Hide In Plain Sight free porn video

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HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT By: Janet Jean Rating: G All standard disclaimers are in effect. This story may be posted on any "Free Site." A nurse and store owner saves the life of a middle-aged man. He finds out what the "finer things in life" really mean. Standing on the spillway side of Hoover Dam I was on my second roll of film, when this guy came up to me. He opened his briefcase and showed me more drugs then I have ever seen, and asked if I had the money? This jerk must have thought I was there to deal. Without thinking, I snatched his case and tossed it as far as I could over the side. While he was watching his drugs bounce off the rocks below and become fish food. I picked up my camera case and ran. I had just gotten to my car when the bullets started to fly. I felt the bullet hit me in my side, I thought to myself, "Jeff, you dumb shit! what the hell do you think your doing?" Ducking, I ran into a crowd of tourists. We were knocked to the ground as my car exploded. I haven't seen confusion like that since Viet Nam. I was able to jump on a tour bus as the doors were closing. As the bus pulled out, the police and other emergency vehicles arrived. As we wound our way back toward Boulder City, I saw a limousine following the bus, and assumed it was the drug dealers, wanting a piece of my hide (or my life). I asked the passenger next to me where the bus was headed? She said they were a tour group from the South Las Vegas Christian Church. After two tours of duty in "Nam," I knew I was in deep shit. I should be safe if I could stay in a crowd. I hoped the thugs didn't want a blood bath, just me (what am I saying)? I'm armed with a camera...how can I defend myself? As the bus pulled to a stop in front of the church, I noticed there was way too much open ground. The passengers would be heading in different directions, some to their cars, some to the church. There just wasn't enough cover. I had a few hours before darkness would set in. I knew, under the cover of darkness, my military training would keep me alive. The limousine came to a screeching halt behind the bus. Using that moment of distraction to my favor, I ran across the street heading for a row of shops. I ran into the center shop (some sort of a woman's wear store). I went to the back of the store and found the back door. I threw the door open, then ducked back into the storeroom. I saw the open bathroom and hid there, while leaving the bathroom door ajar and hiding behind it, I hoped these jerks would take the bait and run into the back alley. All sorts of screaming and cussing was coming from inside the store, true to form three men ran into the storeroom, they paused looked around and ran out the back door. The store owner was close behind; she was doing all the screaming, cussing, and was definitely mad. "Hell has no fury as a WOMAN.....!" She closed and bolted the back door, she turned around heading back into the store and I heard her kick something and cuss in pain. I don't want her mad at me I thought, as I felt myself slipping to the floor and I passed out. Someone was kicking me and telling me to wake up. When my eyes started to focus, I was staring down the barrel of a shotgun. Throwing my hands up, I said, "I give, I surrender, ma'am! I needed a place to hide. I'm no threat to you; I'll leave as soon as it's dark." "Get up!" she screamed. As I did, I felt my wound re-open and start bleeding again. "Your hurt, you're a bloody mess," she said. "You won't get far in your condition. Who are you? Why were those men chasing you? Look at me!" she screamed. "Your Jeff Sinclair! You're the guy on TV! Just what the hell did you do?" I started to loose consciousness again. She grabbed me and said, "Let's get you upstairs so I can treat your wound. I'm a nurse, I own this place. You know, some of the newscasters are calling you a hero." God, this woman could talk. She was firing questions at me faster then a machine gun. When I woke up for the second time, I realized I was naked and under the covers, plus all of the dried blood had been washed off my body (I do remember her saying she was a nurse). I could smell my benefactor on the pillow and blankets, I was thinking this woman has class and she sure smells good, as I looked around her bedroom. She came into the room at that moment carrying a tray. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelled the food she had brought me. "Are you hungry?" she asked. "Yes, how long have I been out?" "About four hours," she said. "It's going on nine and I found you when I was closing up my store at five." She propped me up with pillows and set the tray of food on my lap. "Thank you, ma'am. It smells good and I could eat you out of house and home," I said. "Carol," she said. "Pardon me?" I asked. "My name is Carol, not ma'am! You should call me by my name, especially if your sleeping in my bed and eating my food." I could feel myself blushing. "Thank you, Carol," I said. "You're a very kind person. I owe you my life, thanks doesn't seem adequate. "Oh pooh!" she said. Carol filled me in about my wound, while I ate. She said it's just a graze, but it was a bleeder and my clothes are ruined. "That blood will never come out, compared to the other scars on your body, this is just a scratch." "It's your turn Jeff, who and what are you?" "I'm a free lance photographer; I'm from Eugene, Oregon. I'm 38, not married; I'm a Viet Nam vet. That's where most of the scars came from. I'm on vacation; well it's a working vacation." I told her about the "drug deal" at the dam, and how I got into her store. She brought me up to date about the television reports. They had traced the rental car and plastered my name and picture all over the airways. A bystander had video taped the whole thing. The police didn't want me, but the drug dealers wanted me dead. The police had arrested three of the dealers and were expecting to make more arrests soon. Jeez they have given the "Bad Guys" everything except my home address. "I'm screwed," I said. "Carol do you have some clothes, something from a boyfriend or your husband? I need to get out of here." I have a ton of clothes downstairs. This is a maternity shop. No men's clothes, I'm not married. You know, Jeff, we are about the same size. I'm sure I have something that will fit you." "That would be nice. All I need is jeans and a shirt, I can buy the rest someplace else." She handed me a pair of jeans and suggested I try these on. I just looked at her. "Well? What are you waiting for?" she asked. "Carol! Turn around, PLEASE! I'm naked." "Oh for Christ sake! I'm the one that bathed you, and put you to bed," she said as she ripped the blankets away. Red as a beet and having no choice, I pulled on her jeans as I stood up. They fit ok in the legs, but I couldn't get them over my "Beer Gut." Carol laughed and said I had the belly of a woman in her eighth month. "Oh funny!" I said, laughing with her. "That explains why my ex-girlfriend wanted me to go as a pregnant lady last Halloween." Tossing me a robe, she said, "Let's see what's downstairs." Half way down, she stopped and asked, "Did you?" "Did I what?" I replied. "Dress as a woman?" she asked. "No! I never have," I replied. "Too bad! You would make a cute girl," she said. I could feel myself blushing as we entered her store. I tackled Carol and pulled her behind a counter. She started to scream as I clamped my hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wide in fear. "Carol, that's the limousine the goons were driving." I peeked around the counter and could see three men approaching her store. "Carol, do you have a phone down here?" She reached into the pleats of her skirt and produced a cell phone. "Call '911,' tell them there are armed men outside your store, you're alone and in fear for your life. Don't mention anything about the drug dealers or me, and only describe the car as big and black." Carol was very convincing on the phone; within seconds you could hear the police sirens coming from different directions. We saw the men run for their car and speed away. "Carol, when the police arrive, you're on your own, I'll hide upstairs!" I waited for what felt like a lifetime, actually, only about 30 minutes. Carol came upstairs with an armload of clothes. Before she got to the top of the stairs, she hollered, "God, I need a drink!" She dumped everything on the bed. I followed her into the kitchen, she spun around and grabbed me in a "bear hug" and started crying. I let her cry herself out (what choice did I have?) This lady has good taste I thought, as she pulled out a fifth of "Wild Turkey." She drinks it "Neat." So cool, I thought, when she handed me a glass. I held my glass up in a toast. "Carol, you have "Brass," I said, "You'd do to 'ride the river with,' you're one special lady, with a lot of class." That toast got me another hug and more tears. She thanked me and said, "That is the nicest thing any man has ever said to me." Carol brought me up to date on what the police said. They believe it was the drug dealers. They also believe you're still in the area and that you are desperate. She should keep her doors and windows locked and the police will patrol the area throughout the night. "Well, that's good for you, but bad for me. It will make it much harder for me to escape; I'll have to duck the good guys as well as the bad guys." Carol took my hand, leading me back into the bedroom; saying, "Lets see what clothes will fit. Jeff, if you've never dressed as a woman, then why is your hair so long?" "That's easy...being free lance, I don't see a steady paycheck, and for the price of a haircut, I can buy a lot of beer or food." "What do you wash it with?" she asked. "I found some 39-cent shampoo in the dollar store," I answered. While we were talking, Carol had me try on two pair of pants and two shirts (blouses if you will). The clothes fit fine, but were missing something that I couldn't put my finger on. Carol was studying me very intently and asked, "Jeff, I would like to try something! I have an idea that I know will work. Will you trust me?" "Sure," I answered, not being fully aware of what I was letting myself in for. Carol had this calming effect on me, I trusted her. Carol took me to the kitchen sink where she washed and conditioned my hair, then she taped eye patches over my eyes. "Carol, are you cutting and putting curlers in my hair? Are you putting makeup on me? Are those earrings? What are you doing?" I asked. "Will you please shut up! I'll be forced to tape your mouth closed," she said. Carol took the curlers out and brushed my hair. She led me into the bedroom and had me brace myself against the door jam. She had me lift my legs, one at a time. I felt underwear sliding up my thighs. She made some adjustments to my penis and testicles, pulling the underwear tight against my crotch. The waistband snapped well above my belly. She then repeated the leg lifting as I felt pants slide up my legs. Before she pulled them into place, I felt an elastic belt slip around the underside of my belly and she fastened it around my back. She then pulled the pants into place. Having the waistband above my gut felt funny. But at the same time it felt very comfortable. I could feel a bra slide up my arms and fasten in back; she slid two heavy objects into the bra and made a few adjustments to the straps. Carol then slipped a blouse on and she placed a necklace around my neck. She walked me back into the kitchen and sat me down. " Jeff, I'm going to remove the patches and finish your eye makeup. Don't look around. Just look straight ahead." She curled my eyelashes and put eye makeup on. Carol handed me my wallet and said "Look at your driver's license. What do you see?" "I see me," I answered. "Ok! Is that the same person that has been broadcast on the television?" "Of course, you know it is. That's me!" I said. Carol had me close my eyes and led me into the bedroom. She patted my hair and made a few adjustments to my clothes. "Ok Jeff, you can open your eyes." I just stood in front of her full-length mirror staring in awe. I couldn't believe what I was seeing; I looked like a real woman. A really "pregnant woman," as I turned from side to side. I brought my hands to my face, hair, and breasts. I looked at Carol and said, "I need a drink! I need to sit down." As Carol brought me a drink, she looked into my eyes and said, "It's awesome isn't it?" "Carol, I always thought I would look like a 'fat jerk in a skirt,' not like a real girl. You know, Carol, I owe my ex an apology, I said some nasty things to her last Halloween." "Jeff, with some fine tuning, your mother wouldn't recognize you." "What else needs to be done?" I inquired. Carol reached over and plucked some hairs from my chest. "Ouch!" I said. "You can't do that to a woman," she answered. "We need to remove your body hair, put a setting gel in your hair, get rid of your five o'clock shadow, and do your nails. When that's done, you'll be able to hide in plain sight." "When my store opens in the morning, you'll be able to walk out of here with my other customers. What do you say?" "Wow! Carol, you're right, this is the best disguise I could hope for. No one would dare shoot at a pregnant lady." I slapped my hand to my belly and said, "I think my baby kicked!" We both were laughing and were having a good time. Carol said, "Ok, lets get started so we can get some sleep. We'll need it tomorrow." She was a whirlwind of activity. She put a hair removal cream all over my body, and had me shampoo and condition my hair again. When I dried off, she applied a sweet smelling lotion all over me, and then she had me slip into a pair of silk pajamas. WOW! This is the most erotic feeling I have ever had. Junior (my pet name for my penis) jumped to attention for the first time tonight. The silk pajamas on my hairless body, was doing things to me I had no control over. For the first time in my life I felt sexy, YES! GI Jeff feels sexy. Carol had a grin from ear to ear as she watched me run my hands over my body. As I reached down to adjust Junior, she handed me a wash cloth and said, "Wrap 'him' in this so you don't leak and stain your pajamas." I blushed and said, "Carol, I have never felt this sexy in my life!" "I know the feeling well," she answered, "All women know that feeling." She sat me down and started to work on my hair, this time I got to watch as she shaved off my sideburns, rubbed in a setting gel, and started rolling my hair in rollers of assorted sizes. When she finished my hair, she shaped my eyebrows, attached fake fingernails, shaped, and polished them. While all of this was going on, we were trying to come up with a girl's name I would be comfortable with. I settled on Alice because I felt like "Alice in wonderland." I cleaned up the kitchen as Carol got ready for bed. She came out in a sheer powder blue baby-doll nightgown, which left nothing to the imagination; this is one beautiful woman I thought. She handed me a pair of cotton panties and told me to wear them under my pajamas to absorb any leakage. When I went into the bathroom, I sat down! I don't know why I did that, it suddenly just felt natural. As Carol and I crawled into bed, we hugged, cuddled, and caressed each other. Carol slid her hand down to my thigh. Looking into my eyes, she asked, "Do you want to?" "More then anything, Carol, more then anything!" I replied, "but I won't, I won't take advantage of you and your emotions; I'll wait until the timing is better." Carol held my face in her hands and said, "Jeff, you're the first man I've ever met that thinks with his heart and head, not his 'Hard-on.' I love you for that." We kissed and cuddled for the longest time, falling asleep in each other's embrace. I woke up startled and disoriented! Something woke me up? Carol grabbed me holding me tightly. I was shaking as she held my head to her bosom, soothing me, saying it was ok, the noise was Sylvia. "She opens the store for me, I'm not a morning person, Jeff." I looked into her eyes and said, "You look good in the morning, good enough to eat." "Promises, promises," Carol snickered. We were smiling at each other when she said she would get up, put coffee on and go warn Sylvia about the "Thugs." I got up to use the bathroom, and when I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn't a dream. I really did let her transform me into a woman, a pregnant woman, at that. So much happened in the last 14 hours. I was enjoying every moment of it...I liked the feeling, I liked the look. I wondered if I would continue this when I got back home? I had just gotten back in bed when Carol came in with two cups of coffee. We talked about anything and everything. Carol said this is how women communicate all the time. I found it fun and relaxing. I didn't feel like I had to prove anything. After our second cup of coffee we decided it was time to get up, Alice needs to meet the world. After a quick shower and a very close shave, I used a dusting powder Carol gave me. She supervised me while I dressed. She showed me how to tuck "Junior" away while pulling on fresh panties. Then she showed me how to fasten the maternity belt, then came the bra and breast forms. She showed me how to put on pantyhose, my pants, and blouse (which buttoned in reverse.) Carol took the rollers out of my hair and I was mesmerized by the bounce each curl had. She brushed and styled my hair, then did my makeup, put earrings and necklace on me, gave me a watch, and a bracelet. She looked me over from head to toe and went to her jewelry box and slipped a very expensive wedding band on my finger. "Carol, I can't accept that. It's way too expensive!" "Oh pooh! she said, "besides I've decided to escort you to Eugene, a woman in your condition doesn't travel alone." "Your what?" I asked. "You're kidding me." I jumped into her arms and gave her a hug and kiss, and told her she may not want to return to the desert, once she gets the taste of the "Pacific Northwest." Carol swatted my butt and told me to go downstairs and find some shoes. "Alice! Be careful going down the stairs your nylons will be slippery. Sylvia will help you, while I shower and dress." No sooner had she said "be careful," my feet slipped out from under me and I fell down the last three steps. Sylvia heard the noise and came to my aide. When she saw my condition, she was all over me. "Is your baby ok? Are you ok? Honey let me help you," she said. Sylvia helped me into a chair and wouldn't let me do another thing. She found shoes for me, brought me coffee and cookies. That is how Carol found me when she came down. Sylvia told her what happened and how concerned she was for my baby. Carol came over to me and said, "You poor, poor, dear, and then punched me in my gut." "Why did you do that?" I hollered. "That's for scaring the shit out of my sister!" Carol told her all about my transformation. Sylvia kept glancing my way, shaking her head in disbelief. At one point, her eyes went wide open and she put her hand to her mouth. I heard her say, "he didn't!...well I never!...oh my!" "Carol you keep him, he's one of a kind!" Sylvia came over, giving me a hug, and welcomed me to womanhood. Then she hauled off and hit me in the arm (hard,) saying, "Don't you ever do that to me again! You scared the shit out of me." Then she gave me another hug and started to cry. I guess I really had shook her up. I apologized and gave her a hug and kiss. Sylvia held up my left hand and said, "If you lose our mother's wedding set, your dead meat!" We all laughed and relaxed, chatting like three women would. A few customers came in the store and swooned over how radiant I looked. I found out a pregnant woman doesn't get to do very much for herself. Everyone wants to do everything for you, and they want to feel the baby kick, when are you due, do you know the sex? One question after another and they don't even pause for a breath. The police came by and told us all of the drug dealers had been arrested, the video and witnesses at the scene will be enough to convict all of them. Carol asked if Mr. Sinclair had been found? They said no and they thought I was on my way home. That was ok with them, because I wouldn't be needed to testify. They wished my baby and I good luck and departed. No one had suspected a thing! I was exactly what they saw-a pregnant, married woman and I like that. Authors Note: SIBC? I have a few ideas on where this story should go the possibilities are endless. Comments are welcome to ([email protected])

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Love can be in plain sight

“Wendy, Bill?” I asked. I got no answer, so I tried calling her. I heard her ring tone coming from somewhere, so I walked towards it, I got near the two bedrooms and it began getting louder. “It's just Jennifer, I'll call her back,” I heard Wendy say. So she was with someone, but I was a noisy woman and I had to know who it was. We had seen each other with a number guys before, so I didn't think it would be a big deal if I just took a peak in there. I walked over to her bedroom...

2 years ago
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“Ahhhh, Harry, we really shouldn’t be doing this here,” Hermione moaned quietly.The Great Hall was rapidly filling up with students who were hungry after a long day of classes. The four house tables were covered with platters of food, kept warm and ready to eat for all latecomers. The Gryffindor table was packed. Everyone was there, everyone but Harry and Hermione.For years now, Harry had been interested in the magic behind his invisibility cloak. Eventually, Harry decided to try to make one of...

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Hidden In Plain Sight

Inspector Charles Moore sat down at his desk in the J Edgar Hoover Building and broke the sealed envelope that his boss had given him. The people who worked in his department were more security conscious then most, but when one worked in the Department of Witness Security, otherwise known as WITSEC, one had to be careful. To minimize the chances of a spy in the department passing on the names of witnesses to those who would do them harm, and doing untold damage to the program's...

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Just a Plain Everyday Girl

The Brown insurance agency that I worked for specialized in estate planning for doctors and other wealthy persons, whose estates often totaled several million dollars. I have heard Mr. Brown telling other agents that our clients were very busy, and that he recently signed up one doctor for a five million dollar policy in the men’s room at the Montreal airport. Mr. Brown had his own airplane, which he used for business, and to fly he and his wife on frequent vacations, such as skiing in...

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40 year old plain Jane

I'm a tradesman. I build houses, renovate houses; sometimes just do minor repairs to houses.In the early 90s, I was doing a renovation for a couple in Adelaide. They seemed happily married, with three k**s. The wife was called Jane. In private, the other tradesmen and I called her "Plain Jane" because she was a lovely person, but not pretty. She let us know that she was not altogether happy about the fact that she was about to turn 40. It was 1993. She was about 5 foot 6, with a small build,...

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Plain Jane Looks can be deceptive

There was a woman at work that everyone liked but she was really plain looking. Jane was in her late 20's and dressed like a much older woman. Her dresses were baggy and her hair was an unattractive shortish curly mop. She never wore make-up and her face was unremarkable. However she was friendly and had a cute smile.One day she came with a bunch of us for an end of week drink and I offered to see her home. It was about a mile to her place and we decided to walk. The winter night air was...

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Little Plain Elaine

Our daughter Elaine had been a rather plain skinny girl through childhood but then her looks vaguely began to blossom when at fourteen she had some sexy curves; small breasts onto which her fair hair fell, but she was still plain faced and childlike. My interest in her was triggered. Her small waist now flared out onto a rear butt that simply begged to be buggered and I’d often imagined doing just that during my masturbation mode; to get my cock right up into her anus and hear her moan for her...

2 years ago
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Hiding in Plain Sight part 2

Hiding in Plain Sight Part 2 Thank you for the response to part one. It took forever to write, and went through numerous revisions. I settled on the Scream movies as an homage to the genius of Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson (writer of the Scream movies, among others). Setting it in Albuquerque is a labor of love to my 2nd favorite city I have ever lived in. Who knows, I may set one in Eugene, Or someday. For those of you who haven't read the reviews, I pointed out that two...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter 8 SEX IN THE MARRIAGE RELATIONTHE WIFE

A wife is a female partner in a continuing marital relationship. The term continues to be applied to a woman who has separated from her partner, and ceases to be applied to such a woman only when her marriage has come to an end, following a legally recognized divorce or the death of her spouse. On the death of her partner, a wife is referred to as a widow, but not after she is divorced from her partner. The rights and obligations of a wife in relation to her partner and her status in the...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter6

A thorough understanding of Adxxxxxxxe in society depends on information from various perspectives, including psychology, biology, history, sociology, education, and anthropology. Within all of these perspectives, Adxxxxxxxe is viewed as a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, whose cultural purpose is the preparation of children for adult roles. It is a period of multiple transitions involving education, training, employment, and unemployment, as well as transitions from one...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter5

Sexual activity in general is associated with various risks. The risks of sexual intercourse include unwanted pregnancy and contracting a sexually transmitted infection such as HIV/AIDS, which can be reduced with availability and use of a condom or adopting other safe sex practices. Contraceptives specifically reduce the chance of pregnancy. The risks are higher for young adolescents because their brains are not neurally mature. Several brain regions in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter2

SEX The happiness of all human beings, men and women, depends largely on their rational solution of the sexual problem. Sex and the part it plays in human life cannot be ignored. In the case of animals sex plays a simpler and less complex rôle. It is a purely natural and instinctive function whose underlying purpose is the perpetuation of the species. It is not complicated by the many incidental phenomena which result, in man’s case, from psychologic, economic, moral and religious causes....

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Love can be in plain sight 5

“So just curious, but how long has this been going on?” Jim asked. “Since yesterday, Can you give us a minute to get dressed?” I asked. "Sure," Maria replied. We both ran to our room, got dressed in about a minute and then we met at the door. “No matter what happens out there, I love you, and we'll be together forever, I promise,” Ray said as he hugged me. We kissed again and went out there holding hands. We sat down on the other couch and faced the music. “So yesterday...

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Plain Jane Got Pretty

Plain Jane Got Pretty Billy was my best friend for as long as I could remember. My mother told me that Billy, his sister, and his mother moved in when Billy and I were two years old. Then a couple of years later Billy’s mother got knocked up. The guy must have been ugly because Jane was no prize. Billy and I would do almost anything to avoid playing with her. When we turned thirteen Jane was nine. She would let us see her naked and let us feel her up. She realized that that was the...

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In Plain Sight An Escorts Story Part 4

--- In Plain Sight: An Escort’s Story – Part 4 --- As Kayla and I walked out of Mr. Keller’s house and toward a brand new Black Mercedes Benz 500SL glimmering in the driveway I started to realize that my life was about to change. I’m sure that some people will argue the change wasn’t for the better but sometimes you have to do what works for you. For me stepping out of a multi-million dollar ocean front house and getting into a $90,000 dollar car that was going to take me to a private jet...

Straight Sex
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Plain Jane Again Tit fucking this time

Jane's 40th birthday came and went. She wasn't happy about it. It's pretty hard to make any woman feel good about themselves except by just accepting them as they are, which I did, but she still felt she was getting old. I'm in my mid fifties now. I would love to play with a 40 year old woman!! When Jane turned 40, I was 30. I haven't seen her since 2004, when she was 51. She didn't look a lot different. She would now be 65, and I often wonder how her inch long nipples turned out, and whether I...

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Love can be in plain sight 5

We both just looked down towards the floor as they both stared at us. We had no idea what they'd say exactly, so all bets were off then. “So just curious, but how long has this been going on?” Jim asked. “Since yesterday, Can you give us a minute to get dressed?” I asked. "Sure," Maria replied.We both ran to our room, got dressed in about a minute and then we met at the door. “No matter what happens out there, I love you, and we'll be together forever, I promise,” Ray said as he hugged me. We...

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Plain Jane And The Nerd SupermanChapter 2

Jane barely noticed when Kathleen and Jim took off together. She was so surprised when Gordon sat beside her at the party. The surprise continued through their one sided conversation. Gordon went on and on about his big game on Friday. He snatched the line drive and doubled up the runner trying to get back to second base, an unassisted double play ending a threat to the team's one run lead. He bragged about popping the ball just over the fence for what proved to be the game winner. She asked...

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In Plain Sight

I was twenty, in my last year of university and living in a large house-share with six of my fellow students, including Sarah, who I had recently started dating. We all mostly kept to ourselves, but once a week we would gather to drink, eat and watch TV. Whether it was that silly motoring show, that amazing sci-fi show that should never been cancelled or just a movie, we would all hang out and enjoy watching together. It was a cold winter’s night and we were all assembled in the living room....

3 years ago
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In Plain Sight

I was twenty, in my last year of university and living in a large house-share with six of my fellow students, including Sarah, who I had recently started dating. We all mostly kept to ourselves, but once a week we would gather to drink, eat and watch TV. Whether it was that silly motoring show, that amazing sci-fi show that should never been cancelled or just a movie, we would all hang out and enjoy watching together. It was a cold winter’s night and we were all assembled in the living room. It...

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Love can be in plain sight

My name is Jennifer, I have blonde hair and C-cup breasts. I have blue eyes and I'm tall as well, I'm 6'1. My brother Ray has always been jealous, he is only 5'9 and he's older than me, but only by 3 years and a few inches though. I'm 27, he is 30 and right now we live together in a small 2 bedroom house. We both bring people home and do the deed every now and then, but we have always been comfortable about it though. Truth be told I've had a small crush on Ray for awhile, I don't know why...

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Hideaway House

by Philip Johnson As the category indicates, this is a non-erotic story, so don’t get mad at me when you don’t find much sex in the following story. Chapter One The name Paradise Found sounded somewhere between somewhat cheesy to plastic luxury. But the first thing a person noticed when they pulled up to the front entrance was true luxury. Not over the top luxury, but quality everywhere. The construction made it look like an old mansion that had survived the ravages of time in nearly...

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Plainfields Stephanies Story Part 1Stephans Introduction

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad...

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Plainfields Harriets Story

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...

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Chedathide thoppul

Hai readers, I am chinchu going to share my experience had with my chedathi (my wife’s elder sister at my native in Ernakulum. It was during august, I went to my native for a week leave. It was a short leave, so that I couldn’t take my wife with me as she was not having leave. I used to go to my relatives and neighbors whenever I go to my native. As usual I went to geetha chedathi’s house also, specifically my wife had asked to have a visit to go give some gift ornaments to her sister. My...

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USB Uexplained Sexual Behaviour

Chapter One -- Gamer in a Suit "You look like a gamer in a suit," Paddy McClintock said to Taylor Averille. "Even your name isn't right. What the fuck is Taylor? It isn't one thing or the other," Paddy sat behind his huge oak desk, one leg resting on the other. He took a long sip of his coffee and looked up at Taylor. "You still here?" he sniffed. "So I take it that's a no to PostPay?" Taylor replied smugly. "And that attitude isn't helping you kid. The code looks fine...

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"Look, this is a terrible mistake, mister," said Crissa, cringing back from the knife thrust out at her chest from the small man. "You really don't want to do this." The man, both short and skinny leered at her. "Only mistake was coming down this alley, missy," he said, taking another step toward her, "dressing like an elven whore in that short skirt, there." He chuckled without humor. "Well, now, if you're gonna dress like one, you're gonna get fucked like one." Crissa shook her...

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The PsychicChapter 16 Farsighted

Mount Rainier National Park; Victor had driven for thirty minutes when they found a side road. A sign said camping and he was about to pull in and park when he remembered what Michelle had told him about the sniffers. Pulling over, he stopped and stood up, "Amber, come drive, head for highway 123 and then get on 410 before you look for a camping spot. When you find one, pull in and let me know. I have to do something that will throw the trackers off." "Ok," Amber replied and slid into...

3 years ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 23 Uncommon Plans and Improper Hindsights

Kassja felt weary after spending hours on negotiating and planning. She wanted to rest her tired mind in solitude, but when she entered her bedchamber she noticed she wouldn’t find it. Yvaness, a Priestess of Nuna, one of her mother’s favorites in the western lands, was waiting for her. “Too many lies, daughter, you’re playing a dangerous game,” the woman too young to be anyone’s mother warned. “Before you continue lecturing, remember it was you who came to me asking for help with your plan...

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High Definition Porn aka Hi Def Porn elicits a lot of interest, The Porn Dude was eager to get aboard. The cute whore sucking balls and looking up to a gigantic, black cock left no shred of doubt of what the site has in store. Hi Def Porn provides it’s users with a fantastic platform to download high-quality porn. The gorgeous women are game to just about anything and to say the least; you are in for one hell of a ride.Right from the homepage, the site welcomes you with a fantastic collection...

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Reddit 2Busty2Hide, aka r/2Busty2Hide! I know I spend a lot of time on ThePornDude.com, bringing you the latest and greatest NSFW subs that you can find out there. However, it’s good to venture into the SFW realm from time to time to see what they have to offer there. If you ask me, it can be nice to see a bitch in clothes for once, especially if you fuck a lot of them all the time. It’s like seeing an actual human for once, and I think that they can be even sexier when they don’t show...

Reddit NSFW List
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Hide Me! That’s a phrase I’ve used a few times after getting chased out of the local coffee shop by the police. Interestingly, I’ve also used the same phrase while getting some work done in that very same coffee shop. Maybe you’ve been in a similar situation: you’re trying to watch an anal sex orgy on the Internet, but your traffic is being monitored and blocked by the baristas, the boss, the government or your mom. (I’m telling you, dude, it’s time to move out!)Hide.Me claims to be the World’s...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English Chapter 10 LOVE AND SEX

Definitions of sexual desire are broad and understandings of sexual desire are subjective. However, the development of various ways of measuring the construct allows for extensive research to be conducted that facilitates the investigation of influences of sexual desire. Particular differences have been observed between the sexes in terms of understanding sexual desire both with regard to one's own sexual desires, as well as what others desire sexually. These beliefs and understandings all...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter 9 SEX DISEASES

STDs can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Examples of the most common STDs are listed on this page. The term sexually transmitted disease (STD) is used to refer to a condition passed from one person to another through sexual contact. You can contract an STD by having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the STD. An STD may also be called a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or venereal disease (VD). That doesn’t mean sex is the only way STDs are...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter 7 SEX IN THE MARRIAGE RELATIONTHE HUSBAND

Sexual intercourse (or coitus or copulation) is sexual activity typically involving the insertion and thrusting of the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure, reproduction, or both.[1] This is also known as vaginal intercourse or vaginal sex.[2][3] Other forms of penetrative sexual intercourse include anal sex (penetration of the anus by the penis), oral sex (penetration of the mouth by the penis or oral penetration of the female genitalia), fingering (sexual penetration by the fingers),...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter4

What has been said in general about practical observance of the laws of sex hygiene in the preceding chapter for boys, applies to girls as well. If anything the sex precautions taken in infancy should be even more closely followed, as girls are by nature less robust than boys. If children could be raised in entire accordance with natural laws, the sexual instinct of girls as well as boys would probably remain dormant during the period stretching from infancy to puberty. As in the case of the...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter1

The law of physical life It is a universal rule of physical life that every individual being undergoes a development which we know as its individual life and which, so far as its physical substance is concerned, ends with death. Death is the destruction of the greater part of this individual organism which, when death ensues, once more becomes lifeless matter. Only small portions of this matter, the germ cells, continue to live under certain conditions which nature has fixed. The germ...

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