GreeniesChapter 21A free porn video

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Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit

September 11, 2146

Major Wilde was once again observing the final flight briefing less than two hours from the scheduled launch time. Admiral Haybecker was explaining to the AA-71 pilots and gunners for the tenth time that no matter what else they blew up in or around New Pittsburgh on the coming strike they were not to touch so much as a hair on the head of the Alexander Industries ammunition plant.

"That plant is a vital part of the WestHem military supply apparatus and its destruction or damage would be catastrophic for us after we liberate this planet."

None of the flight crews questioned this reversal of their previous orders. They hadn't questioned it even when they'd been advised for the first time that the plant was now off limits. They were too used to abrupt and contradictory changes in their orders by this point. Most, in fact, were starting to wonder if they were ever going to go anywhere or blow anything up.

The scrubbing of the Alexander Industries plant from the frag list had come six hours before, this time not as an order from the Executive Council (although they had not opposed the order) but as an order from Admiral Wesley Brooke, supreme commander of the WestHem navy and, by default, supreme commander of the WestHem marines as well since the marines were technically part of the navy. The official reason for the scrub was the bullshit Haybecker had just spouted about the plant being vital to the military supply apparatus. Though the plant was important it was certainly not vital since there were other Alexander Industries plants on Earth that were capable of picking up the slack — those other plants had, in fact, supplied all of the shells and bullets for Operation Martian Hammer to this point since, of course, their Martian plant was now in Martian hands. No, the real reason had to be more political interference from lobbyists, accountants, and, undoubtedly, Robert Allen Trump II, Alexander Industries' CEO. Though he wasn't powerful enough to directly threaten the Executive Council as the other CEOs had, he did hold most of the joint chiefs of staff and WestHem's top military commanders in his pocket since his corporation was the only one capable of supplying all of the bullets, bombs, and shells the army, navy, and marines required in the numbers that they required. And Trump would want his New Pittsburgh plant to be still standing and operational once the marines liberated that city. If it were operational then it could produce the ordinance needed for the liberation of the rest of Mars without having to worry about shipping it across the solar system. Another military decision made in the name of politics and profit margins.

I should just go join the damn greenies, Wilde thought sourly as Haybecker told his crews that two of the New Pittsburgh rail junctions had been scrubbed as well. This, though he didn't mention it, was because they were within ten kilometers of the Alexander Industries plant and he didn't want to risk that a stray laser shot would accidentally hit it.

Wilde's PC began to buzz. He sighed, completely unsurprised. Neither, apparently, were the pilots or their commanders. The briefing came to a halt as they saw him pull it out and flip it open. Everyone in the room stared in his direction.

"Yes, General?" Wilde said. "Has there been another change in plans?"

"Why yes," Browning replied. "How did you know?"

"It just came to me," Wilde said.

"I see," Browning said, looking a little confused. He seemed to shrug it off after a moment. "Anyway, there has been another minor adjustment to the attack plan. Come to my office right away so I can brief you on it and you can start preparing a new press release for me."

"Are we standing down the space launches again?" Wilde asked.

"I would rather discuss that in person, Major. We'll go over it when you get to my office."

"Sir, I've got more than two hundred flight crews in here receiving their final briefing. Should Admiral Haybecker continue this briefing or will the crews need to stand down for a new frag list again?"

Browning pouted a little but answered the question. "They'll be stood down," he said. "The target list will need to be modified again."

The groan of disgust started near Wilde, by those flight crewmen who could hear his conversation. Within a few seconds it spread throughout the entire room, occasionally interspersed with some rather colorful profanity. Wilde simply muttered a "yes sir" and flipped his PC shut.

"We're standing down?" Haybecker asked him.

"Yes, sir," Wilde told him. "I'll go see what's been modified this time."

"What's been fucked up you mean," one of the nearer crewmen said.

"Yeah," Wilde agreed. "That about sums it up."

He left the briefing room a moment later, mumbling to himself about joining the fucking greenies again. At least they let their military leaders make the goddamn military decisions.

"Okay," he said when he entered Browning's office. "What kind of atrocity did the suits in Denver lay on us this time?"

Browning was not amused. "You're getting awfully mouthy with me lately, Wilde," he said. "I'll thank you to remember some semblance of military courtesy when addressing me. I am your commanding general after all."

"Forgive me, sir," Wilde said without the slightest trace of sincerity. "So tell me, sir, what are the good folks back in Denver requesting we modify now?"

Browning continued to glare at him for a few moments and then mellowed. "Well," he said, "it seems that Steve Carlson, CEO of AgriCorp, was a bit upset when we changed our targeted city from Eden to New Pittsburgh."

"Oh no," Wilde said, shaking his head and looking up at the ceiling.

"Well you can certainly understand his position, can't you?" Browning asked. "More than thirty percent of AgriCorp's crops are grown in Eden and more than forty percent of their prepared food products are manufactured and packaged in Eden. The price of AgriCorp stock has fallen by more than a third since the greenies seized Mars and there are people going hungry in WestHem because AgriCorp can't get their food there anymore. It's vital that we get those assets and that production and shipping capability back in Carlson's hands. It's for the good of all WestHem."

"Of course it is," Wilde said. "So we're shifting the focus of our attack back to Eden then?"

"Well... yes and no."

Wilde chewed his upper lip a few times. "What exactly does that mean, General?"

"The Standard Steel and Corrigan Industries point of view is quite valid as well. The ability to re-take a large portion of our mining and manufacturing base — as well as capturing the terrorist leaders — is deemed to be too important to disregard."

"So which city are we going to take?" Wilde asked.

"Both," Browning said with a smirk.

Wilde had thought they couldn't screw up his plan any further than they'd already screwed it. He was wrong about that it seemed. "Both?" he asked. "You mean divide up our forces and make two separate landings?"

"Yes," Browning said. "It's a stroke of genius really. I'm surprised you didn't think of this initially."

Wilde knew that the decision was already made, that his pleas and angry outbursts would not change anything. But he had to try! "General," he said, "that is not a brilliant idea. It's a very unwise idea."

"What's wrong with it? I suggested this compromise myself and the Executive Council heartily agreed with it."

"Well... instead of an eight to one advantage against a single city we'll have two four to one advantages. That negates the overwhelming numerical superiority that made my initial plan a sure success."

"So?" Browning said with a shrug. "It's still a four to one advantage on each front. Have you forgotten that it only takes a three to one advantage to overtake a position?"

"That's not an absolute, sir. It's only a guideline and it only applies to equally matched and equipped forces with all things being equal. Just because you have a three to one advantage or a four to one advantage doesn't mean you will take your objective. We started out with an almost four to one advantage on the first stage at all fronts, remember? And look what happened there."

"That was because of that incompetent boob Wrath," Browning scoffed. "Now those four to one ratios will be under my command and you can bet that little leaf on your shoulder I will plan this campaign to win and we will sweep into those cities quickly and painlessly."

Jesus, thought Wilde, he's spouting off to me like he's talking to the press. He really believes that just because he says it it's true. God help us. "Sir," he said, "the only way we're going to sweep into anything down there is by maintaining the highest attack to defender ratio as possible. The Martians have air superiority and have denied us the use of our artillery guns. Our companies, platoons, and squads are disjointed from the first phase, with poor morale, inexperienced leaders, and lots of green troops who used to be cooks and maintenance men and computer programmers — guys who haven't held a gun since basic training. The Martians we'll be facing are now battle-hardened veterans with high morale and a lot to fight for. With the situation as it is the only way we're sure to take our objective is with that eight to one ratio. With four to one... well... things aren't all that certain anymore. There's a good chance we could be repelled again on one or both fronts."

"Look, Wilde," Browning said condescendingly, "I know it's your job to try to anticipate the worse that can happen and to be conservative in your military recommendations but I think you're carrying that a bit too far here — almost to the point of being overdramatic. Give us some credit here. We know the mistakes that were made by General Wrath. We know how the greenies fight now. Between the two of us we should be able to come up with a lightening-fast landing ship to city campaign that will take the targets with minimal casualties."

"We can come up with a plan, yes," Wilde said, "but as for a plan that guarantees success in our objectives..." He shook his head. "No, we can't do that. Not with the numbers we have against an enemy as well-trained, disciplined, and, most of all, motivated as the Martians."

"Guarantee?" Browning scoffed. "Who can guarantee anything in this life? Now why don't you go let Admiral Spears and Admiral Haybecker know that they'll need to start planning to isolate New Pittsburgh and Eden by rail now. That will mean two separate alpha strikes, I'm sure, so I'll give them another eighteen hours to develop a plan and get the crew to launch."

"They're not going to like that, sir," Wilde said. "It they can't take out the Martian recon-sats it's possible they won't have enough spacecraft to pull off two missions."

"They're not paid to like their orders," Browning said. "They're paid to carry them out and you're paid to deliver them. Once you get done with that you can compose this latest press release. After that, get to my office and we'll start planning our two campaigns."

Wilde sighed. "Yes, sir," he said.

Six hours later the big three were still going on about this latest modification of the Martian attack plan. All three were of the opinion that it was a bold endeavor, showing the aggressive nature of General Browning in his task.

"At the completion of this two-pronged strike," said one of the more popular military analysts on InfoServe, "WestHem forces will hold the two most important cities on the surface. After that, the terrorist insurgency will most likely collapse for lack of leadership, therefore allowing the Martian populace being held hostage in the other cities to simply resume rudimentary control from the state of lawlessness and despair that currently exists. Though a second force of marines will still have to be sent out to Mars — it is quite obvious, after all, that the Martian people need a stabilizing force to oversee them — it is quite possible these marines will not have to do much other than occupation duties and restoration of basic infrastructure."

Wilde wasn't amused by the analyst's statement. He wished Browning, who was working at another desk across the room, would just shut the damn screen off so he could concentrate on formulating this fabled "two-pronged attack" in a manner that would allow success on both fronts. This was something that could be done, he instinctively knew. And he suspected that if it were done right it could even be done without horrible losses. The trick would be to examine the failures of the first attempt with a realistic eye, learn from them, and try to correct them. He looked at what he had put on his screen so far, reviewing it, hoping for some sort of inspiration.

Problem 1 — LZ's are too far out from target. This gives enemy special forces units, mortar teams, and, most significantly, air crews, far too much time to cause attrition of our armor and men which, in turn, causes degradation of morale, breakdown of command/control at small unit level due to deliberate targeting of officers and NCOs. Solution: Land closer in?? This does violate doctrine but why twice the distance of nearest artillery range? Why not just outside nearest artillery range? True, this puts units in range of enemy tanks if they choose to advance on the LZ but the Martians don't have that many tanks, certainly not enough to challenge a well-defended LZ as long as we get our own tanks out as quick as possible and stationed on the perimeter.

Problem 2 — Martian special forces units attempt to draw us outside our LZ perimeter so they can engage us, slowing us down further, causing further attrition and further degradation of morale. Solution: tight perimeter manned primarily by tanks dug into hull-down positions. Keep these positions within 500 meters of the landing ships, keep exposed troops to a minimum. Do NOT go beyond this perimeter no matter what the provocation.

Problem 3 — Martian air superiority. Solution: None. Not in this conflict. Hovers cannot stand up to fast-moving fixed wing aircraft with the ability to hug the ground and pop out at will. Any attacks made by hovers must be fast, short, and able to withdraw back to the perimeter before Martian aircraft can respond.

Wilde stared at this last paragraph for a few minutes, feeling like there was something significant there but not quite able to grasp what it was. "Fast, short, and able to withdraw..." he said to himself. "Hmmm."

His eyes flitted back up to Problem 1, to the line that read, Solution: Land closer in?? He then looked down at the bottom of the screen, to Problem 4, which read: Martian heavy guns have the ability to neutralize our 150mm mobile guns, therefore eliminating our ability to support ground forces with artillery — a staple of any ground campaign. Solution: Must find a way to take out these Martian fixed 250s. They are too small of targets for AA-71s to hit with accuracy and accuracy is mandatory to destroy large guns in thick, concrete bunkers. Hovers are the ideal attack platform for this task as they can close and make a direct shot with their high intensity lasers but the Martian air superiority precludes this.

"Or does it?" he whispered, looking back up to the solution for Problem 1. Land closer in?? The Martians had ripped through their hovers as they'd tried to move them up to the forward refuel point so they could undertake the mission against the heavy guns. But what if there were no forward refuel point?

He quickly opened another window in the planning software, this one a map of the Eden vicinity. He began to look at the terrain, his eyes searching for the perfect place. It wasn't long until he found it. He made a few notations and then looked up at Browning, who was reviewing something on is own computer screen.

"General," he called, "would you mind coming over here for a minute?"

Browning frowned but trudged his way over. "Yes? Did you come up with something?"

"I think I have," Wilde said. "I think maybe I've found a way to negate some of the problems we encountered in phase one."

"Good," Browning said. "Write them up and we'll go with them."

"Uh... but, sir," he said carefully. "Don't you want a preliminary review?"

"I'm sure whatever you come up with is fine," he said. "We have the numerical advantage after all. There is one other minor thing that has just cropped up."

Wilde winced at these words — he'd heard them far too many times now. "And what might that be?"

Browning told him. Wilde shouldn't have been surprised at this point, but he was. "Sir... Jesus. In light of this... minor change, we're going to need to get our people down on the surface as soon as possible if this is going to work."

"How soon are we talking?" Browning asked.

"Yesterday if we could," Wilde said, still trying to come to grips with what he'd just been told. "It's imperative we get our landing ships down before the Martians have a chance to start reinforcing."

"But you don't even have a plan for deployment yet."

"I know," Wilde groaned in frustration. "I was counting on at least a week after the space strikes isolated those cities, but now..." He shook his head. "Jesus Christ, sir. I need to get to work and go into hyperdrive. If I stay up all night I might be able to have preliminary landing and targeting areas complete. That will at least give us a starting point."

"I like the way you think, Major. You're showing some good old-fashioned WestHem gumption."

"Thank you, sir. Now I'd better get cracking on this thing."

"Of course," Browning said. "Right after you prepare a press briefing for me on this latest development."

"Press briefing? Sir, time is of the essence here. Can you get one of the other staff aides to put together the briefing?"

"Nobody does them as well as you do, Major," Browning told him. "You have a certain flair for that sort of thing. You know how to put military terminology into terms the ignorant civilians can understand. Besides, what's another couple of hours anyway?"

Wilde sighed, said his "yes, sir" and then went to work on the press briefing. As soon as it was complete General Browning delivered the "good news" to the big three.

General Jackson and Major Sprinkle watched General Browning's briefing live on the main terminal in Jackson's office. Like Major Wilde both men were simply beyond astonishment at the stupidity of the decisions being made by their adversaries and by the fact that they were announcing them in advance. This one, however, was quite possibly the stupidest of them all. They had just stood down the space strikes indefinitely.

"And so it is felt," Browning's image explained, "that since the liberation and occupation of both Eden and New Pittsburgh are now imminent, there is little point in destroying the vital rail linkages that provide access and commerce to those two cities. These rail lines, after all, are what will allow us to move our own troops and equipment to other Martian cities and to quickly resume commerce and transportation as soon as they are secure. In particular we will need to move military supplies, steel, and manufactured products from New Pittsburgh to Eden and we will need to move food and other agricultural products from Eden to New Pittsburgh. These intact rail lines will also help alleviate the starvation and famine that has been rampant on Mars since the terrorist elements seized control of it four months ago."

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Threesomes and Other Poems

PROPHESY Green mountains-- Power and desire: The planet's failure Is an opportunity For empowerment Through slavery; We are sheep, Fenced about by lust And guarded by dogs Rabid with greed And salivating death. This is our future, Our destiny, The tragedy Of our times And of our children's Children's lives. STRAPPED-ON MASCULINITY She looks so cute, Sitting there With her cock out, Weighing her balls In one hand While she pets and plays With her penis With...

2 years ago
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Caleb 16 Coming Home

As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 16 – Coming Home When we pulled up to the house, there was a strange car and a couple of motorcycles in the driveway. Loud music was playing from within....

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Seducing Catie Ann

Introduction: No introduction needed……… Many things have happened since my initial stories were posted. I just had my 16th birthday at the beginning of April and my dad and I have relocated nearly 200 miles away from where we previously resided. The unfortunate thing is I had had to start all over with making new friends as well as dealing with a new school. My dad and I are still very much into our relationship as it became to exist a little over a year ago through a few friends. Although I...

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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 9 Stumbling in the Right Direction

Sean finished reading the books supplied by the coach, and was on the football field before the class was half over. He had mastered the skill of speed reading many years before. Sean's reading speed with near total comprehension ranged between eight hundred and a thousand words per minute, depending on the complexity of the text. He did not consider football rules complex. Sean jogged to the field, and stopped beside the coach. The PE class and the football team were scrimmaging...

1 year ago
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Just My LuckChapter 9

I was up and ready early, ate breakfast at the local IHOP, and was at the factory's offices at 8:45. I guess I was a little early, since Mary had not arrived as yet. I waited in her outer office and had a cup of coffee. At five to nine, a very well dressed forty-something woman walked in and waved me into her office. "You must be Bob Rothman, I'm Mary Herman, I'm the CEO around here and we will be meeting in about a half hour to discuss your designs for our website. I am truly sorry for...

1 year ago
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Confessions of an anal addict

Anal is all I think about and its all I want.For as long as I can remember I have been drawn to the backside. For me its the ultimate sexual feature on the body. In fact its a thing of beauty and something that I would regard as art. What makes it so glorious is that hidden between these two mounds of perfectly formed flesh and muscle lies that small, dark, exquisitly beautifull backdoor love tunnel.When I was in my teens I use to love wearing silk or smooth feeling underwear that I would buy a...

2 years ago
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Annas AwakeningChapter 9

First Night - Anna He's touching me. He's probably done this a million times before but it's the first time I feel like this. Maybe it's because I'm constantly aroused these days. Or maybe it's the strange, intimate talk we just had. Or maybe it's the sounds I heard coming from my parents' room earlier. Whatever the cause, the feel of his hand over my arm, my hip, my neck makes me want to moan and beg him to keep going, to push aside the flimsy bathrobe, to pull up the hem of my...

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Me And My Sister Have Fun

It was a warm summer afternoon. Our parents were both at work. I ran up the stairs to use the bathroom, I had to piss really badly but the bathroom was in use. My bladder was ready to burst. I knocked on the door. There was no answer, so I knocked again, harder this time. “I’m having a shower”, my sister Sushma shouted from the other side. “Hurry,” I replied. “I’m having a shower,” she said again. Annoyed, I headed back down the stairs, walked into the garden and pissed on the...

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Fairy Tail Police Department

Seattle 2015 Monday 12:25pm The SPD. I had finally made it, I was a cop. Dream come true, right? WRONG! First day and I'm transferred into a new division, to the FTPD, whatever that was. Ok, so it wasn't my first choice but a cop is a cop and according to my new commander the Seattle branch is on the bottom floor beneath the holding cells. "There's another floor, sir?" said John. "It's more like a room but you'll see what's what when you get down there. Oh, and whatever you see down there stays...

3 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 26 The Passion of the Concubines

Wednesday, January 27th – Paradise, Mount Rainier, WA Majlis al Jinn... "That's where we need to go?" Kyle demanded, his entire body trembling. He tired to ignore the burning cold as Niqualmie, the Native American spirit, spoke to him and his harem. Kyle, his three wives, and their concubines all lay naked in the cold, risking death to summon the spirit and find the way to reach Aaliyah. The spirit didn't answer. "Where is that?" he shouted. It sounded...

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Chapter 4 How my wife turned into a slutMichael and the 12 inch dildo

Over the next few weeks sex has been amazing Anna has become a sex slave to me and Michael. Michael has been coming over every weekend since that first weekend and every time he does we end up having sex all weekend long. Anna wouldn’t have clothes on at all she would walk around naked all the time she would make us dinner bring us beer suck our cocks when ever we wanted she would drop to her knees and just suck. We would tie her to the bed and just takes turns abusing her with dildos, whips...

Group Sex
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 6

Cela arced her back, willingly offering herself to the Wind God. Her flesh seared in the fiery heat of the Wind God's coupling with her and she could feel herself becoming the wind, itself. Amazingly, she felt no pain – only the incredible ecstasy of being transformed and evaporated. The very center of her core exploded into fiery heat and she cried out with orgasm, keeping her eyes squeezed tightly shut so she couldn't see what was happening to her. To become terrified of her...

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Sexy Married Bhabhi And Wham Bam On First Meeting

Hello. My name is Philip, I am 36 years old, a little on the heavy side and hail from a Bangalore. I travel frequently on business and I am a very confident, sociable, fun loving person with a good sense of humour and a penchant for adventure. This is a true story. I happened to get introduced to a woman, Sapna (name changed) through a close friend of mine over the phone, who happened to be attending a party at her place at the same time that I called him. I had heard about her a few times from...

1 year ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 39

“So, what’s new for you guys?” I asked Ben Harmon while swapping partners with him. For the moment, I was balls deep inside Vivien while he was buried in Violet’s snatch. I kept slamming into her while her hips bucked with every stroke and I rubbed her buttocks with delight. She kept throwing her auburn hair around, its sweaty waves landing stickily on her flesh. Meanwhile, Ben pushed furiously in and out of his own daughter’s hot and juicy gash, making her moan with satisfaction as her...

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All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became interested in his work. He could never understand why everything always came down to money or war. Sure he had made numerous millions himself, but that was to help further scientific research. But now he realised he wanted to make a difference in a different way. On this gloomy morning he was making his third exuberant decision. He would help another person who was in need. The hard part was who. Then when he...

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Visiting The Desert With Kelly

It was July of 1991. Kelly and I took a two-week trip to the southwest with our travel trailer. We absolutely fell in love with the desert, the culture, and the whole vibe of being there. We spent a couple of days camping near Canyon de Chelly. We stayed at a private campground that was owned by a Native American named Howard.Howard was a pretty cool dude. He had native music piped around the campground. Nothing like native flutes and drums to make you feel like you’re in a very different...

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Who knew she could feel so good

"Okay, meet you later!" Isabelle called to her friend, who was leaving the sidewalk for a shopping trip she needed to undertake. Isabelle stood there for a while, wondering what she could do with her time. She had a thin, almost see through white tank top and a pair of blue jeans, tight across her small thighs. She had black sun glasses on, brown hair that curled up at the ends and blue eyes. She sat on a park bench and sipped her Sprite. Two men, both black, sat next to her, on each side of...

Group Sex
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Moo Cow

Shirley Cheznik was a 18 year old red headed girl. She weighed two hundred pounds and she was only five feet tall. She had with nipples an inch long. She lived on a farm with her dad. Her mother had left her father years ago. When she was in high school the kids called her fat stinky Shirley cheesenic, or just plain stinky cheese. It was true that she stunk from body odor. Shirley worked on the farm, driving tractor, milking the cows and slopping hogs. Their farm was old and not modern. The...

First Time
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At the sorority house

I put my shorts back on, Kelly started the truck again, and we drove to her sorority house. It was only a four minute drive so it was nice and quick. She showed me inside, giving me the grand tour. The first floor had the living room with a big-screen; the dining room had a ping pong table in it and a dart board on the wall. It was a pretty big house. There was a full bathroom and three bedrooms on the first floor. These were the three biggest, so they were for the highest...

2 years ago
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Her Buring Desire

Every art classroom I've ever been in smells the same: the pungent, intoxicating aroma of tempera and acrylic paints; the dry, woody perfume of construction paper; the acrid bite of paint thinner combined with old-building staples like dust and black mold. Mr. Thompson's room is no different, though I can recognize the distinct scent of coffee wafting out from his office where he reclines in his creaky, ragged desk chair, scribbling grades into a tattered binder. I long to be back there with...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 5

Lester Davenport- sharon and amy green- the green mother and father of sharon, - Jenny the writer from hammer and tong. Ralph and Ester the parents of Sharon Green. Eve Sims the real reporter. When we got outside the newspaper’s office I said, “Why don’t you go to the offices on both sides of the street. Show your ID to the managers, and ask them if they knew the green family. Then get all the details that they can give you. Don’t be in a rush, let them get chatty.” “Come on Rogers, I...

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aing the Bride

a*****ing the Brideby Black DemonBride & Groom where whisked away by the five black men. On their way to the hotel, they now had been taken to a hideaway in the mountains. The beautiful bride, in her pure white wedding gown was surrounded by the black captives. Her husband was tied to a chair next to her. Julie was a virgin bride who had never seen or handled a cock before.This was not a chance happening but a planned k**napping. It had been a chance sighting for the blacks a month ago,...

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The Undead 2 Serial killers

Stupid girl. This girl seemed different. She had no real want for money. No real envy for shopping. She didn't believe in the tradional god. Hallows was on his way on getting the town to fear him again. Not as a mobster though, a tactic that didn't work to much the time before. But instead a legend. He would make everyone know who he was through his malicious actions. He wanted to be a symbol of fear.  The first few victims were already found, the entire town was already nervous. It was...

4 years ago
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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 25 Hooke meets Felicia

Paulus Hooke, Bobby's mercenary, traveled westward in the daily police convoy. He drummed his fingers on the steering console, impatient with the 30 mph progress that the long string of vehicles made. Looking at the young sergeant sitting in the passenger seat next to him, Hooke attempted a joke. "Here's some serious progress, eh? This drive used to take three and a half hours. Now it takes two days." His mirrored sunglasses masked the sergeant's face. "At least you get there alive,"...

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College Hotty

You are sitting in the school cafeteria, eating some lunch between classes. Then you see her: Natalie. She walks down the cafeteria towards you. You admire her body as she nears. She stands about 5'7 with beautiful long legs. She has bright red hair in those tight curls you love so much. Her piercing blue eyes seem to see right through you. Her large, full breasts drive you wild, you guess them to be double D's, and wish she wore some skimpier clothes to show them off. The best view you...

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Skinny dippers surprise

I lived near a lake and one day was wandering throught the woods on a trail that lead to a small clearing at the edge of the water. There was a make shift tent about 10 yards away. I looked around but didn't notice any people anywhere so I went inside the tent for a look around. There were several blankets and and two pair of shorts and tee-shirts s**ttered about. Looking further I found some gay porn magazines in the corner. I sat down browsing through the pages. I was getting horny and...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceEpilogue

"Failed again, slave." Gina screamed in pain and chewed hard on the rubber ball he had jammed back into her mouth. Her eyes were covered by a tight blindfold that shut out all light. Her ankles were kept apart by a pole with stiff leather cuffs at either end. Her neck was locked in a thick leather collar at the center of another pole. Her wrists were caught in more cuffs at each end. She had been forced to kneel while a man held her by her ponytail and made her give him head. She'd...

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Dollar General again

This is really getting to be habit-forming, I can't seem to get this place out of my mind! My desires have over-ridden logic that big black trouser snake has been the dead center of my thoughts. Even going back to the park that he took me to feed me his monster the first time and sucking some of the big cocks that hang out there looking for a little help draining their big balls. I still can't help returning to the place it all started the Dollar General in hopes of him being there. The last...

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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 3

Part 3 of Book #1. Chapters 5 and 6. Please review and let me know if you want moreChapter 5: Da’ Place Adventures Sunday that week was definitely going to be a day of rest. After all my adventures on Saturday including a coast to coast airplane flight, I was exhausted. Collette called me and asked me if I wanted to get together tonight and I asked her for a rain check. I ran some errands during the day and late afternoon I spent watching a football game on my television and around 6 PM when...

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Tom and Mary

Tom and MaryI was on vacation staying at a very nice hotel. I was lounging by the pool getting some sun and watching all the hot women. This one particular woman walked by and caught my eye because she was an older woman. Her hair was very short and totally grey. She was wearing a one piece bathing suit and she looked amazing in it. Her face was tanned and weathered and I figured her to be at least in her early sixties although her body looked much younger. I was watching her walk by and she...

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Time Stands Still Prelude and Chapter One

Time Stands Still By Prelude Night 5:00 a.m. The night fog shrouds the streetlamps in a cocoon, masking the strong glow of their lights, keeping it from illuminating the sidewalk. The air is thick and damp. The night animal noises are minimal. Footsteps sound muffled. The usual noises of the night can be heard. The stalking of the predators searching for their victims. While nature ignores the food chain of life: hunger, death, and birth, the people of the city...

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Home Education

by Lamia Fangs I return barely two weeks ago from my high school third grade English course exchange trip. This year, we organized a trip to the state of West Virginia in the United States. I must confess that I was not excited at all about the idea of spending two months on a farm in the middle of nowhere on the American prairies, surrounded by cows and horses, even if it was the U.S. of A. Finally, it came the holidays, I took my plane and after eight hours of flying and two connections, I...

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PornWorld Scarlett Jones Busty British Redhead Scarlett Jones Takes Huge Facial from Tinder Dates Big Cock

After a lovely dinner with her Tinder date Kai, Scarlett Jones a sexy British redhead with massive tits is ready to take things to the next level, meaning shes ready to see what he has below the belt and wants it inside of her. When its clear that Kai wants the same thing, the two begin caressing and undressing each other, and before long Kais big dick is sliding in and out of Scarletts mouth in the middle of the kitchen. Without even taking off her revealing dress, Kai begins fucking Scarlett...


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