GreeniesChapter 3B free porn video

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Stanley Clinton had been the director of the Federal Law Enforcement Bureau for nearly ten years. As such, he was accustomed to occasionally briefing the WestHem executive council — that group of nine elected representatives that had replaced the single-person presidency shortly after World War III — on various security issues. Never however, had he dreaded a briefing as much as this one.

He had flown from the rooftop of the FLEB building in downtown Denver — the WestHem capital city — in his private, computer operated VTOL craft, landing after a ten-minute flight on the restricted back lawn of the capital building itself. From there he had been escorted inside of the 220 story triangular high-rise, the tallest building on planet earth, and up to the 218th floor, where the executive briefing room was located.

The briefing room was not very large but it was opulently furnished with genuine oak tables and chairs and top of the line Internet screens equipped with the very best encryption gear available. The window on the western exposure looked out upon the snow capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains, which were starkly visible in the clear air. Denver had once been one of the smoggiest cities in the nation but smog was now a thing of the distant past thanks to fusion power and hydrogen burning engines.

Only two of the executive council members were present for Clinton's briefing. John Calvato, who represented to eastern North American district of WestHem, and, at three-quarters of the way through his second six-year term, was the senior member. As such he carried more power than the other members and was accorded with the title Chief Executive Councilperson. Like all council members he was tall, physically attractive, and a good actor for the Internet cameras. He was also a third generation billionaire, something that was an unofficial requirement for the highest office. His chief sponsors on the election circuit were Agricorp, who owned six of the nine members, and CompWest, WestHem's primary computer software developer.

The other member present for the briefing was Loretta Williams, a first termer in her early fifties. She was one of the junior members but she was the elected councilperson that was supposedly representing Mars (as well as Ganymede and the Pacific Islands of Earth) although she had only been there once and had never been a resident. She too was owned lock, stock, and barrel by Agricorp and the other food production corporations, having received more than a billion dollars in campaign contributions and other handouts from them over the years of her career. It was Williams who would present the official federal government face to the growing crisis on Mars. Already she had been on Internet multiple times stating in no uncertain terms that Laura Whiting was a corrupt, possibly mentally ill person and that the WestHem government would not now and never would in the future consider negotiating independence with the Martians. "That planet is a part of this great nation," she had been quoted as saying. "It is WestHem that colonized and built that planet and it is WestHem business interests that have paid for everything that is present there. Mars is a part of our union — as much a part as Cuba and Argentina and Ganymede — and they always will be."

That was the official WestHem line on the Martian situation — a line that the corporations who had put the politicians where they were insisted upon. It was a line that Clinton and the sixteen thousand FLEB agents under his command would uphold to the death. It was the line that the big three were feeding the people on Earth and were attempting to feed the people on Mars.

"Welcome, Mr. Clinton," Williams said with an accommodating smile as he entered the room and closed the door behind him. "How was your trip over?"

"It was fine, Madam Councilperson," he said with a slight smile. "The air was very still today, hardly any turbulence to speak of. And the secret service was particularly fast about clearance for landing."

"That's nice to hear," she said. "Sometimes they are a bit too diligent in their duties. Won't you sit down?"

He sat down. Williams exchanged a few more pleasantries with him, most having to do with his family and his office. She then congratulated him on his ongoing campaign against the scourge of software piracy and illegal music file duplication. Since being appointed as director, convictions for those most heinous crimes had increased by more than eighteen percent, as had the prison terms handed out for them. Through this all Calvato simply sat in place, a frowning, irritated expression upon his face, his brown eyes boring into the FLEB director.

"Now then," Williams said once the preliminaries were taken care of, "about this Laura Whiting situation."

"Yes Ma'am," Clinton said with a nod.

"I don't believe I have to tell you that some very important people are becoming increasingly upset about her continued presence in that capital building. It has been more than two months now since she showed us just what kind of person she was; two months and she is still in office, still riling up those greenies into a fury, and still getting on the Internet twice a week shouting about independence. Can you explain this, Mr. Clinton? Because frankly, we on the council and some of our more important constituents are starting to wonder if perhaps a new FLEB director would be able to handle things more efficiently."

"I understand their concern," Clinton said without hesitation. "And I understand how it may seem that we in the bureau are not doing our jobs. To tell you the truth, I never imagined that it would take this long to make Laura Whiting go away but she has proven to be very crafty to this point. Obviously this little independence game is something that she has been planning for years. And her manipulation of the Martian people, well that is quite simply an ability that we had not factored into our equations. What we have on Mars right now is the unsavory reality that the elected representatives of the planet are actually ignoring those who have sponsored them and instead are responding to the demands of the common people."

"That is unacceptable," Calvato said, speaking for the first time. "Having the ignorant greenies making the decisions on that planet is putting at risk trillions of dollars in investments."

"We understand that, sir," Clinton said. "And believe me when I say that we are working as hard as we can to reverse this before it gets any further. As I said, the problem is that Whiting has managed to anticipate and neutralize all of our traditional means of removing a troublesome politician." He then went on to explain everything that had been attempted so far: the criminal investigations of bribery, the media smear campaign, even the assassination plot, and how they had all failed. Williams and Calvato did not seem terribly impressed with his explanations.

"All that we've heard here are excuses," Williams told him. "What we need is action, and quickly. The problem has now spread beyond Laura Whiting. The greenies themselves are on the verge of getting out of control. We have reports that they are distributing fliers on apartment doors about independence, that they are spray-painting epitaphs on corporate buildings. How long will it be until they start rioting in the streets? How long will it be before they start doing more damage to corporate property than mere graffiti? I can even foresee them trying to arrange some sort of general strike or something like that. I don't have to tell you what that could do to the profits of the various WestHem interests on that planet."

"No Ma'am, you don't," he said humbly.

"You need to start cracking down on those greenies," Williams said. "I expect you to continue working on the Whiting problem, which is the root of the matter after all, but these greenies need to have the fear of God put in them, they need to be shown that following and responding to such an obvious madwoman is not in their best interests."

"Crack down on the greenies, Ma'am?" he asked slowly, knowing instinctively that this was a very bad idea and also knowing that neither Williams nor anyone else on the council had been the one to come up with it. No, cracking down sounded like the sort of thing that corporate heads such as Steve Carlson of Agricorp would come up with. To a man used to operating a huge business and corrupting politicians, this would seem the logical course to follow when people were not doing as they were told. After all, it worked with middle management and blue-collar workers didn't it? It worked with politicians (except for Laura Whiting and the Martian planetary legislature) didn't it? Why wouldn't it work with common people? With vermin? And if the idea had come from the corporate heads, the executive council would not be swayed from this course. Being swayed from a direct order by Carlson or his companions would mean that they risked be cracked down upon.

"You heard me correctly," Williams told him. "We want your agents on Mars to let those greenies know, in no uncertain terms, that these acts of defiance against our business interests will not be tolerated. We want them thrown in jail and held there!"

"We've tried that," Clinton said. "The problem is that graffiti and so forth are crimes against the planet, not the federal government. This puts them under the jurisdiction of the planetary criminal justice system: the local police and the local judges. These people are all greenies. And while we'd always considered the judges and lawyers and police chiefs to be... well... reliable, it seems that we were wrong about that. They are simply not taking action against these crimes. I have even received reports that police officers have caught the perpetrators red-handed and just let them go. We are having the same problems with assaults against the managers and officers of the corporations."

"If they're not federal crimes than you make them federal crimes," Williams told him. "You call it terrorism or treason or whatever you want, but you have your agents on Mars start making some arrests. Get the word out on that planet that the feds are now involved in this fight and you get it out quickly, with action. If you start hauling these radical elements off and extraditing them to Earth for trial, I guarantee you that those greenies will think twice about being so vocal or so artistic."

"These are extreme times," Calvato said. "And extreme measures are called for."

"Yes sir, yes Ma'am," Clinton replied, not showing the dread he was feeling at these orders.

"We expect this to be done immediately," Williams said. "And remember, the removal of Laura Whiting is still the highest of your priorities. Get rid of her by whatever means is necessary. Whatever means! If you do not, we'll be getting rid of you."

"Yes Ma'am," he said.

The meeting went on for a while longer — closing pleasantries were required by protocol after all — but that was really what had needed to be said. Soon Clinton was escorted from the building and back out to his VTOL on the lawn.

"Enjoy your flight, sir," the secret service agent that had been his escort told him as he climbed into the cockpit of the aircraft.

"Right," he said sourly, closing the canopy and settling into his seat. He strapped in and then put his finger to the computer screen below the windshield.

The computer analyzed his fingerprint and, after concluding that he was an authorized user of the craft, lit up with the opening display. "Good afternoon, Director Clinton," it told him politely. "Awaiting command."

"Flight mode," he told it. "Destination: FLEB building, Denver."

"Warm up sequence beginning," it replied, the hydrogen turbine engines mounted on the wings immediately flaring to life with a hum. The propellers, which were currently in the take-off/landing position, facing upward, began to turn. Clinton felt cool air from the ventilation system blowing on his face.

He sat back in his seat and tried to relax while the computer sent the aircraft through a pre-flight systems and hardware check and obtained authorization for take-off from the Secret Service air traffic computer system. The authorization was given after only a two-minute wait and the engines wound up to high RPMs for take-off. The aircraft lifted into the sky a moment later, rising slowly to an altitude of one thousand meters above the ground before the engines tilted forward, changing the angle of the propellers and imparting forward flight. Guided by detailed mapping software and an extensive system of global positioning satellites, it darted and banked over the downtown Denver area, automatically avoiding other such aircraft and finally settling down to a soft landing on the roof of the FLEB building five minutes later.

Clinton climbed out and made his way to a secured, private elevator. Two minutes later he was back in his office, loosening his tie and staring at his computer screen. He had one of his staff bring him a stiff bourbon and coke and then called up his communications software.

"This will be a priority message for Corban Hayes, director of Martian field operations."

"Record when ready," the machine told him.

He began to talk, laying out a set of instructions for his underling that were very much against his better judgment.

Two days later, in Eden, Lisa and Brian were working a patrol shift in the downtown area. Their call volume had been much lower over the past month than they were accustomed to and those calls that they did go to seemed to be less violent and less sordid. Once there they had found themselves being subjected to an increasingly dwindling amount of physical and verbal abuse by the welfare class citizens that they dealt with. Though both were hardened, cynical veterans of patrol services, they could think of no other explanation for the drop in crime and abuse than Laura Whiting and her speeches. It seemed that the vermin were taking her words to heart.

"It's eerie in a way," Lisa said as they drove slowly down the daylight streets of the ghetto section of downtown. "Nobody's flipping us off, nobody's grabbing their crotch, nobody's throwing empty Fruity bottles at us. What's the planet come to?"

"They don't love us anymore," Brian said, watching the throngs of vermin that were hanging out on every planter box, in front of every public housing building. They were all doing the usual vermin things — drinking Fruity, smoking from marijuana pipes, watching porno shows on their PCs — but most of them were completely ignoring the passing police cart. A few had even waved at them, something that had been so unusual as to be unheard of not long before. As Lisa had said, it was eerie in a way. It was like everyone had been given some sort of happy gas.

"Incoming call," said the dash-mounted computer, which was linked to the dispatch system via cellular technology. A second later, rows of text appeared on the screen, describing their latest assignment.

"What is it?" asked Lisa, who was behind the wheel.

"A request to assist a FLEB team on a takedown," he said.

"A FLEB team?" Lisa said in disgust. Assisting FLEB agents in apprehension of federal criminals was not a common thing, but it was not exactly uncommon either. "Those assholes? What do they got this time? Another bunch of software pirates?"

"It doesn't say," he told her, reading through the rest of it. "The staging location is over at 101st and Broadway. They sent over Delta-53 and Bravo-56 as well."

"Three patrol units to help take down someone?" Lisa said, shaking her head a little. "That's a lot of guns for a software pirate."

"Big waste of our time if you ask me," he replied, pushing the acknowledge button on the terminal. "Why can't those federal fucks take care of their own pick-ups?"

"They need someone to tell them how to do it, don't they?" she replied, making both of them chuckle. It was a well known fact that the FLEB agents, though sworn law enforcement officers and despite a tough guy reputation garnered by Internet shows, were severely lacking when it came to street sense and tactical matters. It was said in Martian law enforcement circles that the average FLEB agent couldn't find Phobos with a telescope and a tracking computer.

The trip to 101st and Broadway took about five minutes. When they arrived there they found two black FLEB vans parked outside in a truck-loading zone behind a low rent apartment complex. The FLEB vans were electric panel trucks with the emblem of their agency stenciled on the sides. Both Lisa and Brian were amused to see that someone had spray-painted FREE MARS on the side of one of them in bright red paint. Standing outside of the vans were ten agents, all of them dressed in heavy Kevlar armor gear and carrying M-24 rifles. They looked a little like accountants playing dress up for a Halloween party. One of them walked over to the police cart as it parked, approaching on the passenger side.

"What's up?" Brian asked, opening his door but not stepping out.

"Special agent Walker," the man introduced himself. He was in his late forties and spoke with a heavy Earthling accent. "I'm in charge of this strike team today."

"Static," Brian answered, deliberately thickening his own Martian accent. "So what's the deal? Got some software pirates or something you need to take down?"

"No," he said with a shake of the head. "Not pirates. Terrorists."

Brian shared a look of puzzlement with Lisa. "Terrorists?" he asked. "What kind of terrorists?"

"A whole group of them," he said. "Violent Martian separatists. We have information that they're planning to plant explosives near federal installations here on the planet."

"Explosives?" Lisa asked incredulously. "Where the hell would vermin get explosives?"

"That's what we're going to find out," Walker assured them. "Our information is that there are at least six of them up there, maybe more. They may be armed."

"Everybody's armed on Mars," Brian said. "This is a WestHem colony. Home of the right to bear arms, remember?"

"Right," Walker said. "So that's why we wanted you locals here with us. We just want the back-up in case we need it. We'll move in as soon as the other two units get here."

Brian and Lisa shared another look. "Uh... just what sort of information do you have that leads you to believe there are terrorists up there?" Lisa asked.

"Sorry," Walker told her. "That's confidential. So anyway, they're up on the 93rd floor of the building here, apartment 9312. We have a door breach and the plan is to just go in and strike and then get out. Be sure to grab your M-24s when we go up."

"Do we have a warrant for all of this?" Brian asked.

"Of course we do," he told them. "A federal magistrate signed one out less than an hour ago."

"A federal warrant huh?" Lisa said.

"That's right," Walker told her. "Is there a problem with that? If so, we can always contact your watch commander to rectify it."

She scowled at his thinly veiled threat. "It's your show, Mr. Walker," she said, reaching under her seat and unclipping her M-24 from its holder.

The other two patrol units arrived a few minutes later and, after they were briefed on the plan of action, everyone headed into the building. It was a typical public housing building and the lobby was full of the usual assortment of unemployed people sipping from Fruity bottles and smoking out. They all gave curious looks to the armed squad of feds and police officers but kept their distance. Walker, leading the parade, walked to the bank of elevators in the rear.

"Okay," he said to everyone. "Half of you take the left elevator and half of you take the right. Don't let any riders in as you go up and we'll assemble up on the 93rd. My maps show that 9312 is sixty meters to the south of the elevator bank. Any questions?"

None of the feds had any, but Lisa did. "Excuse me," she said. "I have a suggestion."

"What is it, officer?" he asked somewhat impatiently.

"Well, it's somewhat traditional in a case like this for everyone to assemble on the floor above where the target apartment is and then walk down the closest staircase. That way, you see, if your suspects have a look-out or just happen to be outside at that particular moment, they don't notice you gathering for the strike."

Walker considered that for a moment. "You know," he said brightly, "that's a good idea. Let's do it."

"Christ," Lisa mumbled to herself, resisting the urge to roll her eyes back. Her good idea was basic police academy training.

They did it, all of them riding up to 94 in two shifts. Once up there they went to the back emergency staircase and down a flight. They passed several people in the halls and on the staircase itself, all of them giving an extremely wide berth to the group of armed and armored men and women.

Walker opened the staircase door on 93 and, after a quick, careless look, waved everyone forward into a hallway that was lined with gang graffiti and anti-Earthling sentiments. They all walked along behind him, their weapons clanking, their boots squeaking, until they reached the doorway labeled 9312. Walker and two of his men then prepared to breach the door.

"Look at these morons," Lisa said softly, without moving her lips. Her throat microphone transmitted her words only to the police officers in the group. "They're standing in front of the freakin door while they do that."

"What do they teach them in FLEB academy?" replied Scott James, on of the other real cops. "You'd think for a two year program they'd be a little smarter than that."

"They're college educated you know," Brian put in. "I guess all of that higher learning pushes out the common sense."

While the cops all laughed among themselves about the sad tactical performance they were witnessing, Walker placed the door breach module against the power box of the door. The door breach was a device that sent out a strong but brief electromagnetic pulse, causing disruption of the locking mechanism on cheap automatic doors. It worked it's magic now and the door slid open about half an inch, just enough for another agent to put a crowbar into the gap. He began to pry, forcing the door the rest of the way open. Had the inhabitants of the apartment been armed and willing to, they could have easily gunned down several of the FLEB people since they were standing directly in the doorway instead of off to the side of it like real cops. But they were allowed to get away with it in this instance. With guns raised the FLEB squad rushed inside, all of them screaming at the residents to get down but all of them using different phrases.

"Fucking morons," Lisa said again as she and Brian and the rest of the Eden police officers went through the doorway behind them, M-24s raised in the firing position.

The apartment was a two bedroom with a relatively large living room area. Some old furniture, all of it threadbare and falling apart, all of it undoubtedly from the welfare store or from a rent-to-own shop, was arranged symmetrically on the cheap carpet. On the table next to an Internet terminal was a commercial grade hard-copy printer that could churn out twenty to thirty sheets of hemp paper per minute. Pamphlets, presumably that had come out of the printer, were stacked everywhere, most of them in stacks of a hundred or so and fastened with rubber bands. On the front of them were the words: MARTIAN INDEPENDENCE — NOT JUST A DREAM!

The inhabitants of the apartment — two men and two women, all of them dressed in faded cheap shorts and shirts — were grabbed by their hair or clothing and shoved to the carpet by the FLEB agents. They were thrown roughly down and had steel-toed boots placed against their necks while other agents held the barrels of M-24s to their heads. They were all screaming and yelling, pleading with the black-outfitted agents to tell them what was going on.

"Shut the fuck up, greenie slime," Walker yelled at them, raising his boot and kicking one of the women in the side hard enough to make her gasp out her air.

Brian, Lisa, and the others looked on in shock at the treatment. Though they were no fans of vermin and though they were all of the opinion that they were forced to be too gentle with those they arrested, the unprovoked violence that the FLEB agents were utilizing was appalling to them. What had these people done to deserve this?

"Get 'em cuffed up," Walker ordered his people. "I want them downstairs in the van right away."

The agents applied their cuffs to the various wrists and cinched them down brutally tight, causing actual bleeding in one of the men.

"Walker," Brian said, after witnessing this, "don't you think you're being a little rough here?"

Walker gave him a seething glare. "I am in charge of this operation," he replied. "I do not recall asking you for advice in how to handle my prisoners. If it's a little too much for you to take, you can just go back downstairs."

Brian glared back but said nothing. Soon Walker returned to his task.

The four men and women, all of them moaning and grunting, all of them still asking what they had done, were jerked rudely to their feet and pushed towards the doorway. Six of the FLEB agents went with them and led them down the hallway. This left Walker and three of his agents in addition to Brian, Lisa, and the others. The agents fanned out through the two bedrooms and the kitchen where they began dumping drawers out and upturning beds.

"You locals are dismissed now," Walker said to Brian. "Thanks for your help."

"What the hell is going on here?" Brian demanded. "Are you trying to tell me that those people were terrorists?"

"I'm not trying to tell you anything," Walker said. "They are charged with plotting to attack a federal building. They will be extradited to Earth for trial."

"Extradited to Earth?" Lisa said. "Why the hell would you do that? There's a federal court right here in Eden."

"It is felt that Martian jurors might not be... well... exactly impartial," Walker said. "Considering the recent events on this planet it has been decided that all federal prisoners will be tried in Denver or Sau Paulo."

"Unbelievable," said one of the other cops, a six-year veteran of patrol services. "What kind of trial are they going to get on Earth?"

"A fair one," Walker said. "It's the WestHem way."

"And just where is the evidence that they were planning a bombing?" Brian asked. "All I see here are a bunch of leaflets about Martian independence. Those are protected under the first amendment of the WestHem constitution, are they not?"

"There will be evidence here somewhere," Walker assured them. "They'll have it on their computer files or in their bedroom. There will be something."

"This is not right," Lisa said. "What the hell are you feds trying to pull here?"

"We're not pulling anything," Walker said sternly. "We're just trying to keep some greenie vermin in line. You're cops aren't you? Why the hell are you taking up for these slimebags? I'd think you'd be glad to get them off the streets."

"You thought wrong," Brian said. "They weren't doing anything but printing up fliers. What evidence did you have against them? What information did you use to get your warrant?"

"As I said before, that is not your concern. You folks are dismissed. Thank you for your assistance."

"Walker," Lisa started. "I think..."

"Don't think," he interrupted. "It doesn't suit your... species. You're dismissed. Leave my crime scene immediately or I'll have you charged with interference with a federal investigation."

Lieutenant Margaret Duran was sitting behind a desk in the downtown substation, going over some reports that had been filed by her watch the previous shift. She was smoking a cigarette and sipping out of a bottle of water. Soft music issued from the speakers of her Internet terminal. She was in a good mood, as she had been prone to lately, and she hummed along with the melody as she worked. As a veteran watch commander she was accustomed to dealing with some very sticky issues, both with the troops that she commanded and with the administrative cops that commanded her. Her position was somewhat of a buffer between the management of the police department and the labor that actually performed the work. Strife had always been present between these two groups as the working cops tried to do their jobs with what they'd been given and the captains and deputy chiefs tried to worship the gods of public opinion. But lately, since the push towards Martian independence had really started to take form, things had mellowed between these two groups quite a bit. Management was suddenly not as prone to making new, ever oppressive policies designed to break the backs of the working cops and keep them in line. And the cops were not as prone to slovenliness or morale problems as they had been, probably — in part anyway — because they weren't nearly as busy anymore. It was a strange but true phenomenon that crime had actually dropped significantly since the Whiting inauguration and the defeat of the impeachment movement. Could it be that for the first time the Martian people were experiencing hope? Duran sometimes wondered if that was the case, and as cynical and hardened as twenty-five years of Eden law enforcement had made her, she really could not come up with any other explanation.

Same as Greenies
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Facebook Ka Pyar Bana Mera Pehla Pyar

Hi, mera name Maddy hai.. Age 23 year, body perfect, handsome or smart, height 5.7 inch .. Lund ka size 7 inch. Delhi se hu, or job bhi Delhi me hi krta hu, Main software developer hu, Main job krta tha.. Phir maine job leav kr di, mere sinior mujhse chidte the .. Qki mera mind kafi sharp tha, or unhone meri burayi kr kr k mujhe ek sajish k tehat job se niklwa diya, ab sara din ghr me reh rehkr.. Main preshan hone lga, borring ho gyi thi life kafi, facebook, whtsapp dosto se chatting sara din...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 86 Ripples of influence echoes from the past

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Faye said hesitantly, having appeared in a flash on the Firing Range a minute earlier. “You two can kiss for a really long time!” John and Dana parted, both turning to smile at the sprite. “That’s alright, Faye,” John said, releasing the redhead from his embrace. “What’s up?” “I just wanted to let you know that we’ve arrived at the Alpha Ursae Majoris system,” she replied, her big eyes studying his face. “Would you like me to fly the Invictus to the planet...

2 years ago
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Your Gaming World

DISCLAIME: First of all this will be my version of The Gamer by TheDespax. Plus this is my first story ever so I'm sorry if it's no good. John is a kid of 3. His parents liked family a lot. His mom Jenny was a looker standing at 5"6 with some nice d cup tit's and a nice round apple ass. She is 35 and weights about 172 pounds. She has always been a nice and caring mother and after her husbands death she has gotten even closer to her kids. Not that John minds considering her looks. Jenny's eldest...

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Growing Up Chapter 7

"Yes sister" I have to get over to her apartment to service her. Tough work! One finger then two fingers inside her. Licking the clit and a third finger, up in deep, going for the g-spot. Fingers out, licking the clit and the slit and dipping down to tongue her asshole. Lubing up her pucker with cunt juice and then probing with a finger. Two fingers in her cunt and one pinky in her booty and vigorous work with the tongue on her clitty. She finally takes her shirt and bra off for me and I...

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Laid Bare Chapter Six

Laid Bare By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - Endgame Adele rolled into the now familiar visitor's parking space outside of the municipal building. It was nearly six pm and she was nearly five hours late, she and Celia were supposed to have filed their suit with the court clerk at one o'clock that afternoon. She had checked her phone whilst driving to Missionville and she had six missed calls and half a dozen texts from Celia asking her where she was. She was not composed enough to...

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Joanns First Time Part 1

This story happened many years ago and it is one that I have held close to my heart ever since. Please let me begin with some background information to set the stage. When my grandparents were young they bought a farm in the hills of Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. My grandfather worked in one of the mills and farmed as well. When my mother and her siblings grew up and married to start a life on their own, my grandparents sold the farm to a younger family whose names are not important. However it...

First Time
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Lost Wife 8

I had one more day off and then it was back to work and sometime soon after that I was flying off to Spain with Mr Johnson for some fun in the sun. I lay in bed thinking about what I was going to do today. I didn't feel energetic so I just lay there. After awhile I ran my hands up over my tits and gave them a good squeeze. Yesterday was fun with that young kid, I've forgotten his name already. Never mind he had a nice hard cock, perhaps he'll came over later with some of his friends. God you...

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family Fun

One summer Saturday, shortly after my first year of college, I returned home from a noon racquetball game to find my Mom washing her car. I winced as I recalled I had promised to do this for her before my game. I ran up the driveway, dropped my stuff and started apologizing. "Forget it," she said, "I'm kind of used to your s**tterbrains. Honestly, I don't know how you make it in college." I picked up a sponge and started helping her. It was a hot, muggy day and I was still dressed in the nylon...

1 year ago
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Larry and Bobby have a wild ride

It is not always prudent to chastise your daughter for playing with her slit. Mary Mary found that out. When she found five year old Lizzy masturbating her little cunt she scolded her. Lizzy cried and said she would not do it again. The little girl knew that something that felt so good could not be bad. Lizzy hid in the closet and pushed a wooden spoon handle up her hole so far she was bleeding. She cried and ran to her mom and told her what she did."Oh honey, I can't get mad at you, I'm sorry...

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on leaving office

On leaving officeI recently had married my beloved Victor, but though she knew he was the man of my life, my condition nymphomaniac kept me in a state of constant warmth and therefore, my faithful husband would have to settle for being a great horned. Really I had no choice ...A warm summer late afternoon I was finished with my work in the studio where he worked and prepared to go home walking, since at that time lived in Villa Urquiza, a few blocks away.When going out I noticed that I was...

2 years ago
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Its a dirty job The End

-Fuckkk, mmmm I’m going to cummm fuck, fuck, fuck… My voice shaking, I felt a strong orgasm come, Ramses reached down and pinched my nipples. Fuck! That’s all it took. Like a fountain I unloaded on Ricardo’s face, not once, not twice, but three times in a row; my vaginal walls were contracting and begging to be stuffed. - Shit, I need to feel a dick inside me NOW fuckers! I couldn’t help but feel like a dirty slut; I was on a bed with my cousin’s husband under me with a face full of my sweet...

3 years ago
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TriptychChapter 7

“TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND?” I croaked. “I’ve never even seen that much money, let alone know where I can get it. How are we going to finance it?” We were in our second favorite meeting place—the spa. The dining room where we held the board meeting? That’s like third or fourth on our list of meeting places, but we had Jack there. Now it was just the three of us, soaking in the tub. Melody still had her hair up and was wearing her glasses, which were fogged over. She’d proven to us that she...

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Mistletoe Candy Canes a Lesbian

Introduction: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian Summary: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Note 1: This story is dedicated to DAVE who requested it for his wife. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, goamz86 and LeAnn for editing this story. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian You havent had sex in over a year! I asked my colleague Dave, stunned by his admission a moment ago. He shook his head as he took another...

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1 November 2008Chapter 6

Dan went into the store to use his debit card and pay the bill. Lisa took out the money from her purse that Dan gave her. He touched her hand, stopping her from passing it to the salesgirl. “You keep it and treat you and the girls out to a movie or a meal when I can’t be with you.” “I can’t keep it, Dan, its 250 dollars!” she said quietly. “Please, for me. Put it towards gas for your car if you like.” “Okay, gas for my car and a treat for our girls. I love you!” “I love you too!” he...

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Step Daughter Delights

I work in Information Technology and it's not uncommon for me to work long hours, late nights and also work from home. A few nights ago, I was working from home in my office, and while waiting for some scripts to run, my step-daughter came into my office because she couldn't sleep.This is not uncommon when I am working from home, when she was younger and still living at home, she'd often come in and chat with me then eventually fall asleep on the couch in my office. She was over visiting from...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Epilogue

-- THE YEAR 2027 -- "You know, I think I should stop right here." BJ frowned, giving me an inquisitive look. "Stop here? But we haven't even gotten to the good part!" I smiled as I thought about the "good" parts. Hours had already passed, and I'd been talking for a long time. I kept having to pause here and there to reminisce about some of the sexual shenanigans I'd gotten into that Junior Year and the bookend summers. Oh, I hadn't shared THOSE intimate stories with my son. It...

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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 2

“Absolutely! Of course, you should webcam!” Betty opened her front door completely naked save for a leather collar and a white pair of punishment panties. The panties were little more than a standard white cotton v-string with the triangle of material in the front cut out so that you could see most of her pussy. The idea behind the panties was that if she sat on something, she wouldn’t leave behind pussy stains or sweat from her butthole. However, I think in a room full of naked girls it...

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Life with neighbors

This is the true story which changed my life. I have changed the names and the exact location to protect the identity of the concerned as it is only two years old and all the participants are alive and living their life The story is a little long and therefore being presented in parts. I am Vijay 23 years old and have completed my engineering from a small town near Bhopal, capital of a state in India.I was born and lived in a village . I am 5'9'', fair colour and with athelitic body. I was...

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MomDrips Rachael Cavalli Tits For Tat

Rachael Cavalli has been on high alert recently because her husband has been cheating on her. So, when she finds a pair of panties on the floor that are not hers, she flips out. She calls her husband and tells him not to bother coming home tonight. That is when she hears some loud music coming from her stepsons room. She is annoyed at first, but then realizes that this is her opportunity to get even. She opens the door to his room and finds him jerking off on the bed. He is shocked to see her,...

4 years ago
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The Debt Collection

I guess it's my turn to add to this novel. What would a threesome be without a third writer to write it? Patty and Vickie both tried to write this final chapter and gave up. I'm not sure why, but I'll share my guess later. Hello, I'm Charlie. It's a bit embarrassing to be addressing this to you. You've already read much more about my personal life than I ever share with people I haven't gotten to know and trust. Much of what I've told these ladies in confidence came out in their contributions....

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Extracurricular on both sides

On paper, it seemed like Dr. Mistry, referred to by his first name Pahan among his colleagues, seemed to have it together. Originally from a middle class immigrant family that came to America from India, Dr. Mistry went off to college. In college, Pahan was a model student and went on to medical school. In medical school, Pahan impressed his professors and moved on to get into a competitive residency. After many years of schooling, Pahan became a surgeon specializing in Orthopedics. While the...

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virginity lost

It wasn’t long until i finished work on a late Thursday night, to be honest Im glad I finished 5 minutes late. I didn’t want the hastle of having to say night to all my co-workers. ‘Just great’it had started raining just as I was walking to my beat up silver ford focus. Age was beginning to show on it, the rust covering the wings, the side skirts and worst of all the boot/trunk. The drive home was horrible, every slight turn of the wheel the car was sliding across the road. Eventually I made it...

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Lets jerk him off

It was about 10 years when Billy's step-sister and her friends had caught him smelling their panties during their slumber party. They tied him up, teased and jerked him off to an incredible climax! A few years ago Billy got a job as the Maintenance man at an apartment complex near the local university. It was a hectic job at times. One afternoon he got a call that the A/C wasn't working in Building 2 which comprised 8 units. He had access to all the units but always rang the doorbell first...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 570

???????????????? ???????? More words of wisdom from Alphqwe Why man shouldn’t take phone calls for their wives. Someone from the Gyna College called, the Pabst beer is normal. I didn’t even know you liked beer. ???????????????? OldGreyDuck is at it again ???????? An Indian walks, into a Starbucks with a shotgun in one hand and pulling a male buffalo with the other. He says to the barista: “Want coffee.” The barista says, “Sure. Coming right up. “He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee. The Indian drinks the coffee down...

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My Girlfriends Strapon Pegging

I love when my girlfriend fucks me with her strap-on dildoe. It all started when she would rub my ass while she sucked me off which felt so good. Then it progressed into her fingering and massaging my prostate which felt even better still. In fact, That's how I discovered the "anal orgasm". I didn't even know that existed until she gave me my first one. I suppose orgasm isn't the perfect word for it as there is no ejaculation. However, it is so intense and it sweeps across my whole body. I...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 5

I just knew she was going to injure her pussy, the way she was riding down on my dick. Just as I sucked her other titty, I glanced to my right and saw Rhonda standing beside me. I didn’t look up, but when I glanced the other way, there stood Linda. Both of them were naked – both were taking pics of us fucking. I looked up as if I was surprised, but I kept fucking Rachel and she kept riding my dick. I knew I was getting close to coming inside her, but I’m sure she must have gotten her come...

2 years ago
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Sunita Ko Massage Ke Bhahane Se Choda

Hey friends, my name is Addy or ye story meri naukarani sunita ki hai joki 4 saal se hamare ghar me made hai ab sex story pe ata hai. Sbse pehle tho apko apne ghar ka haal btata hu mere ghr me hum 3 log hai mai mummy or papa vo dono job krte hai or 8 bje kreeb ate hai mai school pdta hu tho mai 2:30 tk ajana or sunita morning me 7 bje aake hamara brkfast lunch and dinner bnake 8 bje tk chli jati hai ab uske bare me bta du 35 saal ki aurat hai vo rang sawala hai par face itna naughty hai ki jb...

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The GiftChapter 38

Alice had just returned from lunch when I was back at the office. "Production wants you for a meeting at two. They want to start the new economy-line in three weeks." "Well, you've better get the calculations we made, then. Perhaps we'll get busy the next couple of weeks." "Sure, they are ready. Do you want me to come along?" "Certainly. This will be your first try, then. Let's hope Henny taught you properly. You know how I want you to have things ready for me, don't...

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The Art of Cuckold Diplomacy Worship

I gazed at my new friend and co-conspirator, Charlotte. She, unlike the rest of us, was still dressed. Or mostly dressed – I was pretty sure she was no longer wearing any panties! Charlotte was the one who had orchestrated our sexual awakening that evening. My husband, Jason, and I were being guided into new territory by Charlotte, who was pulling the strings, and her well-hung Lothario, Peter, who also happened to be my husband’s new boss.Wearing a simple, but incredibly seductive, silvery...

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The Dinner

The Dinner By Michael Alexander [email protected] Melanie smacked her pink lips and checked her makeup in the rearview mirrorquickly before getting out of her sedan. Her knee length black skirt swirledaround her thighs with a soft whisper as she stepped out on to the heat bakedsidewalk, and approached the little French café. A green enshroudedveranda was gated off to either side of the entrance but no afternoon dinerssat in the heat. Melanie tossed her hair back over her...

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An Amiss WishChapter 3

I woke naked, tied up at my hands and legs, horny as fuck, and woozy. The world got a bit clearer and a bit clearer, and I heard low feminine voices from somewhere. God, I needed someone to come and fuck me, suck me, or at least stroke my cock -- I needed to cum so bad I could scream! Unfortunately, someone had gagged me, and I couldn’t make a noise louder than “MMmmph!”. Whoever tied me had done a good job, because I wasn’t going anywhere until someone set me free. I looked at the head of my...

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My Calendar for KettieChapter 2

June 7, 2013 I was up early and went to visit the plant and go to HR and begin to put things in motion. Our HR Coordinator in New York wasn't a woman and that seemed to take some tension away from me. I think I had, in the back of my mind, pictured Doreen to be behind the desk there, but all worked out great. He even offered a little advice, saying: "World ChipTech has worked well with McCrae Gates and we think they've done fine with our employees. You know it's named after some of the...

1 year ago
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Adoption and my birth mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! Well I was adopted at birth and was always curious about finding my birth mother so when I finally did I was quite excited. She was 47 at this time and I was 19. We spoke on the phone and met up. She had one daughter who still lived with her and and one dog and they lived in a small flat just outside town. We met up for the first time and went for a coffee and talked for hours. When I said it was time for me to leave she said I could stay over on a...

3 years ago
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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 7 Liz Bradshaw

Liz Bradshaw prowled around her spacious apartment, a double shot of vodka in hand. Her angular face bare of any makeup, revealed a good-looking woman just shy of forty who was both lonely and depressed. Mr. Bradshaw had left with no warning some five months back. Liz later learned he'd run off with a twenty year old, leaving Liz with all the bills. Fortunately, she had a decent job as administrator for the Catholic Church in the New Orleans diocese and made do with what she had. Adding to...

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Hypnosis Goes Haywire On Nude Day

Three men have their wives hypnotized for naked Nude Day fun. Billie, Bobby, and Ben childhood friends, married Julie, Joanie, and Jane from the neighborhood. Attending grammar school, high school together, and the Prom together, even getting married in a triple ceremony, the three couples did everything together. They even went as far as the women, somehow, getting pregnant within weeks of one another, so that their kids could grow up, attend school, and play together, just as they had. As...

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GirlsWay Zoey Monroe Bailey Brooke The Pool Girl

Bailey Brooke is doing her rounds cleaning pools in the neighborhood. What Bailey isn’t aware of, is the fact that she’s got a secret admirer. Zoey Monroe is watching from her bedroom window and is gushing over the pool girl. She just can’t help but to go outside and take a closer look. She sneaks out, making sure Bailey can’t see her and thinks about how to execute her plan. She ponders for a moment before moving in for the kill. No point in subtleties, Bailey thinks to...

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Caught with the boss

I’m 32 and have been married to Greg for 11 years now. As far as I know, Greg has always been a faithful husband and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. I’ve been fucked by many other men since I’ve been married and Greg never knew anything. That is until he caught me last month. My husband has always been a great lover, but I could never resist the advances of strange men. I have to tell you...

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Pay Back0

When I was in my early 30’s is started to get into gambling. I we go out and play the slots at the local casinos. That soon got boring. So, I tried my hand at poker. It was fun. But, I was a very poor player. My interest then turned in horse racing. I found a bar that was nearby that offered OTB. Soon almost like clockwork I was there every day. It was nice to go there and place a few bets, drink some and relax. One day I met this guy who came in to play the races too. We started...

5 years ago
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St Lucia Surprise

After that night with Marcia and Marilyn, life just got busier and busier. It was great but I had started to feel a bit drained. I tried to slow them down, unsuccessfully, so felt that the only way was to take a short holiday. It seemed the only way of getting a little peace and quiet. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the attention I was getting and the sex was mind-blowing. I just needed a short break to recharge my batteries. This time of year was when I always took a break, to get a bit of warmth...

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Mini Ko Sardar Se Chudhwayi

Dear Indian sex stories friends.Meri pahle likhi sambhav ke bad uski next part nahi hai ye sambhav.Sirf hero wohi subedar sardar hai.Isliye iskoek alag kahani karke likhthi hum.Is me heroin mem nahi.Meri quarters ki bagal me rahne ko aayi ek army wale ki beevi mini hai.Wo fi kerala se hum.Ummar mere se jadha dhi.38.Meri jaise lambayi(5 feet 7 inch)moti hum.Size 38 36 42 gori aur sundhar dhi.Bache 3 theenom keral me padayi kar re.Husbend thoda aged dhe.Lekin mini tho ek pathakka dhi.Uski gand...

3 years ago
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I sat in the interview room, wondering which one of the interviewers was going to do the bad cop routine. It was one of those conference rooms where the table dominates the room. The space around the table was a narrow perimeter that was just about enough for someone to pull a chair back and squeeze into it. As I sat down, I felt the queerest flutter in my stomach. I should have paid attention to it, but I ignored it. I twirled my fingers through my long, chestnut hair, being unafraid in...

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Wife Swapping Between Twin Brothers

Hey, guys, I’m back with another story. The story is about two brothers who swap their wives and have an open family between the four of them. The story is about two brothers who were identical twins. Their parents died when they were 19. The elder brother’s name was Jake and his younger brother was Jerry. Both of them have well-built bodies as they go to the gym daily. Both of them had jobs when their parents died. So they could manage themselves and live without the help of their uncles and...

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Dummies Guide To How To Fuck Your Gf8217s Sister

Hello fellow readers, my name is Bond and I have a nice physique, for now let’s keep it at that, the following story is a true story from one of the pages of my life. I am committed man, and my girl, Rita has a twin sister. There are many problems of dating twins, you never know which one is which, but lucky for me, Rita and her sister Geeta had some differences to know them apart from. Now my girlfriend, Rita, loves to party, dance and just go crazy all night, me on the other hand, I don’t...

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The Stripper Wife

My wife Karen and I have attended some pretty wild parties over the years that often involved getting it on with multiple partners. She even filled in as a stripper at a private sex show when one of the performers failed to show up.We often talked about what it would be like for her to take on a bunch of guys at once, although the idea of setting up a gangbang was something she had trouble with. Strangers were out of the question but she also disliked the idea of trying to approach this subject...

3 years ago
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Fucking the older BBW manager

So where did it all begin, my lust for older women? I have thought about that for a number of years, and I believe it started back in 1994 when I had just left school and was waiting to start university. As a recently turned 18 year old, I needed money to help me through the summer and had just started working part time in a local supermarket. Not very exciting I thought, but it would allow me the funds to get to the pub and maybe meet a girl, and then who knows, I could maybe explore a little...

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A Burglary Bungle

It was a simple job so far. Four rooms had already been entered silently, and valuables put into the black felt bag, hung at the waist. One last room, then call it a night. It does not do to be too greedy. A simple five-foot jump to the next balcony, then master-key in the lock, and in through the balcony door silently.Halfway across the room to the dresser, and the bedside lamp was turned on, revealing one man just sitting up in bed, and a second blocking the balcony door. The room door was...

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Visions or Dreams

I had a dream about Charlotte the other night. Strange dream. One of those dreams where you wake up, only vaguely remembering the subject of the dream, but not the content… Just enough for you to stare at the ceiling, dazed like, wondering ‘WHY???’ The image I woke up with was of a hospital room. Antiseptic smelling… Machines beeping and twitching and generally doing their hospital machine type thing… Everything cold and clean. I was curled up on the foot of her bed, actually laying across her...

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