Urlaub In Kenia free porn video

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Endlich hat Pia Urlaub. Den Urlaub hat sie sich selber zu ihrem siebenunddreißigsten Geburtstag geschenkt. Ganze vier Monate ist ihr letzter Urlaub her. Seitdem hat sich einiges in Pias Leben verändert. Den letzten Urlaub hat sie noch gemeinsam mit ihrem Freund Heiko aus Mallorca verbracht. Heiko ist mittlerweile ihr Exfreund. Pia ist seit ca. 2 Monaten Single. Seit zwei Monaten hat sie auch keinen Sex mehr gehabt. Es hat sich einfach nicht ergeben. nach der Trennung ist Pia in eine andere Wohnung gezogen und hat zudem noch den Job gewechselt. Der neue Job war ein logischer Schritt, da sie vorher in der Firma von Heikos Vater gearbeitet hat.

Die Trennung von Heiko verlief ziemlich unschön. Es wurde viel schmutzige Wäsche gewaschen und ein blaues Auge hat Pia auch davongetragen. Heiko konnte ziemlich gewalttätig werden. Zumindest wenn er trank. Und er trank in den letzten Monaten ihrer Beziehung ziemlich oft und viel.

Aber das gehört jetzt alles der Vergangenheit an. Die Wunden sind verheilt und Pia steht mit ihrem großen Koffer am Abflugschalter. Es ist ziemlich heiß in der Abflughalle. Kein Wunder, schließlich ist August und Hochsommer. Pia trägt eine ziemlich kurze abgeschnittene Jeans, die ihre schönen braunen Beine perfekt in Szene setzt. Die ärmellose Bluse, die gerade bis zum Bauchnabel reicht, verbirgt den Spitzen-BH nicht wirklich. Sie trägt eine dunkle Sonnenbrille und genießt die Blicke der Männer. Ihre langen blonden Haare hat sie zum Pferdeschwanz gebunden.

„Einmal Kenia.“, sagt sie lächelnd zu der Mitarbeiterin der Fluglinie, als sie an der Reihe ist. Sie gibt ihren Koffer auf, passiert die Sicherheitskontrolle und schlendert zum Abfluggate. Ihren kleinen Reiserucksack hat sie lässig über der nackten Schulter hängen. Sie fliegt ganz alleine nach Kenia in ein Mittelklassehotel.

Am Abfluggate setzt sie sich in eine Ecke und beobachtet die anderen Passagiere. Die meisten sind ebenfalls Touristen. Außer ihr reist niemand alleine. Unter den Passagieren befinden sich auch einige schwarze Männer und zwei schwarze Frauen. Pia vermutet, dass es Einheimische sind.

Als Ihr Flug aufgerufen wird, wartet Pia, bis alle Passagiere eingestiegen sind. Sie betritt das Flugzeug als letztes und sucht ihren Platz. Sie sitzt ganz hinten in der letzten Reihe. Dummerweise hat die Mitarbeiterin der Fluglinie ihr den mittleren Platz in einer Dreierreihe am Fenster gegeben. Ein anderer Platz war nicht mehr frei. Sie hätte früher losfahren sollen.

Ihr Platz ist noch frei. Rechts und links von ihrem Platz sitzen zwei große schwarze Kenianer. Als Pia auf den freien Platz zusteuert, sehen die beiden sich an. Der am Gang sitzende Kenianer steht wortlos auf und Pia nimmt zwischen den beiden Männern Platz.

Nach den üblichen Sicherheitshinweisen setzt sich das Flugzeug in Bewegung und bald darauf sind sie in der Luft auf dem direkten Weg nach Kenia.

Pia fühlt sich ein wenig unwohl zwischen den beiden Männern. Auf ihre Frage, ob sie den Platz tauschen könnten, hat der Mann am Gang nicht wirklich reagiert. Scheinbar versteht er weder deutsch noch englisch.

Immer wieder berühren die beiden Männer wie zufällig mit ihren nackten Armen Pias Arme. Es ist aber auch eng in diesen Fliegern.

Unvermutet legt der am Fenster sitzende Kenianer seine schwarze Pranke auf Pias Oberschenkel.

„Ey was soll das.“, sagt Pia zu ihm und will seine Hand wegschieben.

„Pst.“, zischt der Kenianer. Er zeigt Pia das Klappmesser in seiner anderen Hand und schiebt seine Hand in Richtung der abgeschnittenen Jeans.

Entsetzen keimt in Pia auf. Sie blickt sich um. Niemand scheint etwas mitzubekommen. Der Kenianer gibt ihr zu verstehen, dass sie sich nichts anmerken lassen soll. Wieder zeigt er ihr das Messer. Jetzt greift auch der andere Kenianer ins Geschehen ein. Er legt seine Hand auf Pias anderes Bein.

Pia traut sich nicht, auch nur ein Wort zu sagen. Die Flugbegleiterin, die gerade vorbeikommt, lächelt ihr zu und verschwindet wieder.

„Was wollt ihr?“, flüstert Pia und sieht die beiden Kenianer nacheinander fragend und bittend an.

Die beiden Männer grinsen und entblößen ihre strahlend weißen Zähne. „Frau.“, ist das einzige, was sie sagen.

„Ausziehen!“, sagt der eine und zeigt auf Pias Jeans.

„Nein.“, erwidert Pia ängstlich.

„Ausziehen!“, wiederholt der Kenianer und fährt mit der Klinge des Messers über Pias Oberschenkel.

Die Angst vor dem Messer siegt. Umständlich entledigt sie sich der Jeans. Der Kenianer zu ihrer Linken nimmt sie ihr weg und verstaut sie unter seinem Sitz.

„Ausziehen!“, sagt der Kenianer erneut und zeigt auf Pias Slip.

„Bitte nicht.“, fleht Pia.

Der Kenianer klappt das Tischchen runter und versteckt so Pias Schoß vor den Blicken der Besatzung.

„Ausziehen!“, sagt er erneut und fährt mit der Klinge des Messers über Pias Oberarm.

„Warum?“, fragt Pia ängstlich. Aber sie gehorcht. Sie steigt aus ihrem Slip und entblößt ihre glatt rasierte Fotze.

Der Kenianer nimmt ihr den Slip weg, hebt kurz den Tisch an, wirft zusammen mit dem anderen einen Blick auf Pias blankrasierte Spalte und nickt zufrieden. Der andere scheint mit dem Anblick ebenfalls zufrieden zu sein.

Pia fühlt sich unwohl und hat Angst. Was haben die beiden Männer nur mit ihr vor? Sie sieht sich im Flieger um. Die Flugbegleiterinnen haben offenbar nichts bemerkt. Essen und Getränke sind verteilt und der Abfall ist bereits wieder eingesammelt. Das Licht in der Kabine wurde mittlerweile abgedunkelt und die Stewardessen haben sich zurückgezogen. In der Reihe vor ihnen sitzen Touristen, die Kopfhörer auf den Ohren haben und einen Film gucken oder schlafen. In der Sitzreihe neben ihnen sitzt eine kenianische Familie. Alle drei schlafen.

Aus den Augenwinkeln beobachtet Pia die beiden Männer. Beide haben jeweils eine Hand auf ihren nackten Beinen und streicheln sie. Ganz langsam nähern ihre Hände sich ihrem Schritt. Sie scheinen es nicht eilig zu haben. Der eine hält immer noch das Messer so in der Hand, das Pia es sehen kann. Wie haben die das Ding bloß in den Flieger bekommen? ‚Schlampige Sicherheitskontrollen.‘, denkt Pia. ‚Ficken können die mich hier ja nun wirklich nicht wollen. Dafür ist es viel zu eng und das würde auffallen. Bestimmt wollen die nur ein wenig fummeln. Vielleicht wollen sie, dass ich ihnen einen runterhole.‘. Der Gedanke erregt sie sogar ein wenig. Ein leichtes Zittern durchfährt ihren Körper.

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This is my first one so be kind pls.This story is just a fantasy but all characters are real and o realy wish it comes true someday.This story took place when i was just 16, I used to take a computer lessons at school which i was failing at, so my teacher who i wont mention her name offered me to go to her house with a bunch of students to take extra lessons. She is about 50 -55 years old she has 3 k**s , who are old now, she is not so tall about 175 cm and she is plump,she weighs about 90-100...

3 years ago
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Spreading for TeacherChapter 4

The next day's history class dragged by. Jack had told Fawn he wanted to see her after class. She could hardly wait. Thoughts of them sneaking off to his apartment and screwing again filled her head. That would drive away the dull ache deep in her gut. The bell rang and Jack said, "Okay, class. Take off. Have a nice weekend." The last words were spoken to an empty classroom-- empty save for Fawn. "Come on up here, Fawn," he told her. "I want to know if you were serious about saying...

3 years ago
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Oh the Suspence

When he re-entered the room I welcomed him and began to eat the large mound of food piled on the tray he had brought up. While doing this Rob and I chatted idly about girls and stuff, eventually the discussion led onto the size of our endowments, “Go on then let’s see it” I said “uh ok” he said and unzipped his jeans and took out his member from his jeans, I did the same at the same time releasing my cock as well. We compared, “hah looks like I win” I said triumphant. I reached across and...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 55

Sunday would have been one boring day, had it not been for Gus's bike. I took the bike to the park. The park had a designated bike trail. It was not one of those walking tails, which allowed bikes. It was designated just for bikes. I checked with the Tryon Parks and Recreation department before I drove to the access parking lot. I found that Gus's bike qualified as a bike, not a motor vehicle. So I put on my thermals, then made myself a bowl of cereal. First I added about an ounce of...

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Miri biwi ki chudai in ohoto studeo

Meri age 25 he aur meri biwi ki age 23 he. Wo dikhne me sunder he aur sabse ache uske boobs he jo mene daba daba ke bade kiye he. Uski choot choti aur bohat tight he jab bhi me usko chodta hu tab muje bohat acha lagta he . Aaj bhi uski choot bohat lajawab he. Valantines day ka din tha me aur meri bwi samko bahar khanewale the aur mene choch liya tha ki aaj uski jamkar chudai karunga . Fir samko jab me office se gar aya to meri biwi sari pehnke ready ho rahi thi wo sari me itni sunder lag rahi...

4 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 5 Reality Sets In

In the months that followed that first date, things were great between Beth and me. We had fun whenever we were together and more importantly, we learned to love the quirky little things about each other that make you who you are. For me to love Beth I had to not only love the smart and beautiful woman that I thought she was at the beginning, but I also had to embrace the fact that, yes, sometimes she was a bitch. I have to admit that there are times when her bitchiness did grate on me and I...

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Thrust Upon You

Wounded, her engines were offline. The Sparrowhawk's engineering crew could muster only thirty percent of nominal power. At this point, she drifted like a loosed arrow. No power was passed to the main particle beams from any source. Worse, the shield generators were phasing in and out. On the bright side, enemy fire had ceased to strike her. Damage control parties spread throughout the ship. The crew was effectively blind to the battle behind them. Experience stated that the Sa'arm had some...

2 years ago
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Journeys West Chapter 3 Escape to Laramie

Chapter 3 - Escape to Laramie Her fingers closed on the solid object at the bottom of the bag. She would have preferred something pointed, but we must utilize what God provides us in a time of crisis. Hope quickly waned when she realized it was her perfume bottle. Perhaps she could use that as a weapon and smash him over the head with it. Regrettably she realized it was too fragile to do any real damage; so Mary resorted to the next best thing. Grasping the perfume bottle and...

1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 4 Chapter 7

Deeper and deeper, Noah delved into the sea of his memories, losing all sense of identity and time. Random moments from his experience in the multiverse flashed across his mind’s eye with crystal clarity, hypnotizing his senses with experiences of thousands of years in the past. Pleasure, pain, laughter, tears, exhilaration, fear, intoxication, love, loss, they washed over him, with moments stretching across centuries and lifetimes passing by in the blink of an eye. With what shred of...

1 year ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch8

Leandra held on tight, looking down at the spot that once held the remains of Omby Amby. She pulled herself up and over the railing, looking around to see if Dorothy or The Lion had witnessed what had just transpired. To her delight there was no one but her. She walked over to the map that had caused her to kill Omby and just like Omby, she tossed it over the side of the ship. It swayed in the wind until it hit the desert and turned to sand. She looked out at the desert and saw land on the...

1 year ago
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Its the simple things that gets this black girl

I was applying for an assistant position for an accountant in a newly opened furniture store that intended to cater to the hip and elite. I believe that wearing all black to an interview gives you room to play and it seems to complement my Hershey chocolate complexion. So I chose to wear my black form fitting slacks that hugged my thick thighs and tight little ass along with my favorite shear black blouse with a matching camisole trimmed in lace. This was my favorite top because the fact that I...

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When Watching Isnt Enough

Introduction: Although this story is fiction, there is a few things that had really happened to me and thought it would meke for a great story. Let me know what you think. She was the most beautiful thing that I have seen in a long time. Fresh out of college and looking to making it on her own. She came to my door looking for the apartment I had for rent in my building, but as I stood there staring at her large round breast stretching her t-shirt and those incredible hazel eyes that glittered...

4 years ago
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Jennys Ladies Fun Night

Here is a little information about my friends. Ronnie is the youngest at 35. She is a knockout, fair-skinned redhead with a very athletic body and a killer ass. Most think that Ronnie must be/been a model, but she is not. Ronnie is completely straight and has never had a bi-sexual experience in her life. Maria is a 47 year old exotic beauty. She is of Latin and African descent with a big sexy, fiery attitude packed into her little 5’ 2” body. Maria is 100% lesbian. That wasn’t always the...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Anissa Kate Busty And Wild Anissa

Anissa Kate is horny and can not wait to get those tight shorts of hers off! She teases with those beautiful large tits of hers in her bra that are begging to break free of their confines. Jake Adams walks in with a cock hard and pointing right for her mouth! Anissa welcomes him with a smile sucking down every inch of his long hard shaft. Jake rails her trimmed pussy hard and puts that cock of his in between those beautiful jugs titty fucking her just how her fans requested. He saves his load...

3 years ago
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TrialsChapter 6

“Morning, Helen. Morning, Stace. I have coffee and blintzes.” With a smile, Sydney woke her subjects from their two month long stasis. “Do they hurt?” Sydney asked quietly at Helen’s approach. Stacy was in the bathroom, having not woken up until Sydney’s arrival giving the two a few minutes of private time. “Dey itch.” Scowling at the distortion that the tongue piercing created with her speech, “especially the one in my pussy.” She added for shock effect, which worked, if my student’s...

2 years ago
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Body and SoulChapter 12

Samantha shivered slightly as she stood on the sidewalk. It was a bright if slightly cold morning. Her small skirt and skimpy top afforded her virtually no protection against the elements. The street was empty except for one man hurrying past on his way to work. "You lookin' for some action, Honey?" She called out as he went by her. He ignored her and went on his way. Samantha was glad no one had taken up her offers so far. She had little choice in her actions, this was her punishment for...

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michelles Sexuality ReAwakened Ch 6

The plane arrived on time, right at 7:45 PM. Fifteen minutes later, I saw Michelle walkingdown the lobby, wearing the leather skirt and sweater, no bra. She looked just as I had envisioned, like a goddess in a dream, so unbelievably beautiful. When she got to me, she wrapped herself around me and gave me one of the best, most emotional kisses of our lives. Obviously, her modesty toward public displays of affection had dissipated significantly over the weekend. When she finally broke away from...

Wife Lovers
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Lizzie CameChapter 3

Nate took a deep breath and tried to center himself before he had the most difficult conversation of his life. How could he possibly tell his daughter he had had sex with her best friend? How could he explain that? He knew he couldn't. All he could do was admit what he had done, and get prepared to die, because if Nate's daughter Alexa didn't kill him, his wife Janice would.​ "Honey, here's what happened..." Before Nate could continue, a big smile came across Alexa's face and she...

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Huge Mexican Tits

Fbailey storyCamille was without a doubt the biggest girl in my class. She was a head taller than most of the boys and her tits were probably bigger than any ten girls put together.I had admired Camille since the start of school when she transferred in. She spoke good English and even better Spanish. She was a big girl but she was also pretty. She had a big belly, a big butt, and even bigger boobs. She reminded me of a younger and prettier version of my own mother.One day I got up the courage...

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How It All Began The Final Chapter

On his knees, his arms braced against the tall dress mirror. His muscles burned with fatigue and his lungs were snatching for any air he could find. From behind, Fay stabbed the strap-on cock into him again and again in a series of shallow strokes. Holding his cock in her hand, she felt his immediate reaction as his cock lurched violently in her grasp. Looking at the delicious sight reflected back in the mirror, the sexual ecstasy of it was etched on his face. The tense sinews of Jack’s arms...

1 year ago
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Drunk passed out wife abused and raped

I quickly noticed after her taking the first few Xanax pills that when she woke up her memory was almost completely blank with the added bonus of her being in an extremely deep sleep all night long. Friday night rolled around so despite a stern warning not to mix the medicine with alcohol we decided to have a few drink. Within forty-five minutes to an hour she was going into an unbelievably deep sleep and easily steered to the bedroom then stripped nude. I figured a trial run could be...

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The Ragging

Hi readers,thanks for your comments for my previous stories.Now am here with a story of a 19yr boy named Manu.Let me tell the story as Manu as me. I(Manu)am 19yrs,white,slim and now finished 12th and had taken admission for B.tech in an engineering college at Calicut which was very far from my house so I have to stay at hostel. I reached the college at the opening day.My parents fill the form for my stay in hostel and they went.My room consist of 3 beds.My roommate where also freshers. It is...

Gay Male
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Meri Friendly Mami 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, Mera naam mickey hai (name changed)aur main iss ka bahot bada fan hu.Iss pe story pichle 5saal se padh raha hu aur mera lund 15cm ka.Koi bhi aunty,bhabhi ya ladki mjhse contact karna chahti hai toh mail me pe inbox bhi kar sakte hai .Fb pe mere naam king mickey rockzz hai. Ab meri mami ke bare mein batata hu.Meri mami ka naam mini hai(name changed)unki umar 36 saal hai aur woh mere ghar se thode dur pe rehti hai.Unke jism pe sab se kamaal unke boobs hai aur woh mjhse bohot...

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