- 4 years ago
- 25
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She stood before me, looking so beautiful, my heart ached. The wedding dress accented her slender frame, and her eyes sparkled with joy as she looked up at me. Smiling, I took her hand...
Years Earlier...
“Mommy? I want to go swimming. Please?”
It was the holiday weekend in July, and I was home after graduating college. With my degree fresh in the frame on the office wall, I was at work at the family business. I know, a lot of folks might think that a business that takes care of landscaping involves little more than a bunch of guys in a pickup truck towing a trailer with a few lawnmowers, a weed trimmer and a blower, but seriously, we did Landscape Design as well as the “mow, blow & go” that so many people thought of. And the majority of our clients were business and industrial complexes. We had 47 guys employed on our crews.
Me? I was in the office, since my degree was in economics and business management. Sure, I started out pulling weeds and pushing a mower, years ago, but now? Ahhhh ... A climate controlled office in the California summer heat was wonderful. I still was in shape though. Not “bodybuilder” shape, just well-toned and muscled for my 5’11” frame. I have the standard dark brown/almost black hair cut short. Never did like facial hair, so clean shaven and brown eyes that seem to work okay without help from glasses.
Oh, who am I? My name is Anton D’Acosta. Sure, that name makes me sound like some “goombah extra” from The Sopranos, but hey, it is what it is. At 23, I was single, had a great job and was enjoying life. I was also at my older sister Regina’s house for the holiday BBQ with her friends. My brother in law, Micah, was manning the grill and trying not to get splashed.
The plea to go swimming came from a small child who was looking forlorn as she saw everyone else having fun.
“Lizzie,” the woman who was a friend of Regina’s, and the childs mother, “I didn’t bring your bathing suit. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but maybe next time, okay?”
I looked over at Micah. “Hey, maybe there is an old suit from one of the kids?” Micah and Regina were several years older than me, and had already started installing the “next generation” of family members into the brood. Respective grandparents were delighted with the chance to spoil the little ones. Micah shrugged and said that if there was anything, it was in the spare bedroom. I asked the childs mother what size suit she wore, and went searching. SUCCESS! I called Lizzie and told her to get changed in the bathroom. I would change in one of the other rooms to help play Lifeguard.
Now, allow me a moment to describe Lizzie. She was slender, with long blonde hair that had shimmering highlights of red and auburn mixed in. Crooked teeth that made her smile all the cuter, and green eyes that blinked behind horn-rimmed glasses. She was maybe 48 inches tall, at most. She came out wearing the bathing suit, and one of the other kids let out a howl.
“She looks like a carrot!”
Yes, it was a 1-piece suit that was bright orange. I had heard the statement as I came outside and caught the child as she tried to run back in. “Hey, where are you going? I want to go swim and need a partner!”
Lizzie looked up at me and blinked back tears. “I don’t want to swim now. I look stupid!”
“No you don’t,” I smiled. Because if you look stupid, so do I!” I dropped my robe so she could see me in MY bright orange swim trunks. “Come on, let’s go!” She took my hand as I lead her to the small shed on the other side of the yard. “Now something I want to know, have you ever been in a pool like this before?” She shook her head ‘no’. “Well, okay. Relax. I was a Lifeguard at college, so I think I can take care of you. But first, we need to go over some rules. Okay?” Lizzie nodded. “Rule number one is; NEVER go near a pool alone. ALWAYS have an adult nearby. Got that?” Lizzie nodded and grinned. “Now, how about we see if we can find you some things to help you swim.
Quickly, I had a life vest and some inflatable arm cuffs on her. “This will help you stay afloat in the water, in case you get tired.”
“What is rule number two?”
“Always swill with a buddy. Today you are stuck with me.” I lifted her up and walked slowly down the steps into the cool water. After a few minutes, she was relaxed enough for me to release her. Soon, she was paddling about and smiling. “So, I am going to guess that ‘Lizzie’ is short for ‘Elizabeth’, right?” She nodded. “Well, I think ‘Elizabeth’ is too beautiful a name to be made short.”
“Mommy and daddy call me that because I’m still small.”
“Well now,” I paused. We were in the 3’ section, so no worries about being too deep. “How about I call you ‘Elizabeta’? That is ‘Elizabeth’ but ‘small Elizabeth’. Is that okay?”
A flurry of giggles was my answer. Taking my hand, Elizabeta asked me to take her around the pool. We stayed clear of most of the horseplay, not wanting her to get frightened.
Okay, I am a goofball. I admit it. So as we enjoyed the water, I started singing...
“I’d like to be, under the sea, in an octopus’ garden, in the shade...”
Elizabeta laughed and asked what song that was. I told her it was by a band called “The Beatles”. “Cool! Sing the rest!”
“We would be so happy, you and me! No one there to tell us what to do! I’d like to be, under the sea, in an octopus’ garden, with you.”
About an hour later, it was time for us to get out so we could eat and relax. I guess I made a friend that day, because the child never left my side. Eventually, as the sun went down and the adults were still talking, a tiny blonde waif fell asleep on my lap. When it was time for the party to end, I found myself carrying Elizabeta to her mothers car and slipping her into the booster seat.
“Thank you, Anton,” she sighed. “I had fun today.”
“So did I, sweetheart. You have your mom bring you over again and we will swim some more.” I gave her a final hug and stood up to see her mother smiling at me.
Elizabeta’s mother was maybe 28 or 29, I was guessing. I also had been informed that she was separated from her husband. Didn’t know the details, didn’t want to know the details. Her name was Rachael and looked like an older version of her daughter. She made a few vague comments that I later realized that she was saying that I was welcome to come over and visit with BOTH of them, should I want to. Swim with Elizabeta and as for Rachael? Things of a more “adult oriented” nature.
Micah made sure to tease me over coffee the following morning. “You know, you looked like you were having fun with Lizzie yesterday! Her mom seemed to be interested in how well you two got along.” I growled a little as he continued. “She’s cute. Both of them. Hey, you could do worse. Instant family!” He slapped the table. “And she is already potty trained!” I wasn’t sure why everyone I knew was always so fixated on me finding someone to settle down with and start a family. Must be “an Italian thing” I guess?
“D’Acosta Landscape Services, this is Anton. How can I help you?”
“Hi Anton!” Regina’s joyous voice answered my inquiry. “Rachael called me and it seems you have made QUITE the impression on Lizzie.” I chuckled to myself. “And she wants to know if they can come over again so you can continue working with Lizzie on teaching her how to swim. What you got planned for later today?”
I told her that my schedule was wide open. Had not planned on anything except calling mom (yes, call me a ‘Loser’, I still lived at home) to see if she wanted me to get anything on the way home after work at the store. Regina told me that she would call mom and let her know not to make me dinner. All I could do was hope that Regina and Rachael hadn’t started “making plans” for me, without my consent.
An excited 6 year old child greeted me when I got to my sisters house. “Anton! COME ON! I want to go swimming and I had to wait FOREVER for you to get here!” (I guess at her age, two hours IS “forever”?) I laughed and told Elizabeta to relax and let me get changed, since I didn’t want to go swimming in my work clothes.
Soon, we were in the water and I was teaching her basic kicks, how to float and how to use her arms properly when swimming. Without the other kids in the pool, she was more relaxed and caught on quickly. Regina and Rachael watched us with smiles of obvious conspiracy. In my heart, I knew they were making “plans”. Rachael went into a small panic when she suddenly realized that she couldn’t see her daughter in the water. Rushing towards the edge of the pool, she was about to start screaming when suddenly, Elizabeta popped up from under the water.
“Mommy! Look! I can hold my breath and swim UNDER the water!” (I had decided that since there was nobody else in the pool with us, to forego the life vest and arm cuffs. I was right there in case she needed assistance.) Elizabeta ducked under the water and pushed off the side and glided out several feet back towards where I was standing. She surfaced into my waiting arms and I hugged her, telling her that she was doing great. (I also reminded her that even if she was getting better at swimming, to never go in a pool alone without an adult.) The adults on dry land clapped and cheered.
After dinner, I once again carried the child to the car. Elizabeta was wiped out from all the activity and hugged me tight around my neck. “Anton, you’re the best!” and she surprised me with a kiss on my cheek. “Ewww... ! Scratchy!” Rachael laughed and thanked me for taking the time to teach her child how to swim. “She needs something fun to do, it’s summer and she is home from school and doesn’t see her father except on Sunday and maybe for a few hours in the evening during the week.” I nodded at this, wondering if Rachael was hinting that I would make a good replacement.
“Okay little brother, spill the beans,” my sister stated as we sat on the deck enjoying the evening. Micah was checking the pH of the water and adding chemicals through the pool pump system. “You seem rather taken with Lizzie.”
“Lay off ‘Gina, she is a sweet kid and I’m having fun teaching her.” I took a long pull on my MGD. “I figure that if she learns the proper way to respect water and how to handle herself in it, she won’t be a story that we see a few times each summer on the evening news.” Each year, the tragedy of children drowning in pools was a sad reminder to keep an eye on them around water. “And before you start making wedding plans for me and her mom, let me remind you that Rachael is still married and I am not looking to settle down right now.”
“I sometimes wonder,” my sister smirked, “why you don’t always seem to have a girlfriend or two. Vinnie (our older brother, Vincent) always seems to have a few at his beck and call.”
“Unlike the family horn-dog, I am taking my time. You remember when I did that play in high school? ‘Guys & Dolls’? What was that song they sang?” I took a deep breath and channeled my inner ‘Skye Masterson’: “I’ll know, when my love comes along...”
“Crap, there he goes with the hopeless romantic shit,” I heard Micah say.
“Happy Birthday, Dear Elizabeth! Happy Birthday, To You... !!!” With a deep breath, Elizabeta paused a moment, then blew out the candles on her cake as we all clapped.
The last four years had been busy. Since my first meeting her, she had grown a little and was blossoming. She also had taken a BIG interest in swimming, and was on one of the community swim teams. There was a City League that in the summer, encouraged the kids to do something besides stay at home and play video games. Sure, there was other sports options, like soccer or baseball, but some kids loved the water. Naturally, D’Acosta Landscape Services was a Team Sponsor for whatever team Elizabeta was on. We paid for all the kids on the team to have the same bright orange swimsuits and each child had a bright orange baseball cap with their team name embroidered on it. My company usually had advertising in the program handouts at each event.
While she was never good at diving, Elizabeta was exceptional at the 100 meter races, no matter what stroke was required. And in a relay? The child could slice through water like a torpedo. After many hours of our working together, her ‘crawl stroke’ gave her that extra edge in order to hit the finish line or transfer point at the end of the pool often a full body length ahead of her closest competitor. In fact, she spent so much time in the water during the summer, her blonde hair had tints of green due to the chlorine. She groaned that she had to use so much conditioner when she showered, so her hair didn’t get brittle and fall apart. However, the idea of cutting it never entered her mind. In the water, it was always in a tight pony tail or braid.
I was twenty seven at this point, still single and still enjoying it. Sure, I had dated, and even had one or two semi-serious relationships, but no “sparkle” with that special someone. I figured that either I would eventually meet her, or I would just be a confirmed bachelor. My siblings were both married (yes, even Vincent) and between the two of them, I had two nieces and nephews respectively. At least now I was living in my own apartment.
“Anton!” Elizabeta giggled as she cut her cake. “How big a slice of cake do you want? Do you want ice cream with it, or not?”
Rachael looked over at me and grinned. She had fully divorced her husband and was now in a serious relationship with another fellow. I liked him, but for the fact that he never seemed to take much interest in Elizabeta. “I swear that child loves you more than her father, the way she is always concerned about you.” I just shrugged my shoulders.
The birthday party was at a bowling alley that had private party rooms set up. He kids got pizza, cake and ice cream, soda, and three hours of unlimited play on two of the lanes. Since I was never that good at bowling, I just clowned a bit and rolled the ball, hoping it stayed out of the gutters. Elizabeta stood and lined herself up. I called out to her.
“Hey! If you knock them all down between your two throws, I will see about you getting your birthday wish, providing it isn’t a pony!” I knew that she had been a big fan of some new line of dolls that were out, making a big dent in the competition against Barbie dolls, and figured that she would want several. (The fact that I had worked with her mom for getting sizes for clothes that she wanted was what she had unwrapped earlier, with squeals of glee.) Looking over at me, Elizabeta stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes. The look was adorable. Stepping forward, she released the ball...
And rolled a strike.
“Oh boy, you’re in for it now! A parent laughed. Rachael nodded. I figured this was going to cost me several bucks, but so what?
Elizabeta skipped back to me and hopped into my lap. “Did you really mean it?” she asked. “I can have what I wished for?”
“Short of a pony,” I answered. You guys live in an apartment that says ‘no pets’ and it would be hard to hide it.”
Throwing her arms around my neck, she kissed my cheek. “Goodie! I want us to go on a date!”
I did my best to keep my eyes from popping out of my head as I looked over in a slight panic at Rachael. Damnit, the woman was holding her stomach and laughing at me!
“You did promise!” she gasped. “And I do trust you, Anton. I know you would NEVER take her up to ‘Lovers Lane’ and press your advantage with her!”
The other adults were all snickering at my situation. It got worse when Elizabeta asked; “Mommy? What do you mean, ‘press your advantage’?” Howls of mirth answered her.
I stood at the door of the apartment in a suit. I figured that if we were going on a ‘date’, I might as well do it right. In my hands was a box from a florist with a wrist corsage. Earlier, I had been informed that she would be wearing a mint green dress that matched her eyes somewhat. As a result, I asked the florist to have the carnations in the corsage tinted a slight green as well. I knocked, waited, and the door opened.
Rachael and Regina stood there laughing as I blinked from the sudden light. “Sorry Anton,” my sister giggled. “We wanted to get that first picture as a candid shot.”
I just nodded and asked if my date was ready.
“Are you SERIOUS?” came the answer. “Even at her age, she knows that you ALWAYS make the guy wait a few minutes.” (I guess they learn early?) “Actually,” Rachael stated in a low voice, “Lizzie has been ready and waiting for you for about half an hour. She is so excited and nervous at the same time. Please make sure you tell her how pretty she looks, okay?”
I’m not a total idiot, and I nodded. I figured that she could have rolled in the mud and I would still tell Elizabeta that she was beautiful. I heard a door open.
And my jaw dropped.
Standing at the end of the hallway, looking shyly in my direction, stood my ‘date’ for the night.
Yes, the dress was green. A sundress that had straps at the shoulders and a ruffle of lace at the bottom. The hem was just at the knee. Black sandals were a cute touch and there was a hint of makeup on her innocent face. And her hair? It seems that her mother had taken her to a salon earlier for a styling. Soft curls framed her face, cascaded over her shoulders and down the back. In a few years, hearts would be broken, left and right, as she made her way through the halls of her school.
“Say something!” my sister whispered.
Holding out my hand, I smiled. “Elizabeth, you look magnificent!”
Giggling, she came to me. “You always call me ‘Elizabeta’.”
“Well, ‘Elizabeta’ is the name for a little girl. Tonight, I am honored to be at the side of a young lady.” I got down on one knee and held both her hands in mine. “An exceptionally beautiful young lady!” Reaching over to the table, I grabbed the box from the florist. “And a beautiful lady needs flowers!”
As I slipped the elastic band of the wrist corsage onto her hand, Elizabeth blushed and seemed to get a little flustered. Suddenly, she reached forward to give me a hug. “Thank you, Anton!”
I stood next to her for a few pictures, and managed not to look too awkward. My suit was a dark charcoal and went well with the dress, from what we were told. Taking Elizabeth’s hand, I stated; “I made our dinner reservation for 5:00. That will give us plenty of time to eat before we continue with the rest of the evening.” Elizabeth wanted to know what I had planned for her, but I just winked.
I had decided that if this was going to be a “date”, well, it was going to be a REAL date. Dinner was not going to be at some fast food place or where there was some sort of cartoon character as a mascot. We ended up going to a quiet Thai place. I had called ahead to order the food, stating that the person with me was young and didn’t have much experience with food that was overly spiced or hot. They promised a dinner that was “flavorful” but wouldn’t burn our tongues. (To keep them from questioning things, I had said that it was a birthday dinner for my niece. Please, no “fuss” or singing of “Happy Birthday.)
Elizabeth had a pineapple & chicken stir-fry, while I enjoyed a pork and veggie curry dish. Several glasses of iced tea washed the meal down. Elizabeth told me that she had never had food so delicious or unusual before. I guess her diet was too “Americanized?” The hostess beamed when she heard her. We decided to hold off on any desert.
After paying the check, I took her hand and led her to my car. I made sure to open her door and confirm that she was buckled in. The car wasn’t anything special. A 2001 Hyundai. It got me from “point A to point B” with a minimal of fuss. It also was so “non-descript” that if I wasn’t careful, I could lose sight of it in a parking lot, since it tended to blend in with all the countless other “silver-gray plastic jelly beans”. But, it also seldom caught the interest of any Highway Patrol folks as I zipped along the interstate.
“Now where are we going?” Elizabeth asked. My answer? “Dancing!”
Our city zoo had a special program called “Boogie with the Animals”. Once a month, the zoo stayed open late and with the purchase of a special ticket, you could stay and dance to live music. It was a way to raise extra funds for the animals and their care. No, we didn’t actually dance WITH the animals, and with the exception of a few birds in the trees, none of them were around us. The band being featured this evening played a mix of “beach” style and “big band” music. Lots of horns and happy up-tempo music. As the music started, I led Elizabeth out into the open grassy area where people were gathered. I took her hand in mine, and proceeded to show her some basic steps.
The kid was a natural. She quickly caught on, and with the delight of youth, was soon moving to the music and having a blast. After a few songs, the MC said that they were going to mix it up and play something else. Horns blasted and I recognized that great piece “Conga” from Miami Sound Machine. To my delight, Elizabeth did a great version of a merengue shaking and wriggling in front of me. The song ended and we laughed. I figured it was time for drinks to cool down.
“Where did you learn to dance so well?” I asked as we sipped our cokes.
“My friend Ticoara,” she answered. I knew Ticoara from the swim team. A lanky girl who was half Mexican and half African American and ALL barracuda in the water. She held several records for the Swim League. “Sometimes we all go to her place after school or practice and we hang out. They got a whole bunch of CD’s and we listen to them.”
I nodded and made sure that we were well rested for the next, and final, set. It was one that if you slipped the band a few bucks, they would play a request. It had cost me a $50 bill, but what the hell?
“This is a special song for a special young lady,” the band leader announced as the muted horns started softly playing. “We hope you’re having a wonderful evening, Elizabeth!”
She gasped as I held her just a little closer and we started swaying to the Frank Sinatra classic...
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ENTRY 3: FOR THE WEEK OF 18 JANUARY Hi guys! Sorry I’m late on the draw with this entry for last week. There’s a ton going on, lots of exciting stuff. As always, allow me to remind you to keep sending in comments. I’ve got a bit of a frowny-face going on for last week’s entry, because I got many fewer comments and many fewer ratings than on the first entry. Please, please, please, please leave a rating, even if you hate everything below, and please consider leaving a comment as well, even if...
http://xhamster.com/videos/bitch-displays-her-ass-at-the-car-wash-upskirt-4375550 http://xhamster.com/videos/bending-exposed-ass-upskirt-1764652#mlrelated http://xhamster.com/videos/car-wash-upskirt-3090808 http://xhamster.com/videos/car-wash-upskirt-3090808#mlrelated http://xhamster.com/videos/bitch-displays-her-ass-at-the-car-wash-4798922 Very good these videos, very thanks for who have loaded them, also at me is happened a very good view like in these videos, in the car, with my nice sister,...
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Well here I am again, at the club waiting for the show to start. You can feel the anticipation from everyone as they get ready for what he hoped would be another great show. I made sure to look around and take note of any girl that happen to look my way. There were some damn sexy women here. It also a huge turnout, there had to be about 50 people here. Since they made place big enough to accommodate 4x that amount there is always plenty of room. Tonight’s show was a 20yo very beautiful,...
The shopping trip was totally unexpected, at least what happened while we were shopping was. To read all about the shopping trip, please read "How my BFF became a FWB".We were so ecstatically and erotically high, and the drinks earlier during dinner didn't help. We knew we were in no condition to drive, so we decided to call a cab. As we waited outside the mall for the taxi, I couldn't keep my hands to myself. I kept stealing kisses from Linda and subtle, sexy touches and gropes that made the...
Previously in Chapter Three: I glance at Curtis’s and my reflection in the mirror. His large, muscular black frame seemed to dwarf me, standing behind me. I was still pinned in ‘breeding position’ on my little step stool. I remained coupled with the large man inside of me. I was forced to remain bent over, balancing myself with my one free arm against the sink counter, essentially restrained from any movement. I looked over my shoulder at my husband, Jim to gauge his reaction. Curtis and I...
Rachel sat sobbing on her front stoop. She couldn’t believe that her boyfriend had broken up with her. It was him that wanted to try new things. It was not her idea. What was she supposed to do?Rachel thought about her life and what led up to this point. She thought about when she was sixteen years old and going on her first real date. She thought about when she was eighteen years old and having sex for the first time. She thought about the boys and the things they wanted to do with her. She...
LesbianI park my car at the same parking lot as usual. I grab my purse and I get out. The evening is nice and warm. I take a quick look at my watch. I've still got a lot of time, so I can enjoy my slow walk towards The Club. It takes me about ten minutes to reach my destination. I take a look at the building, and I smile. It's big and elegant, but quite ordinary at the same time. Anonymous. Discreet. That's what we like. I take a look around. The street looks empty. Not a surprise. It's a peaceful...
MasturbationThis happened while i was in college in 1984.My original laundry man had to go to his village and so his daughter in law was attending to our laundy needs till he returned. She was a bomb and i masterbated fantasising about her daily and never lost a chaance attract her attention.At home i used to be bare bodied only in shorts to get her attention. We exchanged looks for a week or more and developed a lust for each other. The first encounter took place within a few days. She has come to my...
(With apologies to anyone who has been waiting over 2 years for this story to continue!) I stirred slowly, not knowing whether Miss Allie was nearby or just talking through my earphones. I was still stuck, handcuffed to the bed with a double-ended dildo in my mouth and blackened eye goggles. But I knew she was there when I felt her straddle me. Then she fiddled with the dildo in my mouth and there was my customary drink of her strong overnight urine trickling thru it and down my...
Shana woke up tingling, as if her body had awakened moments ahead of her mind. She floated straight out of dreams into a half delirious sense of desire filtering into her pulse through the surface of her skin. She stretched, feeling the rub of the sheets against her body. She could have sworn she felt every cell. Body heated cotton on her skin let her feel the shape of her own body like something she'd always felt but never seen. Her skin was a beautiful place for her to spirit to live...
“Dad, how did you manage to get Mom to be your girlfriend?” “I’m not sure I understand what you are asking, Son. We just met and fell in love and soon after that we married.” “How did you make Mom fall in love with you? How did you keep her from putting you in the ‘friend only’ category?” “Well first of all, Son; you don’t MAKE anyone fall in love with you. Love is something that happens between a man and woman when they find they are compatible. They are generally attracted by chemistry...
"I need a drink first," said Deborah rootling in the fridge. "You too?" "Yes, please." Deborah poured two glasses of orange juice and sat down at the kitchen table. "We're going to have a very simple wedding: registry office, lunch here for the family followed by a blessing in the village church. No reception as such but we're going to have a lunchtime barbecue for friends and locals here the Wednesday before." "When is the wedding though?" asked Sharon. "I haven't seen you...
An Ame (pronounced 'Amy', short for Amelia) one-shot My new husband and father-in-law are waiting downstairs for me to change clothes. Shortly, my new husband and I will head out on a weeklong honeymoon to begin our lives together. My new husband. I never thought I would say those words. My new husband. Part of me feels like a sell-out; as if I've given up on a fundamental battle of my individual rights and freedoms. The larger part of me keeps saying it - My New Husband. How did I find...
If you have been reading my stories, you know that I only tell 100% true stories. If you want a fantasy go read a book. Here goes my story.....When I was a freshman in high school I went to prom with this senior. She went with a group of 12 girls and I was the only guy in the limo. I met one of her friends who went with us and the first thing i noticed was her tits. They were somewhere in the DDD range.She had on a dress that barely covered them but showed nothing but cleavage. She was kind of...
Vows Marilee turned eighteen! And Graydon turned nineteen. On paper, both were landowners worth millions. Purdy had passed on. Abner had arranged for Purdy to live in a small home on the Columbia River on the edge of the Colville Reservation where he spent his last days visiting the tribal elders and reconnecting with his lost heritage. Abner checked in on him every week, sometimes spending an entire day in the old man’s company, finally taking the time to hear Purdy’s stories of times...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. It was one of those funny mornings, when it was still winter, but the sun streamed in through the window and the birds sang as if they were heralding Spring. Dawn sang to herself as she pottered around the kitchen, dressed in nothing but a polka dot apron and some shiny red heels. ‘I’m too sexy for my apron, too sexy for my apron, and I’m making pancakes…’ She sang softly, gathering ingredients,...
Chapter 6.Gabika’s secrets revealed.[/b]There is no doubt - Gabika is different. But what made her so different?[/b]We went to bathe in the river Tizsa in a village called V***********. Funny how difficult to pronounce foreign names are ever so long. Anyhow, it seems that this is a major attraction in the area, I wonder why. We bathed in the river and in some health spa, and sang on the banks of the river dressed in bathing suits and towels...
I was visiting my lover Virginia (Ginny) Elsworthy's uni office when her boss Beth Taylor came into the office. It was strange meeting her for the first time in my normal guise - previously I'd met her, dated her and fucked her in my 25 year old black stud guise. "Oh hello ... and who is this handsome young man Virginia?" Beth asked. "This is one of my former French language students from my previous school" Ginny explained. "Oh..." Beth exclaimed and continued asking "Is he any...
He was slapping the living sh!t out of me, each strike makingme dizzier and more unsteady on my feet. My ears were ringingand I could feel the heat of my own blushing, the short blue cheerleader skirt he made me wear pulled up all the way past my belly,my ass and tiny erect, twitching penis betraying my orgasms tothe whole world. My white tank tee roughly cut off so high ithad barely covered my tits, now also pulled all the way up.I was naked in the street, my clothing so skimpy it...
Reddit VerticalGifs, aka r/VerticalGifs! How fucking annoying is it to watch a sexy GIF on your phone, only to be unable to get it in the right position? You know the struggle I’m damn well talking about. The GIF doesn’t look proper when it’s vertical, but when you turn it horizontally, it looks just as bad! Moreover, stroking your cock to sexy GIFs when the phone is horizontal is one of the most uncomfortable fap sessions you will ever have. Ever got a cramp while you’re about to blow your...
Reddit NSFW ListWarning: Contains adult material. Not to be read or downloaded by persons considered underage in the jurisdiction in which they live. May be posted to any appropriate newsgroup; may be archived on any not-for-pay Web site. The Girl Inside by Princess Pervette Part 1 "So, why do you want to submit to me?" This was it. I had met her on a femdom newsgroup. I was looking for just that--a woman to submit to. Not to beat me, but to dominate me, to control my life. It was a...
I had almost forgotten her, when a few weeks later, she called me on my cell, wanting a ride from Weatherford to Mineral Wells. I had just left Fort Worth and was about 15 miles from the Iron Skillet where she was most likely plying her trade. It was a much better day, than when we first met. The temperature was now in the eighties and it was dry. She was standing outside of the restaurant in a sleeveless blouse and a pair of wranglers when I drove up. She eagerly hopped in, slipped over next...
Continuation of my story….. Michelle and I returned to our own bed after fucking her mother. We climbed back naked into our own bed, where we laid together, cuddling close our hands exploring each others bodies. Michelle kissed me on the lips, slowly sliding her tongue into my mouth. Taste that, thats my mother on my tongue Michelle whispered in my ear Do you like it Yes I replied She tastes as good on your tongue as she did when I tasted her, did you like eating her pussy Yes i loved it,...
We moved to other locations that had us closer to each other and that provided better cover from stray bullets. While they had numbers, we knew the ground and had prepared our defenses. Their big SUV was stopped at the gate and it would be difficult to push it out of the way. They tried to start it but the starter motor just whirred without cranking it. I shot into the windshield seriously wounding or killing the man trying to start the engine. They wasted a lot of ammo on the snow and the...
“Boring?” Carson chortled to himself, scattering empty beer cans as he hauled on the pulley’s chain link. The suspension of the militarised Ford F-150 groaned as it was relieved of its heavy burden. “I’ll show her boring.” The ‘her’ in question was Karen Foley, fifty-something kilograms of unadulterated sex – the kind of woman who could reach into a man’s underpants with the suggestive flick of an eyebrow or gouge-out his brain by leaning forwards in a too-short skirt, or a low-cut top. What...
AnalI'd had a couple quickies throughout the day. In fact, I'd had six, so only Ivan and the Twins were left. I figured I might as well do a clean sweep. I found Johan first - but since I wanted a straight fuck, I didn't care which one it was. Thanks to the earrings, I could tell them apart when they weren't together. He was showing one of the guests to the East wing rooms - the wedding guests could crash anywhere they wanted on that side of the house. Since we were over there anyway, I...
As they entered bedroom Lisa ordered the collared teacher to kneel in the center of the room. Lisa proceeded one drawer at a time to go through all the drawers in the room. Some of the drawers contained clothes of her husband's which Lisa paid very little attention to. In the first of Mrs. C.'s drawers were panties and bras. All of these were dumped on the bed and after going though them Lisa threw all of them on the floor. "These all go Mrs. C." Mary was very embarrassed to be kneeling...
I am Kevin at 5'4 with black medium size hair and dark brown eyes which gives the feeling up limitless when people stare at me. My plans involved partying, sex and drinking. Unfortunately my dad had to drop a bomb shell that he was traveling to DC for some important matters and that I was going to be staying at a caretaker house. Pretty much at this point I was pissed and left the house for several hours doing shit. I got home at around 10:45pm before curfew to see my dad cab and my...
I had been asleep for about four hours when my phone buzzed. Very few people had my number, and most of those that did were within arm’s reach, sharing our bed. I considered ignoring it, but it buzzed again; somehow, I heard the reality that it wasn’t going to stop buzzing until I answered it. It wasn’t a new psychic superpower. It was just healthy pessimism. I couldn’t reach it over Jules and Amanda, who were between me and the side table where it was sitting on the charge pad. My TK took...
Captains Log, Fleet Captain Charles Anthony Tucker III, November 3rd, 2156 The complete overhaul of Jupiter station has been finished. By incorporating Tellarite metallurgic technology, an evolution design of the non-organic matter re-sequencer, developed during our rebuild of space station Salem One, and Vulcan welding techniques, we are looking at the most sophisticated shipyard in all of the Coalition. The Andorians and Tellarites are chomping at the bit to inspect our handiwork in a bid...
Debbie Warren sat quietly in her large easy chair when she was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. She quickly bent back the corner of the page, closed the book, and crossed the room to the desk where the phone was located. "Hello, this is Debbie, how may I help you?" A soothing feminine voice on the other end of the line replied smoothly, "Miss Warren, my name is Miranda Gaines, I work for a company that specializes in doing survey work for large companies all around the world." "I was...
moaned from agony. My head was bouncing and the room was slightly spinning before my eyes. What a night... Right there I bowed that I would never again drink so much. There was a neighborhood party and basically everyone living on this block was there. There were even a couple of invitees. The party was outside and inside the building. It had lasted till god knows how late, or rather early in the morning. Alcohol was flowing generously and there was plenty to eat as well, anything from potato...
If you can't give your whore girlfriend the satisfaction she deserves because you have a tiny cock, chances are she will try to find it elsewhere. There are a few reasons your girl would bring a handsome stranger home to ride and arch for them in front of you. Either you moron fucking cheated on her with your busty neighbour, who she is always jealous about, or you are a sissy partner, and you never make her tremble to your perversions, and she wants you to at least learn something new and pick...
Premium Cuckold Porn SitesFor anyone who read our previous true stories, you'll be fully aware of Mrs. O's love of flashing. Her latest show came during a drive to the coast.It was a hot day and we were both at home off work when she suggested driving to the coast for the day. We got our stuff together and set off with me driving. Mrs O was wearing a white vest top and shortish red cotton skirt. As she settled into the seat beside me i couldn't help noticing how much of her legs were on show, the skirt barely covering...
John and Sarah were an average mid thirties couple from Essex. Having been married now for some 9 years they had found their love life tapering off. To rekindle their flame of passion they had been spicing up their lovemaking with role play for some six months now but even that was beginning to fail them. John, Six foot tall medium set clean shaven guy, was more than adequately equipped or so he thought, for being his wife's first and only lover he was sure she was happy with his five inches....
It was Saturday night when holly the girl off the bus came round, i was suspicious when i answered the door, she was wearing only a long coat, she then took the coat off and i was greeted with a shaven heaven, the only word to describe the feeling i had was "I'm fucking you tonight" them words fell from my lips and with that, i picked her up and carried her up the stairs, laid her down, and licked her shaven pussy, she was screaming and moaning, after 5 minutes of going down on her, she...
Maybe I shouldn't have worn the mini tee with the shorts, but it was hot outside and Tony wanted his car washed. So why now give him a show. I didn't realize how wet it could get washing a car. I was horny, young and carefree. I thought I looked good, I had 42DD and huge butt to accompany them. I wasn't exactly skinny, but I wasn't fat. Tony was sexy and a med student with hobby in music. Yo baby! Tony called out to me and I turned and smiled. Trying out for a wet t-shirt concert he asked, I...
Erotic FictionHi readers this is Rahul from Delhi 25 of age. This is my real story of sex with my neighbor bhabhi who was newly married this incident happen about six months ago when I indulged in sex with her first time. Let me introduce her she is 27 years of age very sexy and her figure is 30-28-32. she is very good looking everyone who see first time feel dirty about her. Her name is Priya and her husband name is Raj. I and Raj are good friend I use to go his home and very much closer to his family after...
Cheating Wifes“See, isn’t this fun?” asked Clara with an armful of clothes and a smile on her face.I laughed and showed her the single shirt I had found ”you’re k**ding me right? This is all I’ve found in twenty minutes, I don’t think I’m as good as you at this whole shopping thing.””You’re such a guy!” laughed Clara brushing her hair back over her ear, “It’s a good thing you bumped into me here, you need expert advice.” Clara scanned the giant clothing shop were we had recognised each other through the...
Chapter 27 The following day was uneventful except Brenda felt guilty when Mario arrived. Brenda was having a hard time looking him in the eye. She would have to make up for what she had done to him. Friday came and Tiffany returned to the office. "Hey Tiff, it's good to see you back," Brenda said. "It's nice to be back, is Melissa in yet?" "No, she must have seen her boyfriend last night. She's always late when she does." "Have you found out anything else about the...
In the Colonel's bedroom Jane asked, "What do you want me to do?" "Take off your dress," said the Colonel, "and lie on the bed in an artistic fashion while I get out of this uncomfortable uniform." As Jane complied she felt herself moistening in anticipation. In a detached way she thought, 'It is deliciously naughty to be forced to be unfaithful to Henry. I wonder whether a different man will feel different inside me? Will I be able to feel how much bigger his prick is when it is in...