Caribbean Cruise
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Don and Sue have been married almost three years. They got married when Don graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and after Sue’s freshman year in college. Off and on, both Don and Sue jog a mile or two four or five days a week and sometimes enter 5K or 10K fun races.
Don is 25, 5’11”, 160 lbs. He is a resident engineer for a large Architectural and Engineering Company. In high school and college, Don was shy and didn’t date much due to lack of confidence. His family was low income, but the primary reason was his father’s negative comments such as “You are not smart enough.” Don’s father meant well and intended for the comments to motivate Don to achieve more. Unfortunately that doesn’t work with children because children take negative comment as truth and it affects their grades. It wasn’t until his sophomore year in high school that Don decided he could compete with the other students and his grades greatly improved so that he graduated in the top 20 percent of his class.
His father’s negative comments also affected Don’s social skills and confidence. They took longer to develop and are still a little lacking. Don attractiveness was in the top 10 percent of college students, but he didn’t believe it. Pretty college girls would say “Hi” but he thought they were just being nice. When Don finally did ask girls for a date, his lack of confidence was so apparent the girls would nicely turn him down. Those failures undermined his confidence even more which in turn would cause more failure. Don was on a downward spiral and started asking less-attractive girls. When Don lowered his standards to homely and big girls, they would accept no matter his social clumsiness and lack of confidence. Don’s success with them gave him confidence to start asking more attractive girls and reversed his downward spiral so that, by his senior year, he was able to date pretty girls near his level of attractiveness.
Sue is 22, 5’6”, 117 lbs. Sue was the daughter of a Church of Christ minister that prevented her social development with excessive rules and restrictions. Sue’s lack of confidence and dumpy clothes did nothing to make her appear sexy or enhance her sex appeal. With sexy clothes and confidence, Sue would be in the top five percent of college girls and, in normal circumstances, would be a little, but not a lot, out of Don’s league. Photo of Don & Sue:
Therefore, it is not that Sue didn’t attract guys’ attention. Regardless, of her clothes and social awkwardness, she was too pretty not too. It is just that the few guys she dated would come on too strong and too fast. However, in Sue, Don recognized a kindred spirit. Don was able to see basic looks and potential that others overlooked. Don dated Sue for a couple of months before she would allow him to remove any of her clothes, let alone have sex. Sue gave Don her virginity after they were engaged a couple of months before Don graduated.
Don insisted that Sue continue her education and she will graduate in May with a degree in social science. Sue has a big interest in the War Between the States. Also, Sue kept reminding Don how much she would like to go on a cruise. With Sue’s graduation assured, Don and Sue decided it was time to start a family so in April Sue stopped taking birth control pills.
Also, in April, as a graduation present, Don told Sue that she was going on a cruise in June, it was a total surprise. Don had made all of the arrangements: A four day Caribbean cruise from Wednesday to Sunday. Also, on the trip back, Don had arranged with the travel agency to stay an extra day in Atlanta, Georgia. They would arrive in Atlanta Sunday evening, and Monday they would take a scheduled tour of a Civil War museum, a battlefield and other sites.
Don wasn’t as interested in going on a cruise, but he was planning on going and had booked the cruise at special rates which were not refundable. However, the senior resident engineer retired just before the cruise and Don was the only resident engineer for a major construction project. With just another four months until the project was completed, the company wasn’t going to assign another resident engineer. Therefore, Don could not go until after it was completed. However, since the cruise had already been paid for and was not refundable, and knowing how much Sue wanted to go on a cruise and how special it would be to her, Don encouraged Sue to go and told Sue she could take another lady in his place. However, the timing for was not right for the lady she asked, so Sue went alone.
After Don told her about the cruise, Sue was determined to go looking her very best. Sue hadn’t run much during the winter so she decided to watch her diet and increase her mileage. After a few weeks she increased her time and distance until she was jogging three miles four or five times a week. By the time Sue left for the cruse she was a trim and firm 115 pounds. Sue agreed when Don told her that she never looked better. Don was so pleased and excited that he rewarded her extra efforts with several expensive and sexy dresses. Before she left, Don helped Sue pick out and buy a couple of bikinis. He insisted that Sue pack a stylish party dress and bikini along with what he considered her nicer dresses. Don was so proud of Sue.
Don had decided that since she was so very good looking, that if she was going on a cruise she could at least wear the clothes that enhanced her very good looks. With her complexion, excellent muscle tone, innocent look, and depending on how she dressed, many people would guess Sue to be seventeen or eighteen, and in high school. However, in other clothes, Sue might look closer to her age. Regardless, normally Sue does appear to be younger than her true age of 22.
At the airport Don watched as Sue checked her luggage. Then he kissed her and said, “Sue, I love you and I’m so proud of you. You’re sexy and so very good looking. You have a marvelous body and don’t you dare think, dress or act otherwise. It’s so much easier to have fun when you are proud and dress to look good. I want you to make this a fun cruise, and to have a wonderful time.”
“I’ll try, it just takes time,” she replied. Growing up with her over protective, religious, and conservative Church of Christ minister father, Sue always thought of herself as dumpy and dressed accordingly. However, over time, Don’s compliments had helped her self esteem. Sue wondered if Don realized how much her self-esteem and confidence had already improved.
“Sue, I think you would feel more comfortable and enjoy the cruise more if you have someone to talk to. So try to get-acquainted and make friends with some nice lady so you will have someone to visit with during the cruise. The cruise will have a get-acquainted party and dance. I think you should plan on going. You can visit with the ladies, have a couple of drinks, and try to have fun. Also, you should dance a little.”
“Perhaps no one will ask,” Sue said, remembering times when she didn’t get asked.
“Well, there will probably be more women then men on the cruise, but I don’t think you will have much competition. Anyway you can have a good time if you just visit with some of the ladies, listen to the music and have a couple of drinks. However, if you wear your new party dress, I’m sure you will get asked to dance unless you are so reserved that the men are intimidated by your good looks. If you would like to dance and if it seems that no one is going to ask then it might be necessary for you to smile and do a little flirting to give someone the confidence to ask.”
“Maybe I will flirt a lot,” Sue threatened facetiously. Sue knew she might be nervous and, in that case, flirting would be difficult for her.
Smiling at her response, Don gave Sue a hug and whispered, “Hun Bun, you have my approval to flirt as much as you want to.” Don wanted Sue to learn to be more outgoing and perhaps to flirt a little more. Don would feel a certain amount of pride in knowing that other men would also think that Sue was desirable.
“Maybe I should do some serious flirting,” Sue said to her herself in exasperation. Given the right situation and with her growing confidence, Sue might flirt a lot. However, Sue believed that she probably wasn’t going to do much flirting. Nevertheless, for just a moment, she was irritated that Don could be so certain that he didn’t need to take her threat seriously.
“I have to go now,” Sue stated.
Don gave Sue one last kiss and said, “I love you and I will miss you.” Don watched until Sue passed through the security gate and was out of sight.
Sue’s seat was 26A, a window seat just a few rows past first class.
The flight from Dallas was uneventful. To pass the time, Sue read from a romance novel she had purchased for the trip. When she changed planes in Atlanta, the airline had overbooked the seats available in coach so Sue and a couple of other passengers were seated in First Class.
Sue was already thrilled about her trip, but being seated in first class only intensified her excitement. After Sue took her seat and buckled up, the gentleman next to her said, “It’s a nice day for traveling.” Before nodding her reply, Sue glanced at the handsome gentleman seated next to her. Sue judged him to be in his late twenties and maybe 6’‑1” or 6’‑2”. He appeared to be an athletic and very self-assured individual with brown hair and dark brown eyes. There was a natural undomesticated animal magnetism about him that was intensified by an expression that gave just a hint of his sensuality. He reminded Sue of 007 from the original James Bond movies. Sue wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that Greg was the starting QB in high school and graduated from Princeton.
“Would you like anything to drink?” the stewardess said, interrupting her thoughts.
“Do you have champagne?” Sue replied.
“Certainly,” the stewardess answered. “And Sir, will you be having anything to drink?”
“I’ll have some champagne too.” He replied.
After the stewardess left, Sue took a sip of her champagne and then glanced at the gentleman setting next to her.
“Have you been to Miami before?” he asked with a sexy smile that showed his sparkling white teeth.
Before replying, Sue took another sip of champagne. She felt her heart pound and wondered why she was so nervous. Finally Sue said, “No, I’ve never been to Miami.”
Sue found herself intrigued with the mysterious stranger. His good looks and captivating charm only enhanced her excitement. He was obviously intelligent and well educated, but he also appeared daring, untamed and dangerously sexy. “I wonder who he is,” Sue said to herself.
“My name is Greg, I’m Greg Nelson.” Sue was startled to hear his name as if he was answering her mental question.
“Does he know what I’m thinking?” Sue was flustered and embarrassed by the thought that he might know her thoughts. “Hi, I’m Sue,” she finally replied after slowly taking a sip of champagne and regaining her composure.
“Well, I’m very glad to meet you,” he said.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” Sue replied.
Sue was already thrilled about her cruise, but flying first class, drinking champagne and meeting this handsome stranger was having an intoxicating effect that escalated her excitement to a new level.
“I’m going to be looking at some property to develop, and maybe I will get to spend some time on the beach. It’s fabulous at this time of the year.”
“That’s what I’ve been told,” Sue replied.
“Will you be in Miami on business or pleasure?” Greg asked, with an accent on the word pleasure.
“I’m going on a cruise,” Sue answered apprehensively.
“Fantastic, how many days will it last,” he asked.
“Four days, the ship leaves at noon tomorrow and returns on Sunday.”
“Then will you be staying in Miami overnight?” Greg asked.
Sue nodded her reply and wished she wasn’t so nervous.
Greg was delighted with her answer. If he played his cards right, he might get to spend the night with this sexy good looking woman. He felt his manhood jump at the thought of making love with this lovely lady.
Greg had noticed Sue before she boarded the plane. She was setting by herself and he assumed that she was traveling alone. He was especially delighted that she was seated next to him. He correctly surmised from the fact that she was one of the last passengers to enter the plane that the only remaining seats were in first class and that otherwise she would be flying coach.
Greg assumed from her ring that Sue was married. This especially pleased him. He preferred having sex with married women. Single women can be so difficult. Most of them think they must play hard to get and after sex they have so many expectations for greater involvement. However, with a married there are few expectations or complications. Married women don’t engage in so much game playing, they are usually not looking for lengthy involvements and they can’t afford to cause problems if they become pregnant.
Greg also prefers married ladies because he gets especially excited over the prospect of sex with another man’s wife. It seems so daring and he gets an erotic thrill of conquest from the unauthorized borrowing of a man’s most prized possession. And, if he knocks her up, that is even better. He loves to give another man’s wife the best sex she has had in years and have her to return the favor, when in her unbridled passion, she willingly pleases him in ways that she withholds from her husband. Then when she is begging for more he quenches her frenzied lust with powerful thrusts from his rigid manhood as they repeatable explode in glorious euphoria. Then after he is completely spent, his gratification is complete by seeing her glow in blissful contentment as she cuddles in his arms.
Greg realizes from Sue’s demeanor that she is naive and may not have had sex with anyone besides her husband. Sue is the type that Greg selects—young, pretty, and little or no experience other than her husband. And, virtually no risk of an STD. Greg knows that, after dinner and a few drinks, this naive married lady with time on her hands who is already excited about her trip and new adventures should be easy to seduce. Especially, since she is away from home on an un-chaperoned vacation and free to act without answering to anyone. He knows the conditions are perfect to make her extraordinarily susceptible—first to his charms and then to the forbidden pleasures and thrill of sex with a stranger.
Greg feels his excitement growing at the prospect of seducing this lovely lady. If the timing is right, before tonight is over, he feels certain that he can arouse Sue’s passions and carnal desires until she surrenders herself to him. He anticipates the pleasure of slowly removing every article of her clothing and titillating her every desire. Then when the intensity of her passions are at a fever pitch and totally under his control, he will enter her with his magnificent manhood and stroke her need until her pleasure blazes into ecstasy. However, as Greg will discover, Sue will not be that easy.
In order to provide Sue with the proper environment, Greg starts making mental plans for Sue to stay in the ‘Grand Palace’ hotel. The Grand Palace is an exclusive and very expensive hotel. Also, it was one of the properties that Greg owns. Greg knows he should be able to convince Sue into staying there. All he needs to do is to wait until they are better acquainted so she can be comfortable with his suggestion.
Greg is good at conversation and a good listener and within a few minutes Sue was at ease, relaxed and enjoying the conversation. As they talked, Sue discovered that she was attracted to this good looking and provocative gentleman. Almost below the level of her conscious awareness, Sue felt an excitement that left her with a curious feeling of anticipation.
“Do you have hotel reservations?” Greg casually asked after Sue finished her second glass of champagne.
“I am staying at the Hightower Inn,” Sue replied.
“That is not a very good part of town. I can probably get you a room at the Grand Palace. That’s where I’m staying. It’s a very nice hotel in a good location and I know you will feel more comfortable if you stay away from the more seedy parts of town.”
“I’m not sure I can afford it, and my room already paid for.”
“That’s no problem; the manager is a good friend of mine. I’m sure he will let you have a room there for the same price and he will arrange to collect from Hightower Inn. I’ll call from the airport and make sure.”
“Well, that will be nice,” Sue replied. She was a little uncomfortable with the offer, but she certainly didn’t want to stay in some shabby hotel in a seedy part of town. So if Greg could make the arrangements for her to stay in a better hotel she certainly would be happy to accept.
At the airport, Sue listened as Greg makes a phone call. After he hung up he confirmed that she would be staying in the Grand Palace, and at no additional cost. Also, that the limousine would be there in about twenty minutes to take them to the hotel.
The Grand Palace was very classy. Moreover, the manager and staff gave Sue special treatment. First Sue was reassured that the payment to the Hightower Inn was acceptable and that there would be no additional charge for her room. Then she was given passes to the shows, the Governor’s Club, and complementary full service in the salon. Sue was especially pleased when the staff escorted her to one of the penthouse suites. The suite had two large rooms with all the extras including a large screen TV and a large round luxurious bed. It also provided a lovely view of the ocean.
After about thirty minutes Sue heard a knock on her door. It was Jane Black, an assistant manager of the hotel and Greg’s private secretary. Sue had met her earlier. Jane was a classy and well dressed lady in her upper twenties.
“May I visit for a few minutes,” Jane asked.
“Of course, would you like to come in?” Sue replied.
“Thank you,” Jane replied as she walked toward the sofa.
“Please have a seat.”
“Thank you,” Jane replied as she took a seat on the sofa.
After Sue sat on the easy chair, Jane said, “I hope you are finding everything satisfactory. We like for our guests to be comfortable and we hope you will be happy with the accommodations. Also, I want you to feel free to call me or any of the staff if there is anything you need.”
“Everything is perfect, I really like it here,” Sue replied.
“Is this is your first trip to Florida?”
“No, I visited my brother once in Jacksonville and I would like see Disney World sometime.”
“Well I have been there several times and I think it is fabulous. If at all possible I think it is one place you must see.”
As they visited, Sue found herself liking Jane. Jane was friendly, self assured and was comfortable to be with. After a few minutes Jane invited Sue to visit the salon with her. Jane’s description made it sound wonderful, so Sue was delighted to accept.
When they arrived at the salon, Jane pointed out a well dressed lady in her late thirties and said, “That’s Beth. She’s the manager of the salon.”
“Beth, I want you to meet Sue. Sue is one of our special guests and I’m counting on you to help make her visit as pleasant as possible.”
“Jane, we will do our best and Sue I’m glad to meet you,” Beth replied.
“Well, I’m glad to meet you too,” Sue answered.
Sue ended up spending three hours at the salon and was treated like royalty. At Jane’s suggestion and with the encouragement of Beth, Sue agreed to join Jane in the large and private hot-tub. It was about six feet in diameter. Jane climbed in and motioned for Sue to sit on the opposite side. Beth set the timer for thirty minutes and said, “I’ll be back in thirty minutes.”
At first Sue thought the water was almost too hot and said, “I think the water may be too hot.”
“It only seems hot for a couple of minutes. But as soon as you get used to the temperature it is very relaxing,” Jane replied.
Jane was right and after a couple of minutes it began to feel really good. As she continued her conversation with Jane, Sue felt her muscles relax as the hot water seemed to melt her tension away.
After about thirty minutes Beth returned with some towels. Sue noticed that she felt weak and her skin had reddened to a pink glow.
As they were drying off Beth suggested that Sue would enjoy a body massage by one of the salon’s masseurs. At first Sue tried to decline, but encouraged by both Jane and Beth Sue finally agreed.
Beth handed Sue some new slippers and another towels and said, “Put these on and wrap the towel around you.”
Wearing only the towels and slippers, Sue allowed Beth to lead her to massage room. Beth prepared the table and asked Sue to lay face down. After Sue lay down, Beth removed the slippers and folded the towels so that only Sue’s bottom and was covered.
Sue was nervous and feeling a little exposed when Beth said, “Now just close your eyes and relax.”
“I’ll try,” Sue replied.
In a couple of minutes Sue felt two warm and strong hands on her shoulders. Opening her eyes, Sue could see that the hands belonged to handsome, muscular young man in his mid twenties.
Noticing Sue’s embarrassment, Beth said, “Sue I want you to meet Tom. Tom is one of the best at giving massages and he will take good care of you so just relax and enjoy the massage.”
Not knowing what else to say or do, Sue just replied, “Well, okay.”
After Beth left, Tom said, “I think your whole body is blushing. But I do this all the time so you shouldn’t be embarrassed. Besides you are better looking than most of the ladies that come in here.”
“Thank you,” Sue replied. Sue was feeling exposed, vulnerable and almost wished there was somewhere to hide. Typically, Sue would want to be a fly on the wall so she could observe rather than participate in erotic behavior.
“You body has excellent muscle tone. I always find my job more enjoyable when a lady has a good body like yours. Do you exercise often?”
“Four or five days a week,” Sue replied.
“I like it when a lady has that much pride in herself. Now I want you to close your eyes, relax and enjoy the massage. I don’t want you to think of anything except how good it feels.”
“Well, okay,” Sue answered.
Gradually, Sue began to relax. Tom was an expert at giving massages and Sue found herself enjoying the special oils and the feel of his hands, both strong and sensual, on her body. For thirty minutes Tom worked on Sue’s body. Slowly, but repeatable, going from her neck to her toes and back again, Tom could feel Sue’s muscles relaxing as he kneaded them with his hands.
After Sue seemed to be totally relaxed Tom allowed his hands to go under the towel as he massaged between and all the way to the top of her thighs. As Tom’s fingers approached her pleasure center, the sensations was causing Sue’s passions to be aroused. For a moment, Sue wondered if Tom was being overly familiar but, realizing that he was a professional, she decided to free her mind of all suspicious thoughts. Soon she was completely relaxed and enjoying the attention and pleasant sensations.
“It’s time to turn over and lay on your back,” Tom said as he adjusted Sue’s towel to completely cover her torso.
After Sue complied, Tom massaged body oil into each of Sue’s arms placing them at her side when he had finished.
“Just close your eyes and relax,” Tom said as he folded the top of Sue’s towel until her breast were just barely covered.
With a very light touch Tom applied oil to Sue’s shoulders and the top of Sue’s chest. Tom allowed the tips of his fingers under the towel as he very lightly caressed the top of Sue’s breast. Sue was very aware of the sensual sensations. Beneath her towel she could feel her nipples harden into twin peaks as, occasionally and ever so slightly, they were grazed by the tips of Tom’s fingers. Sue found herself blushing at the thought that Tom might be aware of her reaction to his sensual caresses.
Next, Tom gave his attention to Sue’s feet and legs. Sue could tell that the towel just barely covered her torso and wondered if Tom could see everything from his angle. With her hands still at her sides, Sue pulled her towel slightly down but not enough to expose her breast. Then again telling herself that Tom was a professional, Sue closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax and ignore the feeling of being exposed.
Using very light pressure, Tom applied small amounts of oil to Sue’s feet and legs. Then repeated that starting at Sue’s feet, Tom slowly and sensually massaged the top and both sides of each of Sue’s legs. When Tom’s hands reached the top of Sue’s thighs, his fingers would almost brush against her furry triangle. At first Sue tried to ignore the teasing sensations but, in spite of her efforts, the erotic sensations were arousing her passions until she almost burned with desire. Sue wondered if Tom had any concept of what his caresses were doing to her.
Tom knew exactly what he was doing. He was an expert at giving sensual massages and as a result he had a lot of repeat customers. However, Tom was giving Sue extra time and attention. He knew that Sue was a guest of Greg Nelson and therefore she was being treated extra special. But, even if she had not been not Greg’s guest, Tom would have considered Sue special and worth the extra attention.
Finally Tom said, “I’m finished, you can sit up now. I hope you enjoyed the massage.”
Sue sat up and wrapped the towel around her. “It was wonderful,” Sue replied smiling.
“Well, then maybe you will come back some time.”
“Maybe,” Sue answered.
“Wait here a minute,” Tom said. “I’ll go get Beth.”
When Beth returned, she handed Sue a robe and the slippers.
“You can put these on,” Beth said.
As Sue complied, Beth explained that the staff would shampoo her hair, and give her a manicure and pedicure. Also, they would style her hair, and give her a facial treatment and makeup.
During the next couple of hours, Sue really felt pampered. At times, as many as three staff members would be working on her and no one would accept a tip. While in the salon, Sue learned from one of the staff that Greg was part owner of the Grand Palace and was worth about twenty million dollars. Also, she learned that most of his time was spent on his businesses in other cities and that he was in Miami about once a month.
It was almost five o’clock when Sue returned to her room. Sue noted the message light and called to receive her message. Sue was informed that she was invited to join Greg for dinner in the Governor’s Club and to expect a call in a few minutes from the chef for her order.
When the chef called, Sue informed him that she was a vegetarian but she did eat fish. He made several exotic suggestions and then complimented her on her selection. After a few minutes Greg called and said to expect him about seven.
After trying on several dresses, including her new party dress, Sue finally decided to wear her mini-dress. After all it was summer time in Florida.
However, after wearing the dress for a few minutes, Sue thought that maybe she should change into a more formal and less revealing dress.
It was about 20 minutes before seven, and Sue was still trying to decide if she should change to another dress when Greg knocked on the door.
“You are gorgeous,” Greg said when Sue opened the door. Greg was obviously so delighted with her dress that Sue was glad she hadn’t changed to a more conservative dress.
They were seated at a private table next to the dance floor. The service and food was excellent and the band was very good. After the meal and two glasses of champagne Sue agreed to a slow dance. Greg was an excellent dancer and for the next hour they danced and sipped champagne.
Sue was attracted to Greg and as they danced she was being increasingly turned on by his sensual magnetism. Sue knew that Greg was expending a lot of time and effort in his endeavor to pursue her and she found his attention intoxicating and exciting. She believed that Greg must consider her to be very desirable and she was convinced that he wanted to sleep with her tonight. He made his intentions known by his little innuendos. To his credit he was not being overly assertive and he was allowing Sue to feel like she was in control. Sue knew that Greg could have anyone he desired and she was complimented by the knowledge that this sexy good looking man wanted her body.
Sue appreciated being able to set the pace and the extent of their involvement. Greg did not pressure her or to indicate in any that she was under any obligation to continue. Sue felt so much in control that even Greg’s physical response to her sensuality seemed non-threatening. As they danced together, Sue experiences a naughty thrill when she pressed against his enlarged desire. Normally Sue might have ignored Greg’s innuendos and reaction, but he was so charming and her passions were still aroused by Tom’s sensual massage. As a result she was reacting favorable to Greg’s seductive insinuations with positive feedback.
Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain Rick could hardly get his mind around any of this. It seemed too strange and bizarre to believe, too utterly surreal, and yet it was all happening right in...
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I appreciate all scores, comments or feedback. I am looking for an editor, as well. I I’m not the type to go on a cruise, but there I was. I’m really more of a ‘see the old fort or castle, stay in the bed and breakfast, drive around the wilderness to see wild animals, go whale watching’ type guy. It was my thoughtful friends that had set me up for an ocean cruise. They arranged the whole thing and then sprung it on me. The girlfriend I’d been with for the last year and a half had suddenly...
Caribbean Cruise Ch. 07 Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain Night had fallen on the fourth day of the Caribbean cruise, and now, finally, all the women had come to know that Rick and Andrew had...
Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain * It was Day 4 of their so far extremely memorable holiday voyage through the Caribbean, and they had taken on all the food and supplies that they needed for...
The Saturday after school was out Kaci, Jacqui, Brandi and Randi were on a plane to the Caribbean. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining bright temperatures were mild and they were looking forward to the excitement of a foreign land. The plane touched down and a crew from the hotel met them. Everyone was shocked because the crew were all naked black men. Randi said, "mom look. Those men have big cocks even on soft." Kaci said, I think this may be better than we expected. The man...
Jack Blake had just celebrated his 16th birthday yesterday. Although a tall and athletic boy, he was shy and somewhat awkward. So here he sat in his room on a Friday night jerking off to pictures of naked or near naked women. He saved his favorite for last. It was a picture of his 32 year old mom Sara in a thong bikini on a beach in Mexico. Jack and his mom had always been close. He was the product of a one night stand that his mom had at the age of 16 with a sailor who was on...
Patricia decided she wanted to take a cruise but she could not decide where to go so she went to her favorite travel broker and asked him what he thought well he looked her over and Patricia had dressed extra sexy that day all black leather and big jewelry with these sky high stiletto boots she looked like a mad bikers dream but that was the way she felt that morning so she went with it the guy says to her listen I have this exclusive singles cruise only the hottest people can go on it you even...
It all began on a normal summer day. As I did most days, I spent much of it sunning in the backyard and reading one of my romance novels. My brother left earlier to play ball with his friends in a park near our suburban home. Mom and Dad both worked. I turned eighteen a week before. My brother would be nineteen in a month. Glen and I graduated from high school a few weeks earlier. We were in the same grade because my brother failed the fifth grade. After that, he buckled down. Mom and Dad's...
JamiLin's Graduation Cruise Hello again. I am JamiLin. I was born as James, but life has led me to the feminine side. I shall preview me in this early paragraph, buf for more insight into Jami, read, The Rebirth of Jami and What Now Jami? To make a link with the Rebirth and What Now Jami, and his story, I would first like to do a brief introduction. In my first story I introduced myself as James a high school aged boy. Although slight in build and not so macho, I was merely...
This story is a story about a widow and a widower, who meet on a cruise ship and fall deeply in love. But what they don’t show on those mushy movies, that always end in a kiss, is the sexual journey two new lovers always take, as well. **************************************************************************************************** Chapter 1 “This is going to be so much fun this week. Just think of all the hot guys that might be on the ship. And where there is hot guys, hot sex is sure...
ashful or shy is not a word that could be used to describe either of us. Being nude outdoors is one of life's real enjoyments. When I am planning a vacation or a work trip I try to work in some nude activity. Although it is not encouraged at home it is accepted. Thirty years ago Susan did nude modeling for art classes while in graduate school in California and a small amount of freelance nude modeling during the same time period. I think her Scandavian heritage brings this trait to life. We...
Syndy, Wren, Tam and I started planning our cruise and decided we would take it in November. We were flying to Ft. Lauderdale where our cruise ship was leaving from the port. I was able to find a very adult cruise which allowed clothing optional sunbathing on the ship although I wasn’t sure if I would get the girls persuaded into enjoying it or not. Tam and Wren still owed me a payment on the bet they lost to me which I was planning on collecting to some extent. I had been looking through a...
An August Cruise It had been seven months now since my partner Helen had left. It was all quite sudden, for me anyway, I hadn’t seen it coming at all. It all came to a head in January when I arrived home from work to find Sarah, her 26 year old daughter having a blazing row with her in the living room. I could hear them before I had the key in the door, it was so loud, luckily we had a detached house and the neighbours would have not heard a thing. I put my coat over the banister and listened...
IncestI gave him birth, I shared his berth by Oediplex 8==3~ She left him at the altar, she altered him. I gave him life at birth, I saved his life, and then shared his berth. It was supposed to be their honeymoon cruise. It turned into my sonny-moon cruise. It is our story, of our voyage; on the high seas, and our discovery of a new world, the land of incest. I don't expect you to believe this. I hardly do myself. But this is the tale of what happened, and how what was a near...
Single’s Cruise My wife had been dead for long enough according to my children and friends. So I booked a week on a single’s cruise in the Caribbean for people over fifty. Then when I called back to make it two weeks, the lady talked me into a full four weeks. That way I would get to meet four different sets of women who usually come aboard for a week at a time and I would get upgraded to a suite that would be up much higher in the ship. Okay, why not! So I changed my vacation to...
Derek and I were watching TV when a commercial came on about a boat cruise. Surprisingly, he asked if I would be interested in going on a cruise for a vacation. I looked at him - and then kind of laughed, shaking my head in wonderment and amusement. What would we do on a cruise together? As it was, we hardly spoke to each other. Cards on the table, our marriage was in trouble. We both knew it because we virtually lived separate lives, sleeping in our own bedrooms and, basically, just meeting...
CheatingI do not own this nor do i take credit for it i found this story on I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.I walked up the gangway, one of the last ones on, along with my friends Steve and John. We flown in on a late flight and rushed like crazy to get to the port. I couldn't believe our luck, or mine, rather. I won this cruise two months ago, in September. A two week cruise for two. I only had to pay for air from Chicago.Since I...
The last of February my husband and I went on an all-expenses paid cruise to the south Caribbean. I want to share with you what happened on that cruise. All of the story is true, only the location where we live has been changed.To begin with, my name is Nancy. I am a 4th grade teacher in a community of about 2,000 so I have to be careful. I am bi and my husband David is well aware of the fact. He supports my lifestyle and wants me to be happy. We have a very open relationship and at least once...
She left him at the altar, she altered him. I gave him life at birth, I saved his life, and then shared his berth. It was supposed to be their honeymoon cruise. It turned into my sonny-moon cruise. It is our story, of our voyage; on the high seas, and our discovery of a new world, the land of i****t.I don't expect you to believe this. I hardly do myself. But this is the tale of what happened, and how what was a near tragedy, became a break-through to a new understanding between myself, and my...
The Cruise Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My mom just sat there staring at me and I wondered what she was thinking. My mom is usually talkative and always lets me know what she is thinking. But there she sat, just staring at me. I grew uncomfortable with that and left the table, going to my room to watch some TV. The next day at breakfast mom told me what she was thinking. "Your Aunt Janet asked me to ask you for a huge favor." "What?" "She wants you to pretend to...
Notes: { This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself. }Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1.Year 2095 C.E. Cannibalism is now practised, to some degree, in nearly every country. The 2005 aviary influenza epidemic brought a dramatic change to the world's female population. Somehow the virus fired some, hitherto repressed genes in women and female animals bringing a sudden change in their behaviour. Mankind first noticed changes in...
Tam and I unpacked in our stateroom after leaving mom in her room to unwind and get some sleep before dinner. Our room was more like a cabin than a stateroom. It was at least a third of the size of the hotel room we'd stayed in during our Paris stop. It came with a queen bed instead of a king so, Tam and I were going to be very close, which wasn't a bad thing.After unpacking, we took a stroll around the ship. Most of the vessels in the cruise line we prefer are relatively the same so, I knew...
LesbianCaleb owned a boat that offered booze cruises up the river, in the small town where he lived. He made a reasonable good living and enjoyed all the free time this occupation allowed. Mostly, he did not operate from Mondays to Thursdays, unless a special booking of no less that ten people was chartered. On Fridays the booze cruise left at three in the afternoon, and on Saturdays and Sundays there were two cruises, one at eight in the morning and the other one at three in the afternoon. The...
Straight SexJulia and her husband decided to take a small vacation on a cruise from California to Hawaii and fly back, just because it had been so long since they had been on one. The k**s were out of the house and they wanted to make the most out of their free time. The cruise though would take longer if they didn't fly back and being on others in the past they understood that staying in a cabin can get a bit boring, no matter how luxurious it was. Julia's husband James was pretty successful in life so...
I was sitting on the deck of the cruise ship, by the pool, soaking in sun while watching the lovely ladies in their sunwear. My kids were both in their kids club, more than content to spend the day with their peers instead of with their boring old dad. Big Mouse runs quite a well-oiled machine, and there were lots of activities for them. As a result, I had plenty of time to sit around and do nothing but watch what sights there were to see. It had been one year since my wife had been killed in...
Pleasure Cruise:Synopsis: A relaxing cruise on an innovative yacht with the perfect companyChapter 1: Setting sailI walked up the gangplank and boarded my private yacht, on which I intended to take a cruise throughout the day. It was a lovely day. The weather was just right. There were no clouds in the sky, yet it was not so hot as to be uncomfortable.Half-way up the plank, I caught sight of Captain Erica Prescott, who had been in my service from the time I had purchased my yacht, the...
Introduction: The first guy I sucked after being married My husband and I wanted to get away and have some fun so we booked a 5 day cruise. We had never been on a cruise before and got a really good deal. Being an exhibitionist and my hubby a voyeur, I promised him that I would not bring any panties or bras and wear revealing clothes the entire trip. He also likes it when I act really slutty and let guys play with my tits and pussy and I play with their cocks till they shoot their cum all over...
I needed a vacation big time. The problem was, I never had the cash to do something big. Fortunately, I'd recently made a small fortune doing a private party. I was the only girl their dancing and there were great tippers there. Thanks to that party, I had enough to book myself a cabin for a two-week cruise to The Bahamas. As I looked up at the magnificent ship moored at the docks, I thought to myself, "I definitely owe Jason one for this." Jason was the friend of mine who threw the party for...
LesbianI woke up and stretched my arms over my head. Then I twisted a bit to get the kinks out of my back. More than that I couldn't seem to find the room to do. I did sit up just a bit to look around. All in all, a much more satisfactory cabin than the one I was sitting in only a few hours ago. This was a suite, and the other did not come with a black haired head on the pillow on my left nor a light brown one on my right. Sighing, I settled back and thought back to yesterday... "I can't believe...
Warning: Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain Day 2 of the Caribbean vacation started out normally enough, but Rick Chaplain could not help but look at his girlfriend Ashley with a little less love and a little more hostility now that he knew about her relationship with Keith Stevens. It was probably a little hypocritical for him to be...
The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and...
Susan & I often traveledto the Caribbean for our vacations. We loved the laid back atmosphere and all the sun and gorgeous beaches. Last year though we arrived to find that the airline had lost my only bag containing all my clothing including my swim suit! Imagine arriving in the Caribbean without even having a swim suit to wear! I had just resigned myself to going down to the gift shop to purchase a pair of those crummy over priced swim trunks they sell when Sue spoke up. “You could always...
I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally convinced my wife to leave the responsibilities behind and take a well deserved vacation. Just the two of us this time. We were heading for an adults only resort in Jamaica and I was excited. The resort was noted for luxury, dining and its au natural areas. Beth was smiling as we descended into Montego Bay. She was aware of the resort , but it was not her first choice. She loves the beach and the pampering, but she is not as thrilled with the exhibition...
I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally convinced my wife to leave the responsibilities behind and take a well deserved vacation. Just the two of us this time. We were heading for an adults only resort in Jamaica and I was excited. The resort was noted for luxury, dining and its au natural areas. Beth was smiling as we descended into Montego Bay. She was aware of the resort , but it was not her first choice. She loves the beach and the pampering, but she is not as thrilled with the exhibition...
The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and then the...
The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and then the...
Cornelia knew it would be hot but this was worse. A rain had just finished and the humidity was very high. Then since they were on horses there was the heat, sweat and smell of horse adding to it ... Lastly the volcano was just beneath their feet. Cornelia was close to fainting when the Count called a halt at the top. It had only been a half hour maybe a little more when they reached the top. But to Cornelia she wondered how she was ever going to make it back down! "Here we are dear...
A cruise? Not my ideal holiday but I'd been talked into it by my wife's sister - "How do you know you won't like it if you've never been on one?" Eventually, the two of them plus my brother-in-law had worn me down and I'd reluctantly agreed. Stupidly, I'd not got involved in the choice of booking and had naively expected a week in the Med. I'd forgotten that my sister-in-law and husband were old hands at cruising and knew all the tricks. She left it right to the last minute before striking....
Looking back, Mark realised the sexual relationship he developed with his mother never really had a definite start. He had memories of things seen, said, done, that sowed seeds. And like seeds, they grow slowly until at some point they become flowers: beautiful and real. His father left when he was just 5. Helen, his mother had Mark at 1. After the separation though, she threw herself into working, running the household, and providing for her son. Mark helped where he could -- chores around the...
It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...
Our last vacation and cruise was a year ago. We spent a week in Paris then few to Barcelona for a 12 day Carnival cruise on the Mediterranean. I was with my husband the whole time in Paris so nothing happened there. But on the cruise, that's a different story. There were a few guys I guess you could say, I enjoyed. My husband spent many nights late in the casino. I would cruise the clubs and bars. The second night there I picked up a young guy from England. I loved his accent. He took me to...
It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...
The chartered GulfStream landed at the Fort Lauderdale airport and taxied up to the hanger where a limousine was waiting for J. Richard Connelly and his wife Julia. The bags were quickly loaded into the limo's trunk and while the couple sipped on a chilled California Chardonnay in the back of the vehicle the driver put the limo in gear for the twenty minute drive to the pier where the cruise ship was waiting for them. For the Connelly's it would be their first cruise in almost six months but...
Our parents wanted to take a cruise in the Caribbean for their twentieth anniversary. They planned it out perfectly…then things started to change. It was just little things but it sure upset mom. She was a planning perfectionist. She had planned her entire life right down to her two children and everything was on schedule. I was born first but only after they were married for two years and had established their relationship. Then mom got pregnant and I came along right on schedule in their...
And so, just 6 weeks after the idea had been formed, Dawn and Gavin flew out from Cape Town via London to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They arrived the day before sailing, and spent the night in a hotel to catch up on jet-lag. It was there that Dawn hinted to Gavin what he might expect! "I've been a very forgetful girl", she confessed. "I forgot to bring my diaphragm or any panties!" "Wha... Wha... What are you saying?" For a fleeting moment, Gavin wondered whether this would be a...
Maureen O'Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds thatsurrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the lastseveral days cruising South Beach and enjoying the Miami sun, and boy, this was living, themiddle of February and the temperature had been hovering in the mid 70's! As Mo walked pasther, the Molly Dee gleamed sparkling white against the azure blue Florida sky, all 790 feet of her!The brochure that her travel agent...
My wife and I were planning to take a vacation for some time now. We have never been on a cruise but thought it would be a lot of fun. Vacation time for us was always our little sexual escape from the mundane routine. I would often sport a speedo on the beach showing off the bulge while she would always pack a thong bikini. Items that we would never sport in our native region because of the taboo made by local society. We took care of ourselves and liked to show off a little, presenting...
I have always considered myself a very lucky guy. Trivia contests, lotteries, and games of chance usually seemed to go my way. So when I was notified that I had won a contest sponsored by a local radio station, it did not surprise me. What did surprise me however was the prize: A 6-day/7-night cruise with my favorite NFL football teams cheerleaders! Ever since I was a teenager, cheerleaders have always fascinated me. Their routines, uniforms, and of course their incredibly fit and sexy bodies....
Fantasy Cruise Rating - X, M-F, F-M, multiple transformations, magic transformation, fast transformation I wouldn't say things had gotten stale, rather more routine. After twenty-five years of marriage my wife and I knew each other and had a rhythm to our lovemaking. Now both in our fifties lovemaking was typically every third night and followed a set of well-rehearsed motions. I'm not complaining, I love my wife, but lately I've had to dig deep into my fantasies in order to satisfy...
I m 29 yrs old delhi guy, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body.. I m involve in group sex with lots of cpl… I m master of 3some (mmf)… I hv lots of cpl friends… Bobby and sweety one of them… This is story of booby in bobby words… If u like story plz mail me at … Sweetie, my wife of two years, had been pestering me for sometime about taking her on one of those cruise vacations, but i successfully put her off until one night when some friends were over...