Plain Jane Or Beautiful Bethany
- 3 years ago
- 26
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The bar clock was showing 7:00 and everyone from the office who weren’t already a couple were pairing off, with a couple of exceptions. Jane McClay remained the power of one because no one ever paired off with her. She gritted, thinking any guy who wanted to couple could plunge into her in the cloakroom and she wouldn’t even demand use of a condom.
Tony Allen from accounts, pulling on his coat in the cloakroom, said, ‘I’m going your way Jane. Want a ride?’
God, he had a reputation for doing any woman under sixty. She had this vision with her legs over Tony’s shoulders and her skirt up over her face. Oh yuk. ‘Thanks Tony, some other time huh?’
‘Suit yourself. I probably will have a better chance with Linda with you not in the car.’
What, Tony Allen offering her a ride when he had the hottest woman in accounts in the car? The offer to her must have been genuine, without being asked to give something in return. Linda lived two streets out beyond her. They bussed in each day together.
Jane began walking home. The buses were always jammed at this time of evening and she preferred walking with the temperature dropping like this, bringing roses to her cheeks and her hands gloved and in fur-lined pockets of her coat. She wondered if Linda would be more than Tony could handle. Did it matter? She decided it didn’t but hoped Linda didn’t have too far to walk with her knickers in her bag and her inner thighs wet.
Suddenly she was hit by a gust of wind. Fuck, where did that come from? She looked up and in the reflected light from the city could see a storm was rolling in under the higher cloud covering.
‘Tony!’ she yelled hopelessly into the wind. There would be no chance of getting a cab.
It was just like one of her dreams. A car with a powerful purring motor pulled up alongside her and the window wound down.
‘It’s getting rough and going to get rougher out there. You best jump in.’
The map reading light was on and she saw enough to know that he looked thirty, had blonde hair, a nicely cut jaw and that’s about all she could see in available light. Did he have great teeth, look trustworthy and pose no threat to her?
Jane was rocked by another more powerful blast of wind. Sexual assault or die on the pavement? She thought neither was likely. ‘Thanks for the offer. Would you have stopped for a guy?’
‘Well that makes you appear honest. I think you should know I’m plain and…’
‘Lady, move you ass and get in here. I don’t have a jacket on and am getting cold with that window open.’
‘Okay, okay. Coming in.’
‘If you’re plain and are slow to make your mind up you’ll attract no attention from me,’ he said, powering up the window and stepping on the gas enough to be pressed into her seat by the grunty acceleration.
‘That’s reassuring.’
He glanced at her and said what was?
What, had he forgotten already what he’d just said? She said something she knew he’d like. ‘I meant the healthy sound of your powerful car.’
‘This baby epitomizes how I wish to project myself.’
‘What, made of steel, overpowered, the smell of leather and wax and a number plate stuck over your wide chest?’
He grinned, slapped her high above the knee and laughed, ‘You’re funny.’
Jane managed to suppress her scream. That slap was right over her stocking top. How dare he!
‘What’s your name baby?’
‘What just plain Jane or is there an extension?’
‘Plain Jane is fine. I’m used to being called that, even by my aunts. If you must know its Jane McClay.’
‘What, are you the wife of our city’s top defense attorney?’
‘No you idiot he’s my father,’ Jane laughed.
‘A Plain Jane can’t have a lilt in her laugh like that.’
‘Watch that cat.’
‘Seen it. You should be in the back seat driving.’
‘Well you aren’t lost for humor.’
He laughed and Jane clearly saw he had great teeth. He also looked familiar.
‘I’m Teddy Russo.’
‘Oh God, not the lead in ‘Heartbreak Street’?’
‘That’s the one. So you didn’t recognize me by my handsome side profile?’
‘Are you for real? Anyway it’s dark in here. I’m surprise a guy so up himself would stop to give me a lift.’
She saw the teeth flash again. ‘You know babe, you’re all right.’
‘Well I’m not sure about you.’
The teeth flashed. ‘That’s unusual for a woman of your age who watches ‘The Street’ on Wednesday nights’
‘My age, you haven’t a clue what my age is.’
‘I’ll try twenty-seven.’
Jane said nothing.
‘I’m not cheating but I tend to know women twenty to forty.’
‘I bet.’
‘Now, now. Be pleasant. The wind has died and here comes the first flurry. I guess we are heading in the right direction otherwise you would have given directions.’
‘I’m not in the back seat.’
He grinned and she said Swanson.’
‘Mommy will have a great fire going and a steaming dinner ready to serve?’
‘No one is home tonight. Dad and mom are at a Rotary dinner.’
‘Well come home and have dinner with us.’
‘I’m not a complete asshole Jane. I am pleasant to some people.’
Jane almost spat that she didn’t know him. Teddy said if she had dinner with his family he’d get to know her. He called on his hands-free phone. ‘Mom, I picked up this chick on the drive home and am bringing her home for dinner.’
‘That’s fine Teddy. Get her to wipe her feet before coming into the house.’
Jane growled thanks but pointed out a little icily she was not to be called a chick.
The mansion was on Highland Hill and Teddy opened the fifth of six garage doors by remote and drove in.
‘Your father owns media doesn’t he, our morning newspaper, lots of smaller newspapers, a TV station and several regional radio stations?’
‘Yes and is half-owner of New Century Cinemas.’
‘I’m not dressed to be presented to your parents.’
Teddy turned serious and said in a funny voice, ‘Jane dear, it’s not that I’ve proposed marriage to you yet.’
She laughed, called him and idiot and reminded him to wipe his feet.
‘Mom, dad, Robyn, Casey and Tim. This is Plain Jane who I found battling the elements on her way home. She lives with her parents who are dining out so she’s here.’
‘Teddy, how dare you call this young woman Plain Jane…’
‘It’s fine Mrs Rosso, I’m used to it. For the record I’m Jane McClay.’
‘William McClay’s daughter?’
‘Yes Mrs Rosso.’
‘I went to school with your father and he’s successfully defended me twice – dangerous driving and drunken driving. But I’m a good girl now. Come through to the guest bathroom. Casey pour Jane a Martini or would you prefer warmed up red wine?’
‘A martini would be fine.’
‘Please call me Aveline.’
‘Oh what a beautiful name.’
Aveline smiled, opening the door. ‘Some famous women in history have been called Jane. Treasure your name dear. Come out when you are ready. Have a shower if you wish.’
‘Hi, call me Guy,’ said Mr Russo standing when Jane re-entered the room. What do you work at?’
‘I’m IT manager at Simpson, Dome and Fischer.’
‘My accountants? You are extremely young for such responsibility as they are a mid-size company.’
‘I’m forty.’
Everyone looked at Jane.
‘Does that make you feel more confident about me Guy?’
‘Hell girl, you have humor with sauce, very unlike the bimbos Teddy brings home.’
‘I’m sure they are all fine women Guy until they indicate otherwise.’
Aveline said, ‘Well said Jane. You appear to be very lively company.’
‘I hope I didn’t mislead you. I’m twenty-seven.’
Smiling, Aveline asked Casey to help serve dinner and
asked, ‘Undoubtedly Jane you will have a degree in that position of responsibility?’
‘Well yes, I’m expecting to complete my doctorate in computer science by the end of this year.’
Teddy and his father Guy looked at one another with raised eyebrows while Tim looked doubtful and asked, ‘What age did you go to college?’
‘It was Gunson University and I started at seventeen but was not the only freshman that young. My bachelor’s took four years, my master’s two years, I then went straight in at Simpson, Dome and Fischer as a senior IT technician, proved my worth and at the end of last year was appointed department manager. Meanwhile I’d commenced my PhD and look as if I’ll squeeze through in three years.’
‘Online obviously.’
‘Partly. My university runs night classes for postgraduate students because many of us work.’
‘You must be a bright cookie Jane.’
‘Thank you Tim. Where are you at?’
‘I’m in my final year in my BA in history. I want to teach history.’
‘Oh that’s lovely Tim. If you project well you’ll love your work. Students tend to grab on to history as they mature a bit so go for senior classes.’
Everyone looked at Jane as if she was some sort of Oracle. Tim’s eyes ballooned to huge.
The food arrived and during a lull in conversation Jane heard Aveline say quietly to Teddy, ‘She fits in very well.’
Teddy took Jane home and didn’t kiss her or say he’d see her again, not that she expected it. Out in the vehicle and standing in the very light snow covering she thanked him for saving her from the weather, allowing her to meet his family and giving her sustenance.
‘The women my mother call bimbos usually slosh down liquor and try to work out just how wealthy my father is and they ignore mom.’
‘You father probably has more debt that cashed-up wealth and your mom is just so lovely. I have a feeling she works. What does she do?’
‘She’s a surgeon and works mainly on children with leg deformities. Good night.’
Jane’s mother Belinda opened the front door for her, holding a glass and swaying.
‘Oh mom. You promised me if you had drinks when you were out you wouldn’t imbibe when you came home.’
‘Oh, when did I promise that dear? It must have been a long time ago.’
Jane shook her head and looked at her over-weight mother rocking, her glasses were not on straight and she had food spills on the front of her jacket. ‘It was last Thursday.’
‘Oh, you said it was a long time ago.’
Jane walked past her mother and into her father’s study.
‘Dad, do something. She’s drinking.’
‘I’m sick of rowing with her over the booze and no way am I going to lock it up. When she starts embarrassing me when I take her out then I’ll do something, like not taking her out with me again.’
‘Dad, that’s pathetic.’
‘Shut it Jane. This is my house and she’s my wife. I’ll do it my way thank you.’
‘I had dinner with a guy at his home. His mother is Aveline Russo.’
William looked at her and said Jane would like Aveline. ‘She was a stunner at high school and I dated her a few times and occasionally when she came home from med school even when I was going out with your mom by then.’
‘Yes I do like her.’
‘Me too. I represented her a couple of times when she lost it after her mother was knocked down and killed by a hit and run driver. It was a truckie and the cops never did track him down. They believed the driver might not have known he hit her as it was a dark morning and about to snow.’
‘So she went through a booze problem?’
‘Yes. And pulled herself out of it.’
‘Do you mind if I ask her to sit and talk to mom?’
‘Help yourself. When have I ever stopped you doing anything you decide to do?’
‘Right but there’s someone in the next room drinking by herself that you ought to make her stop it and haul her off to dry out somewhere.’
‘Off you go Jane. Nagging from one of you if enough for me.’
On Thursday one of the junior receptionists came into Jane’s department highly excited. ‘Teddy Rosso is here,’ she said, cupping her small boobs and jiggling them, appearing oblivious to what she was doing.
‘I’ll come out.’
‘No, he wants to come in and see your workplace.’
‘Okay, wheel him in.’
Maggie came in with him, bowing and scraping and all the word processing women had turned around and were gawking. What’s up with them? Jane thought and looked to see if Teddy’s zip was down, knowing it wouldn’t be that. Couldn’t those bird-brained women understand he was only an actor, no more important and no more useful than they were?
‘Hi Teddy. Come to check me out?’
‘Sort of.’
‘What grammar textbook lists ‘sort of’ as a legitimate expression?’
He grinned and the girl standing beside him almost fainted when seeing his smile and over-sized teeth.
Jane said kindly, ‘Maggie, the reception desk probably needs you.’
‘Goodbye Mr Rosso.’
‘Thank you Maggie for your exceptional service.’
The poor kid almost walked through the self-closing glass door.
‘There’s the manager’s office and you can see my name on the name plate,’ Jane said sarcastically. She led him into the office and said there were her BSc and MSc in Computer Science certificates on the wall and…’
‘Jane, please. I admit having initial disbelief when you said you had those academic qualifications and were manager of an IT department of a company employing perhaps one hundred people.’
‘Two hundred and ninety-two people.’
‘Jesus, that many? Mom told me after you left the other night she remembered you being capped with your MSc because she was there with her sister to see Melissa Franks being capped. Mom is Melissa’s aunt.’
‘Well, isn’t it a small world. Melissa is one of my best friends. I’m to be one of her bridesmaid’s in a few weeks.’
‘December the tenth. We received our invitations last week.’
‘Well that’s spiffy. Now you’ve checked me out you can go.’
‘I-I was interested in finding out what you do. You know, being shown around.’
‘Very well. Almost everyone who works here apart from the handyman and café staff have laptops with about forty, mainly senior older partners and word-processing women preferring desktops computers. We look after minor glitches and write programs for individuals – I have twelve people in this department. In that side room over there is our main computer and smaller standby computer. Everyone with a desktop or laptop downloads for backup each evening before going home. At 9:00 pm our main computer backups all data files on to tape, with a copy going to the standby computer, a copy to our branch office 35 miles away and yet another copy is transmitted to an online storage facility in a country not named for reasons of security. Four of those persons closest to us are writing program for personnel with specific needs, two are downloading required files off the internet, three are attempting quick fixes of computers otherwise they will be couriered to our outside repair contractor and the others are waiting for calls for assistance that may range from a drive crash or a senior partner who has fucked up by overwriting another file when attempting to save his work before playing a computer game.’
Teddy grinned: ‘So the idiots are at the top?’
‘Isn’t that common with all companies including your TV program production company and institutions like universities?’
Teddy showed his teeth and said, ‘Oh, aren’t we bitter? Actually, come to think about it our program production company is top-heavy with misfits.’
As they stood outside the door to the IT department Jane thought for a moment Teddy was about to kiss her. God those women in the word processing pool would kill her! But he was talking quietly.
‘…party on Friday night at the Palladium Restaurant. Please say yes.’
‘Yes to what?’
‘Be my partner to a dinner for the cast and partners Friday night.’
Jane said dismissively, ‘Don’t waste your time. You’ll have scores of beautiful women who’ll go with you.’
‘They are mostly bimbos Jane that hang around guys like me.’
‘We’ll we have at least six blondes with great figures and awesome intelligence who are junior partners in this company. Come I make introductions and you can tell me your choice. They are married but are not dumb, any of them will partner you but the really clever ones will insist that their husband picks them up at the restaurant after the function ends.’
‘No, I want you.’
‘Are you mad?’
‘If you want me to say yes then it appears so.’
‘Oh all right. I must get back to my work.’
With a grin Jane called to the only bimbo in the word-processing pool, ‘Oh Rose, could you kindly escort Mr Rosso back to reception.’
Rose stepped out and advanced with swinging hips and bosom, licking lush lips.
‘Oh hi Teddy. I’m your biggest fan. This is truly the greatest moment of my entire life and I assure you I don’t have a boyfriend at present. Please take my hand and come with me.’
The entire word processing pool was in near hysterics. Jane almost puked when she went through her doorway and heard Teddy say throatily, ‘Oh Rose baby. Do I like the way you have been constructed.’
The shrieks of laughter from the pool attracted their supervisor and other people who arrived on the run.
Back in her office Jane panicked. ‘You stupid bitch,’ she wailed. ‘How stupid to accept. He doesn’t circulate with people like you.’
Being intelligent she quickly flicked through possible strategies. The idea of shooting herself was immediately discarded and she zeroed in on the one with strongest possibilities. She called the Children’s Orthopedic Hospital to make the contact and two hours later Aveline called her.
‘It’s no problem dear and your need is not quite like the needs I’m dealing with here but nevertheless it’s a real need,’ said the eminent surgeon. ‘I’m absolutely flattered you thought of calling me rather than anyone else, even my daughters.’
‘Mothers know best, except my mother,’ Jane said. To her dismay she burst into tears.
‘Look, I believe there is more than one problem. I take Friday afternoons off. May we meet at Sally’s Café for lunch at 1:00 Friday? I’ll then give you all the attention you require.’
‘Thanks (sniff) Aveline (sniff).’
‘God, am I glad you are human like the rest of us Jane. My younger children who are all at college can’t believe you almost have your doctorate. Teddy doesn’t know what to make of you, you have him intrigued which is not like him at all.’
‘Bye (sniff).’
* * *
Jane took off Friday afternoon and was delighted when she arrived at the café early to find Aveline already seated.
They talked first about the drinking problem of Jane’s mother.
‘Darling, I won’t beat around the bush. I know from first-hand experience of the demon in alcohol. It had me by the throat for a couple of months and the hospital suspended me for six months. That shock brought me to me senses to regain control of my life. I shall call and talk to your mother. When would be the best time?’
‘Sunday morning for coffee?’
‘We do think alike.’
‘Just arrive this Sunday around 10:00 and I’ll do the rest and then leave you two having coffee. Dad will be at golf.’
They then discussed Jane’s dilemma.
‘Yes, many of the women will be openly into sex, drugs and will drink heavily and wear outrageous clothes Jane. I suggest rather than you dress like the mob I want you to be quite the reverse, and dress normally.’
‘It would please Teddy. I figured you have stoned him, being like no other woman. You didn’t have sex with him on the way back to your home the other night did you?’
‘Good heavens, of course not. I scarcely know your son.’
‘Then you must get my point?’
‘Good, but it’s not only sex. You didn’t go on and on about ‘Heartbreak Street’ and what a convincing actor he is and how handsome he looks on screen. You even told him it was a wonder a guy so up himself would stop to give any woman a lift in the face of rapidly deteriorating weather. In fact you didn’t mention the show at all in our company and you spent more time talking to the rest of us than him and showed huge interest in my other children where they were at in their education. I can’t recall anyone outside of family showing such interest in them.’
‘Well that’s not all I noticed.’
‘What was that dear?’
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As Jane purred on the floor of Harry's shower, many blocks uptown from Harry's apartment Jim was sitting on Jane's bed waiting for Connie to finish her shower. He liked Connie. He loved looking at her. She seemed to feel the opposite about him. It puzzled him and worried him. Besides lusting after her, he also knew he needed to be around Jane a lot over the next two months. Being unwanted by Jane's roommate wouldn't make for an environment of peace and comfort needed to be established...
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During the two months before Jane’s mother arrived, the two sets of lovers, Jim and Connie and Jane and Harry learned each others pleasures. Jim and Connie would sleep together every other day, her bed being a little narrow for them to always sleep together. Those sleeping together days they would enjoy each other’s bodies from head to toe. Early on Jim noticed the pattern of fucking was the same as the one he had with Kathleen, the woman who had devirginized him years ago. Similar petite...
Several months passed before the completion of their little health center. Most everyone pitched into the design of their sector of the building. Victoria had an idea for the suite on the top floor. Kristen had been in enough clinics to have a good idea what she wanted for the third floor. The second floor they opened up for dance and exercise, building a lovely sound and light studio to make the space possible for performance against one short wall, the opposite wall containing a small stage...
I was at her mercy, tied to the bed although it wouldn’t need Houdini to escape but I decided to play along as I firmly believed she would carry out her threat, I needed time and I needed a plan but for right now I was hers and she knew it.She manoeuvred herself up the top end of the bed and I knew what was coming next as I looked up and saw her bushy pussy lowering towards me, I took a deep breath as her arse lowered onto my face, my nose wedged up her arse crack as I felt the wetness of her...
As Jane lay naked and luscious on her back in the mid-summer night heat of the bedroom, Jim lay naked beside her, his arm propping up his head. He watched her face as he explained why he was in New York.Telling how he trained with Dr. Anderson. Learned the technique and the philosophy of the massage that had been so therapeutic to Jane earlier in her life. She wasn’t comfortable with it. First there was Mother’s and Jim’s peculiar friendship. Then he’s talking about her gynecologist. No she...
Where it really began was Jim’s visits to Jane’s mother’s house. Mrs. Riemer became Victoria who became, when they became intimate, just Vic. Jim loved saying Vic. Strangely, even after he and Jane had broken up, he continued to call Jane’s house once a week to chat with her mother. It was less about missing Jane as it was about enjoying this older woman’s company. After a couple months, with Jane well ensconced in her dance classes and her work in New York, Victoria told Jim to come over. Her...
Where it really began was those visit to her mother's house. Mrs. Riemer became Victoria who became, when they became intimate, just Vic. He loved saying Vic. Strangely, when he continued to call Jane's house once a week to chat with her mother, it was less about missing Jane as it was about enjoying this older woman's company. After a couple months, with Jane well ensconced in her dance classes and her work in New York, Victoria told Jim to come over. Her neck was getting tired leaning...
As Jane lay naked and luscious on her back in the mid-summer night heat of the bedroom, Jim lay naked beside her, his arm propping up his head. He watched her face as he explained why he was in New York. Telling how he trained with Dr. Anderson. Learned the technique and the philosophy of the massage that had been so therapeutic to Jane earlier in her life. She wasn't comfortable with it. First there was Mother's and Jim's peculiar friendship. Then he's talking about her gynecologist. No...
It was just after dawn when I woke up, and it took me a couple of minutes to recall the amazing sexual adventures of the previous night. I looked across the bed where Mai-Sung lay asleep. In the last few hours she had taught me to love my own body and those of her and Jackie. Then I noticed that the anal dildo which had pleasured me so wonderfully during the night was lying in its strapping on the bedroom floor beside me. Very quietly I climbed out of bed and spent a couple of minutes working...
As it was the weekend I was up quite early, I decided that as I was going to visit my neighbour I had better dress in something more than my usual shorts so decided on a pair of boxer briefs under a pair of dress shorts and a polo shirt. I rang the bell twice and was just about to leave when the top window opened and a weary looking Jane popped her head out,“Oh Frank” she said in a sleepy voice, “Hang on a second”, so I waited patiently as she got herself together and came down.“Sorry” she said...
The game was obvious, I spoke softly, slowly, “I want you to kiss it… and suck it… I want you to take as much of him in your mouth and throat as you can… You deep throat me… I want you to try to deep throat Carl too. I want him to eat your pussy till you scream. I want him to fuck your hot… wet… cunt… and your… tight… little… ass hole. I want him to fuck your big tits and cum all over your face and neck and tits. I want to see...
By the time he reached home, Jim was hobbling from a nasty case of blue balls. Barely acknowledging his parents, he climbed the steps to his room, shutting the door behind him. Once naked, he gingerly lay back on his large reading pillow and stroked his still half hard dick and gently massaged his swollen balls. The dull pain began to be replaced by a piquant pleasure. With a slow, measured rhythm, he coaxed his battle club to near full erection. His mother knocked on his door. "Just a...
During the two months before Jane's mother arrived, the two sets of lovers, Jim and Connie and Jane and Harry learned each others pleasures. Jim and Connie would sleep together half the time, her bed being a little narrow for them to just sleep together. The other half of the time they would enjoy each other's bodies from head to toe. Early on Jim noticed the pattern of fucking every other day. It was the same as the one he had with Kathleen years ago. Similar petite bodies. Similar...
Three weeks had passed since I first arrived in London with Claire and been installed in her sublime house in Eaton Square. I had enrolled at my Chemistry degree course at London University, had immediately joined their women’s rugby club and after the first training session, been selected for the first team to play the coming weekend. Before Claire left to go back to Bermuda, she had taken me to a small private Swiss bank in the City – it turned out to be her family’s - and I now had the...
Over the next two months, the massage therapy and training had gone exceptionally well. As expected, Jane had returned to her sleek, self-confident self. First Jim, and then a happy Harry smoothed out her tension points and let her relax and stretch out. Harry proved to be not as talented a masseur as Jim or Dr. Anderson, but Jane found his massage effective, and Jim could see the results. They all four got into the diet, exercise and stretching Dr. Anderson had prescribed. They were all in...
During sex we often enjoy telling each other little sex stories centered on each of our fantasies. Over the years we have both gotten pretty good at spinning a web of excitement for each other. It really has enhanced our sex life a great deal. In fact, as it turned out, much more than I could ever have anticipated. As I said, Jane and I often shared our fantasies, and she had many, to enhance our love making. Among hers were… But I was about to learn of one, she’d never shared...
For the next few months, Janet's life took on a strange double existence. After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire circumference. Janet had slipped the ring on her index finger, where Erica had ordered. From Monday through Friday she worked at her regular job in NY as a secretary. On Friday night, however, when most people were looking forward to a normal weekend Janet would be preparing for something quite...
Jane the Model.IntroductionJane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life...
Jane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life would be what her parents...
Jane lay on the bed caressing her breasts. She had had a hard day and was attempting to wind down. A joint and a vodka and then a relaxing time on the bed seemed an ideal recipe for the evening. Her nipples were stiff by now. She had no bra on but was wearing a fairly skimpy pair of plain white panties. Long auburn hair and a slim but well rounded figure. Jane turned over, face down, onto the bed and began to gyrate her hips into the mattress, one hand cupped over her crotch. She did not hear...
Jane's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Jane excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the taller...
Jane Sullivan was forty-nine, and in what she would describe as okay shape. Her long, brown hair brushed a pair of slim, tanned shoulders, her breasts were not that large and sagged just a little, but only a little she reminded herself. She also had a slim waist, and shapely legs. But then she had the time to stay in shape, not quite a trust fund baby, but she had a nice allowance from an inheritance paid into her account once a month. Still, there was always room for a little more cash. Trendy...
This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...
This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...
SpankingSuicide JaneBTL: Better Than Life. A petite short-haired,blonde girl screamed. Her hands were tied behind her back and her ankles were shackled to the rough wooden surface of a crudely made table. Her ankles were bleeding as she tried to escape. A large man’s hand in a thick rubber glove; which, for the duration of the sim-sense replay was Jane’s, glided up her thigh. The blonde girl was sitting up. Her eyes were fixated out of view to his, Jane’s, other hand. She was crying freely;...
Introduction: Manish saved her life in more ways than one. This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasnt her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances these were meant for people who...
This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasn’t her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances – these were meant for people who were on the look-out for someone – like her sister,...
BY Docker5000 Jane Jetson was taking a long hot relaxing shower; George and the rest of her family were still asleep. She quietly slipped out of her shower and dried herself on a large towel. She then slipped on a white short white dressing gown, and walked into the kitchen. Rosie the robotic maid was busily preparing their breakfasts. Jane said "good morning" to Rosie. Rosie turned to look at Jane then said. "Good morning Mrs. Jetson." Jane then asked Rosie "if she...
This story is total fiction and dedicated to a wonderful member here janebbw54. I was finishing off a story to publish on Xhamster when I took a break to see if there were any new stories of interest. I noticed I had a message. It turned out the message was from a very nice woman named Jane commenting on one of my stories. She was still on line so I thanked her for her comment and we started talking. As it turns out we had a lot in common we are both married. We are only a year apart in age,...
The football soared high into the air only to be followed by a group of screaming kids sprinting across the school playing field to be the first to reach it. “Bloody first years,” Simon muttered as we walked across the field towards school. Another day of toil at St Agnes’ school faced us. Simon and I were in the lower sixth form, making us both 17 years old. As members of the elite in the school we found the noise and misbehaviour of the youngest kids irritating in...
After coming home from a long day at the office, she’d found Ray looking like the cat that ate the canary. He was dressed to the nines, looking very handsome in a charcoal French-cuff button up and black slacks, fresh haircut, and a grin that showed where a lot of his parents’ money went in his teen years. Jane smiled, shocked to see him anywhere but his normal spot at 7 in the evening, which was usually on the couch in sweats and a t-shirt, hand resting on his dick Al Bundy-style. “Don’t you...
It was the hottest day in town for the past twenty years. Jane was watching the weather forecast from the living room of her grandmother's house, fanning herself and grimacing as the swamp cooler strained to keep the temperature in the house below 80 degrees. Jane glanced at her watch and groaned in disgust. Her mom had wheedled her into watching the house so the handy man wouldn't steal anything and now he was almost thirty minutes late. And there was nothing to do in this old house! Before...
Jane 2 by Waldo 2 All rights reserved by Author. Not to be read by minors or sold without explicit written permission of the author Chapter 1 - Home life 2 Chapter 2 - The Lost City Legend 15 Chapter 3 - Nasroi's Tall Tales 28 Chapter 4 - Kill the bastard! 45 Chapter 5 - The Waterfall 61 Chapter 6 - Acceptance of the new identity 74 Chapter 7 - Home at last 89 Chapter 8 - The barn 102 Chapter 9 - The letter 111 Jane by Waldo Chapter 1 - Home life From the upper...
Two weeks ago, Jane had received an email. She had almost deleted it as spam, but she recognized the sender as Amanda, a girl who had been one of her daughters basketball team before she had graduated a few months ago. The only thing in the email was a picture of the girl wearing only a pair of men’s boxers and a sports bra. Jane nearly had a heart attack. She had been sneaking looks at the teenager for the last couple of years whenever she was at a basketball game or practice but she didn’t...
It was a hot spring day. Jim Smitherson sat at his desk impatiently waiting for the bell to ring.All he could think about was how much he wants to go home.Jim stands at 5'9 with red hair and blue eyes. He has an 8-½ inch cock.He wasn't paying much attention to the teacher. Instead, he was too busy looking out the window at the cheerleaders.He noticed his sister Jane, practicing her routine. He watched her as she did a perfect cartwheel. He then suddenly felt his cock come to life in his...
Jane knew she had made a mistake as soon as she got home when she picked up the pile of her clean underwear from the ironing board in the utility room. Her panties, bras, slips and suspender belts were all there except one, her new red panties. They had been on top of her pile. What had she done with them? She had been in a rush before she went out to work at a hair salon in town and only had time to take Benjie’s pile of clean clothes upstairs. She must have split the piles in the wrong...
IncestBehind the iron railings the large private garden used exclusively by the residents of Wellington Square was awash with colour, immaculately mown lawns bordered flower beds containing all sort of exotic flowers. The gardens were overlooked on three sides of the square by imposing late Victorian town houses, from the first floor bedroom of one of these houses Mrs. Frost a plump middle-age housekeeper glanced down into the gardens. The sight that greeted her was at first glance not unusual, a...
Story of Jane - Updated & Final (Cuckold)I posted this before but this is the updated & final version with some additions.Every event in this long story is true and happened exactly as I have told it with only minor embellishments. The story covers a period of about 30 years and includes only events that I remember as highlights – there were many others who were similar so this really should be called “The Best Bits of the Story of Jane”! If you like it and it turns you on please rate...
I posted this before but this is the updated & final version with some additions.Every event in this long story is true and happened exactly as I have told it with only minor embellishments. The story covers a period of about 30 years and includes only events that I remember as highlights – there were many others who were similar so this really should be called “The Best Bits of the Story of Jane”! If you like it and it turns you on please rate it so more people will read it and share our...
I am married to one of the sexiest woman in the world. Jane is a stunning Irish girl, 5'6" with long reddish blond hair and a fantastic 36C-24-36 figure. Only 24, she has a beautiful face, creamy white skin and the most perfect round ass in the world. She loves to dress in revealing clothing and has a flirty way about her that makes her a magnet for horny men where ever we go. Not being the jealous type, I enjoy the attention that she gets and relish the fact that I am the only one who gets to...
"If you don't mind, I think I'll be resting up a bit there then," sighed Patty while Jane finished toweling off Patty's fair skinned naked body. Patty walked over to the wall and pulled the lower berth down. "Please," said Jane, using the towel on herself. It had taken two basins and nearly an hour, but the two women finally felt clean. Their repeated requests for bathing water was starting to annoy the porter. Jane was starting to fantasize of a long hot bath at her father's estate....
Brian pulled the car into the pub car park.“Holy shit,” Jane said, seeing that it was full of cars. “I never expected this many… l don’t know if l’m ready for this, there must be thirty cars here.”“Mmmmm, lovely,” Suzy said, lifting her head from Jane’s breast, she had been sucking her nipples for the last ten miles. “The mood l’m in l’ll take them all,” she laughed.Brian found a vacant parking space. “It’s up to you Jane,” he said, “l’m not forcing you.”“But you want me to don’t you, l can see...
She was later than usual because she had wanted to talk to the woman in charge of the care home about her mother’s condition. He mother had been suffering with dementia for a number of years, but recently she seemed to have worsened. She no longer recognised her daughter and Jane’s visits often consisted of her sitting silently beside her mother as she pretended to be knitting. She checked her watch, it would be half an hour before the bus arrived at the depot, then she had to change to...
We begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.The evil Doctor had sprung many of his accomplices from prison. Their...
BDSMJane wakes up at 6 in the morning and quickly gets dressed and leaves. 'Man that was so humiliating and I have to go to Miss Thompson's house next Tuesday. Shit.' Jane gets home and goes right to bed. Next morning, Jane wakes up and goes straight to the shower. After a long shower she throws on a pair of shorts and her t-shirt(you know the one). As she goes in the kitchen she is surprised to see her mother home. Jane asks "Shouldn't you be at work?" "Yes, I called in sick. I was...
Chapter 1 It was summer vacation. Dick and Jane helped Mommy and Daddy pack up the car. Then they sat in the back seat of the car. They had their seatbelts on. Their little sister Sally sat in a car seat between them. Daddy drove the car. Mommy sat next to Daddy in the front seat. Daddy drove down a country road. Everybody sang. Daddy parked in front of a cabin. The cabin was beside a pretty lake. Mommy took Sally into the cabin. Dick and Jane helped Daddy unpack the car. There were other...