Nightmares Can Come True - Part 2 free porn video

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Nightmares can come true (Part 2) Authors note 1: After re-reading, updating and making sure the plot was going according to plan in Part 1, I saw a major plot hole (at least in my opinion), but didn't want to change what was written. Hopefully, with this chapter, I'll be fixing it within the first few scrolls. Extra points and maybe a cameo (state whether you're male/female and give me your initials) appearance, if you're the first to figure out where you believe the plot hole is and post a review. Author note 2: FOCUS, my fellow perverts. It's the story you want to read, not nit pick on things best left on the side of the road. *mutter* *grins and then laughs maniacally* Author note 3: No, I will not apologize for Real Life... Especially, when I performed my CIVIC responsibility of being on Jury Duty for the entire month of June. Hence, why this is a tad LATE! Thank you for the reviews and keep them cumming. ---- Previously ---- "When we get done, you're going to send your wife a text, telling her that you'll be busy all day at work. An unexpected call-in. We have so much to do. Keep licking if you agree, well, even if you don't agree, keep licking, I'm getting my pleasure now,", she said and then moaned in pleasure. ---- And now ---- I couldn't do much of anything, tied and unable to move, but lick and suck her womanhood and she didn't let me finish until after she'd experienced two major orgasms. As she climbed off my face, she commented, "Very nicely done, my pet. But we need to get you cleaned up and ready, but first I must prepare." "Rea...." Quick as a snake, she slapped me hard across the cheek and growled, "You will not say anything, until I give you permission. Do you understand this task?" "Thank you Mistress, I willingly accept your instructions", I whispered, while my face stung. "Good," and walked out of the room, leaving me to think, as I heard the shower start. I thought, planned and struggled to get undone. I needed to get away, this had gone too far and too damn fast. Was she right? Was this permanent? I could always go to the doctor. Yes, there would be some embarrasement, hopefully, not too much. This could all be fixed. I was going bald anyway, I can explain it to the wife, that I wanted to shave my head, but didn't want to risk cutting myself, so I used Nair instead. Some got on my eyebrows and I did my best to clean it up and I might as well shave my mustache off, making it a clean sweep, yes? After all, it'll all grow back. Not sure what I'm going to say about the rest of my body. I'll have to keep it covered with sweats. I heard the shower stop and a few minutes later, she comes back into the room and got dressed. Looking over at me, she smirks and walks back out of the room and returns a few minutes later. She re-entered, with one hand behind her back and climbs unto the bed, leaning over me and kisses me deeply. "Are you enjoying yourself, my pet? You may speak freely, I won't punish you," she said sweetly. "Umm, I think so Mistress, umm, enjoying myself, but I'm.....concerned. These changes, you said they were permanent? Are they really? Why are you doing this? Please, I only wanted to explore and how will I explain this to my wife? I'm not wanting this to be perman..." She places a finger on my lips and smiles down at me. "Oh my pet, you worry too much. Which, as my slave, you're not allowed to worry. I know what is best for my little girl. The current changes, while showing you having a more feminine appearance, are not yet permanent. There is still plenty of time for me to reverse them. Don't you love it, when I play with you? Don't you feel pleasure and some small pain as we play? After all, they are both different sides of the same coin. Didn't you want to know the thrill of how a girl feels? Don't you want to keep experiencing this sensation?", she said, as and stroked, kissed and sucked my breasts and nipples. I had goose bumps flowing all over my body and clenched all my muscles, as the pleasure burst through me in a flood. "Yes Mistress," I moaned, "but, I mean..." Her finger once again shushed me and her smile was more brilliant. "You are not allowed to think or question me. You are to do, only what you're told, or do you want to suffer some more punishment? I'm sure I can come up with something suitable," she said huskily and leaned over and started to savagely rape my mouth. I was so into the kissing, that I didn't even feel the needle enter my arm and deposit its load. Only after she pulled back and the needle out of my arm, did I become aware of it. "What did you give me," I blurted out in surprise. Also thinking, damn I sound like a fuck'en bimbo. She giggled and then smirked. "Only something to calm you down. You worry too much. This will help you relax and enjoy life more. It was only a barbiturate, and one dose will not harm you..." I could feel myself slowly starting to....float. Talk about free association. My thoughts were slowing down, going this way and that way, only to have each flitter away into the void. I was getting very relaxed, with not a care in the world. She knew when the drug fully took effect, a I just slumped. All muscle tension left my body and I was left a puddle of goo. I watched, not that I really cared, as she walked over, pulled an odd belt from the dresser and returned to the bed. She slid the belt under my back, pulled it tight around my waist, and closed it with a solid CLICK! "Now then my darling little girl," she purred. 'Who was she talking to? I'm a man, not a girl. What is she doing? Why am I tied up?' I thought. "I have a task for you. I put this belt on you and want to make it permanent. Now is the time to offer any objections. Do you accept? Do you want me to continue, all you have to do is say 'yes mistress'," she giggled, as she lightly tweaked my nipples and stroked my breasts. "Belt? What belt? Oh, that feels so good," and moaned in need, "Yes mistress." She giggled some more and reached down to my balls and started to push each one out of its sack and back into my body. As each ball re-entered my body, I grunted from the pain, but it was short lived and seemed to be very distant. Once she was sure my balls weren't going to be popping back out, she put a bag of ice on my cock and ball flesh, which forced it to start shrinking. All I could think about, where had she gotten the ice, as I zoned in and out? When my cock got small enough for her, she tied a sturdy piece of string just behind the head. She tugged on the strings to ensure it wasn't coming loose and then fed it through a hole in a small metal tube. My cock slid in quite easily, due to the baby oil coating the tube. She took a slightly bigger piece of V shaped metal and attached the cock tube to the inside of it. Using a strap from the front and two straps from the back, she attached the V to the belt and pulled it snug. Even though I wasn't really in the "NOW" and my mind was seriously disconnected, there was some small voice in the back of my head, screaming, 'You have to stop her. You didn't agree to this. This must stop before it goes any further!' and before I could even get more than a mumble out of my mouth, she leaned over and sucked on each of my nipples. Looking down at her handy work, she smiled and cooed, "We're almost finished with this part, my little girl, soon, we can continue playing." She untied my legs, raised them up over my head and tied them to the headboard. Using a small tool, I heard a small ratcheting noice and noticed a couple of things happening. My butt cheeks were being pulled apart, which left my asshole exposed and the chastiy tube was being pressed more firmly into my private area. Satisfied with her work, she untied me and helped me stand. Talk about wobbly, if she hadn't been holding me, I'd have fallen several times. But soon, I'd gotten my balance. As I looked at the reflection in the mirror and from the neck down, I saw an older woman, breasts and a silvery pussy. I thought to myself, 'Damn, give me a paper bag and I'd fuck that.' "Do you like how you look, my little girl," she asked as she caressed my body, "Do you like your breasts," another caress and a moan from me. My cock was trying to swell, but encountering no room for expansion and causing me to then moan in pain. She reached around from behind me and ran her fingers through my 'pussy', eliciting a gasp, as her fingers stroked the head of my cock, and she purred, "Do you like when I do this to you? All you have to do is say yes mistress and we'll continue our game." "Oh yes mistress, please don't stop, I want to cum," I practically begged, moaning and pleading. She stopped, to my frustration, took me by the arm and led me from the room, into the bathroom, "We have to get you cleaned out first," she said. She helped me down to all fours, my arms and tits were leaning over the edge of the tub and my ass sticking out into the room. I saw a bulging enema bag hanging above me, I'm not sure how much was in there, but I knew vaguely, it had to be at least 2 quarts. She picked up a small plug with a hose and bulb attached to it, poured some baby oil over the plug and gently inserted it into my ass. I felt it go in, it wasn't that big, and then it seated itself firmly, as my ring clenched itself around the smallest section. She picked up the bulb and gave it a couple of quick squeezes and I felt the plug grow bigger inside me. I looked back at her, she smirked and said, "Your plug needs to be inflated, so it doesn't fall out, until I want it to come out. Now be a good little girl and relax," as she continued squeezing the bulb, until I moaned from the pressure. Giving the bulb one more hard squeeze, she took the hose attached to the enema bag and hooked it into the base of the plug. I heard her releasing the retaining clip and felt the warmish water start rapidly flowing deep into me. I tried to get up, but she sat on my back, keeping me pinned. I moaned from the pressure, and she gently rubbed my shoulders, "Shhhh, it's going to be ok, my little girl. There, there, it's all in you." She removed the tube from the plug and then I felt her reach around and caress my breasts and tits, causing me squeek in surprise and then moan, as the pleasure surged into my mind, causing my cock to try to grow some more, but only swelling, within its confines. "Mistress, please, I can't take it anymore, it hurts," as I looked back and pleaded with her. She giggled and replied with a smirk said, "Lucky for you my little girl, you're not allowed to think, only accept. I do all your thinking for you and if I think you can hold it longer. Well, you will. Now, you will stay right here, while I go and get something to drink." "Please Mistress," I grunted out through the pain. She got up and left the room. I knew that I dared not move, or I would get punished, maybe worse than before. I could hear a glass tinkling, and her heels walking back toward the bathroom. My thoughts were still very slow, but I knew that something was wrong and I had to get out of here. I knew I had to get the tool, to release my cock and balls, knew it was going to be difficult, as I didn't know where she'd stashed it. Maybe I could confess to my wife, that I screwed up and beg forgiveness, before things got any worse. She was a forgiving person, and.... My mistress walked back in to the bathroom with a glass, of what seemed to be wine. "Excellent, you didn't move. I think it's time to release what's there and then we can both enjoy our wine, before the next step," she said with a small smile. Putting the glass down on the vanity, she helped me up and over to the toilet. She took the pump and released the air pressure from the plug. "Reach under yourself, and gently remove the plug and just let it drop. You can wash your hands afterwards," she said. Putting deed to action, I reached far between my legs, and quickly removed the plug. Brown watery shit exploded out of my body in a torrential flood that lasted a good few minutes. I moaned in relief, but she had me stay seated for another 10 minutes, as the fluid and excrement left. She had me lean forward and gently cleaned me with a warm wash cloth and then had me stand next to the tub. Removing the plug from the toilet and putting it in the sink, she flushed the waste and had me come over to the sink, to clean my hands and the plug itself. As I cleaned the plug, I looked in the mirror and saw, I still had my face, although all the hair on my head was gone, looking down, I saw all the hair on my chest and arms was missing, and my breasts appeared to be a small B cup, but with swollen areolas and my nipples were almost 1/2 inch in diameter and a good 1/2 inch long. I noticed my waist was a little smaller, but then, after expelling all that crap, I'm not too concerned. I couldn't find my cock and balls, it looked like I had a pussy, at least the lips of a pussy and further down, my legs appeared as soft and smooth as any girls. "Did you want to say something my pet?" she asked. "Plea...Ples Miss..tress, This has go...go...GONE to f...I wan...wan... want*mumble*...gooooood...." I got out before she reached over and put her finger on my lips, silencing me, and gazed into my glazed eyes. She let out an evil laugh and then started talking to me softly, "You want to be a good ... girl? You want to go further? Just nod," and I nodded in my drugged stupor. "Lets give you another cleanout and I'll make you into the best girl, I possibly can," and I just continued to nod. She helped me back down unto the floor and over the tub, taking another few quarts of water. That voice, deep in my head, strangely muted, screaming at me to run, was my only companion, as I waited in silence to be told what to do. She again helped me up and seated me on the toilet, only this time, she performed the needed operations, and the outflow was only mostly clean, which she deamed sufficient for now. I could hear her talking to herself, as I sat there on the toilet waiting, but it didn't really register in my conciousness. While I finished, she was undressing and then helped me into the shower, joining me. She washed me everywhere, making sure I was smelling like lilacs and she smelt like peaches and a little lilac. After drying and lotioning me, we went back into the bedroom. "Time to get you ready for the day, my sweet," she said, and picked up a black and red corset from the bed, wrapping it around me and hooking it up. She brought me over to the doorway to the closet and placed leather cuffs around my wrists. Once on, she had me bend my legs and slide my feet out from underneath me, so I was hanging there. At which time, she started lacing the corset, and pulling it very tight. "This will get rid of your belly and give you firm tits and an ass that'll be out of this world," she commented. She left me hanging there for over an hour, coming by about every 10 minutes and pulling the laces even tighter. When done, the back of the corset met, and she tucked the tied laces into a small pouch and secured it and the two sides together with a small padlock. *click* She helped me to my feet and unhooked the cuffs from the door, but leaving them attached to my wrists, led me over to the bed, where she had me sit down and started to pull black seamed stockings up my leg. Once they got to my thighs, I was helped to stand again and she attached the garters to the stockings, pulling them tight as a rubber band. Where if you took the garter and pulled it away from my thighs, it would snap back, just like a rubber band. She next pulled a bra up my arms, I noticed absently, the cups had hard plastic in them, and cliped it behind my back. She adjusted the the straps and everything to make sure it was all tight and my tits filled the cups. She took some vaseline and ran it around the edge of the cups, before hooking up a hose. While pushing on the cup attached to my left breast, she turned on a machine and I could feel my breast start to be sucked into the cup. She kept up the pressure, until I grunted in pain, turned off the machine and looked at my breast, which filled the plastic. Satisfied, she did the same to my right breast. "There you go my sweet, when done, you'll have some very nice B cups and if you're good, I might be persuaded to give you C or even D cups," she giggled. "I know I told you to send a text to your wife. But you need to worry about that, I did it for you and told her you'd be busy all day." I tried to process that statement, but my mind was very muddled. She had me sit back down on the bed, pulled out a pair of 3 inch black open face heels, put them on me and secured them with a small padlock on each ankle. She pulled out a short skirted maids outfit and put it on me and zipped it up tight. "Almost done, my pet," she said and helped me over to her vanity. "Bend over, I want to get this done first," she said and as I bent over the chair, next to the vanity, she lifted the hem of my skirt and popped in a greased butt plug. I grunted in mutted pain, which faded away quickly and then was sat down on the chair, which forced the plug even further into me. Over the next while, she made up my face in sluttish fashion and placed a blond wig upon my head. I noticed it was tacky feeling against my scalp, but my thought processes were still mutted enough for me not to say anything. "A few more things, my pet and then you can begin your day," she purred. She took a small belt, wrapped and secured it around my waist. There were a couple of chains attached to it, which she clipped to the leather cuffs attached to my wrists. I chains were short enough that I couldn't reach the clips, and the belt itself was padlocked unto me, so I couldn't unbuckle it. She then took a pecker gag and buckled it into my mouth, no need for a padlock, as I couldn't undo it anyway. "Suck on that, my pet, soon, you'll get the real thing," she purred. She brought me out into the hallway and said, "I want you to walk from one end of this hallway to the other, until I tell you to stop. Do you understand these instructions, my pet?" "Thank you Mistress, I willingly accept your instructions," I mumbled around the pecker gag. I started walking, with her giving me directions on how to place my feet. Heel - toe, heel - toe. I could feel the plug, moving. Fucking me as I walked. Which caused me to swing my hips even more, causing the plug to move even more and fucking me harder. She giggled, as she saw what was happening, when I turned around and started coming back, when a bead of pre-cum slowly dripped from my cock head, and headed to the floor. "I'll be back shortly. Keep up that pace, if you know what's good for you," she said.

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My Little VentrueChapter 60

~~Beatrice~ Part of her wanted to sneak up on Julias, try and catch him by surprise, see if her scant twenty years could get past the man’s eyes. Have fun! Play with him, like old times. But, these weren’t old times, and her sneaking into his mansion, or trying to at least, was a bad idea. He probably had lookouts about, snipers, and they’d shoot first if they saw suspicious rustling in bushes. So the front door it was. Knock knock. “Good evening Miss Damor, Miss Denver,” the doorman said....

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My Little VentrueChapter 126

~~Jack~~ His trip to speak with Azamel had been successful, more or less. Azamel looked worse than ever, but he found her speaking with Sándor, and it seemed like they were coming to some sort of agreement. Not that Jack got to stick around long enough to find out more. Azamel promptly booted him out, saying her arrangements with Sándor were none of his business. It was his business, kinda. It was his job to keep the different species getting along. But he left anyway, a bit thankful for...

2 years ago
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Moroccan Boys

From the curved seat at the fantail of the private, two-masted schooner, “Nevis”, I watched the fourteen-year-old French Jewish boy, Emile, moving about in the rigging overhead like a nimble monkey. He was all deeply tanned arms and legs, moving deftly like a circus acrobat, changing the sheeting to match the change in the wind as the schooner raced down the French coast toward Casablanca, our goal of refuge for Reggie’s exile--or escape, depending on who you talked to. I was along because I’d...

1 year ago
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Maintenance Workout Candi Run

Zane took two steps at a time as he exited the underground station. Not that he was in a hurry. Today, he just had a spring in his step. Maybe it was his whistling that led to two police patrols stopping him and checking his credentials. Not that Zane minded. Nothing could ruin his good mood. The Bexter Commercial Tower was only four blocks away and Zane made it in record time. Slipping into the service entrance, Zane went straight to the service elevators. Today, he was lucky. It...

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Becoming Candi Part 2

It had been two weeks since I had transformed Jake to be my sissy slut Candi and today was the first day of the academic year. It was a Friday and it was the first lecture to get us introduced to the class and lecturer before enjoying a weekend break clubbing with our new classmates. Over the last two weeks Emma and I had continued training Candi to get her used to her new life. I was still giving her the muscle relaxant drugs each day and she seemed to have resigned to the fact...

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My Little VentrueChapter 10

~~Antoinette~~ From the meeting room of her great glass tower in Elysium, Antoinette stood in front of the window-wall, and watched the city burn. Far off in the distance, the night sky had turned slightly orange with the light of flame, as the large fire of the North Side’s warehouse district spread. Sirens filled the air, and flashing lights of firetrucks and other emergency vehicles zipped by. “It burns,” she said. “Quite the sight.” Jacob stood beside her. The old Nosferatu was...

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My Little VentrueChapter 12

~~One week later.~~ ~~Jack~~ “Twenty million.” “Fifty million.” “Twenty million.” “I’m sorry. Is there an echo in here?” The sly brute adjusted his gloves, even as he put his feet up on the table. A pistol rested in his chest strap, mirrored by the four thugs who stood behind him. Thugs in suits. “I know what the merchandise is worth, and it’s not worth fifty,” Jack said. He was standing, with his arms folded across his chest and a surly look on his face. It was all part of the game, of...

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My Little VentrueChapter 44

~~Jack~~ Back at the burned apartment building, alone this time, and using his free time as well. Course, Invictus didn’t exactly mandate hours, but you were expected to work a certain amount. Work above that, accomplish things, and you moved up in rank and social standing; which was like gold in the Invictus. And he wanted to figure this out, who burned down this building, who killed Barry. He stood atop the ceiling of a neighboring building. The sun had just set, and he only had a couple...

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My Little VentrueChapter 88

~~Julias~~ Everything had fallen apart in a matter of seconds. When it was just the six hunters, he and his childe could have handled the situation easily. Even Angela, for all her absurd might and endurance, was only human. Six humans? He could have handled this himself. Having to work quickly, break through Angela’s defenses, deal with a magical barrier, and save Samantha, threw a wrench into what would have otherwise been simple. Unless the hunters managed to nail him with a shotgun or...

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My Little VentrueChapter 105

~~Beatrice~~ “It this ... everyone?” Sighing, Jack nodded, crouched low on the roof of Robina’s. “Clara’s not here yet, but yea, h this is everyone. If any of the hunters escape into a nightmare, Azamel will send Fiona to help us on that end. You know, assuming she can find us.” Beatrice started counting. Six vampires, one werewolf, and one monster; potentially two monsters, if they had to fight in the nightmare. That was not nearly as many people as Triss was hoping for. And, for some...

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Hot Black Wifes Fucks Big Moroccan Cock

Shirley is a woman of 45 years and living in Amsterdam. She is 20 years happily married to Jermaine. Jermaine has been working at the tax office while Shirley works at an accounting firm. They have two c***dren, a daughter aged 17 and a son of 15. Shirley is a woman who loves sex and is similar to that area insatiable. Jermaine can not keep her often and is happy if the sex is over quickly. Shirley for her age a good figure. She is chubby but everything is still tight. She has big boobs, double...

4 years ago
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Becoming Candi

Becoming Candi Rachel        The alarm on my phone shocked me from my sleep and I thumbed with the touch screen in an attempt to turn it off. The phone was new and it was the first time I had heard the alarm tone, which was less like a wake up alarm and more like an emergency siren.        ?Rach, will you get that?? I heard my Mother yell from downstairs. With a tremendous amount of effort I managed to lift myself off my pillows and sit up. Today was the first day of university for me and my...

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My Little VentrueChapter 7

~~Beatrice~~ Following the Invictus right hands was hard enough, but now she had to follow three. Shadowing Julias was easy. Like a typical Ventrue, he was useless on his own. His power was in creating and controlling armies. But damn he looked good in a suit. Those broad shoulders, the combed back mafia hair, even the damn tie. It was a good thing she wasn’t using the blush of life, or she’d be rubbing her thighs together already. Fuck, the stupid knight made her feel like a cat in...

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My Little VentrueChapter 8

~~Beatrice~~ She had to get something to eat first, then she’d show Julias. She’d show up and beat the undead shit out of that piece of shit, stupid shit fuck. Eat first though, definitely. She was drained and tired from shadowing the trio, and there was no way she was going to confront big bad ancillae Julias without a stomach full of blood. She’d tried feeding on some people gently lately, using the darkness and her strength to her advantage. It had worked well enough, and she’d had more...

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My Little VentrueChapter 18

~~Julias~~ A taxi would not do, not for this. Perhaps it was too ridiculous, too absurd, or just too over-the-top, but Julias took great delight in the magnificent limousine they were in. Other Kindred would arrive in their usual ways, but the Prince expected a certain level of presentation for her ball, and Julias got that. There was something beautifully innocent in the mindless indulgence of expensive vice, jewelry, and wearing someone on your arm. Jack was in the limousine with him,...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 93

~~Natasha~~ She stood there in front of Sándor, frowning, arms folded across her chest, and chewed on the inside of her cheek. Antoinette stood beside her. A thrall was busy cleaning of the prisoner’s body; it was a human body after all, and it did things human bodies did. Pooping, peeing, all the nasty realities of trying to keep a dangerous person prisoner. The horror stories prisoners of war shared were never fun reads. “Still unresponsive,” Antoinette said, sighing. “The mark on his...

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My Little VentrueChapter 116

~~Jack~~ Her. It was her. No doubt about it. As if someone popped a balloon in his face, snapping out of his memory to the present was loud and painful. That was Susanna’s childe, and Jack’s great grandsire. “In the name of peace,” Antoinette continued, “these three hunters were invited to the ball to be shown that Dolareido, my city, is not as devolved as other cities with a Kindred presence. We are better than our baser desires.” She adopted an evil smile, and looked back to the hunters....

2 years ago
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Becoming Candi Part One

Becoming Candi Rachel The alarm on my phone shocked me from my sleep and I thumbed with the touch screen in an attempt to turn it off. The phone was new and it was the first time I had heard the alarm tone, which was less like a wake up alarm and more like an emergency siren. "Rach, will you get that?" I heard my Mother yell from downstairs. With a tremendous amount of effort I managed to lift myself off my pillows and sit up. Today was the first day of university for me and my...

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Santa Spanks Taylor Hangs A Candy Cane In Her Bottom

Santa spanks Taylor & Hangs a Candy Cane In Her Bottom.Taylor was home for Christmas from college and she was in their bedroom for a long winter’s night.  Not a creature was stirring her family away but pretty coed had decided to stay.As Taylor had made merry and cheer. Little did Taylor know it was the condition of her cute rear she should fear?Her pretty long brown shimmery hair swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed tight into her blue jeans and bust...

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Trying a Moroccan dick

Trying a Moroccan dickIt had been a busy day at the office.Helena was absent, because she had had to take care of her mother, who was staying at the hospital for a few days…However, my slutty friend called me in the afternoon, when I was driving home and asked me if I was in the mood to go out with her that night. Of course I was…It was Friday and Victor was at home, but I knew he wanted to stay there and it would be nice for him to be alone for a while. I called him to tell my plan and he...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 2

I was getting anxious as the minutes seemed to drag by, but finally my sister appeared in my doorway dressed as I desired. My note to her told her to shower after she woke up, to put on the camisole and panties I left on her bed and come to my bedroom I wanted to talk to her. She did as she was instructed, it was a good start. The camisole was pink and very sheer, her small tits were visible through it, and I saw how large her nipples were for the first time. Her breasts were the size and...

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Candi's story If you don't think this is a work of fiction you are crazy. "Thank you dear that was delightful." I smiled on a post orgasmic haze. Being married for 4 years out sex had become so routine. Its not that we didn't have sex often enough or that I no longer found my wife attractive. Its just the same positions always ending up in missionary position till we both came. "Yes I enjoyed it too." At breakfast the next day I struggled to formulate my wanting to...

3 years ago
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Cannibal Cruise

Notes: { This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself. }Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1.Year 2095 C.E. Cannibalism is now practised, to some degree, in nearly every country. The 2005 aviary influenza epidemic brought a dramatic change to the world's female population. Somehow the virus fired some, hitherto repressed genes in women and female animals bringing a sudden change in their behaviour. Mankind first noticed changes in...

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Candi Coated

Brandi saw her aunt on the street, ran past with a breathless “Hi,” ran up the walk to her cousin’s house, and entered without a knock. She took the stairs quickly, burst into her cousin’s room, and found Candi lying on her back, in bed, her face flushed, her dress pulled up her legs, and her nipples impudently poking peaks in the soft cloth of her top.“What are you doing?” Brandi asked, knowing full well what Candi had been doing.“Nothing,” Candi gasped, having difficulty coming back from the...

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in cantina

Gianni, mi andresti a prendere la sega che ho dimenticato giù in cantina?... Attento, non è quella poggiata sulla vecchia credenza, è quella che ho lasciato sul mobiletto accanto, quello dove tengo i giornali vecchi» mi chiese mio padre intento a fare dei lavori in casa con me che ero lì ad osservarlo.Avevo visto spesso mio padre utilizzare vecchi quotidiani quando verniciava o quando utilizzava olio o lubrificanti ma non avevo mai visto da dove li avesse tirati fuori; però senza fare domande...

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The Truth About Black Canadians

Life is funny, folks. Case in point? Me. Steve Acier. Mr. Big and tall Black man of Haitian descent living in Nepean, a suburb of the capital city of Ottawa in the Province of Ontario. I moved there from my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, at the end of 2009. Since then I enrolled at Carleton University and I also work part-time as a security guard at the local art gallery. Since I moved to Ottawa, I experienced a lot of culture shock. Ottawa is a city with a growing population of...

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Mexican Boy Meets American Boy

My name is Enrique and I am from Chihuahua Mexico. Since a c***d I never really liked girls, but I didn’t seem to like boys either. That was true until I first went to visit the USA. I fell in love when I met a white American boy. His beautiful blue eyes, his pretty smile, his perfect body, and his tall frame attracted me to him. I never met a man like that in my life. I was 18 and he was about 23 years old. I didn’t know much English so it was hard to talk to him. But he knew I wanted him. He...

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My Little VentrueChapter 4

~~Jack~~ It only took a small nod to the bouncer for Jack to get in. Just a week ago, he wouldn’t have dared dream of it, but Invictus connections were endless – larger than just Xnomina - so now here he was, stepping into throbbing music and pulsing lights. The air smelled of sweat, body’s grinding against each other with the beat, and enough skin was exposed to make his heart race. Or at least, it would have if it still beat; the fact it didn’t never stopped unsettling him. Everything was...

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My Little VentrueChapter 26

~~Beatrice~~ Climbing down into the cavern was getting easier. But no matter how good she was getting at it, if the clouds decided to cover the night sky, the obsidian shadow below her was an easy way to get some broken, mangled limbs. God damn the canyon was a bitch, with no good footing anywhere, and enough jagged rocks to kill any kine who fell down, guaranteed. But she was familiar with it now, knew where the good rocks for grabbing were, knew where to put her weight into a crevice to...

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My Little VentrueChapter 64

~~Jack~~ Getting taken back to the real world was a curse and a blessing. Everything, everywhere, was teasing him with answers he couldn’t get to. What was the Ritual of Faces? Black Blood and the red wraiths, what did they have to do with the ritual, how were the hunters doing it, why were hunters and spirits working together, what did the red wraiths mean when they mentioned ‘who the monster speaks with ... the trail to their goal.’ Azamel? Were they talking about Azamel? If they were, how...

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My Little VentrueChapter 115

~~Jack~~ “Oh my god,” Jack said. “Oh ... dear Lord,” Damien said. “Now arriving, Mister Jack Terry, of the Invictus, and champion this evening. With him, Mister Damien Burksen, of the ... Lancea et Sanctum, and champion’s guard,” the ghoul in the tuxedo beside them called out. The crowd turned to them, clapped for a few moments, nodded their hands, and resumed socializing. Somewhere along the line, Antoinette’s invite to the ball, which had included a ‘some skin but not too much’ message,...

1 year ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 143

~~Jack~~ “So you let Tilly go?” Elaine asked, chuckling as she stepped in past the door. They were in his mansion, and Mulder and Scully sat on his shoulders, eying the much, much older vampire. Idly, Jack noticed that neither of the birds crapped anymore. They’d always been smart enough to not do that in the mansion, but apparently it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. “How do you know that?” “Do you think I came to this city alone? I have eyes and ears everywhere.” He eyed her. She...

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My Little VentrueChapter 157

~~Beatrice~~ The war was over. Jacob laughed when he told her that. Told her it was temporary, because the Carthians and the Invictus and ‘Churchies’ always eventually got in each other’s face and business. Tale as old as time, he said. But either way, for the moment, there was a truce, and that meant people could breathe easy; dumb metaphor considering vampires. Triss and Jen were at the cave when Sam showed up, and she smiled and waved at them before she slipped into Jacob’s alcove. They...

2 years ago
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Candi Coated

Without a doubt, Candi has the biggest tits in the neighborhood. Even before she turned eighteen, everyone noticed her huge E cups. It would be a gross underestimation to say her huge tits are her best feature, but that’s what everyone says. In truth, her entire voluptuous body is her best feature.Standing at six feet tall, Candi towers over the other sluts. All that height comes from her long, thick legs, which perfectly match her big-titted body. However she stands, her thick hips and curvy...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Friends Dominican Mom

My story about making new friends and experiencing new cultures.......I grew up in an affluent town 12 miles north of Boston. During high school, inner city students from the Boston/metro area were shipped in small numbers to go to school in the more affluent, suburban schools surrounding Boston. It was during this time I met Eduardo or "Eddie" as we called him. He was a Dominican k** from Boston, and from the moment we met in school, we hit it off. We became really good friends; we hung out...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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