A Nightmare Reborn Ch. 06 free porn video

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Wes Craven: A Nightmare on Elm Street

Victor Miller: Friday the 13th

John Carpenter: Halloween

Victor Salva: Jeepers Creepers

Clive Barker: Candyman, Hellraiser


Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle


Miriam Belle


-‘In truth, these final two chapters were originally written in one piece. I tend to write longer chapters and while I think the stories improve overall, it is more difficult for the reader to take in everything in one sitting. With that in mind, and considering the great length of Chapter 05, I have split the final chapter into two acts. Enjoy!’ –bluefox07′



Monday, May 16th 2005

‘Hello and good evening,’ Kate Hunt stood in front of her cameraman, Chip Baker, as rain poured down from the heavy, thick clouds above. She wore a yellow rain slicker and held her microphone close as lightning flashed overhead, startling her for a moment. A thunderclap followed shortly thereafter and shook the ground on which she stood. She smiled and composed herself as the live feed continued, ‘I’m reporting to you live from what is left of the Elm Grove Minute Market on Langenkamp Street just south of Elm Grove High. As you can see, the small independently owned business has been burned to the ground-‘

Behind Kate was the smoldering ruin of the Minute Market. Flames were still arching into the sky as firefighters hosed the building down. Like the blaze miles away in Springwood, this fire seemed to be unyielding to the rain and the efforts of the fire fighters. She stepped aside to allow Chip a good view of the ruined building. After a few lingering moments, she then snapped her fingers and the camera was back on her again. After three years of doing this, Chip knew that the camera loved only one image, and that was of Kate. It might stray for the purpose of establishing the setting or the interviewee, but it was in love with Kate completely. At least, that was how she had explained it to him.

‘This is the latest in a bizarre and catastrophic series of events that officials are calling the worst act of arson ever to be committed in the state of Ohio,’ she continued as the fire began to subside behind her, ‘As we speak, an estimated three quarters of the city neighboring Elm Grove to the south, Springwood, is burning to the ground. A mass exodus of refugees from Springwood have been spilling into Elm Grove, Crystal Lake and other neighboring communities as this crisis goes from bad to worse.’

Kate cringed as another thunderclap assaulted her ears, ‘In the midst of these acts of arson, there are unconfirmed reports that several police officers were killed in the fire at the Springwood Police station. This incredible series of events began Saturday night when an apparent rash of teen suicides occurred in Springwood, prompting extreme acts of random violence and what many are calling mass hysteria.

The Governor has declared a state of emergency as rescue crews and police try to contain the situation. The current instructions for everyone living in the Springwood area is to evacuate in an orderly fashion and proceed to safe locations in neighboring towns. The Elm Grove chief of police, Edward Chang is expected to make an announcement giving further instructions within the hour. Reporting to you live from Elm Grove, Ohio I’m Kate Hunt.’

Chip shut off the camera as smoke curled through the air, ‘Great job!’

‘Shut the fuck up,’ she rolled her eyes and slapped her microphone against his jacket, ‘That was terrible. Did you hear that thunder? I couldn’t even think let alone talk. How did I look?’

‘You looked great,’ Chip smiled and followed her to the van. The side door slid open and they stepped inside, ‘You were perfect.’

Kate took off the slicker and looked at it, her nose crinkled and a look of pure disgust etched across her face, ‘And what the fuck is up with this ‘Gilligan’s Island’ rain coat? Chip, I’m vying to move into network news. I have to look as good as I sound.’

‘Hey, it looks good with your hair,’ he shrugged as she tossed it to him.

‘It’s shit,’ she said flatly, ‘I have short red hair. Get me a raincoat that compliments a sexy red, okay?’


‘It’s shit,’ she repeated.

‘We don’t-‘

‘It’s shit,’ she warned.

‘I couldn’t agree more,’ he wadded and threw the coat into the back of the van as Kate worked her way up to the passenger side seat in the front. Chip watched her as he absently put his camera back in its case. She wore her typical neutrally colored business skirt and suit combo with the open v-neck and wide lapels. Her short red hair was wet and plastered to her forehead as she passed him, her green eyes smoldering. She shoved past, bent over and giving him a generous view of her shapely ass and her toned legs. Her pantyhose zipped and pulled hypnotically as she walked by. He shivered as he felt the beginnings of an erection.

‘Where to now?’ he asked and locked the carrying case. Outside, the sirens from the fire engines wailed and then silenced.

‘Let’s see if we can’t shoot some footage of all the people leaving Springwood. We need to get some really depressing images here for me to play off of,’ she pulled down the sun visor and looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting her hair. Then, she snapped her fingers, ‘ Oh wait, I know. Let’s go to the city offices and see what the mayor is up to.’


‘We either need some serious human interest bullshit or some footage of the mayor trying to explain this mess.’

He looked at her for a moment, feeling briefly disgusted by her. No one should be so cold and heartless as to look at arson victims in a way to further a career. Kate was acting despicably and he felt his ears ringing from her words. He wondered if he just shouldn’t slap her hard and see if that didn’t wake her up to reality a little. As he contemplated this, Kate looked at him in the visor mirror, her eyes expectant and impatient as she applied a new layer of dark red lipstick, ‘Hello Chip?’

‘Sorry,’ he shook his head, ‘Wandered off there.’

‘You don’t get paid to wander off,’ she blinked, ‘Now get moving.’

‘Sure thing,’ he nodded and started the engine as the headlights came to life. The windshield wipers flipped back and forth rhythmically as rain spotted the glass. Chip shook his head, feeling suddenly certain he had sold his soul to the devil by working for Kate Hunt. But then, considering the fact that he was sleeping with her on the side he didn’t have any room to make a whole lot of moral judgments.

‘Chip,’ she popped her freshly painted lips and looked over at him, ‘Let’s stop somewhere before we get going. I need to tinkle.’

‘Tinkle?’ he thought to himself, ‘The cast iron bitch who doesn’t take shit from anyone, anywhere at anytime needs to tinkle? Be a man and take a piss out the window…’

Chip smiled and resisted the urge to laugh. If he hadn’t seen her naked for himself, he might’ve believed she actually had a set of balls.

‘What’s so funny?’

‘Nothing,’ he grinned and popped the parking break.

The van pulled out from the Minute Market parking lot and down the hazy street as the afternoon rolled in unnoticed.


From up in the sky, a lone helicopter made a quick flight over Springwood. The cameras attached the chopper recorded images that the rest of the nation would never forget. The city was blazing despite the record rainfall, looking more like a bombed out ruin from a World War II French metropolis. It seemed water had no effect on fire here in Springwood as house after house ignited and went up in a flash of brilliant light and heat. Black smoke had blanketed much of the town and was blowing to the we
st, but there were some places where the smoke was thin and one could see the flames. The only untouched portion of the city was the south end of town, but from the looks of the inferno racing towards Elm Grove it wouldn’t be long before the entire city burned.

Lightning flashed near the blades of the rotor as the news helicopter flew low, trying to capture the carnage. From this viewpoint, the stretch of freeway between Springwood and Elm Grove was packed with cars as people fled the disaster. The pilot could even see the red taillights of cars driving to Crystal Lake off to the north. Everyone was abandoning ship as Springwood sank into the pits of hell. Only the glare of red and blue emergency lights and the near continuous howl of sirens indicated people were still in the city.

The pilot watched as one of the two water towers in town, burning for about an hour before the helicopter passed overhead, finally collapsed under it’s own weight. Thousands of gallons of water splashed through yards and turned over a few cars as he hovered above. He could see trashcans and toys and even a few bikes being swept away into the streets as the flood of water raced along. The pilot shook his head and nearly shit himself as another bolt of lighting seared through the air just a little too close for comfort.

‘Jesus,’ he whispered and looked to the cameramen recording the disaster in the side and rear passenger seats, ‘Gentlemen, I think we better cut bait.’

‘Do we have to?’ said the one sitting next to him, sounding more like a disappointed child denied a trip to the carnival than a grown man.

‘Yes,’ the pilot said, ‘Unless you’d like to have a bolt of lightning up your ass.’

‘Point taken.’

The pilot banked easily to the left and away from the dying city. They would have just enough to fuel to get back to Cincinnati before the evening news. In the distance, he spied the old Springwood Power Plant. Lighting seemed to be dancing off the old relic as the storm intensified. In fact, the worst of the storm, the darkest of the clouds appeared to be roiling just over the derelict facility. He had always heard weird shit happened in Springwood, and he believed some of the stories he had heard. But he didn’t like the looks of the monster storm raging overhead.

The chopper sped through the rainy sky and left Springwood to burn.


Tessa felt sick as she and Loomis cruised slowly down the razed streets of northern Springwood. She had seen the city in both good and bad times, but then this was the first time she had seen it completely fucked. There had been the pictures taken of Springwood in the late nineties when the city folded, but they hadn’t really made an impression with her. She hadn’t been there, so it wasn’t quite real for her. As horrible as that had been, this was even worse. This was real.

Seeing the fire-gutted houses and charred trees in the dismal rain made her feel displaced. Everything looked different now, all the color and life burned away. Thick black smoke curled and hazed through the air as the police cruiser navigated the crowded streets. Tessa turned on her lights and sounded the siren a few times to clear a path as angry and frightened people abandoned their homes to the inferno.

‘I’ve never seen anything like this,’ Loomis muttered as he looked out the passenger side window, ‘So much destruction…’

‘I doubt Springwood will bounce back from this,’ Tessa said and then added a moment later, ‘Maybe it shouldn’t.’

Ahead of them was a gridlocked traffic jam at the intersection of Miller and Salva Streets. Horns were blaring and lights flashing as Tessa sighed and prepared to stop, ‘Ah shit, that’s just great.’

Loomis saw the car slowing down, ‘What are you doing?’

‘I’m going to go and make sure everything is okay.’

‘Tessa,’ Loomis put a hand on her arm, ‘Your dedication to duty not withstanding, shouldn’t we press on to the city offices?’

Tessa looked at him for a moment, her dark eyes doubtful, ‘They could need help.’

‘Let’s help them by ending this,’ the doctor said.

After a long moment Tessa slowly nodded and then continued on down a side street between Maynard’s Hardware and the barbershop, leaving the intersection behind. After a few blocks of unburned houses, Tessa asked, ‘So, have you always been this tenacious?’

Loomis smiled as he rubbed his eyes, ‘Always, I’m afraid. I come by it naturally though.’

Tessa asked, ‘Loomis senior was equally as pushy?’

‘Always,’ he thought of his father and suddenly missed him very much, ‘Always.’


Chip knew what they were about to do was wrong.

How many times had they come to a locked a door and Kate just had to pick the lock or find someway of getting inside? He had lost count. Chip sighed and leaned against the back entrance of the city offices. They had pulled up to the rear of the building in hopes of not scaring the mayor into his office with an official ‘no comment’ excuse. He shook his head as rain pelted him from above, soaking him completely. This was so illegal he couldn’t believe Kate was even thinking about doing it. But then, when it came to getting a good story, Kate was as vicious as they came.

‘It looked like they were closed, Kate,’ he said.

‘Maybe,’ she said quietly, ‘Maybe not.’

‘They probably all evacuated.’


‘So if no one is here,’ Chip asked, ‘Why are we breaking in?’

‘To snoop around and see what the mayor is hiding,’ she muttered as she leaned over and worked the lock with two paper clips. While Chip totally enjoyed looking at Kate’s shapely ass from this angle, easily imagining a slick scenario of anal penetration that made his cock harden again in jeans, he also didn’t want to be arrested.

‘What is it about locked doors that make people want to break them open?’

‘Since when have the city offices ever been closed during a week day except for Christmas?’ she looked up at him, ‘There’s a city wide emergency going on here and no one is at the wheel? Please.’

‘Look, we’ve already broken how many laws slipping past the roadblock?’ Chip whispered, ‘Jesus, Kate. You could get arrested for this.’

Kate stood up straight and eyed her cameraman. She smiled genially, though her eyes revealed no kindness whatsoever. She put her hands on his shoulders and said, ‘Are you losing your balls, Chip?’


‘Are you sure?’ she taunted him.

Chip rolled his eyes, ‘Yes I’m sure, Kate. But I don’t want my balls getting lost in the shower room at some god forsaken prison either. I’m thin, attractive and white. Those guys would eat me alive. My name is ‘Chip’ for christ’s sake.’

‘If we find something in here,’ she leaned in and kissed him gently, her tongue sliding out from between her lips sensually, ‘I will make your wildest perverted little fantasies come true in the hottest, wettest way possible.’

Chip looked thoughtfully up at the sky as his cock swelled impossibly fast. He said, ‘I can dig that.’

‘Good boy,’ she reached down and gave his bulge a squeeze, ‘Now get this damned door open.’

Chip played the lock for a minute as Kate stood back and tried huddle under the narrow eve of the building. She was thoroughly convinced that there was something up, something running afoul in Springwood that just struck her the wrong way. From the teen suicides to the fires and now the incident in Elm Grove, she suspected that it was all just too convenient. Something was happening behind the scenes, and it was her job to find out what. That was why the Channel 7 News executives paid her such a plump salary.

That and she knew how to fuck their brains out of their skulls in ways their wives couldn’t have ever imagined.

Kate was good, and she knew it.

‘Okay,’ Chip opened the door slowly, waiting for an alarm to go off. When there was no alarm, he smiled and let loose a sigh of pure relief, ‘What
are the odds?’

‘Shut up, Chip,’ Kate pushed her way past him and into the office building.

The moment she walked inside, she knew something was wrong. It was way too dark, even for a public office building closed for the day. Usually someone left a single lamp on or cracked the bathroom door open to shed a little light around. The only light she could see was from the bay windows and glass doors at the front of the building. The blinds were turned and tilted so that muted storm light could filter through but no much else.

‘What’s that smell?’ Chip asked from behind her, startling her.

Kate jumped and hissed, ‘It’s the smell of my foot up your ass! Shut up!’

‘Sorry,’ Chip shrank back.

She did smell something though. It was a bland metallic aroma, so thick she could taste it on her tongue. Her mind tried to place the odor as they walked down the hall and then into the secretarial cubicles. There was the mixed air of copier toner, wet ink and reams of fresh paper but it was all underscored to the powerfully foreign scent. Kate took off her pumps and walked barefoot through the workspaces. As she went, she switched on desk lamps and looked at the papers the secretaries had left out.

‘There’s coffee still in the mugs,’ Chip whispered.


‘So?’ he put his finger to one of the mugs (which was inscribed in gay red writing the phrase, ‘World’s Best Mom’) and found it was still warm, ‘The mug is hot.’

‘Hot coffee at a secretaries desk,’ Kate cocked a brow, ‘There’s a shocker.’

‘With the office closed? Who’s in here drinking it?’ Chips looked around at the other desks in the dim light. He hurried to each desk, touching five mugs in all, ‘There’s half-full mugs on every desk. All of them warm or hot.’

‘Your point?’ she flipped through a file folder.

‘Why did they leave in a hurry?’

‘Maybe there was an evacuation?’ Kate suggested sarcastically, ‘Maybe the mayor ordered everyone out.’

Chip sighed and walked over to the light switches on the wall to his left. He flipped them up and down a few times, ‘No power.’

‘No shit.’

‘That seem a little strange to you?’ he pointed at the lamps, ‘How the fuck are they working?’

‘Maybe there’s a back up circuit,’ Kate glared at him, ‘Or maybe they’re battery powered. You know, these cubicles have computers that probably contain a lot of vital records and shit. Wouldn’t you keep them on a back-up generator?’

‘Whatever,’ Chip mumbled. ‘So where’s the back up power, you emasculating cow?’

After finding nothing of any interest at the desks, Kate walked to the receptionist desk and found a phone with a blinking message indicator. The little red indicator on the phone glowed in the dim light as Chip stood beside her. Kate smiled wickedly and put her finger to the playback button. Chip cleared his throat and shook his head.

‘Big trouble if you get caught…’

‘Chip,’ she pressed the button, ‘Grow a fucking chest hair.’

The first message played back:

-‘Hi, this is Earl at the water treatment plant. We got a bit of a problem with the rats down here from the flooding… I got about two thousand little fur balls dead in my outlets and I need someone to come down an-‘

Kate moved on to the next message:

-‘This phone call is in regards to a request for funding through the state grant board. At this time, we are una-‘

‘My phone messages are more scandalous than this,’ Chip chuckled as Kate forwarded the machine to the next message:

-‘Hello, my name is Matthew Loomis. I’m a criminal psychologist out of New York. I’m calling in regards to the disaster at the Police Station earlier yesterday morning. Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers attacked the officers there, including myself and several other civilians. Please know that officers Sean Renaud and Tessa Alexander are with me at this moment. We are trying to devise a way to capture the two killers before they can move on. I highly recommend you evacuate Springwood as soon as possible…’

‘The police are dead?’ Chip looked at Kate.

Kate waved her hand at him as though she were swatting a troublesome fly, ‘Shh!’

‘… you can reach us at the following number, 555-4 (static and interference on the line)…’

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Nightmare turned my life

Hey ISS readers hi this is bantu from Jharkhand. This is first story and this incident happened with me when I was 21. Now let me tell u about my family I have my father and mother and one elder sister which is so hot and 2 year elder to me. Her name is Neetu, with a slim trim figure of 32 26 32. She’s fair and damn sexy. I am from a well cultured family but sex is the one thing which is in mind since childhood.since then i was very much attracted towards pretty girls. As i am the younger one...

2 years ago
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Nightmare in the Woods

----------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is ADULT oriented material of a graphic and violent sexual nature. It is also a work of FICTION. If you find yourself confusing fantasy with reality, even only on occasion, then please click your browser back button now. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Nightmare in the Woods by Night Owl First Posted: 10/04 (Story Content: M+/f, Outdoor Bondage, Gang Rape) The dream...

3 years ago
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Nightmare By Millie Dynamite A Flash Story

By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story— The darkness lay in my mind, thicker than a peasouper fog. A dull throbbing on the back of my head marked a spot where I had received a hard blow. Who hit me? Why did they? Where did this happen? And, where am I? All answers to my questions eluded my frazzled mind. I understood I was a prisoner. How I knew this, I cannot explain with words. You see, at this point, I had yet to open my eyes. My eyes fluttered open, and the darkness in the room neared that...

2 years ago
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Nightmare in October

By: Greg This is a rewrite of an earlier story of mine. It has been rewritten to have a more realistic storyline. It is a brutal tale of unrelenting violence against innocent victims. I was in a weird place in my life when I first wrote it. I was venting frustrations and decided to put it all into a story. I do not condone any of the actions described here. Remember, this is just a fantasy.This story involves a gang-rape of a mother and daughter in the presence of the husband. If...

4 years ago
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Nightmare for tourist in Puerto Vallarta

There was one girl who kept catching their attention. Not because she was the most beautiful, but because she was by far the loudest. She was the one always dancing on the tables, yelling out randomly and in general, making an ass of herself. She had bright red hair and was wearing a short black dress that had many parts open along with a pair of black fuck me boots. She looked young, but did not dress that way. Typical drunken tourist, out for a night. “Hey Raoul, you going to try her...

3 years ago
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Nightmare change Reality

You had a normal day. You come home eat dinner watch a movie and before bed you turn on the computer look through all the social media sites. Then look at porn you masturbate for alittle while. Then you go to bed and you have an erotic Nightmare.

2 years ago
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Nightmare at dawn

Nightmare at dawnI had had a long week at work and got off just a little bit early. I was going home; it was a beautiful Friday summer afternoon with a little wind blowing.I realized it was more chilling then I was expecting, so I decided to get my car.Just as I got inside and turned off the alarm, I felt a knife at my neck and a hand over my mouth. I never expected to have anything like this ever happen to me."If you say a word, I will have to hurt you, do you want that?" A black man with a...

3 years ago
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Nightmare turns in to a dream come true

The following account happened a few years ago, some details have been changed to preserve anonymity.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We arrived in the London hotel late in the evening. It had been a long coach journey down from Scotland and everyone was tired. There was a large group of us down for a college outing and it would be an early start the next morning. To save costs there would be two persons sharing a room (but in...

2 years ago
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Nightmare in Mexico

Nightmare in Mexico ? by: rachaelcd Two weekends a month I met with Mistress Monica. I had been doing so for almost 2 years now, and I had almost saved enough money to buy my way into her stable of slaves full time. That had been my goal from early adolescence. I found Mistress Monica through the internet, and she had a program that was perfect for me. She required $50,000 cash buy in plus I was to have all my own equipment like bondage gear, crossdressing wardrobe etc. And...

1 year ago
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Nightmare Cometh

Coffee rippled inside the teacher's mug. Even those who noticed the tremors paid them no mind. Global earthquakes had baffled scientists for two years but always died down eventually without any real damage. “Alright, alright. You know, if you'd let me rest sometimes, I'd have an easier time doing this on cue.” Jade shifted her tight buttocks clenched around the horse's rigid ballsack hidden under her skirt to the edge of her chair. She prayed that Jennifer's report on a book she had...

3 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 11

Time had ceased to have meaning for Renee and Fran. Only Manuel's comings and goings marked changes in their routine that they could recognize as time. Each time it was the same. Before the shot, the Mexican would fuck them brutally. Renee swallowed, feeling her saliva gulped down her throat moving like a large, fuzzy tennis ball. Now, she didn't know how she could live without heroin, without the needle. Hopefully she watched the door, craning her head. She was so accustomed to the...

2 years ago
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Nightmare come True

Authors Note: Just a quick story about some of the things that I wish would happen to me. I suspect I'm not alone in this collection of fantasies. I hope you enjoy this. If so, I will definitely expand the story into something more substantial. XOXOX Sissy Michelle As is the case with most of my best sexual experiences, this one all began on a late night when I'd had a little too much to drink. I wasn't drunk, mind you. Simply buzzed enough that my better judgment was passed...

1 year ago
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Nightmares can come true Part 1

Nightmares can come true (Part 1) Authors note 1: Some of this is fantasy and some of this is reality. You need not decide which is which. The beginning is a bit slow, but we'll get the good stuff sooner or later. Authors note 2: As a self professed Grammar and Spelling Nazi, I noticed a few mis-spelled words and decided to correct these mistakes. Author note 3: I'm not promising anything, but will try to update about every other week. This is not set in stone, but will try. ...

3 years ago
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Nightmares can come true Part 2

Nightmares can come true (Part 2) Authors note 1: After re-reading, updating and making sure the plot was going according to plan in Part 1, I saw a major plot hole (at least in my opinion), but didn't want to change what was written. Hopefully, with this chapter, I'll be fixing it within the first few scrolls. Extra points and maybe a cameo (state whether you're male/female and give me your initials) appearance, if you're the first to figure out where you believe the plot hole is and...

2 years ago
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Nightmare in the Gallery

Jaleesha Johnson tied her black work shoes, stood up, tucked her tan blouse into her chocolate brown slacks, grabbed her uniform blazer and hat, and left her small apartment. There was always a breeze, albeit today it was a warm one for an afternoon in late October, as she turned onto Woodward Avenue. She counted herself lucky to be working in the largest city in Michigan, let alone be able to afford a small place of her own around what was termed as the historic cultural district of Detroit....

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Nightmare Carnival

Each year an international carnival stops by outside your city for a week. During this time each year people start mysteriously disappearing. Investigations by cops and private eyes have been able to find nothing to connect the disappearances to the carnival besides the timing of the disappearances. Still, whenever the carnival arrives you can't help but feel an eeriness in the air.

3 years ago
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Nightmare 8211 Chapter 1 8211 Deflowering A Virgin Teenage Girl

I was lying beside her and looking at her innocent face. It was 3:40 am on clock. She was a teenage girl and looked very seductive. I came close to her lips feeling the warm breath. I wanted to smooch her but things were not in my control. She was wearing a deep neck t-shirt and boxer. Her smells hypnotized me every time I came close. I smoothly licked her lips and headed to her armpit. She was resting her head on her arms. I sniffed the beautiful open armpit. It had small hairs. Slowly, I...

2 years ago
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Nightmare TG Future

It is the future all over the globe. After thousands of years of oppression women rose up and decided that they needed to take control. Little by little they organized themselves, and through combined political, economical and scientific efforts they decided to change the future of mankind. A new drug was stealthily taken by women that resulted in a significant decline in male births. So in a few generations women outnumbered men more than ten to one. Then women took power suddenly and...

4 years ago
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Nightmare in a dorm

It’s Friday night and I’m alone in my dorm room. I’m actually sick of parties so I chose to stay in. Since starting college, I’ve rushed head on into one party after another. I’ve stayed up nights and gotten drunk. I even made out with guys I had known very little about. It still came as a shock when I heard that some people consider me to be a slut. It’s not like I’ve slept with a score of guys but rumor has it that I have. I felt sick about that and since then I have stopped going to parties....

2 years ago
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—A Flash Story— The darkness lay in my mind, thicker than a peasouper fog. A dull throbbing on the back of my head marked a spot where I had received a hard blow. Who hit me? Why did they? Where did this happen? And, where am I? All answers to my questions eluded my frazzled mind. I understood I was a prisoner. How I knew this, I cannot explain with words. You see, at this point, I had yet to open my eyes. My eyes fluttered open, and the darkness in the room neared that in my mind. I could...

4 years ago
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Just a sunny day in Holland. It's a friday and I took the day off. It was a hot day that day, and everybody kept their clothing limited to the minimum. I was sitting on a terrace, in front of a bar, wearing my sneakers, cute white socks, a short skirt with a black silk string underneath, and a large shirt, with the arms cut of. The holes which were left when cutting the arms off were a bit bigger than I wanted them to be. They were as big as the hole where my head goes through. And when that...

3 years ago
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Nightmare After the Opera

You are about to move beyond reality. With a single step, you move from the world of the mundane banality of your day to day existence – to the wild and carnal fantastical happenings in the empire of Dark Desires. A voyage into an incredible world of unrestrained iniquity. Where a woman's savage rape can awaken long dead passions. Perhaps even the extinguished fire of love can be rekindled in the white hot heat of fierce ravishment. What would you do to end Twenty-five years of abstinence? Say...

1 year ago
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Nightmare Daymare

Cal was dreaming. At least he was pretty sure he was dreaming. Then again if he was being drugged with stuff that made him hallucinate he might not exactly be dreaming. How does one tell a dream from a drug trip? Cal didn’t know, and had no clue of how one could discern the difference. Maybe one eventually woke up from a dream? Cal thought that should be the difference, then again if you were high on something, didn’t you have to come down. Cal could feel his pulse throbbing in his head,...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 2

Renee struggled against the scorn in Fran's voice. She didn't want to admit it, but her friend was right. She hadn't come to Tijuana to buy bamboo purses or look at moldy old statues of a revolution that was reincarnated in history books and countless Hollywood movies. She was here to FEEL sin, to see it, to touch it and smell it the way she never would in Eureka where it was buried in cellars and blacked-out rooms. She wanted to move through it without being touched. So far, that's...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 3

For a brief instant, the light blinded Renee, and then she lost interest in Fran and her Latin Romeo. Standing in the center of the stage area was a swarthy skinned Mexican wearing a sombrero and hip-high riding boots, and nothing else. Dangling between his legs was the longest penis Renee had ever seen. She couldn't help gasping as she realized it almost reached the man's knee. When he was sure he had everyone's attention, the Mexican raised his hands and said, "Amigas y amigos, we are...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 6

Renee woke with a feeling of panic gripping her. She wanted to throw up. Sunlight streamed through dirty windows into the little room, splotching the gray army blankets with a patchwork of shadows and sunspots. She had no idea where she was. In her memory there was only a confused roiling of sound, sights, odors, color-all running together like buckets of paint poured on the street. She whimpered as she rolled over, to stop suddenly. Fran was sprawled on her back on the next cot. Her blond...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 7

Not even casting a glance at her to make sure she was securely fastened, Casanova stretched Fran out the same way. Renee felt even more frightened as she realized that the straps were already attached to the bed, just shoved under the thin mattress. All he had to do was pull them out and fasten them around her wrists. As if he did this sort of thing all the time. "What is it you're doing to us?" Renee asked shakily, scared, sick, ashamed of what she'd just done with this man who had...

2 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 8

It was morning before Manuel came again. Renee had lain wire tense all night, waiting. She couldn't sleep--or turn off her thinking. Fran was awake, too. But it had helped neither woman to do any talking during the long night. Manuel entered as silently as he had previously to stand, staring down at them. Renee squirmed. She was overly conscious of her nakedness. He unfastened her hand and foot. "Come!" Silently, he led her out the door into a dingy corridor that was, if possible, even...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 9

Alex made a beeline for the police station where the officer yawned as he filled in the complaint form. He was fat, with a roll of lard hanging over his belt and his jowls were covered with a day's growth of beard. "You know, senor," he said, scratching his crotch. "You Americanos come down here and go to places like that one, what can you expect?" He shrugged and looked questioningly at Alex. "It is not my money!" Alex said desperately. "There are the two women." The Mexican cop...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 12

Manuel took them across the hallway to another small room, much like the one they left, except this room was without beds. Its only furniture was a low table. Ropes dangled from the ceiling and the floor was littered with odds and ends, most of it unidentifiable to Renee. "You," Manuel took Renee's arm, "get on the table." Renee wanted to say no. She was trembling and she was afraid. But something stronger than her own will was moving her. She sat on the edge of the table which was...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 13

The taxista insisted that he knew where he was going when they started. And after stopping at three dirty little buildings where the main source of income was the selling of women flesh, he was still muttering, "Calma, senor! Calma, por favor! I find pretty quick." Alex settled back in the cab and let him try. That was all he could do. The next building was a squat, dirty green two-story with grimy windows and a smell half-way between second-hand semen and a spilled bottle of cheap...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 14

It seemed so long. Renee sighed and stretched. It seemed forever that she and Fran had shared this dirty, foul room. She stared blankly at the cold, white light illuminating the grimy window pane and it didn't mean escape or freedom anymore. It meant nothing because she couldn't escape. There was no place to go. There was no one to go to. She shivered as she remembered the lust that was becoming a part of her life. She wanted it to stop. But her own fiber was interwoven in it. Sometimes...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 15

Alex got out of the cab in front of La Casa de Los Angeles and paid the driver a dollar for the six-block ride. It was a time-honored Tijuana price for a ride to any casa de putas in the city. Outside it looked dark. Boards blocked the windows and only an occasional chink let light creep out into the darkness. He walked up to the door, and, only when he was inches away and it swung open apparently of its own volition, did he realize that there was a man's dark shadow behind the screen and...

1 year ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 16

Manuel had Renee and Fran change positions. Renee's heart thudded wildly as the two tied her down, her back slithering in the pool of sweat left by Fran's body. Her butt hung over the end of the table and her legs quivered with the effort of reaching the ground and taking some of the weight off her back muscles, already aching from the strain. Combined with the anticipation of what was to come, the feeling was delicious. Renee hated herself for it, but how could she deny it? Watching Fran...

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