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Chapter 1

I lay on the sofa sleeping, warm and snug. The day had been dull and I was snapping more out of boredom than of any real sense of tiredness. I’d been in the house all day and done nothing productive. I’d had a long bath using my favourite scented oils. Then dried my long dark hair and painted my fingers and toes a pretty silver colour. I couldn’t even be bothered to get dressed so had just slipped on a silver satin robe that matched my nails.

I was awoken by my boyfriend gently stroking my hair and looked up to find him smiling down at me. I smiled in return and stretched luxuriously.

?Did you have a good day?? I asked

?Very good? he replied ?and now I am looking forward to the dinner you have prepared for me?

I looked confused, ?Dinner? I am not sure I know what you are talking about.?

He looked down at me and frowned, ?My instructions were clear in the text that I sent to you??Guiltily I looked at my phone on the table. He saw my eyes look towards it and went to pick it up.

?My message is unread..? he growled.

?I am sorry the message must have arrived when I was sleeping, we’ll get something delivered? I replied and shrugged.

?That is simply not good enough, I work hard all day while you sit around on your arse doing nothing. You lazy, spoilt brat!? he snarled

?I do not I had to have bath and do my nails and things. Besides I’m bored what the hell do you expect me to do run about after you like a slave or something??

He grabbed me by the hair and forced me to my feet. A cruel smile spread across his face, ?Now that sounds like a very good idea..?

He pulled me over to the table and ripped open my robe,. I moved my hands to cover myself, a red blush staining my cheeks. ?What the fuck do you think you are doing? ? I screamed at him.

?Shy my brat?? he chuckled, ?We can’t be having that I will see what I want to see, I’m going to make you my slave as you suggested and as my slave your body is mine to do with as I please.?

My arms were quickly tied together behind my back using the belt from my robe leaving me powerless to cover myself. He smiled and traced his fingers around my breasts slowly circling them, working from the out side until he reached the nipple, I gasped as he pinched each one hard in turn making them stand out hard and erect.

?You see my brat your body does exactly what I want it to whether you will it or not.? He said grinning.

I blushed again, knowing that his words were true. ?I don’t know what you think you are playing at.? I snarled, ?Untie my hands and get the hell away from me!?

?Shut up brat! I will give you one last chance to submit to my will otherwise I will have to punish you.? He said

?Punish? What the hell is wrong with you? I cried

Without another word he threw me onto the table leaving my bare behind stuck up high in the air. His hand caressed my buttocks as he spoke firmly and clearly to me.

?You have displeased me my brat, and now you must be punished, your bottom will be spanked and I will not stop until you submit and call me Master. We’ll start with 6 and you must count every slap otherwise I will start again?

He drew back is hand and spanked me full across me bard backside. The blow was so hard and so unexpected that I gasped and yelped in pain. He’s a big man, a couple of inches over 6 feet tall and strong too. He plays a lot of sports and works out so I knew that I would not but able to fight him off, but I tried. I kicked at him and thrashed trying to get away. He grabbed my hair again and yanked my head up.

?Struggling will only make it worse brat, it’s time you learnt some respect. I’m the Master in this house and you will end up doing as I say. I’m stronger than you. Oh and I didn’t hear you counting.?

?Let me go you bastard or I swear to God..?

He hit me again full on the left buttock ?That’s no way to speak to your Master, and what the hell are you going to do about it? Still not counting??

With a shock I realised he was right, there was nothing I could do about it. He had me helpless and he knew it. I began to feel a little afraid, and yet strangely excited. The spanks hurt but they also felt good too. The shock waves made my bottom tingle and I began to feel aroused.  I was confused, I wanted him to stop but I didn’t want the sensation to go.

?Ok I’ll count? I whispered

He grinned and continued to spank me hard. Hard full slaps that made my bottom glow and quiver with each blow relentlessly he continued until I had tears in my eyes and was gasping out the count. He reached 6 and then stopped.  His hand rubbed my hot bottom and then into the crevice between my buttocks his clever fingers working there way to my dripping wet pussy. He worked his fingers in and out making me moan with pleasure and coating his fingers in my juices. He removed them and walked around the table using his other hand he grabbed me by the hair and lifted my head up to show me his fingers coated in my juices.

?It seems that your pussy is as hot as your bottom? he said and roughly he forced my mouth open placed his fingers in my mouth forcing me to suck and lick them clean, tasting myself on them. I was mortified he knew that the spanking had turned me on! 

?Do you submit yet my brat?? he asked.

I nodded the pain in my bottom and the heat in my pussy was unbearable and I needed him to ease them both.

?Say it? he snapped

?I submit My Master, I am yours to do with as you will? I said, all the fight had left me and I was willing to do anything to please him.

He smiled, ?That is what I wanted to hear? he pulled me upright and motioned for me to follow him into the bedroom and once there to lie on the bed. I lay trembling wondering what he had planned for me now but too turned on to care. He spread my legs wide and knelt between them. His hand stoked my knee and he worked his way up my thigh stoking gently but firmly. He reached my pussy and put a finger inside me working it in and out as I moaned with pleasure. Faster and faster he moved, adding another finger and using his thumb to seek out the bud of my clitoris. His eyes fixed on my face he watched me gasp and moan a flush of passion covering me and my body slick with sweats as his fingers tormented me.

?Are you close to cumming brat?? He asked smiling and knowing full well that I was

?Yes? I panted

He stopped and glared at me. ‘That is not how you address me brat. If you fail to address me properly then I will have to punish you again and next time I will not be so easy on you?

I blushed as I realised that he meant me to call him Master at all times now, part of me wanted to rebel, but I didn’t want to be punished and I really wanted him to continue using his fingers to torment me. I was more turned on than I had ever been before in my life and would have done anything to get him to continue, so I swallowed my pride and said.

?Sorry Master please don’t punish me I’ll be good?

He grinned and nodded and to my delight replaced his hand between my legs.? You must not cum until I say you may my brat?

I swallowed and nodded. The feeling of being in his power was amazing and I found myself wanting to please him,

He smiled his approval and continued his sweet torment. His fingers deep inside me probing my G-spot and his thumb firmly circling my clit, relentlessly, driving me wild as wave of pleasure flowed through me. I felt my orgasm build and struggled to contain it, writhing in frustration and biting my lip.  My entire being was focused on the heat in my pussy and the will to please him. I felt my juices flowing freely onto his hand. Wetness was coating my thighs, oozing into the cleft of my bottom.

He shifted slightly and began licking my thighs tasting the juices with feather light touches and nibbled his tongue probing the crack of my bottom.

I groaned with desire and frustration, ?Please My Master??

?Not yet my brat but soon I am enjoying watching you struggle?

His thumb left my clit and his lips touched it in a gentle kiss making my whole body tremble and almost sending me over the edge. His lips grew firmer and he began sucking on my clit knowing that this would test my will. I groaned long and loudly and arched my back, the sweat glistening on my body, shaking all over with the effort of containing my orgasm. He began to nibble gently on my bud and removed his fingers from my now dripping pussy. I tossed my head from side to side in torment.

?Please My Master? I begged ?I need to cum so much?

His mouth moved to hover over my aching hole, ?Now!? he commanded and clamped his mouth over me tightly sucking his nose rubbing on my swollen clit.

Screaming my release I started to cum, panting and moaning grinding myself into him as he sucked and drank deeply of my cum.  Over and over the waves of pure ecstasy pounding me as I came and came losing track of the times, bucking and grinding, panting and moaning, until with one final hiss I collapsed trembling back onto the bed spent.

He licked the remaining juices from me then, moved to lie beside me. He kissed me deeply his tongue probing sweet with my juices as he explored my mouth.  He stopped and smiled at me.

?Well done my brat, you have pleased me and you begged so prettily. Soon I shall hear your sweet lips beg again as you offer yourself to me completely?

Chapter 2

I lay on the bed wondering what exactly he meant by that, the idea both alarmed and excited me. I was feeling fantastic. I had cum harder than I had ever done before and was relaxed and happy. He leant over and untied my arms and I smiled lazily and closed my eyes. I felt him move to stand up and heard him rummage in the drawers by the bed.

Suddenly he grabbed my arms and deftly handcuffed my wrists to the bed head.  My eyes snapped open in alarm. ?What’s going in?? I asked in surprise.

His face suddenly looked cold and menacing as he seized my legs and handcuffed those too, leaving me fixed to the bed spread-eagled and vulnerable. ?I’ve had these for a little while brat and I have been waiting for the opportunity to use them on you. By the way, you didn’t call me Master so now I am afraid I will have to punish you?

?Sorry Master but I thought you had finished playing? I said.

?Oh you think I am playing do you?? He smirked ?No my brat I am not playing, I mean to break you, and this will continue until you really are my slave and truly submit to my will. You have treated me badly, and I have worked hard to keep you in luxury. Now I think it is your turn to please me. If you do please me then I will be a good and kind Master and if you don’t then I will ensure that you are punished. But either way I will be your Master, make no mistake about that.?

?You have been planning this for sometime haven’t you?’ I accused him and then saw the glint in his eye, ?Master? I added and looked down, afraid to meet his eyes.

His lips curved into a smile as I addressed him correctly and his hand slowly circled my breast and gently squeezed the nipple. ?Oh yes brat, I have planned for this, you will discover soon enough just how carefully. You have needed taming for some time and I have been looking forward to being the one to do it. There will be a new order in this house and you will have rules to obey or you will be tossed out into the street bound and naked for all to see.?

I gasped with horror surely he didn’t mean it? One look at him convinced me that he did indeed mean it. I had been mean to him, I was lazy and selfish and I knew it. ?Please don’t Master, tell me what the rules are and I will try.?

?You will do more than try? he warned and went on to list his rules. He listed them carefully and made me repeat them back to him cautioning me not to forget any. The rules were:

You will obey my every command You must always call me Master You have no name other than the one I give you, when you speak of yourself you must never use the word ?I? or your name. It will be ?your slave wants? or ?your brat? etc everything must indicate that you are mine. You will kneel at my feet unless instructed otherwise. You will be naked at all times unless I chose to dress you to please me. You will not touch yourself unless I command it You will not cum unless I command it You will not eat, drink, sleep, use the toilet or leave the room without permission from me.

I listened with growing horror as I came to realise just what he meant by slavery. This was indeed no game; he meant to dominate every part of my life. I would truly be his to do with as he wished, subject to his every whim.

He continued to tease my nipple as he told me his rules. It was erect in his fingers and he knew I was becoming aroused again. I shivered as he continued my excitement rising and a thrill running through my body and I considered the implications of his rules.

He cruelly twisted my tender nipple and made me gasp. ?Do you accept my rules brat?? he asked.

I nodded, what choice did I have lying there helplessly bound and naked? Your brat agrees Master? I said careful to use the right words.

He smiled and gently bent down to place a tender kiss on my lips ?Good my little brat, I knew that you would and it pleases me to hear you say so. However, I must still punish you for your earlier transgression.?

He went to his drawer again and pulled out a vibrator. It was not a very big one about 6 inches but smooth and white. He placed it at the entrance to my pussy and gently pushed it inside making me moan with pleasure, this was a punishment? I smile happily.

He looked up into my smiling face and smirked again, ?Smiling are you brat? We shall soon see about that. This particular vibrator has a remote control. I can turn it up or down without touching it and I think I might enjoy tormenting you with it? He reached for the remote and turned it on to its lowest setting, it buzzed gently causing a tingling sensation in my clit and pussy.

?If you had bothered to read my text you would have known that my friends are coming over tonight to watch the game and I wanted you to prepare food for them. They will be here shortly but you brat will stay where you are. I will come back at intervals and adjust the settings of the vibrator to make sure that the next couple of hours are very uncomfortable. If you cum, or make too much noise then I will send my friends into investigate and maybe let them punish you too.

I was appalled. Being kept on the brink for so long would be terrible and the consequences of cumming where too awful to contemplate. I knew all too well what his friends were like, always leering at me and trying to touch me.  ?Y-y-your brat understands Master.? I stammered.

?Good? he said and grinned as he pressed the remote twice. The sensations became more intense and I moaned gently. I knew that it was not enough to make me cum but it certainly was enough to make me wet and uncomfortable. ?This has 10 settings brat that is number three. I am going to shower now, if you beg and please me when I return I may turn it up for you.? With that he walked into the bathroom and left.

Chapter 3

I lay there bound and helpless, the vibrator tingling and tormenting. I turned my head and realised that I could see the reflection of him undressing for the shower in the mirror.  He was naked, his well muscled body looked so inviting and I long to go and join him in the shower. My own body was starting to become slick with sweat as the toy inside me built my arousal. He switched on the shower and stepped in. I watched spellbound as the hot jets of water cascaded over him, soaking his dark hair and flowing over his chest. He turned and stood with his head raised towards the shower giving me the perfect view of his strong shoulders and wonderful ass. God how I wished I was grabbing that ass as he fucked me hard instead of the pathetic vibe.

He turned around again and began to soap himself using the shower gel that I bought him last Christmas as and the smell of it reached me I moaned softly. They say that when one sense is removed the others compensate and at that moment I knew what that meant. The smell of him, the sight of him and the aching and pulsing in my pussy caused by the vibrator consumed me. I could think of nothing else but my desire for this man, I craved his touch, his taste, the feel of him inside me. But I was bound and unable to do anything to sate my rising lust.  Biting my lip in frustration I tried desperately to grind down onto the vibrator get more friction on my swollen clit. The cuffs at my arms and legs marked my wrists and ankles as I vainly struggled in them.

I heard the shower stop and lay still, waiting for his return. I knew that if he saw that I had struggled he would be angry, or worse know just how turned on I was.  I saw him place a towel around his waist and then enter the room. He sat down beside me and gently ran one finger from my waist up my rib cage and idly circled my breast. I moaned and arched my back with pleasure at his touch and looked at him with longing.

?Please Master?? I pleaded with him. He smiled and cupped my breast with his hand the thumb softly stroking the nipple.

?Oh my sweet brat, you have never looked more beautiful, your soft skin gleaming with sweat; your lovely breast proud and erect with passion rising softly as you pant.; your normally silky smooth black hair tousled and damp with sweat. And your face, lips parted eyes soft with longing?I have never wanted you more?

He bent and kissed me softly but deeply, his tongue probing mine and then harder and with more passion. I responded eagerly opening my mouth and letting him kiss me hard, my tongue flicking into his mouth teasing his. I closed my eyes and let the taste and scent of him sweep over me. Too soon he pulled away and stopped. I opened my mouth to object but stopped as I saw his face darken.

?Not yet brat, I have friends arriving soon and don’t want to be interrupted by them when I finally do take you, unless of course I should invite them to watch?? he grinned ?Would you like that brat? I know how much you like being the centre of attention??

I shook my head in fear ?N-n-no master please don’t? I stammered

He raised an eyebrow, ?No? Maybe I want that, maybe I want to show off my brat slave to the world, show how prettily she begs to have her cunt filled by me??

Real tears sprang to my eyes and I knew that he would carry out his threat unless I begged him not to; frantically I tried to think of the correct words.

?Please my Master your slave begs you to have pity, this brat is yours to do with as you please but she needs only you. Your slave will be good, she will serve you in anyway she can, please master..? the tears tolled down my cheeks as I begged him sincerely, meaning every word.

He smiled and wiped the tears away ?Very well my brat, I will keep you to myself for now as you begged so well and cried so prettily. However, in future I will not be so kind you will show you submission to me in front of others my brat I guarantee that, after all when did you ever miss a chance to humiliate me in the past??

Relief turned to dismay as I remembered the times I had teased him by flirting with his friends and taunted him publically about it. He was right I had humiliated him before and now it seemed that shoe was on the other foot. I hung my head, my cheeks hot with shame unable to meet his eyes and too afraid to speak lest he changed his mind.

He chuckled softly, ?I see that you do not deny it my brat, and that you have learned not to protest. Obedience deserves a reward? He bent and kissed me on the forehead and then picked up the remote. ?Let’s see what this thing really can do shall we? I’d like a little entertainment as I dress and a think a few minutes with this thing on maximum would do nicely?

I gasped as he pressed the buttons repeatedly the speed and vibrations increasing with each press until it was so hard and fast that I began to pant and moan. Delicious waves of pleasure flowing over my body as the toy pounded and shook my pussy. He smiled at my reaction and tweaked my nipple playfully. ?Enjoy yourself my dear but remember I have not given permission for you to cum..? he warned.

He dressed slowly as he watched me pant and squirm on the bed, the vibrator was buzzing and throbbing deep inside me and causing my whole body to shudder and perspire. I longed to surrender myself to the sensation and to cum but I dare not. The pleasure was so intense that it was almost painful and I groaned in frustration, how much longer could I hold back?  I bit my lip harder and harder to prevent myself from crying out, knowing that it could make things worse.

He finished dressing then came over and brushed my cheek with his hand. ?Would you like some relief brat?? he whispered

?Yes Master, your brat needs relief? I gasped, nuzzling his hand with my face.

He picked up the remote and turned the vibe back down low with a grin, ?You didn’t think I was going to let you cum did you brat? I told you, you have a long night ahead of you? with that he tweaked my nipples one last time and then left the room, ?I will leave the door ajar so you had better be quiet in case anyone decides to investigate on the way to the bathroom. I will be back to check on you soon, ah sounds like my friends are here. You have been warned? and with that he left.

Tears of frustration filled my eyes I was so horny so close to cumming and now with the vibe on so low I couldn’t cum if I tried. Not that I would dare.

Chapter 4

I have no idea how long he left me alone I could see no watch or clock and besides each moment seemed to last forever. I had never felt more vulnerable and that combined with the teasing motions of the vibrator made me unbelievably turned on. I was at the same time thrilled and horrified by the situation I found myself in and part of me was sorely tempted to make a noise so that someone, anyone would hear and come in to find me this way. Maybe they would release me from these bonds? Maybe they would not but they might at least release the heat between my legs. I felt myself blushing at the thought, what a slut I was to even think about that, but I did think about it and grew more and more excited.

My body once more began to gleam with sweat and my nipples were ripe and hard. I shivered slightly as the cool air made my body break out in tiny goose bumps. I closed my eyes and fantasised about what would happen if I made a noise, almost wanting it to happen. To have them find me naked, helpless and horny as fuck. To be used by them, by all of them over and over again.

?Enjoying yourself brat?? the words startled me, I gasped and my eyes flew open as I realised that I he had returned and I had not heard him, so deeply was I involved in my little fantasy. He smiled at my startled expression and waved the remote at me and switched the vibrator off. ?Let’s just check to see how good you have been.? He said.

His hand stroked my cheek and then moved down my body slowly, caressing my neck then across my breast bone lightly brushing my breasts and then down my ribcage unhurriedly working towards the centre of my torment as I arched my back responding unconsciously to his touch and moaning softly. His hand reached the now still toy and he removed it smoothly, he brought it to the top of the bed and held it for me to see. It was slick with my juices and gleamed in the light. He held it to my lips and said simply ?Clean it?

I opened my lips and accepted the vibe sucking and licking it as he worked it in and out as if it were fucking my tender mouth. I could taste the sweetness of my juices and the smell of my arousal filled my nostrils. How was he doing this? How could he know just what to do to make me even hornier? I had thought that I knew what I wanted, what I desired but with a start I realised that I knew nothing, he had more knowledge of my needs than I had.  My mind reeled at the thought.  Something in my expression must have given away my inner turmoil as he removed the vibe and grabbed my face forcing me to look at him. His grip was firm but not harsh as he looked my straight in the eye and said. ?You will have no secrets from me, I own you mind, body and soul. Do not forget that.?

Looking into the cold intense stare I did not doubt that and whispered ?Yes Master, your brat understands?

?You will tell me what you were thinking of as you cleaned the toy using your fuckable little mouth, and be warned I will know if you lie?? His voice trailed off in a wordless threat and I swallowed trying to form the words. We both knew that I wouldn’t lie, I couldn’t I was mesmerised by his stare and total overwhelmed by his presence and my recent realisations.

?Your brat was thinking that she had never been more turned on Master? The confession was torn from me and my face was scarlet with the shame of it.

?And why do you think that is??  he asked

?Master knows his brat’s body and what she needs Master? my eyes once again filled with tears as the admission was painful for me. My body had been pushed to extremes and now it seemed that he was willing to push me mentally as well. My physical submission had been achieved but he wanted more.

Gently he stroked my cheek and leant closer to me to whisper on my ear. His breathe so close I could feel it and it made me shiver in both fear and excitement. ?I know you better than you know yourself; I can make you weep with pleasure or pain. The choice is mine and will always be mine. You are a slave, you have always been a slave but you didn’t know until now. You need to be controlled just as much as you need to eat and drink.? He tub red my head to face him and looked deep into my eyes. ?What are you?? he demanded.

?Your slave Master? I replied knowing it to be true

?What do you need??  He pushed

?To be controlled Master? the tears broke free and trickled down my cheeks. His eyes took on a new intensity as he asked the final question.

?What do you want?? What did I want? Did I want to be untied; did I want to cum, want him to fuck me? I wanted all those things but I knew that was neither what he meant nor what I wanted most of all.

?To please you Master, for you to use your brat as you want she will do anything to please you!? I looked him in the eye as I said it meaning every word. He was right I wanted to be his slave, I wanted the feeling of helplessness and being controlled that he gave me. No it was more than that, I needed it.

?You have done well my brat I am pleased with you and you shall be rewarded.? He stood and removed his clothes smiling down at me. I could see that he was already hard and erect and smiled myself in anticipation. He unlocked the cuff and released my legs from the bedpost massaging the ankles where the metal had begun to rub. His touch sent waves of pleasure though my body and causing me to moan softly. He knelt between my legs and using his hard cock began to rub it up and down the lips of my pussy and over my tender clit. I could feel the heat of him and yearned for him to take possession of me as I bent my knees and raised my hips towards him offering him easier access to my soaking wet and aching cunt.

?Tell me how much you want me to fuck you, brat? he ordered and placed his hard cock at the entrance to my overheated pussy.

?Your brat needs you to fuck her Master, she needs it so much please fuck her, please fuck your slave hard? I was panting and moaning with frustration.

?Good my dear brat you shall get your wish but I have one for thing for you first? he leant over to the drawer again and I felt a tingle of fear, what else could he have in there?  He brought out a shiny rubber object, about 4 inches long and fat with a wide base. Although I had never seen one before I knew instantly what it was and gasped. He smiled and looked at my shocked face. ?I see you recognise what this is brat? he asked, I simply nodded not wanting to provoke him further. ?Tell me!? he demanded.

?It’s a butt-plug Master? I whispered.

He nodded, ?Yes it is, and I want to fuck you while you have it up your lovely ass. The choice is yours either accept it and I will be gentle and make sure that it is lubricated or you can struggle, in which case things will be very different.?

I swallowed as I was really scared, I had never had anything up my bottom before and had always repulsed his attempts at touching me there, the idea of anal sex was repugnant to me and he knew that. However, given his treatment of me so far that evening I was under no illusion that he would carry out his threat and on way or another that thing was going in my ass. ?Your Brat understands Master and will try her best for you, but please be gentle? I could not disguise the desperation in my voice and I was shaking.

With a nod he moved the butt-plug down between my legs and I stiffened and braced myself preparing for the pain, I felt his thumb rub against the nub of my clit softly ?No my brat, you must relax or it will hurt more, trust your Master submit to me and you will experience pleasure, fight me and there is only pain? his hand cupped my face gently but firmly forcing me to look into his eyes. I saw only warmth, love and desire in his face and I knew that he was right. I had to trust him, I did trust him. I felt the tension flow out of me and my arousal build again as he continued rubbing against my clit.

My submission was immediately rewarded by a soft kiss full on the lips, his tongue seeking mine as he explored, using his teeth to gently nibble and stretch my bottom lip. He broke the kiss and smiled ?Good girl, now let’s see about some lube for you, it’s pretty wet down there but I don’t want to take any chances with you as you have behaved so well? He produced a tube of lubricant and coated the butt-plug holding it before my eyes so that I could see, then he continued speaking giving me a commentary of his , ?First I will probe your tight little asshole with my finger working more lubricant around the outside, there that’s not so bad is it slave??

I shook my head, ?No Master that does not feel bad?

I hissed slightly as I felt his finger force its way inside my sphincter and then begin working in and out forcing the muscles to relax and coating my tight ring with the lubricant. The he placed the tip of the butt plug at the entrance and pushed. I winced with pain as I felt the muscles give and then clamp tightly around the cold plug. My ass felt bloated but it was not uncomfortable, instead it made me more aware of my body and was strangely arousing. He stroked my hair tenderly, ?Well done my dear I am proud of you and your trust in me?

He then placed his cock at the entrance to my pussy and asked me ?Are you ready for this? Once I fuck you and cum inside you there is no going back you will be mine forever, my slave to do with as I wish to use and to abuse according to my whim. Make your decision now.?

Without hesitation I answered, ?This slave is already yours Master please claim her, she begs you to fuck her and to feel your cum inside her?

He kissed me softly and then with a smooth motion thrust his hard cock inside me right to the hilt so that his balls slapped against my ass and pussy making the butt-plug quiver inside me. The added pressure of the plug made my pussy tighter than ever and I groaned loudly with pleasure and almost had my orgasm at that instant but I held back clenching my bound hands together and panting with effort.

Over and over he thrust into me hard, fast and deep. This was not love making this was ownership I was his and he was making sure that I knew it. Taking me mercilessly, using my body for his pleasure.  Each thrust of his cock made me whimper and writhe with pleasure until I could stand it no longer.

?Please Master? I begged ?Your slave needs to cum so much?

?Now!? he commanded and thrust even harder as he gave me the order to release. With a scream of pure joy I let my orgasm hit me, bucking and squirming beneath him my ass and pussy contracting hard on the butt-plug and his hard hot cock as I squeezed. He must have been close for as my pussy contracted I felt him shudder on top of me as he filled me with his hot cum grunting and panting as his own orgasm ripped through him. With one final pump he collapsed on top of me his mouth seeking mine to bestow a passionate kiss before he rolled over onto one side and smiled at me touching my cheek softly and uttered a single word.


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For our one-month anniversary, Alyssa had bought me this stupid little ceramic bear. He fit in the palm of your hand, nothing big, nothing fancy. He was a cutesy little affectation, not like a real bear, but more like a ceramic version of a teddy bear. He was sitting on his butt, an ice cream cone in his little hand, or paw, whatever you wanted to call it. He had a little dopy smile on his face, little yellow bow tie, tied around his neck. We had been out at a carnival, and she had seen it at...

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what is the best one?must be : small, quiet ...... and abovle all work well.its for my girl but have to admit im dead keen too, thanks. 35169 aka jeffPS. ... hopefully a story worthy of xhamsters will emerge from this

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The Cock On The Wall

Here's what I told Mistress the time she asked me if I'd ever sucked a man's cock. She'd had me suck her dildo's many times and had started to use my ass or as she called it "little bitch pussy". Guess she thought I must have had some experience after watching me take her dildos so willingly.This is what I related:I lived in Northern Minnesota and went to Grand Forks, ND for a sales seminar. As it started early in the morning I was allowed by my boss to go the day before and stay overnight....

4 years ago
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She sleeps she sleeps

Introduction: For my dear friend, Marco. She sleeps at the foot of his bed, only to wake when he wishes her to. He stands over her, holding his hand on her shoulder. Breathing softly, he wills and whispers for her to wake, Wake up for me now my lovely whore She opens her eyes and smiles at the sight of her Lord and Master. He was grinning evilly and knocked her off the bed and onto the floor, holding his booted foot on her paper-thin silk blue blouse, just under her bust line. He pressed down...

3 years ago
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Mistress Jackie

Mistress JackieThe next morning, even before the wifey left for work I got a text from Mistress Jackie. “Don’t call, just come see me at my house as soon as she leaves, I want to hear all about it in person. Don’t worry, hubby will be sleeping for another couple hours.” Oh shit, my cock was so sore that it hurt to walk and I was pretty sure my balls were dry. Mistress Jackie and our Spicy neighbor had milked 3 loads out of me yesterday morning and then Mistress had told me to play with wifey...

2 years ago
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Slut Sis

My sister is five years younger than I and we were never close as k**s. We were rivals for everything and the age gap was just enough to ensure that we had little in common. I left home at 16 for an apprenticeship in the city and had little to do with her for the next few years.I would come home on long weekends and at Christmas so mum kept my old room as it was for years. Eventually my sister moved into my old room and took over my TV, stereo and bed. By the time I had turned 23 Sheri had...

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Blackedmerica A Love Story Ch 03

 The next morning, Thomas woke up a few hours later than usual. Since it was Friday, it would have normally been a school day, but on this particular Friday, school was out in the entire state. Today was Caspar day, a beloved state holiday where people come from all over the country, to celebrate the courageous actions of a black slave and his ragtag group of freedom fighters during the civil war. There had even been a big movie made about Caspar and the slaves who were incremental in taking...

2 years ago
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Der iBod

For the english version go here! Das ist die Geschichte von Walter, einem 48-jährigen Erfinder. Vor kurzem hat er etwas erfunden, was sein Leben für immer verändern wird! Und zwar den iBod, ein iPod-ähnliches Gerät mit Verwandlungsoption. Damit kann man Materie scannen und sich in eine gespeicherte Form verwandeln. Alternativ kann man auch Bild- oder Videodateien für die Verwandlung benutzen, nur wird dann die Verwandlung ungenauer. Jetzt ist es an der...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 16 Pointless Protesting

The rest of the weekend was in some ways idyllic. After we finished eating the pizza, Mrs. Roberts drove us home, stopping to drop off Walter. Jessica called her father, and had one of his employees come to pick up Kathy, Millie, and her. They promised to try to spend more time with us. Mr. Cunningham told us he would be showing up later before driving away from Harrard's. I rode home with Mrs. Roberts. Ashley let me know that she was not excited by the idea of spending a night in a cold...

3 years ago
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Training Gloria

© 1994 - 2002 LaffWithMe Press Internet [email protected] [email protected] One of my early forays into writing erotica. The First Session As he wraps the bindings around your wrists, your mind shifts into high gear. Upper most in your mind is a gnawing feeling of impending danger. It is like a neon sign flashing in red letters "Do I REALLY want to do this?". The fear, which until now had merely been a fantasy, is now a very real emotion spreading through your body....

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 33 Come In To My Kitchen

Over the next few weeks, we concentrated on working up the new songs to the point where they were at least acceptable for public performance; I had called Mike, and asked him if he would want to play with us again. He jumped at the opportunity; he said he wouldn’t be available for touring over the summer break; Karen had given birth to their son, Karl, a few months earlier. But before our first rehearsal session, he arrived with his Yamaha stage organ, and we set it up in the ‘keyboard’...

2 years ago
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Frozen Emotions Ch 01

The fresh sea air and isolation of their holiday place, a converted farm barn, was balm to their souls. It was ideal relaxation in their busy lives. They got up late, he making tea for them to have in bed. After a lazy breakfast, he would drive to fetch the paper for her from the local town. They then sat outside in the glorious summer weather enjoying the warm sun and fresh air. They sat in companionable silence, he flipping the pages of a magazine, she tackling the crossword. Occasionally...

2 years ago
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Ex girlfriend was black cock crazy

My ex used to talk about bbc all the time. Like we'd see something on tv with a black dude in it and she'd mutter shit under her breath and once I caught her licking her lips. I didn't say anything but then she just kinda said it out loud at one point and was like I bet that niggas got a big ass dick, I'd suck it! She said it kind of jokingly but seriously so I threw on a porno that was a mix of interracial and white on white and we were watching it together and she was all making fun of the...

3 years ago
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Victory Part One

It was the first of December when I first met my nemesis, Jackie Bateman. She was a jealous, bitter woman; the product of a rich husband and a spoiled childhood. She resented having to work in any form and made sure everyone around her knew about it constantly with her foul moods and sharp, poisonous replies to questions. She would strut around our office floor in her towering stilettos with her enormous, obviously enhanced, bust jutting out of a daringly low cut blouse and her tight...

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Sabrinas Biker Gang Bang

I started talking to a dude we'll call "G-Man" on xHamster. His wife "Sabrina" is a gorgeous black woman with a body made for sin. G-Man told me that he and his wife had fantasized about her being gang-banged. I've always had a "thing" for chocolate and told G-Man so. He immediately asked me if my "buddies" and myself would be interested in gang-banging Sabrina. I told him yes....and since he didn't live that far from me that I'd come and pick his lady up for a day ride. Then he could meet us...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three c***dren. Olivia has dark brunette hair...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 12

What seemed an eternity later... “It’s time,” I said as I pulled out of Moira, much to her satisfaction. Already, the Mayhem began in earnest, or at least the parts that I didn’t consciously instigate. Massive hailstones, acid rain, and incredible heat waves swept much of the globe. Volcanoes long dormant began erupting, earthquakes rumbled, We had to find shelter, which we did, for the sake of the mortals among us, what few there still were. I sealed as many as I could as quickly as I...

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Salony is a friend

I hang up the phone with my uncle and smile at my friend Salony. Uncle was going to come pick us up from school or rather junior college. It was Saturday and there was to be no homework for the whole weekend. Salony had made a comment about my uncle being a hot mal so I thought it would be nice to introduce her to uncle in person. I am Vardhini, 19. Salony is also 19. We went to the same high school and decided to go for 2 years to a JC to make some money for college in Europe. I am 5.6 115 lb....

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The Act

By now I am salivating for you from both sets of lips. The living room couch had never looked so enticing, so we started off the classic way, finding your lips with mine, running my thumb over your juicy, plump, delicious lips, then feeling them press against mine. Your toungue rolling over, around and over mine, intense and hard like you want me and I need you. All the while I run my hands over your shoulders, one hand then makes its way under your thin white cotton t-shirt to your chest and I...

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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

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Memorable Trip With Friend8217s Sister

Hello friends, hope you all are fine. My name is Sameer, I am doing a job now, I love reading sex stories. And I feel glad to read so many stories from the writers here. Please read this story and do comment and email me. My mail id is I am from Indore and completed my engineering. I got good responses for my story “memorable trip with my childhood friend”. Many of you emailed me. Some of them gave me numbers also. I feel great entertaining you. Due to my job I have to travel to many places...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 509

???????????????? Irvmull has a problem, can you help... ???????????? Sometimes life is confusing. I bought a bottle of One-A-Day vitamins for Men. Instructions say take 2 per day. Don’t take if pregnant or breast feeding. ???????????????? Say thanks to netmanager99 for this item... ???????????? Acura: Automobile Causes Universal Road Accidents All Cars Usually Require Adjustment Any Child Understands Real Automobiles Americans Can Underestimate Routine Accidents Aston: A Stupendous Ton of needles! Audi: Accelerates Under...

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Private Shi Official Enjoys Passionate Debut

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Shiofficial, a stunning teen who debuts for us in Private Gold, Friends and Family with a scene that you won’t forget any time soon! This cute brunette lures in Sam Bourne with her big natural tits and soon she’s getting that delicious pussy eaten before returning the favour on her knees with a nice blowjob. Then enjoy the sight of Shiofficial in action as she hops on for a ride and takes a hard pounding, moaning and screaming her way to a...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Conversation

A Christmas Conversation Katie Leone Chapter One Kathleen walked down the hall of the church towards the pastor's office. It was a meeting that was a long time in the making, but it was one that she was dreading. She listened to the sound of her heels clicking against the highly polished tile floor and imagined a clock ticking down towards zero hour. Church was an important part of her life; she couldn't deny that, but Jessie was the most important. Kathleen paused and...

2 years ago
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Make That Bitch Come

I remember back in high school when I was the loner, one of the few people that stayed true to his own personality, the non-prep. It always pissed people off that I didn’t give a damn what they thought about me. Now, although I wasn’t the Al Snow of the group I wasn’t the most popular person either. Anyway, I’m getting off track, well the point I’m trying to make is, the non-prep girl seemed to love me, but the problem was they were all as ugly as a fucking...

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SweetheartVideo Bree Daniels Alexis Fawx Becoming A Porn Star

Alexis Fawx is the editor in chief of Sex & Style magazine–a high-end porn magazine geared towards horny lesbians with impeccable taste. Alexis is panicking, their cover model and the main story turned out horrible, and now they need a sexy new cover model ASAP. To make it worse, a documentary film crew has been following her and will capture the disaster. Alexis needs sudden inspiration… that may just be her goofy new assistant Bree! Alexis takes notice of Bree’s perfect...

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Mistaken Identity The Quest for the Golden Dildo

(Note: If you haven't read the original Mistaken Identity I recommend doing so. See Author's Note at the bottom.) You sit on the unforgiving metal bench of the antiquated ex-military cargo plane. The repetitive shaking and jostling is killing your back and ass, and that incessant deafening droning of the big propeller engines has you believing your hearing won't ever be the same. The old bucket creaks and rocks once more and you are thrown back against the wall of the plane yet again. Natali,...

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The Cellists Greatest Performance

The mansion at Arcore it the foothils of Rome was bathed in soft yellow light from the spotlights in the grounds. The gravel in front of the house was littered with expensive cars; the manor was the home of Italian business magnate, Silvio Berlusconi. Tonight he was entertaining a select group of his friends. They were all eagerly looking forward to what he had promised to be an evening to remember.As ten o'clock approached the immaculately dressed waiters strolled among the invited guests...

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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 1 Dinner Party

There’s a bit of an introduction but it helps with this and the other parts of the story. We’d known Sam and Anna for years and had occasional sexy dalliances when we lived nearer each other, but my job took us 200 miles away and we subsequently rarely met up. This weekend however we’d arranged to meet halfway; to rent a cottage and catch up on the past. They’d asked if they could bring along another couple of ‘sexy friends’, as Anna described them, to which we readily agreed. I was delayed...

Group Sex
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New MagusChapter 22

When we arrived at the hotel, I helped the cabbie get the luggage. There was a second when our eyes met and I was sure I saw the same need in his eyes I had seen in both Jordan’s and Danielle’s. However, as soon as Danielle came around, the driver looked her way and accepted his money. Danielle looked up at me. I wasn’t sure what the expression on my face was, but she asked, “Are you okay?” I simply nodded. The driver closed the trunk and walked back around to the driver’s side of his car....

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A Change of Events

Are you ready? I’ve put your luggage in the car, Susan came out I’ve spoken to the k**s, there ok and have promised to look after the dogs and no parties while were away. Yep i spoke to them as well, don’t worry there going to be ok, there 17 and 16, there good k**s. They have our mobile phone numbers and you can phone them when we get there. Yes your right, Susan got in the car buckled up and off we went. This was the first time we had been away for ages, well since the k**s had been born....

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Japanese Girls Kissing Pt 1

Japanese Girls Kissing Pt 1This story is meant to be read with my videos "Japanese Girls Kissing" playing in the background.24 year old Suzy Wong, sometimes known as Mama-San, is a lesbian and runs a halfway house for young women who need assistance getting along in life. She uses the girls for her own sexual gratification and sells their services to traveling Japanese businessmen. Kissing, enemas, perverted sexual trysts among the girls living there is highly encouraged.====== OPENING24 year...

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My Birthday with Nadia

It had been some time since my last encounter with Nadia.   I could not help but to fantasize about her most of the time.  God! She just drove me crazy that night, I thought to myself.  For weeks I kept recalling everything she did to me that night and how many times she had made me cum.  I had not seen her in a while, but we had talked on the phone from time to time.  She never let the chance go by to tell me all the nasty, dirty things she was going to do to me the next time she saw me.  Just...

4 years ago
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Wonderful And Thril Nights

Hi Friends,I m Ravi, i finished my engg.Now i m in chennai.1st time i m writing my experiance…i have 7inch cock.Its my 1st exp wit my own aunty. My aunty is one of the very very sexy lady in world, her name is Anu.(sorry friends,i changed her name). Which encouraged me to have sex with Anu.her boobs like water-melone , and i want suck it. Basically she is from small village and she is also a good friend For me.Her body and eyes are very admirable one.she has great Boobs 34D, 28 waist and 38...

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Sissy Mission 7 Lawnmower Sissy

Sissy Mission 7: Lawnmower Sissy By Cheryl Alison It was a Sunday evening and Mistress and I were lazing around watching TV trying to avoid the reality of work on Monday morning. The Simpsons was on, and Homer and Flanders had made a little bet. Somehow, they both lost and had to mow their respective lawns wearing their wives' Sunday dresses. I looked at Mistress and I knew that another Sissy Mission was probably in my future! "Hmmm," was all she said. I knew I was in for...

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Occasions that started to happen more and more oft

Pleasure can be quite addictive. Especially when solid ground is a bit shaken. Morals. Integrity. And so on.It wasn't an appropriate way to fight boredom, yet still... Somehow it didn't seem like anything new to them. Moreover, at certain point they both looked as if they have totally forgot an initial intent not to repeat all the thing again and again 'till it was too late to stop. They both been kinda exhausted from unevenful days of complete sultriness. When the evening brought nice fresh...

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Beings Beyond gods

It was 6 p.m. thursday night and Andrew and Arielle where just finishing up there daily chores around the Farm and they were both sweating profusely due to their constant work on the farm and it being late May in south Louisiana. Arielle who is a brunette with long dark brown hair and hazel eyes 34DD , her ass was the perfect build right in between flat and bubble like, arms, legs, and stomach would make you think that she's a pro runner for the Olympics all this while still being only 5 feet...

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Irresistible Holly Ch 00

(Pretty tame, just introducing myself really and keeping it simple.) * Holly was a sweet girl that I’d had my eyes on for quite some time. We both enrolled at Davison College of Arts the same year so I’d see her in the common areas of the dormitory or in the halls between classes. We even had a class together during my first semester. I remember the first time I saw her she didn’t really catch my eye. She had sharp eyes with an appealing green hue and a slender delicate face to match. Her...

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A BOY Can DreamCant SHE Part 2

This is a work of adult fiction and any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is not intended. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read this story. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. [email protected] A BOY Can Dream...Can't SHE? - Part 2 By: Simonne...

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My black neighbor boy

After a devastating fire at my home which destroyed everything I owned I moved into an apartment in Little Rock. I gradually began replenishing my feminine wardrobe which I would wear while at home but I guess maybe I was not always keeping the blinds closed all the way sometimes. I would wear my short shorts when BBQing on the front lawn sometimes. One day I came home from work in a pouring rain and had just started getting settled in when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door I...

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Paradise Found

I live and work in paradise. I’m thirty years old and have been a lifeguard for more than fifteen years. For the last eight I’ve been the guard at Wineglass Beach on the east coast of small island in the waters south of Melbourne, Australia.I had to look twice the first time I saw her. Beyond the exquisite beauty of the beach, I am used to seeing sexy swimmers every day. To be honest, I rarely notice anymore. But there was something different about her. She was striking.She first appeared for a...

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Glory Hole In Bangalore

I had shared my number to her to be in touch because we liked her profile and I liked her personal profile. Next day morning I got call from her asking about her interview. I told her we are ok with your interview performance our HR will be in touch with you. Same day evening I got message from her thanks for your feedback so and so. Me: You welcome Deepa Deepa: Yes. How are you doing? Morning I was in hurry missed to ask you. Me: It is ok I am good. How are you doing did you reached...

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Poonan the Barbarian

Aeons ago, before the dawn of science, before the great ice melted, there was the Forgotten Age. The majority of the earth was covered by a desolate Wasteland. You could walk for hundreds of miles and see nothing but wasteland. But there was one speck of civilization in this nothingness. The noble kingdom of Maedan, mankind's last defense against anarchy, ruled by the warrior-king Aloric. So there was the Wasteland covered in snow. And there was Maedan. Poonan's village was a tiny outpost...

First Time
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Moms Wedding Gown

Mom’s Wedding Gown By Spectre Mark tried not to shiver as his mother leaned heavily against him, tried not to enjoy the softness of her body or the flowery smell of her hair. Tried not to get a hard on again. She looked up at him, smiling, and giggled d***kenly as he fumbled with her keys and opened the front door. “You’re so sweet to help me home,” she said, then lifted up on her toes to kiss his cheek dangerously close to his lips. “Mom, you’re d***k,” he said, more to remind himself than...

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The 48yr old divorcee and her young black lover

A great little story of a 48yr old divorcee and her young black lover.I just got divorced this year. I'm glad though. I got his house and his money. I like to chat with guys online at night and meet them for some good sex.One night I was drinkin' some beers and chatting as usual and I started chatting with a guy named James. He was really nice. Then he showed me his pic. Damn! He's a hottie. Tall, black, and young. He was 18. I told him he was sexy and I wanted his cock. Then he asked me how...

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relaxing after work

After a long day at work, you come back to ur room to get a drink and relax. Surprise.. I am here to take care of you baby. Don't you worry about a thing...I am here to do everything for you. I am wearing a very short negligee and I spent the last hour... taking a bath and shaving and painting my nails and making sure i smell good and am clean and my skin is soft to the touch. I bring u your drink and sit next to you on the couch. we lean back and just breath for a bit being quiet...

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Wood Pining for a White Christmas

Her breasts were exceptional, a pair of perky handfuls that bounced just the right amount as the doctor thrust into her again and again, her dark skin glistening with sweat that scarcely dripped upon the discarded nurse uniform beneath her. Each moan was a desperate cry for release through the doctor's muffling hand, his throbbing shaft driving deep inside his lover's swollen entrance as its girth spread the lips wide, causing the nurse's eyes to roll back beneath their lids. The scent of...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 24

Brandi, in her role as Ms. Olympia, had to travel a lot, making appearances. Laura was tormented by the thought of these absences. She suspected that the body building world was crawling with lesbians, and now that Brandi had discovered through her, Laura, how good it could be, she would be screwing every muscle-bound cutie in every gym in America. It made Laura's heart sink. They all had bodies just like Brandi's, and they shared the same life in so many ways, things that should bond them...

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A Changed Man

Part One - BeginningsIt had to happen one day I guess. I had such a collection of porn on my hard drive, that it was inevitable that one day my wife would stumble across it. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was average, everyday porn, but my collection consisted of more 'specialist' images. There were pictures of shemales with big hard cocks dressed in suspenders, pictures of submissive men bound and punished by a Mistress and even some pictures of out and out gay sex. Then there were the...

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The Princess and the Sailor

Once upon a time, in a far off land, there was a beautiful flame-haired princess who lived by the sea. Although she was fiercely intelligent and challenging and had the most wonderful smile and eyes that lit up every room she entered, and put a beautiful song into the heart of everyone who spoke to her, she was sad inside. She could remember the happy person she could be, but she didn’t know how to find her any more. She remembered what she did when she was happy, and so she repeated those...

1 year ago
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Fucking Freshman

4 freshmen, 2 girls Michelle 14 and Kimmy 14, 2 guys Travis 14 and Mitch 14. They were all good looking. Michelle is a short , about 5’4”, cute innocent face, thin body, and . Kimmy was Asian too. She is a little taller than Michelle. God she was hot. Travis, a hapa, was the hottest guy in school. He had such a cute face and his body was so fit. Mitch was just another god. He completes the saying, Asian girl love White Boy. Anyway, that night they were all in Michelle’s house. Her parents were...

Group Sex
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Stay At Home DadChapter 3

About nine that night mom's phone rang. I knew it was Cara. She must have just gotten home. I told mom to answer it and tell Cara that the boys were already in bed and I wasn't in the mood to talk. I would see her tomorrow. I could hear mom saying it was no use, that I was too bullheaded. My mom liked Cara, unlike how Cara's parents felt about me. Mom ended by telling her she would take care of things and that I would see her tomorrow. My mother spoke to me, "John, there is something...

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Bonds And Masks

I meet you at your place, not exactly knowing what the night's plans are but hoping for something exciting. Anything is better than ordinary. You invite me in and take my coat and purse. You are standing there in your black boxers and nothing else. I was hoping this is where the night was going to end up! And I came prepared. Taking my coat off revealed a red skin-tight dress with my three-inch red heels. Even in my heels, I don’t come close to your height.You grab my hands and drag me to the...

Love Stories
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The Succubus Chronicles the Midnight HourChapter 2

Midnight found Kat standing just outside the Tavern against the side of the building waiting in the shadows. She thought about dressing a little warmer as she stood in the chill of the night air, but she reasoned that if she dressed in anything but her tight top and flowing ankle length skirt from her job it might make the Vampire suspicious and prevent her from forming a plan to stop him. While she was trying to figure out what to do she heard softly behind her "My, don't you look good...

2 years ago
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Wife sets Me up with a GayMaker

I had always been curious about men. I had always wanted to experiment but alas I was way too scared of being "gay" to ever follow through on any of my urges. Chalk that one up to 18 years of living in a conservative Christian community. Instead I left my sexual urges to the alone time I had to indulge in my other fantasy of crossdressing. I loved the thrill and excitement I got from wearing women's lingerie. I used to look forward to when my parents would be out of town and my older sister at...

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White DelightsChapter 2 Paris In The Springtime

His arrival at Charles de Gaulle airport was quite satisfactory. The Embassy staff all made deep obeisance on the tarmac and his car was waiting at the bottom of the steps. There was none of the VIP Lounge flummery which he so disliked. When they reached the Embassy itself he was shown in past staff who were all strictly heads to the floor, and he was shown to an excellent suite of rooms. Within seconds of him walking in a naked young woman came into the day-room carrying a tray of...

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