Plain Jane And the Nerd Superman Grow UpChapter 5
- 4 years ago
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Jane's dance performance capped off a great open house. As much as the tours through the pristine facility were memorable to the crowd, with Jim, Dr. Anderson, Victoria, Harry, and Jane proudly showing off Riemer Studio & Health Clinic, along with the delicious catering via Victoria's connection with a fashion mogul, the dance performance was the crowning moment. The process of peeling away a garment with each piece, bringing the intimacy deeper with less and less dancers, culminating in the naked pas de deux with Luke, seemed to enthrall the audience. Seven short dances each stripped away a veil, with the eighth dance a climax of startling naked energy. There was no shame in the nakedness, only beauty of the bodies, the movement and the music. It was a triumph for Jane and Harry and Luke, a major social event. Major exposure in more ways than one. They were being viewed by both respected artists and their patrons. Jane's company, with its ties to her prestigious dance school, was of interest to the other choreographers in town. And the school, having children of affluence attending, created connections with wealthy NYC professionals. Her mother, through her great charm and beauty, had made quick friends with the people from her world of fashion. Models lured their gorgeous mates, film stars and rock stars. Jane and Luke, with Harry's avant garde music, performed for the elite of the most important city in the world.
The applause generated by Luke and Jane's pas de deux lasted for several minutes. Long enough for the threesome in the dressing room. Harry awaited his two lovers naked with Vaseline in hand. His cock was well stretched and coated with the oil. The two sweaty still naked dancers tromped into the room, slamming the door behind them. Luke sat on the small chair that had been tested before. Harry kneeled before him and lubricated Luke's formidable shaft. Jane impatiently watched the application, fingers sliding inside her cunny, fingers stroking her nipples until they were taut. The excitement of the evening, culminating in the excitement of the dance seemed to have centered itself between her legs. The greatest waves of passion she had ever felt pulsed there. Once Harry lowered his ass onto Luke's pole and it fully entered, Jane lowered her pussy onto Harry's rigid cock and felt his cock head entering deep inside. They were all sitting as if on a chair, but only Luke could feel its cold hardness. The other two sat on flesh cushions which were penetrating them.
Harry guided the movement, rocking his asshole on Luke's cock and lifting his own fierce arrow inside Jane's quiver. As his ass lifted up from Luke's pole, his pole sank deeper into her. At every moment for Harry there was a simultaneous penetration and retreat. The slapping flesh both beneath and on top of him echoed the applause outside. It was their applause to themselves.
The fuck was intense enough to be nearly immediately orgasmic. Both sets of balls were throbbing with blissful tension, ready for release. For a moment the cum was held in, bringing on a sustained orgasm. Jane, sensing the imminent eruption, stroked her clit with intense pressure of her fingers. She slid the nub between the fingers, squeezing it while stroking it. As the applause began its quick descent into quiet, all fluids were released. With his magnificent muscles, Luke thrust up and released his cum. The flooding of his anus, and its thrusting moment, brought Harry's penis deep inside Jane's throbbing hole where it released all its pent up love juices. And Jane's cum flowed down over Harry's balls, dripping onto Luke's balls below.
Red with pleasure, they all stood, allowing Luke and Jane to throw on robes and reenter the stage. The applause began again, slowly returning to a full on standing ovation. Tears of joy struck Jane, increased by her teacher bringing her flowers and a kiss on her cheek. Though they had tied their robes, it had been a haphazard job, and as they bowed to the applause, a tantalizing glance of sex organs revealed the flow of love juices down her thigh, and his red, shiny, halfway erect cock sliding along his.
Maybe Don was getting old. He had never considered himself sophisticated in the arts, though he had witnessed some pretty cool performances of dance and music and theater during his years living in Woodstock. But he just didn't get it.
"You didn't find it beautiful?" asked Kristen in her bedroom on the 4th floor of her new clinic. They had just entered her room when he revealed his bewilderment. She shut the door and began to undress. He unbuttoned his shirt. He stood beside the bed, turned down invitingly. She removed her jewelry from around her wrist and neck. She worked on the hook of her lovely elegant softly golden dress, her arms raised up stretched her beautiful body beneath the tight gown, but realized a loving assistant was near at hand. She walked over to him, sat on the bed beside him and turned her back, curling her legs under her, her meaty derriere resting on her feet. He unclasped the top of the gown and unzipped. His hands slipped inside the suddenly loose bodice and held her naked back to his naked chest. She leaned her head against his shoulder. They gently kissed a long, leisurely, loving kiss.
"It was... they were... she was very beautiful," said Don once lips separated.
"And Luke, too?" asked Kristen with a smile as she untangled herself from his arms, walking back to the door where she had stood before. She let the dress drop, leaving her naked except for the short frilly white panties.
"Luke, too," he said, a bit embarrassed, enough to glance down from the view of his beautiful lover. Not embarrassed enough to look away for long. He undid his pants and climbed out of them. Kristen could see his big cock tenting the boxers.
"Is that for me? Or is that for Jane? Luke?" she asked as she sauntered sexily up in front of him. She knelt down before him, as worshipful as Harry had been to Luke. She pealed away the shorts, revealing his mighty thick, mighty hard and getting harder cock. It bounced when revealed, bouncing again when he stepped out of his underwear. Instead of applying Vaseline, she applied the natural lubricant her mouth contained with her tongue and her lips.
"But you know," said Don. "The sexiest thing is the little peeks, the promise of what's behind the cloth. A little bit of dress does wonders. Except when you're alone and touching and feeling the flesh naked." When her mouth bore down on his thick hardness, driving it to back of her throat, he was silenced except for a throaty moan.
"So it didn't turn you on to see them naked moving against each other dancing?" she asked after releasing his cock. Her tongue dabbed at the little hole at the bottom of his cock head.
"Mmm, yeah, a little. But not nearly as much as seeing you naked," he said within his sighs. Her fingers gripped his girth, barely reaching around it, and they stroked up and down. Her lips played at the ridge of his helmet. His thick strong workers hands rubbed gently along her face and neck. He lingered on the breasts, lifting them, caressing the rising nibs with his callous palms. Their soft pliant weight was easily held. His hands descended down her chest and belly as he leaned over, careful to keep his cock within her encircling lips. His lips kissed down her backside to the place where her cheeks separated. The tongue emerged, played along the narrow flesh canyon until it grazed her small wrinkled orifice. When his finger slid along her clit and into her pussy, wet, hot, puffy and slippery it triggered her need to fuck her new lover immediately.
She rose up from between his thighs and straddled him, sending his ass down to bounce and settle on the giving bed... Her legs crossed behind his muscled ass. Both his hands on her big strong cheeks and hers on his thick shoulders helped her pussy to ease down his massive hard on. All they could feel was his cock penetrating her. Slowly lowering her down his pole was the most magnificent feeling. A most anticipated and most welcome return visit. The kind of feeling you wish could last forever. Until she felt him fully inside her, stretching the inner walls, touching her cervix without threat, totally filling her, she had never known what true sexual bliss felt like. His tongue stroked her nipple. His mouth suckled. His finger pressed against her clit. She was cumming.
The ripples of orgasm he felt inside her were like the most subtle and intense fucking motions. They sent him off into a fucking frenzy. His thighs sprung her up and down on his lap. That wasn't enough. His hands lifted her up and down. He was crunching his pubic bone against hers with each thrust. Slowly the control transferred to Kristen. She was lifting herself up and down on his thick pole as he hugged her tight, their tongues licking the napes of each other's necks. They wanted, beyond the cock inside, to completely intermingle flesh. The ecstatic, out of control kiss, the tongues uncontrollably lashing about inside each other's mouth along with fingers sodomizing each other's anuses got them as close as they could get to that goal...
When the orgasm hit him, Don fell on his back on the bed with Kristen holding her body tight against his. His ass rose up with immense power, fell and rose again and again and again, pushing along the top of her pussy, giving a pulsating friction to her clit and g-spot, until he stayed pushed up deep inside her and sprayed forth his pleasure liquid with voluminous spurts.
She rubbed her clit against his pubic bone, pulling her pussy up and back, pulling his cum from him, and reaching for her own orgasm. She soon found it, echoing his throbbing cock with her own throbs, and his spurting with her own gush of fluid.
Only the second night with him, but when they settled together, her head nestling on his hairy chest, she felt at home. Her hands rubbed over his thick muscular abdomen, playing with his matted curly brown hairs at its base lovingly. She looked upon his broad hairy troll face with its cute and devilish eyes and its red cheeks. The smile they shared, the contact of their eyes, made her feel how the heart became the organ of love as it throbbed loudly spreading heat throughout her body. She could swear she could hear his throbbing beat, a slow tattoo, in perfect counterpoint to hers. She never wanted to leave. She felt more peaceful with him than she had ever felt before. When the throbbing slowed and quieted, she entered an easy sleep. He would be there in the morning and many mornings to come for the rest of her life.
The other post opening party bedrooms were another story. Victoria's was empty. Jim and Connie's was filled. The baby Madeleine was sleeping in her nearby cradle as Jim lay naked with Connie carefully easing his oily fingers into her delicate pussy. His head was towards the foot of the bed, leaning on his hand, the elbow holding it up as he watched the play of his fingers and the softening, engorging and dampening of her labia. At the head of the bed, where his cock rested near Connie's head, her hand, also well oiled, stroked his lengthening thickening club to full, monstrous erection. Her mouth only came into play when occasionally her tongue stuck out and touched the tip of his club, tasting the precum she was squeezing out of him there.
Meanwhile Victoria was sitting on an arm chair across the room, talking. The planning and execution of her successful party had tied her up in nervous knots, and she was loosening them. Her monologue played as background to her lover Jim and the mother of his child, Connie, while they masturbated each other. It made their sex play more leisurely, sustaining the plateau of pleasure which would gently rise and fall like the soft contours of a field.
"God I'm glad its over," said Victoria. "I should be so exhausted I should topple off to sleep. But I can't sleep. So many exciting moments keep flashing in my head. Watching the clinic's books fill up with appointments. Making connections for shoots right and left. Seeing the change in people as they realized what a cool place we've got here. Seeing their stunned amazement at my lovely daughter's performance. Seeing the look of utter comfort on the faces of the beautiful women and men, dressed in towels, crossing the busy hall filled with dapper party goers as they went to the shower room. Naked men and women showering while the party was in full swing around them. Other naked men and women receiving your curing massage. God it was so weird and so great. The best party. We have to have more openings. Too bad we can't. Cocktail parties or something. Not too often. It'd kill me. Maybe shows. Or just society events. Benefits. We got to think on it Jim."
She watched, lost in her thoughts, just the barest throb of pleasure at her base of sexuality. Her fingers stroking her pussy through her panties were barely noticed by her consciousness. She watched as Jim's fingers plunged deeper and harder into Connie. He was leaning down, his head resting on Connie's thighs, his tongue flicking out to touch its tip to Connie's engorged clit. Her tongue spent more time bathing his club head as her strokes were firmer and faster.
Suddenly Jim plunged his face into Connie's cunny. Connie could feel the groan, not hear it. It was muffled there. His cock got hotter and pulsed in her hand. She stroked harder. She placed the head inside her mouth and sucked as if she was sucking up his cum through a giant flesh straw. And the thick tangy liquid did come. It splashed inside her mouth. She swallowed some and squeezed the rest out where it dripped down her chin.
For the moments of the club's spurting, Jim was stilled as his face pressed against her throbbing pussy. Then he suddenly pulled back just enough to ravish her. His fingers pushed inside her pussy lips searching and finding her g-spot. Fast licks up and down ended with his lips encasing her clit between them. Jim sucked it into his mouth. He too was siphoning off her liquid orgasm. And he too was successful. A long animal moan stopped short at the first giant orgasm wave. Her generous cum covered his face. He greedily lapped up what he could, holding the uncontrollable gyrations of her ass as still as possible to do so. She finally settled back into the comfort of her post orgasm warmth. He turned himself around on the bed. They cuddled on their sides, spoon like, her small body curved within his big body. Safe. Peaceful.
The inner monologue outed by Victoria continued, creating a lull of sound that eased the two lovers to sleep. "Oh you two are beautiful. Oh I know what it means. I'm losing you Jim. I know how important you are to me. I know how important I am to you. We will always be lovers. I know your generosity. But how far will it spread now with little Madeleine? So beautiful. What a beautiful life.
"We should take a break some time, Jim," she continued after a pause. "A weekend like we used to. I need to let it all hang out. I think I could use something like that. It's been so long. It used to be so much fun. Wouldn't it be fun? Just you and me and the whole wide world. Mmm. Makes me horny just thinking about it."
She licked her lips and her fingers stroked her nether lips. Her fingers slipped inside her panties and dug into her pussy. As she stroked at the top of her labia, she pushed her thumb against the hooded clit. It was bringing her closer and closer, but seemingly the target wasn't getting close enough. She abandoned her fingers to walk back into her room and find her vibrator. She hadn't made use of it for some time. Jim filled her up enough. Kristen drove her nuts enough with her tongue to not need further ways to pleasure. That night she needed its vibrating pressure. She sunk it in and it soon sent her over the edge and into oblivion.
Three months later, it was definitely time for a break. The place was doing well. Right off the opening party made its effectiveness obvious. It was busy. Most showed up for their appointments. The clinic was a success. People weren't being just nice, but were actually interested. Once the new clients encountered the place, they were more often then not into it. But some of course didn't become clients. And after the first time, which was the first time for everyone, then further appointments stretched over different times for each client. So there was a fairly drastic lull. They did gain more clients, and would continue to do so. A significant amount. Word of mouth and careful ad placement in the hippest magazines and newspapers gave them a reputation as the place to be. They got to know major players in town. Most especially they enjoyed a clientele in which they serviced the whole family, the wives, the husbands and the children of these movers and shakers. These were lawyers and teachers and artists. Actors, musicians. And they trusted the clinic with their family. So after the lull there were more and more appointments.
Both Victoria and Jim were busy every week. Jim was doing a lot of massage. Clients visited him once a week. Others less often but still on occasion. Others were a one time thing, some special present from a loved one. And then there were those who needed him two to three times a week. The more therapeutic the massage, the more Jim enjoyed it. He felt like a healer. So it wasn't profit which urged him to find the needier of clients. He sent missives and visited chiropractors and doctors and dance theaters and the such. That kept him busy too, and its success brought him more bodies. Not only that but he was the accountant, which he worked on every night for a couple hours, and one full day a week.
Victoria's success at schmoozing enabled her to keep busy producing successful fashion shoots. She was always making new contacts, and looking around for new faces. She liked finding talent. She had created some fine models who followed her shots with lucrative contracts, which paid some wonderful finders fees. Those fees seemed to give her the biggest thrill, like an author getting paid the first times for a percentage of what she wrote. And finding interesting new photographers and set designers was also fun. Most weeks she was four days shooting, with two or more different talents behind the lens. Setting it all up was another day. And then the schmoozing. Yes she and Jim were very busy people.
They had to get away. Vic had set it up. Jim and she were going out of town for a weekend. It was the first and most balmy days of summer. The spring nip was gone. One could enjoy the outdoors. So they took off for the Hamptons and some rich beaches. They joined a beach party in which Vic had finagled an invite.
At first they were excited. The roar of the ocean waves impacting the sand nearby was a sensuous background to a cocktail party. And the people were beautifully dressed, in full display of their riches. In both senses. The clothes were current fashion and they displayed their wearer to full effect. The ladies, both young and old were quite beautiful. Their male counterparts, looking dapper as hell, were as often paunchy and plain as they were handsome and fit.
Vic and Jim soon realized the dullness of the party. The guests seemed all too familiar with the trappings. The conversations were all so circumspect, well patterned, well honed. They also realized the cliquish quality. They would be hard pressed to lure any bodies away to their motel room.
Luckily, they connected with a couple who wanted out. It would have been easy just to lure them to their room. Since the couple was flagrantly fondling each other in the midst of the party, Vic felt it would be okay to tell them the plan. She sensed they were as adventurous as anyone about sex. They thought it was wild, of course, and the idea seemed to turn them on all the more. When the four of them during a lull in communication glanced about the lawn, they all reached the conclusion they were by far the life of the party. Everything outside their space seemed awfully dull.
Gene was a cocky gentleman, nearing thirty, whose posture made it clear he kept himself in good physical shape. His ice cream suit beautifully draped his rock hard body. His bright blue eyes and curly sandy hair kept him looking young and attractive with an innocence that could be seen as only visual if one noticed the occasional mischievous flash in his eyes and ironic curl of his lips. Claudette was a classy raven hair broad in her mid twenties with a mouth watering body and voice that could make a cock rise. Soft and throaty. And a French accent thick as cream sauce. Her sexy body seemed to reverberate each time she spoke. Yes, it would have been easy to watch these two fuck. But Vic would lose the matchmaker part. She wanted to watch a new experience, as the victims discovered the treasures of each other's bodies for the first time. The couple led them to a local sports bar. This was the turf they needed.
The place was a buzz with attractive women and men. The dance was removed from the mating ritual. No dance floor. If music was playing, it was well embedded in the atmosphere of seductive conversations. The Mat Sports Bar and Grill was a hardcore meat market surrounding the long redwood bar counter. Seductions were verbal at first, followed by careful manipulation of personal space. Vic studied the interactions from the semi-circle booth across from the counter. Jim was more interested in the couple who brought them, to whom they were sharing the booth. Gene and Claudette were fondling each other. Fingers slid along thighs with gentle rubs inevitably reaching the center spot where thighs ended and the hyper sensitive skin began. Jim had noticed the tent in Gene's ice cream suit pants with every rare glance down since they met. He had noticed the lovely subtlety in which Claudette's light cotton pastel blouse revealed parts of her sleek strong torso, or her light cotton skirt revealed her strong square ass. Claudette was wearing restrictive, desensitizing pantyhose until she stood and darted off to the toilet. When she returned she was sans pantyhose, and by the libidinous smile growing on Gene's mouth, sans panties as well. Her fingers described the shape of his cock still restrained by his pants and jockeys. The blue eyes of the mid-twenties black hair beauty closed. Her pink tongue languished across her lips.
Jim's club expanded down the leg of his dark pants. He took Vic's well aged long and skilled fingers and brought them to feel his hardness. Smiling, Vic continued to study the scene at the bar. Those fingers did do their duty. She slid her thumb up along the ridge in his pants until it reached the bigger lump at the end. There her hand took hold and rubbed and pulled, increasing the length and the girth of the mighty club. Jim slid his hand across the nipples beneath her dress and bra until he reached her side. Gently he turned her to him. They kissed.
The kiss was as warm and loving as either had ever known. It spoke of their history together. It reflected the recent drastic changes in their lives and their relationship. Vic's daughter Jane's discovery of their relationship. Connie's superseding her place beside Jim as his mate. Connie giving birth to Jim's beautiful daughter Madeleine. The kiss told of the greatness of their love traveling so well through so many vicissitudes. The kiss was soft. Their tongues performed a slow dance together. The intensity built until they were slowly being drowned by lust. More a desire to physically complete their love. Unfortunately there was no comfortable way for Vic to straddle Jim.
When the kiss ended, Jim turned Vic back to face the bar, pulling her onto his lap. His arms wrapped around her and held her to him tight. The forty year old Vic felt the kid again as she often did with Jim. Her hands went down to grab his ass and lift. He could feel the slit of her hot cunny along his cock through her panties and his pants as she squeezed down onto him. Both had thoughts of being outrageous and pulling away the obstructions and having Jim sink himself deep into Vic's cunny.
Two days after he had departed from Vic Kristen, Jim was awakening beside Vic's daughter Jane. He had almost immediately strayed from the path he hoped to follow. But Jane's first words after stretching and smiling up at his tall body standing over her bed were, "So tell me about Harry." He couldn't have been happier. He called Harry, told him they were going on a date with the lovely Jane. Harry paused, Jim hoping he wasn't falling into an apoplectic fit. When Harry hummed and...
As Jane lay naked and luscious on her back in the mid-summer night heat of the bedroom, Jim lay naked beside her, his arm propping up his head. He watched her face as he explained why he was in New York. Telling how he trained with Dr. Anderson. Learned the technique and the philosophy of the massage that had been so therapeutic to Jane earlier in her life. She wasn't comfortable with it. First there was Mother's and Jim's peculiar friendship. Then he's talking about her gynecologist. No...
By the time he reached home, Jim was hobbling from a nasty case of blue balls. Barely acknowledging his parents, he climbed the steps to his room, shutting the door behind him. Once naked, he gingerly lay back on his large reading pillow and stroked his still half hard dick and gently massaged his swollen balls. The dull pain began to be replaced by a piquant pleasure. With a slow, measured rhythm, he coaxed his battle club to near full erection. His mother knocked on his door. "Just a...
Jane was as nervous as anyone involved in the grand opening party for the Clinic. The dance performance concluding with the naked pas de deux was well rehearsed. It was to be the centerpiece of the evening, and was intended as a memorably controversial moment, at once beautiful and risqué. Luke and Jane and especially Harry enjoyed polishing the finale, finishing the rehearsals with it and the inevitable menage a trois which followed, where Harry could polish his cue. Harry was...
Three months after the Long Island adventure, Vic looked down at her lover keeping her warm in the small cool cabin in Woodstock. Three months after she envisioned the most likely subject to be the one for her, she was looking at him. She lingered over his long narrow torso, glanced at his penis, which was short and fat after it exploded thrillingly inside her a few minutes before. She would soon make it long and narrow again. Paul was his own man. His shaggy bearded head, hiding a long,...
Where it really began was those visit to her mother's house. Mrs. Riemer became Victoria who became, when they became intimate, just Vic. He loved saying Vic. Strangely, when he continued to call Jane's house once a week to chat with her mother, it was less about missing Jane as it was about enjoying this older woman's company. After a couple months, with Jane well ensconced in her dance classes and her work in New York, Victoria told Jim to come over. Her neck was getting tired leaning...
During the two months before Jane's mother arrived, the two sets of lovers, Jim and Connie and Jane and Harry learned each others pleasures. Jim and Connie would sleep together half the time, her bed being a little narrow for them to just sleep together. The other half of the time they would enjoy each other's bodies from head to toe. Early on Jim noticed the pattern of fucking every other day. It was the same as the one he had with Kathleen years ago. Similar petite bodies. Similar...
Over the next two months, the massage therapy and training had gone exceptionally well. As expected, Jane had returned to her sleek, self-confident self. First Jim, and then a happy Harry smoothed out her tension points and let her relax and stretch out. Harry proved to be not as talented a masseur as Jim or Dr. Anderson, but Jane found his massage effective, and Jim could see the results. They all four got into the diet, exercise and stretching Dr. Anderson had prescribed. They were all in...
Two years passed since Jim and Jane had last spoken. He ended their final long distance telephone conversation, tears sliding out of both their eyes, with a shaky ‘Goodbye.’ They had resolved that distance was making their relationship expensive. Two hour conversations over thousands of miles. And it impeded their freedom. They were young and needed to be bold and go out into the world and take some chances. It wasn’t real for them to be together anymore. They weren’t together anymore. Their...
As Jane purred on the floor of Harry’s shower, many blocks uptown from Harry’s apartment Jim was sitting on Jane’s bed waiting for Connie to finish her shower. He liked Connie. He loved looking at her. She seemed to feel the opposite about him. It puzzled him and worried him. Besides lusting after her, he also knew he needed to be around Jane a lot over the next two months. Being unwanted by Jane’s roommate wouldn’t make for an environment of peace and comfort needed to be established for Jane...
Things were coming together as far as the building went. It was a matter of weeks before they would be ready for the grand opening March 1st. Even though the upper floor apartment was ready for them, they decided to wait until all construction was complete before they moved in so that they wouldn't be disturbed by the hammering going on all day. The baby as well was ready for its first appearance outside the womb. Connie was large, making room for a big child in her small body, and...
Several months passed before the completion of their little health center. Everyone pitched into the design for each of their particular sectors of the building. Victoria had an idea for the suite on the top floor. Kristen had been in enough clinics to have a good idea what she wanted for the third floor. The second floor they opened up for dance and exercise, building a lovely sound and light studio to make the space possible for performance against one short wall, the opposite wall containing...
During the two months before Jane’s mother arrived, the two sets of lovers, Jim and Connie and Jane and Harry learned each others pleasures. Jim and Connie would sleep together every other day, her bed being a little narrow for them to always sleep together. Those sleeping together days they would enjoy each other’s bodies from head to toe. Early on Jim noticed the pattern of fucking was the same as the one he had with Kathleen, the woman who had devirginized him years ago. Similar petite...
As Jane lay naked and luscious on her back in the mid-summer night heat of the bedroom, Jim lay naked beside her, his arm propping up his head. He watched her face as he explained why he was in New York.Telling how he trained with Dr. Anderson. Learned the technique and the philosophy of the massage that had been so therapeutic to Jane earlier in her life. She wasn’t comfortable with it. First there was Mother’s and Jim’s peculiar friendship. Then he’s talking about her gynecologist. No she...
Where it really began was Jim’s visits to Jane’s mother’s house. Mrs. Riemer became Victoria who became, when they became intimate, just Vic. Jim loved saying Vic. Strangely, even after he and Jane had broken up, he continued to call Jane’s house once a week to chat with her mother. It was less about missing Jane as it was about enjoying this older woman’s company. After a couple months, with Jane well ensconced in her dance classes and her work in New York, Victoria told Jim to come over. Her...
CHAPTER 1 The bar clock was showing 7:00 and everyone from the office who weren’t already a couple were pairing off, with a couple of exceptions. Jane McClay remained the power of one because no one ever paired off with her. She gritted, thinking any guy who wanted to couple could plunge into her in the cloakroom and she wouldn’t even demand use of a condom. ‘Yeah?’ ‘Yeah.’ Tony Allen from accounts, pulling on his coat in the cloakroom, said, ‘I’m going your way Jane. Want a ride?’ God, he...
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I was visiting my lover Virginia (Ginny) Elsworthy's uni office when her boss Beth Taylor came into the office. It was strange meeting her for the first time in my normal guise - previously I'd met her, dated her and fucked her in my 25 year old black stud guise. "Oh hello ... and who is this handsome young man Virginia?" Beth asked. "This is one of my former French language students from my previous school" Ginny explained. "Oh..." Beth exclaimed and continued asking "Is he any...
He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...
There was a woman at work that everyone liked but she was really plain looking. Jane was in her late 20's and dressed like a much older woman. Her dresses were baggy and her hair was an unattractive shortish curly mop. She never wore make-up and her face was unremarkable. However she was friendly and had a cute smile.One day she came with a bunch of us for an end of week drink and I offered to see her home. It was about a mile to her place and we decided to walk. The winter night air was...
Superman flew over his city. He heard a scream. "Help me Superman" It, said Superman flew at sonic speed to an old building. He walked around carefully. He saw where the screams were coming from. A woman was tied to the building. A giant robot was about to attack. Superman flew up and fought. A laser hit him hard in the chest making him spend in the air. Superman landed on his feet and flew around it's laser blast The metallic beast was no match for him. "Are you ok miss" Superman said "I am,...
A part of her wanted him to stop, but that small weak voice of protest had been fading away with ever increasing speed for a while now. For the part of her that remained it was contented just to let her lay on her back as he skillfully stroked tenderly the inner borough of her parted thighs with his fingertips. Kara would never thought it would be possible to become so aroused by other persons merely touch her, but the growing euphoric bliss she was experiencing proved her wrong. ...
"I think the pushchair would be a good idea," said Sandra. I was completely spent and exhausted. Just what the hell had happened today?! As fucked up as this all was, the weirdest part was that I was enjoying all this. For the first time ever, I had totally let go of everything -even this thing with Alice was a turn on. Was this some sort of Stockholm syndrome setting in?! Aunt Jane nodded and Sandra set off on her booted heels. She returned and set an oversize child's pushchair next...
sex. Chapter 3 is filled with lot of sex. **************** Please rate wisely,you will surely like it when you will read future chapters. **************** Chapter 2 - The explanation *************************** Luthor laughed and said "You don't know how often I have wished for this moment and now that it has occurred, I don't know what to do. Well, let me answer your questions by asking a question. What is your name?" The woman grimaced as she said "You know who I am....
Chapter 3 – Loiss story Fucking Luthor. He cant do this to me. My head was hurting and I felt funny. As I opened my eyes, I saw my body on the medical bed. I knew it was me but it couldnt be me. I am lying here on the floor. I look down at myself and see a mans body instead of my normal sexy womans body. It is Supermans body. I look back at the bed and it is my body on the bed. With my new super hearing, I can hear the heartbeat and know that my body is still alive. But what has happened to...
Jane's 40th birthday came and went. She wasn't happy about it. It's pretty hard to make any woman feel good about themselves except by just accepting them as they are, which I did, but she still felt she was getting old. I'm in my mid fifties now. I would love to play with a 40 year old woman!! When Jane turned 40, I was 30. I haven't seen her since 2004, when she was 51. She didn't look a lot different. She would now be 65, and I often wonder how her inch long nipples turned out, and whether I...
I'd really done it this time. I returned from the police station, escorted my by mother who was so angry and upset with me for what I have put her through. On reflection, I was so spoilt and just couldn't see how lucky I was. She raised me on her own and worked a lot to keep the household afloat. I was known for having a temper and now known to the police for the same thing, having just received a caution for affray. After any setback, I took it out on pretty much anything, smashing up...
Part 1 – The Beginning Plain Jane Got the main Interest down Under her gown. -Tony Tiger© 2017 It wasn’t quite that bad for little Jane, but she’d gotten close to her best male friend long before looks were even noticed. Even before hormones kicked in, just simple curiosity about bodily differences was enough. She and Joseph spent a lot of time together since early childhood because their neighbor mothers home schooled a passel of their marital issue. Being the same age, they often worked...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiJust what the hell was happening here?! Aunt Jane and this crazy, strong Russian woman called Sandra had effectively kidnapped me and have told me all sorts of kinky plans and plan to film them at my expense! It had all happened so quickly, I didn't take the time to really look at my captors. Aunt Jane was older, perhaps early 40's, but there was something very alluring about her. Both women had long straight black hair and Sandra's skin was off white. Sandra was tall and as you'd...
Two weeks ago, Jane had received an email. She had almost deleted it as spam, but she recognized the sender as Amanda, a girl who had been one of her daughters basketball team before she had graduated a few months ago. The only thing in the email was a picture of the girl wearing only a pair of men’s boxers and a sports bra. Jane nearly had a heart attack. She had been sneaking looks at the teenager for the last couple of years whenever she was at a basketball game or practice but she didn’t...
The seemingly random flicker of light was coming from a rather dated television, but it was the only source of light in an otherwise darkened room. He didn't mind that the Agency he'd worked for the last few years had sent him out to remote places always to work another case. What he did mind he was the fact he was now only just ten weeks out from him being forced into retirement date and they had given him a new recruit to train. "Well so much for expecting things to go easy for...
Something went terribly wrong in Metropolis. At least it did for six of its citizens. And Lex Luthor was one of them. His plan was simple. He wasn’t even TRYING to destroy Superman this time. He was just feeling a little bored and thought he would use a recently invented machine created by S.T.A.R. Labs---a machine funded through his company LexCorp---to cause some minor trouble for the Man of Steel’s marriage to the Daily Planet’s star-reporter Lois Lane. But when the trap was set for Superman...
Superman was getting a stirring in his groin, and it was getting hot!Perspiration was developing around his forehead, as he recalled to himselfhe had not had sex in three weeks, and all because of his excessiveschedule as Clark Kent, besides his duties as a superhero. The feeling wasoverwhelming, because it seems that every time he's sees a nice round tush,his hidden gun develops a longer barrel. That gun of his was ready for somewild west rock-a-thon, but he wasnt quite sure what to do about...
First year of college and she felt overwhelmed instantly. Crammed tight against two-hundred withering, sweaty bodies, Jane fought her way to the sign in table. Elbows hit ribs, shoulders brushed one another, and asses cuddled into groins. The moment she burst to the front of the crowd, Jane sighed with relief. Quickly stating her name and year, the senior running the table ended up tossing her into a co-ed dorm. Looking at the piece of paper the senior had thrust into her hand, Jane headed to...
College SexAfter coming home from a long day at the office, she’d found Ray looking like the cat that ate the canary. He was dressed to the nines, looking very handsome in a charcoal French-cuff button up and black slacks, fresh haircut, and a grin that showed where a lot of his parents’ money went in his teen years. Jane smiled, shocked to see him anywhere but his normal spot at 7 in the evening, which was usually on the couch in sweats and a t-shirt, hand resting on his dick Al Bundy-style. “Don’t you...
Wife Lovers"I'm still finding it really hard to believe that it actually worked," Kacy Prescott answered honestly. Having watched his mom's car pull out of the driveway where she'd just dropped him off at his best friend's house for the weekend. "You should've had a little more faith in me. Your mom is going to busy with her new job to check up on us and besides by this time tomorrow we'll be in Las Vegas," Matt replied confidently smiled back at his friend, toying with what appeared to Kacy to...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
I was at her mercy, tied to the bed although it wouldn’t need Houdini to escape but I decided to play along as I firmly believed she would carry out her threat, I needed time and I needed a plan but for right now I was hers and she knew it.She manoeuvred herself up the top end of the bed and I knew what was coming next as I looked up and saw her bushy pussy lowering towards me, I took a deep breath as her arse lowered onto my face, my nose wedged up her arse crack as I felt the wetness of her...
Island Paradise for Jane I hope you enjoy this latest tale. I just sit and write in one go before I turn myself on too much! Hopefully it all hangs together and you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I was about to get onto the small twin engine plane for the last leg of my journey to the overseas conference. My best work mate, Clark, was boarding with me and the only other body on board was the pilot and captain who went by the name of Johnny. Clark and he could have...
It was just after dawn when I woke up, and it took me a couple of minutes to recall the amazing sexual adventures of the previous night. I looked across the bed where Mai-Sung lay asleep. In the last few hours she had taught me to love my own body and those of her and Jackie. Then I noticed that the anal dildo which had pleasured me so wonderfully during the night was lying in its strapping on the bedroom floor beside me. Very quietly I climbed out of bed and spent a couple of minutes working...
As it was the weekend I was up quite early, I decided that as I was going to visit my neighbour I had better dress in something more than my usual shorts so decided on a pair of boxer briefs under a pair of dress shorts and a polo shirt. I rang the bell twice and was just about to leave when the top window opened and a weary looking Jane popped her head out,“Oh Frank” she said in a sleepy voice, “Hang on a second”, so I waited patiently as she got herself together and came down.“Sorry” she said...
'Holy crap, they're making out,' I thought, sitting down. 'Fuck, Jade Carpenter and Erica Roberts are intoxicating. I have to watch them.'"Enough kissing already, Ms. Roberts and Ms. Carpenter," she whined."Fuck off, Miranda," Jade attacked her, getting off Erica.'Oh, those are nice cracks, I'm tingling now.'"Babe, be nice," Erica whispered."That's enough; you'll address me as Mrs. Glonic, you two, and respect me as well. Now sit down, Jade," she ordered them, standing up.My...
LesbianThe Fifth World of Superman By Ellie Dauber Copyright, 1999 (With Thanks to Steve Zink for his help with some of the technical details of this story.) Background: DC recently ran a four part story based on the premise that Jor-el, Superman's father, ran a number of scenarios to decide where to send his infant son before Krypton exploded. He recorded these, and they fell into the wrong hands. Superman was captured and made to experience the lives that might have been. The...
William H Kincaid High school is an average mid-sized high school with around 2500 students and a graduating class of about 510 students. Like all high schools, the students there have sorted themselves into various "cliques" and groups. There are the jocks–the athletic types. WHK has a top-shelf football team and a pretty good basketball team and wrestling team. Along with the jocks ran the cheerleaders who usually dated the jocks.Then there were the Socs–the rich kids who think they are...
TeenGreeting everyone. Thank you so much for your wonderful replies and messages for my ““. It was overwhelming and I thank all of you. I will add some extra off shot incidents from it very soon. Here I come with another type of revenge saga albeit a little different with a sinister, devilish, raunchier edge to it. So here it goes. Sit back and get as horny as possible. “Hell No! I am screwed now”. Avinash Sinha’s research paper was rejected and hence he failed to get his dream job as a research...
IncestStick your rod of steel in my ass hole, Superman, fill me up with your super hot jizz you dirty fucker, Wonder Women said, looking over her shoulder as the camera zoomed in to record the hard member entering her ass hole which had already been stretched earlier by her friend Supergirl’s fist as they waited for Superman and his friends to turn up. Bracing herself on the cushions Wonder Women's ass cheeks spread as the rod of steel entered her brown stretched ass hole.Up to the hilt in one swift...
I got a text message to meet Coach Harrington in his office instead of on the practice field before school. When I got there, Coach Lambert and Coach Engels were both there also. I took a seat and Bo kicked off the meeting. "David, I want to talk to you before you hear it from anyone else." Oh hell, this can't be good. "After Friday's game, I'm no longer going to be able to help you. I have another assignment I have to take on. If I didn't have a long term relationship, I would not be...
Three weeks had passed since I first arrived in London with Claire and been installed in her sublime house in Eaton Square. I had enrolled at my Chemistry degree course at London University, had immediately joined their women’s rugby club and after the first training session, been selected for the first team to play the coming weekend. Before Claire left to go back to Bermuda, she had taken me to a small private Swiss bank in the City – it turned out to be her family’s - and I now had the...
See Dick. Dick is fifteen and horny. See Dick sneaking peeks at his father's Playboy Magazine. All the pictures are so shiny and pretty. All the women have such luscious tasty looking breasts. See Dick's hand? It's in his pants. What's Dick doing? He's rubbing his penis! Sometimes a penis is called a cock. That's also what a rooster is called. Isn't that funny? Sometimes a penis is also called a prick. That's also what they call it when something pokes a hole in your skin. Don't we...
See the big airplane? It's really huge, isn't it? Have you ever been on an airplane, boys and girls? Well Dick and Jane get to go on one, because they're visiting their cousins way off in New Zealand. How far away is that? Who knows? I don't. All I know is that it's far enough they have to get on an airplane to get there. See the pretty women at the door of the airplane as Dick and Jane get on the plane? They're called Stewardesses. Or Flight Attendants. Or Air Hostess. Or Cabin Crew....
We have all seen them or at one point in our lives have been one. They are at the library, gym, office, school and super market. Maybe I have noticed them because in many ways I'm like them to a point. Any way, I have particularly noticed the female of this social order. You know the one around the office that doesn't know how to dress, keeps to her self, never gets the office joke, never wears make up and if you don't bump into her time after time you wouldn't know she was there. One day I...
Straight Sex