Mirror Image Part I free porn video

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As she drove the 3 hours to the hotel where she was to meet Him for the first time, her thoughts raced to each and every phone call, e-mail or text conversation they had ever had. Remembering how easy it was for her to give in to him, to submit to him. How natural it seemed to respond to every request he asked of her. They had spent nearly a year conversing back and forth as she became more and more enthralled with him. As she drove there was not one moment of hesitation, fear or regret in her mind, just an overwhelming sense of anticipation.
They had discussed this meeting for weeks – everything had to be perfect. She had checked off each requirement on His list like it was her wedding day. She had grown her hair out over the last year to an appropriate ‘pulling’ length, which was now almost mid-back. They had shopped online for a dress, tight, slinky, black and red, mid-thigh length. He directed her to a corseteer who made a new, form-fitting, underbust, tie-up corset for her. She purchased a new, lacy, push up bra that he had to approve, as well as new thigh high leather boots. He had asked that she be freshly waxed – not one, stray hair on her pussy – and that her asshole be bleached so it was pretty and primed for his use. She was directed to pack only her new dress and corset, thigh highs, her boots and a few of the previously discussed sex toys that she had been using to prime herself for him. She had taken care of every request with joy.

Now just a few minutes away, she grabbed her phone and texted Him as He requested. The response was only, “Room 950.” He was in room 950. He was probably there, waiting for her. Her heart skipped a beat. For one, split second she thought she must be crazy. Meeting his Man she had never met. That feeling lasted only that split second, as she pulled into the parking lot of the large, upscale hotel.

Grabbing her single suitcase, she proceeded into the hotel and directly to the elevator, pressing “9” her heart began to beat faster and faster. The ride up to the 9 th floor seemed to take an eternity. Following the signs to the room she noticed how incredibly quite this hotel was, it almost seemed deserted. Standing outside of the room, she noticed that it was open, the inside slide lock holding the door ajar.

“Sir, are you in there,” she called, squeakily from the door.

“S.C., should I come in,” she asked when no answer came. SC was his agreed upon ‘casual’ name. Sir was the preference, or Master, but SC was the casual alternative. It was significant, as it stood for something very special.

With no answer, she pushed open the door a little at a time, until she was standing just inside the door. She noticed a dim light coming from the inner portion of what she now realized was a large suite. There was a large bathroom with whirlpool tub. A sitting area with chairs, a couch and a few tables. This opened up to a large bedroom.

“Sir, are you here,” she called once more, walking slowly into the main room. She looked around and took it all in. It was a beautiful hotel suite. She turned to go into the bedroom. It was magnificent. A large bed was in the center of the room, and on it, a box and a note, which she read – HIS handwriting:

“Hello, Little One. I have left you a gift. I would like you to open this and do as instructed. I will return soon. X ~ S.C.”

She sat down on the bed and began to open the box, and as she did so, she saw movement next to her and jumped. It was simply her reflection. She hadn’t noticed previously that the entire bedroom seemed to be covered in mirrors. She took a look around, everywhere she turned she saw herself in a mirror. She looked up, above the old-fashioned 4-poster bed and saw yes, mirrors there too. She was a bit amazed, as this was a very upscale hotel, and this sort of over sexual tone seemed out of place.

Back to the task at hand she opened the box. Inside was a dark, almost black/red lipstick and another note. This one read:

“Please go to the bathroom, slip out of your traveling clothes and put on the dress we have picked out. Wear NO panties; wear the black bra put on the thigh highs and boots. Do your make-up as previously discussed, wearing this lipstick.”

A little confused, she went to the bathroom and noticed another box and note on top of it, it said,

‘Read Me.’ She decided to get dressed first, and once completed she opened the next box. In it was a small, black butt plug, a small bottle of lube and a note:

“Use a dab of lube and place this butt plug into your lovely ass. Then, take the elevator to the bar in the lobby. Go to the bar, order a drink and wait. Do NOT let the plug fall out and do NOT walk with indignity.”

She was extremely aroused at this suggestion. Holding a butt plug in place and walking was quite a feat, but she was confident she could do it. She lifted up her skirt, used a very small amount of lube and pushed it up into her. She instantly felt extremely aroused. She checked herself in the mirror and left for the bar.

Arriving downstairs she noticed the bar was very busy, full of people. She walked to the bar, trying not to look around for Him. She ordered a red wine and sat at the bar. She sipped it slowly, but finished it quicker than she would have liked. She wanted to order another, but the note said ‘a drink’ and she knew that the devil was in the details so she sat there, patient and eager. Men came up to her, asking to buy her drinks, and each time her heart raced, thinking it was Him. She graciously declined, and continued to wait for Him. Almost an hour passes and finally she feels a hand on the small of her back. Without looking around she knows it is Him. He kisses her neck, and nibbles her ear as he sits down next to her. She is afraid to look up, but he takes her chin and forces her eyes to meet his.

“You need to look at me Little One, you know better,” he purred in that sexy, soft voice.

She looked up and met his eyes, she felt instantly secure and comfortable. Smiling, he said, “Oh Little One, you have pleased me very much, you look delightful. I assume everything is as it should be?”

Assuming he was referencing the plug, she responded, ‘Absolutely, Sir.’

He ordered himself a Crown Royal Manhattan on the rocks and her glass of wine. They sat quietly speaking about nothing in particular. She had almost settled in to a sense of comfortableness when his hand landed on her thigh. Then moved up to her INNER thigh. He bent to her and said, ‘Little One, spread your legs for me.’

Her mind raced. She was excited to be able to spread her legs for him in real life, but she was in a very, very crowded bar with many people around her. She wasn’t wearing panties and the skirt was short enough that it would show everything if she spread her legs.

“Little One, you need to do this now,” he repeated his command, a little more sternly.

She spread her legs, a little, then a little more. His hand went immediately to her pussy, feeling the smoothness there. He rubbed his index finger over her lips and tapped her clit – she squeaked a bit. She noticed that the businessmen sitting at the table across from the bar were staring – intently – at them. S.C. continued to finger her gently, as she became very wet. He dipped a finger in and a moan came from her throat. She looked down, almost shyly. The couple next to them at the bar looked over, and at this point she didn’t care. She was instantly in her subspace and the only thing that mattered to her at all was pleasing him. She found herself spreading her legs even more, while looking right at Him. He was sipping his drink and playing with her in the most nonchalant manner.

She realized that people were really starting to stare and whisper. She was sure that a better part of the bar was now firmly aware that she was getting fingered. He continued his slow assault on her pussy and she felt herself getting so very, very wet. She was starting to contract her pussy around his fingers – as he now had 2 inserted into her wetness. The butt plug was adding to the sensations. She knew, if he continued on, she was going to cum. He turned her a little more toward the bar, and started to work her clit a little harder; she was starting to shake and was very aroused.

As if sensing this, He leaned in and whispered, “Little One, I know you need to cum. I give you permission to cum now, and I fully expect that you do. Be as quiet as possible.”

He knew darn well that she never came quietly. He WANTED to hear her, and he wanted others to hear her too. He started to work his fingers in and out of her pussy while pinching her clit between his fingers. All the while sipping on his drink. The bartender came up and asked if they needed more drinks and he just waved him away, never stopping his attentions on her. She sat there, legs spread. Skirt up to her crotch, being shamelessly fingered and began to shake, just a bit, and then the orgasm hit. She came in a hot rush, squeezing her legs together over his hand, squeaking and emitting a long, ‘Ooohhhhh…..followed by a quiet fffuuuck’ and when she had come down, he removed his fingers, and brought them to her lips, smearing her lipstick just a bit with them. He grabbed her hand, urged her off the barstool and walked her out of the bar, everyone staring right at them. She didn’t care – not one bit.

Once in the elevator, he took her by surprise, wrapping his hand around her neck and pushing her against the wall of the elevator. He kissed her neck, roughly and brought his hands back up between her legs, thrusting his fingers almost roughly into her. He continued to fuck her until another orgasm ripped through her, his hands sticky with her sweet cum; he again brought them to her mouth and stuffed her fingers into her mouth. As the door opened she was in a state of sweet shock, and she literally floated back to the room.

Once in the room he took her to the main sitting area and directed her to sit on the couch. He sat down next to her, brushed the hair from her face, and kissed her, passionately. It was their first real kiss and it was fantastic. Her entire body warmed with just the touch of his lips, and this kiss was more intimate than the finger fucking she had just received.

“Little One, you have pleased me immensely. However, I did sense a moment of hesitation when I asked you to spread your legs. You understand that when I ask of you that you are to do what I say? If you do not, you will be punished.”

“Yes, Sir, I am sorry, it is just a bit surreal,” she responded.

“I understand. Why don’t we order in some room service and just sit and talk for a bit,” he remarked.

She sat there, legs crossed, holding his hand and feeling comfortable. A knock on the door and room service was provided. Some more wine, light food and some water. They sat, ate and just interacted. He would touch her intimately on the cheek, neck, arms. He brushed her tits, ran His fingers over her thighs. Just teased her with touches.

“So, Little One, what would you like to do now?”

What she wanted, more than anything, was to see his cock. He had the most magnificent cock. It was big and thick and had the most splendid curve to it. She had fantasized about that cock for nearly a year. She had imagined it on the entrance to her mouth, sitting at her lips, teasing her tongue. She had imagined it sliding down her throat, gagging her, making the most delicious sounds. She had imagined it slapping her face, cheek, clit. She had imagined it sinking into her for the first time, spreading her wide and stretching her tender pussy in a delicious mix of fullness and yielding softness. Oh yes, that is what she wanted, she wanted to feel his cock on her and in her.

“Sir, can I go to the bathroom before answering that,” she asked, a plan already in her mind.

He sent her off and she went to the bathroom, prepared to answer his question not with words, but with action. She removed her dress and the bra. She stood there, naked in front of the mirror. Her large, firm breasts were flushed. Her practically iridescent skin was flawless except her tattoos and naval piercing. She took the corset from her suitcase and put it on. She was taking a risk by dressing without his permission, but she thought it would be all right. As this corset was underbust, her breasts sat outside of it, as if being presented on tiny shelves of leather. She pulled the strings to the corset as tight as she possibly could, and instantly her waist was cinched in. This corset really did fit her like a glove, and the silhouette was stunning.

Taking a deep breath, she excited the bathroom and walked back to where SC was seated. He looked up at her with definite pleasure in his eyes, and she sunk to her knees between his legs. She looked directly at him and spread his knees apart. Her hands wandered around his legs, first calves, then knees, then thighs, then inner thighs. She noticed his cock stirring in his pants, but she continued to look at him. She moved toward the belt and undid it swiftly, then unzipped his trousers, snaking her hand in just a bit. Feeling the beginnings of his hard on and the way his cock jumped as she touched Him made her instantly wet.

She grabbed the waist of his trousers and pulled up and He lifted his ass to let her remove His trousers and boxers. She deftly did so, never leaving his gaze. His cock was already standing at attention and she loved that she would be able to bring it more to life. She took it gently in her hand and began to squeeze the base, just a bit. Then she ran her fingertips lightly over it, until she reached the head. With each stroke He got harder and harder. She rose up on her knees and hovered over His cock – her heart beating as she was about to take her first taste of His cock. She stuck out her tongue and ran it over his cockhead…..he tasted so good. She started to run her tongue around the base of his shaft – up and down – and finally taking his balls one, then the other, into her mouth. She looked at him as she did this….and his eyes were rolling back in His head. The lovely curve of his cock was very evident, and it made it fun to lick the underside, as his cock literally jumped as she tongued him.

She was about to take His cock into her mouth, when He pushed her away. What? Was she not doing a good job? Confused, she sat back on her heels. He went into the bedroom and she hurt a zipper being unzipped. He returned with a pair of black, fur lined handcuffs and a brown box. He sat back down on the couch and opened the box, it was a cigar box. They had discussed how aroused cigar smoke made her – so her heart jumped just a bit. He clipped the end of the cigar and lit it. Taking that first puff, He inhaled deeply, then exhaled, blowing it down onto her. She shivered to her core. Her pussy was instantly wet and flowing.

“Little One, turn around and put your hands behind your back,” He asked.

Doing as told, she allowed him to cuff her hands behind her back. Then she turned herself back around to face him. The tightness of her arms behind her made her tits stand out even more. Even though she was very big breasted, they were definitely full and not droopy.

“Now, let’ see what you can do,” He smiled.

She started at his cock head again, licking around the head, sticking her tongue right under His glans. He leaned back, puffed on his cigar and blew the smoke down around her as she teased His cock with her tongue; the effect created almost a cloud around his cock. She was getting very hot smelling the smoke and sucking his cock, she began to work it feverishly and aggressively down her throat. He began to moan…and moan…and she continued to bob her head until she felt it – His hand on her hair, forcing her down, gagging her with His cock. He bucked His hips up and forced His cock into her mouth…the sound was amazing and the spit oooozed down her cheek and chin and dripped onto her breasts. Finally, in one loud, ‘Mmmmmmmmmmm…..ffffuuuuuuuuccck’ He came, down her throat. She swallowed and swallowed the sweet cum, making sure not to drop a bit of the love juice.

“That was fantastic Little One,” she said, praising her. He put his cigar in the astray and took her by the arm, helping her to her feet. He walked her to the bedroom, hands still tied behind her back. He pushed her, gently, onto the bed and said, ‘put your ass up!’ – and up her ass went. Face down on the bed, hands behind her back, she hear more rustling behind her. Then, she heard the telltale buzzing of Hitachi Vibrator. Her heart jumped.

“Spread those knees,” He commanded.

She did as told and turned her head to one side. It was then that she saw her reflection in one of the many mirrors in the room. There she was, face down, tits hanging, legs spread and He was behind her on the bed. He placed the Hitachi on her pussy…running it around her mound. The feeling was amazingly intense.

“Do NOT cum Little One,” he said, “you must wait until I tell you that you can!”

With that, he placed the wand right on her clit….buzzing away the feeling was intense. The plug STILL in her ass was contracting…..He began to work the plug in and out of her beautiful, full ass while teasing her clit with the wand. She started to shake…the pleasure was too great. She started to move her ass and hips, trying to avoid the wand. He had her training herself not to cum too quickly with direct stimulation, but the reflection in the mirror was too much to take. Watching him working that plug into her ass while teasing her pussy with the wand was achingly erotic. She knew, without a doubt, that she was going to cum.

Just then, he removed the plug and placed His thumb into her asshole, almost picking her up with the pressure he used and then He placed the wand directly on her clit, putting the speed on HIGH. He bent down, ‘cum for me Little One, and don’t be shy about it.’

Cum she did…..

“Ohh…..oh….fuck….I’m….fucking…..cummming……..Sir….please don’t….stop….fucccckkkkk………keep….making……me ……fucking……cum……….AHHHHHHHHHHHHH”

Her body shook, her hands forced against the restraints, her hips wide, her knees spread, fucking against the wand she had orgasm after orgasm until the wand was removed…..

She folded down in a heap on the bed…..feeling wired and totally in subspace.

“Now THAT was an orgasm, Little One,” he purred as he removed her restraints and lay down next to her on the bed.

“You know, we have only just begun,” He reminded her. She knew she was about to have the most magnificent experience of her life, and couldn’t wait to continue to please Him.

Part II coming soon.

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Mirror Image

You've had your share of rude awakenings in your life, most involving your alarm clock interrupting a wet dream or just a much needed deep sleep, but nothing quite compares to the moment you wake up, in the dark, coughing up lung-fulls of slime. You cough, snort, spit and nearly puke. You can feel clammy slime clinging to you everywhere. You feel like you're submerged it with only your face free. You flail, find purchase on something solid, and stumble forward, out of the slime. You collapse...

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Mirror ImageChapter 2

Erica's sights are set on her father Ed. So Mr. Marcus and Erica conceive a plan to get the pair together. The best laid plans of getting laid... Emergency Incest Erica and I plotted as we drove back from the beach in the rental car. Despite the recent blowjob from Erica, the sway of her tits under her shirt had me half erect before we'd gone a mile. Her father would be a lucky guy. Erica wasn't attractive like a model, all slim and shapely, but her thick torso was ready to be ridden,...

2 years ago
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Mirror ImageChapter 9

Jessica stood at the stove making breakfast. Last night she had carried the unconscious girl from the barn, bathed her and slept with Sierra in her loving arms. The young girl had slept so soundly that when the sun arose, Jessica decided to let her sleep and so had crept from the bed, bathed, dressed and come downstairs to start breakfast. "Good morning, Mistress," came a bright voice from the doorway. Jessica turned to see her granddaughter/submissive standing naked before her, robe in...

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Mirror ImageChapter 2

Later that evening, the unloading and unpacking accomplished, the four women sat around the kitchen table finishing supper. "That was delicious, Carmine. You're an even better cook than I remembered," complimented Cathy. The Mexican woman smiled, then lowered her eyes. She had been nervous and self conscious about eating with them, but Cathy and Sierra had insisted. Cathy noted how the woman rarely looked them in the eyes. She also noticed what an attractive woman Carmine was. The...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 35 Image is Everything

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: May 17, 2010) Chapter 35 - Image is Everything We were late, but we finally arrived at the lobby of Aphrodite Image Consulting at about 10:15. Julia was standing there, waiting for us. "Morning, Julia," Dad said...

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The Image

The Image By Paul Jutras Darien and Denise had chosen to go to Florida for St. Valentine Day. They were always looking for new places and ways to make love to each other. That was how their problems were about to begin. They noticed a swimsuit shop among the pier shops and decided to stop in. Almost like magic, the inside of the store was like warehouse compared to the small looking outside. They couldn't believe in the space filled with swimsuit racks and mannequins displaying...

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Body Image

BODY IMAGE by Monika Ikon "Sit down Mona. We have to talk." He had heard those two tiny sentences more than a few times in the last several weeks. Every time he did he felt a strange queasiness in the pit of his stomach. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he could not refuse. He walked over to the couch across from the chair where Kathleen was already sitting and sat down. He sat at the very edge of the couch, crossed one smooth leg over the other and folded his hands over his...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

4 years ago
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Mirror By Waldo Chapter 1 - The antique shop Chapter 2 - Just sharing a cigar between friends Chapter 3 - Pamela's panties Chapter 4 - So convince me Chapter 5 - Does the nightstand match.. Chapter 6 - The G Spot Mirror By Waldo As usual, the standard "adult's only" restriction applies to this transgender story. All rights retained by author. Story may be posted on web sites which have free distribution of stories. Please send me an e-mail letting me know where...

1 year ago
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Mirror Image

Day 1 - The first meeting.It was the most extraordinary experience. A chance encounter to beat ALL chance encounters!I was in a bar in Soho, the place was buzzing and the music was excellent. I wove my way through the crowds to the Ladies and headed for a cubicle. A quick wee and I was back out again to wash my hands and freshen my makeup.I was searching for my lippie in my bag as I approached the mirror I looked up and there were TWO of me!A girl was leaning forward to examine her face more...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Image

Your thoughts keep returning to him as the warm steamy water of your bath relaxes your body. How his eyes smile at you, the warmth of his embrace, the firmness of his body, always brings a flush to your skin. You feel a tingling sensation as you rub the sudsy washcloth over your skin slowly. You smile as you ponder why certain parts of your body get so much cleaner than others. You lift the chain of the drain plug with your toe letting the water retreat, and watch as your body slowly emerges...

1 year ago
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In The Strippers Image

In the Stripper's Image by Elrod W This has to be one of the most bizarre tales you've ever heard. I know that I wouldn't have believed it if it hadn't happened to me. I'm Jack Griffon. Or rather, I was Jack Griffon. Now? Well, that's what the story is about. It all started one night about three months ago.... I grabbed my jacket from the closet. Angrily, I stomped across the kitchen. "I'm going out," I snarled. Betty, my live-in girlfriend, just sat at the table,...

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A Beautiful Image

Your thoughts keep returning to him as the warm steamy water of your bath relaxes your body. How his eyes smile at you, the warmth of his embrace, the firmness of his body, always brings a flush to your skin. You feel a tingling sensation as you rub the sudsy washcloth over your skin slowly. You smile as you ponder why certain parts of your body get so much cleaner than others. You lift the chain of the drain plug with your toe letting the water retreat, and watch as your body slowly emerges...

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Broken Image

Broken Image By Nuuan Robert Hatt, more commonly known as Bob to the other migrant workers, plopped down heavily on one of the benches of the stained and faded portable camp table. A rusty Green pick up behind him, paint faded and worn so much that the primer underneath could be seen in places where the sun could do the most damage. The bed of the old truck held a once white aluminum camper, the paint oxidized to the point that it appeared more like a chalk that could be easily wiped...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 261 The Car that Best Projects the Right Image for Me is Chosen

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 I woke after the usual 2.5 hours, had a snack bar, shut my eyes again, created a sight blob, sent it through to the study, where seven of my minds created a fingertip each for the scrolling keyboard, and we started studying. Other than a couple of snack breaks, that's how we spent the morning. It was a very successful test, especially because we didn't hit a gap in our knowledge that we had to google, so we didn't need to do any extensive mouse work. One of my...

1 year ago
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The image of your dripping cunt is tantalizing

The image of your dripping cunt is tantalizing! Slave, The image of your dripping cunt is tantalizing! I want to see more. I can just make out the shadowy image of your cunt, your hooded clit barely visible, your pussy lips inviting me to bury my face in them. I can almost smell you, feel you, I want you. I want to fuck you, you turn me on so much I can barely take it, I love it. Every cell in my body wants you. I need to make you do things you've never done before! I want you to suck my cock...

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

This is one of those stories where there really isn’t a category to put it in. I thought about the humor category but unless you understand my dry sense of humor it wouldn’t work so I had to settle on Non-erotic. Those of you who are close enough to me to really know me realize I have a weird thought process I have been known to come up with some really different ideas. This tale is one of those weird ideas that took off on its own. YOU WILL HAVE TO BE PATIENT WITH THIS STORY BECAUSE IT...

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Mirror Karma

Mirror Karma A Mirror on the Door Story by Kristine Roland Claire's good friend Jeffrey went through a mirror in the door, what effect did that have on Claire's life? Authors Note: This story is complete and can be read stand-alone. However The Mirror on the Door precedes this story in this universe. If you read The Mirror on the Door when it was first posted last year, at the suggestion of a number of people that story was revised recently, and the revised version is...

1 year ago
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Mirror Mirror

“One more, Honey.” Kathy Morton held the square, flat box with the pink wrapping and big white bow out to her daughter. “Happy third birthday, Big Girl.” The excited child pushed aside the pile of already opened gifts and reached for the box with an excited squeal. Her small, delicate fingers began to tear at the colored tissue and all of her concentration became fixed on removing the ribbons separating her from her gift. As she leaned forward, her long, light blonde hair fell forward,...

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Mirror Mirror 03 Errant

Mirror, Mirror 03: Errant By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) The fraternal twins sat on opposite sides of the dining room table, looking at the broken hand mirror. "It's definitely busted," Deana said. "Yeah. Do you think the magic's busted, too?" Dinah asked. "Of course it is." "There goes our chance to be beautiful women..." "I'm already beautiful." "No you're not. You're a gawky fourteen-year-old, like me. This was our chance to become instant adults," she...

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Mirror Memories 2 Stephies Second Solo

MY MIGHTY MIRROR´S MEMORY HAS A SECRET -- A SWITCHABLE SEE-THROUGH SPECIALITYMY MIRROR is a new series with probably several sub-series of horny heroines of sexy scenarios it sawMY MIRROR starts with its first sub-series of my yummy younger sister: sweet sexy ´sexteen´ StephanieMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN ´WOMEN´S WOMB´S SEXY SECRETS, STRICTLY FOR FEMALES ONLYMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN WITH ALL MY MIGHT -- WHICH I WILL WATCH TO SPOT ANY...

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Mirror Memories 1 Sister Stephy Solo 1

MY MIGHTY MIRROR´S MEMORY HAS A SECRET -- A SWITCHABLE SEE-THROUGH SPECIALITY MY MIRROR is a new series with probably several sub-series of horny heroines of sexy scenarios it sawMY MIRROR starts with its first sub-series of my yummy younger sister: sweet sexy ´sexteen´ StephanieMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN ´WOMEN´S WOMB´S SEXY SECRETS STRICTLY FOR FEMALES ONLYMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN WITH ALL MY MIGHT WHICH I WILL WATCH OVER TO SPOT...

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Mirror Mirror

The (Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. This is only a fantasy story. I only wish there is enough here to make each of you happy. To those who have given me constructive criticisms as well as those with praise thanks. If you don't like the story that's understandable but please be kind in your critique. Lauren Westley. ([email protected]) Mirror, Mirror On The Wall By Lauren Westley A lifetime seems to become shorter when...

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Mirror Mirror

Authors note: Just an extremely short little sequence, quick tx, heavily themed... my usual style. If the styles popular I might write some more, but please leave reviews if you like it, or even if you absolutely hate it, I can't improve without knowing my mistakes! Mirror Mirror - 1 It had been a few days since Brian had moved in to this new flat of his. He had gotten a great deal from the letting agent - it only cost a few hundred bucks a month, which was way, WAY below...

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Mirror Site Another Way Home

Mirror Site: Another Way Home By Bill Hart "It's such a fucking depressing night," mumbled Dave Kendricks to himself as he finally left the bar where he'd been sitting and drinking ever since he'd found that body sprawled out in pieces in the alley. "This shit fucking sucks." Clearly Dave had had just a little too much drink. Although no one who knew him would have considered him a teetotaler, Dave seldom drank to excess. He wasn't what anyone might consider a good drunk....

4 years ago
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Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror Chapter 1 Norman Anderson first realized something was wrong when he looked in the mirror. He'd glanced at it as he was getting out of bed, and something about the image got his attention enough that he carefully walked toward it. It was a large mirror that hung on his bedroom door, a heirloom of his parent's he had not been able to part with, but as he approached the wrongness only got worse. Instead of the average male 20-year-old image he normally saw, it...

2 years ago
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Mirror Mirror 2

Authors note: Since the last part was quite popular, I'm creating a second, mainly due to the positive feedback from the last one. It's similar to all my usual work: simple tx, heavily sex themed in nature. As my works been fairly well received and I love doing it, I've actually created a Patreon at www.patreon.com/JockMcTafferty - I will always publish my work for free (eventually) but it's a chance for you to contribute something if you've enjoyed what I've written and maybe...

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Mirror Mirror Part 4 Once a Boy

Mirror, Mirror Please note: In the hope of lessening any confusion, I have placed punctuation marks (each character gets their own) at the paragraph that marks a shift in the focus, that is, from the by-play (or not) of one set of characters to another. (Think of the story as a screwball video/DVD, where there there?s a lot going on at once.) 4) Once a Boy By Ron Dow75 = ?Where?s Alice?! Tell her I?m sorry!! Tell her to give me my body back!? the cute and shapely March went...

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Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror by Arcie Emm Trudging alongside the wagon, he had been hired to guard, Manny kin Nichino thought of the last words his father said, before he ventured out to fulfill this newest contract. "Careful lad, the Land Beyond can be an unkind place for those of us who are mundane. Always keep one eye open." Not that Old Manny had tried to stop his son from crossing the river into the mist on the other side, to apply for the well paying position that had appeared on the...

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Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror I was on my elbows and knees moaning in pleasure. My tits, were swinging back and forth as some stranger I just met only a few hours earlier was pounding away at my pussy. My long red hair cascaded down to the bed and swung to the same rhythm as my large aching breasts. He place his hands on my hips as he continued to pound me. My tits swung back and forth with each thrust. His cock completely stretched my pussy and he knew exactly how to use it - in fact he had already...

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