Remirror Skin Deep
- 2 years ago
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Aaron Murphy liked looking at his reflection in the Body Work's wall ofmirrors. But then, how could he not? For going on five years now his body hadbeen his main preoccupation. Well, not counting the hunt for cunt he otherwisespent his time engaged in. But it was the incredible hunk he had turned himselfinto--mainly right here amid the boss chrome and glass of this particular fitnesscenter--that had made the other quest so successful. Aaron had no doubts aboutthat. He was only a junior in high school, but Aaron had already screwed halfthe girls in town. No exaggeration. He had given up keeping count a while back,but when you added in the classes ahead of him (not to mention the slew ofsluts from the grades below--his latest in that category being a precociousfifth grader who had hung around on a recent afternoon to watch Aaron do somefinal laps in the school pool)--then you got somewhere close to a hundred,a hundred and fifty, easy. And that didn't include the odd teacher or two--threeto be exact--who had spread their legs for him. The last--his recently divorced,sex-starved algebra teacher--had even encouraged him to plug her rather scrumptiousbum, an experience that had spurred Aaron to even more exciting explorationsof the possibilities.
As he finished the last series of leg lifts he had set himself, his sphinctertingled with the memory of his latest discovery along those lines: reaming.Aaron had only been preparing for a little sixty-nining the previous weekendwhen a beer-soused Mary Turbot inadvertently zapped his butt with that suction-cupmouth of hers. By the time Mary came to herself--"What am I doing?!" shehad exclaimed--her breathy Budweiser pucker had revealed pleasure of the posteriorAaron had completely failed to imagine. It took a little coaxing to get Maryto pick up where she left off, but once she reapplied herself, she lost allreserve--her most endearing quality so far as Aaron was concerned--and wentto work like a professional. Or what Aaron imagined was professional anyway.Needless to say, he had never had to pay for sex.
What Aaron was now in the process of trying to figure out was how he couldarrange to get some simultaneous action going. Front and back. Two mouths insteadof one. Now that would be an interesting twist on things, and Aaron liked newtwists.
Mary and her mother? Aaron wasn't so sure about that, though he had screwedboth of them. Not that the one knew about the other, of course. But Mrs. Turbotwas distinctly average. No imagination whatsoever. Now if only Mary had a sisteras hot-to-trot as she was! But no. Mary was an only child.
Still, Aaron liked a challenge, and he was getting more and more determinedto manage something. With or without Mary's participation. Hers wasn't theonly tongue in town, after all, as Aaron well knew. But where to find the twowilling mouths? That was the question.
Aaron had actually been involved in a threesome before, but that had notbeen planned. Far from it! In fact, Aaron had at first been scared shitlesswhen Mr. Cottle suddenly appeared in his wife's bedroom. Aaron and Mrs. Cottle,a jerky friend of his mother's, had been going at it for a good half-hour whenFred--"Call me Fred," Mr. Cottle had insisted afterward--showed up,pants off, cock rampant, and shoved Mrs. Cottle aside--"Ruth," shehad invited Aaron to say--in order to go down on Aaron himself. Thus, whilehe gnawed away on well-seasoned Cottle-cunt, good old Fred had devoured fresh,fat Aaron-o-banana! Old Fred had been good too! Indeed, the best Aaron hadyet had when it came to that particular specialty. The man had then wantedto do more, of course, but as soon as Aaron realized why Mr. Cottle was rearranginghim on his belly, as soon as he understood that the sleek charms of his rosyadolescent ass were not only something a woman might want to enjoy, Aaron hadcalled a halt. Despite his disappointment, Fred proceeded to plug his wifewhile Aaron looked on, distinctly unimpressed both by Fred's technique andhis even more ordinary equipment.
Now, however, having so recently experienced the splendid ravages of MaryTurbot's tornado tongue, Aaron wondered if he had made a mistake when he hadnot let good old Fred have a go at it. Once, at least. Yet he had only beenthirteen when Mr. Cottle had wanted to cork his butt, and while even then proudof his size--in every respect--a thirteen-year-old's asshole was, after all,a thirteen-year-old's asshole. Or so Aaron had reasoned at the time.
Now, at seventeen, Aaron was a lot more confident about his powers to takeas well as give, but, if the truth be told, he still found the idea of screwinga man--much less being screwed by one--not the wettest of his particular wetdreams. Although he had to admit that he had enjoyed driving Coach Benson outof his mind last fall. Before he up and had his nervous breakdown, the Coachhad gone so far as to offer money--"For anything! Anything!" he hadinsisted--but Aaron only agreed to let him watch as he pumped flesh in theshower after all the other guys had left. What the hell? Fifty dollars forwhacking off was good money, as well as a new experience, and, anyway, thenew experience--dull though it soon proved to be--was all the temptation Aaronhad really needed.
Too bad the Cottles had moved, Aaron now thought as he adjusted the armweights. He might just have dropped in on them after his workout. Even letMr. Cottle do his worst this time around. Who knows? Aaron had long ago decidedto try everything at least once, although he had to admit that getting fuckedhimself had not actually been on his mind when he made the resolution.
More recently, Aaron had been wondering what rape might be like. This wasbecause Rachel Thurman--no relation, though she looked deliciously like shecould be--was still holding out. She was the new kid in town, but had stupidlyattached herself to "Burger" Barton, one of the football team's meatier(and more possessive) linemen. As a result, Rachel hadn't yet worked up thenerve to two-time good old "Burger," a fact frustrating enough tolead Aaron to the rape fantasies. Aaron had actually gone so far as to checkout her house, seen how easy it would be to get in in the middle of the night,his face covered, a knife to her throat, in order to plunder the tempting boxof sweets that "Burger" had no right to keep all to himself in anycase.
But so far, Aaron had held back. Not because he was particularly worriedabout getting caught. He wasn't. Aaron had felt invincible for years. He hadyet to have the least trace of any of those so-called "venereal diseases," forexample. And the media could go on about AIDS as much as it wanted, but itwas clearly something only queers got, and Aaron was about as far from beinga queer as a guy could get. No, he just preferred the idea of Rachel choosingto do the nasty-naughty because she couldn't help herself. The use of forcewould defeat that purpose entirely. Still, Aaron had half-resolved that he'dgive her another month to see the light and then . . . who knew?
Now on his back, Aaron gripped the weight bar and, having flexed his triceps,proceeded to pump iron.
The pattern was as natural as breathing by this time, and Aaron was wellinto the sequence, quickly zoned out on the bracing regularity of the routine,when happening to glance across his crotch he saw reflected in Body Work'slight-bright wall of mirrors an absolutely drop-dead pair of gorgeous girls--youngwomen actually--talking to the ditzy red-headed bimbo who manned the frontdesk's fancy chrome crescent.
They're twins! he realized. And what twins, at that! The tits! The asses!The legs! And pairs of them! Not to mention the two--two!--sets of sexily poutinglips and cascading manes of think blond hair. Not even "Baywatch" couldboast such ripe rounds of buttock and bosom, such lush incarnations of sunand sand. And it was still blustery, blistery March in the Nowheresville, Ohio,Aaron called home, for Christ's sake!
Now who are they? he wondered and licked his lips.
Easing the weights back into place, Aaron adjusted the quickly hardeningrod trapped beneath the confines of his jock strap and silently ordered, "Down,boy! Let's not jump the gun. Let's get the lay of the land first. See justwhat sweet young cunts this way come."
And indeed, both blondes, their business at the desk accomplished, clearlyready for a joint workout, had begun to move in Aaron's direction. It was asif they had carefully scouted the place out and determined that the machinesright on either side of Aaron--both free--would allow them the best vantagepoint from which to feast their eyes on what Aaron knew was the buffest studbod in the center: his own.
Aaron watched them divide--one to either side--then launched into a seriesof oblique abdominal crunches, adroitly reversing the rotation of the exercisein order to observe the two babes settle into their respective places. Firstthis way, then that, he went. One side, then the other, his abs flexing provocativelyeach time he faced one or the other of the stunningly matched pair.
Quite soon, and quite electrifyingly so far as Aaron was concerned, bothblondes began to coordinate the more fluid rhythms of their own routines tothe vigorous action of his own. He flexed, she flexed. He crunched, she crunched.Back and forth. Left and right. He had yet to make eye contact with either.In fact, they seemed never to look at him at all. But there was no questionthat they were more in sync with him with every passing minute.
Goddamn! he thought. It's like sex without touching!
The next half-hour unrolled like the most expansive foreplay Aaron had everengaged in. He changed position. They changed position. They shifted the pattern.He shifted the pattern. He started a new procedure. They followed suit.
Before long, a finely layered sheen of perspiration glossed the skin ofall three, Aaron's seeming to catch the damp light spinning off the bodieson either side of him, their flesh appearing to absorb the luminescent energyradiating from his own.
Finally, as if on cue, they all three stopped at once.
There was a long pause as the twins took deep, satisfying breaths. Thenthey rose in unison.
Unable to move, Aaron sat where he was, mesmerized, yet somehow managingto see both at once. Or so it seemed. Then for the first time--Aaron couldhardly believe it was for the first time--they looked directly at him. Bold,penetrating eyes, blue and cold on both sides. But there was nothing cold aboutthe smile on their lips. A tasty warmth seemed to emanate from the two setsof hard, white, enticingly moist teeth.
"You're good," the one on his left said.
"Very good," the other echoed.
"We only like them good," the first continued.
""And you are good," the other confirmed.
"And free?"
"We like them free."
"In every way."
"No strings attached."
"No holes barred."
"Ready for the ultimate experience."
"Over the top."
"All the way."
"What do you say?"
"What do you say?"
It was as if their honey-colored voices had nailed his mouth shut. For thefirst time since he could remember, Aaron was completely tongue-tied. His hungry,spellbound gaze was forced to do his speaking for him.
"We've got a van."
"But . . . ," and the blonde on his left rotated her hand in orderto indicate the rest of the fitness center.
"We like things private . . . quiet," the other completed.
"Secret . . . special."
"So . . . ," said the first.
"We leave now."
"You later."
"In five minutes."
"We'll be . . . ."
"In lot three."
"Don't change."
"We want you just like . . . ."
And before Aaron could move a muscle, they swooped and gathered their towels,linked their leanly muscled arms, and strode toward the exit, their sexilysashaying buttocks flashing "Follow!" in riveting, eye-popping bursts.Or so it seemed to Aaron, whose body was now shot through with as mighty asurge of lust as he had ever known.
He wasn't sure how long it was before he thought again about those agreed-onten minutes. Agreed-on? Had he agreed on them? Hell, did it matter? They knew.Those broads knew when they had a guy by the shorthairs. They might just aswell have lassoed his balls and dragged him cock-first out of the front doorsof the fitness center.
Aaron checked the clock on the wall, then shot up, pulled on his t-shirt,and proceeded to collect his things. He had come to the fitness center directlyfrom school, changed, then stuffed his clothes in his bookbag, which, likealways, carried not a single book. He never bothered with books anymore. Therewas too much real-life experience to plow through. Har, har!
"The ultimate experience," they had said. "All the way." "Overthe top." Why did Aaron feel that they knew exactly what they were talkingabout? No shit! He was about to have the experience of a lifetime. And, boy,was he ready!
The van was just where they said it would be, smack dab in the middle oflot three. There was no question it was theirs. As bold and brassy as theywere, it loomed up in the late afternoon sun on four massive white-walled wheels,its sleek amber exterior as smoothly polished as the skin on its two foxy owners'thighs.
The babes must be in back, he thought, noting the empty cab. In back andready for action. Hot damn!
He glanced over his shoulder at the slowly receding mall.
"Quiet . . . private," they had said. Which is just what it'sgonna be, Aaron anticipated with a smile, for there wasn't a soul in sight.Hell, not even the security cameras scanned out this far, he thought, havingworked at Goody's the previous summer and knowing.
There're no windows on the thing, he observed as he rounded the vehicle,not even peepholes. Just a metal box full of blond bush, that's what it was.And--very soon--one cunt-lucky fuck-stud, he concluded as he reached the darklyglowing back panels. Which suddenly swung open, each gripped by a babe strippedand ready for action.
Startled to a stop, Aaron could hardly believe his eyes, but so it was.Neither bitch wore a stitch.
"Hey," he managed to say before they pulled him up and in, slammingthe metal doors behind them.
"Oooo, baby," moaned a pair of the most perfect boobs Aaron hadever seen.
"Baby, baby, baby," crooned the matching pair.
"Sweet thing," murmured the first as, tossing his bookbag aside,she slipped her hands under his tight blue t-shirt.
"Sweet, sweet, sweet," chanted the other, pressing the curvesof his fresh, firm butt.
As if in a trance, Aaron completely submitted, his fantasy of a randy-dandythreesome having come astonishingly, unbelievably true. Even the bright interiorlights of the van seemed right, he thought, for this was clearly going to bean experience demanding attention to detail. Darkness would have totally defeatedthe purpose.
Two absolutely gorgeous mouths locked on him. Front and back. Moist whiteteeth nipping, rich thick lips sucking, salty smooth tongues licking. And theywere still at his face and neck. They hadn't even gotten to the important partsyet!
Without breaking their rhythm--each in unison with the other--the two youngwomen slowly proceeded to remove Aaron's clothes. One peeled his t-shirt upand off, the other slid his shorts down and away. One knelt and undid one tennisshoe, the other the other, kissing the fronts and backs of his thighs the while.Finally, together, they grasped, then removed the now painfully straining jockstrap,freeing to the van's cool air the most engorged erection Aaron had ever had.
"Leave the socks," the one in front said.
"Yeah, leave the socks," came the voice behind.
"Special request."
"Special request, baby."
"Kinky sock fetish."
"Kinky, yeah."
"Takes all kinds."
"All kinds."
"We aim to please."
"Please, please."
"Satisfied customers, baby."
Trapped in a haze of sensation, Aaron hardly heard them. Somebody had athing about socks. Okay! What the hell! Leave the socks on!
Back on their feet, the two blondes deftly maneuvered Aaron to the centerof the big van.
Sandwiched between them, he soon found himself the target of a series ofvoluptuously coordinated caresses. Two pairs of hands. Twenty fingers. Fourthighs. Four boobs. Two cunts. Two mouths. Two tongues. And all focused onhim!
These girls are death, death! he thought.
His hands were in the air, the restraints attached to his wrists, and theballgag in his mouth before he knew it. But even when awareness came, Aarondidn't panic. These babes had promised something special, and, besides, hehad heard of such things. He prided himself on having heard of such thingsin fact, whether he had tried them yet or not. Plenty of time to get into that,he had thought, but now the bouncing boobsy twins were advancing his educationbigtime.
"Look," said one.
"Look," repeated the other.
They pointed to the corners of the van.
Cameras, Aaron realized, cameras perched in every corner, their beady littleeyes blinking away to beat the band.
Holy shit! They were filming him!
At that very moment, the one in front dropped to her knees, even as theone in back matched her movement. Then nirvana and then some as the one mouthsank to the root of his loosely bobbing cock, while the other, behind, wendedits slippery slavery way into the happily yielding crack in his ass.
Aaron moaned through the gag.
A minute later and he was having to pace himself. It was that or blow rightoff the bat.
Not so fast! he admonished his cock. We've gone Hollywood, boy-yo! Gottaact like a star.
The restraints that were suddenly snapped around his ankles yanked his legsapart. Far apart!
Yow! Aaron thought, now spread-eagled between the van's high roof and rubber-linedfloor. That hurts!
The babes got to their feet.
"Nice," came a voice.
"Nice," agreed the other.
"Time?" asked the first.
"Time," answered the second.
Penetration occurred before Aaron even knew what it was.
"Ukgh," he gagged into the gag, sucking the ball toward the backof his throat.
A thick rubber dildo had split his buns like a fist through a melon. Beforehe could fully register the pain, however, an eager pouncing pussy plungeddown the shaft of his saliva-soaked cock. The mix of pain and pleasure totallyblew Aaron's brains. Rockets fired in his synapses, stars spun in his occipitals.
I'm gonna die! he thought. Die!
His mouth, despite the uncomfortably constricting ballgag, stretched intoa wild and widening grin.
"They want . . . strangulation," whispereda voice at his ear.
"Strangulation," whispered the other.
"At the climax."
"They paid for it."
"And we . . . ."
"Always deliver, baby."
Something was wrong with the words. Aaron was sure of it. But he couldn'tquite figure out what.
"Close," said the one.
"Close," said the other.
Aaron felt the rope go around his neck, felt the two pairs of hands pull ittight against his skin, immediately registered the constricted blood andairflow, but by then it was too late—even supposing he could have donesomething—for the buxom brace of babes had leaned back, reining onthe rope.
Too fucking much! he thought.
"Fight it, baby! Fight it!" ordered the panting blonde in front,her hot cunt clutching his ferociously thrusting teenage cock.
"Give it all you got, baby! Give it all you got!" urged the breathyblonde in back, the dildo slamming into his ferociously flexing teenage ass.
Aaron's tongue began to thicken like a big fat sausage around the red plasticball in his mouth, but he couldn't stop. The fuck now had a life of its own.
With a free hand the twin at his back undid the ballgag.
The twin in front jerked it from his mouth.
Every finely honed muscle in Aaron's beautifully proportioned body now strainedagainst the restraints. His abs tightened. His feet flexed. His fingers locked.His cock seemed to double in size.
He tried to speak. Couldn't. Somehow his tongue kept getting in the way.
He began to jerk in great, heaving spasms of motion that practically liftedthe cunt in front off her feet. The delving dildo at his rear matched him jerkfor jerk for jerk for jerk.
Aaron stopped trying to speak.
His tongue, like his cock, was now twiceits normal size. It pushed beyond his lips--thick and darkening.
The spasms abruptly stopped and Aaron arced toward climax.
"He's going."
"Gone!" they screamed in unison.
At that very instant, Aaron's violently violated butt locked with a killertightness around the thrusting rubber dildo in his ass even as his massivelyenlarged cock fired high into the cunt in front.
Their arms taut, their hands still gripped on the rope, the blonde babesimmediately backed away. The dildo popped free of Aaron's ass. The pussy slidfrom his cock.
Bobbing toward his belly, his still pulsing penis threw an epic final thickgush of rich sticky cum through the van's cool air.
The cameras caught it all.
Just before the lights went out, Aaron thought he heard a pair of sultrysiren voices begin to sing.
"Bye, bye, love. Bye, bye, sweet caress."
Then there was nothing--not even a song--as having shot his last and biggestwad in this world, Aaron Murphy proceeded to go--just as the twins had promised--allthe way . . . over the top.
Another minute, and his violently vibrating toes twitched to stillness inhis sweaty white socks.
For a moment, there was a deep, satisfied silence.
Then the rope went slack.
The tightly secured teen-male body slowly sagged.
As it did, a soft, sighing exhalation of breath issued past puffy, blueteen-male lips.
"Cut!" came a voice.
"Cut!" replied another.
And with a cheerful chorus of clicks, the raft of cameras froze on the still,buff corpse of Snuffkink Unlimited's hot new hunk of a star.
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HumorMirror Mirror I was on my elbows and knees moaning in pleasure. My tits, were swinging back and forth as some stranger I just met only a few hours earlier was pounding away at my pussy. My long red hair cascaded down to the bed and swung to the same rhythm as my large aching breasts. He place his hands on my hips as he continued to pound me. My tits swung back and forth with each thrust. His cock completely stretched my pussy and he knew exactly how to use it - in fact he had already...
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“Dad ... Dad Are you up yet?” It was Rebecca, knocking on his door. “Dad ... come on ... we want to get the mirror in my room.” “Huh ... ok ... ok. I’m up. Go down and get some breakfast and I’ll be down.” The girls hurried downstairs. Tom looked at his clock. “7:30 am? You have got to be kidding.” Tom got up and got dressed. Looking himself in the mirror, wondering if last night was a dream, he half hardily said “Tom? Are you there?” Immediately his image spoke “Yes Tom, it’s me. You look...
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Authors Note: This is the final part of my novella "Mirror Mirror". If you've got this far you know what to expect - there's not a great deviation in my writing (XXX themes, magical TG and that sort of thing) but hopefully if you've got this far this means you enjoyed the other parts too. Please leave a review if you enjoyed it or have constructive criticism, or visit my Patreon at . Peace! MIRROR MIRROR PART 3 Brian quickly threw...
She is not with me now. I have only held her once, a short hug in a park in fact, and that was some time ago. I remember it as if it were happening right now, but it isn't. It is only a memory. I am alone. Everyone else has gone to sleep. In the quiet of the night, I have been exchanging messages with her, but she is not with me now. But I feel her. In my mind's eye, in my mind, I still feel her and I can re-create every touch.But that was then. It was innocent, a moment of comfort between us....
MasturbationTom puttered away at the mirror stand, gluing, clamping and fastening it together to hold the mirror. As he put the mirror into the stand a funny feeling came over him. “Whoa. What was that?” It gave him a creepy shiver. His attention was now drawn to the inscription around the edge. He wrote it down and went to his computer to look up the meaning. It was written in some type of old English dialect it said “Whomsoever readeth this inscription and addeth the word “allismine” will be the master...
Having read and enjoyed Ellie Dauber's original story set in the "House of Mystic Mirrors," I must admit to being somewhat surprised no one had taken her up on writing another story within it. But Halloween is now so close and, rather than seeing its tent fold without its due fanfare, I wrote this tale during my lunch hour with the original close at hand. This tale may be posted to any free site. And those to which I generally give such permission have it. I hope you like...
After it was all over, they all went back to the mirror, gave kisses and hugs and returned. Tom went to bed that night, satisfied more than he could ever imagine. Mean while, at the Simpsons house Rebecca and Jill were naked, in bed together, trying to look at the magazine, they were overcome with such feelings of arousal they had to try each other out. Now laying in each other’s arms, naked and still rubbing their pussies together. It feels like it will last forever. Beth was in her room,...
Halsey lay next to Maia in the bed. She had just brought Maia to an intense orgasm. Maia was breathing slowly and deeply, waiting for her heart rate to slow. Halsey leaned across and kissed her passionately. “I really, really love you,” she said. “Oh, and I love doing this, too.” She was combing her lover’s pubic hair with her fingers. Halsey frowned, “Mine is so sparse.” Maia rolled onto her side to face her. “It’s a blond thing. Blonds have lower hair density than brunettes. File a complaint...
LesbianMirror, Mirror 2: A New Relation By Ron Dow75 Carol Queen pushed her very hesitant ten-year-old son through their front door. "Is it gone?" he asked just inside the threshold, his face to the door. The mother looked at the entry wall behind him; all that was there over the small, narrow table and coat rack-umbrella stand was a rectangle of bright paint amid the faded paint. "Yes; it's gone." Wary, the boy slowly turned his head. His body...
For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and the three-thousand square foot home. The house is two stories and completely furnished, mostly with old antique furniture. I write this to document the strange occurrences going on in this house since I moved in. I never was one to believe in ghost stories or anything of the paranormal but over the past month, this house may make me a believer. Night 1...
The phone jarred me awake from the first good sleep of the week. It was Wednesday and already I was feeling myself droop at work. I needed sleep, craved it the way a man crawling around in a desert dreams of a glass of ice water. Creating imaginary worlds was a difficult task and without sleep … ‘Hello.’ My response was loud in the quiet house. ‘Sorry.’ The sound in my ear was so soft I could barely understand the words. ‘I wanted to hear your voice that’s all. Is this a bad time to call?’ I...
My name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and...
SupernaturalMy name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and...
SupernaturalMy name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and the...
Mirror Site: A new hand of cards By Yurix "I lost..." Sebastian wasn't pleased at all. It wasn't the fact that he was a poor loser, which wasn't the case, but he had a terrible tendency to take every small mistake as a big one, and every big one as a disaster. His mind clouded by the thoughts of his last loss, which was that of his job, made him unable to concentrate. The game he was playing wasn't in a casino. It wasn't even a gambler's game. He was playing Duel Monsters, which...
It cost me twenty-five dollars to get in. The woman working the front had a hoodie over a bikini which made for a confusing yet alluring introduction to the building. I had never been to a strip club before and had no idea what to expect. I had a vape pen in my pocket I was hitting so hard I could have caught an assault charge. That is to say that I was stoned and walking into very dangerous new territory. My hand was stamped and the military-grade velvet rope was removed from my path. I...
HardcoreMirror of the Soul It was officially called the N-Dimensional Rift Stabilizer. We nicknamed it the Magic Mirror. Unless you'd spent eight years studying probability manipulation and multidimensional physics, it wouldn't do me much good to explain it to you. Suffice it to say that infinite parallel dimensions did exist. The NDRS had given enough scientific data to say this with some certainty. Of course, like the speed of sound, I was sure our understanding of the exact...
This is an open-ended story, my Halloween gift to the TG World. The "House of Mystic Mirrors" is open for anyone to write and post a story about. The mechanics are as described in the four vignettes below. The magic of the maze makes it seem as if only one person - or group - is there at a time. Others kind of wait in a limbo, I think. The Barker is an ever-changing manifestation of the magic in the maze. The force that controls the change has a sense of justice - and a sense of...
Mirror Site: The Right Things By Dan Garcia Stan Barr walked down the street. The scene perfectly matched his mood. Any observer could have told you the street was definitely in some city, but the buildings were decrepit, and any observer would have an urge to leave very quickly. The buildings seemed devoid of inhabitants, except for shadows, creeping along, a hovering threat. Stan didn't care about that though. He was depressed, very much so. It wasn't the fault of poor...
"Well lookie here..." you let out a whistle of approval as you hold the tiny ceramic figurines in front of your headlamp. They look ancient; one is an intricate carving of an impish creature, the other of some sort of demonic statuesque female. You smooth the dust off the womanly figure, revealing its faded yet uniquely ornate paint job. A strange sense of arousal grips you momentarily, but you manage to shake it off. Stuffing them in your backpack, you ruminate on the local history of the...
BDSMI suppose I've been fascinated by voyeurism since my late teens.We lived in a house which backed onto woods. At evening times in spring and summer I would walk our dog there - though the real reason was to spy on the lovers who went there for sex. Whether they were stretched out naked, fucking in the grass, or fondling each other up against a tree, it never failed to get me hard. Once back home in bed, I would masturbate over the sights I'd witnessed. On one memorable occasion I spied a young...
VoyeurShe walked into the lounge, the curtains had a two-foot gap between them, she assumed Jimmy had stepped out after Mike had come up to bed to have a roll-up, she wondered idly if he still smoked his wacky-backy occasionally. She turned on the picture lights which included a spotlight over the fireplace and the ornate mirror above.Standing in front of the fireplace, only a hint of warmth emanating from the ashes within the grate, she lifted down an empty wine glass, a red tide mark designating it...
VoyeurOnce upon a time, there was a beautiful blond haired girl with brown eyes who lived in a lonely beach house. She didn't have a family, no , dad, or siblings, and NO kids. Her name was Daisy White. She lived in her beach house because ever since the queen Sarah had taken over the village, she had wanted Daisy White dead, but Daisy White was too smart for her. She'd excaped many times, enough to tell this story. But, maybe, this was the time she couldn't excape. You can't escape everytime. Which...
First TimeHere's a little story that bit me while I was working on a longer piece. I kind of think of such stories as gargoyles. When the stonecarvers working on the great gothic cathedrals needed a rest from making angels, they'd carve a gargoyle. These pieces, some of them, are a way of resting while I work on a real long story. Also, since I created the "Mirror Site" about a year ago for Halloween, I thought now was a good time to revisit it. Let me know how you like the story, and,...
It was getting late, I turned off the car and stared at the wheel for a while, contemplating my thoughts, I was trying to decide if I should return, but at the same time I felt a fast pulse, the adrenaline was running through my body.When I entered the room, Violet recive me with a kiss on the mouth, and asked me why it took me so long to enter, she told me that she had been watching me from the window for some time but I seemed motionless. I commented that I was a bit nervous about what we...
I can't quite remember where this falls in to the timeline of those two weeks in each other’s arms. My brain has shook that particular tin of memories around so much, it doesn't seem to have an order anymore. Just a beginning and an inevitable (and unwelcome) conclusion. The middle is a (sweaty, panting, sticky) mess of nights out with cocktails, a lazy Sunday getting lost in the city, verdant parks, pizza in bed, too many restaurants... All punctuated by your naked body, your incredible and...
TrueMirror, Mirror Went down to "The Hole" again. Nice name, tells all you need to know about the place. I was on the prowl for something new on the menu. I burst through the front doors with attitude, tonight I would play the alpha. Grabbed a no band whisky from barkeep and surveyed the sheep. Nice flock, plenty of fluffy gurls tonight, T-girls that is. I like that. Shorties with a good supply of hip, tit and booty, probably more than willing to let a real man like me take over and take whatever I...
The next morning, as soon as breakfast was over, Cathy, Sierra and Jessica climbed into the attic. Sierra found an old trunk and began to explore. She found several old dresses and some hats dating back to the turn of the century. She tried one on and modeled it to the delight of her mother and grandmother. "Are these your things?" she asked her grandmother. "No, honey. Everything up here was part of the estate when we bought the place." "Didn't you tell me there was something...
Mirror Site: The Marrieds By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2001 * * * * * This story may be posted to any FREE site. FictionMania, Paul, Crystal, and Nifty have express permission. Anybody else, feel free. Just let me know, so I can revel in the thrill of having a story posted. This story involves transgender. If that bothers or displeases you, sorry. First Amendment rocks. Please take your displeasure elsewhere. The story is rated G. This story also involves Identity...
I woke up to the feel of someone caressing my back. When I turned my head to the left I saw him kneeling next to me. We had fallen asleep naked, in each others arms last night and neither of us had gotten dressed yet. I blinked sleepily and asked, ‘Can you stay the whole day?’ He continued to caress my back and I noticed his cock was half erect, pointing at me. I stared at it, fascinated, and it grew under my perusal. ‘I don’t have to be in Cali until Wednesday.’ he told me and shifted to a...
Mirror Talk A Short Story By Maryanne Peters As I was about to sit down. I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my balls. A searing pain in both, at the same time. My hand went immediately to my groin. But no, there was nothing there. Just the slit below my trimmed bush, with the nubbin poking out between the folds. No balls. Long gone. I understand that all amputees have feelings like this - a sore thumb on an arm removed, a calf cramp where there is no leg. I am told that...
It was about midnight when Tom got up to go to bed. He headed for the girl’s room to kiss goodnight. As he approached the bed, the scene was dejavue. They were dressed the same only this time ... no panties. On their stomachs, hand between their spread legs. Tom was so beside himself. His cock came to life instantly. Their breathing was shallow as in deep sleep. This time he could not help himself. He leaned down and placed his nose almost on Rebecca’s ass near her pussy and sniffed. He could...
Tom called his company and told them he was taking some time off, family business. Keep him apprised of the upcoming jobs. Tom had gone downstairs to get breakfast. It was about 8:30 and he could hear the girls, talking and bustling around. When they came down stairs, all he could do was stare at them. Rebecca was the first to notice “Dad? Dad! What are you staring at?” “Huh? Oh ... well ... your outfits. Aren’t they a little ... revealing?” They had on these types of tennis outfits. Their...
Tom was elated to say the least. As he stood there thinking of the possibilities and the knowledge he could gain had him almost giddy. He stood before the mirror, grasping the edge, he said “Jill” And there she was, standing beside his naked image. Holding out his hand she stepped out and took it. Her eyes were staring at his cock. “Jill, do you like what you see?” “I’ll say, I have wanted to see it for so long ... and now ... May I touch it?” “Sure, wrap your hands around it and hold it, I...
Cathy's eyes snapped open and she sat bolt upright in the otherwise empty bed. Sunlight was streaming through the window. The clock read 9:45. She hadn't slept that late in years. But her mind was on last night and the exciting sexual odyssey which, even this morning seemed so vivid, so real. It was a dream, wasn't it? she asked herself. She glanced at the mirror, but the surface, though dark, was cold and hard once again. Cathy realized she was naked, but that, in itself, proved nothing....
As she drove the 3 hours to the hotel where she was to meet Him for the first time, her thoughts raced to each and every phone call, e-mail or text conversation they had ever had. Remembering how easy it was for her to give in to him, to submit to him. How natural it seemed to respond to every request he asked of her. They had spent nearly a year conversing back and forth as she became more and more enthralled with him. As she drove there was not one moment of hesitation, fear or regret in her...
BDSMI wrote this for Ms. Dauber's new universe and sent it to her. She seemed to like it, so I hope she doesn't mind my sending it to the lists. I hope it serves as an adequate introduction story. I don't write much, or often-so if you like it, I'm sorry there won't be scads more and if you hate it then congratulations, you shan't be plagued with large amounts of literary dross. Mirror Site: A Father's Love By Shadoe1 It was another small town. Non-descript Americana at it's best. An...
You all heard of the Mirror Universe in Star Trek but other shows have there own dark side. They all have their own twisted counter part. A place that is a corruption of what the other part holds dear Buffy Mirror Universe- this is the one where the Slayer is evil. Apparently when they made the first slayer they made a mistake. The people who created the slayer couldn’t control the slayer dark side. The slayer now hunts vampires and humans a like. It goal is to be queen of the underworld. The...
"But you're asking me to..." "I am not asking, Catherine. You will give me what I want. If you don't I will take you instead." Cathy stood gazing into the glow of the mirror. What she had seen today had aroused and created an even greater need in her for satiation. As soon as the sun had gone down, Cathy had feigned a headache and retired to her bedroom where Dahlgrin had delivered on his promise never to leave her unsatisfied. Now she stood facing the mirror, considering the...
The following evening Cathy asked Sierra to go to bed early so that she and Jessica might talk. Sierra was reluctant, since it meant being separated from her mistress, but when Cathy insisted, Jessica assured the girl it was all right. "It's very important or I wouldn't ask," reassured Cathy. "Then why not tell me too?" argued Sierra. "I will tell you, in the morning. Right now your grandmother and I have to decide what to do." "You'll tell me in the morning?" "I...
You cough as small clouds of dust rise up off the floor with every little movement. This particular room probably hadn't been used since your great great great grandfather's time or something because your footsteps leave deep imprints in the thick layer of dust. Almost like snow, if you want to compare the gross scene in front of you to something a little nicer to look at. Having finished your usual chores and duties, you thought it would be fun to explore around the castle but so far your mini...
Fantasy*Well, I'm fucked. I've just started uni and all my subjects are super boring and I'm regretting not taking my apprenticeship in boat engineering. oh well, at least I enjoy art.* I think to myself as I walk into my dorm room, bag crashing onto the floor and sweat, tears and just pure exhaustion on my face. I take less then 10 steps and bang! flop! I'm on my bed, face down, trying to move a muscle so I can make sure I'm still living. I fail. After a minute of just doing nothing I turn over and...