Of Sorcerers and Slimes
- 3 years ago
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Faint through the gathering darkness, voices were calling their names.
"Ashaia! Shantar!" The voices came nearer. "Where are you? It is time to leave for Talai."
He started to rise, but her arms pulled him back down. Their lips met in a long, fervent kiss.
"Now, you can get up," she purred roguishly.
He laughed with her as he helped her to her feet, and they hurried to meet their friends. "You don't seem much like a Royal Princess right now," he teased.
"Tomorrow, I'll be a princess again," she answered gaily. "Tonight, I'm just a woman."
"Then we've had tonight!" He laughed with sheer delight, hugging her to him. "Who knows, we may not live to see tomorrow!"
Chinzel was waiting impatiently outside of the temple, and once more Shantar could smell the sweetly heady scent of the temple lamps. "Hurry, put on your warmest clothes," the little thief told them. "You have a long, cold night ahead of you. But at least we'll be able to take our ponies with us. I hadn't thought that we could, but Chief Horgun says that there will be room for them after all."
"And just how would we travel if we left our ponies behind," Gortai asked irritably, looking up from where he was bidding a fond farewell to a village maiden. "Is the Goddess Astur going to fly us through the skies?"
"Something like that. Wait, you will see," Chinzel answered with a sly smirk. "Now, let us go."
Warmly bundled, they rode their ponies down a narrow trail. The clouds had closed in again, and a gentle mist brushed ghostly tendrils across their faces. Ahead and behind, villagers marched carrying torches, the leaping flames casting shadows that danced among the towering trees. Their ponies splashed through shallow pools, halting at the edge of a broad expanse of dark water whose farther edge was only dimly visible by the light of the torches. A group of men walked toward them along the bank, pulling behind them through the water the strangest looking craft that any of them had ever seen.
"What in the world is that?" Shantar's exclamation was echoed by his companions.
"Our means of reaching Talai," Chinzel answered, smugly. "With Astur's help, we can reach the city's harbor well before dawn, and even if we are seen, it won't be reported."
Shantar shook his head doubtfully, but said nothing. The craft that Chinzel was so proud of was nothing but a shallow bowl of well oiled hides, stretched over a framework of bent poles. It looked like nothing more than a out sized sea shell as it bobbed along the surface of the still water. As it drew closer, he could see that its floor had been strengthened to take the weight of their ponies, but he could see nothing that would make it move.
"When the ponies are on board, they must be made to lie down. They will be hobbled, so that they cannot thrash around if they become frightened, or if you run into rough water," Chief Horgun told them. "It will only be for a short time."
Ch'Wing and Ch'Dan looked toward him as though for guidance, but Shantar just shrugged as he led his pony up the temporary ramp. The rest of the ponies, seeing one of their number precede them, were easily led into the craft.
"Now, take care that the ponies do not panic," Chief Horgun warned. "I am going to call Astur's sea steeds."
Kneeling at the edge of the still lagoon, he picked up a pair of smooth stones. His hands moved, and Shantar realized that he was tapping the stones together under the water in a steady rhythm. For what seemed a long time, nothing happened, then Shantar felt the boat lift and drop as the torchlight reflected back from a series of waves.
"Come, oh swift steeds of Astur!" The chief's voice was a deep croon. "Oh steeds of the sea, come to the call of the Children of Astur."
The boat rocked again, more strongly, and they could hear a muffled splashing. It drew nearer in time with the soft chanting of the villagers who now lined the shore of the lagoon. From out of the darkness, two towering shadows loomed high above them, and they heard the sound of deep, slow breathing. Two massive heads, with huge forward looking eyes and fanged teeth, bent down at the end of serpentine necks. Shantar's sharp eyes made out great bulky bodies that slid easily through the water, propelled by broad flippers.
"Come now, my babies," Horgun crooned softly, and the two horse like heads dipped lower to sniff at the tiny figure standing so confidently at the edge of the water. He held up two loops, broad straps of leather, and two heads dipped still lower to slip through them. The slender necks straightened, and the great sea beasts churned the water with gentle strength as they swung about and headed for the open sea. The frail shell of their craft rocked and danced as the thongs drew tight, pulling them away from the shore.
Beside him, Ashaia's face was a pale blur in the moonlight, and the hand that touched his sleeve trembled as though with a chill.
"What an adventure," she breathed in his ear, a catch in her voice.
"One to tell grand children about over the campfires, if we live through it." He chuckled, the spark of danger and her nearness making his blood race and tingle in his veins. The sea steeds were threading their way through a maze of swampy islands, the salt smell of the sea growing ever stronger. Ahead of them, the surf muttered and boomed in the distance. Their shell was moving faster, lifting to meet the waves. Salt spray sheeted past, the shell dancing on the breakers, and they were out on the open sea! The nameless villager who stood braced in the bow gave a croaking cry and they swung to the left, quartering into the long swells and picking up more speed. The waves smoothed out as they drew away from the shore, and they dipped and rose, dipped and rose again, racing across the surface of the water.
"Is this not even better than flying?" Chinzel called the question to them from across the shell, his voice faintly mocking.
"By whatever Gods there may be, this is a trip that I would not have missed," Shantar called back, just as softly. "How long until we reach Talai?"
"We should be there well before dawn. The sea is calm, and there is no wind to hinder us. Now, we must be still. The sea steeds do not like loud noise and talking."
The clouds lightened as they drew away from the shore, and soon the overcast thinned to a tattered veil that let the stars peer through at the strange sight below them. The shell swung around until it was traveling almost parallel to the crests of the waves, rising and falling as it skimmed along, seeming to touch only the tops of the swells.
"Haaiaah!" At their helmsman's shout, the shell swerved wildly, slowing almost to a stop.
"What's wrong?" Shantar clasped Ashaia to him protectively.
"I don't... Yes, look there!" Chinzel pointed out to sea. They saw nothing at first. It was Gortai who spotted them, a row of slender, upright necks, topped by horse like heads. The sea beasts swept toward them, swinging around so that their tiny craft was surrounded by the great creatures. One of them, much larger than the rest, faced their two sea steeds. A series of musical notes, like the call of distant trumpets, came from its throat, ending on a rising, questioning trill. One of the sea steeds answered, its trumpeting higher pitched. Satisfied, the herd leader backed water and surged away, leading his band back out to sea.
"It's all right," Chinzel told them. "It happens quite often. The wild ones can't understand why our sea steeds won't join them in their play, like they do when they aren't pulling a boat."
The Great Moon had long since passed the zenith. It was settling toward the horizon when they turned and headed for the shore. They swept in under the coastal overcast, overtaking the long ocean swells. The waves were breaking around them as they passed between the headlands, but once inside Talai's harbor the water was calm. They drifted up to a deserted stretch of beach, grounding gently on the coarse sand. The ponies scrambled ashore, blowing and prancing in their relief at being on solid ground and free of their hobbles. With a wave of his arm, their helmsman headed his sea steeds back toward the open sea, heading for the safety of his beloved swamps.
"Now, how do we get into Talai itself without running into the watch," Shantar asked.
"There are several ways that it might be done," Chinzel answered, studying the matter anew. "They probably won't be looking for us to come from this direction, at least not yet, but there's no use taking chances. No point in splitting up, either. They're more apt to suspect a smaller group than a larger... That's it! We'll go as a rich tradesman and his escort. Follow me, I know where to get the things we need."
He led them boldly up to the front door of a large country estate that stood among extensive, if somewhat unkempt grounds.
"It belongs to the guild," he explained in response to Shantar's lifted eyebrow. "When things get too hot for some of the Brotherhood, we move them out here for a while, let them work on the grounds, and things like that. It's been quiet for a while; that's why the shrubbery looks a little ragged in spots."
They were met at the gate house by a bent figure with straggling gray hair, his missing fingers testifying to his ineptitude as a pickpocket. Chinzel explained what was needed, and in an amazingly short time they were riding toward the city gates, ostensibly just another wealthy citizen and his armed guards. Chinzel rode at his ease in a sedan chair carried by a quartet of burly knaves, the very picture of a foppish young buck returning from an all night carouse outside the city walls.
The sun was well up by the time they reached Talai's outer wall, and the guards passed them in without a second glance. All of the city's colors glowed with an extra measure of brightness in the clear morning light, and it was still cool enough so that the full strength of the city's multitude of odors was not yet apparent. Farmers with wagons of fruit and vegetables wended their way from door to door, hawking their wares in shrill voices. A few beggars scurried out of their way as they trotted along, but few were abroad this early. The streets were only beginning to fill with the teeming masses who would make such a colorful sight later in the day.
"This is as far as I can take you," Chinzel told them as his sedan chair halted outside an opulent town house. "The establishment of Nurm the Trader is on the Street of Merchants, the fourth turning to the right from this one. You'll know the street, it's the only one marked with red banners."
"I know where it is," Ashaia answered. I thank you again for what you have done to aid us. Without your aid, we might never have made it. Certainly, not so swiftly."
"You are most welcome, Your Highness." His manner was suddenly formal. It was as though he fully realized for the first time that this was real, and that she was indeed the Princess Ashaia. "I shall be fully rewarded if you do not tell how you came here, and what you saw in the village in the swamps."
When they turned their ponies into the Street of Merchants, Shantar suddenly pulled his pony to a halt.
"What's wrong?" Gortai's hand dropped to the sword at his belt as he tried vainly to see by the others.
"Maybe nothing." Shantar studied the scene, trying to pick out whatever it was that had alerted his sense of danger. The street was fairly crowded with the normal assortment of men, brightly clad in the colors of their different guilds. Folding stalls lined the blank walls of buildings, filling the spaces between gates that gave access to interior courtyards. "I don't know what's up, but keep close together. Ashaia, which place is Nurm's?"
"That one." She pointed out a massively walled building whose broad double doors were set several feet above the level of the street. Wide marble steps led up to a landing where a pair of brawny guards stood leaning on their spears.
The crowd drifted and swirled lazily back and forth along the cobbled street. Vendors of trinkets and sweets cried their wares, and the whining beggars' pleas of "Alms, alms for the love of Ipsnadd!" cut through the muffled drone of the city. To Shantar's wilderness trained eyes and ears a false note jarred. He drummed his booted heels against his pony's ribs, and the sturdy mountain pony pushed its way through the crowd. As they neared the imposing building that was their goal, he at last realized what was missing. No beggars exposed their running sores, crying for alms. The men who filled the narrow street to overflowing were silent except for an occasional whispered word. Shantar tensed as he heard what that word was.
"Sorcerer!" The man made a 'V' of his pudgy fingers, spitting through it toward the polished marble steps.
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Lon and his squad saw the dust cloud long before they saw the first of the WestHem armor coming down the valley below them. They were spread out atop four different hills on the south side of the valley, some forty-five kilometers from the landing ships, just outside of the effective range of the 150-millimeter guns on the ships. They were heavily laden with anti-tank lasers and charging batteries. Supporting them were two sniper teams on hills to the east and west of them and two mortar...
The dance of the WestHem marine's artillery battalions was an intricate and well-rehearsed affair. They spread out all across the valley, forming up by battery, each of which contained six guns. The commanders in charge of each battery had a map on their screen which indicated firing positions they were to head to after each firing sequence. Each battery had more than twenty such positions pre-programmed in as waypoints on the navigation screen. Their doctrine commanded they fire three...
Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 5, 2146 Rear Admiral Mitchell Spears was the commander of all of the task force's F-22 space fighters. Each of the California Class superdreadnoughts housed a wing of ninety-six of these saucer-shaped craft for a total of 192 of them — or at least that was what they'd left Earth with, they were currently down to 147. Like most of the command rank officers involved in the conflict, Spears was somewhat upset and disillusioned by the losses and...
Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 13, 2146 1718 hours Major Wilde sat at his desk, watching the InfoServe main news channel that was being beamed over from Earth. It was the top of the hour news summary, although, since it had taken it eighteen minutes to travel to Mars it was no longer the top of the hour. He was shaking his head in disgust and disbelief with every word the grinning newscaster spoke. "At precisely 1300 hours, Eden and New Pittsburgh time, today, WestHem...
Eden MPG base 2206 hours Matt Mendez was barely cognizant of the fact that the Mosquito he was in had just touched down on the main runway outside the base. He felt the gentle thump, felt the push against his restraint harness as Brian put on the brakes and slowed them to taxiing speed. He was weak all over, feeling like it was an effort just to move his arms or turn his head. He had never been so tired in all his life. The pain in his butt cheek was still there but had mostly faded to a...
Chapter Eleven – The Trial of Mark Iger For two weeks, Dave and Maddie had worked extensively with Sato’s dojo, learning everything they could from him. Maddie had shown the greatest growth of all; not only was she learning some of Sato’s most advanced healing techniques, but she was fast becoming a powerful and dangerous duelist. At least once a day, she insisted on a duel with either her husband or Riku, and each day featured a different strategy or skillset from Maddie. One day, she...
He was counting the Ehue “One to be happy, two to be sad, three to be good and four to be bad.” There were four, he sighed. The fates were against him. The man was taller than average, but not taller than his fellows in their armour. He stood a little aside from the others, leaning against a tree. His breastplate wore the green crest, embedded into the metal, as was his right. This right could not be taken from him, whatever he had done. It was a double-edged sword, for he had the right, and...
Green River by Tim Willows Jake never felt his first misgivings about transferring to Green River until the very moment when the needle entered his arm and the world dissolved into a vague cloud of grey. Before then, the transfer seemed like the only option-more than that: a godsend. He couldn't handle life in the general prison population. There was no other word for it: the other prisoners were animals. There wasn't a trace of racism in Jake's mind when he thought of them...
Green upon green "The Order is in shambles in here! What were you thinking? You have no foothold, the Assassins have all but destroyed our contacts and there is no one in the King's Court! I came here only to see how Portugal is doing in the hands of our noble leaders, but you have done NOTHING!" The Pope was fuming in the old decorated halls of the Templar Order in the middle of Lisbon. The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles on the large carved dining table in the middle,...
Green Acres 1: The Gypsy Indian Curse of Green Acres Produced by Jay Sommers [1965-1971] By Ron Dow75 "Good Morning Mr. Douglas, Mrs. Douglas," the general store's clerk and owner greeted the distinguished gray-haired man in the three-piece pin-stripe suit and a Bavarian hat, and the trim blonde in yellow-with-white polka dots skirt and short-sleeved jacket, white purse and gloves, and a hat similar to her husbands, only with a much wider brim, and white with yellow trim....
Chapter Seventeen – Fighting Fire with Fire Dave coughed and hacked up the last bit of water from his lungs as he started to regain his senses. One moment, he was sitting in the back of Henry’s transport van, the next, the van had careened off the road and into a fire hydrant. Before he knew what was happening, the water had entered the van and whisked Dave away. Soon, his blurry vision came back into focus, allowing him to see the incredible blonde beauty standing before him. “Nimue?! ...
Chapter Sixteen – Retaliation “The High Council wants to see us?” Mark asked, following Charlie down a hallway. “That’s what I was told.” “Wow… any idea what they want?” Charlie shrugged. “Probably about this Browning situation. We’ll know soon enough.” The two men entered the Council Chambers, finding the room darkened as usual, save for the single spotlight in the middle. They stepped into the light and were soon surrounded by the four members of the Council, who stood just beyond...
This story has been buried deep inside of me for a long time. I remember all of it very well, almost like it was last week. I’ve reminisced and re-lived it all many times over the years. Much of it is quite fun to remember. Some of it is bittersweet. Some of it is painful still.When I was out of college and in my early twenties I got a job selling radio advertising in a suburban/rural area, and although new to the region, I became successful in a fairly short time. After a couple of years, I...
MatureIt is 9’o clock in the night and Samir is in his apartment which is right in the middle of the Green Valley town. He is on his bed inside the blanket and he is wearing just a blue t-shirt and a boxer. He already has a boner thinking about Sandhya’s huge ass. Sandhya is a girl who works in the same office with Samir. She has that huge ass which could give anyone an instant hard-on and it was no different for Samir when he saw Sandhya for the first time. She is his junior; in fact, she works...
LesbianChapter Ten – Nimue’s Lament Dave stood in the middle of Sato’s proving grounds, where sorcerers would frequently duel to test their limits against one another. Across from him stood his opponent, Dr. Ben Carson, a man Dave had just yesterday learned was one of the most powerful sorcerers in America. Each wore a standard karate training gi with a white belt. Standing in a square Zen garden about ten yards across, they prepared their minds as Sato explained the rules. “Gentlemen, this Zen...