Elizabeth free porn video

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She stood before me, looking so beautiful, my heart ached. The wedding dress accented her slender frame, and her eyes sparkled with joy as she looked up at me. Smiling, I took her hand...

Years Earlier...

“Mommy? I want to go swimming. Please?”

It was the holiday weekend in July, and I was home after graduating college. With my degree fresh in the frame on the office wall, I was at work at the family business. I know, a lot of folks might think that a business that takes care of landscaping involves little more than a bunch of guys in a pickup truck towing a trailer with a few lawnmowers, a weed trimmer and a blower, but seriously, we did Landscape Design as well as the “mow, blow & go” that so many people thought of. And the majority of our clients were business and industrial complexes. We had 47 guys employed on our crews.

Me? I was in the office, since my degree was in economics and business management. Sure, I started out pulling weeds and pushing a mower, years ago, but now? Ahhhh ... A climate controlled office in the California summer heat was wonderful. I still was in shape though. Not “bodybuilder” shape, just well-toned and muscled for my 5’11” frame. I have the standard dark brown/almost black hair cut short. Never did like facial hair, so clean shaven and brown eyes that seem to work okay without help from glasses.

Oh, who am I? My name is Anton D’Acosta. Sure, that name makes me sound like some “goombah extra” from The Sopranos, but hey, it is what it is. At 23, I was single, had a great job and was enjoying life. I was also at my older sister Regina’s house for the holiday BBQ with her friends. My brother in law, Micah, was manning the grill and trying not to get splashed.

The plea to go swimming came from a small child who was looking forlorn as she saw everyone else having fun.

“Lizzie,” the woman who was a friend of Regina’s, and the childs mother, “I didn’t bring your bathing suit. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but maybe next time, okay?”

I looked over at Micah. “Hey, maybe there is an old suit from one of the kids?” Micah and Regina were several years older than me, and had already started installing the “next generation” of family members into the brood. Respective grandparents were delighted with the chance to spoil the little ones. Micah shrugged and said that if there was anything, it was in the spare bedroom. I asked the childs mother what size suit she wore, and went searching. SUCCESS! I called Lizzie and told her to get changed in the bathroom. I would change in one of the other rooms to help play Lifeguard.

Now, allow me a moment to describe Lizzie. She was slender, with long blonde hair that had shimmering highlights of red and auburn mixed in. Crooked teeth that made her smile all the cuter, and green eyes that blinked behind horn-rimmed glasses. She was maybe 48 inches tall, at most. She came out wearing the bathing suit, and one of the other kids let out a howl.

“She looks like a carrot!”

Yes, it was a 1-piece suit that was bright orange. I had heard the statement as I came outside and caught the child as she tried to run back in. “Hey, where are you going? I want to go swim and need a partner!”

Lizzie looked up at me and blinked back tears. “I don’t want to swim now. I look stupid!”

“No you don’t,” I smiled. Because if you look stupid, so do I!” I dropped my robe so she could see me in MY bright orange swim trunks. “Come on, let’s go!” She took my hand as I lead her to the small shed on the other side of the yard. “Now something I want to know, have you ever been in a pool like this before?” She shook her head ‘no’. “Well, okay. Relax. I was a Lifeguard at college, so I think I can take care of you. But first, we need to go over some rules. Okay?” Lizzie nodded. “Rule number one is; NEVER go near a pool alone. ALWAYS have an adult nearby. Got that?” Lizzie nodded and grinned. “Now, how about we see if we can find you some things to help you swim.

Quickly, I had a life vest and some inflatable arm cuffs on her. “This will help you stay afloat in the water, in case you get tired.”

“What is rule number two?”

“Always swill with a buddy. Today you are stuck with me.” I lifted her up and walked slowly down the steps into the cool water. After a few minutes, she was relaxed enough for me to release her. Soon, she was paddling about and smiling. “So, I am going to guess that ‘Lizzie’ is short for ‘Elizabeth’, right?” She nodded. “Well, I think ‘Elizabeth’ is too beautiful a name to be made short.”

“Mommy and daddy call me that because I’m still small.”

“Well now,” I paused. We were in the 3’ section, so no worries about being too deep. “How about I call you ‘Elizabeta’? That is ‘Elizabeth’ but ‘small Elizabeth’. Is that okay?”

A flurry of giggles was my answer. Taking my hand, Elizabeta asked me to take her around the pool. We stayed clear of most of the horseplay, not wanting her to get frightened.

Okay, I am a goofball. I admit it. So as we enjoyed the water, I started singing...

“I’d like to be, under the sea, in an octopus’ garden, in the shade...”

Elizabeta laughed and asked what song that was. I told her it was by a band called “The Beatles”. “Cool! Sing the rest!”

“We would be so happy, you and me! No one there to tell us what to do! I’d like to be, under the sea, in an octopus’ garden, with you.”

About an hour later, it was time for us to get out so we could eat and relax. I guess I made a friend that day, because the child never left my side. Eventually, as the sun went down and the adults were still talking, a tiny blonde waif fell asleep on my lap. When it was time for the party to end, I found myself carrying Elizabeta to her mothers car and slipping her into the booster seat.

“Thank you, Anton,” she sighed. “I had fun today.”

“So did I, sweetheart. You have your mom bring you over again and we will swim some more.” I gave her a final hug and stood up to see her mother smiling at me.

Elizabeta’s mother was maybe 28 or 29, I was guessing. I also had been informed that she was separated from her husband. Didn’t know the details, didn’t want to know the details. Her name was Rachael and looked like an older version of her daughter. She made a few vague comments that I later realized that she was saying that I was welcome to come over and visit with BOTH of them, should I want to. Swim with Elizabeta and as for Rachael? Things of a more “adult oriented” nature.

Micah made sure to tease me over coffee the following morning. “You know, you looked like you were having fun with Lizzie yesterday! Her mom seemed to be interested in how well you two got along.” I growled a little as he continued. “She’s cute. Both of them. Hey, you could do worse. Instant family!” He slapped the table. “And she is already potty trained!” I wasn’t sure why everyone I knew was always so fixated on me finding someone to settle down with and start a family. Must be “an Italian thing” I guess?

“D’Acosta Landscape Services, this is Anton. How can I help you?”

“Hi Anton!” Regina’s joyous voice answered my inquiry. “Rachael called me and it seems you have made QUITE the impression on Lizzie.” I chuckled to myself. “And she wants to know if they can come over again so you can continue working with Lizzie on teaching her how to swim. What you got planned for later today?”

I told her that my schedule was wide open. Had not planned on anything except calling mom (yes, call me a ‘Loser’, I still lived at home) to see if she wanted me to get anything on the way home after work at the store. Regina told me that she would call mom and let her know not to make me dinner. All I could do was hope that Regina and Rachael hadn’t started “making plans” for me, without my consent.

An excited 6 year old child greeted me when I got to my sisters house. “Anton! COME ON! I want to go swimming and I had to wait FOREVER for you to get here!” (I guess at her age, two hours IS “forever”?) I laughed and told Elizabeta to relax and let me get changed, since I didn’t want to go swimming in my work clothes.

Soon, we were in the water and I was teaching her basic kicks, how to float and how to use her arms properly when swimming. Without the other kids in the pool, she was more relaxed and caught on quickly. Regina and Rachael watched us with smiles of obvious conspiracy. In my heart, I knew they were making “plans”. Rachael went into a small panic when she suddenly realized that she couldn’t see her daughter in the water. Rushing towards the edge of the pool, she was about to start screaming when suddenly, Elizabeta popped up from under the water.

“Mommy! Look! I can hold my breath and swim UNDER the water!” (I had decided that since there was nobody else in the pool with us, to forego the life vest and arm cuffs. I was right there in case she needed assistance.) Elizabeta ducked under the water and pushed off the side and glided out several feet back towards where I was standing. She surfaced into my waiting arms and I hugged her, telling her that she was doing great. (I also reminded her that even if she was getting better at swimming, to never go in a pool alone without an adult.) The adults on dry land clapped and cheered.

After dinner, I once again carried the child to the car. Elizabeta was wiped out from all the activity and hugged me tight around my neck. “Anton, you’re the best!” and she surprised me with a kiss on my cheek. “Ewww... ! Scratchy!” Rachael laughed and thanked me for taking the time to teach her child how to swim. “She needs something fun to do, it’s summer and she is home from school and doesn’t see her father except on Sunday and maybe for a few hours in the evening during the week.” I nodded at this, wondering if Rachael was hinting that I would make a good replacement.

“Okay little brother, spill the beans,” my sister stated as we sat on the deck enjoying the evening. Micah was checking the pH of the water and adding chemicals through the pool pump system. “You seem rather taken with Lizzie.”

“Lay off ‘Gina, she is a sweet kid and I’m having fun teaching her.” I took a long pull on my MGD. “I figure that if she learns the proper way to respect water and how to handle herself in it, she won’t be a story that we see a few times each summer on the evening news.” Each year, the tragedy of children drowning in pools was a sad reminder to keep an eye on them around water. “And before you start making wedding plans for me and her mom, let me remind you that Rachael is still married and I am not looking to settle down right now.”

“I sometimes wonder,” my sister smirked, “why you don’t always seem to have a girlfriend or two. Vinnie (our older brother, Vincent) always seems to have a few at his beck and call.”

“Unlike the family horn-dog, I am taking my time. You remember when I did that play in high school? ‘Guys & Dolls’? What was that song they sang?” I took a deep breath and channeled my inner ‘Skye Masterson’: “I’ll know, when my love comes along...”

“Crap, there he goes with the hopeless romantic shit,” I heard Micah say.

“Happy Birthday, Dear Elizabeth! Happy Birthday, To You... !!!” With a deep breath, Elizabeta paused a moment, then blew out the candles on her cake as we all clapped.

The last four years had been busy. Since my first meeting her, she had grown a little and was blossoming. She also had taken a BIG interest in swimming, and was on one of the community swim teams. There was a City League that in the summer, encouraged the kids to do something besides stay at home and play video games. Sure, there was other sports options, like soccer or baseball, but some kids loved the water. Naturally, D’Acosta Landscape Services was a Team Sponsor for whatever team Elizabeta was on. We paid for all the kids on the team to have the same bright orange swimsuits and each child had a bright orange baseball cap with their team name embroidered on it. My company usually had advertising in the program handouts at each event.

While she was never good at diving, Elizabeta was exceptional at the 100 meter races, no matter what stroke was required. And in a relay? The child could slice through water like a torpedo. After many hours of our working together, her ‘crawl stroke’ gave her that extra edge in order to hit the finish line or transfer point at the end of the pool often a full body length ahead of her closest competitor. In fact, she spent so much time in the water during the summer, her blonde hair had tints of green due to the chlorine. She groaned that she had to use so much conditioner when she showered, so her hair didn’t get brittle and fall apart. However, the idea of cutting it never entered her mind. In the water, it was always in a tight pony tail or braid.

I was twenty seven at this point, still single and still enjoying it. Sure, I had dated, and even had one or two semi-serious relationships, but no “sparkle” with that special someone. I figured that either I would eventually meet her, or I would just be a confirmed bachelor. My siblings were both married (yes, even Vincent) and between the two of them, I had two nieces and nephews respectively. At least now I was living in my own apartment.

“Anton!” Elizabeta giggled as she cut her cake. “How big a slice of cake do you want? Do you want ice cream with it, or not?”

Rachael looked over at me and grinned. She had fully divorced her husband and was now in a serious relationship with another fellow. I liked him, but for the fact that he never seemed to take much interest in Elizabeta. “I swear that child loves you more than her father, the way she is always concerned about you.” I just shrugged my shoulders.

The birthday party was at a bowling alley that had private party rooms set up. He kids got pizza, cake and ice cream, soda, and three hours of unlimited play on two of the lanes. Since I was never that good at bowling, I just clowned a bit and rolled the ball, hoping it stayed out of the gutters. Elizabeta stood and lined herself up. I called out to her.

“Hey! If you knock them all down between your two throws, I will see about you getting your birthday wish, providing it isn’t a pony!” I knew that she had been a big fan of some new line of dolls that were out, making a big dent in the competition against Barbie dolls, and figured that she would want several. (The fact that I had worked with her mom for getting sizes for clothes that she wanted was what she had unwrapped earlier, with squeals of glee.) Looking over at me, Elizabeta stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes. The look was adorable. Stepping forward, she released the ball...

And rolled a strike.

“Oh boy, you’re in for it now! A parent laughed. Rachael nodded. I figured this was going to cost me several bucks, but so what?

Elizabeta skipped back to me and hopped into my lap. “Did you really mean it?” she asked. “I can have what I wished for?”

“Short of a pony,” I answered. You guys live in an apartment that says ‘no pets’ and it would be hard to hide it.”

Throwing her arms around my neck, she kissed my cheek. “Goodie! I want us to go on a date!”

I did my best to keep my eyes from popping out of my head as I looked over in a slight panic at Rachael. Damnit, the woman was holding her stomach and laughing at me!

“You did promise!” she gasped. “And I do trust you, Anton. I know you would NEVER take her up to ‘Lovers Lane’ and press your advantage with her!”

The other adults were all snickering at my situation. It got worse when Elizabeta asked; “Mommy? What do you mean, ‘press your advantage’?” Howls of mirth answered her.

I stood at the door of the apartment in a suit. I figured that if we were going on a ‘date’, I might as well do it right. In my hands was a box from a florist with a wrist corsage. Earlier, I had been informed that she would be wearing a mint green dress that matched her eyes somewhat. As a result, I asked the florist to have the carnations in the corsage tinted a slight green as well. I knocked, waited, and the door opened.


Rachael and Regina stood there laughing as I blinked from the sudden light. “Sorry Anton,” my sister giggled. “We wanted to get that first picture as a candid shot.”

I just nodded and asked if my date was ready.

“Are you SERIOUS?” came the answer. “Even at her age, she knows that you ALWAYS make the guy wait a few minutes.” (I guess they learn early?) “Actually,” Rachael stated in a low voice, “Lizzie has been ready and waiting for you for about half an hour. She is so excited and nervous at the same time. Please make sure you tell her how pretty she looks, okay?”

I’m not a total idiot, and I nodded. I figured that she could have rolled in the mud and I would still tell Elizabeta that she was beautiful. I heard a door open.

And my jaw dropped.

Standing at the end of the hallway, looking shyly in my direction, stood my ‘date’ for the night.

Yes, the dress was green. A sundress that had straps at the shoulders and a ruffle of lace at the bottom. The hem was just at the knee. Black sandals were a cute touch and there was a hint of makeup on her innocent face. And her hair? It seems that her mother had taken her to a salon earlier for a styling. Soft curls framed her face, cascaded over her shoulders and down the back. In a few years, hearts would be broken, left and right, as she made her way through the halls of her school.

“Say something!” my sister whispered.

Holding out my hand, I smiled. “Elizabeth, you look magnificent!”

Giggling, she came to me. “You always call me ‘Elizabeta’.”

“Well, ‘Elizabeta’ is the name for a little girl. Tonight, I am honored to be at the side of a young lady.” I got down on one knee and held both her hands in mine. “An exceptionally beautiful young lady!” Reaching over to the table, I grabbed the box from the florist. “And a beautiful lady needs flowers!”

As I slipped the elastic band of the wrist corsage onto her hand, Elizabeth blushed and seemed to get a little flustered. Suddenly, she reached forward to give me a hug. “Thank you, Anton!”

I stood next to her for a few pictures, and managed not to look too awkward. My suit was a dark charcoal and went well with the dress, from what we were told. Taking Elizabeth’s hand, I stated; “I made our dinner reservation for 5:00. That will give us plenty of time to eat before we continue with the rest of the evening.” Elizabeth wanted to know what I had planned for her, but I just winked.

I had decided that if this was going to be a “date”, well, it was going to be a REAL date. Dinner was not going to be at some fast food place or where there was some sort of cartoon character as a mascot. We ended up going to a quiet Thai place. I had called ahead to order the food, stating that the person with me was young and didn’t have much experience with food that was overly spiced or hot. They promised a dinner that was “flavorful” but wouldn’t burn our tongues. (To keep them from questioning things, I had said that it was a birthday dinner for my niece. Please, no “fuss” or singing of “Happy Birthday.)

Elizabeth had a pineapple & chicken stir-fry, while I enjoyed a pork and veggie curry dish. Several glasses of iced tea washed the meal down. Elizabeth told me that she had never had food so delicious or unusual before. I guess her diet was too “Americanized?” The hostess beamed when she heard her. We decided to hold off on any desert.

After paying the check, I took her hand and led her to my car. I made sure to open her door and confirm that she was buckled in. The car wasn’t anything special. A 2001 Hyundai. It got me from “point A to point B” with a minimal of fuss. It also was so “non-descript” that if I wasn’t careful, I could lose sight of it in a parking lot, since it tended to blend in with all the countless other “silver-gray plastic jelly beans”. But, it also seldom caught the interest of any Highway Patrol folks as I zipped along the interstate.

“Now where are we going?” Elizabeth asked. My answer? “Dancing!”

Our city zoo had a special program called “Boogie with the Animals”. Once a month, the zoo stayed open late and with the purchase of a special ticket, you could stay and dance to live music. It was a way to raise extra funds for the animals and their care. No, we didn’t actually dance WITH the animals, and with the exception of a few birds in the trees, none of them were around us. The band being featured this evening played a mix of “beach” style and “big band” music. Lots of horns and happy up-tempo music. As the music started, I led Elizabeth out into the open grassy area where people were gathered. I took her hand in mine, and proceeded to show her some basic steps.

The kid was a natural. She quickly caught on, and with the delight of youth, was soon moving to the music and having a blast. After a few songs, the MC said that they were going to mix it up and play something else. Horns blasted and I recognized that great piece “Conga” from Miami Sound Machine. To my delight, Elizabeth did a great version of a merengue shaking and wriggling in front of me. The song ended and we laughed. I figured it was time for drinks to cool down.

“Where did you learn to dance so well?” I asked as we sipped our cokes.

“My friend Ticoara,” she answered. I knew Ticoara from the swim team. A lanky girl who was half Mexican and half African American and ALL barracuda in the water. She held several records for the Swim League. “Sometimes we all go to her place after school or practice and we hang out. They got a whole bunch of CD’s and we listen to them.”

I nodded and made sure that we were well rested for the next, and final, set. It was one that if you slipped the band a few bucks, they would play a request. It had cost me a $50 bill, but what the hell?

“This is a special song for a special young lady,” the band leader announced as the muted horns started softly playing. “We hope you’re having a wonderful evening, Elizabeth!”

She gasped as I held her just a little closer and we started swaying to the Frank Sinatra classic...

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My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants' daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. –Excerpt from 'The Tyrants' Daughter: An Autobiography' by Saint Chasity Alberta Glassner Mark Glassner – May 9th, 2053 "I'm ready, Grandpa," little Liza smiled at me. Well, she wasn't really that little at fifteen. She was my youngest grandchild, daughter of Marcelo and...

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Sure your Wife wont Cheat Blacken

Carole's head was spinning as she stood in Tre's hotel room. She couldn't believe she had let him talk her into having a drink in his room after the hotel bar closed for the night. She was a happily married woman and she had never cheated but she was enjoying his company and neither of them had been ready to call it a night. She had no intention of sleeping with him but she was a little drunk and her inhibitions were low. He was undeniably hot but he was most definitely not her type. She had...

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Here Come the Brides Chapter 7

The rube any decent liar got to believe their most outrageous tales was themselves. This maxim about life was why most people thought they were above average in almost anything. Most people think that they were smarter than average, better looking than average, and more popular than they were. People were gullible to believe these sweet words for they helped make a better narrative about their lives. Steve nor Emily were decent liars, they were starting to see themselves as the...

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MyDirtyMaid Ginebra Bellucci Stretching my Maids Asshole in Spain

Every so often the cleaning company sends me some hot fucking maids. However, this week they went above and beyond. This beauty named Ginebra arrived at my door. From the moment I saw her, I knew I had to get her naked. After some time passed, I made her an offer that she couldn’t refuse. I payed her a couple of more bucks to clean my house in her panties and eventually completely naked. It took a little bit of convincing but eventually, I was balls deep inside my maids asshole. I stretched her...

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Back in the 1980s by now you know I worked security in London and some times was assigned to major international hotels. At one time I worked the reception area at a hotel located at Hyde Park Corner which I won,t mention the name of, but if you,re familiar with west London you,ll know which one I mean, I was the poor devil in uniform while the hotel also hired plain clothes security. My main job was to check ladies handbags and briefcases for explosives as this was the height of the IRA...

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Cards By Owl "I'm bored." Raven sat around looking at the other five master wizards. "We need to do something interesting." He waited to see what their response would be. "What do you have in mind?" said Telnor, eldest of the group. The others, having deferred for his question, now waited for Raven's response. "I propose a card game," said Raven, "with high stakes." He smiled grimly at the others. "We can all have anything that we want and...

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Private Kris The Foxx Anal Addicted Teen

Kriss the Foxx loves to ride her bike, however there’s one thing that this horny teen loves to ride even more… cock! After a crash on her most recent outing Kriss has found herself a knight in shining armour to take her home and of course there’s only one way this teen will be cheered up. Don’t miss any of the action on www.private.com in Private Specials, Anal Loving Teens 2 where this sexy girl shows of her cock sucking skills before offering up her tight ass for an awesome anal fuck as she...

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I love my brother

Let me reveal you the true incident of my life when i was only nineteen years old and my brother was twenty years. Mom and dad along with our little sister were out of the country for couple of nights and i and my elder brother were alone at home. At about mid night, having finished my college assignments’ i walked down to TV lounge and switched on late night movie channel. I was wearing a low neck v shaped shirt without a bra and loose shorts. I positioned myself on the long sofa couch with my...

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Church Picnic

Life in rural Ontario was tough in the mid-1800s. Farming families were able to make a living but it was hard work every day of the year. In spring they planted and hoped that the crops took, in summer they worried about drought, in fall they harvested and in winter they tried to survive the harsh days where the temperatures sometimes plunged to minus thirty for days at a time. Our family ran the General Store so we didn’t endure their long hours and physical discomforts but our living...

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Sent for a Spanking

My wife and I had been arguing. Suddenly my wife stood up, looked me in the eye and said. “You need to be spanked and spanked very hard indeed.”That stopped the argument stone dead as I looked at her. Early in our marriage, we had experimented with spanking. But now, after fifteen years of marriage, that time was long gone. When I occasionally looked at porn on the internet, I did tend to favour spanking content. One of my daydreams was to be forced to submit myself to a spanking over a...

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The Visitors Finial Chapter

July 4th 7:00 PM I invited 10 couples to our party, at 7:00 our guest started to arrive. The doorbell rang and the girls answered the door, nude of course. As the guest arrived over the next 20 minutes not one word was said about the girls being naked. To my surprise my ex-girlfriend Barbara enter she said her hellos to my friends, gave me a little kiss on my check. Barbara looked at the girls and just smiled, she looked at me and said, “I can see you haven’t changed at all” (Barbara is a...

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The White Apron Did It 2

THE WHITE APRON DID IT - 2 By Monica Graz PART 5 During the next few hours, Lita realized the hard way what serious housework means. She also realized how easy her job was in the Arnellos family house where she had to practically take care of an empty place. They started their cleaning from the bedrooms in the first floor. She instantly understood that cleaning the four occupied and heavily used bedrooms was a different story altogether. After they finished the master bedroom and...

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 3

Taylor Takes Ballet Part 3 One thing that I was a little unsure of was that the leotard had something that felt sort of like a "built-in" bra in it. Which didn't seem to be a need for me, ha! Looking in the mirror, the image I saw was like so many of the other girls my age that were starting to sprout boobs, as it gave me a little bit of shape where a girl's breasts would be! I found myself starting to daydream about how it would look if I had some budding breasts to fill out the...

4 years ago
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Taboo IslandChapter 8

Over the next weeks the dynamics of the family changed dramatically. There was no longer any pretense or hiding sex between the three of them. Almost every night one or both of them made love to her. It might have been the competition or the possibility that she was pregnant, but Walter seemed to have a new energy. Of course it might also have been because they, for the most part, had dispensed with the wearing of clothes. Sometimes Grace put on panties, but mostly she was naked around the...

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Mark Was Straight But He Loved Being Serviced by My Gay Mouth

I met Mark on-line via the old Yahoo chat application.  Mark had just started his first year in a local trade school, pretty similar to a community college.We had numerous on-line chats and finally exchanged photos.  Damn, he was cute as hell.  And he had just turned nineteen a month before.  Mark was a tall and slender teen boy – around a 28” waist with brown hair, and brown eye.  I was working sixty-plus hours per week.  The last thing I had time for was traditional dating.  I was interested...

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House Slut 16

-phenylalanine Tegan darted into the bathroom and splashed some water on her face and armpit to freshen herself up. Since Sam hadn’t cum inside her despite fucking her twice she left her crotch as is, seeing no need to interfere with the natural lubrication and cleaning processes going on that maintained a healthy ecosystem down there. As she exited the bathroom she met Brandon in the hallway just returning from a long day of classes and he grinned as she wrapped him in a warm hug, snuggling...

1 year ago
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Truth About Cotillions

I am Richard King, now the author of nearly 100 stories on Storiesonline.net, but that isn’t what I always did. When I was younger, I mean not yet a teenager, maybe sixth grade – I didn’t even think about girls. I had two sisters, but they’re my sisters ... and were nothing special to me. Kinda cute! I also had an older brother, but this isn’t about any of them. The first time I met a girl whom I thought was pretty, it was the initial night that I went to Cotillion. Yeah, that’s where I got...

2 years ago
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Recruitment Phase One

"A mind Apart" Vignette She knew they were following her. They had been for the last two hours, slowly herding her away from the relative safety of the malls, toward an area where they thought they could do whatever they wanted with her. Jane knew this because she could hear their thoughts. Their thoughts flickered in and out like a radio not quite tuned to the right station as she saw them moving through crowds and talking to police officers and others. They were showing people her...

4 years ago
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Damn the AristocracyChapter 10

We wound up rescuing 27 people, and that meant that we needed four more wagons. As it turned out, we managed to liberate nine wagons and 18 mules. We did not bother with the horses that the Butlers had reserved for themselves. We just opened the stalls and the doors to the barn and let the horses figure it out for themselves. We did go into the house to make sure that all of the serfs and slaves were outside. We used some of the space in the wagons to take every bit of the food that was...

3 years ago
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Call Me Daddy Part 7

Written from her perspective:I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and my heartrate and breathing quickened. I was excited, nervous and out of mind with anticipation. 'Oh My God' I suddenly imagined. 'What if it's NOT Daddy and it's hubby coming home early from work? How would I explain this?'I stopped breathing and nervously waited...…Then, His voice sliced through the silence in the room:"Good Girl" I heard Him say. "I will reward your obedience... eventually, but first, lower your utters to...

2 years ago
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Watching my wife enjoy a wild night out

Friday night and I was ready to go; but Anita was getting dressed. I entered the bathroom and found her sitting at the toilette and she stared back at me as she stroked her smooth pussy lips between her long fingers. My sexy wife had an evil grin in her face…Then I walked up behind my wife and kissed her neck while rubbed my fingers over her sweet shaven mound. Ana moaned loud and I knew she had come on her fingers…She turned her head to me and we kissed deeply.Ana had warned me she had a date...

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Caras of Pholis

Caras the Lecherous cleric sat in the usual corner of the tavern where he always sat to get the best view of the place. In his lap was an invention of his own, the wank-tent, which was exactly what it sounded like. His 10 inch, wrist thick penis was at full mast underneath it as he observed the serving wenches bustle back and froth in their relatively low cut dresses. Not that they needed to be low cut, with the size of some of their udders they couldn’t hide em under three layers. At the end...

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Moms Profitable 21

Jill sat in the kitchen Sunday waiting for her husband Al to arrive. She was still feeling the sexual glow of the Friday and Saturday’s sex succession with Gary and Luther. Evan walked in, “mom I like you better cum soaked then like this”. She smiled at him she giggled, “me too honey but your father will here any minute, we’ve got to play it straight”. Evan nodded in agreement. “Mom have you spoken to Luther”? “No Gary called they want to know when we can get together; they want it too be...

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The Pink Pony Express

Gisele was eighteen and one of the Pink Pony Express’ newest dancers. The Pink Pony Express was use to having girls of different races and cultures, different views and dreams and even broken and hopeful beings. Gisele was no different than the other girls, but she was more of a bad ass than the rest. Although she had heard the rules a few times, she never really abided them. She didn’t think the rules really applied to her and she was running from a past she couldn’t escape. Maybe that’s why...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 99 Mark Asked On A Date By a Teen

Mark I was wandering around my aerie, otherwise known as my corporate office high atop Worthington Towers, the headquarters for my three hundred billion dollar business enterprise. I should have been thinking about several dozen different business problems, issues, and opportunities, but my mind was on an even larger picture – my life and all the people in it. I had surrounded myself with women and men who I loved. We were a polyamorous family: fifteen women and six other men. The women...

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The Girl Scout 15 Training and Breeding

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell He held a big black rubber dildo. Now...

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Just Like Mary

Just like Mary Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The leaves were falling, littering the ground, my efforts to rake them into a pile futile. With the breeze continually spreading the pile around, I finally gave up and went inside. My dad was still working on his painting, the young girl laying on her back, white tights, shoes and dress starting to take shape. Dad made a wonderful living as an architect, but his real passion was painting. There were several of my sister and...

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Karynrsquos Sin

Karyn was at her wits end. Her job was very stressful. Her husband left her with two k**s and a healthy mortgage. What’s more, her 14-year-old son, Matt, was being especially difficult. Karyn didn’t know what she was going to do with him.Thank God for Bethany. Her 11-year-old daughter was a complete angel. At least for now, at least for now, thought Karyn sourly. After arguing with Matt for a half an hour about his homework, Karyn had just about had it. Matt begrudgingly did his homework and...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 7 Enemies Near and Far

Another blizzard rolled in off the Ocean of Light the day after Jonar's visit to the library of the truthseekers. This pleased the young man to no end as it gave him the opportunity to read his way through the palace library, or at least try. That was where he spent nearly all of his free time in the two weeks before Lord Lailar informed them that he was heading up to the Empire of the Gnath. The Queen had given him leave and Lord Xavear volunteered to accompany them. Jonar was surprised to...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 16

If anyone ever tells you that getting hit in the back by a frost troll is a pleasant experience, they’re lying to you. I slammed face first into the rock wall of the cave and felt blood gushing from my nose. I saw stars for a moment. The troll apparently simply ate whatever bodies that the Thalmor threw down here and must have thought I was another easy meal, which meant that for a moment, he simply, stood bellowing his thanks for the food presented to him. His mistake. I got turned around,...

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Called to Judgment

Chapter 1 I grew up in one of the better suburbs of Los Angeles, both my parents were professionals, so we had a nice house with a great in-ground pool that was just wonderful growing up. In addition to Mom and Dad, I was the oldest and I was followed two years later by my identical twin sisters, Lindsey and Sandra. We got along okay, mostly I just did my own thing since, well, they were girls and younger girls, at that, and were twins which seemed to be a special bonding all its own. What...

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MyDirtyMaid The Lovely Luna Lovely Luna Cleans the Biggest Dick

The Lovely Luna was a gorgeous 24 year old girl from the Bahamas. She came to clean Jonathan Jordan’s house. The place was a mess. And he was a creep. Following her with his camera wherever she went. Then he pulled out some cash and wanted her to clean naked. She negotiated well. For the same money she would only clean topless. Then he pulled out more cash. She stripped naked. She still had to clean? What a weirdo! Then she turned around and his dick was out. That wasn’t just any dick. This was...

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The Farm

‘Trust me, you won’t regret it.’ These were the last words my mate Paul had said to me when we parted company on Thursday evening after we’d had a few beers in town. Paul took a taxi to his home, which was a few miles out of town, and I walked home to my flat pondering on his proposal. What he was sure I wouldn’t regret, was taking his advice to buy, sight unseen, a small farm. It was now the cold light of Saturday morning, and I was standing looking at the farmhouse. And I couldn’t make up my...

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SolaraChapter 3

We awoke from Hyber-sleep about 10 days out from Orlana and as we got closer I marveled at the home world of my love. The atmosphere was greener in tint than Earth and Solara explained that this was due to higher oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. We explained to our children that this was the world that their mother was born on and that there would be more 'people' like the ship's crew for them to see. Orlana: star spectral G3IV; Mean orbit 1.20AU; Mean Dia. 16400 Km; gravity .93; Year-15...

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Magicians MergerChapter 35

I woke up about seven on Boxing Day and went upstairs. Mom, Dad, Aunt Kate, and Andy were all sitting around the kitchen table drinking coffee. Everyone but Dad had some toast. No one else seemed to be up yet. I wished everyone a good morning. "Did you sleep well last night?" Mom asked. "I didn't have any trouble," I said. "With the amount of napping you did yesterday, I didn't think you'd be able to sleep at all." "I woke up once during the night. Other than that, I slept...

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Annie has problems

Annies problems started about 5 months ago when she ran away from home and wound up on the seedy side of San Francisco.Back in her hometown Annie was kind of a trouble maker. She smoked pot and had a tendency to hang out with the "wrong boys". But for the most part she was an innocent midwestern farm girl.After she got busted for smoking pot her folks really came down hard on her. She didn't like it and decided to run away to San Francisco. She was expecting flowers in her hair and had not...

4 years ago
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New school new you

“Mom why do we have to move so far away, what was wrong with our old town?” I said “I’ve told you already we just have to” mom said Sitting there in a uhaul all you can think of is how shitty your last few months have been, dad up and leaving you and mom in the middle of the night, moving to my stupid aunts house half way across the country, and I had to leave all my friends my senior year of high school . “It’s not going to be as bad as you think, be happy your aunt Lilly will even take us...

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Wasted bbw inlaw out cold

I am living at my brothers place right now and him and his wife love to drink, i admit i love to drink as well but they drink to get wasted. My brother left town for business and when he leaves he's away for a while, my sister in law is a short BBW with long wavy brunette hair, glasses and big 38 DD Tits (I know that by looking at her bra on the towel rack after she took a shower) and thick muscular legs and calves that she loves to show off by wearing short shorts. I like to fantsise about...

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Girlyboy Gone Wild Part Six

With both of my hands wrapped around Dan's big 11 inch cock, I felt just like a little girl in his classroom. I jerked him off with both hands while I sucked on the head of his cock, getting it ready for him to put in my tight little girly ass.I licked around the big head of his cock, smelling my sticky-wet, cum-soaked white cotton panties he was wearing. Oh, it was all so kinky and fun and made me feel like a slutty sorority girl getting it on after class with her big handsome professor. He...

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Morality Laws

Morality Laws By Julie O Chapter 1 So, where to begin? My life totally changed on the first day back from winter break the senior year of high school. At the time I was an average high school student; average grades, average size, average build, and average family. I also wasn't sure what I would be doing after graduation. I had been accepted at the local community college, but...

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