The Nightmare Inside Chapter 6 free porn video

Lori had been home from Harriet’s for a few hours. She felt energized and slightly electric, but what had actually happened was a little blurry. Her body could remember quite clearly just how good it felt. ‘Who knew that Harriet could make me cum like that,’ she thought and her hand slid down between her legs.
She cupped herself and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her cunny throbbed as she remembered how Harriet’s dripping cunt had felt on hers. “Who have you been doing that with, Harriet?”
The question was out of her mouth before the thought had taken root in her mind, but now it was there. The thought tasted bitter and she felt flooded with jealousy. Lori didn’t like the idea that Harriet had been sharing those delicious treats with anyone else and behind her back.
Lori straightened her back and shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind of those thoughts. “Not now, Lori. Stay focused. You can explore this other line of thought later,” she scolded herself. When she turned to make another circle around her room her eyes fell on the calendar beside her desk.
She walked closer and saw that today’s date had been circled and written in the tiny square were the words, “Kill Day”.
“What the fuck?” She ran her fingers over the date. It was her handwriting, but she didn’t remember writing it. “Kill who?”
Her fingers touched the words again and she began to mumble, “Does it really matter at this point? Just two more and I’ll be free.”
'Oh yes, free. Free to be just like your mother, a pathetic bore.' The laughter filled her ears.
“Shut up!”
Lori suddenly felt the weight of everything that has happened this summer. She looked back at her calendar and at the two things written on it. “Kill Day” and “Moving Day”. The difference between those two notes was shocking and they made Lori tired and sad. “Kill someone today and exactly one week later, you move into your dorm. Yep, that’s normal.”
‘What is normal anymore? Nothing had been normal since I saw that fortune teller,’ she thought and then something hit her. ‘Why had I heard Madame V’s voice? Could she be the gypsy?’
“God Lori, get a grip on yourself, this curse is making you too paranoid. The gypsy would be long dead, cold bone and ash in some old graveyard. But what if she was connected to them? She could be an ancestor and that’s why they connected in her tent that day.”
Her mind was racing, it was trying to find a way to connect all the pieces when she heard her phone chirp, causing her to pause her need to play Nancy Drew. The only person that had texted her all summer was Harriet so her mind instantly shifted gears.
Lor’s heart pounded and she could almost feel Harriet's hands on her again. The warmth sliding along her skin, and it made her moan. “Stop it, Lori. You really shouldn’t be thinking about your best friend this way. Last night didn’t kill her, but I could and I can’t risk that.”
She walked to her bed thinking she would just swipe the message away and shower off the remaining traces of Harriet when the name took her breath. Todd. Not Harriet like she had expected. She tossed the phone back on the bed and took off for the shower.
The water was hotter than it should have been and burned her skin. The steam filled her lungs as the water cascaded down around her. Try as she might she couldn’t shake the unpleasant plan from forming into her mind. She kept hearing Madame V saying that Harriet and Todd would end up together. It made her angry and jealous, but not for the way, it used to. Now it was jealousy for Harriet, not because of Todd. She no longer cared for him.
She didn’t know why she hadn't thought of it before. She would kill two birds with one stone, so to speak and as the 'misfortune teller' had said, ‘Change her destiny.’
After she stepped out of the shower and had her towel securely around her, she went back to her room for her cell phone. Todd’s message was still there. “Hey, Lori. Thank you for your message. It meant a lot.”
“What message?” she asked the message and then scrolled up to see that she had indeed sent him a message early this morning. She would have been passed out by then. All it said was, “I’m still here if you need me.”
“Hi, Todd. I know we ended, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care,” she rolled her eyes and then continued, “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about Jason. If you ever want to talk just let me know. No hard feelings, Todd. xoxo”
She was smiling to herself and had just set the phone on the bed when it rang. It scared her and she jumped, answering it quickly. “Well, that was quick,” she said with a startled laughed.
His laugh in response was nervous and doubtful. “Hey. I know I usually just text, but I needed to hear your voice.” His tone was desperate and needy. He was clearly a wreck. This thought made me her smile wickedly, and then almost immediately feel bad.
“No, it’s okay. I’m glad you called. I’ve been worried about you, I just haven’t had the nerve to call or text you.”
“I’m sorry,” he said softly.
They talked for a while. She stretched out naked across her bed and was only half listening as he rambled on and on. He had never been that talkative before so it was clear who he really cared for most. Jason. Her fingers were twirling around one of her nipples and she wondered wickedly just how much he would still care for Jason if he knew just how eagerly he had fucked her.
That side wanted to tell him. Perhaps cry in a confession, “Oh Todd, I have to tell you something. Jason fucked me before he died. His cock was so much bigger than yours and it stretched my pussy as it had never been stretched by you.”
She stifled the giggle but decided against it. Jason had been willing to risk their precious friendship easily enough. Bros before hoes, she had heard them say it dozens of times. ‘Yeah fucking right,’ she rolled her eyes. She didn’t want her next kill to be someone that hadn’t done anything to her. Angie, the barista had upset her. She didn’t want that again. Todd on the other hand. Todd had hurt her and according to the fortune teller, he was going to continue to hurt her.
The thoughts of Angie made her sit up and she interrupted him. In her sweet as syrup voice she said, “Todd, I know you said that your parents are out of town, is there anything I can do to help you? You know food...” her voiced soften then she continued, “Or something.”
Lori heard his gasp softly and knew he had heard the offer in her voice. As much as Todd loved to eat and he definitely loved to eat, he enjoyed what she was offering far more.
His voice shook with a mixture of tears and excitement. “Could… I mean… Could you come over?”
She grinned like the Cheshire cat. ‘Men are so easy,” she thought and cleared her throat to make sure he didn’t hear her own excitement. “Of course I can baby… Oops, I mean, Todd. I’ll be in over in about twenty minutes.”
Lori laid back down feeling this warmth flowing through her body. Her hands danced lightly along her skin feeling it tingle under her fingertips. They danced over her mound and her hips pushed up. Feeling her juices start to flow and a slight pulsing need grew, she had to admit that she loved this. She loved how strong it made her feel. How sexual and confident in herself it made her.
‘You will miss me if you finish this,’ the sultry voice that she had begun thinking of as her’s, whispered from deep inside.
The voice stopped her fingers from pressing against her clit. “I have to,” she replied softly. Lori suddenly felt bad about what she was going to do to Todd. After all, this was the guy she used to love, they had a history.
A cool shiver ran through her and another voice, louder and with a little more venom than the first filled Lori’s head. "Don't be such a sentimental fool! If you need to moralize this, then think of it this way. He cheated on you! He chose his destiny when he made that choice. He chose when he picked some slut over you."
"Why would you want me to do this? If I don't, I'll lose and you'll become completely one with me." Lori said her voice filled with confusion.
That familiar mocking laughter came as a replied. It was not as strong as it has been, but Lori knew it meant there was something she was missing.
“What is it?” Lori asked sitting up in bed. She went to the bathroom mirror hoping to catch of a glimpse of the succubus, but there was only a vague shimmer of her. “Tell me why you are laughing.”
‘Once again you foolish child you know nothing.’
“Then tell me!” she yelled at the mirror.
There was more soft mocking laughter followed by, ‘You’ll figure it out. The question is, will it be in time?’ and the shimmer faded. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her stomach clenched with hunger and she knew she needed to get dressed.
She had applied a little make-up and thrown her hair up in a bun on top of her head. She already knew what she was going to wear. It was a, not too fancy, little black dress that she had worn on several dates with him. It was one that had always gotten the same reaction from him. His cock would grow hard and he would become handsy. No matter where they were at, the backseat of his car, his living room couch, even under the bleachers. Sometimes he was a little too overeager, but that would be good for tonight.
She put on the dress and felt it settle against her bare skin. Lori always felt a little different when she wore it. She had always felt a little more sexy, a little more in control while wearing it. She sprayed his favorite scent, sweet orange, into the air and walked through it then slipped into her crimson strappy heels. He loved to fuck her in those heels and tonight she was going to love being fucked in them.
Todd lived two streets behind her, but there was a sidewalk that ran through the wooded areas and connected the roads making it easier to get there. She was able to slip into the woods. This path used to scare her at nights. Every sound, every snapping twig made her jump and think someone was going to grab her. She laughed at this and thought, ‘I almost wish they would.’
Lori walked on his porch, confident in her mission and reached up to knock, but the door opened and Todd stood there with his mouth gaped open. “Wow,” she heard him mumble.
‘The dress does it every time,’ she thought and gave him a warm sexy smile. “Hello to you too, Todd. You gonna let me in?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” he said and ushered her in eagerly.
She noticed the beer cans, pizza boxes and empty Chinese containers strewn about the floor just as the smell hit her. ‘Wow, he must have been drinking for days,’ she thought and touched her fingers to her nose.
“So. Um, how long have your parents been gone?” she walked into the kitchen and wished she hadn’t. The trash was piled in a crude rendition of The Leaning Tower of Pisa and looked as if even one more fortune cookie wrapper could topple it to the floor.
“They left for our yearly family vacation five days ago.”
‘That would explain the smell,’ she thought and walked back towards the living room.
“I didn’t want to go this year. I mean Jason always came with me, it didn’t feel right going.”
There were blankets and pillows on one of the overstuffed couches along with a dirty sock and what could have been a pair of dirty underwear, but she wasn’t going to get too close to tell. The pillows and blankets made her feel a little better, that meant he was sleeping down here and upstairs should still be clean.
Todd seemed to have finally worked up the nerves and leaned in for a hug, but Lori flinched back and held up her hands. “Todd, darling, no offense, but you smell. Go shower and I’ll greet you properly.” She tried to smile to lessen the rejection, but there was no way she was going to let him touch her.
He blushed brightly. “Sorry, I’ll go up and do that now,” he said and motioned to the couch, “the game systems hooked up if you wanted to play something while you wait. I don’t know what I have to eat, but there’s plenty of sodas in the fridge if you want one.” Then he ran upstairs to shower.
She looked around the room. “Oh you are crazy to think I’m waiting down here,” she mumbled and went upstairs slowly, listening to make sure the water was running.
Lori opened his door slowly, holding her breath afraid of what she would find, but to her complete relief, it was spotless as normal. She went inside and sat on the foot of his bed to wait for him.
Ten minutes later Todd walked in the room wearing only his towel. He was shocked to see her.
“The stale beer smell was a little strong down there,” she offered apologetically.
He waved a dismissing hand. “It’s okay, you’ve been in here plenty of times and yeah now that’s clean, I can only guess how bad it is down there. Mom would piss herself if she saw the mess.”
Lori laughed a little because she knew it was true. Everyone knew that Todd’s mother was a germaphobe.
His head hung and he made a soft sound like he was starting to cry again. “I’m sorry, it just randomly hits me you know?”
She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her braless breasts against his chest. "Aw, you poor boy. It’s okay, you don’t have to be strong with me.”
He gave her a gentle squeeze and leaned back, giving her a weak grin. "You have always been really sweet to me. I'm sorry for what I did to you. I don't deserve your kindness.”
'Argh fuck, don't be nice it will make this hard,’ her mind had already started to become flustered from being in his arms, smelling that oh so familiar smell. This feeling of rage slipped through her body and she suddenly wanted to poke at him.
They were still in a hug and facing each other when she asked, “What happened to the that… Erm… Girl you were seeing?”
He stepped back out of her embraced and actually blushed a little. “I’m still seeing her. She’s on vacation too. Her parents wanted to take her someplace night before school started.”
“Oh, well, that’s nice.” Lori felt the jealousy building and turned towards his shelf and ran her fingers over it. “Is she nice?”
“She really is, I think you like. I know it’s only been a few days, but I really miss her.”
That was it. Her jealousy exploded inside her. That was the fuel to add to Lori’s rage to stop her from feeling guilty about taking his soul. ‘I think you’d like her. How could he say that to me? I think you’d like her? I think I wish she was here so I could take her first,’ Lori snarled.
On the outside, she gave him a warm smile and turned back to the shelf seething. ‘Good,’ the voice inside her hissed, ‘Yes use that, let the hate flow through you.’
Lori covered her mouth and quickly turned her head so Todd couldn’t see she almost burst into laughter. She was on the verge of killing her ex-boyfriend and her conscience was quoting Star Wars: Return of the Jedi at herself. Harriet would have been proud.
“Oh no Lori, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said and pulled her into his arms.
“What?” she mumbled against his chest.
“I shouldn’t have said that to you. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
She almost laughed again because he thought she had started to cry not laugh. Instead of correcting him she used it to her advantage. Her arms went around his neck holding him tightly, and when she spoke softly, her lips brushed against his neck. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
“It’s okay, Lori, I understand.” His voice was husky and when she pressed harder against him she could feel his hardening cock press into her hip.
“You do?” she asked and looked at him with such a sweet sad look.
Without another word, he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, crushing them. Her mouth opened, inviting his tongue to slide in and explore her hot wet mouth. Her fingers gripped into his still damp hair and the kiss grew more intense by the second.
Her body slowly wiggled, rubbing her breasts along his naked chest. The material on her dress was so thin she knew he could feel her nipples. His hands moved down her back and gripped her ass, lifting her onto her tiptoes as he pulled her into him and pushed his hips into her. She moaned loudly.
Todd broke the kiss and looked at her. His eyes were full of a mixture of affection and lust. She could tell he wasn't thinking about his girlfriend, at this moment she no longer existed. ‘Just the way it used to be,’ she thought and felt an ache in her chest.
‘Don’t you dare think of stopping now. Feel how good this feels. How much control you finally have with him,’ that spiteful little voice said and she closed her eyes to took a deep breath. Lori felt the sexual tension in the air and her body tightened with need.
He walked her backward until the backs of her knees hit the mattress, then he grabbed her and kissed her hard again. His hands were everywhere. He grabbed her dressed and ripped it off her, not even bothering to unzip it.
She heard the think fabric rip and felt the cool air caress her skin as it slid off her body. Her pussy throb at the sound of her ripping dress. This was more passion and fire than he had ever had before. It seemed to almost match her own.
Lori looked into his eyes and sat on the bed, then moved slowly back towards the headboard. She was showing him she was naked except for her crimson heels. She reached up and pulled the pins out of her hair and let it fall out of the bun. Then she leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs. “Show me your cock, Todd. I’ve missed it.”
He looked down at her and gave the grin that had made her a sucker for so long. She always loved the look of his cock and looking at the thick outline of it in the towel made her lick her lips. He dropped the towel and she licked her lips again and felt her juices slipping through her lips. She thought that it would be a pity to destroy such perfection, but it would be worth it and she wanted to feel him back inside her.
He crawled on the bed between her legs and took a long slow lick of her glistening slit. “Fuck, I’ve missed your tight little cunt. On your knees,” he growled.
“Mmm yes,” she purred in response, rolled over onto her hands and knees and wiggled her ass at him.
Todd gave her ass a little smack and placed his hand on the small of her back. He ran it up her spine to the back of her neck and pushed her down onto the mattress. Then he spread her legs further and she moaned at the feel of his thick bulbous cock head rubbed against her lips. It ran down to her swollen nub pushing into it, rubbing over it, over and over again.
Lori’s fingers gripped the blankets and wiggled slowly back and forth, moaning louder feeling her muscles already throbbing.
He pulled it back up through her lips and pushed just the tip inside her, but moved it up before she could push back. The slick tip bumped against her pucker. She had never allowed him to put it in her ass before, but she suddenly felt herself ache for it. Before she could put too much thought into that, he ran the head down to her opening, nudging just inside.
Todd grabbed her hips and with one hard thrust, slammed fully inside her. It pushed her further into the mattress and her grip on the blanket tightened. She felt it sliding slowly out of her and braced, knowing what was about to happen.
“Fuck, baby, I’ve missed this.” Lori meant it. She missed sex with Todd, it was all the other things that were the problems.
“Me too,” he groaned and rocked back and forth, humping into her hard and fast. She pushed back to meet him helping to set this fast hard pace. Both of them needed it rough.
His breath came out hard and ragged and her juices flowed down her thighs and ran onto his sheets, but she wanted more. A wicked thought popped in her mind and she couldn’t resist asking, “Ooh baby, am I a better fuck than that little slut you’re with now?”
He growled louder and began to drive his cock in and out of her harder.
She could feel her pussy aching and the warmth spreading throughout her body. She laughed, but it was a hateful sound. “Aw, you can tell me, she doesn’t fuc-” He gripped her hair and jerked her back, breaking off what she was saying.
“Shut up,” he groaned and fucked her with more force. His fingers were wrapped in her hair and his other hand was digging into her hip. He was slamming hard, and his balls bounced onto her pussy with each thrust.
That was all she needed. Lori came, moaning her pleasure while her body jerked and shook under his never-ending onslaught.
Once the pleasure began to ease she surprised him by pulling away. She rolled over on her back with her head resting by the headboard. Her legs were spread wide so he could how red, swollen and juicy her cunt was.
He stroked his cum covered cock and watched her fingers moving gently over her pussy. “Tell me, Todd.”
“Tell you what?” he sounded so confused.
“Tell if I’m a better fuck or I will leave and you won’t cum.” Lori felt the rumbling roll through her body as the succubus inside expressed her displeasure. ‘Oh don’t worry, he will cum and you will have his soul.’
“You wouldn’t,” he whined.
Lori closed her legs. “I wouldn’t? Who is the better fuck, Todd? Who’s pussy is better?”
He quickly moved forward and spread her legs apart, grabbed a pillow and placed it under her ass. “You are Goddamnit and you know it! Your pussy is so much better,” his voice was angry and thick with lust.
“Then come and fuck it, baby,” she purred to him, swaying her hips.
Todd needed no further encouragement. He fell on her and slid his cock back inside her dripping pussy. “Yesss,” she groaned at having him back inside her.
His hips thrust in and out almost punishing her for making him say that. The succubus deep inside purred, sending shocking waves through her making her want to cum again.
“You're such a good boy, Todd. I want you to cum inside me, baby.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I need to feel it. I’m going to cum again. Fucking do it, Todd!” She couldn’t believe those words came out of her mouth, but she loved it, it felt like freedom.
He sat up and doubled his efforts. Lori could tell he was so close to cumming so she braced her feet on the bed while he held her hips and slammed into her with everything he could. Her breast bounced and swayed to the rhythm of this frenzied fuck.
“That’s it, baby, right there, fuck I’m cumming. Fill me baby!” she cried out and came again.
Todd groaned and came deep inside her. She pulled him to her and kissed him deeply. She began to pull. The first bit felt cold across her tongue but warmed as it slid down her throat. Lori could feel his cock growing hard again inside her and her pussy throbbed around it. She wondered if she could get another orgasm before she faded.
When Lori opened her eyes, everything was dark. She looked over at the clock and it said it was just after four in the morning. Lori wasn’t sure how long she had been out or how she had gotten home. Trivial things like that didn’t seem to matter anymore.
She knew Todd was dead because there was the familiar taste on her lips and she smiled. “One more to go and I know exactly who it’s going to be. I’m going to end this forever,” she said into the darkness, rolled over and went back to sleep.

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