Elizabeth free porn video

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Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat.

Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her coat, he kissed her tongues probing. Elizabeth took his hand and guided it under her skirt. Instinctively his hand moved up her leg learning that her stockings were thigh highs. Continuing upwards he discovered...nothing.

Continuing his hand moved up to cup her ass, and a small moan escaped from her lips. Outside the door the hostess called: the table is ready. Smiling, she led us to our table. The next hour was a blur. Edward kept looking at Elizabeth thinking of the evening’s possibilities. Finally, the table is cleared. Elizabeth got up, teasingly showing Edward the skin of your upper thigh, kissed him quickly on the lips, then announced she was going to the ladies’ room. Just as Edward was getting a little impatient, the waiter offered him a note,

“If you want dessert, tell the hostess.”

When the hostess came over, he showed her the note and said, “Yes.” She informed him that dessert was $100. He gave her the money, and she replied, “Please follow me.”

She led him toward an elevator. When the door opened, she said, “Go to the 5 th floor.” As the elevator door opened on the 5 th floor, the scent of jasmine and roses filled him with curiosity. He walked from the elevator into a hall. Waiting was a woman dressed in brocade. Her features were severe, but she appeared kind.

“Please follow me,” was all she said. She turned and walked down the hall. Edward followed. She opened a door and said, “They’ll take care of you.”

He walked in, and three nude ladies approached. “Your suit will be cleaned and pressed by the time you leave,” one said as she took his coat. She gestured for his shirt and tie. Pants. Underwear. Socks. Shoes. “All will be cared for, cleaned, pressed, and made ready when you return. Put your wallet and other valuables in this container. Decide on a combination.”

Edward was full of questions, as he stood nude in front of these women. He also wondered what happened to Elizabeth. Appearing almost telepathic, one lady offered, “For dessert tonight we have a special room for our guests full of sweet delights and delicacies. To ensure cleanliness we require some preliminary preparations of our guests.”

Edward was led into a bathroom and told to use the facilities and brush his teeth. The door was closed and he was alone. His head was racing. It seemed safe, but at the same time he felt so vulnerable. He finished and opened the door. He was given a lightweight robe and led to what resembled a barber chair. He was asked if he wanted all hair removed. He replied, “No.” A hot wet towel was soon on his face. The scent and warmth was relaxing and too quickly removed. One lady shaved him closely but without cuts. His hair was washed and dried. He was then led to a pool.

One of the ladies asked for his robe and ordered him to walk across the pool with rose petals floating on the surface. He did as instructed and found this a cleansing bath, which left his skin soft and mildly fragrant.

Waiting at the other side of the pool, the third lady offered her hand as he climbed out of the pool. She led him into a dressing room. There he was dried with the thickest of white towels. She offered him a pair of black socks. Then came a tux shirt which fell just to his waist all around. Studs and cuff links. She offered him a pair of fine wool pants. She helped with the fitting and suspenders, as these pants came to the waist only on the sides. Both front and back sections above the legs were missing. He put on a pair of black shoes. A white tie and finally a tails coat. Everything fit perfectly: she reached around under the tails coat and squeezed his butt! He gasped in surprise. The other two ladies, who by now were brushing away non-existent lint, were marveling over how Edward looked. One took his jewels in her hand and smiled in approval. Edward was ready.

They led him to a door framed with a gold casing. “Your date is in there. When you two decide to leave, just look for the door with the gold casing. It will lead you to the dressing rooms where your clothes and valuables are waiting. Have a pleasant dessert.”

In the Ladies’ two ladies dressed in brocade greeted Room Elizabeth. One asked, “Is this your first time here?”


“There are many pleasures here. Your date wants dessert tonight. Would you like to join him.”

“Yes, please.”

“Before dessert we like to make sure everything is clean and ready. Is that okay with you?”

“I suppose.”

“Very well then. Please use the bathroom, and then we’ll get ready.”

When finished, Elizabeth opened the stall door and washed her hands. She noticed a new toothbrush and tooth powder. She brushed her teeth.

“Please follow me.” She followed the two women out a different door of the Ladies’ Room, down a hall, and into what appeared to be a large bath/dressing room.

“If you remove your clothes, they will be cleaned and pressed upon your return.” The ladies’ look defied questions. Elizabeth did as she was told. She removed her shoes, her skirt and jacket. Then her blouse and half slip. Finally, her bra and thigh highs. One lady took a turban and wrapped it around her hair. Then she was led toward a pool with floating magnolia blossoms. “Walk across the pool to the other side.”

Elizabeth walked down the steps letting the warm water inch its way up her body. The water was shoulder height, and slowly she walked across the pool.

One lady offered her hand as Elizabeth climbed the stairs out of the pool. Quickly she was wrapped in a thick white towel and dried. She was given a light robe and told to sit in a nearby chair. Here her hair was coiffed, make-up applied following a relaxing facial, and manicure and pedicure completed. She was led into a dressing room.

The robe was removed, and Elizabeth noticed in the mirror that her skin was as smooth and soft as silk. All body hair had been removed. One of the dressing women came close with a black object in her hand. “Spread your legs.” What resembled an ivy leaf of black silk was placed on her pussy. A thin black ribbon went around the waist and was tied to another that skirted her pussy lips and came up the back. Bows were tied at the sides and the streamers were long. It seemed clear that if the streamers were pulled, it would quickly fall off.

Another dressing lady brought a black silk chemise and put it over her head. This sheer gown fell to the floor with a slight train in back. The sleeves were long, the back high, and the front just covered her breasts. There were no vertical seams in the gown. It was open in front, back, and on both sides. One lady came toward her holding a black satin corset. Elizabeth braced herself against the back of a chair while the corset ties were pulled. Once the corset was in place, she was turned around. One of the women, holding pink gel in her hand, lowered the chemise and applied the gel to each nipple. The chemise was raised just above each nipple and smoothed. A simple necklace with a diamond solitaire was placed around her neck.

“I think you’re ready. There are rugs, so you won’t need shoes.”

The three women led her toward a door with gold casings. One admonished, “When you and your date have finished your dessert, return through a door with gold casings. It will lead you to the dressing room where you’ll find your clothes and valuables.”

“Thank you,” was all Elizabeth could utter. The door was opened and she entered the large room.

It seemed as if she had walked through the looking glass back in time as she entered a large ballroom with a center staircase leading up to doors, which surrounded the room on the floor above. Each wall had a series of French doors, which appeared to lead out onto balconies or into gardens. Chandeliers with upwards gas light and downwards electric light illuminated the room in a soft glow creating shadows against the walls. She stood still as a statue gazing at the crowd.

Men in tails and women dressed in opulent gowns were talking in small groups. As an orchestra, placed in a corner, began to play, some couples started to dance. All were wearing masks. Was she the only one without a mask? And where was Edward? They told her he was here, but where is he?

A lady dressed in green approached “Welcome, my dear! We’re so glad to have you. Please come with me, and let me explain how to proceed.” Her name was Margaret. She was the hostess and greeted all the guests letting them know what to expect and whether or not any rules had changed. She led Elizabeth through a French door onto a small balcony where they could talk and watch the dancers inside.

“Since this is your first time here, you’ll need to know what to expect. Your escort, Edward isn’t it, is here sitting at a table just to the left of the orchestra. He will come for you soon. When he does, he will dance with you leading you to the center of the room. Other couples, seeing him do so, will move towards the perimeter of the room. Then any gentleman who’s interested will come forward creating a circle around you both. When the music ends, Edward will introduce you to them and will step back into the circle.

“Each man may ask you to walk, turn, answer a question, whatever. You are to do as asked. Each may also choose to touch you. They will not hurt you. Their purpose is to make a decision: they will decide whether to let Edward continue to be your date or whether they will take that privilege. Only one will win.

“Once the decision has been made, your escort will lead you in another dance before taking you upstairs. Dessert is served upstairs.

“Do you have any questions?”

Elizabeth looked at Margaret with a bewildered expression. She had no idea what to expect and wanted Edward to rescue her from this room. It was as though he’d read her thoughts, for as she replied to Margaret, “No,” he appeared at her side.

“Edward, where are we? What is this place? Have you been here before? Can we just leave?”

He took her hand in his and offered, “Elizabeth, remember when we agreed to dessert?


“Well, desserts are quite elaborate here. They’re quite wonderful actually. You’ll see.”

“But – Margaret said the men—if they wanted or something—the men would gather round me and make me do things. Is that right?”

“Yes, but it’s fun. They know it’s your first time. They’ll be gentle. It happens to everyone their first time.”

“And what if another wins. What happens to me? To you?”

“If another wins, you’ll go with him and do as you both desire. I’ll stay for a while down here and then I’ll go home. You’ll be fine, because I’ll win. Don’t worry!”

Elizabeth seemed quite worried as he took her hand and led her onto the dance floor. Luckily, he was a grand dancer and the music and twirling about the floor, along with his deep gaze into her eyes erased all concerns. She didn’t notice that he was gradually leading her towards the center of the room.

As predicted other couples receded towards the edges. Slowly, several men left their partner and returned to the center. There were perhaps sixteen men in a circle around the waltzing couple. The music faded. Edward stopped dancing, held Elizabeth around her waist, and said, “Gentlemen, may I present Elizabeth. This is the first time she’s come for dessert, but I believe she’s ready.” Then he kissed her lightly on the cheek, let go her hand, and took his place between two elderly gentlemen.

Elizabeth slowly turned around and looked at the men. She felt like prey on an African savannah. Each man was immaculately groomed in white tie, tails, black pants, shined shoes, and white gloves. All had their jewels exposed, and yet each was under control. The youngest appeared 45, most were in their 50s and 60s, and one had to be over 80.

Finally, the oldest approached and pulled the ribbon at her side keeping the end in his hand. Then he asked, “Please turn around slowly.” To move at all would mean losing her privacy. Slowly, very slowly, she started to turn. The silk seemed to slide easily on her smooth skin lower and lower. She stopped. “Thank you,” offered the old gentleman.

She looked imploringly at Edward who smiled at her but said nothing.

“Elisabeth.” It was a man about 60. He had smooth blond hair and penetrating blue eyes. She turned toward him. He was just six feet and appeared confident and gentle. “Elizabeth, I am Robert. Would you please tell us something: a joke, a story, a nursery rhyme, anything.”

“Yes, sir, if you please.” Following a rather long pause during which she noticed that most of the men were devouring her body, she began, “Hey diddle, diddle. The cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon, which is very bad for a middle-aged cow.”

Some laughed. Some smiled. Some appeared not to have heard her.

“Thank you.” She smiled at him. It was odd. There was something about him that made her almost forget Edward. He was older than Edward, but he was experienced, educated, and caring. How could she look at another? Edward was her date; she thought she loved him. After all, they were going to be intimate tonight, weren’t they? Robert backed away toward the circle. She didn’t notice as he continued slowly until he stood apart from the circle watching both the men and her.

Quickly another walked up to her. He asked for a dance. As she opened her arms he pulled the front of her chemise aside so that it was no barrier. He held her close, the music started, and he led her around the floor returning her where they had started. “Thank you.”

One by one each stepped forward and asked her a question, asked for a dance, asked for a kiss. Finally, Edward approached. He asked her to remove her corset. She was shocked that he would ask such a thing in front of these men, knowing that removing the corset would allow the chemise to fall loosely revealing her body to them. She said nothing as he opened the front hooks, took the corset in his hand, and threw it across the floor. She stood before them, stoically, her breasts falling as the chemise adjusted to freedom. Gazing past the circle of men, she saw Robert looking at her. Her eyes implored his help.

Robert walked toward her. As he approached, the others fell back. Even Edward. He stood in front of her and said, “Good evening, Gentlemen.” The suitors fell back.

“Would you join me?” he asked.

“Yes,” was all Elisabeth could say staring into his eyes. What was this power he held over the others? They had retreated without challenge. He smiled down at her, took her hand and danced her around the floor ending at the foot of the center staircase. As they climbed the stairs, she became aware that the chemise hid nothing. Her head was racing. Where was he leading her? What did he expect? She was going with this powerful man whom she didn’t know at all. They had shared looks and a few words, and was she now going to offer her body and soul to him?

At the top of the stairs he said, “Elisabeth, my dear. Go down this hall to that door with the golden heart on it. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

Grateful for the reprieve, she did as directed. As she entered the room, a young woman greeted her. “Please come in. Master Robert will be here soon. Before he comes, we should get ready. I am Amanda, Master Robert’s personal maid. Let me help you.”

Amanda led Elisabeth to a opulent bathroom and took her chemise. “Here, step into the shower and wash. Elisabeth let the hot water wash away the mens’ touches, their scents, and her fears. Automatically, after what seemed like fifteen minutes, the water stopped, and she stepped out taking the towel Amanda offered.

“Come. Lie here.” Elisabeth walked over to a wide table and lay down on her back. Amanda turned on the infrared lamps above, removed the towel, and began to rub a scented oil into Elisabeth’s skin. Elisabeth closed her eyes feeling warm and safe. She didn’t notice when Robert came in and continued Amanda’s ministerings. He poured some oil on his hands and worked the oil up her calves and thighs. He took first one ankle and moved it up, letting her knee bend and fall to the side, and then the other. He was very gentle as he rubbed the oil on her inner thigh. He bent down and kissed her.

“I think you’re ready,” he said gently. Elisabeth’s eyes opened wide with surprise. He silenced any sound as he kissed her, took her hand, and helped her off the table. He led her into an adjoining bedroom.

This bedroom was furnished in expensive cherry, floral wallpaper, and a thick rug covering an oak floor. Against one wall was a large cherry four-poster bed. It had white canopy tulle that hung to the floor and was tied to each post. The bed was high with a white coverlet and lace pillows. The room itself was lit by the moonlight, which streamed in through the tall windows, and the flickering fire in the small fireplace. Robert led Elisabeth to the bed.

“Lie down.” The covers were rolled back, and he helped her step up to the bed. As she lay down he brought up the coverlet and released the netting at each post. Then he kissed her and said, “I’ll be right back.”

Elisabeth tried hard to think, but she felt as if she was living a dream. She felt so fresh and warm under the covers, so protected. Robert would protect her. She was sure.

Some time later Robert returned and silently lifted the covers and slid in beside her. His hand felt cold against her warm skin when he reached for her and kissed her. He found her breasts and kissed them. His hand then took a nipple and played with it before moving down across her stomach and down to her thigh. When pulling her thigh toward him, her wetness dampened his fingers. He silently smiled.

“Robert?” whispered Elisabeth. “Is this dessert?”

“Yes,” he replied, as his hand lightly caressed her face. “Isn’t this what you expected?”

“No—yes, I mean, I—I thought Edward and I. But he let me stand in the circle in front of all those men. If he loved me, he wouldn’t have.”

“I agree.”

“That old man. The one who danced with me? He was nice, but he moved my chemise away, so we were together, touching. Edward didn’t mind at all.”

“No, he didn’t, but that man is extremely kind. He’s a retired thoracic surgeon and can no longer hold an erection. He just wanted to remember. You were nice to him.”

“And then you—you just did or said something, and they all retreated into the shadows. What did you do?”

“Well, every couple of years I come here. Looking. I’ve been alone for a long time, and am hopeful that a young lady would learn to love me. Because of my membership status, the others let me have first pick. When I choose no one, they then are free to choose. I rarely choose. But tonight, seeing you standing there, so tall and yet bewildered, there was something that spoke to my heart, and I had to bring you here.”

“And you want to love me?”

“I do.”

“And you believe you’re safe? Are we safe? Physically? Otherwise?”

“I think so. I hope so,” and he kissed her softly. Elisabeth responded to that kiss hungrily as though all the pent up emotions inside were now free. Their tongues began a dance, and he held her close. They rolled, and he was on top and deep inside. Their dance continued, and she pulled him to her tightly. She held him as their passion intensified and finally climaxed like fireworks exploding in a myriad of colors gently falling down to Earth.

Softly, slowly, he moved apart, lay on his side behind her, and holding her breast, he whispered, “Elisabeth, my love.”

“Yes, Robert. Yours.” Together they fell asleep.

The room was now dark. The fire was almost gone and the moon had set. Robert began to stir and slowly awakened. Elisabeth had kept him covered and slid down so she could take him in her mouth. She wondered how he would react. She hoped he wouldn’t mind, but would awake and love her again.

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Misjudgment By Zedd I was at the Mall early Saturday trying to decide whether to blow what little allowance I had saved for the music CD or a new set of head phones, and checking out all the babes that frequent its air-conditioned tiled spaces, when I ran into a girl from school I knew. I saw her coming, passing right in front of the music store I had been heading to myself, and didn?t have time to duck and run. I knew she had it in for me, and I could tell she?d seen me...

4 years ago
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Asses Tongues Facebook

I sat at the head of my bed, watching my best friend Denise browsing Facebook on my laptop. She had the laptop situated at the foot of the bed and she lay on her stomach, her feet dangling in the air. She was wearing her pyjama bottoms which were pink trousers and a white vest top. I wasn't openly gay or bisexual. I just had my fantasies, most of which involved Denise. I was lucky that we would spend the majority of our time talking about boys because she wouldn't even suspect that I...

3 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 18

Earlier That Day It was somewhere between 1PM to 2PM in the afternoon. Dimitri, Donovan and Cameron were inside a library, on one of the top floors. Basically Cameron wanted to borrow a book on science, since he was a bit of a nerd. Since they just came out from school earlier, they still had their school uniforms on. While they were searching for Cameron's books, on a shelf, from one of the aisles, they left their satchels (bags that school students carry on their backs) and jackets by a...

4 years ago
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Late night fishing trip

I was working with a guy one night when the subject of fishing came up. I love to fish so when he said we should go fishing some time I was immediately on board. The fact that I had a little crush on him was just a bonus. Since we were both off the next day, and I love to fish at night I suggested we could go fishing that night when we got off work, and he agreed. I gave him our address and told him to come pick me up as soon as he was ready to go. When we got off at midnight I ran home told my...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Leya Rae My Stepsisters Creampie

Leya Rae loves to masturbate while she’s watching porn. Today she’s going at her greedy twat with her talented fingers as she watches on her cell phone without concern that her stepbrother Johnny is home. Leya freaks out and insists that he get out, which Johnny does. Later, Leya finds Johnny in the living room and apologizes for freaking out. She volunteers that she was watching creampie porn and she’s into it. She wonders if Johnny can help her out trying out a creampie....

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Vibachaariyai Suuthil Oothu Sugathai Adainthen

Vanakam friends en peyar Raju, vayathu 28 enaku innum thirumanam aaga villai. Eppadi irunthaalum innum sila naatkalil enaku thirumanam seithu vaithu viduvaargal. Athanaal anaithu vitha santhoshathaiyum munbe paarthu vida vendum endru irunthen. Oru vibachaariyai aasai theera oothu athan pine thirumanam seithu kolalam endru mudivu seithu irunthen. Naan niraiya padipen athanal naan oothu santhoshamaana antha tharunathai ungal idam solliye aaga vendum endru en kathaiyai solugien, vaarungal kathai...

3 years ago
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Mom Is a Demon

I can’t believe what I just saw. Thank God she didn’t see me! I came home from school, shall we say, unannounced. Yeah, I cut class. Big fuckin’ deal. I’m seventeen. I’m practically an adult now, and who needs school if your mom has money? Anyway, I came into the house hours early, expecting to be alone. I headed upstairs to my room. Ever hear of a Sybian? Holy shit! I think I might be in love. Well, maybe addicted is closer to the truth. Trust me. Any time I go for a ride, I hit that big “O”,...

3 years ago
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Sindhi Girl In Mechanical Engineering Interview 8211 Part 2

The remaining of my day went in anticipation of how the interview day will be and what the reaction of every one of my colleagues in college would be. Knowing that it was a dream company in a mechanical college, I was sure it would be crowded and chaotic for this Sindhi girl. But anyway, there was no going back now. I had to give the interview at any cost, as my mom had made it very much clear. And finally, the day of the interview arrived. The interview was to start around morning 8:30, so I...

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Akhir Girlfriend Ne Mere Virgin Land Ko Seduce Kar Liya

Hi guys girls aunties bhabies etc and I am a regular reader of ISS and ye mera phela sex experience main aapke saath share karne jaa raha hoon main Mumbai ka rehene wala ek 19 years ka average ladka hoon. Ye baat 3 saal phele ki hain jab main 10th main tha, main tab kafi sharif tha aour ladkiyoon se sharmata tha aour bas meri uss samay kuch hi ladkiyan dost thi. Main aout mere friend ladkiyoon ko bas door se dekh kar hi khush rethe the aour kabhi baat karne k liye aage nahi badhte the jab mane...

2 years ago
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Mind controlled Janice Pt 10

It was Friday morning and Janice was happy, she would soon be meeting Wayne, her lover. She had told her husband that she was having a weekend with her friend Ruth and would be home late Sunday afternoon so she had three days with Wayne and two nights. Technically though not just with Wayne he had promised to take her to a posh club for morning coffee, 5* lunch and an afternoon of fun. She did not know what the fun would be but trusted Wayne. Wayne had said some of his friends would be eating...

3 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 24

Instantly, all my skills as a winter driver were put to the test. I'm sure that most of my reactions were automatic responses to the situation unfolding in front of me. I turned the wheel one way to avoid a collision and then instantly turned it the opposite way to prevent going into a spin. Most of what I was doing was watching the scene unfold before me, as the ice underneath the vehicle was dictating most of the direction of travel. When I was a young driver, I used to put my car into...

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The Christmas DreamChapter 3 The Aftermath

Marge was crying when she woke up. With tear blurred vision she looked around the room, all was back to normal; the wall was now just a wall, there was no sign of Bill, a Yule log program was playing on the television. It had all been a dream. But, she recognized the truth the dream had contained. She began to pull herself together. Getting up she went into the bathroom and washed her face, this helped to calm her down. Returning to the sofa she sat down and began to think things over. She...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 4D

Martha Jane and my mother helped me walk into our apartment, where they settled me face up on the sofa and placed a wet rag over my face. Mom called the relative who lived closest to us in town, my Grandma Rose Ricci, to hurry over in their car and get me to nearby St. Joseph's Hospital. But Grandma Rose was too distraught to drive and she called my Aunt Frances, who in turn was so distraught she called my Aunt Josephine, who in turn was also so distraught she called her niece, my cousin...

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A Whiter Christmas Than Ever

© Copyright 2002 Preface I've always wanted to write a Christmas story, but every year I remember it much too late. It was the same this year but I decided to write it anyway. This means that there was no time to send it to the nice people who usually edit my stories before you see them. I hope that you, dear reader, will forgive the errors and typos and enjoy the story as it is. I will do my best to get the editing done before the 2003 Christmas repost. As always, comments are very...

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Island of Fantasy Redux

You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone with sexual fantasies about females could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After admiring your room, which is expansive and nothing like what you...

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Choti Behan Ki Jamkar Thukai

Mera naam arun hai mei lucknow mei rheta hu…Meri umar 24 saal h…Ab mei apko apni choti behan k baarey mei btata hu..Uska naam avantika h..Wo 19 saal ki mast hori jawan ldki h…Uska figure 32 28 32 hoga….Chuchiyan choti haii pr mast tight garam ldki hai wo…Wo gaon mei rheti h…. . Ab mei story pr ata hu…Ye kahan kareeb 8 months phle ki h…Wo hmre ghr aai hui thi chuttiyon pr…Hm log aise he hansi mazak krte rhete the…Lekin dheeray dheeray maine notice kiya ki uska bartaav meri taraf kch alag sa lg...

1 year ago
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My First EverythingChapter 29

Thursday, Denise was waiting for me right in front of the school when I first arrived. She flashed me one of her biggest smiles, acting as though she and I had never been in any arguments at all. "Larry, you didn't call me last night. I was waiting for you to call." "I didn't know you'd be at home. I thought you said you'd be out studying with a friend?" "I would have been, but my friend was busy with all his other friends. He didn't have any time to spend with me." "Are you...

2 years ago
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A Babysitter to Remember

I have remembered the summer of my fouteenth year with great fondness on two levels. First my stepsister moved in and second it was the summer I had my first experience with a real woman. The woman in questions name was Dana and she was a cheerleader at the local high school in her senior year ... I know what you're thinking, a cheerleader, fourteen years old boy YA RIGHT ... well ... It really happened! It just so happens I am what you would call "extremely" well endowed. To the...

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Fuckn My Flat 2

My hands were shaking at the anticipation, she grabbed the back of my neck and brought me in for another deep kiss, my fingers danced lightly over the mounds of her boobs grazing the hard nipples as my hand got closer to her glistening thighs. I moved my hands over her pussy lips. Wet doesn’t even get close to describing her. This girl was hot and dying for some hard cock to make her scream. Her back arched as I lightly moved her wet lips apart, her panty gusset was soaked through with it as I...

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game of thrones english version

You, Francis, you're magically joined the universe of Game of Thrones, your ultimate goal would be to understand how and why and escape from it, but you know, in the game of thrones happen ... So many beautiful things. Choose now what you subplot

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Maa Ka Boyfriend

Hello friends aj may ap logo ko mery maa ka boyfiend orr usney kasey ekdin mery maa ko choda uski kahani bataunga Jasa ki app log sbhi jantey hay ki may aur meri maa bohot free hay hum ak dusrey sey har bat share kartey hay To ek din maney maa sey pucha -maa app ki koi boyfriend nahi thi? Maa thori si chouk gai fir kha -aj achanak kue puch raha hay? -bass aissey hi batao na -nahi re -honestly,mujhey biswas nahi hota app itni beautiful ho app ki koi bf nahi thi college key zamaney mey Maa jaldi...

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Anyway, I got the house in the settlement, but it came with a mortgage and other bills that I struggled to pay each month. I got a job in a local store, but my paycheck didn’t always cover all of my normal expenses. I always seemed to be a few dollars short. When my son graduated from college, he got a good-paying job, and he occasionally helped me with my monthly bills. After about a year, or so, he got married and, thankfully, moved only a short distance away, which meant he could stop by...

2 years ago
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A World FoundChapter 14

"Gate, please ask the delivery man to pull into the garage," Dani said to the gate ground. "Acknowledged, House 1-actual. Gate out." "House 1 actual out." Dani was thankful that Mike had told the gate guard and her what the new van looked like when that very special cargo arrived. Dani then made a beeline for the garage. In the five hours that Dani had been waiting, she spent most of it setting up the two rooms in need. Three beds had been ordered, delivered and set up. Two gender...

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The Comforts of Home

I noticed my step-daughter's posture as she sat in the car next to me; her knees at an angle towards me close to the gear stick on the car though as I was in fifth not too close, yet close enough to stir those old familiar and unwanted feelings. She was dressed in her usual manner, blouse, short skirt showing her lovely legs off and despite trying to keep my eyes on the nightime road very distracting as the streetlights flashed by. Her conversation covered her days at university and how she...

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The entire week, Marissa had been leaving the house early and arriving late. Early and late enough to avoid Benji. It wasn't fear, she kept telling herself. She just didn't want to give into the temptation he represented. It was bad enough that she couldn't stop thinking of him. So, she'd been packing a tote and going to the gym, then spending the rest of the day out. She was playing it safe. Patrick had been scheduled for a week long conference. Marissa had been afraid that Benji would come to...

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Cyber Mom

Mary's heart raced as she read the subject from her "friend" Wendy, "My Daughter Sara". The 38-year-old single mom opened the e-mail and read.Mary,This is Wendy. I have to say that last night on the phone with you was so HOT! Hearing you admit that your daughter turned you on got me so excited. I decided to tell you this via e-mail rather than on the phone. Heck, I didn't think I could finish it without cumming. LOL! Get your fingers ready. Enjoy.Let me tell you about my daughter Natalie. She's...

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Materna Planet

    Materna Planet!        fm1021                        TJ Ryder    midnightx.com/          "Greetings Earthlings!" The group of mostly slight smallish submissivemales laughed appropriately at the joke from the representative from Europa.    Harold listened to the dignified woman confirming what he already knew about the facts behind the legendary space colony wherein after 6 generations men were 25% smaller than females, nursed from them their whole lives and were submissive.    "The facts...

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Fucked Sister With The Help Of My Mother Part 2

This story is the continuation for the story that I have written in the past.In the cold winter me and my mom are really hot in our bedroom.Me and my mom are nude on bed.I woke up for some water.I went to fridge for some water.I heard soft moans from my sister’s room.I went to see from the door key hole.She was fingering her pussy.I got hard on.I went to my room. There is only bed light in the room which is giving the glimpse of my mom’s naked sweaty body.My cum is all over her boobs.Her pussy...

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Tara8217s story

Disclaimer: this story is a piece of fiction. Any resemblance to any character dead or alive is accidental. It’s a copy right material. All rights reserved by the author. Do not attempt to copy the material. I am humayun, 38 and single. It was way back in 1994, when i was 24 and still a virgin. We used to live is a ground floor apartment compound along the karachi beach in pakistan. I was working for a multinational and used to live with my parents as i don’t have any siblings. Right next to...

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Be careful what you ask for

/b]Well to start with I am Tony my good friend Jim grew up together and this a story to ask him why, but also to explan why to myself. When we were teens and dating girls he always wanted me to tell him what I thought of his date, if I would do her and what I would make her do if I had a chance too. After highschool I moved away for about 4 years during this time he had been married to a sweet little redhead named Lisa she was great 23 years old body to die for and fun to be around. Me on...

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My hot teacher

I’m Brad, and I’m an twenty-three-year-old college student. I have brown hair and eyes, and I have a drop dead gorgeous English teacher. I personally think that everything you are required to learn in English class is just useless information. Although, lucky for me it was taught by Miss Good. She was twenty-eight, and looked like a supermodel. She had C-cup tits, and always gave me a hard on when I saw her. I would have thought she would have had a giant rock on her finger, but she was...

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bound and fucked1

Here’s my blog: http://singlesexysecrets.blogspot.com.au/ I was dressed for a party. I was a teenager back then. It was a Saturday night. My ordinarily light brown hair was dyed blue-black. The black hair made my green eyes shine brighter than usual. My fifteen centimeter heels made me an enormous 177cm tall. Still not as tall as my boyfriend who was more than 6’ tall. “Breathe out” he commanded. I exhaled as hard as I could, preparing for the rib-crushing torture as he strapped...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 80

Before reaching the exit of the building, Sandra could already see a few guys waiting for her outside. And she knew they were waiting for her, because one of them was the guy, who had been fondling her so much on the soccer field. The three of them started to smile the moment they saw the naked girl they had been waiting for. Their eyes went up and down Sandra's body, and all three of them thought she looked even more naked now. Well, she was also more naked, of course. When Sandra reached...

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The Rise of Commander Cassidy ENDING

Felix was focused on the computer screen that sat before him when his vibrating phone broke his concentration. Thinking that Lucy was reporting in on the rest of her assignment at the bank he merely glanced at the caller ID before the number caused him to freeze. 'Jackson?' he thought to himself, confused. ' What could he want with me?' Not wanting to missed the call he cleared his throat and answered. "Jax Man, what's going on?" "Hey Cass," Jackson replied, sounding as if he just...

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The Magic Wand

Jim was bored. He sat in the last row of the lecture hall and tried to follow the professor in the front, a task which wasn't made easier by him barely getting sleep last night, after he had been out with friends. No more Sunday evenings, he mumbled and put his head into his hands. Behind him the door to the room creaked and when he turned around, Jim saw his best friend Mike sneak into the room and onto the chair beside him. "You never guess what I got," he started to talk and Jim groaned a...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 47 summer 1781

A week later after seeing what the roaming bands of Tories had done along Stony Creek and meeting with the Reverend Mr. Craig at what was left of his mill on Flat Rock Creek, I turned back toward Richmond, disgusted with myself and with human nature. Tarleton and his men had trampled crops, burned homes and barns, dumped animal bodies into wells, left young men's rotting corpses dangling from trees and young women lying violated and distraught. James Craig seemed more angry about being...

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