Finding Myself - Part 4 free porn video

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(With apologies to anyone who has been waiting over 2 years for this story to continue!) I stirred slowly, not knowing whether Miss Allie was nearby or just talking through my earphones. I was still stuck, handcuffed to the bed with a double-ended dildo in my mouth and blackened eye goggles. But I knew she was there when I felt her straddle me. Then she fiddled with the dildo in my mouth and there was my customary drink of her strong overnight urine trickling thru it and down my throat. While I was swallowing it, she placed a peg over my nose again and this made me concentrate harder on swallowing and grabbing a breath whenever I could. While I was fully occupied, she started doing something on my forehead; she eased the goggles down a fraction and then I felt her pulling out my eyebrows. I could do nothing as I was still secured to the bed and had to keep drinking the urine in order to get some breath when I could. She had switched on the orgasm background in my ears and all in all I had sensory overload, so what she was doing to my eyebrows was on the fringe of my consciousness. Eventually, she finished - just as I managed to get rid of the last of her urine, and lay getting my breath back. She must have gone out - or at least, the bed stopped moving and I was left again. But it wasn't long before she returned - maybe she had gone to get dressed. I felt her take the dildo out of my mouth along with the gas tank cap. I breathed in relief in the hope that she might be easing off on her 'training', but she wasn't. She fit something even bigger onto the ring in my mouth; this time, it had what felt like a rubber channel ring that fitted over my lips in a kind of airtight seal. Then she fit another dildo on the end of a cap - this one was in the shape of a penis too, with a bigger-than-normal slit at the end. She secured the new cap and locked it in place. I learned more about it when she placed the peg back on my nose: the only way I could draw in air was thru the end of the penis. "Isn't that sweet, Tina?" broke into my earphones. I nodded - a bit panicky. "This is just for your training, Tina - it will help you learn your dependence on me at all times. It's very simple really - shall I explain?" I didn't move. "Shall I explain, Tina?" she repeated. As she did so, she must have flicked something (I couldn't see anything thru the goggles) because the penis must have closed off at its root and taken my air supply with it. I couldn't breathe! "Shall I explain, Tina?" she said again in her sweetest voice. I was really panicky now and nodded frantically. She flicked something again and my air was restored - the penis allowing air to flow into my lungs. "You see - you've worked it out for yourself - clever girl!" I could hear her giggling as she removed my goggles, my eyes blinking as I saw daylight for the first time. "You see, to help you realize that you will always depend on me, I will control even the air that you breathe! Isn't that so cool? "You see, Tina, being dependent on me means what it says - not just a casual sort of idea of relying on me for the big stuff. It means everything in your life depends on me. So..." she flicked the switch on her wristband again, " breathe when I want you to! It's wonderful, isn't it?" I was stuck again and was trying to work out how long I could go without breathing as she leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. She must have been counting too as maybe 20 or 30 seconds went by; I was still cuffed to the bed and the mouthpiece was locked on anyway. She must have seen from my eyes that I was struggling and after maybe 40 seconds she flicked the switch again and the penis fed me air. I inhaled as deeply as I could, although it was difficult to breathe out thru the narrow slit (I later discovered that there was another hole at the root of the penis with a non-return valve to allow me to breathe out, but I didn't know that at the time). I had seen somewhere about divers who could hold their breath for several minutes and the thought scared me. My mind was all over the place as she looked down at me, smiling. "You see, honey, you are really going to learn thru this bit of training. Let me explain it to you." She giggled. "All you have to do is everything I tell you - without question or hesitation. It's as easy as that. To help you train yourself, I will switch off the air if I think you aren't trying hard. Simple, isn't it? Then you will have to show me that you have got the message and I might switch it back on again. "Don't worry, you won't have to wear it to work..." she smiled, "We'll have to think of something else for that, won't we? But we will keep doing it until you have proved to me that you work to my control only without having to think. OK, sweetie?" I must have hesitated, because she flicked my air off again. As soon as I realized, I nodded furiously - asking for the air I needed. She just smiled and moved away, leaving me to stew. It seemed like an even longer time before she flicked my air supply back on, leaving me gasping again. "Understand, Tina? You hesitated. When I speak, you answer straightaway. Stopping to think is a luxury you don't have time for and you don't need. I have told you I will look after you, haven't I?" I nodded quickly and enthusiastically. "That's better, my girl. Now, just one thing. You can't go around with a peg over your nose all day and so..." She removed the peg and placed a kind of small two-pronged fork into my nostrils, with a small bag on each end. She secured it (I mean locked!) it onto my mouth-cap and did something that inflated the bags in my nostrils. So my nose was now completely blocked - and locked! "There we are!" she smiled. "Now today we still have more training before you go back to work tomorrow." She unlocked the cuffs on my ankles. "There we are, my girl! You're going to have real fun today. I was going to tell you - but it will be nice as a surprise, won't it?" I could only wait as she released me from the cuffs that I had fitted on myself the night before. When she had done so, she hurried me along. "Come along, Tina - get yourself washed and ready. You might have had your breakfast, but you've still got to get me mine. I'll get your clothes ready. I'll let you have 3 minutes. Hurry up, now!" I couldn't speak but I nodded without hesitating and tapped my badge without thinking before I realized that I was in my nightdress and I wasn't wearing it! I scampered into the bathroom, desperate to relieve myself, the familiar sound of orgasms in my earphones. I washed and shaved as quickly as I could. When I ran back out, Miss Allie was waiting (I'm sorry, I can't think of her as anything else but Miss Allie any more) with clothes set out on the bed. She smiled. "See how quickly you can be ready now, Tina." Her voice cut into the sex noises I was hearing and I guessed she had found a way of leaving it as background and over-riding it when she wanted to speak. I didn't hesitate this time. Today, she had put out the red basque again. I curtsied and stepped into it and pulled it up as quickly as I could. It didn't feel as tight - I guess I was getting used to it. I sat down, taking the black opaque stockings she had chosen, and pulling them up my legs, fastening them to the basque. I slipped the prostheses inside the bra cups, looking round to see what was next. She grinned, handing me a black slip and dress; it wasn't the maid's uniform this time but more like the standard LBD that all women are supposed to have. I looked at it. "I am counting, Tina" she said and I rushed to put it on before she cut off my air supply again. I quickly put the clip on over the basque, the cool nylon sliding easily down my body. I unzipped the dress at the back and stepped into it, putting my arms thru the armholes and managing to zip it up the back all the way. I realized how tight it was - even over the basque, and most noticeably that it had a straight skirt reaching down to just above the knee. No panties again. I looked around for shoes, but only saw a pair of knee-high black patent leather boots. I looked at Miss Allie anxiously as she tapped her fingers impatiently and sat down to pull them on. The heels were very high and the zipper went from my instep right up to the knee. I stood up, trying to get my balance and looked at Miss Allie to see if I was OK. She flicked my air off immediately. "What did I tell you, my girl? Never, ever look me in the face unless I order you to. Your eyes should be downward." I started to panic as I needed to breathe. "And what else have you forgotten?" I looked around to see if there were any more clothes, but there weren't. "I can wait, Tina, until you remember." I was struggling now and I knew she would let me pass out to prove a point - sooner or later it was going to happen. "Brooch, Tina", she said quietly. And then I realized I had not put on the brooch (I thought it was a badge, but I guess women call them brooches). I grabbed it off the table and pinned it to the front of my dress. I curtsied quickly (finding it difficult in a straight skirt) and pressed the brooch twice, hoping - although I could not hear it - that "Thank you, Mistress" sounded. Miss Allie smiled. "Well done, Tina. You are a good learner." I used my tongue to caress the penis in my mouth, desperate to coax some air from it. She flicked a switch and it performed. I curtsied and pressed the brooch twice again as soon as I had taken a breath, my eyes firmly fixed on the floor. "Don't you think it's time you learned how to do your makeup, Tina - you love to wear makeup, don't you?" I couldn't take any more chances. I pressed my brooch once and curtsied. Although I could not look up, I sensed a smile on Miss Allie's face. I am going to show you how to do your eye makeup, Tina, so that you know how to do your own - you will depend on me for everything, but I will expect you to play your part too. And if you don't, you will learn that I can be hard - but you will recognize that it is only for your own good. You understand that don't you?" Curtsy, one press. I won't bore you with how she did the makeup - just to say that she sat me down and spent a long time at it, telling me what she was doing from one step to the next. The thing I noticed was that she had removed most of my eyebrows that morning and what was left was a very feminine thin arch above either eye. She finished my makeup by adding color and thickness with a brush and my eyebrows looked - well, like a woman's eyebrows and not like the ones I thought I had. "Now then, don't you look gorgeous, Tina?" I looked in the mirror and saw a woman's face - ok, it was a face with a large cap stuck in my mouth and tubes up my nose, but the eyes were beautiful with her makeup skills. I knew it was me, but it was a different me. I found myself smiling at the picture. I was scared for a moment as I realized I hadn't responded to Miss Allie's question, but I guess it wasn't meant for me to answer. I pressed the brooch twice anyway. "Good girl!" she replied. "Now we have to get ready to go, don't we?" I shivered at this, wondering where we were going. "Wait in the corner, Tina." I rushed to stand in the corner of the room while she went back to her room to get changed I guess. When she came back, she was dressed in biking leathers from head to foot. "You guessed it, Tina! We're going out on my motor bike today - yay!" She knew, she really knew that I had a thing about motor bikes. I had been on hers before and I was really scared. I can't explain why - I didn't mind cars and could drive - but being on a motor bike really scares me. It was part of her dominance I guess. "Here, Tina - I think you had better have one of these in case you get scared." She handed me a tampon and gestured that I should insert in my false vagina - or at least where my urine now came out. She looked at me, her hand moving towards the controls on her wrist as she put the packet down on the table. I curtsied quickly, pressed the brooch twice and pulled up my skirt, inserting the applicator carefully into me and releasing it, leaving the tampon in place. "Well done!" Miss Allie giggled. "You're a natural. "Now put the helmet on - unless you want people to see your face!" She handed me a helmet and I put it on, leaving the visor up - at least it seemed to cover my mouth and the lower part of my face so nobody would see it. "Let's go, Tina!" she said cheerily, taking my arm. Since she was dressed in leathers, I had wondered if I was to wear anything else, but it was not to be. She led me out of the block - fortunately quiet on a Sunday morning - and down to where she kept her bike. "Hop on, girl" she said cheekily - and it was then I understood that I was going to have to ride on the back of her bike wearing a tight skirt. "" My air was cut off immediately and I rushed to get on the bike." I hitched up the skirt as far as I could without showing my bare ass to everyone, but even then it showed my stockings and the straps from my basque. But I couldn't stop to think about that - I needed air. "Pull your visor down, Tina!" I did so, finding that it was opaque and I couldn't see a thing thru it. I pulled down the skirt of the dress as far as I could, put my arms round Miss Allie's waist and held on tight. She released the air for me, and I gasped inside my black helmet as she kick started the bike and we moved off. Is it just me or is being on a motor bike scary? I held on as she weaved thru the traffic, unable to see what was going on around, but feeling the air blast past as we picked up speed. I wondered what people thought as they saw a girl in a tight black dress speed past, her stockings only too visible. I guess people will have noticed. Miss Allie's voice broke into my thoughts. "How are you doing, Tina? It's fun, isn't it?" I didn't know how to answer. There was a pause. "Tina - it's fun, isn't it? Is your brooch working? I expect an answer when I speak to you." My air was cut off. I released my right hand from securing me to Miss Allie, leaving the left gripping the waistband of her leathers, and quickly touched my brooch once. "Yes, Miss Allie" came thru. She gave me back my air and I grabbed my other hand again around her waist. As we continued on the highway she talked: "You do understand that, don't you, Tina? When I ask you something, you answer. You don't hesitate or think about it - you answer immediately - wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Serving me is your first and only priority. You will respond to everything I do. Understood?" I quickly detached my hand again and pressed the brooch once. "And you want to do it too, don't you?" Same again. "And there is nothing more important in your life, is there?" Same again. "Good girl!" She put her foot on the throttle and we accelerated - I just held on to her, needing her. We stopped somewhere in the woods at a roadside coffee stall. She walked over to get herself a drink and talked to other bikers and a couple of truckers. I just stayed by the machine, my visor up, but my helmet of course still in place. She stayed longer than she needed and once - just for fun, I guess - looked over at me while she was talking to a big guy in leathers and switched my air supply off, turning her back as she did so. What could I do? I kept telling myself she had always said she would look after me and not let me get into any problems, but when she has cut off your air supply and turned away, it's hard to convince yourself. I tried to stay stationary so as not to use up oxygen, but it still seemed like an age before she turned it back on and the penis in my mouth feed me again. With the helmet on, I am sure nobody knew anything about it - except Miss Allie of course. I was petrified that someone would come up and start talking to me - or even try to pick me up. I kept looking over to Miss Allie, hoping she would return and we could go home. But she knew that was what I wanted and she wanted me to know that what I wanted didn't matter. I was going to have to learn that, but right now it was hard. Every time a guy walked near, I turned away so that he didn't find an opportunity to talk. On the previous day, Miss Allie had taken me to a restaurant to eat - or at least for her to eat - but I couldn't see how she could do that today; I couldn't sit in a restaurant with a motor cycle helmet on, and no ay was I taking it off. Maybe we would just go home. It must have been nearly an hour before Miss Allie came back over. She was smiling broadly, although I looked down as she approached. "Hi, there, Tina - nice coffee! Everything ok?" I pressed the brooch once and then twice. She giggled, said "Let's go", and climbed onto the bike. I looked round, hitched up my skirt again, closed the visor on my helmet and put my arms around her. She kick-started the bike, then immediately switched off my air and we rode off. After we had gone a couple of hundred yards, she said "What was missing, Tina? What did you forget?" She kept riding as I began to struggle again, unable to do anything - even answer. "Shall I remind you, my girl? It isn't my job to remind you - if I have to do that, you are bound to get punished, aren't you?" I quickly released my hand and pressed the brooch once, desperate for air. "Tina - this is your last warning or I will have to punish you harder. You didn't curtsy, did you?" My mind went into overdrive as I imagined what I would have looked like curtsying in front of a gang of bikers. "Do you understand, Tina?" One press. Please....enough. "I won't have to tell you again, will I, Tina?" Air restored. I gasped for breath more than any time so far. Two presses. She sped off down the highway and I retreated into myself. I had got myself into this position and it was becoming increasingly difficult to see the way out. "In case you are wondering, Tina, I am thinking I have been too soft on you. I will have to harden up the way I treat you until you finally realize that you have no will of your own and everything in your life is about meeting my commands. I thought I had made that clear but you are not there yet. So this training will continue until you are, Tina. "You need to get back to work tomorrow and we will make sure that you are on your toes for that. I will not have your working day being a time to slip backwards. Understood?" One press. The trip back was uneventful - well, apart from me leaking onto my tampon in fear at the motor bike driving and at what Miss Allie was going to do when we got home. She took me quickly into the flat and said one word: "Strip". I took off my helmet and managed to unzip the dress. I unzipped the boots, unhooked the stockings and rolled them off. Finally I managed to unhook the basque and take it off, my body relieved to be free from the constriction again. I turned and waited for Miss Allie to tell me what to do. I immediately put my hand to my mouth when I realized.... "Tina - I gave you an order and what did you forget?" I curtsied and touched my brooch once, hoping that was enough to satisfy her. "No, Tina. It is no good doing it after the event. You will be trained until you learn - however long it takes. The longer you resist, the harder it will be. You are going to have to learn that what you do is decided by me and not by you." She handed me what looked like some kind of cream-colored corset. "This is based on a design from the hospital's orthopedic aids department. It's for people with spinal injuries to help them keep their posture. Isn't it great? Just try it on, Tina! I've powdered the inside - it will make it easier to slide on!" She giggled as I took it from her and examined it. My first reaction was that it was surprisingly heavy - and probably too small for me to fit into. But I didn't dare to hesitate. I stepped into the garment, finding it to be of a very firm material as I pulled it up my legs. I almost overbalanced as it was tight although the section covering my butt was very stretchy. I could see it had two flaps (in front and back) with poppers to clip together under the crotch, but the rest of it, up to the bra cups and straps, looked long but surely far too small. "Keep going, Tina" mouthed Miss Allie into my earphones against the usual background of orgasms. There were hard pieces let into the corset - I quickly realized that only the bottom was stretchy, the rest was like a traditional corset with sets of laces to tighten it; the front pressed hard against my stomach as I struggled to pull it up and the back was like reinforcement right from my coccyx to my neck. I wanted to stop for a break as I was getting tired, but I knew that now wasn't a good time. Out of the corner of my eye, Miss Allie was smiling and watching. The front and back of the corset was totally straight, reinforced with what seemed like steel but was probably strong plastic or something. I thought the front was straight too, but it turned out to have a kink in the reinforcement to mark a waistline. The powder she had used on the inside of the garment certainly helped to ease it up. It felt strange as I pulled it up - and pretty uncomfortable when I had finished as I didn't have the waistline to accommodate the kink. At last, I pulled the straps over my shoulders and stopped for breath. Straightaway I heard Miss Allie's voice. "No breasts, Tina?" I ran to the drawers, the waist of the corset digging into my flesh, and took out my breasts, quickly slipping them into the cups of the corset and readjusting the straps. "Now lie on the bed, Tina - face down." I curtsied and then absent- mindedly tried to touch my brooch again (although I wasn't wearing it) and quickly lay on the bed. Miss Allie straddled me and started to pull the laces tight on the garment. At first she pulled a cord which tightened the waist and pulled the kink in the plastic front hard into me. Initially, she just used her hands and pulled as hard as she could. I could feel the firm plastic pulling my waist and stomach in. Indeed, although the cord was tightening the waist, it was my stomach that felt the most as the firm plastic boning pulled me in tight. The rigidity reached right down almost to where my cock was (well - used to be, before it was pulled down between my legs) and every tightening that Miss Allie did on my waistline flattened the front further. When she had got as far as she could, she seemed to use some form of device which enabled her to tighten the cord even more, until the front of my stomach must have been totally flat and the waistline very marked. Then she started on tightening the normal laces on the corset. I felt the boning tighten against my flesh as she worked her way along. It crushed my rib cage very tightly and, further down, seemed to take even more off my waist before ending on the curve of my hips. "Now, Tina - take a deep breath." I did my best, although the corset didn't allow me to take much in. "Now, exhale - right out." This was easier. But as soon as I had breathed out as far as I could, Miss Allie shut off my air supply and started again on the laces with the device she had used before. I was desperate for air and started thrashing about on the bed until her voice said "The longer you struggle, my girl, the longer without air", so I stopped at once, hoping she would relent before I passed out. She used my empty lungs to tighten the corset to its maximum. When she had finished, I felt her close the flap on the lacing and I heard the clip of a lock. She let me breathe again - although I could hardly call it that as my lungs were so compressed by the corset that it was as much as I could do to get any air in, and I lay panting for some moments. "That's it, Tina! Now stand up" I tried, I really did. But the boning and restriction of the corset was so tight that I couldn't get up from the bed, still panting for breath. Miss Allie laughed again, and kept laughing when I eventually managed to slide off the bed so that my knees were on the ground and then haul myself up with my arms. The corset was so tight that I couldn't bend at all. Sitting down looked as if it was going to be difficult enough. Where the front plate of the corset boning reached down meant that not only was my stomach squashed but my bladder was too and I felt as if I needed to go to the bathroom. The whole thing seemed to be stuck firmly to my body and I wondered whether the powder that I had thought was talcum powder was something else as there was a kind of melted feeling to it on my skin. "Do up the poppers, Tina - you can't go around like that, can you?" I jumped and tried to reach down between my legs but the garment stopped me. I tried for some time before Miss Allie came over and popped them shut for me over my panties. "Let me look at you." She smiled. "Well, that really does wonders for your figure, Tina. A good start". I hesitated only momentarily before curtsying, my movement being far more vertical than before as my body could not bend at all. I found myself looking around for my brooch. "I hope you are comfortable in that, Tina - because you will be keeping it on for a while. You have shown me that you will follow my leading when you have thought about it, but you will be learning that thinking about it is both unnecessary and from now on forbidden. You will wear that to remind you that your body is not yours, it is mine and I will keep it how I choose. The first thing is that for now it will be tightly constricted. You will not be able to bend, you will not have enough breath to move quickly - if I allow you any at all - and you will have a figure that no one will mistake for that of a man. Is that clear, Tina?" I curtsied quickly and stiffly, conscious that I had no brooch to reply. Miss Allie saw me looking around and knew what I was looking for. "Don't worry, Tina. You will have your brooch in good time. For now you just need to know that your corset stays on until I decide it comes off." She smiled, "And that includes in the office. "But you can't go around like that - you need some other clothes, don't you?" I curtsied again instantaneously. This conditioning was working. "I know how you loved the long camisole that James got for you at the party, so I have got you one like it. I'm sorry it's not in gold satin, but I found one in pink nylon and I'm sure you'll love it just as much." She pulled it out of a bag and handed it to me. "Put it on", she said in measured tones. I put it on immediately, slipping it over my head and letting it fall over my legs. I looked down and it was indeed narrow like the last one. "And now your stockings, honey. I thought you would like these beautiful soft cream ones. Here", she handed me a packet of stockings. I opened them as quickly as I could and tried to bend forward to put them on. I couldn't - not with that corset on. "Sit on the bed, Tina, and move your legs sideways; then you can pull the stockings onto your legs without having to bend forward. These are all things you have to learn when you are a woman - you have to do it all the time!" I did as she said without question or delay - and she was right. By resting one ankle on the other knee I could reach my foot and pull the stocking up. I managed to fasten them both to the straps on the corset and stand up. I turned round to Miss Allie. "And you can put these on in the same way." She grinned as she was holding a pair of shoes in her hand. They were pink open toed sandals - but the main thing was the heel. They must have been 4 or 5 inch heels. I stood and looked at them. She cut my air supply off. "Do you think I am holding these for fun, Tina?" she snapped. I took them quickly and sat awkwardly again, pulling the shoes onto my feet as fast as I could. I managed to reach the buckles and attach them and I stood up, almost overbalancing, looking hopefully in Miss Allie's direction without lifting my head too high. "Let me see them, Tina", she asked slowly and politely. I lifted the camisole and did a twirl, desperate for air. "That's OK. Just remember that I don't expect to have to do everything for you in future. Understood?" I curtsied. She gave me air again. I curtsied once more. "Now put this on. You will need to be comfortable in a ball gown if you are serious about what we are doing." She lifted up a full length pink chiffon dress, cutting off my air again as she did so. She had changed her approach - she was now giving me an order and immediately switching off my air supply until I carried it out. There was nothing I could do against this - I scrambled to take the dress of her, almost oblivious now to the orgasm sounds in my ear as I unzipped it and quickly slipped it over my head. It was a snug fit but the camisole helped it slide down. There was a moment of panic when I couldn't get it over my bust, but I managed to free it, smooth it down and try to zip it up in back. I couldn't! The zipper went all the way from my butt up to the top; I could get it maybe half way but no further, it was such a close fit that I couldn't get my hands to reach. I looked at Miss Allie pleadingly, but she just stood and smiled. I knew I was going to pass out any moment and I kept trying to pull the zipper - one hand behind me and one over my shoulder. I was about to give up completely when something eased a bit and I managed to get my two hands to work together and the zipper came all the way up. I put my hands at my sides and waited to be allowed to breathe. Miss Allie walked over, still smiling. "So what have we learned, Tina?" She flicked the switch and I gulped in air thru the penis in my mouth. "First of all, we have learned that you must do what I say immediately. You will be grateful when I help you with that by switching off your air supply when I give you the command - it's a great incentive for you to move quickly, isn't it? I will do it every time - unless it's something that will take a long time! "Secondly, we have learned that you can achieve a lot more if you persevere. You were right if you thought that I wouldn't turn your air back on until you had completed what I had commanded. It might have meant that you would have passed out - yes, it might, Tina: don't doubt that I would have let you. The air you breathe is a gift from me for when you do what I order you to do. If you fail, you don't get air. It's as simple as that, Tina. Do you understand?" I nodded and curtsied - an increasingly difficult maneuver in the clothes and shoes I was now wearing. "When I say understand, Tina, you need to realize that you will have to prove to me by your actions that you understand. Understanding isn't just something in your head - it's in your whole body. Your training will continue until your body responds automatically to my orders. "And one other thing - I told you that you can always trust me. You can trust me to keep my word: do not doubt that I will let you pass out if you haven't completed or obeyed my command. I will also make sure no harm comes to you - when you have passed out, I will make sure you have enough air." She paused. "Where is your brooch, Tina?" I looked around quickly, spotting it on the table and moved to pick it up, almost falling over with my heels and restricting skirt. I pinned it to my dress. "That is better, my girl. Now is everything I have said clear to you?" I pressed my brooch once (there was no setting for 'No' anyway, but I don't think she would have appreciated it). I just remembered in time and curtsied. "It has been a long morning, hasn't it? I am ready for my lunch now, Tina. Make me a sandwich and I will make you a drink." Curtsy, one touch, then two touches. She walked back to her own room, leaving my ears to the orgasm sounds. I hurried to the kitchen as well as I could with the restrictions she had made me have, finding myself grateful that she hadn't switched my air off. I took some bread and found the ingredients for a tuna mayonnaise sandwich. I placed it on a tray and opened the door to her room. As I entered, I curtsied as I saw her lounging in an armchair (something I couldn't even consider with the clothes I was now wearing) and walked over to serve her food, my head lowered. "Thank you, my girl" she spoke thru my headphones. "You may put the tray down". I did so, following it with a curtsy and two presses on my brooch. Miss Allie stood up in front of me. "And here is your lunch, Tina. Drink it down quickly or you might find it difficult", she giggled, as she clipped a container full of her warm urine onto my mouth cap and it began to flow thru the penis in my mouth straight into the back of my throat. I swallowed desperately, alternately gasping for air as my whole concentration was on breathing. Miss Allie sat down and started eating her sandwich. "I will have a soda with my sandwich, Tina." I curtsied and had to move quickly to get to the kitchen while still swallowing the last of her urine, but at least again she gave me the opportunity to breathe. I ran as quickly as I could, my steps short in the restrictive skirt and high heels, and my body unbelievably stiff in the orthopedic corset. I took a soda and poured it into a glass. I went back into her room, pausing to curtsy, and crossed the room to give Miss Allie her soda. It hadn't occurred to me before as my ears were full of the sounds of orgasm, but I guess the material in my skirt and camisole must have made quite a sound as I walked. I put Miss Allie's drink down for her and then curtsied. She ignored me. I began to panic, worrying that there was something I should be doing. I pressed my brooch three times. She responded by switching off my air supply. "Why are you asking me, Tina? Do you not think that I will tell you when I have something for you to do? If I do not, then ask yourself: is the flat clean and tidy? Is there any laundry to be washed? And... "Why is your beverage container still in your mouth? If you have finished, it should be washed and ready for a refill." I curtsied and pressed my brooch twice. I removed the empty container and turned to leave, hoping she would restore my air. In fact, I had returned to the kitchen before she did so. I felt ridiculous in a long pink evening gown in the early afternoon, but Miss Allie had decided that I was to do housework dressed like this. My first priority was to go the bathroom myself, and I hurried - as well as I could - to get there. I was beginning to understand some of the problems women had when trying to go in an evening gown. I lifted up the skirt of the gown along with the camisole as I turned round with my back to the toilet bowl. Then I had to try to reach the poppers on my corset - which I hadn't been able to reach when I had put it on until Miss Allie had done it for me. You know how it is when you need to go - the delay was making me increasingly desperate as I fumbled to even reach the poppers, let alone undo them. I could feel my piss on its way as I managed at last to pull them apart and lift them clear. I pulled down my panties and only then saw the tampon that Miss Allie had made me put in earlier that morning - now I realized why! It was already swollen and moist from pre-cum following my excitement throughout the day, but now even more so as, despite my best efforts to control it - my urine had reached it. I did my best to hold on as I managed to remove it, and backed onto the toilet. I sat down, more in exhaustion than anything else, only to find that the front strengthening of the corset extended so far that there was no room for my hand or anything else. It was fortunate that I had moved the poppers clear as my pee squirted hard into the bowl. At least it gave me a sense of relief. Sitting on the toilet gave me an opportunity to rest for a moment and think thru what I had got myself into. It was difficult enough even to do this with the constant orgasmic excitement in my ears; it kept me on the edge, although the tight covering of my penis meant that I could feel little sensation down there as a result. I couldn't see a way out of this at all. Maybe when I got out of the flat and into work it might be easier. Deep down I was loving being under Miss Allie's control but I was worried that if it kept going much longer I might not be able to find a way back. I would just have to go with the flow for now and look at what tomorrow brought. I managed to stand somehow and dab myself dry with a tissue before flushing the toilet. It occurred to me that Miss Allie might expect me to have another tampon in place - and maybe they were sensible anyway - and so I pulled my panties up to my knees and hobbled thru into my room. I managed to hold my skirt and camisole up with one hand and insert a fresh tampon with the other. Somehow I pulled up my panties and then set about fixing the poppers; this time I managed it, although the pain on my chest and stomach from the corset made it something I would not want to do often. I let the camisole and skirts fall while I got my breath back. My air supply was cut off. "Why aren't you at work, Tina?" I looked around, seeing Miss Allie by the door smiling. I curtsied quickly and started tidying up, knowing submission and obedience was the only way she would release my air supply. Strangely, the feel of the penis in my mouth was now becoming normal. After maybe ten seconds, she allowed me to breathe again. And that was how the afternoon went on. I had to try to clean and tidy the flat, do the washing and prepare food for Miss Allie, while wearing high heels, a long pink ball gown and an unbelievably constricting corset that prevented me from bending my body one inch. Two or three times she cut off my air - I guess just so that I knew she was around and I wasn't to ease off. All I wanted to do was sit down and relax - to get off these heels - but the corset would barely allow me to sit straight on the edge of a chair, let alone relax. At some point during the afternoon, the constant orgasm noises were replaced by a recording of Miss Allie, speaking in a soft and very sensual voice. She just kept repeating that I wanted to do nothing but serve her, to meet her needs, that I would obey immediately she asked anything at all, that my whole life would be subservient to that one desire and that nothing else apart from her wishes would be of any consequence at all. In fact, she left that on all night as well and her voice was so commanding and beautiful that my body began to respond to it in the same way as it did to the orgasm noises. At around six in the evening, she broke into the recording with her own voice to tell me to get her supper and a glass of wine. I looked around to see if she was around, but I still found myself curtsying and touching my brooch once even when she wasn't. I hurried to the kitchen with short and delicate steps, pouring a glass of wine for her and carrying it into her room. I entered the room, curtsied and walked to where she was sitting, curled up on the sofa. When I handed her the glass, she took it, but cut off my air before I could do anything. I curtsied and pressed my brooch twice anyhow. "Tina, I don't think it is polite for you to walk in on me without knocking, do you? I have been thinking; you need to learn better manners, so in future you will knock before entering the room I am in. Is that OK?" I pressed my brooch once and curtsied, knowing that was the only route to air. She smiled. "I am glad you agree, Tina," she said as she flicked my air back on. "Now, I will eat in twenty minutes. Off you go." I pressed my brooch twice, curtsied and shuffled to the door, turning and curtsying again before I left. Although my ears were full of her recorded voice, I could see she was laughing at me. I prepared her an omelet and salad, keeping an eye on the clock on the wall. After twenty minutes, the omelet was done and so I placed her meal on a tray and knocked on the door of her room. I waited - she held off answering just to make a point, I think - and when she cut into my ears with "Come" I entered, stopping to curtsy as I carried the tray to the table. I set the meal out, ready for her to eat and stood behind her as she came to the table, carrying her half-empty glass of wine. "I would like to see you when I am eating, Tina - don't skulk behind me." Air off. "Come and kneel in front of me where I can be confident you are behaving." I swished around the table, lifting my skirt and camisole and managing to kneel carefully on both knees (at least resting my legs from the heels), but unable to relax my body at all as I had to keep my back ramrod straight with the corset. "Lower your head, sweetie," she said thru my earphones. I did so, looking at my breasts and down to the floor where my gown lay swirled. "That's better, isn't it?" she said sweetly, flicking my air back on. I pressed my brooch once, without looking up. I guess she carried on eating, because the recorded voice came back on and I couldn't look up. I was hungry too, but the breathing apparatus in my mouth meant I could neither drink nor eat and I would have to await Miss Allie's pleasure before I could do either. She clearly didn't rush her meal, because I was left kneeling for some time before she spoke. "It's time you had your drink, Tina." I groaned inwardly before I pressed my brooch twice. I won't go thru it with you - she didn't make me lie under her toilet (thank goodness, I don't know how I would have done with the corset) but fixed her container onto my mouth cap. "I have diluted some of your drink, Tina, so that you don't have too much salt - it's not good for you, you know. And I have added some nutrients because we wouldn't want you to lose out, would we?" Two presses on the brooch. I assumed she meant some kind of food, but I wondered if she was adding something to affect what she was doing; I don't know what, maybe something to change my mood, make me less argumentative - maybe even some female hormones, I thought. "Drink it all up, Tina. You will be going to bed early again tonight. You have a busy day tomorrow, going back to work and there are things we need to prepare. So you don't have to stay kneeling there all evening - when you have finished washing up, go to your bedroom and prepare for bed. You may remove your gown and camisole. You will leave your corset, shoes and stockings on. Is that clear?" One press. "I will come thru to your room in 15 minutes and I will find you cuffed to the bed like last night, except that this time you will lie on your stomach and not your back. Now go." I pulled myself to my feet with difficulty, pressing my brooch twice when I had succeeded, and curtsied. I picked up her tray and walked to the door, turning and curtsying again before I left. Removing the long dress and camisole was difficult enough, but I got there eventually, putting them on hangers, and then I hurried thru to the bathroom. When I came back, I took out the cuffs and fixed each one to a corner of the bed. Then I knelt on the cover (finding for once that the corset helped!) and secured my ankles to the foot of the bed; I then lay flat on my stomach and clicked the handcuff on my left hand. That again left the most difficult one, but I managed to get my right hands thru it and click it shut. I lay flat and got my breath back - at least I had made it in the 15 minutes. I didn't hear Miss Allie come in of course, but I knew she had arrived when she was unfastening the crotch of my orthopedic corset and exposing my butt. The voice in my ears was still soothingly telling me that what I wanted more than anything was to obey Miss Allie's every wish.

Same as Finding myself - Part 4 Videos

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Finding Lisa

(C) 2006 Nick B - All rights reserved Chapter 1 School... ||||||||||| I was not a big kid, in fact I was probably only about the same size as a medium-sized girl; about five-six by the age of sixteen. My body was still smooth and slender with no muscular definition whatsoever. I hadn't much in the way of body hair (or body to put it on really) and my face was still baby-smooth. By this age, I would have expected to have something - even if it was just a dead caterpillar on my top...

3 years ago
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The Partnership

THE PARTNERSHIP June recognised the woman she was standing beside at the counter of the department store. She could not remember her name but knew she had seen her somewhere before. They were both in the lingerie department about to pay for their goods. In the woman's arms were two outlandish night dresses and several pairs of underwear that were definitely too big for her. "For the mother-in-law?" June inquired, and the lady replied, "Actually no, for my husband." June just...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 14 A Rude Awakening and Departure

Jake’s dreamed of him and Catherine standing on the bridge of the Karenna sailing the skies. In the dream, Catherine was holding their infant son. The eels were there along with many tiny eels floating around them. The dream changed, Jake was laying in his bed. Catherine was lightly stroking his face. Then she kissed him and covered him with a blanket. The dream ended and he drifted deeper into slumber. He was awoken by a knock on his cabin door. Jake sat up looking around. It took a few...

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Sexual Participation

Image of perfection Object of an affection in sexing Fantasizing freaky positions of you in submission Pushing pulling twisting and moaning A Place where I could store my erection Splendid features Tongue kissing fucking Look up cause I got mirrors on the ceiling Reflecting your ass bouncing silly Soon as you come in right away If you’re willing Splay your legs open Game played by 2 My sexual motivation Got you yelling spots for me to do? Amazed by the way you grind Just for fun I bet ill...

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Private compartment

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sands," the conductor explained, "I know you have a reservation for a private berth, but due to over booking all we have left is a compartment for two!!!" "Your berth mate is a nice young man, so we hope you can see your way clear to accept these alternate accommodations at no cost to you of course!!!" The train was about to leave the station and Vic Sands was just finding out that his reservation on the Overland Chief from Chicago to Seattle was not being honored because of...

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Finding Janine

Finding Janine By BobH (c) 2003 They say it takes a year. In terms of dealing with the first phase, with the raw, open wound that is your grief, that's about right. After a year, the initial pain dulls to the point where you begin to occasionally smile again, and going on with your life seems like more of a possibility, but the sense of loss never truly goes away. Janine Fox was my wife, and she was my life. Every day with her was a joy. I could hardly wait to get in from...

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Finding Happily Ever After

This story is a sequel to Trapped in a Faerie Tale. I had the idea for this story some time ago and have been working on it off an on for the last year. I would classify it as an adventure story that has a TG theme, similar to the first story. If you haven't read the first story, I would like it if you did. It is not necessary that you do so before reading this tale, however. FINDING HAPPILY EVER AFTER (TRAPPED IN FAERIE TALE BOOK...

2 years ago
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Finding Danielle

It was a typical August day in South Florida, 99 degrees Fahrenheit with 99% humidity, the air so hot and wet it seemed to shimmer in liquid layers above the pavement as my Honda powered up the ramp onto I-95, a first, small step in a 1400 mile quest to find my missing sister Danielle. 'Danielle, ' I whispered wistfully to the empty car, an indistinct, still blurry vision of a beautiful twenty year old girl drawing me inexorably northward. I hadn't even known she was missing twelve months...

4 years ago
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Finding a friend

The race wasn’t nail biting, after the first few laps of intense action and the usual knockouts at the first corner of the race, there had been little for the Ferrari clad Misty to cheer about, probably out of boredom, her similarly clothed boyfriend had begun an argument with the couple next to them. The couple were British and American, their accents noticable over the noise of the spectators but and were dressed in matching silvery gray tops and black jeans. The silvery satin shirts had...

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Finding Mr Wrong Ch 02

The slow seductive pitch of Black Velvet filled the Club as Noelle’s heart beat out the same steady rhythm. She thought the height difference would make them look like an odd couple on the floor but somehow it all worked out. She never danced to anything like this, but with him she felt compelled to show some sex appeal. She slowly worked her body against his hearing his raspy breathing, and murmurs of approval. She soon felt a strong hand running over her side guiding her movements. When she...

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Finding Her Master Pt2

Finding Her Master By Ropetease ©2010 Chapter 3 Joe sat back in his chair, smiling to himself, picking up the phone he called his favorite restaurant by the bay. He asked for a booth by the large window in back for two. Closing out the day, he went home to make sure his play room was clean. Joe had one room made into a dungeon complete with a x cross and bondage table. On the walls, he had a selection of whips, floggers and restraints. He also had a bondage pony with a 4-inch padded top....

1 year ago
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Finding My Voice Chapter 2 Upping the Ante

FINDING MY VOICE Chapter 2 - Upping the Ante Of course, no sooner had I arrived home from my shopping expedition, than it was off with my male drab and on with my new purchases. I found that whilst I couldn't tighten the laces on my corset to the extent that Edith had managed, I still managed to squeeze my waist sufficiently to create a reasonable curvy figure. Once fully attired in my underwear, I spent several deliciously enjoyable hours trying on all the dresses; skirts; and tops I...

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Finding Her Master Pt2

Finding Her Master By Ropetease ©2010 Chapter 3 Joe sat back in his chair, smiling to himself, picking up the phone he called his favorite restaurant by the bay. He asked for a booth by the large window in back for two. Closing out the day, he went home to make sure his play room was clean. Joe had one room made into a dungeon complete with a x cross and bondage table. On the walls, he had a selection of whips, floggers and restraints. He also had a bondage pony with a 4-inch padded top....

1 year ago
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Finding ways of Satisfaction when you miss someone Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was at my farm house. I was just remembering the good old times I had spent with my husband at this place before getting divorced. However, ever since my divorce, I had a couple of dates with younger men. It was always fun to indulge with them as they had great energy and they could satisfy my needs. Although, my recent partner John had gone out of the town and I was missing his touch. You need to keep finding ways of satisfaction when you miss someone. I also thought of checking out an...

Extra Marital Affair
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Finding Her Master Pt6

Finding Her Master By: Ropetease c 2010 Chapter 10 She was on the verge of exploding when she felt the vibrator inside her going full speed. Robin’s wave crashed as her fear turned real, someone turned the vibrator to full speed. ‘Who is doing this to me? Who are you?’ her muffled screams demanded from behind her gagged mouth. Shaking her head side to side she began to panic, pulling against the bonds holding her. Her muffled screams of ‘Nooo!’ behind the ball gag. Panic began to set in, her...

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Finding a Roommate

The year after I finished college, I took a job as a junior management trainee in a stock market firm. I hated everything about the job, but it paid my share of the rent while I got my screwed up brain together. One Saturday, a female showed at our door, asking if we would consider a girl for the roommate opening we had posted. She looked presentable, and I invited her in to meet Sean, my one remaining roommate. The lease was in my name, and it wasn't a good time of the year for finding...

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Finding Her Master Pt6

Finding Her Master By: Ropetease c 2010 Chapter 10 She was on the verge of exploding when she felt the vibrator inside her going full speed. Robin's wave crashed as her fear turned real, someone turned the vibrator to full speed. "Who is doing this to me? Who are you?" her muffled screams demanded from behind her gagged mouth. Shaking her head side to side she began to panic, pulling against the bonds holding her. Her muffled screams of "Nooo!" behind the ball gag. Panic began to set in, her...

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Partner's by Brigitte What's eating you? Huh, what do you mean? You've been acting like your about to testify on something you had no involvement on. I don't understand; what do you mean? Barbara I have been your partner for the past four year's. we have been through too much together... Mark If you think I'm going to let you down? NO. no, what I am trying to say is ... I don't know how to put it except... I care. What is wrong? Barbara look's away and start's to cry. ...

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COBRANDO 1ordf parte

Desde hacia un tiempo tenia un amigo, más o menos fijo, con el que quedaba en su casa y me follaba muy bien. Era su putita, como el decía y yo hacía todo por complacerle.Era madurito, bien conservado, depilado y vicioso, con ganas siempre de hacer cosas nuevas, probar, etc. etc. Me hacía vestir de cosas que le ponían. Me marcaba una especie de guión y yo, su putita, se lo hacía. Me compraba la ropita y los zapatos que quería que me pusiese, los juguetes con lo que me penetraba o me excitaba,...

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Ruminations on Dionas deflowerment in Sparta

A recent post prompted a comment that made me think about why I found this series so intensely erotic, and why I still watch it at every opportunity when it is on TV.The scene is of the deflowering of the slave Diona (2:54 in the clip). commenter asked why was this posted her as it is not even porn. However I think of porn as being the depiction of sexual behaviour in film, books, dance or live, that is...

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