Einreiten indian porn

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Ich bin eine Hundesau I am a bitch for dogs

Ich war seit fast einem Jahr in Behandlung. Der Paartherapeut, den mein Mann und ich wegen unserer Eheprobleme konsultiert hatten, hatte mich an einen Psychologen ?berwiesen. Auch wenn die Diagnose nicht eindeutig war, so war in den Paarsitzungen doch herausgekommen, dass ich von schweren abartigen Phantasien geplagt w?rde, die der Paartherapeut nicht in der Lage war zu behandeln. Einzelsitzungen, um ?ber mein Innenleben und Kopfkino mehr zu erfahren, w?rden hilfreicher sein – das war...

3 years ago
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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

2 years ago
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Sarah und Daniela auf dem Strich

Angefangen hat es vor ein m Monat. Ich lag mit meiner Freundin Sarah im Bett. Sie ist 1,60 m klein, mittellanges glattes braunes Haar, kleiner Hintern, kleine A-Tittchen, 20 Jahre alt, Brille, süßes Lächeln. Wir küssten uns wild. Ich wollte mit meiner Hand in ihre Hose gleiten, da schob sie meine Hand weh, unterbrach den Kuss, gucke mich an und sagte: „ich bin noch Jungfrau und ich möchte nicht von dir entjungferte werden!“ Bahm, das hat gesessen. „Was...wieso... wer soll dich den entjungfern?“...

2 years ago
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Einreiten einer besamungsunwilligen Stute

Es war so ein typisch kalter Wintertag, an dem ich mit meiner besten Freundin Beate bei mir zu Hause auf dem Sofa lag. Wir haben uns aus Langweile auf einem Erotikportal unserer Stadt eingeloggt und uns gegenseitig private Kontaktanzeigen vorgelesen. Bei einer Anzeige die Beate mir vorlas bekam ich augenblicklich eine Gänsehaut und es kribbelte in meinem ganzen Körper. So sehr hat mich diese Anzeige berührt. Die Anzeige lautete: Willst Du Deine Ehestute endlich fremdschwängern lassen von einem...

1 year ago
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Ein Fall f r FICK

FICK ist ein Akronym und steht für die Protagonisten Frank, Ingo, Corinna und Klaus. Als Fick-Bande lösen die vier 18-jährigen Jugendlichen Kriminalfälle. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von Corinnas Vater, dem Kriminalkommissar Emil Klackner, und Ingos Vater, dem Erfinder Herr Volker Zweistein. Hauptcharaktere: Frank Kasten Frank ist Anführer der FICK-Bande, und heißt eigentlich Frank Kasten. Er wohnt im Internat mit Klaus in einem Zimmer, das den Namen „Führerbunker“ trägt. Frank ist...

2 years ago
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Ich die Lehrerin werde zur Nutte gemacht

Ich bin die 27jährige Lehrerin Nicole, wie man sagt eine blauäugigie blonde Schönheit mit gut schulterlangen naturgewellten Haaren, einem festen, eine handvoll, Busen mit kleinen Nippeln, Vorhöfen und Warzen, einer Wespentaille, einem knackigen Po und wohl endlos erscheinenden Schenkeln, schließlich verteilten sich meine 65 kg auf 1,82. Seit Jahren war ich glücklicher Single. Es war schon warm, es ging auf die Zeugnisse zu, und ich machte mir Sorgen um meine sonstige Klassenbeste, die 18jährige...

3 years ago
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In den H nden der Polizei

An diesem Frühlingstag fuhr ich mit meinem Lieferwagen die letzte Tour, maximal 2 Stunden noch. Hatte schon lange sexuell nichts mehr erlebt, 33 war ich jetzt. Ich hatte mir oft erträumt was wäre wenn man einfach sich mal eine schnappt, es dann aber doch verworfen. Die Sonne schien mir ins Gesicht als ich den letzten Kunden ansteuerte. Einige nette Girls hatte ich unterwegs gesehen, aber nichts machte mich so sehr an wie diese hochnäsigen, überheblichen Polizistinnen. In ihrer blauen Uniform,...

3 years ago
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Zuh lter gegen die Polizei

Die beiden süßen 18jährigen Blondinen Sandy und Shaun schlenderten plappernd durch die Straßen von New York. Sandy war ein süßer Wonneproppen mit Stupsnase und kurzen blonden Haaren, leuchtend blauen Augen, einem ausgeprägten 80C Busen, nicht zu schmaler Taille, einem knackigen etwas zu groß geratenen Po und strammen, dazu passenden, Schenkeln, sie hatte eine blank rasierte Pussy. Shaun hingegen hatte lange blonde Haare, die ihr fast bis zum Po reichten, leuchtend grüne Augen, einen kleinen,...

1 year ago
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Die neue Wohnung Teil 2 Gedem uuml tigt im Treppenhaus

Nur die Namen sind frei erfunden!Frau Weber und unser Immobilienmakler verließen lachend unsere Wohnung, die Haustür fiel krachend ins Schloss.Es herrschte Stille! Es war alles so surreal...war das eben wirklich passiert?Ich schaute zu meiner Ehefrau. Sie hatte das Gesicht immer noch voll mit dickflüssigem Sperma, ihr ganzes Gesicht war besudelt, ihre Titten hatten auch was abbekommen. Sie sah aus wie eine Hure, nur noch mit High-Heels bekleidet, völlig nackt stand sie vor mir. Ihre Wangen...

2 years ago
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Neulich ging ich am Parkplatz "wild pinkeln." Dann kommt ein Mann auf mich zu und nahm seinen Schwanz aus dem Hosenstall und pinkelte auf mich .Ich fragte sauer, was das solle! Er drückte mich hinunter und öffnete seinen Ledermantel und schob mir seinen mittlerweile angeschwollenen Pimmel frech in meinen Mund. Bevor ich was sagen konnte , schoss sein Strahl mir tief in den Rachen und drückte mit seiner anderen Hand meinen Kopf fest in den Kolben rein. Ich dachte, jetzt ertrinke ich im Urin. Da...

4 years ago
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Urlaub in D auml nemark

Und es war einmal ein Urlaub in Dänemark…….. Lange hatten wir uns schon auf die schönsten Tage des Jahres gefreut und sehnlichst erwartet. URLAAAAAAUUUUB. Und nun waren diese lang erwarteten Tage endlich gekommen. Wir packten unsere Sachen und verstauten diese in unser Auto und machten uns auf den Weg zum Treffpunkt. Am Treffpunkt angekommen warteten auf uns schon Diana und Sven. Wir begrüßten uns, und die Mädels quasselten sofort miteinander was alles mit genommen wurde. Wir warteten nur noch...

3 years ago
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Beatrice die kleine Schwanznutte Teil 2

Teil 1 = https://de.xhamster.com/stories/beatrice-die-kleine-schwanznutte-teil-1-717716Beatrice wird eingerittenIhr Chef hatte zwischenzeitlich die Wohnung ganz betreten, ging von Tür zu Tür, zum Schluss auch in ihr Schlafzimmer. Ohne Hemmungen öffnete er Türen, Schränke, Schubläden. Beatrice wurde es ganz heiß, denn sie bewahrte im Schlafzimmer ihre ganze Ausstattung auf: Dessous, Kleidung, und vor allem auch Sextoys. Ihr Chef fing an, die Schubläden ihrer Kommode herauszuziehen, griff in die...

2 years ago
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Bernd und Ivonne Teil 2

Bernd und Ivonne Teil 2Es war ein Polizist, Ivonne ließ die Scheibe runter und fragte was den los sein und er wollte wissen ob sie sich im Klaren sei, dass das hier Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisse sei, und ob sie eine professionelle Hure sein, und das er ihre Papiere sehen wolle.Ivonne war wie vor den Kopf geschlagen, sie wurde gerade wie eine Nutte behandelt. Bernd stieg aus und erzählte dem Polizisten die Geschichte während der Ivonne´s Ausweis kontrollierte, am Ende ließ er es mit einer...

1 year ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 26

Der Flaschengeist Teil 26 Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle...

2 years ago
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Ich Bin Ich

Title: Ich Bin Ich Authors Name: Katrin Elisabeth Text File Name: ichbinich.txt Male Name: Daniel Changed Name: Daniela Other Names: Tina Synopsis: Daniel wird von seiner juengeren Schwester dazu ermutigt, einen ihr nicht passenden Rock mal anzuprobieren. Aufgrund seiner eigenen Neigungen und mit Hilfe seiner Schwester entwickelt er den Mut, als Bub Maedchenbekleidung zu tragen. Wird er jedoch von Fremden als Maedchen wahrgenommen, so ist ihm dies auch...

3 years ago
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Bittersweet Part 2

Bittersweet By Mika Haruhara and Lucifer's Little Kitty Chapter 2: "Try it on!" He began to cry, "Whenever something finally goes right, it has to be crushed, "Why!?" he sobbed, "Just fucking why! How could I be attracted to a man? Isn't this wrong? I'm probably gay and don't know it yet no wonder my life is so miserable" "There's nothing wrong with it, only with that I did." he heard her voice through the door, "I should have told you but I got to caught up in it...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 6

David and Nora sat on a sofa in the Hyatt lobby talking quietly. Nora said, "In a few minutes a Lebanese named Yuusif Hashem will come into the hotel, walk directly to the elevator and take one of the cars to an upper floor. The room where he meets another Arab named Widdaud Ahmad changes for each meeting. I'll point Yuusif out, and you can connect with him tonight and wander around in his past, present, and future. Yuusif is a member of Hezbollah, a terrorist organization backed by Syria...

1 year ago
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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 27

New characters appearing in the next two chapters: Earl O'Donnell Earl of Tir Connell (Donegal), and Ah O'Damhnill, The O'Donnell, 5'-10" tall, 190 pounds, 53 years old, gray hair, beard, and eyes We reappeared in our room on the second floor. The twins were very passionate, hugging and kissing me now that we were alone. However, they had trouble walking, and nearly collapsed before I could get them to the bed. "What's wrong with you?" I asked them. "Too much wine," Almha...

3 years ago
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The Pot Chapter 1

Prologue.I was getting frustrated now. “No, it has to be a double amputee.” I repeated.“We’ve nothing like that,” Lady Lydia said, “I can do a midget if that’s any good?” She asked.“A midget, eh?” I thought aloud.“Yes, a midget. She’s in her twenties, and very pretty” She said, “for a midget” she nonchalantly added.“err, hang on” I instructed her. With that I put her on hold and fast dialled my best friend, Martin.“Rich?” he answered.“Hi Mate, just a quick one, the list says a double amputee....

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 6 The Doctor s Plan

They were giggling as they whispered back and forth. "Are you supposed to wake him up?" asked the first angelic voice. "I don't know," answered the second, her frustration becoming evident. "We don't really start training until June, and they didn't have time to tell me everything." I opened my eyes and smiled, hoping to soothe this wrinkle in their plans. But at this very moment, I had a bigger problem. I needed to pee. Bad! And I was not at all sure I could make it to the...

2 years ago
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My Sexual Adventures Part One

It was mid morning when I woke up, the temperature was already soaring and I could hear the gardeners working outside already. I peeked through the blinds and was pleased to see my favourite two guys had shown up today. They were already half naked, with their backs towards me, I could see from my window that they were already dripping with sweat. Just looking at their hot bodies made me go weak at the knees. I decided to have a shower to cool down.After my shower, I tied my hair up, put on my...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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EvilAngel Tiffany Watson Latex Squirt Anal

Blonde knockout Tiffany Watson looks stunning in a shiny, black latex bra; a pink latex skirt with a butt cut-out; heels and a fetish collar. Her black latex gloves rub clear oil into her big boobs, hard nipples and luscious rear cheeks. She twerks for hard stud Zac Wild. His huge, oiled erection frottages her slippery, lube-soaked, latex-wrapped ass crack. He eats her meaty, bald pussy. Still in tight latex, Tiffany talks dirty as Zac nails her doggie-style, till she ejaculates girl squirt! A...

3 years ago
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XMAS 2004 PART 3

Xmas 2004 part 3As Sharon entered the bathroom, she closed the door behind her and leant against it, she was wearing, the blouse from last night with her bra underneath. Below she was only wearing the stockings and suspender belt, which very nicely accentuated the shaven triangle between her legs.I asked her “if she was OK, about last night, and did she want some time alone?”Sharon started to unbutton her blouse and said “I am more than ok, I definitely needed that, and you wouldn’t be here if...

3 years ago
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A Drink of Milk

I had known Emily since she was a baby. I watched her grow from a young c***d to an exuberant teen and finally to a very sexy young adult. Yes she was half my age, and to be honest, when she was an 18-year-old gymnast, there were times that I had less than wholesome thoughts about her, but as every father thinking things like that about their k**'s friends, I kept them well to myself. I suspect that as she grew into her early twenties, those full body hugs she gave me, the ones where she...

1 year ago
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My San Antonio Rosa Chapter 1

A Short Preface: This story is a continuation of the story "My Spanish Teacher” that I wrote a few years ago. This story takes up a couple years after the previous story ends. Please read “My Spanish Teacher” before reading this so you will know the characters background and how they got to this point - it will make more sense that way. * I had been away at college in Dallas for two years after graduating high school. But when my father was killed in a terrible car accident, I had to move...

2 years ago
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The Vampire With A Manga Girl Tattoo Part One Girl On A Train

My laptop primed, its humming warmth reassuring on bare knees. I'd hoped to work on the train, but the chatter and laughter of people travelling to a gig distract me. Excited, loud, they have taken seats throughout the carriage. There is a carnival atmosphere and my mind will not focus. Luckily the seats next to me remain vacant. To have people sitting close would be intolerable.I should be back on campus, lecturing anthropology at Bellingham College. But I have taken a month out, hoping time...

1 year ago
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Virtual Slavery Ch 05

5 Lynn A messenger was waiting at the door of my room. ‘Mrs. Lynn Plath?’ he asked. ‘Yes.’ ‘I was directed to hand this to you personally.’ ‘By whom?’ The question was merely conversation as I reached into my purse for the card to open the door and some money to tip him. I wasn’t really listening and can’t remember if he answered. I assumed it was another congratulatory note. Fortunately I didn’t tear open the envelope until I was in the room. Talk about a fall! I felt as though an...

1 year ago
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Smoking a cigarette during rough gay sex

It was a friday night and me and 3 friends were goin out to town. I was excited because it meant i could wear my shiny nylon bomber jacket too and i loved to wear it as i had a cig hanging from my lips. The night turned out to be a waste of time so i headed home early and was horny as hell so i lit up my cig as i walked through a back alley on the way. As i walked through there was 2 men who were drunk and thats when it all happened. One of the men wanted to challenge me to a fight so i lit up...

1 year ago
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Accolades to Jerry Sandusky

Introduction: The title is a joke…so is the man Good evening young ladies, I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night, her mother had a date and expected to be coming in late. That was fine with me, I liked Jamie, she and Marti had been friends since first grade, she was a good kid. Hi Daddy, from Marti. Hello Hank, from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Invitation Part 3

I was at a sex party with my boyfriend Adam, the first one either of us had attended, and an encounter with another couple had already led to several orgasms. As we’d agreed beforehand, neither of us had fucked or been fucked by anyone else, but I’d been brought to my first orgasm by another man, Simon, with his fingers, and the second by his female partner, Sophie with her tongue. Adam had fucked me to a third blissful orgasm, and we were now relaxing on a huge bed where four others were still...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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John and Mary Naked in School

John and Mary Naked at School Synopsis A story inspired by various Naked in School stories originated, I believe,by Karen Wagner. John and Mary rebel against the pilot Naked in School programmewhen it is introduced into England. Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF Hum. Rom If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this...

1 year ago
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Do you like girls? Yeah, me too. What about girls getting fucked? Even better. What could be hotter than that? Let me tell you: girls fucking girls, and that’s exactly what you’re going to find on Dyked.This is a pay site, so cheapskates and bums need not to apply. For those with a passion for lesbian sex movies and a few dollars to burn, you can log into Dyked for your fix. They’ve only been around since 2014, but they’re a TeamSkeet site, so you already know this is going to be world-class...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Hannah Montana Lets Get Crazy Chapter 1

“Let's get crazy, yeah just kick up your heels. Don't miss out, time to shout, always keeping it real. Let's get crazy!” Hannah Montana, teen pop sensation raised her hand the crowd and pointed at them as she finished her song, “Let’s Get Crazy”. “Goodnight Malibu!!” She shouted into the mike. Her voice reverberated through the arena and Hannah ran off the stage into the hallway behind, the screams of her fans following her up to her dressing room. She walked through the door into the...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Elektra Rose 01 02 2018

If you’re a business owner, you know finding help in this day and age is tough. Really tough. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at Elektra Rose. She’s a waitress at a small sandwich shop…and she loves her customers. Especially her African-American customers! The problem? They’re not “her customers” — they’re the boss’s customers — and Boss Man isn’t happy. In fact, today’s might be Elektra’s last day on...

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A huge black cock in Ana s asshole

My sweet wife Ana and I had met some interesting people when we lived for some months at Jacksonville.A couple of weeks after we moved there, one of our neighbors had a holiday party and we were invited. It was always a real nice evening with good meal and alcohol.We mingled together for the first hour, then our host wanted to show the men some new electronics he had purchased and Anita went over to talk with some other ladies.My wife was no doubt the sexiest woman at the party that night,...

2 years ago
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ISS Reader Ko Diya Sex Ka Maza

Hi frnds mai hu neel patil back again after a long time. Sorry thoda busy tha iss bich 2/3 encounter hogaye mere life mai uss mai se ek hai jo aj batane ja raha hu. Mera naam neel patil age 28 frm pune. Normal luks,slim body,6inch cock and I am best in pussy licking,oral sex and I knw various kamsutra positions jo ki ladies full enjy karte hai mera mail id com aur com pr apna response bataiye aur jis bhi ladies ya ladki ko sex ka asli maza lena hai mail krna sab baate confidential...

3 years ago
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The first time Katie Fox ever smacked my bum

Ive always been attracted to dominant people, in fact I probably wouldn't be the girl I am today if it wasn't for a sub/dom relationship I'd had in the past. Im not talking about the kind of relationship that is based around fetish, that relationship probably looked pretty normal to the casual observer, there was just rules involved. Basically the guy I was seeing made it clear that he wanted to be with a girl and he had pretty high standards of what he expected of me. There was no tolerance...

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A Growing Desire

I kept having the same dream. Not that that’s anything new. I’ll have recurring dreams about losing my makeup, missing a flight, failing out of school. But I usually don’t have these types of dreams. The ones where I wake up in the middle of the night feeling guilty, ashamed, and incredibly wet. Guilty because my boyfriend would be gently asleep next to me, unaware what filled my dreams. Ashamed because, well, I love sex. I love the way it feels when my boyfriend pushes deep inside of me, the...

2 years ago
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Fucking Shaalu

Hello all my friends, i am raj ( 26 yrs ) from Baroda. I was then working as a salesman at a cloth store named Amarsons in front of aradhana cinema. Today i am writing my 1st story for you people. My cousin sister sudha a divorcee is working with some senior officer in a company township. The name of sudha’s didi, as she called was smt shaalu (name changed). Once she told me that her didi wanted to buy a few jeans pants for her son aged around 15 or 16. I told her to bring her some times and i...

3 years ago
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My dream about Kyra OC 5

So last night I had a dream about Kyra. It was really weird but sexy. So it started out with me walking around the mall trying to buy some new shoes. As I was turned around looking at a pair I felt a slim hand tap me on my shoulder. As I turned around I see a very hot, tanned girl that stood at my chest height (maybe 5'4). She said in a very cute and girly voice "Hey cutie". I was a bit shocked and I blushed extremely hard and responded "H-Hey....". She told me her name is Kyra and that I was...

4 years ago
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My Lover

Hai friends Im jeevan from kannur.Iwould like to tell my sex experiance with my lover. Actually i didnot love her because of her behaviour,whatever Ilike her for sex.her name was Suvarna, a slim beauty.This incident happens when I m stuiding in +2.. One day after class she waited for me in the class room,i entered the room with out closing the Zip of pant.I forgot to close it after mitchuration. She noticed and inform me with a smile.I become ashamed and turned to close it, that time she said...

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The Correction of Linda

Linda was still looking at the st Trinian schoolgirl packages,contents one tie ,white cotton blouse black knickers black gym slip,One pair black high heel shoes her exact size,and last but not least one black suspender belt with black seamed nylon stockings. Just her size but very expensive far beyond her budget,pity as she needed something for the fancy dress party coming up in two weeks time,and she instinctively knew that it was a sexy outfit good for all sorts of occasions. This outfit she...

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Old is horny

Hi my name John, I’m 22 now. describe myself tall slim, some people say very femine, my story is about when I was 17, my parents asked me help old friends of theirs fix there cottage up. I stay with them a few days and get paid well. Now bill was about 72, he was tall like me but fatter. His wife Sue was small lady I think a year younger, grey hair saggy tits but cute ass I noticed that. We worked hard cleaning the mess ( and believe me it was a mess ) it was very warm and we all wore shorts...

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Secrets By Stats I look into the mirror at my tear stained face. All that reflects back to me is a twenty-four year old man who has failed my most inner desire, to appear in public as a woman. Three times I had got to the front door of my condo and three times I turned back a coward. Finally, in a fit of total frustration I remove my clothes and makeup and stare into the mirror. The truth of the matter is that I do not have my act together. Although the mirror shows my hair...

3 years ago
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Stormont Cottage Ch 02

Chapter Two — Everybody knows the rules Juliette took a half step back and stopped twirling her hair, ‘Oh, oh,’ she thought, ‘busted.’ ‘We all didn’t see nothin’,’ she blurted feeling herself go red. Jamie laughed at her, and Christina was babbling something, ‘We didn’t know you were there, there’s never anyone around, never, we didn’t mean to intrude,’ she said. ‘So you trespass here all the time?’ Tommy asked. ‘You must have seen the signs, you had to climb over the fence to get here.’ ‘I...

1 year ago
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AssParade Canela Skin Katrina Moreno Great Day With Two Big Asses Anal

Today we got Canela Skin and the newbie Katrina Moreno visit us for some naughty fun. They both bring the big asses AssParade needs so it was a great day. We met on a bridge where we get the first tease before the girls met the stud to bring him back to the house where they start the action. They both share his cock as one places her big ass on his face.The girls take turns fucking the cock and Canela Skin shoves the cock right into her ass. They both fuck hard until they share his cum load at...

2 years ago
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Soaked And Discarded

Melissa was ready by six o’clock, as instructed by her husband. The note he left her said to dress smartly, so she wore her sexiest dress that clung to her body as if were painted on.Matt arrived at their house late. “I need to shower then I’ll be with you,” he said. His hand cupped the back of Melissa’s head and he dropped a tender kiss on her forehead. From his briefcase, he retrieved a hand-written note and handed it to Melissa, winking at her before he ascended the stairs.Melissa read the...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 34 Complications

"So ... now what?" I leaned away again to look up at his face, one eyebrow raised. "Alistair! If you suggest that we skip past the awkward part and go straight into the steamy bits, I'm going to take you up on the offer, out of spite if nothing else. You just be careful what you say next." "I ... well, the thought did cross my ... hey, wait! I told you to stop stealing my lines." We giggled together. "What I actually meant was, what do we tell everyone? They all gossip, you know...

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Book store

I looked around and as I looked around I realized I was getting this incredible hard on. They had everything movies, Cd's, dildos, you name it it was there. I walked to the back of the store and I saw a sign that said $10.00 for theater. MMMMM that sounded good. I went to the cashier and gave him $10.00 and entered the theater. Their were movie style seats everywhere. I walked to the back side so I didnt go in front of the other guys in there and had a seat. As I sat there trying to rub...

4 years ago
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The real part six of Emma became her family s

I came to after being pussy-fucked by my daddy and face-fucked by Carmella's father. And he was a black man with a really big dick! I saw my daddy was bending over Carmella, fondling her big titties and sucking on her nipples. She was moaning and thrashing about while stroking my daddy's cock. He musta had three fingers in her black pussy hole.I was laying on my side and Bubba Jake was fondling my titties."Hey, look what you're daddy is doing to my little girl, Emma."Carmella was moaning louder...

2 years ago
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Initiation Into Submission Part 2

“Nervous?” “A little.” Callie giggled into the phone. She felt high on a cocktail of emotions — nervousness, anticipation, excitement, and a giddy feeling that she was reluctant to try and name. Don't expect too much, she reminded herself. People can be very different in person. “Understandable. But nothing will happen that you aren't comfortable with, Callie. If all we do is get coffee and chat, that's fine.” The fine hairs on her arms stood on end at the deep timbre of Ben's voice. It had...

3 years ago
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Meeting the Major

 As Mark passed the last speed camera on the outskirts of London he felt comfortable accelerating his car and heading out West. The traffic thinned and as the houses were replaced by fields he felt a real sense of excitement.Mark was going on a date and one that every promise of being a good one.He had been in contact with Claire for a few weeks via a website of mutual interest. Their conversations had started out friendly and become increasingly flirtatious. This, in turn, led to some pretty...

3 years ago
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Teaching Emma A Lesson Part One

“Fuck me,” Emma said, as she moved her head in time to my cock. It was a request not an exclamation of surprise.My cock was inches from her lovely white face, it was swinging wildly in unison to the motion of my twisting hips.“You want this,” I wiggled it more, “you want my cock?”“Fuck me with it,” she said before looking up into my eyes.“I’m not fucking you. Get used to it.” Emma tried to lurch forward, her tongue fully extended, but she missed.I shouldn’t have laughed, but I did. Grasping my...

1 year ago
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Martha s Job RequirementsChapter 2

They both left their respective houses together and walked to the office together, Martha being the office manager and the only one in the office when Mark's father was out with clients. When Mark goes back to school she will be working in the office alone during his classes, but he will be back to help her when he does not have a classes. Martha took control as soon as she removed her sweater and put it on the hook in her office she divided up the work that had to be done today and told...

2 years ago
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Melanie s First Adventure

Prologue Howdy. Welcome to My first story post. First time writer. and no I did NOT use an editor. I saw soe many listed. I asked a couple writers for opinions. abotu editors. I couldn’t decide on one so I just sucked it up and posted the story. I fully expect to be roasted for a whole bunch of items like grammar, story structure. Heck it’s the risk you take for putting yourself out there. Many of the keyboard warriors likely can’t write either. But they like to critique. This story...

2 years ago
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It was another hot June day, and Jenni awoke that Sunday dreading another day of heat and humidity. Remembering all the party dishes piled high in the sink from the night before made her groan inwardly. Why did she so blithely shoo away friends who offered to help clean up? Shaking her head in wonder at her error, and partly to just reassure herself she was awake, Jenni rose quietly from bed so as not to disturb Hank. He’d worked hard yesterday, might as well let him sleep on his only real day...

1 year ago
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ManoJob Lana Smalls I Love Milking Dick

Lana Smalls has a problem, and it’s a big one: the bulge in her history professor’s pants. Lana’s always had a thing for older men! And now, here she is, with her “favorite teacher”. Lana’s parents are away for a while, too. Lana’s a typical Gen Z’r, living with her parents even after graduating. It doesn’t matter how Lana got The Professor over to her parents’ home. What’s important? Lana’s finally going to have her way...

4 years ago
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had the week with a sexy granny

So my mom has been working with this older lady that she knows, in her early 60s, and she lives in a really nice part of town. She has a big house and her husband and her can't really do most of the hard labor around the house so my mom decided to volunteer me to help while I'm on winter break from college.So I had been over to their house a couple times (its a 3 story house right on the ocean in Long Beach, Ca) and did some yard work and moved some furniture around the house. She looks very...

2 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 35

The last few weeks at Findley had been almost non-stop. With the out of state residents and the solidification of the process flow, productions had leveled at three eighty-four a day four days a week for the two Findley direct sites. Adding in M&H brought the total per week to almost two thousand head a week. Which had almost caught up the allocations requirements for the state. It was the first time in Illinois history. And these were standard productions. Specials were two days a week...

4 years ago
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Out of FocusChapter 4

When I came back to consciousness, it was rather strange. The strangeness was that I was neither in a plane nor was I reclining. And everything was so quiet! I was leaning forward against the sink counter in the men's room down the hall from the stairs leading up to my office. And here's the real shit--it was the office in my old work place, the one from which I had been shit-canned a few months before! As I was thinking that I had better get out of here before Old Man Thompson discovers...

2 years ago
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Office Sissy 5 Sissy Babies

After 'Becky' and I found each other, and played together in my office, I convinced him to finally be open about his true nature. Together, I was sure we could find lots of pleasurable scenes in the office if everyone knew about him, just as they knew everything about me. So that night, on his own, he agreed to shave himself smooth, and to come to me the next morning for the reveal. I had brought in some baby supplies, including large size diapers and pacifiers, and a few other things. I was...

2 years ago
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Getting the G E D Chapter 3

I concentrated on the biker approaching my car but kept an eye on Rosa after she killed the engine. FUCK, what was that sharp jab in my groin. Things were getting fuzzy and I heard my car doors being unlocked. Strange voices, sort of distant and not very clear. Blackness... Rosa’s story All I wanted was to get my GED and not be hassled. I didn’t like how Mr. Tucker was staring at me. I felt his eyes trying to undress me and then for him to know about the Kit Kat Klub was really bothering...

3 years ago
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Garden of Earthly DelightsChapter 2

"From superheroine to seafood — how the mighty have fallen!" exclaimed Moulton. He was in a cheerful mood. "It's not funny," Bohner grumbled. "We almost lost a multi-million-dollar piece of meat. In fact, we still might." "Not to worry," said Moulton. "It's only money. Besides, I believe she's going to be fine. Here comes Tasher. Let's get it from the horse's mouth." A serious-looking middle-aged man wearing rimless spectacles joined them on the veranda. "How goes our...

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Skin Deep

I knew how it looked, because I had practiced to make sure it looked just that way."I can get that from there," the young girl standing over me in her polo shirt and blue jeans instructed me.I knew she could, but that would have defeated the purpose.I squatted down on my heels, still holding on to the water."Are you sure?" I asked.I knew my short skirt was too tight to not shimmy up my naked thighs and almost reach my crotch.If she so chose, she could see my black lace panties from her vantage...

3 years ago
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American Muslims Pt 06

Note to Reader: The following tale is centred on the Al-Nablusi family, who are Palestinian-Americans, and it follows them on a journey through love, sex, spirituality, tradition versus modernity. The father Faris Al-Nablusi, whose family originate from Nablus in the West Bank but he was born in Haifa, is a professor of Cognitive and Neuroscience at Berkeley and has been granted tenure. His wife Samira Hamoudi, who is from Nazareth, and is a lecturer of comparative literature at Berkeley- they...

1 year ago
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Nick travels to Europe

My buddy Nick has been the centerpeice of the majority of my postings. There is a reason for this, the kid is not like the rest of us. He is one of those people, guy or girl, who seems to live for lack of a better phrase a "charmed life". He is smart, charming and great looking. That description doesn't even do him justice but I will try to add to it as I describe this encounter. As I've mentioned in the past, Nick has it all. He's 6'-2" tall, natrually dark skin (he's Italian), great teeth and...

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Alex and Vicki Rumor Has It

It was almost midnight, and I was on my way home after a long day of meetings that culminated with a few drinks. I was tired, and my drive home takes me down a stretch of road that’s dark and desolate. I was about ten-minutes away from home when I spotted a vehicle on the side of the road with its emergency lights on. As I slowed down to approach the car the front door opened, and then a woman stepped out. I saw what appeared to be a mature woman wearing a short dress. Concerned, I slowed down...

4 years ago
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Android OmnibusChapter 7 Disassembly

We find Michael in another predicament. Human males enjoy the luxury that their bodies are designed for reproduction. Day and night, the human male's body is constantly creating sperm, and prostatic fluid to help propel the sperm to an awaiting egg. It's the most basic of human instincts, the will to reproduce. Androids, on the other hand, don't have such luxuries. Mechanical in nature, their bodies are designed not for reproduction, but for other tasks. Not having a prostate, or...

3 years ago
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Chikaning at a premiere

This is a story some one shared with me I just had to share here, hope you like and also hope it gets posted.Hey guys.Here is something I want to share here that happened to me last week.This past Sunday, I was in the city, having dinner with friends. After we hung out for a bit, they took off and I was heading home. As I was on my way, I passed by a large area with a massive set up including projector screens and barriers all over the place, with some people waiting in a line, while a security...

2 years ago
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Bangalore Mom Gave Me Milk Part 8211 3

This is the continuation of what happened in the previous story. If u want to know read my previous stories on Bangalore mom gave me milk and have fun. As I was sitting behind anandita and sucking milk I was getting hornier seeing the baby suck the boobs at the same time. Milk was not coming after some time so I started squeezing and pressing. She started laughing and said, “hahah how eager you are .. enough I will keep the baby away and u can fuck me.” She kept the baby in the cradle as the...

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Command Bands

Command Bands is a free to write story following a very simple premise. Everyone in the world is born with a metal bracelet around their wrist, which can come in one of seven colours. These bracelets are known as the Command Bands and they have a hierarchy based on the colour. Gold is the highest, followed by silver, then red, blue, green, grey and finally black. Nobody knows where these bands came from or what decides the colour, but what people do know is that your band colour is the most...

Mind Control
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Mind Control Machine

"What makes you think that?" She asks, surprised at my question. "Well, he was pretty eccentric, you have to admit. He seemed like one of those guys who would stash things around the house and then forget where they are. We are going to search for hidden stuff, right?" My mom's brother died in a car accident a couple of months ago and my mom is executor of his estate. Uncle Harry never married and as his younger sister, mom is his only living relative. Uncle Harry was 40, two years...

4 years ago
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Tonight 1

I kept up pounding in and out of her, as she yelled at the top of her voice, watching her dig her nails into the bed. I knew if I pulled out of her now it would either kill her or drive her over the edge and the thought stayed on my mind, and I made it up quickly. I pulled my dick out of her and watched as she collapsed down onto the bed. “Why the HELL did you do that? I was about to cum!” “You know you liked it, babe” “No, I hate it when you do that, now shove your dick back in me and fuck...

2 years ago
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Kitten s auction

She had waited for this moment for as long as she could remember, so her fear ? though natural ? still came as a surprise She had waited for this moment for as long as she could remember, so her fear ? though natural ? still came as a surprise. She was glad she was naked ? at least she could pass off the shivering as a reaction to cold. And the thought of the crowd about to appraise her made her nipples harden in anticipation, making the illusion complete. The crowd? She remembered...

3 years ago
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Finally Fucking My Hot Boss 8211 Part 1

My boss came to pick me up one day. I used to work at an accounting firm run by a married couple. I’m extremely attracted to women in power and to married women. I have no control over either of these fetishes. So, I was hooked on my lady boss in a hurry. She may not have been the hottest or sexiest woman I’d ever met, but bedding her was always a fantasy that I replayed in my head. Every time I entered her cabin, my brain recalculated over a thousand scenarios of us doing the nastiest shit,...

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A story for my master while im away

So it started on a Wednesday before I went to bed you told me to clean my ass out. So I went to the bathroom and proceeded to give myself enemas getting all nice and clean thinking I was going to get my ass hole pounded. After I was all done and washed up I opened the door to the bathroom and nothing had changed. You were still in bed and the bedroom door was cracked you tell me ok now come to bed and snuggle with your mistress master. Without hesitation I do still thinking something is...

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By Tooth and ClawChapter 8

"What is it with Werewolves and walking?" Billy asked rhetorically under his breath after fifteen minutes of hiking, most of the time crunching through various floras in the dark. "It's good for you," I called over my shoulder. "You never see a fat Werewolf, now do you? However, I have seen quite a few plump little Witches." I smiled as he grumbled some more, panting. "It sure is beautiful out here," Marcus said softly, showing no signs of exertion. "The stars and sky are...

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My Friend 8217 s Old Fat Mom

Hi guys, I’m back again with my another story. Hope you all have read my previous story titled ‘MY COMPANIES HR’. Those who have not read please read it and send your reviews at Aunties,housewives, girls if you want some real fun mail me at my mail id. And whoever need some help can also contact me. I have helped 4 boys till yet in fucking up their relatives. Including my cousin too who fucked the hell out of my mom that’s the different story. Now let’s start, in this sex story, I will tell...

1 year ago
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SlutInspection Rosalyn Sphinx Wife Brings Home Slutty Teen Rosalyn Sphnix

Rosalyn Spinx is making out with your wife right in front of you!!!!! Is this real? Either way you’re more than happy to watch. Once they invite you to join in though, it’s game on. Your wife gives your cock to Rosalyn like it’s a present and Rosalyn swallows it right up. It’s so cute when Rosalyn lays on top of your wife, you just need to slip your dick into her pussy. Can you believe your wife loves watching you fuck her friends?! She flips Rosalyn over so you can hit it from the back while...

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Dynamics of a Human Heart Ch 09

Nothing goes as planned Everything will break People say goodbye In their own special way All that you rely on And all that you can fake Will leave you in the morning But find you in the day Oh, you’re in my veins And I cannot get you out Oh, you’re all I taste At night inside of my mouth Oh, you run away ‘Cause I am not what you found Oh, you’re in my veins And I cannot get you out -Andrew Belle ‘In My Veins’ Normalcy crept back into their lives as gradual as the turning of October leaves. ...

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Encounter with gopa

Hi all, this story is somewhere in the early 2000. I, Rupesh, basically a guy from the hilly parts of west Bengal and having a solid back ground in terms of my family. Also i have my family values as very orthodox. I have just completed my graduation and waiting for the result to be declared, my parents went on to visit one of my relatives in Mumbai. I actually thought of staying back home to spend time with my friends. Just next to my house there was a couple used to be staying (its the same...

4 years ago
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My sister Carol

She came in,walked slowly into the living room and plopped herself on my couch."What happened?",I asked softly,sitting next to her.She cried a bit more,then,sniffling,she began."Rich and I had a big fight.We called each other all kinds of names and I threw things at him.He told me to get out.I have been crying the whole 40 miles up to your apartment."She broke down again and I sat there with my arm around her,soothing her. A few minutes passed by as she cried some,blew her...

3 years ago
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The Lady in BlueChapter 15 Where no man has gone before

After Hawk went into the bathroom, I sat down on the couch and ran my hands over my face. The last few days were taking a toll on me. My world was turned upside down and now my boss was somehow involved. There wasn't enough to go for a warrant without him pushing it, but he was part of it. I felt like pulling my hair out by the roots. I was angry, upset and wanted to break down, but that would gain us nothing. Hawk had a lead on the bomber, we had the old man and his link to the DA. If we...

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Veereshamma 8217 s Hot Wild Adventures 8211 Part 2

Veeresha was finally free. Doc gave her his lab coat saying, “Thank you for being a part of my experiment. If you go out and start walking north,” he said looking at his watch, “It will take you to the road where you can ask for a lift.” He said putting on his lab coat on her. After staying completely nude for a year, she was feeling irritated to cover her body. She was used to this freedom. “Go now, if they found out they won’t let you escape.” he pushed Veeresha. She removed the lab coat and...

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A Hidden Lesson Part Two

Simon arrived at college in plenty of time for his lesson which by sheer luck happened to be French with Miss Duval, the object of his desires.Usually Simon was incredibly focused but the events from the previous evening had proved to be quite distracting and of course, his lack of attention was not lost on Miss Duval who prided herself on knowing her students inside and out.“Simon, can you give me an example?”Simon flushed, “I’m sorry, “he stuttered. “I don’t know…”“No, you won’t know will...

College Sex
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Taken By Two Boys

im and Jeff had hated Billy for the longest time. Ever since grade school they looked down on him with nothing but scorn and envy. They were both bitter, hormonal teenagers, 18 and angry at the world. Since he was little, Billy had led a carefree, happy life. Billy's mother, Amy Robertson, was an attractive woman in her mid 30s, who loved her son very dearly and walked him to school every morning. It was this kind of smothering which led Billy to have quite a sheltered and wimpy personality,...

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Imaginations Needs Expressions

After the daylong business when I retire at home after my dinner, I usually sit back to relax puffing few cigarettes keeping my laptop open before me and spend some time browsing and goggling. Usually, I go to news, and then some technology based information related to my business and at times when I feel loud shrieks of the silence of night I feel that silence speaks and it’s too loud to encourage you get out of your formal life. I ask what is it all about, and it says ” i am the instinct, the...

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The Awakening of Chris Part 4

Paul was swimming some laps (I'm not sure where he gets all of his energy from!) I walked past the pool and into the kitchen. Mom was getting some snack food ready for a lite dinner. "Hey sweetie....good shower?" she asked I saw that she had changed. She was still wearing the bikini top under a tied up white shirt with a pair of tight jean shorts that looked amazing against her tanned legs. "Yeah it was nice thanks. Good to get rid of the dirt." I stared at her as she...

2 years ago
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First Comes Love

Mary felt her heart rate quicken when she saw Brandon step out of the car. The sunlight hit his face, revealing his stunning features. “Oh, my…” she whispered. As he approached, Mary resolved to look nonchalant. She challenged herself to meet his gaze and when she did, she found herself mesmerized by his intense brown eyes. Brandon’s lips formed an amused smirk and several moments later Mary realized the cause. She quickly snapped her gaping mouth closed and ducked her head shyly, feeling her...

Love Stories
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Yuppie Wives

Maurice and Miriam Smith had it all or so it seemed. They were the epitome of the typical young upwardly mobile professional couple as known as 'yuppies.' They had been high school sweethearts and attended the same state university. While Maurice played around some in college and joined a fraternity, Miriam probably would have joined a sorority but money was always tight for her family and she felt funny living up the college life in a sorority while her parents where at home barely getting...

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Doctor s orders part 2

Doctors' orders Part two My hands were trembling, my heart pounding as I opened the door and walked it. The doctor looked up from her computer and gestured that I should come around the desk to where a seat had been placed. I slowly walked to the chair conscious of the doctor looking me up and down. I stood in front of the chair, one foot slightly behind the other, trying to look as feminine as possible. The doctor asked me to turn around so she could see all of me. After what seemed...

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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 1

Andee edged her way through the crowd surrounding the luggage belt. She was happy to finally be off the plane after the three hour flight from Toronto, but still had some peculiar emotions about being in Houston. Ever since her encounter with Don back at the conference in Chicago she had been maintaining a casual connection with him, mostly on a professional level. When she received his invitation to come to Texas for a few days to explore first hand some of the research developments his...

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Wife s 1st BBC

I know most guys are afraid or intimidated of there lady being with a BIg Black Cock. I have to admit when I was younger, I was but as I got older and started exploring the swinger life style it was never an issue. Then soon enough I started enjoying watching "wife first time with a BBC" porn and in the back of my mind I start having this fantasy about my lover being with a BBC. Many years later my wife and I were started exploring adult clubs and the swing life style. Being bi myself, we...

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NobleChapter 15

There was that jumbled up static sound on the radio again. I think I might be in trouble. It took a few minutes for them to see me on the bike. Finally, someone got them all to stop talking or had them turn off their radios. Kevin asked where we were headed, then pointed out a sign saying hunting lodge 30 miles. Jen looked up the location and found the Lodge was very comfortable with 12,000 square feet of space, complete with 11 bedrooms, recreation room, meeting room, bar and Restaurant. The...

1 year ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 4

I step out of the shower and towel off. I walk over to my closet. I turn the light on and start to dig for the right outfit. I pull out several skirts and a few pairs of slacks. I throw aside the slacks. Not on your life. I want to tease him a bit. I look at a brown skirt. "No!" I say out loud. After throwing all of the skirts aside I look back in my closet. There hangs a jean mini-skirt. I look at it. I finally decide that I would at least try it on. I pull it on. I select a red silk...

2 years ago
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The Collar

Introduction: It is several hundred years in the future. Humanity has spread across the stars. Vast spans of time and space have resulted in many different cultures and customs. You are a beautiful petite 18 year-old girl that is 5'2" tall and slight of build with small A-cup breasts. Your skin is a beautiful pale gold and spotted with dainty freckles. Your dark red hair is long. It flows more than halfway down your back and you frequently have to brush cute long stands from your face. One...

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