Urlaub im club
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Urlaub in Russland Als die Ferien begannen war Manuela geflüchtet. Sie hatte schon Tage vorher gepackt, alles war am ersten Ferientag bereit gewesen. Sie wollte von niemanden mehr etwas wissen, nur noch hinaus aus der Stadt in die Natur. Niemand sollte sie belästigen und sie hatte niemanden ein Wort gesagt. Sie hatte schon immer die Wildnis Russlands kennenlernen wollen. Ihr Russisch war sehr gut, da sie die Sprache studiert hatte. Sie hatte auch 2 Semester in Moskau verbracht. Diesmal wollte...
Schwestern unter sich Teil 1 (c) 2010 by Jenny H. W?hrend seine Eltern f?r 3 Wochen in Urlaub fahren, soll der 12-j?hrige Thorsten solange bei seiner Schwester Tanja wohnen. Dabei entwickelt sich, nicht zuletzt durch eine Freundin seiner Schwester, eine Situation, welche ihm unfreiwillig einige neue Erfahrungen und Ver?nderungen beschert. Meine Eltern fuhren f?r 3 Wochen in Urlaub und ich sollte w?hrend dieser Zeit bei meiner Schwester wohnen. Tanja war vor etwa einem Jahr ausgezogen und ...
Kate Sumers, eine attraktive vierzigjährige Frau, winkt ihrem Ehemann John hinterher, bis der mit seinem Wagen um die Ecke des Waldweges verschwunden ist. Seufzend dreht sie sich um und geht mit betrübter Miene wieder zu dem idyllisch an einem großen Waldsee gelegenem Ferienhäuschen zurück. Hier wird sie nun den nächsten Monat ganz alleine mit ihren gerade erwachsenen Kindern verbringen. Eigentlich hatte sie die Sommerferien auch gemeinsam mit John verbringen wollen, aber dann hatte ihr Mann in...
Dieses Piepsen war nicht auszuhalten. Ein elektronisches Geräusch, das in ihrem Kopf anfing zu kreischen. Sie hatte versucht, es zu ignorieren, aber der Ton war hartnäckig geblieben. Tina hatte keine Ahnung, wie sie in diesem breiten, warmen Bett gelandet war und wem die schmale, zierliche Hand auf ihrer nackten Möse gehörte. Blinzelnd sah sie sich suchend um und entdeckte ihr piepsendes und vibrierendes Handy auf dem Parkettboden, direkt neben ihrem schwarzen Slip. Neben sich hörte sie ein...
Ich bin Stefan und bin ein 27 jähriger Kerl mit kurzem dunklen Haaren, braunen augen, einer sportlichen Figur und bin eigentlich ständig geil nach Sex. Ich wollte mit meiner Verlobten in den Urlaub fahren und wir hatten uns Kenia als Ziel auserkoren doch dummerweise bekam sie 1 Woche bevor es losging eine Krankheit mit der sie nicht mitfahren konnte, da stand ich nun also und ahhet 2 Flugtickest die bezahlt waren und wußte nicht was ich tun sollte. Sie sagte ich sollte fahren weil sie aus...
Man die letzten Monate waren echt hart. So viel Arbeit und kaum Freizeit. So war ich froh, dass ich mal eine Woche weg konnte. Leider mussten alle anderen Arbeiten und so musste ich alleine los. Auch gar nicht so schlecht. Kann ich aussuchen was ich machen möchte ohne Rücksicht auf andere zu nehmen. Bei einer Woche wollte ich auch nicht so weit und so entschied ich mich für eine Woche in die Türkei an die Küste zu fahren. Das Hotel war nicht gerade super aber es lag direkt am Meer. Das Wasser...
Urlaub in der Türkei Haupt Personen: Justus - der Vater Anni - die Mutter Sophie - Tochter Sommerferien! Der Flieger landet und als die kleine Familie aus dem Flugzeug steigt ist es als würden sie gegen eine schwüle warme Wand aus Luft laufen. Keine einzige Wolke ist zu sehen am hellblauen Himmel über Antalya. Sophie die Tochter, braune lange glatte Haare die ihr fast bis zum Popo gehen auf die sie sehr stolz ist und hegt und pflegt, blaue Augen und ca. 150 groß mit kleinen Tittchen die ihre...
InterracialMatthias stoppt den Mietwagen, er sieht noch einmal auf das Navigationsgerät und dann auf den Bootssteg zu seiner Linken. Dann nickt er zufrieden und blickt abwechselnd seine Frau und seine Tochter an: „Ich denke, wir sind da!“ Matthias hat kaum den Motor abgestellt, da ist seine Tochter Verena schon aus dem hinteren Teil des Wagens geklettert. „Papa, das ist ja toll hier!“ Der Blick der Achtzehnjährigen schweift über die Bucht und die vielen Yachten, die hier vor Anker liegen. „Ja, wirklich...
In diesem Jahr wollen Linda,Evi,Gala und Tia jeweils in ein anderes Land reisen und am Ende ihrer Reisen einander von ihren Erlebnissen berichten. Endlich ist der Sommer gekommen und die vier Mädls stehen am Vienna Flughafen,um sich voneinander zu verabschieden. Linda ist 20,schlank,blond,hat graue Augen und üppigen Busen.Sie trägt ein türkises Top,eine Jeanshotpants,lässige rosa Sportschuhe,einen blauenBh,aber kein Höschen.Ihre Reise geht nach Hamburg. Evi ist 19,zierlich-anmutig,hat...
1995 Juli – Kurzurlaub im Wohnwagen nach der Hochzeit am 04.07.1995Am Tag nach der Hochzeit fahren wir in die Nähe von Nürnberg, zu einem Waldsee, Freunde haben dort einen Wohnwagen und sind selbst verhindert. Ich bin auf alles vorbereitet, Achseln und Beine rasiert, Schamhaare bikinifein gemacht, sieht nichts raus. Wechseln uns bei Fahren ab, Andreas Hand oft auf meinen Schenkeln und auch dazwischen, trage längere Shorts, alte Jeans einfach abgeschnitten und Hemd, aber mit BH, wenn wir da sind...
Als ich aufwachte fiel schon die Sonne auf ihre makellose Haut. Sie schlief noch. Nackt lag sie zwischen den Laken, die immer noch etwas feucht von der Nacht waren. Sie hatte einen festen Schlaf. Unbemerkt hatte ich uns Frühstück auf Zimmer bestellen lassen. Fünf Minuten später kam das Zimmermädchen in Sicht. Ich hatte mir eilig einen Morgenmantel übergeworfen, den ich etwas verkrampft zu hielt, um die Morgenlatte zu verbergen. Als ich das Tablett in Empfang nahm, hoffte ich nur, dass nichts...
Ich war jetzt schon einige Wochen mit Monika befreundet, aber es ging nicht so recht vorw?rts. Sexuell meine ich. Ein bisschen K?ssen und Schmusen, und das wars. Dabei war sie ausgesprochen attraktiv, fast so gro? wie ich mit pechschwarzen Haaren, die ihre Schultern umspielten. Dazu kontrastierte die bleiche Haut, die fast unwirklich hell erschien. Ihre zarten Augenbrauen waren zwei perfekte Bogen, und die Wimpern waren sehr lang. Wegen ihrer schwarzen Haare brauchte sie kein Makeup, um ih...
At nine precisely I was ringing her doorbell, there was a bit of a wait until Pippa opened the door. "Sorry to keep you waiting Dewey," she smiled as she said my name, "I was washing my hair." She had a towel wrapped around her head like a turban and was wearing black slacks, a long sleeved shirt worn outside of the slacks and a woollen waistcoat; I caught the scent of shampoo and flowers as she kissed my cheek. I followed her into the hall. "There's coffee in the pot in the kitchen,"...
Early the next morning, Emma slipped out of bed while Jess and I were still asleep. I stirred at her movement and turned to see what she was doing. She bent over and kissed me on the cheek. “Please don’t get up. I have a very busy day today and need to get going. Please stay here with Jess and I’ll catch up with you guys later,” she whispered to me. I reached around and stroked her neck lightly. “Ok, have a good day,” I whispered back before snuggling tight to Jess and falling back to...
After a few months of working for Heather, the Fantasy Fuck Store owner, she approached me with a new offer. “Ken I have received several phone calls from ladies who have got wind of your ‘personal services’ from their friends - you know how our clients like to show off - but the difference is that they admit to not being confident and would rather be encouraged rather than lead. They also mentioned that they had been told how much you cared, were polite and very imaginative, which I suspect...
_____________________ This Is Part 4 of the Made Me Cum Series. Hope you read and enjoyed my other parts comments are much appreciated and i write personal stories. inbox me. ___________________________________________________________________________________ You know by know what my mum looks like. but my mums best friend and neighbough is even better i had more fun with her which i will explain later. my mum's friend is lisa, she is 38 blonde hair, brown eyes, lovely warm thick...
Jason Jackson is the starting small forward for the Chicago Bulls. An all-star the past three seasons and has never had a problem with ownership. Yet now that he asks for a much need contract extension and more money he’s getting the cold shoulder and cant figure out way this is. After another big win where he recorded 30 points, 12 assists, and 13 rebounds, Jason finds himself the last one left in the locker room after taking a long soak in the whirlpool to sooth the aches, bumps, and...
By Larry Malone I had scored a dream discount deal on a two-week last minute, deluxe Tahiti vacation all expenses paid. The Island paradise had been on my “bucket list” forever. The fact that I had a ready valid passport and unused accumulated flexible vacation time made it possible for me to take advantage of the opportunity when I heard from my travel agent to make it all perfect. By the first Saturday night on the Island, the end of my first week, I couldn't have been happier. I had...
“Maker her cum! I want to see her cum!” Sara and Angie both heard and opened their eyes to see five other girls standing, watching them sexually interact with each other. However, Angie did not stop sucking Sara’s clit. She kept on sucking and flicking and Sara kept on moaning. The first thing that went through Sara’s mind was that being caught was, indeed, invigorating. Obviously Angie felt the same way also as when she noticed they were being watched, she sucked and flicked her clit even...
After Wendy told me about how much she loved my huge cock and how she had fucked her stepbrother after months of watching him masturbate at night, I could not get enough of her and she was so fucking horny all the time. She told me how lucky she was to find her dream cock!We fucked all the time, or should I say we had sex all the time. I would give her a lot of oral pleasure as well as fuck her. I loved her curvy big body, it was made for lots of fucking. She was just as often the initiator of...
Saturday night just after dinner there was a knock on the door. Tony answered the door. Fishing was all done. Little fish were still running, but the decision was to let them be. Perhaps they would spawn and return next year. So, Tony was home. Billy Nation and Sarah Lopez along with Willa had enjoyed a wonderful dinner with the Taylors. There was another knock before Tony got to the door. Brad and Gloria entered, accompanied by their parents. Brad stood tall, “Can we visit?” Brad felt...
Following on from Saturday Seduction and Next Morning....I visited my my new friend at his apartment several times in the coming months. It would always start with a phone call from him. I had that much control, but when I was in his company he was definitely the one in charge. It was clear that he never allowed his own ass to be penetrated. He would play with my cock and suck me off but when it was time for fucking he was the one on top. Except when I was on top... riding his big cock. I had...
THE LAST OF THE BARAANDI 10 YEARS AGO, A SMALL TOWN IN WEST VIRGINIA... "KEVIN!" the man called out. "You better get your ass out here, or when I find you, I'll whip it off your body!" Kevin, who was hiding in a cave with an entrance so small that the man couldn't have gotten into it, remained silent. He expected that his father, the man calling out to him, would probably whip him anyway. At the tender age of seven, Kevin already had more scars on his back, butt, and legs than...
After our first swinging adventure with a single guy (see earlier story), we decided to find a couple to swap with. Mary was a bit nervous about seeing me with another woman, but we had set up some code words tha would let me know if she didn't want me to fuck her. Well happily we didnt need to use them.We emailed back and forth with Erica & Peter for quite a while and we all got comfortable enough to finally get together. They were only in town now and then so it was hard to set up a...
Showing a good church-girl what her hot, teasing body really craves! The girl kneeling opposite me was a cock-tease. It's not like I hadn't been warned - my good friend Belinda, whose party we were at, told me I was Lisa's next target. I went to university with Bel, whereas she knew Lisa from the church they both attended. I met Lisa for the first time a fortnight prior when Bel had organised a group ice skating session. Despite me being only an average skater, Lisa had asked me to teach her...
OralI had taken a brief break to step outside and enjoy some sunlight. A warm summer breeze warmed the air and the fragrances of springtime filled my nostrils. It was another day in paradise I thought as I zoned out on my little stroll towards the back of the office building. As I came around the corner of the building I noticed you, a total stranger, sunning yourself on the stairs a short distance away. Damn, I thought to myself, admiring your boldness. Your dress straps were off the shoulders...
Quickie SexFrom the corner of my eye I could see her coming down the stairs. I picked up the phone and started speaking in it, loud enough for her to listen. "You will know today if my wife is cheating or not. I want you to go to the PIs office and collect the evidence. If she is cheating arrange for a home invasion tomorrow between noon and three PM. Shoot me in the shoulder and shoot her in the head. I do not want her to survive. If she is cheating on me she dies tomorrow." I said as I saw her...
For nearly a month after my first meeting with Nick, my interests reverted exclusively to the heterosexual variety. My appetite for cock had diminished so completely that I considered the possibility that my experimentation with Nick—despite its humiliating inadequacies—had somehow satisfied my curiosity once and for all. Or perhaps I was unwittingly overcompensating for my feelings of shame by repressing those urges. Or maybe it was just some kind of sensory overload that gave me an unusually...
Hi friends my name is Raj, I am fan of ISS from past 3 years. To say about me, age 26,slim,with 7 inch hard brother which can satisfy girls/aunts. Presently I am staying in Bangalore and working in a private firm. The incident which I am sharing with u happened in May 2011. I was doing my post graduation in one of the reputed college in Mangalore. In our college we had organized inter college festival in feb 2011. Many colleges across Karnataka had come to participate. 2 members from our...
The next day was ladies day at the golf club . Feeling sexy i put on my sexy Michelle Wie golf skirt and blouse with my sexy 1/4 cup bra and g string knickers with my bright red jimmy choos. As i drive in to the car park i see the boy next door golf club bag on his shoulder standing next to his mother , Josephine . i park my 5 year old Mercedes Coupe next to her new Ferrari . She barely acknowledges my presence ,her son is busy looking at the younger ladies who haven't had 3 c***dren, worked...
Hi all.. . This is Raj.. Thanks for your comments on my previous story’s.. You can drop your comments @ After all the comments I received I replied to most of them and got a reply from few.. . Out of which one was female aged 28 named Sudha living near mehandipatnam in Hyd. She appreciated my experience and also shared her desire of sex.. .. I gave her my number for further chat and I began exploring her.. .to tell about her she was 5.10 with a little chubby and glowing face.. . Her boobs were...
“Daddy?” “Yes.” “Are you ok?” “No. Not if Taylor is dead.” “She is.” “Why?” “Because she loved you.” “Why?” “Because you are our Daddy.” Taylor Erin O’Dell. My first child with Erin. My favorite. MY little girl. The one who was the leader of the Herd. Dead. I felt myself coming out of a fog. My head was throbbing. My face was wet. My body was shaking. I was crying. Hard. “Paul!” A soft hand on my shoulder. “Taylor? Erin?” “I’m here Sweetie.” Erin answered...
My Uncle Todd used my parent’s house to store some of his construction equipment for his contracting business. He often came by early in the morning with a crew of guys to load stuff into their big 4x4's to supply various building projects. I'd usually see my Uncle as I was leaving for school. He'd greet me gladly with those big smiling eyes and a toothy grin. Todd was my Dads brother and at the age of 52, he was a successful contractor in the state where we lived. He was a muscular, six foot...
We then went for a walk and I thought he would have to rush back to work, but he didn’t. I felt comfortable with him even though I didn’t find him overly attractive. I could see his excitement of being with me. I think I looked good for him that day, had my makeup on along with a very sexy outfit for him, so I felt like he was proud walking with me and that turned me on a lot. We kept walking and the whole time he wanted to hold hands but I didn’t really feel comfortable doing so. Somehow...
So, I gathered up some gas money and headed off in my van...and found nothing. TV be damned, a lot of places I stopped at just sent me packin' and the stuff I did get to look at was real junk. I mean real junk. Whatever this game was, I sucked at it, but I kept at it more out of stubbornness than anything else. Lately I had taking to sleeping in the van to save money and went farther and farther out from the bigger towns, hunting for that jackpot of rusty rareness. I wasn't exactly lost...
Friday morning. The big day! I fully expect that by the time this day is over I'll have all the evidence I'll ever need to protect my hard earned assets from my crazy wife. I hurried through my morning routine and left the house a little earlier than usual. I decided to stop for breakfast instead of just grabbing a bagel or a breakfast sandwich. It wasn't until I was sipping my coffee and waiting for my food that the anger I've been feeling ... well, it didn't go away, not really. It...
In this fantasy, I find out about a local BDSM community and that they meet on Friday night at a private club In this fantasy, I find out about a local BDSM community and that they meet on Friday night at a private club.? I decide that I am going to crash their party and see what I can find out.? When I go to the door, it is unlocked, and I am easily able to walk in.? There is a bar on the opposite end of the room and at least 50 people there.? I stroll through the room with confidence,...
Introduction: Part 18 *****Just a quick note: Chapter 17 was removed by the site because Samil was under the age of eighteen when Ahriman introduced him to the sacrifice. Im not going to rewrite it so that hes older, so just continue from here.***** Ahriman pulled the Cayenne off the road into the trees far enough that it wasnt visible to anyone driving by and looked at his son. Samil was a man now, but he still wasnt comfortable with this. Are you sure about this, Samil? You understand how...
Jenna wakes up from her sleep, her eyes open, she looks around. Jenna sees she is on a bed in a room with bare walls. She stretches her arms and legs, trying to pull her arms down but they won’t move. She turns her head to look why not. She sees that her wrists are tied to the bed frame. Jenna lifts her head to look at her legs without trying to move them and see that they are also secured wide apart at the bottom of the frame. She tries to call out but cannot. It is then that she feels the...
I open my eyes and turn my head towards the alarm clock on the nightstand. The numbers 7:05 are burning into my brain in the familiar annoying red colour, taunting me to get up and get ready for another day. I sigh and rub my eyes. Not wanting to give into the daily struggle just yet, I roll to my side. I bump my naked body into yours and look at you, lying on your stomach, still lost in the world of sweet colourful dreams. The white sheet draped over the smooth curve of your bum. The early...
Quickie SexJo was fascinated by what she found in the elfen country. She was welcomed by elf-maids, who hoped for more lessons in sex, and elf-men who found her equally as alluring as Caroline. They were all fascinated by her hairy bush – which she had not intended showing, but which was obviously visible as she bathed and she found a few females spying on her. All too soon she returned to the human world. “It might work ... no, I’m sure it would. But we’d need more space, more accommodation” “What do...
It has been the few months on the job as a corrections officer at the county jail. My assignment is the overnight shift in the women’s block. Although it is technically against the rules for inmates to be sexually active with each other to keep lover quarrels at bay, it is rarely enforced.Two that were always sexually active in the middle of the night were inmates Cece and Kay. As I would make my rounds, I would stand slightly out of view and watch them through the low light. I could hear their...
Ruth had been fascinated by encasement art from the time she was 12. Her class had taken a tour of a gallery featuring the work of the first encasement artist, some 190 before. There was one piece that made her feel very strange. It was a husband and wife making love, in what seemed to be midair. She had discovered later that this very strange feeling was sexual arousal, and it was perfectly wonderful. She wondered what it would be like sitting for one of these pieces knowing you were about to...
Vince is the type of guy who’s never completely satisfied unless he’s watching other men fuck his nympho wife. To satisfy this deviant desire, Vince and his wife Francys Bell put the scenario into motion by inviting their new neighbors, David Perry and Josh, to their home for some cocktails. As soon as the two neighbors have drinks in their hands, Vince leads David out of the room so his wife can work her magic. Minutes later, when Josh’s cock is balls deep in Francys’s pussy, Vince and David...
xmoviesforyouOn Friday, Allison spent most of the day avoiding Lionel, thinking that he would interpret her evasion as disdainful disinterest for at least a while. That, she hoped – in between trying to clear her desk of the various tasks she needed to finish before the weekend - would give her a chance to think about his proposal. The disturbing thing, Allison thought, was that she hadn’t dismissed the idea out of hand and even now was still wondering what she should do about it. Friday night at least...
Immediately after having breakfast and changing clothes, he went about practicing his craft, choosing random people off the street to test his powers on, with him standing by the window of his apartment. He tested range and extent, looking for limitations, only finding few. For one, he could not let his subjects go on with whatever he wanted them to do, or they simply will not stop or just stare into space blankly. He can mentally communicate his commands without saying a word up to at least...
THE DIAMOND SISTERS By Lewis Chappelle When Dr. Sturges started his first practice in Youngstown, OH, he was fresh out of his surgical fellowship at Albert Einstein Medical Center, New York. He had grown up in Ohio and had a good reputation in Youngstown where he was a star football player and honors student from a prominent and wealthy family. As a student, he enjoyedthe dark and kinky side of the New York experience well apart from his medical specialty.Early in the Spring of his first...
It’s 6:55 in the evening and I’m sitting on a marble bench in the atrium of the Chicago Stock exchange. In five minutes you will walk through the sculptured glass double doors that lead into this magnificent lobby. You insisted on meeting me here rather than picking you up at your hotel. You mentioned something about a ‘grand entrance’. I have been here since 6:30 (a lady should never have to wait on her e****t.) I look at myself in one of the many mirrors that line the hall. I cannot see that...
Riley has just got her first job since she left college – and she’s hating it. The problem is, she has bills to pay, so she has no choice. The company is going through a huge merger and Adriana, her supervisor is in charge of keeping the Italian businessman they are dealing with happy, with Riley at her side. First of all, the girls find it hard to get his attention so Riley decide to take a more direct approach. When Adriana returns from the kitchen, she finds herself with no...
xmoviesforyouI ended up buying the farm, as well as the herd and everything else on it. Addison was so eager that I couldnt refuse the asking price. The main reason I bought it was I had an idea on the trip up and asked Rentven if he thought Herman Johnson would be interested in running the place. "Wa'al, I don't know the man real well but from everything I heard, Herman really misses the routine. Seems to me he aint the 'drummer' type and would be more than happy to not have to dicker with...
Then things started happening pretty fast. Mr. Wainright said goodbye to the Swede; then I nodded a farewell to her and durn if she didn't get up on her toes and brush her soft lips against my stubbled cheek. Whooee. I went and called in the bridge guards, and they brought those four extra muskets with them. Somebody fetched the Foster women in their fancy pleasure carriage with the hickory-sprung seats, only one like it in town. Mrs. Foster was wearing a pelisse, plus a red hood with a...
What does Pride mean to me? I’m sure each one of us will have a universally similar yet decidedly different answer, dependent of course on our own experience. To me, pride entails my personal discovery, acceptance, and the continued exploration of my own sexuality. It is the joy I feel each day as I wake next to my husband, the man who helped me to become the person that I am today. We are not a traditional couple by any standard, he is almost thirty years my senior.Other than that, we...
TransOne day as we were talking, Sarah told me that she went to her cousin sister’s place (who just got recently married) and her cousin sister was talking to Sarah about her first night experiences. Sarah told me that the way her cousin sister described it was awesome and it made her really horny. “If your feeling that horny, why don’t you start fingering yourself now,” I told her and started laughing. “If you are ok with it, then ya sure,” she replied with a giggle. This made me really hot and I...
Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana marugamal thanathu mamanar udan sex seithu ookiraal. Eppadi mamanaarai usar seithu matter seithaal enbathai naam kathaiyil paarkalam, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Sumathi, en kanavar veli naatil velai paarkiraar naan pilaigaludan thanjavuril irukiren. En kanavar varudathirku oru matham matum thaan uuruku vanthu povar, meetham ula naatkal elaam en pundaiyil kanju varathu. En veetil mamanaar mamiyaar anaivarum irupaargal, enaku iru...
I heard throaty husky voices. I heard Lisa's southern drawl as she begged him to shove his cock in her. I also heard him answer her that he was going to fuck her good...He was going to give her his thick cock. I heard a lot of meaningless phrases. He was already fucking her at the best rate that he could manage. He was slapping heavily against her inner thighs as he slammed into her. All this talk was for the simple reason that they had to be aware every second of what they were doing. ...
It was a Saturday, my husband had the flu and was sick and asleep in bed. About 9am I was sitting drinking a cup of coffee when I received a msg from my lover Nick asking me what I'm doing today, as he is alone and horny? I had nothing really planned accept watching my daughter while my hubby recovers. Nick was house sitting at his Gf's house as they all had gone away for a family matter. He asked if I wanted to come over but I politely decline. The day went on and eventually my husband got out...
By : Amus Mera naam arpana hai aur main tatanagar main rehati hoon aur mer umar 39 saal hai aur ek housewife hoon height meri 5ft 2inch hai rang gora aur bhara hua badan hai aur mere do bacche hain aur mere husband business karte hain aur hamari joint family hai aur ghar kafi bada hai ground floor per main aur mere husband aur saas sasur aur ek devar devrani rehete hain aur first floor per mere chacha sasur aur chichi saas aur unke bacche aur ek sabse chote devar aur devrani Aur second floor...
I heard the click of the safety being taken off. The gun was pressed firmly against my temple. I heard the words, "Stand up and follow me and be quiet." It was 6 in the morning and all of the lights were off. I figured all of my cousins were sleeping in their spots in the room. As I walked by them, I wished that one of them would wake up and stop him but none of them did, and I didn't dare make a sound. He opened the front door slowly and threw me outside. I was only in a pair of...