Plain Jane Nerd Jim Grow Up Ch 05
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Two years passed since Jim and Jane had last spoken. He ended their final long distance telephone conversation, tears sliding out of both their eyes, with a shaky ‘Goodbye.’ They had resolved that distance was making their relationship expensive. Two hour conversations over thousands of miles. And it impeded their freedom. They were young and needed to be bold and go out into the world and take some chances. It wasn’t real for them to be together anymore. They weren’t together anymore.
Their year and a half relationship had been warm and adventurous and sexy. By the end of their senior year they had trusted each other implicitly, which opened them up to all types of play, from the nearly religious experience of the most intimate embrace, love saturated passion, to the most perverse of positions and places to play and places to penetrate.
During that year and a half, both blossomed into most attractive adults. Jane, with the help of her remarkable holistic gynecologist, Dr. Anderson, had lost the ugly duckling glasses and bent posture, and revealed her pretty face and her tall, graceful body. The remarkable metamorphosis occurred at the beginning of their relationship, and by its end her face and body had become smoother, more self-confident then ever through her study of modern dance as well as the consistent love she received from Jim.
Jim, despite the nerd disguise, the uncool clothes and the big black framed glasses, was also gaining confidence in himself, and his big body and face became more defined, more attractive. Before their relationship, only Jane’s mother seemed to give him props for his presence, his looks and his abilities. He never felt right talking to people, the conversations never flowed, except with her. By the end, both Jane and her mother were making him feel great about himself. And he found himself to be charming in nearly every situation he was in. The inner strength he found through his relationships with Jane via heart felt love, and her mother via deep friendship actually made him resilient. He found out how strong he was when faced with the end of his and Jane’s wonderful relationship.
Their love had never been severed except for the distance. Pure chance broke them apart, not a wish to be separated. He was staying home to go to University, and she was off at a dance school and at a college in Manhattan, NYC. And the post split remnants of their love settled deep into their consciousness. What the remnants became were expectations. His were eventually fulfilled. And more and more his Clark Kent vulnerability behind the black horn rimmed glasses presenting himself to the world as a nerd of limited sexual appeal was being shucked off for Superman, a young man of great strength and confidence. The scholarship he needed to supplement the cost of his classes kept him busy with the wrestling team at University, which kept his body in peak shape.
Although twenty years difference in age separated him and his current lover, he felt great confidence in his relationship with her. Sometimes she was dominant, but he could dominate too. With their great respect for each other despite him being half her age, it all equaled out.
Jane’s attitude was Jim’s opposite. She had become passive, vulnerable, accident prone. Her relationships became skirmishes. She would be fascinated by a young man, giving herself over to his seduction. She enjoyed sharing her chambers with him. She enjoyed the company. These young men seduced her, disrobed her, entered inside. It was a frenzy of discovery, discarding the outer layers of flirtation and courtship in order to find what was hidden. Blind passion. Naked hard young flesh daggers pointing to her to pierce her. She would guide each dagger inside. Each young man would pump his straining flesh against her and deep inside her where it popped, releasing the scalding brew. They would separate. He wasn’t inside her. And they slept. It wasn’t enough. If they stayed together, time would strain expectations. He wasn’t there for her, but for his release. She was his repository. At least that’s what she felt. So many of the young men just didn’t care or want to care how she felt. She met men who fought her every move to communicate with them, to have them respond beyond the bedroom. She met men who she found wild and exciting but learned that though she may have been desirable at the start, ultimately she was to them a bag of flesh to be stabbed, kicked and shoved aside. She found herself in several abusive relationships, the most current one just ending after lasting over a year.
It was two years to the night since Jane and Jim had their final phone conversation when Jim and his friend Harry stepped into the small Tribeca coffeehouse and saw Jane standing beside the stage clutching a manuscript against her chest. Jim remembered that chest, those big soft lovely breasts, the nipples he would tease with his tongue until they glowed in the candle light, a quarter inch long and taut. He remembered her breasts as pillows accommodating his cheeks as he nestled his face against her. He looked up into her eyes.
She couldn’t believe it was him. He looked handsome standing in the back of the coffeehouse staring at her. And here she was going to read her poems. She thought she’d been nervous before she saw him! She caught his smile like he had tossed it from deep inside. She smiled at him, and it all clicked. She stood at the podium, spread the poem before her and began to read. When she glanced from the page to give the line of poetry out to the public, she kept getting caught. His smile, his intense gaze, despite those thick glasses affixed to his nose, kept catching the drift of her eyes trying to spread her poem out to the whole audience.
He could see she’d lost her posture. She was the most radiantly healthy when they’d said their good-byes, her flesh leaner, her movement more lithe and graceful. Her grace of movement was breathtaking. In the two years of separation, an invisible weight had taken its toll, and she didn’t stand so tall anymore. Maturity kept her from returning to the full slouch her lack of self-worth had provided during her adolescence, but the effect was similar. She had become Plain Jane again. He could see she needed him. Not as a lover. She needed him for guidance.
Her poetry was lovely and graceful. He loved the one in which two lovers in the park whispered to each other endearments, but instead of describing their partner’s attributes, they described visions of the park. It was so lovely and graceful it broke his heart. He’d enjoyed the many private poetry readings in her bedroom, and her poetry had gotten better since she’d last recited to him. In fact he thought her poetry had reached the realm of greatness. He’d never been so lost in the visions she spoke. He felt that old love for her in his heart.
Jim felt the full force of guilt. As the pangs of love lost and found came over him for the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last, he knew he needed to have the strength to resist. It would be too complicated to return to an ongoing relationship. He couldn’t open up to her completely, and their relationship had been built on honesty and trust. He retreated from her beautiful mind and returned to her damaged body. Along with her unhealthy posture, her eyes seemed distracted, not steady. Skittish. Afraid she would have to present herself.
She’d slowly sunk herself into a self-deprecating morass. The past year had only thickened it. Frank.
Jane should have seen it coming. It was a pattern. She should have seen it when she thought of where they had met.
A bar. A meat market. It was where her crowd would hang out. The publishing crowd. A nice upper east side bar, with foliage and soft rock and soft stools on which to have found new company while leaning on the third drink.
Frank had saddled up to Jane’s empty stool halfway through the night. Her inebriation was just becoming apparent. She got louder and not in control, n
ot reserved, which was more her character. The two new lovers played loose and free with glances, and arms would contact the other body via the large gestures they were using to talk. Accidentally on purpose sort of thing. The flirting game had begun in earnest.
By the time the lights burned the late night dark bar patrons wide irises to announce it was time for them to leave, Frank and Jane’s lips sucked their hard liquor and nicotine saturated tongues into each other’s mouth. Frank stood in front of Jane’s spread legs as she sat on her high stool, pushing his slowly ascending flesh snake against the responsive top of her pussy, the keystone to what he hoped would be its new snake hole. More than one patron was annoyed by the blatant display of affection. They needed to move on to private quarters to bare their desires.
Arm in arm they leaned against each other, making the walk into the warm night a clumsy one. She only lived a couple blocks away, but found herself pulled into a cab by Frank. They raced past the sea of stragglers pouring onto the street who had been awaiting their turn for escape.
As they bounced down Park Avenue for the ten or so miles to his place, they resumed their aggressive kissing. His strong hand held her breast. His thumb sought the nub through her clothes. Jane undid the top buttons of her blouse. His hand slid inside, under her bra cup and weighed and squeezed her full soft breast, fingers pulling and twisting her nipple. Intoxicated by his manipulations along with the several drinks, she rubbed her hand against the unfurling snake encumbered by cotton shorts. She solved this encumbrance by unzipping him and lifting his hot hard flesh out into the air of the back seat of the cab. She grabbed his hot snake and pulled and pulled and pulled, causing Frank’s cock to gain maximum girth and extension. He groaned into her mouth. One hand still occupied by her breast, he slipped his other hand under her skirt, along her naked thigh. He rubbed his fingers along the slit he felt through her silk panties, then slipped under them to let his fingers explore her slippery depths. His thumb found the rising little bit of flesh above her slit and tapped it. She released her mouth from his and gave out a deep groan.
With a sly, inebriated smile, she lowered her mouth until her lips kissed the purple helmet of his engorged dagger. She licked it and then impaled her mouth on it. Jane had learned from Jim’s mighty club to take a cock deep into her throat. This one wasn’t the depth finder of Jim’s, so she hardly gagged when she took it all the way in. Her lips sliding firmly up and down, her tongue dancing around it, then her lips fucking it again gave him the exquisite friction he needed. His breath came quicker. He was giving her no warning of his imminent ejaculation, but she could tell. Her hand, gingerly tossing his balls in their sac, felt them tighten up, his dagger vibrated, and she felt the pulse of cum as it sprayed into her mouth. She swallowed what she could, a bitter, drunken brew, and let some of the sticky fluid drip onto his shorts.
When the cab slowed to a stop, Jane quickly arose and buttoned up. Frank removed his hands from her breast and her cunny just as quickly if not quicker. In one motion he pushed the softening meat into his fly and zipped and slid his hand around to his back pocket to retrieve his wallet. The walleyed cab driver, hours into his shift, still managed a seamy smile as he took the money from the newly sapped man.
Taking her hand, he dragged her up the stoop, through the door of the row house apartment building, up the dark stairs to the second floor. He struggled with his keys until, victorious despite Jane’s incredibly sensuous licking of his ear, he turned the lock.
Having closed and locked the door behind him, he pulled her into the dark bedroom where she fell on her back onto the all too narrow bed. He pushed her skirt up above her hips and her panties down over her shoes and proceeded to lick her into a frenzy. Her knees lifted high as she opened herself completely to him. Her pelvis rocked her pussy into his face. His two fingers slid deep inside and out of her pussy, while his tongue set to work along its lips down to the ridge between it and her asshole, circled around the crinkled little hole. The tongue reversed directions, slowly licking her labia and returning to the clit. As he teased and sucked her engorged morsel of flesh, she was reaching a crescendo. Her full sighs resonated in the small bed chamber, no longer needing to be quieted.
Removing his fingers and tongue from her pleasure trough made her nearly cry. He quickly removed his clothing and joined her on the bed. His legs straddled her head. His limp worm dangled inches above her lips, and his balls brushed her forehead. When his fingers and tongue and lips returned to pleasing her pussy, she hummed with approval. She took his loose melted tube of flesh in her hand, pulling it to her tongue. It wouldn’t grow. The snake was inert. Slowly the pleasure he was giving her below was tapering off. It stopped as he relaxed beside her, his breath steady on her thigh. He had passed out. So close. So close. Her last sigh was one of frustration. She succumbed to the alcohol in her kidneys, relieving herself in the adjacent bathroom. She made it back to his bed before the alcohol in her bloodstream took effect, and she passed out, too.
Not a promising start, but things improved the next morning. When she awoke on the strange bed, she was greeted by a smiling face and a mug of hot coffee. The face was sagging from Frank’s hangover, but it was still handsome. The long disheveled blond hair framed his face with a subtle golden aura. His eyes were large and blue, and even if the blue was in the middle of an off white with red threads, she enjoyed looking at them and into them. Something sad and hurt was in those eyes. Her sight was lost in his. She sat up on the bed to retrieve the hot bitter but tasty coffee. She sipped and stared and sipped and stared. They were discovering each other, taking in each other’s facades and digging deeper. Were these eyes, still strange and new, worth getting to know?
‘You’re very pretty,’ said Frank. His voice was quiet but still resonant like a stage whisper. There was surprise in it.
‘You too,’ said Jane with a soft smile. He laughed.
She followed him to the kitchen. Her blouse was open and she was naked under her skirt when she sat at the cold metal card table that served as his kitchen table, slowly warming the cold metal chair. The tattered white terry robe he wore was open to his nakedness. They talked quietly, and as they talked there was a quiet sexiness in the air. Each would glance down to study what bit of nakedness escaped the indiscreet cloth. Soft rounded flesh and nipple. Harder flesh with a trace of hair leading down the firm abdomen to…They both enjoyed their views. But they mostly enjoyed their conversations. They spent hours over several cups of cooling coffee getting to know each other.
Mostly Jane got to know Frank. Another clue she should have taken to heart. He was his most popular subject. But she found him exciting to know. Stimulating to the head, the heart and the loins.
Perhaps to get his engines revved he asked her about her life. She told him she was going to be a junior studying literature if the publishing house she worked for would provide the support she needed. She entered their doors a little while before, as a receptionist, in hopes of getting full benefits from a work study program and of moving up in the business. She had wanted to study dance too, but not enough to starve. She wouldn’t have time. Besides she didn’t seem to like it and/or she wasn’t so good at it anymore.
Jane didn’t want to take the conversation into uncomfortable territory, the territory of self-deprecation. So she swung it his way, and he took the hook. By the end of the conversation, two to three hours later, Frank had provided her with a complete aut
obiography. From a small city in Kentucky which he found suffocating in both the provincial aspects and the disastrous home life, he made enough trouble to be put into a parochial school back east. A good teacher became a mentor, encouraging his talent as a story writer. Once graduated and entering college he lived his life in the city while making passing grades. He was in search of adventures, of something to write about. He told Jane how much he loved the city and its extremes. He hung out with the bums and junkies, the lowest of the low, the people whose lives were forever balanced on the edge of oblivion, and how a couple of them fell in and died. He hung out with the affluent, who were just as twisted and inebriated as the great unwashed, only cleaner. He would accompany his rich friends all over the world, Europe, North Africa, Mexico, pursuing a drug and alcohol stupor with as much drive as the poor crazy junkies in the Bowery. Only the background changed, albeit spectacularly. Throughout his adventures he clung to fellow artists. He enjoyed their intellectual inebriation thoroughly. He found them in both worlds, the bum and the affluent, though in the affluent world they were more respected, successful artists.
She could tell he was a wild young man. But his words were so quietly and gently uttered that she was falling in love. She wanted this man who was both exciting and warm. Her sexual need for him was not overwhelming but was thrilling. Dampness and a gentle throbbing in her cunny perfumed the air. But it was more background to their conversation than a need to embrace her libido by embracing him. Besides they were both a little sick from their drinking the night before. She decided she needed to go home and bathe and sleep in her own bed and return if he wanted.
They made a date for the following evening, Sunday night.
Frank brought the blanket up to the roof of his row house along with the chilled cabernet sauvignon. Jane brought the corned beef sandwiches, the coleslaw and chips in a picnic basket. As they enjoyed the sandwiches and poured the cold wine into plastic cups and down their throats, they enjoyed the glances. He studied her pretty face, her lean long neck, her breasts pressed against the shear white blouse, her nipples becoming more excited, pushing harder against the fabric. She studied his soft facial features, especially the warm blue eyes and the plump almost feminine lips. She enjoyed his strong shoulders under the tight t-shirt and his defined chest and flat abdomen and his snake beginning to press against his tight white shorts. He studied her long legs stretched open on either side of his legs, the smooth muscles, and how they led up to the vortex of her panties peaking out from the edge of her short white skirt hinting at the dampening and swelling pussy lips underneath.
He leaned forward to kiss her. For a long voluptuous moment the sucking in of lips and the tangle of tongues were their only physical contact. A sudden need for more made his big thick hands grab hold of her hips, his fingers pushing deep into the flesh of her ass as he pulled her loins onto his. Pushing and releasing her onto him at the physical apex of pleasure, his hardening mound of flesh was sliding between her hot damp lower lips in a dry hump. Their upper lips still clung together as they moaned into each other’s mouths.
When their lips separated and he gently lowered her onto her back, he said with a smile, ‘Now where were we?’
He took hold of her panties, slipping them off when Jane lifted her derriere. Kneeling between her legs, he massaged their graceful length with his hands, his fingers slowly closing in on the vertex point, her hungry cunny. Kissing her just below the massaging hands, his lips moved all the way up those legs. Once the tip of his fingers touched the lips of her cunny she moaned and opened her legs and thus her cunny lips even more for his touch. Fingertips played at the entrance, feeling the liquid of her pleasure secrete around them, until the slow ascent of his mouth finally reached the top point.
As Jane lay naked and luscious on her back in the mid-summer night heat of the bedroom, Jim lay naked beside her, his arm propping up his head. He watched her face as he explained why he was in New York.Telling how he trained with Dr. Anderson. Learned the technique and the philosophy of the massage that had been so therapeutic to Jane earlier in her life. She wasn’t comfortable with it. First there was Mother’s and Jim’s peculiar friendship. Then he’s talking about her gynecologist. No she...
Where it really began was Jim’s visits to Jane’s mother’s house. Mrs. Riemer became Victoria who became, when they became intimate, just Vic. Jim loved saying Vic. Strangely, even after he and Jane had broken up, he continued to call Jane’s house once a week to chat with her mother. It was less about missing Jane as it was about enjoying this older woman’s company. After a couple months, with Jane well ensconced in her dance classes and her work in New York, Victoria told Jim to come over. Her...
As Jane purred on the floor of Harry's shower, many blocks uptown from Harry's apartment Jim was sitting on Jane's bed waiting for Connie to finish her shower. He liked Connie. He loved looking at her. She seemed to feel the opposite about him. It puzzled him and worried him. Besides lusting after her, he also knew he needed to be around Jane a lot over the next two months. Being unwanted by Jane's roommate wouldn't make for an environment of peace and comfort needed to be established...
Two days after he had departed from Vic Kristen, Jim was awakening beside Vic's daughter Jane. He had almost immediately strayed from the path he hoped to follow. But Jane's first words after stretching and smiling up at his tall body standing over her bed were, "So tell me about Harry." He couldn't have been happier. He called Harry, told him they were going on a date with the lovely Jane. Harry paused, Jim hoping he wasn't falling into an apoplectic fit. When Harry hummed and...
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Jane's dance performance capped off a great open house. As much as the tours through the pristine facility were memorable to the crowd, with Jim, Dr. Anderson, Victoria, Harry, and Jane proudly showing off Riemer Studio & Health Clinic, along with the delicious catering via Victoria's connection with a fashion mogul, the dance performance was the crowning moment. The process of peeling away a garment with each piece, bringing the intimacy deeper with less and less dancers, culminating...
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Jane was as nervous as anyone involved in the grand opening party for the Clinic. The dance performance concluding with the naked pas de deux was well rehearsed. It was to be the centerpiece of the evening, and was intended as a memorably controversial moment, at once beautiful and risqué. Luke and Jane and especially Harry enjoyed polishing the finale, finishing the rehearsals with it and the inevitable menage a trois which followed, where Harry could polish his cue. Harry was...
Three months after the Long Island adventure, Vic looked down at her lover keeping her warm in the small cool cabin in Woodstock. Three months after she envisioned the most likely subject to be the one for her, she was looking at him. She lingered over his long narrow torso, glanced at his penis, which was short and fat after it exploded thrillingly inside her a few minutes before. She would soon make it long and narrow again. Paul was his own man. His shaggy bearded head, hiding a long,...
Several months passed before the completion of their little health center. Most everyone pitched into the design of their sector of the building. Victoria had an idea for the suite on the top floor. Kristen had been in enough clinics to have a good idea what she wanted for the third floor. The second floor they opened up for dance and exercise, building a lovely sound and light studio to make the space possible for performance against one short wall, the opposite wall containing a small stage...
Where it really began was those visit to her mother's house. Mrs. Riemer became Victoria who became, when they became intimate, just Vic. He loved saying Vic. Strangely, when he continued to call Jane's house once a week to chat with her mother, it was less about missing Jane as it was about enjoying this older woman's company. After a couple months, with Jane well ensconced in her dance classes and her work in New York, Victoria told Jim to come over. Her neck was getting tired leaning...
As Jane lay naked and luscious on her back in the mid-summer night heat of the bedroom, Jim lay naked beside her, his arm propping up his head. He watched her face as he explained why he was in New York. Telling how he trained with Dr. Anderson. Learned the technique and the philosophy of the massage that had been so therapeutic to Jane earlier in her life. She wasn't comfortable with it. First there was Mother's and Jim's peculiar friendship. Then he's talking about her gynecologist. No...
During the two months before Jane's mother arrived, the two sets of lovers, Jim and Connie and Jane and Harry learned each others pleasures. Jim and Connie would sleep together half the time, her bed being a little narrow for them to just sleep together. The other half of the time they would enjoy each other's bodies from head to toe. Early on Jim noticed the pattern of fucking every other day. It was the same as the one he had with Kathleen years ago. Similar petite bodies. Similar...
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LesbianWilliam H Kincaid High school is an average mid-sized high school with around 2500 students and a graduating class of about 510 students. Like all high schools, the students there have sorted themselves into various "cliques" and groups. There are the jocks–the athletic types. WHK has a top-shelf football team and a pretty good basketball team and wrestling team. Along with the jocks ran the cheerleaders who usually dated the jocks.Then there were the Socs–the rich kids who think they are...
TeenThree weeks had passed since I first arrived in London with Claire and been installed in her sublime house in Eaton Square. I had enrolled at my Chemistry degree course at London University, had immediately joined their women’s rugby club and after the first training session, been selected for the first team to play the coming weekend. Before Claire left to go back to Bermuda, she had taken me to a small private Swiss bank in the City – it turned out to be her family’s - and I now had the...
We have all seen them or at one point in our lives have been one. They are at the library, gym, office, school and super market. Maybe I have noticed them because in many ways I'm like them to a point. Any way, I have particularly noticed the female of this social order. You know the one around the office that doesn't know how to dress, keeps to her self, never gets the office joke, never wears make up and if you don't bump into her time after time you wouldn't know she was there. One day I...
Straight SexSnapping picture after picture with her IPhone, Debra Ashton’s eyes welled with tears as she beheld her daughter’s radiance.Eighteen year old Nina Ashton’s hair was perfect, her make-up was immaculate and her dress was absolutely breathtaking. Combining all of this with the girl's enchanting dark blue eyes, her plump and pouting lips, her porcelain skin, her dazzling smile and her alluring statuesque figure: She was the epitome of the Goddess Aphrodite herself.It was senior prom night. And for...
MILFSnapping picture after picture with her IPhone, Debra Ashton’s eyes welled with tears as she beheld her daughter’s radiance.Eighteen year old Nina Ashton’s hair was perfect, her make-up was immaculate and her dress was absolutely breathtaking. Combining all of this with the girl's enchanting dark blue eyes, her plump and pouting lips, her porcelain skin, her dazzling smile and her alluring statuesque figure: She was the epitome of the Goddess Aphrodite herself.It was senior prom night. And for...
MILFNerd Sex By Blueheatt A woman moved in next door to my girlfriend and I. A real nerd. I could tell she had a hot body, big tits, nice ass and legs through her lab coat she always wore. She wore no makeup, piled her hair up sloppy, dumb looking glasses and was not into guys much. She was 23, and only had a few dates with other nerds. My girlfriend and I took and interest in her and soon she spent a lot of time at our house. &hellip, She was the ultimate nave girl. My girlfriend got close to...
I had started to work at a local computer store helping in customer service. I had taken a few college courses in computer design and graphics. I was pretty handy when it came to fixing computers and when a new department at the store started I transferred to the Nerd Squad. Most of the jobs for the first week were for help setting up new computers at home. Helping with customers questions and problems. I had hooked up a few computers at a college and a computer at the town hall. It was just...
I had started to work at a local computer store helping in customer service. I had taken a few college courses in computer design and graphics. I was pretty handy when it came to fixing computers and when a new department at the store started I transferred to the Nerd Squad. Most of the jobs for the first week were for help setting up new computers at home. Helping with customers questions and problems. I had hooked up a few computers at a college and a computer at the town hall. It was just...
Mitchell was a nerd. No matter what he tried he was always the biggest nerd in school. Mitchell didn’t like to think he was a nerd but through his poor social skills, love for dr.who and hardly having any real friends, Mitchell knew he was a nerd. He couldn’t even seem to connect with a single other nerdy kid in the school. He was didn’t want to admit it but all the kids around him made fun of his poor attempts at being cool or popular. Mitchell, although being a nerd, was suffering from bad...
Greetings dear readers! Welcome to the 5th part of the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ To all of your delight, I will come with some extras of my previous ‘Revenge on Bullies’ in the next month. However, let us come back to this story for now. So here comes part 5! Enjoy and masturbate! “Hmmmmmm I see, that means you can literally control anyone any way you like?” Lakshmi asked her son Avinash or ‘Avi’ after he explained her effects of his hallucinogen drug. “Uuuuhhh yes…. kind of.” Avi...
IncestHello guys, I am back here after a very long time. I was busy for the past few months. I was in my final year and I was busy with project and other stuff. This incident took place during the final year of my college. Since it was the final year, everyone was busy doing their own chores and thus no one seemed to enjoy the last days of their college. It also includes me as my project was to be done all on its own as it had no references in any form. All my work was purely authentic and...
The next day in school Kimberly was talking with Melissa and Heather while she got her books out of her locker for her next class."I went over to Theodore's house last night. I told him it was to work on the project, but I didn't tell him WHICH project! He just assumed it was the biology project for Grody Brody's class!"The girls all giggled knowing what she meant. "Yeah, I got all dolled up and I wore my slinky red minidress and my black CFM's.""You didn't!" Heather gasped. They...
TeenThe age is getting lower and lower these days when boys are worshipped as athletes and given special treatment. It's down to seventh grade in basketball. Middle schools are trying to recruit the top players away from their neighborhoods, even supplying bogus addresses so they can play for them. These guys don't have much academic pressure either. They get all the help they need, including alteration of grades to keep them eligible. What do they learn from all this? That they are special;...
Straightening her over-size, crooked glasses again, Nirmala sighed looking at the pathetic cupcake with a single candle; a birthday present from the girl on the last shift. After work she had to go home and phone her parents to let them know she was safely home. Then she could log onto the dialup internet connection, not that she could get to any interesting sites; her strict parents had installed a powerful program that controlled the sites she could visit. Her parents went away every...
Nirmala stood at the coffee shop counter reading her favorite computer magazine and waiting for her shift to end. She worked until noon every Saturday even today – her 19th birthday! No one had even said Happy Birthday! Not her dad, not her mother. Her parents wouldn’t even let her have a party. Her friends all had parties! It was so unfair!Straightening her over-size, crooked glasses again, Nirmala sighed looking at the pathetic cupcake with a single candle; a birthday present from the girl on...
Greeting everyone. Thank you so much for your wonderful replies and messages for my ““. It was overwhelming and I thank all of you. I will add some extra off shot incidents from it very soon. Here I come with another type of revenge saga albeit a little different with a sinister, devilish, raunchier edge to it. So here it goes. Sit back and get as horny as possible. “Hell No! I am screwed now”. Avinash Sinha’s research paper was rejected and hence he failed to get his dream job as a research...
Incest* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.09: The Heart Has No Conscience Or: The Guilty Heart By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is...
The old saying goes that “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” I’m not sure how scientific or even true by practical experience that may be but I for one know for certain that in matters of the heart… It’s not true. I’ve for the most part led a very fortunate and blessed life. I grew up in a warm and loving home surrounded by family that both kept me humble and taught me the value of kindness and sincerity. I have made very dear and lasting friendships with...
I pulled up to the house to let them out. It had been quite a day. ‘Ashley, come in and join us for dinner.’ I was prepared to decline though Sunny told me it was the least she could do. It was, after all, a gift and I was happy to do it. But then she said, ‘You’re part of the family and we like to have you with us.’ How do you say no to that? ‘Okay.’ ‘Goodie,’ said Sandy. ‘You can visit in my room while Mom makes dinner.’ ‘That’s a lovely idea,’ said Sunny. Jeff’s room had not been at...
I don’t think I had ever adequately expressed to Jeff how lucky I was to have found him. After I had failed to trust him, I promised myself to let him know how much I valued him. There are traditional songs played while the bride walks down the aisle. At Jewish weddings the most common is Dodi Li, my beloved is mine. It continues and I am his. I would be saying that shortly. I was pretty traditional and my family was traditional as well. To show Jeff how I felt about him, I decided to break...
Hi, I'm Jim Part Two By Virginia Kane 1. I still can't believe what the "specialist" my transition doctor brought in to perform my latest feminization procedure did! To all intents and purposes, my groin now resembles a woman's mound! Sure, sure, my little cock had shrunk to less than half its original meager length it was before I began my feminization hormone regimen six months earlier, but I still enjoyed having Jim...
I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...
Hi, I'm Jim! By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My wife was out of town on business again with her new employer, so I had the entire weekend to express my alter ego. While I was still at home, I had put on my...
Jim woke up the next morning feeling a little light-headed. The bed-sheets were twisted and matted, he had one leg hanging off the side of the bed and was lying diagonally. Next to him was Jenny, his mother. She was naked as was Jim, she had a bit of the sheet covering one side of her, but it wasn't doing much. Jim could still see her beautiful pussy and her pert breasts. Her face was very angelic as she slept, even the fact that her hair was knotted and damp with cum didn't take that away from...
I got a call from Jim the day after our liaison at the layby, it quiet surprised me as I thought it would be a one off due to him being married. I've had multiples of married men in the past that say they'll phone you and never do, doesn't really bother me I quiet understand that their horny and looking for a quick release and when that's over they've got wives to return home to, occasionally one will contact me, it's fine by me I get as much out of it as they do, so everyone's happy.Anyway...
Jim drove the car out of the driveway and started towards town. He glanced over at his mother. She looked like a whore in her tight top, short skirt and clearly visible stockings. Neither of them spoke as Jim drove down the road in the direction of the main town centre. Jenny sat quietly, looking directly forward with her hands placed delicately on her lap. Jim often glanced over to look at her once more, he still couldn't quite believe what was happening but he was sure going to get the most...
Jim had trouble concentrating. His mind was to preoccupied with everything that was going on at home to pay attention to the ramblings of his history master. His father had run away with his secretary and left him and his mother alone. It wasn't as if he had abandoned them into poverty or anything like that. They had a nice house with a pool; his father had been a successful barrister; his mother had been working part time and had saved so they weren't short of cash. They were perfectly...
Jim was sitting on his patio enjoying his morning coffee at home for a change. He thought how much he loved watching the newly risen sun streaming through the trees and making the dew glisten. He knew he needed to start working but this was his favorite time of the morning. He could listen to the stream that bordered his yard chuckle it's way past the yard on its way to the swimming hole. He smiled when he remembered how much fun he had as a child swimming in the hole with his friends. His...