. 'My dear,' Jeremy murmured, 'everything!' 'What do you think, Liz?' Jeremy asked proudly as Mandy, Mel and Cleo stared at the mirror in shock. I smiled. 'They're rather spiffy, aren't they?' 'Bloody hell,' Cleo exclaimed, 'is that really me?' 'Be here at eight tomorrow, ladies,' Jeremy ordered and bring nothing but black...' 'Including underwear?' Cleo asked cheekily. 'My dear,' Jeremy said haughtily, 'I have no concern with anything that doesn't show. Black, ladies, for the photographs!' 'Photographs, Jeremy?' I asked. 'What...' 'You'll need publicity pictures, Liz,' he explained kindly, 'wouldn't you rather we had control and did them here?' 'Of course.' I kissed his cheek. 'Always thinking for me, thank you Jeremy.' The next morning Jeremy and make-up girls he roped in from somewhere worked on us and we then stood in front of the white backdrop. Strangely, we had all opted for skirts and dresses with different tops and jackets. Cleo wore boots with her skirt, Doc Martens I think, Mel had black sneakers, Mandy court shoes and I went with high heels because of my height, or lack of it. We were feeling special and posed and preened, as we knew we looked and, what's more important, we felt absolutely fabulous! Jeremy was happy to allow us to play around and he took photographs as we did so. We stood in a line and then leaned on each other for one photograph, linked arms for another. In another we hugged, the others picked me up and so on. Toby arrived at the end and Mel, Mandy and I nudged at each other as he gaped at Cleo. For once, Cleo was a little lost for words and appeared a little flustered. 'Cleo looks fabulous, doesn't she?' I said softly and he nodded, not taking her eyes from her for a moment. Mandy nudged me and I moved closer. 'Tell her, Toby,' I said, pushing him forward a little, Mel nodding at me and Mandy smiling. 'Cleo... I mean... you look...' 'Stupid?' Cleo snapped, her old bravado coming back. 'No,' Toby stammered, 'you... you look more beautiful than ever. You look amazing.' He suddenly realised what he had said, looked around like a stunned rabbit and then announced, 'I've left something in the van,' and vanished out the front door. Cleo looked at us and she seemed a little lost, afraid almost and we moved close. 'Well,' Mel said brightly, stroking Cleo's arm, 'you knocked his socks off.' 'Why don't you go after him, Cleo?' I said softly. 'Go on, help him with the van,' Mandy said. 'I don't know...' Cleo looked around the room. 'Cleo!' Jeremy barked and we all jumped. 'Get out there! That young man has, in his mind, made a fool of himself but he has paid you a rather special compliment. Get out there and be gracious and kind!' Cleo suddenly grinned. 'Aye aye, captain,' and she was gone. Saturday morning, Cleo called me and asked if it would upset me if she didn't come to the football. 'Not at all,' I said immediately. 'Are you all right? Everything ok, no problems?' 'No, no,' she said hurriedly, 'it's just... well, Toby has asked me...' 'You tart! Throwing me over for a man!' I teased, laughing. 'Go on,' I said, 'I have a good feeling about you two.' 'Do you, do you really Liz?' Cleo asked urgently. 'He's so sweet and yet so sexy... it's difficult...' 'No it's not,' I said, softly, 'go for it. We can all see it, seen it since the start.' 'What do you mean?' she said defensively. 'Cleo, we all know you had eyes on him from the start and your rule about not sleeping with him was protection, wasn't it?' 'Possibly,' she grudgingly admitted. 'You don't mind?' she asked at last. 'Me? I think it's wonderful.' 'I thought there was something between you two...' 'He helped me; he's a good friend and a good man. You're very lucky.' 'Maybe Kiefer is your match.' 'I doubt that,' I laughed. 'He's out for good times, not problems. I'm afraid I'm a little too complex for blokes...' 'That,' she said firmly down the line, 'is in your mind! Liz, will you just relax and have a good time? If I looked like you, I'd be really enjoying myself.' 'But you have certain advantages...' 'So will you soon and,' she added slyly, 'you have other advantages. Go take a look in the mirror, Liz. I have to go.' 'You have a great time, Cleo and,' I added cheekily, 'don't pay attention to the rule.' 'I wasn't planning to,' Cleo said with a laugh and hung up. Mel and Mandy arrived and Jeremy, in his super style mode looked us over and pronounced that we were adequate. I tried to hit him but he swerved behind Mandy and we all laughed. 'No,' he said as the buzzer sounded, 'you all looked very beautiful. I sure you will steal the limelight tonight.' He stood with one hand on his hip, the other up as he wriggled a finger at us. 'Now, I'm at Dean's tonight so no shenanigans with your three staying here alone.' We all laughed, kissed him goodbye and bundled into the limousine. 'This is a bit of all right,' Mandy said as she inspected the corporate box that overlooked the playing field. 'Look, champagne!' She pulled the bottle out of the ice bucket and offered it. 'We have a long way to go,' I said softly, 'perhaps we should pace ourselves?' Mandy slid the bottle back into the ice. 'Very wise, Liz, perhaps we should just watch the game?' 'You can see all of the field,' Mel said, close to the glass,' it's amazing.' Others joined us in the box and the game progressed. I couldn't make head or tail of it but the bloke from some corporation that was sitting next to me tried to explain something called the offside rule for at least twenty minutes. 'It sounds fascinating,' I said sweetly with desperation and his wife rolled her eyes as he moved the lager bottles around so he could explain it again. 'It's vital that you understand it, the game is meaningless unless...' 'I don't think Elizabeth cares,' his wife said, holding his arm. 'Excuse me,' I smiled, 'for a minute?' I stood and was about to grab Mandy and Mel for the bathroom when the door opened and the man who had shown us to the box entered. 'Ladies and gentlemen, there is a small reception for the players downstairs. If you will follow me?' The room was packed and I saw Kiefer surrounded by people but his eyes found me. Instantly, he said something to the people he was listening to and pushed his way through the crowd towards us and I noticed that a lot of the women in the room watched him, wondering who he was walking to. 'Hello, Liz,' he said with a warm smile. 'Kiefer,' I replied softly, 'you remember Mandy and Mel?' 'Of course. Where's the other musketeer?' We smiled and Mandy said, 'she's with her bloke tonight.' A waiter came by with a tray of champagne and we all took one except for Kiefer who took water. 'Training,' he explained. 'Are you girls hungry?' he said quickly. 'There's a restaurant I like that's not far, if you're interested?' We glanced at each other. 'The four of us?' Mel asked slowly and Kiefer smiled. 'No, some mates of mine will come if that's ok. Enrico Landaz and Tony Wilkinson?' I had no idea who they were but Mandy and Mel must have as the exchanged quick glances and nodded. 'Great,' Kiefer said, 'there they are,' and he motioned to two men who were walking towards us. Once we were introduced, he led the way to the lift. Mel, Mandy and I moved together as we waited for the lift, the blokes talking and laughing. 'Is this alright?' I asked Mandy in a low voice. 'What do you think?' 'I think we stick together,' Mandy said softly and Mel nodded. At the restaurant, the owner was delighted that Kiefer and his mates arrived and showed us to a quiet area down the back. Kiefer made a big show of pulling my chair out and Enrico and Tony did the same for Mandy and Mel. 'I've never met a bird like you,' Kiefer said, smiling as Enrico examined the wine list. 'You really didn't know who I was?' 'No,' I said softly, 'it was...' 'Come of it,' Tony said with a laugh, 'don't you read the papers?' 'No, not really,' I said, trying to smile. 'I think it was an act,' Tony said to Kiefer, 'trying to hook you and reel you in. As if someone doesn't read the papers...' Mandy galloped in. 'Tony, do you read the music papers?' He looked at her and smiled. 'What you on about, darl'?' 'Shut up, you wanker,' Mandy said with a sweet smile and Mel giggled while Tony stared at her open mouthed, 'you think the world revolves around football? For Liz, the world revolves around music and you've got some nerve, you twerp! Come on, girls, we're going home for a cup of tea!' 'Wait!' Kiefer said desperately, 'Tony didn't mean anything...' he punched Tony in the arm, 'did you!' 'No,' Tony said quickly, 'no, I was joking... that's all.' 'Are you sure?' Mel asked equally sweetly and I knew they weren't joking. I smiled at them. 'It's fine, lets have a meal, right?' 'Yes,' Enrico said smiling at Mel, 'I would like to share a meal. Sometimes,' he said giving Tony a hard look, 'Tony loses control of his mouth.' The meal was fun. I think everyone settled down and decided just to be themselves. Mel and Enrico were smiling at each other and Mandy and I rolled eyes at that but also smiled. 'Do you play music I know?' Tony asked after a glass of wine and I shrugged. 'What do you know?' 'A lot,' he said, defensively. Mandy smirked. 'I doubt that.' 'Do you play lead guitar?' Tony said suggestively moving in his chair, playing air guitar. 'No,' I said, 'actually, I play piano. Mandy plays guitar.' He glanced at her and she stared back. 'Oh,' Tony said, losing interest. 'When do you perform next,' Enrico asked in his studied English. 'I would very much like to see you play,' he said with a small smile at Mel. 'I am a lover of music.' 'Soon, we hope,' Mandy said, 'we think we'll be playing at the Red Note for a few nights.' 'If I am in the city I will come,' Enrico said and Mel smiled at him. Mel and Mandy were bunking with me at Notting Hill. Jeremy was at Dean's so there would be plenty of room. 'We've had a lovely evening,' I said to Kiefer after Mel, Mandy and I returned from the ladies. 'I can take you home, if you like,' he said with a sad smile as if he guessed the answer. 'Excuse me,' an abrupt voice called, 'smile!' The camera flashed and we blinked our eyes just as the restaurant staff bundled the photographer out of the room. 'How did that tosser get in here! You'll have to read the papers tomorrow,' Tony said, 'you'll be in them, I think.' 'I think we'll take a taxi,' I smiled, putting my hand on his arm, 'but thank you for offering.' Kiefer took my arm and led aside. 'Liz, is it possible we could have dinner or something together, just us? I've never met anyone like you, you're not like the birds that usually swan around footballers.' 'I'd like that but we'll be rehearsing. After we open at the Red Note?' 'Ok, I'll call.' He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. 'Goodnight Liz Grey,' he said with a warm smile. 'I think Enrico,' Mel said dreamily as the taxi sped away, 'is very dishy, very dishy indeed.' 'He's nice,' I admitted. 'What did you think of Tony, Mandy?' 'Bit of a wanker,' she said dismissively and she smiled cheekily, 'Kiefer is infatuated with you, Liz.' 'No,' I protested, 'he's nice, we had a nice time but that's all, there's...' 'He's head over heels,' Mel said bluntly, 'he couldn't take his eyes off you all night. I thought he was going to punch Tony when we said we were about to go.' 'I felt like punching Tony myself,' Mandy muttered and I squeezed her hand. 'Thanks you two but there was no need to stick up for me...' 'Oh yes there was,' Mel said. 'Mandy did a super job.' 'Maybe,' Mandy pretended to be gloomy, 'but Cleo would have kicked him in the family jewels.' We laughed hysterically at the idea of Cleo doing that and then we stopped and glanced at each other. 'You know,' I said, 'she probably would have.' That set us off again. Part 17: Oh my. Fiona got me out of bed; the other two were still asleep as I groggily answered the telephone. 'Hello?' 'Liz, it's Fiona. Sorry to call on so early but I thought you'd want to know that a spot has come up on the Red Note.' 'When?' My heart began pounding and I was suddenly wide-awake. 'You open Thursday night, play Friday and Saturday night. Are you there?' 'Yes, sorry. It's just a bit of a shock to hear we're playing at a club like the...' 'Yes, I know, wonderful.' Fiona cut me off in that clipped voice of hers. 'I've arranged that you can rumble in on Thursday morning, get set up and rehearse so you get used to the room.' 'That's really good, Fiona that will help us...' 'I know,' she cut me off again and I wondered if I would ever complete a sentence in a conversation with Fiona Woolf. 'Jeremy's photographs are fabulous and I've begun distributing them to the press. I expect to see them start to appear tomorrow.' 'Really? They've never heard of us, why would they...' 'You haven't seen the papers, have you? You've certainly made my job easier, three members of Femme Fatale on a date with the three hottest football players in the country. You're the talk of the town, Liz. Listen, do not and I mean DO NOT talk to the press, refer them to me. Understand?' 'I guess, Fiona, but I really don't see why...' 'Liz!' 'Oh, all right we won't.' I put the phone down and dressed only in my tee shirt and knickers, raced upstairs to shake the others awake. 'Go away,' Mel mumbled, 'I was having this wonderful dream...' 'Listen,' I almost shouted, 'we're on at the Red Note on Thursday!' Mandy sat upright. 'This Thursday?' 'Yes,' I laughed, 'and we play Friday and Saturday.' 'Really?' Mel asked, suddenly awake. 'We rumble in on Thursday morning. I'm in the bathroom first,' I proclaimed and then paused at the door. 'Why don't you ring Cleo and, by the way,' I said teasingly, 'if the press call, we're not to talk to them, we're to refer them to Fiona. She gave me strict instructions.' 'As if the press would call,' Mandy said grumpily, fluffing her pillow and lying back down. 'Oh, they might. Fiona thinks they will. Apparently, there's photographs of us with three football types in the papers.' Grinning, I dashed for the bathroom while they shouted after me for more details. We cooked breakfast together after we had all washed and dressed. Mel had called Cleo and she was on her way over with Toby. Jeremy walked in while we were pouring tea. 'Ah, time for brunch, wonderful. Timing, my dears, is everything. So,' he said, taking a piece of toast and biting it, 'you were all exceptionally tarty last night? It's all over the newspapers.' He showed us and we scrambled to look at the photograph. It was grainy but it was obviously the three of us. 'Look at this,' Mel proclaimed with a grin, holding the newspaper up, 'we are beautiful mystery women.' Mandy tapped the photograph. 'Look at Kiefer, Liz, he's staring at you like a stunned fish.' 'What a romantic description,' I said dryly. 'You know what I mean, look at him.' I bent closer and stared. 'Oh my,' I whispered. It was in the papers the next day that the three women were in fact members of a jazz band called Femme Fatale and Jeremy's photographs of us began to appear, as did the announcement we were playing at the Red Note. Cleo had pulled us together and nervously said, 'girls, I just want you to know that Toby and I...' 'All the details, please!' Mel cried out. Cleo glared at her. 'I'm trying to be serious...' 'I was serious,' Mel said, rolling her eyes. 'I don't want anything to change, that's all. Toby and I talked it through and we don't want anything to come between the band...' 'Cleo,' I said firmly, holding her shoulders, 'we're all pretty chuffed for you and Toby.' Mel and Mandy nodded. 'We think it's great.' 'But Fiona said...' 'We are a special band, Cleo,' Mel said, 'we handle things our way. Personally, I can't see how you shagging Toby,' she said cheekily, 'is going to upset the band.' 'Unless they do it in the middle of a show,' Mandy pointed out, tongue firmly in her cheek. 'Yes,' I said going along, 'that would be rather disruptive. Perhaps we should have a bucket of water under the piano...' 'To throw on them if they get too hot?' Mel asked in an innocent tone. Cleo burst into laughter. 'Ok, ok, thank you.' She hugged us all and I was surprised to see she was getting misty. Toby walked in and we could tell he was a little embarrassed. 'You have to tell us the details later,' Mel whispered to Cleo, 'all the details.' The press did ring but Jeremy answered the phone, told them that Femme Fatale was not available for comments and suggested they call Fiona Woolf. The next day, a photograph of me walking to the shops appeared in the paper under the heading 'Kiefer Brennan's Mystery Girl'. 'I didn't even see them,' I moaned, 'I thought the photographers were supposed to be obvious?' The photographer had taken the picture when I had turned to look at something and it had been magnified in the paper to show my face, hair moving behind me, eyes wide. 'It's not a terribly bad photograph,' Jeremy observed, professional hat firmly on, 'it's rather striking.' 'Jeremy... do you think that they'll be able...' 'Absolutely not, my dear,' he said firmly. 'You are a woman.' 'Hello Mum.' 'Liz,' Mum said excitedly, 'you've been in the papers, love,' she teased. 'Yes, I can explain, it's not what it looks like...' 'It's not? Oh, that's disappointing, I thought you might have got a boyfriend...' 'Mum!' 'Liz, I thought you said you were attracted to men?' 'Well... yes' 'Sooner or later you'll fall in love, dear.' 'Yes, but I planned to do that after the final... you know... surgery.' Mum laughed so hard I was sure she'd have a heart attack. 'Oh Liz, dear Liz,' she wheezed, 'dear, you can't plan love. It doesn't work that way.' Terry Jemison, the owner of the Red Note was over the moon. 'The place is bloody packed,' he said to us as we sat in the dressing room waiting nervously. 'And we've got a few celebrities, it's quite a list.' 'Which celebrities?' Mel asked hopefully but Terry had dashed off. Toby stuck his head in. 'Five minutes. Terry has asked me to introduce you. Good luck, darling,' he said to Cleo and kissed her before closing the door behind him. Cleo glared at us. 'Don't say...' 'What?' Mel asked innocently, 'what's got your knickers in a knot?' I stood up. 'Well, this is it,' I said in a low voice. We moved into a hug. 'Let's knock their socks off,' Mandy said and I was sure all of our hearts were pounding as we walked down the corridor towards the entrance to the stage. 'Ladies and gentlemen,' Toby's voice boomed through the club, 'for the first time in Britain, please welcome, Femme Fatale!' Taking a deep breath, I smiled at the others and we stepped onstage to be greeted by applause. Refusing to glance at the audience, I sat at the piano, nervously readjusted the microphone on its stand and waited until the others were ready. Cleo counted us in and we kicked into Femme Fatale and it felt good, perfect actually and we all grinned happily at each other. As the last notes hung on the air, we didn't wait for the applause to die and launched into our version of 'Summertime'. When the time came for me to sing, I closed my eyes and leaned to the microphone, finger stroking the keys as I sang. Summertime an' the living is easy Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high The applause washed over us and I allowed myself to quickly scan the audience. Terry was right, the club was jam-packed and my heart did a little flip flop when I saw Kiefer at a table with Enrico and Tony. 'Good evening,' Mandy said. 'Nice to be here, nice,' and there were a few appreciative laughs. We dropped into 'I Got You Under My Skin' and followed that immediately with 'Autumn in New York'. This time, the applause must have been heard in the street and there were even cheers. Cameras flashed and I caught a glimpse of Jeremy seated up the back with Dean, both applauding madly. Mel, Cleo and Mandy had written an instrumental called 'Knickers' (they couldn't come up with a better title) and we played that, followed it with 'I Got Rhythm!' I got rhythm, I got music, I got my man, who could ask for anything more I got daisies in green pastures, I got my man, who could ask for anything more Mandy introduced us and there was a loud cheer from Enrico when she introduced Mel and there was loud applause when I was named and I gave a short wave. Something, I don't know what, made me look up, look right down the back at the exit doors, those same doors I had nervously walked though so long ago to audition for Heather. Suddenly, I saw Angela standing by the doors, on her own, arms folded as she watched. What is she doing here? I was panic stricken, thinking she was going to call out, that pianist is a man! Mandy saw her too and stared down the back and then glanced at me. With a shrug, Mandy smiled, as if to say, what does it matter what she does? Suddenly, I felt better. I smiled at the audience and said, 'I would like to dedicate this next number to a good friend, Jeremy Bingham who is hiding down the back.' Heads turned and Jeremy gaped at me. 'Without his help, I wouldn't be here tonight. Thank you Jeremy, you're like a brother to me,' I said and I waited for the applause to die, then said, 'this song is for you.' My fingers rippled over the keys, Mandy played soft Spanish strings and Cleo just used the brushes as I began 'You've Got a Friend.' When you're down and troubled And you need a helping hand And nothing, whoa nothing is going right. Close your eyes and think of me And soon I will be there To brighten up even your darkest nights Mandy sang harmony on the chorus and Mel played a mournful saxophone over the bridge. Even from where I sat, I could see Jeremy was wiping his eyes. I looked directly at Angela and it was obvious to her that I saw her as I sung, People can be so cold. They'll hurt you and desert you. Well they'll take your soul if you let them. Oh yeah, but don't you let them. She heard the words, they must have rung inside her and Angela's head slumped, shoulders rounded and she turned around to walk from the club. In a moment, Angela was gone. I looked back at Jeremy, smiled and sang, You just call out my name and you know wherever I am I'll come running to see you again. Oh babe, don't you know that, Winter spring summer or fall, Hey now, all you've got to do is call. The room shook with the applause, Jeremy waved and I waved back as the cameras flashed again. I was smiling, but inside I was sad, so sad for Angela and myself. That was nasty, a voice inside me pointed out, did she deserve that? The thought occurred to me that I was really no better than she, but I shook it off as we began a spirited version of 'Take Five.' The audience applauded loudly, some standing as whistles and cheers could be heard over the clapping. Standing together on the stage, arms around each other we waved to the cheering audience. Kiefer, Enrico and even Tony were standing at their table, cheering, whistling and clapping. Jeremy was jumping for joy and I felt the tears start to trickle as we ran off stage. 'You were fucking brilliant!' Terry cried as we ran down the corridor. 'They'll want an encore,' he shouted after us. We slammed the dressing room door behind us and stared at each other wide eyes for a minute before laughing madly, we hugged and kept saying 'we did it! We did it!' We could hear the thunderous applause in the dressing room and there was a knock and Toby poked his head in. 'They're not going, ladies,' he said calmly, 'I hope you've got an encore?' The applause became louder if it was possible when we walked onto the stage. Cleo rattled the drums, Mandy fingered a few chords and the audience stopped clapping and sat down. We began and played the introduction, an introduction that we had rearranged so it was quite long and allowed Mandy and Mel to play against and off each other until I began singing 'Dance the Old Fashioned Way.' Come, let's you and I find The old fashioned Joys Your heart against mine We extended it and enjoyed playing it until we ended to more thunderous applause, cheers and whistles as we stood hand in hand, bowing and grinning. Toby was waiting and swung Cleo around and around. Fiona burst into the dressing room as we were changing. I was sitting in front of the mirror in tights and bra, doing my face, sharing the mirror with Mel who was standing behind me. Mandy and Cleo were doing the same at the other mirror. 'Femme Fatale is a hit!' Fiona announced. 'The press is waiting as is the audience, especially one or two lads who play football for a living,' she said with a wink and we laughed. ''You three go on,' Cleo said, 'Toby and I will...' 'No!' I said and Cleo looked at me. 'You and Toby come with us, Femme Fatale is celebrating.' 'Come on Cleo,' Mel pleaded. 'I think Toby would like to meet Kiefer and the others,' Mandy said. 'Besides, I've got to have someone to talk to, that wanker Tony is sure to rub me the wrong way again.' 'You twisted my arm,' she said with a laugh. The club was in full swing, the DJ was spinning music and the drinks were flowing as we slipped in. The plan was to be unobtrusive but that didn't work as people swarmed around us, congratulating and smiling. Jeremy hugged me fiercely and I hugged him back before I noticed the press milling around. 'Is that your boyfriend Liz?' one called and then another asked, 'where does Kiefer fit in, Liz?' One moved close to Jeremy and asked in a loud voice, 'is Liz Grey your girlfriend?' Standing proudly, Jeremy said in a loud voice, 'Elizabeth Grey is my friend but not the way you suggest, she is my sister!' Dean emerged from the crowd and put his arm around Jeremy so the press returned to me. Security moved the press away and we were able to sit down at last. Toby and Cleo were introduced to Kiefer, Enrico and Tony while Jeremy ordered champagne. Fiona sent a photographer over to our table that took some photographs as the celebratory champagne was poured and we smiled and laughed for the camera. Kiefer surprised me when he kissed my cheek and took my hand. 'You just knock my socks off,' he said, 'you were fantastic, all of you,' he quickly said when he realised the others were listening. 'Thank you,' I smiled, 'we're pretty pleased with it.' 'My dears,' Jeremy proclaimed, 'you were brilliant.' Enrico leaned close to Mel and I heard him say, 'your music gave me chills.' 'Look out Mel,' Mandy said with a teasing grin, 'here comes that Spanish charm.' 'I'd be disappointed if it didn't,' Mel murmured and Enrico kissed her hand softly. Tony suddenly spoke. 'Last time we met,' he said quietly, 'I was way out of line, so I want to apologise. You were all amazing and I can see why you have no interest in football, Elizabeth, you live in a magical world that we only get a glimpse of.' 'Oh my,' I said, glancing at Kiefer who smiled. 'I'd like to propose a toast,' Tony said, 'to Femme Fatale, four talented people!' 'Femme Fatale!' Fiona appeared at the table. 'Remember you have another gig tomorrow night so don't party too hard,' she said with a wink. 'We're musicians, Fiona,' Cleo said, 'we don't know any other way to party.' The night had slowed down and we were in quiet conversation. Toby and Cleo was leaning together, their heads almost touching and I felt warm at the sight of them. Mel was talking and Enrico was listening intently and I noticed he held her hand. Mandy and Tony were in a spirited conversation about some old movie, arguing in a good-hearted way about something and I was glad she was having fun. Kiefer smiled. 'Penny for your thoughts, Liz,' he said. 'You slipped away on me there.' 'Sorry, just thinking about my friends.' 'You four are very close, aren't you?' 'Yes, I suppose we are. We're best friends and been through a few things together.' Jeremy leaned over. 'I'm going, Liz,' he said with a small smile at Kiefer. 'I have to get my beauty sleep. Congratulations again, dear,' he said, kissing my cheek. Dean also kissed my cheek and they left. 'Can I take you home, Liz?' Kiefer asked softly. 'Kiefer...' 'Just take you home,' he said with a smile. 'I'd like to be alone with you, that's all.' What was I to do? The girls were off with their blokes and if I insisted on going with them, I'd probably spoil it. 'All right.' We stood and Kiefer took my hand as I said goodbye to the others. 'You'll be ok, Liz?' Cleo asked, eyes flickering over Kiefer. Shyly, I looked at Kiefer. 'I think so.' Kiefer had a sports car and he held the door open for me so I could slip in. 'Where to?' 'Notting Hill,' I said and he drove off. Every now and again, I caught him glancing at me in the dim light of the car's interior as Phil Collins sang from the cassette player. Sussudio, Sus-sudio! 'What?' I asked at last and he grinned. 'You're incredible, Liz, I've been out with women the press called beautiful - I thought they were beautiful! That is until I saw you, you put them to shame.' 'Kiefer...' 'No, let me finish, please.' We stopped at traffic lights and he smiled nervously. 'You wouldn't think I'd be nervous, would you? Look,' he said as the lights changed and he steered the car on, 'I've never met a woman like you; I'd like to go out, just the two of us when I'm next down. Can I call you?' 'Kiefer,' I said carefully, 'you have so much going on and I'm just starting, I don't know whether we'd have time...' 'Let's make time, Liz,' he said softly as he parked the car. 'Please?' He opened the car door for me and walked me to the door. 'Goodnight, Kiefer,' I said with a smile. 'Thank you for driving me home.' Kiefer smiled down at me and I saw his face moving closer. No, he's not, I screamed silently, yes, he's going to try to kiss me! But he didn't. 'You haven't answered me, Liz. Can we make time? Can we at least have dinner so we can talk about it?' 'All right,' I said softly and he grinned. 'I'll call you,' he said softly, slipping his arms around me, and he pulled me close against him. My eyes were shut when he kissed me, I tasted his warm lips against mine and I quivered in his arms. 'Oh my,' I said when I pulled free. 'Yes,' he said shakily, 'I have to agree. Goodnight, Liz.' When the door closed behind me and I heard his sports car pull away, I leaned back against the door and murmured, 'Oh my!'

Same as Elizabeth Grey - Part 16 and 17 Videos

2 years ago
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Elizabeth Grey Part 2 Whats Wrong With Your Voice

Elizabeth Grey - Part 02: What's wrong with your voice? by Carmenica Diaz Dinner was a very dull affair and I wasn't certain what I could say in front of Jeremy so I kept silent. Thankfully, Jeremy didn't and he spoke non-stop about movies (he absolutely loved Amadeus) and that new singer Boy George and, seemingly, anything that popped into his head. All the time he spoke, he stole glances at me, deep looks that seemed to cut through him and then he would...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 3 I Must Confess I Like It

Elizabeth Grey - Part 03: I must confess I like it. By Carmenica Diaz It wasn't until I finished my face the next morning that I realised I did it without looking at the instructions. The wardrobe was full of clothes supplied by Jeremy and Angela and, as we were going out, I chose a simple grey wool skirt, matching jacket and blouse. Jeremy knocked on the door and poked his head in. 'Decent?' I laughed. 'I think you've seen everything I have, Jeremy,'...

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Elizabeth Grey - Part 11: Don't call me that. By Carmenica Diaz When I last saw Mel, Mandy and Cleo, they were sitting sadly in the bar and drinking. My feet were hurting as I walked down the halls of the hotel room so I slipped my shoes off and carried them. As the door to the hotel room Angela and I shared swung open, I was surprised to see Sean leap to his feet. Angela was seated in the chair and she shrugged her shoulders as I closed the door. 'Miss...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 14 Friends

Elizabeth Grey - Part 14: Friends. By Carmenica Diaz Thinking the best time to telephone Cleo, Mandy and Mel was mid-morning, I waited until the next day before I placed Toby's piece of paper firmly on the table and picked up the telephone. The telephone rang a few times before a sleepy voice grunted, 'hello!' 'I was looking for Cleo Rosser...' 'Who wants to know...' 'Liz Grey.' Suddenly, she was wide-awake. 'Liz? Liz Grey? Is that...

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Elizabeth Grey Parts 18 20

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Elizabeth Grey Part 15 I Am Faithful To My Team

Elizabeth Grey - Part 15: I am faithful to my team. By Carmenica Diaz We had arranged to meet the next morning for brunch to discuss our plans and, as usual, I was running slightly late, so the others were already at a table. I had taken time to ring my mother, Sylvia and Janet to let them know what happened when I revealed myself to my friends. 'Your friends sound like marvellous people.' 'Yes, Mum, they do and they are. I'm very lucky.' 'So are they,...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 4 Honestly I Wanted to Slap Her

Elizabeth Grey - Part 04: Honestly, I wanted to slap her By Carmenica Diaz We walked from the club laughing, arm in arm. So different, I thought, from how we went into the club a few hours earlier. 'Now,' I confessed, 'I'm absolutely starving.' 'So am I. Let's have lunch and celebrate,' Angela said, swinging the clarinet case around. 'Lead the way.' 'I start with Heather tomorrow,' Angela told me after we had ordered. 'Sherry finishes up next week so I...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 5 Autumn in New York

Elisabeth Grey - Part 5: Autumn in New York. By Carmenica Diaz True to her word, Angela rang her music teacher and then gave me her address written on the back of an old envelope. 'Her name is Mrs Robinson and she's not far from here, you can walk if you like. I think it'll be a nice day.' 'Sounds lovely.' 'I'm off to get all the information from Sherry and I'm sure I'll come back with loads of gossip. Bye.' Time for a long bath, I told myself, humming as...

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Elizabeth Grey The Lady is Waiting

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Elizabeth 04 Late Summer Part 2

Irene did tell Benjamin what had happened between us, that much I do know. Exactly what she told him or how he received the news was to remain a mystery, for she never told me (or Elizabeth that I know of) anything of it all. I knew well enough not to look either of them up in the ensuing days, and so all the angst and mystery of the day after were still very much in force when Elizabeth and Jonathan returned to Westfordshire City on Saturday. Though I did not know with certainty which train...

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Elizabeth Grey Pat 6 Better Get Used to It

Elizabeth Grey - Part 06: Better get used to it. By Carmenica Diaz We decided to go to Jeremy's place in Notting Hill in jeans, boots, woollens and jackets. Every time I woke and had to decide what to wear, I wondered how it had all changed. It was so new still, so strange but, at the same time, so real. This was me! 'We'll come back here and change clothes,' Angela said, 'once Jeremy tells us what's expected for his dinner party. Who hosts a dinner party at a...

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Elizabeth 04 Late Summer Part 1

‘Tell me once again,’ I implored Irene as we enjoyed the mellow aftereffects of our now-depleted bottle of wine, the café buzzing pleasantly just beyond our cosy table, ‘That time we all played together…you were imagining doing what to Elizabeth and Benjamin?’ Irene cringed, but she laughed as well. ‘Oh, how I rue the day I let that tidbit slip! Just promise me, Agnes, you will never tell Elizabeth I told you of that!’ ‘I never have and I never will,’ I vowed, grateful that Elizabeth and...

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Elizabeth Part 1

Elizabeth and I have been friends online for some months now. She and I agreed we both move to London to finally meet she and her boyfriend while working there for a couple of years at least. We have become good friends in that time. We know each other well, having talked through a range of things, holidays, work, parties, relationships, sex, hobbies, family. I suppose I enjoy how she is always polite and yet fun and naughty to chat with! Oh, did I mention she’s beautiful, works out and has a...

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Elizabeth To Beth

By Beagle 9690 October 2006 I am a Correction Officer assigned to a maximum-security prison of some notoriety in Western New York. I have lived alone since my wife passed away five years ago. The term insurance that I carried on my wife paid off all debt, and added to my net worth. It did nothing to console my loneliness. My house is a large three-story brick farmhouse. Stately and mature black walnut trees surround it. I also had a large stands of oak and hard maple trees 400 yards...

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Elizabeth To Beth

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Elizabeth Bennet Considers

The inquiring reader must, I fear, be informed that this humble offering cannot be understood without some knowledge of Miss Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride & Prejudice. If you have not read that novel, why are you wasting time with my work? Pride & Prejudice is not just a romance; it is the romance in the English language. On the Storiesonline scale, it scores two hundred ... at least. Go read it forthwith! It's available online, if you so desire. If reading gently paced...

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Elizabeth 03 The Art Student

The sun was ablaze on the mysterious tropical island, and Jonathan was ambling down the beach admiring the waves. Rocky bluffs on one side, emerald-green water as far as the eye could see on the other, and the sand felt beautifully soft between his toes as he walked alone towards the somewhere he knew but couldn’t quite remember. The sound of the waves rang out in his ears, and he could hear the seagulls crowing overhead as well, only strangely enough they sounded nothing like any bird he had...

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Elizabeth does home made Porn

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Elizabeth Marsdens Liberation

Michael Courtney was in his local supermarket one Friday afternoon. He was only shopping for himself, so he only had a basket, which he was slowly filling up with items that he thought he might need for the weekend. He was 36, and for the last three months since his divorce was finalised, he had been readjusting to the single life, after eight, sometimes good, sometimes tempestuous, years of marriage. He quite liked these minor excursions, two or three times a week, to stock up on essentials...

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Elizabeth Ch 01

The sound of distant cannon fire carried over the southern meadow. Where once there was a sea of grass dotted with dandelions there was now a city of tents. Hundreds of soldiers with musket and sword shuffled about in their yellow coats, leather boots trampling the grass and mud under hardened heel. The eyes of all vacant and defeated. The great castle that rested on the cliff of the northern bay, once a symbol of great pride to the gentle countrymen, was little more than trivial decoration to...

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Elizabeth 01 An Introduction

It was nearing the end of a chilly, but not too forbidding day in Westfordshire City. Elizabeth hurried up the high street, clutching her cloak tightly around her to keep warm as she anticipated the hot mineral bath just a few blocks away. The sun, already barely visible behind the clouds and drizzle of the season, was vanishing behind the long row of old, cold and yet beautiful brick buildings lining the avenue, and a gentle sheet of rain was barely visible in the light of the ornate electric...

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Elizabeth 08 Generations

Every summer that goes by for a decade or more now, I tell myself this is the last bikini season for me, but the following summer I invariably find that it still fits and I still look as presentable as could be expected for my late forties. But even had I been concerned that my prime was finally past as I blossomed forth from Elizabeth and Jonathan’s seaside cottage on that sunny afternoon, I would have surely allowed for one last hurrah of our youth, after all, that was what the holiday was...

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Elizabeth and her Toy Boy

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Elizabeth goes Shopping

My name is Billy and my wife Elizabeth. We have always enjoyed having sexy fun together and I have always enjoyed being entertained by my posh wife as she undressed herself for me in the bedroom. I have always enjoyed seeing women in sexy lingerie. In stockings and suspenders, basques and corsets etc. So I have always encouraged Elizabeth to wear stockings and suspenders and erotic lingerie. We have been married for some time now and over years we have had many erotic adventures together. Often...

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Elizabeths Story

Ch. 1The rain drumming steadily on cobbles outside was a pleasant distraction from the throbbing pain.  Elizabeth had lost track of exactly where she was sore.  The pain had long ago turned into a persistent ache that left her stomach churning with nausea, only broken by the periods when one of them would come back to use her.  But the rain was nice. It was different. It reminded her of home and of happier times.Pushing the memories back down, Elizabeth tore her  pale green eyes away from the...

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Elizabeth 05 Christmas Troubles

The snowflakes were drifting beautifully to the street below as the workday wound down. I was grateful for the electric lights Mr. Thompson had had installed shortly before I had come to work in his office, for their warm glow was marvellous against the slate-grey afternoon sky outside. It was just one of a hundred delights I found in being a working woman in those days when that was still quite unusual. The grey would of course have faded to black by the time I took my leave in an hour or so,...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth goes Swinging

We are a couple called Elizabeth and Billy and we really like to have lots of fun with other people. Swinging and having sexy adventures with other couples and erotic sexual encounters. I like to have Elizabeth dressed up in her posh outfits. Her expensive posh dresses, skirts and wearing posh erotic lingerie, stockings, suspenders and basques and sexy outfits in leather and lace and take her out and about to places. Sometimes without her wearing any panties.During most weekend we will go out...

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Elizabeth Finally Blacked 1

We had been doing this for years, my wife and I. Sipping on champagne in the back of Jim's limousine, on our way to yet another event. This one was a certified black tie affair, cocktails in the early hours and then dinner and awards to follow. A successful career in advertisement has its perks, and a fully compensated evening at a five star resort - I would think - qualifies as one.These galas never seemed to bother her, that was for certain. Elizabeth looked absolutely gorgeous sitting snugly...

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Elizabeth 06 The Honeymoon

‘I now pronounce you husband and wife.’ At the minister’s announcement, the entire garden had erupted in cheers as Elizabeth and Jonathan shared their first kiss as a married couple. It was a long kiss, of course, but I am quite certain no one was surprised. Not Irene, the maid of honour, who stood clutching my hand discreetly by my side (I bore no bitterness at her title, Elizabeth had known her rather longer than she had known me, after all), not Maggie or Eunice or Lindy or the numerous...

3 years ago
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Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat.Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her...

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Elizabeth and Jason

Friday, Mid-April Elizabeth came home after a long, long Friday at the office. She dropped her purse and her briefcase on the floor as she came into her apartment. She sat at the kitchen table and put her head in her hands. She was depressed, she was lonely, she was frustrated, and she was angry. Her boyfriend of seven months had dumped her at lunch…on the phone. Maybe she’d become a hermit. There were female hermits, weren’t there? The phone rang. It was Kimberly, her neighbor and co-worker....

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Elizabeths Fall From Grace

....and here IS the story as recounted to me by the delightful old lady, Bettina.The early morning spring sunshine lights up a pretty country scene. Whitewashed cottages line a neat and tidy village street. ElizabethSchmidt is in the local shop to buy provisions, but times are verydifficult, and even though she trims her shopping list to the bare minimum,she finds that she doesn't have enough money. Prices seem to be rising bythe day and her account at the shop is already too much for her to...

4 years ago
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Elizabeth and the Chair

The chair arrived at ten o'clock this morning.  I called Peter and asked him to to come over and help me assemble it, but he said he couldn't come by until after two. That was fine, I just wanted it put together before bedtime tonight.I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. It was cold so I put it in the microwave for ninety seconds while I scouted around for something to munch with it. When the microwave dinged, I walked to the basement door and turned on the light....

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Elizabeth Finally Blacked 2

I awoke with a heavy headache, eyes stinging and stomach in churn. I drank too much scotch last night, that was for certain. Worse, I had forgotten to mitigate the impending damage with any water. I also pumped out several orgasms, which had drained me of my testosterone. My physical ailments paled in comparison to what my real strife was, however. The memory of last night flooded back with unforgiving potency.I glanced to my left, apparently Elizabeth had already awoken and left the room. The...

4 years ago
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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 5

Betty didn't think the day would ever arrive, but somehow she ended up standing in front of Annabella's, working up the nerve to go in. It was 6:20. She wanted to be there first, wanted to be able to study Stacy's face when Stacy finally saw her. Her dad had been no problem. He thought she was going out with Robert for the evening. She'd asked Robert beforehand, and he said it would be okay this once, because it was so important to her, and he'd cover. He also volunteered to pick her up...

3 years ago
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“Elizabeth” She stood before me, looking so beautiful, my heart ached. The wedding dress accented her slender frame, and her eyes sparkled with joy as she looked up at me. Smiling, I took her hand... Years Earlier... “Mommy? I want to go swimming. Please?” It was the holiday weekend in July, and I was home after graduating college. With my degree fresh in the frame on the office wall, I was at work at the family business. I know, a lot of folks might think that a business that takes care of...

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Elizabeth Gets Another Night With Simon

It was now two weeks since sixty-four-year-old divorcee Elizabeth Prentice had attended the eighteenth-birthday party of her grandson, Tim. At that party Elizabeth had probably had too much to drink and, much to the disgust of her daughter Tina was snogging and groping with twenty-year-old Simon Whittaker. Tina would have been appalled if she had known that a few days after the party her mother spent the night in bed with the young man.Liz had not seen or heard from Simon since that night...

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Elizabeth To BethChapter 2

"How peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart...my love, with not a care in the world. I'm so happy, I won't get a wink of sleep at all tonight.... my mind is just racing...isn't it wonderful. Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it, hmm... yes that's it, she said, "hum dinger" and "smitten, Richard is smitten with you." Stanley is going to have one hum dinger of a shiner, a black eye when he say's the early Mass tomorrow morning. Dear Margaret, you...

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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 2

The study sessions with Stacy were grueling to say the least. Everything had to be perfect, every word written, every answer, every paragraph read. It seemed Stacy expected Betty to memorize everything given to her. Period. She somehow managed to zero directly in on anything Betty had skimmed or didn't understand. Her attitude was brusque, almost to the point of rudeness, and irritated the younger girl to no end. Betty thought Stacy hated her. She didn't care much for Stacy either. Things...

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Elizabeth myself and her uncle By Frida

'What is a dare', someone once asked me? I knew the answer according to my own interpretation, as an exhibitionist, a dare was my way of doing something I liked to do, but without compromising my persona of respectability and moral righteousness. That way you have an excuse for being dirty and naughty and not have the attached stigma associated with the dare involved.But having said that, that excuse only works once, do it again then suffer the usual, slag, slut labels. Perhaps it's the...

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Elizabeth my coworker

Elizabeth and I had worked together for about 5 years when this happened.She is married 56 years old, very slim ,very tan but not what I would call pretty or even good looking.When she smiles her big teeth show.She has straight shoulder length blond hair.She wears skin tight jeans almost all the time and that is the best looking thing about her.Nice ass, muscular thighs and calf's.Elizabeth likes to smoke,drink beer and watch sports.I finally realized who her face reminded me of,a picture of an...

1 year ago
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My real name is Elizabeth and this is my story. I got married at age seventeen to a twenty-two year old factory worker. It seemed that with his pay I would always have what I wanted. That sure wasn't true. I grew up in Pennsylvania and my honeymoon was at a theme park not far from home. Then I found out that the nice car he was driving was from one of those pay by the week lots with a high interest rate. We had to turn it in to pay rent and bought a fucked up old Dodge. So, here I was, married...

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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 02

Chapter Two: After returning home from the engagement party Beth is lying next to the sleeping form of Richard. She is wide-awake and her mind is racing. ‘Oh, how peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart…my love, without a care in the world. I’m so happy, I won’t get a wink of sleep at all tonight…. my mind is just racing…isn’t it wonderful… Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it? Yes that’s it, she said, ‘hum dinger!’ and ‘smitten, Richard is smitten with you.’...

4 years ago
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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 8

It was strange. This was the first time she'd ever woken up in the morning with her bed partner beside her (that time with Dave didn't count. They hadn't gone to sleep until 4 am, and only slept for three hours). After a while, lying there, doing nothing, it came to her. The strangeness wasn't because it was a different bed in a different room, and it wasn't the touch and warmth of that naked body pressing into hers. It was the smell. Stacy had her own unique smell. With the two of them...

3 years ago
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The Man In The Grey Suit The Candle

It had been three years since she had died, and Blake had never really recovered. He hadn't lashed out, or sought answers at the bottoms of bottles, but had simply withdrawn into himself. He became quiet, especially on overcast days, or on days when it snowed. Julie had loved the snow. Blake had never seen her so happy, so alive, as when she was running around in fresh powder, making snow angels or throwing snowballs at him. She'd etch out their names on frosted surfaces, "Blake and Julie...

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Elisabeth Grey Parts 23 24

Elizabeth Grey By Carmenica Diaz Part 23: Darling of Britain. I spent the rest of the day on the telephone. The press had hounded Mum but I felt relieved when she told me that a security woman arrived, saying she was from Fiona Woolf and would keep the media away. 'She's a little thing, Liz,' Mum said 'but she doesn't take no for an answer. She scared them off quick smart.' When I was on the phone to Mum, Dean came up behind me,...

1 year ago
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Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat. Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her...

2 years ago
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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 04

‘Am I your captive? Are you going to have your way with me?’ I asked tugging against the handcuffs ‘I thought we had a date for ice cream?’ Richard’s hands were around my waist as he gently pulled me to him to nuzzle his face against mine. I felt his warm breath tickle my face and listened to his heart beating in his chest as he hugged me. This always makes me tingle all over because Richard loves me and I love him with a passion deeper than the seven seas. I felt my man’s hard cock...

3 years ago
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elizabeth hurley

driving miss hurley by perry47When I reached the age of 21, I decided to leave the small town where I grew up and move to Los Angeles. With no real skills to speak of and no connections, I was lucky to get a job driving a delivery truck. Two years of this convinced me I needed to make a change. The only change in my skills was the capability to drive to and from anywhere in the Los Angeles area without getting lost. It was therefore a natural fit for me to acquire a livery license and in time...

2 years ago
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2020Sitting there stirring her soy-milk latte, brunette-bob cut, and the 'librarian' glasses. A black dress, up to the collarbone - nothing to tease. Beyond the lenses though, her soft green eyes are on me. Moving down a little, the nose piercings, another just above and below her mouth, Those soft lips, natural filler-free, and the corners up-turned into a warm smile. It had been a few years since we'd last caught up at her wedding, but even longer since we'd spent any time alone...

2 years ago
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Dr Grey Ch 04

At 9 am the following morning Karen was again in the waiting area. The shot that Grey had given her the night before had helped a great deal but she had again woken this morning with withdrawal, convincing her further that she had indeed become obsessed with, and therefore lost without, Doctor Grey. Inside the office Grey worked at his computer, composing himself whilst remembering the fantastic sex Karen had given him the previous night. If sex were his prime motivator, however, Grey would...

2 years ago
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Dr Grey Ch 03

The call came as Grey was at home. It was half-past nine, which meant that she was clearly more addicted to the oils than he could have possibly hoped for. Karen was in a call box outside her home, in floods of tears. She told him that the oil had faded quickly and that she needed, really needed, to see him tonight to get some more. “My skin is crawling, Doctor Grey, and I am really scared. Simon is beside himself with worry and the kids are terrified!” “It’s ok Karen, I’ve got your address...

2 years ago
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Dr Grey Ch 02

Karen was an hour early for her next appointment and in quite an emotional state, although she hid it well from the others in the waiting area. Her body was softly shaking and it was all she could do to prevent herself from storming into Grey’s office and demanding help. The oils on the handkerchief had faded around midnight the previous evening and she had awoken at 5 am in a cold sweat. She had been using those oils more and more since Doctor Grey had seen her last, as he knew she would, and...

4 years ago
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Look, I know I'm not supposed to pick up hitchers. It's not smart for me, and it's not smart for the hiker. But it was a rainy afternoon, and the guy up the road looked really dejected. He was somewhat small anyway, and his shoulders slumped over as he slogged through the mud. All alone in the half-dark like that, he reminded me of my cat when I had rescued him as a stray from a sudden downpour. The kid had a yellow poncho on and wasn't carrying any bag or even a gas can. I supposed he was...

3 years ago
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Dr Grey

Karen was reading the magazine a little too intently as she waited outside his office. She was not alone in the waiting area, sharing it as she was with an older lady who looked like she was about to cry at any moment and a teenage boy who kept up a constant rambling conversation with himself. If it was simply their presence that made her nervous she would not have felt so churned up inside but, truth be told, she was far more concerned that things had gotten to this stage at all. She’d always...

3 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 8 Losing it

Jan 1809 Thomas was resting on his bed in The George and Serpent Inn. The inn was located at a convenient distance from the Admiralty where he would report in the morning. Mr. Egerton had indeed given him transport to London, but had not extended an invitation to stay at his house. One reason might have been the interest that Mrs. Egerton had shown in Thomas on that long coach ride. It was quite clear that Mr. Egerton did not trust any man in the presence of his cherished young wife. Thomas...

2 years ago
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Elizabeths Night

?I am so lucky,? I said as I breathed down into my glass of burgundy wine. ?Why, darling?? my husband Michael asked as he gently brushed back a strand of my auburn hair. I could smell the sweet scent of freshly burnt matches which had been used to light the many spice apple candles we had decorating our apartment. The music was turned down low and I could pick out a variety of violin and piano notes which blended together just perfect enough to encourage the intoxicating feeling I was...

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