Wild ChildChapter 7
- 4 years ago
- 29
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An extra repeater had to be placed in orbit to control the cleansers. Borin would handle this task though the boat usually would. I went back to our first depot and dropped off all the parts we were able to make so far. The boat picked up some minerals and wondered around the field like an grazing animal looking for trace elements that it needed.
I used the hand tools inside the base to make a much nicer job of the interior. It was enlarged greatly and again the floor was settled. There was a considerable amount of pulverized rock and this was dragged out and flown to a large depression and dumped. Doing the job this way took a lot longer but the material had not gone under the disintegrator and been sent out of phase with our easily seen three dimensions. The unseen two dimensions were utilized by the computer and other tools like our communicator and sensors. Only a select few could even become dimly aware of the other dimensions.
When the room was much more symmetrical I spent the remainder of my time putting small holes every ninety three and a half centimetres around the walls and then worked higher until I was at the apex. These holes would hold the projectors that would make this depot strong and secure. The only things to break this pattern was when I made three entrance ways for future expansion.
I went home a bit weary. This was more manual work than I usually did. The fatigue was more of the mind than of the body. At lunch I had eaten from the boat's supplies and talked to Megan and Sandy. They missed me but the girls at the table and one more nearby missed me even more.
The girls wanted steak for supper and I was to pick it up. Sandra and Megan had to go to a school game. It wasn't compulsory but their friends went and it would look odd if she didn't. I encouraged them to keep their usual activities going.
When I first entered the house I saw that something was wrong. The cleaning had gone too well. There was not the slightest bit of dust, grime or even built up wax. The carpet pile now stood up straight as if brand new. The light fixtures and the walls looked the same. There were two hours left and I had the cleanser come back in and start putting some dirt back into place. This turned out to be a lot more difficult than removing it.
Tommy came home on time with a spring in his step. It was easy to see that something made him happy. Going only for surface thought, I saw what he had talked to two girls and they had talked back. Both had been very friendly. He might have two girlfriends but he didn't know what to do with them yet.
He got a drink and sat at the table to talk to me. "Where are Sandy and Meg?"
They had a game to go to. They should be back a little after your parents get home. I have an hour that is free now and I would like to take you for a ride. If you remember I promised some time for you today. Any particular place you want to go?"
"The beach is nice. Too cold to swim but a nice place to walk."
"Mmmm a beach." I smiled and asked Borin, "I would like to go swimming where there will be no interference from the locals. Warm salt water, daylight and warm air. A small island would be great."
"There is a small island in the Caribbean near Guadeloupe that fits your requirements. There is no sentient life within seven kilometres."
"Good, thanks Borin."
"Tommy, you have been good at keeping secrets. I am going to give you one more. Now run upstairs and grab your swimsuit, beach shoes, and a towel." The boy didn't understand the reasoning but did do as he was told to do. He took this as an order and worked quickly. I took some potatoes and after washing and puncturing them, placed them into the oven. The timer was set when to come on and at what temperature.
The boy ran downstairs as I was cleaning the sink. "Leave by the back door."
He stepped out the door and saw nothing different. He was a bit confused because a taxi would come to the front. I walked to the most hidden part of the property and Tommy followed. "Don't get frightened soldier. Soon this will be a casual thing for you." He still didn't understand until he was suddenly in a strange enclosure. He didn't move. He just stared at the wall in front of him in shock. This was familiar to him though. He turned his head a bit and saw more that he had ever seen before. At the same time everything was understandable and he was strangely comfortable with it. He eventually did a full circle noticing all the things that had been explained in his lessons with Borin.
"You going to take a chair, or am I going to have to just wait out here?"
Tommy quickly took the nearby chair. By feeling the texture and firmness he started to accept how he had fallen into one of the many different kinds of ships in his computer. His mouth opened a bit and stayed that way as I appeared as if from thin air.
I smiled at him trying to make this seem casual. "Take the Navigator's chair. I will pilot the boat out and we will change places coming back." The boy had done his lessons and jumped to the correct chair. Hold your equipment up in the air." The boy did and it disappeared into storage. He even knew where it was going.
A holographic image appeared of North America. "We are going to a small island off the east coast of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean. It is quite a bit east of Cuba and north of Venezuela. Find the locations then the larger island. Check with our satellites to see which of the small islands that have the best swimming conditions and are isolated from people. Travel time will be five minutes."
"Yes Sir."
He had done this before but it was simulated with the use of his keyboard. He now had to use actual mechanical devices and try to use his mind in something he was only verbally told about before. His eyes shot open when he was able to talk to Borin. Her voice was in his head and she was much more understandable. She was going to interface between the boy and the boat computer while he learned. Eventually he would have to do this himself with the boat's much simpler computer. He had never been this attuned before. His thoughts went all over the place and not only did Borin follow them but provide insight as well.
Tommy found what I requested then put the data into the computer. The course along with the locations of both ends of our trip. He put in the time variable for our current craft.
"Course laid in sir."
"Thank you Ensign."
We started out a bit roughly. Nothing was felt inside the ship but we had to skirt the top of the mountains by a slightly greater margin. This had never been taught to Ensign Claystone.
The mountains were very beautiful for their raggedness. We saw great expanses of open ground crossing the United States. Cities went by too fast to see. When we came to the Caribbean, only the islands were visible and only for a very short time.
Tommy had got over the shock of his mode of transportation and became enthralled with the view. He would come back to his surroundings but then go back to moving a sensor so that he could see a specific detail longer to understand it. Borin had to tell him about this ability. He was beginning to see how little he actually knew. He had studied before in a partial belief that Borin was real somehow. He hoped to be flying as he presently was but had no idea how this would come about. With his current reality he knew that he had to study even harder now.
Deceleration was very short and we stopped over an islet only the size of his parents property in Victoria. It was all sand and the water gradually deepened to provide a safe swimming area. Jelly fish, sharks and coral were looked for and only the latter was found. The locations were plotted and a safe area laid out. I landed the boat and when the scenery stopped moving I said, "I am going out now. I don't usually swim with a suit but you are welcome to do whatever you want."
I removed my clothes and even the shield. They disappeared from view. In seconds I was on the very hot sand and I ran to the water. This was more of a way to show that I was similar to anybody else that Tommy had met before. Firewalking now would distance him from me. The possession of the boat was already seen as too fantastic to really contemplate.
The water was warm and I swam out thirty metres until it was actually deep enough that my hands would not touch the bottom. I turned and swam to the right. I swam part way around the island before Tommy came out. He was embarrassed in his nudity but the hot sand stopped that. He too ran to the water. He saw me in the distance and followed. I kept in touch with the probes and the boat's sensors and just turned around and then swam along side Tommy.
I said, "I checked the charts and this island doesn't even have a name. At high tide it's underwater."
"You're talking with your mind?" He said incredulously.
"Yep. Same as you had to think at Borin so you could talk to the boat. What should we call the island?"
This got his mind off the insane thoughts and partially into the mundane. "The Republic of Claystone?"
"Sounds like a very small country. Since it is a republic there will be no king. Were you thinking of the modern meaning with a president or the older meaning where all segments of society are enfranchised and the power of the state is limited?"
"I don't know. I just picked the first name to enter my head."
Tommy was obviously still upset and hadn't come to grips yet with what we had done. We swam some more in an uneasy quiet. Finally Tommy asked, "Are you an alien?"
"Yes, but I would like to point out something that your sister said. She mentioned that your mother at one time was considered the same thing. She was not born in Canada. The first whites to come to this continent were aliens too. A short time ago if you lived in a village only twenty kilometres down the road you would be considered and alien. I am basically what you see. You guys have funny ear lobes and I didn't have them before I came here. There are a few other differences but not much. You and I don't have coarse hairs on our bodies except for our heads. I will never get any and never have to shave either." Tommy had known me for a while now and was not that frightened.
"What about my sisters?"
"Both of your sisters have something special that drew me to them. I simply fell in love. They saw the same thing in me and fell in love too. After that I made them smarter and able to listen to those people, like you, that cannot hear what others think. You never heard the discussion a few days ago where I told your mom and dad that I want to marry both of your sisters."
"That's against the law!"
"It's against Canadian law but other countries allow many wives. Countries with a law that says only one wife per husband also have families with more husbands or more wives than usual but they are not all married. You are still going to be an uncle That is unless you have changed your mind."
"No, oh... I just don't know any more."
"Well just let's take it one step at a time. I am a bit younger than Megan. This still gave me a lot of responsibilities. I was in a battle and my ship was very heavily damaged. Two of my crew were killed. My Gossna friend, named Odava and his mate Ichom, survived along with a girl of my race called Consti."
Tommy was getting tired so we stopped and stood. The water came to his waist but now he was not too concerned. I continued, "We were put into stasis and two hundred and eighty seven years later I was revived by accident." I let him digest this for a moment before going on. "My ship was largely destroyed. I needed a place to stop and fix it. My crew are not that used to fighting or to being in rough places so I kept them in stasis. I am getting things ready so my ship could get repaired.
"I could have picked a barren planet like your moon but I like company. I just happened to fall in love with both of your sisters. I sold some diamonds to some merchants and made a lot of money. Currently I am trying to buy some special elements that will allow me to build the most intricate parts of my ship. If I can't get what I want then I can make my own but it will take years more that way. I could send probes into atomic waste disposal sites to recover what I need but they are well protected. Moving past one of their sensors with a little bit of radioactive material may trigger alarms."
Tommy asked, "What is going to happen when you get your ship repaired?"
"I could go and search for my family and my people in it. Another thing I could do is build another research vessel. You know from Borin's lessons that it's big. It'll take a long time to build. Once it's complete, I could leave with your sisters and my children. That though will not be enough to crew the ship adequately. I am looking for people I can train to take over some of the very important duties. Can you guess to the identity of one that has had the most training so far? Do you know who has had the second most? The third most has not even ran the program yet."
"So you want all of us to be part of your crew?"
"Sure. There are a lot of benefits. You do get to be a scientist and an engineer. You meet some interesting races and talk to them. I know that Odava will like to talk to you. You move carefully and are fairly meticulous. He will see you as a friend I think.
"If travelling through the galaxy or building the ship is not what you want then you can stay out of this project entirely. You will still get the same mathematics and other benefits your father and mother are getting." I knew that there was too much excitement in my offer to turn it down but Tommy had not come to that conclusion yet.
"How long will it take to fix your ship and how long to build the research vessel?"
"Well that depends on how much help I get. If I had landed on a planet close to my ship is now, I could get it completely rebuilt in three to three and a half years. On this planet with the help of your family it will be a year and a half longer. The reason it will be so long is because you all have to learn how to help.
"After the precision fabricator is built we can build more of these devices with it. This will take an extra two cycles. The time used on this will be made up in increased speed to construct more articles. The first units will be mining equipment to provide the raw materials. Tools of every imaginable description are needed. We need small ships to take assemblies to orbit. A space station may be necessary but only until enough of the ship is built to provide the same functions. We need people and computers to do the assembling and testing. This all should only take thirty to fifty years. It will be significantly less if we can get lots of good help. Humans are not all nice and I am afraid that we will have lots of problems."
Tommy was upset at some of this dialogue and the time frame made him feel that he would be left out.
"Who is going to fly the ships into orbit Tommy? Who is going to use their engineering ability to make improvements? No ship we have ever built has not in some way been better than the one before. You will be able to do this if your brain is improved like mine. You will have a perfect memory and an IQ high enough to master any field you want. That is not in the simplistic way that Earth people look at it. You would be a real engineer and a real scientist."
He asked, "What do mom and dad think about your plans? Dad I think would like them but mom likes her friends and her job a lot."
"Your mom talks to me the way you are now. She has not been changed. Both of your parents think that I am a Human, raised in a special environment by a very rich and forward looking family. I promised to tell your mother but that will be in a week or so. She is watching her daughters' minds and abilities grow. When that is done she will decide for herself to improve her mind. Before that happens I will tell her everything I have told you. If she decides to join then the both of us will talk to your dad. I think he would jump at this chance but it is something we are just going to have to wait and see."
"How come you showed me this now?"
"You were coming to understand a great amount. Borin was the one that was teaching you this at my order. You would learn faster and better if you had some ideas of what you wanted. In a month you probably would have lost interest in this project and decided to just leave it like you do a video game. Now you have a small idea of what is happening and why it is occurring. Now let's swim for a while and then fly home. This time we go home by going east."
When the time came, we hot footed it across the sand. There was less distance to travel for the tide was coming in. I used the cleanser on Tommy, telling him what I was doing and why. When I was done we got dressed and I sat in the navigator's chair. I sent the data to Tommy and said, "Course laid in, Captain."
Tommy was shocked then reasoned that it was a joke. He replied, "Thank you, Ensign."
The trip this time was of necessity faster. We climbed to three hundred kilometres and changed course to stay over the land or to see certain points of interest. We landed in Tommy's back yard. He got out nonchalantly now and ran to put his clothing away. They were cleaner now than when he took them out.
Tommy set the table while I started the barbecue. Frozen vegetables were cooked along with the compulsory pot of coffee.
Ten minutes later the parents came home. Tom came through first expecting to see at least a small mess. Sleepovers were always that way. He found nothing wrong then noticed that everything was more than right. He started to tabulate the differences when Margaret told him to move aside.
Margaret was tired. She had not got much sleep and then she had school to teach. As she fully expected to have to spend an hour cleaning up.
She looked around quickly and said, "What happened here?"
"Sorry the girls were not perfect. They missed quite a few areas. Maybe they should sleep over an addition night to clean up all the things they missed."
"What do you mean missed? The house is perfect. The carpet looks new." She looked in a corner and said, "The stain is gone. I tried everything to get rid of it." She went to all the places that had been problems and found them all rectified. "What did you do, have the girls work every second they were here?"
"I'm not Captain Bligh but they had to work."
"I simply can't believe the girls cleaned all this. There's not a square inch not tended to. I have to look at the rest of the house."
Tom said, "This certainly wasn't what I thought would happen. I don't think the girls will ever want to come back."
"They have already asked. I doubt if your daughters will allow as many to come. There was simply more than the usual number and we would have to restrict it later."
"How many came?"
"Nineteen, I ordered a lot of Chinese food. They ate it for supper, snack and even for breakfast. There would be too much left over anyway. They were reasonably careful and all of them plus your daughters cleaned up. I gave some guidance and worked too."
"Well you did such a good job that the house hasn't looked this way since we first moved in. How did Tom take it?"
"Girls are girls and he was teased a bit. He took it like a soldier and then knew when to retreat. I would have too in his shoes."
Tom took all the luggage upstairs as I started the steaks. The girls had gone to a fast food restaurant after the game and had some soda with their friends. I didn't look but I think the game was not all that was discussed at the tables.
They told me when they were going to arrive and they wanted 'hot meat' and after a pause, 'on their plates' when they got home. The girls told me how their parents liked their steak and it was on their plates when they came down. Tommy took the oven mitts and removed the potatoes from the oven. I drained the excess water and served the vegetables.
When all three of them had seated I put the last two steaks on plates and in thirty seconds the girls came running in the door.
They both greeted their family and kissed me hard in front of them. Sandra looked at the hot food and said, "I knew there was a reason we love you so much." They waited and I seated each of them before taking my own chair and beginning the meal.
The girls knew how to act. They could see that the house was considerably cleaner than when we all pitched in and completed the work. I had warned them as soon as their parents reacted so strenuously to the changes.
After the meal I became the proverbial Captain Bligh I had denied being earlier. Margaret was instructed to start her own computer and begin training. At present there was a language lesson that showed her that she didn't know as much as she thought.
Tommy came in and showed his sisters how to use the new program and then taught them some of the mathematics he had learned to date. Tommy liked the role of teacher but the girls would surpass him very quickly. They did praise him for his effort. He took this as a soldier would as well. The boy did have quite a bit of natural dignity. He himself would have a shock when he went back to his computer to find that Borin was now going to communicate mentally.
Tom was already at his computer with no prompting. I jumped in the boat and when the next part was came out of the fabricator, I started working in very great detail on some of the more intricate components. It was well known that the mind had to do this with only an assist by the computer. The computer increased the speed that the fabrication would take and was able to make simple structures from its memory. Only the most powerful computers could do this task on their own. If a good portion of my free time went to this type of work then the new computer would be complete when the large fabricator was.
Updates came to me from Borin. Only half of the original properties I put offers in on were mine. I didn't need more than one but this could be like a shell game where a suspicious person would be constantly looking under the wrong walnut shell. I just might have to have a few empty shells though.
Borin's probes found more debris. Some was on the Chinese mainland and buried under a great many years of accumulation. No pattern as of yet had shown itself and the crystal was the largest piece found thus far.
No reports came in about the elements I wanted but these things could not be rushed. I would feel very guilty if there were problems if either man came under official scrutiny.
Borin had used all the material I sent her the first time. The additional load would take three months to get close and reverse course. This load should complete all of the missing hull. I would still have to send material that was not usually found in cometary debris. The motors and guidance systems from the antimatter missiles would be good for this task.
I came in late and mentally fatigued. Margaret seemed to be the same way and asked me a great deal more about the program itself and the data used to make it work. I talked around the subject and mentioned that my family had used this sort of thing for a long time. She found it difficult to imagine my family not taking over the Earth centuries ago and making it run right but she didn't say that out loud.
The girls were progressing not only very well with their studies but with the integration of the various portions of their minds. They didn't bother me too much about not paying attention to them for they knew that duty in many cases had to come before lovemaking. In bed though it was a different. I did my own duty and it was good that the girls needed less sleep to function adequately.
Tom and Margaret were preoccupied with all the things they had learned through the computer. Tommy was too but he was still trying to get all the warring portions of his mind to agree to help me and not go screaming as he ran down the street.
Megan and Sandra wanted me to talk to the girls again. They all needed to touch me or to do something that would let any one of them enjoy what they had before. I too acted like a soldier and tried to be diplomatic yet firm in what I would do and not do. I explained how I had done what I could to educate them. It was now their turn to educate a poor uneducated lout into the proper way to please a lady.
My task for today though was to continue with the fabrication I had started last night. I came up for air when the girls talked at their mealtime. I got a bit to eat myself but when they left, I returned to what only I could do.
Tommy interrupted me when he came home. I let him get a snack and enter the boat for his own work. It took him only moments to find this like home. An hour later I knew that if it were up to him, he would never step into his bedroom again now that he had this.
I gave him a small room on the boat that would be his and he took this literally. When the girls came home, they too entered the boat and began their own courses. The girls complimented Tommy on having a room to himself. They knew that theirs was with the captain no matter how cramped it was. Work was already planned to take out an adjoining wall so we would have a double cabin for three people.
Tommy asked Borin some pertinent points then brought what articles he could from his home and set up housekeeping. I knew that any scut work he would be happy to do as long as he learned a bit more about the boat. The talk of pilots the day before had hit its mark.
Today I ordered pizza and hoped that this would substitute for my not making the meal.
We all went back into the house before the parents arrived. Pizza came soon after. It didn't seem to matter for each was anxious to get back to their own study. It would be difficult for Margaret for she had to mark some papers that she could not get an assistant to do.
Work resumed right after the meal. Tommy though wanted to sleep in the boat. "You may if you wish but only after your parents know about me. They will know you are safe then. Parents are funny like that."
I stayed up late finishing a part and then climbed into bed. The girls were tired and for the first time we just slept.
Thursday and Friday were much the same. The girls had worked hard on their minds and bodies and it was getting time to bring Margaret into the fold gradually.
Tom was in his study learning more about power generation equipment. Tommy was busy on his own work and of course was in the boat.
I called upstairs to Margaret and said, "Margaret, if you have a moment will you come down to the kitchen?"
"Ok, Leif."
Margaret came in and sat at the table with her daughters on both sides of her. I said, "We were supposed to have a talk about how your daughters are progressing. It is very obvious that they are much more intelligent. Both can receive thoughts from others and project themselves strongly. There is a lot of other things that you do not know and I think it is time you found out."
"What sort of things?"
"A small demonstration is good for a start. Don't get squeamish on us though. It will look far worse than it is. There is no danger."
Sandra got a small dish towel and laid in on the table. A quick flick of a very sharp knife had Margaret almost faint. She was about to yell when Sandra said, "Mom, will you be quiet and watch?"
Sandra moved her skin into position with her fingers and the wound sealed. Cells that had been separated by the knife were united with their neighbours once again. With a bit of manipulation the wound was closed perfectly. Margaret was amazed but not as much as when three minutes passed the wound itself had disappeared. Megan got a damp cloth and washed away the blood. Sandra presented the arm to her mother. Margaret examined the area minutely and when she looked at me still not understanding, I handed her a magnifying glass.
It took a few more minutes for this inspection before she looked questioningly at Sandra and said, "How did you do that?"
"When Leif improved my mind, it was in many more ways than you know of. I have virtually full control of my body. I can repair myself if I am alive to do so. That means that I can change the colour of my skin or change my height even. My muscle cells can be changed along with the bones and ligaments. I can be very strong without even looking like it. Leif is that way. He is the strongest person I have ever heard of."
Margaret looked at me still not understanding. "Listen to Megan now," I asked.
Megan held her mother's hand and said, "This is the time when I should have my period. I have voluntarily stopped it now. When the three of us decide to have children we will have the periods resume. Birth too will be easier because I control all my muscles." Megan blushed a bit and added, "Leif already knows first hand about some of the things I can do with my muscles."
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‘I still can’t believe we made love in the middle of that storm,’ Karen commented as the she and Jason, both drenched and covered with pine needles and leaves, walked down the driveway toward the cabin. ‘I’ve never done anything like that before in my life.’ ‘Me, either,’ Jason agreed. ‘It was really wild, wasn’t it?’ ‘I guess!’ Karen exclaimed. ‘God, you’ve gotten me to do such crazy and wonderful things!’ Jason opened the door and the two of them walked into the house. ‘Holy shit, look at...
As the plane sliced smoothly through the air she sat, softly smiling to herself. It has been nearly a year since they were first introduced. At this point she could just kick herself for waiting this long to get on a plane to meet him. After all the talking they had done online, spending hours every evening just enjoying each other’s company, and the countless phone calls that had wracked up her phone bill calling to the other side of the country…it was almost as if meeting him in person was...
I'm 32 years old, dirty blonde hair, green eyes and curvy. I recently reconnected with an old friend from my 'formative' years.I was out in Napa Valley for work,and he decided to take a road trip and decided to come and see me.To be honest, I thought about what it would be like yo fuck him now,and hoped that maybe something might happen.I made sure to wear a cute new bra and panty set that I had just baought.A lacy black bra, and some sheer black thong panties with little crystals.Very cute.I...
I was a freshman honor student in Dr. Blair's Ancient Mediterranean Cultures class. The class was my favorite because of my interest in history, and because Dr. Gina Blair was about the sexiest woman I had ever seen. The lecture hall was always packed the four days a week that she lectured so I arrived early on Tuesday morning to get a seat near the front. Dr. Blair arrived right on time and began to discuss the ancient Egyptians. I took notes and tried not to fantasize too much about the sexy...
“Screwed any nice school girls recently?” Charles asked as his brother approached. “No,” he replied with a steely stare, “Have you?” Charles turned on his heel, “Insolent bastard, can I have his head cut off now I’m King?” he enquired of his chief flunky who attended him dressed like the doorman at the Ritz hotel. “I don’t believe so your Majesty,” he replied. “Well fucking get the law changed, I’m the fucking King now, remember.” Charles said pleasantly. Something caught his eye, “Oh...
Lori had been home from Harriet’s for a few hours. She felt energized and slightly electric, but what had actually happened was a little blurry. Her body could remember quite clearly just how good it felt. ‘Who knew that Harriet could make me cum like that,’ she thought and her hand slid down between her legs.She cupped herself and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her cunny throbbed as she remembered how Harriet’s dripping cunt had felt on hers. “Who have you been doing that with, Harriet?”The...
HorrorHours later they were struggling up the side of a steep slope. It leveled off, and Clipper breathed a sigh of relief. Trees were getting thinner, the higher they climbed. Finally, a quarter of a mile further up the slope, Girl spied a tunnel entrance, and called it out to Clipper. They headed for it, curious. When they got there, it was even more surprising. It was just a hole, literally, cut into the rock of the mountainside. There were no buildings or anything near it. Not any longer, at...
His striped cotton pajamas parted and the bed sheet rose up like a tent over his groin, supported on the big pole of his prick as it loomed up in an instant erection. He listened to the sound of protesting bedsprings as Mom and Dad got to work. After a while he slid a hand under the sheets, reaching down to his hard-on. He played with his balls a bit, then took his prick in his hand and began to toss it up and down in rhythm with the sounds of parental passion. But he kept pausing from time...
The early morning light came through the window as the sun gently rose to bring the day of all days.Today was the day when I would meet the man of my dreams, that big beautiful stud, oh I had waited so long for this.I would start with a nice long soak in the tub and apply all the skin softeners, also to repeatedly shave my entire body so as to be girly smooth. My long blonde hair now down to my shoulders with a hint of streak in it was soft and silky.When I was washed and powdered I began...
Lilly was beside herself when Jamie got out of the car. He seemed to come back darker every year and his hair lighter. He was positively manly for fifteen. She immediately began planning his visits to Philadelphia relatives and shopping trips to New York and lunch at the club. She planned for him to meet some nice girls this year which she hoped would make him want to stay home next summer regardless of what Jed wanted. Lilly could have saved herself the aggravation of all the social...
A Funeral for Everyone All of Geralt Bellegrade's friends and family knew that sooner rather than later he would die a sudden death from a severe epileptic seizure. Even with people being shocked in the fact that the walking dead man was still alive, the news of his death was devastating. His death was an inevitable as the Sun rising from the east, but people took the news like they saw the Sun rise from the west. In some manner it is harder to accept a death of someone in the prime...
Sexual activity in general is associated with various risks. The risks of sexual intercourse include unwanted pregnancy and contracting a sexually transmitted infection such as HIV/AIDS, which can be reduced with availability and use of a condom or adopting other safe sex practices. Contraceptives specifically reduce the chance of pregnancy. The risks are higher for young adolescents because their brains are not neurally mature. Several brain regions in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex...
Amelia Marks stood staring out of the large window in her office. The lady with the dark-hair, neatly tied in a bun, smiled as she watched the late summer sunshine rising in the blue sky and begin to cover the new Sixth Form building and the extensive playing fields and sports pitches beyond that. The new Head Mistress at the exclusive, fee-paying Alannah Lawrence Girl’s College closed her eyes and stood day-dreaming for a few moments before she turned her attention back to what she needed to...
SpankingThis is a follow up story to “My First Time With Another Woman.” After Wynona, the married woman with whom I had a lesbian affair with moved away it was several months before I hooked up with another female. Several of us girls at work got together for lunch once or twice a week and often on Thursday nights we’d go directly from work and have a few drinks before going home. One of the girls, Dori, an open lesbian living a lesbian lifestyle, and I became close friends. Now Dori has a partner,...
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Lee rolled over in bed to find himself nose to nose with Tania, his girlfriend of almost a year. Tania looked back at him without a hint of guile in her expression. Lee sighed and closed his eyes. He had been expecting this question. Dreading it, even. By all accounts, the only “right” way to answer was basically to lie. “What?” He said, buying time. Tania averted her eyes in feigned nonchalance. “I dunno, I just feel like if I was born as a worm, you...
Mind ControlBrenda seemed genuinely glad to see us, in spite of what transpired the day before. I assume she was getting bored sitting in the hotel room. From the dirty dishes outside her door, I was glad to see that she was eating. I am sure the guy who delivered it got an eye full. Beth explained to her mom that she would be going back to the house with us. She even helped her get dressed into the clothes she had brought for her. She had on a basic pair of gym trunks and one of my white workout...
What’s in a name? Well, at Xsanp69.com, I really don’t have any fucking idea. Sixty-nine is the not-so-secret code for one of my favorite forms of mutual oral sex, but the rest is sheer gibberish to me. It sounds like the autistic kid who keeps killing you in Fortnite, but nah, it’s actually a free video tube full of famous Internet babes and social media sluts with their clothes off. Free is one of my favorite prices, especially when I lost my wallet with my pants somewhere along the bus ride....
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesWednesday evening Alice is all ready for her boyfriend Trevor to come over and get ready to study since his grades weren't always the best. Trevor had a hard time keeping focused on the work and not playing with her so they never got much accomplished during their tutoring. Finally she thought, four a clock and he should be here any moment. Time for studying was out the window today since it was their four month anniversary since both turning eighteen. Trevor walks in looking the same as he...
Hi, Indian sex stories dot net friends am back with my previous story which I stopped as it couldn’t be completed with out your encouragement. So here I come with the continuation and thanks for the lovely feed back and am very much happy as I have been responded with such an excitement. Coming to the story, as me and my maid Swathi was totally involved in the act my maid had to go back as it was getting late for her. So I said her as the main course is done but what about the household job...
Victoria June is one of the thickest most gorgeous models on the circuit. We were attempting to bake a cake with her, but things got way too sexy way too quickly. She started rubbing the flour all over her phat ass and massive tits. We could not look away. She was begging to get fucked right there on the kitchen table, and we could not deny that from her. Her pussy was the yummiest thing we had ever felt and we kept pounding her down until she couldn’t take it anymore. She had some whipped...
xmoviesforyouRose took the eighteen year old boy back to her bedroom. Once there she undid her robe and let it slide to the floor showing her naked body. She then unbuttoned his shirt and removed it and pulled him tight to her full tits. She kissed his mouth giving him lots of tongue as she rubbed her nipples against his chest. Her nipples got hard feeling the boys warm skin. She took his hands and put them on her tits and rubbed herself while kissing him more and pushing her tongue in deeper in his mouth...
Louise was a beautiful girl with long, straight brown hair and a lovely figure, who did the same course as me at university. I had been admiring her from afar for about a year, trying to pick up the courage to ask her out, and I was extremely jealous when I heard she was sleeping with one of our lecturers. Then one night we were at a party together and somehow we started kissing. We were standing in the hallway, tongues exploring each other's mouths, when I slipped one hand under the sweater...
EroticAt only 20, Magnolia was a unique beauty. She had cold blue eyes like sapphires, and long fine hair that was so pale it was almost a perfect white. Most of the villagers in the town she had settled in assumed this was a result of the magic she used, but it had always this color. She was a somewhat petite Woman, but only in height. Magnolia, or Maggy for short, made all the heads turn. Her breasts were so large it was a wonder how she stayed upright, and they were so perky too, especially...
FantasyOnce my cock was lubricated with her saliva, she got down on all fours and shook her ample ass back and forth seductively. Mom handed me the bottle of lube. I silently smothered her small red hole and my cock in the stuff. I lightly wiggled my thumb into her ass, exploring her anal cavity for the first time."Go slow," she said.My thumb lubricated the opening to her ass. I pulled my finger out when I felt she was ready and got up on my knees behind her. With a deep breath, I lined my cock up...
End of Exams – Part 1 Samantha’s last exam is at 10:00am Saturday morning. She has been studying hard, trying to put together the concepts in her mind. I have always admired how hard she works at the things that interest her. I have been working hard, too. I am planning an end-of-exams surprise for her. So, 8:00 am Saturday morning comes, and the alarm goes off. Sam is awake quickly and turns off the alarm. She always rolls out of bed before I do, and she is off to the shower before my eyes...
"Davy what do you mean she has been kidnapped?" screamed Mike's voice in the cell phone. Davy stood there listing to Mike's frantic words. "It means what I said. The bastard who killed my mom has..." Davy cried out. "What does he want?" Mike interrupted. "Nine thousand dollars, I am waiting on his call now," Davy said with despair in his voice. "Davy, snap out of it. "It's my fault Sir..." "No it's not. Now cut that shit out. When you talk with him, tell him I will pay...
It was summertime, and hot. I popped on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and went for a walk. The local wood, not a beauty spot by any means, looked lovely in the bright sunlight, and under the trees there was some respite from the heat. A cool breeze rustled the branches, making the light dance around in frantic patterns.I found myself at a secluded spot, and sat myself down against a tree. I dozed for a little and dreamed some in my sleep. I awoke, suddenly, to the sound of giggling nearby,...
I love to fantasise when i make love ,my partner always goes on about threesomes and i was never sure if he really wanted too or if there was another reason for it , he used to be a very jealous type , did'nt like me talkin to other guys let alone shag them ,since his turnaround i had thoughts that he did'nt love me anymore ,silly things creep into my head , but i do know for certain he does love me as much now as he always has, he just says it's excitement for both of us he wants , that we are...
ToysRachel came home from school, tossed her bag on the counter, rushed upstairs to her room and slammed the door. She pushed the lock button on the handle, but it kept popping out. She didn't have time for this. When it stuck in a little she thought to herself "oh, good enough," and then flopped down on the bed. She had work to do. Rachel pulled off her tight skinny jeans, and pulled down her plain black panties. She lamented that these were the sexiest things her mother would let her buy. Rachel...
MasturbationSomeday My Prince Will Come This happened in 2011 and is, as always, true:I had come up with a product, well sourced several products, and knitted them together, it had to do with toll payments for passage through the Suez Canal, if you're interested. As the leader on the project it was up to me to close the deal between my then-company and a company whose interests included vast amounts of modular shipping (containers). The company was headquartered in Dubai.No trip there for me though,...
On hearing the medic's exultant cry that their patient was alive, Pete Riordan sighed in relief. He was glad that his delayed arrival had apparently not caused a truly tragic event. "So what do we have here, guys?" he asked as he moved so that he could see the patient between the two medics. "Oh, Christ!" he exclaimed as he saw that the pasty white faced girl on the floor was Julie. "You know her?" asked one medic. "She's a friend, yeah," he said worriedly. "Is she going to be...
Nature's alarm clock of serenading birds singing were in full chorus as if trying to chase away the bleak darkness of the night. Streams of sunlight teasing through the cloudy sky probed through the thin gap in the curtains. Bridget's eyelids felt like they were glued shut. Slowly, and forcibly, they opened. She had slept heavy when she had finally drifted off, but the night was a restless one. Having agreed, whole-heartedly to the task ahead, she could now sense the nervousness and dread...
Hello Doston I am Rocky (name changed) and regular reader of ISS. This is going to be my first story. Since sex stories are always best when you read them in hindi , so I am going to share with you my experience with my cousin in Hindi. Meri cousin ka naam Nirali he. Jo mere se 2 saal badi he. Waise to dikhne me wo itni sundar nhi par average zaroor he.Figure me uska aapko batau to uska weight takreeban 85 ke karib hoga. Moti honi ki wajah se uske boobs kaafi bade the normal size se aur uski...
Hi readers, I am Virat from Pune. I am 5″7, very handsome and athletic built. Disha used to visit my neighbour (her Nani) every vacation. It was her maternal grandparent’s place. She looked like Urmila Matondkar. She was 5″6, extremely beautiful and well shaped. Disha also had a sexy accent. Disha and I knew each other since we were 12 years old. She used to like my accent. We were 18 years old when we made out and had sex. I saw her from my balcony one day. She told me that she had come for a...
Fortunately although she diid see him from time to time when she visited the works canteen he never mentioned anything to her about that particular night. Indeed several weeks had passed until one lunch time she had to go one of the storerooms on the works site.The works buildings were some 200yds away seperated by a large storage yard. In her smart pinstriped Business suit and white blouse she was certainly noticeable on her journey over to the storeroom. Having completed her task she was...
I have worked for my boss for about 15 years. He and I are the same age his wife Joyce is 4 years younger and my wife Jill is 2 years younger. We had k**s the same age so we did some things together when they were smaller. Than a few years ago he kind of changed and I could only be around him at work. I would only see his wife a couple times a year after that. About 2 years ago she came by the office and I could see that she had a boob job. She must be a 36D now she had pretty small tits...
The following story does not imply or depict sex involving minors (persons under the age of 18). As this is a fairly long read, here is a preview of what exactly you can expect: The protagonist is an attractive male who shall enjoy younger and more attractive females, a male fantasy. All scenes are mf, one is mff. Assuming plain vanilla sex can involve a big cock, big cum, blowjobs, and the like, there is very little kink and minimal ick factor. As a writer I have tried to be worthy. I hope you...
*************************************************** “Megan…” I groaned as I ground my face into hers. Our desperate lips caressed each other’s as our passion built and built. I was on fire and I could tell she was the same. Her soft long dirty blonde hair fluttered at my cheeks as I kissed her fiercely. “Oh Adam…” she whispered back as my hands caressed her smooth shoulders and back as I moved my lips to the nape of her long neck and gently bit into her soft flesh. I alternated...
Weremained still as I enjoyed feeling his big black cock deep in me. He twitched his tool and I felt it stretch my outer muscle and winced at the movement. His cock seemed to have grown even larger after the deep plunging into my eager wet hole. Our sweaty bodies stayed glued together and after a while, his weight forced me back onto my belly. I kept my ass slightly raised and gripped that beautiful pleasure giving cock in place. He swayed his hips to let me know he was right where he wanted to...
Gay MaleWhen I got home, Joyce could see immediately that something bad had happened to me. She knew me so well. I could see the concern on her face. "What happened, Kenny? Did something bad happen?" Joyce started moving towards me. For whatever reason, or just because I needed someone to be at fault, I blamed Joyce for Brenda's being unfaithful to me. In my mind, she and I had this unwritten contract that she would always take whatever steps necessary to further all my interests, and to...
ENJOY :) I had been fingering my hole on a daily basis because my itchy spot had started a craving deep inside me and the only way to satisfy it would be to poke and rub it repeating an endless cycle. My time alone with myself after my discovery of my itchy spot deep in my big round plump butt however was cut short because my mom told me i was going to visit my dad, Paul and that side of the family for the summer. At 6:30 pm, off to Rankin, Illinois i went..... Three and a half hours...
2184 A.D. 1.5 million miles from Earth, a large grey ship glides silently through the depths of space, carrying its slumbering cargo of passengers and supplies towards a newly verdant planet. The ship, The Eden, had left the overpopulated and polluted Earth 48 years earlier, the intrepid passengers volunteering to enter cryogenic sleep as the ship, piloted by its computers, shot through the silent depths of space towards mankind's greatest achievement. To create life had always been considered...
IncestSamantha Reigns has had some time to think about what she wants to be when she grows up during quarantine. She calls her stepbrother, Jason, in to bounce her idea off of him. She points out that her friends are posting nudes to social media and making tons of money. If Jason takes nudes of her, she offers him a cut of the profits. Jason can be bought, so he eventually agrees. Soon enough, Jason is snapping photos of his hot stepsis as she strips and strikes sexy poses. When Jason seems to be...
xmoviesforyouHi readers! I hope you a doing fine during these troublesome times! Please keep safe! I know I haven’t been posting for a long time. I have been stuck up amid a lot of things. I am coming to the story about my sister’s friend. For the pretext, my family thinks I haven’t had sex till now. They consider me one of the most innocent people! But the two lockdowns have made my sex life bad. I have been sex-deprived to the core. I have been fapping my way through these lockdowns as the only option. I...
Quote du Jour “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets.” - Troy Gordon ✧ ✧ ✧ A ten year Old Girl asks her mommy, ‘Mommy how was I born?” The mother smiled and replied, “Once upon a time me and your daddy decided to plant a wonderful little seed. Daddy put it the earth and I took care of it every single day. After a while the seed started to grow more and more leaves and in a few months, it turned into a beautiful healthy plant. So we took the plant,...
I try waiting for you, I really do, but I can’t help myself. The thoughts running around my head are making me wiggle. I run upstairs and strip myself of my clothes, my cock swaying, half-hard in anticipation of what we might do later. I spread a towel at the foot of our bed grabbing a dildo and lube out of our toy box. I prop my back against the bed, shoulders against the ground, legs spread in the air. This my new favorite position to play with my toy. Grabbing the lube I squirt a healthy...