Hawiian Cruise
- 3 years ago
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This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself.
Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1.
Year 2095 C.E.
Cannibalism is now practised, to some degree, in nearly every country. The 2005 aviary influenza epidemic brought a dramatic change to the world's female population. Somehow the virus fired some, hitherto repressed genes in women and female animals bringing a sudden change in their behaviour.
Mankind first noticed changes in women. New generations became more reckless, sensual and passionate. Very intense pain was, somehow, turned into sexual pleasure.
Another dramatic change was an unbalance in the ratio of women to men. It is a well known fact that women conceive more girls than boys in times of crisis or stress. Women now give birth to about ten girls for every boy.
Women's life expectancy has also dropped drastically. There is a great variability, which means a percentage still enjoy a 'normal' life span, but the average life expectancy is about 35 years. Girls, in general, burn life at a higher rate than boys. After a full, hectic life they usually die in their prime. There is another reason for early female mortality: Their recklessness and lack of fear of extreme pain brings about a very high number of bizarre suicides and accidents. Pregnancies, somehow, mellow women making them less wild.
Scientists worldwide have devoted much time and resources to look for a solution but have found none. They concluded that pain to pleasure conversion had, once in a distant past, been an evolutionary advantage, leading to a yearning for, ever painful, child-birth and so the relevant genes have been preserved in the human genome. Artificial insemination and parthenogenesis -pregnancy without male intervention, resulting in the birth of a baby girl with her mother's genes- have become widely used to save mankind from extinction.
Many farm animals were also affected by the epidemic which, initially, led to worldwide famine. After several turbulent years, most governments, backed by citizens in democratic countries, came to pass laws to stop the enormous waste of women's lives and bodies. Laws that institutionalized cannibalism, and channelled young women's recklessness and love of risk, legalizing periodical, cannibal state lotteries in which women -in theory also men- enjoy fame, the thrill of courting death and, finally, a delicious meal and a huge monetary recompense if they survive, or a painful/orgasmic death if they don't.
Mankind has adapted rapidly to the new circumstances and nowadays state lotteries are extremely popular in many countries. They are also an enormous source of revenues. On-line betting, on who will end cooked, produces enough money to pay the survivors' recompenses and still leave a huge profit. People assisting to lottery, execution and cook-out also pay handsomely for the privilege. Television and multimedia recordings of the events -very popular with women- also add to the profits.
State lotteries are considered very tame. They are usually followed by quick guillotine executions and a communal cook-out. Private associations and particulars are also allowed to organize lotteries and cannibal feasts. These events are often very wild and imaginative, usually consisting of a continuous orgy.
In western culture countries, the law makes absolutely sure participants in lotteries and cannibal feasts are really willing. To avoid undue pressures, family or friends never benefit from victims' deaths. Third world countries have far more permissive laws.
Not all women are affected in the same way. Some can control their new feminine impulses and, although a minority, there are enough of them to share, equally, with men posts of responsibility in society. One of them is Jessica Joy, captain of the 'Dolcett World Cruise Lines' ship 'Merideth'.
'Dolcett World Cruise Lines', an international company specialized in luxury, cannibal cruises, is universally respected and currently receives subventions from several international organizations in recognition of its efforts to redistribute world wealth and correct sexes imbalance.
'DWCL' has offices all over the world. It also promotes, and generously funds, 'Dolcett clubs' worldwide. 'Dolcett clubs', named after a cartoonist famous for his extremely erotic, woman eating drawings, are non profit associations dedicated to the enjoyment of cannibalism. Members pay a fixed amount weekly towards the celebration of two or three annual cannibal feasts. Girls are obtained by lotteries -with survivor prizes-, volunteers or -where allowed- direct purchase. 'Dolcett clubs' repay 'DWCL' generosity by doing their best to provision its cruises with girls when they touch local ports.
'DWCL' cruise tours are famous the world over. Service is exquisite, crew professional and friendly, girl meat scrumptious! The most popular, and affordable, trips last one week. They are return trips to paradise islands where a cannibal feast, cum orgy, takes place. On-board food is also excellent, usually a buffet including freshly impaled girl kebab. Delicious meat sliced from a, still alive, slowly roasting girl.
The most famous 'DWCL' cruise ships are the nuclear powered, 'Karyn Aites' and 'Merideth'. They sail continuously around the world. A 'DWCL', two months, round the world tour is indeed expensive but, if you can afford it, worth every single penny!
The 'Karyn Aites' circumnavigates the world three times yearly. It offers the 'Meats Of The World Tour'. The challenge of this tour is to offer the passengers a taste of exotic girl meat worldwide. The tour is considered less than successful if more than one tenth of the consumed girls come from the crew.
Customs and laws vary from land to land, and for cruise ships, although granted passage everywhere, the acquisition of meat is often only quasi-legal. To ensure adequate meat supply in any circumstances, the 'Karyn Aites' always carries surplus female crew. Feeding excess crew means an extra demand for local, fresh women. In many ports of call, friendly, 'Dolcett clubs' provide girls but sometimes more are needed. To feed crew and passengers, it is necessary to send a daring 'Lard party' overland to periodically bring aboard as many women as can be obtained in clandestine lotteries or bought locally. Sometimes the provisioning crew is even forced to kidnap local girls.
'DWCL' cruise ship 'Merideth', on the other hand, offers the 'Crew meat World Tour'. This tour is, by far, the most expensive of those offered by 'DWCL' as the number of passengers is limited to about one tenth of the crew. 'Merideth' leaves Acapulco (Mexico) thrice yearly with passengers and a full all-female crew to return, after a two months round the world trip, with one fifth of the original crew and a delighted passage.
Captain Jessica Joy is very proud of the "Crew meat World Tour" organization. It is no mean feat to feed, lavishly, passengers and crew during two months and end the tour with enough crew girls to handle the ship. In four years of cruising, her ship hasn't loaded a single meat girl from ports of call. Its freezers only store vegetables and cooking ingredients, never meat. Daily lotteries provide fresh crew-girl meat throughout the whole trip. As many as twelve girls at the beginning of the tour which drops, as crew is reduced, to three daily at the end.
Girls are always cooked according to local cuisine by superb, on-board Chefs or by famous, invited, local ones. Crew morale is always very high. Happy, high spirited crew girls land at each port to buy local ingredients -for, say, a delicious Hawaian girl luau, sweet and sour woman soup or coconut sauce basted girl roast- with which, very often, they themselves are later cooked. There has not been a single desertion and surviving crew, which always receives a hefty bonus, sometimes re-enlist.
A "Crew meat World Tour" starts several months before the departure date. Despite the slim odds to survive the tour, thousands of young girls flock to 'DWCL' offices, all over the world, to enlist. The delightful thrill of risking your life in such an exotic, luxurious setting plus the enormous bonus granted to surviving crew, makes the opportunity irresistible. There is also the added incentive of meeting extremely wealthy passengers and, perhaps, ending the tour as girlfriend or protegee of one of them.
The crew of the 'Merideth' consists of a professional core which can run the ship almost single handed: Captain, officers, maintenance, communications, Chefs and kitchen helpers, etc. Continuously enrolled in the ship, members of this group are only exceptionally cooked. Complement crew: Common sailor girls, waitresses, recreation, cleaning, etc, are renewed for every tour.
Before being enlisted at local offices, girls are rigorously checked. Only those complying with the strict 'DWCL' standard for meat girls and appropriate character and qualifications are accepted. They are then flown from all over the world to Acapulco to train, aboard the 'Merideth', for the two months previous to the departure date. In this time the 'Merideth' is completely refitted and provisioned for its next tour.
Even at the enormous price, there is always a long waiting list to become a 'Merideth' passenger. The tour always starts with the maximum passage, about fifty extremely wealthy, sophisticated, discriminating men and women.
Departure date! Even after many such tours, Captain Jessica still feels an enormous excitement and pride. The crew, a motley crowd of high spirited, giggling, rowdy girls of different colours, accents and shapes, many of them naked except for the company collar, flirt shamelessly with the embarking passengers. Everything is ship-shape, store full of frozen staples, fresh vegetables and cooking ingredients. Ship cellar crammed with champagne, and vintage wines. Spotless decks waxed, brass sparkling, the 'Merideth' is a ship to make any captain proud!
Jessica checks the manifesto, everything on-board. Crew 450 excited women, passengers 51. Anchors will be lifted as soon as pre-lottery girls are aboard. Here they come, comely girls bought from all over South America. Naked, they climb the stairs, smiling shyly, to the applause and cheering of both crew and passengers. They seem to be finally reconciled to their fate.
Pre-lottery girls provide meat for the first days of the tour, the pacific crossing, to allow crew and passengers to get acquainted with each other before crew girl lotteries start. Live cooked girls never suffer the indignity of being gutted on 'Dolcett World Cruise Lines' ships, they are thoroughly cleaned out with enemas beforehand. To avoid this inconvenience with pre-lottery girls, they are fed a protein, vitamin and mineral concentrate for two weeks before embarkation and while aboard. They thrive on the stuff and certainly look good enough to eat!
According to the manifesto there should be 100 pre-lottery girls. Jessica makes a quick calculation. She knows, from previous experience, that a girl, plus staples, seafood, vegetables, etc., will feed 40 people for one day. Pre-lottery girls will last about seven days. With 450 crew girls and 51 passengers... Yes, at tour end there should still be about 100 crew women left. Chefs know how to make a girl go a long way! Bones for delicious soup, guts and less appetizing meat for sausages, roast gravy for sauces,...
Jessica gives orders to lift anchors. Horns sound from all the ships in the harbour wishing the 'Merideth' a happy voyage. Family and friends shout a last farewell and the tour starts.
John and Sally, newly-weds, are particularly excited to be passengers. Their romance started in this very ship last year. John, thirty five years old, owner of a successful software company, was then passenger and Sally, eighteen, an enrolled sailor.
Crew girls are encouraged to interact with all passengers equally but John and Sally felt such a powerful attraction for each other that, for all the attention they paid anyone, they could have been the only people aboard.
But there was a time every day when they were painfully aware of their surroundings. Lottery time! Sally always came out lucky. They felt then so full of life, so exhilarated, they could barely wait to be somewhere private before fucking their heads off. Sex was then so fantastic they always dropped exhausted afterwards. Later, utterly spent, John begged Sally to mix with the rest of the passage, to attend more to her chores to increase her chances of surviving the lottery.
They lived through a soul wrenching, incredibly exciting, sex charged trip. The tour last lottery was really terrible, John stayed in his cabin the whole morning, thoroughly miserable until Sally burst into his room and engulfed him with breasts, mouth and cunt shouting "Have me. I am all yours, forever!". They were the last to leave the 'Merideth'. John's cabin door locked, they fucked and fucked until they could not move. A mind blowing experience! Sally collected her enormous bonus -she'll never have financial problems again- and moved in to live with John.
They are the perfect couple. Their only disagreement was when John, after their distressing experience, shied from cannibalism. Sally, who wants to live to the full, gently and patiently coaxed him back to enjoyment of cannibalism and all its associated pleasures. After all, she need never be meat again!
They became members of a couple of sybaritic "Dolcett clubs" where money flows and lottery girls are incredibly beautiful. Survivors collect their enormous prizes and join the festivities enthusiastically. Executions and cooking practices are shocking, imaginative, outrageous, cruel, exceedingly painful, highly erotic and ... delicious! Orgies wild.
Finally married, they have decided to spend their honeymoon on the 'Merideth' to recall old times.
A pretty little thing, who introduces herself as Samantha, barefoot and completely naked except for the regulation white collar, offers to show them around the ship. The newly-weds do not need to be shown but decide to indulge their charming, enthusiastic escort.
Lower deck aft a promenade area, covered with sun-shades and comfortable looking cots, surrounds a kidney shaped swimming pool. "This is temporary quarters for pre-lottery girls" informs Samantha. Winking impishly "I bet they are eager for some fun!"
Pre-lottery girls are attached to a rail, surrounding the swimming pool, by thin flexible cables connected to rings at the back of their red collars. They'll spend their last days here and everything is arranged to make them comfortable, a bar, portable toilets... They can use the swimming pool or walk the deck but, currently, most of them are engaged in frantic sex.
Two naked sailor girls, cunts dripping, stand guard while several passengers and crew attend the doomed beauties. A petite brunette with enormous boobs lays on her cot, moaning excitedly, while two lady passengers -no collar- kiss and suck respectively her clitoris and nipples. Further back a, red collared, elfin mulatto sucks a sailor's gushing cunt while a male passenger fucks her own.
A sultry, white skinned Hispanic winks naughtily at Samantha and the newly-weds. Samantha starts to frig herself, begging with her eyes to stop for a while to comfort the poor, poor meat girl. Smiling, John and Sally shed their clothes and lead the way to the beautiful temptress. The girl, Elena, immediately takes charge of matters. Samantha finds herself on the cot straddled for a 69. Elena wishes are crystal clear. She holds John's erect prick and points, "Por el culo. A fondo!". John obliges her, skewering her arsehole deeply.
Sally, not to be left out, caresses Samantha and Elena's breasts while frigging herself. They work at it enthusiastically and are soon rewarded by sundry orgasms. Elena is sucking John's cock clean when she spies a lonely passenger's enormous dong. Without releasing John, she offers her gaping arsehole to the newcomer and begs "Por el culo!".
Samantha, gathering cunt honey from her crotch and then licking her hands clean, leads her charges to the forecastle. Along the way she points different parts of the ship.
Crew quarters aft, "Lots of fun with so many randy girls. You can smell pussy a mile off! A little bit cramped now, but will be roomy enough when many of us girls scream our way to greedy mouths!" she winks while frigging herself.
Passengers' land in the middle. "Luxurious! That's the life! Many amusement areas too. There is even a theatre. Can be used for fancy executions. We rehearsed a couple of naughty plays last month, using bought girls. My! Did they squirm and howl! Lots of fun if you are not the star!" she giggles contagiously.
"Here is the forecastle. Bridge forward, officers' country behind. Have you met our captain? Quite an eyeful she is! Such a tight, pretty pussy! Bet she pees Champagne! Would love to get drunk on it!" sighs Samantha.
"Below decks there are store rooms, machinery and stuff. The whole top floor has the kitchens and... a very interesting hall! Let's go up and I'll show you. My friend Betty, recreation and games, will welcome all passengers there in half an hour".
They climb the stairs to the 'interesting hall'. A frenzied, savage orgy greets them. Passengers and crew suck, fuck, moan, scream,... Sally drops on all fours and John's bursting dick rams her slick cunt deep. A heady aroma creates powerful, irresistible, associations in all present: Impending climax, overpowering sexual energy, a primal instinct to hurt and be hurt... THIS IS THE EXECUTION AND COOKING HALL! Adrenaline flows, mouths salivate, bodies rut. Poor Samantha frigs herself madly moaning incoherently. Sally pulls her near and sucks her dripping cunt. Without noticing, she bites feverish flesh. Samantha screams a wrenching orgasm while Sally laps her bloody cunt juice.
More composed, Sally begs Samantha's pardon.
"Bah! Your teeth did not go in deep. I enjoyed it! I'll forgive you if you lick it often back to health. Come I'll show you the wicked toys!"
Our couple remember the kitchen appliances perfectly well. Transparent pyrex glass for a clear view of cooking bodies inside, tops cleverly made to fit a girl's neck leaving her head outside.
Electric, hot air ovens. A gimbals mounted, enormous 'boiler babe' pot. Fast fryers with hovering wire baskets to lower girls into boiling oil. Fire pits with supports for modern, spitless spits and a full collection of skewers. Luau sandpits, raised from the floor, their near side a guillotine-like neck stock to allow a, face up, luau-ed girl scream to her heart content. ...
"What are these frames?" asks Sally "They were not here before!"
"How do you know?"
"I'll tell you sweety buns. Last year I was in this ship wearing a white collar."
"Me too!" says John. "Without collar." he adds.
"Whoa! Congratulations! Wish I had your luck."
"We like you a lot Samantha. I hope you make it to the end. Would not mind sinking my teeth on these though!" says Sally fondling Samantha's pretty, hand fitting boobs. "Seriously I feel very sisterly to you. In a very erotic sort of way!" she winks. "We'll give you all our votes. If you come out a survivor, we'll help you financially, you'll be quite well off anyway! And socially. You must join our Dolcett Clubs! So exciting!" Sally kisses Samantha on her full lips and admonishes "But you must let John and me take care of your dear, bleeding pussy!"
"Deal! But no biting unless my poor cunty is already cooked!" giggles Samantha.
"What are the frames anyway?" asks John.
"It is a clever, wicked, vertical girl kebab", she grins appreciatively, "The poor dear girl stands on the bottom round platform, legs slightly apart, held by rings bolted to it. Shackled hands hold her arms straight down, one in front the other back, not too close to her body, for even roasting see? They lock a roundel round her neck, to protect her head you know, and then lower the platform until the roundel fits the circular groove on top of the frame. A spit, stored under the floor, now rises from the platform and spits the screaming bitch. Her anus mind! We don't want to spoil her cunt. Now the platform starts to turn and so she does, held by the spit and the turning roundel. It is then time to roll out the semi-cylindrical electric fire which surrounds her and fits nicely around the groove holding the roundel. Lovely to hear and see! Delicious meat too! Thin slices cut with a long handled knife while she is still alive. Scrumptious!"
"Hey! You are an expert!" says John impressed.
"They let us use all the toys during training. I mean they bought some girls to show us what it is like. Not many, two theatre rehearsals and one for each toy here. No one tried the guillotine. They told us it is seldom used. The fun is over too soon!"
"Vow! You really got our attention! You are a girl after my own heart!" said Sally.
"Oh dear, I get so high on this things! I tell you, I could get used to this life! If only I did not have to risk the lottery..." Samantha starts to frig herself "Ouch! It still hurts!"
John and Sally, tongues ready, come to her aid.
Orgy finally declining, John regards admiringly the 'Execution and cooking hall'. Fore wall connected to kitchens, a bar aft, side walls and roof made of glass panels which can be moved to make it an open space. Fully air conditioned. Always very comfortable inside. And the 'Merideth' is rock steady in all kinds of weather. Plenty of couches and mattresses, perfect for orgies! It can be converted into a restaurant, sitting 300, in a matter of minutes or modified, quickly, for many other recreational activities.
Just at this moment an incredibly big breasted, naked blonde picks up a microphone and introduces herself.
"Hello dear passengers." she smiles prettily "My name is Betty and I am in charge of recreation and games. I want to welcome you aboard the 'Merideth' and to thank you, on behalf of all the crew, for making this wonderful tour possible!"
"This is a very special trip. We are all going to share a very intimate and unique experience. Apart from little details, -you, dear passengers, pay for the whole thing, we, crew, do our assigned jobs and provide scrumptious girl meat!" hearty giggles from present crew girls "We are all going to be a big family, sharing adventures, entertainment, table, food, and" wink "bed. After all, the very exciting idea of this tour is to eat somebody close!"
"Vicious cannibals that we all are," laughs and cheers "this 'Execution and cooking hall' will be our main meeting point. I, as recreation and games planner, hope to see passengers and off duty crew here often. We'll have exciting fun and delicious meals."
"Nudity is traditional in this tour. Passengers and crew can wear what they like. I'll always be naked except when outside, if too cold or sunny." holding her enormous boobs "I don't want these beauties burned before their time!" smacking sounds and appreciative cat calls.
"Now lotteries!" sighs from crew girls "Scrumptious pre-lottery girls are going to feed us for at least one week!" big cheers all around. "Passengers may have noticed all crew wear a collar. We, who are to be cooked," mock sadness "wear white ones. There are 420 mouth watering girls wearing white collars today. Officers fancy other colours." sighs and sniggers "420 is exactly the number of votes each passenger can distribute among us, poor edible girls."
"If you, passengers, log on the computer terminal in your cabin, you'll find each of us, white collars, has received one of your votes. From now on you can redistribute them as you see fit. Important! You should assign votes to those you want spared, not the other way around! A certified, absolutely tamper proof, computer program will run lotteries so crew girls with more votes have less chances of cooking. A cooked girl's votes are returned so they can be distributed again. Don't leave them unused or your darling waitress can roast before her time!"
"I, or my substitute if you have a fixation for splendid, juicy breasts," cute pout "will keep my shapely arse" wriggling it enticingly "moving to provide you with entertainment".
"Each activity will involve some game of chance. At meal times, girl meat treats will go to tables which win them in a mini lottery. In surprise theatre plays, roles will be assigned, among passengers and crew, in a raffle. One or more girls chosen by the lottery program will, of course, be the main stars." laughs and giggles.
"Lottery results will be known at 9 o'clock daily." moans from crew girls "Chosen girls will be secured immediately and attached to this rail here" pointing "by cables linked to their collar rings. They'll be available for sex and... any wicked games we may think of!" mixed moans and cheers "While they last, pre-lottery girls will also be held here. Today they'll bring them in at 10 o'clock, 9 o'clock any other day." Big cheers all around!
"Meals will be served in this hall in two shifts. Passengers and crew will share the same food and drink." cheers and smacking sounds "Make your own arrangements. I guarantee it will be much more fun if passengers and crew mix." much fondling and kissing "Lunch shifts are 12 and 1 pm. Dinner 7 and 8 pm."
"Girls will usually be cooked alive for maximum enjoyment of all present. Heads will be cut off before damaged. After some clever handling and make up, they'll grace lucky tables at meals." murmurs of general agreement.
"Cooking schedules depend on menus and will be posted everyday at 9 o'clock. Cooking will start simultaneously for both shifts. Tough luck for any of us, poor girls, who has to feed the second shift, Chefs will stretch cooking time so she is perfect at the right time." Moans, very loud from Betty.
"Lunch will usually be a simple affair. Buffet and girl kebab. Dinners will be more elaborate." ecstatic "Dinner girls will be available since 9 am until about 6 pm for 'food play'!" sternly "Chefs will be VERY annoyed if girls enter kitchens damaged. Try to behave!" murmurs of hurt feelings.
A chubby, middle aged woman, yellow collar and spotless white apron, comes in from the kitchens holding a sheet of paper. She hands the sheet to Betty and greets everybody "Hello children. Hope you have a good time!"
Betty hugs her saying "This is Milly one of our best Chefs."
Everybody: "Hello Milly!"
Betty: "She has brought today's menu." cheers. Betty reads aloud: "Lunch: Full buffet with freshly impaled girl kebabs." louder cheers "Dinner: Juliana girl soup, oven roasted girls in mint sauce and spit-roasted girls honey glazed." loud claps and cheers!
Milly holds the microphone "Soup should start boiling now to be ready for dinner." excited moans. Lecturing: "Pre-lottery girls come ready for cooking -empty bowels and a perfect shave-, but I am most particular concerning soups. Our girl has been thoroughly enema-ed and forced to drink a lot of weak white wine. She is quite drunk, the poor dear! Her bladder is now full of wine. I have tasted her pee. Delicious!" licking her lips "I'll get her." loud shouts "Yea, Yea! Yummy!"
Five minutes later Milly comes in with a voluptuous young Negress, slightly on the fat side but pretty, wearing paper slippers. She is obviously very drunk. A couple of eager, off duty, stewardesses have already lifted the 'boiler babe' top.
Milly sets the soup girl, without slippers, inside the enormous, transparent glass pot, drunk she offers no resistance. "Nice and cosy aren't we?" Milly deftly fits the top around the girl's neck, locks it and goes back to the kitchen.
Betty informs the eager cannibals that kitchen help will now bring a big container, full of near boiling water and connect it to a thick pipe at the back of the 'boiler babe'. Just as she finishes speaking, Milly comes back with two kitchen girls, orange collars, pushing in a wheeled huge container. The pipe connection is soon ready.
Betty picks up the mike, frigging herself "Cannibals get ready. I'll count to ten!"
Everybody surrounds the 'boiler babe' pot. Girl couples stand or sit together, one hand on their lover's breasts, another over their own dripping pussies. Several girls are on their knees, a man behind. All stare intensely at the doomed soup girl.
Samantha and Sally, facing the 'boiler babe', kneel side by side in front of John, hands on breasts and pussy. Samantha reaches back, rubs cunt juice over her tight anus and points John's, painfully erect, cock there.
Milly opens a valve and, in a matter of seconds, the big pot is full of scalding water. The Negress, rudely awakened, screams shrilly, again and again. She is not bound. Arms and legs writhe madly. She tries to stand and howls herself hoarse.
Moans and cries are drowned by the scalded girl high pitched screams, hands fly, loins thrust urgently, musky fluids splatter floors giving away heady sex fumes, unheard orgasmic yowls fill the air. Cannibals in full rut!
John's cock spears Samantha's tight anus and rams itself fully in. She screams in pain and ecstasy. He pulls fully out and pierces again. Samantha meets him mid way, bent on impaling herself even further. She and Sally frig themselves madly.
The Negress has calmed down somewhat, her body has adapted to the cruel heat. Her face, distorted by pain, sweats rivers. She shouts incoherent insults.
Orgy moans and screams fill the room.
Betty's amplified voice, moans: "The bitch will boil when I say!"
John withdraws from Samantha's obscenely stretched anus and fills it with three fingers. He moves and plunges his stained cock fully inside his wife's experienced arsehole. He pumps hand and penis making both women howl with pleasure.
Betty voice, panting: "Now!"
Milly pushes a button and bubbles start to rise from the bottom of the pot. The Negress squirms and cries in alarm. Hanging from her neck, she lifts her legs and makes swimming movements. It is erotically comic. She whines continuously, exciting more and more her audience.
The orgy is at its apex. Many try to delay their orgasms to synchronize with the boiling girl's last breath. John can not hold any more and sprays Sally's bowels with his seed, feeling each and every delicious spurt.
The soup girl shrieks a final, orgasmic, high pitched howl and her body goes limp. Boiling water jiggles her full breasts. A yellow cloud, wine from her bladder, tints the water. Blood and juices from blisters enrich the soup.
Milly cuts the Negress' head off with an electric knife and lowers the boiler thermostat. She is thinking that blacks boil better. Their bodies don't turn a nasty fiery red. The bitch also provided entertainment for longer than any soup girl she can remember. Next soup girl will also be black, she decides.
Kitchen helpers lift the boiler top, drop finely chopped vegetables, herbs and condiments, close the boiler and turn its thermostat to low boil. Milly goes back to the kitchens with the severed head.
On duty waitresses, carrying drinks and hot, wet towels, weave their way among the cannibals cleaning and refreshing them. A barely legal brunette giggles seeing Samantha and Sally's distended arseholes. She inserts corners of towel in both holes and wipes inside. New towels and a thorough wipe outside.
Wiping John's cock she sighs sorrowfully "A poor anal virgin I am gals, more is the pity! When can I borrow your stud?"
"Poor little love. Come tonight, cabin 069. I'll lick your little browny and hubby will skewer it for you." giggles back Sally.
"Hey! Do I get to be heard?" complains John.
"Of course darling."
"Try to come early, pretty virgin!"
"What about me!" pouts Samantha.
"You know you are always invited sweety. Come, let me soothe your inflamed chocolate winky" coos Sally.
The hall echoes satisfied murmurs from all present.
"My first soup girl. Poor cunty is rubbed raw!"
"So are my teats lover. You are such a nipple twister! Come let me lick you dry!"
"Whoa! I'd love to boil the bitch again!"
"Come to my cabin. We'll see a replay while I fuck your pretty pussy again."
"Lets! I want full sound!"
"Sandy, will you drink me while I eat my soup?"
"You bet, drippy puss!"
"Terrific! Wasn't she? Pity we don't get an encore!"
"Soup girls are always amateurs. Think she enjoyed it at the end?"
"Sure did! Your pussy was so hot I imagined I was fucking her."
"What! The shameless hussy!"
Betty, recovered, looks at her watch and picks up the microphone again "Friends, your attention please". Conversations peter out to murmurs "Our pre-lottery sisters will arrive in a quarter of an hour. What do you say to a darts contest to choose dinner table?" loud cheers "I suggest we first start choosing dining partners. Four to a table."
Pandemonium ensues. Samantha, grasping John's cock and embracing Sally tightly, as if afraid they'd evaporate, begs "Please, pretty pleease, share a table with Betty and me! Say you will. Do!"
"But of course we will, sweety cunt!" says John "Now, please, let go of my pecker. You'll pull it off!"
Samantha jumps up and down for joy and calls Betty "Look who I found! John and Sally, the most canniballic, scrumptious, sexiferous couple you have ever seen! They are going to share our table!"
"Whoa. She really likes you! Gladiferous to meet you. Give us a kiss! ... All right, all right," offering her big melons "don't be shy, grab a good feel!" three pairs of hands fondle her bazooms "These will be the death of me yet!" sigh "Obsessed with them they all are. Nobody pays any attention to my bum... Which is worth a second look, if I say so myself!" a bunch of hands clamp on her quivering buttocks while sundry lips milk her boobs "Ah! Ah! Ooh! Sexiferous!"
Betty has to go back to the mike. "Well, I see you have sorted yourselves out! I'll tell you how to play this game. Here is the layout of the tables when the restaurant is mounted in the hall." shows a chart "All tables are numbered. Best numbers are at front, where 'things are cooking'." wink "We'll cook twelve girls today. Four for lunch, the rest for dinner."
"Here is another chart with marksmanship points." shows a composite photo of a girl, front, side and back, figures drawn on her body "We'll use the lunch girls. They will be linked in two pairs by bars with anal plugs, otherwise they'll be free to move as far as their cables allow. Dart needles are long and thin. Lots of fun!" doubtful "Hope Chefs won't complain".
"As you can see a clitoris hit is worth 100 points, anywhere in a vagina 80, a nipple -not areola mind!- 90 and a miss 0! Totals of table groups will be carefully recorded and table numbers awarded accordingly. We'll consider even numbers only. Odd numbers are reserved for our sisters on duty."
"While we wait, I'll let you know that anything happening in the hall is recorded as stereoscopic video with surround sound. Our specialist, green collared, sisters handle zoom and whatever very skilfully! The signal is available all over the ship and you can recall any past event in your cabin computer. At tour end, passengers and surviving crew will be given a complimentary copy as a souvenir. All other recordings will be erased."
Just then Milly comes back bringing the soup girl's head. It is really beautiful, smiling, made up and perfectly coiffured. She places it on a stand by the soup pot. "None of your touching and kissing her! She has to grace a lunch table this afternoon!"
Betty "Ah, here come our guests. Welcome girls!"
Sailor girls bring in eleven, red collared, girls, attach them to a rail near the bar, tie their hands at their backs and leave looking longingly at the partying cannibals.
Betty: "Milly, dear will you please choose the lunch girls now?"
With expert eye, Milly selects four shapely, slightly flat chested girls -big boobs overcook in kebabs. Eager hands unhook and re-attach them to one of the kebab frames.
Milly: "Now you listen Betty lass! Have your way with them. Have lots of fun. But no serious damage or I'll tan your pretty bum. Make no mistake about it!"
"Will you really?" coos Betty hopefully.
Milly on her way to the kitchens, smiling: "Get along with you, you... naughty girl!"
Hall stewardesses get two dildo ended bars, four glass helmets and a jar of girl's grease out of a cupboard.
Seeing her former colleague's smiling, pretty head by the soup pot, lunch girls submit gracefully to have their arseholes greased. They shriek and yelp though when, amid much joking and laughing, their rudely fingered and stretched anuses yield to the thick, spherical tips of the dildos. Paired by one meter long bars, they stand nervous, heads covered by glass helmets.
Betty has soon everything organized. Two groups, of four tables each, are supplied with sharp pointed darts, each table has darts of a different colour. They all dip dart tips in a glass with alcohol and while a group of four tables, 16 people, try their marksmanship on the girls, the other stands ready to take their place. New groups form to keep a steady flow of darts hitting the poor girls.
Stewardesses take scores. The rest of cannibals enjoy the spectacle while they wait their turn. Many engage in sex stimulated by the targets' high pitched howls and yelps. A small group has gone to attend the remaining pre-lottery girls' sexual needs.
Betty, Samantha, Sally and John will have their chance at the girls when the current group finishes.
"Betty dear, I wonder if... er... well... Would you mind? Could I..." stammers John.
Sighing "All right. Go ahead, help yourself."
"It is just for luck, you know, tradition and all that. Only a moment while I take aim." He gets behind her and holds, left handed, her left boob. His right hand holds the dart -he is tempted to drop it to grab more of her flesh. Her breast feels so wonderfully warm and cushy! His hand just covers the magnificent mammary areola. Daringly he tweaks her nipple...
"Next group get ready!"
"That must be us." thinks John and takes aim with his dart. "A pussy is 80 points. Must concentrate! Damn heavy..." kneading and lifting experimentally the enthralling mound "I wonder if her feet get wet in the shower..."
Everything happens very fast. John's cock involuntarily rises lodging itself in Betty's arse furrow, tickling her sensitive anus. "Wheyyyyy!!!" she cries, flinching. Both their darts fly ceiling-ward. Everybody follows their trajectory. A lunch girl jumps to protect her bald pussy from two well aimed darts. Down come the errant darts... spot on both the girl's nipples, spearing them nicely. She squeals in surprise looking at the twin dart feathers beautifying her boobs.
Loud clapping greets this superb example of marksmanship. Sally has hit a buttock and Samantha a foot -a passenger's foot! All together it adds to 210 points which will get them a most excellent table! Betty turns her head and smiles tenderly at John, her arse wiggling contentedly.
The contest is finished. Hall attendants remove the girls' glass helmets. They are a pretty sight, darts sticking out from their bodies and little blood beads marking main target areas. It seems everybody aimed for breasts, pubis and buttocks.
Attendant girls remove all the darts and sponge the girls clean, tickling playfully all their wicked parts. When it comes to remove the thick dildos there are complications. The bulbous heads just won't come out.
In comes Milly from the kitchens. "What! Still not finished! It is almost eleven and we have not even started. Hurry up! And I want intact anuses, mind! Kebab spits should fit snugly!
Hall duty attendants, amid much giggling, grease and massage lunch girls' sphincters. Guided by their screams, they finally coax the dildos out.
"All right, get them on the kebab platforms or they won't be ready for the first lunch shift." says Milly somewhat mollified.
Betty, mike in hand, calls everybody to attend lunch preparation.
The crying girls are led to four kebab frames. Under Milly careful supervision, feet and hands are fixed to the raised platforms. Feet shackled directly, hands manacled and attached to the platform by flexible cables.
They stand on the platforms as if about to walk. Heads through and above the circular groove at the top of the frame, left foot and right hand slightly forward, right foot and left hand back.
Pyrex glass roundels are fixed around their necks and the platforms lowered until the roundels fit inside the frame top grooves. Roundels can now turn smoothly thanks to finely machined ball bearings.
Attendant girls position lunch girls and separate their buttocks while spits, controlled by Milly's experienced hands, rise. After penetrating the girls' anuses, shafts continue moving in for another 20 cm. Bodies will be further spitted after the girls' heads are cut off.
Attendants start to rub the girls' bodies with basting sauce. They cry in pain when sauce seeps into dart punctures. All present, even the pre-lottery girls by the bar, are sexually aroused and eagerly expectant of the coming drama.
Milly, always the professional, goes to fetch the hairdresser. This inspired girl, who often does disembodied heads and girls about to cook, is soon on top of a ladder making sure lunch girls play their part at their best.
Four semi-cylinders, insides covered by arrays of powerful, infra-red lamps, are rolled out by excited, boisterous stewardesses and fitted to the kebab frames. Without more ado, Milly switches on all platform motors and fires. Two kebab fires on low power, for the second lunch shift, and two at full power.
Platforms revolve, exposing their precious loads to merciless fires. Soft crying turns into loud moans and then anguished pleas for release. The inside of cylinders glow dully, reddish light reflecting on the sweating, turning feminine bodies. Powerful spotlights illuminate the doomed beauties for better viewing.
Kitchen help use long handled brushes to keep the girls' bodies basted. Sauce, sweat and juices gather on the platforms and flow back into the vessels where kitchen girls dip their brushes.
The girls who'll feed the second lunch shift, moan piteously. Their moans are drowned by their sisters' screams. The latter's skins are starting to turn a golden colour thanks to continuous basting. Their pain must be terrible!
The 'Execution and cooking hall' is full of cannibals. Passengers and crew girls not on duty are here drawn by the exciting spectacle. The roasting girls' piercing screams, the mouthwatering aroma of their cooking bodies and the combined communal sex musk drives everybody frantic with desire. The hall floor is covered by writhing, gasping bodies trying to discharge an unbearable sexual tension.
First one then another of the girls who'll feed the first lunch shift, stop shrieking. Their sisters' moans keep cannibals' excitement at maximum pitch. Sexual tension must be released though and, eventually, a multitude of moaned orgasms bring the orgy to a temporary halt.
Two heads are collected and taken to the kitchens for beautification. Spits rise fully skewering the headless bodies. Stewardesses move among exhausted cannibals refreshing them. Waitresses cheerfully start to set up buffet and restaurant.
Betty, Samantha, Sally and John return to the Hall for lunch in the second shift. They have been walking the decks, enjoying sun and sea breeze. Now they are more than ready for food!
First shift diners have already left, waitresses are busy replenishing the buffet and spreading fresh, white tablecloths over restaurant tables. Two kebab girls are still alive moaning softly while turning and cooking. Kitchen help has removed the other two kebabs electric fires. First shift kebab girls' bodies are carved to the bone.
Our friends' table is up front, with a good view to the cooking area. Fellow diners, in less advantageous places, will be able to follow proceedings as easily. The Hall is full of 'viewing points', places high on the walls equipped with cameras and laser projectors.
People have only to look at one of these points and pattern recognition software will lock on their faces, finding the exact position of eyes and ears. Lasers will then project images directly on retinas, creating incredibly realistic stereoscopic images. Arrays of micro loud-speakers elsewhere will beam surround sound to ears, volume controlled by raising or lowering your head while still staring at the point.
Betty explains that the first shift kebab girls were cooked in a rush for lack of time. Second shift girls should taste better, their meat sliced off while still alive. All salivate at the idea!
The buffet is magnificent! All kinds of seafood, vegetables, salad, tropical fruit, bread,... Delicious vintage wines, champagne,... But everybody queues at the kebabs. There will be time enough for other food later!
Skilled waitresses wield long handled knives to cut thin, golden slices from the girls' bodies. Meat is placed, steaming, on eagerly held plates. An anguished scream punctuates each cannibal served.
Alternative Lunch girls preparation for cooking:
Lunch girls seem to be in a temper. They have chosen a Brazilian mulatto as spokes-girl because she has some English. "We never thought we would be treated in such a despicable way!" she bawls "Why! Many of you were not even looking. They went to entertain those hussies by the bar!"
"Well you can not blame them. After the first one hundred dart throws, the novelty is lost. And you did not put your heart on it. What risible yelps at the end!" counters Betty.
"What! How dare you! I'd like to see you in my place! And what about sex? Here we were, prancing pincushions, giving out our best howls and only a handful bothered to fuck and in a half-hearted way at that!"
"Well, we are all tired, that's why. We just had a super soup girl celebration. Come on cheer up. We'll get you nice and ready for Chef in no time at all."
Attendant girls remove all remaining darts and sponge the girls clean, tickling playfully all their wicked parts. They seem to mellow somewhat but when it comes to remove the thick dildos there are complications. The bulbous heads just won't come out.
In comes Milly from the kitchens. "What! Still not finished! It is almost eleven and we have not even started! All you think of is play, play, play. What is a poor soul to do?" wringing her hands "Always trying to do my best. A honest day work and nobody cares!"
"Calm down Milly, it is just a technical hitch. Here let me help." Betty pulls from the Brazilian and the dildo comes out with a loud 'Plop'. "See, this is the way it is done, carry on girls!"
Milly, somewhat mollified: "All right, get them on the kebab platforms or they won't be ready for the first lunch shift. I'll get our hairdresser to do them. Presentation is all!" she goes back to the kitchens.
Lunch girls, sulking, stand together in a corner.
"Come on girls don't be spoil sports." begs Betty "You'll do great in the kebabs, I promise you. Won't be able to help ourselves just looking at you! Terrific orgy it will be. You'll see!"
"What did you mean 'risible yelps'?" asks the Brazilian still bellicose.
"Well, you know, I did not mean it really. Honest! It was not fair. Must be very stressing being a darts target and all that. And you can not expect a good squeak to come out right with a helmet on. Do forgive me. Please!"
"Oh, all right, I won't bear you a grudge. You are just doing your job. Come on girls get going!"
Lunch girls release their cables and start climbing the kebab platforms.
Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1. End.
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A cruise? Not my ideal holiday but I'd been talked into it by my wife's sister - "How do you know you won't like it if you've never been on one?" Eventually, the two of them plus my brother-in-law had worn me down and I'd reluctantly agreed. Stupidly, I'd not got involved in the choice of booking and had naively expected a week in the Med. I'd forgotten that my sister-in-law and husband were old hands at cruising and knew all the tricks. She left it right to the last minute before striking....
Looking back, Mark realised the sexual relationship he developed with his mother never really had a definite start. He had memories of things seen, said, done, that sowed seeds. And like seeds, they grow slowly until at some point they become flowers: beautiful and real. His father left when he was just 5. Helen, his mother had Mark at 1. After the separation though, she threw herself into working, running the household, and providing for her son. Mark helped where he could -- chores around the...
It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...
Our last vacation and cruise was a year ago. We spent a week in Paris then few to Barcelona for a 12 day Carnival cruise on the Mediterranean. I was with my husband the whole time in Paris so nothing happened there. But on the cruise, that's a different story. There were a few guys I guess you could say, I enjoyed. My husband spent many nights late in the casino. I would cruise the clubs and bars. The second night there I picked up a young guy from England. I loved his accent. He took me to...
It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...
The chartered GulfStream landed at the Fort Lauderdale airport and taxied up to the hanger where a limousine was waiting for J. Richard Connelly and his wife Julia. The bags were quickly loaded into the limo's trunk and while the couple sipped on a chilled California Chardonnay in the back of the vehicle the driver put the limo in gear for the twenty minute drive to the pier where the cruise ship was waiting for them. For the Connelly's it would be their first cruise in almost six months but...
Our parents wanted to take a cruise in the Caribbean for their twentieth anniversary. They planned it out perfectly…then things started to change. It was just little things but it sure upset mom. She was a planning perfectionist. She had planned her entire life right down to her two children and everything was on schedule. I was born first but only after they were married for two years and had established their relationship. Then mom got pregnant and I came along right on schedule in their...
And so, just 6 weeks after the idea had been formed, Dawn and Gavin flew out from Cape Town via London to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They arrived the day before sailing, and spent the night in a hotel to catch up on jet-lag. It was there that Dawn hinted to Gavin what he might expect! "I've been a very forgetful girl", she confessed. "I forgot to bring my diaphragm or any panties!" "Wha... Wha... What are you saying?" For a fleeting moment, Gavin wondered whether this would be a...
Dinner smelled great and I was hungry but not so much for gourmet cuisine as for fuel for my tired body. I walked around the top tier of the dining room and found my table, number 42. It was a table for two with a great view of most of the dining room. It was a view I really wouldn't need. My client had balked on his Caribbean cruise, electing a business meeting in Belgium rather than relaxation on the beach. However, my services as his personal bodyguard were both specific and already paid...
Maureen O'Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds thatsurrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the lastseveral days cruising South Beach and enjoying the Miami sun, and boy, this was living, themiddle of February and the temperature had been hovering in the mid 70's! As Mo walked pasther, the Molly Dee gleamed sparkling white against the azure blue Florida sky, all 790 feet of her!The brochure that her travel agent...
My wife and I were planning to take a vacation for some time now. We have never been on a cruise but thought it would be a lot of fun. Vacation time for us was always our little sexual escape from the mundane routine. I would often sport a speedo on the beach showing off the bulge while she would always pack a thong bikini. Items that we would never sport in our native region because of the taboo made by local society. We took care of ourselves and liked to show off a little, presenting...
I have always considered myself a very lucky guy. Trivia contests, lotteries, and games of chance usually seemed to go my way. So when I was notified that I had won a contest sponsored by a local radio station, it did not surprise me. What did surprise me however was the prize: A 6-day/7-night cruise with my favorite NFL football teams cheerleaders! Ever since I was a teenager, cheerleaders have always fascinated me. Their routines, uniforms, and of course their incredibly fit and sexy bodies....
Fantasy Cruise Rating - X, M-F, F-M, multiple transformations, magic transformation, fast transformation I wouldn't say things had gotten stale, rather more routine. After twenty-five years of marriage my wife and I knew each other and had a rhythm to our lovemaking. Now both in our fifties lovemaking was typically every third night and followed a set of well-rehearsed motions. I'm not complaining, I love my wife, but lately I've had to dig deep into my fantasies in order to satisfy...
I m 29 yrs old delhi guy, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body.. I m involve in group sex with lots of cpl… I m master of 3some (mmf)… I hv lots of cpl friends… Bobby and sweety one of them… This is story of booby in bobby words… If u like story plz mail me at … Sweetie, my wife of two years, had been pestering me for sometime about taking her on one of those cruise vacations, but i successfully put her off until one night when some friends were over...
‘So,’ the Genie mused, as he sat on James’ sofa. He had a can of beer in his hand and a lazy grin on his face. He was handsome, that was for sure. “You can guess the drill; you get three wishes.” “I get three wishes?” “Three,” he said with a smile, “and none of that fooling me like Robin Williams crap, I wasn’t born yesterday.” “When were you born?” “Three thousand years ago.” He winked broadly at James. “Oh.” “Yup.” “So ... I should decide my wishes?” “Yup.” “Standard...
Cassie Morton’s weeks of excitement were about to be satisfied as, arm in arm with her friend Sally, they made their way towards the dock where the liner was berthed. Could this be the start of her recurring fantasy turned real? Sally was obviously just as excited, as the whole way through the security area, she had gabbled about the things they might do on board. “The cabin has a balcony, hasn’t it? We could sunbathe naked out there. And I’m dying to have a go in the casino." Sally went on and...
Erotic FictionMaureen O'Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds that surrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the last several days cruising South Beach and enjoying the Miami sun, and boy, this was living, the middle of February and the temperature had been hovering in the mid 70's! As Mo walked past her, the Molly Dee gleamed sparkling white against the azure blue Florida sky, all 790 feet of her! The brochure that her travel...
LesbianMy wife and I discovered swinging (aka lifestyle) relatively late in our marriage. We were introduced to it by our neighbours Janet and Philip. Strictly speaking, it was Janet who first took my wife Susie in hand, during a shared showering session at the local golf club. Within a week, we had invited our neighbours round for a boozy barbecue in our secluded garden and were soon enthusiastically swapping partners.One Saturday morning in November, Janet called in for coffee, armed with a stack of...
Oral Sex‘BLISS is life.’ The phrase echoed through Holli’s mind, soothing any fears she wasn’t pleasing her boss enough. She knew that she needed to focus during her work appraisal with BLISS’ CEO, to prove that she was a good employee, but over the past few months, her focus seemed to have been steadily eaten away. Sometimes, she would drift off in the middle of a sentence, with the point she had been trying to make already gone from her thoughts. And while some part of her knew she should be more...
We showered and got ready to go to the pool to eat and lay in the sun. I was enjoying the view of my girls and their gorgeous bald pussies, noticing that we were all rather red in our private areas. I especially noticed Tam looking at her pussy in the full length mirror. “Oh my God, I was going to go nude to the pool but now I’m going to have to wear my bottoms. My pussy is so red that it would be too embarrassing for anyone to see it.” Tam said. “I think maybe we all ought to just go...
Today, okay, tonight is the first Midnight Lovers Cruise. Fran and I went to bed late to help us sleep in. No such luck. It must be some biological clock thing. We woke up at the regular time and could not get back to sleep. We will be up until at least 08:00 tomorrow. We will be two very tired ladies when we get home. Call time is just after the booze cruise ends at 22:30. We arrived just as the exiting passengers are being given breathalyzer tests. Several couples declined, having already...
The Mann’s had budgeted for a private jet to return them to California. Once I heard about their plan and their children complaining about not being able to join the mile-high club, I spoke to my ladies. They offered $50,000 if we could all fly back together in a private jet. Every cabin got a brochure about Sun Park, an Australian sexy sun park where nudity was enforced and open sexuality was encouraged. We all wanted to spend at least a week. Abby phoned her dad. We heard her request...
Bev took a lot of the adult single cruises. She liked that it was so easy to pick up a good fuck partner. Bev loved to fuck. Today she was laying by the pool in an almost naked bikini. The top was just two slits of material barely covering her nipples and leaving her big D tits to be seen. The bottom was a small triangle material just covering her fuck hole. She laid with her legs spread and noticed a man watching her. The longer he watched she could see the bulge in the front of his bathing...
Cruises are nice: go places, see things, eat good food. If you've got a wife like mine, a cruise is a great opportunity to show her off. Julie is really taking to her new role as a hotwife and it shows in her outfits. Her skirts are shorter, the neckline is lower, the heels are higher and she's more daring with her makeup. I particularly like that she pretty much wears red lipstick all the time now. She's got sexy lips and the red really sets them off.We were sitting at the bar after dinner,...
Wife LoversThat warm summer, my loving Victor had booked a pair of tickets for a nice cruise around the Caribbean Sea.But then, two days before embarking, he was called by his boss and informed he had to fly away on an emergency business trip. He could not refuse to do it. I claimed we could not take the cruise on the next week and then he told me that I could go alone by myself. I still could enjoy it.I took my hubby to the airport and some hours later I boarded the ship.By the third afternoon on board,...
Hubby had booked tickets for a nice cruise around the Caribbean Sea.Two days before embarking, Victor was called by his boss and informed he had to fly away on an emergency business trip. He could not refuse to do it. I claimed we could not take the cruise on the next week and hubby told me that I could go alone by myself. I still could enjoy it.I took my hubby to the airport for his flight and later I boarded the ship.By the third afternoon on board, I was working out in the gym when I spotted...
From the author Previously, these three chapters were published under user name vicvitale as individual stories. This was a big mistake as it ruined the continuity of the overall story. So, to help remedy our grave error, we now present this erotic tale of celebrity fucking as one continuing story with three separate celebrities, all by original author under his own user name. ***** While on a celebrity cruise sponsored by the television network, a camera man not only rubs elbows with...
Michael and Aria had just gotten married… Mike had visited her towards the end of the summer and decided to stay with her. They were already really good friends and cared about each other a lot, but as time went on, he couldn’t pretend he didn’t feel the things he felt. He told Aria how much he loved her and the next day he proposed. He had paid for tickets so his family could attend the wedding, and they were amazed by the spectacle… Michael had the arrivals lobby cleared out and covered in...
The Cruise Ramifications Rod had been invited to join his brother Jack on a cruise for the day. Although he loved to sail, he didn’t really want to go, but eventually agreed. Rod was a single man who had been engaged once in his life. He was a tall, well built man of 43 years and was not particularly looking for a romance. He had dark brown hair and clear blue eyes that shone when he smiled. As he boarded his brother’s yacht, he noticed a few ladies milling round on the dock. He asked his...
The story I'm about to write is 100% real.bare with me if my writing skills aren't that good.I will try to write it as it happen.So few years back when me(greek man) married to my wife(Austrian).It was the first marriage for me and the second one for her.Wife had been in the cuck and swing style long before! When we met online she slowly told me everything! After her first divorced and since her daughters had grown up she continue to fuck multiple men that met usually online.Fellow...