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I never meant for her to know that I saw her. I never really meant to watch, but when I came home early and heard the noises, I just had to check.

My Aunt Margaret, you see, was kind enough to take me into her home when her sister, my mother, got sick. I know now what a sacrifice that was for her. At fifteen, though, my only concern was the inconvenience it caused me. Moving halfway across the country, away from my friends, my school, and everything I had known all my life - that was the worst disaster I could imagine.

Of course, then, I thought my mother would be well in a few weeks, and I'd be able to go back home and live with her. It never occurred to my self-absorbed teenaged brain that my mother might be dying. All I could think about was how totally unfair the whole thing was to me.

Perhaps my mom had spoiled me a little bit. Okay, I was a total brat. I knew, by looking in the mirror, and by the way the boys chased after me that I was totally hot. Since I had that going for me, I never had to do anything for myself. If I had homework to do, I just got one of the nerds to do it. They were so eager to please me. If I needed something, all I had to do was drop a hint and whatever guy I was dating would buy it for me.

Give away this hot little booty? No way! I knew I was too good for any of those guys! I didn't know where, or when, but I knew that some rich, handsome guy would come along and sweep me off my feet. Then, and only then, would I screw like a porn star. Don't get me wrong, I'd given my share of handjobs and even let one boy see my cute little boobs. I decided I was even willing to go as far as giving head to get what I wanted, but no way was anyone getting into my skimpy little thong without paying the price of admission - a big fat diamond!

The guy who got me would have to earn it with a ring, but when he did, I just knew he'd be grateful as hell to get into my sexy little pant. Somehow, when that happened, it was going to be the best sex he ever had, and he'd never, ever want to fuck anyone else.

Okay, so I was a fucked up fifteen-year-old, spoiled rotten brat with no real concept of how things really work. That all started to change when I moved in with my Aunt. Fortunately, I had been born with a good memory and a modicum of intelligence, even if I had never actually had to use it. That was a good thing, because Aunt Margaret had this weird fetish about checking my homework every night. It was like she had spies at the godawful school she sent me to! I tried lying about not having homework, but somehow, by the time I got home each day, she knew, in detail, what my assignments were.

To top it off, the bumpkins at that little one-horse school seemed to find my sense of fashion amusing. To them, cowboy boots and jeans were the height of country couture. Suddenly, I went from being the most popular girl in school to class clown.

Oh yeah, my aunt lives in the middle of nowhere outside even the podunk little town where that sorry excuse for a school was built. Was I bitter? Only every waking minute of every miserable day!

I was so wrapped up in my own troubles, that instead of being sad when my mother died, I got even angrier and bitchier. The only blessing out of the whole thing was that word got around about my mother's death, and the kids at school stopped teasing me for a while.

Aunt Margaret didn't let up on me, though. Oh no! It was almost like she blamed me for her sister's death. She never said so, but she did tell me, often and loudly, what an ass I was being about the whole thing. Looking back, I can see that she was right, but at the time, I felt like the most put upon girl in the universe.

So what changed my outlook? Did I suddenly have an epiphany and realize that it was my own behavior that was causing all my problems? Well, yes, but not in the way you would expect...

There was one girl at school - a Plain Jane type named Alice Monroe - who wanted to be my friend. God knows, I could have used a friend or two, but come on! Alice Monroe? Puh-leeze! She was such a total dork with all those freckles all over her face! Anyway, this one day, a day which had started off with yet another screaming fight with my aunt, Alice came to me trying to be all sympathetic about my mom dying and everything. I lost it. Right there in front of the lockers with half the damned school watching, I let her have it with both barrels, then reloaded and let go again, and again. By the time I ran out of ammo, the poor girl was a sobbing, sniveling wreck, and I was suspended from school for the rest of the week.

In my state of mind, as far as I was concerned, it was the best thing that could have happened. Since my aunt had confiscated my cell phone to keep me from running up a bill she couldn't afford to pay, I couldn't call her to pick me up, so I had to walk back to her house. Since I was in no hurry to tell her what happened, I took my time. At least, that was my plan. Problem is, out here in Nowheresville, everybody's got a goddamn dog. "So what?" you ask. So nobody - and I mean nobody - ties their damn dogs up, or keeps 'em behind a fence.

With all the world to use for a doggy toilet, why have 'em shit in your own yard, right? So who cares? I care, that's who. I wanted less to do with the stinky fuckin' dogs than I wanted to do with Alice fuckin' Monroe.

The damn dogs didn't give a shit. I was trying to take my time walking back to my aunt's to delay the scolding as long as possible, but every damn dog in town wanted to be petted, or wanted to lick my face. Short as I am, some of those brutes didn't even have to lift their front paws to slobber all over me, totally screwing up my makeup.

So much for quiet introspection. I knew from experience that pushing them away wouldn't do a damned bit of good, so I endured and walked faster. Finally, I reached the sanctuary of my aunt's white picket fence. With the gate closed behind me, I left the pack of wild slobber-monsters behind and steeled myself to face my aunt's rage.

Hoping she was busy with something else and wouldn't notice me, I let myself in as quietly as I could and went to my room to drop off my backpack.

That was when I heard it - a low, guttural moan. I had never heard anything like that in my life and I figured who- or whatever had made it must be in pretty dire straits. Now mind you, I was big into helping out people in distress, but I was curious. The moan sounded again as I stepped into the hall and I followed it down the hall toward my aunt's bedroom.

The third moan was more like a muted bellow, and I wondered if, somehow, one of the calves had gotten in the house and got into something it couldn't get out of in Aunt Margaret's room.

Wondering if it was even safe to be near a trapped or wounded animal, I slowly pushed the on the door, which wasn't fully closed.

Imagine my shock when I saw Aunt Margaret, wearing a black leather bustier, with her right arm buried almost to the elbow in the ass of ... Oh my God! Mrs. Monroe!

Okay, in my defense, the irony of it was just too much! I had just been suspended from school for verbally reaming Mrs. Monroe's daughter, and here was my aunt, physically doing the same thing to Alice's mother! I could not help myself.

I laughed. Yes, 'LOL' - I laughed out loud. If I hadn't had a good grip on the door handle, I would have been ROTFLMAO - (okay, 'Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off' for the three of you out there who haven't texted enough to know what that means.)

I had to give my aunt cool points: instead of being all shocked and embarrassed, she just looked at me and said, in that 'do it or else' voice of hers, "It's about time! Get over here and strip, Heather."

Say what? I stopped laughing, but I couldn't believe what my ears were telling me. I stood in the doorway with my mouth open.


Whoa! I had never heard her use that tone of voice before. While I was marveling at the various nuances and inflections it carried, my body, almost without my knowing it, slowly sidled toward the bed.

Mrs. Monroe was facing me, head on the mattress, ass in the air, but she didn't even seem to see me. No wonder - Aunt Margaret's elbow had just popped through her sphincter, eliciting another bellow from the young mother.

Suddenly, I realized that she was not only totally engrossed in what my aunt was doing, but she was enjoying it! A river of fluid was pouring down the insides of both thighs and her eyes were rolled so far back in her head that all you could see was featureless white where you would expect a cornea and pupil. Even as I watched, she shuddered through a full-body orgasm, sending yet another stream of fluid down her thighs.

I had not noticed the riding crop in Aunt Margaret's left hand, but as I came within range, without diminishing her assault on Mrs. Monroe, she apprised me of its presence by slashing it across the back of my bare thigh.

"Ow!" I yelled, dancing from the pain.

Aunt Margaret was not to be distracted. "I said strip! If I have to tell you again, you will not be able to sit even when they let you back into the school!"

Oh, shit! That could not be good! She already knew about my suspension! I should have known!

While those thoughts were running through my head, I was tearing garments off. It wasn't until I got down to my lacy little bra and the butt-floss the lingerie designers laughingly call panties that I realized what I was doing.

I thought that surely that would be enough ... No, the murderous glare in my aunt's gaze told me I'd better not stop there.

Off came the bra and the thong, and before I knew what was happening, I was on my back with my head shoved between Mrs. Monroe's thighs, watching in awe as Aunt Margaret's arm pistoned in and out of her distended rectum. I didn't get to watch for long. With two quick taps of the crop, Aunt Margaret spread the older woman's thighs, planting her dripping pussy solidly in my face.

Okay, I'm not stupid. I knew why she did that, even though I was having difficulty believing any of this bizarre scene, but there was no way my pristine little tongue was going into the floodwaters from Mrs. Monroe's bikini-waxed pussy.

I clamped my mouth shut in defiance, only to open it wider than ever as my aunt's crop on the inside of my thigh deluged me with searing pain! Immediately, of course, about half of Mrs. M's protruding labia, including her distended clit, barged into my open maw. Spitting it out wasn't exactly an option - not when it had the weight of her lower torso on top of it, probably encouraged by Aunt Margaret's fist. I thought to use my hands to get her up enough to close my mouth again, but the crop foiled that plan.

I had almost decided on another strategy when my aunt growled, "If you bite, I'll shove this fist up your ass all the way to my shoulder! Now get that tongue moving!"

Damn! How does she do that? Is she a fuckin' mind-reader or something?

With no other viable options I did as she commanded, not at all sure that I would survive the experience. To my surprise, Mrs. M. didn't taste half bad. A little gamy, maybe, but god knows how long she and Aunt Margaret had been at it before I got there. My disgust didn't turn to nausea as I had expected. In fact, when Alice's mother started grinding her hips in response to my tonguing, I started getting a perverse little thrill from the power it gave me over her.

I found her hard little clit and started playing with it. Mrs. Monroe rewarded me by nearly drowning me in her juices! My God! Did I do that? Far from being disgusted by the fluids running down my face, I started producing a flow of my own. Granted, my aunt's fist, high up her colon, had something to do with it, but the idea that my pink little tongue had caused such a reaction just drove me wild!

Aunt Margaret had said 'no biting', but I knew that if it was my clit, I wouldn't have minded a little nip here and there, so I tried it. A very gentle little nibble, just letting her feel the edges of my sharp little teeth.

OMG! The woman went ballistic! She wailed like a cheerleader who just woke up to find a pimple on her nose, rammed her ass back against the fist inside her, then pounded her pubic bone on my nose three or four times before collapsing, limp as a dishrag, on top of me. It was a good thing I could breathe a little through my mouth, otherwise I would have suffocated!

Aunt Margaret took her time about extricating her fist from the poor woman, then took a leisurely stroll to the bathroom to wash before finally returning to roll the unconscious body off of me.

I lay there gasping for air, but my aunt was not going to give me any respite. Before I was even close to getting my breath back, much less my composure, I was blindfolded and trussed up like a Christmas turkey. My ass was high in the air and my wrists were bound to my ankles. I had to turn my face to the side to keep from being smothered by the bedspread on Aunt Margaret's bed.

The irony of finding myself in the same position that Mrs. M. had occupied only moments before was not lost on me, but somehow, I didn't feel like laughing. In fact, I wasn't quite sure what I felt like.

Scared? Shah! I had never been so frightened in my life! Humiliated - definitely. Angry, ashamed, all of these were part of the jumble of emotions swirling through me. Thing was, and this is what was so confusing, I was also hornier than I had ever been, even when I got a backstage pass to the Jonas Brothers. Confused? Oh, yeah! This was my bitch of an aunt who was doing this to me, with her sister not even cold in the grave yet!

Aunt Margaret didn't give me a lot of time for introspection.

"I have tried to do right by you, Heather, because you are my sister's only child. I have been as patient as anyone could be with a self-absorbed little brat, but this community is my home, and these people are my friends, and you, prima-donna that you think you are, are not going to fuck this up for me! Your mother is gone, and she is not coming back, and while I will miss her at least as much as you, we both need to move on. Talking to you has not helped, and neither has anything else, so now I'm going to take a more direct approach."

"Make the call," she told Mrs. Monroe.

I must have waited there, exposed and wondering what in hell was about to happen for a good fifteen minutes after Alice's mom called somebody on her cell, her voice so low I couldn't hear what was said. Finally, I heard footsteps and Aunt Margaret turned toward the bedroom door.

"In here, dear," she called.

I struggled to turn my head the other way so I could see who else was about to witness my humiliation. Bad idea. You probably already guessed who it was going to be, but I didn't have the luxury of time for logical thought. I had been too busy wondering what would happen to me and why I had to be in this position for it.

If I had felt humiliated before, imagine how I felt when Alice walked through the door. That's right, the Alice. The one I had been abusing before I got suspended. The one whose mother now sat demurely in a chair beside the bed on which she had climaxed all over my face, now fully clothed.

The look on Alice's face was priceless - or it would have been if I'd been in a position to appreciate it. Confusion, apprehension, and even embarrassment mingled in her expression as her face turned red.

"Y-you wanted to see me Mrs. Stanton?"

"Yes, Alice," Aunt Margaret answered warmly, putting her arm around the trembling girl. I noticed that the bustier had been replaced by a sundress. "I understand that you were trying to offer sympathy and friendship to my niece, and that she treated you rather badly. Is that correct?"

"Oh, I understand, Mrs. Stanton," Alice said, her face even redder. "After all, she just lost her mother..."

"That's true, Alice," the older woman smiled, "and it's very sweet of you to be so understanding, but I'm afraid that Heather needs a little help understanding that she can't use her own troubles as an excuse to treat others like dirt. Would you like to help me with that lesson, Alice?"

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Wife taking first black cock

The year was 1998, the season was summer and I was on my way to Ibiza with a group of new found friends. I met my new mates Paul and Martin while we were at college, after some time of getting to know them they invited me out with them and their long standing friends, and I soon became part of the group, at 23 I was slightly older than the rest of the clan but not so much older that I didn't fit in or feel that I was too old to be hanging around with them.That very first night out was the very...

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Deputy PorterChapter 220

By 6PM I had parted with most of the 30K and was headed to the swamp to she exactly what I had bought. Getting into the swamp was a lot easier than getting into my small compound. Well it seemed easier. There were all kinds of observation devices and more than one dead fall along the way. The swamps idea of a dead fall was a 1/2 pound of Semtex swinging on a cable from a roadside tree onto your car. Slightly more lethal than a bitch with a over and under shotgun waiting for you at the...

1 year ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 29 Body like Stone Cubed

Over the next few days, Master Lee watches over them as she leads them through the process of cultivating their bodies. They have been practicing Body Cultivation for months now, but not to the extent they will be during this trip. The first day they work within the formation of power that Master Lee had set up without any kind of pill or other concoction to assist them. The second day, Master Lee adds to it by slowly heating the ground under them. It isn’t comfortable, but they place their...

1 year ago
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Priestly Passions

‘Dear God,’ he murmured to himself, his hot breath stirring the fragile fern that acted as his refuge. The collar around his neck began to tighten as his eyes roved over the exotic beauty perched precariously on a sun-beaten rock only a few feet from his hiding spot. He slipped a finger between his sweaty neck and the stiff collar as if it would help to regulate his now choppy breathing. She truly was a delectable little thing. Her long, raven hair, wet from a recent dip in the pool beneath...

2 years ago
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Boss wife

I came in the house through the garage door. I was early, about a day early. I was just about to call out, announcing my arrival home, when I heard a sound that caused me to pause. I had been out of town on business but the offers made were unacceptable and I didn’t need that kind of business anyway. They said their position was absolutely non-negotiable, but in the two days of meetings they had changed their position so many times it was apparent the whole deal was a wash. So I returned to my...

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Jazzy Girl Ch 2

It was a keen night, the kind New York is famous for, all breezy and city-crisp with that distinctive fall-festival feel of Yankees baseball, Lincoln Center opera and Village jazz. Autumn in New York is a wake up call for the mind which has hibernated the sweaty summer away and emerges refreshed and invigorated and ready to contemplate its urban treasures in the Fall. New Yorkers love when the weather breaks so they can put on their big coats and hats, walk down their windy Avenues past the...

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My wife was having an Avon party so I stopped for a few beers after work with some of the guys. I wasn't paying much attention to the other people in the bar, at least not until I heard a very familiar laugh. I hadn't heard it in years, but the laugh was so distinctive that I knew who it had to be. I got up from my table and went looking. He was at a table at the back of the bar with two women and another man and even though I might be intruding I walked toward his table. When I got close...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Joanna Angel Wreck My Holes

Heavily tattooed alt-queen Joanna Angel wears kinky fetish-wear for her primal anal scene with ruthless dominant Small Hands. Before the action, the MILF star chats with nasty English director Angel Long, masturbating and teasing throughout. Angel fondles Joanna’s body, choking her and probing her rectum with toys. Mr. Hands arrives to rudely fuck Joanna’s face, producing gobs of nasty spit. The raunchy blowjob leads to intense anal fucking, with loads of lewd, ass-to-mouth...

4 years ago
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The Good Life

Some of you may have read the 2 stories that I have posted already. For those that haven't let me say this My name is Tony I'm 5'11" 265lbs 53yrs. and my cock is not hugh but better then most and my wife and her (girls) said that I know how to use it. Kat my wife is a walking godess, she is the love of my life but, she has this thing where she loves to find married women that has never had sex with another female and not only fuck her body but her mind too. She will watch women all the time and...

2 years ago
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Banglore Nights

Not totally into all the writing stuffs. Havent lived in india for long. Still the short stay of one year was quite good. We were a bunch of guys and girls.. As in i was living with my gal, so roaming arnd and going to parties a lot. Than one club turned out to be a very lucky one for me. This is where this girl came to notice me. Not a fake … Story still … The girl was pretty good looking north indian. Just looked fair and quite good enough from outside. It took pretty long for me to explore...

1 year ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 4 Made of Stone

Mike yawned, the morning light through the white curtains casting a blissful glow on the room. He scratched the back of his neck, his foot kicking the lump near the bottom of his bed. He sat up, leaning forward to give the lump a playful pat. “It’s time to get up, Tink.” Mike watched the lump slide to the edge of the bed, disappearing over the edge with a thud. “Owie,” Tink muttered, standing up holding her bottom. She was wearing a tank top night shirt, one of the things Mike had ordered...

2 years ago
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3 virgins get a MILF

Introduction: A young teen sees his neighbor fucking a stranger and gets pictures. He and his friends use the pictures to loose their virginity. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ____________________________________________________________ Three virgins get a MILF My name is Billy and I turned 16 about six months ago. We live in a nice home in a suburb of Phoenix....

3 years ago
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Secret Passion

Even in the large suite there was no peace, the captain and Marissa were arguing again. Tyaja whispered to Ayanna “what is going between those two?” Tyaja replied “Maybe the tension of being on the lam is getting to them. Suddenly the door blasted open and that bounty hunter that was pursuing them stepped through the remainder of the door. The captain charged and caught the bounty hunter by surprise spearing him to the floor, as they struggled Marissa pulled out her knife and held it to the...

4 years ago
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Cold Passion

The night was freezing and a lone woman picked up the pace. She was drenched, her heels clicking across the wet asphalt as she peered through the black. Still, the dark man was behind. Slowly, gradually, he was beginning to catch up. Running wasn't an option unless her sinister pursuer suffered from a similarly debilitating case of asthma. She turned a corner. The moon was nearly hidden behind the clouds and street lights no longer reached the tiny alley, yet she pushed on. Would he follow...

Monster Sex
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JulesJordan Casca Akashova Big Tit MILF Casca Akashova Gets A Fat Cock

Mondo MiLF Casca Akashova challenges Manuel Ferrara to “Come get it” in this scene from Jules Jordan Video. The prodigious blonde is all dolled up in bright magenta lipstick and baby-blue lingerie. Her mighty rack consumes the camera during an outdoor tease sequence, then Akashova’s filthy thoughts come out inside. Sitting spread-eagle and rubbing her tattooed twat, Casca says “You like that too do you? I like it when you’re greedy… Cuz I want you to have all of me… It’s...

2 years ago
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MariellaChapter 2

"My goodness it's warm today, Jack! I think rather than go any further today, I shall stay here and rest! Would you mind awfully if I laid down and closed my eyes!" It was a rhetorical question, of course: he was there to do his employer's bidding, and to safeguard her wellbeing in whatever way he could. Mariella lay on the grass, on her back. In the hot sun she was soon sleeping. She had pulled her husband's cap over her face to protect it from the harsh sun. Her waistcoat had fallen...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Kiarra Kai Whitney Wright Whitney Wright and Hot Newbie Kiarra Kai

Whitney Wright is ready to have some hot fun with all of you but she is super excited to meet and fuck the gorgeous newbie Kiarra Kai! She strips from her pink shirt and shows you that sexy ass that you crave to see and gets all naughty stripping down Kiarras bra with her teeth and sucking on her toes! Kiarra just loves all the attention and must find her way to Whitneys hot little pussy to return that pleasure right back! They scissor on the hitachi and even bring out the Sybian to end the...

2 years ago
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Getting high with the building guard

A little bit about me, i was 5ft 5 tall, had a chubby and curvy body. I also had a smooth white body, my ass was pretty round and sexy. I was not gay but i always felt myself attracted to older hairy men. I didn't felt attracted to girls and even porn didn't excite me. I also had no friends and you could call me a lone wolf since i was always alone. Now coming to the story, One night i was having a smoke at the roof, it was then i heard some noise, i quickly threw away the cigarette and...

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FilthyPOV Sky Pierce Having The Sex Talk With My StepDad

My step-daughter Sky and I have a distant relationship but when my wife asked me to help I have no problem talking to her. I wanna help grow the family with them, I walk into Sky’s room and hear her having a sketchy conversation. I ask her what the call about after she hung it up as soon as she saw me in her room. Sky gives me a really difficult time answering but eventually, she spills it. Her friend just got pregnant and they are all freaked out, Sky admits she doesn’t know much...

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The Debt Part 1

Katie was recently promoted to Vice President for Marketing in a small, but growing company that had developed a manufacturing technique that saved at least twenty percent during the extraction of rare earth metals from their raw state. It was protected by their patent, and was becoming more and more profitable for the company. She was formerly the Administrative Assistant to John Williams, the President of the company. She had been there since they started, and was being financially rewarded...

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Rabi Ne Apni Soteli Maa Se Liya Badla 8211 Part II

By : Ro_k_y Dear friends me Ashu phir hazir hoon RABI NE APNI SOTELI MAA SE LIYA BADLA-I ka 2nd part lekar. Iska 1st part sabhi ko bahat pasand aya aur sabhi ne mujhe jaldi se jaldi iska dusra bhag bhejne ka request kiya to me hazir ho gaya 2nd part leke. Agar kisine iski 1st part nahin padhi he to use kuch samjh me nahi aega. Tois liye meri usne ye guzarish he ki bi pehele 1st part padhe aur phir isko pahde. 1st part padhne keliye...

2 years ago
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Alaska Nights episode 6

Alaska was not what I expected. It was a beautiful place, not the frozen wasteland I envisioned. The capitol city is isolated except by boat or air. There are no roads in or out, just 18 miles of highway north and 5 miles south on the edge of the salt water channel. It's a nice little city with a lot of nice people. Seems the long winters are made for basketball and partying. Beside the many popular night spots in the area, like The Red Dog Saloon, one of our favorite hangouts in town...

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My sexy Mosi seduced by me

Halo iss readers, this is sudeer sharma again from raipur. I am going to narrate the incident how i fuck my mossi. This incident happen when i was 17 years old. I was not virgin that time but had have sex only one time and was very anxious to fuck any one. It was my summer vacation and i was spending my time at my mosi house. There are four members in the family mosa, mosi & my two cousins. They are living in two room quarter provided by the government and my mosa ji was in the government...

3 years ago
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Lynne Joins Kathy and Ernie

I really love being able to access all this information about other cross dressers on-line. They have helped me to really get in touch with this side of my personality. I love the pictures and love reading the stories (see My Favorite Links on my Home Page). I think the best way to let you know a little more about my feelings and fantasies is by writing a little story. It is a mixture of fact and fantasy. I hope you enjoy. Lynne Joins Kathy and Ernie by Lynne Sayer I arrived at...

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GirlsWay Mckenzie Lee Sheena Ryder Tastes In Common

McKenzie Lee, a realtor, invites Sheena Ryder, an interior designer, into a house she’s trying to sell. When Sheena arrives, McKenzie is taken aback by how outgoing she is. It’s revealed McKenzie is having trouble selling the house and needs Sheena’s help to make it more presentable. Sheena starts pitching ideas for the house, but McKenzie isn’t on board with them. There is a hint of friction between them. McKenzie begins pitching ideas herself, but Sheena isn’t...

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Emmas Instruction

Emma woke up to a text from her boyfriend. ?Good morning gorgeous! Are you excited for our ‘date’ tonight??She grinned. Of course she was excited. Tonight, she and George were going over to his father’s empty house for a little sleepover. The anticipation was going to get her through a long, boring day of work.?Duh! I’m so excited to not sleep all night ;)?Emma worked 30 hours a week in addition to high school to support herself and her ailing grandmother. There were few occasions in which she...

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Youre Not My Daddy

I first met my wife Donna five years ago when we both worked a warehouse together on second shift. We never really talked that much, we just sort of knew of each other. I never asked her out while we worked together, and she quit about four months later. That summer came, and I went to the local arcade to sell a dog I had to a coworker. While I was there, I saw two of the hottest pieces of ass I had ever seen walk in, and not being an idiot, followed it in. "Paul?" I heard come from a pool...

3 years ago
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Sex with Aditi

Hii friends its ajay from pune . The story i m going to tell is all about my experience that happened few weeks back …..the luck of mine to have sex with a housewife …32 year old ….her name is aditi ….she is from mumbai ….working in a multi-national company.i came into contact with her when she replied to me when she read a story posted by me on iss,……initially the way of aditi was like very general infact she was not that much interested in talking to me as i was younger to her….so we use to...

4 years ago
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Black and White Consummate a New Relationship

Up until now not one white man has given me satisfaction within a relationship not even having the decency to even think of caring for my sexual requirements as many only want a woman to be their one night sex slaves, only thinking about their weenie, or wanting their women to remain bare foot and pregnant while pampering to their motherly needs. I am beginning to imagine that my biological clock is sadly passing me by as I am 33 years of age and my only dream is to find an educated man with...

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Bi Bi 2 The holiday

The holiday idea came about when Sue and Becky found they holidays were at the same time. I suspect they planned it. So Ron and I organised our holidays to mesh with them. We planned two weeks away at a beach resort. Actually, again Sue and Becky did the planning. Ron and I just agreed. The hotel was right on the beach front and we had two rooms with an interconnecting door. The women explained that it would not require us to enter the hallway to change rooms from time to time. It made sense...

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