Destined To Be Ch. 03 free porn video

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Hey, here’s the next installment. A bit longer as requested. I’ve played a lot with where I wanted this story to go and I hope you guys like where it’s going. Please remember that I’m new to this so it can get rough at times. And please try not to take the timeline of things to seriously just try to roll with it because I haven’t quit mastered timelines yet. Also this isn’t the end in case you get worried! Feedback is much loved! –SugarDay


When I made the move a month and a half ago I arrived to a good job and a completely unlivable apartment. Thankfully Brian lived in the area and offered me his spare room till I fixed up the apartment or found a new place.

There had never been anything romantic between me and Brian but I always had the slight feeling that he wished there was. He finally gave up hope when I went away for college and met Mark. ‘Uhg Mark!’ I can never get him off my mind it seems, especially now.

Any way I guess that’s how I got myself into this uncomfortable position. Turns out Brain hadn’t completely given up hope. I’m such an idiot, how did I not see the signs? He refused to come to mine and Mark’s wedding for goodness sake!

So here I am in Brian’s bed snuggled up in his arms. When I had went into hysterics last night and started crying, I must have cried until I passed out from exhaustion. It’s a bit forward of Brain to bring me to his bed. And when I look up to see he’s not asleep but staring down at me with a combination of hope and lust I tense up.

This is so awkward for me. What am I suppose to do? Brian has always just been my best friend, almost like a brother. This is bad, really bad.


I broke down and hired a private investigator to find April. I had to head back home but that didn’t mean I was going to give up looking, I’d just have someone else do the work for me. As the weeks are stretching on the urgency to find her has just grown more and more for me.

I thought I was angry when she left but nothing compared to the rage I felt when the divorce papers came in the mail. There’s not a chance in hell I would ever sign them.

I shake my head at how foolish April is acting. Everything she does just strengthens my resolve, when I get her back I’ll tear down every wall ever put up between us. I’ll make her see what we mean to each other and make sure she never leaves again.

My phone rings on my desk. ‘Mark Brown’s office.’

‘Yes, Hello Mr. Brown. It’s Larry.’ Finally the private investigator.

‘Hello, Larry. I hope you have good news for me.’

‘I’ve got news alright but I don’t think your going to like it much Mr. Brown.’

‘Did you find her?!?’

‘Yes sir.’


‘She’s living with a man near her childhood town.’

‘Fax me everything you have, NOW!’ I slammed the phone down. The fax machine started to make its annoying noises across the room. I hardly noticed, my face felt hot and my fists where white knuckled.

I threw the closest thing to me across the room, it just happened to be a framed picture of April, the glass broke and it fell to the floor in pieces. Like my heart, shattered pieces on the floor.

The fax machine was finally done and I stormed over to it. On the very top was a picture of her with Brian. That put me on edge I knew all about her ‘Best Friend’ and I didn’t like him at all.

She always said they never had anything past friendship but the few times I had met the guy he had that look in his eye, like I stole something from him.

I was on the third page when it was written there clear as day that Brian was who April was living with. I wanted to break something all over again. ‘This fucking punk! Does he really think he’s just going to steal my wife from me?’ He had another thing coming before I would let that happen.

I come across a picture of them hugging on his front door step and knew that I’m going after blood. An image of my April arched naked under Brian as he pounds into her forms I’m my head and I can’t shake it off.

I swear if they have slept together I’ll break every bone in Brian’s body. ‘She’s mine and only mine, she knows that god damn it!’

I start to pack up everything I’ll need in my office, knowing that I won’t be back for awhile. And make a quick call to my travel agent to book the next flight.

I speed home to pack for my trip. The last thing I grab is April’s engagement ring and wedding band off the table where she left them.

I walk out to the door to my car with a smirk on my face knowing that I’m only hours away from getting April back.


I try to get up from the bed but Brian tightens his arms around me.

‘Brian, let me get up.’

He snuggles his face into my hair which makes me tense more. ‘Mmm, No.’

‘Brain, seriously! This isn’t funny I need to get up.’

‘Damn it, April. Why can’t you ever just let things happen between us? Huh? Were such a good fit together, we have been since childhood.’

‘I still love my husband, Brian. You know that! And how can you say these things after what I found out last night?’

‘You’re soon to be ex-husband. And we can raise the baby together.’ He rubs my flat stomach with a happy look on his face. Like I’ll just agree with him!

‘It’s Mark’s baby! Are you crazy? Brian, there’s nothing more than friendship between us. You know that!’

He pulls me closer to him and moves like he’s going in for a kiss. ‘April, April, April. There could be more if you would just let there be. You know I’m in love with you.’

I look at him astonished for a second but when he comes closer hoping for a kiss, I slap him and struggle out of his arms and off the bed.


He’s so loud and looks so angry I shrink away in fear.

‘Brian you need to stop with your delusions. I’m not going to be with you! Whether I’m with Mark or not. You’re my friend that’s all! And I’m absolutely not going to have you raise another mans child with me and pretend they’re your own. What are you even thinking?’

He looks at me with determination in his eyes.

‘I’m thinking that I love you and you were always supposed to be with me. You just never let me have my chance and married that asshole Mark instead. And now we finally have a chance to be together, I don’t care that you’re pregnant with his baby. I can look past it just so I can have you. You need support now anyway with a baby on the way. And there’s no way I’m letting you go back to fucking Mark, he probably already has other women in his bed anyway.’

My face when totally blank, I was at a loss for words. I turned around and walked to the spare bedroom. I grabbed everything I had with me and started shoving it into my suitcase.

I heard Brian come into the room behind me. He grabbed my hands to stop me from packing. ‘Don’t touch me, Brian.’

‘April, You can’t leave.’

‘Like Hell I can’t.’

‘Please, just stay for awhile. Let our relationship grow.’

‘As of now we have no form of relationship what so ever!’

‘Don’t fucking say that April! It’s not true. I know you’re in love with me too.’

‘I feel nothing for you, Brian. Absolutely nothing!’

That’s when Brian did something I’d never expect him to do. He grabbed my arm and forcefully dragged me to his room.


‘I’m going to show you that you feel something for me, you stupid bitch!’

I was in utter shock. He had to be joking. I’ve known Brian my whole life and he had never acted like this.

He threw my down on the bed roughly and started pulling his clothes off. I immediately tried to flee but he just pushed me back down.

‘Stop moving or I’ll have to tie you up.’

O Fuck! He’s serious about this. How am I going to get away?


It was one Hell of a flight. I could
n’t even close my eyes without seeing images of Brian touching my April. It made my blood boil.

The faster I got to April the better I would feel. I repeated that over and over in my head.

Once I got off the plane and grabbed my bags, I went and rented a SUV. I pulled out the file I was faxed and found that bastard Brian’s address. I entered it in the navigation system and set out on my way.

I arrived at the house a half an hour later. There’s two cars in the drive way, which must mean Brian’s home. I had hoped April would have been there alone, I can’t tell how I’ll react with Brian there trying to keep me from my wife.

I sit in the car for awhile forming a plan in my head of what I’m going to do.

I think about it for a second and call a local hotel to get a room. I’ll have to have somewhere to take April to before I drag her beautiful ass back to our home.

With that done, I walk to the front door. And that’s when I heard it. My April screaming at the top of her lungs. My body went into over drive and I kicked the locked front door till it fell in. I charged into the house. I was going to rip Brian limb from limb!


‘DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!’ I screamed at the top of my lungs. Hoping anyone would hear me but inside I knew no one would. My best friend was going to rape me, someone I thought I knew so well had turned into a monster.

I started to hyperventilate. ‘This can not be happening.’

‘God, April I’ve wanted this for so long.’

Brian ripped my shirt open using it to trap my arms so I couldn’t struggle so much. Then he pushed the cups of my bra down, freeing my tits.

He palmed them roughly then leaned down to take a peak into his mouth. I close my eyes unable to deal with what’s going to happen. I scream even louder than before.

Distantly I hear a crashing sound but I’m to overcome with fear to think much about it and Brian’s to busy to be bothered by anything other than ruining my life.

I let out one last ear piercing scream filled with all my fear.


April and Brian are fucking and my wife is screaming for him. I’m going to kill them both. How could that bitch do this to me? No man is suppose to touch her but me, damn it!

April screamed again, and it sounded so full of fear my heart stopped. That’s definitely not a scream of pleasure. I pinpointed the room she was in and ran to it. I rushed into a bedroom to a sight I feared I’d never forget.

That son of a bitch Brian half naked on top of April with his mouth all over her beautiful naked chest. While my April tears running out of her closed eyes tried to struggle away from him.

I am pretty sure for the rest of my life I’ll never again experience the anger I felt at the moment. In a low and angered voice that even to me sounded like I was ready for murder I said. ‘Get off of my wife, now!’

Brian looked up with anger in his eyes but it was nothing in the face of my anger. Quickly the punks eyes changed to fear and he got off of April.

My eyes stayed on April, she opened her eyes and I had never seen her in so much fear and distress. I should have known better, she wouldn’t cheat on me.

‘Why are you in my house? And don’t look at my girlfriend when she’s indecent! We were just about to have some fun, now get out!’

I was ready to ring his neck. ‘Your girlfriend?’

He looked at me with a smart ass smirk like he had the upper hand. ‘Of course she’s my girlfriend, we live together. O and don’t forget she’s expecting my baby. Isn’t that right April?’

I was still looking at April but when he said that her eyes moved to him and she looked at him like he had grown a second head. That reassured me a little that the fucker was lying through his teeth but didn’t take me off edge at all.

‘O, how great for you guys living together and a baby too. So if she’s your girl now why is she screaming bloody murder when you touch her?’

Brian looked at her and then her chest (which pissed me off more) and said.

‘I’m surprised you don’t know what your ex-wife likes in the bedroom. Her favorite is roll playing. She loves having a little rape fantasy going on before I fuck her good and hard. She said it makes it more exciting for her, weird that she never did it with you. She liked it even before you guys met, back in high school that’s how I always fucked her, like she didn’t want it.’

During his whole rant April’s eyes got bigger and bigger in disbelief till it looked like they would pop out of her head. I was getting tired of this jerk offs stories about my wife.

‘Wow Brian that’s so weird that I didn’t know that about my own wife. Especially that you guys fucked in high school considering I took her virginity.’

Brian looked like I had just knocked him down a few pegs and had no good come back for that one. I walked over to April irritated that she was exposed to Brian still.

She was still crying and looked in utter shock. I went to pull her bra down and Brian made his final mistake.

‘Don’t touch my girlfriend! She’s mine.’ And he pushed my hands out of the way skimming her tits in the process.

I turned and decked him square in the middle of his face. He went down to the floor but wasn’t out cold. He had the fucking nerve to touch my wife right in front of me.

I decided to start a rant of my own since I had to listen to his lies.

‘I don’t give a fuck if you guys are living together she’s my wife and always will be, not your girlfriend. And as for her being pregnant with your kid, I know your lying because she’d never let you lay a hand on her willingly. Even if she had rape fantasies, no women can fake a scream of true terror like that. I’m the only man who’s ever touched her because she is mine. You crossed a line when you touched what’s mine and your lucky I don’t kill you on the spot right here.’

I punched him again this time in his jaw. ‘Let’s get something straight, right here right now! You don’t touch April, you don’t speak to her, and you don’t even look at her ever again! Understood?’

Brian looked at me then at April then at me again. And like a true prick he put a smirk on even though he was bleeding and said ‘No.’

I laid in on him then and he couldn’t even fight back. I was too quick for him and my anger was too much to contain.

Finally his head slumped back and he passed out. I was close to killing him with how much rage was running through my veins. Then April spoke for the first time since her last scream.

‘Mark.’ It was a pitiful whisper that I almost didn’t hear because she was still crying.

I forgot completely about the piece of shit on the floor and went to her. She looked broken and it made my heart ache.

I cradled her in my arms and carried her out to my rental. I put back on her feet and she got in the passenger seat, I was about to close her door when she said ‘All my stuff?’

No way in Hell was I going to let her have a reason to come back to Brian’s house. So I went inside and grabbed all her stuff from the second bedroom, happy to see that she wasn’t staying in his room.

I stuck my head in the other room to make sure I didn’t need to call an ambulance for Brian but he was already groaning and trying to get up off the floor.

I went back out to the rental and put all her stuff in and got in the drivers side. I looked over to see her deep asleep. I couldn’t hold back my smile. I had my April back then I frowned. ‘If only it hadn’t had to happen like this.’

I started the drive to the hotel, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. I pulled up to the hotel, checked in and lugged both of our stuff to the room. All the while April was fast asleep.

I carried her to the room and laid her on the bed. I pulled her engagement ring and wedding band from my pocket and slid them onto her finger. For right now I stopped the thoughts and just laid down to hold
my wife.

I stared of into space unable to sleep. I’d never be rid of that image or the sound of her scream and it scared the hell out of me. A while later I finally got to sleep.


I woke up to Mark tossing and turning in bed. His face looked like he was having a horrible nightmare. I snuggled into his arms and lightly kissed him on the neck. He calmed down almost immediately.

Slowly he blinked his eyes open to look at me. ‘April?’ He said it like he couldn’t believe it was actually me.

‘Are you okay? You looked like you were having quit the nightmare.’

‘I’m okay, you’re here now.’ He wrapped his arms tighter around me and kissed me like he was shipping out to war.

It took my breathe away and left me light headed. ‘God April, I’ve missed you so much. Don’t ever leave me again.’

He kissed me again this time it called to my soul and heart. ‘I love you so much April.’ Then he started taking my clothes and his clothes off with urgency.

I didn’t object, I was in shock. Mark hadn’t said the words I love you to me in close to a year.

He kissed my body up and down repeating the words over and over. ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’

He made his way back up to my lips and all I could do was stare at him. Who is this man? And that’s when it hit me. He’s acting like this just because he saw another man try to take me.

‘You are such a manipulator! Get off me!’

Mark stopped immediately but didn’t move. ‘What are you talking about, baby?’

‘Baby my ass! You see another guy move in on your territory and all the sudden you’re all lovey dovey.’

‘Baby, you’re not making sense. I can’t express how much I love you anymore?’

‘Fuck you Mark. And stop calling me baby. You can’t just all the sudden change how you act after the past year we’ve had.’

That one seemed to get to him and I could tell he was angry. ‘This past year? O you mean you trying to leave me and move in with a guy that wanted to rape you?’

The sarcasm was dripping from every word he said. And I flinched at the last part.

Brian had really tried to do that to me. I was still having a hard time coming to terms with my best friend trying to do that to me.

I was hurt that Mark would throw it in my face like that.

‘Trying to leave you? I am leaving you! I know you got the divorce papers in the mail. It’s over Mark.’

His whole face changed and I realized too late that that was not the right thing to say at the moment.

‘You think it’s over April?’

I didn’t know what to say but figured sticking to my resolve was my best bet. ‘Yes, it’s over.’

He grabbed the back of my head and kissed the life out of me. While I was in shock over the I love you’s, Mark had managed to get us both stark naked.

He ran his hand up in down my side once I gave myself over to the kiss. His hand ended up between my thighs. He touched my entrance to test my readiness, I was so wet I even wondered how I got that way.

He grabbed his fully hard cock and put it at my entrance. As he started to thrust forward he leaned down to whisper in my ear. ‘It’ll never be over April. I love you and you belong with me no matter what. Don’t ever think differently.’

I gasped at the full feeling of him inside me. Mark grabbed my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine. He started long slow deep thrusts and brought my left hand in front of my face.

I gasped again. On my ring finger was my wedding band and engagement ring. Mark looked into my eyes and said real slowly as though to make sure I would never forget.

‘Never take them off again. You are my wife! Plain and simple. I had to go a month and a half with out you and I don’t plan to ever do that again.’

And then punctuating every word with a deep thrust. ‘I. Love. You.’

I didn’t know what to say. He picked up his tempo and I could help but let out a moan. Once he heard the sound Mark grabbed my hips and went at me in earnest.

At this point it was so good I no longer cared that Mark was only doing this because he thought another man was moving in on me.

‘O Fuck Mark, Mark. O my god harder!’ He pounded into me even harder and grabbed one of my tits to play with the nipple.

‘That’s right April! Say my name. No one else can fuck you like this! Not Brian or any other guy. I’m the only man to fuck you like this. Me your Husband!’

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Sabrina swam up from the darkness. Her movements felt slow, her arms and legs heavy as she tried to break the surface. It took her several minutes to realize that her eyes were closed and that she was spread out on a soft mattress. Opening her eyes, she looked around and groaned. ‘Not again,’ she muttered, instantly recognizing the familiar suite at Westhaven. As her gaze traveled the room her eyes landed on the man sitting in a chair beside the bed. ‘Douglas.’ ‘Sabrina.’ ‘I think I’m going...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Mother

Danny would kill me if he ever knew, ever found out ... I had watched his mom pleasure herself. Bad enough that, but that I had in turn, jerked off watching her do that, though of course no one would ever know. Certainly never my best friend Danny, though we had years ago sworn to one another as kids growing up together, we'd never lie to one another, or keep any secrets. Up until now. And it's not like I was looking for it, or expected it to happen. It just did. But once it did, once it...

2 years ago
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Daddy Fantasy ndash Tristan

Daddy Fantasy – TristanTristan had his wrists secured to his thighs. He was leaning forward at the edge of the bed with his small feet hanging in the air. His face was pressed into the sheets. He looked like a triangle from the side with his beautiful ass in the air. A blindfold covered his eyes; he felt helpless. His lover was standing on the floor between Tristan’s feet, sliding his cock in and out of Tristan’s tight asshole. Tom varied the speed and depth of his thrusts. Sometimes...

3 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 7 The Harem Girl

As they were going along the corridor the slave said, "Mistress, may I speak?" "Of course," Elinor shrugged, "Why not?" "I hope I do not offend you when I say that you reminded me so much of the Countess, and yet so young." "She is my grandmother, I believe," said Elinor. "Princess, my most humble apologies. I did not realise..." Jaida's voice trailed off as she knelt again before the bewildered young woman. "Oh, do stop all this silly kneeling down, and come along,"...

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Nina North Squirting On Tits

You may think this title is misleading, but it certainly is not! The busty Nina North is spending one of the last beautiful days of summer by the pool. She just wants to even out her titty tan, but her boy Chad has some different plans in mind. He wants to squirt her boobies with his water gun to see how wet they can get! Turns out her tits get even wetter than her pussy, and this means its time to fuck. Chad begins by sliding his thick meat up and down her big tits. Nina loves it, but would...

2 years ago
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Shock motherinlaw proposition part 2

Having had my unexpected surprise encounter with june last week, i have done nothing but fantasise about her since! After having had my mouth around her incredibly erect nipple and to have her gentle wrapped around the length of my cock i now see a different side to her that i had never imagined existed. Despite the fact that what happened was totally wrong, i just cant stop myself imagining taking her up on her offer and seeing what comes of it! Since that day i find myself having the same...

3 years ago
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The Cap Card

The guy in front of her wasn’t having a good day. They were in line at her usual lunch place, waiting to pay, when he dropped his CAP card. He’d pulled his credit card from his wallet and his CAP card came out as well, landing with his name and score showing: Carl E. Brennan 7.1. The big 7.1 was impossible to miss, and Harriet didn’t miss it. Looking worried, Carl quickly picked up his card and turned to pay the cashier. Harriet left her food at the counter, followed him out and saw him go...

3 years ago
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Daddy Rules Daddys Consequences Part II

It had been three weeks since I had seen Daddy and with every mile I traveled, I felt my pussy water more and more. At the halfway marker, I texted Daddy to ask if I could take off my panties because they had become so wet it felt uncomfortable to sit in them. “No, Slut,” was all the text read. I smiled, sure before I had asked that that was what his answer would be, and drove on. When I got within 10 miles, my pussy began to pulse and as I turned down his street, she tingled almost...

1 year ago
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Blacked Aspen Romanoff Daddy Can Never Know

Aspen is celebrating to celebrations. Her 22nd birthday and a year since she has retired. She has been picked up by the biggest sugar daddy who is worth millions. The catch is that he isn’t around all the time and she gets pretty lonely. A few times a week she has a personal trainer who comes to the house. He is fun to talk to and really hot and she loves flirting with him. On this particular occasion, she finds herself all alone with him and after a rigorous workout, he makes his move....

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Ailee Anne Sweetheart Ailee Anne Has A Naughty Desire To Fuck LIVE

Ailee Anne is being a tease with her short black skirt. She loves to show off her matching panties as she shakes around and bends down to give you a hot view of her beautiful ass. She wishes you would pull them down and finger her pussy. She loves and wants to feel a tongue, a finger or better yet a cock fucking her tight little pussy. Robby Apples loves to eat pussy so he is the man for the job that Ailee so badly desires. Can Robby make Ailee cum with just his tongue before sliding his hard...

1 year ago
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First Time With a Guy

A forty-year-old man, nearly 20 years younger than me made contact through a nudist website I belonged to and we began to correspond about things. We exchanged a few pics and discovered that we were both in the same area. Then one day he was pushing to meet. I didn’t know about that, I mean, it’s one thing to enjoy fantasies… but to really… you know… with a guy and all… I suppose that’s why it took me a little time to agree to meet this fellow. Finally, I decided to just take the bull by the...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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This story is true.I was 27yrs old and a Policeman when I met Ann. She was 19yrs old, short bobbed dark brown hair, attractive and very quiet, she too, was a policewoman but in a different town. We started going out with each other and found we had birthdays on the same day. We just seemed to have the same interests and got on like a house on fire. In the bedroom she was far from quiet, noisy was never scared of telling me what she was in the mood for and loved sex....all of it, oral, anal,...

1 year ago
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The Horror And The Loving Lust Collide More Than Once

Standing in middle of the joint, while holding a drink, I viewed the perimeter to scout the talent as I made a full 360 degree spin. "So many ladies around here, it is almost unfair I should have to pick just one," I mentioned, scanning the ladies everywhere as the lights were dim and the techno sounding music with no lyrics was at a decent level. "Dancing chicks, drinking chicks and drunk chicks. Oh, who am I kidding, all of them are all of the above." "Sexy redhead," I whispered, checking out...

1 year ago
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Marygambles and loses everything pt1

I don't know why I returned to the office that evening, why I ran half a block to make sure I made it through reception before the doors closed at 5 p.m. but I did. I should have been celebrating with the legal guys, it's not every day you win a discrimination case, but it's not every day some money grabbing little whore makes the whole thing up and the Tribubunal takes ten minutes to reach a decision clearing me and the firm of any wrong doing. She had no idea that my web cam was...

2 years ago
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Nasty Boy

It had been an incredibly hot summer. So hot, that the air conditioning at school had broken down. Upon finding out it would take several hours to make repairs, the Principle of the school decided to send everyone home. Not that I minded, being a Friday for me meant an unexpected long weekend. At just fifteen years old, most of the guys I ran around with had decided to head over to the local public pool for an afternoon swim. Wanting to go with them, I first needed to head home, get permission...

2 years ago
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Heart of DarknessChapter 7

Not long after the sun sets and the day gives way to night, the slumber party guests begin to arrive. In all there are four of Anne’s closest friends: Madison, Grace, Lily and Natalie. Carrie greets them all and instructs them to make themselves at home. Since Anne’s adoptive parents weren’t going to be home until the following week, the group of girls doesn’t have to worry about any adult supervision and as a result, a makeshift bar was set up for everyone. Then Carrie excuses herself,...

2 years ago
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In the Woods on private Estate

I was innocent, my body is petite, attractive, and untouched, at least until tonight. Ally parked the car, then shut off the engine. She waited a few minuets till the “ night life” started up again. She sighed, pulled off her boots, socks dropped the keys in her boots and walked out into the fog enshrouded wooded area. “ Come on John! Catch me if you want me!” She half-heartedly shouted. She looked around, no one was here, so she flashed me her tits, and went out into the trees. Finally, I got...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Come True

My wife and I went on a four day vacation to Charleston to enjoy the sights and especially to enjoy the nights. Our first night there I was no sure how it would go. I was wandering if my wife could really get in the role of being a Dominatrix. Would she really enjoy having DD as her Slave? Could my wife become the Dominatrix that I want and need? All my questions were answered that night. My Mistress started that evening letting me know just how much she was looking forward to having DD serve...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Cousin Sis Beautifully Passionately

Hello, Boys and Girls. I’m a frequent reader of Indian Sex Stories. I thought to share my first ever real life sex story with you all here on this passionate community. Without delaying, let me introduce myself and the heroine of this story, I’m Jeddy (name changed) from Puri-Bhubaneswar, Odisha. I’m a good looking 18 year ‘handsome’ guy with an average cock. And the heroine of my story is Shanaya (name changed) who is my cousin sister, aged 17 years and is very sexy with a wonderful body...

4 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysColonia

The next morning, Mark was up before the rest of his gang, but as he got out of bed, Sandra woke up. Seeing Mark standing naked in front of the clothing synth, she approached him, jumped up, and wrapped her legs around him, giving him a passionate kiss. As if by instinct, luck, or Sandra’s pelvic movements, his cock ended up slipping inside the teenager’s tight pussy. However, holding her ass and fucking her against the clothing synth awakened Annabelle and Rayven; with everyone except...

3 years ago
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I called and set up a meeting with Brian, Ken, and Jennifer The house was empty as the others had gone out grocery shopping. “So, what is this about?” Ken asked. “Your next few projects, if you are interested?” I said. “I am already building the biggest auditorium in the state, and you already have another project after that?” Ken remarked... “I have had a recurring dream, ever since Brian and I first discussed the edifice that is about to break ground. I have hesitated talking to anyone...

2 years ago
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Finally it happened weekend away in Vegas

The contrast of a black man and a white woman has driven me wild for years. Ex-girlfriends of mine had told me about their experiences with big black cock, and then watching interracial porn and reading stories on this site and others only fueled my fantasy.We'd been married just over 10 years when fantasy finally met reality. It wasn't an easy task to make it happen, but it was worth it when it finally did and this is the story of how it happened first time. After a few years of being married,...

3 years ago
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Air Hostess Gangbanged In Flight

Hi guys and girls, my name is Dhruv and I ‘m 29 years old. My dick size is 8 “, 6 ft tall, broad shoulders with an athletic build from Delhi. Any girl wants to have some fun (especially from Delhi) can contact me at my email id and also don’t forget to mail me your feedback Ok guys remove your undies and girls remove their panties. Things are going to get dirty now. Here’s the sex story.Enjoy….. This is a story about a young, innocent air hostess who is fucked in the flight by passengers and...

2 years ago
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The Little Fella

Ahem. Are you listening? I could write all day about orgasms. Most women are fortunate enough to have experienced most sorts, and we’re as females lucky that we have so many to choose from. But let’s pay tribute to the “little fella” as someone so endearingly put it, recently. The Little Fella I smile and make that “Mm” noise as I look at you, and I mean really look at you as if I’m about to lose my sight and need to capture the image in my mind for all eternity. “What?” you say with a cheeky...

Oral Sex
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My First Bi Experience

My first time was an absolute blast. I have only been bi for 3 years. I am now 61 and loving the scene. Being a swinger most all my life I have about seen and done it all. Threesomes, orgies etc. but never even touched another mans cock except for an occasional brush on one with my tongue as his cock was in his Mrs. and I was eating her while he fucked her. Always had Gay friends around but never thought of trying what they liked. About 4 years ago I signed up for Yahoo Personals to see if I...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Alyssa Bounty Stud Psychologist Prescribes Stiff Cock for Nympho Client

Psychologist Vince Karter, after meeting his newest client Alyssa Bounty, comes to know that shes a cock-craving nymphomaniac with a serious problem. When the session is interrupted by a phone call from Vinces wife, Alyssa being the horny little slut that she is opens her legs and starts fingering herself in an attempt to get Vinces cock hard. The stunt works like a charm and as soon as Vince hangs up the phone, he goes over to his newest client, who at this point is bending over his chair, and...

3 years ago
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About 10 years into my marriage, my wife Lisa and I decided to avoid the pitfalls and affairs that most couples fall into with being bored and decided to open our relationship to experiment together. At first we had a comic series of missteps, failed foursomes and random encounters until we finally hooked up with David. It wasn’t supposed to be a threesome… his date got cold feet, took off early and left the three of us horny and desperate for something to finally happen.At first, we were like...

1 year ago
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Body SwapChapter 27

We flew out to Tenerife on the last weekend in July and the villa we had was situated in Los Gigantes. This was the first time either Katy or I had been in Tenerife and we spent most of the time exploring. With Joe and Isa we walked across the lunar type landscape where they made the Star Wars films and ended up at the base of the Volcano El Tilde. We visited the smugglers village and walked from there down to the beach where the smugglers used to bring their goods ashore. It was an arranged...

1 year ago
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Toby My Best Friend Part 1

Toby and I had been friends for as long as I can remember. My Mom has a photo of us, sat in a ball pit in the local nursery, grinning like morons. Are teeth are gaped and there are stains on our faces and clothes, but do you know what? We're happy, and really don't care. But unfortunately you can't stay like that forever... We stayed best friends, right up through all our years at Primary school. We were friends, and no one got between us, not even the bullies that took the piss out of my...

Love Stories
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David Matthew PART 2

David sleeps in the back seat next to his sister as the miles decrease to California. While his best buddy sits alone in his bedroom back in Minneapolis. From the day these boys met they’ve never been any further apart then the 3 houses in between theirs. Now as David’s father drives across another state line, he realizes that by morning he and Josh will no longer in the same time zone. He wants to cry but there aren’t any tears left or the emotional energy to bring them to the surface. He...

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old man gets flashed by young girl

Another true story from my wild youth before marriage sucked the life out of me! I was 19 and at the time was in college in Uxbridge West London, Living locally with an aunt to save money. I had a boyfriend who lived Near Baker Street in London, and one Saturday night I travelled to have a night out of dancing, drinking and maybe a club. The plan was to travel back fairly early on the London Underground (tube) the next morning because I had a waitress job at lunchtime in a local restaurant....

3 years ago
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Twenty First Century Sex

Twenty first century sexThe tale of a guy who has seen the future, a future in which men and women are experimented on against their will in an explicit sexual way.?Come and meet our latest subjects that we intend to experiment on? Said Gisela the commandant. I was escorted into the preparation room. It was quite a large room with a low ceiling, stone walls, adequately lit, with benches along all four walls. There were four men and two women in their late teenage years or early twenties sat...

2 years ago
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Sins From My Stepmother Book 1 Ch 13

IMy name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again.Before you judge me, there are a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he wasn’t around much. He travelled to Europe regularly and commuted during the week to Manhattan for meetings.When he was home, he was either at the...

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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 10 The End Of Slavery

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the end of slavery where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I had a struggling night with my hands and legs cuffed, and the Mistress had a sound sleep after two orgasms yesterday. The clock was about to tick at 8 AM. I got up and climbed on the bed, and my Mistress was still sleeping. I...

3 years ago
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She opens the door for me without a word, leads me through her living room then outside to her deck. She was mad at me for not coming through on a promise I made her. I beg for her forgiveness as I lightly kiss her neck, shoulders, and cheek as she stands beside me at the counter. She tries to fight it, trying to appear strong, but I won’t give up. I try giving her a hickey, but she pushes me away. She hasn’t warmed up yet. Coaxing her a little longer, finally, she lets me kiss her pouty lips....

1 year ago
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Christmas With the Devil

-The Satanic Bible *** Jolly old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do that evening. A job he dreaded. He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, lifting an old, rusted key from around his neck and wondering if he really had to go through with it. Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this particular chore… But no. He shook his head, spilling snow from his crown of ivy. He was obligated to be charitable to everyone in need. And what...

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Gaming, anime, and cosplay. Sabrina lived for it all. The nineteen year-old enjoyed living a casual life of excercise, cosplaying at conventions, and relaxing in her apartment. One particular thing she enjoyed doing at home was chatting and playing with people online. Sabrina spent enough time on the internet to distinguish real, friendly people on the internet from the fake and thirsty ones. At least, she believed that she did. She had made many friends and even significant others over the...

4 years ago
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The ShootistChapter 5 First job as a shootist

Thank God, that was the only time I had to take on nine enemies all by my lonesome. In fact, that was the last time I had to face any bandits. I worked for Mr. Jameson for seven months before he decided that I had cleared out the bandits, and he no longer needed my services. To be honest, I was getting pretty tired of hustling my ass back and forth between Green Junction and Hallys Crossing day after day with nothing but a few gold pieces to show for it. That was a good example of how young I...

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