Unexpected Visitor Part one
- 2 years ago
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Hey, here’s the next installment. A bit longer as requested. I’ve played a lot with where I wanted this story to go and I hope you guys like where it’s going. Please remember that I’m new to this so it can get rough at times. And please try not to take the timeline of things to seriously just try to roll with it because I haven’t quit mastered timelines yet. Also this isn’t the end in case you get worried! Feedback is much loved! –SugarDay
When I made the move a month and a half ago I arrived to a good job and a completely unlivable apartment. Thankfully Brian lived in the area and offered me his spare room till I fixed up the apartment or found a new place.
There had never been anything romantic between me and Brian but I always had the slight feeling that he wished there was. He finally gave up hope when I went away for college and met Mark. ‘Uhg Mark!’ I can never get him off my mind it seems, especially now.
Any way I guess that’s how I got myself into this uncomfortable position. Turns out Brain hadn’t completely given up hope. I’m such an idiot, how did I not see the signs? He refused to come to mine and Mark’s wedding for goodness sake!
So here I am in Brian’s bed snuggled up in his arms. When I had went into hysterics last night and started crying, I must have cried until I passed out from exhaustion. It’s a bit forward of Brain to bring me to his bed. And when I look up to see he’s not asleep but staring down at me with a combination of hope and lust I tense up.
This is so awkward for me. What am I suppose to do? Brian has always just been my best friend, almost like a brother. This is bad, really bad.
I broke down and hired a private investigator to find April. I had to head back home but that didn’t mean I was going to give up looking, I’d just have someone else do the work for me. As the weeks are stretching on the urgency to find her has just grown more and more for me.
I thought I was angry when she left but nothing compared to the rage I felt when the divorce papers came in the mail. There’s not a chance in hell I would ever sign them.
I shake my head at how foolish April is acting. Everything she does just strengthens my resolve, when I get her back I’ll tear down every wall ever put up between us. I’ll make her see what we mean to each other and make sure she never leaves again.
My phone rings on my desk. ‘Mark Brown’s office.’
‘Yes, Hello Mr. Brown. It’s Larry.’ Finally the private investigator.
‘Hello, Larry. I hope you have good news for me.’
‘I’ve got news alright but I don’t think your going to like it much Mr. Brown.’
‘Did you find her?!?’
‘Yes sir.’
‘She’s living with a man near her childhood town.’
‘Fax me everything you have, NOW!’ I slammed the phone down. The fax machine started to make its annoying noises across the room. I hardly noticed, my face felt hot and my fists where white knuckled.
I threw the closest thing to me across the room, it just happened to be a framed picture of April, the glass broke and it fell to the floor in pieces. Like my heart, shattered pieces on the floor.
The fax machine was finally done and I stormed over to it. On the very top was a picture of her with Brian. That put me on edge I knew all about her ‘Best Friend’ and I didn’t like him at all.
She always said they never had anything past friendship but the few times I had met the guy he had that look in his eye, like I stole something from him.
I was on the third page when it was written there clear as day that Brian was who April was living with. I wanted to break something all over again. ‘This fucking punk! Does he really think he’s just going to steal my wife from me?’ He had another thing coming before I would let that happen.
I come across a picture of them hugging on his front door step and knew that I’m going after blood. An image of my April arched naked under Brian as he pounds into her forms I’m my head and I can’t shake it off.
I swear if they have slept together I’ll break every bone in Brian’s body. ‘She’s mine and only mine, she knows that god damn it!’
I start to pack up everything I’ll need in my office, knowing that I won’t be back for awhile. And make a quick call to my travel agent to book the next flight.
I speed home to pack for my trip. The last thing I grab is April’s engagement ring and wedding band off the table where she left them.
I walk out to the door to my car with a smirk on my face knowing that I’m only hours away from getting April back.
I try to get up from the bed but Brian tightens his arms around me.
‘Brian, let me get up.’
He snuggles his face into my hair which makes me tense more. ‘Mmm, No.’
‘Brain, seriously! This isn’t funny I need to get up.’
‘Damn it, April. Why can’t you ever just let things happen between us? Huh? Were such a good fit together, we have been since childhood.’
‘I still love my husband, Brian. You know that! And how can you say these things after what I found out last night?’
‘You’re soon to be ex-husband. And we can raise the baby together.’ He rubs my flat stomach with a happy look on his face. Like I’ll just agree with him!
‘It’s Mark’s baby! Are you crazy? Brian, there’s nothing more than friendship between us. You know that!’
He pulls me closer to him and moves like he’s going in for a kiss. ‘April, April, April. There could be more if you would just let there be. You know I’m in love with you.’
I look at him astonished for a second but when he comes closer hoping for a kiss, I slap him and struggle out of his arms and off the bed.
He’s so loud and looks so angry I shrink away in fear.
‘Brian you need to stop with your delusions. I’m not going to be with you! Whether I’m with Mark or not. You’re my friend that’s all! And I’m absolutely not going to have you raise another mans child with me and pretend they’re your own. What are you even thinking?’
He looks at me with determination in his eyes.
‘I’m thinking that I love you and you were always supposed to be with me. You just never let me have my chance and married that asshole Mark instead. And now we finally have a chance to be together, I don’t care that you’re pregnant with his baby. I can look past it just so I can have you. You need support now anyway with a baby on the way. And there’s no way I’m letting you go back to fucking Mark, he probably already has other women in his bed anyway.’
My face when totally blank, I was at a loss for words. I turned around and walked to the spare bedroom. I grabbed everything I had with me and started shoving it into my suitcase.
I heard Brian come into the room behind me. He grabbed my hands to stop me from packing. ‘Don’t touch me, Brian.’
‘April, You can’t leave.’
‘Like Hell I can’t.’
‘Please, just stay for awhile. Let our relationship grow.’
‘As of now we have no form of relationship what so ever!’
‘Don’t fucking say that April! It’s not true. I know you’re in love with me too.’
‘I feel nothing for you, Brian. Absolutely nothing!’
That’s when Brian did something I’d never expect him to do. He grabbed my arm and forcefully dragged me to his room.
‘I’m going to show you that you feel something for me, you stupid bitch!’
I was in utter shock. He had to be joking. I’ve known Brian my whole life and he had never acted like this.
He threw my down on the bed roughly and started pulling his clothes off. I immediately tried to flee but he just pushed me back down.
‘Stop moving or I’ll have to tie you up.’
O Fuck! He’s serious about this. How am I going to get away?
It was one Hell of a flight. I could
n’t even close my eyes without seeing images of Brian touching my April. It made my blood boil.
The faster I got to April the better I would feel. I repeated that over and over in my head.
Once I got off the plane and grabbed my bags, I went and rented a SUV. I pulled out the file I was faxed and found that bastard Brian’s address. I entered it in the navigation system and set out on my way.
I arrived at the house a half an hour later. There’s two cars in the drive way, which must mean Brian’s home. I had hoped April would have been there alone, I can’t tell how I’ll react with Brian there trying to keep me from my wife.
I sit in the car for awhile forming a plan in my head of what I’m going to do.
I think about it for a second and call a local hotel to get a room. I’ll have to have somewhere to take April to before I drag her beautiful ass back to our home.
With that done, I walk to the front door. And that’s when I heard it. My April screaming at the top of her lungs. My body went into over drive and I kicked the locked front door till it fell in. I charged into the house. I was going to rip Brian limb from limb!
‘DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!’ I screamed at the top of my lungs. Hoping anyone would hear me but inside I knew no one would. My best friend was going to rape me, someone I thought I knew so well had turned into a monster.
I started to hyperventilate. ‘This can not be happening.’
‘God, April I’ve wanted this for so long.’
Brian ripped my shirt open using it to trap my arms so I couldn’t struggle so much. Then he pushed the cups of my bra down, freeing my tits.
He palmed them roughly then leaned down to take a peak into his mouth. I close my eyes unable to deal with what’s going to happen. I scream even louder than before.
Distantly I hear a crashing sound but I’m to overcome with fear to think much about it and Brian’s to busy to be bothered by anything other than ruining my life.
I let out one last ear piercing scream filled with all my fear.
April and Brian are fucking and my wife is screaming for him. I’m going to kill them both. How could that bitch do this to me? No man is suppose to touch her but me, damn it!
April screamed again, and it sounded so full of fear my heart stopped. That’s definitely not a scream of pleasure. I pinpointed the room she was in and ran to it. I rushed into a bedroom to a sight I feared I’d never forget.
That son of a bitch Brian half naked on top of April with his mouth all over her beautiful naked chest. While my April tears running out of her closed eyes tried to struggle away from him.
I am pretty sure for the rest of my life I’ll never again experience the anger I felt at the moment. In a low and angered voice that even to me sounded like I was ready for murder I said. ‘Get off of my wife, now!’
Brian looked up with anger in his eyes but it was nothing in the face of my anger. Quickly the punks eyes changed to fear and he got off of April.
My eyes stayed on April, she opened her eyes and I had never seen her in so much fear and distress. I should have known better, she wouldn’t cheat on me.
‘Why are you in my house? And don’t look at my girlfriend when she’s indecent! We were just about to have some fun, now get out!’
I was ready to ring his neck. ‘Your girlfriend?’
He looked at me with a smart ass smirk like he had the upper hand. ‘Of course she’s my girlfriend, we live together. O and don’t forget she’s expecting my baby. Isn’t that right April?’
I was still looking at April but when he said that her eyes moved to him and she looked at him like he had grown a second head. That reassured me a little that the fucker was lying through his teeth but didn’t take me off edge at all.
‘O, how great for you guys living together and a baby too. So if she’s your girl now why is she screaming bloody murder when you touch her?’
Brian looked at her and then her chest (which pissed me off more) and said.
‘I’m surprised you don’t know what your ex-wife likes in the bedroom. Her favorite is roll playing. She loves having a little rape fantasy going on before I fuck her good and hard. She said it makes it more exciting for her, weird that she never did it with you. She liked it even before you guys met, back in high school that’s how I always fucked her, like she didn’t want it.’
During his whole rant April’s eyes got bigger and bigger in disbelief till it looked like they would pop out of her head. I was getting tired of this jerk offs stories about my wife.
‘Wow Brian that’s so weird that I didn’t know that about my own wife. Especially that you guys fucked in high school considering I took her virginity.’
Brian looked like I had just knocked him down a few pegs and had no good come back for that one. I walked over to April irritated that she was exposed to Brian still.
She was still crying and looked in utter shock. I went to pull her bra down and Brian made his final mistake.
‘Don’t touch my girlfriend! She’s mine.’ And he pushed my hands out of the way skimming her tits in the process.
I turned and decked him square in the middle of his face. He went down to the floor but wasn’t out cold. He had the fucking nerve to touch my wife right in front of me.
I decided to start a rant of my own since I had to listen to his lies.
‘I don’t give a fuck if you guys are living together she’s my wife and always will be, not your girlfriend. And as for her being pregnant with your kid, I know your lying because she’d never let you lay a hand on her willingly. Even if she had rape fantasies, no women can fake a scream of true terror like that. I’m the only man who’s ever touched her because she is mine. You crossed a line when you touched what’s mine and your lucky I don’t kill you on the spot right here.’
I punched him again this time in his jaw. ‘Let’s get something straight, right here right now! You don’t touch April, you don’t speak to her, and you don’t even look at her ever again! Understood?’
Brian looked at me then at April then at me again. And like a true prick he put a smirk on even though he was bleeding and said ‘No.’
I laid in on him then and he couldn’t even fight back. I was too quick for him and my anger was too much to contain.
Finally his head slumped back and he passed out. I was close to killing him with how much rage was running through my veins. Then April spoke for the first time since her last scream.
‘Mark.’ It was a pitiful whisper that I almost didn’t hear because she was still crying.
I forgot completely about the piece of shit on the floor and went to her. She looked broken and it made my heart ache.
I cradled her in my arms and carried her out to my rental. I put back on her feet and she got in the passenger seat, I was about to close her door when she said ‘All my stuff?’
No way in Hell was I going to let her have a reason to come back to Brian’s house. So I went inside and grabbed all her stuff from the second bedroom, happy to see that she wasn’t staying in his room.
I stuck my head in the other room to make sure I didn’t need to call an ambulance for Brian but he was already groaning and trying to get up off the floor.
I went back out to the rental and put all her stuff in and got in the drivers side. I looked over to see her deep asleep. I couldn’t hold back my smile. I had my April back then I frowned. ‘If only it hadn’t had to happen like this.’
I started the drive to the hotel, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. I pulled up to the hotel, checked in and lugged both of our stuff to the room. All the while April was fast asleep.
I carried her to the room and laid her on the bed. I pulled her engagement ring and wedding band from my pocket and slid them onto her finger. For right now I stopped the thoughts and just laid down to hold
my wife.
I stared of into space unable to sleep. I’d never be rid of that image or the sound of her scream and it scared the hell out of me. A while later I finally got to sleep.
I woke up to Mark tossing and turning in bed. His face looked like he was having a horrible nightmare. I snuggled into his arms and lightly kissed him on the neck. He calmed down almost immediately.
Slowly he blinked his eyes open to look at me. ‘April?’ He said it like he couldn’t believe it was actually me.
‘Are you okay? You looked like you were having quit the nightmare.’
‘I’m okay, you’re here now.’ He wrapped his arms tighter around me and kissed me like he was shipping out to war.
It took my breathe away and left me light headed. ‘God April, I’ve missed you so much. Don’t ever leave me again.’
He kissed me again this time it called to my soul and heart. ‘I love you so much April.’ Then he started taking my clothes and his clothes off with urgency.
I didn’t object, I was in shock. Mark hadn’t said the words I love you to me in close to a year.
He kissed my body up and down repeating the words over and over. ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’
He made his way back up to my lips and all I could do was stare at him. Who is this man? And that’s when it hit me. He’s acting like this just because he saw another man try to take me.
‘You are such a manipulator! Get off me!’
Mark stopped immediately but didn’t move. ‘What are you talking about, baby?’
‘Baby my ass! You see another guy move in on your territory and all the sudden you’re all lovey dovey.’
‘Baby, you’re not making sense. I can’t express how much I love you anymore?’
‘Fuck you Mark. And stop calling me baby. You can’t just all the sudden change how you act after the past year we’ve had.’
That one seemed to get to him and I could tell he was angry. ‘This past year? O you mean you trying to leave me and move in with a guy that wanted to rape you?’
The sarcasm was dripping from every word he said. And I flinched at the last part.
Brian had really tried to do that to me. I was still having a hard time coming to terms with my best friend trying to do that to me.
I was hurt that Mark would throw it in my face like that.
‘Trying to leave you? I am leaving you! I know you got the divorce papers in the mail. It’s over Mark.’
His whole face changed and I realized too late that that was not the right thing to say at the moment.
‘You think it’s over April?’
I didn’t know what to say but figured sticking to my resolve was my best bet. ‘Yes, it’s over.’
He grabbed the back of my head and kissed the life out of me. While I was in shock over the I love you’s, Mark had managed to get us both stark naked.
He ran his hand up in down my side once I gave myself over to the kiss. His hand ended up between my thighs. He touched my entrance to test my readiness, I was so wet I even wondered how I got that way.
He grabbed his fully hard cock and put it at my entrance. As he started to thrust forward he leaned down to whisper in my ear. ‘It’ll never be over April. I love you and you belong with me no matter what. Don’t ever think differently.’
I gasped at the full feeling of him inside me. Mark grabbed my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine. He started long slow deep thrusts and brought my left hand in front of my face.
I gasped again. On my ring finger was my wedding band and engagement ring. Mark looked into my eyes and said real slowly as though to make sure I would never forget.
‘Never take them off again. You are my wife! Plain and simple. I had to go a month and a half with out you and I don’t plan to ever do that again.’
And then punctuating every word with a deep thrust. ‘I. Love. You.’
I didn’t know what to say. He picked up his tempo and I could help but let out a moan. Once he heard the sound Mark grabbed my hips and went at me in earnest.
At this point it was so good I no longer cared that Mark was only doing this because he thought another man was moving in on me.
‘O Fuck Mark, Mark. O my god harder!’ He pounded into me even harder and grabbed one of my tits to play with the nipple.
‘That’s right April! Say my name. No one else can fuck you like this! Not Brian or any other guy. I’m the only man to fuck you like this. Me your Husband!’
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Fetish100% fiction! My name is Mike and I just turned 18. I live with my mom, my uncle Don (moms brother) and my older brother Ted. Me and Ted share a room in our 3 bedroom house and he's a real perv. I catch him jacking off constantly and I can hear him jacking off at night when we turn out the lights. He starts watching porn on our computer as soon as he gets off work which is ironic because he works at an adult bookstore. Moms 54, a little plump with big boobs and a nice round butt. She has short...
IncestDespite the fact that I would screw anything with a pussy, and was a little low in the moral standards bank, and had little conscience for any of the one night, one week or even one month stands I took part in, it always was a two way street and never gave ANY woman the impression that what we had in bed was anything more than entertainment. Any time I WAS interested in more I usually stated my case early on that I "really liked" them. This usually scared off about half and the other half...
Out Of The Blue By Paul G. Jutras As Luke Jett sat before his work table, he pulled open a drawer and took out a gun. As he sat in his red Federation City High School graduation gown, he turned on his television and began to flip through the channels. One channel had Highway to Heaven; one channel had the movie Angels In The Outfield, one channel talked about the gender wars, and the third channel was running the television show Out Of The Blue. After he took off his pants, he...
Once I knew that Nancy had left, I called Barbara and she appeared in a couple minutes. She looked somewhat, disheveled, and she blushed that pale green color again. “Yes Bob, you had a question?” “Yes, as a matter of fact I do. What have you people done to me? First I almost get raped by you this morning and then this afternoon my nurse, Nancy Summers, comes calling in a very short, tight dress with no bra and says that she is horny for me. She even wants to have my baby. Now what is going...
As you can tell from my other stories, I love big girls and sluts. I write about some of the slutty things my past and present girlfriends do or have done. One time, for a few months, 2 of them became friends which was pretty scary! But it turned out pretty cool.I was living in a 2 bedroom apartment with my girlfriend Sherry, a sweet, VERY pretty, BBW. Sherry was plump, with short brown hair, and 40D tits. Sherry's big talent was she was a squirter, she squirted lots of juice when she came, and...
Madeline in Oregon She hadn't seen her Aunt Margo in many years but she wasn't feeling guilty. Her family had made it clear. They did not agree with two women living together. The telephone call had to be dealt with immediately though. Margo was her mother's sister and had received the lion's share of the estate at the probate three years earlier. The call wasn't from her Aunt, rather from Margo's younger 'partner' Allen. Aunt Margo had been married but after nineteen years they had...
slaverobpeters on skype cam i have msn cam and yahoo to under different nicks.my online info for you.MY INFO HERE IN TWO PARTS {1] [email protected] Seeking Humiliation, Exposure, Disgrace and Abuse online. With all his files and so much more, use me i Beg you.MAIL ME DIRECT TO USE ME ONLINE [email protected] OR SLAVEROBPETERS ON SKYPE. HERE IS MY INFORegistered Slave 712-527-977 , I AM A SUBMISSIVE, MATURE, COCK WHORE WHO NEEDS HUMILIATION AND DEGRADING, IF YOU...
The next day was a full one. Jemma was already gone to a family gathering by the time I awakened, and Holly was on her way out the door to work. Thankfully, my sister had chosen less sexy attire, because once she got off work, I was around her for the rest of the day at our mother’s house.We had lunch, played cards, had dinner, watched A Christmas Story, and then went on the traditional Christmas light cruise. Grandma absolutely dominated the final rounds of euchre when we got back to Mom’s...
IncestThe phone rang early the next morning. It was Lady Shelby she wanted me over as quick as possible! She told me not to bother with bathing she had many dresses to hem that day. I washed the sleep out of my eyes, put on my jeans and a t-shirt, not knowing what to expect that day! I was dressed up in a ladies dress and just had my young cock sucked the day before by a beautiful well respected lady in our community. What next? I ask myself. I was still on fire from what happened the day before and...
Dear friends, I am 25 m from Bangalore and these is my incident which i m narrating u..This story is a real life incident. I narrate it in his words. Bindu, my lovely neighbor called me for sex on my last afternoon in Mumbai. It was as simple as that. This happened when I used to stay as a paying guest in the posh Napien Sea Road area of Mumbai. I was posted to Mumbai for three months just after I joined my firm after college. I was a horny young man and was always thinking about sex. I had had...
It was several hours later that the Alliance Command came to its decision, recommendations and requests would be sent out to the various governments and leadership for units to be made available to take on the Vultoqi. Command was given to Marechal Kordanta of Murias, though mostly the smaller units of the Veda and Maraú-Uxuí would command themselves, simply taking requests from Kordanta and finding their own way to do it. It was on this point that I was with Morgana as she spoke to Maurice...
This day had to come! The day when I'll get to focus on Roma Amor and nothing but Roma! Finally, she is in a place where everything revolves around her curves, and that's exactly how it should be. I was trolling on Twitter, watching legions of Karens bash my Dude views, with a smirk on my face and a cigar on my lips, when I accidentally stumbled on twitter.com/romaamorxxx. Does it count as an accident if I typed Roma Amor and hit search?You don't know who Roma is?Damn, it's time to be honest...
Twitter Porn AccountsThe New little Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I looked in the mirror I was horrified. No, mortified, scared, and felt really weird seeing myself this way. It was worse than I ever imagined, and did not have any ambition to get up off the chair. I wanted to stay there, just like this if I had too, but that was all I was willing to do. The rest? No way! "Stand up honey, we have to get the dress on you." "I don't want to wear a dress mom!" "I'm sure that you...
In college, Kelly had done a lot of sexual experimentation. She loved sex and decided early on that she didn't need to seal her marital vows as a virgin. She had had a number of relationships with men which she mostly enjoyed. She was once briefly engaged, but it hadn't worked out when divergent career goals interfered. Beyond that, she had a brief but intense relationship with a female classmate. The memory of the sensual exhilaration of a woman's touch excited her to this very day. She...
Naughty dogging sluts! Finally! Call it like you see it! I am fucking tired of feminist crap, fake expressions like content creators, adult actresses, and shit! Even the name is straightforward to the bone - public-slut.com! Even the stupidest of retards would figure out that some chicks do some shagging out in public, but there's more to this page than this! Would I be reviewing public-slut.com if it was that simple?! C'mon, think outside the box for one freaking second and get ready to see...
Premium Gangbang Porn SitesPrivate Specials, Elegant Young and Anal Loving 2 presents Amirah Adara, a saucy brunette with a great little ass and she has come for a photoshoot that soon escalates into so much more. When Amirah strips off for some nude photos, photographer Mike Angelo cannot keep his hands off her and is soon eating her ass and playing with her perfect little pussy. A favour that she gladly returns with some incredible deep throat action, getting things wet and ready for the hardcore anal fuck she’s been...
xmoviesforyouMy Mom When I hit puberty and my thirteenth birthday, I started jerking off every night to visions of my mother. I had seen her in her bikini at the beach and even in her bra and panties around the house lots of times. Mom was not a prude by any means. I have seen dad slip his hands up under her blouse to play with her tits and up under her skirt to play with her pussy too. Once I could see into her bedroom as she dropped her bath towel to the floor and put on her robe. I could only...
30. It was around 0130, and Kate and I were sitting and enjoying the music, and generally wasting time. A new song started playing, a slow but it still had a beat. I notice Kate, she brushed her hair behind one of her ears l, and looks towards the dance floor, as I do, too. We notice several couplings, arms wrapped around each other and dancing to the song. I look back at Kate, who has not looked around to me yet, I know we aren’t technically a couple, I think to myself, but I have an idea, as...
Note : This story is completely fictional! She knew if she didn't do it he would turn her over to the border control so she got in his car and went home with him. When they were in his ranch house he demanded."Take your clothes off" She undressed and stood before him naked and ashamed."Get on the bed and spread your legs you Mexican " he hissed.She did as he said and soon he was rapeing her. Larry Tate loved to hunt for illegal's and terrorize the women. That is what they deserved in his...
IncestStephanie West was supposed to be taking care of her boyfriends cat, but she totally fucked up by leaving the door open. The cat got out and never came home. Stephanie was fucked. Her boyfriend loved that cat more than her! He literally freaked out and kicked Stephanie out of their room. She had to win him back. She decided to leash herself and pretend to be his new little pussy. She put on cat ears and everything! Stephanie was then beastfucked like a good little pussy until her boyfriend was...
xmoviesforyouIt didn’t happen. Copyright Oggbashan December 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I was sitting outside Marco’s uncle’s café in Naples late on a balmy summer evening. We had just finished a great meal of...
Raat kaafi achhi guzarne k baad neend kuch itni achhi aai ki next day 11 am aankh khuli. Maine aainey mein dekha to hothon pe halki sujan aur lipstick k nishan kai jagah they par light,sab baniyan se ragad k hata diye aur room se bahar nikla fresh up hua koi chutti thi shayad us din shayam bhi ghar pe hi tha. Main kitchen mein gaya chai banai,nashta kiya jo kaam wali bana gai thi. Poonam dikhi to main eek smile pass ki but uska koi reaction nhi aaya,aise ignore kar diya jaise kal raat kuch hua...
So Miss Tupper an' Rosie are like two baby birds in a nest when they see one o' their parents with a nice juicy worm, or somethin'? Except it weren't no juicy worm that they was moaning and beggin' for! They was cheek to cheek, mouths open an' tongues out as the first jet of cum spurted from my cock. Now, I've since found out that the first time I spunk off, I only seem to 'break the seal', as it were? Although me first load is always a good 'un, the second load is really heavy! Well, I...
Busty Amazon Hitchhiker by rmdexter“Oh my God, look at that woman; she’s incredible,” I thought to myself as I approached the figure standing next to the freeway on-ramp, her right arm extended, thumb pointing up.I’d just finished four days of sales in this city, meeting with more corporate reps than I cared to remember. Business had been good, with some existing contracts extended, plus a couple of new ones I was glad to land. I was only 27-years old and had started out on this business...
Introduction: A raw fantasy from a really Badgurl The Restaurant – By Badgurl I really didnt want to go out, not for another dull meal in another dull restaurant, just like we do week after week, but he insisted and at least it gave me an opportunity to wear the new dress he bought me. I say he bought me, but I chose it. Left up to him Id be wearing cardigans and Sunday school dresses. You see my boyfriend doesnt like me wearing stuff that shows off my body, hes scared Ill get too much male...
Cassie's Secret Chapter Sixteen I can not believe Charlie, I have been so wrong about him. I have treated him really mean because I thought he was like all the other creeps I have known. He is not. He has allowed me to do really nasty stuff to him while giving him nothing but more deprivation and yeah, depraved treatment. I sometimes feel like a, not very nice person, yet to Charlie I am a Goddess. I do not think I will ever give Charlie, "The...
My boss liked to share his wife and she loved to be filmed having sex!I had been working for a Florida high-tech company for only five months when my boss, the CEO, invited me and two other new employees for a Sunday afternoon cruise on his sixty-foot yacht. I’d never been on such a luxurious and expensive boat before, so I was excited, not only for that reason but also for being invited by my boss since I was his newest employee.We pulled away from the slip around noon and headed through the...
This is the first story of a few that I was so lucky to be a part of and I would love to share them with you! I had hired this woman as a delivery driver because the store I had just taken over had ruined the reputation of the business with terrible service. Her bubbly demeanor, bordering on ditzy was cute and she was herself a beautiful 40 year old woman and a milf for sure! She would be my best tool in the road to rebuilding the business. The customers will love her. She was tall with...
A minister was seated on a plane bound from Hong Kong to the US with a stopover in Honolulu... After the stopover a crusty old Marine boarded and as fate would have it he was seated next to the minister. After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken. The flight attendant asked the Marine if he wanted a drink. The Marine asked for Rum & Coke, which was prepared and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the minister if he would like a drink He replied in...
House music is overpowering me with its throbbing beat, the flashing lights and lasers disorientate me forcing me to squint against their glare. The place seems really full tonight; the dance floor is packed with clubbers and revelers. My head is spinning; I curse myself for drinking way too much Vodka knowing I've gone way over my limit. That coupled with the ecstasy pills we necked earlier in the night... Well I'm feeling pretty smashed to put it mildly. I've lost my friends in the...
My name is Missy. I'm a blonde seventeen-year-old with a full figure. I'm an only child and my parents decided we should take a family vacation for Spring Break to Mexico. I really wanted to go to Cancun, but they decided on an all inclusive resort a ways away in Playa Del Carmen. We've been here a few days and I quickly made friends with a few other teens. The resort has a club, called a disco here, and my parents left the resort last night to go on a night diving excursion, so my new friends...
HardcoreI’d had an argument earlier in the day with my boyfriend. It wasn’t over anything important, but it was one of those things that had been building for a while. He wasn’t a bad guy, but he could be boring and I wasn’t in the mood to be bored and it was time for a change. Moving on would be the best for both of us, it was time. I headed out to a local hotel that had a once a month singles night in their banquet room, I’d always been curious about it and tonight seemed to be the night to satisfy...
I was drenched in sweat as Sam rode me yet again and finally managed to squeeze out the last contents of my balls on my final stroke inside her already sloppy, slippery cunt. I had been, more or less, the willing stud to my three sisters that entire day, though I certainly tried many positions during the course of it. Thank God for those blue pills that Emily gave me from the hospital where she worked, to say the least. They made a huge difference in helping me get it up so many times over...
My husband and I have been married for six years. In those six years he hasn't given me one single orgasm. He doesn't know this, of course, because to fuel his ego I have faked many of them. It's not his fault and I don't hold a grudge against him, it's just he is too gentle and loving to ever get me off. I know most women would kill for a guy like that, but I need more. Luckily for me he works away from home a lot so that has given me plenty of opportunity to fabricate my own devices to aid...
Straight Sex