Urlaub im club
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Urlaub in Russland Als die Ferien begannen war Manuela geflüchtet. Sie hatte schon Tage vorher gepackt, alles war am ersten Ferientag bereit gewesen. Sie wollte von niemanden mehr etwas wissen, nur noch hinaus aus der Stadt in die Natur. Niemand sollte sie belästigen und sie hatte niemanden ein Wort gesagt. Sie hatte schon immer die Wildnis Russlands kennenlernen wollen. Ihr Russisch war sehr gut, da sie die Sprache studiert hatte. Sie hatte auch 2 Semester in Moskau verbracht. Diesmal wollte...
Schwestern unter sich Teil 1 (c) 2010 by Jenny H. W?hrend seine Eltern f?r 3 Wochen in Urlaub fahren, soll der 12-j?hrige Thorsten solange bei seiner Schwester Tanja wohnen. Dabei entwickelt sich, nicht zuletzt durch eine Freundin seiner Schwester, eine Situation, welche ihm unfreiwillig einige neue Erfahrungen und Ver?nderungen beschert. Meine Eltern fuhren f?r 3 Wochen in Urlaub und ich sollte w?hrend dieser Zeit bei meiner Schwester wohnen. Tanja war vor etwa einem Jahr ausgezogen und ...
Kate Sumers, eine attraktive vierzigjährige Frau, winkt ihrem Ehemann John hinterher, bis der mit seinem Wagen um die Ecke des Waldweges verschwunden ist. Seufzend dreht sie sich um und geht mit betrübter Miene wieder zu dem idyllisch an einem großen Waldsee gelegenem Ferienhäuschen zurück. Hier wird sie nun den nächsten Monat ganz alleine mit ihren gerade erwachsenen Kindern verbringen. Eigentlich hatte sie die Sommerferien auch gemeinsam mit John verbringen wollen, aber dann hatte ihr Mann in...
Dieses Piepsen war nicht auszuhalten. Ein elektronisches Geräusch, das in ihrem Kopf anfing zu kreischen. Sie hatte versucht, es zu ignorieren, aber der Ton war hartnäckig geblieben. Tina hatte keine Ahnung, wie sie in diesem breiten, warmen Bett gelandet war und wem die schmale, zierliche Hand auf ihrer nackten Möse gehörte. Blinzelnd sah sie sich suchend um und entdeckte ihr piepsendes und vibrierendes Handy auf dem Parkettboden, direkt neben ihrem schwarzen Slip. Neben sich hörte sie ein...
Ich bin Stefan und bin ein 27 jähriger Kerl mit kurzem dunklen Haaren, braunen augen, einer sportlichen Figur und bin eigentlich ständig geil nach Sex. Ich wollte mit meiner Verlobten in den Urlaub fahren und wir hatten uns Kenia als Ziel auserkoren doch dummerweise bekam sie 1 Woche bevor es losging eine Krankheit mit der sie nicht mitfahren konnte, da stand ich nun also und ahhet 2 Flugtickest die bezahlt waren und wußte nicht was ich tun sollte. Sie sagte ich sollte fahren weil sie aus...
Man die letzten Monate waren echt hart. So viel Arbeit und kaum Freizeit. So war ich froh, dass ich mal eine Woche weg konnte. Leider mussten alle anderen Arbeiten und so musste ich alleine los. Auch gar nicht so schlecht. Kann ich aussuchen was ich machen möchte ohne Rücksicht auf andere zu nehmen. Bei einer Woche wollte ich auch nicht so weit und so entschied ich mich für eine Woche in die Türkei an die Küste zu fahren. Das Hotel war nicht gerade super aber es lag direkt am Meer. Das Wasser...
Urlaub in der Türkei Haupt Personen: Justus - der Vater Anni - die Mutter Sophie - Tochter Sommerferien! Der Flieger landet und als die kleine Familie aus dem Flugzeug steigt ist es als würden sie gegen eine schwüle warme Wand aus Luft laufen. Keine einzige Wolke ist zu sehen am hellblauen Himmel über Antalya. Sophie die Tochter, braune lange glatte Haare die ihr fast bis zum Popo gehen auf die sie sehr stolz ist und hegt und pflegt, blaue Augen und ca. 150 groß mit kleinen Tittchen die ihre...
Interracial"Und du denkst daran jeden Abend die Alarmanlage einzuschalten? Und jedes Mal wenn du das Haus verlässt?" Sarah verdehte genervt die Augen. "JAA Papa. Zum dritten Mal. Ich bin 18, keine 8. Und das hier ist eine Vorstadt von Frankfurt, nicht von Detroit." Ihr Vater lächelte hilflos und zuckte mit den Achseln. "Was soll ich denn machen? Ich sorge mich eben um dich. Und das erste mal eine Woche alleine zu sein ist eine große Sache" Sarahs Mutter kam aus der Küche wo sie das Geschirr noch in die...
Matthias stoppt den Mietwagen, er sieht noch einmal auf das Navigationsgerät und dann auf den Bootssteg zu seiner Linken. Dann nickt er zufrieden und blickt abwechselnd seine Frau und seine Tochter an: „Ich denke, wir sind da!“ Matthias hat kaum den Motor abgestellt, da ist seine Tochter Verena schon aus dem hinteren Teil des Wagens geklettert. „Papa, das ist ja toll hier!“ Der Blick der Achtzehnjährigen schweift über die Bucht und die vielen Yachten, die hier vor Anker liegen. „Ja, wirklich...
In diesem Jahr wollen Linda,Evi,Gala und Tia jeweils in ein anderes Land reisen und am Ende ihrer Reisen einander von ihren Erlebnissen berichten. Endlich ist der Sommer gekommen und die vier Mädls stehen am Vienna Flughafen,um sich voneinander zu verabschieden. Linda ist 20,schlank,blond,hat graue Augen und üppigen Busen.Sie trägt ein türkises Top,eine Jeanshotpants,lässige rosa Sportschuhe,einen blauenBh,aber kein Höschen.Ihre Reise geht nach Hamburg. Evi ist 19,zierlich-anmutig,hat...
1995 Juli – Kurzurlaub im Wohnwagen nach der Hochzeit am 04.07.1995Am Tag nach der Hochzeit fahren wir in die Nähe von Nürnberg, zu einem Waldsee, Freunde haben dort einen Wohnwagen und sind selbst verhindert. Ich bin auf alles vorbereitet, Achseln und Beine rasiert, Schamhaare bikinifein gemacht, sieht nichts raus. Wechseln uns bei Fahren ab, Andreas Hand oft auf meinen Schenkeln und auch dazwischen, trage längere Shorts, alte Jeans einfach abgeschnitten und Hemd, aber mit BH, wenn wir da sind...
Als ich aufwachte fiel schon die Sonne auf ihre makellose Haut. Sie schlief noch. Nackt lag sie zwischen den Laken, die immer noch etwas feucht von der Nacht waren. Sie hatte einen festen Schlaf. Unbemerkt hatte ich uns Frühstück auf Zimmer bestellen lassen. Fünf Minuten später kam das Zimmermädchen in Sicht. Ich hatte mir eilig einen Morgenmantel übergeworfen, den ich etwas verkrampft zu hielt, um die Morgenlatte zu verbergen. Als ich das Tablett in Empfang nahm, hoffte ich nur, dass nichts...
Ich war jetzt schon einige Wochen mit Monika befreundet, aber es ging nicht so recht vorw?rts. Sexuell meine ich. Ein bisschen K?ssen und Schmusen, und das wars. Dabei war sie ausgesprochen attraktiv, fast so gro? wie ich mit pechschwarzen Haaren, die ihre Schultern umspielten. Dazu kontrastierte die bleiche Haut, die fast unwirklich hell erschien. Ihre zarten Augenbrauen waren zwei perfekte Bogen, und die Wimpern waren sehr lang. Wegen ihrer schwarzen Haare brauchte sie kein Makeup, um ih...
Hi readers, I am Raj back with another story. This story isn’t mine, it is of an ISS reader who contacted me after reading my previous story on this site. She told me the story of her first sex, aur I am narrating it to you in her words. For any feedback, or for fun chats or meetings, please feel free to drop me an email on my ID I would love to get in touch with my readers from around Mumbai, Pune. So, here goes. Hello readers, kaise hain aap sab? Yeh ISS par meri pehli story hai. Abhi kuch...
It all began to fall in place with a foot massage. Yes, that's right. I said a foot massage. I'm quite well-known, to my female friends, for giving great foot massages. This is something that I do for a few reasons. One reason is that it's something that I enjoy. I don't exactly have a foot fetish (podophilia); however, I am a bit of a hedonist (but not in the strictest sense): I derive no small amount of pleasure from giving others pleasure. This may sound at odds with somebody who...
When Misha Maver catches a thief in her house, she becomes his accomplice in criminally hot behavior. In this exclusive Hands on Hardcore premium porn video the glamour pornstar doesn’t let Pablo Ferrari escape when he almost evades being caught by her. She instead demands that the thief gives her some hardcore pussy fucking right there in her livingroom, and she gets some ex-con style sex from the well-endowed bad boy. It takes the Russian babe a little while to realize that she’s...
xmoviesforyouThe modern person, who has lived a significant percentage of their life in a digital economy, can not imagine what life would be like without checks, credit cards, debit cards, and online banking. Mortgages, rent, utilities, and insurance are paid with check or by electronic transfer. Large purchases and consumer goods are paid with credit cards, or checks. Plastic is not reserved only for big items. People will whip out a credit or debit card to pay for a five dollar lunch, or a cup of...
My little sister in law continued to tease me during the time we lived together but we never actually got it on for real. No, she would give me that funny midwestern smile (she and her mom were from Michigan) and wander around the kitchen in the morning wearing just her pajama bottoms and a tee shirt. No panties and her ass would be jiggling and I was getting hard from looking at her proud young body. She loved to tease me and I came to expect it from her.But she insisted it was wrong and...
It had been a night of casual beer drinking. When I got home I quickly went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and rolled out of bed. My dick was pointing straight out as if leading the way. I had to relieve myself. It wasn't difficult to maneuver in the darkness of the home you share with a few other college buddies. The only illumination was from a night light in the hallway socket. As I got ready to make my way into the bathroom my college roommate was making his way out. He too...
Almost seeming to leap over the mess she had just made by the door, Lindsey jumped for Dusty and he just barely caught her before she tackled him. Dusty suddenly found himself holding a hysterically crying Lindsey as she seemed to break down in his arms. Not sure why he did it, Dusty couldn't help but notice that she was dressed in the same short brown outfit as the rest of the serving girls. She couldn't have been there all that long as her tanned and well formed legs only made the...
Let's start this off with a small but important description and introduction, shall we? My name is Andi. My body type would be average I'd have to say, not too small but not too big. I'm a bit curvy. I'm a natural blonde which my personality proves when I talk for too long. I'm 5'9 and my breasts are a perky set of 34Ds, despite their size, and eyes like an ice blue. I'd like to admit that I'm not the one writng this story but my girlfriend is and she better be getting all the words right. She...
LesbianAnother hot summer’s day and as always Petey my faithful 2-year-old English Mastiff was excited to go for his daily swim in one of the irrigation ponds on a 500-acre farm in our small town. Petey at 180 always looked forward to cooling off by wading in the ponds, and today being over 90 degrees he was especially ready. Being so hot and humid, Petey was very prone to overheating, so I decided to walk along the edge of the tree farm to where the nearest pond was. The pond backed off of a...
(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: May 1, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, mystery ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 9: Dinner - After giving Gabriella a quick warning, Serenity appeared in the kitchen, with Nick unfortunately close behind. “It smells amazing in...
Chapter Forty-OneMac and Grace were enjoying their night out at Dinnertheater Schoenbrunn when Alice called Mac’s cell. He let it go to voicemail, but she didn’t leave a message. Instead, she called back three more times before Mac finally said to Grace, “I’m sorry, it must be urgent, or she would have given up by now.”Grace took a deep breath. “It’s fine; go ahead a call her back so she will stop interrupting our evening.”Mac stepped out into the hallway and dialed Alice’s number. She picked...
NovelsOne of my friend Chike travelled to Ogoja for a three day workshop/seminar that was organised by the Company he works for. Before leaving, he told me to keep an eye over his wife Ezinnne. On Friday night, Ezinne called me and told me to accompany her to a pool room in a local club. I was at their house by 9:30pm. When she came out of the house, I was shocked with what she was wearing. She was putting on a macro mini short skirt and blouse. When she entered my car, I caught a glimpse of her...
Game: Will of Change In its core the game is fairly simple each player takes a turn rolling the die and moving clocwise along the board for the amount they rolled and then draw a colored card corresponding to the color of the square they landed, then the player gets to decide if they will accept the card effect or drop out of the game. The game can end if a player lands on a white or black squre (the final square of each loop) or if only a single player still remains in the game. However there...
FetishI sat down and ate my breakfast thinking of what I should do on my first day of summer vacation. I have always been really good with computers and electronic devices so this kind of made me a loner when it came to making friends. Not that I was ugly looking, I always figured average, just strange. I wondered if the talent with computers was from my father since I never got to know him he left my mother on the day I was born. I got up and put my dishes into the sick deciding I will do the dishes...
I walk to the door, I’m sure you can hear my heels outside the door. I knock softly. My heart is racing, just like every time. Excited, nervous, anxious, eager. I’m smoothing my skirt for the millionth time as you open the door. My eyes find your face and we both begin to grin at one another. You take my hand and pull me into the room and your embrace. I wrap my arms around your waist and snuggle into you as you shut the door. I inhale deeply and feel my muscles relax. “Hello my sweet” “Hi” ...
I couldn’t believe I’d gotten her home with me. We’d met in a bar when I was drinking with my friends, I spotted her early in the night but didn’t have the courage to talk to her. She looked perfect. She was slim, with long red hair that came down to a tight, round ass. When she turned around, I saw she had a truly beautiful face but there was a sexy, dangerous look in her eyes that scared me. Incredibly, she came up to me when I was ordering drinks. “I saw you looking at me cutie, do you want...
During a track workout, hot blonde athlete Cherry Kiss sees Black stunner Zaawaadi and sizes her up: ‘Fucking slut.’ Heavyweight boxer Maximo Garcia arrives on his motorbike. Zaawaadi finds herself lured inside and fitted with a bondage collar, fulfilling a fantasy. Cherry angrily accuses the exotic beauty of fucking her boyfriend. ‘Destroy her for me,’ Cherry instructs the smiling Maximo. Leashed Zaawaadi deepthroats his dick in an obedient blowjob. With Zaawaadi...
xmoviesforyouApparently Kristen had been lusting over me since the first time we saw each other. I guess you could say it was almost love at first sight. The local radio station wanted to do a promotion for our gun store. All we had to do was put a gun up for a drawing and they would advertise for us. That drew in a lot of customers. Who can pass up a free gun? I had so many people in and out of the store two months prior to the drawing for the gun just to register. The promotion fit in real well...
This story is completely fictional. It was Monday morning and my kids would be home from their fathers’ house soon. I knew my son’s, Ryan and Hunter would be horny and want to fuck me but since their sister would be with them I knew they couldn’t; it would drive them wild. I was sitting in my little home office when the kids’ car pulled into the driveway. My son’s rushed in through the front door, they called out for me so I responded, “I’m in here boy’s.” Hunter and Ryan came into my office; I...
IncestI slept well Wednesday night, my first threesome having exceeded my wildest expectations and building my sexual confidence to a zenith I would never have thought about two weeks ago. My anxiety about the night was now gone and my muscles had been quick to relax and allow me to fall into a deep sleep. I don't remember dreaming but I awoke Thursday morning with full-blown erection and was humping the mattress. This was not just morning wood or a piss hard-on. I was already in a state of full...
Shortly after I witnessed my wife in the garden at the party I had to confront her. I had so many mixed emotions about what I had witnessed I couldn’t keep them in any longer. I won’t go into all the details of what happened as they aren’t erotic. But there was some arguing, crying and hugging, a lot of confusion and she agreed we needed some counselling for our marriage to move forward. I knew I wouldn't divorce my wife for her infidelity once I had received counselling and confronted her....
Group SexGender bent – Ch 7 -The gang-bang roomHey all. Thanks for reading my stories and all. I want to say if you enjoy them. Leave comments and let me know if there is something you would want to see. Sorry about the errors in advance. Also if you haven’t already noticed the stories are kind of out of order (Sorry) I took it upon myself to make this Table of contents as I will be numbering these stories from now on. I expect to get to chapter 12-15 and going to wrap this one up hopefully by the end...
In the beginning, The Shadow waited. The Light Lord lit up the stars and the sun, and The Shadow waited behind them. The Protean breathed life into the seas, and The Shadow waited at the bottom. The Mother planted the forests, and The Shadow waited beneath them. Wherever the gods worked, The Shadow was there, silent, patient, plotting. The Protean created The First Ones, ancient and powerful. The youngest of The First Ones, Kraken, consumed The Protean, and was imprisoned for its sin. The...
FantasyHere’s one little tale of fucking a friend’s mother. Nothing unusual in that you might think but there is a twist at the end. If any of you read my first story ‘Lessons in Life’ you will know that I have always had a thing for women much older than myself. This story starts from 30 odd years later.One day I was driving from Manchester to London and I decided to stop off in Birmingham, where I was born. Once there I remembered an old friend’s mother called Jean and I knew that all her k**s had...
She has discovered her sexuality. She is a woman, she began having her period over two months ago and she had begun to develope breasts, her little pussy had a little tuft of fine reddish hair growing. She pulled a chair in front of the big mirror in her bedroom. She sat in it with her legs spread wide, feet flat on the floor, then she peeled her pink pussy lips open to inspect herself, she was amazed at the sight of her pussy and as she played with it, she began to get wet, she dipped a finger...
As you are standing in the bedroom wearing your long red gown, I come up behind you and wrap my arms around you. You can feel my hard and throbbing penis thru your gown and you push yourself back into me. I stand there with you in my arms as I start to kiss your neck and shoulders and rub my hands up and down your body. You then bring your hands up and start rubbing my arms, trying to get me to hold you tighter.As we embrace I feel you push back against me harder and start to rub your silky...
Vera gave a nervous sigh, Jane reached for her hand, giving it a squeeze of reassurance. Barry was the first to enter.“Well, just look at what we have here,” he said with a broad grin as he entered the room. “Two old slags hoping for some big black cocks to fuck them senseless,” he laughed. “What do you reckon lads,” he said, striding up to Vera, reaching out one hand and grabbing her breast, squeezing it roughly then pinching her nipple hard.”Vera let out a cry as the pain shot through her,...
Birthday Surprise Part 1 It was about two weeks after New Years and it was my girlfriend Lindsey’s 21st birthday. We had been planning this for weeks. I was taking her out for dinner at our favorite restaurant and then meeting up with all of our friends downtown to bar & club hop. We also had a hotel room reserved within walking distance so we didn’t have to drive anywhere. Tonight was going to be a good night. Drunken sex with Lindsey was always great. She was always much more feisty. As I...
Chapter 11Lauren: Where are you?Me: So needy. I laugh at my own text. Which isn’t even funny, but I’m already feeling a little tipsy from the glass of champagne I downed when I first got to the bar. I’m here before anyone else from our team since I needed a moment alone before I have to socialize. In general, I believe champagne should be sipped, but I’m full of nerves right now and I need something to calm them.Lauren: Cheeky. Don’t forget whose mercy you’ll be at tonight.And there it is. The...
LesbianAfter Nikki had let me fondle her on our first “date” which she had planned, I knew I wanted to see her more! I dropped her off at her mother’s house and she thanked me for the ride to Emporia “and everything else... I had a wonderful time!” she smiled. “Me, too,” I grinned. “How about doing it another time?” “Oh, I’d love to see you again,” Nikki said, as her face fell. “But I don’t know if I can,” she admitted.“Wait, you want to but you can’t?” I asked, puzzled.”It’s my mom, Bertha,” she sad,...
Dear Diary, I was so nervous to be doing this. Hi, my name is Raven and I am quite successful but there is a part of me that wants to take control, that wants to feel alive. Its very sad when no one knows about my secret. Im waiting for her to come out of the bathroom now. Im so nervous and excited. I just can’t stand it. I wonder how many people will watch live this time. I am a Christian Psychologist by day and a lesbian webcam model by night. I met this particular girl online. I met her on...
Monday morning--Tylea and Lee. "Making a good commercial pizza," said Deuce as he clicked his laser pointer to the PowerPoint presentation on the conference room screen, "is really dependent on three basic things: taste, the ability to be consistent, and profitability. A pizza has to taste good to the majority of people who try it, and you, as a pizza chef--along with all of your employees--have to be able to reproduce that same pizza with almost boring consistency. You also need to be...
Early RetirementBy Ed Kilpatrick E-mail: [email protected] tale has been written by Ed Kilpatrick and he would request that it is not distributed nor uploaded to any website without his prior written consent. It had been a very long afternoon and I was hot; very hot and sweating profusely through the thick spandex (Lycra) Zentai suit, that covered me from head to toe. My hands were...
Out of necessity my girlfriend Lena and I, a DD half brunette-half redhead, work different shifts with different companies. She works the Monday-Friday day shift, while I work the Sunday-Thursday afternoon/evening shift that often extends past midnight. Thus, while we live together, there are times when we don’t see each other, conscious for two days at a time. So sex is mainly reserved for the weekend, which makes that time even better. Last weekend was especially good… Throughout Saturday we...
Frank nearly knocked the alarm clock off the top of the night stand in his grogginess, groping several times for the "off" button before finally just slamming his hand on the top of the infernal thing several times before managing to hit it. He covered his eyes with his hand, rolling onto his back. The constant low throbbing pain still lurked under his temples. He always hoped that just one good night's sleep would finally knock out that headache, a headache that a half a bottle of...
Chapter One. Leaning against the wall, grey eyes would survey the crowded night life that was New York, she wasn't just watching for the occasional drama that erupted among it's citizens. No she had an ultimate goal, find Leon Church and kill him. Even with the rain the streets were crowded yet she knew he was out there, she could sense him. As lightening lit the sky she would feel a shiver run down her spine, the atmosphere was as charged as she and it was making her jumpy. This...
529 T and the lad Part 4So, she looked deep into T`s eyes, then said, “I must soon have him you know that don’t you? Tears formed in the woman`s eyes, she remembered school, and how this woman , then just a girl, had taken everything she had ever really treasured, and here she was again about to take her son, her lover, and there was little she could do or say.as he wanted the bitch so. H stood and said to Rodney, “You make up your minds while I go to the john”, and with that she swept out in...
Breaking Him UpEdward had been living with his girlfriend for nearly a year. Their sex life had slowed considerably and he found his thoughts more and more drawn to fantasies of more experimental and less inhibited activities. His thoughts and fantasies wandered aimlessly at first, but then found himself more and more communicating with one specific woman, via email and on the phone. She wasn?t just any woman, however, she was a Domina. She was skilled, personally and professionally in taking...
Kenny Jacobs stood in the shade cast by the detached garage in the door yard for a brief pause. Nine in the morning and already a sweltering summer day. Insects broke the calm silence as the heat of the day mounted and already the humidity had caused his shirt to become nearly soaked through.He pulled the leather work gloves tight on his hands and went back to clearing out the side yard of the house. Years of neglect had left the patch of earth devoid of grass but completely overgrown with...
[When I opened the envelopes, each one contained seven blank pieces of paper. Dad saw the defeated look on my face and said, “I had a feeling. By now Sherman probably has them.”] Dad, Bob and Joshua ran across the field toward the lab even though we all knew it was too late to catch the fucker. Linda kissed me on the cheek and with a twinkle in her eye said, “I guess we’re just gonna have to draw you another set, aren’t we Boss!” I pulled her in for a lot more than a ‘brotherly’ kiss. When...
Ana moaned strongly as she once more felt her pussy being devoured like there would be no tomorrow. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at the sight of Melissa's semi bald pussy. She had obviously shaved it regularly, but it was clear she hadn't been allowed to at the Abbey. Ana pulled her down to her mouth once more and began sucking and sucking. Ana wasn't quite sure how long they had been at it, but with the exception of a few times when sheer exhaustion had caused the two of them to...
KATHY'S DINER SisyphusIt was late and I had been driving for hours through the fog and drizzle. I was getting drowsy and in the middle of nowhere, it seemed. Nothing but trees and an occasional dark house were barely visible. The static on the car radio made listening to the jazz station annoying and the only other station that came in was preaching about the end of time and we better give our souls to Jesus to be saved, something like that. I turned the radio off and drove in the dark silence,...
Straight SexStandard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...
My sister in law stopped in to pick up some laundry my wife had done for their Mother. She was still an emotional basket case, completely devestated by the hanging suicide of their neighbor's fifteen year old son. She had actually helped cut him from the tree in the wooded area behind their neighborhood.She walked through the back door, eyes still bloodshot from endless tears, and looked emotionally drained. One look at her and she began to weep, falling into my open arms, sobbing...
Taboo"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 5 Closer Than Sisters The second day following saw the return of Lyonidas to our castle. He arrived with an entourage of faceless guards, but his attitude showed he didn't fear any of us enough to need them. He wasn't particularly arrogant like his father, just comfortable in the presence of his enemies. It appeared that the High Canyonites didn't care much for formal...