Extracurricular Adventures
- 2 years ago
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On paper, it seemed like Dr. Mistry, referred to by his first name Pahan among his colleagues, seemed to have it together. Originally from a middle class immigrant family that came to America from India, Dr. Mistry went off to college. In college, Pahan was a model student and went on to medical school. In medical school, Pahan impressed his professors and moved on to get into a competitive residency. After many years of schooling, Pahan became a surgeon specializing in Orthopedics.
While the academics were impressive, Pahan also lived a great life outside of work. Pahan was in excellent shape at the age of fifty-one and looked exactly like male model Milind Soman. Along his path to success, Pahan met his wife Lisa who was a beauty. Lisa was a blonde that looked exactly like a young Heather Locklear in her prime. Lisa worked as a psychiatrist and met Pahan when they were in medical school together.
After having such an impressive resume, Pahan was hired as a professor at a university in California to teach college kids. The job was not as stressful as life as a surgeon and the pay was very respectable. Now Pahan's days consisted of giving lectures and writing papers to present at conferences.
On a morning during the summer semester, Pahan gave a lecture to a class of forty kids only to find that two kids showed up more than half an hour late. The two kids were athletes who were loud and gave the impression of not taking school seriously. One of the kids was a baseball player named Evan who looked exactly like Tom Welling and the other was a gymnast named Lauren, a twenty-year old tanned brunette that looked exactly like Allison Stokke. Evan wore gym shorts with a tank top while Lauren wore short shorts with a t-shirt that had the university logo on it.
"Leave," said Pahan, during his lecture.
"Uh dude what?" replied Evan.
"You heard me, leave, " said Pahan.
"Are you seriously bro? We're athletes," said Evan.
"Just go, now!" said Pahan, in a more serious tone.
"I mean what the fuck," said Evan.
"Evan, cool off, go!" said Lauren, taking her friend with her.
Pahan shook his head and then continued to give the lecture, it annoyed him how athletes thought they could get preferntial treatment. As the lecture ended, Pahan headed to his office and immediately upon arrival, was met by the coach of the baseball team as well as the coach of the gymnasts. The coach of the baseball team was a man named Percy. On the other hand, the coach of the gymnasts was a woman named Alana, a brunette who looked exactly like Aly Raisman.
"Excuse me?" asked Pahan.
"So I have it here that you stopped my player from getting into class," said Percy.
"You mean the one that is always late?" asked Pahan.
"Late because he has practice," replied Percy.
"When does practice end again coach?" asked Pahan.
"My kids make money for this school professor, so watch your words carefully," replied Percy.
"Come on now Percy, no need to threaten a professor, but professor you do have to understand that student athletes have a schedule that is different than normal," said Alana.
"Yes lets give them preferential treatment, not happening, they do it just like everyone else," replied Pahan.
"Well, the dean doesn't think so, read it and obey," said Alana, slamming a letter down on Pahan's desk before walking away with Percy.
Going home to his wife, Pahan talked about his situation regarding the two students. Lisa was a very understanding woman who often gave Pahan life advice in regards to dealing with students as well as people.
"They think they can get away with anything!" said Pahan.
"Well look, its America and we love our sports, just be understand and give them the bare minimum passing grade so they can get the class out of the way," replied Lisa.
"Then why take my class if all they will do is the bare minimum?" asked Pahan.
"Because not everyone wants to do what is best for themselves," replied Lisa.
Pahan and Lisa went to bed and unfortunately for Lisa, her husband was not feeling it. In the recent months, the arousal had died down between the couple and stress at work had somewhat hit both of them. When they were first married, Pahan and Lisa used to fuck multiple times every day. The couple already had two kids off to college and were now back on their own together.
The semester continued on with Lauren and Evan coming to class when they pleased, a lot of times not coming at all. Mid-way through the semester, Pahan sat in his office on an afternoon and was about to leave only to find that a guest had shown up. Covered in sweat and wearing a tight white tank top as well as short shorts, Lauren showed up to Pahan's office.
"I can't let you in with that," said Pahan.
"Dude do you really want to deal with the dean again?" asked Lauren.
"Okay fine, what do you need?" asked Pahan.
"So your exam this week, I am not sure where the material ends for it, you forgot to tell us in class today," said Lauren.
"You came to class today?" asked Pahan.
"Ya, I sit near the back," replied Lauren.
Pahan smelled a very powerful yet arousing odor in the room which came from Lauren. Lauren had recently finished a strong workout but had not showered all morning. Pahan was aroused by the smell as well as the glow coming from Lauren's body as he sat in his office. Lauren and Pahan were the only two left in the entire bulding which was set to close very soon.
"So it ends on this chapter here, I will put up the updates online," said Pahan.
"See, gotcha!" said Lauren, laughing.
"This time you didn't need the dean's help," replied Pahan, standing up as he gathered his materials to head back home.
"You always had a way with words!" said Lauren, laughing.
Lauren and Pahan headed out of the building together but lust was in the air. Pahan was aroused by the sexy figure and the smell while Lauren was usually aroused after a workout. The two walked out of the building and to Pahan's car, the latest Audi, and did not even notice that they had walked together due to being busy in conversation.
"Do you live nearby?" asked Pahan.
"I live right off campus, what about you?" asked Lauren.
"A little far away but not too far, fine I'll give you a ride," said Pahan.
"Sweet an Audi!" said Lauren, as the two managed to get in the car and were on their way.
"So why didn't your boyfriend pick you up?" asked Pahan.
"Boyfriend? Please he is going nowhere in life," said Lauren.
"You don't know that," replied Pahan.
"He is an alcoholic that parties and chases random women, I do know," said Lauren.
"Well he can turn his life around, people do it all the time," replied Pahan.
"Why do you care? He is rude to you," said Lauren, laughing.
The air conditioning was not on in the car, Pahan forgot to turn it on. Now the entire car smelled of Lauren's musk as Pahan had a stiff erection that Lauren saw. The two made eye contact at a red-light as Lauren smiled at Pahan.
"So is Ms. Mistry away on vacation?" asked Lauren, leaning towards Pahan.
"No, she is at home," said Pahan, taking a deep breath.
"You're not feeling right," said Lauren.
"What makes you say that?" as Pahan pulled into the driveway.
"Because you seem kind of nervous and that's not you," replied Lauren.
"I just need some water that's all," replied Pahan, pulling into the parking lot.
"The nearest gas station is more than a mile away and my place is stocked with water bottles, come on professor, I know you're used to luxurious living but stepping into some college kid's apartment won't kill you," said Lauren.
Pahan and Lauren went up to the apartment which was mostly empty during the summers. The apartment had the usual school flags and trophies in it as well as a bed that was well made.
"Sit right there, I will be right out," said Lauren, as Pahan sat, looking around to see all that was in the apartment. After a minute, Lauren came out wearing a black thong and black bra with her body covered in glowing sweat. Pahan's breaths became deeper as his penis was far more erect than it had ever been.
Pahan got up as Lauren ran towards him, grabbing the brunette locking lips with her while holding on to her well toned buttocks. The two started making out as Pahan slowly stripped down to just his underwear. Grabbing on to the brunette made Pahan feel so alive as his body rushed with adrenaline. Lauren hopped up and wrapped her legs around a standing Pahan as the two made out with Pahan's heart rapidly beating. Pahan was in love with how soft Lauren's skin was compared to that of his wife.
The aroused professor wrestled Lauren down to her bed as Lauren stripped down, taking off her bra and throwing it aside. Pahan had his face against Lauren's crotch which was covered ber her sweaty thing that had a camel-toe protruding through it. Lauren looked down at Pahan with a seductive look on her face as Pahan put his mouth over the camel-toe and started sucking it.
"Ah! Still thirsty professor!" said Lauren, aroused as she kicked her legs up.
Pahan tightly grabbed and squeezed the brunette's thighs while licking her crotch as her thong sunk in deeper against her pussy. Lauren felt the man's mouth cover her pussy and suck on it as she moaned and took deep breaths, putting her hands on her thong and pushing it upwards along her elevated legs. A powerful smell hit Pahan right in the face as he put his face against Lauren's pussy and started to eat her out.
"Oh fuck!" said Lauren, kicking her elevated legs that sandwiched Pahan's head in-between them around.
The aroused man continued to licked Lauren's pussy as her heart started to beat fast, she was not used to someone eating her out so. As the minutes passed, Lauren rested her legs on Pahan's shoulders and massaged his head as he continued to eat her out and suck on her pussy.
"Ya, don't need any water now," said Lauren, her eyes going dead as she took deep breaths.
Pahan pulled his underwear down and took it off while eating Lauren but Lauren noticed the massive penis that the man had. As Pahan continued to eat her out, Lauren moved around on the bed only to find that Pahan's mouth followed her pussy wherever it went. Lauren turned over to find Pahan's head in-between her buttocks, sniffing the anus and aggressively shaking his head as he ate her ass while smacking it.
"Yes, please, definitely!" said Lauren, rolling her eyes while taking deep breaths from the satisfaction.
While Lauren enjoyed having her ass eaten, something she wasn't used to, this was not what she wanted. Lauren continued to move and crawl around on the bed, Pahan's mouth following her ass and pussy everywhere to where it was almost stuck to them like glue, before finally getting her mouth on Pahan's cock. The two lovers got into a sixty-nine position with Lauren aggressively sucking on as much of the cock as she could put in her mouth.
"Muah!" said Lauren, taking her mouth off the cock as some cum dripped from her mouth, then going back to sucking Pahan while aggressively shaking her head.
Pahan continued to eat Lauren out quite aggressively where to one point, Lauren felt a powerful arousal while sucking off Pahan. Lauren went from a sixty-nine position to sitting up straight as her pussy and ass covered a laying Pahan's face. The gymnasty started to shake her lower body aggressively and almost danced on Pahan's face as he ate her out.
"Oh wow!" shouted Lauren, a confused look on her face as she became more aroused than ever.
Lauren felt Pahan bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm without even putting his dick into her but his tongue was slowing down. Even the most active tongue could not go longer than five minutes but the sucking that happened in-between kept Lauren aroused. Lauren saw the penis and immediately dragged her lower body away from Pahan's face which was covered in sweat from having Lauren sit over it for so long. Within seconds, laid next to Pahan and started to grind her lower body against his cock which easily went inside of her due to Pahan eating her out so much.
The brunette put her arm around Pahan's shoulder as Pahan had an arm around her waist, his penis going inside of her young tight pussy. Lauren closed her eyes and moaned while Pahan kissed and sniffed her neck and cheeks. Pahan felt an arousing feeling stronger than the one he had ever felt before as his penis drove in and out of Lauren's tight pussy. After deep breaths from both lovers, Pahan came inside of Lauren's pussy as the two let out loud moans.
"You're the best," said Lauren, turning around as she made out with Pahan.
"Come here, suck on em! Way better than water," said Lauren laughing, putting her nipple against Pahan's face as her professor sucked on them. Pahan rested his head against the laying brunette as he sucked on her nipples.
As the day passed, Pahan headed home but the relationship continued. Pahan reguarly went to Lauren's apartment and the two did all sorts of wild activities together. At times Pahan would lick chocolate peanut butter off of Lauren's pussy and ass, an arousing feeling for Lauren. The two walked around the apartment naked, danced naked, fucking doggystyle without protection, taking baths together naked, watched movies together naked while fucking, and Pahan gave Lauren naked piggyback rides which made Lauren smile.
One day Pahan went to the apartment and spent the time standing up as Lauren crawled on to him and rode him, maintaining intense eye contact. After Pahan cummed inside of Lauren, the two rested in bed naked for hours before Lauren had to get up. Pahan was horny again but Lauren looked back at the man, telling him to wait. During this wild affair, Pahan worried almost daily knowing the consequences of cheating on his wife and how much his job was in jeopardy.
"You sure do love breaking the rules professor," said a voice that sounded different from Lauren's.
The sight was one that almost gave Pahan a heart attack, it was Alana a black thong and tanktop. Pahan looked at Alana's sexy body and his erect penis rose up, showing in the covers as Alana laughed.
"No wife back home?" asked Alana, walking towards Pahan as Lauren stood behind her nervous. Pahan attempted to get out a word before being cut off.
"I don't want to hear it, you're married, a cheat," said Alana, standing over Pahan as her camel toe was inches away from her. Pahan grabbed Alana's ass and attempted to eat her out.
"Fucking animal huh, Lauren told me you have a way with your tongue," said Alana, laughing as she wrestled with the aroused Pahan in bed.
Pahan went directly to eating out Alana who went from an aggressive bossy mood to moaning as the man ate her out. Just like Lauren, Alana rolled around in bed only to find that Pahan tongue was stuck to her ass and pussy like glue. Alana's ass was more robust than Lauren's and her body smelled a lot better to Pahan who turned into an animal, ignoring all consequences and just going righ to making love.
"Whoa! Lauren you were right!" shouted Alana, being eaten out by Pahan.
Lauren watched as Pahan fucked a nude Alana doggystyle on the bed that Lauren owned, she was very sad. What Lauren was experiencing was the punishment from her coach for a situation that could have gone crazy. Alana knew what was happening and told Lauren to let her seduce Pahan at her apartment, where she sat in the restroom waiting for Pahan to arrive.
"This is how you please a man Lauren!" shouted Alana, sucking Pahan cock while aggressively shaking her head. Unlike Lauren, Alana made Pahan kick his legs around and cum right inside of her mouth.
"Yummy, come here!" said Alana, sucking Pahan penis covered in cum until she sucked him dry.
"My fucking man now bitch," said a nude Alana, putting her arm around Pahan as she kissed him on the cheeks with Pahan being more aroused than ever. Alana aggressively started to grind her body against the man who had already came in her mouth.
The two lovers cuddled in bed as Lauren watched, trying to hold in tears. Lauren was aroused by Pahan and was in pain to see her coach making love to him.
"See professor, you fuck a student the system comes down on you hard but it isn't so bad if we meet instead," said Alana, giving Pahan a seductive look while putting her arms around him.
"Yes," said a tired Pahan.
"Long day, here you go big boy," said Alana, squatting over Pahan before sitting on his face and grinding over it.
"Got me a nice catch!" said Alana, looking at Lauren with a devious look in her eyes.
As the months passed, a powerful romance blossomed between Alana and Pahan. Pahan had to lie to his wife about being with a woman he was more attracted to than one he had been with ever before.
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It was during a Wednesday nite supper this past April when Penny my wife of seven years, suddenly looked me straight in the eyes while calling me a GAY COCKSUCKER ! Instantly while I swollowed hard and quickly looked away from her, my worse dreaded fears in life had somehow just become reality! So as I sat there trembling with a bowed head, Penny told me all about the phone call she had gotten earlier that day from Mary! Yes the very same Mary who was the wife of my secret gay friend Robert and...
I was at my office , my phone was ringing. I opened , it was Natalie. Almost fifteen days ago I had fucked her well groomed and big foot very hard in her home when her husband was at work. At first, she hadn't accepted, but later she had accepted what I wanted to do. And, I offered her something crazy after I fucked her big and well groomed foot in front of the door at her home . I was gonna bang her and Olga together. That was gonna be in the week days while their husbands were at work.If you...
Waking up to the sound of my alarm blaring, I roll over and slam on it. Of course it doesn't go off, just crashes to the floor. I know I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night playing video games, but what can I say? Too late now, I suppose. I reach down to pick up the clock, seeing the time blinking at me. Getting out of bed, I grab the shower before anyone else can. I know what it’s like in this household in the mornings. My two sisters will fight like crazy for the bathroom. I get why,...
CrossdressingThey both know now ----------------------- Steve Wright loved his wife, Charlotte. He thought she was the quintessential English Rose. Honey blonde hair, big brown eyes, petite nose and full kissable lips; with a swan neck and nice sized breasts he fell in love with her every time he saw her. Like most women Charlotte liked nice clothing; she wanted to look pretty as well as feel pretty; she wanted to be admired as well as be desired. Her husband also enjoyed seeing his lovely wife wearing...
that.' Charlotte wriggled her body gently, enjoying the feeling of Jon,s muscular chest on her back and the more pressing belly of Sol,s on her tummy. She felt snug and warm in between the...
Hi readers, this is Atul once again with a new encounter with 2 virgin sisters and so without wasting any time and I will start my story for you all. During my earlier job tenure, I have to travel extensively all over India to develop the dealers and distributors network. Hence, very often I used to go to all parts of India. During those tours and I realized that we have not yet covered some parts of Madhya Pradesh. Especially the interior parts which were famous for dacoits once upon a time...
My husband Jim had always fantasised about a threesome, it was just a fantasy, we had never really discussed it, I had never contemplated a third in our bed. When he mentioned it he always seemed to be joking, anytime we talked about sex he wouldn’t bring it up. Having another woman was not something I had ever dreamed of, any “lesbian” tendencies were not in my portfolio, hey I was probably the only girl in school that had never kissed another girl never mind anything else. I had always...
‘Mister La Salle,’ a voice called from over Adam’s shoulder. Turning, he recognised Jayne Essington, a friend of Amanda’s from some time ago. ‘Good morning Missus Essington’ he said taking her hand, bowing and kissing it. ‘How lovely to see you. What brings you to Boston?’ ‘I am here for my nephew’s graduation’ the plumpish, but nevertheless quite attractive, black haired widow informed him, leaving her hand in Adam’s. ‘From Harvard?’ ‘No Boston University. He wanted to study agriculture...
This sick story is meant as an putrid fantasy not real life. When Jimmy’s mother Margie (4 months pregnant with Jimmy’s son) decided to move in with Jimmy and Jimmy’s grandmother Addie (who was 8 months pregnant with Jimmy’s twin daughters), Jimmy expected his 9-month fuckfest with Addie to come to a screeching halt a month ahead of schedule. Jimmy was hoping to continue fucking eager (though hugely swollen) Addie right into her 9th month, but he doubted that would be...
"Hello Uncle Charlie. Hi this is Tiffany. Are you by chance going up to your cabin this weekend?" "Great! Do you think I could come up and spend the weekend." "No nothings wrong, I just feel a bit burned out. I figured a weekend without the phone or friends would recharge my batteries." "You still call me baby girl after all these years." "Thanks Uncle Charlie, you're the best." I hung up the phone and smiled as I lay back on my bed. I had planned this moment for months. I thought back to the...
My name's Marcus and it's got to be said that I'm a lucky man. I'm twenty-five, been married and then escaped, and now I've got two very sexy girlfriends. I suspect they both sort of know and accept that they're not the only ones in my life, although neither really knew who else there is.They're very different women. The first one, Tanya, the one I've been with the longest, is my age to the month, taller then most girls, and slim, with dark brown hair that cascades around her shoulders and...
The whole campus was excited, as this was homecoming week. The weekend had non-stop activities for alumni and students. The profs let up on everyone and assigned light reading for the coming classes. On the other hand, the football coach was going nuts as our rival for homecoming game was the best in our conference. We had not beaten them for years. We practiced like kamikazes on Monday with long video reviews of the other team after supper. By the time I got home the house was settled down...
I never did and still don't consider myself to be bi or gay but I do love the sight of a huge cock. There is just something about it that exudes power and dominance. I feel very fortunate to have by all accounts a average dick at 6+ inches. But I lust after cocks that are bigger and I don't know why. I don't have any desire to be fucked or to fuck another guy, but when I see a big cock I have always wondered what it would be like to wrap my lips around and make it cum. That was until I was a...
Hello, there friends my name is Tina. This is my real sex story. I married 22 years ago. After the birth of my son, my sexual interests diminished with growing responsibilities. But when my son’s best Friend – Raj came to stay in our house in order to clear his re-exams, I ended up fucking him so that he can concentrate on studies and became fuck buddies. But then his father stole some of our nudes and blackmailed him into sex which I was able to succeed in getting those nudes deleted and...
IncestStopping at both Raleigh and Charleston for a night, the four hundred or so miles trip passed quite pleasantly. Adam met her at the train. ‘God he’s handsome,’ she reminded herself, not having seen her brother for three years when he had visited her in London. Adam had inherited his mother’s artistic side and not the commercial nature of their father. Amanda had more commercial acumen, but was also an artist at heart. Both had taken on the warmth of their mother and not the hardness of...
I licked my lips for a few seconds, but then I Calmly made my way to her. "You are sensuous, Nova," I muttered, bringing my hands to her legs."No, you don't want to caress my legs, Mina," she pointed out, snatching my hands. "You want to feel my massive hooters," she made clear, setting them onto her boobs. "Now doesn't that feel better?""Yes," Dante and I answered.I peeked at him and saw him stroking his wood again. "I love you, Mina.""I love you too," I answered, prior to looking back and...
NovelsHello, friends, I am Sathish, currently residing in Bangalore. This is the continuation of last sex story posted one year ago “Seduced my apartment aunty on a rainy day”. One year passed on to achieve what I really wanted. Meanwhile, I used to have sex with the mother of the heroine of this sex story. To know how I fucked her mom (Meena), please read my previous sex story. A short recap of the sex story is that I and Meena live in the same apartment. Meena has two daughters, elder one (Riti)...
Dear friends, this is Shiva again from Tamil Nadu. Thanks for all those who spent their precious time, sending feedbacks for my stories Lucky Journey With Lusty Lakshana and Pumping Plumy Padma. All your feedbacks and my experiences after publishing those stories, made me to write this story. Feel free to contact me via my email ids and to have a very safe, secret and enjoyable relationship. My KIK Id is : dazzlingshiva I always feel every girl/lady as a flower and they have to be treated...
THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS A short story by Tamsyn A crossdresser wakes to find himself tied and gagged and at the mercy of a masked sadist. But is everything as it seems? The sound of laughter, the clink of glasses, soft music... Slowly I came to, consciousness returning to my befuddled brain. It was like trying to claw my way out from under a heavy tarpaulin or a rockfall. I opened my eyes. It was dark, pitch black, but the room still seemed to swim in front of me. Had I...
Lynette Robertson’s House, Komoka 8:16pm, Saturday, February 17, 1979 I was once more utterly amazed when I saw Lynette strip down to a lovely bra and panty set. She was absolutely gorgeous as she stood upright beside her parents’ king sized bed after she slightly struggled to get her tight blue jeans off her long, lean legs. Her full, firm breasts were covered by a white, underwire bra, which had black flowers decorating the cup material. Along the top edge of her bra, black lace enticed...
This story happened about a year after my wife Kathy and I got married. She had been an innocent college freshman when we met, I was a senior who hadn't had much luck with women throughout my undergrad, but managed to find enough courage to approach her in the psychology class we both took. She was even shyer than I was, but eventually after a few months of pursuing her I got her out on a date. A few months later and we finally had sex for the first time. It was the first time for us both,...
At the beginning things went well for both Val and Steve but then Steve had some devastating news he was being made redundant. He was about to lose his job.For the next two months Steve looked around for another job, but things were looking tough on the job market. Yes there were jobs but much lower paid and each month that passed his saving went downSteve and Val often talked about the problems they were facing. Things were getting desperate as they still had to pay the mortgage.In the end Val...
When the alarm went off I sat up. The first thing I noticed was no roomie, oh well. I put the towel back around me and headed for the shower with my toothbrush. After a couple big glasses of water, I did the shit, shower, and shaved the few whiskers I had. Back in the room I dressed quickly, straightened the room, grabbed my backpack and headed for the stairs. Dan and Jake were waiting for me with another guy they introduced as Jim. He was also on both the football and wrestling teams. As...
BOTH WAYS by Barbara (My fifth story) This story is in two parts. There is very little CD/TV in part I. Even if you want to skip to Part II, you should skim Part I. It is a setup to Part II and explains how the characters got where they are in the story. PART I My name is Edward, Edward Wister. My friends call my Eddy. I was 18 the summer I graduated from high school. Neither me nor my best friend, Sparky, were totally...