Remirror Skin Deep
- 2 years ago
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Through the mirror of my mind
Time after time
I see reflections of you and me
Reflections - 1967
Susan Wu let out a loud sigh of relief as she collapsed into the cushioned recliner in her small studio apartment. It had been a really bad day for the twenty-five year old, capping off an even worse week.
A major project upgrade, one that she had been sure was going to make her name in the company, had unexpectedly gone to another associate. This despite the fact that she had already done all of the preliminary work. When she had discovered the reason for the change, it had taken all of her self-control not to quit on the spot.
It wasn't that John Mahoney was more talented; the senior partner had told her at the late afternoon meeting in his office two days ago when he broke the news. It was just that the client felt more comfortable with having John work on the assignment.
What Ronaldo Lupo didn't say, was that the client, who Susan knew accounted for a good half million a year in revenue for the firm, was also a Neanderthal who still thought it was a man's world. Politically incorrect as catering to his prejudices might've been, Lupo and the other senior partners weren't about to take the risk of having J. Morgan Pierce take his business elsewhere.
Of course the fifty-nine year old partner had tried to sugar coat the lost opportunity by saying that there would be other chances for a talented young engineer like herself. A statement that Susan knew was a load of crap.
After spending the last few years proving that she was something more than great legs and a nice set of boobs, as she had heard someone refer to her during her first week on the job. She wasn't naive enough to think that another assignment like this wasn't pretty remote. Not with the number of eager associates who had come on board after her, nipping at her heels.
One of the other female associates, who actually was little more than a nice body and a face that looked good on the company roster, had immediately suggested to Susan that she might be able to take legal action over the decision. It was an option that had already been considered by her and discarded.
The dark haired woman had no doubt that the senior partners had a long list of sound business reasons to back up the change in associates. Ones that would make it clear that it wasn't a case of gender bias, or murky enough that it would give them the benefit of a doubt.
Challenging that decision in the courts, with little chance of winning, would be enough to trash the rest of her career. No one would ever hire her after that she was sure.
Then today, after having her professional life shattered, her personal life followed down the same road. Of course she never imagined that was going to be the case when Rob Fortuna, her boyfriend of two years, had called her and surprisingly invited her to lunch. Normally, they were both too busy for such things. Figuring that no one was going to miss her since she was without any work on her desk at the moment, she told him she'd meet him at twelve-thirty.
They hadn't even gotten past their drinks when Rob dropped his bombshell. It seemed that the twenty-nine year old had just had his career counseling session with one of the senior lawyers in his firm. A meeting that he'd left with the news that they wanted to make him the newest junior partner.
At first, Susan had been overjoyed, thinking that at least one of their careers was going right. Also factored into her elation was that they'd often talked about getting married if he'd ever made partner. For a few minutes, she'd even found herself wondering if it was possible that he'd asked her to lunch to propose.
Then, all her illusions had been shattered when Rob dropped the almost inevitable 'small reservation' that his reviewer and the other partners had.
Miller, Calvin, Reeve and Wayne was one of the oldest law firms in the city, if not the state. It was also one of the most conservative. As such, they felt that they had to maintain a certain image, one that they expected every partner, even the most junior ones, to project as well.
At the meeting, Rob was reminded of the unfortunate incident that had occurred at the previous year's Christmas party. Susan had gotten into a disagreement with a senior partner's wife over the older woman's charity work. Disagreement was a polite word to use, seeing as Susan had called the woman a fat cow who cared less about helping people that seeing her name in the society column.
When the expensively dressed woman had retorted that she expected that kind of comment from someone of her limited background, a thinly disguised reference to her ethnicity, Susan had shown her own displeasure by dumping a bucket of melted ice over her head. Then, much to the chagrin of the other guests, Susan had refused to leave in disgrace and instead sat down to dinner as if nothing happened.
"Screw them," Susan had said when Rob finished his story. "I'll bet there are a dozen firms just as good that would be glad to have you work for them."
"But they wouldn't be Miller, Calvin, Reeve and Wayne," Rob retorted, the tone of his voice saying much more than his words as he hoped she would draw the obvious inference.
A conclusion that hit Susan like a brick wall. In a choice between making partner or staying with her, she came in a distant second. Miller, Calvin, Reeve and Wayne expected their partner's wives not to be too unconventional or free spirited.
His message had come across loud and clear. She'd been good enough to share his bed, but not his life.
"Well screw them all," Susan thought as she got up from the chair and walking over to the small liquor cabinet, poured herself a drink.
A half hour and a few drinks later, Susan was beginning to feel a little sleepy. She was debating calling it an early night when the phone rang, waking her from her twilight state.
"Hello?" she said, shaking away the drowsiness.
"Miss Wu please," the voice on the other end said.
"Miss Wu, this is Mr. Fong," the man said, "I hope I'm not calling you too late."
"No, not at all," Susan said as she glanced at the clock and tried to place the name.
"I'm not sure if you remember me," he offered, "we met at the lawyer's office after the reading of your grandmother's will last month."
"Oh yes, now I remember," she said, picturing the elderly white haired gentlemen who had approached her after the reading to offer his condolences. "What can I do for you?"
"If you remember," he began, "I own a gallery that specializes in Chinese antiquities."
Susan said she remembered and wondered what he wanted from her.
"I could not help but notice that your grandmother, blessed woman that she was, left you a rather old mirror as part of your inheritance." he explained. "At the time, I felt it was somewhat inappropriate to approach you about it. Now that some time has passed, I hope you won't think it too forward of me to inquire if you might be interested in selling that particular piece?
Susan couldn't help but be impressed by the old gentleman's style. She'd had friends who'd also inherited family heirlooms and been put upon by collectors before their relatives had even been buried, hoping to take advantage of their grief to get a bargain before they knew the true value of their inheritance.
The mirror in question had been one of two artifacts Grandmother Wu had left her, along with a small cash bequest. It was a stand-alone mirror that stood almost as tall as Susan's five foot one height. She wasn't really sure how old it was, but it had been the only thing her grandmother had saved when the family had fled China following the revolution back in 1949.
"Mr. Fong, I'm really not sure that I want to sell..." she started to say, only to be interrupted.
"Yes, I understand," Mr. Fong said, "but still I would like the opportunity to stop by and talk to you about it, perhaps tomorrow morning if possible."
Saturday mornings, Susan normally liked to sleep in. Of course, she was usually sleeping in with Rob on the other side of her bed. Still, she really didn't think she was in the mood to listen to Mr. Fong's sales pitch right now. She was about to tell him just that, but quickly changed her mind when the dealer mentioned the dollar figure that he would suggest as a starting point for their negotiations.
Susan had him repeat the amount one more time, to be sure that she had heard it correctly. The amount staggered her as she considered that it was enough to pay off the last of her student loans and still bank a considerable amount. She really wasn't sure if she wanted to sell the mirror, but felt she should at least give him the chance to present his case.
Agreeing to see him the next day, she gave him her address and hung up the phone.
The brief phone call had left her fully awake, negating most of the effects of the few drinks she'd had. She could have a few more, she told herself, then decided against it. There were other ways to help herself fall asleep, including one she'd been meaning to try for some time now.
Susan walked over to where her grandmother's mirror stood and pulled it closer to the foot of her bed. She took the time to admire once more the intricate craftsmanship of the piece, right down to the numerous characters cut into the polished wood. Many of the characters were unknown to her, but she simply put that down to the fact that she had never spent all that much time learning the language of her ancestors. Having grown up in the United States as a second generation Chinese-American, she never saw the point.
Running her hand along the smooth polished wood, Susan remembered with a smile how angry her sister-in-law had been that day at the lawyer's office when she found out that the mirror had been left to her. Especially since the older woman had made no secret of the fact she expected her husband to inherit it.
Personally, Susan never understood what her older brother had ever seen in Su-hang, except that she appeared to be the sort of traditional Chinese wife that Susan could never imagine herself being. Yet, behind that facade, was a scheming bitch that Susan well recognized. Undoubtedly, she had more of an idea what the mirror was worth than Susan did.
Standing in front of the reflective glass, Susan took stock of herself. She was still wearing her clothes from work, being too angry when she first got home to even take off her suit jacket. Something she corrected now, dropping it on a nearby chair.
Beneath the black jacket, Susan wore a white, pleated long sleeve blouse with puffed cuffs at the ends. A matching black skirt reached down to just past her knees, decorated with diagonal white stripes. Her long black hair was tied back with a small gold clasp, which she reached up and removed, letting it fall about her shoulders. The only jewelry she wore was a pair of small diamond chip earrings and a jade ring that had been the other of her grandmother's bequests. It was something that she rarely took off.
Susan brought both of her small hands to the open top of her blouse and brushed her fingers against the soft exposed flesh. The sensation of flesh against flesh, even of her own hand, was enough to excite her. They closed on the uppermost button of her blouse and slowly undid it. The button below followed, then the one after that and so on.
In her reflection, Susan could see the lacy black bra that held her small breasts. She reached in and slipped an extended finger inside it, stroking the nipple of her left breast.
A soft sigh spilled from her lips as she felt the tip react to her touch with an electric surge that she felt all the way down to her toes. A jolt that resounded between her legs as well. It reminded her that it had been almost three weeks since the last time she and Rob had gotten physical. A period that was likely to be a lot longer given what had happened this afternoon. No problem, she thought, she'd taken care of herself before she had a man, and could easily do so now.
Her other hand joined the first as she cupped both mounds, squeezing them tightly. A louder cry followed as she pushed up her bra, displaying the small globes beneath. Adept fingers massaged her flesh, tweaking her tips and filling her chest with a warm glow.
The smile on her face looked back at her in the mirror, adding to her self-enjoyment. One hand continued to play with her breasts as the other worked its way down her stomach until it passed over the waistband of her skirt. Moving even lower, she pulled up her skirt and slipped her hand beneath it, her fingers closing on the sparsely haired mound between her legs. As was her norm, she wasn't wearing panties.
Soft sighs became louder moans as she felt her fingers pass the tight entrance to her womanhood, making contact with all her familiar and most sensitive spots. That was one thing she wouldn't miss about Rob. No matter how many times she showed them to him, he never seemed to get them right.
"Oh yes," she purred to the empty room as her fingers worked their magic, stimulating her nipples and clitoris, the heat within her building in intensity.
Normally, Susan closed her eyes when she played with herself, letting her imagination wander. This time, however, she was actually getting more turned on watching herself doing it, an idea that had only occurred to her recently. As a building wave of delight passed over her, she made a small mental note to look into buying a less expensive mirror to replace her grandmother's. That was if she did decide to sell it.
That reminder was quickly put aside as felt her sugar walls contract around her fingers. Her thumb brushed against her clit once more, even as torrents of erotic energy flashed through her. She brought down her other hand down to join the first, her pace quickening with the rising level of excitement.
"Oh yeah," Susan panted as her entire body began to move in unison with the motions of her hands, riding the cascading waves on the way to orgasm.
She could feel the beads of sweat forming on her chest, legs and back, her body temperature rising with each racing heartbeat. Waves crashed against the hidden shoals of her sex with ever increasing intensity, until they finally exploded, causing her body to quake with joy as her orgasm washed over her.
She went over the edge loudly, her breaths coming in short gasps, interlaced with frantic moans. Every inch of her small body vibrated with a fevered intensity as she savored the transient rapture. Then, almost as quickly, the glow faded and her legs grew weak beneath her, causing her to drop back onto the bed for support.
"That was really nice," Susan said to herself as she stretched out across the bed.
Her eyes closed for a minute and she was sure she was about to drift off to sleep. Then to he surprise, not only did sleep not come, but she felt even more wide-awake then before. In addition, she also felt more aroused than when she had started.
"Oh, so it's going to be one of those nights," Susan laughed as she sat up and again looked at her reflection in the mirror.
It didn't take long for her to rid herself of what clothing remained, leaving them on a pile by the bed. Now totally naked, she rolled over to her night table and pulled open the bottom of three drawers. From within, she withdrew her favorite toy, a nine-inch plastic vibrator. It had been a gift on her sixteenth birthday, from her grandmother of all people. The then seventy year old had reasoned, quite correctly as it turned out, that her granddaughter was better off learning how to please herself than letting the wrong boy talk her into something she might later regret. Grandmother Wu was a great believer in self-gratification.
The soft hum of the vibrator quickly translated into multiplying waves of delight as Susan placed it between her legs and up against her mound. She gasped loudly as she rubbed it up and down against the fold in-between, gently slipping just the tip in and out of her pussy. With each new entry, the force behind the ripples passing through her body grew, and after each withdrawal she penetrated herself a little deeper.
"Who needs assholes like Rob when I have Duracell," Susan thought as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride.
Susan's left hand held the base of her toy tightly, sliding it back and forth with ease. The fingers of her right worked their magic against her clit, adding to the amalgam of pleasures coursing through her.
Never totally down from her precious high, it didn't take much to return the young Asian woman to a state of arousal. Faster and faster her hands moved, becoming almost a blur in an onlooker's eyes. If there had been an onlooker, rather than only her own racing heart to bear witness to her desire.
A single stream of sweat ran down her rising chest, sliding between the shallow valley of her breasts. The pert nipples atop each of her mounds cried out for attention, for the touch of a lover's hand. Unfortunately, both of hers were occupied.
"Oh yes," Susan cried out softly as she felt an even stronger orgasm crying out for release. "Yes, yes, yes." she added, each repetition rising in volume.
Then, just before the rising wave could explode across her body, the dark haired woman felt a cold, almost paralyzing shiver grip her instead. Despite every certainly to the contrary, she had the inexplicable sensation that she wasn't alone. An intangible conviction given reality a heartbeat later, when she felt a delicate caress against her nipples.
"Omigod!" Susan cried out at the top of her lungs as she jumped up in the bed, her eyes flying open, to look into ... her own eyes.
Unable to believe the evidence of her own eyes, Susan blinked twice, shaking her head as she did. When she looked a second time, it was just as hard to accept, but now impossible to simply dismiss as an erotic daydream.
The woman with her face, even with her body, was as naked as Susan. The only exceptions being the diamond chips in her ears and the jade ring on her hand.
"You looked like you could use another set of hands," the mirror image said, a familiar smile on her face.
The shock of hearing the apparition speak was enough to totally send Susan's mind into a tailspin. It took a few moments to even realize that her counterpart was speaking in Mandarin rather than English.
"Who ... what are you?" Susan finally managed to ask.
"I am Lin Yao," the other dark haired young woman replied, "and I am also you."
"Lin Yao," Susan repeated, mentally making the translation into 'beautiful jade treasure'.
Certain there was a connection, Susan's looked down at the ring on her finger, then at the counterpart on Lin Yao's hand. In the back of her mind, she remembered her grandmother once speaking of a dear friend with the same name this doppelganger had just given. A friend Susan had often heard of, but never met.
The memory of her grandmother's voice shifted Susan's attention from one bequest to the other. What little sense of equilibrium she had managed to pull together these last few minutes now totally deserted her. She took one look into the large mirror still at the bottom of the bed and, upon realizing that her reflection was now gone, promptly fainted.
Consciousness returned a short time later, but it was nearly a full minute after she was sure she was awake before Susan opened her eyes. When she did, it was with a feeling of apprehension at what she would see.
"You're still here," she said, the inflection of her voice giving strength to her hope that the opposite would've been true. "You're real."
"As real as you are," Lin Yao smilingly replied.
"And you come from the mirror?" Susan asked, amazed that she was taking what had to be the most bizarre situation of her life so calmly.
"The mirror is but a portal," Lin Yao explained, "a passageway between what you know as reality and what is beyond."
"This is unbelievable," Susan said, still trying to accept that it was indeed real.
"Su-ling had difficulty accepting me at first as well," Lin Yao said, "but we quickly became friends."
The mention of her grandmother's name reinforced the notion that this was indeed the Lin Yao of whom she had once told her.
"And when you appeared to my grandmother, you..."
" ... took on her appearance as well." she answered the incomplete question.
"This is like something out of the Twilight Zone," Susan said.
"You felt me before," Lin Yao reminded her. "Did I not feel real?"
"Did you ever!" Susan gushed, remembering the moment of ecstasy she had felt before pulling back from the brink. "Do you normally interact with people like that?"
"If that is what they want," the mirror image said. "But most of all, I am here to help them improve their lives. To correct what is wrong."
Susan's second thought was that there was an awful lot in her life that needed correcting. Her first thought, however, was the one that she actually gave voice to.
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“Dad ... Dad Are you up yet?” It was Rebecca, knocking on his door. “Dad ... come on ... we want to get the mirror in my room.” “Huh ... ok ... ok. I’m up. Go down and get some breakfast and I’ll be down.” The girls hurried downstairs. Tom looked at his clock. “7:30 am? You have got to be kidding.” Tom got up and got dressed. Looking himself in the mirror, wondering if last night was a dream, he half hardily said “Tom? Are you there?” Immediately his image spoke “Yes Tom, it’s me. You look...
Authors Note: This is the final part of my novella "Mirror Mirror". If you've got this far you know what to expect - there's not a great deviation in my writing (XXX themes, magical TG and that sort of thing) but hopefully if you've got this far this means you enjoyed the other parts too. Please leave a review if you enjoyed it or have constructive criticism, or visit my Patreon at . Peace! MIRROR MIRROR PART 3 Brian quickly threw...
She is not with me now. I have only held her once, a short hug in a park in fact, and that was some time ago. I remember it as if it were happening right now, but it isn't. It is only a memory. I am alone. Everyone else has gone to sleep. In the quiet of the night, I have been exchanging messages with her, but she is not with me now. But I feel her. In my mind's eye, in my mind, I still feel her and I can re-create every touch.But that was then. It was innocent, a moment of comfort between us....
MasturbationTom puttered away at the mirror stand, gluing, clamping and fastening it together to hold the mirror. As he put the mirror into the stand a funny feeling came over him. “Whoa. What was that?” It gave him a creepy shiver. His attention was now drawn to the inscription around the edge. He wrote it down and went to his computer to look up the meaning. It was written in some type of old English dialect it said “Whomsoever readeth this inscription and addeth the word “allismine” will be the master...
If somebody had ever suggested to me that, at the age of 55, I would belong to a group of sexual hedonists I would have laughed. Nevertheless, here I am, in a room full of naked, horny people, some of whom are almost young enough to be my kids. Life leads us down paths we never expect, though. Growing up in the Midwest I always sort of accepted that my life would follow the pattern: high school, some college, marriage and kids. That idea was pretty much unquestioned until they shot the...
Having read and enjoyed Ellie Dauber's original story set in the "House of Mystic Mirrors," I must admit to being somewhat surprised no one had taken her up on writing another story within it. But Halloween is now so close and, rather than seeing its tent fold without its due fanfare, I wrote this tale during my lunch hour with the original close at hand. This tale may be posted to any free site. And those to which I generally give such permission have it. I hope you like...
After it was all over, they all went back to the mirror, gave kisses and hugs and returned. Tom went to bed that night, satisfied more than he could ever imagine. Mean while, at the Simpsons house Rebecca and Jill were naked, in bed together, trying to look at the magazine, they were overcome with such feelings of arousal they had to try each other out. Now laying in each other’s arms, naked and still rubbing their pussies together. It feels like it will last forever. Beth was in her room,...
Halsey lay next to Maia in the bed. She had just brought Maia to an intense orgasm. Maia was breathing slowly and deeply, waiting for her heart rate to slow. Halsey leaned across and kissed her passionately. “I really, really love you,” she said. “Oh, and I love doing this, too.” She was combing her lover’s pubic hair with her fingers. Halsey frowned, “Mine is so sparse.” Maia rolled onto her side to face her. “It’s a blond thing. Blonds have lower hair density than brunettes. File a complaint...
LesbianMirror, Mirror 2: A New Relation By Ron Dow75 Carol Queen pushed her very hesitant ten-year-old son through their front door. "Is it gone?" he asked just inside the threshold, his face to the door. The mother looked at the entry wall behind him; all that was there over the small, narrow table and coat rack-umbrella stand was a rectangle of bright paint amid the faded paint. "Yes; it's gone." Wary, the boy slowly turned his head. His body...
For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and the three-thousand square foot home. The house is two stories and completely furnished, mostly with old antique furniture. I write this to document the strange occurrences going on in this house since I moved in. I never was one to believe in ghost stories or anything of the paranormal but over the past month, this house may make me a believer. Night 1...
The phone jarred me awake from the first good sleep of the week. It was Wednesday and already I was feeling myself droop at work. I needed sleep, craved it the way a man crawling around in a desert dreams of a glass of ice water. Creating imaginary worlds was a difficult task and without sleep … ‘Hello.’ My response was loud in the quiet house. ‘Sorry.’ The sound in my ear was so soft I could barely understand the words. ‘I wanted to hear your voice that’s all. Is this a bad time to call?’ I...
My name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and...
SupernaturalMy name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and...
SupernaturalMy name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and the...
Mirror Site: A new hand of cards By Yurix "I lost..." Sebastian wasn't pleased at all. It wasn't the fact that he was a poor loser, which wasn't the case, but he had a terrible tendency to take every small mistake as a big one, and every big one as a disaster. His mind clouded by the thoughts of his last loss, which was that of his job, made him unable to concentrate. The game he was playing wasn't in a casino. It wasn't even a gambler's game. He was playing Duel Monsters, which...
Aunt Mindy, pt. 1 "Hey Ray!!! It's aunt Mindy.... she says you can borrow her house for a couple of days. Interested?" "Yeah! Great, tell her I would love to!" It was mommy on the phone with auntie. Auntie is about 25 and SO cool! I really get along great with her. I am 18 myself. Quit school cause I didn't like it. I still live at home but I do some PC and web consulting and stuff so I make some money. Mommy makes me pay my share of the rent, but I am saving for my own...
It cost me twenty-five dollars to get in. The woman working the front had a hoodie over a bikini which made for a confusing yet alluring introduction to the building. I had never been to a strip club before and had no idea what to expect. I had a vape pen in my pocket I was hitting so hard I could have caught an assault charge. That is to say that I was stoned and walking into very dangerous new territory. My hand was stamped and the military-grade velvet rope was removed from my path. I...
HardcoreMirror of the Soul It was officially called the N-Dimensional Rift Stabilizer. We nicknamed it the Magic Mirror. Unless you'd spent eight years studying probability manipulation and multidimensional physics, it wouldn't do me much good to explain it to you. Suffice it to say that infinite parallel dimensions did exist. The NDRS had given enough scientific data to say this with some certainty. Of course, like the speed of sound, I was sure our understanding of the exact...
This is an open-ended story, my Halloween gift to the TG World. The "House of Mystic Mirrors" is open for anyone to write and post a story about. The mechanics are as described in the four vignettes below. The magic of the maze makes it seem as if only one person - or group - is there at a time. Others kind of wait in a limbo, I think. The Barker is an ever-changing manifestation of the magic in the maze. The force that controls the change has a sense of justice - and a sense of...
Mirror Site: The Right Things By Dan Garcia Stan Barr walked down the street. The scene perfectly matched his mood. Any observer could have told you the street was definitely in some city, but the buildings were decrepit, and any observer would have an urge to leave very quickly. The buildings seemed devoid of inhabitants, except for shadows, creeping along, a hovering threat. Stan didn't care about that though. He was depressed, very much so. It wasn't the fault of poor...
March 8, 1992, Chicago, Illinois Michelle and I were sitting in the steam-filled sauna with sweat pouring from our bodies. I had been surprised by her request, but honored it, and as she’d asked, we’d just sat quietly for the first ten minutes. Eventually she broke the silence. “Did you think about what I asked you to?” “Yes. And I think I’ve solved the question of hugs. I don’t hug my guy friends. I don’t hug my parents. Other than my kids, I only hug women who have been, are, or are...
"Well lookie here..." you let out a whistle of approval as you hold the tiny ceramic figurines in front of your headlamp. They look ancient; one is an intricate carving of an impish creature, the other of some sort of demonic statuesque female. You smooth the dust off the womanly figure, revealing its faded yet uniquely ornate paint job. A strange sense of arousal grips you momentarily, but you manage to shake it off. Stuffing them in your backpack, you ruminate on the local history of the...
BDSMI suppose I've been fascinated by voyeurism since my late teens.We lived in a house which backed onto woods. At evening times in spring and summer I would walk our dog there - though the real reason was to spy on the lovers who went there for sex. Whether they were stretched out naked, fucking in the grass, or fondling each other up against a tree, it never failed to get me hard. Once back home in bed, I would masturbate over the sights I'd witnessed. On one memorable occasion I spied a young...
VoyeurShe walked into the lounge, the curtains had a two-foot gap between them, she assumed Jimmy had stepped out after Mike had come up to bed to have a roll-up, she wondered idly if he still smoked his wacky-backy occasionally. She turned on the picture lights which included a spotlight over the fireplace and the ornate mirror above.Standing in front of the fireplace, only a hint of warmth emanating from the ashes within the grate, she lifted down an empty wine glass, a red tide mark designating it...
VoyeurOnce upon a time, there was a beautiful blond haired girl with brown eyes who lived in a lonely beach house. She didn't have a family, no , dad, or siblings, and NO kids. Her name was Daisy White. She lived in her beach house because ever since the queen Sarah had taken over the village, she had wanted Daisy White dead, but Daisy White was too smart for her. She'd excaped many times, enough to tell this story. But, maybe, this was the time she couldn't excape. You can't escape everytime. Which...
First TimeHere's a little story that bit me while I was working on a longer piece. I kind of think of such stories as gargoyles. When the stonecarvers working on the great gothic cathedrals needed a rest from making angels, they'd carve a gargoyle. These pieces, some of them, are a way of resting while I work on a real long story. Also, since I created the "Mirror Site" about a year ago for Halloween, I thought now was a good time to revisit it. Let me know how you like the story, and,...
It was getting late, I turned off the car and stared at the wheel for a while, contemplating my thoughts, I was trying to decide if I should return, but at the same time I felt a fast pulse, the adrenaline was running through my body.When I entered the room, Violet recive me with a kiss on the mouth, and asked me why it took me so long to enter, she told me that she had been watching me from the window for some time but I seemed motionless. I commented that I was a bit nervous about what we...
I can't quite remember where this falls in to the timeline of those two weeks in each other’s arms. My brain has shook that particular tin of memories around so much, it doesn't seem to have an order anymore. Just a beginning and an inevitable (and unwelcome) conclusion. The middle is a (sweaty, panting, sticky) mess of nights out with cocktails, a lazy Sunday getting lost in the city, verdant parks, pizza in bed, too many restaurants... All punctuated by your naked body, your incredible and...
TrueMirror, Mirror Went down to "The Hole" again. Nice name, tells all you need to know about the place. I was on the prowl for something new on the menu. I burst through the front doors with attitude, tonight I would play the alpha. Grabbed a no band whisky from barkeep and surveyed the sheep. Nice flock, plenty of fluffy gurls tonight, T-girls that is. I like that. Shorties with a good supply of hip, tit and booty, probably more than willing to let a real man like me take over and take whatever I...
The next morning, as soon as breakfast was over, Cathy, Sierra and Jessica climbed into the attic. Sierra found an old trunk and began to explore. She found several old dresses and some hats dating back to the turn of the century. She tried one on and modeled it to the delight of her mother and grandmother. "Are these your things?" she asked her grandmother. "No, honey. Everything up here was part of the estate when we bought the place." "Didn't you tell me there was something...
Mirror Site: The Marrieds By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2001 * * * * * This story may be posted to any FREE site. FictionMania, Paul, Crystal, and Nifty have express permission. Anybody else, feel free. Just let me know, so I can revel in the thrill of having a story posted. This story involves transgender. If that bothers or displeases you, sorry. First Amendment rocks. Please take your displeasure elsewhere. The story is rated G. This story also involves Identity...
I woke up to the feel of someone caressing my back. When I turned my head to the left I saw him kneeling next to me. We had fallen asleep naked, in each others arms last night and neither of us had gotten dressed yet. I blinked sleepily and asked, ‘Can you stay the whole day?’ He continued to caress my back and I noticed his cock was half erect, pointing at me. I stared at it, fascinated, and it grew under my perusal. ‘I don’t have to be in Cali until Wednesday.’ he told me and shifted to a...
Mirror Talk A Short Story By Maryanne Peters As I was about to sit down. I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my balls. A searing pain in both, at the same time. My hand went immediately to my groin. But no, there was nothing there. Just the slit below my trimmed bush, with the nubbin poking out between the folds. No balls. Long gone. I understand that all amputees have feelings like this - a sore thumb on an arm removed, a calf cramp where there is no leg. I am told that...
It was about midnight when Tom got up to go to bed. He headed for the girl’s room to kiss goodnight. As he approached the bed, the scene was dejavue. They were dressed the same only this time ... no panties. On their stomachs, hand between their spread legs. Tom was so beside himself. His cock came to life instantly. Their breathing was shallow as in deep sleep. This time he could not help himself. He leaned down and placed his nose almost on Rebecca’s ass near her pussy and sniffed. He could...
Tom called his company and told them he was taking some time off, family business. Keep him apprised of the upcoming jobs. Tom had gone downstairs to get breakfast. It was about 8:30 and he could hear the girls, talking and bustling around. When they came down stairs, all he could do was stare at them. Rebecca was the first to notice “Dad? Dad! What are you staring at?” “Huh? Oh ... well ... your outfits. Aren’t they a little ... revealing?” They had on these types of tennis outfits. Their...
Tom was elated to say the least. As he stood there thinking of the possibilities and the knowledge he could gain had him almost giddy. He stood before the mirror, grasping the edge, he said “Jill” And there she was, standing beside his naked image. Holding out his hand she stepped out and took it. Her eyes were staring at his cock. “Jill, do you like what you see?” “I’ll say, I have wanted to see it for so long ... and now ... May I touch it?” “Sure, wrap your hands around it and hold it, I...
Cathy's eyes snapped open and she sat bolt upright in the otherwise empty bed. Sunlight was streaming through the window. The clock read 9:45. She hadn't slept that late in years. But her mind was on last night and the exciting sexual odyssey which, even this morning seemed so vivid, so real. It was a dream, wasn't it? she asked herself. She glanced at the mirror, but the surface, though dark, was cold and hard once again. Cathy realized she was naked, but that, in itself, proved nothing....
As she drove the 3 hours to the hotel where she was to meet Him for the first time, her thoughts raced to each and every phone call, e-mail or text conversation they had ever had. Remembering how easy it was for her to give in to him, to submit to him. How natural it seemed to respond to every request he asked of her. They had spent nearly a year conversing back and forth as she became more and more enthralled with him. As she drove there was not one moment of hesitation, fear or regret in her...
BDSMI wrote this for Ms. Dauber's new universe and sent it to her. She seemed to like it, so I hope she doesn't mind my sending it to the lists. I hope it serves as an adequate introduction story. I don't write much, or often-so if you like it, I'm sorry there won't be scads more and if you hate it then congratulations, you shan't be plagued with large amounts of literary dross. Mirror Site: A Father's Love By Shadoe1 It was another small town. Non-descript Americana at it's best. An...
You all heard of the Mirror Universe in Star Trek but other shows have there own dark side. They all have their own twisted counter part. A place that is a corruption of what the other part holds dear Buffy Mirror Universe- this is the one where the Slayer is evil. Apparently when they made the first slayer they made a mistake. The people who created the slayer couldn’t control the slayer dark side. The slayer now hunts vampires and humans a like. It goal is to be queen of the underworld. The...