Cucolk To Big Black Cock free porn video

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I would like to say it all started so innocently, but then asking your wife to cuckold you is hardly innocent now is it? it began during sex with my wife Penny actually. Penny likes to talk dirty to me whilst we are having sex, to heighten my experience she says. Deep down I know it is to get me finished quicker since I am not that well endowed in the cock department so I do not think she is gets that much pleasure . She is more than happy to have me lick her pussy for hours though, which incidentally I love! So she asked me for one of my fantasies and I said to be tied up and made to watch whilst she was fucked by another man. She proceeded to embellish this getting me to climax in no time. Post sex we cuddled together.... "Do really what to watch me have sex with another man?" she murmured. "It's any sub's fantasy," I chuckled. "Mmmm....I'll think about this one," she quipped. I must say my pulse quickened at this remark but then she had promised trying other kinky things in the past but they had never happened so I did not put much store in it. Things carried on as normal until a few weeks later, we were watching TV when Penny dropped the bombshell. "Remember the other day when we talked about me cuckolding you?" she quipped a wicked grin on her lips. My pulse quickened as I answered. "Sure......yes...why are you asking?" "Well.....Marcus at work has always shown a lot of interest in I returned his interest." She was definitely smirking now. It was probably due to the shocked look on my face......and well to be honest my cock was rock hard! "You mean..... Marcus.....Marcus the big black guy!" I gasped. "Yeah the very one, who would have thought he was into big women....." she giggled. "Anyway he's coming round this I guess you get to fulfill one of your fantasies." She winked. She stood and came across to where I was sitting before bending and kissing me on the cheek. As she did this she reached down and felt my crotch, of course finding my cock rock hard. "I thought so," she chuckled before flouncing off to bed. I followed her shortly after expecting her to be ready for sex but instead she was reading a book when I got to the bedroom. Disappointed I slipped upstairs switched on the computer and pleasured myself for the next hour watching cuckold movies clips and reading stories. So Saturday morning found me panting with excitement and I could also see Penny was feeling the same way. "So how is this going to work......are you going to tie me up......should I kneel by the bed?" I quizzed her my cock throbbing with anticipation. "Oh....... I......mmmm....I forgot to say....Marcus doesn't want you fact he doesn't want you in the house....." she answered timidly. "WHAT!" I exclaimed. "But........but....that's all part of the fantasy." I whined. "Well....if you don't want me to go through with it...." she wheedled. I knew she wanted to go through with it, I could see the lust in her eyes but I also wanted to be part of it. Submissively I realised I should let her do it but that would mean frustration for me. I wanted more time to think it over but knew I was out of time. Then a thought struck me, if I let her do this maybe I could ask her to fulfill more of my kinks....this thought had my cock swelling in no time. "Okay......perhaps I can go down to the summerhouse whilst he's here," I grudgingly answered. "Oh thank you.......thank you," she gushed kissing me deeply. So before he arrived at seven I found myself in the summerhouse, I had taken my laptop so I was soon trawling the internet for interracial cuckold porn....not long after I was pleasuring myself. At the back of my mind I was imagining Penny getting the same treatment as some of the women I was watching. It was just after one in the morning that I got a text from Penny saying I could back in, four hours I marveled. In the house all was quiet so I headed upstairs to the bedroom. As I entered the bedroom I was hit with the pungent scent of sex and despite having pleasured myself my cock sprang to life. Penny was lazing on the bed looking content but tired. The bed was a mess the covers on the floor and several damp stains on the sheets. My gaze was drawn between her legs were I could see her sex swollen pussy lips matted with their joint juices, my cock throbbed painfully. "Oh Danny.....that was amazing....." she gushed. "Marcus has such a huge cock......I thought I wouldn't be able to take him!....." I was lost for words at her excitement but my gaze never left her well fucked pussy. "I could only get a quarter of his cock in my mouth when I tried to suck when he fucked me I thought he would split me in two......but I was so wet he just slipped inside," she marveled. She finally noticed were I was staring and a wicked grin lit her face. "Do you want to lick my pussy...." she chuckled.......a lusty chuckle. I realised instantly the thought of me licking her sex slick pussy was just as appealing to her as it was to me. "Be gentle though......he fucked sooooo hard..... I'm quite sore....." she giggled. I licked my lips in anticipation my cock throbbing at the humiliation act I was about to perform. ".....and of course you can only lick me, no sex." I groaned realizing the frustration I was about to experience as I headed to the bed. "Why don't you get undressed to I can see how hard you are," she quipped. Seconds later my clothes were off and I was crawling between her legs breathing in the heavenly scent of her fucked pussy, my cock untouched dripping profusely. I gazed in awe at her pussy, the lips swollen from the brutal fucking. The outer lips were caked with pussy juice and........Marcus's spunk. I should really have balked at this but my submissive side simply wanted me to mash my face into her pussy. With a great deal of restraint I leant forward and tasted her, the taste of course had my senses reeling. Penny's distinct pussy juice combined with a stronger, musky, salty taste.....spunk! To my embarrassment I wanted more....needed to abase myself in her sex slimed pussy. Before I realised it I was lapping avidly at her pussy eliciting a gasp of pleasure from Penny. "Oh Danny here I am getting all the pleasure.....why don't you play with yourself," she murmured. I needed no other asking my hand shot to my throbbing cock. I was however glad that I had pleasured myself earlier, otherwise the state I was in would have had me shooting my load as soon as I touched myself. Still it was very hard not to cum as my tongue slipped inside her swollen pussy lips and I really tasted Marcus. The strong, salty, metallic taste was even stronger and my senses reeled as my climax threatened. To turn the screw Penny started talking dirty. "Ohh Danny he fucked me so hard....and three times in a row...." I licked harder.....pumped my raging cock harder. "The first was quick and hard but I could feeeeel his spunk spurting into a hose pipe...." I licked harder my breath hand pumping. "I couldn't believe it....he was so big I just simply went from one climax to the next, I thought I was going to lose my mind......" she sighed remembering the pleasure. I licked and pumped with abandon! "The second time was slower....long deep thrusts that had me begging for it harder and faster until he complied fucking me hard before filling me with more spunk." I was so close...but I could feel that Penny was too. "The last session was long and slow and so, so sensual I was putty in his hands, out of mind....delirious with pleasure.....oh Danny......yes...... yes......yes." My tongue and her memories had pushed her over the edge and I felt her convulse under my lapping tongue as I shot my own load onto the sex wet bed before collapsing between her legs. As I lay there I realised that was the most intense orgasm I had ever had and wondered if it had been the same for Penny whilst she was getting fuck by Marcus.....a true alpha male! So this is how it continued, every Saturday Marcus would come round and fuck my wife senseless whilst I played with myself in the summerhouse. I would then slink into the house after he had gone and debase myself by cleaning her sex slimed was submissive bliss! Just over two months later after I had just finished my cleanup duties Penny produced an item I knew oh so well. "Master Marcus said that he doesn't want you playing with yourself when you clean my pussy," she stated. " told him I licked you clean after he fucks you.....and.... and that I play with myself at the same time!......" I exclaimed. "Penny how could you," I whimpered. However to my shame my just sated cock was starting to rise at the humiliating thoughts I was having......Penny of course saw this. "Are you really that upset?" She quipped pointing at my hardening cock. "It looks like the thought of a real man knowing what a pathetic wimp you are is pushing the right buttons!....." she smirked. "Well now that 'Tiny', is getting all hot and bothered you're going to need something cold on him so I can fit this," she brandished the cock cage with a wicked grin. "I.....don't suppose." "NO!...go and get a bag of frozen veg from the freezer," she admonished. Once my cock was soft she had me fit the cage, quite the irony that I was putting my own cock in bondage. I thrilled at this thought sending blood tingling back to my cock, but there was also a little trepidation. The cock cage was of the best quality, metal which had a pearlized pink sheen to it. It was certainly going to be inescapable once it was on. As for the had no keyhole, it was the electronic type that required a key code to open. I have to confess that later that night I was on the internet trying to find a crack code. To my surprise I found one easily, all you needed was the serial number of the padlock. I inspected the padlock to find that the serial number had been filed off so there was no escape unless I had the code. The next Saturday was sheer torture as I lapped at Penny sex slick pussy. Not only was licking Penny's spunk filled pussy extremely humiliating and therefore exciting but I had spent the last week unable to play with myself! So a new stage of my submission started and my life became more and more frustrating. I asked Penny if she was would be my Mistress but she was not interested, all she seemed to be interest in was the pleasure Masters cock was giving her, yes Master as I was now ordered to refer to him. A few months later, one Saturday afternoon Master appeared at the door. I was surprised to see him because Penny was away for the weekend working. "Hello.....errmm...Master....." I mumbled blushing at the sneer that lit his face when I called him Master. "Penny is not home at the mo..." without invitation he brushed past me into the house. "I'm not here to see my bitch.....I'm here to see my fagboi....." he snickered over his shoulder. "Now get me a drink!" he ordered. Blushing even reader I scuttled to the kitchen to get one of his beers that we now kept in the fridge just for him. I grabbed it and headed back to the living room where he had gone. As I entered he was making himself comfortable on the couch, the football on the TV. Submissively I handed him the beer wondering what I should do next. He pointed to the chair across from him. "Sit......fagboi" He watched the TV for what seemed like an eternity totally ignoring me which had me squirming, to my shame my cock was throbbing painfully in its tight confines. Well, submission to any superior was a thrill...but to an alpha male! "I have something for you," he quipped handing me the brown paper bag he had brought with him. I took it from him nervously and looked inside a gasp escaping my lips. "Well get it out know you want to." He winked. So blushing I pulled the twelve inch black dildo from the bag. On closer inspection I could see it was very lifelike complete with a set of balls. Indeed the packaging declared the "Black Mamba," was twelve inches of pure pleasure completely lifelike, guaranteed to make any woman scream! I blushed even deeper as I hefted this weighty monster looking at the veins and ridges. "I thought you might want to get a look at a real cock.....not mine of course, although I'm sure you want to," he growled. The deepening of my blush gave him all the confirmation he needed. "Yeah thought so fagboi....there's something else in the bag," he quipped. Even more nervously I looked inside to find a lipstick, I looked at the label on the end to see it was a glossy red, but what made me blush the same red as the lipstick was the name. "Cocksucker".....I looked up into his arrogant stare. "So here's the deal fagboi if you want to get out of that cock cage you're going to have to suck that dildo to the balls....." He winked. "So every day you're going to're going to put on the lipstick so that each day you can see how well you've done...." he watched me intently allowing the thought of this humiliating deed to sink in before turning the screw. "......and how much more of a fag you become each day." He smirked at my deep blush. "Every day I want a picture of how you've done.....Penny has my number." With that he finished his beer and left, leaving me shell-shocked and painfully hard. I so desperately wanted release so I knew I would be doing exactly as he commanded. I realised at that moment that I had not played with myself for four months....I was so horny I would do anything. When Penny returned I had to asked her for Masters phone number. When she asked why she laughed fit to tears as I told her of the task he had given me, insisting that I show her the dildo. "Wow, that's so big......even bigger than Master," she giggled. That same night found me lathering on Cocksucker red glossy lipstick and sucking on the dildo. I must admit when the bulbous head filled my mouth I thought there was no way I was sucking it down to the balls! That first night I managed around four inch, with a lot of gagging, teary eyes and runny nose. I sent my first picture to Master, the reply was. "Great fagboi.....long way to go." Two weeks later I managed to get the dildo slightly down my throat, however this did not quell my gag reflex. In fact I had to fight to get every single inch down my throat. Finally a month later I managed to kiss the rubber balls. It came with a sense of achievement but also deep humiliation at the cock sucker I had become. " are such a pathetic fag," was Masters reply further deepening my humiliation. He sent a second text to command me to keep on doing it until it was second nature, of course I did as he commanded and soon I could easily slip the whole length in without the slightest gag or tear. Five months since I had last climaxed and I was as horny as hell. Cleaning Penny's spunk filled pussy and sucking on the big black dildo did not help matters! So when Master called to say I was going to be released that weekend I was over the moon. Saturday found me so nervous I could hardly think, and was a little surprised when Penny dragged me upstairs giggling. My heart started hammering at the thought that maybe Penny was going to let me loose and pleasure me in some way. When I got to the bedroom she simply pointed to the bed. Now I bet you are thinking I was about to get some sex!........ no she was in fact pointing to what was on the bed. A blond curly wig, trashy plastic high heeled sandals and a pink collar with the name "Sissy Bitch," picked out in plastic gemstones. "Time to get you ready....strip," she commanded. Since there was not much too the outfit I slipped on the wig, shoes and Penny fitted the collar. "Let's not forget," she quipped brandishing the red lipstick. She then proceeded to lather it on all the time grinning like a Cheshire cat. We had not long finished when there was a knock on the door. "You had better go and answer that," she commanded. So I minced downstairs because mincing was all I could do in the extremely high heels. Master chuckled at my attire and then pushed past me heading upstairs, I followed as fast as I could. When I arrived I found them passionately kissing. Penny was completely naked sitting in a leather chair beside the bed......legs spread wide over the arms. Master had three fingers knuckle deep and I could hear the juicy squelching as he pumped them in and out. I stuttered to a halt just inside the room mesmerized at this dominant display...I definitely felt inferior....and pathetic! Master broke the kiss to growl. "On your knees fagboi." I dutifully obeyed and knelt watching for a further few minutes as they kissed and he fucked her pussy with his fingers! Eventually he moved in front of me wiping his pussy juice covered fingers over my face primarily my lips and nose. The pungent scent of Penny's pussy filled my senses causing my cock to twitch painfully much to both their amusement. He stripped of his t-shirt throwing it casually aside and I looked up at wash board abs, chiseled pecs. From my submissive kneeling stance he was a black god! He kicked off his trainers and then nodded at his short, I knew instantly what he wanted. With shaking hands I took the waistband of his short and pulled them down allowing his semi hard cock to spring free. I was surprised he was only half hard but then realised a monster cock this big would need plenty of blood.....which I was obviously going to help supply. "Well it's not going to suck itself fagboi!" he sneered. I looked sideways at penny and could see her watching me intensely whilst she played with her pussy. So steeling myself I opened my mouth hearing as I did a gasp from Penny. At that instant I knew I had lost some standing with her and I blushed. Had I given in too easily, should I have exerted my that I blushed even deeper. What manliness, here I was mouth open ready to take another man's cock like a baby bird getting fed by its mother. I noticed he was uncut as I raised up to take him in my mouth. The purple tip just peeking out of the glossy black shroud of skin. The bulbous head slipped into my mouth and I gasped at its intrusion. Whereas the dildo I had practice on was cold, chemical tasting and inanimate. This was hot....soft.....and the taste....musky and I blushed a deeper red at my submissive thoughts but my cock twitch giving my excitement away. "Danny, you're such a cock sucking fag!" crooned Penny....I could hear the lust in her voice. My ministration also had the desired effect on Masters cock. I felt the velvet head slip from the skin and the musky taste grew more pungent! "You aint seen nothing yet bitch," he growled. He then began to force his cock into my mouth and down my throat. Having practice daily for the last month it easily slipped down my throat. With ease I took his full ten inches, indeed he was smaller than the dildo and soon my face was buried in his pubic hair. All the while I looked up into his arrogant face, blushing redder....cock twitching. "Ohhh my fucking god! complete fag," groused Penny....he just chuckled. I kept his cock deep in my throat until I was running out of breath and then slowly eased back. Realizing I was going to have to suck his cock until he came I began to bob up and down, sometimes long strokes sometimes short, on the short strokes I used my hands to massage the base of his dick. Pretty soon he was doing the fucking, taking hold of the sides of my head to get deeper thrusts. When he was ready he pulled completely back massaging his own cock leaving just the bulbous head in my mouth. When his climax came it was hot, salty and copious. Two squirts and my mouth was full so I had to swallow quickly. He filled my mouth this way four more times before pulling out and squirting two more ropes of spunk onto my face. I felt it hit my cheek, nose, lips and chin. It was so sticky it stayed in place instantly starting to cool. He proffered his cock to me again the last few drops dangling and I stuck out my tongue to catch them hearing a snicker from penny behind me. He reached down into the pocket of his shorts and produced a pink lead which he clipped to my collar. "Come on Fagboi, time to earn your freedom." Wait!..had I not just earned my freedom by debasing myself to him in front of my wife! It would seem not as he pulled on the lead and headed downstairs, I heard Penny pad across the bedroom behind me. Out of the bedroom and down the stairs and I began to worry where we were going and what I was going to have to do to get some relief. I was absolutely desperate for release and knew I would do just about anything to get it. He led me through the Kitchen to the patio doors that opened into the back garden.......outside! I stopped and the lead went taught. "Do you want out of that cage?" Master smirked understanding too well my dilemma. I desperately wanted release but did not want to go outside dressed or should I say undressed as I was. The cock twitched, of course my submissive side wanted out, to revel in the humiliation and so I allowed him to lead me outside across the patio. Although once outside I heard the buzz of a lawnmower. Tom my best friend and next door neighbor was in his garden mowing the lawn. I stopped again to have Master yank the lead. "LAST CHANCE FAGBOI!!" he growled. There was a hedge between us and Tom but it had some breaks and I knew Sam our other neighbor was out so desperate as I was I allowed myself to be led onto the lawn. I was wondering if he was taking me down to the summer house but he stopped just onto the lawn. "Up fagboi hands on the rail.....spread your legs......" he commanded. ".....time to make you my sissy bitch!" Blushing profusely I stood and put my hands on the patio rail noticing as I did the bottle of lubricant strategically placed this had been premeditated. I glance nervously both ways, I could just see the top of Tom's head and no one was in Sam's garden. "What's the matter sissy bitch, you looking for an audience....look up," he chuckled. I looked up to see Penny pulling a chair into the doorway, not outside but where she could get a good view of my further debasement at the hands of her black lover. I felt Master squirt a copious amount of lube into my ass crack and was surprise at how warm it was, but then it had been out in the sun for a while. Master then began to massage it into my puckered hole roughly and I began to worry whether I could take his monster cock. I had just sucked it so I knew exactly how BIG! it was! To emphasize this he slapped it down into my ass crack with a squelch making me jump and Penny giggle, I looked up at her and she winked....she also had her hand deeply embedded in her pussy much to my frustration. I took in a deep breath flavored with her pussy scent. Master stepped back positioning the mushroom head against my tight hole and pushed. It felt like a baseball bat and pretty soon I realised it was not going in and if it did it would be extremely painful. At the moment the pain was quite intense so I mewled my distress, surprisingly he pulled back. "It's going in sissy bitch so you better relax or I'm going to rip you up," he growled. I tried to relax remembering reading about other people taking something big up their ass when Penny crooned. "Hey sissy bitch...." I blushed at the fact Penny was now calling me sissy bitch but when I looked up I was stunned. She had the dildo I had used to practice cocksucking on half buried in her pussy. As I watched mesmerized she slipped it all the way in with a juicy slurp! "'re going to love it." Distracted as I was Master gave a quick thrust and the bulbous head popped inside painfully. I screamed and then stifled it looking across into Tom's garden, luckily the lawn mower was still on. However I thought I saw the curtain twitch in their bedroom upstairs. I was pulled from this as Master slowly began to slip his cock inside me. It was very painful until the bulbous head nudged my prostate and then I had a glimpse of the pleasure to come. It was only a nibble but I crooned my pleasure. "Like that sissy bitch......they all do." He smirked. He bumped the head backwards and forwards building the pleasure and also allowing the pain to subside. From there he slowly slide himself further in. I thought I would lose the pleasure of the head massaging my prostate as he slid further in but he was so big I felt every vein, ridge and bump on his rock hard shaft. I could not help myself and though it was slightly painful I mewled my pleasure eliciting a chuckle from both Master and Penny. "Hey Marcus I think by fag hubby is in love with you big black cock!" She smirked. I blushed at the humiliation but could not deny the fact I had quickly come to enjoy his cock buried inside my puckered hole. I tried to console myself that it was the months of chastity but to be honest I had always dreamed about being taken by an alpha male. With this thought I let myself go completely forgetting my surrounding just focusing on my building climax. Yes climax, because despite the fact I was in chastity and I had not even touch my cock I knew I was about to have a very extreme climax! My now sex muddled mind longed for it....longed for my first sissygasm! Then he stopped his cock buried balls deep inside me and I almost screamed my frustration as I felt the building climax ebb away. "What do you want sissy bitch." I gulped knowing exactly what he wanted and also realizing the lawnmower had stopped. "Please fuck me......I need to cum," I whispered. "What was that?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Please fuck me Master....please," I begged louder. "So you want me to fuck you......fuck you like a girl?" I mused on the fact of what he was doing, did I really need to climax.......OF COURSE I DID! "Yes please fuck me Master." I panted slightly louder. "What are you" "I'm your sissy bitch Master" "What do you want.....say it loud." "I want you to fuck your sissy bitch Master!" "LOUDER!" "I WANT YOU TO FUCK YOUR SISSY BITCH!!!" I caught Tom staring at me open mouthed from the corner of my eye and I knew I would not be able to look him in the eye again! "LOUDER....BITCH TELL THE WORLD WHAT YOU WANT!" He demanded. Realizing I was sunk, after all I was bent over the patio rail with a huge black cock in my ass I screamed... "FUCK ME MASTER......FUCK YOUR SISSY BITCH!" I screamed. Thankfully he relented at this and I felt his cock slip from my eager hole. As he thrust back in he applied more lube so he slipped in quite easily with virtually no pain. He did this a second time and then he gripped my hips and really started to fuck me slamming is cock into me. To my shame I screamed my pleasure as his cock head pummeled my prostate. My climax quickly rebuilding I began to thrust back onto his cock. Months of chastity had turned me into a depraved sissy bitch and all I wanted was his cock. "Oh....yes....I....I.....I'm CUMMMMMMING! I screamed. "FUCK YESS......FUCKING YES!!!!!" He bellowed his own climax filling me with his sticky black seed. Months of built up spunk spurted from my cock which imprisoned in the chastity cage made it squirt quite some distance onto the decking. He thrust a few more times into me depositing even more spunk before pulling out with a slurpy pop. "Clean it sissy bitch," he demanded. Despite having just cum I was completely in sub space so I got to my knees and eagerly licked off my sissy pussy juice and his spunk. As his clean cock popped from my mouth I heard him speak. "Hey how you doing......want to try some," he quipped. He was brandishing his still hard cock at Tom's house and as I looked up I saw the bedroom curtain fall back into place. I realised Tom's wife Jan must have been watching the whole time. Moments later I heard her calling Tom inside and I guess he must have watched the whole thing. I wondered what I was going to say the next time I saw him. "Back up over the rail," demanded Master. I wonder with a beating heart if he was going to fuck me again but he simply walked past me into the house and buried his cock in my wife's pussy. So with masters spunk drying stickily on my face, the taste of him on my lips and his spunk oozing from my well fucked sissy pussy I finally got to watch him fuck my wife! When he had finished he strolled arrogantly back out onto the patio. "Now tell me why I was going to let you out of your clit cage?" I blushed at his referral to my cock as a clit....but then compared to his it was! "So that I could get some relief Master," I simpered knowing exactly where this was going. "And you got that when I fucked your sissy pussy!" he snickered. "Yes Master...thank you Master," I submissively answered. "So I guess you don't need out of the cage then." "No Master." I wanted to cry...beg for release but I knew I would not get it. "I thought not, so get in there and clean my bitches pussy...I might just fuck that sissy pussy whilst you do," he winked. Submissively I crawled across the patio, Penny's sex slimed pussy waiting......

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God I love Big Black Cock Blacken

It all started one day at the mall after leaving my friends. I was running late so I used the parking garage, which was not done by the cool k**s. After leaving my friends to go home I was m*****ed in the garage.My friends and I didn't bother to change from our cheerleading uniforms before going either. Besides, we enjoyed teasing all the boys when we walked around in those tiny red skirts and tight tops. The male population all ogled our very feminine frames. Being only eighteen, at 5'8" with...

1 year ago
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A Sucker for Big Black Cocks

While making the final adjustments to her dress, my wife Joy, said with a big smile "I wouldn't miss this party for anything in the world! Jamal said he has a real big surprise for you tonight! And I know what it is" Joy teased. Jamal was one of several black men who along with my wife belonged to a social group for interracial harmony. Several of my wife's friends, other white women, also belonged to The Order of The African Spear. As Joy readied herself for the party she couldn't help showing...

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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter II Slut Wife Nescafe Worships Big Black Cocks

Chapter II Slut Wife Nescafe Worships Big Black Cocks (INTERR, MMF, BBC, BJ, ANAL, WIFE, CUCKOLD) My name is Aziz; I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever, light brown shiny hair...

4 years ago
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1 petite asian milf vs 5 big black cocks

Slutyasianwifey had a fantasy, she wanted to be gangbanged by bbc right in front of her husband.After searching and making some contact online she decided to invite over 5 bbc’s. So on the day they came over she dressed up like a little slut wesring just a short skirt n white top without her panty n bra. When they came in they stared at her petite little body. They where all way bigger then her. They gave her all kinds of compliments wich made her a bit shy. They went to sit down on the sofa...

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Abigails Choice

January 2018A bolt of lightning illuminated the night sky. Thunder clapped, startling Abigail in the backseat of the Uber.  She was already on edge, nervous about dinner with her husband, Thomas. It wasn’t bad nervous, but she had butterflies in her stomach. She had a good idea about what they’d talk about, and was uncertain what choice she’d make.Abigail, a petite woman with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes, was wearing a black dress, with black heels, stockings, garter, bra, and thong, as well...

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he 4th of July BigI mean BIGGGG Black cock I to

So we were looking for a stud...white or black, it really didn't matter. We just wanted to have some fun...we looked here on Xhamster first...came up very we posted an ad on Craigslist. I am very leery of strangers over the possibility of std's or weirdo guys. We posted our ad and had over 25 hits in the first 15 min! We asked that in the first pic the guy hold up three fingers and a card of that days date 'which was July 4th' and in the second pic to hold up seven fingers with a...

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My 1st Big Black Cocks

The first time my parents went on a vacation and allowed me to stay home I took full advantage of it. I was 13 years old and decided to walk to McDonald's to get my dinner. It began raining really hard and I noticed a red camaro pulled to the curb and lowered his window, "jump inside here, get out of the rain."Once inside the camaro this older black guy (Robert) handed me a towel to dry myself. He told me he was having a poker party then asked me if I would wanna be his guest, with a big smile...

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WellEndowed Blackman Wanted Blacken

A few months ago my wife and I placed an online ad for a "well-endowed black man." Of course we were inundated with replies, but eventually decided to meet a few in person at a local bar. The first few were real duds. We thanked them for meeting us and parted ways. We were about to give up on our adventure, when we met Jaymes. He's been our fantasy come alive.It's Tuesday night around 7:00 and Laura and I are in bed reading getting ready to go to sleep, when our doorbell rings. We look at each...

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Abigails End

Abigail's End In the Presidential Palace, there is a dining room where only the most trustedand honoured of the dictator's guests are ever entertained. Here are the mostdecadent and opulent symbols of his power. Perhaps the most decadent and opulentsymbol of all is the white statue holding a finger-basin by the entrance. On the wall behind the statue, in an arc over its head, the inscription reads, "Tothe twin virtues of humility and obedience." It is a naked woman, and her namewas once...

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Bigtitslut4u dirty lil cockslut

rJust so you know this story isn't true is a story I'm posting for a friend!! Well the story began' s with Laura out shopping for sex toys and she's looking around the place trying to find just the right toy to fit her needs but is having a hard time deciding on which one will do the trick when out of no where comes the sales person of which Laura becomes mesmerized with as soon as she hears him speak as his a very handsome man with a body that looks as if he works out a lot!! He's 5'6 and...

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Ed BiggersChapter 1

Infant, toddler, child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric reflect the changes in the physical body over the course of a full lifetime. More important than changes in the body, are the different roles a person plays in the theater of life. A small sample of roles a person can hold include friend, employee, boss, lover, spouse, leader, follower, parent, grandparent, consumer, producer, and provider. A life isn’t being lived, unless a huge number of roles are being played. As the number of roles...

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Based on a March 29, 1916 New York Sun newspaper column and the 1927 book "Archy and Mehitabel," both by Don Marquis This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Cockroach By Pretzelgirl dear boss, you don't know me but i am andy the cockroach. i live in the wall behind your computer. i thought this might be a good way to introduce myself by writing you a letter. i have meant to do this for a long time, but you never leave your...

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The Night of the Bigfoot Part 1

Lindsey tossed and turned in her bed and found sleep difficult which was unusual for her as she normally just crashed when she hit the pillow. Tonight she had just finished watching a documentary about the truth and fiction behind the bigfoot legend. Her thought was awash with all sorts of fantastic scenarios both romantic and fearful. Every continent around the world seemed to have its own stories of large hairy ape-like animals that inhabit the deepest forests or highest mountains of...

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When my ex fiance fucked two big black cocks

This story is about the time my fiance at the time Karmyn fucked two 18 year olds and made me watch. Me and karmyn were at karmyn's little brothers high shool grad. We ended up at a graduation after party. There were two 18 year olds that were checking out karmyn all day and night. She decided to approach the two young studs. After a bit of chit chat, karmyn was able to pick them up and bring them back to our place. both teens dropped their pants and had huge cocks. i then showed mine and came...

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To the greater Boston general public it was simply a small little known quite private night club located in the back part of Roxbury called The Black Rooster Bar. While in local Gay Community circles, insiders called this private by membership only pub, THE BLACK COCK CASTLE! When first learning about it from a new CD sister named Mary Beth I just met online last July, I found myself immediately interested for one very good and powerful reason. Yes like most white gay Cross Dressers, my...

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Ed BiggersChapter 9

Swimming in the pool was one of the few pleasures that Ed actually scheduled to make sure that he had the chance to pursue. Every Wednesday, he left the school early and wouldn’t allow Bill to schedule a meeting for him. He would enter the pool area and swim by himself, taking pleasure in the feel of the cool water flowing around his naked body. This was his moment of peace. He enjoyed the chance to be alone with his thoughts knowing that John, Kelly, and Beth were at work. The staff would...

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Ed BiggersChapter 19

The log cabin stood alone on the shore of a small lake. A dirt road, wide enough for a single vehicle, wound its way through the woods connecting the cabin to a highway almost three miles away. From the porch of the cabin, the surface of the calm lake reflected the trees surrounding it, making the lake look even smaller. In the morning and evening, the fish would break the surface eating insects that skimmed across the lake. Occasionally, a deer would come out to the lake’s edge to drink of...

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Ed BiggersChapter 9

Officer Mike Tougas sat in the restaurant of the hotel sipping a cup of coffee waiting for Ed to arrive from his suite upstairs. After the discussion on the phone, he had investigated the family of Beth Hayes. When he discovered the number of times that the family had been attacked in the past, many of his suspicions about them had been dispelled although he didn’t know the reasons behind the attacks. It was only after digging a little deeper that he learned that this family was the John...

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Jennys First Black Cock2

PART TWOJackie, Jenny’s sister, had been gone for about two weeks when I saw Jenny at the apartment laundry room. Jenny had not spoken to me since Jackie and I hooked up on Halloween night, and I must admit, that white girl wore me out. We fucked Halloween night, and part of the next day before Jenny called her and told her to get her ass back to the apartment. I could tell by Jackie’s expression when she left my place that Jenny was mad at her.In the laundry room, Jenny was down at the...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 14 Cockroaches

Jason woke earlier than usual, and felt an emerging sense of unease. He knew the feeling, and it was of danger. He waited until he was due to go on his run, which was when the most senior guard would be awake, and alerted him to his premonitions. “This is an emerging problem of some sort. I do not get the sense it is today. The threat is developing towards me. Please inform the Emperor’s guards to be extra alert, and ready for an attack, and for the battleship and Marines to similarly be...

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The Night of the Bigfoot Part 2

Lindsey, stunned, vacant, just looked at him for many seconds before she eventually spoke, “Yes it was professor it was the Yowie. The alarms what happened to the alarms” She spoke in a little voice. David came up to the shivering girl, looked at the professor then hunched down taking the corner of the blanket she was sitting on and covered her nakedness. “He is truly worried you know, we all are,” it was clear that David guessed what had happened from his actions the way he glanced at the...

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Bigfoot and the Wood Nymph 2

I am the Wood Nymph. Gavin, the love of my life, the man I lovingly call "Bigfoot," has told you his side of the story. Now let me tell you mine. I'm twenty years old. For the first ten years of my life, I was raised in a very liberal family. We were nudists, and spent every summer at one resort or another, in the company of other nudists. We also went bare around the house, so nudity was commonplace and entirely normal for me. In fact, I was out of clothes more than in them, especially...

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Bigfoot and the Wood Nymph

I know these hills like the back of my hand. I grew up not too far away, and every summer my Dad and I would go up there, into the national forest, by ourselves. I was eleven when we first went up there. He had given me my first hunting bow the Christmas before, and taken me hunting in those woods every summer since then. We'd spend weeks together hunting, without ever seeing another soul. We'd lay out trails and blaze them, far from the tracks that most of the other hunters and hikers used....

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Bigfoot Bride

Frank wasn't lost, because he knew where he was, and how to get back- but he didn't want to even think about returning yet. He was out here by choice, three weeks walk into the wilderness of the Canadian coast range- The last sign of another person he had seen was a trappers line, and a trail leading to an unseen cabin, sixteen days before. He sighed contentedly, and adjusted the straps of his backpack. The frozen ground made his journey possible, because the numerous creeks, swamps, muskeg...

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A Visit From Blackjack

Hi! After seeing the bits on cliches in TG fiction on the Fictionmania Hyperboard, I decided a story was needed that played a bit with them. Blackjack was created by the late great Osamu Tezuka;all you need to know about him for the story is included. It's okay to post this on sites that don't charge readers. A VISIT FROM BLACKJACK by Scott K. Jamison (Blackjack created by Osamu Tezuka. North American rights held by Viz Comics, and no infringement is...

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Tracey desire for Big Black Cock

This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on...

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My First Big Black Cock

MY FIRST BIG BLACK COCKI still remember the very first time I got to feel and taste my very first black cock. It was a fantasy of mine for a while, but I was too damn nervous and paranoid to actually make this fantasy come true. First of all, It's not that I'm attracted to black men over any other race of men. It was just the fact that supposedly black men had bigger cocks than anyone else and I was going to make sure that if I did try a black cock, It would be of bigger than average size....

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Juniper Amado Filthy Fucktoy Abused By Big Black Cocks

Tremaine obliged, calling over the last three all at once. They waved their big rods in my face and I felt like I was at a buffet. A buffet where they only serve my favorite meal, and the portion sizes are always huge. Using my pigtails to control my head, they took turns fucking my throat as hard as they could. I choked, gagged, slurped and sucked, but they continued unrepentant and unimpeded. One would fuck my face sloppy for a minute or two, and then pass me to the next with just a moment...

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My First Big Black Cock

I still remember the very first time I got to feel and taste my very first black cock. It was a fantasy of mine for a while, but I was too damn nervous and paranoid to actually make this fantasy come true. First of all, It's not that I'm attracted to black men over any other race of men. It was just the fact that supposedly black men had bigger cocks than anyone else and I was going to make sure that if I did try a black cock, It would be of bigger than average size. Well, One weekend after I...

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Dam its Big Hooked on Black Cock

This was my third swing party with my wife, Traci. The monthly event was held on Saturday evenings at a small hotel on Route 9 in Englewood, NJ, close to the Palisades. As usual, it was an attractive suite containing a kitchenette/living room and two bedrooms with a total of four queen-sized beds. My name is Joel and my wife and I live in Montclair, NJ. I'm 37 and stand 5'5", not the tallest of the species. (However, being from a diminutive family is helpful when it comes to buying clothing...

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Big Black Cock

Ok, so my husband has gone away for the weekend again (see “My First Big Black Cock”) and I’m bored here alone. Writing about my last experience was so much fun (and got me off so good) that I thought I’d give it another try and relate another experience. I’m dressed sexy for you this time – a short, short black skirt and a black top with a sequined neck line; fire-red net stockings inside red 12” pumps. I’ve got a push up bra on that makes me look like I have a decent rack on me, and my...

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My first big black cock

It was during my second marriage and my husband at the time, Terry, would sometimes rent a whole bunch of porn videos and we would spend that whole weekend (the k**s were away) laying in bed and doing all kinds of things to and for each other. He would usually bring home a rather large selection, so in the 7 years we were married, there wasn't much we hadn't seen. I'm also a bit of an exhibitionist, so when we went out on these weekends we would tantalize truckers. Sometimes I'd just give...

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Ed BiggersChapter 6

Following Shadow, Ed walked into the IRS office and stopped at the receptionist. She looked at Ed and then glanced down at the cat. Smiling at Ed, she asked, “Who are you here to see?” “The person in charge,” replied Ed in a very casual manner. Very calmly, she picked up the phone and called security. Looking at Ed with a smile, she said, “Let me let him know you are here.” The sour tone of her voice let Ed know that she was lying to him. He reached in his back pocket as the woman said,...

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Ed BiggersChapter 7

Ed woke up on the floor of the playroom with Beth, Kelly, and Ling. Beth was spooned against him while Kelly and Ling were sleeping together. The hand moving on his cock suggested that Beth was not asleep. He moaned as his cock erected under her gentle administrations. As a result his moans, she knew that she was having a real effect on Ed. Beth increased the pressure of her grip on his cock. He shifted giving her easier access to it. The noise woke Kelly. Pouting, she came over and said,...

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Ed BiggersChapter 13

The house was still under construction, but enough of it had been completed to see how it was laid out. Ed walked from where the living room would be to the kitchen and dining room. Trying to construct a mental image as he examined the layout, he decided that he liked it a lot. It would be a very nice house once it was finished. He turned to Mrs. Hayes who was still in the living room and said, “I like it.” With a little smile in his direction, Mrs. Hayes said, “Of all the plans the...

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Ed BiggersChapter 23

Ling, Kelly, Leroy, Betsy, Linda, Dan, Claire, and the entire staff were waiting for William Redman Carter to return home. Much to everyone’s surprise, he walked into the house and headed directly to Linda without pausing long enough for anyone to hug him. He stopped in front of his mother and, after a pregnant pause, said, “It’s time to get you to the hospital.” “What?” asked Linda as a sudden spasm passed through her abdomen. Her eyes grew large when she realized what he meant. “I told...

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sucking big black candy cock

I fucking love halloween!that time of the year i go out dress like a skimpy lil fairy and no one looks at me weirdmy plug turned to hi walking in the dark street with my lil fairy wings , mouth wet looking for nice big black candy cock like a real cock fairyeach year i found new house to go collect my treat and god do i love when the door open and i am welcome by my daddies in sweat pants already raging hard waiting for the fairy girlI walk to the first place, knocking at the door smiling my...

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We had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My husband was on a winning streak. He was up at least $1500. I whispered into his ear have fun I'll be in that cute little shop. ok? Then his luck ran out.. and before I knew it, he had lost the money we had to get back home.I was so mad that i had to just walk away. About 15min. later I went back to where I last saw him but he was not there.Just as I was...

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Tim and Abbie 64 Followed by a visit to Wilde Peacock

Brian, when talking with Abbie on Friday night, quietly thanked her for helping Mark get to this point.  And how pleased he is that Mark’s friends are so accepting and welcoming.  There are more hoops Mark still has to jump through, and Brian hopes Abbie and Tim could be at Wilde Peacock tomorrow afternoon.  Brian is going to take Mark there for the first time.Abbie laughs, telling Brian he will be introducing Mark to the Peacock in full force.  Tomorrow is Phoebe’s annual bar birthday.  The...

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Being Bred By Bigfoot

Cathy could feel her stress level start to decrease as she drove out of town in her dad’s F150 pickup heading into the mountains.  Her freshman year of college had sucked in about every way possible with the exception of she had passed all of her classes, and gotten the number of credit hours she needed for both semesters.She was heading for a girl's weekend with Sherry and Janice.  They would set up camp tonight, Thursday night, and then they would do some serious hiking in the mountains just...

Monster Sex
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Becoming A Slut For A Big Black Cock

Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting white t-shirt which contrasted sharply with his black skin. I felt my cock throbbing as I watched him move to the window and look out. His body was turned toward me a bit and my eyes searched his crotch, trying to determine what was there. I seemed to not be in control of myself. I don't know how long I stood staring at his body and his crotch, but it seemed that all of a sudden he was beside...

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Always Bet on Black to Win Blacken

My name is Eddie and something has happened in my life recently that I have to write about. Let me tell you about my situation. I am a 32 year old white male, who is married to a very sexy woman, named Liz. Liz, who is 28 years old, and I have been married for five years. We met when we were teenagers and dated on and off, until our marriage. Liz is easily the most attractive woman I've ever been with and I love her very much.Liz has always been my dream girl. My wife has long brunette hair,...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into Sucking Black Cock PT2 Gay

In case you didn't read my first story I will bring you up to date quickly.I would consider myself a happily married heterosexual although I have always been bi curious. My wife and I have foreign students studying English to stay from time to time to make a bit of extra money. One summer a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla came to stay for 3 months and a week later a French guy called Jamal also came to stay.To cut a long story short Carla caught me on her bed masturbating and...

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The Blacksmith

The BlacksmithThe divorce had been final for almost a year.? Maria and the business were long gone, it was her concept and hard work anyway.? I kept the 2 acres in Connecticut and the beach house in Laguna, both already paid for, and more than enough money to enjoy them both.? I wanted out and she wanted more.? We were both very different people now, I had taught Maria business, and she taught me the intimacy of sex.? She showed me ways to enjoy sex my rigid Connecticut upbringing never dreamed...

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Special Black Delivery Blacken

My husband Brian is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Brian loves to watch me...

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Ed BiggersChapter 1

Ed Biggers begins his service to the Two-Sided One and gains balance in his life. Decisions. Hundreds, if not thousands, of decisions are made each and every day, by every person. Shall I sleep five minutes more or not? What shall I eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What route shall I take to work? What lane should I be in now? Most of these are minor decisions, of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. That is, the majority of decisions can be made without concern for...

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Ed BiggersChapter 5

Marguerite and Bob were laughing and dancing the twist when the waiter came in the kitchen. For a full minute, he stared open mouthed at the pair amazed that on the first day of the cooking contest they were dancing fifteen minutes before he was to deliver the meal to the judges. The first three chefs had been working furiously to get everything done on time. She was dancing, the kitchen was clean, and there were two servings of lunch on the table for them. Once that classic song was over,...

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Ed BiggersChapter 19

Wearing an outfit that looked a lot like a space suite, Ed walked around trying to get used to the feel of the strange outfit. Removing the control from a pocket, he turned down the temperature a couple of degrees. Replacing the control to the pocket, he stood there for a minute waiting for the suit to cool down. He looked over at the man standing next to him and said, “This is pretty nice.” The man answered, “It uses a fusion well to generate heat for the suit. With the built in radio and...

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Ed BiggersChapter 19

After Claire had dropped them off at the entrance, Kelly, Ling, and Ed walked into the Maria’s Cantina located in Phoenix. They did not expect to find Maria there since she had retired from the day to day operation of the restaurants. She continued to manage what had become a growing chain, but had left inspections and quality control to her sister Rosa. The reason they were at the restaurant was a mystery to everyone. Ed had a feeling that something important was going to happen and asked...

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The Art of DeepThroating Big Black Cocks

The first time I tried to deep-throat a BBC, I gagged, my eyes watered, I couldn’t breath and even so I wondered why it was so exciting. Choking while giving head isn’t very appealing. It is not a sexy blowjob if the woman is coughing and have to apologize for her inadequacies. I had known some well-endowed white boys previously and had given plenty of blowjobs, but when my black Dom pushed his massive cock as far down my throat as he could, I immediately realized of my limitations and how much...

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