GreeniesChapter 12A free porn video

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Aboard the WHSS Mammoth, Mars Orbit

August 16, 2146

Lieutenant Callahan came into the berthing area to find his platoon lying listless on their bunks, just as they normally did. As always the smell in the room was of stale sweat and dirty laundry, although after nearly ten weeks he hardly noticed it anymore.

"On your feet, marines," he barked at them. "Assemble immediately for a briefing."

Nobody got to his feet. During the course of the chaotic trip across space, discipline among the men had slipped rather sharply. Where once the men had snapped to obey his every command, they were now quite openly disrespectful, not just to him but to every officer of every rank.

"I got your briefing right here," said Private Stinson as he grabbed his crotch a few times.

"Do you have to yell, LT?" asked Corporal Jones. "I was sleeping."

Callahan sighed, knowing he had helped create this environment he was now living in. He had created it with complacency in the name of soothing the morale problem that had cropped up. Now, however, it was time to start reversing that complacency. Soon they would be going to battle.

"I said on your feet!" Callahan yelled, striding further into the room. "And the next person who throws a smart-ass remark in my direction is going to have my foot up his ass! Assemble for a briefing right now!"

Slowly the men climbed out of their bunks and ambled across the room to assemble before him. It wasn't exactly the military precision that had been the norm in Salta, but at least they were obeying him. And no one threw a smart-ass remark in his direction either. At least not one that he was able to hear, which was, in truth, the best he could hope for.

When they were all more or less lined up he walked to the front, looking them up and down. "I've just come from a meeting with Captain Ayers and Major Wild," he told them. "As you are undoubtedly aware, the 298th ACR was slated to be first down on the planetary surface today and was to establish the initial beachhead of the Eden attack. Well, as you were probably not aware, the bulk of the 298th were aboard Pacaderm, the ship that was destroyed in the so-called suicide attack."

"Suicide attack my ass," Stinson was unable to help saying. There were some grumbles from the rest of the men along this line as well.

"Whatever the cause," Callahan interjected, "the fact is that there really is no more 298th ACR. Someone else needs to secure the Eden beachhead. That someone else is us."

"Us?" asked Sergeant Mallory. "We haven't trained for that! We've been training for armored assault on the city."

And even that training, everyone knew, had been woefully brief. Getting the men to the simulators each day had been a chore that had been just a little too much most of the time.

"We will still be performing assault duty on Eden if that becomes necessary," Callahan said. "But that is after we secure the beachhead itself and facilitate the landing of all of our equipment. This is an upper level decision directly from General Wrath himself. Given the greenie resistance that was encountered during the trip here, it is felt that a combat experienced regiment should be first down in this area of operation. The 314th is the most combat experienced regiment in the task force. We've been dealing with rebel elements in Argentina for years and so General Wrath feels that if there are any greenies down there waiting for us at the LZ, we'll be the unit that is able to most effectively deal with them."

"And they're just springing this on us now?" Mallory asked. "Christ, when are we supposed to make this landing?"

"In three hours, not including travel time," Callahan said, allowing a hint of his own trepidation to leak into his voice.

"Three hours?" all four of his sergeants and a good number of the men said in unison.

"I know its not much time," Callahan allowed. "Hell, it'll take us most of that time just to get suited and armed up. But that's the way its gonna be, guys. This landing ship will be departing this vessel in three hours and we need to be ready when that happens. So lets get this briefing started, shall we?"

Charlie Company, which Callahan and his platoon were part of, had been tasked with securing the north side of the landing zone. They would exit the landing ship immediately upon touchdown and move overland on foot to a ridgeline two kilometers away. From there they would spread out by platoon to different sectors of the ridge and dig in to guard the perimeter. For at least the first eight hours, possibly more, they would be the only forces in the area. They would have no hover support, no armored vehicle support, and their only artillery support would be from the 150-millimeter guns mounted on the landing ship itself.

"Navigation and targeting is going to be somewhat of a pain in the ass," Callahan explained. "The greenies have apparently encrypted all of the signals from their navigation satellites, which means that unless our intelligence division can ferret out the proper code somehow, our GPS systems will not work. Everything will have to be done by inertial navigation, so be sure to zero out your combat computers when you leave the ship."

"How will we zero out our computers if the ship itself doesn't even know exactly where it is?" asked Sergeant Hamilton.

Callahan grunted a little in frustration. That was exactly the question that he had asked of Major Wild when he had received his briefing. He had not been given an adequate answer. "It will at least give us a rough estimate of our location," he said now.

"A rough estimate?" asked Mallory. "How rough are we talking?"

"Accurate to within five hundred meters," Callahan said.

Everyone looked at him for a moment to see if he was joking. Finally they were forced to conclude that he wasn't.

"Five hundred meters?" Mallory said. "That's half a klick. How are supposed to call down artillery with that kind of a margin for error? We could end up calling it down right on top of ourselves."

"Intelligence seems confident that it will be able to hack into the greenie Internet and get the GPS codes within a day or two," Callahan said. "And in the meantime, estimates are that greenie resistance should be non-existent or very light at the LZ itself. Remember, we're three hundred klicks from their main defenses. It's not like they can just drive a division of troops out to engage us."

"What about those transport aircraft they have?" asked Private Stinson. "Those Hummingbird things we were briefed on. They can transport a squad, can't they?"

"They are capable of transporting a squad of troops," Callahan confirmed. "And they do have the range to fly this far. But our landing ship, as you know, is equipped with a full array of passive and active anti-aircraft sensors. They wouldn't be able to get one of those things within fifty klicks of our position without us picking it up. So unless those troops want to walk fifty klicks across the surface, they won't be able to engage us. Our landing zone will be perfectly secure. That's a good a guarantee as you'll get in this operation I'm told."

And strangely, though nothing else that they had been told about Martian capabilities had been true so far, everyone felt better having heard this.

Martian Planetary Guard Headquarters Building, New Pittsburgh

August 16, 2146

The official command center for the Martian Planetary Guard operations was on the top floor of the main MPG building near the capital. It was a windowless office, stuffed full of desks with computer terminals mounted on them and bustling with high-ranking officers and lower ranking technical people. On the front wall was a holographic projection of the entire planetary surface, a display that could be zoomed in at any particular point to a resolution of better than ten meters per centimeter. Currently the display was zoomed out and showed blue marks where MPG units were deployed. As of yet, most of the troops were still on stand-by at the headquarters building in each of the cities. At the Eden MPG headquarters, the biggest of them, more than sixty thousand troops were standing by for movement orders.

General Jackson was weary after having spent the past twenty-four hours in this room. His T-shirt was rumpled and marred with sweat stains. His eyes were bleary, with bags beneath them, and his face was unshaven. He had been advised multiple times by his closest staff members that he needed to get some sleep but so far he had refused to heed their advice. Since the WestHem armada had entered Martian orbit he had only grabbed quick catnaps in his chair.

"General," a voice said in his headset, startling him out of a light doze. It was Captain Edison, who was monitoring the reconnaissance satellites. "I'm picking up a separation from the armada."

"Landing craft separation?" Jackson asked, his fatigue instantly falling away.

"Looks like it," said Edison. "We're getting good feed from the KH-11 and the KH-17 birds on either side of their orbit. I have a positive landing craft separation from one of the Panamas. Looks like its now maneuvering into a descent corridor."

"Put it on my screen," Jackson ordered.

It appeared a moment later, a blurry infrared image of an object drifting above one of the transport ships. The distance between the two objects continued to slowly grow. White flashes from the bottom and sides indicated that the maneuvering thrusters were being fired.

"Keep a track on it," Jackson said. "I want course projections as soon as feasible."

"Working on it now," Edison said. "Do you want... stand by."

"What is it?" Jackson asked.

"Another separation underway," Edison told him. "No, make that two."

"From different ships?"

"Correct, and here's another now. That's a total of four landing craft separating from four different ships."

Jackson nodded. "What do you want to bet that they're heading for Eden, New Pittsburgh, Libby and Proctor?" he asked the room at large. Those were the four major cities that General Wrath had told the solar system his forces would be landing at.

"I think that's a bet I'll have to turn down," Edison answered. "I've got good passive tracks on all four."

"Shall we alert the forces at the target cities?" asked Colonel Anderson, who was in charge of logistical deployment.

"Let's keep the combat troops on standby for now," Jackson said. "I don't want to send them outside until we're sure where these enemy units are landing. Lets get the artillery units in all cities activated though. There's always the chance that the Earthlings will do something stupid and land close to the cities. If they do, I want arty falling on them from the moment their gear touch the ground."

"Deploying all artillery units now," Anderson said, calling up a screen on his computer.

By the time the main engines of the four landing craft began to fire, decelerating them and starting their descent towards the Martian atmosphere, men and women all over the planet were donning their biosuits and racing through airlocks to man their artillery positions. Teams of loaders crawled into heavily fortified fixed sites on the outskirts of every Martian city. Other teams crawled into mobile guns and began to drive across the soil towards their pre-determined firing points. By the time the first of the landing craft made contact with the thin atmosphere ninety minutes later all guns reported ready. The MPG was now capable of raining down horrific destruction on any point within one hundred kilometers of any of its populated areas.

"I have preliminary course paths for all four vessels," reported Edison.

"Let's have it," Jackson said, sipping from a cup of coffee.

"Just like we expected," Edison said. "Targets Alpha and Delta are in equatorial inclinations. They appear to be heading for the vicinity of Libby and Eden respectively. Targets Bravo and Charlie are in high latitude inclinations. They appear to be heading for New Pittsburgh and Proctor."

"Just like they told us they would," Jackson mused. "Which target will land first?"

"Unless there is some extensive maneuvering, Delta will touch down first near Eden somewhere. Estimated timeframe is approximately twenty-seven minutes."

"Okay," Jackson said. "As soon as they're down on the ground, we get the combat troops moving towards the defensive positions. Full deployment in the cities that have forces land outside of them. All tank crews, all armored cav crews, everything. And I want some special forces teams deployed to each LZ within one hour of its establishment. We start hitting them right away, while they're at their most vulnerable. Those marines are not welcome on this planet and I want them to start experiencing our inhospitality immediately."

Equatorial wastelands, due east of Eden, Mars

August 16, 2146 — 0900 hours

The large landing craft, with 5000 marines aboard, descended rapidly out of the red sky, falling like a rock, its forward momentum more than 900 kilometers per hour. At an altitude of 20,000 meters above the surface, retro-rockets fired, slowing its airspeed and reducing its rate of descent. It came down at a steep angle despite the slowing, much steeper than the Martians had brought down the landing craft from the pre-positioned ships at TNB. This was a combat landing, the first one made since the Jupiter War, and the commander of the craft went by the book even though resistance was expected to be non-existent.

At 0921 hours, Eden time, the craft passed over a ridge of hills and was almost hovering over a large plateau, its descent now only a few meters per second. Steel landing gear shot out from the bottom, ready to bear the weight of the large vehicle and everything within it. As it came close to the ground a cloud of dust was raised by the powerful blast of the retro rockets. The incredible heat fused the Martian soil beneath. Slowly, carefully, the craft inched lower and lower until the gear touched down on the rocky ground. The retro-rockets slowly eased off and the weight settled on the gear.

Even as the engines were being shut down, twenty-millimeter cannons poked out from ports all along the perimeter of the ship. These weapons were equipped with infrared and visual cameras that fed images back to a bank of control screens just below the bridge of the ship. In this room a team of navy gunners stared at the screens and operated joysticks that controlled each individual camera. There were twenty of them in all and they had overlapping fields of fire that could engage any person or light vehicle within five hundred meters of the ship. They panned back and forth, switching frequently between infrared and visual, zooming on different places, searching for biosuited greenies hiding in the rocks or the surrounding hills. They saw nothing but empty landscape.

On the top of the ship two steel doors slid open and three gun turrets — one fore, one aft, and one amidships — slowly rose up. 150-millimeter gun barrels, each ten meters in length, were attached to these turrets. Inside the ship, directly under each turret, a loading crew stood by next to pallets that contained hundreds of 150-millimeter shells. The guns themselves were operated from the same control room the twenty-millimeter gunners worked out of.

The troops that were to actually perform the initial sweep of the landing zone were staging just outside each of the four airlocks that controlled access in and out of the ships. They had put on their biosuits prior to the separation of the landing ship from Mammoth and had been standing around and waiting, their weapons in hand, for the past two hours.

Lieutenant Callahan and his platoon were slated to be the first out through Airlock C on the front part of the ship. They stood closest to the lock, M-24s and SAWs in their hands, all of them weary and feeling slightly claustrophobic from being inside the suits. They were still experiencing standard gravity and the WestHem suits, unlike the MPG's suits, were very heavy and difficult to move in. Though the material of the suit itself was quite similar, the storage tank for air was much bigger and bulged out from the rear in a very unwieldy manner. The environmental controls were also much larger since the suit was designed to be operated in the frigid environment of the Jovian moons instead of the relatively balmy Martian equatorial region.

"How much longer?" asked Mallory as he shifted his rifle from one shoulder to the other.

"When they give us the signal, we'll move," Callahan answered for perhaps the tenth time since they'd landed. "They're still sweeping the area with the cameras to make sure no greenies are about."

"There ain't no fuckin greenies out here," said Stinson. "What do they think? That they just happened to be having a picnic out here or something?"

"We're going by the book here, guys," Callahan told them. "That's the only way to do things."

"The book," said Mallory with a shake of his helmeted head. "The guy who wrote the fuckin book never had to stand around in 1G with a goddamn fifty kilo suit on."

"That's undoubtedly true," agreed Callahan, who was quite uncomfortable himself. "But we're marines, and standing around waiting for something to happen is what we do best, isn't it?"

They stood around grumbling for another twenty minutes before the order was finally given to move into the airlocks. The steel doors slid slowly open and, one by one, Callahan and his men moved into the cramped space. All forty of them were able to fit, but only by pushing tightly together and shifting their weapons and packs into accommodating places.

Once Callahan reported to command that they were all inside, the airlock door slid shut again, sealing them inside. A circuit clicked loudly over their heads and then there was the sound of the pumps running and sucking the air out of the room and into a holding tank where it could be recycled back in for the next group. This process took the better part of five minutes but finally the air pressure matched that of the surface.

"Okay, guys," Callahan told his men, "brace yourselves for lightening. They're gonna shut off the artificial G's to the lock."

The men all looked uneasily at each other for a moment. Although none of them had ever been on the surface of Mars or any other planet except Earth, all had undergone extraterrestrial combat training at Armstrong Naval Base in Earth orbit. A significant part of this course consisted of spending time in a low gravity simulation room and moving about with the biosuits on. All remembered the sensation of lightening quite well but none had experienced it enough to become accustomed to it.

As it turned out, only four of the forty men in the airlock actually vomited when the artificial gravity was switched off although every last one of them groaned and had to fight the sensation. Once the worst of it had passed Callahan polled all of his squad leaders and received assurances that everyone was ready to move.

"Third platoon, ready for egress," he reported to Captain Ayers over the command link.

"I copy, Callahan," Ayers replied. "Ramp is going down now. The sweep of the immediate area shows clear out to half a click. Proceed at best speed to your deployment area."

"You got it, cap," he said, taking a few deep breaths of his air. His combat goggles were turned on and a small graph in the upper right hand of his view showed he had just less than eight hours of oxygen remaining. He looked at his men. "Ramp's going down. We're going to head directly to our objective and secure it. First squad, you'll have point. Lets lock and load."

The door to the outside opened up a second later with a slight hiss of equalizing air pressure. They were looking out over a barren, red landscape dotted with boulders and rocks. About three hundred meters away a series of gentle hills were poking up from the ground. A steady wind was blowing from the west and clouds of dust went drifting by like red snow flurries. From the bottom of the doorway — which was three meters wide — a thin, aluminum ramp began to protrude, extending outward until its weight forced it towards the ground twenty meters below. Finally the end of it was resting on the Martian soil, imparting a forty-degree angle to the ground.

"Okay," Callahan said over the command link. "First squad, get your asses down there."

"You heard the LT," said Sergeant Mallory. "Down the ramp. Stinson, you're on point!"

Private Stinson, destined to be the first Earthling to invade Mars, put his weapon in the port arms position and stepped onto the ramp. He encountered trouble almost immediately. Unfamiliar with moving in low gravity and with his center of gravity thrown off by the weight of his oxygen tank and environmental control unit, the angle proved to be just a bit too much for him. By the second step his balance was shifting wildly back and forth. At first it seemed he was falling forward so he tried shifting his weight back. In doing so, he overcompensated, his body shifting much more than he had intended. Feeling himself falling backwards now, he shifted back forward, once again overcompensating. This time he pitched wildly, his feet coming out from beneath him. He thudded to the ramp, landing on the stock of his M-24, and began to slide downward. Halfway down he grabbed the edge of the ramp to stop himself and only succeeded in spinning his body around ninety degrees, at which point he began to roll like a log. He bumped and thudded and bounced the rest of the way down the ramp until he reached the bottom.

"Well, that was pretty," Callahan said disgustedly. "Is he okay?" he asked Mallory over the command channel.

"You okay down there, Stinson?" Mallory enquired over the tactical channel.

"I think so," Stinson said, rolling onto his stomach.

"You think so, or you are? Do I need to send the medic down after your ass?"

"I'm okay," Stinson barked back. "My suit isn't compromised."

"He's okay," Mallory reported back to Callahan.

"Good," Callahan said. "Then perhaps he'd like to get to his feet and start doing his job?"

Stinson got slowly to his feet, looking a little like a turtle trying to right himself after rolling over. Finally he was standing unsteadily on the surface of Mars, looking out to the north, his weapon held loosely in his gloved hands.

Two by two, the rest of the platoon went down the ramp. Most moved slowly, having taken Stinson's fall as an example of what could happen. Despite this caution however, five more people fell down and tumbled down the ramp and one person — Private Concord — actually rolled off the ramp and fell fifteen meters to the ground, landing hard on his oxygen tank and causing a leak. He was forced to retreat back to the ship for repairs, leaving the platoon short one man.

"This is a clusterfuck in the making," mumbled Callahan as he finally stepped onto the ramp himself. He made it down without falling, but only barely. In all, it had taken nearly fifteen minutes for the platoon to exit the ship, twelve minutes longer than the book prescribed. "Third platoon is on the surface," he reported to Ayers. "Moving in on objective."

The men formed up into a wedge formation and began to move forward towards the hills. They quickly found that walking over the uneven ground was not much easier than descending the ramp. Having lived their entire lives in 1G, they simply weren't accustomed to the way their bodies tried to spring into the air with each step, or with how easy it was to overbalance because your body shifted much more than you wanted it to. All along the formation men tripped and fell, grunting as they hit the ground. They bounced as they landed and then had trouble getting back to their feet. When other marines tried to give them a hand up they inevitably pulled too hard, tossing them into another fall. It would have been comical if it had been happening to someone else.

"Goddammit," yelled Callahan over the tactical channel after the sixth or seventh such episode, "we look like a bunch of fucking clowns out here. Everyone, take short, shuffling steps. Avoid shifting your weight from one side to the other. Remember your ET-combat training. We've all done this before!"

"That was almost ten years ago, LT," complained Stinson. "It'll take us a while to get used to this shit."

"Well get used to it fast," Callahan said. "When we start making contact with the greenies I don't want everyone tripping and falling."

They moved on, gradually becoming a little better as they followed Callahan's advice and took shorter steps. Still their movements were the awkward steps of children learning to ambulate and every minute or so someone would fall down. As they walked, the wind blew a steady stream of dust at them and soon their biosuits were powdered with a fine layer of it.

When they came to the base of the series of hills that were their objective, Callahan called a halt and took a moment to consult the mapping software. He called up the display, which superimposed itself over his view through the goggles. The map itself was constructed from old satellite views of the planet that had been in the military databases prior to the Martian takeover. A red dot represented Callahan's current position. Below this, in red letters, was the message: WARNING. POSITION IS ESTIMATED ONLY. NO GPS LOCK. And sure enough, the dot was not at the base of the hill Callahan was standing next to, but was shown nearly three hundred meters south and east.

"Computer," Callahan said, "move position locater to coordinates 47.855 by 01.455."

POSITION UPDATED flashed on his screen and the dot moved to the proper place on the map.

"Listen up, everyone," he said on the tactical channel. "Update your positions on the mapping software now that we're at a known location. Remember, we're going off of inertial navigation systems, which work by the computer estimating how far we've gone from our last known position. This is a notoriously inaccurate method. Be sure to update every time you get close to something that you can identify on the map."

"Why don't they launch some satellites from the command ship so we can get our own GPS system running?" asked Stinson.

"And how long do you think the greenies would let those satellites sit up there before they blew them up with some of their A-22s?" Callahan responded. "Ten minutes maybe?"

"I guess," Stinson grunted. "This is just a royal pain in the ass."

"So are you, Stinson," Callahan told him. "Now just update your fucking map and lets get up that hill, shall we?"

Going up the hill turned out to be the hardest thing they tried so far. The slope was only twenty to thirty degrees, less than the ramp that had taken them down from the ship, but the ground was uneven, with boulders and rocks strewn everywhere and loose, sandy dirt that did not make for good footing. Whenever a rock would move underfoot, whenever a foot would slip, the men would teeter back and forth trying to regain their balance in an unfamiliar gravitational pull. Several men went tumbling down the slope, bouncing off of boulders and creating small dust storms. Others turned ankles painfully and were forced to limp their way upward. Corporal Peterson of second squad became the first casualty of the ground war when he stepped in a small crevice between two rocks and fell backwards. His foot remained into the crevice while the rest of his body fell backwards, snapping his fibula and tibia at the ankle.

"Goddammit," exclaimed Callahan as he received this report from the squad medic. "This fucking planet is going to kill us before the greenies even get a chance to take their shot."

"Sorry, LT," Peterson said, grimacing through the pain. "I just missed my step. Its hard to walk in this gravity."

"I know, Peterson," Callahan said with a sigh. He motioned to two privates and ordered them to carry him back to the ship for treatment. They picked him up and began to clumsily lug him back the way they had come. Before they even made fifty meters they dropped him twice, causing him to scream out.

"Clusterfuck," Callahan muttered to himself as he resumed his own trek up to the top of the hill. He reached the summit five minutes later, the last of the platoon to do so, and spent a moment surveying the scene. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, was the grimy, bleak Martian landscape, dotted with boulders and rocks and blasted by the dust flying on the prevailing winds. The horizon was very close here, seemingly just over the next rise. Except for the outline of the ship behind him, there was not a single man-made object in view. It was like looking out at a red desert.

"This place is some kind of shithole, ain't it?" asked Sergeant Mallory, who was standing next to him.

"I got to agree with you there," he said. "I can't imagine why those damn greenies are willing to fight for this place."

"Me either."

They continued to scan the immediate area for a moment, both of them checking their map displays and finding that the inertial navigation system still had them more or less locked on target. Both noticed however, that they were not getting an elevation reading.

Same as Greenies
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Becoming Marcrsquos ldquobottomrdquo

“I didn’t think you were going to be such a total bottom” was the text I read on my phone. “I like it, just surprised” Marc continued. I wasn’t 100% sure I knew what a “bottom” was, but I knew I had never been fucked. Confused, I texted back him back, “What do you mean?” “Just meant that you’re totally into servicing my cock” I read his words, then began to text, “Oh, OK, a guess I am your bottom then” I stared at what I had written and thought about it before pressing the send button. It was...

2 years ago
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Someone Was There 9

I roll over and over. I tumble and fall. I wake with a shock. My head hurts. I am lying on the floor.Disorientated, I take in my surroundings. Everything seems very familiar. I realize I have fallen out of bed. Looking at the clock on the bedside shows me it is time to get up.I arrive at work fed, washed and dressed. The morning passes in a pleasant enough fashion. A little before lunchtime I get a phone message.‘Hi on my way to the airport don’t forget the phone call. Rose x,’ I read.I make a...

3 years ago
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Cummy Pussy Licking

One warm summer evening my normally prudish wife turned to me and asked, "Would you lick my pussy after we have had sex?" My answer was, "Yes of course, if that is what you want." That evening we went to bed early and the sex was amazing, we fucked for what seemed like hours until I filled her with what felt like a gallon of warm sticky cum. As soon as I withdrew from her she slid up my body and placed her cum filled pussy over my mouth. I slipped my tongue in and had my first taste of a used...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Use Me

Exhibitionist Exhibitionist? For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be naked in front of people, to display my body to an audience, to be seen nude.?? It's always be a recurring theme in my sexual fantasies, and has always been very strong. I first had detailed fantasies from about the age of 13, when I began puberty, and my body began to change. ? To begin with, I imagined that I was at school, changing after a P.E. class, and I would be the one who would not attempt to hide...

3 years ago
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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

4 years ago
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Pam gets blackmailed

This is just a work of fiction. Any similarity to real cases is unintentional.If reading this is illegal for your age where you are, just leave right now and don't continue reading.This story contains non-consensual sex, forced exhibition, blackmailing, incest, etc. Most things I don't agree with. If you feel offended with this kind of materials just leave now and don't continue reading.If you reach this point, and like to go on reading, do it at your own responsibility. Enjoy this as much as...

3 years ago
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Door To Door WifeChapter 9

I swallowed my pride and began pounding the pavement looking for a job... any job. But I had no luck, despite the modesty of my ambitions. Jason had been wrong about potential employers lining up for my services because I'd worked for S.E.X. On the contrary, the minute anybody heard about my background as a sex researcher, they immediately decided I wasn't appropriate for their company, and crossed me off their list. Finally I asked a guy who seemed more honest than some of the others...

1 year ago
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Chattersons Hill

We joined the rest of the Maryland troops on the far right of Washington's line. They fed us in as replacements on a hill top beside some hard men from Delaware, and we waited in a well-dug trench for the Germans and British to attack us. We did not have to wait long for despite the light artillery behind us, they came in disciplined ranks and we shot them down. Then they came again, those huge Germans in the tall hats, and we shot them down once more. They were brave and stupid men. Then...

3 years ago
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My First Taste Of Cum

I had a couple bi experiences in my past. Some oral. Some anal. I enjoyed every minute but had gone for about 3 years with no male contact.At 40 I decided I had to act on my urges and my biggest curiousity was swallowing a full load of cum from another guys cock. I proceeded with an internet search of bi or gay guys in my area. After a couple weeks I started chatting with David. We traded pics and as soon as I saw his cock I was very intrigued. It was 7.5" cut with a gorgeous head on a thick...

1 year ago
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95Chapter 9

My 18th birthday was coming up. In the past couple of years, I'd gotten my driver's license and eventually – after a long talk with Alex Merriweather – got myself a car: nothing special, it was a three year old Honda Accord, gold in color – but of course, Honda called it 'Sunrise Bronze.' Just plain 'gold' wasn't good enough. I was still working at Mile High Designs and was an old pro by now at doing the CAD drawings. Darby was, of course, a full fledged junior architect, and I was...

3 years ago
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Internet Rendezvous

"What the hell am I getting myself into?" was all I had been thinking for the last two hours. He had called me before he left to make sure I still wanted to go through with it. To make sure I was really up to this first meeting of ours. I had been thinking about calling it off until he called, but just hearing his deep sexy voice on the other end of the line made my knees go weak and reaffirmed my decision. Sam and I had started chatting online several months before, and we had been strictly...

1 year ago
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 18

My next mail to qamar: This is how i entered the porn industry. I went to the United States, had a job as a cleaner at a pre school and was later dropped out. I was crying on a bench, when I was talked to by a man named Thomas, who was at his forties and was tall and handsome. He said he can offer me a job, where I can earn much more in much less times, but under two regulations. I had to take certain physical hardships and give up my very religious life, that he observed with my head cover and...

3 years ago
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Hot Fuzz

If you have read my profile you would know that I am married with three kids, and no privacy. That being said, I try to indulge in my favorite pastime of cross dressing whenever and wherever I can. I was working as a manager for a convenience store where I would have to get up early in the morning to open the store. It was a 24 hour store, so I just had to get there to send the graveyard person home and do paperwork. One morning, I got up a little earlier than usual, and since the wife was...

1 year ago
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Soni Didi Ki Gand Me Thoka

Hello friends yeh ISS per meri phli story h . Yeh story mere or meri pados ke didi ke bich ki h jiska nam soni h. Mera nam ren h or m ek good looking bnda hu or meri height 6’1″ h or mere lund ka size 6’5″ lamba or 2’3″ mota h . M haryana ka rhne vala hu or soni joki ek sexy londiya h or uski umar 18 sal h , jiska figure 34-28-36 h . M 20 sal ka ladka hu . Agar koi bhi bhabhi ya aunty mujse chuwana chahti h to please contact me @ Ab aapka time na lete hue m sidha story per aata hu . Soni ki...

2 years ago
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Introduction:Fucked and abused by men, hunting dogs and horses, Sonia's holes gets terribly expandedOf course Rob did not stop at torturing Sonia's sexy little feet with the electrical instrument. He wanted to zap her most sensitive parts. Next choice Sonia had was between tits and cunt lips. She chose tits in a hopeless attempt to avoid what she knew would happen anyway. The clamps bit painfully into her nipples. She felt the electricity running through her sensitive tits and started screaming...

3 years ago
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Collateral Damage Book II the SacrificeChapter 2

The following week, I did another extra shift on Tuesday, and I could almost feel how there was always someone following me. I made sure that I just did my job and did not ask any unnecessary questions, nor did I try to keep track of what was happening there around me. Close to the and of my shift, Ken came to me and asked how I was doing. I just shrugged. “Okay, I guess. These extra shifts help a lot if I ever want to move away from that shithole I currently have.” “What’s wrong with...

1 year ago
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Holiday Hookup

The holidays are my favorite time of year. Not that we need one, but it is another excuse to throw a party. This is especially true for New Year’s Eve, reminiscing about the past year’s events and looking forward to the promise of new beginnings. The champagne toasts are plentiful as we celebrate our health, wealth, friendship and love. The clock nears midnight and we make eye contact. As acquaintances, you approach and we exchange a friendly greeting on sight. Your strong palm presses at my...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 168

Allow the complete video to download and watch in in full screen. It is interesting Demolition of the Fountain Street bridge over the 401 at Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. The 401 is one of the busiest highways in North America. This is an interesting video, unbelievable that they could take it down and clean the mess up in less than 11 hours. First Day of School, Toronto *Registration on the first day back at school in Toronto... Ahmed Al...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Woman

The two mates were just sitting on the back veranda; the sun was setting when one of the men turned to his companion and asked. “Tell me Rich have you ever encountered the ‘perfect woman’ and if you did what would she be like?” Rick was silent for several seconds as he let his mind travel back over the decades for he, like his companion was now an old man. “The perfect woman Frank”, he said. “I will really have to go back down memory lane, at least fifty odd years and just let my mind wander...

4 years ago
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Smelling Dirty Gym Panties

About 10 years ago, my ex wife and I were dating. She had just turned 18 about a month before and came home form the gym super sweaty. Since we were dating, she still did sexy shit for me all the time, so she stripped for me. Then she playfully ran off saying she stunk and needed a shower. I of course thought she smelled amazing. As soon as she walked into the bathroom, I reached over and picked up her sweaty pink panties. They were fucking soaked. I buried my nose in the crotch and inhaled...

3 years ago
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Passionate Sex With Landlord8217s Wife

Hello again Is readers. This story is about yet another amazing sexual experience that I had when I fucked my landlord’s wife. I was taken to another level of happiness by her. Actually I had been living in that house since my childhood. I used to be close friends with her son who was a bit younger than me. I never had any wrong intention towards her. I was 25 years old then and she was 48. My parents had shifted to our native six months back. However I chose to stay in that house itself since...

1 year ago
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Narukos ultimate down fall

Sakura is in her apartment gathering evry thing she needs to finally put Naruko in her place. Sakura has finally had enough of Naruko always embarrassing her. Sakura thinks back to every thing Naruko has done putting itching powder down her panties swapping her bra’s for training bra’s the wedgie’s it’s time for Naruko to be the one humiliated so to put the plan in place Sakura challenged Naruko and the loser gets humiliated and has to do everything the winner says for a month. Sakura is at the...

2 years ago
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Sexy Asian Housewife

When I was in Sydney. I found an article on a notice board in some office. It told ‘ Seeking a tutor on English’. I made a call and got an appointment for an interview. I went to a big house located in high class suburb. Sexy housewife was there. After a brief interview, she showed me inside of her house. There were pool, souna, big frige for frozen fish etc. good looking white floor and wall. We came in a small room for study. When I was explaining something, she said ‘Noun?,,,,included dirty...

1 year ago
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Nani Ko Sote Waqt Choda

I am a very old reader of indian sex stories site stories but didn’t know whether it was true or not but I always wanted to try sex with some women who was elder than me but couldn’t get chance but I always waited for the right movement hii dosto mera naam ddragon hai aur basically me mumbai se hu but apni study ke liye pune aya hu yaha mene ek falt liya hai rent pe aur me 22 saal ka ladka hu gym karta hu body achi kasi hai aur marathi hu aur lund ki baat kiye itna lamba aur mota hai ki kisi...

1 year ago
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Ms Milk8217s training continues

Jan was still tied in the bedroom and her captors were refreshing themselves with snacks and drinking some fruit juice. She tried to move her hand binds around from behind her back to where she could properly touch herself to ease the tension of her dark confinement. Just as she was getting her legs between her arms the door opened again and she was caught and quickly hog tied to her feet to prevent any further wriggling. She was placed face down on the bed and a gloved finger lightly explored...

4 years ago
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My daughter was a slut

Introduction: I hope you like this story. I got Really wet while writing it and fantasising. I always considered myself to have a pretty good life until a few months ago. I was married to the woman I loved whose name was Sarah. She had auburn hair and a pretty face. We met at work and I had lusted after her from the moment I saw her. Together we had two daughters, May who was nineteen and was named after my mother who died shortly after I was born. Sarah loved Japanese and Chinese culture, so...

3 years ago
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Fucking in a limo in a parking lottrue story

Back to the parking lot, (True story) Rick and I had been talking of our first parking lot experience. It was great and we talked about every aspect of what was done to me. When we talked about it we got turned on and wound up in bed where we continued to describe what we did. We reached for each other, I spread my legs and Rick went down and ate me then moved up to stick his cock into my cunt. We fucked until I climaxed and he shot a load. I asked Rick, “Do you think of me as a slut?”

1 year ago
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Virgin Sex story of my big boobed girlfriend and me

Hi friends, I’m Karthik. I’m from Visakhapatnam. This is the story between my girlfriend and me. Her name is Nithya. This is my first story. Please let me know whether you like it or not. This happened when we were doing graduation back in 2016. I’m writing all the love-making stories that happened in our lives in 5 years. We fell in love during our 2nd year of graduation, and from then we started doing kinky things. We were one of the best pairs in our college and regarded as an innocent...

3 years ago
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My wife Kathy loves being a whore with lots of men

Fucking my wife Kathy – My wife Kathy had a great time fucking my friends. We were in bed with only a sheet covering us when she began to run her hand down my stomach and then, lightly, to stroke my cock. She whispered to me not to be upset about my friend’s comments, that they were only making fun of me for eating my wife’s pussy full of their cum and that any one of them would love to be where I was now, in bed with her. As she told me this she was stroking my cock more forcefully and my...

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BlacksOnCougars Nina Elle 08242019

Moving really sucks. Nina hires 3 strapping young studs to get the job done. Shit she wasn’t gonna be lifting any boxes and her husband is kind of a pussy, so a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. The muscles, the sweat….almost seems like Nina hired 3 guys for something more than just moving furniture. Doesn’t take long for Nina to seduce these eager men. They quickly get her undressed and take advantage of this horny cougar. She sucks all 3 dicks with...

2 years ago
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Bollywood orgy

On my last visit to Bombay, a businessman friend of mine took me to an incredible party attended by many Bollywood stars. But it was a party like no other party I have attended in my entire life…just thinking about it makes me horny now, it was so out of this world…the memory will linger in my mind for the rest of my life. It all started out innocently enough, with all the guests arriving in this huge villa in the outskirts of Bombay, one Bollywood star after another. The list included all the...

1 year ago
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Morning Inspection

Metallic clacks and a jingle of metal hitting a familiar ceramic bowl by the front door startle me awake, instantly casting a sense of dread through my having overslept. Leaping from the bed, I hastily straighten the pillows and comforter. I grab my collar from the nightstand and slip it around my neck, buckling it in place.The pink leather material lightly bites into my soft morning skin—the silver leash-ring clinks with every frantic move I make. Lifting my nightshirt up, exposing my belly to...

2 years ago
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Meeting Jessica Chapter 1

"Okay okay, let me put on my shoes" i yelled back. Let's fast forward a couple of hours There she was, standing straight with her 33C cups, talking to her best friend Laura! They saw me staring and waved me to come. "Hey meet my best friend, Jessica she said" I introduced myself shyly. "My best friend, also Jessicas boyfriend Matt grabbed me by my wrists and dragged me to the drinks "Dude, me and Jessica have nowhere to sleep" he whispered "Well, you can crash at my place if...

1 year ago
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Hanging around with grandma

100% fictional! My grandmother had lived with us for as long as I could remember, and she always helped around the house. She didn't do a lot of housework or anything, but she did pick up the vacuum now and then, and also helped cook meals. I was watching her clean house one day, running the vacuum over the floor, when I noticed that, as she bent over, she wasn't wearing any panties beneath her around-the-house shorts. They were old and frayed, and they were very loose and short. As she bent...

2 years ago
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My first fisting

My third meeting with my Mistress took place on a Monday, like all the others in the past, but unlike our prior meetings, this one did not take place in a hotel, no, but at my Mistress' home.When I arrived, I was already dressed in my purple leggings that Miss loves so much. As I was escorted in to her home and into the bedroom, I saw all of the devices that my Mistress had covering the bed. Various floggers, paddles restraints, and most important of them all was the collar that we had...

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The Wind Wagon5

Sam Esterling was one of the most stubborn people you could ever hope to meet. He heard about the war wagon at the York Ranch and he had a big attack of jealousy. He decided that he just had to have his own self-powered wagon. He knew that he could never find the money to buy himself one of those new-fangled diesel engines, so he had to come up with a different kind of engine. He thought about it and thought about it, but never could find the answer, until he happened to be sitting on his...

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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 2 Mommys Gift

Just reuploading this old series with some edits. See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don't agree with his choices, and you're not supposed to either. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky feelings....

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Cum Slut

When I was fifteen my best friend got me a job as a candy stripe at a local nursing home. It paid pretty good money and Ellie and I always had a lot fun together. Ellie was fifteen also. On my first day Ellie showed me all around and introduced me to many of the people that lived there. I was having alot of fun. One day Ellie asked to go with her to give Mr Thompson a bath. She said he was 85 and this was really special and she really wanted me to see this. Ellie ran a bath and Mr Thompson...

3 years ago
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Pussy Bank Loan Security

"I don't understand why you asked me here Mr. Watkins. My husband handles the business. He spoke to you about the loan he needs. I don't see how I can help." Jae Smith smiled at the bank loan officer as she sat down in his office. She and her husband had come to this small town four years before. Her husband, Don, started a small business that had been very successful. They were well liked in the community and had many friends. Victor Watkins, the loan officer was not one of them. He and his...

1 year ago
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Hot sex with padosan

It was the month of august and it was raining heavenly i was peeping outside my window and i saw my new neighbors a lady with nice big boobs and round ass looking like slut from her look entering my neighborhood. From the very first day she caused me to masturbate regularly. She was a mother of 5 children but still not seems to be unsatisfied. Her ass made me so eager that i started following her in park and soon she became my mom’s good friend. Finally my lucky day came it was our auntie’s...

2 years ago
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My Slut

It's a warm summer evening, the sun just setting, creating a warm pink light that fills the windows throughout the house. I'm standing in the kitchen, making myself a snack. I feel you walk up behind me, but pretend to not hear your quiet steps. You stand behind me, and I feel your hot breath on my neck."Where have you been?" you whisper in my ear. "Out." I say with mock ignorance. I know the response will get your attention. You wrap your hand around mine and pull the knife from my hand and...

1 year ago
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Virgin Forever Karla

Where do I even begin?I was 20 before I met a girl who was even remotely interested in me. Or at least, I was 20 before a girl was into me and I knew it.Women have always been a mystery to me. From the first crush of my elementary school days to the unyielding love I feel for someone now, I have never understood anything about women.I was introduced to Karla through my best friend, Eric and his girlfriend, Sam. They had tried to set us up once before, behind my back, on my birthday, but she...

First Time
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Driving in Snow Ch 21

Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife. Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...

3 years ago
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JOALTChapter 2 discoveries

JOALT - Chapter 2 - discoveries Thru the years of growing up I discovered the Sears and Montgomery Wards catalogues and perused its pages until I found the young teen girls section and went directly to the teen bras and panties section to check out the offerings to those of the fairer sex. How lucky, I thought of them, having the ability to wear such exquisite clothing and underwear to select from, I was so jealous that boys had only two items in that category, boxers or briefs. Well...

1 year ago
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I remember the week well. It was the middle of August and the heat was smoldering. I was only eighteen and my father was on a business trip until the following Tuesday. I lived 45 minutes from school so I had few friends who lived nearby. Monday night I had nothing to do so I stayed home and rented a video to watch. I was aware it had a few sex scenes but I had no idea my mother (very young, only eighteen) was going to ask to watch it with me. The second sex scene was very illicit and I felt...

2 years ago
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Moms Drunk Again

Fbailey storyI had been off getting into trouble as usual. My mother was a single parent with two teenage k**s on her hands, a crappy job, and bills to pay.I’m fifteen years old and I get to do just about anything I want to, as long as the cops don’t catch me.My sister Evelyn is thirteen years old and a little brat. She snitches on me all the time even though Mom doesn’t punish me and I always get even with her.Mom is a thirty-three-year-old woman with a great body. She got knocked up when she...

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My Step Sister and Her Friends

My name is DJ and I’m a 20 year old sophomore at a college in the southeast. While not physically large (6’1” and 205 pounds), I am no doubt blessed to be well endowed with a large cock that swells to 91/2” when fully erect. My dad remarried 3 years ago and my now 18 year old step sister, Yvette, is totally hot. Although she and I never previously engaged in any sexual activity little did I know that this was all about to change. And so my story begins…. In late May, I was flying back home for...

Group Sex
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At Last Ch 02

I’m afraid this doesn’t make sense without part 1 – I should have submitted the lot in one go, but this happened on me a little later. Sorry about that. Jane smiled back at him. She ran a finger along his eyebrows and then across his lips. ‘Brr,’ Ian said. ‘You’re tickling me!’ ‘And I can taste myself on your lips,’ she said. ‘Come, let’s go upstairs.’ She got up and took Ian’s hand. They climbed the stairs and Jane opened her bedroom door. ‘Welcome,’ she said, smiling. Ian looked around....

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